Colloids and Surfaces a Analysis of Stability Behavior Of
Colloids and Surfaces A 554 (2018) 306–316 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Colloids and Surfaces A journal homepage: Analysis of stability behavior of carbon black nanoparticles in T ecotoxicological media: Hydrophobic and steric effects Gukhwa Hwanga,b, Allan Gomez-Floresa, Scott A. Bradfordb, Sowon Choia, Eunhye Joc, ⁎ Song Bae Kime, Meiping Tongf, Hyunjung Kima,b, a Department of Mineral Resources and Energy Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Jeonbuk 54896, Republic of Korea b US Salinity Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Riverside, CA, USA c Risk Assessment Division, National Institute of Environmental Research, Hwangyeong-ro 42, Seo-gu, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea e Department of Rural Systems Engineering, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea f The Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences, Ministry of Education, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China G R A P H I C A L A B S T R A C T A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: The stability of carbon black nanoparticles (CB-NPs) was investigated in five different ecotoxicity test media for Carbon black nanoparticles fish, daphnia, and algae (i.e., ISO Test water, Elendt M4 medium, OECD TG 201 medium, AAP medium, and Ecotoxicological medium Bold’s Basal Medium) in the presence and absence of Suwannee River Humic Acid (SRHA) as a function of time. Stability Hydrodynamic size, particle sedimentation rate, and visual images of suspensions were analyzed for 96 h, and Hydrophobic force the SRHA concentration was varied from 0 to 10 mg/L.
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