2017-2018 Course Offering Guide Also Available at
[email protected] Also available at: ahs.msdsteuben.k12.in.us (click on Registration Info under the Guidance tab) “Begin with the end in mind” Seven Habits of Highly Successful People – Steven Covey Angola High School Guidance Department Phone: 665-2186 Fax: 665-7012 Chelsea Koester Last names: A – G x 2995
[email protected] Dave Police Last names: H – O x 2994
[email protected] Jack Vrana Last names: P – Z x 2993
[email protected] Stacy Gilbert Guidance secretary x 2980
[email protected] Angola High School Angola High Vision Statement for Angola High School Angola High School prepares students with the skills they need for life. It is the policy of the Metropolitan School District of Steuben County to provide equal access to all employment and educational opportunities regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, creed or ancestry, age, gender, marital status, or disability. For inquiries of the Title IX Coordinator, Section 504 Coordinator, and American with Disabilities Act (ADA), contact the Director of Curriculum Instruction at 260-665-2854 Sample Plan for CORE 40 DIPLOMA (minimum requirements) 9th Grade 10th Grade Sem Sem Sem Sem 1 English 9 English 9 1 English 10 English 10 2 Algebra I Algebra I 2 Geometry Geometry 3 Biology Biology 3 ICP or Chemistry ICP or Chemistry 4 World Hist/Civ World Hist/Civ 4 Health Elective 5 *PE I *PE II 5 Directed Elective Directed Elective 6 Elective Elective 6 Elective Elective 7 Elective Elective 7 Elective Elective 11th Grade 12th Grade Sem Sem Sem Sem 1 English 11 English 11 1 English 12 English 12 2 Algebra II Algebra II 2 U S Government Economics 3 Science Science 3 Math or QR Math or QR 4 US History US History 4 Directed Elective Elective 5 Directed Elective Directed Elective 5 Elective Elective 6 Elective Elective 6 Elective Elective 7 Elective Elective 7 Elective Elective * Students may elect to take a semester of PE during each of their 9th and 10th grade years.