Sunny High: 20 | Low: -4 | Details, page 2 DAILY GLOBE Saturday, January 14, 2017 75 cents Two charged in Iron County counterfeiting case By RICHARD JENKINS Candice A. McCampbell, 35, is criminal complaint also includes Franklin LeRoy Raymond identi- by a police officer from Clin- Dec. 12.
[email protected] charged with one count of con- a habitual criminality designa- fied Tobias Jameson as his sup- tonville, Wis., in early December According to the complaint, HURLEY — Two Mercer resi- spiracy to possess meth with tion, alleging he has been con- plier of meth. Raymond, 40, of regarding Hangartner. Hangartner and McCampbell dents were charged with forgery intent to deliver, two counts of victed of at least three misde- Ironwood Township, is facing “(The officer) informed Lt. arrived at the store, where the and drug crimes in Iron County being a party to the crime of meanors in the past five years, three counts of delivery/manufac- Samardich that they were work- couple is alleged to have paid Friday. forgery and two counts of being a increasing the potential maxi- turing meth and one count of ing on a counterfeiting case in with the counterfeit money. They are accused of creating party to the crime of conspiracy mum punishments by up to two maintaining a drug house in their jurisdiction and had execut- Based on the evidence gath- as much as $25,000 in counter- to commit forgery. years. Gogebic County. ed a search warrant on a resi- ered, Samardich obtained a feit currency, at least some of Each meth charge carries a Citing circuit court records, Jameson had been determined dence and had interviewed sever- search warrant for a mobile which authorities say has been potential maximum sentence of the complaint lists convictions to be an alias of Hangartner, al suspects.