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Iiii Iiiiii Ii I Vviviiviiiixix Xxixii Chapter Ten : Ecology XI XII I X II III III IX IIII Introduction IIII regenerating woodland is found in the east of the site immediately bordering amenity gardens which forms part of the grounds of the old cottages and Mill VIII 10.1VIII This chapter examines the ecological impacts of the development house. The majority of the site is buildings and hardstanding. A mill pond V V VII VII VI proposals during constructionVI and operation. It includes a description of the borders the site to the north east and mature broadleaved woodland to the study area, an outline of the methodology used an assessment of potential north and east. The B3400 runs along the southern boundary . impacts, followed by details of mitigation measures and an assessment of the significance of any residual impacts. The baseline data collected by Jaquelin Methodology Fisher Associates (JFA) is provided as a technical appendix. 10.5 The overall approach to the collection of baseline data is based upon Study Area “Guidelines for Baseline Ecological Assessment” (IEA, 1995). The methodology used to assess impacts is based on methods recommended in standard EIA 10.2 The study area includes the site and surrounding land. The exact guidance, particularly “Nature Conservation in Environmental Assessment” extent of the survey area for each survey are provided in figures 10.1 – 10.3 (English Nature, 1994) and EC DGXI publications including the “Guidance on and methodologies in Appendix 4. Scoping” (DGXI, 1996). Consideration has also been given to the ‘Guidance for Ecological Impact Assessment in the United Kingdom’ produced by the 10.3 The River Test, a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), is Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (IEEM, 2006). a shallow-bottomed chalk stream which flows through Laverstoke Mill from east to west. There are two branches of the river that flow across the central and northern parts of the site. The river and its banks have been modified as 10.6 Desk studies were undertaken in 2007 and updated in 2009. part of the old mill works where sluices, concrete channels and culverts have Biological records for statutory and non-statutory designated wildlife sites, been constructed. These features affect the physical character and ecology of ancient woodland, specially protected species, and species of conservation the river and its banks. concern (only records held since 1999 are included) at the site and surrounding 1km (2km for Badgers and Bats) were requested from the following: 10.4 The majority of the site consists of buildings and hardstanding with some amenity grassland and ornamental planting. An area of secondary Laverstoke Mill Environmental Statement 141 Chapter Ten : Ecology • Hampshire Biological Records Centre (HBRC) – data sets are provided by the The Level of Importance of the Receptor Hampshire Wildlife Trust (HWT) which obtain information from; Hampshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (HARG), Hampshire Invertebrate Network 10.9 The receptor is defined as the feature affected by an impact. This (HNIC), the Hampshire Mammal Group and the Hampshire Ornithological receptor may be of negligible nature conservation value, or it may have a value at Society. Data sets are also provided by the Butterfly Conservation’s butterfly the local, county, national or international level. and moth database. 10.10 Features of international importance are those protected by international • Hampshire Ornithological Society treaties, legislation, agreements and designations. Examples include World • Hampshire Bat Group Heritage Sites, Ramsar sites, Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of • East Hants Badger Group Conservation. Certain species are also protected under international law, such as • Environment Agency those listed in the Habitats Directive (1992). More detailed methodologies and full species lists for the surveys are provided in 10.11 Features of importance at the national level include those with statutory Appendix 4. protection, such as National Nature Reserves (NNRs), Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and species with legal protection, and those affected by national 10.7 Ecological impacts from development are identified by relating the policy, such as national Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) priority species and baseline study to the master plan and information contained in the proposals and habitats. In addition to being listed in the national Biodiversity Action Plan as construction chapter of this ES. The impacts on ecology are assessed by (a) priority species, rare or threatened species may be listed in Red Data Books determining the level of importance/sensitivity of the receptor, for example (RDB) as categories 1 – 4; critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable and national, county, or local; (b) determining the type, magnitude and timescale of extinct. the impact; and then (c) using this information on the receptor and impact to determine the level, or weight, of the impact: described as very high, high, 10.12 Features that are important at County or District level may be protected moderate, low or negligible. The impact level is then described for each affected by Structure Plan or Local Plan policies. Sites can also have local statutory ecological resource (receptor). Finally, an assessment is made of the significance designations as Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) or local non-statutory designations of the impact. For example, a moderate or low impact on an internationally such as the County Wildlife Sites (CWSs) in Hampshire. Local and UK Biodiversity important feature is likely to be significant, while a similar impact on a feature of Action Plan priority habitats and species have also been identified for the area. local value is less likely to be significant. This is illustrated graphically in Table 10.1. 10.13 Features that are important at a local level may be of particular value in the context of the site itself. Local non-designated sites may also be of 10.8 Development on the site would occur in three phases: site clearance, importance to local people. construction, and operation. Impacts are described for these different phases of the development. Habitat creation is considered as part of the later stage of the 10.14 Habitats that are not included in protected sites or listed in Biodiversity construction phase. Action Plans may still be of value for nature conservation. This value may rest in the biological diversity of species or the potential of the habitat to support 142 Laverstoke Mill Environmental Statement Chapter Ten : Ecology protected species or species of nature conservation concern. Where a habitat 1996]). Habitats can be affected directly through loss or physical damage or has value for nature conservation, an impact resulting in a permanent reduction in creation of new habitat, or indirectly through pollution or effects of management. the habitat area for which no compensation is possible, or resulting in permanent Similarly, direct impacts on species could include killing or injury, and indirect damage to the site, could be significant. impacts could include pollution or physical disturbance of their habitat which reduces the value of an area to them without effectively excluding them from it 10.15 Species that are not protected by legislation or listed as priorities in altogether. Biodiversity Action Plans are likely to be common and widespread. Impacts on the populations of these species are unlikely to be significant. However, individual 10.19 When assessing impacts on species the following premise is used: cases should be considered, particularly birds, some species of which are still although individuals of some species have legal protection, in general, it is the common but have undergone a significant decline in the last few years. A effect on a population rather than the effects on the individual organism that is common bird species listed in the National Biodiversity Action Plan as a ‘Species likely to be significant in nature conservation terms. of Conservation Concern’ may be given more consideration than one not on the list. Magnitude of Impact 10.16 Where features have been assigned values at more than one level, their 10.20 The magnitude of an impact may be an obvious measurement of, for importance should be taken at the highest level. For example, a site designated example, the area of a habitat to be lost. Even such obvious measurements must as an SAC and SSSI would be valued in any assessment as being of international be considered in context. The loss of 1 ha of an important habitat totalling 2 ha importance, reflecting its SAC designation, and any impacts assessed (i.e. 50%) is generally of greater concern than the loss of 1 ha out of 200 ha of accordingly. important habitat (i.e. 0.5%), even though the quantum of loss is the same. For Type of Impact species, unless more detailed information is available, magnitudes of impacts would be estimated based on the proportion of their habitat affected (English 10.17 Potential impacts of any development proposal on receptors fall into a Nature, 1994). variety of categories (DGXI, 1996). These may be: Determining the Level of Impacts • Positive or negative impacts; • Direct or indirect impacts; 10.21 Once the importance of the receptor and the type and magnitude of the • Permanent or temporary impacts (for this study, long term = over 25 years, predicted impact have been identified, the relative level of the impact can be medium term = 5 to 25 years, or short term = less than 5 years); determined. When assessing whether an impact could be significant, it is • Reversible or irreversible impacts; important to establish testable criteria for that assessment. An established set of • Certain or possible impacts. criteria has been used for the selection of SSSIs by the Nature Conservancy Council and its successors (Ratcliffe, 1977), based on measures of size, extent, 10.18 Impacts may be direct or indirect (i.e. not a direct result of the project, diversity, naturalness, rarity and fragility.
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