BETTENCOURT, PAUL SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi3,iiRelating to the establishment of an education savings account program and a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi17,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. 4266 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4266

BETTENCOURT, PAULi — i(Continued) SBi18,iiRelating to public institutions of higher education setting aside portions of designated tuition for student financial assistance. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the Constitution. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi49,iiRelating to the appointment by certain elected officials of students to receive a Texas Armed Services Scholarship. SBi73,iiRelating to leave policy and procedures for state employees. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. SBi132,iiRelating to the savings incentive program for state agencies. SBi151,iiRelating to voter approval of obligations for certain municipal liabilities to a public pension fund. SBi152,iiRelating to municipal control of certain public retirement systems established for the benefit of municipal employees. SBi153,iiRelating to acceptable forms of identification for voting for certain persons. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi210,iiRelating to the required repeal or amendment of two state agency rules before adoption of a new state agency rule that increases costs to regulated persons. SBi253,iiRelating to investment prohibitions and divestment requirements for certain investments of public money. SBi258,iiRelating to the disposition of embryonic and fetal tissue remains; imposing a civil penalty. SBi272,iiRelating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. 4267 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4267

BETTENCOURT, PAULi — i(Continued) SBi349,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions. SBi412,iiRelating to requiring a presidential elector to vote for the candidates for president and vice president who won the popular vote in this state for those offices. SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi444,iiRelating to school marshals for private schools. SBi445,iiRelating to the authorization and reporting of expenditures for lobbying activities by certain political subdivisions and other public entities. SBi457,iiRelating to funding for an open-enrollment charter school and to the guaranteed level of state and local funds provided to school districts through the existing debt allotment. SBi460,iiRelating to general obligation bonds issued by political subdivisions. SBi461,iiRelating to the notice required before the issuance of certain debt obligations by political subdivisions. SBi488,iiRelating to requirements for certain petitions requesting an election and ballot propositions. SBi500,iiRelating to the effect of certain felony convictions of public elected officers. SBi501,iiRelating to the disclosure of certain contracts, services, and compensation in personal financial statements filed by public officers and candidates. SBi502,iiRelating to the content of detailed reports filed by lobbyists and to monetary limits on expenditures by lobbyists. SBi503,iiRelating to the prohibition on lobbying by certain elected officers. SBi504,iiRelating to lobbying by former members of the legislature; creating an offense. SBi505,iiRelating to restrictions on lobbyist expenditures from certain political contributions. SBi509,iiRelating to the evaluation and reporting of investment practices and performance of certain public retirement systems. SBi542,iiRelating to an insurance premium tax credit for contributions made to certain educational assistance organizations. SBi543,iiRelating to performance-based tuition limitations for certain public institutions of higher education and a temporary tuition limitation for those institutions. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi598,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. 4268 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4268

BETTENCOURT, PAULi — i(Continued) SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi631,iiRelating to venue for the disposition of stolen property. SBi641,iiRelating to periodic zero-based budgeting for certain political subdivisions. SBi642,iiRelating to required disclosures in and to the length of ballot proposition language authorizing political subdivisions to issue bonds or impose or change a tax. SBi646,iiRelating to the elimination of the taxing authority of certain county boards of education and boards of county school trustees. SBi650,iiRelating to tax increment financing. SBi655,iiRelating to certain notice of the extent of a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction. SBi669,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. SBi715,iiRelating to municipal annexation. SBi716,iiRelating to the sheriff s’ department civil service system in certain counties. SBi730,iiRelating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of income-producing tangible personal property having a value of less than a certain amount. SBi731,iiRelating to the appeal through binding arbitration of certain appraisal review board orders. SBi737,iiRelating to requirements for new or increased municipal fees. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi801,iiRelating to the instructional material list and supplemental instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education. SBi813,iiRelating to recovery of damages, attorney s’ fees, and costs related to frivolous regulatory actions by state agencies. SBi870,iiRelating to the scheduling by an appraisal review board of a hearing on a protest. SBi871,iiRelating to municipal voting rights and eligibility for municipal office of residents in areas subject to limited-purpose annexation under strategic partnership agreements. SBi884,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities. SBi898,iiRelating to the ownership and local regulation of trees and timber. SBi936,iiRelating to the creation of a joint interim committee to undertake a study of the public retirement systems of this state. SBi939,iiRelating to the regulatory analysis of rules proposed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. SBi945,iiRelating to the authority of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district to correct an ad valorem tax appraisal roll. 4269 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4269

BETTENCOURT, PAULi — i(Continued) SBi946,iiRelating to deadlines for performing various functions in connection with the ad valorem tax system. SBi959,iiRelating to the adoption of the Compact for a Balanced Budget. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1004,iiRelating to the deployment of network nodes in public right-of-way; authorizing fees. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1085,iiRelating to the certification of unopposed candidates for the board of directors of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority. SBi1091,iiRelating to limitations on courses that may be offered for dual credit by school districts and public institutions of higher education. SBi1106,iiRelating to the issuance of a citation for criminal trespass punishable as a Class B misdemeanor. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1151,iiRelating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education. SBi1166,iiRelating to providing for the review of certain county departments of education by the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi1167,iiRelating to abolishing certain county boards of education, boards of county school trustees, and offices of county school superintendent. SBi1177,iiRelating to requirements for charter schools established for the benefit of certain juvenile offenders. SBi1230,iiRelating to the cancellation of a person s’ voter registration on notice that the person has acknowledged that the person is not a citizen. SBi1259,iiRelating to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of and municipal annexation by certain municipalities. SBi1286,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations. SBi1294,iiRelating to election of professional staff representatives to certain school district planning and decision-making committees. SBi1524,iiRelating to the movement of certain vehicles, including vehicles transporting an intermodal shipping container; authorizing a fee; creating an offense. 4270 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4270

BETTENCOURT, PAULi — i(Continued) SBi1609,iiRelating to regulation by a property owners ’ association of certain religious displays. SBi1661,iiRelating to voting rights and eligibility for office of residents of certain districts subject to a strategic partnership agreement. SBi1662,iiRelating to limited-purpose annexation under strategic partnership agreements for certain districts. SBi1702,iiRelating to the requirements for filing an annual financial statement by a municipality. SBi1703,iiRelating to the requirements for filing an annual financial statement by a municipality. SBi1733,iiRelating to recognition of certain identification documents by governmental officials. SBi1750,iiRelating to a study of the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of implementing a hybrid retirement plan for newly hired state employees and teachers. SBi1751,iiRelating to authorizing the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the Teacher Retirement System of Texas to establish defined contribution plans or hybrid retirement plans to provide retirement benefits to certain employees. SBi1752,iiRelating to authorizing certain municipalities to establish defined contribution plans to provide retirement benefits to certain employees. SBi1765,iiRelating to tax increment reinvestment zone transparency and accountability. SBi1838,iiRelating to the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools. SBi1846,iiRelating to the authority of municipalities to replat a subdivision without vacating the preceding plat. SBi1847,iiRelating to the correction of an ad valorem tax appraisal roll and related appraisal records. SBi1848,iiRelating to the award of attorney s’ fees in a judicial appeal of certain ad valorem tax determinations. SBi1882,iiRelating to a school district contract to partner with an open-enrollment charter school to operate a district campus. SBi1884,iiRelating to powers and duties of the board of trustees of an independent school district. SBi1885,iiRelating to the location of certain temporary branch early voting polling places. SBi1886,iiRelating to the oversight of public education, including the creation of the office of inspector general at the Texas Education Agency. SBi1887,iiRelating to performance-based supplemental funding for school districts. SBi1888,iiRelating to limitations on the automatic admission of students to general academic teaching institutions and on the admission of nonresident students to The University of Texas at Austin. 4271 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4271

BETTENCOURT, PAULi — i(Continued) SBi1889,iiRelating to insurance premium tax and alcoholic beverage tax credits for contributions made to certain educational assistance organizations. SBi1890,iiRelating to employing, terminating, and reporting misconduct of public school personnel and related entity personnel, including creating a registry of persons ineligible for hire; creating a criminal offense. SBi1891,iiRelating to a general employment review of persons who apply to school districts, open-enrollment charter schools, and certain independent contractors for employment involving direct contact with students or children; providing a civil penalty. SBi1892,iiRelating to student success-based funding for certain public institutions of higher education. SBi1905,iiRelating to information provided by a voter to an election officer. SBi1906,iiRelating to the matters that a taxing unit is entitled to challenge before an appraisal review board. SBi1907,iiRelating to the selection of the officers of an appraisal review board. SBi1908,iiRelating to the selection of an arbitrator for purposes of an appeal through binding arbitration of certain appraisal review board orders. SBi1942,iiRelating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school. SBi2032,iiRelating to the authority of the Texas State Technical College System to offer technical-vocational courses or programs. SBi2033,iiRelating to the fixed tuition price plan offered by certain general academic teaching institutions. SBi2043,iiRelating to the number of days that certain tangible personal property that is exempt from ad valorem taxation due to its location in this state for a temporary period may be located in this state for the purpose of qualifying for the tax exemption. SBi2044,iiRelating to the use of tax proceeds for lobbying activities or lobbyists. SBi2045,iiRelating to the reporting by local governmental entities of expenditures for lobbying. SBi2046,iiRelating to voting by the qualified voters of a water or sewer district wholly or partly annexed by a municipality. SBi2047,iiRelating to the creation, territory, and operation of municipal management districts and public improvement districts. SBi2048,iiRelating to the student loan program administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and to the repeal of a related bond program. SBi2051,iiRelating to evaluating public school performance. SBi2094,iiRelating to establishment of the immigration authority delegation training grant program for local law enforcement agencies. 4272 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4272

BETTENCOURT, PAULi — i(Continued) SBi2095,iiRelating to regulation of steroid use by students participating in athletic competitions sponsored or sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League. SBi2119,iiRelating to the automatic admission of students to general academic teaching institutions. SBi2144,iiRelating to the creation of a commission to recommend improvements to the public school finance system. SBi2149,iiRelating to early in-person voting by voters who reside at a residential care facility. SBi2197,iiRelating to documentation of proof of identification for voting. SBi2205,iiRelating to automated motor vehicles. SBi2239,iiRelating to ad valorem taxation. SBi2265,iiRelating to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority and expanding the territory and powers of the authority; authorizing fees and the issuance of bonds. SBi2291,iiRelating to the Texas Medal for the Defense of Freedom award. SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi43,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system. SJRi45,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of an individual income tax. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi26,iiUrging Congress to review federal regulations on the oil and gas industry. SCRi55,iiRequesting the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives to create a joint interim committee to study the security of the Texas electric grid. SRi58,iiRecognizing March 2017 as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. SRi193,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day. SRi257,iiRecognizing February 23, 2017, as La Belle Day. SRi258,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Texas BOMA Advocacy Day. 4273 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4273

BETTENCOURT, PAULi — i(Continued) SRi314,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as Texas Anesthesiologists Day. SRi340,iiCommemorating Texas Independence Day 2017. SRi467,iiIn memory of William Dowling. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi608,iiRecognizing James and Leeshan Chuang Birney for their service to the Houston community. SRi655,iiRecognizing Rita Polland on the occasion of her 90th birthday. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry.

BIRDWELL, BRIAN SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. 4274 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4274

BIRDWELL, BRIANi — i(Continued) SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi349,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi522,iiRelating to issuing a marriage license and conducting a marriage ceremony. SBi523,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional facility or critical infrastructure facility. SBi524,iiRelating to increasing the punishment for the offense of abuse of a corpse. SBi525,iiRelating to a review of state laws requiring an action or proceeding to be brought in Travis County or a Travis County court. SBi526,iiRelating to the abolishment of certain advisory committees and other state entities. SBi527,iiRelating to a defendant s’ payment of costs associated with a court-appointed counsel. SBi528,iiRelating to the term of a chief administrative law judge. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi602,iiRelating to the establishment of a restructuring commission to evaluate each state supported living center. SBi611,iiRelating to appointments by certain state officials to a legislative agency or an advisory committee. SBi612,iiRelating to complaints filed with and certain other filings submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission. 4275 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4275

BIRDWELL, BRIANi — i(Continued) SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi651,iiRelating to discrimination by a state agency against an applicant for or holder of an occupational license. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi670,iiRelating to the appointment of the commissioners of the health and human services agencies by the governor. SBi678,iiRelating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program. SBi705,iiRelating to an exception from disclosure under the public information law for certain personal information of an applicant for an appointment by the governor. SBi706,iiRelating to the abolishment of the State Council on Competitive Government and the transfer of its functions to the comptroller. SBi707,iiRelating to the admissibility of certain recorded statements made by child abuse victims. SBi708,iiRelating to an exemption from numbering for certain vessels propelled by trolling motors. SBi709,iiRelating to the applicability of the electronic filing requirement for personal financial statements to certain appointed officers. SBi710,iiRelating to a photograph on a driver s’ license. SBi715,iiRelating to municipal annexation. SBi740,iiRelating to the acquisition of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi741,iiRelating to compensation to a property owner for property acquired by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi742,iiRelating to requirements for a bona fide offer for the acquisition of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi750,iiRelating to restrictions on holders of package store permits. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi823,iiRelating to the powers and compensation of criminal law magistrates in Tarrant County. SBi902,iiRelating to a prohibition on the adoption of certain library standards by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. SBi903,iiRelating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offense of criminal mischief involving property used for flood control purposes or a dam. 4276 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4276

BIRDWELL, BRIANi — i(Continued) SBi904,iiRelating to the creation of the Cresson Municipal Utility District No. 1 of Hood County; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi905,iiRelating to the creation of the Cresson Crossroads Municipal Utility District No. 2; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi906,iiRelating to the movement of portable building units over a state highway; authorizing a fee. SBi907,iiRelating to the definition of the least restrictive environment for the placement of children in foster care. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi975,iiRelating to the security of high-speed rail operated by a private entity. SBi976,iiRelating to the dissolution of the Falls County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1. SBi1108,iiRelating to the computation of cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by taxable entities that transport ready-mixed concrete. SBi1109,iiRelating to the authority of certain political subdivisions to change the date of the general election for officers. SBi1110,iiRelating to allowing a person suspected of committing or attempting to commit theft to complete an education program offered by a merchant. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1406,iiRelating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements. SBi1723,iiRelating to the collection of soil monitoring samples from land application units where sewage sludge or domestic septage is applied. SBi1724,iiRelating to a permit requirement for the land application of domestic septage. SBi1725,iiRelating to the duties of a magistrate to inform an arrested person of consequences of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. SBi1726,iiRelating to the franchise tax rate applicable to certain taxable entities that sell telephone prepaid calling cards. SBi1727,iiRelating to the procedure for an election to adopt a sales and use tax or to change the tax rate in an emergency services district. SBi1728,iiRelating to public access to juvenile court proceedings. SBi1729,iiRelating to the reporting and disposition of certain state-owned real property. 4277 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4277

BIRDWELL, BRIANi — i(Continued) SBi1730,iiRelating to the designation of the director of the Texas Crime Stoppers Council and the director s’ authority and responsibilities. SBi1731,iiRelating to the repeal of laws governing certain state entities, including the functions of those entities, and to certain duties, responsibilities, and functions of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on the abolishment of certain of those entities. SBi1732,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of Interstate Highway 35W in Johnson County as the Deputy Clifton Taylor Memorial Highway. SBi1733,iiRelating to recognition of certain identification documents by governmental officials. SBi1787,iiRelating to the functions and administration of the Health and Human Services Commission and the commission s’ office of inspector general in relation to fraud, waste, and abuse in health and human services. SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1893,iiRelating to the administrative judicial regions in this state. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi34,iiProposing a constitutional amendment limiting the service of certain officeholders after the expiration of the person s’ term of office. SJRi38,iiRescinding certain applications made by the Texas Legislature to the United States Congress to call a national convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for proposing any amendment to that Constitution. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SRi19,iiRecognizing Lou and Jim "Corky" Dawson on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. SRi146,iiRecognizing this year s’ participants in the Bob Bullock Scholars Program of Baylor University. SRi165,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Hood County Day. SRi166,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Hill County Day. SRi167,iiRecognizing Bobby Littlefield on the occasion of his retirement. 4278 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4278

BIRDWELL, BRIANi — i(Continued) SRi185,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Baylor Day. SRi302,iiRecognizing March 1 and 2, 2017, as Tarrant County Days. SRi331,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Grand Prairie Day. SRi362,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Corsicana and Navarro County Day. SRi386,iiRecognizing March 15, 2017, as Waco Day. SRi398,iiRecognizing March 16, 2017, as West Day. SRi471,iiWelcoming the Ennis Chamber of Commerce to the State Capitol. SRi491,iiWelcoming the Junior Leadership Granbury Class of 2016-2017 to the State Capitol. SRi538,iiRecognizing the Lipan High School boys team for winning a state championship. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi596,iiRecognizing the Academy at Nola Dunn for its commitment to excellence in education. SRi597,iiRecognizing the Burleson Young Executives Alliance Class of 2017 for its contributions to the community. SRi632,iiRecognizing Billie Hopps for her 40 years of service to the children of Keene. SRi686,iiRecognizing the leaders of Texas State Technical College for their achievements. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi747,iiIn memory of Thomas Paul Moore Jr. SRi810,iiRecognizing Earl Gillum for his career in law enforcement. SRi811,iiRecognizing D. L. Wilson for receiving a Lifesaving Award. SRi812,iiRecognizing Chase Miller for saving the life of a young Texan. SRi839,iiRecognizing the 2017 Texas Sports Hall of Fame inductees for their accomplishments. SRi888,iiRecognizing Weller Hensell Harris Jr. for his achievements. SRi939,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 1731.

BUCKINGHAM, DAWN SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. 4279 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4279

BUCKINGHAM, DAWNi — i(Continued) SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi184,iiRelating to an exemption from the motor vehicle use tax for motor vehicles brought into this state by certain current or former military personnel. SBi299,iiRelating to the appointment of an associate commissioner for veterans services at the Health and Human Services Commission. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. 4280 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4280

BUCKINGHAM, DAWNi — i(Continued) SBi324,iiRelating to the authority of the Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 3 to enter into certain agreements relating to the ad valorem taxation of certain property located in the district. SBi347,iiRelating to the applicability of open meetings and public information laws to regional water planning groups and their committees. SBi394,iiRelating to the required vote by a presidential elector; providing a civil penalty. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi419,iiRelating to the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi451,iiRelating to regulation of short-term rentals and short-term rental marketplaces by municipalities and counties. SBi465,iiRelating to voting rights in the areas that are included in a municipality s’ annexation plan. SBi510,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi630,iiRelating to documentation regarding an arrest of a person without a warrant. SBi631,iiRelating to venue for the disposition of stolen property. SBi632,iiRelating to the repeal of certain state procurement advisory and approval procedures. SBi633,iiRelating to the release on personal bond of a person arrested for an out-of-county offense under certain circumstances. SBi669,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. SBi678,iiRelating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program. SBi694,iiRelating to the creation of the National Museum of the Pacific War museum fund. SBi697,iiRelating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization. SBi715,iiRelating to municipal annexation. SBi729,iiRelating to the authority of certain municipalities to pledge certain tax revenue for the payment of obligations related to hotel projects. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. 4281 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4281

BUCKINGHAM, DAWNi — i(Continued) SBi813,iiRelating to recovery of damages, attorney s’ fees, and costs related to frivolous regulatory actions by state agencies. SBi850,iiRelating to the mandatory spinal screening of public and private school students. SBi894,iiRelating to auditing and verification of information under certain health and human services programs, including the collection of certain payments following an investigation. SBi922,iiRelating to the reimbursement of certain providers under the Medicaid program for the provision of telehealth services. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi936,iiRelating to the creation of a joint interim committee to undertake a study of the public retirement systems of this state. SBi951,iiRelating to the regulation of the manufacture and sale of wine and certain related activities; authorizing a fee. SBi986,iiRelating to a grant program to support the enforcement of immigration law by a municipality or county. SBi987,iiRelating to the authority of an appraisal review board to direct changes in the appraisal roll and related appraisal records if a residence homestead is sold for less than the appraised value. SBi1040,iiRelating to health benefit plan coverage for accelerated refills of certain prescription eye drops. SBi1041,iiRelating to prohibiting certain sex offenders from residing on the campus of a public or private institution of higher education. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1074,iiRelating to the persons authorized to make an anatomical gift. SBi1075,iiRelating to the establishment of the Veterans Recovery Pilot Program to provide certain veterans with hyperbaric oxygen treatment. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1149,iiRelating to the placement on a ballot of a proposition to amend the state constitution. SBi1150,iiRelating to the content of local and state propositions on the ballot. SBi1151,iiRelating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education. 4282 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4282

BUCKINGHAM, DAWNi — i(Continued) SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1192,iiRelating to an alert for a missing senior citizen or person with Alzheimer s’ disease. SBi1217,iiRelating to the sale of beer and ale by certain manufacturers for off-premises consumption. SBi1248,iiRelating to municipal regulation of manufactured home communities. SBi1293,iiRelating to a prohibition on requiring a gift or grant to be made to a district or county attorney or a commissioners court as a condition of a defendant s’ pretrial intervention agreement. SBi1294,iiRelating to election of professional staff representatives to certain school district planning and decision-making committees. SBi1362,iiRelating to notification and informational materials regarding mutual consent voluntary adoption registries. SBi1375,iiRelating to the use of clinical decision support software and laboratory benefits management programs by physicians and health care providers in connection with provision of clinical laboratory services to health benefit plan enrollees. SBi1376,iiRelating to a joint interim study regarding the state s’ response to modifications to federal health care laws. SBi1377,iiRelating to human trafficking signs at abortion facilities and offenses associated with human trafficking and coerced abortion; increasing criminal penalties. SBi1424,iiRelating to criminal procedure, including grand jury proceedings and the appointment of an attorney pro tem for certain criminal proceedings. SBi1426,iiRelating to the calculation and dissemination of certain ad valorem tax rates. SBi1457,iiRelating to a report by the Texas Workforce Commission regarding the transition from military service to employment. SBi1458,iiRelating to a prior authorization requirement for certain prescription eye drops and related medications. SBi1464,iiRelating to the creation of the offense of possession or promotion of obscene visual material depicting a child. SBi1630,iiRelating to cemeteries. SBi1636,iiRelating to the use of extrapolation by a health maintenance organization or an insurer to audit claims. SBi1704,iiRelating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun. SBi1739,iiRelating to the suspension, termination, and reinstatement of certain services provided to military service members who are serving on active duty. 4283 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4283

BUCKINGHAM, DAWNi — i(Continued) SBi1766,iiRelating to the content and placement of certain ballot propositions. SBi1767,iiRelating to hearings and protests before appraisal review boards involving ad valorem tax determinations. SBi1768,iiRelating to waiving fees for an original commercial driver s’ license for veterans. SBi1813,iiRelating to the adoption of common admission application forms for institutions of higher education. SBi1831,iiRelating to an annual report on state programs not funded by appropriations. SBi1832,iiRelating to creating a temporary charitable festival permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages by certain charitable organizations; providing a penalty. SBi1833,iiRelating to the labeling of wine as originating from this state. SBi1834,iiRelating to the allocation of money associated with delays of transportation projects. SBi1915,iiRelating to the prosecution and punishment of certain outdoor burning violations. SBi1916,iiRelating to savings and loan associations, savings banks, residential mortgage loan originators and servicers, and other persons or entities under the regulatory jurisdiction of the Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending and the savings and mortgage lending commissioner; creating an offense. SBi1917,iiRelating to an exemption for certain quarries from regulation as aggregate production operations. SBi1918,iiRelating to the issuance and enforcement of a subpoena during the course of an investigation of a residential mortgage loan servicer. SBi1919,iiRelating to the bond and other coverages required to be maintained by or for the benefit of a savings bank. SBi1971,iiRelating to the deposit and allocation of certain funds to the Texas Racing Commission horse industry escrow account. SBi2030,iiRelating to the performance and appeal of utilization review by and under the direction of physicians. SBi2031,iiRelating to the inclusion of a student loan repayment benefit in a cafeteria plan administered for state employees. SBi2068,iiRelating to the plugging or capping of abandoned, deteriorated, open, or uncovered water wells in the Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District. SBi2069,iiRelating to the management and operation of certain municipally owned electric utilities. SBi2070,iiRelating to limitations on the use of municipal electric utility system revenues by certain municipalities. SBi2105,iiRelating to the requirement that the Texas Workforce Commission provide certain employment information for secondary school students. SBi2193,iiRelating to the regulation of certain aggregate production operations by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; authorizing an increase in the amount of a fee. 4284 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4284

BUCKINGHAM, DAWNi — i(Continued) SBi2194,iiRelating to physician assistant services performed as volunteer care. SBi2195,iiRelating to a health care entity making available to patients and prospective patients charges for certain health care services, goods, or procedures; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi2196,iiRelating to the requirements for annexation by a municipality of certain municipal utility districts. SBi2243,iiRelating to the powers and duties and election of the board of directors of the West Travis County Municipal Utility District No. 3. SBi2280,iiRelating to the name of the Burnet County Municipal Utility District No. 1. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi13,iiThe 85th Legislature of the State of Texas call on all sheriffs ’offices in the state to comply with requests included in an immigration detainer issued by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement. SRi35,iiRecognizing the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Crusaders football team for winning a national championship. SRi193,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day. SRi318,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Texas Tech University System Day. SRi377,iiIn memory of J. Fred Perry. SRi378,iiIn memory of the life of Stanley Keith Guffey. SRi379,iiRecognizing Jerod Daniel and Cory Davis for receiving the Medal of Valor. SRi380,iiIn memory of Rosa Lea Meek Dickerson. SRi381,iiIn memory of Cleo Weldon Bay Sr. SRi382,iiRecognizing the Howard Payne University Moot Court team for its performance in a national championship. SRi383,iiRecognizing Thor on the occasion of his retirement as a K-9 member of the Abilene Police Department. SRi384,iiIn memory of Julia "Judy" Jones Matthews. SRi444,iiRecognizing Larry Gene Pullin for his work on behalf of veterans. 4285 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4285

BUCKINGHAM, DAWNi — i(Continued) SRi446,iiRecognizing March 2017 as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. SRi518,iiIn memory of James Michael Walker. SRi519,iiIn memory of Joe H. Robbins. SRi520,iiIn memory of Ivan Wayne "Doc" Schmedemann. SRi541,iiRecognizing the Lake Travis High School football team for winning a state championship. SRi565,iiRecognizing Richland Springs High School six-man football team for winning a state championship. SRi570,iiIn memory of Fay Meyer Dudney. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi580,iiRecognizing Our Lady of the Hills Regional Catholic High School boys basketball team for winning a state championship. SRi595,iiRecognizing David Glynn Reynolds for his 50 years of ministerial service. SRi603,iiIn memory of Jonathan J. Golden, Jordan B. Pierson, Ryan D. Hammond, and Quinn L. Johnson-Harris. SRi615,iiRecognizing Charles Duncan for his heroism. SRi616,iiIn memory of Hazel Ruth Preston Bassett. SRi628,iiRecognizing Dian Graves Owen Stai for being inducted into the Texas Business Hall of Fame. SRi629,iiRecognizing the 100th anniversary of the election of Ophelia "Birdie" Crosby Harwood as mayor of Marble Falls. SRi639,iiRecognizing John MacDonald, Matthew Harper, Chris Shelley, Brian Hammes, and Clark Channell of the Killeen Fire Department. SRi680,iiRecognizing Cheryl Jones for receiving the 2017 June Bratcher Award. SRi681,iiRecognizing April 30, 2017, as Living Kidney Donors Day. SRi692,iiRecognizing Norm Archibald for his service to the City of Abilene. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi862,iiRecognizing Rachel Garner for her victory at the National Junior Olympic Shooting Championships. SRi863,iiRecognizing Paula Hardy on the publication of her memoir. SRi878,iiRecognizing Adyson Aus for winning the 2017 Most Unique Lemonade Award. SRi879,iiRecognizing Pauline Moore on the occasion of her 105th birthday. SRi880,iiRecognizing Marshall Crouch for his service to the Texas 4-H Conference Center. 4286 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4286

BUCKINGHAM, DAWNi — i(Continued) SRi891,iiRecognizing Neice Bell and Ceslie Armstrong for launching a magazine. SRi906,iiRecognizing Dustin Lauw for his craftsmanship. SRi907,iiRecognizing Roland Williams for his contributions to his community. SRi908,iiRecognizing the Peterson Regional Medical Center Auxiliary for its service to the Kerrville community. SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II. SRi944,iiRecognizing A. R. "Babe" Schwartz for his contributions to the state. SRi948,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 1148.

BURTON, KONNI SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi17,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. 4287 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4287

BURTON, KONNIi — i(Continued) SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. SBi241,iiRelating to the use by a political subdivision of public money for lobbying activities. SBi242,iiRelating to the right of a child s’ parent to public school records and information concerning the child. SBi243,iiRelating to the authority of a commissioners court to disapprove of certain condemnations. SBi244,iiRelating to the abolishment of the moving image industry incentive program. SBi245,iiRelating to voter information provided by political subdivisions before an election to authorize the issuance of bonds. SBi271,iiRelating to the issuance of a citation or notice to appear for certain misdemeanors punishable by a fine only. SBi299,iiRelating to the appointment of an associate commissioner for veterans services at the Health and Human Services Commission. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi325,iiRelating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted. SBi326,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged. SBi327,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. SBi328,iiRelating to public school class size limits. SBi380,iiRelating to repealing civil asset forfeiture provisions and establishing criminal asset forfeiture in this state. SBi381,iiRelating to the authority of peace officers to conduct certain searches. SBi382,iiRelating to donation of unused prescription drugs; authorizing a fee. SBi383,iiRelating to eligibility for certain higher education grant programs. SBi384,iiRelating to the scheduling of the administration of certain postsecondary readiness assessment instruments to public high school students. SBi385,iiRelating to voter approval of local acceptance and use of federal funds for commuter rail projects. 4288 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4288

BURTON, KONNIi — i(Continued) SBi386,iiRelating to the use of federal funds by political subdivisions for payment of the political subdivision s’ debt obligations. SBi387,iiRelating to the use of certain unspent bond proceeds and voter approval of certain political subdivision actions, including the issuance of certain bonds and the use of certain unspent bond proceeds. SBi388,iiRelating to the repeal of the authorization for a governing body to conduct economic development negotiations in a closed meeting under the open meetings law. SBi389,iiRelating to abolishing the Major Events reimbursement program. SBi390,iiRelating to abolishing the Motor Sports Racing trust fund. SBi391,iiRelating to abolishing the Events trust fund. SBi392,iiRelating to abolishing the Major Events Trust fund, the Events trust fund, and the Motor Sports Racing trust fund. SBi393,iiRelating to abolishing the Texas Enterprise Fund and the disposition of the balance of that fund. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi430,iiRelating to the regulation of the practice of dental hygiene. SBi445,iiRelating to the authorization and reporting of expenditures for lobbying activities by certain political subdivisions and other public entities. SBi446,iiRelating to the acceptance or expenditure of federal funds by a political subdivision. SBi447,iiRelating to the selection of certain appraisal district officials. SBi448,iiRelating to the procedure for canceling a deferral or abatement of collection of ad valorem taxes on the residence homestead of an elderly person. SBi449,iiRelating to the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises of certain businesses. SBi450,iiRelating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition. SBi479,iiRelating to informed consent to immunizations for children. SBi480,iiRelating to the use of an electronic recovery and access to data prepaid card reader to seize forfeitable property. SBi481,iiRelating to the reporting and disposition of proceeds and property from asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure. SBi488,iiRelating to requirements for certain petitions requesting an election and ballot propositions. SBi494,iiRelating to an offense report prepared in the investigation of certain criminal cases. 4289 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4289

BURTON, KONNIi — i(Continued) SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi599,iiRelating to the deferral and reduction or waiver of certain surcharges assessed under the driver responsibility program. SBi600,iiRelating to the repeal of the Texas Economic Development Act. SBi622,iiRelating to itemizing certain public notice expenditures in certain political subdivision budgets. SBi623,iiRelating to the establishment of a public information Internet website. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi677,iiRelating to the creation of a task force to identify opportunities for academic credit and industry recognition for inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. SBi715,iiRelating to municipal annexation. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi823,iiRelating to the powers and compensation of criminal law magistrates in Tarrant County. SBi824,iiRelating to compensation of certain justices and judges for performing extrajudicial services. SBi1077,iiRelating to the punishment for theft offenses involving certain metals. SBi1078,iiRelating to the offense of leaving a motor vehicle unattended. SBi1079,iiRelating to the creation of a commission to review certain penal laws of this state that do not prescribe a culpable mental state. SBi1080,iiRelating to required disclosures for prenatal genetic screening; imposing a civil penalty. SBi1081,iiRelating to the administration of prophylaxis to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum. SBi1082,iiRelating to the ownership and local regulation of trees and timber. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. 4290 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4290

BURTON, KONNIi — i(Continued) SBi1151,iiRelating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education. SBi1157,iiRelating to limiting the liability of certain healthcare providers. SBi1163,iiRelating to establishing and funding a grant program for testing evidence collected in relation to sexual assaults or other sex offenses; authorizing voluntary contributions. SBi1213,iiRelating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients. SBi1362,iiRelating to notification and informational materials regarding mutual consent voluntary adoption registries. SBi1426,iiRelating to the calculation and dissemination of certain ad valorem tax rates. SBi1501,iiRelating to the regulation of motor vehicle towing, booting, and storage and to the elimination of required state licensing for vehicle booting companies and operators; creating a criminal offense. SBi1704,iiRelating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun. SBi1812,iiRelating to the authority of an appraisal district to use public money for lobbying activity. SBi1816,iiRelating to abolishing the spaceport trust fund and the disposition of the balance of that fund. SBi1817,iiRelating to the deposit of the gas utility pipeline tax to the credit of the oil and gas regulation and cleanup fund. SBi1818,iiRelating to the dispensing of certain drugs by physicians. SBi1819,iiRelating to the provision of a nursing facility quality-based payment incentives program and a program to increase direct care staff and wages under Medicaid. SBi1820,iiRelating to an application for a ballot to be voted by mail. SBi1821,iiRelating to ballot propositions authorizing certain political subdivisions to issue bonds. SBi1822,iiRelating to the creation of a commission to review certain penal laws of this state and certain recommendations regarding those laws, to criminal offenses previously compiled in statutes outside the Penal Code, to repealing certain of those offenses, and to conforming punishments for certain of those offenses to the penalty structure provided in the Penal Code; increasing the punishment for sabotage and sedition; imposing a civil penalty. SBi1823,iiRelating to a warrant authorizing the search of a cellular telephone or other wireless communications device. SBi1824,iiRelating to punishment for the offense of forgery and to a fee imposed on certain defendants who commit the offense. SBi1825,iiRelating to the use of automatic license plate readers by a law enforcement agency. 4291 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4291

BURTON, KONNIi — i(Continued) SBi1826,iiRelating to notification regarding the release of certain sex offenders and to the reporting of vehicle registration information for sex offenders. SBi1827,iiRelating to a government course for public school students enrolled at the fifth and eighth grade levels. SBi1831,iiRelating to an annual report on state programs not funded by appropriations. SBi1836,iiRelating to a study on the adjudication of juveniles charged with misdemeanors punishable by fine only and the use of certain terms signifying age in the criminal justice and juvenile justice statutes of this state. SBi1894,iiRelating to certain suits concerning real property. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi25,iiProposing a constitutional amendment requiring that any appropriations in excess of the constitutional spending limit be approved by a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house of the legislature. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi39,iiUrging Congress to reduce the amount of paperwork required of teachers by federal law. SRi4,iiRecognizing the Lions of Texas on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of Lions Clubs International. SRi283,iiRecognizing Jerry Jones on the occasion of his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. SRi302,iiRecognizing March 1 and 2, 2017, as Tarrant County Days. SRi576,iiRecognizing March 30, 2017, as Kennedale Day. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi895,iiRecognizing Betty Bob Stewart Massey on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

CAMPBELL, DONNA SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. 4292 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4292

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SBi3,iiRelating to the establishment of an education savings account program and a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. 4293 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4293

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. SBi128,iiRelating to the inclusion of education and training regarding human trafficking in the curriculum of commercial driver s’ license training programs offered by public junior colleges and career schools and colleges and to certain requirements for commercial driver s’ licenses. SBi173,iiRelating to the uniform election date. SBi174,iiRelating to inclusion of a course on the founding principles of the United States in the curriculum requirements for public high school students and the posting of the founding documents of the United States in public school buildings. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi180,iiRelating to student harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying. SBi195,iiRelating to funding under the transportation allotment for public school students subject to a high risk of violence while walking to school. SBi198,iiRelating to voting eligibility requirements for members of a metropolitan planning organization policy board. SBi199,iiRelating to procedural requirements for adopting and filing a school district budget. SBi200,iiRelating to public access to boundary, financial, and tax rate information of certain political subdivisions. SBi201,iiRelating to ballot propositions authorizing certain political subdivisions to issue debt obligations. SBi239,iiRelating to a parent s’ right to view the body of a deceased child before an autopsy is performed. SBi250,iiRelating to limitations on increases in fees and designated tuition charged by certain public institutions of higher education. SBi277,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices. SBi287,iiRelating to the designation of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin as the state botanical garden and arboretum. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi361,iiRelating to transportation network companies. SBi395,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional facility or critical infrastructure facility. 4294 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4294

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SBi399,iiRelating to nontolled lanes on a highway that has been converted from a nontolled highway to a toll project. SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi457,iiRelating to funding for an open-enrollment charter school and to the guaranteed level of state and local funds provided to school districts through the existing debt allotment. SBi510,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records. SBi550,iiRelating to the sale or assignment of tax credits for the certified rehabilitation of certified historic structures. SBi564,iiRelating to the applicability of open meetings requirements to certain meetings of a governing body relating to information technology security practices. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi583,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of unlawfully carrying a handgun by a license holder. SBi587,iiRelating to the state virtual school network, including the ability of certain dependents of members of the United States military to enroll full-time in courses provided through the network. SBi588,iiRelating to information regarding private employers who have veteran s’ employment preference policies. SBi589,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts; requiring an occupational license; imposing fees. SBi590,iiRelating to the authority of certain holders of a wine and beer retailer s’ permit to manufacture and sell wine and engage in certain related activities. SBi601,iiRelating to authorizing an exemption for open-enrollment charter schools from certain municipal drainage requirements. SBi602,iiRelating to the establishment of a restructuring commission to evaluate each state supported living center. SBi605,iiRelating to procedures for the review and selection of certain instructional materials by public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. SBi606,iiRelating to the authority of a school district of innovation to administer alternative assessment instruments to district students. SBi610,iiRelating to a study on expanding the state virtual school network. SBi616,iiRelating to requirements for a ballot proposition for a proposed municipal charter amendment. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. 4295 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4295

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi637,iiRelating to audits of a regional mobility authority by the state auditor. SBi640,iiRelating to equal opportunity for access by home-schooled students to University Interscholastic League sponsored activities; authorizing a fee. SBi655,iiRelating to certain notice of the extent of a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction. SBi659,iiRelating to the availability of personal information of a statewide elected official or member of the legislature. SBi671,iiRelating to the public high school graduation credit requirements for a language other than English. SBi697,iiRelating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization. SBi715,iiRelating to municipal annexation. SBi732,iiRelating to the authority of public junior colleges to offer certain courses and programs, including under agreements with independent school districts. SBi744,iiRelating to a tree planting credit to offset tree mitigation fees imposed by a municipality. SBi751,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain information of and the abolishment date of the military base realignment and closure task force. SBi752,iiRelating to the overseas military e-mail ballot program. SBi782,iiRelating to the ownership and local regulation of trees and timber. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi801,iiRelating to the instructional material list and supplemental instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education. SBi805,iiRelating to Texas women veterans. SBi815,iiRelating to the modification of an order establishing the conservatorship of a child. SBi816,iiRelating to the rendition by a court in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship of an order that is contrary to the expressed wishes of the child s’ parent. SBi855,iiRelating to prohibiting certain transactions between a governmental entity and an abortion facility or affiliate of the facility. SBi892,iiRelating to protection of the rights of conscience for child welfare services providers. SBi914,iiRelating to the creation of the Kendall County Water Control and Improvement District No. 3; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi940,iiRelating to the evaluation of and improvements to the quality of the Texas Workforce Commission s’ subsidized child care program. SBi957,iiRelating to the content and numbering of propositions on the ballot. 4296 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4296

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SBi1005,iiRelating to the use of certain assessment instruments as secondary exit-level assessment instruments to allow certain public school students to receive a high school diploma. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1075,iiRelating to the establishment of the Veterans Recovery Pilot Program to provide certain veterans with hyperbaric oxygen treatment. SBi1094,iiRelating to parental rights regarding a student s’ participation in human sexuality instruction in public schools. SBi1134,iiRelating to the scheduling of the first day of school for students by school districts. SBi1135,iiRelating to the first day of instruction at a public school in a district of innovation. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1151,iiRelating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education. SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1176,iiRelating to the creation of a water park permit in the Alcoholic Beverage Code; authorizing a fee. SBi1198,iiRelating to the conversion of the Hays Caldwell Public Utility Agency to the Alliance Regional Water Authority; providing authority to issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain; providing authority to impose fees. SBi1199,iiRelating to service contract providers. SBi1200,iiRelating to guidelines for the proper care and display of the United States and Texas flags by public schools. SBi1262,iiRelating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce certain regulations regarding whether a private employer may obtain or consider an employment applicant s’ or employee s’ criminal history record information. SBi1276,iiRelating to designation of gender-neutral bathrooms, changing rooms, locker rooms, shower rooms, and similar facilities. SBi1287,iiRelating to compliance with prohibitions regarding the use of common core state standards in public schools. 4297 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4297

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SBi1324,iiRelating to the eligibility for and emergency suspension of a license relating to massage therapy. SBi1362,iiRelating to notification and informational materials regarding mutual consent voluntary adoption registries. SBi1385,iiRelating to enforcement of certain regulations by the acquisition of a conservation easement. SBi1400,iiRelating to state banks, state bank holding companies, and branches of foreign banks. SBi1401,iiRelating to the regulation of banks and trust companies. SBi1402,iiRelating to the regulation of cemeteries and the administration of perpetual care trust funds. SBi1403,iiRelating to the regulation of money services businesses. SBi1406,iiRelating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements. SBi1427,iiRelating to providing information regarding perinatal hospice care and prohibiting discriminatory abortions; creating an administrative penalty, a civil remedy, and criminal offenses. SBi1436,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual and creating the offense of continuous injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual. SBi1440,iiRelating to the attendance by a quorum of a governmental body at certain candidate events under the open meetings law. SBi1455,iiRelating to the establishment of a rural resident physician grant program. SBi1469,iiRelating to an election for the removal of a director serving on the board of directors of certain water districts. SBi1485,iiRelating to payment standards for preferred provider benefit plans to reduce balance billing of insureds for out-of-network health care services. SBi1486,iiRelating to payment standards for preferred provider benefit plans to reduce balance billing of insureds for out-of-network health care services. SBi1505,iiRelating to the application of certain taxes imposed on certain tobacco products and to the allocation of certain revenue from those taxes to increase funding for certain health care education programs. SBi1536,iiRelating to the ability of a child-placing agency to decline to provide services or accept a referral from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the basis of sincerely held religious beliefs. SBi1553,iiRelating to certain requirements imposed on a sex offender who enters the premises of a school and to the refusal of entry to or ejection from school district property. 4298 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4298

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SBi1602,iiRelating to reporting requirements by certain health care facilities for abortion complications; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi1609,iiRelating to regulation by a property owners ’ association of certain religious displays. SBi1613,iiRelating to the assignment of health insurance benefits to a physician or health care provider. SBi1614,iiRelating to a misleading representation or misrepresentation in an explanation of benefits provided by a health benefit plan issuer or administrator. SBi1615,iiRelating to what constitutes balance billing of a health benefit plan enrollee by a physician or health care provider for purposes of certain disclosure and medication requirements. SBi1636,iiRelating to the use of extrapolation by a health maintenance organization or an insurer to audit claims. SBi1677,iiRelating to information about services for women veterans provided through certain state agency applications. SBi1698,iiRelating to outreach and awareness for women veterans in this state. SBi1759,iiRelating to fire protection sprinkler systems in residential high-rise buildings in certain municipalities. SBi1787,iiRelating to the functions and administration of the Health and Human Services Commission and the commission s’ office of inspector general in relation to fraud, waste, and abuse in health and human services. SBi1797,iiRelating to regulation of electricians by local governments. SBi1839,iiRelating to the preparation, certification, and classification of and professional development for public school educators. SBi1843,iiRelating to providing an opportunity for public high school students in grades 10 through 12 to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test or an alternative vocational aptitude test. SBi1844,iiRelating to the administration of and eligibility for participation in a veterans treatment court program and the issuance of orders of nondisclosure for certain participants who successfully complete that program. SBi1845,iiRelating to the development of transferable degree or certificate program curricula for which qualified veterans or military service members may be awarded course credit based on military service. SBi1882,iiRelating to a school district contract to partner with an open-enrollment charter school to operate a district campus. SBi1883,iiRelating to the approval of open-enrollment charter schools and the review of challenges by open-enrollment charter schools or school districts to accountability determinations. SBi1901,iiRelating to Texas Military Heroes Day in public schools. 4299 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4299

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SBi1909,iiRelating to the use of money in the state highway fund for toll projects. SBi1989,iiRelating to the elimination of straight-party voting for judicial offices. SBi2059,iiRelating to the determination of resident status of students by public institutions of higher education. SBi2060,iiRelating to compensation and restitution to crime victims and the disposition of unclaimed restitution payments; providing for an administrative penalty. SBi2110,iiRelating to the composition of the Port Authority Advisory Committee. SBi2114,iiRelating to certain duties of a parent or guardian regarding information in reports prepared by the Department of Family and Protective Services in adoption cases. SBi2198,iiRelating to interest that accrues under the Property Tax Code. SBi2245,iiRelating to the creation of the North Hays County Municipal Utility District No. 2; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2255,iiRelating to the composition of the Comal County Juvenile Board. SBi2263,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Lerin Hills Municipal Utility District of Kendall County; providing authority to issue bonds and impose fees and taxes. SBi2273,iiRelating to the creation of the Kendall County Water Control and Improvement District No. 4; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2292,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Meyer Ranch Municipal Utility District of Comal County; affecting an existing limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose fees and taxes. SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi21,iiRecognizing Texas as a Purple Heart State. SCRi29,iiDesignating Dripping Springs as the official Wedding Capital of Texas for a 10-year period beginning in 2017. SCRi41,iiUrging Congress to direct the Department of Defense to relocate the United States Africa Command to Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston. SRi33,iiRecognizing Armando Perez who was named the recipient of a Star of Texas Award. 4300 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4300

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SRi56,iiRecognizing February 3, 2017, as National Wear Red Day in Texas. SRi96,iiRecognizing Walter Penk for his achievements in the field of mental illness treatments for veterans. SRi191,iiRecognizing the Texas Center for the Book and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for launching the Read Across Texas program. SRi193,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day. SRi231,iiRecognizing Florence Roberta Key Fisher on the occasion of her 90th birthday. SRi232,iiRecognizing the Texas World War I Centennial Commemoration Association. SRi262,iiRecognizing Dick Cole as the last surviving Doolittle Raider. SRi308,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as VIVA San Antonio Day. SRi318,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Texas Tech University System Day. SRi347,iiRecognizing the Robert B. Green Memorial Hospital on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi416,iiRecognizing October 13, 2017, as Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. SRi466,iiRecognizing Barton Middle School and Dr. T. C. McCormick Jr. Middle School for their commitment to excellence in education. SRi484,iiRecognizing Blaine Scott and his family for their service to veterans. SRi530,iiRecognizing the third anniversary of the dedication of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument. SRi557,iiHonoring Erwin J. De Luna for his contributions as president of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi583,iiRecognizing special needs theme park, Morgan s’ Wonderland. SRi619,iiRecognizing April 5, 2017, as Gold Star Spouses Day. SRi624,iiRecognizing the Texas Cavaliers and Michael Casillas for their contributions to the San Antonio community. SRi640,iiRecognizing Jan and Kay Heining on the occasion of their 45th wedding anniversary. SRi685,iiRecognizing George "Iceman" Gervin on the occasion of his 65th birthday. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi740,iiRecognizing the fifth class of Governor William P. Clements Jr. Scholars for their commitment to public service. SRi760,iiCommemorating the 300th anniversary of the founding of San Antonio. SRi784,iiRecognizing Sharon Pierce on the occasion of her retirement. SRi788,iiIn memory of Bertha Cuellar Gonzalez. 4301 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4301

CAMPBELL, DONNAi — i(Continued) SRi809,iiRecognizing James Jennings Ulbrich on the occasion of his 90th birthday. SRi818,iiRecognizing Michael E. Thornton for his service to the nation. SRi835,iiIn memory of Scott Deem. SRi864,iiRecognizing the veterans who served as interns during the 85th Legislature for their service to the Texas Senate. SRi881,iiRecognizing Cameron Tanner and Vanessa Cortez on the occasion of their marriage. SRi916,iiRecognizing Roxanne s’ House on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II.

CREIGHTON, BRANDON SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. 4302 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4302

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi17,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi28,iiRelating to the financing of ports in the state. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. SBi86,iiRelating to the liability of a property owner who allows handguns to be carried on the owner s’ property. SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. SBi130,iiRelating to the computation of the franchise tax. SBi131,iiRelating to the use of certain surplus state revenue to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. SBi132,iiRelating to the savings incentive program for state agencies. SBi133,iiRelating to an exemption from the sales tax for firearms and hunting supplies for a limited period. SBi134,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi135,iiRelating to the submission of a report by certain entities identifying spending reduction measures. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi240,iiRelating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the appraised value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a partially disabled veteran if the residence homestead was donated to the disabled veteran by a charitable organization for less than the market value of the residence homestead. 4303 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4303

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SBi270,iiRelating to health benefit plan coverage for abuse-deterrent opioid analgesic drugs. SBi289,iiRelating to the preparation of government growth impact statements for rules proposed by state agencies. SBi293,iiRelating to the proof required to impose payment holds in certain cases of alleged fraud by Medicaid providers. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi349,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions. SBi376,iiRelating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi443,iiRelating to the Rayford Road Municipal Utility District. SBi445,iiRelating to the authorization and reporting of expenditures for lobbying activities by certain political subdivisions and other public entities. SBi519,iiRelating to the training period for a temporary insurance agent s’ license. SBi520,iiRelating to provisional permits for certain insurance agents. SBi521,iiRelating to the qualifications required of an appraisal district employee in order to testify as to the value of real property in certain ad valorem tax appeals. SBi522,iiRelating to issuing a marriage license and conducting a marriage ceremony. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi594,iiRelating to the procedure for the approval of rules adopted by the comptroller relating to the appraisal of qualified open-space land and qualified timber land for ad valorem tax purposes. SBi598,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi621,iiRelating to the liability of employees of certain real property owners for certain claims arising from construction activities. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. 4304 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4304

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SBi655,iiRelating to certain notice of the extent of a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi669,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. SBi715,iiRelating to municipal annexation. SBi718,iiRelating to the regulation of insurance adjusters. SBi764,iiRelating to accounting for costs incurred by this state as a result of the presence of persons who are not lawfully present in the United States. SBi771,iiRelating to deferred payment of ad valorem taxes for certain persons serving in the United States armed forces. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi806,iiRelating to a report concerning, and actions by certain state officers regarding, federal money provided to this state that is subject to a coercive federal condition. SBi807,iiRelating to choice of law and venue for certain construction contracts. SBi873,iiRelating to the authority and liability of owners and managers of apartment houses, manufactured home rental communities, condominiums, and multiple use facilities in charging tenants for submetered and nonsubmetered master metered water and wastewater services. SBi884,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities. SBi908,iiRelating to the operation of medical supply transport vehicles during a declared state of disaster. SBi973,iiRelating to authorization to enter onto property to survey for a proposed high-speed rail facility. SBi974,iiRelating to option contracts to acquire real property for high-speed rail projects. SBi975,iiRelating to the security of high-speed rail operated by a private entity. SBi977,iiRelating to the use of state money for high-speed rail operated by a private entity. SBi979,iiRelating to the disposition of real property intended for high-speed rail projects. SBi981,iiRelating to the compatibility of a high-speed rail facility with multiple types of train technology. SBi991,iiRelating to providing road powers to the Wood Trace Municipal Utility District No. 1, of Montgomery County, Texas; providing authority to issue bonds. SBi992,iiRelating to providing road district powers to the Wood Trace Municipal Utility District No. 3 of Montgomery County, Texas; providing authority to issue bonds. SBi993,iiRelating to providing road district powers to the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 131; providing authority to issue bonds. 4305 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4305

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SBi994,iiRelating to providing road district powers to the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 130; providing authority to issue bonds. SBi995,iiRelating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 154; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi996,iiRelating to the creation of the Trinity Lakes Municipal Utility District of Montgomery County; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1012,iiRelating to notification by an insurer of certain disciplinary actions imposed on the insurer for a violation of the insurance laws of another state. SBi1014,iiRelating to The Woodlands Township. SBi1015,iiRelating to procedures for incorporation or establishment of another form of local government for certain areas subject to a regional participation agreement. SBi1016,iiRelating to the appointment and duties of court investigators for certain courts in guardianship proceedings. SBi1018,iiRelating to the licensing of family residential centers by the Department of Family and Protective Services and the detention of certain juveniles. SBi1019,iiRelating to the dismissal of certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship in which the court has rendered a temporary order. SBi1047,iiRelating to installment payments of ad valorem taxes. SBi1102,iiRelating to weight limitations for natural gas motor vehicles. SBi1117,iiRelating to the offense of failure to comply with an order from a fire marshal. SBi1118,iiRelating to the creation of the Blaketree Municipal Utility District No. 2 of Montgomery County; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1221,iiRelating to an annual report submitted to the comptroller by a municipality that imposes certain hotel occupancy taxes. SBi1260,iiRelating to the Chambers County Improvement District No. 2. SBi1261,iiRelating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 157; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi1283,iiRelating to reciprocity requirements for nonresident insurance agents to offer or sell insurance policies issued by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. 4306 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4306

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SBi1285,iiRelating to certain information or assistance provided by life insurance agents to owners of life insurance policies. SBi1289,iiRelating to the purchase of iron and steel products made in the United States for certain governmental entity projects. SBi1290,iiRelating to access to criminal history record information by an emergency communication district. SBi1291,iiRelating to permits for oversize and overweight vehicles in a certain county. SBi1292,iiRelating to the creation of a revolving loan program to finance ship channel improvements. SBi1301,iiRelating to verification of alcohol content for prior approval of malt beverages. SBi1304,iiRelating to confidentiality, sharing, sealing, and destruction of juvenile records. SBi1306,iiRelating to the enforcement of workers ’ compensation compliance and practice requirements. SBi1361,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Sabine-Neches Navigation District of Jefferson County. SBi1395,iiRelating to the powers and duties of navigation districts and port authorities. SBi1405,iiRelating to the public sale of real property under a power of sale in a security instrument. SBi1406,iiRelating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements. SBi1419,iiRelating to eliminating the automatic admission of students to certain public institutions of higher education and scholarships for certain students who qualify for automatic admission. SBi1430,iiRelating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality provide an expedited procedure for acting on certain applications for an amendment to a water right by certain applicants that use desalinated seawater. SBi1441,iiRelating to the right of certain appellants to supersede a judgment or order on appeal. SBi1442,iiRelating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue in certain municipalities. SBi1443,iiRelating to electronic benefits transfer cards used by recipients of benefits under certain assistance programs. SBi1468,iiRelating to a franchise tax credit for entities that employ certain students in certain paid internship or similar programs. SBi1526,iiRelating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 158; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. 4307 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4307

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SBi1527,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi1528,iiRelating to the joint planning process for groundwater management. SBi1529,iiRelating to the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information regarding the availability and quality of the groundwater resources in this state by the Geo-Technology Research Institute. SBi1602,iiRelating to reporting requirements by certain health care facilities for abortion complications; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi1604,iiRelating to the establishment of a junior college by certain independent school districts. SBi1605,iiRelating to the availability of certain school district financial information on certain districts ’Internet websites. SBi1606,iiRelating to the dispensing of aesthetic pharmaceuticals by physicians; authorizing fees. SBi1607,iiRelating to the operation of vehicles transporting precast prestressed concrete products. SBi1608,iiRelating to the operation of vehicles transporting mobile cranes. SBi1704,iiRelating to the eligibility requirements for a license to carry a handgun. SBi1760,iiRelating to product tastings of alcoholic beverages on certain permitted premises. SBi1779,iiRelating to premium and maintenance tax credits related to certain fees paid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SBi1847,iiRelating to the correction of an ad valorem tax appraisal roll and related appraisal records. SBi1872,iiRelating to the medical authorization required to release protected health information in a health care liability claim. SBi1923,iiRelating to infrastructure funding for state hospital facilities and other state facilities, including the creation of the state hospital fund. SBi1943,iiRelating to restrictive covenants regarding firearms or firearms ammunition. SBi1962,iiRelating to a sales and use tax exemption for property used in master recordings and admissions to certain amusement services. SBi1963,iiRelating to requirements for educator preparation program support for certain candidates for certification. SBi1964,iiRelating to the use of land in the William Goodrich Jones State Forest. SBi1965,iiRelating to enforcement of child support obligations. SBi1966,iiRelating to certain procedures for cases and orders relating to the Title IV-D agency. SBi1967,iiRelating to modification of certain prescription drug benefits and coverage offered by certain health benefit plans. 4308 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4308

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SBi2014,iiRelating to the administration of certain water districts. SBi2015,iiRelating to the Texas Sovereignty Act. SBi2016,iiRelating to parental administrations for certain adults with intellectual disabilities and the prosecution of a related criminal offense. SBi2017,iiRelating to the regulation of commercial shrimp unloading; requiring an occupational license and authorizing a fee for certain nonresident persons. SBi2018,iiRelating to the donation of sick leave by state employees. SBi2019,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of tampering with a governmental record; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi2020,iiRelating to voter information used for juror selections. SBi2119,iiRelating to the automatic admission of students to general academic teaching institutions. SBi2166,iiRelating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenues in certain municipalities. SBi2211,iiRelating to a demonstration program for real-time processing of workers ’ compensation authorizations of payment for medical services and medical bills. SBi2221,iiRelating to increasing the punishment for certain sexual offenses committed against a child with a disability. SBi2222,iiRelating to insurance requirements for certain nonemergency medical transportation. SBi2248,iiRelating to the powers of the Harris County Improvement District No. 17. SBi2249,iiRelating to the creation of the East Lake Houston Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SBi2250,iiRelating to the board of directors of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District. SBi2265,iiRelating to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority and expanding the territory and powers of the authority; authorizing fees and the issuance of bonds. SBi2267,iiRelating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 555; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2268,iiRelating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 159; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2269,iiRelating to creation of the Bolivar Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2271,iiRelating to the creation of Port Neches Improvement District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SBi2272,iiRelating to the creation of the Beaumont Municipal Management District No. 1; providing authority to issue bonds and impose assessments, fees, or taxes. 4309 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4309

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SBi2274,iiRelating to the creation of the Lakewood Municipal Utility District No. 1; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2275,iiRelating to the creation of the Lakewood Municipal Utility District No. 2; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2276,iiRelating to the creation of Lakewood Improvement District of Harris County; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SBi2277,iiRelating to the creation of the Lakewood Municipal Utility District No. 3; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2284,iiRelating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 544; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2285,iiRelating to the boundaries of the Harris County Fresh Water Supply District No. 58. SBi2286,iiRelating to the powers, duties, and governance of the Westwood Magnolia Parkway Improvement District; authorizing assessments. SBi2287,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 525. SBi2290,iiRelating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 557; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2293,iiRelating to the creation of Montgomery County Improvement District No. 1; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi14,iiProposing a constitutional amendment concerning the use of unencumbered surplus state revenues to provide for a rebate of state franchise taxes. SJRi23,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the market value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of a partially disabled veteran if the residence homestead was donated to the disabled veteran by a charitable organization for less than the market value of the residence homestead and harmonizing certain related provisions of the Texas Constitution. 4310 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4310

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SJRi25,iiProposing a constitutional amendment requiring that any appropriations in excess of the constitutional spending limit be approved by a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house of the legislature. SJRi28,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit and provide for more than one limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. SJRi43,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi32,iiUrging Congress to provide sufficient federal funding for the construction of a storm surge barrier along the Texas coast. SCRi35,iiUrging Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for bearing the financial burden of the federal government s’ responsibility to secure the Texas-Mexico international border. SCRi51,iiUrging appropriate state agencies to support the establishment of a veterans memorial in Conroe. SCRi52,iiUrging Congress to pass S.2896, the Care Veterans Deserve Act of 2016. SRi95,iiCommending Grayson Roach for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi117,iiRecognizing Gerdau s’ Beaumont Steel Mill on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. SRi139,iiProclaiming February 6, 2017, as 9-1-1 Day. SRi140,iiProclaiming February 6, 2017, as Texas Adoptee Rights Day. SRi187,iiRecognizing Della Freeman on the occasion of her 103rd birthday. SRi188,iiRecognizing March 5 through 7, 2017, as Golden Triangle Days. SRi189,iiIn memory of John William Wiesner Jr. SRi190,iiCommending Anthony Louis Fazzino for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi193,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day. SRi253,iiDeclaring February 22, 2017, Chambers County Day. SRi254,iiRecognizing The Woodlands Family YMCA at Shadowbend on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. SRi309,iiRecognizing Lauren Holtkamp for receiving a 2017 Prudential Spirit of Community Award. SRi310,iiRecognizing Farron C. Hunt for her contributions to her community. SRi324,iiIn memory of Billy Ray "Wild Bill" Clark. SRi333,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Galveston County Day. 4311 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4311

CREIGHTON, BRANDONi — i(Continued) SRi339,iiRecognizing the 181st anniversary of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence. SRi363,iiCommending Will Easterby for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi365,iiCommending Daniel Scaramuzzi for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi366,iiCommending Will Pollard for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi367,iiCommending Michael Vickers for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi368,iiCommending Evan Loyka for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi369,iiCommending Ryan DeKoekkoek for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi375,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Montgomery County Day. SRi396,iiCommending Kyle Pogue for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi422,iiCommending Jackson Fuja for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi423,iiCommending Ethan Hatch for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi425,iiRecognizing Richard J. Tramm for his contributions to the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District. SRi457,iiRecognizing Eunice and Nicholas Peet on the occasion of their 75th wedding anniversary. SRi476,iiIn memory of Bobby G. Yancey. SRi506,iiRecognizing March 23, 2017, as Community Impact Newspaper Day. SRi507,iiIn memory of William Ross "Iron Bill" Dowling. SRi544,iiRecognizing the Tin Roof BBQ Cook-off. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi648,iiRecognizing the Conroe Symphony Orchestra on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi732,iiCommending Aiden Joseph Vennard for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi742,iiRecognizing the dedication of the Salvation Army Wayne Bergstrom Center of Hope. SRi754,iiIn memory of Thais Hamm Cochran. SRi780,iiRecognizing The Red Brick Tavern for winning the Best Burger in Town contest. SRi918,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 1289. SRi936,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 2014. SRi944,iiRecognizing A. R. "Babe" Schwartz for his contributions to the state. 4312 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4312

ESTES, CRAIG SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi26,iiRelating to the Texas emissions reduction plan and other related programs and measures to reduce emissions. SBi31,iiRelating to the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle; creating a criminal offense; modifying existing criminal penalties. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. 4313 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4313

ESTES, CRAIGi — i(Continued) SBi178,iiRelating to the repeal of the franchise tax. SBi277,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices. SBi300,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Railroad Commission of Texas; providing for the imposition of fees. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi573,iiRelating to the disposition of proceeds from the sale of freshwater fishing stamps issued by the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi580,iiRelating to the licensure or certification of volunteer firefighters and members of industrial emergency response teams. SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi618,iiRelating to the liability of certain property owners who allow handguns to be carried on certain property. SBi619,iiRelating to county and municipal cooperation with state and federal immigration law enforcement and efforts to enhance international border security. SBi634,iiRelating to reporting requirements for certain skills development fund workforce training program providers. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi697,iiRelating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization. SBi775,iiRelating to providing information to the public and to purchasers of real property regarding the impact of military installations. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi822,iiRelating to the transfer of certain property from The University of Texas System to the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi832,iiRelating to the authority of certain municipalities to pledge revenue from the municipal hotel occupancy tax for the payment of obligations related to hotel projects. SBi842,iiRelating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi983,iiRelating to the Texas Funeral Service Commission; authorizing fees. 4314 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4314

ESTES, CRAIGi — i(Continued) SBi1026,iiRelating to the method for determining whether a property owner has created the number of new qualifying jobs required for eligibility for a limitation on the appraised value of property for school district maintenance and operations ad valorem tax purposes under the Texas Economic Development Act. SBi1027,iiRelating to the authority of the governing body of a school district to waive the new jobs creation requirement for the purpose of eligibility for a limitation on the appraised value of property for school district maintenance and operations ad valorem tax purposes under the Texas Economic Development Act. SBi1028,iiRelating to a periodic review of local government programs that award economic development incentives to business entities. SBi1045,iiRelating to the consolidation of public notice requirements for certain air quality permit applications. SBi1046,iiRelating to sources of funding for the Texas emissions reduction plan. SBi1054,iiRelating to increasing the punishment for certain offenses committed by a person who is unlawfully present in the United States; changing eligibility for parole and mandatory supervision. SBi1105,iiRelating to the abolishment of the used oil recycling account, deposits of used oil recycling fees, and use of the water resource management account. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1171,iiRelating to the suspension and reactivation of the operation of the Texas Health Reinsurance System. SBi1386,iiRelating to the use of habitual toll violator remedies by certain toll project entities. SBi1393,iiRelating to the services that require a structural pest control license; changing the applicability of an occupational license. SBi1406,iiRelating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements. SBi1421,iiRelating to access to criminal history record information by the Railroad Commission of Texas. SBi1422,iiRelating to the protection and use of intellectual property by the Railroad Commission of Texas. SBi1432,iiRelating to the regulation of sport lagoons and granting rulemaking authority. SBi1446,iiRelating to contested cases conducted under the Administrative Procedure Act. SBi1447,iiRelating to the liability of a sport shooting range. SBi1448,iiRelating to restricting employers from prohibiting certain employees from carrying, transporting, storing, or using handguns or ammunition. 4315 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4315

ESTES, CRAIGi — i(Continued) SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1514,iiRelating to the eligibility of land to continue to be appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land if the land begins to be used for oil and gas operations. SBi1530,iiRelating to the regulation of persons and business activities subject to regulation by certain finance agencies. SBi1541,iiRelating to the treatment and recycling for beneficial use of drill cuttings. SBi1603,iiRelating to state agency investigations. SBi1627,iiRelating to consulting agreements, limitation on appraised value, and supplemental payments under the Texas Economic Development Act. SBi1628,iiRelating to the replacement of contested case hearings for certain environmental permits with a petition for administrative review. SBi1629,iiRelating to systems of prior authorization for the control, management, and disposal of certain nonhazardous, industrial solid wastes for which there are minimum federal requirements. SBi1720,iiRelating to the identification of breeder deer by use of microchip implants. SBi1835,iiRelating to names of domestic and foreign filing entities for transacting business in this state; creating an offense. SBi2058,iiRelating to criminal history record information obtained by the savings and mortgage lending commissioner. SBi2209,iiRelating to the regulation of package store permit holders. SBi2246,iiRelating to the board of trustees of the Weatherford Junior College District. SJRi20,iiProposing a constitutional amendment relating to the appropriation of the net revenue received from the imposition of the state sales and use tax on sporting goods. SJRi38,iiRescinding certain applications made by the Texas Legislature to the United States Congress to call a national convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for proposing any amendment to that Constitution. SJRi51,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide that the eligibility of open-space land for ad valorem taxation on the basis of its productive capacity does not end because an oil and gas lessee begins conducting oil and gas operations on the land if the land otherwise continues to be devoted to farm, ranch, or wildlife management purposes or timber production. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi26,iiUrging Congress to review federal regulations on the oil and gas industry. 4316 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4316

ESTES, CRAIGi — i(Continued) SCRi35,iiUrging Congress to reimburse the State of Texas for bearing the financial burden of the federal government s’ responsibility to secure the Texas-Mexico international border. SRi31,iiIn memory of Anita Palmer Hackley. SRi32,iiRecognizing Nick Schreiber for being named the Texas Big Brother of the Year. SRi83,iiRecognizing January 31, 2017, as Palo Pinto County Day. SRi163,iiCelebrating February 16, 2017, as East Parker County Day. SRi164,iiWelcoming members of the Texas Aggregates and Concrete Association to the Capitol. SRi274,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Liquefied Natural Gas Day. SRi306,iiCelebrating February 28 and March 1, 2017, as Denton County Days. SRi405,iiRecognizing Theodore Roosevelt IV for his commitment to conservation. SRi411,iiIn memory of Donald Blair Lang Jr. SRi412,iiCelebrating March 16, 2017, as Absolutely Incredible Kid Day. SRi426,iiRecognizing March 21, 2017, as Tarleton State University Day. SRi440,iiRecognizing March 21, 2017, as Stephenville Day. SRi468,iiRecognizing March 22, 2017, as Texas Energy Day. SRi515,iiRecognizing March 28 and 29, 2017, as Collin County Days. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi711,iiIn memory of Harrison Brown. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi718,iiRecognizing May 8 through 13, 2017, as Economic Development Week in Sherman, Texas. SRi759,iiIn memory of Harrison Brown. SRi765,iiRecognizing Frenchy and Teri Rheault for their contributions to the Denton community. SRi781,iiCongratulating the Texas Woman s’ University gymnastics team on winning the 2017 USA Gymnastics Women s’ Collegiate National Championships. SRi857,iiRecognizing the Aledo High School football team for winning a state championship. SRi943,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on HB 2445.

GARCIA, SYLVIA SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. 4317 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4317

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. SBi47,iiRelating to a study on the availability of information regarding convictions and deferred dispositions for certain misdemeanors punishable by fine only. SBi49,iiRelating to the appointment by certain elected officials of students to receive a Texas Armed Services Scholarship. SBi50,iiRelating to the offense of hazing. SBi78,iiRelating to the disposition of state surplus or salvage data processing equipment by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. SBi82,iiRelating to prohibiting the temporary closure of segments of the state highway system on days that certain scheduled events are being held in certain municipalities. SBi87,iiRelating to registration of a motor vehicle alleged to have been involved in a violation detected by a photographic traffic signal enforcement system. SBi102,iiRelating to general officers within the state military department. SBi115,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of certain open meetings. SBi128,iiRelating to the inclusion of education and training regarding human trafficking in the curriculum of commercial driver s’ license training programs offered by public junior colleges and career schools and colleges and to certain requirements for commercial driver s’ licenses. SBi129,iiRelating to a sales and use tax exemption for certain feminine hygiene products. SBi143,iiRelating to the provision of the reason for rejecting a voter registration application. SBi144,iiRelating to the use of a mobile phone by a person occupying a voting station. SBi145,iiRelating to a voter education program for high school seniors. SBi146,iiRelating to automatic update of voter registration on issuance or change of a driver s’ license or identification card by the Department of Public Safety. 4318 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4318

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi147,iiRelating to automatic voter registration on issuance or change of a driver s’ license or identification card by the Department of Public Safety. SBi148,iiRelating to eligibility to serve as an interpreter in an election. SBi149,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain persons younger than 18 years of age to preregister to vote. SBi150,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain persons younger than 18 years of age to preregister to vote. SBi165,iiRelating to the prohibition of certain discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; providing an administrative penalty; creating an offense. SBi166,iiRelating to the repeal of the offense of homosexual conduct. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi191,iiRelating to the ability of a nonexempt employee to participate in certain academic, disciplinary, college and career readiness, and developmental activities of the employee s’ child or grandchild. SBi192,iiRelating to a comprehensive review by the Texas Education Agency of weights, allotments, and adjustments under the public school finance system. SBi193,iiRelating to Texas community schools. SBi194,iiRelating to the use of seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi195,iiRelating to funding under the transportation allotment for public school students subject to a high risk of violence while walking to school. SBi196,iiRelating to a notification requirement if a public school, including an open-enrollment charter school, does not have a nurse, school counselor, or librarian assigned to the school during all instructional hours. SBi213,iiRelating to the office of ombudsman for the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi227,iiRelating to certain substances listed in Penalty Group 2 of the Texas Controlled Substances Act. SBi278,iiRelating to the creation of an offense for failing to secure certain children in a rear-facing child passenger safety seat system. SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi325,iiRelating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted. 4319 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4319

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi326,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged. SBi327,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi330,iiRelating to the qualification of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. SBi341,iiRelating to the consequences of the possession of illegal synthetic cannabinoids on a holder of or applicant for certain alcoholic beverage licenses and liability of a person who provides, sells, or serves a synthetic cannabinoid to another person. SBi344,iiRelating to the authority of emergency medical services personnel of certain emergency medical services providers to transport a person for emergency detention. SBi367,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi368,iiRelating to the regulation of automotive wrecking and salvage yards in certain counties. SBi369,iiRelating to the right of a public employee to representation in certain internal investigatory interviews. SBi370,iiRelating to the discipline and behavior management of a student enrolled in a grade level below grade three at a school district or open-enrollment charter school. SBi402,iiRelating to notice provided to persons with disabilities regarding the eligibility of persons with disabilities to use certain public transportation services. SBi448,iiRelating to the procedure for canceling a deferral or abatement of collection of ad valorem taxes on the residence homestead of an elderly person. SBi462,iiRelating to a database of employers penalized for failure to pay wages or convicted of certain offenses involving wage theft. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi473,iiRelating to paid rest breaks for construction employees of construction contractors and subcontractors; providing an administrative penalty. SBi474,iiRelating to required provision of workers ’ compensation insurance coverage for employees of building and construction contractors and subcontractors. SBi475,iiRelating to safety training for employees performing construction work under a contract with a governmental entity; providing administrative penalties. SBi476,iiRelating to claims for unpaid wages. SBi489,iiRelating to recommendations regarding instruction in public schools to prevent the use of e-cigarettes. 4320 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4320

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi506,iiRelating to certain voting systems. SBi508,iiRelating to including student input before the adoption of a major curriculum initiative by a school district. SBi517,iiRelating to the compensation provided to the governing body of certain special districts. SBi518,iiRelating to a franchise tax credit for entities that employ certain students in certain paid internship or similar programs. SBi546,iiRelating to the quality of water provided by public drinking water supply systems to state supported living centers. SBi552,iiRelating to health benefit plan coverage of hearing aids and cochlear implants for certain individuals. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi581,iiRelating to the requirements for a change of name for a person with a final felony conviction or a person required to register as a sex offender. SBi582,iiRelating to the discharge of a prisoner from a county jail. SBi584,iiRelating to guidelines for prescribing opioid antagonists. SBi588,iiRelating to information regarding private employers who have veteran s’ employment preference policies. SBi666,iiRelating to a sign required to be posted in the restrooms of sexually oriented businesses; creating a criminal offense. SBi693,iiRelating to three-point seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi717,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property damaged in a disaster. SBi725,iiRelating to the donation and distribution of food at public schools. SBi727,iiRelating to excluding certain students from the computation of dropout and completion rates for purposes of public school accountability. SBi748,iiRelating to transition planning for a public school student enrolled in a special education program. SBi752,iiRelating to the overseas military e-mail ballot program. SBi794,iiRelating to the biennial report to the legislature on grants made to entities under the Texas Enterprise Fund. 4321 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4321

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi884,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities. SBi900,iiRelating to penalties for certain family violence offenses and for assultive offenses against certain persons; imposing court costs. SBi908,iiRelating to the operation of medical supply transport vehicles during a declared state of disaster. SBi920,iiRelating to access to a residence or former residence to retrieve personal property, including access based on danger of family violence. SBi925,iiRelating to the facilitation of voting by persons confined in certain jails. SBi961,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of a journeyman lineman. SBi962,iiRelating to requiring public institutions of higher education to develop and establish an online reporting system for sex offenses. SBi968,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at certain public and private institutions of higher education and to requiring those institutions to provide students and employees an option to electronically report certain offenses to the institution. SBi969,iiRelating to requiring certain public and private institutions of higher education to provide amnesty to students who report certain incidents, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking. SBi972,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem taxation purposes of real property on which a building completely destroyed by a casualty is located. SBi989,iiRelating to the maximum loan amount made to persons under the owner-builder loan program. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi998,iiRelating to the statute of limitations for the offense of exploitation of a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1063,iiRelating to the investigation of an anonymous report of suspected abuse or neglect of a child. SBi1089,iiRelating to the certification of food service workers. SBi1113,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility in buildings operated by certain governmental entities and public schools; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi1115,iiRelating to the revocation of certain water utilities ’certificate of public convenience and necessity for major rules violations. SBi1121,iiRelating to the presumption of intent in the prosecution of certain criminal cases involving theft by check or issuance of a bad check. 4322 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4322

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi1123,iiRelating to conditions on the receipt of tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for adopted students formerly in foster or other residential care. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1139,iiRelating to the allocation of certain fees on the sale of cigarettes and cigarette tobacco products manufactured by certain companies to the permanent health fund for higher education and to the use of money in that fund. SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1159,iiRelating to exempting course materials purchased, used, or consumed by certain students from the sales and use tax. SBi1160,iiRelating to a prohibition on sex discrimination in compensation. SBi1161,iiRelating to access to certain preventive health and family planning services. SBi1162,iiRelating to the payment of gratuities to certain employees. SBi1163,iiRelating to establishing and funding a grant program for testing evidence collected in relation to sexual assaults or other sex offenses; authorizing voluntary contributions. SBi1165,iiRelating to judicial proceedings on a petition to set aside a conviction or an order of expunction of arrest records and files for certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution who are convicted of certain offenses. SBi1166,iiRelating to providing for the review of certain county departments of education by the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi1189,iiRelating to the provision of information and other services relating to emergency contraception to sexual assault survivors. SBi1192,iiRelating to an alert for a missing senior citizen or person with Alzheimer s’ disease. SBi1194,iiRelating to community outreach on the dangers of abusable synthetic substances. SBi1195,iiRelating to studies and reports on the prosecution of criminal cases involving abusable synthetic substances. SBi1196,iiRelating to the declaration of a common nuisance involving a computer network or web address. SBi1203,iiRelating to the issuance of subpoenas or certain other court orders with respect to an online service provider in the investigation or prosecution of certain criminal offenses. SBi1214,iiRelating to a succession plan for a regional public defender s’ office that primarily handles capital cases. 4323 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4323

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi1220,iiRelating to ensuring continuity of education and access to higher education, career information, and skills certification for foster care youth and former foster care youth. SBi1242,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain personal information of an applicant for or a person protected by a protective order. SBi1244,iiRelating to the prima facie speed limit in an urban district. SBi1245,iiRelating to the creation of the Vision Zero Task Force to propose a plan to eliminate traffic deaths in this state. SBi1250,iiRelating to the admissibility of certain evidence in the prosecution of certain offenses involving family violence. SBi1251,iiRelating to making a voluntary contribution to the Ending Homelessness fund when registering a motor vehicle or renewing a motor vehicle registration. SBi1269,iiRelating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on flood control infrastructure for Harris and Galveston Counties. SBi1304,iiRelating to confidentiality, sharing, sealing, and destruction of juvenile records. SBi1311,iiRelating to the creation of a Texas resident driver s’ permit, provisional Texas resident driver s’ permit, and Texas resident driver s’ instruction permit and the amount and allocation of state traffic fine funds; creating an offense. SBi1341,iiRelating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the issuance of associated vital records and documentation; authorizing a fee. SBi1342,iiRelating to prohibited nonconsensual genital surgery on certain minors with intersex traits. SBi1345,iiRelating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by a charitable organization and used to provide tax return preparation and other financial services without regard to the beneficiaries ’ability to pay. SBi1398,iiRelating to the placement and use of video cameras in certain self-contained classrooms or other settings providing special education services. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1484,iiRelating to the creation of an instructional materials web portal by the commissioner of education. SBi1489,iiRelating to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority. SBi1579,iiRelating to authorizing the secretary of state to terminate the existence of a domestic filing entity if a substantial owner or governing person of the entity has been convicted of human trafficking or compelling prostitution. SBi1580,iiRelating to the testing of drinking water from and the replacement and repair of drinking water outlets and water lines on publicly owned and operated property. SBi1581,iiRelating to a public defender s’ investigation into a defendant s’ finances. 4324 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4324

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi1582,iiRelating to community supervision in this state and the waiver or modification of certain fees, fines, and costs imposed on certain defendants; changing fees applicable to community supervision or a defendant s’ participation in certain programs. SBi1583,iiRelating to the commitment of a defendant who is found incompetent to stand trial and who is a person with an intellectual disability. SBi1584,iiRelating to the conditions of community supervision. SBi1586,iiRelating to the minimum wage, including authorizing certain counties and municipalities to establish a minimum wage. SBi1587,iiRelating to lead in drinking water at public schools. SBi1599,iiRelating to maternal mortality reporting and investigation information. SBi1609,iiRelating to regulation by a property owners ’ association of certain religious displays. SBi1656,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain municipalities to establish homestead preservation districts and reinvestment zones. SBi1693,iiRelating to a study of seniors with a visual impairment by the Aging Texas Well Advisory Committee. SBi1739,iiRelating to the suspension, termination, and reinstatement of certain services provided to military service members who are serving on active duty. SBi1757,iiRelating to confidential communications of victims of certain family violence offenses. SBi1765,iiRelating to tax increment reinvestment zone transparency and accountability. SBi1777,iiRelating to the imposition of a criminal penalty for the violation of a rule adopted or order issued under the Flood Control and Insurance Act. SBi1778,iiRelating to the provision of information regarding firearm safety and suicide prevention. SBi1787,iiRelating to the functions and administration of the Health and Human Services Commission and the commission s’ office of inspector general in relation to fraud, waste, and abuse in health and human services. SBi1806,iiRelating to requiring the use of multidisciplinary teams appointed by children s’ advocacy centers in certain child abuse investigations. SBi1824,iiRelating to punishment for the offense of forgery and to a fee imposed on certain defendants who commit the offense. SBi1834,iiRelating to the allocation of money associated with delays of transportation projects. SBi1836,iiRelating to a study on the adjudication of juveniles charged with misdemeanors punishable by fine only and the use of certain terms signifying age in the criminal justice and juvenile justice statutes of this state. 4325 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4325

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1850,iiRelating to public outreach materials to foster awareness of certain public school curriculum requirements. SBi1851,iiRelating to the confidential and privileged communications and records of victims of certain sexual assault offenses. SBi1852,iiRelating to a study on dropout prevention and recovery before the ninth grade. SBi1853,iiRelating to notice provided by an applicant to house inmates released on parole or to mandatory supervision. SBi1857,iiRelating to the exchange of certain information between the Department of Family and Protective Services or certain foster care services contractors and a state or local juvenile justice agency. SBi1864,iiRelating to the administration of the Port of Houston Authority. SBi1882,iiRelating to a school district contract to partner with an open-enrollment charter school to operate a district campus. SBi1911,iiRelating to the provision of certain self-help resources by state and county courts, including through the Internet website of a state court and in the office of the court clerk. SBi1914,iiRelating to the examination of volunteer deputy registrars. SBi1934,iiRelating to requiring the Teacher Retirement System of Texas to notify employees of an open-enrollment charter school of the revocation, nonrenewal, expiration, or surrender of a charter. SBi1975,iiRelating to establishing the Texas Peace Officers ’Memorial Ceremony Committee to recognize and honor peace officers who were killed in the line of duty. SBi1977,iiRelating to the authority of the independent ombudsman for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department to investigate and evaluate certain juvenile facilities. SBi1990,iiRelating to low income housing tax credits awarded for certain developments. SBi1991,iiRelating to the administration of federal funds under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act. SBi2100,iiRelating to a study of the fees charged by the Railroad Commission of Texas. SBi2101,iiRelating to the inspection, maintenance, and repair of guardrails by the Texas Department of Transportation. SBi2102,iiRelating to the authority of certain municipalities to lower speed limits on certain highways. SBi2103,iiRelating to the authority of certain municipalities to alter prima facie speed limits. SBi2105,iiRelating to the requirement that the Texas Workforce Commission provide certain employment information for secondary school students. 4326 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4326

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SBi2118,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi2144,iiRelating to the creation of a commission to recommend improvements to the public school finance system. SBi2192,iiRelating to the economic impact of closures on the state highway system during certain periods. SBi2238,iiRelating to certain sexual offenses and certain other offenses involving conduct of a sexual nature, including the creation of the criminal offenses of sexual coercion, indecent assault, and possession or promotion of lewd visual material depicting a child, and to certain criminal acts committed in relation to those offenses. SBi2265,iiRelating to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority and expanding the territory and powers of the authority; authorizing fees and the issuance of bonds. SBi2294,iiRelating to the use of regional mobility authority toll projects by public school buses. SJRi16,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the constitutional provision providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage. SJRi44,iiProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the recognition of equal rights of all people. SCRi32,iiUrging Congress to provide sufficient federal funding for the construction of a storm surge barrier along the Texas coast. SCRi37,iiUrging Congress to increase appropriations from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to properly maintain ship channels. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi41,iiUrging Congress to direct the Department of Defense to relocate the United States Africa Command to Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston. SCRi42,iiDirecting the Texas Department of Transportation to adopt a Vision Zero strategy to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries. SCRi46,iiDirecting the Texas Facilities Commission to rename the State Insurance Building in the Capitol Complex in honor of former president George H. W. Bush. SRi39,iiRecognizing the Greater Houston League of United Latin American Citizens Council 4241 for its commitment to civil rights. SRi155,iiRecognizing the Houston Hispanic Forum on the occasion of its Career and Education Day. SRi252,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Literacy Education Day. SRi272,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as the Day of the Fallen. SRi341,iiRecognizing March 6, 2017, as Texas Social Work Day. 4327 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4327

GARCIA, SYLVIAi — i(Continued) SRi345,iiRecognizing the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker in honor of James Sherwood Lucas and his son, Alfred T. Lucas. SRi364,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Houston East End Chamber of Commerce Day. SRi374,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Space Day. SRi387,iiCelebrating March 13, 2017, as Houston Advocacy Day. SRi452,iiRecognizing David L. Smith and Linda Smith on the occasion of their 25th pastoral anniversary. SRi474,iiRecognizing Amber Anderson Mostyn for being honored at the 2017 Annie s’ List Houston Luncheon. SRi547,iiRecognizing the Denver Harbor Little League on the occasion of its 58th anniversary. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi610,iiRecognizing the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi653,iiRecognizing the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker in honor of the life of James Robert Cade. SRi654,iiRecognizing April 25, 2017, as San Jacinto College Day. SRi684,iiRecognizing Johnny N. Mata on the occasion of his 80th birthday. SRi710,iiRecognizing Fran Valenzuela for her contributions to her community. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi773,iiRecognizing Joe Fred Russell on the occasion of his 20th anniversary as pastor of Greater Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church. SRi854,iiObserving National Gun Violence Awareness Day on June 2, 2017. SRi892,iiRecognizing John G. Pohlman on the occasion of his retirement. SRi925,iiRecognizing Diane Schenke for her contributions to the East End area of Houston.

HALL, BOB SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi3,iiRelating to the establishment of an education savings account program and a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. 4328 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4328

HALL, BOBi — i(Continued) SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi17,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. SBi18,iiRelating to public institutions of higher education setting aside portions of designated tuition for student financial assistance. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi38,iiRelating to certain procedural matters in courts exercising probate jurisdiction. 4329 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4329

HALL, BOBi — i(Continued) SBi40,iiRelating to the bond required and the bond insurance obtained for certain judges. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. SBi84,iiRelating to a pilot project for financing certain Texas Department of Transportation projects. SBi85,iiRelating to the verification of employment authorization by state contractors and state grant recipients, including the use of the federal E-verify program, and to authorization for the suspension of certain licenses held by private employers for the knowing employment of persons not lawfully present in this state; authorizing a fee. SBi86,iiRelating to the liability of a property owner who allows handguns to be carried on the owner s’ property. SBi87,iiRelating to registration of a motor vehicle alleged to have been involved in a violation detected by a photographic traffic signal enforcement system. SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. SBi89,iiRelating to the execution or enforcement of federal laws that violate the Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution. SBi90,iiRelating to the repeal of the driver responsibility program. SBi91,iiRelating to the use of automatic license plate readers by a law enforcement agency. SBi92,iiRelating to prohibition of certain regulations by a county, municipality, or other political subdivision. SBi93,iiRelating to prohibiting public funds from being used to enforce certain federal or international laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas. SBi94,iiRelating to a ribbon for certain members of the military forces who served in support of operations to secure the Texas border. SBi95,iiRelating to the regulation of raw milk and raw milk products; adding a provision subject to a criminal penalty. SBi96,iiRelating to Internet access to meetings of the board of directors of a regional mobility authority. SBi97,iiRelating to the deadline for filing an application for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of a 100 percent or totally disabled veteran. SBi98,iiRelating to removing the requirement for bilingual education and special language programs for certain students of limited English proficiency. SBi99,iiRelating to the abolishment of the Music, Film, Television, and Multimedia Office in the office of the governor and other incentives for media productions. SBi100,iiRelating to abolishing the Texas Enterprise Fund and the disposition of the balance of that fund. 4330 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4330

HALL, BOBi — i(Continued) SBi101,iiRelating to commissioned security officers employed by the board of trustees of a school district. SBi102,iiRelating to general officers within the state military department. SBi103,iiRelating to the provision of bags to customers of a business at the point of sale. SBi104,iiRelating to prohibiting certain physician questions regarding firearms. SBi105,iiRelating to abolishing the Pan American Games trust fund, trust fund, Major Events reimbursement program fund, Motor Sports Racing trust fund, and Events trust fund. SBi106,iiRelating to criminal offenses applicable to gambling devices, including eight-liners. SBi107,iiRelating to rules adopted by the Texas Ethics Commission relating to lobbyists or the reporting of political contributions or expenditures. SBi108,iiRelating to increasing the punishment for certain felony offenses committed by a person who is unlawfully present in the United States. SBi132,iiRelating to the savings incentive program for state agencies. SBi135,iiRelating to the submission of a report by certain entities identifying spending reduction measures. SBi210,iiRelating to the required repeal or amendment of two state agency rules before adoption of a new state agency rule that increases costs to regulated persons. SBi246,iiRelating to the eligibility of applicants for the state bar examination. SBi250,iiRelating to limitations on increases in fees and designated tuition charged by certain public institutions of higher education. SBi258,iiRelating to the disposition of embryonic and fetal tissue remains; imposing a civil penalty. SBi260,iiRelating to the abolishment of the Office of Immigration and Refugee Affairs and the Governor s’ Advisory Committee on Immigration and Refugees. SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. SBi349,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions. SBi372,iiRelating to regulation of title insurance. SBi373,iiRelating to designating English as the official language of this state. SBi399,iiRelating to nontolled lanes on a highway that has been converted from a nontolled highway to a toll project. SBi405,iiRelating to voting and election procedures; creating an offense. SBi406,iiRelating to certificates of birth resulting in stillbirth, fetal death certificates, and the disposition of fetal remains; imposing administrative penalties. 4331 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4331

HALL, BOBi — i(Continued) SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi448,iiRelating to the procedure for canceling a deferral or abatement of collection of ad valorem taxes on the residence homestead of an elderly person. SBi454,iiRelating to certain protective orders in a suit for dissolution of marriage or a suit affecting the parent-child relationship, including a proceeding to adjudicate parentage. SBi488,iiRelating to requirements for certain petitions requesting an election and ballot propositions. SBi493,iiRelating to the sunset review of regional mobility authorities. SBi500,iiRelating to the effect of certain felony convictions of public elected officers. SBi501,iiRelating to the disclosure of certain contracts, services, and compensation in personal financial statements filed by public officers and candidates. SBi502,iiRelating to the content of detailed reports filed by lobbyists and to monetary limits on expenditures by lobbyists. SBi504,iiRelating to lobbying by former members of the legislature; creating an offense. SBi505,iiRelating to restrictions on lobbyist expenditures from certain political contributions. SBi514,iiRelating to an interstate compact on border security and refugee resettlement; authorizing fines and fees. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi578,iiRelating to the creation by the Health and Human Services Commission of a veteran suicide prevention action plan. SBi588,iiRelating to information regarding private employers who have veteran s’ employment preference policies. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi655,iiRelating to certain notice of the extent of a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi813,iiRelating to recovery of damages, attorney s’ fees, and costs related to frivolous regulatory actions by state agencies. 4332 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4332

HALL, BOBi — i(Continued) SBi822,iiRelating to the transfer of certain property from The University of Texas System to the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi943,iiRelating to limitations on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi1001,iiRelating to vehicle safety inspections, including vehicles exempt from those inspections. SBi1068,iiRelating to physical fitness assessment of public school students. SBi1122,iiRelating to abolishing certain county boards of education, boards of county school trustees, and offices of county school superintendent. SBi1125,iiRelating to the early voting period. SBi1126,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of State Highway 352 as the Staff Sergeant Jeremie S. Border Memorial Highway. SBi1127,iiRelating to nontolled lanes on a highway that has been converted from a nontolled highway to a toll project. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1141,iiRelating to instruction of certain students in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. SBi1142,iiRelating to providing for an automatic vote recount in the case of certain election discrepancies; creating an offense. SBi1143,iiRelating to a prohibition on converting high occupancy vehicle highway lanes to tolled lanes. SBi1144,iiRelating to the use of direct recording electronic voting machines. SBi1151,iiRelating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education. SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1173,iiRelating to evaluation of public school performance. SBi1213,iiRelating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients. SBi1248,iiRelating to municipal regulation of manufactured home communities. SBi1287,iiRelating to compliance with prohibitions regarding the use of common core state standards in public schools. SBi1307,iiRelating to the authority of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct to discipline judges. SBi1308,iiRelating to the program to provide free or reduced-price meals to certain public school students. 4333 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4333

HALL, BOBi — i(Continued) SBi1309,iiRelating to state requirements for teacher training and student instruction regarding certain subjects in public schools. SBi1310,iiRelating to elimination of the requirement that a school district establish a local school health advisory council. SBi1316,iiRelating to staff development in suicide prevention for public school educators. SBi1356,iiRelating to distracted driving collisions; creating an offense. SBi1357,iiRelating to the right of public officers to information of certain governmental entities; creating a criminal offense. SBi1358,iiRelating to the sunset review of the Legislative Budget Board and a study by the comptroller on the accuracy of fiscal notes prepared by the Legislative Budget Board. SBi1437,iiRelating to payment for the use of a highway toll project. SBi1714,iiRelating to the expenditure of proceeds and property from and the state s’ burden of proof in asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure. SBi1715,iiRelating to the use of corrugated stainless steel tubing in residential and commercial structures. SBi1716,iiRelating to expenditures for lobbying activities made by a recipient of state money. SBi1717,iiRelating to the location and hours for early voting by personal appearance. SBi1718,iiRelating to legislative review and approval of certain state agency rules. SBi1719,iiRelating to a defense to prosecution for the offense of trespass by certain persons carrying handguns. SBi1731,iiRelating to the repeal of laws governing certain state entities, including the functions of those entities, and to certain duties, responsibilities, and functions of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on the abolishment of certain of those entities. SBi1733,iiRelating to recognition of certain identification documents by governmental officials. SBi1736,iiRelating to the liability of a person who allows handguns to be carried on property owned, controlled, or managed by the person. SBi1786,iiRelating to the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools. SBi1812,iiRelating to the authority of an appraisal district to use public money for lobbying activity. SBi1942,iiRelating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school. SBi2012,iiRelating to the study of an economic impact zone by the Texas Department of Transportation. SBi2090,iiRelating to procedures for uniform procedures for conducting an election. 4334 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4334

HALL, BOBi — i(Continued) SBi2091,iiRelating to an election authorizing the issuance of bonds or an increase in taxes by a political subdivision. SBi2092,iiRelating to the process for review after a decision to terminate a teacher s’ contract or suspend a teacher without pay. SBi2093,iiRelating to the regulation of motor vehicle dealers, manufacturers, and distributors. SBi2094,iiRelating to establishment of the immigration authority delegation training grant program for local law enforcement agencies. SBi2095,iiRelating to regulation of steroid use by students participating in athletic competitions sponsored or sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League. SBi2096,iiRelating to the regulation of the conduct of certain counseling professions. SBi2097,iiRelating to the use of gold and silver coins and bullion. SBi2098,iiRelating to requirements for underground facility damage prevention and safety. SBi2099,iiRelating to the authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas to enforce requirements for the prevention of damage to interstate and intrastate underground facilities. SBi2145,iiRelating to the public school finance system. SBi2172,iiRelating to determination of resident status. SJRi7,iiProposing a constitutional amendment regarding the execution or enforcement of federal laws that violate the Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution. SJRi8,iiProposing a constitutional amendment denying bail to certain persons who are unlawfully present in the United States and are taken into custody for committing a felony. SJRi9,iiProposing a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to life of unborn children and prohibiting abortion to the extent authorized under federal constitutional law. SJRi25,iiProposing a constitutional amendment requiring that any appropriations in excess of the constitutional spending limit be approved by a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house of the legislature. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi2,iiUrging Congress to propose and submit to the states for ratification the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi5,iiDesignating Rockwall as the official Live Music Capital of North Texas. SCRi30,iiGranting Barbara Stegall permission to sue the Texas Municipal League, TML MultiState Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool, Inc., and UMR, Inc. 4335 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4335

HALL, BOBi — i(Continued) SCRi55,iiRequesting the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives to create a joint interim committee to study the security of the Texas electric grid. SRi198,iiRecognizing February 16, 2017, as Rowlett Day. SRi199,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Garland Day. SRi280,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Van Zandt County Day. SRi281,iiRecognizing February 26 through 28, 2017, as Rockwall County Days. SRi283,iiRecognizing Jerry Jones on the occasion of his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. SRi296,iiRecognizing March 27, 2017, as Kaufman County Day. SRi297,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as Fannin County Day. SRi322,iiRecognizing March 2, 2017, as Hunt County Day. SRi335,iiHonoring Bryan Shaw and Danny Shaw. SRi392,iiRecognizing March 9, 2017, as Hopkins County Day. SRi437,iiRecognizing the Forney BBQ Cook-Off and Festival. SRi458,iiRecognizing March 30, 2017, as Balch Springs Day. SRi459,iiRecognizing March 23, 2017, as Seagoville Day. SRi473,iiRecognizing the fire departments that responded to a structure fire in Balch Springs. SRi549,iiRecognizing April 2017 as Parkinson s’ Disease Awareness Month. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi586,iiRecognizing April 11 and 12, 2017, as Leadership Mesquite Days. SRi587,iiRecognizing the dedication of the Dr. D. Arlington Talbot Building at Texas A&M University–Commerce. SRi598,iiRecognizing April 25, 2017, as Rains County Day. SRi682,iiRecognizing May 7 through 9, 2017, as Hopkins County Adult Leadership Days. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi937,iiIn memory of James Clayton Young.

HANCOCK, KELLY SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi3,iiRelating to the establishment of an education savings account program and a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. 4336 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4336

HANCOCK, KELLYi — i(Continued) SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. 4337 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4337

HANCOCK, KELLYi — i(Continued) SBi451,iiRelating to regulation of short-term rentals and short-term rental marketplaces by municipalities and counties. SBi452,iiRelating to the effect of certain agreements with a collective bargaining organization on certain state-funded public work contracts. SBi453,iiRelating to the interests of certain holding companies in certain repair facilities. SBi507,iiRelating to mediation of the settlement of certain out-of-network health benefit claims involving balance billing. SBi558,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of State Highway 360 in Ellis and Tarrant Counties as the Senator Chris Harris Memorial Highway. SBi559,iiRelating to the miscellaneous gross receipts tax on utility companies. SBi560,iiRelating to surcharges imposed for the use of a credit card; providing a civil penalty. SBi561,iiRelating to the identification and handling of unclaimed life insurance and annuity contract proceeds. SBi562,iiRelating to the provision of surplus lines insurance to certain commercial insureds. SBi563,iiRelating to the definition of commercial property insurance for purposes of certain provisions governing insurance rates and policy forms. SBi620,iiRelating to a student s’ eligibility to enroll in courses provided through the state virtual school network. SBi679,iiRelating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professions. SBi680,iiRelating to step therapy protocols required by a health benefit plan in connection with prescription drug coverage. SBi681,iiRelating to the licensing and authority of advanced practice registered nurses. SBi733,iiRelating to the sanitation and safety requirements for certain artificial bodies of water maintained for public recreational purposes. SBi734,iiRelating to the sale of distilled spirits to ultimate consumers by the holder of a distiller s’ and rectifier s’ permit. SBi735,iiRelating to periodic rate adjustment by and to certain transactions involving electric utilities. SBi736,iiRelating to a report on the sale of retail electric power by the General Land Office. SBi737,iiRelating to requirements for new or increased municipal fees. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi875,iiRelating to civil liability for damages caused by a person while intoxicated or otherwise related to the person s’ intoxication. SBi876,iiRelating to service and filing requirements for a party seeking judicial review in certain workers ’compensation cases. 4338 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4338

HANCOCK, KELLYi — i(Continued) SBi877,iiRelating to liability of certain political subdivisions in certain workers ’compensation actions. SBi878,iiRelating to named driver policy disclosure requirements. SBi951,iiRelating to the regulation of the manufacture and sale of wine and certain related activities; authorizing a fee. SBi952,iiRelating to enforcement of a lien on property in a self-service storage facility by a sale conducted through an Internet website. SBi953,iiRelating to warning signs applicable to the carrying of weapons on the premises of certain holders of alcoholic beverage licenses and permits. SBi954,iiRelating to the authority of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission to offer a civil penalty in lieu of suspending a permit or license. SBi955,iiRelating to the rates of the taxes imposed on the first sale of ale, malt liquor, and beer; reducing a tax rate. SBi956,iiRelating to taxes imposed on vinous liquor. SBi1002,iiRelating to accounting principles applicable to pension and other postemployment benefit expenses for electric utilities. SBi1003,iiRelating to the participation of deregulated telecommunications companies in the lifeline program. SBi1004,iiRelating to the deployment of network nodes in public right-of-way; authorizing fees. SBi1070,iiRelating to authorized reinsurance and financial statement credit and accounting for reinsurance. SBi1071,iiRelating to the regulation of insurance holding company systems, including internationally active insurance groups; authorizing a fee. SBi1072,iiRelating to confidentiality of reports and related information for a solvency examination of an insurance carrier. SBi1073,iiRelating to registration statement and reporting requirements of insurers in an insurance holding company system. SBi1093,iiRelating to the inspection of certain commercial motor vehicles that are not domiciled in this state. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1147,iiRelating to the establishment of the Texas State Music Museum and Texas Music Foundation; authorizing fees. SBi1406,iiRelating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements. 4339 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4339

HANCOCK, KELLYi — i(Continued) SBi1425,iiRelating to the regulation of business entities that provide assistance animals; providing a civil penalty. SBi1426,iiRelating to the calculation and dissemination of certain ad valorem tax rates. SBi1427,iiRelating to providing information regarding perinatal hospice care and prohibiting discriminatory abortions; creating an administrative penalty, a civil remedy, and criminal offenses. SBi1515,iiRelating to the authority to install a small wireless facility in a public right-of-way. SBi1516,iiRelating to the registration and regulation of appraisal management companies; authorizing fees; expanding the applicability of an occupational registration. SBi1517,iiRelating to partnerships, limited liability companies, and other domestic and foreign entities and to series of limited liability companies and foreign entities. SBi1518,iiRelating to corporations, associations, real estate investment trusts, and related entities; authorizing fees. SBi1519,iiRelating to the definition of a public entertainment facility and the promotion, sponsorship, or advertising of an entertainment event or venue or alcoholic beverage at certain governmentally owned public entertainment facilities. SBi1520,iiRelating to duties of physicians and certain other entities regarding patient records. SBi2064,iiRelating to unconscionable prices charged by certain health care facilities for medical care. SBi2065,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of certain occupations and activities. SBi2066,iiRelating to the attachment of a hospital lien on a cause of action or claim of an injured person who receives hospital services. SBi2067,iiRelating to the financial exploitation of certain vulnerable adults. SBi2087,iiRelating to the creation of a temporary health insurance risk pool. SBi2203,iiRelating to the business of title insurance. SBi2204,iiRelating to the administration of the certified capital company program by the office of the comptroller of public accounts. SBi2205,iiRelating to automated motor vehicles. SBi2206,iiRelating to information required to be disclosed by certain investors of publicly traded companies whose headquarters are located in this state. SBi2207,iiRelating to the appeal of a determination of the appraised value of certain property for ad valorem tax purposes. SBi2208,iiRelating to the transfer of the regulation of property tax professionals from the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to the comptroller of public accounts; providing civil and administrative penalties. SBi2209,iiRelating to the regulation of package store permit holders. 4340 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4340

HANCOCK, KELLYi — i(Continued) SBi2210,iiRelating to health benefit plan provider network listings and directories; authorizing an assessment. SBi2211,iiRelating to a demonstration program for real-time processing of workers ’ compensation authorizations of payment for medical services and medical bills. SBi2212,iiRelating to certain real estate sales, brokerage, and advertising activities, certain functions of the Texas Real Estate Commission. SBi2279,iiRelating to the ownership, control, or operation of a franchised or nonfranchised dealer or dealership by certain manufacturers. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi60,iiProposing a constitutional amendment establishing a lower amount for expenses that can be charged to a borrower and removing certain financing expense limitations for a home equity loan, establishing certain authorized lenders to make a home equity loan, changing certain options for the refinancing of home equity loans, changing the threshold for an advance of a home equity line of credit, and allowing home equity loans on agricultural homesteads. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SRi3,iiAdopting Permanent Rules of the Senate of the 85th Legislature. SRi185,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Baylor Day. SRi268,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Irving Day. SRi283,iiRecognizing Jerry Jones on the occasion of his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. SRi302,iiRecognizing March 1 and 2, 2017, as Tarrant County Days. SRi331,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Grand Prairie Day. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi696,iiRecognizing Bill Meier on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the longest filibuster in the Texas Senate. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi729,iiIn memory of Norman Lee Robinson. SRi801,iiRecognizing search and rescue dog, Luca, for his life-saving actions. 4341 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4341

HANCOCK, KELLYi — i(Continued) SRi817,iiRecognizing Andre Caracciolo for his heroism. SRi938,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 2065.

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY" SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi26,iiRelating to the Texas emissions reduction plan and other related programs and measures to reduce emissions. SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. SBi28,iiRelating to the financing of ports in the state. SBi35,iiRelating to providing free full-day prekindergarten for certain children. SBi42,iiRelating to the security of courts and judges in the state; establishing a fee. SBi48,iiRelating to exempting books purchased, used, or consumed by certain university and college students from the sales and use tax for limited periods. SBi154,iiRelating to the establishment by the Texas Workforce Commission of a career and technical education workforce specialist pilot program. SBi155,iiRelating to requirements for participants in extracurricular athletic activities sponsored or sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League, including a sudden cardiac arrest awareness form. SBi156,iiRelating to criminal asset forfeiture proceedings. SBi157,iiRelating to certain statutory changes to reflect same-sex marriages, including the repeal of the statutory prohibition against the recognition of a civil union or similar relationship entered into in another state between two persons of the same sex. 4342 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4342

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SBi158,iiRelating to the creation of an open burn pit registry for certain service members and veterans. SBi159,iiRelating to excepting certain appropriations from computations regarding the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi165,iiRelating to the prohibition of certain discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; providing an administrative penalty; creating an offense. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi183,iiRelating to the distribution, possession, purchase, consumption, and receipt of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and tobacco products; providing penalties. SBi203,iiRelating to removing the deadline for the Department of Family and Protective Services to enter into permanency care assistance agreements. SBi256,iiRelating to the confidentiality of home address information of certain victims of family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking of persons. SBi267,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of hospitals in this state; increasing the amount of administrative penalties assessed or imposed against certain hospitals; authorizing the imposition of a fee. SBi271,iiRelating to the issuance of a citation or notice to appear for certain misdemeanors punishable by a fine only. SBi277,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi293,iiRelating to the proof required to impose payment holds in certain cases of alleged fraud by Medicaid providers. SBi294,iiRelating to a prohibition against the use of stun guns and Tasers against public school students. SBi295,iiRelating to the issuance of certain capital appreciation bonds by political subdivisions. SBi296,iiRelating to the liability of the state for a violation of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. SBi297,iiRelating to the compensatory time and overtime pay for commissioned officers of the Department of Public Safety. SBi298,iiRelating to the creation and funding of the Texas Forensic Science Commission operating account. 4343 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4343

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SBi301,iiRelating to the operations and functions of the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the sunset review date for, financial management of, and programs administered by the agency. SBi302,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the state bar. SBi303,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Board of Law Examiners. SBi304,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi305,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Nursing and to the regulation of the practice of nursing. SBi306,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi311,iiRelating to the creation of the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council and to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of sex offender treatment providers, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, chemical dependency counselors, and social workers to the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council; providing civil and administrative penalties; authorizing a fee. SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. SBi313,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Dental Examiners; imposing fees. SBi314,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Optometry Board; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi315,iiRelating to the enforcement of subpoenas, the regulation of pain management clinics, and the adoption of guidelines for prescribing certain opioids by the Texas Medical Board. SBi316,iiRelating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi317,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, and the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners; authorizing a fee. SBi318,iiRelating to transfer of the regulation of podiatry to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi319,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees; providing penalties. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi325,iiRelating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted. 4344 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4344

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SBi326,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged. SBi380,iiRelating to repealing civil asset forfeiture provisions and establishing criminal asset forfeiture in this state. SBi401,iiRelating to the seizure of property by a peace officer. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi481,iiRelating to the reporting and disposition of proceeds and property from asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure. SBi536,iiRelating to the punishment for burglary and theft of controlled substances. SBi537,iiRelating to requiring the disclosure of special course fees at public institutions of higher education. SBi538,iiRelating to state and local planning for and responses to drought. SBi539,iiRelating to the qualifications for an impartial third party in certain civil disputes. SBi540,iiRelating to the filing fee imposed in civil cases in Hidalgo County and Cameron County. SBi541,iiRelating to the eligibility for release on parole of certain inmates convicted of the offense of continuous trafficking of persons. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi602,iiRelating to the establishment of a restructuring commission to evaluate each state supported living center. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi669,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. SBi673,iiRelating to a notification requirement if a public school campus or open-enrollment charter school does not have a nurse assigned to the campus during all instructional hours. 4345 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4345

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SBi674,iiRelating to licensing for certain health professions, including an expedited process for certain physicians specializing in psychiatry; authorizing a fee. SBi693,iiRelating to three-point seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi694,iiRelating to the creation of the National Museum of the Pacific War museum fund. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi712,iiRelating to the duration of certain protective orders against family violence. SBi713,iiRelating to investigative and laboratory tests and processes conducted with respect to unidentified human remains. SBi717,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property damaged in a disaster. SBi783,iiRelating to the disclosure restrictions on personnel files of police officers of municipalities that have adopted certain civil service laws. SBi784,iiRelating to the waiver of certain fees for an assumed name certificate or a statement of abandonment of use of an assumed name filed by a military veteran. SBi785,iiRelating to the use of the rural water assistance fund. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi802,iiRelating to a study and report regarding best practices in the transfer of course credit between public institutions of higher education. SBi814,iiRelating to the board of directors of the Agua Special Utility District. SBi887,iiRelating to a requirement that certain participating institutions under the student loan program administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board provide loan debt information to certain students. SBi910,iiRelating to the distribution, possession, purchase, consumption, and receipt of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and tobacco products; providing penalties. SBi933,iiRelating to the licensing of, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission s’ duties with respect to, and the administrative penalties for home and community support services agencies. SBi957,iiRelating to the content and numbering of propositions on the ballot. SBi972,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem taxation purposes of real property on which a building completely destroyed by a casualty is located. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1025,iiRelating to the regulation of migrant labor housing facilities. 4346 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4346

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1101,iiRelating to the prescription of epinephrine auto-injectors to and administration of epinephrine auto-injectors in day-care centers; limiting liability. SBi1105,iiRelating to the abolishment of the used oil recycling account, deposits of used oil recycling fees, and use of the water resource management account. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1124,iiRelating to the administrative attachment of the Texas Forensic Science Commission to the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System. SBi1129,iiRelating to franchises granted by navigation districts. SBi1130,iiRelating to the creation and administration of a reinvestment allowance for certain long-term care facilities. SBi1131,iiRelating to the powers and duties of a designated officer of a navigation district. SBi1132,iiRelating to the temporary continuation of medical assistance for certain individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. SBi1133,iiRelating to the exemption from taxes and special assessments of property of a navigation district. SBi1136,iiRelating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue by certain municipalities. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1139,iiRelating to the allocation of certain fees on the sale of cigarettes and cigarette tobacco products manufactured by certain companies to the permanent health fund for higher education and to the use of money in that fund. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1174,iiRelating to the provision of prosthetic devices for certain recipients under Medicaid. SBi1175,iiRelating to the dissolution of water districts. SBi1187,iiRelating to the offense of operating a motor vehicle without financial responsibility. SBi1253,iiRelating to the electronic recording and admissibility of certain custodial interrogations. SBi1334,iiRelating to the allocation categories for state funding of public transportation. SBi1335,iiRelating to the amount of a fine or cost imposed in a criminal case by a justice or municipal court and to the court s’ authority to order a defendant confined in jail for failure to pay a fine or cost or for contempt. 4347 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4347

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SBi1336,iiRelating to the establishment by the commissioner of education of an advanced computer science program for high school students. SBi1337,iiRelating to charitable raffles conducted by certain professional sports team charitable foundations. SBi1339,iiRelating to the licensing and practice of psychological associates. SBi1367,iiRelating to policies and training regarding the use of epinephrine auto-injectors by public institutions of higher education; providing immunity. SBi1387,iiRelating to certain requirements for designation as a qualified business under the enterprise zone program. SBi1388,iiRelating to the termination by an insurer of a contract with a preferred provider. SBi1389,iiRelating to a franchise tax credit for enterprise projects for certain capital investments. SBi1390,iiRelating to taxes and fees imposed on cigarettes and other tobacco products, including an exemption to the cigarette tax, related administrative matters, and the elements of certain related offenses. SBi1391,iiRelating to penalties imposed on a holder of an alcoholic beverage license or permit on the basis of a criminal prosecution. SBi1395,iiRelating to the powers and duties of navigation districts and port authorities. SBi1423,iiRelating to the supervision of water districts by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. SBi1455,iiRelating to the establishment of a rural resident physician grant program. SBi1459,iiRelating to incentives to encourage landowners to destroy, remove, or treat citrus trees located in a pest management zone. SBi1460,iiRelating to the issuance of childhood cancer awareness license plates. SBi1461,iiRelating to the punishment for certain possession offenses under the Texas Controlled Substances Act; changing eligibility for community supervision. SBi1462,iiRelating to the creation and operation of certain local health care provider participation programs. SBi1505,iiRelating to the application of certain taxes imposed on certain tobacco products and to the allocation of certain revenue from those taxes to increase funding for certain health care education programs. SBi1506,iiRelating to mechanic s,’ contractor s,’ or materialman s’ liens; authorizing a fee; changing the eligibility for community supervision. SBi1507,iiRelating to the authorization by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the discharge, diversion, and transfer or other reuse of return flows derived from treated brackish groundwater. SBi1508,iiRelating to filing fees imposed in civil cases in Hidalgo County, Cameron County, and Willacy County. 4348 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4348

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SBi1509,iiRelating to eligibility requirements for the repayment of certain mental health professional education loans. SBi1568,iiRelating to the filing of certain actions involving preauthorized medical care or health care services in the Medicaid program. SBi1586,iiRelating to the minimum wage, including authorizing certain counties and municipalities to establish a minimum wage. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1593,iiRelating to the creation of an additional county court at law in Hidalgo County. SBi1594,iiRelating to the jurisdiction of the statutory county courts of Hidalgo County. SBi1595,iiRelating to penalties imposed on a holder of an alcoholic beverage license or permit. SBi1680,iiRelating to a task force of border health officials. SBi1695,iiRelating to mosquito control districts established for an urgent public health purpose. SBi1739,iiRelating to the suspension, termination, and reinstatement of certain services provided to military service members who are serving on active duty. SBi1745,iiRelating to the effect of a sale of property on the tax lien on the property to secure the payment of taxes, penalties, and interest imposed on the property as a result of the addition to the appraisal roll of property or appraised value that was erroneously exempted in a prior year. SBi1746,iiRelating to workforce continuing education offered by public junior colleges. SBi1747,iiRelating to the categories used to record the race or ethnicity of persons stopped for or convicted of traffic offenses. SBi1748,iiRelating to use of tax revenue by certain development corporations for job-related skills training. SBi1749,iiRelating to the calculation of interest on an ad valorem tax refund resulting from the final determination of an appeal that decreases a property owner s’ liability. SBi1757,iiRelating to confidential communications of victims of certain family violence offenses. SBi1775,iiRelating to the authority of the Texas Water Development Board to use the state participation account of the water development fund to provide financial assistance for the development of certain facilities. SBi1776,iiRelating to the administration and operation of the Medicaid program in a managed care model. SBi1787,iiRelating to the functions and administration of the Health and Human Services Commission and the commission s’ office of inspector general in relation to fraud, waste, and abuse in health and human services. 4349 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4349

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SBi1814,iiRelating to the transference of certain territory from one groundwater conservation district to another. SBi1815,iiRelating to the eligibility of public institutions of higher education for formula funding for health-related institutions. SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1851,iiRelating to the confidential and privileged communications and records of victims of certain sexual assault offenses. SBi1873,iiRelating to a report regarding certain health and safety information prepared by the Texas Education Agency. SBi1874,iiRelating to vehicles used in the maintenance of electrical power lines; creating a criminal offense. SBi1875,iiRelating to the self-directed and semi-independent status of certain agencies and the requirements applicable to, and the oversight of, those agencies. SBi1913,iiRelating to the administrative, civil, and criminal consequences, including fines, fees, and costs, imposed on persons arrested for, charged with, or convicted of certain criminal offenses. SBi2123,iiRelating to the creation of a pilot program to allow high schools in certain counties to connect to high-speed fiber-optic networks. SBi2140,iiRelating to the provision by the Texas Water Development Board of financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas. SBi2219,iiRelating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations. SBi2227,iiRelating to an increase in the fee for permits issued for the movement of oversize or overweight vehicles carrying cargo in Hidalgo County. SBi2228,iiRelating to the provision of eye health care by certain professionals and institutions as providers in the Medicaid managed care program. SBi2241,iiRelating to the elimination of double taxation of property due to jurisdictional disputes of like taxing units. SBi2242,iiRelating to the resolution of disputes or errors involving the ad valorem taxation of the same property by multiple taxing units of the same type as a result of disputed, overlapping, or erroneously applied boundaries. SBi2254,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Needmore Ranch Municipal Utility District No. 1 and the territory of the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District and the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District. 4350 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4350

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi15,iiProposing a constitutional amendment excepting certain appropriations for reducing state debt from the constitutional limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations. SJRi16,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the constitutional provision providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage. SJRi49,iiProposing a constitutional amendment on professional sports team charitable foundations conducting charitable raffles. SJRi55,iiProposing a constitutional amendment relating to the effect of a sale of property on the tax lien on the property to secure the payment of ad valorem taxes, penalties, and interest imposed on the property as a result of the addition to the appraisal roll of property or property value that was erroneously exempted in a prior year. SJRi61,iiProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of additional general obligation bonds by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas. SCRi31,iiExpressing opposition to using eminent domain for the construction of a wall or fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. SCRi36,iiEncouraging Congress to pass legislation allowing the State of Texas to manage the Gulf of Mexico red snapper fishery out to 200 nautical miles. SCRi37,iiUrging Congress to increase appropriations from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to properly maintain ship channels. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi57,iiRequesting the creation of a joint interim committee to study state judicial salaries. SRi15,iiCommending Homero Hernandez for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi73,iiCommending Frankie Salinas for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi74,iiRecognizing the League of United Latin American Citizens and the 2017 Outstanding Community Leadership honorees on the occasion of National LULAC Week. SRi121,iiRecognizing Kresten L. Cook on the occasion of his retirement. SRi122,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Rio Grande Valley Day. SRi123,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Jim Wells County Day. SRi124,iiRecognizing February 8, 2017, as Coastal Bend Day. SRi196,iiRecognizing Gloria Dean Randle Scott for her contributions to her community. SRi197,iiRecognizing February 21, 2017, as Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi Day. SRi243,iiRecognizing February 21, 2017, as Texas State Aquarium Day. 4351 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4351

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SRi245,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Mission Day. SRi269,iiRecognizing Diane Lowrance for her contributions to the Behavioral Health Center of Nueces County. SRi270,iiRecognizing Libby Averyt on the occasion of her retirement. SRi271,iiRecognizing Charles Smith on the occasion of his retirement. SRi298,iiRecognizing February 27, 2017, as La Joya ISD Day. SRi300,iiRecognizing the 35th anniversary of Grupo Folklo´rico Tobasco and Mariachi Los Coyotes of La Joya High School. SRi355,iiRecognizing Eddie Lucio Jr. for being selected 2017 Border Texan of the Year. SRi373,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Palmview Day. SRi397,iiRecognizing CITGO Texas Operations for its 80 years of community involvement. SRi413,iiRecognizing Fidel Jasso on the occasion of his retirement. SRi460,iiIn memory of Ricco Diaman Delgado. SRi461,iiRecognizing the Texas Innovative Adult Career Education Fund for its commitment to Texas workers. SRi508,iiRecognizing Lynn Burton on the occasion of his retirement. SRi530,iiRecognizing the third anniversary of the dedication of the Texas Capitol Vietnam Veterans Monument. SRi535,iiIn memory of Eligio "Kika" de la Garza. SRi536,iiRecognizing Terry Mills for receiving the 2016 FBI Director ’s Community Leadership Award. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi582,iiRecognizing the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Texas State Court on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi585,iiRecognizing Luis Magdaleno for his contributions to the Rio Grande Valley. SRi589,iiCommending John Ryan Rodriguez for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi607,iiRecognizing La Conversacion Valiosa for its service to Hidalgo County. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi716,iiRecognizing Rex Cafe´and Bakery on the occasion of its 70th anniversary. SRi717,iiRecognizing the Feria de las Flores queen, Ariana Jones, and the 2017 Scholarship Pageant contestants. 4352 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4352

HINOJOSA, JUAN "CHUY"i — i(Continued) SRi748,iiRecognizing Todd Moulder for being selected as a finalist for the 2017 H-E-B Excellence in Education Lifetime Achievement Award. SRi753,iiRecognizing Cynthia Cooksey for being named the 2017 Librarian of the Year. SRi786,iiRecognizing Martha May Tevis on the occasion of her retirement. SRi787,iiIn memory of Rebecca Molina. SRi791,iiRecognizing the inaugural class of the Rio Grande Valley Legislative Internship Program. SRi816,iiRecognizing Carlos J. Cardenas for his election as president of the Texas Medical Association. SRi840,iiRecognizing Daniel Vaughn on the occasion of his graduation. SRi841,iiRecognizing Rhonda Pen˜a for receiving an H-E-B Excellence in Education Lifetime Achievement Award. SRi842,iiRecognizing Robert Rosell for his achievements. SRi851,iiRecognizing Falfurrias High School students who participated in the 2016 National History Day competition. SRi852,iiRecognizing the Mary McLeod Bethune Day Nursery, Incorporated, for 75 years of service to the Corpus Christi community. SRi909,iiIn memory of Jake Frederick. SRi917,iiIn memory of Mario E. Ramirez. SRi935,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 1462. SRi940,iiIn memory of Sam Fore Keach Jr. SRi941,iiRecognizing Martin Pen˜a on the occasion of his retirement.

HUFFINES, DON SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi3,iiRelating to the establishment of an education savings account program and a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. 4353 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4353

HUFFINES, DONi — i(Continued) SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi17,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. SBi18,iiRelating to public institutions of higher education setting aside portions of designated tuition for student financial assistance. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. SBi87,iiRelating to registration of a motor vehicle alleged to have been involved in a violation detected by a photographic traffic signal enforcement system. 4354 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4354

HUFFINES, DONi — i(Continued) SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. SBi109,iiRelating to the establishment of a limit on the number of terms a judge or justice may serve on a court in this state. SBi110,iiRelating to term limits for elected officers of political subdivisions. SBi111,iiRelating to prohibiting the use of photographic traffic enforcement systems. SBi112,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. SBi113,iiRelating to the provision of and local regulation of certain for-hire passenger transportation. SBi114,iiRelating to Texas Department of Transportation expenditures for toll facility acquisition and construction. SBi115,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of certain open meetings. SBi116,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Racing Commission. SBi117,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Workforce Commission. SBi118,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. SBi119,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Lottery Commission. SBi120,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Medical Board. SBi121,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Board of Nursing. SBi122,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Optometry Board. SBi123,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the State Board of Dental Examiners. SBi124,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy. SBi125,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Funeral Service Commission. SBi126,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. SBi127,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying. SBi132,iiRelating to the savings incentive program for state agencies. SBi135,iiRelating to the submission of a report by certain entities identifying spending reduction measures. SBi136,iiRelating to the verification of citizenship of an applicant for voter registration. SBi171,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of open meetings of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. 4355 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4355

HUFFINES, DONi — i(Continued) SBi238,iiRelating to daylight saving time. SBi258,iiRelating to the disposition of embryonic and fetal tissue remains; imposing a civil penalty. SBi259,iiRelating to jury summons questionnaires. SBi260,iiRelating to the abolishment of the Office of Immigration and Refugee Affairs and the Governor s’ Advisory Committee on Immigration and Refugees. SBi271,iiRelating to the issuance of a citation or notice to appear for certain misdemeanors punishable by a fine only. SBi280,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of criminal trespass. SBi325,iiRelating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted. SBi326,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged. SBi327,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi409,iiRelating to the jurisdiction of county and justice courts in civil matters. SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi445,iiRelating to the authorization and reporting of expenditures for lobbying activities by certain political subdivisions and other public entities. SBi457,iiRelating to funding for an open-enrollment charter school and to the guaranteed level of state and local funds provided to school districts through the existing debt allotment. SBi458,iiRelating to the offense of carrying a handgun while intoxicated. SBi459,iiRelating to the regulation or taxation of firearms, air guns, knives, or ammunition by a municipality or county. SBi460,iiRelating to general obligation bonds issued by political subdivisions. SBi467,iiRelating to a requirement for ballot propositions. SBi480,iiRelating to the use of an electronic recovery and access to data prepaid card reader to seize forfeitable property. SBi488,iiRelating to requirements for certain petitions requesting an election and ballot propositions. SBi494,iiRelating to an offense report prepared in the investigation of certain criminal cases. SBi522,iiRelating to issuing a marriage license and conducting a marriage ceremony. 4356 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4356

HUFFINES, DONi — i(Continued) SBi566,iiRelating to the qualifications for a person conducting an adoption evaluation. SBi603,iiRelating to a limitation on the amount of school property tax revenue that is subject to recapture under the public school finance system. SBi604,iiRelating to the determination of wealth per student for school districts with cost-effective spending and measurable student academic progress. SBi605,iiRelating to procedures for the review and selection of certain instructional materials by public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. SBi606,iiRelating to the authority of a school district of innovation to administer alternative assessment instruments to district students. SBi607,iiRelating to transportation of students entitled to a public education grant. SBi608,iiRelating to public school class size limits in certain grades. SBi609,iiRelating to elimination of the use of continuing contracts by school districts in employing teachers and other professionals. SBi610,iiRelating to a study on expanding the state virtual school network. SBi612,iiRelating to complaints filed with and certain other filings submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi635,iiRelating to the award of court costs and attorney s’ fees in certain actions challenging an order, ordinance, or similar measure of certain political subdivisions or the failure of an officer of certain political subdivisions to perform certain actions. SBi636,iiRelating to procedures for certain municipalities to adopt or amend a national model building code. SBi637,iiRelating to audits of a regional mobility authority by the state auditor. SBi638,iiRelating to restrictions on legislative lobbying by a regional mobility authority or an employee of a regional mobility authority. SBi639,iiRelating to the use of money in the state highway fund for toll projects. SBi640,iiRelating to equal opportunity for access by home-schooled students to University Interscholastic League sponsored activities; authorizing a fee. SBi655,iiRelating to certain notice of the extent of a municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction. SBi661,iiRelating to the repeal of the driver responsibility program. 4357 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4357

HUFFINES, DONi — i(Continued) SBi662,iiRelating to the reporting of proceeds and property from asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure. SBi663,iiRelating to disposition of proceeds and property from asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure. SBi664,iiRelating to the punishment for certain intoxication offenses. SBi674,iiRelating to licensing for certain health professions, including an expedited process for certain physicians specializing in psychiatry; authorizing a fee. SBi680,iiRelating to step therapy protocols required by a health benefit plan in connection with prescription drug coverage. SBi701,iiRelating to the election date for the authorization of the issuance of bonds. SBi702,iiRelating to a minimum voter turnout requirement for an election authorizing the issuance of bonds issued by a political subdivision. SBi703,iiRelating to prohibiting movable early voting polling places. SBi715,iiRelating to municipal annexation. SBi727,iiRelating to excluding certain students from the computation of dropout and completion rates for purposes of public school accountability. SBi750,iiRelating to restrictions on holders of package store permits. SBi764,iiRelating to accounting for costs incurred by this state as a result of the presence of persons who are not lawfully present in the United States. SBi765,iiRelating to providing the financial cost incurred by the Texas Education Agency as a result of providing educational services to persons who are not lawfully present in the United States. SBi766,iiRelating to accounting for costs incurred by the health and human services system as a result of the presence in this state of persons who are not lawfully present in the United States. SBi767,iiRelating to accounting for costs incurred by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice as a result of the presence in this state of persons who are not lawfully present in the United States. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi813,iiRelating to recovery of damages, attorney s’ fees, and costs related to frivolous regulatory actions by state agencies. SBi829,iiRelating to the use of direct recording electronic voting machines. SBi844,iiRelating to the active supervision of occupational licensing authorities by the attorney general. SBi845,iiRelating to an occupational licensing database. SBi846,iiRelating to the regulation of temporary common worker employers. SBi847,iiRelating to abolishing the regulation of for-profit legal service contract companies. 4358 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4358

HUFFINES, DONi — i(Continued) SBi848,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of providers of driver and traffic safety education. SBi849,iiRelating to an exemption from licensing requirements for physicians associated with certain sports teams. SBi850,iiRelating to the mandatory spinal screening of public and private school students. SBi892,iiRelating to protection of the rights of conscience for child welfare services providers. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi985,iiRelating to the abolishment of the County Court at Law No. 3 of Dallas County, County Court at Law No. 4 of Dallas County, and County Court at Law No. 5 of Dallas County and the transfer of cases to the County Court at Law No. 1 of Dallas County and County Court at Law No. 2 of Dallas County. SBi1055,iiRelating to assistance provided to employees of state agencies abolished under the Texas Sunset Act. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1122,iiRelating to abolishing certain county boards of education, boards of county school trustees, and offices of county school superintendent. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1163,iiRelating to establishing and funding a grant program for testing evidence collected in relation to sexual assaults or other sex offenses; authorizing voluntary contributions. SBi1213,iiRelating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients. SBi1280,iiRelating to the minimum amount of student instruction required to be provided by school districts. SBi1281,iiRelating to an exemption from motor carrier registration for certain vehicles transporting household goods. SBi1282,iiRelating to prohibiting the use of automated traffic control systems. SBi1287,iiRelating to compliance with prohibitions regarding the use of common core state standards in public schools. 4359 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4359

HUFFINES, DONi — i(Continued) SBi1408,iiRelating to the carrying of a handgun by certain first responders and volunteer emergency services personnel. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1609,iiRelating to regulation by a property owners ’ association of certain religious displays. SBi1711,iiRelating to the claim process for unclaimed property. SBi1712,iiRelating to the elimination of certain charges and programs associated with the universal service fund. SBi2168,iiRelating to the disclosure of records produced in the course of an investigation related to educator misconduct. SBi2169,iiRelating to treating ale and malt liquor in the same manner as beer for purposes of alcoholic beverage regulation. SBi2170,iiRelating to the creation and operations of a health care provider participation program by the Dallas County Hospital District. SBi2171,iiRelating to the number of emissions inspections performed by certain vehicle inspection stations. SBi2178,iiRelating to judicial review of certain regulations that apply to state licensees. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi10,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to limit the time that a person may serve as a member of the Texas Legislature. SJRi11,iiProposing a constitutional amendment limiting to two the number of terms for which a person may be elected or appointed to hold certain state offices. SJRi12,iiProposing a constitutional amendment requiring the establishment of limits on the number of terms judges and justices may serve on courts in this state. SJRi13,iiProposing a constitutional amendment requiring a political subdivision of this state to limit the number of terms for which a person may be elected to hold an office of the political subdivision. SJRi30,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from adopting or enforcing a law, ordinance, order, or other regulation requiring the registration of a firearm. SJRi33,iiProposing a constitutional amendment protecting private schools and home schools from state and local regulation. SJRi35,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the issuance of certain debt and the use of certain revenue for toll roads. 4360 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4360

HUFFINES, DONi — i(Continued) SJRi40,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing an amendment to the constitution to limit the terms of office of members of Congress. SJRi43,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system. SJRi53,iiProposing a constitutional amendment relating to limiting the permissible uses of money appropriated from the economic stabilization fund. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi8,iiDesignating the cannon as the official state gun of Texas. SCRi13,iiThe 85th Legislature of the State of Texas call on all sheriffs ’offices in the state to comply with requests included in an immigration detainer issued by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement. SRi193,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day. SRi198,iiRecognizing February 16, 2017, as Rowlett Day. SRi199,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Garland Day. SRi268,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Irving Day. SRi283,iiRecognizing Jerry Jones on the occasion of his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. SRi400,iiRecognizing March 9, 2017, as Coppell Day. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi588,iiWelcoming the Dallas County Council of Republican Women to the Capitol. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi703,iiRecognizing Tony Romo for his many achievements. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi740,iiRecognizing the fifth class of Governor William P. Clements Jr. Scholars for their commitment to public service. SRi768,iiRecognizing Patrick and Fay Cosgrove on the occasion of their 70th wedding anniversary. 4361 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4361

HUFFMAN, JOAN SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi31,iiRelating to the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle; creating a criminal offense; modifying existing criminal penalties. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi227,iiRelating to certain substances listed in Penalty Group 2 of the Texas Controlled Substances Act. SBi274,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of burglary of a vehicle; increasing a criminal penalty. 4362 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4362

HUFFMAN, JOANi — i(Continued) SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi401,iiRelating to the seizure of property by a peace officer. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi509,iiRelating to the evaluation and reporting of investment practices and performance of certain public retirement systems. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi669,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. SBi763,iiRelating to the composition of the Texas Historical Commission. SBi787,iiRelating to the award of court costs and attorney s’ fees in actions to determine the applicability of certain local government regulations. SBi788,iiRelating to the administration of and benefits payable under the Texas Public School Retired Employees Group Benefits Act. SBi789,iiRelating to the administration of and benefits payable under the Texas School Employees Uniform Group Health Coverage Act. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi827,iiRelating to procedures for asserting claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act; providing a civil penalty. SBi869,iiRelating to authorizing a beneficiary designation that transfers a motor vehicle at the owner s’ death. SBi899,iiRelating to increasing the punishment for an offense committed against a person because of the person s’ status as a peace officer, a firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel. SBi900,iiRelating to penalties for certain family violence offenses and for assultive offenses against certain persons; imposing court costs. SBi910,iiRelating to the distribution, possession, purchase, consumption, and receipt of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and tobacco products; providing penalties. SBi911,iiRelating to the form of a marriage license and an application for a marriage license. SBi912,iiRelating to certain powers of an associate judge under the Family Code. 4363 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4363

HUFFMAN, JOANi — i(Continued) SBi936,iiRelating to the creation of a joint interim committee to undertake a study of the public retirement systems of this state. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1011,iiRelating to the establishment of an educational and vocational training pilot program for certain state jail felony defendants. SBi1048,iiRelating to state contributions for health benefit plan coverage under the Texas Public School Retired Employees Group Benefits Act. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1226,iiRelating to prostitution and trafficking of persons and to certain criminal and civil consequences of that conduct. SBi1232,iiRelating to inappropriate conduct between a person and an animal; creating a criminal offense. SBi1247,iiRelating to the effective date of certain actions taken by the commissioner of education against school districts that exceed the equalized wealth level and to reattachment of property detached from a school district by the commissioner of education to achieve the equalized wealth level. SBi1257,iiRelating to coverage for certain services related to maternal depression under the Medicaid and child health plan programs. SBi1262,iiRelating to the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce certain regulations regarding whether a private employer may obtain or consider an employment applicant s’ or employee s’ criminal history record information. SBi1264,iiRelating to psychological counseling for certain grand jurors. SBi1296,iiRelating to the review of ballot proposition language for certain political subdivision elections. SBi1297,iiRelating to enhancing the penalties for certain repeat and habitual offenders. SBi1298,iiRelating to the selection and summons of prospective grand jurors. SBi1299,iiRelating to access to criminal history record information. SBi1320,iiRelating to establishing a protective order registry and the duties of courts in regard to the registry. SBi1329,iiRelating to the operation and administration of and practice in courts in the judicial branch of state government; increasing a fee. SBi1333,iiRelating to the reporting of attempted child abductions. 4364 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4364

HUFFMAN, JOANi — i(Continued) SBi1346,iiRelating to disclosure of state agency contract information regarding administrator services for group health benefit plans. SBi1463,iiRelating to settlement of claims and actions against a governmental unit. SBi1569,iiRelating to prostitution and the trafficking of persons, civil racketeering related to trafficking, the prosecution of and punishment for certain sexual offenses and offenses involving or related to trafficking, reimbursement of certain costs for criminal victims who are children, and the release and reporting of certain information relating to a child; increasing a criminal penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi1570,iiRelating to the care and transportation provided to a sexual assault survivor by a health care facility. SBi1571,iiRelating to the release of a child taken into possession by a law enforcement officer. SBi1663,iiRelating to contributions to, benefits from, late fees imposed by, and the administration of systems and programs administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. SBi1664,iiRelating to contributions to, benefits from, membership in, and the administration of systems and programs administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. SBi1665,iiRelating to the investment authority of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. SBi1666,iiRelating to the conduct of primary elections and certain other election practices; increasing a criminal penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi1806,iiRelating to requiring the use of multidisciplinary teams appointed by children s’ advocacy centers in certain child abuse investigations. SBi1807,iiRelating to the application of certain handgun license laws to certain federal and state attorneys and to the authority of those attorneys to carry certain weapons. SBi1808,iiRelating to increasing the punishment for an offense committed against a person because of bias or prejudice on the basis of service as a peace officer and to an education campaign regarding the importance of peace officers in the community. SBi1809,iiRelating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by certain medical centers in certain counties. SBi2147,iiRelating to the creation of the offense of engaging in organized election fraud activity. SBi2148,iiRelating to the sale of certain state property in Brazoria County by the Texas Board of Criminal Justice. SBi2149,iiRelating to early in-person voting by voters who reside at a residential care facility. SBi2150,iiRelating to a revocable deed that transfers real property at the transferor s’ death. SBi2151,iiRelating to certain political contributions by judicial candidates and officeholders and certain political committees. SBi2152,iiRelating to the transfer of certain unused franchise tax credits. SBi2189,iiRelating to the appointment of an attorney pro tem for certain criminal proceedings. 4365 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4365

HUFFMAN, JOANi — i(Continued) SBi2190,iiRelating to the public retirement systems of certain municipalities. SBi2213,iiRelating to state fiscal matters related to general government. SBi2220,iiRelating to the distribution of the consolidated court cost. SJRi43,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi46,iiDirecting the Texas Facilities Commission to rename the State Insurance Building in the Capitol Complex in honor of former president George H. W. Bush. SRi37,iiRecognizing January 24, 2017, as Texas Juvenile Justice Professional Day. SRi141,iiRecognizing February 8, 2017, as Mental Illness Awareness Day. SRi286,iiIn memory of Dimitri Peter Pappas. SRi301,iiRecognizing the Greater Houston Women s’ Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. SRi350,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Brazoria County Day. SRi478,iiWelcoming members of the Texas Retired Teachers Association to the Capitol. SRi506,iiRecognizing March 23, 2017, as Community Impact Newspaper Day. SRi509,iiRecognizing the Greater Houston Pachyderm Club. SRi539,iiRecognizing March 30, 2017, as Texas Doctors ’Day. SRi563,iiRecognizing April 4, 2017, as Texas Women Judges ’Day. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi613,iiRecognizing the City of Stafford for its property tax abatement. SRi656,iiRecognizing the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker for the Morse-Bragg Cemetery. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry.

HUGHES, BRYAN SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. 4366 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4366

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi258,iiRelating to the disposition of embryonic and fetal tissue remains; imposing a civil penalty. SBi276,iiRelating to an adult high school diploma and industry certification charter school pilot program. SBi277,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi399,iiRelating to nontolled lanes on a highway that has been converted from a nontolled highway to a toll project. 4367 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4367

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi419,iiRelating to the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi451,iiRelating to regulation of short-term rentals and short-term rental marketplaces by municipalities and counties. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi522,iiRelating to issuing a marriage license and conducting a marriage ceremony. SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi651,iiRelating to discrimination by a state agency against an applicant for or holder of an occupational license. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi678,iiRelating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi801,iiRelating to the instructional material list and supplemental instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education. SBi813,iiRelating to recovery of damages, attorney s’ fees, and costs related to frivolous regulatory actions by state agencies. SBi829,iiRelating to the use of direct recording electronic voting machines. SBi833,iiRelating to the regulation of certain health organizations certified by the Texas Medical Board; providing an administrative penalty. SBi834,iiRelating to state funding for baccalaureate degree programs offered at certain public junior colleges. SBi857,iiRelating to the establishment, operation, and funding of victim-offender mediation programs; authorizing fees. SBi859,iiRelating to the membership of the Texas Racing Commission. SBi874,iiRelating to the mandatory dismissal of certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi892,iiRelating to protection of the rights of conscience for child welfare services providers. SBi893,iiRelating to the protection of religious beliefs and moral convictions regarding marriage. 4368 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4368

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SBi907,iiRelating to the definition of the least restrictive environment for the placement of children in foster care. SBi909,iiRelating to the elimination of certain formula funding and dropped course restrictions for students enrolled in accelerated, affordable baccalaureate programs at public institutions of higher education. SBi911,iiRelating to the form of a marriage license and an application for a marriage license. SBi915,iiRelating to captive insurance companies. SBi929,iiRelating to continuing education requirements for county tax assessor-collectors. SBi935,iiRelating to the composition of the board of trustees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas. SBi941,iiRelating to the age of criminal responsibility and to certain substantive and procedural matters related to that age. SBi942,iiRelating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue in certain municipalities. SBi944,iiRelating to the adoption of the Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act. SBi959,iiRelating to the adoption of the Compact for a Balanced Budget. SBi1018,iiRelating to the licensing of family residential centers by the Department of Family and Protective Services and the detention of certain juveniles. SBi1044,iiRelating to the suspension of a driver s’ license issued to a person who fails to pay an administrative penalty imposed by the Texas Funeral Service Commission. SBi1052,iiRelating to certain retail installment contracts and leases for vehicles; providing for a civil penalty. SBi1069,iiRelating to certain claims for benefits or compensation by survivors of fire fighters. SBi1081,iiRelating to the administration of prophylaxis to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum. SBi1130,iiRelating to the creation and administration of a reinvestment allowance for certain long-term care facilities. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1157,iiRelating to limiting the liability of certain healthcare providers. SBi1177,iiRelating to requirements for charter schools established for the benefit of certain juvenile offenders. SBi1180,iiRelating to financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers and employees killed in the line of duty. SBi1184,iiRelating to financial assistance paid to the survivors of certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other public employees killed in the line of duty. 4369 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4369

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SBi1190,iiRelating to judicial review of certain decisions under the Texas Workers ’ Compensation Act. SBi1191,iiRelating to remedies in certain taxpayer suits against the state. SBi1196,iiRelating to the declaration of a common nuisance involving a computer network or web address. SBi1213,iiRelating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients. SBi1215,iiRelating to the creation of a joint interim committee to study issues related to construction contracts. SBi1223,iiRelating to suits against The University of Texas at Tyler. SBi1263,iiRelating to the regulation of a service contract. SBi1289,iiRelating to the purchase of iron and steel products made in the United States for certain governmental entity projects. SBi1321,iiRelating to the deposit and appropriation of revenue received or collected by the Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority. SBi1331,iiRelating to the powers of the TexAmericas Center. SBi1340,iiRelating to the eligibility of a criminal defendant for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. SBi1343,iiRelating to the capture, use, or recording of certain items for commercial purposes, including the prosecution of criminal offenses regarding unauthorized recordings. SBi1381,iiRelating to photo identification for certain debit or credit card transactions. SBi1382,iiRelating to energy savings performance contracts. SBi1394,iiRelating to the calculation of longevity pay for state judges and justices. SBi1404,iiRelating to requiring school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to report certain information regarding expanded learning opportunities. SBi1415,iiRelating to the child protective service functions of the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi1427,iiRelating to providing information regarding perinatal hospice care and prohibiting discriminatory abortions; creating an administrative penalty, a civil remedy, and criminal offenses. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1479,iiRelating to the election of the board of directors of the Panola County Groundwater Conservation District. SBi1480,iiRelating to the guarantee of school district and charter district bonds by the permanent school fund. SBi1734,iiRelating to full-time online programs provided through the state virtual school network. 4370 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4370

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SBi1735,iiRelating to the repeal of certain obsolete laws governing state pensions and other similar benefits. SBi1736,iiRelating to the liability of a person who allows handguns to be carried on property owned, controlled, or managed by the person. SBi1837,iiRelating to financial accountability standards for charter schools operated by a public institution of higher education. SBi1838,iiRelating to the applicability of certain laws to open-enrollment charter schools. SBi1839,iiRelating to the preparation, certification, and classification of and professional development for public school educators. SBi1840,iiRelating to the creation and operations of health care provider participation programs in certain counties. SBi1935,iiRelating to disclosure of certain health care costs and shared savings between certain health benefit plans and state employees. SBi1936,iiRelating to the issuance of specially marked driver s’ licenses and personal identification certificates to disabled veterans. SBi1937,iiRelating to the participation of certain counties in the collection improvement program. SBi1938,iiRelating to the method of calculating the salary of state judges. SBi1939,iiRelating to permits for the movement of intermodal shipping containers; authorizing a fee. SBi1940,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 271 as the Veterans Memorial Highway. SBi1941,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of neurodiagnostic practitioners and neurodiagnostic technologists; requiring an occupational license; creating an offense; providing penalties and authorizing fees. SBi1942,iiRelating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school. SBi1943,iiRelating to restrictive covenants regarding firearms or firearms ammunition. SBi1944,iiRelating to the issuance of specialty plates to honor recipients of the Distinguished Flying Cross medal with Valor. SBi1945,iiRelating to the Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act. SBi1946,iiRelating to an award of costs an attorney s’ fees in a motion to dismiss for certain actions that have no basis in law or fact. SBi1947,iiRelating to adjudication of claims arising from certain written contracts with state agencies. SBi1948,iiRelating to electronic reporting requirements for an abortion facility. SBi1949,iiRelating to the regulation of certain sweepstakes in this state. 4371 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4371

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SBi1950,iiRelating to damages in certain contract claims against the state. SBi1951,iiRelating to wage surveys for the determination of prevailing wage rates for certain contracts for public works. SBi1952,iiRelating to off-site sales by a dealer for antique or special interest vehicles that have been subject to a retail sale. SBi1953,iiRelating to indemnification and duties of engineers and architects under certain governmental contracts. SBi1954,iiRelating to participation in and contributions to the optional retirement program for certain employees of institutions of higher education. SBi1955,iiRelating to expunction of a notice of lis pendens. SBi2001,iiRelating to the conduct that constitutes the practice of psychology. SBi2016,iiRelating to parental administrations for certain adults with intellectual disabilities and the prosecution of a related criminal offense. SBi2054,iiRelating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport. SBi2118,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi2174,iiRelating to the appointment of a bailiff by district courts and county courts at law in Bowie County. SBi2175,iiRelating to the elimination of straight-party voting. SBi2176,iiRelating to the placement of certain substances in Penalty Groups 1 and 3 of the Texas Controlled Substances Act for the purposes of prosecution of criminal offenses involving those substances. SBi2191,iiRelating to certain sexual offenses; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi2247,iiRelating to the Paris Junior College District. SBi2278,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of Farm-to-Market Road 4000 in Titus County as the Titus County Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway. SJRi30,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from adopting or enforcing a law, ordinance, order, or other regulation requiring the registration of a firearm. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi25,iiRecognizing the Mount Tabor Indian Community for its contributions to this state. SCRi44,iiIn memory of Frances Debora McBride Collins. 4372 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4372

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SCRi45,iiIn memory of Dennis H. Boerner. SCRi47,iiUrging Congress to propose and submit to the states for ratification a regulation freedom amendment to the U.S. Constitution. SCRi49,iiIn memory of the life of Robert Russell Barnett. SCRi60,iiInstructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 1839. SCRi63,iiInstructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 1839. SRi97,iiRecognizing the Mineola High School football team for winning a state championship. SRi98,iiRecognizing the Carthage High School football team for winning a state championship. SRi99,iiIn memory of Leona Horn. SRi100,iiRecognizing Kenneth Christopher Ashby for his graduation from basic training. SRi101,iiRecognizing Joan and Forrest Clair on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. SRi102,iiIn memory of Frank Hodges. SRi103,iiRecognizing James and Sylvia Turrentine on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. SRi104,iiRecognizing Douglas and Jane Lee on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. SRi105,iiRecognizing Jack and Gladys Hamilton on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. SRi106,iiIn memory of Evelyn Loyd Hooton. SRi107,iiRecognizing Doyle and JoAnna Nelson on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary. SRi108,iiIn memory of Mary Elizabeth Tatum. SRi109,iiIn memory of Mary Lois Pittman McGahey. SRi110,iiRecognizing Johnny and Bonnie Cates on the occasion of their 62nd wedding anniversary. SRi111,iiRecognizing Nolan and Juanece Smith on the occasion of their 70th wedding anniversary. SRi114,iiIn memory of Marion Violet Laffoon. SRi130,iiRecognizing Roger Pace for his service to Wood County. SRi131,iiRecognizing Church on the Rock on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. SRi132,iiIn memory of Bill Parrott. SRi136,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Panola County Day. SRi153,iiRecognizing Janette Gillespie on the occasion of her 107th birthday. 4373 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4373

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SRi185,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Baylor Day. SRi203,iiIn memory of Tommie Lou Cosby. SRi204,iiRecognizing Daphne Mae Smith on the occasion of her 99th birthday. SRi212,iiRecognizing Payton McKenna Kennington for her perfect attendance record. SRi213,iiIn memory of Marvin H. Maberry Jr. SRi214,iiIn memory of Martha Eaves Craig. SRi215,iiIn memory of Curtis Lee Evetts. SRi216,iiRecognizing First United Methodist Church on the occasion of its 170th anniversary. SRi217,iiIn memory of Paul W. Powell. SRi218,iiIn memory of Everett Blanford Scott. SRi219,iiIn memory of Hamp Atkinson. SRi220,iiIn memory of Billy Pat Martin. SRi221,iiRecognizing the Carthage High School football team for winning a state championship. SRi222,iiRecognizing Doyle and Judy Hughes on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. SRi223,iiRecognizing Jack Newman on the occasion of his retirement. SRi224,iiRecognizing Timothy Boswell on the occasion of his retirement. SRi225,iiIn memory of Cecil Ira Hollingshead. SRi226,iiRecognizing Helen and Darnell Thomas Sr., on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary. SRi261,iiRecognizing February 21, 2017, as Texas FFA Day. SRi287,iiRecognizing Tim Boswell on the occasion of his retirement. SRi299,iiIn memory of Daphene Gimble Caudle. SRi304,iiCelebrating March 1, 2017, as Texas A&M University–Texarkana Day. SRi349,iiRecognizing John Mio on the occasion of his retirement. SRi356,iiIn memory of Ted E. Hall. SRi357,iiRecognizing Thelma Hope Roach on the occasion of her 100th birthday. SRi358,iiIn memory of Sue Sharp. SRi359,iiIn memory of Yolanda JoAn Davis. SRi418,iiIn memory of the life of Robert Russell Barnett. SRi419,iiRecognizing George A. Faber on the occasion of his retirement. SRi420,iiIn memory of Yolanda JoAn Davis. SRi438,iiRecognizing Nikita Fridia for her appointment as justice of the peace. 4374 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4374

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SRi439,iiRecognizing Franklin and Marjorie Willis on the occasion of their 70th wedding anniversary. SRi462,iiRecognizing Jeffrey Patrick Morris for his service to Young Conservatives of Texas. SRi469,iiRecognizing March 29 and 30, 2017, as Rusk County Days. SRi511,iiRecognizing March 27 and 28, 2017, as Upshur County Days. SRi514,iiRecognizing William Terry on the occasion of his 95th birthday. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi587,iiRecognizing the dedication of the Dr. D. Arlington Talbot Building at Texas A&M University–Commerce. SRi591,iiRecognizing Michael P. Smith and Renard Group Advertising Consultants for their contributions to the community. SRi666,iiRecognizing the Winnsboro Wrestling Club for its achievements. SRi671,iiRecognizing Tyler Beverages for receiving a Lone Star Safety Award. SRi674,iiRecognizing Doice Grant on his induction into the Stephen F. Austin State University Band Directors ’Hall of Fame. SRi675,iiRecognizing the Kilgore High School boys ’ soccer team for winning a state championship. SRi689,iiRecognizing the John Tyler High School ethics bowl team for its participation in the 2017 National High School Ethics Bowl Finals. SRi697,iiRecognizing the Winnsboro Wrestling Club for its achievements. SRi698,iiRecognizing Michael and Margaret Moulton on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi733,iiRecognizing Congregation Beth El on the occasion of its 130th anniversary. SRi734,iiRecognizing Allan Cain on the occasion of his retirement. SRi736,iiIn memory of Billy Ray Thompson. SRi743,iiRecognizing May 18, 2017, as American Heritage Girls Day. SRi749,iiRecognizing Louise Kanold on the occasion of her 102nd birthday. SRi755,iiRecognizing Tom and Pat Bingham on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. SRi756,iiRecognizing James Greer for his service to Harrison County. SRi757,iiRecognizing Rebecca Simpson on the occasion of her retirement. SRi796,iiRecognizing Clifton L. Holmes on the occasion of his retirement. 4375 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4375

HUGHES, BRYANi — i(Continued) SRi798,iiRecognizing Brad Chappell on the occasion of his retirement. SRi799,iiIn memory of Howard Payne Coghlan. SRi819,iiIn memory of Shirley Chadwick. SRi820,iiRecognizing the 100th anniversary of the first landing at Mineola-Wisener Field Airport. SRi886,iiIn memory of Julian E. Kastrop. SRi919,iiRecognizing Zachary Cousin for his heroism. SRi928,iiRecognizing David Land and Hannah Sbarbaro on the occasion of their wedding. SRi929,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on HB 555. SRi932,iiRecognizing William and Kathryn Reagan on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. SRi933,iiIn memory of Barbara Smith Conrad. SRi952,iiRecognizing The Winnsboro News for being presented with a Texas Treasure Business Award. SRi953,iiRecognizing Gladewater National Bank on the occasion of its 35th anniversary. SRi954,iiRecognizing J. Glen Dossett on the occasion of his retirement. SRi959,iiRecognizing Hayden L. Wolf for being selected as the 2015 American Honey Princess.

KOLKHORST, LOIS SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. 4376 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4376

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi28,iiRelating to the financing of ports in the state. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. SBi115,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of certain open meetings. SBi210,iiRelating to the required repeal or amendment of two state agency rules before adoption of a new state agency rule that increases costs to regulated persons. SBi277,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi364,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of Alternate United States Highway 90 in Lavaca County as the Sheriff Ronnie Dodds Memorial Highway. SBi365,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of State Highway 95 in Lavaca County as the Sergeant David M. Furrh Memorial Highway. SBi394,iiRelating to the required vote by a presidential elector; providing a civil penalty. SBi397,iiRelating to the consultation policies of local mental health authorities with respect to sheriffs and their representatives. SBi398,iiRelating to a study conducted by the State Auditor s’ Office to compare the projected cost estimate attached to certain bills and resolutions to the actual cost to the state of the bills and resolutions. SBi399,iiRelating to nontolled lanes on a highway that has been converted from a nontolled highway to a toll project. 4377 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4377

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SBi400,iiRelating to the verification of information provided to the comptroller and contained in reports on compliance with agreements under the Texas Economic Development Act. SBi403,iiRelating to a temporary prohibition on increasing the market value of certain parcels of real property for ad valorem tax purposes following determination of a protest or appeal. SBi404,iiRelating to prohibiting certain health care practitioners from providing alcoholic beverages to certain persons; imposing an administrative penalty. SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi419,iiRelating to the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi459,iiRelating to the regulation or taxation of firearms, air guns, knives, or ammunition by a municipality or county. SBi488,iiRelating to requirements for certain petitions requesting an election and ballot propositions. SBi516,iiRelating to a study and report concerning faculty productivity at general academic teaching institutions. SBi535,iiRelating to the creation, purpose, implementation, and funding of the County Park Beautification and Improvement Program. SBi539,iiRelating to the qualifications for an impartial third party in certain civil disputes. SBi546,iiRelating to the quality of water provided by public drinking water supply systems to state supported living centers. SBi547,iiRelating to the provision of services and resources to certain individuals by a state supported living center and to the creation of a schedule of support services a state supported living center may provide and procedures for establishing applicable fees for those services. SBi548,iiRelating to liability of certain electric utilities that allow certain uses of land that the electric utility owns, occupies, or leases. SBi549,iiRelating to refunds of certain bingo licensing and registration fees. SBi551,iiRelating to inaccurate or incomplete permit applications for solid waste facilities. SBi552,iiRelating to health benefit plan coverage of hearing aids and cochlear implants for certain individuals. SBi553,iiRelating to the notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation. SBi554,iiRelating to notice requirements for certain special districts that hold board meetings outside the district. SBi555,iiRelating to the entry of real property under a claim of eminent domain authority; providing a criminal penalty. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. 4378 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4378

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi625,iiRelating to public access to financial and tax rate information of certain special purpose districts; imposing a civil penalty. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi666,iiRelating to a sign required to be posted in the restrooms of sexually oriented businesses; creating a criminal offense. SBi668,iiRelating to the cessation of tolls by toll project entities in certain circumstances. SBi669,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. SBi721,iiRelating to treatment and care provided by licensed medical professionals to animals in certain facilities. SBi738,iiRelating to the transfer of certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship. SBi739,iiRelating to the postponement of certain hearings in suits affecting the parent-child relationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi740,iiRelating to the acquisition of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi741,iiRelating to compensation to a property owner for property acquired by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi742,iiRelating to requirements for a bona fide offer for the acquisition of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi743,iiRelating to the abolition of the fee established by the commissioner of the General Land Office for processing applications for terminal facility discharge prevention and response certificates. SBi744,iiRelating to a tree planting credit to offset tree mitigation fees imposed by a municipality. SBi745,iiRelating to the exemption of certain services performed by certain employees from the sales and use tax. SBi746,iiRelating to a prohibition of the land application of grit or grease trap waste. SBi747,iiRelating to a prohibition on the issuance by the Railroad Commission of Texas of a permit for a commercial surface disposal facility located near a municipality. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi810,iiRelating to the purchase and use of open educational resources. 4379 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4379

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SBi811,iiRelating to sex offender registration and a prohibition on certain registered sex offenders from being in a motor vehicle with a minor who is not a family member. SBi812,iiRelating to repayment of money contributed by the Texas Department of Transportation or the Texas Transportation Commission for toll projects and to a limitation on toll projects. SBi813,iiRelating to recovery of damages, attorney s’ fees, and costs related to frivolous regulatory actions by state agencies. SBi884,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities. SBi890,iiRelating to Medicaid beds in nursing facilities. SBi907,iiRelating to the definition of the least restrictive environment for the placement of children in foster care. SBi947,iiRelating to liability of certain electric utilities that allow certain uses of land that the electric utility owns, occupies, or leases. SBi948,iiRelating to certain information provided to prospective adoptive parents by the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi949,iiRelating to a limitation on the amount of attorney s’ fees awarded in a case assigned to a special three-judge district court. SBi977,iiRelating to the use of state money for high-speed rail operated by a private entity. SBi979,iiRelating to the disposition of real property intended for high-speed rail projects. SBi981,iiRelating to the compatibility of a high-speed rail facility with multiple types of train technology. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1013,iiRelating to the disclosure of personal information contained in motor vehicle records; providing an administrative penalty. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1151,iiRelating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education. SBi1196,iiRelating to the declaration of a common nuisance involving a computer network or web address. SBi1322,iiRelating to increasing the punishment for certain conduct constituting the offense of possession or promotion of child pornography. 4380 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4380

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SBi1362,iiRelating to notification and informational materials regarding mutual consent voluntary adoption registries. SBi1395,iiRelating to the powers and duties of navigation districts and port authorities. SBi1437,iiRelating to payment for the use of a highway toll project. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1542,iiRelating to a requirement that a condominium receive prior approval from a county prior to its creation. SBi1544,iiRelating to financial reporting requirements of regional planning commissions. SBi1545,iiRelating to the definition of eligible central municipality for purposes of the municipal hotel occupancy tax. SBi1554,iiRelating to establishing a Federal Medicaid Funding and Reform Waivers Legislative Oversight Committee. SBi1555,iiRelating to Texas Department of Transportation consideration of financially independent state highway toll projects. SBi1556,iiRelating to the management of commercial oyster boats in this state. SBi1557,iiRelating to the administration of gasoline and diesel fuel motor fuels taxes and the fee on the delivery of certain petroleum products. SBi1558,iiRelating to automatic admission to general academic teaching institutions for valedictorians of certain high school graduating classes. SBi1561,iiRelating to a study by the State Board of Education on the instructional day and academic year requirements necessary to complete the required curriculum in public schools. SBi1562,iiRelating to enforcement for violations of duplicate state and federal regulations by long-term facilities. SBi1563,iiRelating to audits of the fiscal accounts and records of emergency services districts. SBi1564,iiRelating to pharmacy benefit networks and pharmacy benefit managers. SBi1565,iiRelating to the procedure for ordering medical or dental services for certain persons admitted to or committed to care at certain state facilities. SBi1566,iiRelating to certain powers and duties of the board of trustees of an independent school district and the governing body of an open-enrollment charter school and to abolishing certain county boards of education, boards of county school trustees, and offices of county school superintendent. SBi1567,iiRelating to the reimbursement of prescription drugs under Medicaid and the child health plan program. SBi1573,iiRelating to a study to identify and address inefficiencies in state health care regulations. SBi1574,iiRelating to the electronic sharing of protected health information and certification of and enforcement actions against certain covered entities. 4381 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4381

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SBi1609,iiRelating to regulation by a property owners ’ association of certain religious displays. SBi1882,iiRelating to a school district contract to partner with an open-enrollment charter school to operate a district campus. SBi1920,iiRelating to electric industry market power rules. SBi1921,iiRelating to the route designation for the issuance of a permit for the movement of oversize and overweight vehicles in certain counties. SBi1927,iiRelating to requiring the Health and Human Services Commission to evaluate and implement changes to the Medicaid and child health plan programs to make the programs more cost-effective, increase competition among providers, and improve health outcomes for recipients. SBi1928,iiRelating to the frequency and location of certain meetings required by a prescriptive authority agreement. SBi1929,iiRelating to maternal mortality and morbidity and pregnancy-related deaths, including postpartum depression. SBi1969,iiRelating to the nonsubstantive revision of the Texas Racing Act, including conforming amendments. SBi1970,iiRelating to fantasy sports contests. SBi1971,iiRelating to the deposit and allocation of certain funds to the Texas Racing Commission horse industry escrow account. SBi1972,iiRelating to the deposit and distribution by the Texas Racing Commission of certain pari-mutuel wagering funds to benefit the Texas-bred program. SBi1973,iiRelating to the set aside, collection, and transfer of certain money for the Texas Racing Commission. SBi2017,iiRelating to the regulation of commercial shrimp unloading; requiring an occupational license and authorizing a fee for certain nonresident persons. SBi2061,iiRelating to the correction of an ad valorem tax appraisal roll. SBi2062,iiRelating to the membership of the Texas Funeral Service Commission. SBi2063,iiRelating to eligibility for designation as and to accountability for districts of innovation. SBi2095,iiRelating to regulation of steroid use by students participating in athletic competitions sponsored or sanctioned by the University Interscholastic League. SBi2173,iiRelating to the operation and administration of the Texas Bullion Depository; depository agents; and to the appropriation of money from the fees, charges, penalties, and other amounts related to the depository and deposited to the general revenue fund for that purpose. SBi2217,iiRelating to state fiscal matters. 4382 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4382

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SBi2229,iiRelating to directing Blinn College to transfer control and custody of the Washington-on-the-Brazos Museum Building and its contents to the Texas Historical Commission. SBi2230,iiRelating to the transfer of the Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to the Texas Historical Commission. SBi2231,iiRelating to directing Blinn College to transfer control and custody of the Washington-on-the-Brazos Museum Building and its contents to the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi2251,iiRelating to the creation of the Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 224; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2256,iiRelating to the compensation of and reimbursement of expenses of the directors of the Aliana Management District. SBi2257,iiRelating to the creation of the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 554; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi2258,iiRelating to the conversion of the Grand Northwest Municipal Utility District to the Grand Northwest Municipal Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SBi2259,iiRelating to the creation of the Fort Bend County Municipal Management District No. 2; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SBi2260,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 130; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose a tax. SBi2261,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 50; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose a tax. SBi2264,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Fort Bend County Municipal Management District No. 1; authorizing the imposition of a tax. SJRi31,iiProposing a constitutional amendment relating to appropriations for the preservation and perpetuation of certain items of historical value; allowing the legislature and state agencies to accept on behalf of the state gifts of items of historical value and contributions to purchase such items. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi8,iiDesignating the cannon as the official state gun of Texas. 4383 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4383

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SCRi11,iiAuthorizing the lieutenant governor and the speaker to appoint interim joint committees. SCRi33,iiApproving the amended 2009 settlement agreement between the State of Texas and the U.S. Department of Justice. SCRi34,iiUrging Congress to ensure the fair allocation of Medicare funding for graduate medical education to all states. SCRi43,iiRecognizing Ginger Fagan for her contributions to this state. SCRi48,iiRecognizing the Washington County Chamber of Commerce for 100 years of service to the community. SCRi59,iiInstructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 1566. SCRi64,iiInstructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 1566. SRi34,iiIn memory of Bette-Jo Simpson Buhler. SRi60,iiRecognizing Hochheim Prairie Farm Mutual Insurance Association on the occasion of its 125th anniversary. SRi61,iiRecognizing January 31, 2017, as Waller County Day. SRi69,iiRecognizing Silver Wings Ballroom on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. SRi72,iiRecognizing Leroy Dreyer on his induction into the American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame. SRi124,iiRecognizing February 8, 2017, as Coastal Bend Day. SRi135,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Matagorda County Day. SRi184,iiRecognizing the "Dam" Lakefest BBQ Cook-off. SRi208,iiRecognizing February 21, 2017, as Washington County Day. SRi209,iiRecognizing February 23, 2017, as Aransas County Day. SRi210,iiRecognizing February 23, 2017, as Smith-Hughes Day. SRi276,iiRecognizing the Texas Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs for its contributions to young Texans. SRi277,iiCelebrating February 28, 2017, as Prairie View A&M University Day. SRi278,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as Wharton County Day. SRi311,iiRecognizing the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker at the site of the original Pleasant Hill School. SRi312,iiCelebrating March 8, 2017, as Golden Crescent Day. SRi329,iiRecognizing Diana Glenz on the occasion of her retirement. SRi343,iiCelebrating September 30, 2017, as Czech Heritage Day. SRi370,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Blinn College Day. SRi371,iiRecognizing the 2017 Brenham Maifest. 4384 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4384

KOLKHORST, LOISi — i(Continued) SRi372,iiIn memory of the life of S. A. Pleasants. SRi432,iiRecognizing the Treasury Operations division of the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. SRi433,iiRecognizing Pam Bennett Young on the occasion of her retirement. SRi434,iiRecognizing Martha Haydon on the occasion of her retirement. SRi435,iiRecognizing the Brenham Children s’ Chorus on the occasion of its 15th anniversary. SRi489,iiRecognizing Fayette Electric Cooperative, Incorporated, on the occasion of its 80th anniversary. SRi506,iiRecognizing March 23, 2017, as Community Impact Newspaper Day. SRi537,iiRecognizing April 5, 2017, as Austin County Day. SRi556,iiRecognizing April 4, 2017, as Port Aransas Day. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi643,iiRecognizing the Victoria Catholic War Veterans, Saint John s’ Post 1269, on the occasion of its 70th anniversary. SRi647,iiWelcoming Daikin Industries, Limited, to Texas. SRi667,iiRecognizing United Evangelical Lutheran Church on the occasion of its 150th anniversary. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi740,iiRecognizing the fifth class of Governor William P. Clements Jr. Scholars for their commitment to public service. SRi794,iiRecognizing Milton Fred Paul Fuchs on the occasion of his 90th birthday. SRi847,iiRecognizing the Brenham Fire Department on the occasion of its 150th anniversary. SRi881,iiRecognizing Cameron Tanner and Vanessa Cortez on the occasion of their marriage. SRi955,iiCommending Hector Meza for his service to the Texas Senate and congratulating him for earning a 2017 Betty King Public Service Award. SRi956,iiCommending Susan Fontenette for her service to the Texas Senate and congratulating her for earning a 2017 Betty King Public Service Award. SRi958,iiIn memory of Dwight Dale Conway.

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. 4385 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4385

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi26,iiRelating to the Texas emissions reduction plan and other related programs and measures to reduce emissions. SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi132,iiRelating to the savings incentive program for state agencies. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi196,iiRelating to a notification requirement if a public school, including an open-enrollment charter school, does not have a nurse, school counselor, or librarian assigned to the school during all instructional hours. SBi267,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of hospitals in this state; increasing the amount of administrative penalties assessed or imposed against certain hospitals; authorizing the imposition of a fee. SBi277,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. 4386 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4386

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi460,iiRelating to general obligation bonds issued by political subdivisions. SBi461,iiRelating to the notice required before the issuance of certain debt obligations by political subdivisions. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi465,iiRelating to voting rights in the areas that are included in a municipality s’ annexation plan. SBi466,iiRelating to certain petitions filed with home-rule municipalities. SBi467,iiRelating to a requirement for ballot propositions. SBi468,iiRelating to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of certain municipalities in coastal border counties. SBi471,iiRelating to the inclusion of certain areas in a municipal annexation plan. SBi472,iiRelating to the prohibition of employment discrimination regarding military service members and military veterans. SBi477,iiRelating to a report by the Texas Workforce Commission regarding certain employee issues. SBi488,iiRelating to requirements for certain petitions requesting an election and ballot propositions. SBi489,iiRelating to recommendations regarding instruction in public schools to prevent the use of e-cigarettes. SBi490,iiRelating to school counselors in public schools. SBi522,iiRelating to issuing a marriage license and conducting a marriage ceremony. SBi529,iiRelating to improving training and staff development for primary and secondary educators to enable them to more effectively serve all students. SBi531,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committee determinations for certain public school accountability and high school graduation purposes and to the use of other alternative methods for certain high school graduation purposes. SBi544,iiRelating to required training for veterans county service officers and assistant veterans county service officers. SBi545,iiRelating to information regarding autism spectrum disorders. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. 4387 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4387

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi578,iiRelating to the creation by the Health and Human Services Commission of a veteran suicide prevention action plan. SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi588,iiRelating to information regarding private employers who have veteran s’ employment preference policies. SBi589,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts; requiring an occupational license; imposing fees. SBi591,iiRelating to a community outreach campaign to increase awareness of veterans benefits and services. SBi592,iiRelating to the classification of workers for purposes of the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act; providing a penalty. SBi595,iiRelating to the eligibility of individuals from low-income households to pay the ad valorem taxes imposed on the individual s’ residence homestead in installments. SBi596,iiRelating to imposing a tax on certain sweetened beverages and ingredients used to make certain sweetened beverages; providing a penalty. SBi597,iiRelating to abolishing the death penalty. SBi640,iiRelating to equal opportunity for access by home-schooled students to University Interscholastic League sponsored activities; authorizing a fee. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi672,iiRelating to the collection and publication of the number of security personnel or commissioned peace officers employed by each school district and assigned to each district campus. SBi674,iiRelating to licensing for certain health professions, including an expedited process for certain physicians specializing in psychiatry; authorizing a fee. SBi679,iiRelating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professions. SBi693,iiRelating to three-point seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi696,iiRelating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality obtain or develop updated water availability models for certain river basins. SBi717,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property damaged in a disaster. 4388 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4388

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi730,iiRelating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of income-producing tangible personal property having a value of less than a certain amount. SBi751,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain information of and the abolishment date of the military base realignment and closure task force. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi805,iiRelating to Texas women veterans. SBi822,iiRelating to the transfer of certain property from The University of Texas System to the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi840,iiRelating to certain images captured by an unmanned aircraft. SBi856,iiRelating to the prizes awarded in certain pull-tab bingo games. SBi884,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1038,iiRelating to evaluation of public schools based on academic achievement and financial resources. SBi1065,iiRelating to certain sentencing procedures in a capital case. SBi1090,iiRelating to the unlawful restraint of a dog; creating a criminal offense. SBi1097,iiRelating to funding for apprenticeship training programs through a lottery game. SBi1101,iiRelating to the prescription of epinephrine auto-injectors to and administration of epinephrine auto-injectors in day-care centers; limiting liability. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1114,iiRelating to financial assistance provided for the demolition and replacement of unsafe housing and the purchase of manufactured homes by individuals and families of very low income. SBi1116,iiRelating to a study regarding the costs of educating students with disabilities in public schools. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1295,iiRelating to an insurance premium tax credit for investment in certain communities; imposing a monetary penalty; authorizing fees. 4389 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4389

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi1302,iiRelating to the authority of the Texas Military Department to purchase food and beverages. SBi1303,iiRelating to the establishment of school district policies regarding the marketing and commercial advertising of food products on school district property. SBi1398,iiRelating to the placement and use of video cameras in certain self-contained classrooms or other settings providing special education services. SBi1462,iiRelating to the creation and operation of certain local health care provider participation programs. SBi1589,iiRelating to suspending the statute of limitations in the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act during a lawsuit. SBi1590,iiRelating to allowing the Texas Workforce Commission (Commission) to cash a warrant with a restricted or conditional endorsement without settling the amount of money due to the Commission. SBi1591,iiRelating to cooperation with federal agencies on a guest worker program in this state. SBi1609,iiRelating to regulation by a property owners ’ association of certain religious displays. SBi1616,iiRelating to certain sentencing procedures in a capital case. SBi1658,iiRelating to the ownership, sale, lease, and disposition of property and management of assets of an open-enrollment charter school. SBi1668,iiRelating to the administration and enforcement of produce safety standards by the Department of Agriculture; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi1669,iiRelating to a task force to coordinate and make recommendations on parent engagement and education programs provided by state agencies. SBi1670,iiRelating to a historic structure assistance program operated by a municipally owned utility in certain municipalities; authorizing a fee. SBi1671,iiRelating to the waiver of governmental immunity of a county or sheriff s’ department for claims arising from a final decision of certain civil service commissions. SBi1672,iiRelating to the purposes of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. SBi1673,iiRelating to natural disaster housing recovery. SBi1674,iiRelating to authorizing certain border counties and municipalities in those counties to address population growth and prevent the proliferation of substandard dwellings; providing a penalty. SBi1675,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of animal export-import processing facilities; providing penalties; requiring an occupational license; authorizing fees. SBi1676,iiRelating to the veterans county service office. 4390 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4390

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi1677,iiRelating to information about services for women veterans provided through certain state agency applications. SBi1678,iiRelating to the members of a school district s’ local school health advisory council. SBi1679,iiRelating to the use of the fund for veterans ’assistance to provide grants to support veterans county service offices. SBi1680,iiRelating to a task force of border health officials. SBi1681,iiRelating to the establishment of the Communicable Disease and Public Health Center. SBi1682,iiRelating to a building used as a prescribed pediatric extended care center. SBi1683,iiRelating to food allergen awareness in food service establishments. SBi1684,iiRelating to the possession and administration of an epinephrine auto-injector by certain entities. SBi1685,iiRelating to specialty license plates or stickers for motor vehicles of persons with intellectual disabilities. SBi1686,iiRelating to coordinated health programs for public school students. SBi1687,iiRelating to a list of best practice-based programs and research-based practices in certain areas for implementation in public schools. SBi1688,iiRelating to the establishment of the student mental health division within the Texas Education Agency. SBi1689,iiRelating to confidential mental health screenings for students in public primary and secondary schools. SBi1690,iiRelating to the requirements for a school district improvement plan. SBi1691,iiRelating to the commissioner of education establishing an annual conference on methods to improve the mental health of students in public schools. SBi1692,iiRelating to the creation of a nutrition education task force. SBi1693,iiRelating to a study of seniors with a visual impairment by the Aging Texas Well Advisory Committee. SBi1694,iiRelating to suicide prevention training for certain mental health professionals. SBi1695,iiRelating to mosquito control districts established for an urgent public health purpose. SBi1696,iiRelating to federal lunch programs for public school students, including a study on participation in such programs and school district lunch grace period policies. SBi1697,iiRelating to the establishment of a multi-stakeholder advisory committee on health literacy. SBi1698,iiRelating to outreach and awareness for women veterans in this state. SBi1699,iiRelating to a model framework to address certain barriers to student learning. 4391 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4391

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi1753,iiRelating to positive behavioral interventions and supports for students enrolled in public school who receive special education services. SBi1754,iiRelating to the school district grievance procedures for resolving complaints received by students ’parents or guardians. SBi1755,iiRelating to a graduation progress committee for certain public school students in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi1804,iiRelating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue by certain municipalities. SBi1805,iiRelating to the multiuse training and operations center facility. SBi1841,iiRelating to the provision of telecommunications services through statewide technology centers. SBi1842,iiRelating to an application for the amendment of a certificate of public convenience and necessity in an area within the boundaries of a political subdivision. SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1858,iiRelating to an alert system for public health or safety threat notifications. SBi1859,iiRelating to the establishment of a human trafficking unit within the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas. SBi1860,iiRelating to agreements between this state and other jurisdictions concerning reciprocal licensure of mental health professionals. SBi1861,iiRelating to a comprehensive plan for increasing and improving the workforce in this state that serves persons with mental health and substance use issues. SBi1862,iiRelating to the development of initiatives to reduce veteran suicides in this state. SBi1863,iiRelating to the governance and operation of municipal management districts. SBi1925,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi1926,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi1956,iiRelating to the expiration date of hunting and fishing licenses. SBi1957,iiRelating to a pilot program to reduce the cost of hunting and fishing licenses for nonresidents. SBi1958,iiRelating to the residency requirements for hunting and fishing licenses. SBi1959,iiRelating to certain comprehensive development agreements of the Texas Department of Transportation or a regional mobility authority. SBi1960,iiRelating to firearm safety awareness; decreasing the application and license fee for a license to carry a handgun. 4392 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4392

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi1961,iiRelating to the relationship between public employers and fire and police employees. SBi1986,iiRelating to the creation of an advisory committee on mental health issues affecting veterans within the Texas Veterans Commission. SBi1987,iiRelating to the notice and procedural requirements for bills proposing the creation of or annexation of land to certain special purpose districts. SBi1988,iiRelating to the nonsubstantive revision of certain local laws concerning water and wastewater special districts, including conforming amendments. SBi1991,iiRelating to the administration of federal funds under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act. SBi2071,iiRelating to the first day of instruction for an open-enrollment charter school. SBi2072,iiRelating to the appeal to the commissioner of education of certain actions or decisions of an open-enrollment charter school governing body. SBi2112,iiRelating to creating a single countywide school district in certain counties. SBi2113,iiRelating to requiring the Texas Education Agency to conduct a study regarding school district consolidation in Cameron County. SBi2123,iiRelating to the creation of a pilot program to allow high schools in certain counties to connect to high-speed fiber-optic networks. SBi2132,iiRelating to certain identifying information regarding career school or college students. SBi2133,iiRelating to the political activities of certain county elections administrators. SBi2134,iiRelating to a plan to increase the use of telemedicine medical services and telehealth services in this state. SBi2135,iiRelating to services provided to veterans who have been arrested for a misdemeanor or felony offense. SBi2136,iiRelating to the establishment of a matching grant program for community development in certain municipalities and counties. SBi2137,iiRelating to a fee associated with a required inspection of a motor vehicle for certain title transfers; authorizing a fee. SBi2138,iiRelating to the establishment of a pilot program for the issuance of digital driver s’ licenses. SBi2139,iiRelating to the creation of regional transit authorities; granting the power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds and charge fees; creating a criminal offense. SBi2140,iiRelating to the provision by the Texas Water Development Board of financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas. SBi2149,iiRelating to early in-person voting by voters who reside at a residential care facility. SBi2199,iiRelating to the powers and duties of a county or municipality to impose taxes on behalf of a navigation district. 4393 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4393

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SBi2200,iiRelating to improving the quality of teachers employed by a school district, teacher performance appraisals, and the hiring of mentor teachers. SBi2201,iiRelating to curriculum requirements in American history at institutions of higher education. SBi2202,iiRelating to the authority of school districts and school district students to participate in University Interscholastic League competitions. SBi2265,iiRelating to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority and expanding the territory and powers of the authority; authorizing fees and the issuance of bonds. SBi2270,iiRelating to expansion of a pilot program under the foundation school program for funding prekindergarten programs provided by certain school districts with early high school graduation programs. SBi2291,iiRelating to the Texas Medal for the Defense of Freedom award. SBi2294,iiRelating to the use of regional mobility authority toll projects by public school buses. SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi61,iiProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of additional general obligation bonds by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas. SCRi9,iiUrging Congress to explore and negotiate the creation of a binational framework allowing the United States and Mexico to address the threat of communicable diseases. SCRi21,iiRecognizing Texas as a Purple Heart State. SCRi22,iiUrging Congress to recognize the importance of trade between Texas and Mexico. SCRi25,iiRecognizing the Mount Tabor Indian Community for its contributions to this state. SCRi31,iiExpressing opposition to using eminent domain for the construction of a wall or fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi40,iiUrging Congress to preserve federal funding for community health centers. SCRi41,iiUrging Congress to direct the Department of Defense to relocate the United States Africa Command to Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston. SRi13,iiRecognizing Isauro G. Farias on the occasion of his 87th birthday. SRi25,iiIn memory of Sandra Longoria Yturria. SRi27,iiIn memory of Alberto "Beto" Medrano. SRi28,iiIn memory of Billy R. Bradford Sr. SRi29,iiIn memory of Garrison Good Card. 4394 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4394

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SRi62,iiIn memory of Maria Guadalupe Cisneros Perez. SRi63,iiRecognizing the Lopez Early College High School Band for winning a state championship. SRi66,iiRecognizing Eddie Cavazos on the occasion of his retirement. SRi67,iiCommending William Grace for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi68,iiRecognizing Emily Irene Hamrick Harding on the occasion of her 93rd birthday. SRi76,iiRecognizing January 31, 2017, as Brownsville Day. SRi84,iiRecognizing Leopoldo "Polo" Palacios for his contributions to the Pharr community. SRi85,iiRecognizing Ruthie Ewers for her contributions to Texas State Technical College and the Rio Grande Valley. SRi86,iiIn memory of Mauricio G. Flores. SRi87,iiRecognizing January 31, 2017, as Kleberg County Day. SRi92,iiRecognizing Domingo P. Sepulveda for his contributions to the Weslaco community. SRi115,iiCongratulating Bobby Joe Morrow on being named the 2016 Texas Legend for the Eddie Lucio Scholarship Fund. SRi119,iiIn memory of Eduardo Genis Aguilar. SRi122,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Rio Grande Valley Day. SRi124,iiRecognizing February 8, 2017, as Coastal Bend Day. SRi125,iiIn memory of Charles Bryan Isbell. SRi126,iiRecognizing Francisco "Pancho" Ochoa Sr. for his achievements. SRi127,iiRecognizing Roberto "El Primo" Pulido for his contributions to the musical legacy of South Texas. SRi128,iiWelcoming Class XII of Leadership Mid Valley to the Capitol. SRi137,iiCelebrating February 6 through 10, 2017, as School Counseling Week. SRi148,iiRecognizing F. B. "Lico" Reyes for his work as an advocate for civil rights and labor rights. SRi157,iiCommending Gilberto Sanchez III for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi158,iiIn memory of Matias G. Farias. SRi159,iiRecognizing Fernando Landeros Verdugo for being named Mr. Amigo 2016. SRi195,iiRecognizing February 14, 2017, as Rita L. Littlefield Kidney Day. SRi207,iiRecognizing Cecilia Abbott for her contributions to the state. SRi235,iiCommending Jason Padilla for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi236,iiCommending Klay Teegardin for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi237,iiCommending Avery Vega for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. 4395 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4395

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SRi246,iiRecognizing Tropical Texas Behavioral Health on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi247,iiWelcoming citizens of Harlingen and San Benito to the Capitol. SRi288,iiRecognizing Enrique Perez for his contributions to agriculture in this state. SRi289,iiRecognizing Juan Reymundo Anciso for his contributions to agriculture in this state. SRi290,iiRecognizing the 80th annual Charro Days Fiesta. SRi332,iiRecognizing Perry Homes on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi338,iiRecognizing Frutoso M. Gomez Jr. on the occasion of his retirement. SRi346,iiRecognizing the Pan American Round Tables of Texas on the occasion of the organization s’ 100th anniversary. SRi352,iiRecognizing Naval Air Station-Kingsville on the occasion of its 75th anniversary. SRi385,iiIn memory of Gilbert Lozano. SRi393,iiRecognizing March 8, 2017, as Brownsville Chamber of Commerce Day. SRi403,iiRecognizing Olmito Water Supply Corporation on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi415,iiRecognizing May 3, 2017, as County Government Day. SRi424,iiRecognizing March 22, 2017, as Texas Small Business Development Center Day. SRi436,iiRecognizing Fred Farias III for being selected as the 2016 Optometrist of the Year. SRi443,iiIn memory of Bernadette Richardson. SRi475,iiRecognizing Daniel Breeden Elementary School for its commitment to excellence in education. SRi516,iiRecognizing March 29, 2017, as Texas Rural Water Day. SRi554,iiRecognizing the North Alamo Water Supply Corporation on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi571,iiRecognizing Texas Department of Transportation District 21 for its service to the people of South Texas. SRi572,iiIn memory of Donna Michelle Jones. SRi573,iiRecognizing Edmundo Nieto for his service to his country. SRi584,iiRecognizing the Brownsville High School Class of 1967 on the occasion of their 50th anniversary reunion. SRi592,iiRecognizing the anniversary of the fall of Saigon. SRi593,iiIn memory of Joe S. Bono. SRi605,iiRecognizing the Cameron County Mental Health Task Force on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. 4396 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4396

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SRi612,iiIn memory of Sergio A. Cisneros Sr. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi633,iiRecognizing Michael Salgado for his contributions to the music industry. SRi634,iiIn memory of Hernan Ilufi "Tito" Orellana. SRi652,iiIn memory of Romeo L. Lomas. SRi657,iiRecognizing Homero Martinez III for being named associate director of the Veterans Affairs Texas Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System. SRi659,iiRecognizing the Oliveira Middle School Symphonic Band for its achievements. SRi660,iiIn memory of Fernando S. Flores. SRi661,iiIn memory of Orlando A. "Lonnie" Correa. SRi670,iiRecognizing Conjunto Halco´n of Los Fresnos High School. SRi678,iiRecognizing Gonzalez Place tavern on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. SRi679,iiIn memory of Juan Gonzales Sr. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi702,iiIn memory of Renato E. Cardenas. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi719,iiRecognizing Bertha A. Lucio Caballero on the occasion of her retirement. SRi720,iiRecognizing Michelle del Castillo-Davis on the occasion of her retirement. SRi735,iiRecognizing Rose E. Longoria for her contributions to the field of education. SRi737,iiRecognizing Maria Lourdes Villarreal on the occasion of her retirement. SRi738,iiRecognizing Joe Villalon on the occasion of his 28th year in the priesthood. SRi739,iiRecognizing Jacoba Hampton on the occasion of her retirement. SRi744,iiRecognizing Cynthia S. Castro for her service to the Brownsville Independent School District. SRi746,iiRecognizing Ramiro Ramirez Gonzalez for his contributions to the Rio Grande Valley community. SRi758,iiRecognizing Gaspar Garcia for his service to Oliveira Middle School. SRi764,iiIn memory of Robert Gene Brashear. SRi772,iiRecognizing Conrado Lucio for his public service. SRi791,iiRecognizing the inaugural class of the Rio Grande Valley Legislative Internship Program. SRi813,iiRecognizing the members of the Rising Scholars Academy of South Texas Lady Rockets soccer team for winning a state championship. 4397 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4397

LUCIO, EDDIE, JR.i — i(Continued) SRi846,iiIn memory of Laura Lee Milner Traylor. SRi858,iiRecognizing the American Red Cross South Texas Chapter on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi859,iiRecognizing Eluteria "Susie" Gonzalez for her contributions to her community. SRi885,iiIn memory of Natalie Cowen Gonzalez. SRi903,iiRecognizing Celeste Zepeda Sanchez for her service to the City of San Benito. SRi904,iiRecognizing Gonzalez Elementary School in Brownsville on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. SRi905,iiIn memory of the life of David Irvine Rucker. SRi917,iiIn memory of Mario E. Ramirez. SRi922,iiRecognizing Amanda Fuentes on the occasion of her graduation. SRi923,iiRecognizing Valerie A. Martinez for her contributions to the Austin community. SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II. SRi927,iiIn memory of Gloria Rodriguez. SRi941,iiRecognizing Martin Pen˜a on the occasion of his retirement. SRi947,iiRecognizing Carlos Cisneros Lucio Jr. on the occasion of his graduation. SRi960,iiRecognizing Larry Jokl on the occasion of his retirement.

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. 4398 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4398

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. SBi31,iiRelating to the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle; creating a criminal offense; modifying existing criminal penalties. SBi160,iiRelating to a prohibition of a monitoring system performance indicator based solely on the number or percentage of students receiving special education services. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi180,iiRelating to student harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying. SBi181,iiRelating to civil liability for bullying of a child. SBi182,iiRelating to the availability of certain pre-suit discovery in connection with a claim involving injury to or death of a minor. SBi195,iiRelating to funding under the transportation allotment for public school students subject to a high risk of violence while walking to school. SBi211,iiRelating to the eligibility of a relative or other designated caregiver of a foster child for monetary assistance. SBi212,iiRelating to the ability of certain relative caretakers of dependent children to receive supplemental financial assistance and be assigned as protective payees for financial assistance payments. SBi213,iiRelating to the office of ombudsman for the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi214,iiRelating to a prohibition of a monitoring system performance indicator based on the number or percentage of students receiving special education services. SBi215,iiRelating to limiting certain state-required assessment instruments administered to public school students in certain grades to assessments required by federal law. SBi216,iiRelating to the salary paid to classroom teachers employed by public schools. SBi217,iiRelating to a supplemental payment for retirees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and the unfunded actuarial liabilities allowed under that system. SBi218,iiRelating to a cost-of-living adjustment applicable to certain benefits paid by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. SBi219,iiRelating to the state contribution to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. SBi220,iiRelating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain mental health facilities. SBi221,iiRelating to prohibiting the transfer of a firearm to a person listed in the terrorist screening database maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. SBi222,iiRelating to designating June as Gun Violence Awareness Month. 4399 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4399

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi223,iiRelating to unlawful employment practices regarding discrimination in payment of compensation. SBi229,iiRelating to the minimum wage. SBi230,iiRelating to participation in the countywide polling place program. SBi231,iiRelating to automatic voter registration on issuance or change of a driver s’ license or identification card by the Department of Public Safety. SBi232,iiRelating to providing for voter registration at a polling place. SBi233,iiRelating to training regarding interactions with law enforcement during traffic stops. SBi234,iiRelating to a prohibition against the use by a career school or college of certain advertising designed to mislead or deceive prospective students. SBi235,iiRelating to the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. SBi236,iiRelating to the repeal of statutes regarding the criminality or unacceptability of homosexual conduct and to the recognition of certain same-sex relationship statuses. SBi237,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of certain employees of fire protection sprinkler system contractors; providing a penalty; imposing a fee; requiring occupational licenses. SBi238,iiRelating to daylight saving time. SBi256,iiRelating to the confidentiality of home address information of certain victims of family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking of persons. SBi269,iiRelating to authorizing the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, transportation, and delivery of medical cannabis for medical use by qualifying patients with certain debilitating medical conditions and the licensing of dispensing organizations and testing facilities; authorizing fees. SBi271,iiRelating to the issuance of a citation or notice to appear for certain misdemeanors punishable by a fine only. SBi275,iiRelating to the retention and use of sales tax revenue collected by certain retailers to provide job training and placement services to certain persons. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi325,iiRelating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted. SBi327,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi370,iiRelating to the discipline and behavior management of a student enrolled in a grade level below grade three at a school district or open-enrollment charter school. 4400 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4400

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi571,iiRelating to a salary career ladder for certain state employees. SBi572,iiRelating to a feasibility study and report by the Texas Division of Emergency Management regarding the use of United States Postal Service employees, resources, and assets during a declared disaster. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi578,iiRelating to the creation by the Health and Human Services Commission of a veteran suicide prevention action plan. SBi589,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts; requiring an occupational license; imposing fees. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi725,iiRelating to the donation and distribution of food at public schools. SBi755,iiRelating to the authority of a school district to donate food to a nonprofit organization to be served to students of the district. SBi756,iiRelating to required coverage for obesity under group health benefit plans. SBi757,iiRelating to creating a voluntary program to recognize licensed before-school and after-school programs that promote healthy eating and physical activity. SBi758,iiRelating to bill payment assistance programs offered by certain municipalities. SBi759,iiRelating to the designation of Remember the Alamo Day as a state holiday. SBi760,iiRelating to county authority to regulate fireworks. SBi761,iiRelating to the punishment for certain intoxication offenses and the eligibility for deferred adjudication community supervision of defendants who committed certain intoxication offenses. SBi762,iiRelating to the prosecution of offenses involving cruelty to animals; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi966,iiRelating to criminal offenses regarding the consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages by a minor. SBi968,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at certain public and private institutions of higher education and to requiring those institutions to provide students and employees an option to electronically report certain offenses to the institution. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. 4401 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4401

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1031,iiRelating to a deduction under the franchise tax for certain contracts with the federal government. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1154,iiRelating to coverage for serious mental illness under certain group health benefit plans. SBi1155,iiRelating to fees paid to certain credit services organizations in connection with certain extensions of consumer credit. SBi1156,iiRelating to the Alamo complex account; making an appropriation. SBi1163,iiRelating to establishing and funding a grant program for testing evidence collected in relation to sexual assaults or other sex offenses; authorizing voluntary contributions. SBi1196,iiRelating to the declaration of a common nuisance involving a computer network or web address. SBi1199,iiRelating to service contract providers. SBi1228,iiRelating to the approval by a property owners ’association of repairs to residential property after a weather-related or naturally occurring event. SBi1229,iiRelating to solid waste services and solid waste management programs in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of municipalities in certain counties; authorizing penalties. SBi1232,iiRelating to inappropriate conduct between a person and an animal; creating a criminal offense. SBi1255,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of Loop 1604 in Bexar County as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Overpass. SBi1366,iiRelating to eligibility for membership and funding of benefits for certain law enforcement, custodial, and other peace officers. SBi1367,iiRelating to policies and training regarding the use of epinephrine auto-injectors by public institutions of higher education; providing immunity. SBi1368,iiRelating to a study on the provision of vision services benefits to older individuals in this state. SBi1369,iiRelating to the prosecution for the offense of injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual. 4402 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4402

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi1370,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of Loop 1604 in Bexar County as the Borinqueneers Memorial Overpass. SBi1371,iiRelating to the issuance of specialty license plates to honor recipients of the Commendation Medal with Valor and Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. SBi1372,iiRelating to the operation of an electric unicycle. SBi1373,iiRelating to the applicability of municipal zoning ordinances to certain open-enrollment charter schools. SBi1374,iiRelating to the expunction of records in residential eviction suits. SBi1409,iiRelating to a breach of system security of a business that exposes consumer credit card or debit card information; providing a civil penalty. SBi1410,iiRelating to establishing a pilot program to assist small business in obtaining capital. SBi1411,iiRelating to the consumption of alcoholic beverages on certain premises; providing a criminal penalty and authorizing a fee. SBi1436,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual and creating the offense of continuous injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1546,iiRelating to the implementation of student financial assistance programs for veterans and their families. SBi1547,iiRelating to access to criminal history record information by the adjutant general. SBi1548,iiRelating to post-discharge services offered by a juvenile board or juvenile probation department to a child after the child s’ probation period ends. SBi1549,iiRelating to the authority of the Department of Public Safety to provide notification of a failure to appear in federal court. SBi1550,iiRelating to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation of the effects of restricting trucks from the use of one lane of a highway. SBi1551,iiRelating to the criteria for issuing a silver alert for a missing senior citizen. SBi1552,iiRelating to an environmental service fee charged by an institution of higher education. SBi1553,iiRelating to certain requirements imposed on a sex offender who enters the premises of a school and to the refusal of entry to or ejection from school district property. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1785,iiRelating to appraisal of public school teachers. SBi1791,iiRelating to veterans treatment court programs and the results of successfully completing those programs; imposing a filing fee on certain civil cases to benefit veterans treatment court programs; changing a fee. 4403 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4403

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi1792,iiRelating to conditions of community supervision for defendants convicted of certain criminal offenses involving animals. SBi1793,iiRelating to complaints filed against certain law enforcement officers, peace officers, detention officers, county jailers, and fire fighters. SBi1794,iiRelating to the elimination of a specific requirement that certain school districts develop and implement a plan to increase enrollment of the district s’ students at institutions of higher education. SBi1795,iiRelating to education employees uniform group health coverage. SBi1796,iiRelating to a restriction on permits authorizing discharges of sewage effluent into any water in the contributing or recharge zone of the San Antonio or Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer. SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1878,iiRelating to the service plan for the annexation by certain municipalities of territory included in an emergency services district. SBi1879,iiRelating to registration and regulation of dangerous wild animals; providing penalties, creating a criminal offense, and authorizing a fee. SBi1880,iiRelating to authorizing the purchase of certain insurance coverage by public school districts for the benefit of businesses and students participating in career or technology training programs and providing for immunity from liability of certain public school students participating in career or technology programs. SBi1881,iiRelating to the appointment of foster parents and other qualified persons to serve as educational decision-makers for certain children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi1882,iiRelating to a school district contract to partner with an open-enrollment charter school to operate a district campus. SBi1913,iiRelating to the administrative, civil, and criminal consequences, including fines, fees, and costs, imposed on persons arrested for, charged with, or convicted of certain criminal offenses. SBi2073,iiRelating to a mechanic s’ or materialman s’ lien for retained funds under certain construction contracts. SBi2106,iiRelating to authorizing a fee for certain pretrial intervention programs. SBi2107,iiRelating to the requirements for the issuance of identification documentation for foster care youth. SBi2108,iiRelating to registration and regulation of real-time captioning providers; imposing a civil penalty; authorizing fees. 4404 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4404

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi2109,iiRelating to a requirement that each public institution of higher education develop and implement a strategic plan for the prevention of sexual assault and unplanned pregnancy. SBi2110,iiRelating to the composition of the Port Authority Advisory Committee. SBi2111,iiRelating to creating an offense for the administration of illegal drugs to breeder deer. SBi2180,iiRelating to financial records and audits of nonprofit corporations. SBi2181,iiRelating to prohibited adverse employment action against an employee who in good faith reports child abuse or neglect. SBi2182,iiRelating to measures to increase participation in state programs relating to saving money or prepaying for college. SBi2183,iiRelating to the creation of an innocence project grant program. SBi2192,iiRelating to the economic impact of closures on the state highway system during certain periods. SBi2234,iiRelating to the collection of past due assessments and certain other charges by a property owners ’association. SBi2235,iiRelating to the creation of a mental health jail diversion and crisis stabilization unit pilot program. SBi2236,iiRelating to the independent ombudsman for county jails. SBi2237,iiRelating to prescription medications for the care and treatment of inmates and prisoners in county jails. SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi22,iiProposing a constitutional amendment establishing an increased minimum wage. SJRi56,iiProposing a constitutional amendment regarding a transfer of money from the economic stabilization fund to the permanent fund supporting military and veterans exemptions to fund tuition and fee exemptions for children of veterans. SCRi4,iiAuthorizing the State Preservation Board, subject to state law and rules of the board, to approve and permit the relocation of the Texas Game Warden Memorial to a site at the State Capitol, south of the Sam Houston Building, just outside of the historic grounds. SCRi16,iiEncouraging the President of the United States to refrain from threatening elected officials. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi42,iiDirecting the Texas Department of Transportation to adopt a Vision Zero strategy to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries. SRi147,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Blue and White Day. SRi308,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as VIVA San Antonio Day. 4405 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4405

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SRi330,iiRecognizing Joe J. Bernal on the occasion of his 90th birthday. SRi347,iiRecognizing the Robert B. Green Memorial Hospital on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi510,iiRecognizing the Society of Mary on the occasion of its 200th anniversary. SRi540,iiWelcoming the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to the Capitol. SRi557,iiHonoring Erwin J. De Luna for his contributions as president of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi609,iiRecognizing Texas PTA for its work on behalf of the state s’ youth. SRi619,iiRecognizing April 5, 2017, as Gold Star Spouses Day. SRi624,iiRecognizing the Texas Cavaliers and Michael Casillas for their contributions to the San Antonio community. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi662,iiRecognizing the Sikh festival of Vaisakhi. SRi663,iiRecognizing Ismael G. Casanova for his service to the Archdiocese of San Antonio. SRi685,iiRecognizing George "Iceman" Gervin on the occasion of his 65th birthday. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi760,iiCommemorating the 300th anniversary of the founding of San Antonio. SRi770,iiCongratulating Fred Hines on the occasion of his retirement. SRi788,iiIn memory of Bertha Cuellar Gonzalez. SRi797,iiRecognizing Raynaldo T. Lopez on the occasion of his retirement. SRi835,iiIn memory of Scott Deem. SRi869,iiRecognizing Jenny Browne as the 2017 State Poet Laureate. SRi870,iiRecognizing George Strait as the 2017 State Musician. SRi871,iiRecognizing Intocable for its contributions to music. SRi872,iiRecognizing Carol Coffee Reposa as the 2018 State Poet Laureate. SRi873,iiRecognizing Marcia Ball as the 2018 State Musician. SRi874,iiRecognizing Beili Liu as the 2018 State Three-Dimensional Artist. SRi875,iiRecognizing Kermit Oliver as the 2017 State Two-Dimensional Artist. SRi876,iiRecognizing Sedrick Huckaby as the 2018 State Two-Dimensional Artist. SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II. 4406 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4406

MENE´ NDEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SRi961,iiIn memory of David Solis.

MILES, BORRIS SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi143,iiRelating to the provision of the reason for rejecting a voter registration application. SBi196,iiRelating to a notification requirement if a public school, including an open-enrollment charter school, does not have a nurse, school counselor, or librarian assigned to the school during all instructional hours. SBi203,iiRelating to removing the deadline for the Department of Family and Protective Services to enter into permanency care assistance agreements. SBi271,iiRelating to the issuance of a citation or notice to appear for certain misdemeanors punishable by a fine only. SBi275,iiRelating to the retention and use of sales tax revenue collected by certain retailers to provide job training and placement services to certain persons. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi325,iiRelating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi380,iiRelating to repealing civil asset forfeiture provisions and establishing criminal asset forfeiture in this state. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi482,iiRelating to the creation of a program to assist foster care youth and former foster care youth in accessing higher education, career information, and skills certifications. SBi483,iiRelating to the retention of and the required disclosure under the public information law of certain complaints alleging official oppression. SBi484,iiRelating to the availability of free prekindergarten programs in public schools. SBi485,iiRelating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. SBi486,iiRelating to municipal civilian complaint review boards in certain municipalities. SBi487,iiRelating to increasing the criminal penalty prescribed for certain acts of official oppression. 4407 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4407

MILES, BORRISi — i(Continued) SBi518,iiRelating to a franchise tax credit for entities that employ certain students in certain paid internship or similar programs. SBi574,iiRelating to the expansion of applied workforce learning opportunities in this state, including through the establishment of the Texas Industry Internship Challenge. SBi584,iiRelating to guidelines for prescribing opioid antagonists. SBi673,iiRelating to a notification requirement if a public school campus or open-enrollment charter school does not have a nurse assigned to the campus during all instructional hours. SBi677,iiRelating to the creation of a task force to identify opportunities for academic credit and industry recognition for inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi721,iiRelating to treatment and care provided by licensed medical professionals to animals in certain facilities. SBi723,iiRelating to the establishment of a community development grocery store and healthy corner store revolving loan fund program. SBi724,iiRelating to limits on the size of prekindergarten classes in public schools. SBi725,iiRelating to the donation and distribution of food at public schools. SBi790,iiRelating to the continuation of the women s’ health advisory committee. SBi791,iiRelating to the financial abuse of elderly persons, including requiring financial institutions to report suspected financial abuse of elderly persons; providing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi792,iiRelating to requiring financial institutions to report the suspected financial abuse of elderly persons; providing a civil and criminal penalty. SBi793,iiRelating to restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. SBi794,iiRelating to the biennial report to the legislature on grants made to entities under the Texas Enterprise Fund. SBi795,iiRelating to use of the money from the Texas Enterprise Fund to benefit certain historically underutilized businesses. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi808,iiRelating to coverage for certain services related to maternal depression under the Medicaid and child health plan programs. SBi809,iiRelating to the automatic enrollment of certain women in the Texas women s’ health program. SBi822,iiRelating to the transfer of certain property from The University of Texas System to the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi884,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities. 4408 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4408

MILES, BORRISi — i(Continued) SBi969,iiRelating to requiring certain public and private institutions of higher education to provide amnesty to students who report certain incidents, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking. SBi970,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at public and private institutions of higher education. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi1046,iiRelating to sources of funding for the Texas emissions reduction plan. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1158,iiRelating to food managers in food establishments in certain counties. SBi1218,iiRelating to transitional child-care services in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. SBi1219,iiRelating to a requirement that the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board conduct an annual comprehensive evaluation of the impact of the top 10 percent automatic admissions law. SBi1220,iiRelating to ensuring continuity of education and access to higher education, career information, and skills certification for foster care youth and former foster care youth. SBi1224,iiRelating to the establishment of a statewide system for stroke response and treatment. SBi1225,iiRelating to eligibility requirements for the repayment of certain physician education loans. SBi1258,iiRelating to discretionary disciplinary action by public school districts regarding nonviolent offenses and the adjudication of a child who engages in conduct that constitutes a nonviolent offense on school property. SBi1265,iiRelating to HIV and AIDS tests and to health benefit plan coverage of HIV and AIDS tests. SBi1269,iiRelating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on flood control infrastructure for Harris and Galveston Counties. SBi1270,iiRelating to the allocation and use of certain border security funding to secure Gulf of Mexico ports. SBi1271,iiRelating to the development of a statewide online education and career advising tool and to a study and report on certain courses offered for college credit to public school students. SBi1272,iiRelating to an annual proclamation related to hurricane preparedness. SBi1312,iiRelating to the deadline for adoption of desired future conditions in groundwater conservation districts. 4409 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4409

MILES, BORRISi — i(Continued) SBi1341,iiRelating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the issuance of associated vital records and documentation; authorizing a fee. SBi1364,iiRelating to the dissemination of information about historically underutilized businesses and the expansion of the small business development center network. SBi1365,iiRelating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue by certain municipalities. SBi1453,iiRelating to the definition of regular eligible student used in determining the transportation allotment under the school finance system for a municipal school district. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1598,iiRelating to applications for permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for certain new or expanded facilities in certain low-income and minority communities. SBi1599,iiRelating to maternal mortality reporting and investigation information. SBi1600,iiRelating to the issuance of standard permits for certain concrete plants. SBi1601,iiRelating to the establishment by certain counties and municipalities of disease control programs to reduce the risk of certain infectious and communicable diseases; authorizing fees. SBi1737,iiRelating to the enforcement of conciliation agreements entered into under the Texas Fair Housing Act. SBi1738,iiRelating to historically underutilized businesses. SBi1739,iiRelating to the suspension, termination, and reinstatement of certain services provided to military service members who are serving on active duty. SBi1740,iiRelating to the applicability of the death penalty to a capital offense committed by a person with an intellectual disability. SBi1741,iiRelating to attorneys in certain counties who are qualified for appointment to represent a defendant with a mental illness. SBi1742,iiRelating to county approval for the locations at which a junkyard or automotive wrecking and salvage yard may be operated. SBi1769,iiRelating to a pilot program for providing services to certain children under the Medicaid medical transportation program. SBi1770,iiRelating to the regulation of licensed specialists in school psychology. SBi1771,iiRelating to the election of trustees of certain school districts. SBi1772,iiRelating to the right of an employee to time off from work to vote; creating a criminal offense. SBi1773,iiRelating to a sales tax exemption for certain items sold during a limited period. 4410 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4410

MILES, BORRISi — i(Continued) SBi1774,iiRelating to the use of certain controlled substances by women who are pregnant or may become pregnant and the designation of neonatal abstinence syndrome from substance use as a reportable condition. SBi1801,iiRelating to reporting and disseminating information regarding public school disciplinary actions. SBi1802,iiRelating to petty cash funds for county welfare departments in certain populous counties. SBi1803,iiRelating to the financial security requirements for operators of oil and gas wells. SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1867,iiRelating to the joint or separate prosecution of a capital felony charged against two or more defendants. SBi1983,iiRelating to the creation of the Texas Urban Agricultural Innovation Authority. SBi1984,iiRelating to the creation and funding of the urban farming pilot program and the creation of the Select Committee on Urban Farming. SBi1985,iiRelating to the revocation or amendment of a certificate of public convenience and necessity for water utilities in a service area. SBi2034,iiRelating to creation of a task force to study the health effects of concrete and rock crushing. SBi2105,iiRelating to the requirement that the Texas Workforce Commission provide certain employment information for secondary school students. SBi2184,iiRelating to new capital investment in the state. SBi2185,iiRelating to the repeal of the driver responsibility program and the amount and allocation of state traffic fine funds; authorizing and increasing criminal fines. SBi2266,iiRelating to the creation of the Stadium Park Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SJRi48,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to permit additional uses of certain dedicated general revenue transferred each fiscal year to the state highway fund. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi54,iiExpressing support for the creation of the Sam Houston Republic of Texas Presidential Library at Sam Houston State University. SRi20,iiRecognizing January 24, 2017, as Texas Southern University Day. SRi82,iiRecognizing February 2, 2017, as Fritz Pollard Alliance Foundation Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. Salute to Excellence Day. SRi279,iiRecognizing February 27, 2017, as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Day. SRi305,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as University of Houston Day. 4411 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4411

MILES, BORRISi — i(Continued) SRi529,iiRecognizing the United Health Foundation and the University of Houston for their commitment to improved health outcomes. SRi542,iiRecognizing March 30, 2017, as Vietnamese American Day. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi631,iiRecognizing 100 Black Men of America for its service to African American youth. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi714,iiRecognizing May 3, 2017, as Asian Real Estate Association of America Day. SRi893,iiCommending the 2017 Fellows from the University of Houston Hobby School Public Affairs. SRi894,iiRecognizing the John P. McGovern Museum of Health and Medical Science. SRi951,iiIn memory of Elouise Jacquelyn Clark McLemore.

NELSON, JANE SBi1,iiGeneral Appropriations Bill. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. 4412 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4412

NELSON, JANEi — i(Continued) SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi17,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. SBi18,iiRelating to public institutions of higher education setting aside portions of designated tuition for student financial assistance. SBi19,iiRelating to performance-based tuition limitations for and a temporary limitation on the amount of tuition and fees charged by certain public institutions of higher education. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi72,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. SBi73,iiRelating to leave policy and procedures for state employees. SBi74,iiRelating to the provision of certain behavioral health services to children, adolescents, and their families under a contract with a managed care organization. SBi75,iiRelating to the requirement for parental consent for a minor to join a labor union. SBi76,iiRelating to the authority of general-law municipalities to restrict sex offenders from child safety zones in the municipality. SBi77,iiRelating to involuntary termination of parental rights based on sexual assault of the child s’ other parent and the child support obligations of the parent whose rights were terminated. SBi78,iiRelating to the disposition of state surplus or salvage data processing equipment by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. SBi79,iiRelating to the production of public information available on a publicly accessible website. SBi80,iiRelating to certain required reports prepared by state agencies and other governmental entities. SBi81,iiRelating to the operations of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas; authorizing a trust company to charge the institute an investment fee. SBi82,iiRelating to prohibiting the temporary closure of segments of the state highway system on days that certain scheduled events are being held in certain municipalities. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. 4413 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4413

NELSON, JANEi — i(Continued) SBi224,iiRelating to the sunset review date for the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas and the time for awarding cancer research and prevention grants. SBi256,iiRelating to the confidentiality of home address information of certain victims of family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking of persons. SBi268,iiRelating to the drug testing of certain persons seeking benefits under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi500,iiRelating to the effect of certain felony convictions of public elected officers. SBi501,iiRelating to the disclosure of certain contracts, services, and compensation in personal financial statements filed by public officers and candidates. SBi502,iiRelating to the content of detailed reports filed by lobbyists and to monetary limits on expenditures by lobbyists. SBi503,iiRelating to the prohibition on lobbying by certain elected officers. SBi504,iiRelating to lobbying by former members of the legislature; creating an offense. SBi505,iiRelating to restrictions on lobbyist expenditures from certain political contributions. SBi532,iiRelating to information collected about and purchases of information technology by governmental entities. SBi533,iiRelating to governmental entity contracting and procurement. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi669,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. SBi670,iiRelating to the appointment of the commissioners of the health and human services agencies by the governor. SBi673,iiRelating to a notification requirement if a public school campus or open-enrollment charter school does not have a nurse assigned to the campus during all instructional hours. SBi712,iiRelating to the duration of certain protective orders against family violence. 4414 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4414

NELSON, JANEi — i(Continued) SBi752,iiRelating to the overseas military e-mail ballot program. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi823,iiRelating to the powers and compensation of criminal law magistrates in Tarrant County. SBi851,iiRelating to the requirements for meetings of certain special districts. SBi852,iiRelating to prohibiting local governments from imposing certain fees on new construction. SBi853,iiRelating to displaying certain informational materials and videos in driver s’ license offices. SBi854,iiRelating to the purchase of food and beverages by the Texas Division of Emergency Management for certain persons. SBi1021,iiRelating to reports on the consolidation and certain functions of the health and human services system, including advisory committees within the system, and the re-creation of the Texas system of care framework. SBi1022,iiRelating to the transfer of the licensing and regulation of certain counseling professions to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. SBi1023,iiRelating to the confidentiality of personal identifying information collected by certain airport governing boards. SBi1024,iiRelating to the use of certain lighting equipment on airport security vehicles. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1178,iiRelating to the creation of an additional judicial district in Denton County and the jurisdiction of certain county criminal courts in Denton. SBi1179,iiRelating to purchasing and contracting practices of coordinated county transportation authorities. SBi1226,iiRelating to prostitution and trafficking of persons and to certain criminal and civil consequences of that conduct. SBi1266,iiRelating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations. SBi1324,iiRelating to the eligibility for and emergency suspension of a license relating to massage therapy. 4415 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4415

NELSON, JANEi — i(Continued) SBi1346,iiRelating to disclosure of state agency contract information regarding administrator services for group health benefit plans. SBi1362,iiRelating to notification and informational materials regarding mutual consent voluntary adoption registries. SBi1569,iiRelating to prostitution and the trafficking of persons, civil racketeering related to trafficking, the prosecution of and punishment for certain sexual offenses and offenses involving or related to trafficking, reimbursement of certain costs for criminal victims who are children, and the release and reporting of certain information relating to a child; increasing a criminal penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi1787,iiRelating to the functions and administration of the Health and Human Services Commission and the commission s’ office of inspector general in relation to fraud, waste, and abuse in health and human services. SBi1806,iiRelating to requiring the use of multidisciplinary teams appointed by children s’ advocacy centers in certain child abuse investigations. SBi1923,iiRelating to infrastructure funding for state hospital facilities and other state facilities, including the creation of the state hospital fund. SBi2054,iiRelating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport. SBi2110,iiRelating to the composition of the Port Authority Advisory Committee. SBi2128,iiRelating to the Health and Human Services Commission s’ procurement and oversight of managed care organization contracts serving individuals in Texas Medicaid with serious mental illness. SBi2129,iiRelating to the establishment of a program for marketing, promotion, research, and education efforts regarding Texas wine; authorizing assessments. SBi2218,iiRelating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts in the state treasury, the dedication and rededication of revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes. SJRi30,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from adopting or enforcing a law, ordinance, order, or other regulation requiring the registration of a firearm. SJRi38,iiRescinding certain applications made by the Texas Legislature to the United States Congress to call a national convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for proposing any amendment to that Constitution. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi18,iiRelating to the approval of a sufficient balance of the constitutional economic stabilization fund by the 85th Legislature. SRi38,iiIn memory of Jerry Ronald Walker. SRi40,iiRecognizing Tim Weaver on the occasion of his retirement. SRi41,iiIn memory of Lynda Arnold. 4416 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4416

NELSON, JANEi — i(Continued) SRi42,iiRecognizing the City of The Colony on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. SRi43,iiCelebrating January 31, 2017, as Children s’ Advocacy Centers of Texas Legislative Day. SRi146,iiRecognizing this year s’ participants in the Bob Bullock Scholars Program of Baylor University. SRi154,iiRecognizing February 16, 2017, as CASA Day. SRi183,iiRecognizing February 14, 2017, as Texas Council on Family Violence Day. SRi248,iiProclaiming February 28, 2017, Nurse Day. SRi249,iiRecognizing Leadership Lewisville for its contributions to the community. SRi283,iiRecognizing Jerry Jones on the occasion of his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. SRi302,iiRecognizing March 1 and 2, 2017, as Tarrant County Days. SRi306,iiCelebrating February 28 and March 1, 2017, as Denton County Days. SRi441,iiRecognizing members and alumni of Leadership Grapevine for their civic leadership. SRi463,iiIn memory of Mollie Ann Newcom. SRi465,iiRecognizing Patsy Spaw, Secretary of the Texas Senate. SRi472,iiProclaiming March 28, 2017, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Day. SRi513,iiWelcoming the first class of Regional Advantage–Leadership Northwest Metroport to the Capitol. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi594,iiWelcoming Leadership Flower Mound. SRi622,iiRecognizing April 20, 2017, as Doctors of Osteopathic Medical Excellence Day and April 16 through 22, 2017, as Texas Osteopathic Medicine Week. SRi668,iiRecognizing Lockheed Martin Aeronautics on the occasion of its 75th anniversary. SRi694,iiCelebrating May 1 through 7, 2017, as Healthy Texas Week. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi704,iiRecognizing May 9, 2017, as Texas Medical Association Ernest and Sarah Butler Awards for Excellence in Science Teaching Day. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi745,iiRecognizing Four Price for receiving the Mary Elizabeth Holdsworth Butt Award for Mental Health. SRi765,iiRecognizing Frenchy and Teri Rheault for their contributions to the Denton community. 4417 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4417

NELSON, JANEi — i(Continued) SRi767,iiWelcoming Edith Royal to the Capitol and recognizing her many contributions to our state. SRi782,iiIn memory of Marjory Kent Vickery. SRi846,iiIn memory of Laura Lee Milner Traylor. SRi899,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 1. SRi911,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 533. SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II.

NICHOLS, ROBERT SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. 4418 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4418

NICHOLS, ROBERTi — i(Continued) SBi18,iiRelating to public institutions of higher education setting aside portions of designated tuition for student financial assistance. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi76,iiRelating to the authority of general-law municipalities to restrict sex offenders from child safety zones in the municipality. SBi172,iiRelating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation. SBi175,iiRelating to the eligibility of land owned by certain members of the armed services of the United States for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. SBi197,iiRelating to the authority of general-law municipalities to restrict sex offenders from child safety zones in the municipality. SBi286,iiRelating to the governing board of the Trinity Valley Community College District. SBi304,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi305,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Nursing and to the regulation of the practice of nursing. SBi306,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi307,iiRelating to the functions and territory of the Upper Colorado River Authority, following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi308,iiRelating to the Sulphur River Basin Authority, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Committee. SBi309,iiRelating to the Palo Duro River Authority, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi311,iiRelating to the creation of the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council and to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of sex offender treatment providers, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, chemical dependency counselors, and social workers to the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council; providing civil and administrative penalties; authorizing a fee. 4419 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4419

NICHOLS, ROBERTi — i(Continued) SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. SBi313,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Dental Examiners; imposing fees. SBi314,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Optometry Board; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi315,iiRelating to the enforcement of subpoenas, the regulation of pain management clinics, and the adoption of guidelines for prescribing certain opioids by the Texas Medical Board. SBi316,iiRelating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi317,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, and the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners; authorizing a fee. SBi318,iiRelating to transfer of the regulation of podiatry to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi320,iiRelating to the creation of River Ranch Improvement District of Liberty County; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SBi321,iiRelating to the creation of the River Ranch Municipal Utility District of Liberty County and the Riverside Municipal Utility District of Liberty County; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, or taxes. SBi361,iiRelating to transportation network companies. SBi412,iiRelating to requiring a presidential elector to vote for the candidates for president and vice president who won the popular vote in this state for those offices. SBi419,iiRelating to the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi564,iiRelating to the applicability of open meetings requirements to certain meetings of a governing body relating to information technology security practices. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi577,iiRelating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of state hospitals. 4420 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4420

NICHOLS, ROBERTi — i(Continued) SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi678,iiRelating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program. SBi693,iiRelating to three-point seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi744,iiRelating to a tree planting credit to offset tree mitigation fees imposed by a municipality. SBi782,iiRelating to the ownership and local regulation of trees and timber. SBi786,iiRelating to prohibiting the use of eminent domain to take private property for recreational purposes. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi960,iiRelating to the regulation of prescribed burning by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. SBi1006,iiRelating to the eligibility of land used as an ecological laboratory for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. SBi1007,iiRelating to the disclosure to public schools of certain records of students placed in residential facilities. SBi1064,iiRelating to volunteer firefighter supervision of outdoor burning of waste consisting of plant growth. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1145,iiRelating to the deployment of advanced metering and meter information networks in certain non-ERCOT areas. SBi1146,iiRelating to the carrying of handguns by license holders on the property of state hospitals; providing a civil penalty. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1205,iiRelating to the sharing of death record information between the Department of State Health Services and the Department of Public Safety. SBi1298,iiRelating to the selection and summons of prospective grand jurors. SBi1305,iiRelating to the grant program using money from the transportation infrastructure fund. 4421 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4421

NICHOLS, ROBERTi — i(Continued) SBi1381,iiRelating to photo identification for certain debit or credit card transactions. SBi1397,iiRelating to notice by a property owner to a mortgage servicer that the owner intends to enter into a contract with a property tax lender. SBi1406,iiRelating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements. SBi1456,iiRelating to the building code standards for new residential construction in the unincorporated area of certain counties; creating a criminal offense and affecting the prosecution of a criminal offense. SBi1522,iiRelating to the composition of the aviation advisory committee. SBi1523,iiRelating to the creation of the state safety oversight program for rail fixed guideway public transportation systems. SBi1524,iiRelating to the movement of certain vehicles, including vehicles transporting an intermodal shipping container; authorizing a fee; creating an offense. SBi1578,iiRelating to the creation and operations of health care provider participation programs in certain counties. SBi1744,iiRelating to the regulation of motor fuel quality and motor fuel metering devices. SBi1837,iiRelating to financial accountability standards for charter schools operated by a public institution of higher education. SBi1923,iiRelating to infrastructure funding for state hospital facilities and other state facilities, including the creation of the state hospital fund. SBi1937,iiRelating to the participation of certain counties in the collection improvement program. SBi2216,iiRelating to state fiscal matters regarding business and economic development. SBi2250,iiRelating to the board of directors of the Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District. SBi2252,iiRelating to granting road powers to the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 100; providing authority to issue bonds. SBi2253,iiRelating to providing road powers to the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 101; providing authority to issue bonds. SBi2282,iiRelating to the dissolution of the Angelina County Water Control and Improvement District No. 3 and the territory of the Angelina County Fresh Water Supply District No. 1. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. 4422 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4422

NICHOLS, ROBERTi — i(Continued) SJRi19,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or less of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year and to permit the voters of a county to establish a higher limitation not to exceed 110 percent on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead in the county. SJRi37,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing an amendment to the constitution to impose term limits for justices of the United States Supreme Court and to allow the states to overturn a decision of the United States Supreme Court. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi4,iiAuthorizing the State Preservation Board, subject to state law and rules of the board, to approve and permit the relocation of the Texas Game Warden Memorial to a site at the State Capitol, south of the Sam Houston Building, just outside of the historic grounds. SCRi6,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas Day at the State Capitol. SCRi58,iiInstructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 312. SRi10,iiRecognizing San Jacinto County on the occasion of the signing of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan. SRi26,iiRecognizing Bascom W. Bentley III for his contributions to his community. SRi116,iiRecognizing Texas Forestry Association on the occasion of its seedling giveaway. SRi117,iiRecognizing Gerdau s’ Beaumont Steel Mill on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. SRi118,iiCelebrating February 7, 2017, as Athens Day. SRi138,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as Leadership Jacksonville Day. SRi139,iiProclaiming February 6, 2017, as 9-1-1 Day. SRi186,iiRecognizing the First State Bank of Brownsboro on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi211,iiRecognizing February 16, 2017, as Nacogdoches-SFA Day. SRi228,iiRecognizing Montgomery County Historical Commission on the occasion of the dedication of the Lake Creek Settlement Official Texas Historical Marker. SRi229,iiCelebrating July 21, 2017, as First Lady Frances Cox Henderson Day. SRi263,iiRecognizing February 22 and 23, 2017, as Palestine Days. SRi321,iiRecognizing Ronald H. Hufford on the occasion of his retirement. SRi375,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Montgomery County Day. SRi428,iiRecognizing parents and family members of individuals with intellectual disabilities. SRi451,iiRecognizing the Texas Department of Transportation for its work. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. 4423 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4423

NICHOLS, ROBERTi — i(Continued) SRi672,iiRecognizing the 100th anniversary of the first license plate issued by the State of Texas. SRi673,iiRecognizing the Leadership Athens Class of 2016-2017 for its contributions to Henderson County. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi741,iiRecognizing Mary Ann Whiteker on the occasion of her retirement. SRi742,iiRecognizing the dedication of the Salvation Army Wayne Bergstrom Center of Hope. SRi792,iiRecognizing the Deep East Texas Council of Governments and Economic Development District on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi793,iiRecognizing July 19, 2017, as Back the Badge Day in Hardin County.

PERRY, CHARLES SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi9,iiRelating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. 4424 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4424

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi31,iiRelating to the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle; creating a criminal offense; modifying existing criminal penalties. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi263,iiRelating to the handgun proficiency required to obtain or renew a license to carry a handgun. SBi264,iiRelating to an application made by a peace officer, county jailer, or state correctional officer to obtain a license to carry a handgun. SBi272,iiRelating to zero-based budgeting for state agencies as part of the sunset review process. SBi282,iiRelating to the entitlement of a public school student to transfer to a public school campus with a higher overall performance rating under the school accountability system. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi339,iiRelating to the creation of the offense of indecent assault, to judicial protection for victims of that offense, and to certain criminal acts committed in relation to that offense. SBi340,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of sexual assault. SBi341,iiRelating to the consequences of the possession of illegal synthetic cannabinoids on a holder of or applicant for certain alcoholic beverage licenses and liability of a person who provides, sells, or serves a synthetic cannabinoid to another person. SBi342,iiRelating to the amount of the fee paid by a defendant for a peace officer s’ services in executing or processing an arrest warrant, capias, or capias pro fine. SBi343,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of improper sexual activity with a person under supervision. 4425 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4425

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi362,iiRelating to the use of information from the lists of noncitizens excused or disqualified from jury service. SBi363,iiRelating to the uniform election dates for certain political subdivisions. SBi377,iiRelating to the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program. SBi378,iiRelating to the persons authorized to conduct an inquest in certain counties. SBi379,iiRelating to eminent domain reporting requirements for certain entities. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi415,iiRelating to a prohibition on the performance of dismemberment abortions; providing penalties; creating a criminal offense. SBi419,iiRelating to the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi420,iiRelating to a partial exemption for a county from taxes imposed on gasoline and diesel fuel purchased for the county s’ exclusive use. SBi454,iiRelating to certain protective orders in a suit for dissolution of marriage or a suit affecting the parent-child relationship, including a proceeding to adjudicate parentage. SBi459,iiRelating to the regulation or taxation of firearms, air guns, knives, or ammunition by a municipality or county. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi522,iiRelating to issuing a marriage license and conducting a marriage ceremony. SBi565,iiRelating to the creation of records of the DNA of certain defendants for inclusion in the DNA database system. SBi566,iiRelating to the qualifications for a person conducting an adoption evaluation. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi613,iiRelating to services provided by the Health and Human Services Commission to sexually violent offenders who are incompetent to attend sex offender treatment. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. 4426 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4426

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi649,iiRelating to the basic allotment under the foundation school program and the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi651,iiRelating to discrimination by a state agency against an applicant for or holder of an occupational license. SBi658,iiRelating to a landowner s’ liability for injuries incurred during certain recreational activities. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi674,iiRelating to licensing for certain health professions, including an expedited process for certain physicians specializing in psychiatry; authorizing a fee. SBi678,iiRelating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program. SBi693,iiRelating to three-point seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi696,iiRelating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality obtain or develop updated water availability models for certain river basins. SBi697,iiRelating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization. SBi720,iiRelating to rules regarding the carcasses of certain birds or animals. SBi721,iiRelating to treatment and care provided by licensed medical professionals to animals in certain facilities. SBi722,iiRelating to a fee for participation in the Managed Lands Deer Program of the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi740,iiRelating to the acquisition of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi753,iiRelating to financial accounting and reporting requirements for this state and political subdivisions of this state. SBi754,iiRelating to the extension and modification of a public school district depository contract. SBi774,iiRelating to extensions of an expired permit for the transfer of groundwater from a groundwater conservation district. SBi797,iiRelating to the authority of certain municipalities to pledge certain tax revenue for the payment of obligations related to hotel projects. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi813,iiRelating to recovery of damages, attorney s’ fees, and costs related to frivolous regulatory actions by state agencies. SBi827,iiRelating to procedures for asserting claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act; providing a civil penalty. SBi842,iiRelating to the criminal consequences of engaging in certain conduct with respect to a firearm silencer. SBi843,iiRelating to disclosure and use of certain information regarding the Crime Victims ’ Compensation Act. 4427 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4427

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi862,iiRelating to the award of attorney s’ fees and other costs in certain proceedings involving a groundwater conservation district. SBi863,iiRelating to the designation of certain river or stream segments as being of unique ecological value. SBi864,iiRelating to the procedure for obtaining a right to use state water if the applicant proposes an alternative source of water that is not state water. SBi865,iiRelating to a groundwater conservation district s’ use of electronic fund transfers. SBi866,iiRelating to the use of money in the state water pollution control revolving fund. SBi872,iiRelating to reporting requirements by physicians and certain health care facilities regarding complications resulting from an abortion. SBi883,iiRelating to the disclosure of life-sustaining treatment policies and to life-sustaining treatment for a patient under 18 years of age. SBi889,iiRelating to collecting and reporting certain information by the Department of Family and Protective Services relating to certain alcohol and controlled substance use. SBi892,iiRelating to protection of the rights of conscience for child welfare services providers. SBi907,iiRelating to the definition of the least restrictive environment for the placement of children in foster care. SBi921,iiRelating to a late fee for failing to pay rent under a residential lease. SBi923,iiRelating to named driver insurance policies and certain related exclusions. SBi924,iiRelating to informal dispute resolutions for violations of health and safety standards at certain long-term care facilities; authorizing the imposition of costs. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi968,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at certain public and private institutions of higher education and to requiring those institutions to provide students and employees an option to electronically report certain offenses to the institution. SBi969,iiRelating to requiring certain public and private institutions of higher education to provide amnesty to students who report certain incidents, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking. SBi970,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at public and private institutions of higher education. SBi982,iiRelating to a report by the Texas Department of Transportation and the Legislative Budget Board on high-speed rail projects. SBi984,iiRelating to certain duties of a sheriff regarding a county jail prisoner s’ health benefits coverage information. SBi986,iiRelating to a grant program to support the enforcement of immigration law by a municipality or county. SBi1009,iiRelating to administrative completeness requirements for permit and permit amendment applications for groundwater conservation districts. 4428 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4428

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi1018,iiRelating to the licensing of family residential centers by the Department of Family and Protective Services and the detention of certain juveniles. SBi1033,iiRelating to authorization for the conveyance of certain real property from Texas Tech University to Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. SBi1034,iiRelating to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation of the feasibility of certain improvements to Interstate Highway 27. SBi1035,iiRelating to medical causation narrative reports created under the Texas Workers ’ Compensation Act. SBi1036,iiRelating to the designation of a liaison to assist first responders with workers ’ compensation claims. SBi1037,iiRelating to the designation of the structure on State Highway 6 in Eastland County adjacent to Lake Cisco connecting the north and south banks of Sandy Creek as the Bedford-Carmichael Bridge. SBi1053,iiRelating to an appeal of a desired future condition in a groundwater management area. SBi1056,iiRelating to the transfer of certain probate proceedings to the county in which the executor or administrator of a decedent s’ estate resides. SBi1062,iiRelating to documentation for the transfer of a motor vehicle title. SBi1063,iiRelating to the investigation of an anonymous report of suspected abuse or neglect of a child. SBi1083,iiRelating to the applicability of the sales and use tax to certain insurance services. SBi1089,iiRelating to the certification of food service workers. SBi1099,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 84 as the Trooper Jonathan Thomas McDonald Memorial Highway. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1172,iiRelating to the regulation of seed by a political subdivision. SBi1173,iiRelating to evaluation of public school performance. SBi1182,iiRelating to the prosecution, punishment, and certain civil consequences of conduct causing the birth of a child born addicted to a controlled substance; creating an offense. SBi1183,iiRelating to procedures regarding criminal defendants who are or may be persons with a mental illness or an intellectual disability and to the period for which a person may be committed to receive certain temporary mental health services. SBi1197,iiRelating to fees charged by the Rolling Plains Groundwater Conservation District; authorizing a fee. 4429 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4429

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi1203,iiRelating to the issuance of subpoenas or certain other court orders with respect to an online service provider in the investigation or prosecution of certain criminal offenses. SBi1204,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of criminal mischief involving the death of a head of cattle or horses. SBi1206,iiRelating to access to certain health records and information regarding a child placed for adoption. SBi1210,iiRelating to the creation of an advisory committee to review special education programs available in public schools. SBi1213,iiRelating to advance directives or health care or treatment decisions made by or on behalf of patients. SBi1214,iiRelating to a succession plan for a regional public defender s’ office that primarily handles capital cases. SBi1231,iiRelating to the issuance of general obligation bonds by the Texas Public Finance Authority to pay for certain state infrastructure projects. SBi1300,iiRelating to the designation of the San Angelo State Supported Living Center as a forensic state supported living center. SBi1304,iiRelating to confidentiality, sharing, sealing, and destruction of juvenile records. SBi1326,iiRelating to procedures regarding criminal defendants who are or may be persons with a mental illness or an intellectual disability and to certain duties of the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System related to persons with mental illness. SBi1383,iiRelating to the operation of vehicles transporting fluid milk; authorizing a fee. SBi1384,iiRelating to the designation of certain legislation on contract carriers as the Justin Little Act. SBi1392,iiRelating to groundwater conservation districts. SBi1416,iiRelating to the requirements for construction contracts for certain water supply projects, treatment works, and flood control measures. SBi1429,iiRelating to the creation and operations of health care provider participation programs in certain counties. SBi1430,iiRelating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality provide an expedited procedure for acting on certain applications for an amendment to a water right by certain applicants that use desalinated seawater. SBi1455,iiRelating to the establishment of a rural resident physician grant program. SBi1510,iiRelating to rates charged by certain transmission and distribution utilities to certain places of worship. SBi1511,iiRelating to the state and regional water planning process and the funding of projects included in the state water plan. SBi1525,iiRelating to studies by the Texas Water Development Board of water needs and availability in this state. 4430 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4430

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi1536,iiRelating to the ability of a child-placing agency to decline to provide services or accept a referral from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the basis of sincerely held religious beliefs. SBi1559,iiRelating to a fee exemption for guardianship proceedings of certain military servicemembers and certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders. SBi1575,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offenses of assault and harassment by persons committed to certain facilities; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi1576,iiRelating to the civil commitment of sexually violent predators, the operation of the Texas Civil Commitment Office, and certain related offenses; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi1577,iiRelating to measures to prevent wrongful convictions. SBi1587,iiRelating to lead in drinking water at public schools. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1602,iiRelating to reporting requirements by certain health care facilities for abortion complications; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi1633,iiRelating to the supervision of pharmacist-interns, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacy technician trainees by a pharmacist and the provision of pharmacy services through a telepharmacy system; establishing a remote dispensing site license. SBi1764,iiRelating to the investment of funds in, and operation of guardianships of the estate in relation to, accounts established under the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program. SBi1876,iiRelating to disputes regarding the compensability of an injury by certain doctors under the Texas Workers ’Compensation Act. SBi1877,iiRelating to sending notice of proposed contracts for highway projects by e-mail. SBi1896,iiRelating to the requirements for and inspection of a retail fireworks site. SBi1897,iiRelating to the declaration of a local state of disaster. SBi2056,iiRelating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue by certain municipalities. SBi2057,iiRelating to the creation, administration, and funding of a state infrastructure endowment fund outside of the state treasury. SBi2088,iiRelating to the reimbursement of rural hospitals in the Texas Medicaid program. SBi2094,iiRelating to establishment of the immigration authority delegation training grant program for local law enforcement agencies. SBi2124,iiRelating to a pilot program for assisting certain recipients of public benefits to gain permanent self-sufficiency. SBi2140,iiRelating to the provision by the Texas Water Development Board of financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas. 4431 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4431

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi2149,iiRelating to early in-person voting by voters who reside at a residential care facility. SBi2262,iiRelating to the dissolution of the Central Colorado River Authority. SBi2283,iiRelating to the regulation of dangerous dogs and dogs that attack persons in certain municipalities. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi6,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to require a court to provide notice to the attorney general of a challenge to the constitutionality of a state statute and authorizing the legislature to prescribe a waiting period before the court may enter a judgment holding the statute unconstitutional. SJRi26,iiProposing a constitutional amendment limiting appropriations from the economic stabilization fund to prevent the fund balance from falling below a prescribed minimum amount, other than in an emergency if certain requirements are met, and limiting the permissible uses of that appropriated money. SJRi36,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting a tax on the sale or purchase of water at wholesale. SJRi46,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to set aside general revenue as dedicated to pay for certain state infrastructure projects. SJRi47,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds to pay for certain state infrastructure projects. SJRi58,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to set aside money from the economic stabilization fund to pay for certain state infrastructure projects and to create a state infrastructure endowment fund for funding certain costs of those projects. SJRi59,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to set aside money from the economic stabilization fund and certain general revenue to pay for certain state infrastructure projects and to create a state infrastructure endowment fund for funding certain costs of those projects. SJRi61,iiProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the issuance of additional general obligation bonds by the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. 4432 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4432

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SCRi19,iiRequesting the Texas Workforce Commission to seek a TANF waiver that would allow TWC to partner with charitable organizations and community colleges for child care, education, and job training. SCRi24,iiUrging the United States Congress to continue joint federal-state funding of Texas Medicaid while transferring administration of the program to the Texas Legislature. SCRi27,iiDesignating Stamford as the Western Art Show Capital of Texas for a 10-year period beginning in 2017. SRi64,iiRecognizing the Borden County Coyotes football team for winning a state championship. SRi65,iiRecognizing Robert R. Owen for his service as a certified public accountant. SRi88,iiRecognizing members of the Abernathy High School Graduating Class of 1967 on the occasion of their 50th anniversary reunion. SRi89,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Texas Midwest Day. SRi91,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Child Protection and Home Visiting Day. SRi143,iiRecognizing Feeding Texas for its work on behalf of low-income families. SRi144,iiRecognizing Johnny Anderson for his contributions to the Texas cotton industry. SRi160,iiRecognizing Miles Elementary School for being designated a 2016 National Blue Ribbon School. SRi161,iiRecognizing Elta Joyce Murphey McAfee for being named 2016 Citizen of the Year by the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce. SRi201,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Lubbock Day. SRi230,iiRecognizing February 21, 2017, as Small and Rural Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers Day. SRi259,iiIn memory of Andy C. Esparza Jr. SRi307,iiRecognizing March 8, 2017, as Wilbarger County and City of Vernon Day. SRi313,iiRecognizing the Margaret Talkington School for Young Women Leaders for being named a 2016 National Blue Ribbon School. SRi318,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Texas Tech University System Day. SRi327,iiRecognizing the month of March as Multiple System Atrophy Awareness Month in Texas. SRi328,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as United Way Day. SRi336,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as Ward County Day. SRi337,iiRecognizing ABC Pro Rodeo on the occasion of the event s’ 75th anniversary. SRi488,iiRecognizing Keri Powell as the 2016 Texas Big Sister of the Year. SRi516,iiRecognizing March 29, 2017, as Texas Rural Water Day. 4433 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4433

PERRY, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi625,iiIn memory of William Taylor "Spike" Dykes. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi721,iiRecognizing the Texas Water Development Board on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. SRi860,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi912,iiRecognizing the Commission on State Emergency Communications for its service to Texas communities. SRi913,iiRecognizing the Texas Tech University Legislative Internship Program participants for their work in the 85th Legislature. SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II.

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi26,iiRelating to the Texas emissions reduction plan and other related programs and measures to reduce emissions. SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. SBi30,iiRelating to inclusion of instruction regarding interaction with peace officers in the required curriculum for certain public school students and in driver education courses and to civilian interaction training for peace officers. 4434 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4434

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi49,iiRelating to the appointment by certain elected officials of students to receive a Texas Armed Services Scholarship. SBi157,iiRelating to certain statutory changes to reflect same-sex marriages, including the repeal of the statutory prohibition against the recognition of a civil union or similar relationship entered into in another state between two persons of the same sex. SBi160,iiRelating to a prohibition of a monitoring system performance indicator based solely on the number or percentage of students receiving special education services. SBi161,iiRelating to the bilingual education allotment provided under the public school finance system. SBi162,iiRelating to a sales and use tax exemption for certain feminine hygiene products. SBi163,iiRelating to covered benefits under the child health plan. SBi164,iiRelating to the capacity of certain minors to consent to examination or medical treatment related to childbirth and contraception. SBi165,iiRelating to the prohibition of certain discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; providing an administrative penalty; creating an offense. SBi166,iiRelating to the repeal of the offense of homosexual conduct. SBi167,iiRelating to the registration of voters at a polling place during early voting by personal appearance and related procedures. SBi168,iiRelating to the operations of the Department of Public Safety, Parks and Wildlife Department, and state military forces in the border region. SBi169,iiRelating to a prohibition on certain law enforcement inquiries regarding the nationality or immigration status of a victim of or witness to a criminal offense. SBi170,iiRelating to a civil action to collect a civil penalty for possession of certain small amounts of marihuana and an exception to prosecution for possession of associated drug paraphernalia. SBi251,iiRelating to certain statutory changes to reflect and address same-sex marriages and parenting relationships and to the removal of provisions regarding the criminality or unacceptability of homosexual conduct. SBi271,iiRelating to the issuance of a citation or notice to appear for certain misdemeanors punishable by a fine only. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi325,iiRelating to the procedure for expunction of arrest records and files for certain persons who are tried for an offense and subsequently acquitted. SBi326,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person whose criminal record has been expunged. SBi327,iiRelating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. 4435 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4435

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi330,iiRelating to the qualification of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. SBi370,iiRelating to the discipline and behavior management of a student enrolled in a grade level below grade three at a school district or open-enrollment charter school. SBi380,iiRelating to repealing civil asset forfeiture provisions and establishing criminal asset forfeiture in this state. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi421,iiRelating to the bilingual education allotment under the Foundation School Program. SBi422,iiRelating to the admission policy of an open-enrollment charter school. SBi423,iiRelating to a study regarding the costs of educating educationally disadvantaged students and students of limited English proficiency in public schools. SBi424,iiRelating to the secure confinement of certain children. SBi425,iiRelating to the availability under the public information law of information contained in a bid or proposal after a contract is executed or awarded. SBi426,iiRelating to early voting by mail by any qualified voter. SBi427,iiRelating to authorization for a county or municipality to establish a local minimum wage. SBi428,iiRelating to the waiver of state park, museum, and other state-operated facility entrance fees for persons with certain disabilities. SBi429,iiRelating to minimum education requirements for child protective services caseworkers. SBi430,iiRelating to the regulation of the practice of dental hygiene. SBi431,iiRelating to the authority of an advanced practice registered nurse to sign or issue certain documents. SBi432,iiRelating to a report identifying each provision of state law that has been declared unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. SBi433,iiRelating to the prescribing and ordering of Schedule II controlled substances by certain advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants. SBi434,iiRelating to lethal violence protective orders; creating a criminal offense. SBi435,iiRelating to volunteer practice by an inactive member of the State Bar of Texas. SBi436,iiRelating to the operation of the special education continuing advisory committee. SBi437,iiRelating to the establishment of a public law school in El Paso County. 4436 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4436

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi438,iiRelating to the conveyance of property by a municipality for the public purpose of economic development. SBi439,iiRelating to the appointment by certain elected officials of students to receive a Texas Armed Services Scholarship. SBi440,iiRelating to the use by certain municipalities of hotel occupancy tax revenue to improve or expand certain airports. SBi441,iiRelating to eligibility of surviving spouses of disabled veterans for specialty license plates. SBi442,iiRelating to a limitation on the amount of tuition charged by public institutions of higher education. SBi462,iiRelating to a database of employers penalized for failure to pay wages or convicted of certain offenses involving wage theft. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi473,iiRelating to paid rest breaks for construction employees of construction contractors and subcontractors; providing an administrative penalty. SBi474,iiRelating to required provision of workers ’ compensation insurance coverage for employees of building and construction contractors and subcontractors. SBi475,iiRelating to safety training for employees performing construction work under a contract with a governmental entity; providing administrative penalties. SBi476,iiRelating to claims for unpaid wages. SBi480,iiRelating to the use of an electronic recovery and access to data prepaid card reader to seize forfeitable property. SBi481,iiRelating to the reporting and disposition of proceeds and property from asset forfeiture proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure. SBi494,iiRelating to an offense report prepared in the investigation of certain criminal cases. SBi507,iiRelating to mediation of the settlement of certain out-of-network health benefit claims involving balance billing. SBi511,iiRelating to a written declaration to designate a guardian before the need for a guardian arises. SBi512,iiRelating to the form and revocation of medical powers of attorney. SBi513,iiRelating to the disposition of remains and anatomical gifts. SBi518,iiRelating to a franchise tax credit for entities that employ certain students in certain paid internship or similar programs. SBi556,iiRelating to the release on parole of certain inmates convicted of an offense committed when younger than 18 years of age; changing parole eligibility. 4437 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4437

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi557,iiRelating to the period for filing a claim for reimbursement for certain ancillary services under the Medicaid program. SBi567,iiRelating to the imposition of administrative, civil, and criminal penalties for violating certain statutes under the jurisdiction of, rules or orders adopted by, or licenses, permits, or certificates issued by the Railroad Commission of Texas; increasing criminal penalties. SBi568,iiRelating to the posting by the Railroad Commission of Texas on its Internet website of certain enforcement information. SBi569,iiRelating to a review and report by the Railroad Commission of Texas regarding the oversight and enforcement of unpermitted discharges of oil and gas waste or of other substances or materials associated with certain operations or activities regulated by the commission. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi593,iiRelating to the governance of certain housing authorities. SBi617,iiRelating to trusts. SBi622,iiRelating to itemizing certain public notice expenditures in certain political subdivision budgets. SBi623,iiRelating to the establishment of a public information Internet website. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi654,iiRelating to the participation of an advanced practice registered nurse as a primary care or network provider for certain governmental and other health benefit plans. SBi665,iiRelating to education requirements for a notary public appointment; authorizing a fee. SBi678,iiRelating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program. SBi681,iiRelating to the licensing and authority of advanced practice registered nurses. SBi687,iiRelating to the collection and use of certain information relating to child abuse and neglect and the provision of prevention and early intervention services; creating an offense. SBi691,iiRelating to the fees collected by justices of the peace on the filing of certain civil actions to fund a law library. SBi692,iiRelating to regulation by certain counties of lots in platted subdivisions that have remained undeveloped. SBi693,iiRelating to three-point seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi704,iiRelating to the public school finance system. SBi728,iiRelating to the regulation of the practice of physical therapy. 4438 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4438

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi750,iiRelating to restrictions on holders of package store permits. SBi776,iiRelating to including in the minimum attendance requirement of a public school student any absence of the student to participate in an extracurricular activity. SBi777,iiRelating to the availability of school counselors at public middle, junior high, and high school campuses. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi799,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to impose a hotel occupancy tax. SBi819,iiRelating to the execution of a declaration for mental health treatment. SBi830,iiRelating to the provision of accounting statements by mortgage servicers for certain loans secured by a lien on residential real property. SBi831,iiRelating to the prescribing and ordering authority of certain advanced practice registered nurses who are military veterans. SBi835,iiRelating to state collaboration with federally recognized Indian tribes. SBi836,iiRelating to a contract or other agreement between certain governmental entities and a credit services organization or related business. SBi840,iiRelating to certain images captured by an unmanned aircraft. SBi918,iiRelating to sexual assault and domestic violence awareness training and reporting by cosmetology license holders. SBi919,iiRelating to the authority of an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant to sign a death certificate in limited situations. SBi926,iiRelating to durable powers of attorney. SBi927,iiRelating to a special education recovery program operated by the Texas Education Agency. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi958,iiRelating to the deadline for filing an application for a writ of habeas corpus in a death penalty case. SBi964,iiRelating to the Jeff Davis County Underground Water Conservation District; authorizing a fee. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi1017,iiRelating to decedents ’estates and certain posthumous gifts. SBi1025,iiRelating to the regulation of migrant labor housing facilities. SBi1111,iiRelating to the employment of certain persons with disabilities. SBi1113,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility in buildings operated by certain governmental entities and public schools; authorizing a civil penalty. 4439 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4439

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1233,iiRelating to a writ of mandamus by a court of appeals against certain judges. SBi1234,iiRelating to the possession of a child on the child s’ birthday under a standard possession order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship. SBi1235,iiRelating to the rendition of certain temporary orders during the pendency of a suit for modification of an order that provides for the conservatorship, support, or possession of or access to a child. SBi1236,iiRelating to child custody evaluations; creating an offense. SBi1237,iiRelating to procedures in a suit for dissolution of a marriage or a suit affecting the parent-child relationship. SBi1238,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain at-risk developments to receive low income housing tax credits. SBi1240,iiRelating to the prescriptive authority of certain psychologists; authorizing a fee. SBi1241,iiRelating to law enforcement s’ duty to report to the National Crime Information Center and Texas Crime Information Center certain information concerning a family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking case. SBi1242,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain personal information of an applicant for or a person protected by a protective order. SBi1243,iiRelating to the creation of the offense of improper contact with an adult victim of a criminal offense and providing certain rights to a victim and the victim s’ family regarding contact by an inmate or an inmate s’ representative. SBi1244,iiRelating to the prima facie speed limit in an urban district. SBi1245,iiRelating to the creation of the Vision Zero Task Force to propose a plan to eliminate traffic deaths in this state. SBi1246,iiRelating to the salary of a bailiff in El Paso County. SBi1273,iiRelating to the procedures for an application for a writ of habeas corpus in certain felony cases where the state agrees to relief. SBi1274,iiRelating to the operation of a motor vehicle in the vicinity of an unprotected road user; creating a criminal offense. 4440 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4440

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi1311,iiRelating to the creation of a Texas resident driver s’ permit, provisional Texas resident driver s’ permit, and Texas resident driver s’ instruction permit and the amount and allocation of state traffic fine funds; creating an offense. SBi1313,iiRelating to the identification and assessment of defendants suspected of having mental illness or intellectual disability. SBi1314,iiRelating to the regulation of substance abuse facilities and programs for juveniles. SBi1315,iiRelating to the duties of a personal bond pretrial release office. SBi1332,iiRelating to the availability of certain dates of birth under the public information law. SBi1341,iiRelating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the issuance of associated vital records and documentation; authorizing a fee. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1472,iiRelating to granting to the board of trustees of certain municipally owned utilities the authority to set the compensation of employees necessary to provide service and protect against interruption. SBi1473,iiRelating to the authority to establish a customer assistance program for certain municipally owned utilities. SBi1521,iiRelating to recording certain criminal proceedings. SBi1531,iiRelating to the expansion of the College Credit for Heroes program to lower-division public institutions of higher education offering degrees in certain fields. SBi1532,iiRelating to the supervision by a personal bond office of individuals granted an occupational driver s’ license; providing for an administrative fee. SBi1533,iiRelating to mental health first aid training for university employees. SBi1534,iiRelating to the entry of a plea by defendants charged with certain misdemeanors involving family violence. SBi1535,iiRelating to school districts of innovation. SBi1584,iiRelating to the conditions of community supervision. SBi1586,iiRelating to the minimum wage, including authorizing certain counties and municipalities to establish a minimum wage. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1596,iiRelating to a study regarding the feasibility of creating a mechanism by which a governmental entity could acquire small parcels of real property in an area and convey them to a developer in order to ensure the property is developed in compliance with model subdivision rules. SBi1597,iiRelating to a requirement that the General Land Office conduct an evaluation and submit a report regarding the use of wind and solar power to desalinate brackish groundwater on real property owned by the state. 4441 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4441

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi1631,iiRelating to the child safety zone applicable to a person released on parole or to mandatory supervision. SBi1632,iiRelating to the Whole Woman s’ Health Act. SBi1657,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements for certain individuals who are no longer enrolled in school. SBi1700,iiRelating to uniform reporting of information concerning protective orders, concerning magistrate s’ orders for emergency protection, and concerning conditions of bond imposed on a person awaiting trial in a family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking case. SBi1701,iiRelating to the terms of the board members of the Texas Indigent Defense Commission. SBi1828,iiRelating to treatment and registration of juveniles adjudicated for a sexual offense. SBi1829,iiRelating to common nuisances. SBi1830,iiRelating to the use of connected braking systems to maintain distance between vehicles. SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1913,iiRelating to the administrative, civil, and criminal consequences, including fines, fees, and costs, imposed on persons arrested for, charged with, or convicted of certain criminal offenses. SBi1993,iiRelating to the licensing and other regulation of wrap lenders. SBi1994,iiRelating to residential mortgage loans, including the financing of residential real estate purchases by means of a wrap mortgage loan; providing licensing requirements; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi1995,iiRelating to disclosures in connection with certain wrap mortgage loan transactions; providing a criminal penalty. SBi2026,iiRelating to a biennial report on stormwater infrastructure in this state. SBi2027,iiRelating to a study to evaluate by region training and employment opportunities in this state for individuals with an intellectual disability. SBi2028,iiRelating to the procedure for qualifying for the exemption from ad valorem taxation of pollution control property. SBi2029,iiRelating to funding for new and existing migrant labor housing facilities; establishing an interagency task force to provide support for migrant agricultural workers. SBi2073,iiRelating to a mechanic s’ or materialman s’ lien for retained funds under certain construction contracts. 4442 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4442

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SBi2074,iiRelating to examination requirements for certain applicants for a license to practice medicine. SBi2075,iiRelating to vehicle registration. SBi2076,iiRelating to the titling of motor vehicles; creating a criminal offense and authorizing fees. SBi2140,iiRelating to the provision by the Texas Water Development Board of financial assistance for the development of certain projects in economically distressed areas. SBi2223,iiRelating to Medicaid funding in this state, including the federal government s’ participation in that funding. SBi2224,iiRelating to health benefit plan coverage in this state. SBi2225,iiRelating to speech protections for student newspapers in public schools. SBi2226,iiRelating to the renewal of the Texas Health Care Transformation and Quality Improvement Program waiver under Medicaid. SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi16,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the constitutional provision providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage. SJRi17,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to authorize and regulate the possession, cultivation, and sale of cannabis. SJRi18,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to authorize and regulate the possession, cultivation, and sale of cannabis for medical use. SJRi44,iiProposing a constitutional amendment providing for the recognition of equal rights of all people. SCRi31,iiExpressing opposition to using eminent domain for the construction of a wall or fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi42,iiDirecting the Texas Department of Transportation to adopt a Vision Zero strategy to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries. SRi2,iiRecognizing February 22 and 23, 2017, as El Paso Days. SRi133,iiRecognizing February 2 through 8, 2017, as Chicano History Week. SRi134,iiRecognizing Project Vida on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. SRi233,iiRecognizing Hudspeth County on the occasion of its centennial celebration. SRi234,iiIn memory of Robert Lyons. 4443 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4443

RODRI´GUEZ, JOSE´ i — i(Continued) SRi244,iiRecognizing March 6, 2017, as ATPE Day. SRi272,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as the Day of the Fallen. SRi315,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as Culberson County Day. SRi316,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Presidio County Day. SRi318,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Texas Tech University System Day. SRi340,iiCommemorating Texas Independence Day 2017. SRi395,iiIn memory of Joseph E. Torres. SRi454,iiRecognizing Nancy Hurt Tovar for her contributions to the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association. SRi455,iiRecognizing A Smoke-Free Paso del Norte on the occasion of its 15th anniversary. SRi456,iiCommending the Texas Army National Guard on its commitment to pursuing energy efficiency and water conservation. SRi568,iiRecognizing March 31, 2017, as Transgender Visibility Day. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi693,iiRecognizing the members of the Texas Silver Student Study Group for their contributions to the state. SRi706,iiHonoring the economic contributions made by immigrants to the Lone Star State. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi785,iiRecognizing the El Paso DWI/Drug Court Intervention and Treatment Program for its contributions to the community. SRi866,iiIn memory of Arcadio Dura´n Jr. SRi867,iiRecognizing Zuill Bailey for receiving two Grammy Awards. SRi868,iiRecognizing Leah Esther Loredo on the occasion of her birthday. SRi901,iiRecognizing the Dixon Water Foundation for receiving the 2017 Leopold Conservation Award for Texas. SRi902,iiRecognizing the Texas Senate District 29 Environmental Advisory Committee for organizing the Water Resources and Conservation Symposium. SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II.

SCHWERTNER, CHARLES SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi3,iiRelating to the establishment of an education savings account program and a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. 4444 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4444

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi115,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of certain open meetings. SBi132,iiRelating to the savings incentive program for state agencies. SBi141,iiRelating to eligibility for a TEXAS grant. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi248,iiRelating to the dissolution of the Chisholm Trail Special Utility District. SBi249,iiRelating to the submission of an affordability and access report by public institutions of higher education. 4445 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4445

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi250,iiRelating to limitations on increases in fees and designated tuition charged by certain public institutions of higher education. SBi254,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi267,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of hospitals in this state; increasing the amount of administrative penalties assessed or imposed against certain hospitals; authorizing the imposition of a fee. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi293,iiRelating to the proof required to impose payment holds in certain cases of alleged fraud by Medicaid providers. SBi304,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi305,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Nursing and to the regulation of the practice of nursing. SBi306,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi311,iiRelating to the creation of the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council and to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of sex offender treatment providers, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, chemical dependency counselors, and social workers to the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council; providing civil and administrative penalties; authorizing a fee. SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. SBi313,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Dental Examiners; imposing fees. SBi314,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Optometry Board; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi315,iiRelating to the enforcement of subpoenas, the regulation of pain management clinics, and the adoption of guidelines for prescribing certain opioids by the Texas Medical Board. SBi316,iiRelating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi317,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, and the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners; authorizing a fee. 4446 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4446

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi318,iiRelating to transfer of the regulation of podiatry to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi319,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees; providing penalties. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi380,iiRelating to repealing civil asset forfeiture provisions and establishing criminal asset forfeiture in this state. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi459,iiRelating to the regulation or taxation of firearms, air guns, knives, or ammunition by a municipality or county. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi509,iiRelating to the evaluation and reporting of investment practices and performance of certain public retirement systems. SBi555,iiRelating to the entry of real property under a claim of eminent domain authority; providing a criminal penalty. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi602,iiRelating to the establishment of a restructuring commission to evaluate each state supported living center. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. SBi670,iiRelating to the appointment of the commissioners of the health and human services agencies by the governor. SBi674,iiRelating to licensing for certain health professions, including an expedited process for certain physicians specializing in psychiatry; authorizing a fee. 4447 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4447

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi697,iiRelating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization. SBi715,iiRelating to municipal annexation. SBi740,iiRelating to the acquisition of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi822,iiRelating to the transfer of certain property from The University of Texas System to the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi887,iiRelating to a requirement that certain participating institutions under the student loan program administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board provide loan debt information to certain students. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi932,iiRelating to the licensing of, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission s’ duties with respect to, and the administrative penalties for certain long-term care facilities. SBi933,iiRelating to the licensing of, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission s’ duties with respect to, and the administrative penalties for home and community support services agencies. SBi934,iiRelating to health care liability insurance for certain long-term care facilities. SBi936,iiRelating to the creation of a joint interim committee to undertake a study of the public retirement systems of this state. SBi975,iiRelating to the security of high-speed rail operated by a private entity. SBi977,iiRelating to the use of state money for high-speed rail operated by a private entity. SBi978,iiRelating to the filing of a bond by a private high-speed rail operator with the Texas Department of Transportation. SBi979,iiRelating to the disposition of real property intended for high-speed rail projects. SBi980,iiRelating to state money or credit or a state guarantee used or provided for high-speed rail owned by a private entity. SBi981,iiRelating to the compatibility of a high-speed rail facility with multiple types of train technology. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1067,iiRelating to the dissolution of the Chisholm Trail Special Utility District. SBi1076,iiRelating to amounts charged to an enrollee in a health benefit plan for prescription drugs covered by the plan. SBi1087,iiRelating to the regulation of the hours of instruction for cosmetology licensing. SBi1088,iiRelating to the regulation of cosmetology. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. 4448 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4448

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1207,iiRelating to the repeal of certain contracting requirements under the Medicaid managed care delivery model. SBi1208,iiRelating to the licensing of certain facilities, homes, and agencies that provide child-care services. SBi1216,iiRelating to the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. SBi1288,iiRelating to the United States history end-of-course assessment instrument for public high school students. SBi1406,iiRelating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements. SBi1412,iiRelating to the powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and to the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescribers or dispensers. SBi1413,iiRelating to health maintenance organization contracts with certain entities to provide health care services. SBi1414,iiRelating to a recipient s’ disenrollment from a Medicaid managed care plan. SBi1437,iiRelating to payment for the use of a highway toll project. SBi1443,iiRelating to electronic benefits transfer cards used by recipients of benefits under certain assistance programs. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1592,iiRelating to the amount of an administrative penalty assessed against freestanding emergency medical care facilities. SBi1602,iiRelating to reporting requirements by certain health care facilities for abortion complications; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi1733,iiRelating to recognition of certain identification documents by governmental officials. SBi1758,iiRelating to requirements for the court in permanency hearings for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services who are receiving transitional living services. SBi1787,iiRelating to the functions and administration of the Health and Human Services Commission and the commission s’ office of inspector general in relation to fraud, waste, and abuse in health and human services. 4449 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4449

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SBi1922,iiRelating to contract requirements for prescription drug benefits provided by Medicaid managed care organizations and a study regarding Medicaid prior authorization requirements for certain prescription drugs. SBi1923,iiRelating to infrastructure funding for state hospital facilities and other state facilities, including the creation of the state hospital fund. SBi1924,iiRelating to the financial self-sufficiency of the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas. SBi1978,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of theft of cattle, horses, exotic livestock, exotic fowl, sheep, swine, or goats; increasing a criminal penalty; imposing a fee. SBi1979,iiRelating to liability for the additional tax imposed on land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural land if the use of the land changes as a result of a condemnation. SBi1980,iiRelating to performance bonds for certain public improvements in certain municipalities. SBi1981,iiRelating to selection of statewide competition locations by the University Interscholastic League. SBi1982,iiRelating to the establishment of a university system center located in Brazos County as part of The Texas A&M University System. SBi2214,iiRelating to state fiscal matters related to health and human services and state agencies administering health and human services programs. SBi2289,iiRelating to the Fairfield Hospital District. SJRi57,iiProposing a constitutional amendment relating to the maximum amount of the annual distribution made from the permanent university fund to the available university fund. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SRi5,iiRecognizing the Sam Houston State University Bearkats football team and K. C. Keeler. SRi6,iiCommending the state s’ certified registered nurse anesthetists. SRi7,iiRecognizing the members of the Chancellor s’ Student Advisory Council of The Texas A&M University System for their commitment to education. SRi8,iiRecognizing the members of the Texas Association of Authors for supporting Texas writers and literacy programs. SRi16,iiRecognizing Jeremiah Briscoe for being named the recipient of the 2016 Walter Payton Award. SRi70,iiRecognizing Jerry Vance on the occasion of his retirement. 4450 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4450

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SRi71,iiCommending Benjamin O Neill’ Seago for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi81,iiRecognizing Leander Presbyterian Church on the occasion of its 160th anniversary. SRi162,iiRecognizing February 21, 2017, as Texas Trauma and Emergency Healthcare Day. SRi193,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day. SRi206,iiRecognizing Adrian B. Nettles on the occasion of his retirement. SRi239,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as Sheriffs ’Association of Texas Day. SRi266,iiCelebrating February 28, 2017, as Texas Pharmacy Day. SRi267,iiRecognizing the staff and volunteers of the Austin Dog Alliance for their contributions to the community. SRi282,iiRecognizing Eugene Adrian Van Zelfden Jr. for his contributions to this state. SRi291,iiRecognizing Georgetown Independent School District on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi351,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi370,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Blinn College Day. SRi388,iiRecognizing William and Doris Moore on the occasion of their 70th wedding anniversary. SRi389,iiRecognizing Clear Creek Heat and Air for being named the 2016 Business of the Year. SRi390,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University women s’ swimming and diving team for winning the championship. SRi401,iiRecognizing Texas Task Force 1 on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. SRi414,iiProclaiming March 16, 2017, Williamson County Day. SRi417,iiRecognizing March 23, 2017, as Community Impact Newspaper Day. SRi490,iiRecognizing Ray Young as a Saint David s’ Georgetown Hospital Frist Humanitarian Award recipient. SRi505,iiRecognizing the 183rd Recon Aviation Company on the occasion of its reunion. SRi506,iiRecognizing March 23, 2017, as Community Impact Newspaper Day. SRi517,iiRecognizing Don and Cathy Truxillo on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. SRi532,iiIn memory of John Millard Fultz. SRi533,iiRecognizing Ron and Mary Lee Hull on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. SRi534,iiRecognizing Bremond Polish Festival Days, Polskı´Dzı´en, on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. SRi543,iiRecognizing the Brazos County World War I Centennial Committee for their work on behalf of local veterans. 4451 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4451

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SRi550,iiWelcoming the members of the Northwest Austin Republican Women to the Capitol. SRi551,iiWelcoming the members of the Georgetown Area Republican Women to the Capitol. SRi552,iiWelcoming the members of the Grimes County Republican Women to the Capitol. SRi553,iiWelcoming the members of the Williamson County Republican Women to the Capitol. SRi562,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University men s’ track and field team for winning a Division I championship. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi569,iiCommending Chuck Norris for his contributions to our state. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi617,iiRecognizing April 20, 2017, as Fairfield Day. SRi650,iiRecognizing Margo and Edward Whitmore on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. SRi651,iiRecognizing Georgetown on the 20th anniversary of its designation as a Main Street City. SRi676,iiCelebrating May 9, 2017, as Hutto Day. SRi677,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University equestrian team for winning a national championship. SRi687,iiRecognizing Alan McGraw for his service as Mayor of Round Rock. SRi690,iiRecognizing the dedication of an Official Texas Historical Marker for New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. SRi695,iiRecognizing the Sam Houston State University students participating in the Austin Internship Program. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi701,iiDesignating May 2017 as Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month in Texas. SRi708,iiRecognizing Terri Henry for receiving an Ernest and Sarah Butler Award for Excellence in Science Teaching. SRi709,iiRecognizing Rhonda Farney for receiving the Pat Summitt Trophy and being named a national coach of the year. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi730,iiRecognizing Donna L. Nelson on the occasion of her retirement. SRi731,iiRecognizing Nelson Richard Barrett on the occasion of his 90th birthday. SRi761,iiRecognizing Ferdinand and Laverne Tonn on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. SRi774,iiCommending Alejandro Nunes for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. 4452 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4452

SCHWERTNER, CHARLESi — i(Continued) SRi775,iiCommending Cohen Ward for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi776,iiCommending Jacob Barker for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi777,iiRecognizing Hutto Lutheran Church on the occasion of its 125th anniversary. SRi778,iiRecognizing Barbara and Jess Barrier on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. SRi814,iiRecognizing the Brazos Valley Council of Governments on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi815,iiRecognizing F. Ellsworth Peterson for his contributions to the Georgetown community. SRi821,iiRecognizing Shayan Zahrooni on the occasion of his graduation. SRi822,iiRecognizing the James Earl Rudder High School boys ’gymnastics team for winning a state championship. SRi823,iiRecognizing Brianna Matias on the occasion of her graduation. SRi824,iiRecognizing Isaac Zeringue on the occasion of his graduation. SRi846,iiIn memory of Laura Lee Milner Traylor. SRi848,iiRecognizing Dale Bottoms for receiving a French Legion of Honour Award. SRi849,iiRecognizing Craig Hunter on the occasion of his retirement. SRi896,iiRecognizing the staff members of the Legislative Reference Library for their service. SRi897,iiRecognizing Audrey and Fred Verri on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. SRi898,iiRecognizing Robert Hollas for being named the Region 6 Child Protective Services Caseworker of the Year. SRi942,iiRecognizing the Texas Family Reunion in Senate District 5.

SELIGER, KEL SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. 4453 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4453

SELIGER, KELi — i(Continued) SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi18,iiRelating to public institutions of higher education setting aside portions of designated tuition for student financial assistance. SBi19,iiRelating to performance-based tuition limitations for and a temporary limitation on the amount of tuition and fees charged by certain public institutions of higher education. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi275,iiRelating to the retention and use of sales tax revenue collected by certain retailers to provide job training and placement services to certain persons. SBi322,iiRelating to authorizing current and former members of the state legislature to conduct a marriage ceremony. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi543,iiRelating to performance-based tuition limitations for certain public institutions of higher education and a temporary tuition limitation for those institutions. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi614,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of visiting a military recruitment center. SBi615,iiRelating to requirements regarding assessment instruments required for public high school graduation and the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. 4454 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4454

SELIGER, KELi — i(Continued) SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi647,iiRelating to a transportation allotment credit for school districts required to take action to reduce wealth per student and inclusion of the cost of education adjustment in the computation of weighted average daily attendance. SBi648,iiRelating to the small-sized district adjustment under the Foundation School Program. SBi649,iiRelating to the basic allotment under the foundation school program and the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi654,iiRelating to the participation of an advanced practice registered nurse as a primary care or network provider for certain governmental and other health benefit plans. SBi675,iiRelating to the development of and contracting for reclaimed water facilities in certain municipalities. SBi676,iiRelating to the listing of separate interests in minerals in place in ad valorem tax appraisal records. SBi683,iiRelating to determining eligibility of a county for a grant from the transportation infrastructure fund. SBi684,iiRelating to the local regulation of the operation of utility vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, and recreational off-highway vehicles on public roadways. SBi685,iiRelating to the standard service retirement annuity for certain members of the elected class of the Employees Retirement System of Texas. SBi689,iiRelating to the powers and election dates of the Hemphill County Underground Water Conservation District. SBi714,iiRelating to certain account disclosures provided by a financial institution to a customer. SBi726,iiRelating to elections held by the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District. SBi779,iiRelating to the indigent status of a person for the purposes of the driver responsibility program. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi800,iiRelating to the authority of an independent school district to contract with a county for the design, improvement, or construction of an instructional facility or stadium or other athletic facility. SBi801,iiRelating to the instructional material list and supplemental instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education. SBi802,iiRelating to a study and report regarding best practices in the transfer of course credit between public institutions of higher education. 4455 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4455

SELIGER, KELi — i(Continued) SBi803,iiRelating to a study on the feasibility of requiring certain researchers to make research papers available to the public. SBi821,iiRelating to the qualifications for membership on the Texas Water Development Board. SBi827,iiRelating to procedures for asserting claims under the Americans with Disabilities Act; providing a civil penalty. SBi828,iiRelating to certain academic programs and projects undertaken by public institutions of higher education at an off-campus academic or research site or a similar location. SBi837,iiRelating to requirements for student elections to authorize or increase certain fees at public institutions of higher education. SBi867,iiRelating to the designation of United States Highway 287 in Armstrong and Donley Counties as the Colonel Charles Goodnight Memorial Highway. SBi868,iiRelating to the designation of State Highway 191 in Ector County as the Chris Kyle Memorial Highway. SBi885,iiRelating to the maximum number of semester credit hours allowed for and funding sources used to supplement a TEXAS grant and to the removal of obsolete references related to the Teach for Texas grant program. SBi886,iiRelating to the Texas Educational Opportunity Grant Program. SBi887,iiRelating to a requirement that certain participating institutions under the student loan program administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board provide loan debt information to certain students. SBi888,iiRelating to the sale of lottery tickets by certain wine and beer retailers. SBi895,iiRelating to the transparency of certain information related to prescription drug coverage provided by certain health benefit plans. SBi896,iiRelating to the status, regulation, and taxation of powdered alcohol as an alcoholic beverage; creating an offense. SBi897,iiRelating to an election of the board of directors of the Ochiltree County Hospital District. SBi907,iiRelating to the definition of the least restrictive environment for the placement of children in foster care. SBi913,iiRelating to the limitation on the amount of supplemental payments that a person may agree to provide to a school district or any other entity on behalf of a school district under the Texas Economic Development Act. SBi916,iiRelating to the regulation of the sale of dextromethorphan to minors; providing civil penalties. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi931,iiRelating to the authority to waive certain penalties and interest in order to facilitate the settlement of an ad valorem tax appeal. 4456 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4456

SELIGER, KELi — i(Continued) SBi950,iiRelating to tuition and fee exemptions or waivers at public institutions of higher education. SBi1008,iiRelating to funding for the economic stabilization fund, including the rates of severance taxes on oil and gas production. SBi1010,iiRelating to requirements for and the transparency of epidemiological reports and immunization exemption information and reports. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1086,iiRelating to the availability of certain hotel occupancy tax information. SBi1091,iiRelating to limitations on courses that may be offered for dual credit by school districts and public institutions of higher education. SBi1092,iiRelating to access to certain meetings and information of private or independent institutions of higher education. SBi1137,iiRelating to the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1148,iiRelating to maintenance of certification by a physician or an applicant for a license to practice medicine in this state. SBi1268,iiRelating to the taxing power of the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District. SBi1319,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of an unmanned aircraft over certain facilities. SBi1327,iiRelating to the authority of a district engineer for the Texas Department of Transportation to temporarily lower speed limits. SBi1330,iiRelating to funding for the operations of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Commission. SBi1380,iiRelating to alternative education loans and to the use of higher education private activity bonds by qualified alternative education loan lenders. SBi1396,iiRelating to the Clarendon College District. SBi1451,iiRelating to the designation of a water conservation coordinator by a retail public water utility to implement a water conservation plan. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1471,iiRelating to the establishment of the emergency medical services assistance program. SBi1476,iiRelating to eligibility for support from the universal service fund. SBi1667,iiRelating to the nature, funding, and functions of the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact Commission. 4457 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4457

SELIGER, KELi — i(Continued) SBi1707,iiRelating to funding for county transportation infrastructure projects in counties with significant oil and gas production. SBi2083,iiRelating to the sale of beer and ale by the holders of Manufacturer s’ Licenses and Brewer s’ permits. SBi2116,iiRelating to a revision of rules applicable to hospital construction by the Department of State Health Services. SBi2117,iiRelating to the creation and operations of a health care provider participation program by the City of Amarillo Hospital District. SBi2118,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi2119,iiRelating to the automatic admission of students to general academic teaching institutions. SBi2120,iiRelating to the continuation of the Railroad Commission of Texas. SBi2121,iiRelating to a defense against a libel claim based on the claimant s’ status as a public official or public figure. SBi2281,iiRelating to election of the board of directors of the Deaf Smith County Hospital District. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi41,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to provide for foregoing the transfer of oil and gas production tax revenue to the economic stabilization fund if the ending fund balance for the preceding fiscal year is greater than $5 billion and for reducing the rates of oil and gas production taxes by amounts sufficient to equal the foregone transfer. SJRi43,iiProposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi14,iiExpressing support for the completion of La Entrada al Pacifico international trade corridor. SCRi17,iiDesignating Big Spring as the Lighted Poinsettia Capital of Texas. SRi21,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Community College Day. SRi59,iiRecognizing February 21, 2017, as Panhandle Day. 4458 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4458

SELIGER, KELi — i(Continued) SRi75,iiRecognizing the 17th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Chili and Bar-B-Que Cook-Off. SRi94,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Andrews County Day. SRi112,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Midland-Odessa Day. SRi113,iiCelebrating February 23, 2017, as Howard County Day. SRi318,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Texas Tech University System Day. SRi361,iiRecognizing the Texas Bison Student Study Group for its efforts in behalf of the State Bison Herd of Texas. SRi487,iiRecognizing April 4, 2017, as Texas Realtor Appreciation Day. SRi555,iiWelcoming the members of the Midland County Republican Women to the Capitol. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi618,iiRecognizing Malnor Arthur on the occasion of her 100th birthday. SRi704,iiRecognizing May 9, 2017, as Texas Medical Association Ernest and Sarah Butler Awards for Excellence in Science Teaching Day. SRi712,iiUrging Congress to enact legislation to expand and extend the current federal tax credit for carbon capture, utilization, and storage under Section 45Q of the Internal Revenue Code. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi723,iiRecognizing Tana Christie for 50 years of membership in the Senate Ladies Club. SRi724,iiRecognizing Ginny Turner for 26 years of membership in the Senate Ladies Club. SRi725,iiRecognizing Pam Sibley for 26 years of membership in the Senate Ladies Club. SRi726,iiRecognizing Jan Bullock for 26 years of membership in the Senate Ladies Club. SRi727,iiRecognizing Tammy Harris for 26 years of membership in the Senate Ladies Club. SRi728,iiRecognizing Rosie Moncrief for 26 years of membership in the Senate Ladies Club. SRi740,iiRecognizing the fifth class of Governor William P. Clements Jr. Scholars for their commitment to public service. SRi751,iiRecognizing Edie Carter for receiving the 2017 Faculty Innovation Award. SRi762,iiRecognizing Cherylyn Murray on the occasion of her 60th birthday. SRi766,iiRecognizing May 18, 2017, as Texas Cattle Feeders Association Day. SRi800,iiRecognizing Mark Wade Sheffield Sr. on the occasion of his 60th birthday. SRi846,iiIn memory of Laura Lee Milner Traylor. SRi853,iiRecognizing the Valley High School track team for winning a state championship. 4459 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4459

SELIGER, KELi — i(Continued) SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II.

TAYLOR, LARRY SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. SBi3,iiRelating to the establishment of an education savings account program and a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi21,iiRelating to the qualifications, duties, and limitations of Texas delegates to a convention called under Article V of the United States Constitution. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. 4460 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4460

TAYLOR, LARRYi — i(Continued) SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. SBi28,iiRelating to the financing of ports in the state. SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. SBi113,iiRelating to the provision of and local regulation of certain for-hire passenger transportation. SBi134,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi361,iiRelating to transportation network companies. SBi500,iiRelating to the effect of certain felony convictions of public elected officers. SBi501,iiRelating to the disclosure of certain contracts, services, and compensation in personal financial statements filed by public officers and candidates. SBi502,iiRelating to the content of detailed reports filed by lobbyists and to monetary limits on expenditures by lobbyists. SBi503,iiRelating to the prohibition on lobbying by certain elected officers. SBi505,iiRelating to restrictions on lobbyist expenditures from certain political contributions. SBi507,iiRelating to mediation of the settlement of certain out-of-network health benefit claims involving balance billing. SBi575,iiRelating to the total revenue exemption for the franchise tax. SBi693,iiRelating to three-point seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi734,iiRelating to the sale of distilled spirits to ultimate consumers by the holder of a distiller s’ and rectifier s’ permit. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi810,iiRelating to the purchase and use of open educational resources. SBi822,iiRelating to the transfer of certain property from The University of Texas System to the Parks and Wildlife Department. SBi825,iiRelating to school district discretion to administer college preparation assessment instruments to public school students at state cost. SBi826,iiRelating to the sequencing of required English language arts courses and mathematics courses in schools and conforming changes. 4461 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4461

TAYLOR, LARRYi — i(Continued) SBi884,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi949,iiRelating to a limitation on the amount of attorney s’ fees awarded in a case assigned to a special three-judge district court. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1001,iiRelating to vehicle safety inspections, including vehicles exempt from those inspections. SBi1029,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the board of pilot commissioners for certain ports. SBi1030,iiRelating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property leased to and used by certain schools. SBi1031,iiRelating to a deduction under the franchise tax for certain contracts with the federal government. SBi1032,iiRelating to an exemption from and a limitation on the sales tax imposed on certain boats and boat motors. SBi1042,iiRelating to the creation of the Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 69; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi1043,iiRelating to the creation of the Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 70; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi1095,iiRelating to certain procedures for tax redeterminations and refund claims. SBi1100,iiRelating to the creation of the Brazoria County Management District No. 1; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments, fees, and taxes. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1151,iiRelating to the protection of expressive activities at public institutions of higher education. SBi1170,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi1211,iiRelating to designation of mathematics innovation zones by the commissioner of education and to the establishment of pay for success programs to provide necessary funding. SBi1212,iiRelating to the use of alternative or substitute exit-level assessment instruments to allow certain public school students to receive a high school diploma. 4462 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4462

TAYLOR, LARRYi — i(Continued) SBi1267,iiRelating to school district ad valorem tax rates. SBi1277,iiRelating to a requirement that online admission application forms for public institutions of higher education include a link to certain employment data relating to fields of study. SBi1278,iiRelating to educator preparation programs. SBi1279,iiRelating to restricting the use of covered information, including student personally identifiable information, by an operator of a website, online service, online application, or mobile application for a school purpose. SBi1288,iiRelating to the United States history end-of-course assessment instrument for public high school students. SBi1289,iiRelating to the purchase of iron and steel products made in the United States for certain governmental entity projects. SBi1306,iiRelating to the enforcement of workers ’ compensation compliance and practice requirements. SBi1353,iiRelating to state funding for school districts, including a school district to which an academically unacceptable school district is annexed. SBi1406,iiRelating to the authority of the commissioner of insurance to request a state innovation waiver for certain small group health benefit plans of certain federal actuarial value and level of coverage requirements. SBi1449,iiRelating to an insurer s’ compliance with National Association of Insurance Commissioners requirements. SBi1450,iiRelating to the regulatory authority of the commissioner of insurance and the Texas Department of Insurance. SBi1465,iiRelating to the authority of certain ex officio members of the board of directors of a tax increment financing reinvestment zone to elect not to serve on the board. SBi1466,iiRelating to maximum liability limits for windstorm and hail insurance coverage provided through the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. SBi1475,iiRelating to windstorm and hail insurance coverage issued by the FAIR Plan Association in catastrophe areas. SBi1481,iiRelating to the instructional materials and technology allotment, open education resource instructional materials, and the State Board of Education long-range technology plan. SBi1482,iiRelating to the creation of a committee to recommend a framework to incorporate digital teaching and learning in public schools. SBi1483,iiRelating to the creation of the Technology Lending Program to provide grants to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools. SBi1484,iiRelating to the creation of an instructional materials web portal by the commissioner of education. 4463 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4463

TAYLOR, LARRYi — i(Continued) SBi1489,iiRelating to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority. SBi1512,iiRelating to replacement cost coverage in policies issued by the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association. SBi1537,iiRelating to dispute resolution for certain claims arising under insurance policies issued by the Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan Association; authorizing fees. SBi1559,iiRelating to a fee exemption for guardianship proceedings of certain military servicemembers and certain law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders. SBi1560,iiRelating to the offense of operating certain vehicles without a license plate. SBi1634,iiRelating to a reduction in required days of service for educators in public schools under certain circumstances. SBi1635,iiRelating to the career and technology education allotment and the essential knowledge and skills of the career and technology education and technology applications curriculums. SBi1658,iiRelating to the ownership, sale, lease, and disposition of property and management of assets of an open-enrollment charter school. SBi1659,iiRelating to the commissioner of education accepting contributions for the public school system, adopting rules regarding grant compliance, and establishing grants for high-quality educational programs. SBi1660,iiRelating to the minutes of operation required for public school districts, charter schools, and other education programs and to calculating the average daily attendance for certain education programs. SBi1784,iiRelating to open-source instructional material for public schools. SBi1864,iiRelating to the administration of the Port of Houston Authority. SBi1865,iiRelating to a study by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles of alternative registration technologies for commercial motor vehicles. SBi1866,iiRelating to the employment of certain individuals at a sexually oriented business. SBi1895,iiRelating to the assessment of administrative penalties under the Texas Workers ’ Compensation Act. SBi2049,iiRelating to the adoption and administration of certain assessment instruments in primary and secondary education. SBi2050,iiRelating to staff development and continuing education requirements for public school educators regarding digital education methods. SBi2051,iiRelating to evaluating public school performance. SBi2052,iiRelating to the first day of the school year for public schools. 4464 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4464

TAYLOR, LARRYi — i(Continued) SBi2078,iiRelating to the duties of school districts, open-enrollment charter schools, the Texas Education Agency, and the Texas School Safety Center regarding multihazard emergency operations plans and other school safety measures. SBi2079,iiRelating to a requirement that a student s’ postsecondary transcript include the average or median grade awarded in each class. SBi2080,iiRelating to a requirement that school districts and open-enrollment charter schools report certain information regarding children with disabilities who reside in residential facilities. SBi2081,iiRelating to information regarding the number of public school students receiving certain special education services. SBi2082,iiRelating to the work-study student mentorship program administered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. SBi2084,iiRelating to calculation of average daily attendance for public school students in blended learning programs. SBi2115,iiRelating to the regulation of motor vehicle towing and booting. SBi2127,iiRelating to limitations on the information reported by consumer reporting agencies. SBi2141,iiRelating to requirements for a representative for a student in a special education due process hearing. SBi2142,iiRelating to the repeal of the high school allotment under the Foundation School Program. SBi2143,iiRelating to the basic allotment under the foundation school program. SBi2144,iiRelating to the creation of a commission to recommend improvements to the public school finance system. SBi2145,iiRelating to the public school finance system. SBi2146,iiRelating to the application of and use of revenue from hotel occupancy taxes imposed by municipalities and counties. SBi2153,iiRelating to the hours of instruction provided in barbering and cosmetology schools. SBi2179,iiRelating to the applicability of certain insurance laws to certain farm mutual insurance companies. SBi2188,iiRelating to the average daily attendance calculation for students over 18 years of age who are in an off home campus instructional arrangement. SBi2215,iiRelating to state fiscal matters related to public education. SBi2233,iiRelating to contracting and purchasing of certain governmental entities and development corporations. SBi2240,iiRelating to notice of health benefit plan provider network status provided by certain freestanding emergency medical care facilities. SBi2265,iiRelating to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority and expanding the territory and powers of the authority; authorizing fees and the issuance of bonds. 4465 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4465

TAYLOR, LARRYi — i(Continued) SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi2,iiApplying to the Congress of the United States to call a convention under Article V of the United States Constitution for the limited purpose of proposing one or more amendments to the constitution to impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and to limit the terms of office of federal officials and members of Congress. SJRi42,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation real property leased to certain schools organized and operated primarily for the purpose of engaging in educational functions. SJRi54,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a municipal charter amendment election to be held on certain election dates. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi3,iiClaiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the U.S. Constitution, serving notice to the federal government to halt and reverse certain mandates, and providing that certain federal legislation be prohibited or repealed. SCRi32,iiUrging Congress to provide sufficient federal funding for the construction of a storm surge barrier along the Texas coast. SCRi41,iiUrging Congress to direct the Department of Defense to relocate the United States Africa Command to Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston. SCRi61,iiInstructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make corrections in S.B. No. 1450. SRi36,iiRecognizing January 24, 2017, as Oyster Day. SRi55,iiRecognizing January 30, 2017, as Texas Capitol Schoolhouse Day. SRi145,iiRecognizing February 8, 2017, as Communities In Schools Day. SRi146,iiRecognizing this year s’ participants in the Bob Bullock Scholars Program of Baylor University. SRi185,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Baylor Day. SRi238,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Pearland Day. SRi250,iiRecognizing Cynthia Lusignolo for her commitment to education. SRi293,iiRecognizing William A. Staples on the occasion of his retirement. SRi294,iiRecognizing the 2016-2017 class of Leadership La Porte. SRi295,iiRecognizing Patricia Hanks on the occasion of her retirement. SRi333,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Galveston County Day. SRi334,iiRecognizing the League City Music Festival and Bar-B-Q Cook-Off. 4466 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4466

TAYLOR, LARRYi — i(Continued) SRi350,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Brazoria County Day. SRi374,iiRecognizing March 7, 2017, as Space Day. SRi376,iiRecognizing March 6, 2017, as USTA Texas Day. SRi431,iiRecognizing Galveston College on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi492,iiRecognizing Tristan Gene Autry on the occasion of his high school graduation. SRi493,iiRecognizing Rafe Jordan Borne on the occasion of his high school graduation. SRi494,iiRecognizing Michael Laurence Baldridge on the occasion of his high school graduation. SRi495,iiRecognizing Brianna C. Brown on the occasion of her high school graduation. SRi496,iiRecognizing Karley E. Frankum on the occasion of her high school graduation. SRi497,iiRecognizing Rebekah Elaine Bullman on the occasion of her high school graduation. SRi498,iiRecognizing Kayley Marie Fuqua on the occasion of her high school graduation. SRi499,iiRecognizing Tyler Layne Hennig on the occasion of his high school graduation. SRi500,iiRecognizing Hannah Christine Henson on the occasion of her high school graduation. SRi501,iiRecognizing Garrett M. Horning on the occasion of his high school graduation. SRi502,iiRecognizing Derek Ryan Meyer on the occasion of his high school graduation. SRi503,iiRecognizing Madeline Meylor on the occasion of her high school graduation. SRi504,iiRecognizing Seth Albert Miles on the occasion of his high school graduation. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi601,iiRecognizing the 111th Attack Squadron, Texas Air National Guard, on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi621,iiRecognizing Tina Taylor for her contributions to the Deer Park community. SRi623,iiRecognizing Eddie Janek on the occasion of his 90th birthday. SRi688,iiRecognizing Joseph Christopher Doyle on the occasion of his retirement. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi740,iiRecognizing the fifth class of Governor William P. Clements Jr. Scholars for their commitment to public service. SRi750,iiIn memory of Lyda Ann Thomas. SRi949,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on HB 22.

TAYLOR, VAN SBi2,iiRelating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system. 4467 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4467

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SBi3,iiRelating to the establishment of an education savings account program and a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. SBi4,iiRelating to the enforcement by campus police departments and certain local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and to related duties and liability of certain persons in the criminal justice system; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi5,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification; providing a criminal penalty and increasing a criminal penalty. SBi6,iiRelating to regulations and policies for entering or using a bathroom or changing facility; authorizing a civil penalty. SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi8,iiRelating to certain prohibited abortions and the treatment and disposition of a human fetus, human fetal tissue, and embryonic and fetal tissue remains; creating a civil cause of action; imposing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. SBi10,iiRelating to actions on and liability associated with certain insurance claims. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi13,iiRelating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SBi16,iiRelating to decreasing the fee for the issuance of an original or renewed license to carry a handgun. SBi17,iiRelating to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax. SBi20,iiRelating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for abortions. SBi23,iiRelating to requiring state contractors to participate in the federal electronic verification of employment authorization program, or E-verify. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi25,iiRelating to eliminating the wrongful birth cause of action. 4468 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4468

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SBi29,iiRelating to state contracts with and investments in companies that boycott Israel. SBi135,iiRelating to the submission of a report by certain entities identifying spending reduction measures. SBi136,iiRelating to the verification of citizenship of an applicant for voter registration. SBi137,iiRelating to lobbying activities engaged in by state employees. SBi138,iiRelating to the exemption from range instruction for certain persons applying to obtain a license to carry a handgun. SBi139,iiRelating to the applicability of adverse licensing, listing, or registration decisions by certain health and human services agencies. SBi140,iiRelating to the criminal penalties for insider trading and other misuse of official information by public servants. SBi141,iiRelating to eligibility for a TEXAS grant. SBi142,iiRelating to the determination of cost of goods sold for purposes of computing the franchise tax. SBi151,iiRelating to voter approval of obligations for certain municipal liabilities to a public pension fund. SBi177,iiRelating to unit operations for oil, gas, or oil and gas production from depleting reservoirs or carbon dioxide storage; authorizing a fee. SBi225,iiRelating to the referral by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to the State Office of Administrative Hearings of an issue regarding an application for a water right. SBi226,iiRelating to the procedure for action on certain applications for an amendment to a water right. SBi252,iiRelating to prohibiting governmental contracts with a company doing business with Iran, Sudan, or a foreign terrorist organization. SBi253,iiRelating to investment prohibitions and divestment requirements for certain investments of public money. SBi256,iiRelating to the confidentiality of home address information of certain victims of family violence, sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking of persons. SBi257,iiRelating to judicial review of protective orders and the duration of those orders. SBi277,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain property for certain ad valorem tax incentives relating to wind-powered energy devices. SBi281,iiRelating to limitations on the use of a biometric identifier by a governmental body. SBi289,iiRelating to the preparation of government growth impact statements for rules proposed by state agencies. SBi300,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Railroad Commission of Texas; providing for the imposition of fees. 4469 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4469

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SBi301,iiRelating to the operations and functions of the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the sunset review date for, financial management of, and programs administered by the agency. SBi302,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the state bar. SBi303,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Board of Law Examiners. SBi304,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi305,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Nursing and to the regulation of the practice of nursing. SBi306,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi307,iiRelating to the functions and territory of the Upper Colorado River Authority, following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi308,iiRelating to the Sulphur River Basin Authority, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Committee. SBi309,iiRelating to the Palo Duro River Authority, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi310,iiRelating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process. SBi311,iiRelating to the creation of the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council and to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of sex offender treatment providers, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, chemical dependency counselors, and social workers to the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council; providing civil and administrative penalties; authorizing a fee. SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. SBi313,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Dental Examiners; imposing fees. SBi314,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Optometry Board; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi315,iiRelating to the enforcement of subpoenas, the regulation of pain management clinics, and the adoption of guidelines for prescribing certain opioids by the Texas Medical Board. SBi316,iiRelating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. 4470 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4470

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SBi317,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, and the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners; authorizing a fee. SBi318,iiRelating to transfer of the regulation of podiatry to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi319,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees; providing penalties. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi338,iiRelating to the first day of the school year for public schools. SBi350,iiRelating to the repeal of certain laws regulating the sale or transfer of secondhand watches. SBi374,iiRelating to the time period for the withdrawal of a candidate for a general primary election. SBi375,iiRelating to providing a voter in a party primary notice of party conventions. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi413,iiRelating to the maintenance of information entered into a fee record in certain counties. SBi414,iiRelating to the authority of a district clerk to post official and legal notices by electronic display. SBi419,iiRelating to the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi444,iiRelating to school marshals for private schools. SBi456,iiRelating to the right of members of the legislature, the lieutenant governor, committees of the legislature, and legislative agencies to access certain governmental information for legislative purposes; creating a criminal offense. SBi478,iiRelating to a requirement that a school district or open-enrollment charter school terminate certain employees convicted of certain offenses. SBi500,iiRelating to the effect of certain felony convictions of public elected officers. SBi501,iiRelating to the disclosure of certain contracts, services, and compensation in personal financial statements filed by public officers and candidates. SBi502,iiRelating to the content of detailed reports filed by lobbyists and to monetary limits on expenditures by lobbyists. SBi503,iiRelating to the prohibition on lobbying by certain elected officers. SBi504,iiRelating to lobbying by former members of the legislature; creating an offense. 4471 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4471

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SBi505,iiRelating to restrictions on lobbyist expenditures from certain political contributions. SBi515,iiRelating to the right of certain public officers to access public information, documents, records, and property; creating criminal offenses. SBi579,iiRelating to the use of epinephrine auto-injectors on private school campuses and at or in transit to or from off-campus school events. SBi619,iiRelating to county and municipal cooperation with state and federal immigration law enforcement and efforts to enhance international border security. SBi624,iiRelating to the rate of interest on certain tax refunds. SBi640,iiRelating to equal opportunity for access by home-schooled students to University Interscholastic League sponsored activities; authorizing a fee. SBi652,iiRelating to the eligibility for service retirement annuities from the Employees Retirement System of Texas or the Teacher Retirement System of Texas of certain employees convicted of certain offenses. SBi653,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain employees or annuitants convicted of certain felony offenses. SBi711,iiRelating to the date for prepayment of taxes on a dealer s’ heavy equipment inventory. SBi717,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property damaged in a disaster. SBi728,iiRelating to the regulation of the practice of physical therapy. SBi778,iiRelating to the appointment of school marshals by public schools and the ammunition approved for use by a school marshal serving a public school or a public junior college. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi801,iiRelating to the instructional material list and supplemental instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education. SBi804,iiRelating to the eligibility of a person to serve on an appraisal review board. SBi841,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of unlawful installation of tracking device or malicious software. SBi891,iiRelating to a prohibition on converting state highway lanes to tolled or other types of managed lanes. SBi917,iiRelating to the creation of the offense of improper contact with an adult victim. SBi930,iiRelating to the nonconfidential status of certain state pension information. SBi938,iiRelating to certain rental-purchase agreements. SBi943,iiRelating to limitations on the rate of growth of appropriations. SBi1020,iiRelating to cybercrime; creating criminal offenses. SBi1061,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the commissioner of education regarding granting additional charters for open-enrollment charter schools. 4472 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4472

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SBi1101,iiRelating to the prescription of epinephrine auto-injectors to and administration of epinephrine auto-injectors in day-care centers; limiting liability. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1112,iiRelating to the examination attempt limits for certain applicants seeking a license to practice medicine. SBi1122,iiRelating to abolishing certain county boards of education, boards of county school trustees, and offices of county school superintendent. SBi1128,iiRelating to access to the central child abuse and neglect registry by certain child-care facilities. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1143,iiRelating to a prohibition on converting high occupancy vehicle highway lanes to tolled lanes. SBi1164,iiRelating to the authority of a municipality or county to adopt fees that generate substantial revenue. SBi1193,iiRelating to the adoption of the Texas Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act. SBi1222,iiRelating to the investment of a portion of the economic stabilization fund balance. SBi1239,iiRelating to the authority of a municipality to remove directors of the North Texas Municipal Water District. SBi1254,iiRelating to the practice of and the billing codes used by certain mental health professionals. SBi1275,iiRelating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of certain nonexempt property used for low-income or moderate-income housing. SBi1284,iiRelating to prescriber and dispenser reporting and access to patient prescription information under the Texas Controlled Substances Act. SBi1318,iiRelating to designation of mathematics innovation zones by the commissioner of education and to the establishment of pay for success programs to provide necessary funding. SBi1328,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi1344,iiRelating to reporting on investments by certain public retirement systems. SBi1386,iiRelating to the use of habitual toll violator remedies by certain toll project entities. SBi1398,iiRelating to the placement and use of video cameras in certain self-contained classrooms or other settings providing special education services. SBi1407,iiRelating to the information required to be included in or with a school district ad valorem tax bill. 4473 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4473

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SBi1417,iiRelating to a requirement that a hospital allow a patient to designate a caregiver to receive aftercare instruction regarding the patient. SBi1428,iiRelating to the provision of mental health telemedicine medical services. SBi1474,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of impersonating a public servant. SBi1504,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain victims of trafficking of persons for an order of nondisclosure. SBi1561,iiRelating to a study by the State Board of Education on the instructional day and academic year requirements necessary to complete the required curriculum in public schools. SBi1609,iiRelating to regulation by a property owners ’ association of certain religious displays. SBi1610,iiRelating to open-enrollment charter schools. SBi1611,iiRelating to requiring an election for the issuance of certain certificates of obligation by a municipality or county. SBi1612,iiRelating to the solicitation of pen pals by certain inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. SBi1620,iiRelating to the regulation of raising or keeping six or fewer chickens by a political subdivision. SBi1637,iiRelating to requiring a canvassing authority to explain a discrepancy between the number of voters accepted and the ballots cast in an election. SBi1647,iiRelating to participation of state agency employees in the review of the agency by the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi1705,iiRelating to the application for and issuance of a marriage license and the marriage of a minor. SBi1706,iiRelating to forcing or coercing a child to enter into a marriage. SBi1739,iiRelating to the suspension, termination, and reinstatement of certain services provided to military service members who are serving on active duty. SBi1788,iiRelating to the execution of a warrant issued for certain individuals who violate a condition of release on parole or to mandatory supervision. SBi1789,iiRelating to a limitation on civil suits against persons reporting suspicious activity in good faith. SBi1790,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of fraudulent destruction, removal, or concealment of a writing that is attached to tangible property. SBi1810,iiRelating to a limitation on the cost of an attendance credit under the public school finance system and the effect of such a limitation on the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district. 4474 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4474

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SBi1811,iiRelating to the investigation of fraud, waste, and abuse in certain public benefits programs by the office of inspector general for the Health and Human Services Commission. SBi1812,iiRelating to the authority of an appraisal district to use public money for lobbying activity. SBi1831,iiRelating to an annual report on state programs not funded by appropriations. SBi1942,iiRelating to the transportation or storage of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition by a license holder in a motor vehicle in a parking area of a primary or secondary school. SBi2007,iiRelating to the reimbursement of certain dentists under the Medicaid program. SBi2008,iiRelating to claiming an exemption from required immunizations for public school students. SBi2009,iiRelating to requiring a supplemental actuarial analysis by certain public retirement systems. SBi2010,iiRelating to procedures for the determination of the validity of certain petitions filed in connection with an election. SBi2011,iiRelating to the location and hours for early voting by personal appearance. SBi2012,iiRelating to the study of an economic impact zone by the Texas Department of Transportation. SBi2013,iiRelating to the disclosure of certain public information by a public school district. SBi2122,iiRelating to the coordination of the transfer of course credit between public institutions of higher education. SBi2232,iiRelating to the emergency scheduling of certain controlled substances for the purpose of the prosecution and punishment of certain offenses under the Texas Controlled Substances Act; expanding the application of certain criminal offenses. SJRi21,iiProposing a constitutional amendment providing that members of the legislature and the lieutenant governor will not receive a state salary or per diem during certain periods unless the legislature has passed the state s’ budget and that budget is certified by the comptroller. SJRi24,iiProposing a constitutional amendment providing for certain excess revenue to be dedicated toward contributions to state retirement systems, the health benefit plan for retired education employees and their dependents, the Texas tomorrow fund, the permanent school fund, and the permanent university fund. SJRi25,iiProposing a constitutional amendment requiring that any appropriations in excess of the constitutional spending limit be approved by a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house of the legislature. SJRi27,iiProposing a constitutional amendment repealing county authority to provide for manual labor poor houses and farms. 4475 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4475

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SJRi32,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for legislative review or approval of state agency rules. SCRi1,iiCalling on Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. SCRi21,iiRecognizing Texas as a Purple Heart State. SCRi53,iiIn memory of Dana Sean Shurtleff. SRi78,iiCongratulating the Southwest Movers Association on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi283,iiRecognizing Jerry Jones on the occasion of his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. SRi406,iiRecognizing the Clark Middle School band for receiving the 2016 Sudler Cup. SRi448,iiRecognizing Bob L. Townsend on the occasion of his retirement. SRi449,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Sachse Day. SRi450,iiIn memory of Rudolph P. Miller Jr. SRi506,iiRecognizing March 23, 2017, as Community Impact Newspaper Day. SRi515,iiRecognizing March 28 and 29, 2017, as Collin County Days. SRi564,iiRecognizing Megan Pettibon for being named the 2017 Texas Honey Queen. SRi579,iiRecognizing April 5 and 6, 2017, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Legislative Days. SRi581,iiRecognizing the Collin County Sheriff s’ Office for its service to its community. SRi606,iiHonoring U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson for his service to his state and nation. SRi646,iiRecognizing Geoffrey W. Dennis for his service to the Texas Senate. SRi664,iiIn memory of Kathy Staples Boobar. SRi691,iiRecognizing the 2017 Thin Blue Line Ball. SRi700,iiRecognizing the Texas A&M University students participating in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Internship Program and the Public Policy Internship Program. SRi705,iiRecognizing Lucas Earl Lane for his service to the Texas Senate. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi715,iiCommemorating the 100th anniversary of J. C. Penney Corporation in Texas. SRi722,iiRecognizing Craig Curry for his service to the Texas Senate. SRi740,iiRecognizing the fifth class of Governor William P. Clements Jr. Scholars for their commitment to public service. SRi783,iiCongratulating Ian Rawn on his fourth place finish in the 2017 Special Olympics World Winter Games figure skating competition. SRi806,iiRecognizing Chris Girata for his service to the Texas Senate. SRi882,iiRecognizing William Dickerson for his service to the Texas Senate. 4476 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4476

TAYLOR, VANi — i(Continued) SRi883,iiRecognizing Robert J. Posner Jr. for his service to the Texas Senate. SRi884,iiIn memory of Barbara Diane Madden. SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II. SRi945,iiRecognizing Jake Rogers for his service to the Texas Senate. SRi946,iiRecognizing Hyman Vego on the occasion of his 95th birthday.

URESTI, CARLOS SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi74,iiRelating to the provision of certain behavioral health services to children, adolescents, and their families under a contract with a managed care organization. SBi183,iiRelating to the distribution, possession, purchase, consumption, and receipt of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and tobacco products; providing penalties. SBi184,iiRelating to an exemption from the motor vehicle use tax for motor vehicles brought into this state by certain current or former military personnel. SBi185,iiRelating to electronic voter registration. SBi186,iiRelating to automatic voter registration on issuance or change of a driver s’ license or identification card by the Department of Public Safety. SBi187,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain persons younger than 18 years of age to preregister to vote. SBi188,iiRelating to civil liability for removing certain individuals or animals from a motor vehicle and criminal liability for removing certain animals from a motor vehicle. SBi189,iiRelating to notice of an application for a permit to drill certain injection wells within a certain distance of a groundwater conservation district. SBi190,iiRelating to the administrative closure of certain reported cases of child abuse or neglect made to the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi203,iiRelating to removing the deadline for the Department of Family and Protective Services to enter into permanency care assistance agreements. 4477 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4477

URESTI, CARLOSi — i(Continued) SBi228,iiRelating to the authority of a municipality to limit the possession, purchase, consumption, sale, distribution, or receipt of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or tobacco products. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi495,iiRelating to certain procedural measures in a suit affecting a parent-child relationship to protect a child against child neglect or physical or sexual abuse. SBi496,iiRelating to the participation of the school of osteopathic medicine at the University of the Incarnate Word in certain state programs supporting graduate medical education programs. SBi497,iiRelating to the creation of an office of data analytics in the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi584,iiRelating to guidelines for prescribing opioid antagonists. SBi586,iiRelating to the distribution of universal service funds to certain small and rural incumbent local exchange companies. SBi669,iiRelating to the system for protesting or appealing certain ad valorem tax determinations; authorizing a fee. SBi686,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to impose a hotel occupancy tax. SBi687,iiRelating to the collection and use of certain information relating to child abuse and neglect and the provision of prevention and early intervention services; creating an offense. SBi688,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of aggravated kidnapping. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi717,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property damaged in a disaster. SBi757,iiRelating to creating a voluntary program to recognize licensed before-school and after-school programs that promote healthy eating and physical activity. SBi772,iiRelating to the authority of a code enforcement officer when performing official duties to possess or carry an instrument used for deterring the bite of an animal. SBi773,iiRelating to the authority of a judge to compel a criminal defendant who lacks capacity to take psychoactive medication. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi840,iiRelating to certain images captured by an unmanned aircraft. 4478 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4478

URESTI, CARLOSi — i(Continued) SBi879,iiRelating to a review of a person s’ disqualification to serve as a relative or other designated caregiver for a child. SBi880,iiRelating to a documented member of the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas hunting certain deer. SBi881,iiRelating to the board of directors of the Maverick County Hospital District. SBi882,iiRelating to pretrial hearings in felony cases. SBi910,iiRelating to the distribution, possession, purchase, consumption, and receipt of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and tobacco products; providing penalties. SBi972,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem taxation purposes of real property on which a building completely destroyed by a casualty is located. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi999,iiRelating to procedures for taking possession of a child and for certain hearings in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi1039,iiRelating to the filing requirements for certain documents in mental health cases. SBi1049,iiRelating to safety requirements of assisted living facilities. SBi1063,iiRelating to the investigation of an anonymous report of suspected abuse or neglect of a child. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1168,iiRelating to the disqualification of directors of the Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District. SBi1169,iiRelating to confinement as a condition of community supervision. SBi1208,iiRelating to the licensing of certain facilities, homes, and agencies that provide child-care services. SBi1209,iiRelating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land on the basis of its use for wildlife management. SBi1226,iiRelating to prostitution and trafficking of persons and to certain criminal and civil consequences of that conduct. SBi1255,iiRelating to the designation of a portion of Loop 1604 in Bexar County as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Overpass. SBi1256,iiRelating to export fees charged by the Middle Pecos Groundwater Conservation District; changing a fee. 4479 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4479

URESTI, CARLOSi — i(Continued) SBi1317,iiRelating to the earliest day a public school teacher may be required to report for service. SBi1363,iiRelating to diaper changing stations in restrooms in buildings operated by a governmental entity. SBi1433,iiRelating to requiring registration as a sex offender of certain defendants convicted of the offense of continuous trafficking of persons. SBi1436,iiRelating to the punishment for the offense of injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual and creating the offense of continuous injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1513,iiRelating to continuing education requirements for noncertified surgical technologists. SBi1553,iiRelating to certain requirements imposed on a sex offender who enters the premises of a school and to the refusal of entry to or ejection from school district property. SBi1585,iiRelating to the reimbursement of certain services provided by respiratory care practitioners under Medicaid. SBi1586,iiRelating to the minimum wage, including authorizing certain counties and municipalities to establish a minimum wage. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1621,iiRelating to Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and county tax assessor-collector vehicle titling and registration duties and fees associated with those duties. SBi1622,iiRelating to the creation of a statewide alert system for missing military members. SBi1623,iiRelating to certain persons who are acquitted by reason of insanity in a criminal case and who are dangerous to the person s’ self. SBi1624,iiRelating to the definition of "non-physician mental health professional" for purposes of the Texas Mental Health Code. SBi1625,iiRelating to the Texas Physician Assistant Board and the licensing and regulation of physician assistants. SBi1626,iiRelating to the authority of a state agency to impose continuing education requirements on an occupational license holder. SBi1707,iiRelating to funding for county transportation infrastructure projects in counties with significant oil and gas production. SBi1708,iiRelating to funding for counties for transportation infrastructure projects located in areas of the state affected by increased oil and gas production, including administration of county energy transportation reinvestment zones. SBi1713,iiRelating to a study on sales and use tax compliance. 4480 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4480

URESTI, CARLOSi — i(Continued) SBi1739,iiRelating to the suspension, termination, and reinstatement of certain services provided to military service members who are serving on active duty. SBi1758,iiRelating to requirements for the court in permanency hearings for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services who are receiving transitional living services. SBi1785,iiRelating to appraisal of public school teachers. SBi1806,iiRelating to requiring the use of multidisciplinary teams appointed by children s’ advocacy centers in certain child abuse investigations. SBi1854,iiRelating to requiring the review of public school district paperwork to limit paperwork requirements. SBi1855,iiRelating to the authority of a defense base development authority to participate in a company or partnership organized to finance redevelopment projects. SBi1881,iiRelating to the appointment of foster parents and other qualified persons to serve as educational decision-makers for certain children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi1882,iiRelating to a school district contract to partner with an open-enrollment charter school to operate a district campus. SBi1923,iiRelating to infrastructure funding for state hospital facilities and other state facilities, including the creation of the state hospital fund. SBi2104,iiRelating to a study on the feasibility of using the statewide system of health care data collection to create a public database of charges billed by health care providers. SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi39,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas to conduct gaming by executing a gaming agreement with this state; providing for licensing of persons under the agreement; limiting certain taxes and fees. SCRi31,iiExpressing opposition to using eminent domain for the construction of a wall or fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SRi205,iiRecognizing members of the Texas Court Reporters Association on the occasion of their visit to the Capitol. SRi227,iiRecognizing Amber Simpson for receiving a 2016-2017 Milken Educator Award. SRi256,iiRecognizing February 21, 2017, as Zavala County Day at the State Capitol. SRi264,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Kinney County Day. SRi265,iiRecognizing the 2017 recipients of the Texas Medal of Arts Awards. 4481 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4481

URESTI, CARLOSi — i(Continued) SRi285,iiRecognizing Jason and Erika Hassay on the birth of their son, Harrison Michael Hassay. SRi308,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as VIVA San Antonio Day. SRi347,iiRecognizing the Robert B. Green Memorial Hospital on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi409,iiIn memory of Weston Gray Frost. SRi427,iiIn memory of Lisa Gonzales Ortiz. SRi470,iiRecognizing March 21, 2017, as Dimmit County Day. SRi545,iiRecognizing April 2017 as National Child Abuse Prevention Month. SRi557,iiHonoring Erwin J. De Luna for his contributions as president of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission. SRi561,iiRecognizing April 4, 2017, as Sul Ross State University Day. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi590,iiRecognizing the Paint the Town Project on the occasion of its 11th anniversary. SRi614,iiRecognizing April 12, 2017, as Val Verde County Day. SRi619,iiRecognizing April 5, 2017, as Gold Star Spouses Day. SRi624,iiRecognizing the Texas Cavaliers and Michael Casillas for their contributions to the San Antonio community. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi665,iiRecognizing April 24-28, 2017, as Every Kid Healthy Week. SRi685,iiRecognizing George "Iceman" Gervin on the occasion of his 65th birthday. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi760,iiCommemorating the 300th anniversary of the founding of San Antonio. SRi769,iiRecognizing Nanette Valdez-Yzaguirre for her selection as the South Texas Counseling Association 2015-2016 Middle School Counselor of the Year. SRi770,iiCongratulating Fred Hines on the occasion of his retirement. SRi788,iiIn memory of Bertha Cuellar Gonzalez. SRi797,iiRecognizing Raynaldo T. Lopez on the occasion of his retirement. SRi805,iiRecognizing Carl Keller on the occasion of his retirement. SRi807,iiRecognizing the members of the Crockett Middle School drama club for their Shakespeare quote-a-thon. SRi808,iiIn memory of Douglas Sterling Cain. SRi835,iiIn memory of Scott Deem. SRi845,iiRecognizing Rene´M. Pen˜a for his service to the 81st Judicial District. 4482 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4482

URESTI, CARLOSi — i(Continued) SRi924,iiHonoring the service of brothers Abran, Natividad, Nicholas, Albertano, Pilar, and Reyes Gonzales of Fort Stockton during World War II. SRi950,iiRecognizing Jeff Hassay and Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer on the occasion of the birth of the their daughter, Zooey Maybellene Sophia Lehrer-Hassay.

WATSON, KIRK SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi69,iiRelating to civil or criminal liability for leaving certain animals unattended in or removing certain individuals or animals from a motor vehicle. SBi74,iiRelating to the provision of certain behavioral health services to children, adolescents, and their families under a contract with a managed care organization. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi185,iiRelating to electronic voter registration. SBi186,iiRelating to automatic voter registration on issuance or change of a driver s’ license or identification card by the Department of Public Safety. SBi224,iiRelating to the sunset review date for the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas and the time for awarding cancer research and prevention grants. SBi231,iiRelating to automatic voter registration on issuance or change of a driver s’ license or identification card by the Department of Public Safety. SBi265,iiRelating to the duties of a magistrate to inform an arrested person of consequences of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere. SBi266,iiRelating to the driver responsibility program. SBi271,iiRelating to the issuance of a citation or notice to appear for certain misdemeanors punishable by a fine only. 4483 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4483

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SBi275,iiRelating to the retention and use of sales tax revenue collected by certain retailers to provide job training and placement services to certain persons. SBi276,iiRelating to an adult high school diploma and industry certification charter school pilot program. SBi283,iiRelating to the offense of unlawfully prohibiting an employee from voting. SBi284,iiRelating to acceptable forms of identification for voting. SBi285,iiRelating to the right of an employee to time off from work to obtain an election identification certificate. SBi287,iiRelating to the designation of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin as the state botanical garden and arboretum. SBi288,iiRelating to the operation and movement of motorcycles on certain highways during periods of traffic congestion. SBi290,iiRelating to the state s’ contribution to the financing of public education. SBi292,iiRelating to the creation of grant programs to reduce recidivism, arrest, and incarceration of individuals with mental illness. SBi301,iiRelating to the operations and functions of the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the sunset review date for, financial management of, and programs administered by the agency. SBi302,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the state bar. SBi303,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Board of Law Examiners. SBi304,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi305,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Nursing and to the regulation of the practice of nursing. SBi306,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi311,iiRelating to the creation of the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council and to the continuation and transfer of the regulation of sex offender treatment providers, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, chemical dependency counselors, and social workers to the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council; providing civil and administrative penalties; authorizing a fee. SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. SBi313,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Dental Examiners; imposing fees. SBi314,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Optometry Board; authorizing a reduction in fees. 4484 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4484

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SBi315,iiRelating to the enforcement of subpoenas, the regulation of pain management clinics, and the adoption of guidelines for prescribing certain opioids by the Texas Medical Board. SBi316,iiRelating to powers and duties of certain prescribers and dispensers of controlled substances and the regulatory agencies that issue a license, certification, or registration to the prescriber or dispenser; following the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi317,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners, the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, and the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners; authorizing a fee. SBi318,iiRelating to transfer of the regulation of podiatry to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation; authorizing a reduction in fees. SBi319,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners; authorizing a reduction in fees; providing penalties. SBi329,iiRelating to birth records of adopted persons. SBi346,iiRelating to the rules of the road regarding red signals at certain traffic control signals. SBi347,iiRelating to the applicability of open meetings and public information laws to regional water planning groups and their committees. SBi348,iiRelating to the authority of the board of directors of an appraisal district to acquire or convey real property or construct or renovate a building or other improvement. SBi351,iiRelating to the creation and administration of a disaster recovery fund. SBi352,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi353,iiRelating to the use of revenue received as a result of the purchase of attendance credits to supplement the basic allotment under the public school finance system. SBi354,iiRelating to language acquisition for children less than eight years of age who are deaf or hard of hearing. SBi355,iiRelating to the adoption and implementation of a recess policy by public school districts. SBi356,iiRelating to the equalized wealth level and the guaranteed yield under the public school finance system. SBi357,iiRelating to the equalized wealth level and the cost of attendance credits under the public school finance system. SBi358,iiRelating to a transportation allotment credit for school districts required to take action to reduce wealth per student. SBi359,iiRelating to the new instructional facility allotment under the foundation school program. SBi360,iiRelating to the transportation allotment provided under the Foundation School Program. 4485 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4485

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SBi371,iiRelating to the grounds for refusal, cancellation, or suspension of certain alcoholic beverage licenses. SBi381,iiRelating to the authority of peace officers to conduct certain searches. SBi407,iiRelating to the exception from disclosure under the public information law for information related to competition or bidding. SBi408,iiRelating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. SBi410,iiRelating to the use of light-emitting diode (LED) light bulbs in state buildings. SBi411,iiRelating to the participation of campus-based mental health professionals in certain health benefit plans. SBi416,iiRelating to the composition of the board of directors of the State Bar of Texas. SBi417,iiRelating to notice to policyholders and agents of certain changes to property and casualty insurance policies. SBi418,iiRelating to the authority of the governing body of a taxing unit other than a school district to adopt an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion, expressed as a dollar amount, of the appraised value of an individual s’ residence homestead, the authority of the governing body of certain taxing units that have adopted such an exemption to reduce the amount of or repeal certain other exemptions, and the treatment of such an exemption in the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi464,iiRelating to the availability on the Internet of certain registrations and reports filed by lobbyists. SBi491,iiRelating to the statewide preceptorship program in family medicine. SBi494,iiRelating to an offense report prepared in the investigation of certain criminal cases. SBi502,iiRelating to the content of detailed reports filed by lobbyists and to monetary limits on expenditures by lobbyists. SBi510,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records. SBi589,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts; requiring an occupational license; imposing fees. SBi643,iiRelating to requiring a voter to present proof of identification. SBi644,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi645,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SBi660,iiRelating to the use of certain mobile devices at a polling place. 4486 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4486

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi698,iiRelating to certain duties of the Department of Family and Protective Services regarding parental child safety placements. SBi699,iiRelating to the establishment of a kinship caregiver navigator program by the Health and Human Services Commission. SBi749,iiRelating to certain charges by the Bastrop County Water Control and Improvement District No. 2; authorizing an increase in a fee. SBi769,iiRelating to the issuance of specialty license plates for recipients of the Combat Medical Badge. SBi770,iiRelating to a specialty certification for insurance agents who have completed certain training regarding self-insured health benefit plans. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi817,iiRelating to certain mental health screenings under the Texas Health Steps program. SBi818,iiRelating to nutrition and fitness standards for certain child-care facilities and training for employees at those facilities. SBi820,iiRelating to leave for state employees who are foster parents or prospective foster parents. SBi858,iiRelating to the expansion of a fixed rail transit system by certain metropolitan rapid transit authorities. SBi861,iiRelating to coverage for serious mental illness, other disorders, and chemical dependency under certain health benefit plans. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi935,iiRelating to the composition of the board of trustees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas. SBi966,iiRelating to criminal offenses regarding the consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages by a minor. SBi967,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offenses of sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault. SBi968,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at certain public and private institutions of higher education and to requiring those institutions to provide students and employees an option to electronically report certain offenses to the institution. SBi969,iiRelating to requiring certain public and private institutions of higher education to provide amnesty to students who report certain incidents, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking. SBi970,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at public and private institutions of higher education. 4487 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4487

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SBi989,iiRelating to the maximum loan amount made to persons under the owner-builder loan program. SBi990,iiRelating to the requirements for an application for a low income housing tax credit allocation from the nonprofit set-aside. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi1050,iiRelating to the sale of real property on which a state supported living center is located. SBi1051,iiRelating to the accommodation of a deaf or hard of hearing student in driver education; authorizing a fee. SBi1084,iiRelating to the medical treatment and care of animals by certain persons in animal shelters and releasing agencies. SBi1103,iiRelating to the establishment of the Texas Returning Adult Student Grant Program for certain students enrolled in baccalaureate degree programs at certain postsecondary educational institutions. SBi1104,iiRelating to human sexuality education in public schools. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1139,iiRelating to the allocation of certain fees on the sale of cigarettes and cigarette tobacco products manufactured by certain companies to the permanent health fund for higher education and to the use of money in that fund. SBi1147,iiRelating to the establishment of the Texas State Music Museum and Texas Music Foundation; authorizing fees. SBi1221,iiRelating to an annual report submitted to the comptroller by a municipality that imposes certain hotel occupancy taxes. SBi1321,iiRelating to the deposit and appropriation of revenue received or collected by the Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority. SBi1341,iiRelating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the issuance of associated vital records and documentation; authorizing a fee. SBi1345,iiRelating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property owned by a charitable organization and used to provide tax return preparation and other financial services without regard to the beneficiaries ’ability to pay. SBi1346,iiRelating to disclosure of state agency contract information regarding administrator services for group health benefit plans. SBi1347,iiRelating to an expedited response by a governmental body to a request for public information. 4488 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4488

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SBi1348,iiRelating to the deposit and appropriation of revenue received or collected by the Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Authority. SBi1349,iiRelating to the authority of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles over real property and to the transfer of specific property from the Texas Department of Transportation. SBi1350,iiRelating to the commitment of certain juveniles to local post-adjudication secure correctional facilities in certain counties and to the release under supervision of those juveniles. SBi1351,iiRelating to allowing the placement and maintenance of traffic-control signals in municipalities to permit emergency vehicles to safely enter a highway. SBi1352,iiRelating to notice of facility fees charged by freestanding emergency medical care facilities. SBi1359,iiRelating to the use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or tobacco products on property owned by or leased for a state agency. SBi1360,iiRelating to the information required to be included in or with a school district ad valorem tax bill. SBi1454,iiRelating to the study and approval of lethal pesticides for feral hog control. SBi1538,iiRelating to the permissible uses of the floodplain management account. SBi1539,iiRelating to the application of the sales and use tax to certain property and services. SBi1540,iiRelating to the certification, training, and supervision of certified family partners and the provision of peer support services by certified family partners to the family or primary caregiver of certain children with serious emotional disturbance, including the provision of those services under the medical assistance program. SBi1572,iiRelating to the operation of a motor vehicle dealership by certain manufacturers or distributors. SBi1586,iiRelating to the minimum wage, including authorizing certain counties and municipalities to establish a minimum wage. SBi1638,iiRelating to waiver of a political subdivision s’ governmental immunity for certain employment benefit claims. SBi1639,iiRelating to allowing certain wholesalers and distributors to purchase beer, ale, and malt liquor from the holder of a brewpub license. SBi1640,iiRelating to the creation of additional judicial districts in Travis County. SBi1641,iiRelating to the Texas Peace Officers ’Memorial Monument. SBi1642,iiRelating to allowing the holder of a brewpub license to sell beer, ale, and malt liquor to certain qualified persons outside the state. SBi1643,iiRelating to certain disclosures of electronic toll collection customer account information by a toll project entity. SBi1644,iiRelating to the operations of certain metropolitan rapid transit authorities. 4489 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4489

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SBi1645,iiRelating to the approval by the Texas Department of Transportation of certain transportation projects of a regional mobility authority. SBi1646,iiRelating to the public information law. SBi1647,iiRelating to participation of state agency employees in the review of the agency by the Sunset Advisory Commission. SBi1648,iiRelating to the public availability of certain information related to criminal conduct in connection with an election. SBi1649,iiRelating to increasing the punishment for certain conduct constituting the offense of criminal trespass. SBi1650,iiRelating to calculation of average daily attendance for school districts providing certain full-day prekindergarten programs. SBi1651,iiRelating to a defense to prosecution for certain offenses involving possession of small amounts of controlled substances and other prohibited drugs, substances, or paraphernalia for defendants seeking assistance for a suspected overdose. SBi1652,iiRelating to the designation of an area of highway by a municipality as an immediate removal area. SBi1653,iiRelating to procedures regarding criminal defendants who have been determined incompetent to stand trial. SBi1654,iiRelating to the electronic transmission of a notice of toll nonpayment by the Texas Department of Transportation. SBi1655,iiRelating to the availability of certain information under the public information law. SBi1656,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain municipalities to establish homestead preservation districts and reinvestment zones. SBi1923,iiRelating to infrastructure funding for state hospital facilities and other state facilities, including the creation of the state hospital fund. SBi1990,iiRelating to low income housing tax credits awarded for certain developments. SBi1991,iiRelating to the administration of federal funds under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act. SBi1992,iiRelating to the allocation of housing tax credits to developments within proximate geographical areas. SBi1993,iiRelating to the licensing and other regulation of wrap lenders. SBi1994,iiRelating to residential mortgage loans, including the financing of residential real estate purchases by means of a wrap mortgage loan; providing licensing requirements; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi1995,iiRelating to disclosures in connection with certain wrap mortgage loan transactions; providing a criminal penalty. SBi1996,iiRelating to the creation of the Rio de Vida Municipal Utility District No. 1; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds. 4490 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4490

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SBi1997,iiRelating to establishing a pilot program for professional support service provider services for persons who are deaf-blind. SBi1998,iiRelating to the formal recognition of the Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin and the School of Medicine at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and the participation of those schools in the Joint Admission Medical Program. SBi1999,iiRelating to energy resources planning for electric generation in ERCOT. SBi2000,iiRelating to the Major Events Reimbursement Program. SBi2001,iiRelating to the conduct that constitutes the practice of psychology. SBi2002,iiRelating to regional or local health care programs for eligible individuals and employees of small employers. SBi2003,iiRelating to the low-income vehicle repair assistance, retrofit, and accelerated vehicle retirement program and local initiative air quality projects. SBi2004,iiRelating to the operation of a public transit motor bus by certain mass transit entities on an improved shoulder. SBi2005,iiRelating to the transfer of jurisdiction over and management of the property known as the French Legation to the Texas Historical Commission and to certain historic sites under the commission s’ jurisdiction. SBi2006,iiRelating to erecting or maintaining certain outdoor signs regulated by the Texas Department of Transportation. SBi2118,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer baccalaureate degree programs. SJRi29,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a political subdivision other than a school district to adopt an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a portion, expressed as a dollar amount, of the market value of an individual s’ residence homestead and authorizing the legislature to prohibit the governing body of a political subdivision that adopts such an exemption from reducing the amount of or repealing the exemption. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi56,iiRequesting the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives to create a joint interim committee to examine all state open-government laws. SRi11,iiIn memory of Jack Crosby. SRi12,iiRecognizing Marvin R. "Randy" Billings on the occasion of his retirement. SRi23,iiIn memory of Charles William Mays Jr. SRi24,iiCelebrating February 7, 2017, as Bastrop County Day. SRi57,iiRecognizing Regina L. Parker on the occasion of her retirement. SRi79,iiRecognizing Rena Hemphill Bennett on the occasion of her retirement. SRi120,iiRecognizing Seana Beckerman Willing on the occasion of her retirement. 4491 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4491

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SRi129,iiIn memory of Harry Middleton. SRi141,iiRecognizing February 8, 2017, as Mental Illness Awareness Day. SRi146,iiRecognizing this year s’ participants in the Bob Bullock Scholars Program of Baylor University. SRi149,iiCelebrating February 18, 2017, as Verlin Callahan Day. SRi150,iiIn memory of Joseph Borowski Jr. SRi168,iiRecognizing Cynthia J. Rokovich for 40 years of service to the State of Texas. SRi185,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Baylor Day. SRi193,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day. SRi202,iiRecognizing Eugene Tai on the occasion of his retirement. SRi240,iiIn memory of Shelby H. Carter Jr. SRi241,iiIn memory of Betty Baker. SRi242,iiRecognizing George Sampleton for his contributions to his community. SRi251,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as TASBO Day. SRi260,iiRecognizing K. R. Wood for his musical achievements. SRi273,iiIn memory of Richard Moya. SRi284,iiRecognizing Roland P. Cochran on the occasion of his 50th birthday. SRi285,iiRecognizing Jason and Erika Hassay on the birth of their son, Harrison Michael Hassay. SRi319,iiRecognizing Paul S. Lewis on the occasion of his retirement. SRi344,iiRecognizing the 36th Infantry Division of the Texas Army National Guard on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi348,iiIn memory of Garland Hartman. SRi353,iiRecognizing the Southwestern Region of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated, on the occasion of its 76th Regional Conference. SRi354,iiRecognizing the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi394,iiRecognizing John Trevin˜o for his service to his community. SRi402,iiIn memory of Jack Pope. SRi407,iiDeclaring May 3, 2017, Moonlight Tower Day. SRi410,iiCongratulating Caroline Morgan and Marshall Maher on the birth of their daughter, Penelope Zara Morgan-Maher. SRi421,iiRecognizing Altrusa International, Incorporated, on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. 4492 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4492

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SRi429,iiRecognizing Alex Graves, Tex "T." Mitchell IV, Aaron Walls, and Jake Yepez for their courage. SRi430,iiRecognizing Charles F. Pelphrey on the occasion of his 100th birthday. SRi456,iiCommending the Texas Army National Guard on its commitment to pursuing energy efficiency and water conservation. SRi463,iiIn memory of Mollie Ann Newcom. SRi477,iiRecognizing Donald Thomas Burns on the occasion of his retirement. SRi481,iiIn memory of Janice Evelyn Christensen May. SRi482,iiRecognizing Lifeline Chaplaincy for its hospital ministry work. SRi483,iiRecognizing Tom "Smitty" Smith on the occasion of his retirement. SRi485,iiWelcoming members of the Girls ’School of Austin fourth-grade class to the State Capitol. SRi486,iiRecognizing Linda Mitchell on the occasion of her retirement. SRi512,iiRecognizing Joe Henry Morin on the occasion of his retirement. SRi548,iiRecognizing Clayton Johnson on the occasion of his retirement. SRi574,iiIn memory of Howard Vance Rose Jr. SRi575,iiRecognizing Will Kocurek and Julie Kocurek. SRi577,iiRecognizing Dianna Schuster on the occasion of her retirement. SRi578,iiRecognizing the Travis County Mental Health Public Defender Office on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. SRi599,iiIn memory of Joe Sawyer. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi627,iiRecognizing Mark L. Madrid for his contributions to this state. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi635,iiRecognizing Sylvia Kay Daves for her 50 years of service to the people of Texas. SRi636,iiRecognizing Andrew Asdell and Joe LeBlanc on the occasion of their marriage. SRi637,iiIn memory of William Charles Akins. SRi641,iiRecognizing Kayline Ballard Cabe on the occasion of her retirement. SRi642,iiProclaiming May 2017 Lyme Disease Awareness Month in Texas. SRi649,iiRecognizing Richard Overton on the occasion of his 111th birthday. SRi658,iiRecognizing the Texas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. SRi669,iiRecognizing Catholic War Veterans Post 1805 in Austin on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. 4493 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4493

WATSON, KIRKi — i(Continued) SRi699,iiIn memory of Thomas Paul Moore Jr. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi747,iiIn memory of Thomas Paul Moore Jr. SRi752,iiRecognizing the Texas Podiatric Medical Association on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi759,iiIn memory of Harrison Brown. SRi767,iiWelcoming Edith Royal to the Capitol and recognizing her many contributions to our state. SRi779,iiRecognizing E´ lan Southpark Meadows on the occasion of Older Americans Month. SRi790,iiRecognizing Samuel P. Perry for his contributions to Baylor University. SRi804,iiRecognizing Jesu´s Garza on the occasion of his retirement. SRi843,iiRecognizing Elizabeth Lankford on the occasion of her retirement. SRi846,iiIn memory of Laura Lee Milner Traylor. SRi855,iiRecognizing Julia J. Weng on the occasion of her retirement. SRi856,iiRecognizing Lester Simpson on the occasion of his retirement. SRi887,iiEncouraging the public to learn about meningococcal disease and the role of vaccination in prevention. SRi914,iiRecognizing Jon Weizenbaum on the occasion of his retirement. SRi931,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 968. SRi933,iiIn memory of Barbara Smith Conrad.

WEST, ROYCE SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi15,iiRelating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. 4494 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4494

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SBi22,iiRelating to the establishment of a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program and to the repeal of the tech-prep program. SBi24,iiRelating to a privilege from disclosure to governmental units for certain evidence concerning sermons delivered by a religious leader. SBi26,iiRelating to the Texas emissions reduction plan and other related programs and measures to reduce emissions. SBi30,iiRelating to inclusion of instruction regarding interaction with peace officers in the required curriculum for certain public school students and in driver education courses and to civilian interaction training for peace officers. SBi73,iiRelating to leave policy and procedures for state employees. SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi202,iiRelating to inclusion of instruction regarding interaction with peace officers in the required curriculum for ninth grade public school students and to civilian interaction training for peace officers. SBi203,iiRelating to removing the deadline for the Department of Family and Protective Services to enter into permanency care assistance agreements. SBi204,iiRelating to student loan repayment assistance for certain employees of the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi205,iiRelating to eligibility for supplemental financial assistance provided to certain grandparents. SBi206,iiRelating to certain criminal offenses concerning the unlawful transfer or purchase of certain weapons; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi207,iiRelating to eligibility for compensation of persons wrongfully imprisoned. SBi208,iiRelating to the regulation of metal recycling entities; providing an administrative penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi209,iiRelating to the reapportionment of congressional districts and the creation, function, and duties of the Texas Congressional Redistricting Commission. SBi267,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of hospitals in this state; increasing the amount of administrative penalties assessed or imposed against certain hospitals; authorizing the imposition of a fee. SBi275,iiRelating to the retention and use of sales tax revenue collected by certain retailers to provide job training and placement services to certain persons. SBi312,iiRelating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation; authorizing an increase in rates charged for the use of state aircraft to provide for the acquisition of replacement aircraft; creating a criminal offense. 4495 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4495

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SBi331,iiRelating to the temporary approval of a private or independent college or university to continue to participate in the tuition equalization grant program. SBi332,iiRelating to the electronic monitoring of certain defendants as an alternative to confinement. SBi333,iiRelating to the administration of educational programs for persons placed on community supervision for certain intoxication offenses. SBi334,iiRelating to broker agreements for the leasing of real property owned by a county. SBi335,iiRelating to the delegation of death certification to attending physicians in certain counties. SBi336,iiRelating to the disposition of organs, organ parts, or medically implanted devices on completion of an autopsy. SBi337,iiRelating to the age at which a person may purchase aerosol paint. SBi344,iiRelating to the authority of emergency medical services personnel of certain emergency medical services providers to transport a person for emergency detention. SBi345,iiRelating to the use of tax revenue by certain municipalities for the payment of certain hotel-related bonds or other obligations. SBi370,iiRelating to the discipline and behavior management of a student enrolled in a grade level below grade three at a school district or open-enrollment charter school. SBi416,iiRelating to the composition of the board of directors of the State Bar of Texas. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. SBi469,iiRelating to the duration of an appointment of a guardian ad litem or an attorney ad litem for a child in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi470,iiRelating to the establishment of one or more supplemental county civil service commissions in certain counties. SBi489,iiRelating to recommendations regarding instruction in public schools to prevent the use of e-cigarettes. SBi492,iiRelating to procedures of a county tax assessor-collector for collection of dishonored checks and invoices; authorizing a fee. SBi499,iiRelating to the adoption of the Uniform Partition of Heirs ’Property Act. SBi506,iiRelating to certain voting systems. SBi510,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records. SBi518,iiRelating to a franchise tax credit for entities that employ certain students in certain paid internship or similar programs. 4496 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4496

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SBi530,iiRelating to the authorization of monetary assistance and support services for caregivers of children in parental child safety placements. SBi534,iiRelating to authorization by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for certain public junior colleges to offer early childhood education baccalaureate degree programs. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi578,iiRelating to the creation by the Health and Human Services Commission of a veteran suicide prevention action plan. SBi584,iiRelating to guidelines for prescribing opioid antagonists. SBi585,iiRelating to the opportunity of certain patriotic societies to present information regarding the society to public school students during regular school hours. SBi591,iiRelating to a community outreach campaign to increase awareness of veterans benefits and services. SBi690,iiRelating to the use of a mechanical or electronic device by a person occupying a voting station. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi697,iiRelating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization. SBi780,iiRelating to monetary assistance provided by the Department of Family and Protective Services to certain relatives and designated caregivers. SBi793,iiRelating to restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. SBi794,iiRelating to the biennial report to the legislature on grants made to entities under the Texas Enterprise Fund. SBi796,iiRelating to the collection of information concerning the number of juvenile offenders committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department who have been in foster care. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi802,iiRelating to a study and report regarding best practices in the transfer of course credit between public institutions of higher education. SBi805,iiRelating to Texas women veterans. SBi810,iiRelating to the purchase and use of open educational resources. SBi822,iiRelating to the transfer of certain property from The University of Texas System to the Parks and Wildlife Department. 4497 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4497

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SBi828,iiRelating to certain academic programs and projects undertaken by public institutions of higher education at an off-campus academic or research site or a similar location. SBi901,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of operation of unmanned aircraft over correctional facility or critical infrastructure facility. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi968,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at certain public and private institutions of higher education and to requiring those institutions to provide students and employees an option to electronically report certain offenses to the institution. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi998,iiRelating to the statute of limitations for the offense of exploitation of a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual. SBi999,iiRelating to procedures for taking possession of a child and for certain hearings in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi1047,iiRelating to installment payments of ad valorem taxes. SBi1057,iiRelating to inspection of certain vacant properties for abandoned animals; providing a civil penalty. SBi1058,iiRelating to grand jury proceedings; providing a penalty. SBi1059,iiRelating to the term of a parking permit issued to a residential tenant by a landlord. SBi1060,iiRelating to requiring a public employer to give notice to new employees of the ability of certain employees to participate in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. SBi1091,iiRelating to limitations on courses that may be offered for dual credit by school districts and public institutions of higher education. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1123,iiRelating to conditions on the receipt of tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for adopted students formerly in foster or other residential care. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1185,iiRelating to criminal history record information obtained or disseminated by certain private entities; providing a civil penalty. 4498 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4498

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SBi1186,iiRelating to requirements for mental health assignment certification for municipal police departments and sheriff s’ departments. SBi1187,iiRelating to the offense of operating a motor vehicle without financial responsibility. SBi1188,iiRelating to the offense involving the carrying of handguns by license holders on the premises of certain recreation centers. SBi1201,iiRelating to the release of a body worn camera recording to the subject of that recording. SBi1202,iiRelating to the rehabilitation, demolition, or change in use of residential property occupied by a tenant. SBi1220,iiRelating to ensuring continuity of education and access to higher education, career information, and skills certification for foster care youth and former foster care youth. SBi1227,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. SBi1249,iiRelating to adverse possession of real property by a cotenant heir against other cotenant heirs. SBi1250,iiRelating to the admissibility of certain evidence in the prosecution of certain offenses involving family violence. SBi1251,iiRelating to making a voluntary contribution to the Ending Homelessness fund when registering a motor vehicle or renewing a motor vehicle registration. SBi1252,iiRelating to disclosure of information regarding and conditions for payment of death benefits under certain policies, contracts, and group benefit plans; providing exemplary damages. SBi1253,iiRelating to the electronic recording and admissibility of certain custodial interrogations. SBi1354,iiRelating to the authority of certain municipalities to pledge certain tax revenue for the payment of obligations related to hotel projects. SBi1355,iiRelating to the calculation of absences for truancy purposes and to attendance at truancy court adjudication hearings by certain parents. SBi1398,iiRelating to the placement and use of video cameras in certain self-contained classrooms or other settings providing special education services. SBi1404,iiRelating to requiring school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to report certain information regarding expanded learning opportunities. SBi1418,iiRelating to a landlord s’ duty to maintain property and casualty insurance coverage for loss of or damage to a leased premises. SBi1444,iiRelating to de novo hearings in child protection cases. SBi1445,iiRelating to methods of payment of rent and security deposits to residential landlords and authorizing associated service charges. 4499 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4499

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SBi1467,iiRelating to the Texas college work-study program and to establishing a program for the off-campus employment of certain students at public or private institutions of higher education. SBi1477,iiRelating to ransomware; creating a criminal offense. SBi1478,iiRelating to the designation of January 9 as Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. SBi1487,iiRelating to preventing racial profiling and video and audio equipment and recordings of certain law enforcement motor vehicle stops; creating an offense. SBi1488,iiRelating to nonsubstantive additions to, revisions of, and corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codification or disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to conforming codifications enacted by the 84th Legislature to other Acts of that legislature. SBi1543,iiRelating to a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county of a portion of the value of the residence homestead of a physician who provides health care services for which the physician agrees not to seek payment from any source, including the Medicaid program or otherwise from this state or the federal government, to indigent residents of the county. SBi1553,iiRelating to certain requirements imposed on a sex offender who enters the premises of a school and to the refusal of entry to or ejection from school district property. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1617,iiRelating to the reporting requirements for certain injuries or deaths caused by peace officers. SBi1618,iiRelating to billing and reimbursement for certain emergency and health care services provided to a sexual assault survivor. SBi1619,iiRelating to the creation of the offense of electronic access interference. SBi1658,iiRelating to the ownership, sale, lease, and disposition of property and management of assets of an open-enrollment charter school. SBi1767,iiRelating to hearings and protests before appraisal review boards involving ad valorem tax determinations. SBi1781,iiRelating to the regulation of certain educational institutions by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board; providing administrative penalties. SBi1782,iiRelating to the elimination of certain formula funding and dropped course restrictions for returning adult students at public institutions of higher education and to the tuition rate that may be charged to those students for certain excessive undergraduate hours. SBi1783,iiRelating to continued monitoring of certain public school campuses that have been assigned a campus intervention team. SBi1798,iiRelating to the collection and reporting of child safety data in certain child-care facilities and establishing child safety standards in those facilities. 4500 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4500

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SBi1799,iiRelating to the student loan default prevention and financial aid literacy pilot program. SBi1800,iiRelating to the applicability of sex offender registration requirements to the offense of improper relationship between educator and student. SBi1813,iiRelating to the adoption of common admission application forms for institutions of higher education. SBi1845,iiRelating to the development of transferable degree or certificate program curricula for which qualified veterans or military service members may be awarded course credit based on military service. SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1898,iiRelating to authorizing the purchase of certain insurance coverage by public school districts for the benefit of businesses and students participating in career or technology training programs and providing for immunity from liability of certain public school students participating in career or technology programs. SBi1899,iiRelating to common admission application forms for institutions of higher education. SBi1900,iiRelating to indicators of achievement under the public school accountability system. SBi1902,iiRelating to continued monitoring of certain public school campuses that have been assigned a campus intervention team. SBi1903,iiRelating to statewide goals for dual credit programs provided by school districts. SBi1904,iiRelating to ownership and disposition of property and management of assets of an open-enrollment charter school for which the charter has been revoked, denied renewal, or surrendered. SBi1929,iiRelating to maternal mortality and morbidity and pregnancy-related deaths, including postpartum depression. SBi1930,iiRelating to the adoption of cats and dogs previously used for research at public institutions of higher education. SBi1931,iiRelating to community land trusts. SBi1932,iiRelating to eligibility requirements for registration as an interior designer. SBi1933,iiRelating to the eligibility of certain criminal defendants for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information. SBi2053,iiRelating to the distribution of the consolidated court cost. SBi2054,iiRelating to the offense of possessing a weapon in a secured area of an airport. SBi2055,iiRelating to the sales and use tax exemption for the repair, remodeling, or maintenance of aircraft. 4501 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4501

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SBi2085,iiRelating to certain identifying information regarding career school or college students. SBi2086,iiRelating to measures to facilitate the transfer of students and course credit within the public higher education system. SBi2089,iiRelating to calculation of average daily attendance for school districts providing certain full-day prekindergarten programs. SBi2122,iiRelating to the coordination of the transfer of course credit between public institutions of higher education. SBi2124,iiRelating to a pilot program for assisting certain recipients of public benefits to gain permanent self-sufficiency. SBi2130,iiRelating to an application for a charter for an open-enrollment charter school and to the expansion of an open-enrollment charter school. SBi2131,iiRelating to efforts to facilitate the completion by students of undergraduate certificate and degree programs. SBi2144,iiRelating to the creation of a commission to recommend improvements to the public school finance system. SBi2167,iiRelating to the collection of consumer debt by debt buyers. SBi2170,iiRelating to the creation and operations of a health care provider participation program by the Dallas County Hospital District. SBi2187,iiRelating to the renewal of a certificate of registration by certain interior designers. SBi2205,iiRelating to automated motor vehicles. SBi2244,iiRelating to the creation of the University Hills Municipal Management District; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose assessments or fees. SJRi52,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a local option exemption from ad valorem taxation by a county of a portion of the value of the residence homestead of a physician who provides health care services for which the physician agrees not to seek payment from any source, including the Medicaid program or otherwise from this state or the federal government, to county residents who are indigent or who are Medicaid recipients. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi62,iiInstructing the enrolling clerk of the house to make corrections in H.B. No. 1500. SRi17,iiRecognizing Shirley M. Murray on the occasion of her 85th birthday. SRi18,iiRecognizing Herman L. Murray Jr. on the occasion of his 40th birthday. SRi22,iiRecognizing January 23, 2017, as Expanded Learning Opportunities Day. SRi44,iiRecognizing Johnie Mae Gillespie Anderson on the occasion of her 100th birthday. SRi45,iiRecognizing the Alpha Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, on the occasion of its Founders ’Day Luncheon. 4502 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4502

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SRi46,iiRecognizing Jacqueline Walters for her accomplishments. SRi47,iiRecognizing Cheryl Benson for her contributions to the Alpha Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. SRi48,iiRecognizing Beverly Randall for her contributions to the Alpha Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. SRi49,iiRecognizing Kassie Gossom for her contributions to the Alpha Xi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. SRi50,iiRecognizing Constance Washington for her 50-year membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. SRi51,iiRecognizing Felicia Hammons for her 50-year membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. SRi52,iiRecognizing the 25-year members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. SRi80,iiIn memory of Roger Lee Jones. SRi90,iiIn memory of Samuel Washington Sr. SRi93,iiIn memory of Carolyn Y. Rogers Jones. SRi142,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Best Southwest Day. SRi151,iiIn memory of Hollis Brashear. SRi152,iiRecognizing the second annual Queenish Professional Women s’ Club Southwest Writers Showcase. SRi156,iiRecognizing City Credit Union s’ 75 years of service to the Dallas community. SRi169,iiCongratulating the DeSoto High School football team for winning the 2016 University Interscholastic League Class 6A Division II state championship. SRi170,iiRecognizing Alice Lias for 50 years of service to the Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi171,iiRecognizing Silver Sorors of the Collin County Alumnae Chapter for their 25 years of service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi172,iiRecognizing Silver Sorors of the Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter for their 25 years of service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi173,iiRecognizing Silver Sorors of the North Dallas Suburban Alumnae Chapter for their 25 years of service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi174,iiRecognizing Cynthia Jones for her 25 years of service to the Denton County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi175,iiRecognizing Connie Henderson for her 50 years of service to the Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi176,iiRecognizing Tia Baker for her 25 years of service to the North Central Texas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. 4503 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4503

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SRi177,iiRecognizing Silver Sorors of the Arlington Alumnae Chapter for their 25 years of service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi178,iiRecognizing Silver Sorors of the Metropolitan Dallas Alumnae Chapter for their 25 years of service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi179,iiRecognizing Silver Sorors of the Dallas Alumnae Chapter for their 25 years of service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi180,iiRecognizing Silver Sorors of the Southwest Dallas County Alumnae Chapter for their 25 years of service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi181,iiRecognizing Sabra Jackson Richard for her 50 years of service to the Collin County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi200,iiRecognizing Tomasita Lyle on the occasion of her retirement. SRi268,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Irving Day. SRi275,iiRecognizing Alyce Roberta Gay Goff for her 75 years of service to the Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi283,iiRecognizing Jerry Jones on the occasion of his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. SRi292,iiIn memory of Harold Boyd Sr. SRi303,iiRecognizing the Young Men s’ Leadership Academy at Fred Florence Middle School. SRi318,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Texas Tech University System Day. SRi323,iiWelcoming the South Central Region of Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated, to the Capitol. SRi325,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as Grammy Texas Music Advocacy Day. SRi326,iiRecognizing the Trinity Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, for its commitment to service. SRi331,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Grand Prairie Day. SRi360,iiRecognizing March 8, 2017, Parkland Health and Hospital System Day. SRi391,iiIn memory of Bobbie Bolds Lander. SRi399,iiRecognizing Byron V. Garrett for his work in the fields of education and family relations. SRi442,iiRecognizing Homer Hogues on the occasion of his 90th birthday. SRi445,iiRecognizing March 21, 2017, as Paul Quinn College Day. SRi453,iiIn memory of Luther D. Edwards Jr. SRi464,iiRecognizing Charles Ray Sims for being named a 2017 Lifetime Achievement Honoree. SRi527,iiRecognizing Bennett Tubbs for his achievements. SRi528,iiRecognizing Michael J. Sorrell for his 10 years of leadership at Paul Quinn College. 4504 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4504

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SRi546,iiIn memory of Roy H. Williams. SRi558,iiIn memory of Billy James Smith. SRi563,iiRecognizing April 4, 2017, as Texas Women Judges ’Day. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi604,iiRecognizing Gladys M. Ross on the occasion of her 75th birthday. SRi611,iiRecognizing Reginald L. Williams Sr. for his service to the Church of God in Christ. SRi626,iiRecognizing Hiawatha Williams on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Williams Chicken. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi631,iiRecognizing 100 Black Men of America for its service to African American youth. SRi638,iiCongratulating the Duncanville High School girls ’basketball team on winning the 2017 University Interscholastic League 6A state championship. SRi645,iiIn memory of Reginald Stanley Kay. SRi707,iiRecognizing Kevin John Kaley on the occasion of his retirement. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi729,iiIn memory of Norman Lee Robinson. SRi763,iiRecognizing the Successful Treatment of Addiction through Collaboration Court of Dallas County on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. SRi771,iiRecognizing Lee F. Jackson on the occasion of his retirement. SRi789,iiCommending Donovan Dwayne Bryant for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi795,iiRecognizing the Texas Legislative Internship Program Class of the 85th Legislature. SRi825,iiCommending Howard L. Dennie III for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi826,iiCommending Malcolm M. Lloyd for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi827,iiCommending Niegel Stevens for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi828,iiRecognizing Kathryn M. Clarke for her work as a legislative intern in the office of Senator Royce West. SRi829,iiRecognizing Cassie Davis for her work as a legislative intern in the office of Senator Royce West. SRi830,iiRecognizing Brandy D. Douglas for her work as a legislative intern in the office of Senator Royce West. SRi831,iiRecognizing Dillon Lucas for his work as a legislative intern in the office of Senator Royce West. SRi832,iiRecognizing Holly K. Stephens for her work as a legislative intern in the office of Senator Royce West. 4505 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4505

WEST, ROYCEi — i(Continued) SRi833,iiRecognizing Myzar Mendoza for his work as a legislative intern in the office of Senator Royce West. SRi834,iiRecognizing Alex Shahrestani for his work as a legislative intern in the office of Senator Royce West. SRi836,iiRecognizing Louis A. Bedford IV for his work as a legislative intern in the office of Senator Royce West. SRi837,iiCommending Ari yan’ Woods for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi865,iiRecognizing the City of Dallas for its contributions to the State of Texas. SRi877,iiRecognizing the members of the Williams-Livingston family on the occasion of their family reunion. SRi890,iiIn memory of Leary Barrett. SRi900,iiRecognizing Ernestine Hodges Cohee for her 70 years of service to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. SRi910,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 2244. SRi920,iiRecognizing David Leon Ford Jr. on the occasion of his retirement. SRi921,iiRecognizing Fred Davis III on the occasion of his retirement. SRi934,iiCommending Aidan Ravnik for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. SRi962,iiRecognizing Martha Blaine on the occasion of her retirement.

WHITMIRE, JOHN SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi30,iiRelating to inclusion of instruction regarding interaction with peace officers in the required curriculum for certain public school students and in driver education courses and to civilian interaction training for peace officers. SBi83,iiRelating to protection of energy critical infrastructure from electromagnetic, geomagnetic, physical, and cyber-attack threats. SBi88,iiRelating to the use of photographic traffic signal enforcement systems. 4506 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4506

WHITMIRE, JOHNi — i(Continued) SBi115,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of certain open meetings. SBi165,iiRelating to the prohibition of certain discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; providing an administrative penalty; creating an offense. SBi166,iiRelating to the repeal of the offense of homosexual conduct. SBi176,iiRelating to the regulation of transportation network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee. SBi273,iiRelating to inclusion of instruction regarding police officers in the required curriculum for ninth grade public school students. SBi291,iiRelating to the issuance of a writ of attachment for certain witnesses. SBi518,iiRelating to a franchise tax credit for entities that employ certain students in certain paid internship or similar programs. SBi581,iiRelating to the requirements for a change of name for a person with a final felony conviction or a person required to register as a sex offender. SBi582,iiRelating to the discharge of a prisoner from a county jail. SBi612,iiRelating to complaints filed with and certain other filings submitted to the Texas Ethics Commission. SBi613,iiRelating to services provided by the Health and Human Services Commission to sexually violent offenders who are incompetent to attend sex offender treatment. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi884,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to use county revenue or incur debt to improve or redevelop certain sports facilities. SBi920,iiRelating to access to a residence or former residence to retrieve personal property, including access based on danger of family violence. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1139,iiRelating to the allocation of certain fees on the sale of cigarettes and cigarette tobacco products manufactured by certain companies to the permanent health fund for higher education and to the use of money in that fund. SBi1181,iiRelating to the purchase of certain insurance coverage and the performance of related risk management services for the University of Houston System and the component institutions of that system. SBi1269,iiRelating to the establishment of a task force to conduct a comprehensive study on flood control infrastructure for Harris and Galveston Counties. 4507 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4507

WHITMIRE, JOHNi — i(Continued) SBi1289,iiRelating to the purchase of iron and steel products made in the United States for certain governmental entity projects. SBi1338,iiRelating to bail and to judicial education regarding bail practices. SBi1341,iiRelating to a change of name and sex for certain persons and the issuance of associated vital records and documentation; authorizing a fee. SBi1399,iiRelating to confinement in a community corrections facility of a defendant participating in a pretrial intervention program. SBi1439,iiRelating to air conditioning and refrigeration contracting and the education and certification of air conditioning and refrigeration technicians. SBi1588,iiRelating to the elimination of regular mandatory vehicle safety inspections and the imposition of replacement fees. SBi1721,iiRelating to the prosecution of the offense of indecency with a child. SBi1722,iiRelating to the eligibility of a firefighter or a peace officer for workers ’ compensation benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder. SBi1849,iiRelating to interactions between law enforcement and individuals detained or arrested on suspicion of the commission of criminal offenses, to the confinement, conviction, or release of those individuals, and to grants supporting populations that are more likely to interact frequently with law enforcement. SBi1856,iiRelating to the nonsubstantive revision of certain provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, including conforming amendments. SBi1857,iiRelating to the exchange of certain information between the Department of Family and Protective Services or certain foster care services contractors and a state or local juvenile justice agency. SBi1974,iiRelating to certain alcoholic beverage auction and raffle permits. SBi1975,iiRelating to establishing the Texas Peace Officers ’Memorial Ceremony Committee to recognize and honor peace officers who were killed in the line of duty. SBi1976,iiRelating to benefit programs provided by retail electric providers and certificated telecommunications utilities for low-income customers. SBi1977,iiRelating to the authority of the independent ombudsman for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department to investigate and evaluate certain juvenile facilities. SJRi16,iiProposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the constitutional provision providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage. SJRi50,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of pretrial release of a person accused of a noncapital offense if necessary to ensure the person s’ appearance in court and the safety of the community and the victim of the alleged offense. 4508 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4508

WHITMIRE, JOHNi — i(Continued) SCRi7,iiGranting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, January 11, 2017, and ending on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. SCRi10,iiGranting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, January 25, 2017, and ending on Monday, January 30, 2017. SCRi12,iiGranting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, February 1, 2017, and ending on Monday, February 6, 2017. SCRi15,iiGranting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, February 8, 2017, and ending on Monday, February 13, 2017. SCRi20,iiGranting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, February 15, 2017, and ending on Tuesday, February 21, 2017. SCRi23,iiGranting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, February 22, 2017, and ending on Monday, February 27, 2017. SCRi28,iiGranting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, and ending on Monday, March 6, 2017. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SCRi50,iiGranting the legislature permission to adjourn for more than three days during the period beginning on Wednesday, April 12, 2017, and ending on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. SRi1,iiSenate Caucus Report. SRi9,iiGranting the Texas DeMolay Association permission to use the Senate Chamber on February 11 and 12, 2017. SRi30,iiCongratulating Jeff Bagwell on his election to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. SRi146,iiRecognizing this year s’ participants in the Bob Bullock Scholars Program of Baylor University. SRi317,iiRecognizing the 2017 Profiles of Prominence honorees of the Houston Northwest Chapter of National Women of Achievement, Incorporated. SRi342,iiRecognizing the National Black Law Students Association on the occasion of its 49th Annual Convention. SRi404,iiIn memory of Margaret Merle Roberts. SRi447,iiRecognizing Johnny Villarreal for his service as a firefighter. SRi521,iiRecognizing Ruby Jewel Bennett for her service to the Acres Homes community. SRi522,iiRecognizing Joseph Baker for his service to the Acres Homes community. SRi523,iiRecognizing Raymond G. Glass II for his service to the Acres Homes community. 4509 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4509

WHITMIRE, JOHNi — i(Continued) SRi524,iiRecognizing Terrence J. Reed for his service to the Acres Homes community. SRi525,iiRecognizing Sylvester Turner for his public service. SRi526,iiRecognizing Johnnie Tatum for his service to the Acres Homes community. SRi559,iiRecognizing Mark Clark for his advocacy on behalf of law enforcement agencies. SRi560,iiRecognizing Sylvester Turner for his contributions to Houston and the state. SRi600,iiRecognizing Andrew M. Landry Sr. on the occasion of his 10th anniversary as pastor of Oak Hill Missionary Baptist Church. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi684,iiRecognizing Johnny N. Mata on the occasion of his 80th birthday. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi944,iiRecognizing A. R. "Babe" Schwartz for his contributions to the state. SRi957,iiSenate Caucus Report.

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITH SBi7,iiRelating to improper relationships between educators and students and reporting of educator misconduct; creating a criminal offense and expanding the applicability of an existing offense; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi11,iiRelating to the provision of child protective services and other health and human services by certain state agencies or under contract with a state agency, including foster care, child protective, relative and kinship caregiver support, prevention and early intervention health care, and adoption services. SBi12,iiRelating to the creation of a grant program to assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of bulletproof vests and body armor. SBi14,iiRelating to the ethics of public officers and related requirements; creating criminal offenses. SBi26,iiRelating to the Texas emissions reduction plan and other related programs and measures to reduce emissions. SBi27,iiRelating to the mental health program for veterans and to the authority to establish a trauma affected veterans clinical care and research center at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. SBi31,iiRelating to the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle; creating a criminal offense; modifying existing criminal penalties. SBi32,iiRelating to the establishment and operation of the Texas B-On-time student loan program. 4510 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4510

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi33,iiRelating to eligibility for a TEXAS Grant and to administration of the TEXAS grant program. SBi34,iiRelating to outcomes-based funding for general academic teaching institutions. SBi35,iiRelating to providing free full-day prekindergarten for certain children. SBi36,iiRelating to the regulation of certain guardianship programs. SBi37,iiRelating to the requirement to obtain certification for attorneys representing persons in guardianship proceedings. SBi38,iiRelating to certain procedural matters in courts exercising probate jurisdiction. SBi39,iiRelating to estates and to guardianships, substitutes for guardianships, and durable powers of attorney for persons with disabilities or who are incapacitated. SBi40,iiRelating to the bond required and the bond insurance obtained for certain judges. SBi41,iiRelating to the demand for an accounting from an attorney in fact or agent of a principal by certain persons. SBi42,iiRelating to the security of courts and judges in the state; establishing a fee. SBi43,iiRelating to the Judicial Branch Certification Commission; authorizing fees; providing penalties. SBi44,iiRelating to requirements relating to an application for a place on the ballot. SBi45,iiRelating to the service retirement annuity for certain members of the Judicial Retirement System of Texas Plan Two who resume service. SBi46,iiRelating to allowing judges to use juror identification numbers when polling the jury. SBi47,iiRelating to a study on the availability of information regarding convictions and deferred dispositions for certain misdemeanors punishable by fine only. SBi48,iiRelating to exempting books purchased, used, or consumed by certain university and college students from the sales and use tax for limited periods. SBi49,iiRelating to the appointment by certain elected officials of students to receive a Texas Armed Services Scholarship. SBi50,iiRelating to the offense of hazing. SBi51,iiRelating to financial eligibility for the Texas home living (TxHmL) waiver program. SBi52,iiRelating to the reimbursement of providers for the provision of certain home telemonitoring services under Medicaid. SBi53,iiRelating to the period of continuous eligibility for the medical assistance program. SBi54,iiRelating to the immunization data included in and excluded from the immunization registry. SBi55,iiRelating to a study of the use of a patient-reported outcomes registry in conjunction with health coverage for certain governmental employees. SBi56,iiRelating to the acknowledgment by management of risks identified in state agency information security plans. 4511 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4511

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi57,iiRelating to the use of a wireless communication device by a state officer or employee while operating a motor vehicle. SBi58,iiRelating to notification requirements applicable to certain state contracts. SBi59,iiRelating to energy and water management planning and reporting requirements for state agencies and institutions of higher education. SBi60,iiRelating to the preference given by state and local governmental entities, including public institutions of higher education, to agricultural products produced, processed, or grown in this state. SBi61,iiRelating to public school accountability for bilingual education and English as a second language and other special language programs. SBi62,iiRelating to erecting certain signs on private property before an election. SBi63,iiRelating to the electronic filing of reports of political contributions and expenditures and of personal financial statements by certain officeholders and candidates and the content of those statements. SBi64,iiRelating to recording of minutes for a local canvassing authority. SBi65,iiRelating to the regulation of funeral services, funeral homes, cemeteries, and crematories; imposing penalties. SBi66,iiRelating to an exemption from the motor vehicle sales and use tax for certain military servicemembers serving on active duty. SBi67,iiRelating to the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle; creating a criminal offense. SBi68,iiRelating to the eligibility for service retirement annuities from the Employees Retirement System of Texas of certain elected officials convicted of certain offenses. SBi69,iiRelating to civil or criminal liability for leaving certain animals unattended in or removing certain individuals or animals from a motor vehicle. SBi70,iiRelating to the required earnings statement provided by employers. SBi71,iiRelating to the transfer of certain state real property to the City of San Marcos. SBi77,iiRelating to involuntary termination of parental rights based on sexual assault of the child s’ other parent and the child support obligations of the parent whose rights were terminated. SBi115,iiRelating to the Internet broadcast of certain open meetings. SBi179,iiRelating to harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying of a public school student or minor and certain mental health programs for public school students; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi180,iiRelating to student harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying. SBi181,iiRelating to civil liability for bullying of a child. SBi182,iiRelating to the availability of certain pre-suit discovery in connection with a claim involving injury to or death of a minor. 4512 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4512

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi188,iiRelating to civil liability for removing certain individuals or animals from a motor vehicle and criminal liability for removing certain animals from a motor vehicle. SBi235,iiRelating to the continuation of certain public benefits, including medical assistance, for individuals after release from confinement in a county jail. SBi247,iiRelating to funding sources for the repayment of certain speech-language pathologist and audiologist education loans. SBi255,iiRelating to contracts with and training for governmental entities and vendors, including purchasing and contract management training; authorizing fees. SBi261,iiRelating to the bulk purchase of information technology commodity items by the Department of Information Resources. SBi262,iiRelating to certain purchasing by state agencies and local governments. SBi267,iiRelating to the licensing and regulation of hospitals in this state; increasing the amount of administrative penalties assessed or imposed against certain hospitals; authorizing the imposition of a fee. SBi275,iiRelating to the retention and use of sales tax revenue collected by certain retailers to provide job training and placement services to certain persons. SBi278,iiRelating to the creation of an offense for failing to secure certain children in a rear-facing child passenger safety seat system. SBi279,iiRelating to the expression of breast milk in the Capitol and other public buildings. SBi323,iiRelating to the offense of female genital mutilation. SBi330,iiRelating to the qualification of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. SBi366,iiRelating to the availability on the Internet of reports of political contributions and expenditures filed in connection with certain county judicial offices. SBi378,iiRelating to the persons authorized to conduct an inquest in certain counties. SBi382,iiRelating to donation of unused prescription drugs; authorizing a fee. SBi396,iiRelating to the designation of Business State Highway 123-B in Guadalupe County as the Texas Game Warden Teyran "Ty" Patterson Memorial Highway. SBi402,iiRelating to notice provided to persons with disabilities regarding the eligibility of persons with disabilities to use certain public transportation services. SBi419,iiRelating to the extension of additional state aid for tax reduction provided to certain school districts. SBi455,iiRelating to the operations of the Employment-First Task Force. SBi462,iiRelating to a database of employers penalized for failure to pay wages or convicted of certain offenses involving wage theft. SBi463,iiRelating to the use of individual graduation committees to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements. 4513 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4513

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi491,iiRelating to the statewide preceptorship program in family medicine. SBi496,iiRelating to the participation of the school of osteopathic medicine at the University of the Incarnate Word in certain state programs supporting graduate medical education programs. SBi498,iiRelating to the use of person first respectful language instead of the term "ward." SBi500,iiRelating to the effect of certain felony convictions of public elected officers. SBi501,iiRelating to the disclosure of certain contracts, services, and compensation in personal financial statements filed by public officers and candidates. SBi502,iiRelating to the content of detailed reports filed by lobbyists and to monetary limits on expenditures by lobbyists. SBi503,iiRelating to the prohibition on lobbying by certain elected officers. SBi504,iiRelating to lobbying by former members of the legislature; creating an offense. SBi505,iiRelating to restrictions on lobbyist expenditures from certain political contributions. SBi510,iiRelating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in ad valorem tax appraisal records. SBi518,iiRelating to a franchise tax credit for entities that employ certain students in certain paid internship or similar programs. SBi570,iiRelating to the regulation of the retention, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, and reuse of used or scrap tires; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. SBi576,iiRelating to a reporting requirement for certain incidents of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking at certain public and private institutions of higher education; creating a criminal offense; authorizing administrative penalties. SBi578,iiRelating to the creation by the Health and Human Services Commission of a veteran suicide prevention action plan. SBi626,iiRelating to the acquisition of certain real property in conjunction with the acquisition of real property for a public use through eminent domain procedures. SBi627,iiRelating to notice of a property owner s’ rights relating to the examination or survey of property by an entity with eminent domain authority. SBi628,iiRelating to establishing actual progress for the purposes of determining the right to repurchase real property from a condemning entity. SBi629,iiRelating to liability for interest if land appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as agricultural or open-space land is sold or diverted to a different use. SBi656,iiRelating to the establishment of an agriculture and rural ombudsman office. SBi657,iiRelating to the filing of oaths of office and signed statements by certain judicial officers and judicial appointees with the secretary of state. SBi667,iiRelating to establishing a guardianship compliance program. 4514 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4514

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi671,iiRelating to the public high school graduation credit requirements for a language other than English. SBi682,iiRelating to the applicability of the law governing the mineral use of subdivided land. SBi693,iiRelating to three-point seat belts on buses that transport schoolchildren. SBi695,iiRelating to elective courses in ethnic studies for middle school and high school students. SBi697,iiRelating to health benefit coverage for prescription drug synchronization. SBi700,iiRelating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land. SBi712,iiRelating to the duration of certain protective orders against family violence. SBi717,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of property damaged in a disaster. SBi719,iiRelating to requiring the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to collect, study, and report certain data regarding workforce education programs. SBi748,iiRelating to transition planning for a public school student enrolled in a special education program. SBi758,iiRelating to bill payment assistance programs offered by certain municipalities. SBi762,iiRelating to the prosecution of offenses involving cruelty to animals; increasing a criminal penalty. SBi768,iiRelating to the Texas emissions reduction plan, including the eligibility for grants for natural gas fueling stations under the Texas natural gas vehicle grant program. SBi781,iiRelating to a limitation on the location of solid waste facilities. SBi790,iiRelating to the continuation of the women s’ health advisory committee. SBi798,iiRelating to designating July 7 as Fallen Law Enforcement Officer Day. SBi838,iiRelating to certain images captured by an unmanned aircraft. SBi839,iiRelating to certain images captured by an unmanned aircraft. SBi840,iiRelating to certain images captured by an unmanned aircraft. SBi860,iiRelating to access to and benefits for mental health conditions and substance use disorders. SBi861,iiRelating to coverage for serious mental illness, other disorders, and chemical dependency under certain health benefit plans. SBi900,iiRelating to penalties for certain family violence offenses and for assultive offenses against certain persons; imposing court costs. SBi928,iiRelating to the establishment of the Tom Lea Trail. SBi937,iiRelating to county law libraries. SBi963,iiRelating to the establishment of a guardianship court pilot program. 4515 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4515

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi965,iiRelating to the authority of certain counties to designate a county water recreation safety zone along certain rivers; authorizing a fee. SBi968,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at certain public and private institutions of higher education and to requiring those institutions to provide students and employees an option to electronically report certain offenses to the institution. SBi969,iiRelating to requiring certain public and private institutions of higher education to provide amnesty to students who report certain incidents, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking. SBi970,iiRelating to a sexual assault policy at public and private institutions of higher education. SBi971,iiRelating to eligibility to serve on the appraisal review board of certain appraisal districts. SBi972,iiRelating to the reappraisal for ad valorem taxation purposes of real property on which a building completely destroyed by a casualty is located. SBi988,iiRelating to the participation of a county judge in a meeting of a commissioners court conducted by videoconference call. SBi997,iiRelating to peace officer enforcement of federal immigration law at places of worship, hospitals, public schools, and courthouses. SBi1000,iiRelating to the feasibility of creating and maintaining a coastal barrier system. SBi1034,iiRelating to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation of the feasibility of certain improvements to Interstate Highway 27. SBi1046,iiRelating to sources of funding for the Texas emissions reduction plan. SBi1066,iiRelating to meeting the graduate medical education needs of new medical degree programs offered by public institutions of higher education and to the employment status of certain residents participating in certain graduate medical education programs. SBi1091,iiRelating to limitations on courses that may be offered for dual credit by school districts and public institutions of higher education. SBi1096,iiRelating to guardianships; authorizing a fee. SBi1098,iiRelating to recordings, acknowledgments, and proofs of certain written instruments. SBi1107,iiRelating to telemedicine and telehealth services. SBi1119,iiRelating to an annual report on employment positions provided through the Texas college work-study program. SBi1120,iiRelating to the prohibition of local motor fuel taxes on compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas. SBi1123,iiRelating to conditions on the receipt of tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for adopted students formerly in foster or other residential care. 4516 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4516

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi1133,iiRelating to the exemption from taxes and special assessments of property of a navigation district. SBi1138,iiRelating to the creation of the blue alert system to aid in the apprehension of an individual suspected of killing or causing serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer. SBi1140,iiRelating to the prohibition against sexual harassment in the workplace. SBi1152,iiRelating to excused absences from public school for the purpose of pursuing enlistment in a branch of the armed services of the United States or the Texas National Guard. SBi1153,iiRelating to parental rights and information regarding certain intervention strategies used with public school students. SBi1198,iiRelating to the conversion of the Hays Caldwell Public Utility Agency to the Alliance Regional Water Authority; providing authority to issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain; providing authority to impose fees. SBi1253,iiRelating to the electronic recording and admissibility of certain custodial interrogations. SBi1323,iiRelating to the academic costs charged to resident undergraduate students by general academic teaching institutions and to certain reports regarding certain costs of those institutions. SBi1325,iiRelating to authorizing counties to establish public guardians to serve as guardians for certain incapacitated persons. SBi1326,iiRelating to procedures regarding criminal defendants who are or may be persons with a mental illness or an intellectual disability and to certain duties of the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System related to persons with mental illness. SBi1338,iiRelating to bail and to judicial education regarding bail practices. SBi1362,iiRelating to notification and informational materials regarding mutual consent voluntary adoption registries. SBi1369,iiRelating to the prosecution for the offense of injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual. SBi1378,iiRelating to the abatement of a pending sale to foreclose an ad valorem tax lien on a residence homestead. SBi1379,iiRelating to the additional tax imposed if the use of land located in certain counties and appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as open-space land is changed. SBi1394,iiRelating to the calculation of longevity pay for state judges and justices. SBi1420,iiRelating to the registration and regulation of health clubs. SBi1431,iiRelating to escrow payments for a loan secured by a new dwelling. SBi1434,iiRelating to compensation of county auditors and assistant auditors in certain counties. 4517 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4517

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi1435,iiRelating to the removal from office of a county auditor. SBi1438,iiRelating to the applicability of certain unfunded mandates on political subdivisions. SBi1452,iiRelating to the application of the open meetings law to district judges performing certain management or administrative functions. SBi1470,iiRelating to the powers and duties of the Department of Information Resources regarding cybersecurity. SBi1490,iiRelating to the premium surcharge certain automobile insurers are required to assess against an insured convicted of certain offenses. SBi1491,iiRelating to domestic surplus lines insurers; authorizing and imposing a tax. SBi1492,iiRelating to rules adopted by the commissioner of insurance to stabilize long-term care premium rates. SBi1493,iiRelating to changing statutory references to hearing officer and hearings officer to administrative law judge under the workers ’compensation system. SBi1494,iiRelating to preauthorization and concurrent review of certain health care services under the workers ’compensation system. SBi1495,iiRelating to access by the division of workers ’compensation to certain designated doctor contracts under the workers ’compensation system. SBi1496,iiRelating to certain workers ’compensation reporting requirements. SBi1497,iiRelating to the eligibility requirements for employment as an ombudsman of the Office of Injured Employee Counsel under the Texas Workers ’Compensation Act. SBi1498,iiRelating to the regulation of temporary common worker employers. SBi1499,iiRelating to the regulation of for-profit legal service contract companies. SBi1500,iiRelating to certain vehicle protection products. SBi1501,iiRelating to the regulation of motor vehicle towing, booting, and storage and to the elimination of required state licensing for vehicle booting companies and operators; creating a criminal offense. SBi1502,iiRelating to the regulation of barbering and cosmetology. SBi1503,iiRelating to abolishing shampoo apprentice permits and shampoo specialty certificates. SBi1533,iiRelating to mental health first aid training for university employees. SBi1709,iiRelating to the requirement of a guardian to provide information regarding a ward s’ health and residence to certain relatives of the ward. SBi1710,iiRelating to applications for the complete restoration of a ward s’ capacity or modification of a guardianship. SBi1729,iiRelating to the reporting and disposition of certain state-owned real property. 4518 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4518

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi1743,iiRelating to transferring the Office for the Prevention of Developmental Disabilities to The University of Texas at Austin and renaming the office the Office for Healthy Children. SBi1756,iiRelating to a sales and use tax exemption for United States flags and Texas state flags. SBi1758,iiRelating to requirements for the court in permanency hearings for children in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services who are receiving transitional living services. SBi1761,iiRelating to the cost of transporting a body for the purpose of performing an autopsy. SBi1762,iiRelating to the regulation of the parking and removal of vehicles on the campus of a public institution of higher education. SBi1763,iiRelating to the procedures of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. SBi1764,iiRelating to the investment of funds in, and operation of guardianships of the estate in relation to, accounts established under the Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Program. SBi1780,iiRelating to the amount of compensation and allowances of a county auditor in certain counties. SBi1868,iiRelating to the requirement of a public hearing on certain applications for a permit to drill an oil or gas well. SBi1869,iiRelating to the implementation of county solid waste management programs in certain counties. SBi1870,iiRelating to county prohibition of the possession of glass containers within the boundaries of a state-owned riverbed; creating an offense. SBi1871,iiRelating to the creation of the offense of theft of petroleum products. SBi1893,iiRelating to the administrative judicial regions in this state. SBi1910,iiRelating to state agency information security plans, information technology employees, and online and mobile applications. SBi1911,iiRelating to the provision of certain self-help resources by state and county courts, including through the Internet website of a state court and in the office of the court clerk. SBi1912,iiRelating to certain notice requirements and filing requirements in court proceedings involving persons with mental illness and representation of proposed patients in proceedings for court-ordered mental health services. SBi1913,iiRelating to the administrative, civil, and criminal consequences, including fines, fees, and costs, imposed on persons arrested for, charged with, or convicted of certain criminal offenses. SBi1938,iiRelating to the method of calculating the salary of state judges. SBi1968,iiRelating to the state flag code. SBi1993,iiRelating to the licensing and other regulation of wrap lenders. 4519 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4519

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi1994,iiRelating to residential mortgage loans, including the financing of residential real estate purchases by means of a wrap mortgage loan; providing licensing requirements; authorizing an administrative penalty. SBi1995,iiRelating to disclosures in connection with certain wrap mortgage loan transactions; providing a criminal penalty. SBi2020,iiRelating to voter information used for juror selections. SBi2021,iiRelating to wage requirements for community rehabilitation programs participating in the purchasing from people with disabilities program. SBi2022,iiRelating to competitive and integrated employment of persons with disabilities. SBi2023,iiRelating to the implementation of the community living options information process for residents of certain facilities. SBi2024,iiRelating to the personal needs allowance for participants in home and community-based waiver programs. SBi2025,iiRelating to the establishment of a peer support program for residents of state supported living centers. SBi2035,iiRelating to the regulation of athlete agents. SBi2036,iiRelating to liability insurance or other proof of financial responsibility for persons holding certain alcoholic beverage permits; authorizing a fee. SBi2037,iiRelating to a request for 9-1-1 services by text message. SBi2038,iiRelating to the composition of the Contract Advisory Team. SBi2039,iiRelating to the development and use of instructional modules and training for public schools on the prevention of sexual abuse and sex trafficking and participation by the human trafficking prevention task force in that development. SBi2040,iiRelating to the content of an application for Medicaid. SBi2041,iiRelating to a human papillomavirus immunization report. SBi2042,iiRelating to the administration of a medication, immunization, or vaccination by a pharmacist. SBi2077,iiRelating to the provision of protective services and the conduct of certain investigations through the adult protective services program of the Department of Family and Protective Services. SBi2110,iiRelating to the composition of the Port Authority Advisory Committee. SBi2123,iiRelating to the creation of a pilot program to allow high schools in certain counties to connect to high-speed fiber-optic networks. SBi2125,iiRelating to the period for which a defendant with an intellectual disability who is found incompetent to stand trial may be civilly committed before the court holds a hearing to determine whether the defendant s’ release is appropriate. SBi2126,iiRelating to the development of a quality-based outcome measure for the child health plan program and Medicaid regarding certain persons with HIV. 4520 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4520

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi2154,iiRelating to the amendment to an existing permit for a municipal solid waste landfill facility to accept increased amounts of Class 1 industrial solid waste. SBi2155,iiRelating to the issuance or amendment of a permit for a solid waste landfill facility or hazardous waste land disposal unit to be located in a special flood hazard area. SBi2156,iiRelating to the establishment of a grocery access investment fund program. SBi2157,iiRelating to parking privileges for people with disabilities; authorizing a fee; amending dismissal procedures for a criminal offense. SBi2158,iiRelating to the requirements for a mass gathering or outdoor music festival permit. SBi2159,iiRelating to standards for advertising land for sale in certain border counties before a subdivision plat for the land has been approved; affecting the prosecution of a criminal offense. SBi2160,iiRelating to the use of earnest money contracts and other offers for the sale of land before a subdivision plat is approved in certain border counties. SBi2161,iiRelating to the approval or disapproval by county referendum of an application for a permit for a commercial surface disposal facility. SBi2162,iiRelating to a prohibition on the approval by the Railroad Commission of Texas of an application for a permit for a commercial surface disposal facility located near certain reservoirs. SBi2163,iiRelating to the adoption of uniform rules for hours of work for certain county employees. SBi2164,iiRelating to staff-to-child ratios and group sizes in licensed day-care centers and reporting certain information related to child safety. SBi2165,iiRelating to day habilitation services for individuals with an intellectual disability; imposing an administrative penalty. SBi2177,iiRelating to transition planning for a public school student enrolled in a special education program. SBi2186,iiRelating to the Live Oak Underground Water Conservation District. SBi2242,iiRelating to the resolution of disputes or errors involving the ad valorem taxation of the same property by multiple taxing units of the same type as a result of disputed, overlapping, or erroneously applied boundaries. SBi2265,iiRelating to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority and expanding the territory and powers of the authority; authorizing fees and the issuance of bonds. SBi2270,iiRelating to expansion of a pilot program under the foundation school program for funding prekindergarten programs provided by certain school districts with early high school graduation programs. SBi2295,iiRelating to the temporary board of and financing of certain facilities and improvements by the LaSalle Municipal Utility District No. 1; providing authority to impose an assessment. 4521 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4521

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SBi2296,iiRelating to the temporary board of and financing of certain facilities and improvements by the LaSalle Municipal Utility District No. 2; providing authority to impose an assessment. SBi2297,iiRelating to the temporary board of and financing of certain facilities and improvements by the LaSalle Municipal Utility District No. 3; providing authority to impose an assessment. SBi2298,iiRelating to the temporary board of and financing of certain facilities and improvements by the LaSalle Municipal Utility District No. 4; providing authority to impose an assessment. SBi2299,iiRelating to the temporary board of and financing of certain facilities and improvements by the LaSalle Municipal Utility District No. 5; providing authority to impose an assessment. SJRi1,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of all or part of the market value of the residence homestead of the surviving spouse of a first responder who is killed or fatally injured in the line of duty. SJRi6,iiProposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to require a court to provide notice to the attorney general of a challenge to the constitutionality of a state statute and authorizing the legislature to prescribe a waiting period before the court may enter a judgment holding the statute unconstitutional. SCRi31,iiExpressing opposition to using eminent domain for the construction of a wall or fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. SCRi32,iiUrging Congress to provide sufficient federal funding for the construction of a storm surge barrier along the Texas coast. SCRi38,iiUrging Congress to continue to support NAFTA. SRi14,iiRecognizing Taft Independent School District on the occasion of its 95th anniversary. SRi53,iiRecognizing the members of the Washington s’ Birthday Celebration Association on the occasion of its 120th birthday celebration. SRi54,iiRecognizing January 25, 2017, as Laredo Legislative Day. SRi77,iiIn memory of Roberto Mendoza. SRi122,iiRecognizing February 7, 2017, as Rio Grande Valley Day. SRi124,iiRecognizing February 8, 2017, as Coastal Bend Day. SRi146,iiRecognizing this year s’ participants in the Bob Bullock Scholars Program of Baylor University. SRi182,iiRecognizing Portland First United Methodist Church on the occasion of its 90th anniversary. SRi192,iiRecognizing February 14, 2017, as Bee County Day. SRi193,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as Orange and Maroon Legislative Day. 4522 AUTHORS OF SENATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 4522

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SRi194,iiRecognizing February 15, 2017, as San Patricio County Day. SRi255,iiRecognizing February 22, 2017, as Texas Breastfeeding Coalition Legislative Action Day. SRi286,iiIn memory of Dimitri Peter Pappas. SRi308,iiRecognizing February 28, 2017, as VIVA San Antonio Day. SRi320,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as Childhood Cancer Awareness Day. SRi328,iiRecognizing March 1, 2017, as United Way Day. SRi347,iiRecognizing the Robert B. Green Memorial Hospital on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. SRi355,iiRecognizing Eddie Lucio Jr. for being selected 2017 Border Texan of the Year. SRi408,iiRecognizing March 13, 2017, as Girl Scout Legislative Day. SRi465,iiRecognizing Patsy Spaw, Secretary of the Texas Senate. SRi479,iiRecognizing Fred P. Nardini on the occasion of his retirement. SRi480,iiRecognizing the legacy of John Coffee Hays, Hays County namesake. SRi531,iiRecognizing the fifth anniversary of the dedication of the Tejano Monument. SRi557,iiHonoring Erwin J. De Luna for his contributions as president of the Fiesta San Antonio Commission. SRi563,iiRecognizing April 4, 2017, as Texas Women Judges ’Day. SRi566,iiWelcoming the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops to the Capitol. SRi567,iiRecognizing the Texas Office of Court Administration on the occasion of its 40th anniversary. SRi602,iiRecognizing April 10, 2017, as Blue Ribbon Lobby Day. SRi619,iiRecognizing April 5, 2017, as Gold Star Spouses Day. SRi620,iiRecognizing Eric Rendell Tarver on the occasion of his 15th pastoral anniversary. SRi624,iiRecognizing the Texas Cavaliers and Michael Casillas for their contributions to the San Antonio community. SRi630,iiRecognizing the ninth class of the Senator Gregory Luna Legislative Scholars and Fellows Program. SRi644,iiRecognizing Victor Villarreal for his appointment as a Webb County judge. SRi683,iiRecognizing Our Lady of the Rivers Court 2376 of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. SRi685,iiRecognizing George "Iceman" Gervin on the occasion of his 65th birthday. SRi713,iiIn memory of Joseph Ray Perry. SRi760,iiCommemorating the 300th anniversary of the founding of San Antonio. 4523 SENATE JOURNAL — REGULAR SESSION 4523

ZAFFIRINI, JUDITHi — i(Continued) SRi767,iiWelcoming Edith Royal to the Capitol and recognizing her many contributions to our state. SRi788,iiIn memory of Bertha Cuellar Gonzalez. SRi791,iiRecognizing the inaugural class of the Rio Grande Valley Legislative Internship Program. SRi797,iiRecognizing Raynaldo T. Lopez on the occasion of his retirement. SRi802,iiRecognizing Philip and Elizabeth Wales for their service to the nation. SRi803,iiRecognizing STCH Ministries on the occasion of its 65th anniversary. SRi809,iiRecognizing James Jennings Ulbrich on the occasion of his 90th birthday. SRi835,iiIn memory of Scott Deem. SRi838,iiIn memory of Dickie Lee Person. SRi846,iiIn memory of Laura Lee Milner Traylor. SRi850,iiRecognizing San Marcos Primitive Baptist Church on the occasion of its 164th anniversary. SRi861,iiRecognizing the Taft Public Library on the occasion of its 90th anniversary. SRi889,iiIn memory of Lilia Pen˜a. SRi914,iiRecognizing Jon Weizenbaum on the occasion of his retirement. SRi915,iiRecognizing The Arc of the Capital Area for its pro bono guardianship program. SRi916,iiRecognizing Roxanne s’ House on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. SRi917,iiIn memory of Mario E. Ramirez. SRi926,iiSuspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 1913. SRi930,iiRecognizing the Zapata County Independent School District on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. SRi941,iiRecognizing Martin Pen˜a on the occasion of his retirement. SRi963,iiRecognizing June 30, 2018, as Vaquero Day. SRi964,iiRecognizing June 30, 2017, as Vaquero Day.