Voi. 52, No. 18 ] MILLBURN a n d SHORTHILLS

Bounded 1 88 8 ••••Published every FRIDAY at MILLBURN,N.J. FIVt CENTS copy

MARY ELIZABETH KING, THE FINALS of the Township Firemen Save student at the Millburn High marble tournament will be held Peace And School, and two friends will at­ tomorrow at Taylor Park start­ tend the Eighth Annual Cedar ing at 10 A. M. Entries have been Patriotism Boy Climbers Crest'College Open House, Allen­ received from all schools and 24 Millburn firemen were called town, Pa., Saturday. contestants are expected. A program sponsored by the upon Friday afternoon and again ★ * National Campaign for Peace 011 Sunday afternoon to remove and Patriotism, founded by Mrs. foolhardy youths from the face MacDougall John Taylor, donor of Taylor of Mghthipe's Quarry In the Loan Fund Park, will be heard at an open South Mountain Reservation air meeting at the park Thurs­ where they had climbed to such Assists 29 Kain Working day afternoon May 9 at 4 o’clock. a point they could neither ad­ In the event of storm it will be presented in the high school au­ vance or retrace their steps. The Student Loan Fund Drive Mlllburn's primary campaign Friday afternoon Jack Hager- is under full swing with two got its first impetus Tuesday ditorium. The meeting which is open to ,strom, 17, of 1639 Springfield hundred women and men mak­ night when supporters of Har­ the public will stress America's avenue and Craig Williams, 15, ing a canvass of the entire com­ old M. Kain met at the Wyom­ need for patriotism as an avenue of 23 Rynda road, both of munity. That no one may be ing Club to plan for work pre­ to national peace. Two well Maplewood, were discovered on uninformed, here are just a few ceding the hustings, Tuesday, known speakers will address a narrow ledge about 150 feet up facts: May 21. About 40 supporters from all residents, Mrs. Lucia Ramsey the quarry face by a member of 1. The Student Loan Fund is Maxwell and Mrs. Heber Votaw the Essex County Park police sponsored by the Millburn sections of the Township were MRS. JOHN TAYLOR found­ of Washington, D. C. department who urged them to Township Conference of Par­ in attendance and these heard er of National Campaign for The National Campaign for stay where they were and called ents and Teachers. the candidate present his views Peace and Patriotism. on Township affairs as formu­ Peace and Patriotism alms to the Millburn fire department. 2. It is an institution which reach the youth of the country This being the fourth such res­ ★ lated after years of attendance loans money to any responsible at Town Committee meetings and programs given in Miami cue which the department has young person of Millburn Town­ and other large cities have been made within the past few years, and civic service as a member ship who would otherwise be un ­ Kiwanis Club of the Wyoming Association widely attended. no time was lost in lowering able to carry a course in high­ Pupils of Millburh Schools Council. Fireman Edwin Lang from the er education. have been Invited to attend next The address was enthusiasti­ top of the cliff to the ledge on 3. The maximum loan per Gets Charter Thursday’s meeting at the park cally received and following it which the boys were standing. student is two hundred dollars and the High School band will Lieutenant Governor George plans for getting out the vote Making fast the rope around ($200.00) per year and bears no assist in the musical numbers. W. Frederick, Jr., of the Orange were considered- Those present young Williams, Lang signalled interest until a year after grad­ Following is the complete pro­ Mountain Division announces the pledged their best efforts to , firemen above to haul him up. uation. After that time the bene­ gram : formation of a new Kiwanis arouse voters to the necessity of When the boy was raised to safe­ ficiary must return at least on? The pledge to the Mag. Club in Millburn, New Jersey. participating in primary elec­ ty the rope was again lowered hundred dollars < $100.001 £ year One verse of "The Sta^Span- After several preliminary meet­ tions, this one in particular. ancf’ made fast to Hagerstrom. and pay 4 per cent interest on gled Banner”, ings, the organization meeting In other camps no organized As he too was being drawn up the unpaid balance. Our Flag. was held last week at The meetings have been held al­ a good sized stone was dislodged 4. For nine years this fund “The Constitution Speak s”, Crocker, Millburn. Mr. Frederick though supporters of Roderick striking the youth squarely on has been in effect, several stu­ Lucia Ramsey Maxwell. presided at this meeting and in­ D. MacDougall say they are the top of his head, crushing a dents who were carried have Speakers. stalled the following officers: quietly rounding up workers in fireman’s helmet with which he been graduated, two have en­ Song — "America is Singing", Henry A. ,Feustel as president, all districts and meeting favor­ had been equipped for just such tirely repaid their obligation words by Lucia Ramsey Max­ George Pultz as vice-president, able reception. Men and wom­ an emergency, and stunning and others are making pay­ well; music by James William and Charles R. Reeve as secre- en are volunteering their sup­ him. Fire Chief Hayes, who ad­ ments. Osborn. (Dedicated to the pa­ ministered first aid to the boy port they add, indicating his triotic youth of the United 5. Eleven students are now in (Continued on Page Fifteen) candidacy is meeting with Town (Continued on Page Six) college and receiving semi-an­ * States of America). wide acceptance and popularity. Singing one verse of “Ameri­ ■k ■ nual loans. These loans are sent, A graduate of Millburn High not to the student, but to the ca”. Short Hills School and conducting a suc­ Benediction.' Bursar of the school artd are cessful local business, backers Confirmation A t credited against fees of the say the Canoe Brook aspirant j ★ .schobl. Garden Club has made and retained a host of St. Stephen s What would it mean if twen­ friends whose votes will be Name Bailey To ty-nine young people had been The ten lovliest gardens in counted for him on election day. Sunday morning, May 5th, at barred from taking a better Short Hills Will be opened to the The MacDougall forces too are 11:00 o’clock the Reverend Hugh place in the world? Does not the public on May 21, when the building up an organization to Recreation Board community have an obligation W. Dickinson ( Rector of St. Short Hills Garden Club will get out the vote and the pre­ Austin Bailey was appointed Stephen’s Episcopal Cflurch, will toward its youth? This is the conduct its annual tour. Start­ diction is there will be few a member of the Recreation philosophy of those who are be­ present a class of twenty to the ing at the Faitoute Estate on resident slackers in the matter Commission to succeed Mrs. W. hind the movement. They re­ Right Reverend Theodore Rus­ Hobart avenue where maps of of balloting this month. Denton Taylor, by the Township quest that the residents of Mill­ sell Ludlow, Bishop Suffragan of Short Hills will be available, the Dr. David Elman local chiro­ Committee at a special meeting burn Township give as liberally the Diocese of Newark, for the cavalcade will continue to the podist, is unopposed as the Monday evening. Mrs. Taylor’s as possible to thi.?" community Apostolic Rite of Confirmation. gardens of Mrs. Percy Howe, Jr. Democratic contender. This resignation was accepted with Bishop) Ludlow will preach the enterprise. Mrs. Andrew P. Monroe, Mrs. means the ticket this fall will deep regret by the Committee. If anyone is missed by the sermon and assist the Rector in Charles H. Stout, Mrs. Smith F. probably be Elman and Roose­ Mr. Bailey’s appointment links workers, they may contact Mrs. the service of Holy Communion. Ferguson, Mrs. Stewart H. Hart­ velt which indicates he may the Board of Education and the F. H. Troup, Chairman of the Special music has been ar­ shorn, Mrs. Frederick Barry himself get fallen arches trying Recreation Commission together Drive at her home, 22 Undercliff ranged by Professor Henry Wes­ Ryan, Mrs. Dean Emery, Mrs. to pull his running mate along as has been the practice in the ton Smith, organist and choir­ road. Bancroft Gherardl, and Mrs. here. past as the Township Commit­ master, for the choir of thirty ★ Carl A. Badenhausen. Such a slate is not expected to tee ffjels the work of the two voices. Harriet Pilch Hewson, MR. AND MRS. GEORGE MIL­ Mrs. Kimball Prince of High­ go over at a gallop in Millburn. bodies is definitely related. soprano soloist, will sing the of­ LER of Beaver Falls, Pa., an­ land avenue is chairman of the the Gallup poll notwithstand­ ★ fertory anthem “The Lord is nounce the birth of a daughter, tour. Tickets will be secured at ing. Top many New Deal policies PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY and My Light” by Allitsen. In place Joyce Evelyn, on April 6. Mrs. the Faitoute-residence, have caught residents where the complete secretarial service. of the Gloria in Excelsis the Miller is the former Miss Eve­ shoe pinches and so made ’em Marion M. Copcutt, Chatham lyn Bermingham, daughter of ★ choir will sing “And the Glory clients of the Doctor, but not road, Short Hills. Short Hills 7- Mr. and Mrs. John R. Berming­ RED CROSS SHOES at Nee of the Lord" from Handel’s Dell’s Summit, — Adv,, . IT, H,...... 3044. - Adv, "Messiah”, ham of 39 Cypress street, V The Millburn & Short Hills IT E M [ May 3, iV40| I Page 2 ] ooooooooooooooo Tie In Drama Kindergarten Tournament Registration Registration for children en­ Results of the recent State tering kindergarten next, Sep­ Federation of Women’s Clubs tember will be held on Tuesday, Drama Tournament held April May 7 from 1 to 3 o’clock for 22, 23, 24 and.26 at Taper Mill Short Hills school children and Playhouse, show a three-way tie on Wednesday, May 8, from 1 to for first place, with “Blindness” by Tenafly Woman's Club, "If 3 o’clock for Glenwood school The Shoe Pinches” by Mountain children. Registrations may be Lakes, and "Mistress Minx" by made in the office of each school. Woodbury, dividing honors. Hon­ orable mention also goes to a Children who arc now five trio of entries, “Joan of Arc” by years old or will be five by De­ Merchantville, “With Fine cember 31 will be accepted for Feathers” by Flemington, and regular admission In September. "Neighbors" by Arlington. An Invitation-tor a day's visit in Mrs. Latla Moore, appearing as tlh> Kindergarten will be exj tended on registration day to “Granny” in the Lincoln Park ' C. MILFORD OBBEN, local RODERICK D. MacDOUGALL, HAROLD M. KAIN, Wyoming each child registered. contribution “Pawn Shop Gran­ resident seeking the Republican Canoe Brook candidate for Re­ man seeking Republican desig­ ny”, was voted outstanding ac­ nomination as Assemblyman for publican Town Committee nom­ nation as Town Committeeman. ★ tor of the tournament. a third term. ination. ★ ST. STEPHEN'S WOMEN’S Two of the three winning ★ GUILD will present motion pic­ plays, “Blindness” and “If The ★ TENNIS COURTS of the Wyo­ tures at the parish house Fri­ Shoe Pinches”, will be entered Watch Tower ming Club will be opened to day evening, May 3, at 8 P. M. Into a special contest with selec­ Participate In members this week-end. They On May 8 there will be a busi­ tions by the drama group of have been reconditioned and the Annual Meeting ness people’s luncheon 12 to 2 Connecticut Women's Federation Dance Festival tennis committee states only a P. M. in the Parish House. Mrs. on May. 11 at Paper Mill Play­ Watch Tower Chapter, D. A. flood will prevent their use. Vincent Lohse will be chair­ house. Out of 25 plays entered The Summit School of Music, R„ will hold Its annual meeting ★ man. last week in the New Jersey under the direction of Miss and election of officers on May tournament, the three chosen Helen Chrystal Bender, will par­ 6 at the home of Mrs. John A. ★ first placers will be again put ticipate in the English Country May Festival Christensen, Twin Oak road, GIRL’S SOFTBALL meeting on at the State Federation Con­ Dance Festival tomorrow at the Short Hills. this evening at 8 o'clock at Re­ vention to be held at Atlantic 7th Regiment Armory, New York. This year the May Festival The meeting will begin at 11 creation Building, Taylor Park. City from May 14 through 19. Those participating from Short will once again be held in Fawn A. M. with reports of the Con­ All girls and women interested Judges of the Tournament Hills will Include: Natalie Veit, Dell Theatre, the woodland set­ tinental Congress at' Washing­ in joining a softball team arc were Phyllis Gilmore Beattie, Adele Arrowsmlth, Jimmy Mac- ting that Is part of the bird and ton by Mrs. Arthur G. Kingman, cordially invited to attend. state chairman of Radio of Whinncy, Elizabeth Stidger, wild flower reservation of Miss Regent and Mrs. James M. Bu­ Pennsylvania Federation; Ar­ Robert Smith, Anne Melly, Ann Cora Hartshorn, in Short Hills. chanan. A basket lunch will be thur William Row and Fanny Orr, Bill Williams and Heath More than a hundred children, served at 1 P. M. Bradshaw, both of New York. Williams. On Class Day, May 11, from Summit and Short Hills Mrs. George R. Martin of Sum­ which closes the 21st yenr of the will dance to the music of Haydn CHARI I Ki ll li;0/ mit was general chairman, with School of Music, besides the and Mozart. The time will be Mrs. Kenneth Adams of South above group, others to take part Saturday, May 11, at 3 o’clock. Orange assisting as property will be Nancy and Teddy Bet- In cas^ of rain, the perform­ Shares in Our New chairman. j teridge, Barbara MacWhinney, ance will be transferred to the Members of Millburn Wom­ Lois Clarkson, John Williams, auditorium of the Summit High 66th Series an’s Club acted as hostesses to Peter Veit, Donald Arrowsmith School. Proceeds are for the the visiting contestants. and Tom Melly. Scholarship Fund of the Dun- Are Now Open ★ On Monday, May 6, following can Summer School of the Arts. MR. CARL SALSBURY of Mill­ a luncheon, the adult group will For Subscription burn High School faculty will render Brahms First Symphony. A | 3 f T l MATERIALS Those participating from Short address Senior Young People’s SUPPLIES Hills will be Mrs. Mervin Kelly, rYJtV L V. II LIU P N BUILDING Group of Wyoming Church at Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. E. F. Decorative Painters Supplies \M) 7:30 P. M. Sunday evening, May I O A N ASSOCIATION Williams and Mrs. W. Better- 317 Millburn Av«. Millburn S-15D1 5, in the church parlor. idge. Mayflower Sale 12 MAGNIFICENT Laundry .00 1/4 CARAT Perfect, Blue-White 'Telephone Millburn 6-1400 VERIFIED VALUE $100.00 \ Engagement Rings BUY OUT OF INCOME-ONLY (3 WEEKLY

HERE are 12 gems originally sold by us in 1920 as a bar pin and traded in to us last Moving . • • week. As a diamond is ever new— never Storing . . second-hand — we have exquisitely reset them into “fast - moving solitaires” and Rug Cleaning • • placed them on sale at one low price to dictate quick turnover. Floor Coverings.

Rimback Storage Co. Y w Cor. Millburn Avenue & Spring Street Millburn 6-2M4 375 Springfield Avenue, Summit, N. J. MAIN 8TORE BRANCH STORE Rrond ami William Street. Springfield Ave., & High St., Everybody reutls Ihe Classified adver­ Newark, N. J. Newark, N. J. tisements. Your little ud there, if there in a market for what you want !<► se'1, " sure to bring; reeulte. ‘WJn ...... »r=~r-.—yv;«/ l'yHP"ll| I H| [ 1 m| IHI|IIII ■ • -URiFi ~ aw^T^f?*ss . ■• ,. ..,,-,i. :

Mav . , >94°] 1 The M illburn & Short Hills IT E M [ P»gc 3 ]

shown May 1 and the conclud­ Mrs. George E. Counlhan of Mr. and Mrs. William F. Cas- ing two of the series will be pre­ Claremont drive entertained at sedy Jr., of Farley road, have Field Day At sented May 8. Casa Colombo a small luncheon and bridge concluded a stay In Atlantic Hills School A n n k 'c rsa ry Da m e party on Tuesday, at her home. City. Hein'eiv Music At The Short Hills Country Day Casa Colombo Civic Associa­ ieliool will act as host on Tues- Wyoming Guild tion will celebrate Its fifteenth lay, May 7, a t 2:30 to three anniversary with a Spring Dance RITTENHOUSE to be held Saturday evening, ther Short Hills Schools for a A program of Hebrew music, May 11, at Club Headquarters on BOTTLED IN BOND, 100 PROOF ifeld Day on Its athletic, grounds. traditional and modern, will be Main street. More than 400 4 - YEAR - OLD )ther schools competing will be given at the May meeting of the members and guests are ex­ . 6 9 * Women’s Guild of the Wyoming Pennsylvania Rye juxton Country Day School, Ho- pected to attend. Music will be Church on Tuesday, May 7th. supplied by Don Gibson and his A GREAT VALUE ,art Avenue Public School, and Miss Dorothy Ross, prominent 1 lie Glenwood Public School. Collegiate Orchestra from 9 P. • Full Quart soloist will be accompanied at M. to .3 A. M. The dance team Athletic directors of all four the piano by Mrs. E«.slie R. Bla- Mary and Joe, well known Cuban chools have met and decided slus in this program which has Tango dancers will be featured pon the events and upon the been arranged to illustrate the aif special attraction for the eve­ ge and weight groups of com- depth and meaning of music in ning. SIR JAMES SCOTCH . 0 9 ieting children. the life of the Hebrew. The entertainment commit­ ■We hope this day of good Luncheon will be served tee headed by Dominick Bufo, Distilled, blended, and bottled in Scotland — portsmanshlp and fun for all «I promptly at 1 o’clock and will chairman, Includes Ernest Brlta, 2 a nice, mild mellow drink 4/5 Qt. short Hills School Children”, be in charge of Mrs. H. V Pratt Joseph Dante, Michael LaRocca, ♦ aid Mr. Banning, headmaster and Mrs. R. E. Reese. Reserva­ Joseph and Carmen Goglia, Pat f the Short Hills Country Day tions should be made with/team Masella, Albert Rita and Henry chool, "will become an annual captains. Minaco. vent and will further the riendship between all our “WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE HOLLOWAY'S GIN • 2 3 ♦ ichools”. TRUE", will be the t^pic for Rev. 90 Proof, 100'i American Grain Spirits. The new head of the Hills Ralph H. Read’s addre.ss Sunday 1 School P.-T. A. for next year, morning, May 5, at 11 o’clock Full Quart Mrs. Francis C. Reed, will serve service in Wyoming Church. efreshments for the competing ■hildren in the newly decorated ibrary of the school. NO MAI TER How Much or How urn Liquor hop Little You Pay For ...... i ii■—■w ii ...... iffmiwaiw iimraiMf'mir~ r~ i r i r ' »■«* , Health Films MODERNIZE YOUR JENSEN SILVER BATHROOM Your Gift Is Always 3 6 r r m in s t -miLLBURn 6 - 1 8 8 6 The first of a series of health At Our Low—Estimate Prices ducation films was shown at In Perfect Taste. FREE DELIVERY PAUL WAESE PROP lie Neighborhood House Child Open Sunday 12 Noon (Legal Opening Hour) Welfare Clinic on April 17.JThese Thos. R. Douglas Co. rlinlcs are held under the! direc- EaUiblitthed 11193 I EDMISTON PLUMBING - HEATING ion of Mrs. Edwin Wilson, R. N. 330 Springfield Avenue, acli Wednesday afternoon. SHEET METAL WORK SUMMIT 303 Millburn Avt. Millburn M344 Two additional films were

■ K M !

★ * ALL ★

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1 -lb. Serve Yourself MUTUAL'S COFFEE BREAI 2 25c COFFEE G*ADE "A " pks*. 31c HONEY 12-ox IQ # MORRELL'S 9-ox. BRAND can l7 V PIGS FEET jar 10c PARTY LOAF ------. . . a n d S A V E ! 17-ox, 15 c GRAN. SUGAR 10 - 49c PEAS GREEN CIANT con ★ * * (LUNCH) 6 -ox. 1 2 -ox, NIBLETS TONGUE MORRELL'S can 15c CORN DEL MAIZ can 10c (SANDWICH) 6 -ox. 14-ox. HEINZ SPREAD MORRELL'S con 9c KETCHUP TOMATO bo*. 1 7 c KINGS FOOD M AIM

Grocery Price. Effective May 2nd to Moy 8»h. Other Price. Effective Mey 2nd, 3rd ond 4th. 351 Millburn Avenue Opposite the Movies l i l l i i l i a For FREE Delivery Service - Call Millburn . P™ . | The M illhurn & Short Hills IT E M I » m , , Wj ■OOOOOOOOOOOOOttOOOOO^OWX'OOOOOOOOO^'lOCiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOMO^^^^,',^,^

that same evening, the Epworth “ - « Baltusrol Itl League will conduct a Roller f" Benefit Bridge i Skating Party at Florham Park BeauticianHands «*«»««* *■»« •*»* ’*» 1"™ “ * Hills D. A. R Short Hills Chapter*, D. A. R. is Residents along Baltusrol way holding a formal bridge for the and vicinity have set about im­ ” proving th e entrance Into Bal­ “Information Please benefit of its philanthropic-work tusrol way from Mlllburn ave­ tonight at the Rock Spring nue by planting grass and shrub­ A t High School Country Club in West Orange. bery around the stone posts and The party has been arranged by removing various bits of un­ "Information Please" will be Mrs. Irving M. Plant of Short sightly debris from the land­ the program of the High School Hills, chairman of the Ways scape. The group of civic minded Parent-Teacher Association on and Means Committee. home owners who took upon May 14 at 8:15. Among those chapter mem­ themselves this task felt that bers who will entertain before the contrast between the scenic All students of the High School have been given their the bridge are: Mrs. Plant, Mrs. entrance to Glenwood drive and F. Cutter Cobb, Mrs. Harold J. that of Baltusrol way was prov­ subject assignments for next year. These records have been Wallace, Mrs. Everett H. Holmes, ing detrimental to their inter­ all of Short Hills. ests so they willingly contributed sent to the parents and have been signed in approval!, YEARS OF' EXPERIENCE In Mrs. Milton O. Lange, of 8hort toward a fund to regrade and A L E X A N D E R SMALLENS 8o that parents may know Hills and Mrs. Wm. B. Leavens, reseed the vacant frontage. the oratorio field, on the con­ MARIAN ANDERSON, who en­ what these courses mean and Jr., of Livingston will be Joint At a meeting of Glenwood As­ cert stage and in film work con­ thralled thousands at the Mas­ what the activities and policies hostesses at a buffet supper; sociation Board It was voted that stitute the background of Har­ Mrs. Milton R. Schulte of West que Theatre, Newark, recently, an appropriation be given to­ of the school are, the High School Parent-Teacher Associa­ desty Johnson, who was ten­ Orange will have a cocktail has been engaged as guest ward the original cost of this artist for the opening concert ol tion and the parents of all sixth or-soloist with the Bach Society party and buffet suppr for project. the Essex County Symphony So­ grade students will meet to take of New Jersey in its seventh an­ twelve guests. Mrs. Alexander W. Hereafter, no more money will Keller, regent of the chapter of ciety at the City Schools Sta­ a view of Just what next year’s nual performance of Johann Se­ be asked for, but those wishing Summit, will have ten dinner dium, Newark, on Ju n e 3, it is work will be. The school will be bastian Bach's Mass In B Minor to donate shrubs or plants may viewed from the standpoint of guests. announced by Mrs. Parker 0. do so by contacting either Mrs. Its class work, Its activities and In Its entirety. On Tuesday fifteen members Griffith, founder and president. T. A. Richardson or Mrs. W. L. Its guidance toward the future ★ of the chapter took a trip to Alexander Smallens will direct Crockard. both of Meadowbrook the orchestra for his third con­ life of the child. THERE WILL BE A meeting Ellis Island, Mrs. F. Cutter Cobb road, Short Hills. secutive year. Mr. R. J. Bretnall will Intro­ of Men’s Fellowship Group of of Short Hills, chairman of the duce the program. On the plat­ Wyoming Church In Fellowship Ellis Island Committee, arranged PERFECT HARMONY COMES KRIIM form will be members of the Hall at 8 P. M. Sunday evening. and conducted the trip. A P E R F E C T L Y T O E D PIANO! Springfield student body, members of the Guest speaker will be Dr. Al­ H a v e your piano funrd rrgulurlj! faculty and parents of High fred Grant Walton, minister of PIANO MOTH PROOFING Men’s Shoes Half-<« A SpfcluUy Methodist Church School students. This looks Hke Tompkins Avenue Church, Soled and Heeled * I ■ a good chance to get a real un­ Brooklyn: his topic, “Facing Full Soles and Heels $1.65 CHARLES E. WEKTH derstanding of the school. Our Modern World”. He is a well Women’s Soles and Heels 75c I n a t r u r t o r #f Piano, Violin The Springfield Methodist aai Harmony The Orches’ra and the Choir known author, poet, and na­ AM, WORK OFARANTEED Church, Rev. Carl C. E. Mellberg, 30 Union Avenue, Irvjngton, N. J will enrich the program of the tional radio preacher over sta­ PATSY BOFFA Ph. D., minister, will hold X* Main SI., MlUbnm Eaaex 2-004 :< tion WEAF. Church School Sunday at 9:45 evening. A. M. ★ Morning worship will be at 11 SLOW WIND also brings the o’clock with Holy Communion ship to harbor. — Swedish Pro­ and reception of members. verb. Topic: “The Knocking Hand and the Open Door”. Epworth League devotional service is at 6:45. DR. DAVID ELMAN On Wednesday a Cottage KiKIIKON rHIKOIMIIIINI Prayer service will be held at the 4ft Main Htwf Milllmm Onfer home of Mr. Frank W. Bohl, 18 lourn Kff. by Appt. Ml tt-1772 Morris avenue, Springfield and lvsinl»lishr

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fo r Enjoyable D riving Convenient Automatic Hot Water Service by Gas is a mighty good thing to have in homes where there are children. It is practical, it helps girls and boys to keep themselves clean by this Summer washing up promptly after play. Install a modern automatic gas water heater* in your home It provides turn-the-faucet hot water service for only a few cent* a day! Ask Public Service or your plumber for an estimate based MORRIS AVENUE on your hot water usage. * Sold at Public Service stores for as low as $49.50 cash installed ay be purchased on monthly terms equivalent to a nickeba-day- MOTOR CAR CO. : ______*mn“ "0I™ Payment, liberal trade-in allowance on old equipment Chrysler a-nd Plymouth Sales and Service 155 Morris Avenue, Springfield, N. J. PU B LIC (abSBBVTCE Millhurn 6-0229 ______A 7708 [May 3> I94°] The Slillbum &> Short Hills IT E M [Page 5 ]

residence of Mr. and Mrs. A D. son; Grade IV, Mrs. John T. brary Project so successfully New Arrivals Reiners, who moved here in Hills School A. Berdan; Grade V. Mrs. Donald started this year. April from Long Island. C. McGraw; Grade VI, Mrs. Wm. ★ Mr. and Mrs. Randall M. Snow Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Wlsllcenus At the annual meeting of the F. Sabater; Form I, Mrs. Don­ WHAT IS DEFEAT? Nothing i y |ind children Richard and Caro­ and son Wolfram formerly of lyn, who recently resided In Short Hills Country Day School ald Arrowsmlth; Form II, Mrs. but education. Nothing but the South Orange are now living at on Tuesday, April 30, the follow­ West Orange, and formerly of 18 Norwood terrace. J. Albert de Camp. first step to something better. Boston, are now living on Pine ing officers were elected for next Mrs. Reed, the chairman, is Wendell Phillips. year: terrace. East. Mrs. Snow's sis­ planning an active program for ROSARY SHRINE "Peace" Chairman, Mrs. Francis £. ter, Miss Carolyn Folsom of Bos­ 1A40-'41 including several speak­ ton; has been their guest for a Pilgrimage on Sunday, May 5, Rend; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. ers and continuation of the Li­ PICTURES FRAMED week and last week-end Miss at 3:30 P. M„ on the>exterior Robert J. Smith; Chairman of IN THE ESTABLISHMENT Agnes Devore and Miss Florainc grounds of the Mprfastery of the Tea Committee, Miss Ridley Devore of St. Petersburg, Fla., Our Lady of the Rosary, Summit, Watts Jr. DANIEL MASSIMO Artistically finished with visited their home. will complete twenty years dur­ Class mothers are: Kindergar­ GARDENER finer type mouldings to har­ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blaine" ing which public pilgrimages ten. Mrs. A. E. N. Gray; Grade I, SrKClAl.l/.ING IN monize with the subject. and daughters Shirley and have been held In honor of the Mrs. Edward M. Douglas; Grade STONE AND CEMENT WORK IH C I mi fdi NlrrH, Mlllhurn, N. 4. Decorative Painters Supplies Eleanor, formerly of East Orange, Mother of God at her Summit II, Mrs. James M. Symington; sanctuary. Tel. Mlllhurn 6-1020-4 <1? Millhnrn A«r. Mlllhurn 0-lftMI have moved Into their new home Grade III, Mrs. Karl N. Watef- at 15 Marlon avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wood- head are now residing on Hem­ lock road. They are former resi­ dents of Barrington, 111. National Music Week—May 5t to 11th Lakcvlew avenue is the new A week dedicated to musical activities throughout the nation to focus attention on the importance of music in our daily lives RUGS By special arrangement with WINTER & CO., one of America’s CARPETS . CUSHIONS Al Direct from Factory largest piano manufacturers... for Music Week— SAVINGS GRIFFITH’S BRINGS YOU TWO GENUINE PIANO VALUES Both Are Brand New Full Scale Quality-Made Musical Instruments. Sold With Full Griffith And Manufacturer’s Guarantee

On the Grand Pianos Full keyboard—seven and a third octaves 1 i Beautiful Ebony Finish , B r a n d N e w M - 9 W Three Years to BABY GRAND DOWN Plus Small Carrying Charge Specifications for both these Winter-made and Griffith-selected unusual value Pianos

• REMARKABLY EVEN OVERSTRUNG SCALE • EXTRA.HEAVY FULL POST BACK • f u l l y Ve n e e r e d c a s e - inside a n d out • CONTINUOUS BRASS HINGE • FULL BRONZED METAL PLATE • BRASS HARDWARE THROUGHOUT • RESPONSIVE ACTION WITH DAMP-PROOF CENTERS SHOW ROOMS • AGED, LAMINATED ROCK MAPLE PIN BLOCKS AT 21!) Valley St., South Orange • MOTH-PROOF REENFORCED HAMMERS • HARD ROCK MAPLE BRIDGES • DUCO FINISH HAND RUBBED TO SATIN LUSTRE SOUTH ORANGE if. .•) STORAGE CORP. The above specifications apply to both Grand and Spinel Pianos advertised here at these low prices Full keyboard —seven and a third octaves HOOK COVERING DIVISION Beautiful Mahogany, Brand New SPINET PIANO Plus Small ‘225 Carrying Charge This lovely Piano is exclusive with Griffith’s and cannot he obtained anywhere else in Northern New Jersey. On the Spinet Piano.. .#5 Down Three Years to Pay LET US CHECK YOUR If there is to be a June Bride or Graduate in your family, pay a CAR FOR SPRING small deposit now to hold one o f these Pianos fo r fu tu re delivery.

9 9 C ARS c a l l e d f o r a n d "The M usic Center of New Jersey A - DELIVERED AL GRIFFITH PIANO CO. J SMITHS Friendly 6 0 5 BROAD STREET • NEW ARK Service Station 2 3 « W. FRONT STREET, PLAINFIELD • • • 236 MARKET STREET, PATERSON Cor. Morrl. ft Warnw Atm. ALL STORES OPEN EVENINGS SPRINGFIELD, N. J. Mlllbura 6-1045 I Page 6 ] The Millburn SC S Hills ITEM [ May 3,

i _ _ _ t nual Membership Tea and Can- , . records which will be held late JKariiyn Pfister, Manlyn Becker in May for the benefit of the Ruth Ann Catullo, Nelson Hmi zMrs. Samuel Playhouse, d‘da|f Mee“n*at Monday, y May er„ml 13 a t Woman s Club school’s Scholarship Fund. and Jack Taylor. 2:30 P. M. Members and their Vice-chairman of the commit­ Music for dancing will be pro L e p y s- guests are ihvited. HearDangerfield tee is Mrs. J. H. McMullen, Con- vided by A1 Pfister and his or iston road. Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, chestra. -y • • • Club day of Millburn Woman’s of Woodcrest avenue, is collec- ★ Millburn Ave. Club win’ be held Friday, May tor-in-chief for Millburn and (Continued from Page onti Her Diary 10, at 2:30 P. M. at the Racquets Short Hills, assisted By Mrs. Otto as he reached the top, declared Club, Shout Hills, Two minutes Crouse, of Farley road and Mrs. the helmet was the only thine 1 9 4 0 Apartment’ will Be alloted each chairman Kenneth Hamilton, of Winder- which saved him from serioj fnr rpnnrt.c nn the vears activi- mere terrace. injury. Plans are shaping for another APRIL 29 — To bed late last ties of departments. ★ Sunday afternoon under al­ partment house on .Millburn night and to sleeping soundly The guest speaker , will be Mr. most the same circumstances venue similar to Wyoming Vil­ ’til morn when I were wakened George Dangerfield, popular lec­ Charles Rahm, 19, of Newark lage, completed last year. Junior Service at what my system did cry out turer on Literary subjects. The was raised to safety after Fire­ The new building will cover were six-thirty, as did the sun subject of his talk will be, "To­ man Edward O’Brien had been the block from Walnut avenue dial on the roof, only to find on day’s best sellers and why". lowered to his side and had east to Myrtle, on the south side League Luncheon looking at the clock that it were Mrs. Morris Schwartz and her made fast .a rope .around the- of Millburn avenue. National seven-thirty what with Day committee will be hostesses for Baltusrol Golf Club, will be boy’s body. Young Rahm was Housing Service is backing the Light Saving time. And so up the meeting. the scene on Monday, of the an­ about thirty feet higher than plan. r though T did fppl cheated, and * nual meeting and luncheon of the two Maplewood youths Last week a conference was The Garden Department will this being a Monday morning the Short Hills Junior Service Rahm was accompanied on his held in which floor and plot make its annual garden walk anyway. Then, too, I shall be League. The two new active climb by his brother John, 17, plans were studied with a view this year on Tuesday, May 14 at wide awake this night when I • members to attend will be Mrs. and Harold Kistler, 16, also of to meeting all Township zoning 2 P. M. starting at the garden should be sleepy, according to Alex Philllpi and Mrs. Charles Newark. T|he latter two man­ requirements. At th at meeting of its chairman, Mrs. Russell H. the clock. And so to grousing A. Kirkland. The new provision­ aged to retrace their steps and it is said plans were found not Massey, 47 Haddonfield road, away the day. al members will Include: Mrs. reached the bottom of the quar­ only in conformity with local Short Hills and proceding to the * . Otto Crouse, Mrs. George Schel- ry in safety. APRIL 30 — I to talking this demands but exceeding them in gardens of other club members. ler, Mrs. Thomas Galllger, Mrs. The last rescue at this point day with a most charming lady the matter of set-back, side A plant sale and refreshments Franklin S. Owen, Mrs. Han­ was made February 13, 1939 who does dress in the height of areas and other details. will end the day. ford B. Hurd, Mrs. Elmer W. when two boys were raised to fashion, and so fascinated did While floor plans have been ★ Wheaton and the Misses Eleanor safety. A few years previously a I become with her hat th a t I cdhipleted those of elevations Feick, Ann Barker, Mary Jane boy was killed as he attempted did lose track of the conversa­ are yet to be worked out for sub­ Junior Horse Show Dypr and Hope Henshaw. the same feat and fell from a tion entirely. It were a small, mission to the building inspec­ high point. According to Fire­ white straw creation, with a tor, it is said. These are now in ¥ men the climb looks easy from Friday and Saturday of last «* white bird, doing a nose dive on course of making and will it is the ground but the cliff which is week, New Jersey's youngest the front, and two extraordin­ thought be ready for applica­ Ketten ring School's approximately 200 feet high equestrians were the whole show ary, long tail feathers standing tion for a building permit with­ bulges outward about fifty feet at a remarkable exhibition of straight up in a most surprised in the next week or so. from the top. This is the point competitive horsemanship. The Closing Revue manner. The overhead were With two apartments of this at which most would be climb­ two-day event is an annual af­ truly terrific. type at the entrance to the South ers fail. * Mountain Estates section it is fair sponsored by the Montclair The Clara Deisler Kettenring MAY 1 — felt the character of buildings Mounted Troop and the Girls’ School of Dancing which has THOUGHT FOR MAY DAY Everybody read* the* Clarified Hdvee- for this area is now definitely Mounted Troop, Junior Cavalry been meeting weekly at the Wy­ liHi inonfH. Your little ad there, if there U May Day comes but once a year oming Club,' Is closing th season u m a r k e t for w h a t you w ant lo sell, In established There are still sev­ of America, held at the Mont­ sure to bring results. And It always seems so queer eral undeveloped blocks of Mill- clair Riding Club. From our tonight with a gala revue and That, when winter day^. have bum avenue frontage on the Township, two members of the dance at Maplewood Woman’s fled, C . south side, and th at these will Girls’ troop took honors. Miss Club entitled “Dr. Kettes To This day should be lettered Red. eventually house hundreds of Lurllne Eberhardt, daughter of You”. The entire school is par­ Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Eberhardt of ticipating in Baby Ballet, Tap * families in attractive Garden MAY 2 — To reading with type apartments is the accepted Delwick lane, won In every class and Ballroom numbers. The great interest the announcement belief. she entered. Although this was high spot of the show will be an of the Panzer College athletic ★ her first recognized show, Miss act entitled --*• An Orchid To exhibition at Buxton this night, Eberhardt, besides winning a You, featuring Mrs. Kettenring’s and it including the fact that McCarter Optimist trophy, took six other awards. ten exhibition ballroom teams. there will be “tumbling, fencing, Her mount, Princess Zita, took Among Millburn pupils doing horses and tap dancing”. I were third in the Horse in Hand. specialty numbers will be Char­ An optimistic survey of the Harriet Clemence, daughter of lotte Horne, Dorothea Franke, aware that Panzer were co­ corporation’s business was given educational, but I did not know Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Clemence of the stockholders of Public Serv­ Western drive, won two awards. that they had gone in for ani­ ice Corporation of New Jersey forLOVELY LAW NS mal husbandry, too. at the annual meeting Monday, ★ * and G A R D E N S ! May 3 — This day, I did learn April 15 by Thomas N. McCar­ that a part of the gargantuan ter, chairman of the board. Begin Book D rive J Country Estate The business of the corpora­ celebration In connection with IpwrevKiw] the premiere of Edison the Man tion in 1939 was good, the gross The Buxton Book Drive was 1 TOM 1 [ Turf & Garden increased and operation was would be the burying of a copy launched at a tea at the home 1 Carden i of the film to be shown a h u n ­ relatively economical, Mr. Mc­ of Mrs. Harvey E. Reed, Bishops FERTILIZER FERTILIZER dred years hence, in what is to Carter said. Earnings on the Lane, on Tuesday afternoon. > blrett from Factory be called the Crypt of Cinema common stock, after payment Mrs. Reed heads the parents Progress, into which crypt one of preferred stock dividends and committee of the Buxton Coun­ would look through glass. It all other charges, were $2.88 a try Day School in charge of the 'rw

Sun., Mon., Tues., May 5, 6, 7 Ob m *»«>r Evmlnn Until 8 o'ClocI Olhrr Day, 8 P. M. "At Your Servlep" Hpeneer Traey - Hedy Lamarr AUKNTS IN THE ORANGES — IN — Phone Millburn 6-1656-57 “1 TAKE THIS WOMAN” BAND OGGETT-PFEIt CO. — A L S O — "SEVENTEEN” of JAPULtHJ Jap B c e lU Conltol R'S rURNP,KE ’ SPRINGFIILD, N J. “ Sun Date” .larkle Cooper - flelty Meld BOX CHURCH^, "DRUMS OF FU-MANCHU” CLASSIC in casual sports­ ODORLESS ■AST ORANGE, N. J- Starts Saturday, May 18 wear! One-piece playsuit Cleaning System IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Last Episode of I C E COLD Awith separate skirt. Both of San- FINE GENUINE No Fading or Shrinking “THE SHADOW” deze Sailcloth that likes a LEATHER ARTICLES Saturday & Sunday May 4, 5 B E E R , A L E S crowded suitcase. Needs no Luggage Trunks Wed. Thru. Sat. May 8,9,10,11 I KEG BEER & COOLERS , ironing! California wild flower Mickey Rooney colors. $5.98. A I 'OMI’I.ETE STOCK OF — A S — I WINES & LIQUORS Miliburn Cleaners Dog Accessories “YOUNG TOM EDISON” INCORPORATED — ALSO — D. fafullo The Babs Shop Millburn Ave., Cor. Spring St. PHONE ORANGE 8-141* ‘THE GHOST COMES HOME” Frank Morgan - Billie Burke of Montclair Millburn 6^1167 1 Millburn 6-0289- W, Everybody read* the Cliuwifled adver- 420 SPRINGFIELD AVE., Division of Klmtmrk Stortgo Co. tleementa. Your little ad there. If there la Special Kiddle Show Every 35 Willow ifc, Millburn Saturday Matinee SUMMIT, N. J. MINS.JTY!"!? to brine >,n reaulle. wht{ *ou w»n* to seU, la ' Prompt Delivery w ‘ ■ “ 1 :aerrr,ry.-ri| •-~! T h e a n a c


. LITTLE CHICKADEE", Mae West, W. C Fields, May 3-9 "SATURDAY'S CHILDREN"; “ALIAS THE DEACON". May 10-11 m m PARAMOUNT, Market Street. T lie» t program* are accu rate at pres* ! Held over. "BUCK BENNY HIDES AGAIN", Jack Benny, : Eddie Andeisnn. Ellen Drew, Lillian Cornell, Virginia Dal**; time — but Theatre* I "W o m e n w i s k i o u t n a m e s 7 j s i i h i i j i * w, Robert rio**. h o ni e l I in e a ohang* May 3-9 tht-li minds. | STANLEY, 33 South Orange Avenue. ★ M ILLBURN "PINOCCHIO".^feature length technlcrcolored cartoon; AMERICAN LEGION — Meets Fourth Thursday of sacb i "A DVENTURK IN *1)1 AMOND.S", Georg.-leorge Brent,Bn Isa M iran­ •mh 8 P M . Recreation Building. Taylor Park. •TOO MANY HUSBANDS ', Jean Arthur. Fred MacMur- da. Nigel Bruce. John Loder. Muy 3 9. "IT ALL CAME AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY — Meets second Tues- ray. Melvyn Douglas; “THE MAN PROM DAKOTA". Wal­ TIIUE", . . Jeffrey Lynn. \ of each month, 8 P. M., Recreation Building, Tayloi Park lace Beery, John Howard, Dolores Del Bio. May 3 4. , "I I "VIGIL IN THE NIGHT". Carole Lombard. Brian Aherne, CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS — Meets second and fourth TAKE THIS WOMAN'", Spencer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr, Ver- Anne Shirley, M ay 10-11 ree T ea iidale; "SEVENTEEN". Jackie Cooper, Betty Field, Monday of each month, 8 30 P. M., 8t. Rose of Lima School Otto K nicer, May 6-7. "YOUNG TOM EDISON". Mickey H all Rooney, Fay Balnter. Virginia Weldler. "GHOST COMES LOEWS, Broad and New Streets. UASO COLUMRO CIVIC ASSOCIATION meets first Frida? HOME". Frank Morgan, Billie Burke, Donald Meek. Ann "FORTY LITTLE MOTHERS", Eddie Cantor, Judith • each month at 7:00 o'clock P. M. Rutherford, May 8-11. Anderaon. Nydia West man, Bonita Granville. Rita Johnson. FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS, Continental Lodge — "SLIGHTLY HONORABLE", Put O’Brien, Edward Arnold. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 8 P. M, ★ SU M M IT R uth T erry , May 3-9, Firm National Bank Building. NORTHWEST PASSAGE", Spencer Tracy, Roheil Young, ITALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION — Meets the first Walter Brennan, Ruth Huaaey. May 3-4 "Tty MANY HUS­ RKO PROCTORS, 116 Market Street. Tuesday of each month at ?00 Main Street, Millburn, N. J BANDS", Fred M&cMurray. Jean Arthur, ,\*Ivyn Douglas, "TWO GIRLS ON BROADWAY”, Lai, a Turing, J„nn JOCKEY HOLLOW FIELD TRIAL CLUB — Meets third 6-7. "P1NOOCHIO". feature length leohtil-coluied cartoon, Blundell. Oeurga Murphy, Kent Taylor, "EAST SIDE KIDS", Wednesday Of each month 8 P. M.. Recreation Building, \Lay 8-11. "Little Tough Guys". Vince Barnett, Dennis Moore. Leon Tayh.r Park Ames, May 3-9 JUNIOR CASA COLUMBO meets every second Friday of ★ MADISON *ach month at 7:30 P M , at 106 Main Street. ★ ELIZABETH KMU.HTS OF COLUMBUS—Meets first and third Thurs "THE MAN FROM DAKOTA", Wallace Reery. John •if each month. 8:30 P. M. St Rose of Lima School Howard, Dolores Del Rio; "THREE CHEERS FOR THE Mull IRISH", #Prl«cllla Lane. Thomas Mitchell, Dennis Morgan. REGENT, 39 Broud Street. LADIES AUXILIARY OF ST. ROSE OF LIMA'S Alan Hale, May 2-4. "BROADWAY MEIjODY oF 1 »40". "IT ALL CAME TRUE", Humphrey Bogart. Jeffrey Lynn. Fred Astaire, Eleanor Powell, George Murphy, Piank Mor­ Ann Sheridan; ^VIGIL IN THE NIGHT", Carole Lombard. CHURCH meets first Monday Of each month at appoflnted i'1"** be n am ed at previous m eeting. g a n . Ian H unter, M ay 6-7. Brian Aherne, Anne Shirley, May 3-9. "IT’S A DATE", Deanna Durbin, Walter Pldgeon Kay Francis; "RAFFLES". MASONIC CLUB — Meets the first Tuesday of each David Niven, Oliviu de Huvillatftr Dame May Whltty, Dud­ 1,1 I tie Masonic Club rooms. Bank Building, Millburn. ★ UNION ley Digger. May I (Ml MEN S ''CLUB — St. Stephen's Church — Meets third "VIRGINIA CITY", Errol Flynn. Miriam Hopkins, Ran­ l'", -.h,v of each month — 8:16 — Parish House, 136 Main Si teet. dolph Scott; "MA. HE'S MAKING EYES AT ME”, Tom kITZ, 1148 East Jersey Street. Brown. May 3-4. "ROAD TO SINGAPORE". Bing Crosby. X tiltT IIW E S T PA SSA G E . S|w*ncer T racy. R obert MILLBURN COMMUNITY COUNCIL - Meet* first Wed Dorothy Lainour, Bob Hope. Judith Burreti, "SIDEWALKS Young. Waller Brennan. Ruth Hussey. May 3-8 ""TIL WE n-*d;i.v of June, October, December, February and April at OF LONDON", Vivien Uigh. Charles Laughton May 5-7 .MEET VGA IN". Merle ui»ert>n, George Brent, Gerald.ne itie Barberry Corner Tea Room. % "TOO MANY HUSBANDS", "THE M/.N FROM DAKOTA Fitzgerald. Binnie Barnes; "DR. CYCLOPS", Albert Dek- MILLBURN REPUBLICAN CLUfc - Meets the fourth M ay 8-11. ker. Janice Logan Tom Coley, (,'hailes 11 a Iron, Mu> 9 II Thursday of each month. 8 00 P. M. MILLBURN ROTARY CLUB - Meets at the Chantlcler ★ MORRISTOWN ea.h Tuesday noon for luncheon and program. Robert K. viar shall, President. COMMUNITY, South Street. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR. Continental Chapter - * "REBECCA", Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine, Judith Meete first and third Wednesday * each m onth, 8 P. M Anperson, George 'Sanders, Reginald Dennj. May 3-8 F"»t National Bank Building. E vents ORDER OF THE AMARANTH—Meets second and fourth t ' mm -day of each month 8 P. M.. First National Bank PARK AUTO RACING will lie held at the Union Speedway, Building. "PINOCCHFO". feature length twchni-colored rartotin. located on Springfield Road and Route 29, in the Township of Union, N J. on Wednesday evening. May 8. Qualifying WASHINGTON ROCK ROD AND GUN CLUB — Meets M ay 4-10, rust urid third Thursday of each month, 8 P. M . Recreation time trials will begin at 0:30 1*. M. and lacing events will Building, Taylor Park. start at 8:15 P M. sharp. This Is a Class A half mile dirt ★ IRVINGTON track and run strictly under a . A. A. supervision. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD — Meets third Thursday • f each month. 8 P. M , First National Bank Building. CASTLE, 1115 Clinton Avenue. FRIDAY. MAY 3 — Benefit Bridge, sponsored by Short H ills C h ap ter D. A. R .. a t Rock S p rin g C ountry C lub, N^'est V YOMING ASSOCIATION — Council meets second Tues­ day uf each month except July and August, at 8:30 P. M. "ABE LINCOLN IN ILLINOIS ", Raymond Massey. Ruth O range. Gordon. Mary Howard; "THE BLUE BIRD". Shirley Tem­ m Wyoming Club House. Linden 8treet. Arthur Sawyer. ple. Johnny Russell, Spring Byington, May 3-4. "VIRGINIA MONDAY. MAY 13 — Membership Tea and Candidates' Se.relaiy CITY", Errol flynn. Miriam Hopkins, Randolph Scott; "JOE Meeting of Millburn-Short Hills Independent Women’s Re AND ETHEL TURP CALL ON THE PRESIDENT". William poldiiuti Chili, at Paper Mill Playhouse, 2:30 P. M. Gargan, Ann Suthern, Lewis Stone. Walter Brennuti. May THURSDAY. MAY 9 — Open-air meeting with program 5-7. "ROAD TO SINGAPORE": "HIGH SCHOOL", June sponsored by National Campaign for Peace and Patriotism, Withers, Joe Brown Jr., May 8-11. founded by Mrs John Taylor) at 4 P. '"M. In Taylor Pink, Millburn. Public invited to attend. SANFORD, Springfield Avenue at Sanford. Jvr Dinner SUNDAY, MAY' 6 — Baseball Millburn Young Men’s Suit- "I TAKE THIS WOMAN"; "SEVENTEEN ", May 3. bull vs. Hungarian Field Club in Elizabeth at 11 A M BARBERRY CORNER - 33 Taylor Street. Millburn (Mill- YOUNG TOM EDISON ". Mickey Rooney, Fay Banter. Vir­ Millburn va. Maplewood at Taylor Park at 2 P. M burn 6-1739) Delicious food served amid charming surround­ ginia Weldler; "VIVA CISCO KID", Cesar Romero, Jean FRIDAY. MAY' 3 — Baseball Millburn High School vs. ing. Luncheon 5»c. Dinner 85c and $1.00. Sunday dinner Rogers, Chrls-Pln Martin, May 4-7. "PINOCCHIO ", fea­ Caldwell at Taylor Park, Millburn, at 3:30 1J. M. su o o ture length teehni-colored cartoon; "ADVENTURE IN DIA FRIDAY, MAY' 3 — Gala Revue of Clara Kettenring’.s MONDS", George Brent, Isa Miranda. Nigel Bruce. John School for Dancing at Muplewood Woman's Club, Maplewood, BEECH WOOD HOTEL—Beech wood Road. Summit. (Sum­ Loder, May 8-11. 8:30 P. M. mit (1-1064). A comfortable, homelike hotel serving delicious meals. Lunch 30c - 75c. Dinner $1.26. Sunday dinner $1 60 MONDAY MAY 0 — Annual meeting and election of of­ ★ ORANGE, ficers. Watch Tower Chapter of D. A. R. at 11 A. M. in THE BLACK HOFSF INN — Mendham. N. J. (Mendham home of Mrs. John A. Christensen. Twin Oaks road, Short 4r — A pleasant endlnt. 'or a pleasant drive. The authentic EMBASSY, 349 Main Street. H ills. <’olotilaI atmosphere vies with the excellent food and liquors I TAKE THIS WOMAN", Spencer Tracy. Hedy Lamarr. SUNDAY MAY 5 — Confirmation Rites, administered by In drawing discriminating North Jerseyites. Luncheon 76c. "S E V E N T E E N " , M ay 3-7. "Y O U N G TOM E D IS O N ". Mickey Bsihop Ludlow, at 11 A. M. at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Dinner $1.26. Church, Millburn. Rooney, Fay Bainter; "VIVA CISCO KID", Cesar Romero, BLUE HILLS PLANTATION—Dunellen, Just off Route Jean Rogers. Chrtl«-Pin Martin, May 8-11. FRIDAY. MAY 3 — Motolon pictures by Breyer’s Ice 29 (DUnellen 2-6582) A restaurant and supper club of man) Cream Co., sponsored by St. Stephen’s Women's Guild. In seasons. Dancing nightly excep, Mondays, 7 30 to 2 Luncheon ★ SOUTH ORANGE parish house at 8 P. M. 75c. Dinner $1.50 and buffet Sunday evening. Minimum EXHIBITION OF Flower Studies, Marines, Etchings weekdays’ $1.50 and $2.00 Saturdays. No couvert. CAMEO throughout month of May from 2 to 6 P. M. Including Sun­ days at Paper Mill Playhouse Art Gallery, Millburn. THE BROOK — Route 24, Summit (BUmmlt 6-434$). "KOAD TO SINGAPORE”. Ring Cronby, Dorothy I.a- Music by Gus Steck and hla orchestra Luncheon 76c.' Din­ MOVIE BENEFIT, sponsored by Young Men's Club of mour. Bob Hope, Judith Barrett; "HIGH SCHOOL”, Jane ner $1.50. No cover charge. Weekdays minimum $1.60; Sat Millburn at Millburn Theatre, starting Monday, May (J, Withers, Joe Brown1 Jr., Mny 3-6. "] TAKE THIS WOMAN” , urday $2.50 (/• v ■Speneer Tracy, Hedy Lamarr. Kent Taylor, Verree Teasdale; through Friday. May 10. CANNON H'Al.L ^NN — 120 Morris Avenue, Springfield "SEVENTEEN”, Hetty Field, Jackie Cooper, Otto Kruger, M ay 7-9. (Millburn 6-1444). Historic landmark. Home cooking. Luuch- eon 50c. Dinner 85c and $1.00. Sunday dinner same. CHANTICLRR — Millburn Avenue, Millburn. (Millburn 6- ★ EAST ORANGE 2377). Supper Club with a deserved following. George HOLLYWOOD, Central Avenue at Harrison. Sterney and his orchestra. Dinner $1.60 up from 6 to 10 S o c i a l an d Sundays noon to 10. L u ncheons 85c, 12 to 3 In the “NORTHWEST PASSAGE”, Spencer Tracy, Robert Serpentine Room — Bigelow and Lee entertain. Minimum Young, Walter Brennan, Ruth Hussey, May 3-9. " "TIL WE ■ •• |l* I weekdays $1.50; Saturdays. $2.50. No couvert. MEET AGAIN", Merle Oheron. George Brent, Geraldine Fitz­ gerald, Binnle Barnes, May 10-11. CHICKEN BARN—Route 6. Totowa, (Little Falls 4-1126). WYOMING CLUB — Club dinner, second Saturday of each 'Pills country restaurant feature* chicken prepared In many month at 7 P. M. Games and entertainment follow. ways Luncheon 60c. Dinner from $1.00. Cocktails by log ★ WEST ORANGE Die, or terrace bar and dancing to swing orchestra Satur-. MEN'S NIGHT at Wyoming Club every Monday night. •lays. No minimum. No courvert. STATE Bridge Championships, ping pong and other games, 8 P. M. MONTE CARLO NITE, sponsored by Wyoming Club, Sat­ THE CROCKERS — 6 Old Short Hills Road (Millburn 6- "INVISIBLE STRIPER", . Jane Bryan, Wil­ urday evening. May 11, at Club House, 00 Linden Street, 0928) Luncheon 60c. Dinner 85c and $1,00. Served In quaint liam Holden, Humphrey Bogart; "BLONDIE TAKES A VA­ Maplewood. Colonial home 160 years old. CATION”, Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake, Larry Simms, May 3-4. “THE BLUE BIRD"; "THREE CHEERS FOR THE ANNUAL SPRING DANCE, sponsored by Chnist Church DAY S COLONIAL RESTAURANT—40 Park Place. Mor­ IRISH”, May 5-f, "HE MARRIED HIS WIFE”. Joel Mc- Young People’s Association, at Christ Ohurch, Short Hills, ristown (MQ 4-0760). Restaurateurs and caterers, on location Crea. Nancy Kelly: "CITY OF CHANCE”. Lynn Bari. May Friday evening, May 3, 9 to 1 A. M. In M orristow n sin ce 1802. L uncheon 40c—76c. S u p p er 76c. S-9. "GEIIONtMO” , Preston Foster. William Henry, Ralph FIRST ANiNUAL SPRING DANCE of Casa Colombo Civic Dinner 1.00. Sunday dinner $1.25. Morgan; "THE FARMER’S DAUGHTER". Martha Raye, Association Saturday evening, May 11. 9 P. M. to 3 A. M. at <• HOTEL SUBURBAN — 670 Springfield Avenue, Summit Charles Ituggleu, May 10-11. Club Headquarters on Main street. Music by Don Gibson (Suinmlr 6-3000). A comfortable and well-appointed hotel an d hiis C ollegiate O rchestra. uefVlhg ecxeljent food In a spacious dining-room. Luncheon ★ NEWARK ANNUAL BANQUET OF. ESSEX COUNTY BOWLING (i DO Dinner If.SO. ASSOCIATION Wednesday evening. May 8, at Club Royale. OLD MILL INN — Morristown Road, Bernardsvllle BRANFORD, II Branford Place. Union, N. J. fBErnardsvIlle 70) A good ending for a Sunday drive for JUNIOR SERVICE LEAGUE LUNCHEON Monday noon. "HOUSE OF SEVEN . GABLES", Margaret Lindsay, dmnef", or a weekday for afternoon tea. Lunch $1 00. Tea May 6, at Baltusrol Qolf Club. 60c Dinner $1 60 Supper 76c and $1.00. George Sanders, Vincent Price, Dick Foran, Nan Grey; "MY [May 3, 1940] [ Page 8 ] The Millhurn & Short Hills ITEM >oo« 0000000000000006000< Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Abbott Of ■—■-— — *■' — the West coast, Philadelphia and Navy Yard at Lakehurst. Short Hills Fairfield drive entertained on .Kirkpatrick- Saturday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Billing, who Cglcman Hcud ricks- Tidal),n k have recently moved to Lake St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, road. Other guests were Mr. and Announcement has been made Mrs. Livingston T. Dickason, Mr. Ardmore, Pa., was the scene of of the engagement of Miss Ur­ and Mrs. J. Rowland Hotchkin the wedding last Saturday of sula Mary Hendricks, daughter MOTES 6/N EW S/ Of THE WEEK and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Crouse. Miss Elizabeth T. Coleman, of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hen­ • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert dricks of Bellaire place, Newark; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pettigrew of Coleman 3d to Lieutenant Har­ to Edward Charles Tidabark, sun By Edith Clifford Hillside avenue, who have been of the late Postmaster and Mrs. lan Good Kirkpatrick, son of Well folks the time has come and Charlottesville, Va. at Daytona Beach, Fla., for the Edward J. Tidaback of Short » winter returned to their Short Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Kirk­ Hills avenue, Short Hills. Miss to fix up the porch again. In­ Mrs. Leon Gay Hull and patrick of Woodland road. A re­ dications point to a rosier time Hills home on Wednesday. Hendricks is a graduate of Good ception followed at the home of daughter, Miss Carol Jean of Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Arrow- Counsel High School; Mr. Tida­ all around, now that May has Meadowbrook road, spent sev­ smith have returned to their the bride. back was graduated from St arrived. Flowering buds and un­ eral days in Washington, last folding leaves will soon trans­ home on Conlston road, having The brides sister, Mrs. Daniel Benedict's Preparatory School. week. They returned in time for spent a week in Fort Lauderdale, McElroy Entler of Lakehum was form our barren landscape into •k ...... — £__ Carol Jean to participate in the Fla. the matron of honor and the a veritable garden spot. Junior Horse Show at the Mont­ Robert Kortright, Dick Orelup Make way for the golfers, ten­ * bridesmaids were Miss Mary clair Riding Club, on Friday and Mrs. Harry S. Miller and and Harold Strieker will spend nis enthusiasts and baseball Priscilla Thorpe and Mrs. Robert Saturday. She Is a member of daughter, Miss Margaret Mil­ the week-end at Cornell Uni­ players as they will be rushing K. Cope of Ardmore. Walter the Girls’ Mounted Troop. ler of York, Pa., were the recent versity where they will be the out in the evenings to enjoy Kirkpatrick of Short Hills was • guests of the former’s brother- guests of the Seal and Serpent their favorite sport. Longer his brother’s best man. The ush­ Fraternity. Tlie< boys are sen­ Mr and Mrs. Ralph R. Rumery in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ers were Charles M. Kirkpatrick days and shorter nights will coax of Barberry lane, will give a iors at Millburn High. Le -Roy W. Lutz of Wellington Jr„ Penn Newbold Thorpe of the chronic "aliers" out In the large cocktail party on Satur­ * sun, where they can absorb the avenue. Philadelphia and Lieutenant G. Mrs. Norman Ogden of 3‘)7 day during the running of the m D. Zurmuehlen and Lieutenant vitamins they need instead of Kentucky Derby. Mr. Vincent A supper party was given on Hobart avenue returned, Tues­ Entler of Lakehurst. taking them In perscription Frith of Bermuda, will be a Sunday night by Mr. and Mrs. day from Wpllesley, M ass., where form. My vitamins have been week-end guest at their home. H. W. Bechtlof of Deerfield road The couple will live In Lake- she visited her daughter, Mary stored away on the highest shelf * Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. hurst, until June 1st. On July 5, Bess Ogden, a student a t Pine until another Winter and from Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Ryan of Austin Moessner, Miss Dell Sus*, Lieutenant Kirkpatrick-will sail Manor Junior College. now on, its gardening for me. Hartshorn drive will give their sick and Bill Bartley of New from Los Angeles to join the * • A week in Portland, Me., has annual Derby Day party tomor­ York and Mr. and Mrs. James Asiatic fleet. He graduated from Mrs. George R. Evans of Ho­ ended for Mrs. Frank H Omerud row. Rogers of West Orange. tile Naval Academy In 193G. A bart avenue and Whitney road, • graduate of Columbia High and daughter. Barbara Ann »i entertained on Monday for Mrs. Mrs. E. F. Britten Jr., of Lake •V Mrs. Joseph G. Young of School, he has been stationed on Mar.lndale road. C. A. Halbach and Mrs. K. Pfls- road, entertained at dinner on Barnsdale road, was hostess at ter of Summit and Mrs. Will Friday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. a luncheon bridge on Wednes­ Bradley and Miss Fern Bradley C. K. Wisner of Wyoming, who day for Mrs. Stephen Plum, Miss will sail tomorrow for Europe. of Short Hills. Marco Plum, Mrs. Carl Merz, They will be gone for six months. Miss Bertha Finer, Miss Elsie Vane Mr. and Mrs.tJ. L. Parsons Jr., Other guests included: Mr. and Finer, Mrs. Samuel F. Wilson, of West Beechcroft road, cele­ Mrs. Thomas Taylor of Millburn WUUam and Frapae* Mrs. Fred L. Allen. Mrs. Edward brated their fifth wedding anni­ and Mr. and Mrs. William Byer Sayre, Mrs. W. K. Perry, Mrs. R. ■aat Oiaagi versary on Saturday with a din­ and Mr. and Mrs. Winslow Park­ O. Van Horn and Mrs. S. W. ner party and dance at the er of Maplewood. Miss Betty Roberts of Newark. Mrs. W. N Short Hilts Club. The out-of- Britten, will attend the May Buckley and Miss Clara Schrick town dinner guests were bridal Houseparty at Princeton, this attendants at their wedding In- of East Orange, Mrs. George week-end. Utica. They included Mrs. Par­ Kauffman of Essex Fells and Dr. • sons’ brother and his wife. Mr. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Addison Robb Sarah Edwards of Bloomfield. I ‘ I l, I and Mrs George Maynard of of New York City were the guests ( jC v i+ a , ( w I Utica, Mr. and Mrs. Garth James on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ and Miss Elida Griffin of New liam Clifford Jr., of Whitney C U fc fA U a W York, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Dug- road. Mrs. Robb is the well- dale of Wilmington, Alan Wit- known Journalist, Inez Calla­ man of Hartford, and O. Blake way Robb. W e are happy Willcox of Englewood. An addi­ * tional group from Short Hills Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Bar- about our collection of attended the dance. tleson and daughters Ann and smart, young gold jewelry ♦ Susan of Whitney road, were the A fishing trip in Key West. ...which includes all types Fla., and a boat trip to Havana guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Nassau, ended last week for W. Lukens of Swarthmore, Pa., for both men am! x. ... 1 Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Johnson of over the last week-end. Fairfield drive. * KRAI. ITALIAN STYLE Mrs. Ralph R. Rumery of Bar­ SLACK STAKE <■ FEOST berry lane, Mrs. Hamilton Al- s p a g h e t t i baugh of Knollwood road and SKKVFD IN OIJK KK8TAIJHAN1 Mrs. George Lippitt Lewis of Ho­ or Prepurrd to Take Home GOSHAM MARIO’S BAR & G.'tlU- bart avenue, returned Friday CENTRAL AVENUE • EAST ORANGE o J * 'w 10 600? ,^ , from a weeks’ motor trip South. .IOSIIMI 0AKININR. Proprietor They visited in Williamsburg :(5 'l a i n 81. M lllburn 0-1' i J

OUR LUNCHEONS are LEL1GHT SliOP^ particularly for particular people

Nys \ 316-318 Millburn Avenue, J ood at its finest is a brief, yet apt, description \ / Mlllburn N.J. / of the delicious luncheons served at this pic­ * \ CYe7ephoM Millburn 6-0672 turesque old inn. Here, amid quaintly distinc­ tive surroundings, you may enjoy luxury lunching at tbe practical price df only MOTHER'S D AY 75c . TEA AND COCKTAIL HCfUR from S to 5 Greeting Card A/P CONDI n o NBC


• Mlllburn 8-0649- \ [May 3» I94°] The Millburn & Short Hills ITE M [ Page 9 ]

part today for Wlnnetka, 111., Mrs. Charles Kilmer, left by Miss Helren McPherson of Uliss Neumann where they will visit their son motor on Wednesday for her Orange, Stewart Gillespie of and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ home in Los Angeles, having Morristown and Robert McPher­ Wyoming est Staub. Their daughter Miss been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. son of Short Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Tiger Engaged Grace Staub and her roommate, John Gorrie of Hobart avenue. * Miss Anita Barr of Louisville, • Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Grayson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Neu­ Ky., both students at Mt. Holy­ Mrs. George F. Perkins Jr., of Holmes of "Hl-a-way” Short of Cape Court \yjll entertain mann of West road, announced oke College, spent last week-end Beechcroft will entertain the Hills, will entertain eight guests Jointly at a cocktail party at the in Short Hills. the engagement of their daugh­ Girl Scout bird group at her at a Cocktail Party Friday eve­ former’s home on Sunday for * home on Saturday at which ter, Miss Jane Lucille Neumann ning before the bridge given by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Garrlgus to James Nelson Robertson, son Mr. and Mrs. Vance Lauder­ time she will tell them about her Short Hills, D. A. R. at Rock who are moving to Orange. of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Robert­ dale of Forest drive, returned carrier pigeons. Spring Country Club. Later the Their guests will Include Mr. son of Darby, Pa., at a tea at last week from Knickerbocker, * guests will all go to the club. and Mrs. Donald S. Kelley, Mr. their home on Sunday. Texas, where they visited the Fitzhugh Quarrier, gave a ★ and Mrs. John Wltbeck, Edward Miss Neumann attended latter’s brother-in-law and sis­ dinner party at his home on ter, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tweedy on I SHALL TRY to correct er­ Turner of Millburn, Mrs. Harry Roycemore School and North­ Ferncliff terrace, Saturday night their ranch for three weeks. rors when shown to be errors, Rusch of South Orange and Mr. western University Evanston, 111., preceding the Bachelor’s Ball, * and I shall adopt new views so and Mrs. G. A. Kruttschnitt Jr., and the Connecticut College for held at the Montclair Golf Club. Mr. and Mrs. Edwartj W. Skel­ fast as they shall appear to be and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hack- Women and studied at the Art Besides his house guest, Miss ton of Woodcrest avenue were Elizabeth Knapp of Rumson, true views. — Abraham Lincoln. man of Maplewood. Students’ League In New York. hosts at a buffet supper for those attending Were Miss Leti- She is a member of Pi Phi Sor­ fourteen last Sunday night. t.ia Krementz of Morristown, ority. Mr. Robertson attended Mer- rersburg Academy and was graduated from Princeton in Enjoy Really 1935,^where he was a member of Dial Lodge. He also graduated from University of Pennsyl­ Safe Storage vania Law School and is with For Your Out-of-Season the firm William J. Mac Carter Jr., in Chester, Pa. Garments No date has been set for the wedding. I n O u r ★ Mr and Mrs. Walter A. Staub Modern Vault of Woodcrest avenue, will de­

FUR (.'OATS Dusted, Fumigated and Stored 1.50 l)r. Garrison Youngelson COATS RELINED ... 3.95 SURGEON CHIROPODIST Including Lining (Foot Ailment*) Ilnur* E?p. 7-9 or by Appointment South Mountain Cleaner & Tailor Tel. Ml (1-1449 or Ml (1-0449 14 UbittinyliHm Ter., Millburn. N. J. 223 Millburn Avenue Millburn\6-212ti


• A change in hair style will make all the difference! Don’t be bored another day phone Millburn (i 15iJ and let Dorothy Earl create for you the hair-do that will revitalize your personality, give you new elu\!

INFRA RAY PERMANENT WAVE 5.03 VAPORKTTE Oil, PERMANENT 7.50 Dorothy Earl Beauty Salon 351 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, N. J.

I f yo u r telephone’s in trouble

... y ou can be sure of quick repairs by a team telephone, the bell box, m the of three skilled workers from one of central office).;-«d thellep.rm« (who twenty test centers that service New Jersey s when he calls m from t h e f i e d g e U y o « Dispositions are odd things, 730,000 telephones and the 4.000,000 mile. . . . . our mark of individuality. Nor­ of wire behind them. mally each person’s is governed and harmonious with other peo­ Here’s the team Wherever you live in ple’s. The Repair Clerk (who New Jersey, there’s a tele­ What controls diposition? receives your report of phone test center near with Where is the wrong if temper skilled workers ready flares or smolders? Somewhere trouble and enters it on your health has slipped from your particular service to give quick, efficient, gear and you should pause, co­ card)...theTestDeskman courteous service. Today operating with a physician who'll analyze the condition and help (who studies the report the average New Jersey you to regain vigor and tran­ and, with highly sensitive telephone is introubleonly quility. equipment, locates the once in over two years. trouble spot—in your W HELAN Him . STOKES 8ALEH AGENCY TELEPHONE COMPANY S. R. FRUCIITMAN, Plf.G., NEW JERSEY BELL !<4,1 M illburn A Vennp. Cor. M MIM SI re,-I Millburn 6-0449 - - — ------~ The Millhurn 6 s Short Hills ITEM ( M a y 3 , io ^ o j ] 5 STORES IN 1 i l

SELF-SERVICE • FOOD • STORES DOES THE MEAT YOU BUY UNSWIETENED DEL MONTE or A&P GRAPEFRUIT JUICE PEACHES #w/wm *£#r/ otiwoor/ MEET THESE QUALITY STANDARDS? A4P Irani No. 2 E SHcad No. 2vi Fancy can ^ c m Is the meat you’ll serve to-night selected quality seafood . . . a complete stock of Halvas A cans ^mrn c from the better grades of U. S. Government- higher quality meats. We just wish you inspected cuts? Our expert buyers select Trr this fresh, fragrant bread could see our buyers selecting h e n the B ro a d c a s ts Hash 2 I t 2 9 c Del Monte fruit cocktailNo^2 1e wink tme wheaty. Saver. It’. from the huge stocks of the country’s fore­ better grades of U. S. Government-inspected Si b , yet tender through and through beeanse i t ’s most packers only those finer meats that meats those fine, juicy, tender cuts that are Cake Flour ,^ “K?..d X I 5* Fruit Neetars BELHMT 3 2 2 c conform to our rigid high quality standards. offered you daily in A&P Markets. So good My-T-Fine Desserts 2 pkgs. 9 c Kellogg’s Corn Flakes •«-,*« 6e Corn-fed steer beef, choice grade lamb, extra are A&P meats that we unconditionally fancy poultry; pork from young corn-fed guarantee them to satisfy——or your money Sparkle cha^v”.Tm^tah 3 ^ 1 0 c Corn Flakes 2 p8k£ 1 1 * porkers, fancy smoked meats and highest back. Buy with confidence! Clapp’ s Baby ISSaM 3 - 2 0 c Wheat«r Rice Puffs ;*°a 5c ONLY PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING USED Sunsweet Prune Juice qt. b o f. 1 7 c Quaker Puffed Wheat ^ 7 c Ann Page Grape Jam ™ --23c Quaker Puffed Rice ^9* Green Giant Peas LEGS0F LAMB Bisquick , , Is*- pkg. 2 5 c Shaker Salt "SR H E?1 26Pk“6* Tomato Sauce DEL MONTE Mayfair Tea ^ 1 9 c *£ 3 7 c Knox Gelatine . . Pk9- 1 8 c Selected Sultana Rice Extra Fancy Blue Rase 12 oz. pkg.i Campbell’s Beans 4 2 5 c Pure Gelatine 4 Envelopes to Pkg. pk°- 9®

Choice Grade |b Ground Spices annVabe 2oisi»8 t Red Cherries lasweetened N o .2 ca r.1Q e Red Salmon SULTANA—Extr* FaBty 1 lb. can 23* One Price Only! Junket "“ NET Powder 3 2 5 c Condensed Milk Son'll '<««■«.» 10c Dole’s Pineapple Juice ■» - 9 . ★ ★ 21 String Beans *SSy 4 ■£,' 2 5 c Gulden’ s Mustard 8»ozi.r i 0 c OF BEEF Dole’s Pineapple Sems 3 r 25* Cut From 1st Six Ribs—Corn-Fed Steer Beef lb. Corn SSU7SS, 3 Z.J 2 0 c Ann Page Mustard 9 o x . jar ^ C PRIME RIBS 2 3 Dpao EMILY JUNE Q No. 2 B&M Baked Beans rC d S Standard Quality 0 cans fcw® Vegetable Soup P B tL L IP S Q cans 1 3 c

LOHg Sliced Beets . . n-lfle Pard Dog Food 3 £ 2 5 c Heinz Ketchup'°^'12' Island’ s lb. FRESH DUCKLINGS Sweet P ea*,';aS ti2 2 3 c College Inn ’ “ M f * »15 c Finest 1 5 Tomato Juice ,£ 2 2 . R flJ C T BONELESS CHUCK Sueeetaeh TSVEC,* 2 - 2 25c Fairy Seep ■ ■ 3 ca^** 1 0 c Sparkle Gelatin S T S PfIT Tomato Paste ItaHaa Style can 5e Heinz Baked Beans 18 ox. can ■ V I nuftw I Corn-Fed Steer Beef lb. 1 2 c 2 3 Premium Crackers»•*• £ \ 5e La Choy combination pks- 2 5 c Jell-o or Royal S Short Cut Woodbury’ s Soap 3 2 0 c Lava Soap . . 3 » * 1 7 c Spaghetti Ek £ « lb. SMOKED CALAS Pork Shoulders 1 3 Pacific Tissue . 6 ««• 19c Pimentos »w«» my * «n 5c Italian Cook Salad Oil SwifFsSwift s Premium, Ferris, Cudahy’s Puritan, Wilson’sWilson Certified, Sunnyfield Ivory Flakes 2 Jfc 35c Waldorf Paper . 4 »•>> 15c Selox 2 J s . 1 9 c Paper Towels ™«< 10 to 12 lb. Average 2 15c Campbell’s Tomato Soup 3 - 19* SMOKED HAMS Whole or Either Half DEL MAIZ A NATIONAL FAVORITE Ritz Crackers > >' . »^»21* ’A l b . CORN NIBLETS NECTAR TEA »?ui-l na-° r B o a stb 1?‘ Sliced Bacon ag™2 p k g s . 1 9 c Vacuum Packed Orange Pekoe, 14 lb. ■ Duryea’s Corn Starch 1 lb . p k g . Qc I O r B o t to m l b 2 India-CeyloR- pltg. 29- Fresh Hi Either Motf lfc>. Carn nff the Cab 12~ 9 c 14c Xb 27« Clorox m : m f pint hot. ‘I QC quart bo/. ^ jjJF®

Corned Whole lb. Scottissue . j'. . 3 19* Veal Shoulders m°ie * 19 Oeef Liver Specially Selected lb. 25- Breast of Lamb *13' Grape Juice *•? 2^.23* £, 20* Codfish Steaks “ * 12« Fresh Roe Shad * 15' NEW POTATOES CALIFORNIA—U. S. Nt. 1 trade 3 |b< 10 Robertson’s Marmalade «n-1! Fresh Mackerel Large lb. 15' Fresh Shrimp Large lb. 21' RADISHES Ntw Spring Cras 3 b u n c h e s Beans with Pork ANI PAGE Staedard Quality Fresh Buck Shad * 8- Fresh Flounders ■>> 12« CALIFORNIA— Large Size Tomatoes 3^,217** ORANGES 9 2 5 ENCORE «i*- Mayonnaise Rich— Smooth ’ 21 jar' Baking Powder O A VIS 2 * 2 5 c CUCUMBERS . . a •»«b 5 ★ Baking Powder Dependable c ° 1 1 * YELLOW BANANAS 4 *•■ 19 Hormel’s Spam 12^z. fin 25* Sllgar |R Sealed Paper1 Bags 1 0 lbs 4 7 c llia ff’ c GINGERBREAD er Shredded Wheat N . B . C . 0 pkgs. U U 1 1 9 DEVIL’S FOOD MIX - p k g 19* 2 5 ' RHUBARB . b u n c h e s 10 QUEEN ANNE p k g . of 8 0 J * Spry m 1 lb. can 1 7 c 3 lb. can 4 7 c Paper Napkins Cow Brand Soda 3 ^ 1 0c APPLES Eating— Fancy Winesap— Medium Size 3 *■• 19< Lifebuoy Soap 3 cakes 1 0C Calif. Peaches K t 2N:.n2*25* A N N P A G E ★ ALL STAR ISSUE * Ivory Soap Guest Size 0 c a k e s 256 Force Cereal 2 ^ 19c Packed with INFORMATION and ENTERTAINMENT by TOMATO SOUP QUEEN ANNE l25-ft. roll I D * Flour Vn Pnrpaae 3£!,b1 4* ^ 27* Leading Writers and Experts Waxed Paper Brimming with ^ M A Y ISSUE Flakorn Corn Muffin Mix 2 P k g * 2 1 c Rick Tomato Flaver A # csns 1 6 * WOMAN'S DAY . . . °my2c Post Bran Flakes 2117* Sliced Beef mcobe2* ~ 12c 21 c Grapefruit Juice 21\«25c Hershey’s ««• Syrup 2 '1 15* 12 oz. can C Pineapple Juice D O L E S “ 23c Broadcast Redi-Meat 21 Preserves 17*2 ‘ 27c DAIRY VOGT’S H o y A ^ ' FureHydrogenated ., d r O O Phila. Scrapple 2^25* UB a U Vegetable Shortening b can 1 O c 3 lb can O v c Karo Syrup b l u e l a b e l 2 2c .™ 23c MACAR0HI DINNER phg- 1 0* ■ Crisco m 1 lb. can 17 C 3 lb. can 47' Ann Page WITH CHEESE Arrowroot Biscuits"" ^9c Lsrge Mixed carton Rajah Cocoanut 4Z 5 ■ £ 1 D * Wheaties . . . 2 pk»5- 19' Graham Crackers» » ^ 17c Wildmere Eggs Celers 1 doz. Xm f l 1 Clapp’ s Baby Foods»•*««.. i Qc Wheat Flakes SUNNYFIELD 2 p k g t - 15' Ovaltine Chucolati cun 33c -59c Sanka or Kaffee Hag ■* „28‘ National Zwieback pkg. 1 5* Cheddar Cheese — k27« Old Dutch Cleanser . . - 6« Ann Page Jellies * ? 1 0 « Muenster Cheese ^17-

265-267 MILLBURN AVE. - MILLBURN Store Cheese Mild American lb. 2 1‘ North Side of Millbum Avenue — Between Wyoming Avenue and Main Street Butter SMmiELB^Tak •»32e Butter "Ln£MrZ ,%rn ^30* FREE PARKING ADJOINING STO RE Block Ed3IR ea^TittVr r*t * 31* Gold ’ N Rich Cheese * 3 5 * M onday through Friday 7:30 A. M . to 6 P . M. STORE HOURS- Saturday — 7:30 A. M. to 9 P . M. Swiss Cheese Fancy Bemcctie ib 29* Cream Cheese . . *» 2 3 e THESE SAME LOW PRICES EFFECTIVE AT Liederkranz . . 40x.ix.2 ic Switzerland Swiss£££< 49c Genuine Ib. American CheeseMEL o iiT Ub,41 e Roquefort Cheese I n p o rte d 49* 21-23 SUM M IT AVE. SUM M IT, N. J. Sharp Cheese WMi Milk Cktddar lb 23* Baby Goudas 4d% Tetter Fat “>31* [ Page 12 ] The Millburn &> Short Hills IT E M f May ,1> <9401

the Misses Nancy Bailey, Nancy with friends from their former South Mountain Gallison, Carol Ac h e n bach, home In Lexington, Kentucky. Miss Hozvell To Janet Richardson, Eleanor * * Hoard, Miriam Butler, Cynthia On Tuesday, Mrs, Ernest Al- Be May Bride Becker* Abbey Taylor and Carol tierl of 28 Norwood terrace, will Pippltt. entertain the members of the * Club Mardl. Those present will Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. How­ A week-end in Baltimore include, Mrs. J. R. Delguerclo, ell of 87 Maple street, announce where they uttended the Hunt Mrs. V. Delguerclo and Mrs. u the betrothal of their daugh­ Cup races has been concluded A. Caprio of Belleville, the Misses ter Edna Laughton to Lieuten­ by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mar­ Betty and< Josephine Russomana NOTES fi/N EW S/ Of THE WEEK ant William Sydnor Barksdale shall Jr., ofvSagamore road and and Mrs. Babe Caprio of New­ Jr. of Langley Field, son of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bar­ ark and Mrs. A. I. Caprio of New By Edith Clifford and Mrs. William S. Barksdale of ton and C. Hoeri . Philips of 79 York, Mrs. A. G. Jensen of 11 Moun­ tored the rest of the trip with Randolph, Va. Cedar street. They visited Mrs. • tain View road entertained with them. Miss Howell is a graduate of Frank J. Hoen of Worthington Miss Audrey Brochhagen, a supper and bridge party on Millburn High School and Col? of 30 Cypress street, recently Mr. and Mrs. William W. Skin­ Valley. Monday night. Her guests were lege of William and Mary in Vir­ , * spent four days at Washington, ner and daughter, Barbara of members of her Glove Making ginia and a member of Kappa Mrs. Roy A. Anderson and her D. C. where she sang with the A 64 Undercliff terrace, returned, Class. Besides out - of - town , , ' Delta sorority. Lieutenant Barks children Barbara find Sonny Capella Choir of Upsala College guests, those from Millbunr ®un^ay from a ten days tr p dale is a graduate of Wylliesburg and Miss Louise Eager of Cedar on tour through the national South. In Baltimore, they visited were Mrs. Irving Schroeder and High School and Virginia Poly­ street,' have returned from capitol. Mrs. Skinner’s sister, Miss Mary * Mrs. Louise Rubly. technic Institute? and also of Florida, where they spent six Short JSefore they motored into United States Army Air Corps months. Mr. Anderson, spent the Mr. and Mrs. George S. Long- Mrs. Jensen's mother, Mrs. Virginia to visit the gardens Flying School. past week in Florida and re­ ley Jr., and son Dwight, have ■mg Garden Week. turned with his family. returned to their home on Wy­ Grace Hodge also of 11 Moun- * On account of the recent taihview road, sailed oiY.§*ttfr- deatli of Mr. Howell's mother, > • oming avenue, having con­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Beck­ cluded a week’s visit in Weth­ day on the Standard Fruit Liner only the immediate families will Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Bauleh er of Undercliff terrace, enter­ ersfield, Conn. on a two weeks' cruise. Some of tained on Saturday for Mr. and attend the wedding this month and daughter Marcia of 55 Pine the ports to be visited are Sa- Mrs.■'Fred Lynn of MadLson, and at Morrow Memorial Church, street have returned from their tlago, Cuba, Kingston and La- Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Lavin, Mr. Maplewood. Spring vacation visiting Mr. and Ceiba and Mrs. Harry Oliver and Mr. The couple will reside in Tam­ Mrs. Frederick E. Johnstone at • and Mrs. Herbert Rose all of Irv­ pa, Florida. Belle Isle Plantation, historical Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Train­ landmark near Charleston, S. C. ington. ★ er and children Joan and Sher- originally established by Francis ryl of 28 South Mountain road, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth WIs- FURS ner of 131 Cypress street are Marion, “Swamp Fox" of Revo­ will motor to Philadelphia this lutionary days. The plantation week-end. They will visit a for­ W yoming sailing for Italy Saturday on the S. S. Washington. They expect overlooks Wlnyah Bay, site of mer roommate of Mrs. Trainer’s several Civil War naval en­ KEPT from National Park Seminary, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Colquitt to be gone for six months visit­ ing practically all of the pres­ counters. While there the Washington, Mrs. Andrew Flem­ who have spent the Winter in Baulchs renewed acquaintances ing and Mr. Fleming. Naples, Fla., will return to their ently neutral European coun­ EXTRA • home on Wyoming avenue, to­ tries. Mr. Wisner who is an ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Krelt- day. ecutive of United States Steel ler and sons Paul and Hobart of Export Company will confer with Mr. and Mrs. James Hewitt Walnut avenue have concluded foreign representatives of the SOFT and daughters, Jean and Mary TALM ADGE a motor trip through the South. company while abroad. Mr. and Ilka, moved on Wednesday from * Mrs. Thomas Taylor of Millburn in Mrs. Robert Zuber of 91 Moun- 135 Cypress street to Freehold, avettue will occupy the Wisner ESSO STATIONS tainview road entertained the N J„ where they will make home during their absence. their home. * members of her bridge club on * Morey LaRue's Thursday evening. They cele­ Mrs. Theodore Bagg and son A dessert-bridge and Fashion M illburn & M orris Aves. P hone M illburn 6-0081 brated the birthday of Mrs. Lil­ Bobby of 80 Linden street will Show was held at tire Wyoming AIR-CONDITIONED lian Zimmerman, one of the depart today for Portland, Club on Monday afternoon. In charge of the affair were Mrs. cold storage vaults members. Oregon, where they will visit Millburn Ave., & * Mrs. Bagg’s mother, Mrs. E. Rus­ Henry Becker, Mrs. Herbert A ten days' motor trip 10 Marshall, Mrs. Warner Crane Vaux Hall Koad North Carolina, and Virginia, sell White. They will return [‘hone Millburn 6-1738 THREE big features for about July 1. and Mrs. Theodore Bagg. The the price of ordinary told has ended for Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ * Fashion Show which was staged ★ storage alone. lard L. Hults and son Donald of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schroed­ by the Rose Galbraith Shoppe ATLAS • FUMIGATION before South Mountain road. er of Mountain avenue have of Millburn had the following storage to prevent moth * Tires, Tubes, Batteries damage. concluded a ten days’ trip to as mannikins; Mrs. Herbert t i Returning from a motor trip and Accessories • REFRIGERATION for to Miami, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Virginia and Washington. Marshall. Mrs. John Phillips and protection against heat. Leroy T. Gorrie of Portland, Me., • AIR-CONDITIONING to keep furs soft, lustrous visited their cousin and her hus­ and beautiful. band, Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.s Semple of Greenwood drive. $ 4 .8 0 PER MONTH WILL PAY FOR Their son, Robert Gorrie, flew as far as Washington and mo­ 1 PER TON YOUR NEXT WINTERS COAL F u r . T r n o ^ \ ON OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN a„d cloth co* » s h o u ^ too fl MONTHS TO V\Y S tu rt to Buy 1q TOTAL TONS 2 3 •This figure is Imsetl on 4 5 6 STORE® IOkk. Stove anti Nut TO N S TONS (payments heKinninjr in i TONS TONS TONS May). j PURCHASED p„y Monih|y |'„y Monthly Pay Monthly Pay Monthly Pay Monthly • f,OW ECONOMICAL RATES IMPORTANT: After &Egg-Stove-Nut $3.59 $5.38 Fur Garments |n A A June 30tli we cannot *7.17 * 8.96 *10.75 enter into an agree­ (value up to $1001 M o C /U ment to deliver coal under Olio Budget Pay­ MAY PEA 3.05 4.58 6.10 7.63 9.15 Fur-Tritamed $ 1 (“ A m en t P la n . (valueup to $75) i. . O U BUCKWHEAT 2 .8 4 4.25 ORDER NOW AT 5.67 7.09 8.50 Cloth Coats $ | A A (value up to $50) 1 iw U THESE LOW Egg-Stove-Nut 54,30 *6.45 *8.60 *1 0 .7 5 *12 .90 Look Smart at PRICES o n ly 1 %m ,for JUNE additional valuation - - ★ PEA 3.66 5.49 7.32 9.15 10.98 Your A ge BUCKWHEAT ^ Pay in the Fall on delivery Prices On Our • Whatever your age, we’ll 6.80 8 .5 0 10.20 Garments called for and Premium delivered promptly by a uni­ design a hair style to make Payments baned on charge prices: Rgg - stove - Cut. $10.75; Pc 1. $9:15; Buck $8.50 Jeddo Highland formed representative. Every­ you smart. Not too young, thing Is fully insured from Coal PRESENT Kgg* the moment of leaving your not aging — just the right CASH Stove > Will Be Furnished , RI< KS N ut 1025'" sg.65:“. ,‘JJ0sr.s'| Q.45 door until returned. kind of flattery for your On Application Add r»0c for carry. Prle. subject to change without notic, FREE PHONE SERVICE age. CALL “WX-1700” Permanents $5 to $12.50 Permanents by Mr. Fischer MILLBURN COAL A OIL CO. Margaret Fischer COAL ★ FUEL OIL * COKE

Short Hills, N. J. Dally Service In Mlllboro. Across from Lackawanna Station 9 Main Street, Telephone Millburn 6-0008 Short lints nod All Points In Short Hills 7-3233 Millburn, N. J. Nite ’Phone Short Hills 7-2681 Ksnex Counly. "I [ May .1. 19 4 °] C. The MiHhurn6s Sh Hills lT f,M [ Page 13 1

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Albanese guest for a week of Mr. and Mrs. Thursday at the home of Mrs. ner of Elizabeth and Mrs. K. will move to Orange, shortly. of 28 Edgewood terrace, enter­ Howard Wright, of 23 Duncan William Stoeckle of 28 Taylor S. Spoon of South Orange. Mrs. J. J. Blauvelt of 17 Bod- tained last evening In honor of street. Miss Wright left yester­ street. Next month, the Club will well terrace, entertained for their son Buddy. About twenty day for New York for several celebrate the 35th anniversary Martln O’Connor of Montlcel- Mrs. J. R. Willever, Mrs. B. C. guests attended. * days. On Monday, she will leave of the local branch. lo, N. Y., Is visiting at the home Russell, Mrs. D. B. Cheney of for Indianapolis and Detroit and of his cousin, Mrs. John L. Mc­ Millburn, Mrs. Frank Newell, will be accompanied by her sis­ Mrs. Charles A. Boylan of 4 Namara of 18 Duncan street. Mrs. S. W. Stevens and Mrs. W. ter - in - law, Mrs. Katherine Cape Court entertained at sup­ J. McGough of Short Hills and Millburn W right, also of Duncan street. per and bridge last night for Mrs. Donald S. Kelley of 6 Mrs. P. M. Borgee of East Orange. Mrs. Edgar Hein, Mrs. William Cape Court, gave a small tea on Miss Etha Wright of Car­ The Millburn Branch of the Schnelly and Miss Orace O’Neill Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Hor­ thage, Missouri, has been the Sunshine Society will meet on of New York, Mrs. August Leist- ace Oarrigus, a neighbor who IT K M W A N T AI>N IIK IN O KKNIU.TN.



O Q V f N

~ 0 H o W i

The Easiest way known to buy a 6 cu.ft. FRIGIDAIRE

attAe P/uce Ut -f/U h e r e 's t h e p l a n / Come in and select your new 1940 I• Frigidaire today MAX ADVANTACIS Of MUCH H/CHtA AAlCtO MOPtlS . We will deliver and install it with no down payment

Deposit at the rate of only 1 5 cents a day in the handy meter

FROZEN STORAGE COM- AUTOMATIC LIGHTING AUTOMATIC H i t AST Once a month a representative will RARTMENT. Mem. Siladi. when che door optm . lo r >11 Ic e Treys call and collect your deposits

ft When payments are completed, meter w ill be removed and you w ill be mailed a bill of sale.

FAMOUS METER-MISER ACID RESISTING Por- S-YEAk GUARANTEE, M /otet CauZunt* Cate Current costs. celain Food Compirrments. Backed by General Motors.

PLUS THESE EXTRA FEATURES Some stores may use the name FRIGIDAIRE loosely to identify Double-Easy Quickubt Trays come loose aud cubes pop out instantly other makes of refrigerators and thus confuse the public. Don't

Glass-Topped Pood Hydrotori guard freshness of fruits and vegetables be fooled! If a refrigerator does not bear the FRIGIDAIRE New Stainless Chromium Shelves dramatize the beauty of the interior F-4070 nameplate, it Is NOT a FRIGIDAIRE. Look for the nameplate I One-Piece Steel Cabinet built to last a generation; seals insulation.

JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO Millburn 8-0314 l M a y 3. '940 I [P age i 4 ] The M iliu m &> Short Hills IT E M oooooooooooooooooo The A ll Bets O ff Trenton oooooooooooo< Kaln and MqpDougall • The time ho« comm", the iWelru# *ail| MILLBURN & Are In the race " T o ta lk of m any th in * * ; •?* For that lone Town TOPICS of NhoeH—ami whip* -ami Healing Wu< Of cabbagea-and king*". SHORT HILLS ITEM Committee place. oooooooooooo< The courts will wait Also the tilling. The winner? I’ll By C. Colburn Hardy The W a/m Founded in 1888 Not bet a shilling. Boss Hague kept his foot on 8enator Barbour picked up PARI MUTUEL Republican Senators this week THE MILLBURN and SHORT HILLS ITEM iu pulAJshed every Friday by 2,000 local votes this week when The Item Publlahlnir and Printing Company, u u^n><>rutlon, at 249 Main when they trumped up excuses ★ he came out agin the Buck bill lit reel, MUibnrn, N. J. ted. lor, H. G. More. Advert Inina Manager, Willard Editor, The Item: to delay action on election re­ II. Uuet/ner. National Advertiaing Kepreaentativea, New Jersey Newspaper* for a 10 per cent, federal tax on Inc., New York. Oh leagi>, F7lTlKaBljniia Official newspaper of the Towtiahlp form bills, chief of which would of Millburn. Hubaerlptlon rates, by mail, poetpaid; One year two dollars; Now that the Census is over I fishing tackle. mx ruunths, one dollar; payable In advance. Mingle copies five ceitt* each. wish to extend my thanks and Install voting machines in Hud­ Filtered In the !'•>»( Office in Millburn. N. J., us Second-Clan* Mall Matter. appreciation for the courtesies son County. On the unverified Milt Orben I know Is opposed Telephone: Millburn 0-1800 and co-operation I have received charge by one voting machine to such sucker action but I also m tills delightful Short Hills manufacturer that his competi­ want to hear from Messrs Kaiu. area. Covering two Census dis­ tor had already been promised MacDougall and Elman. South Mountain 's'Danger Spot tricts I have spent nearly 4 the business, and both of them • weeks in seeking out every home would be unable to supply the Barbour has stolen the spot, Spring has brought its usual accompaniment of boy mountain in your circular picturesque machines in time, the Senate but they can still get in the light climbers and twice within a week Township firemen have gone to streets, “senza nome — senza called a public hearing for Fri­ If they hurry. their rescue on the quarry wall of South Mountain. numera" and I trust I have not day, then adjourned to May 23— • Three non-resident youths found the scaling beyond^ their omitted any one. two days after Primary. The high cost of fish long since s.rength but fortunately all were brought to safety by the prompt reached the acute stage In the It is true I did ring the same Politically, this action was and skillful work of men now trained In life saving on the cliff. Walrus household, tax or no lax Fencing has failed to halt Juvenile adventurers and warning door-bells more than once to significant, for it showed again • signs too are of no avail sp that sooner or later probably some reser­ ask the name of the street and the working alliance between The Mrs. figured a dollar's' vation visitor will meet slrjous if not fatal Injury. get my bearings. Maids and but­ certain Republicans and Jersey worth of trout usually cost about There may be no remaining way to rock the rock of its attrac­ lers were most gracious to point City, and will provide a strong $30. capital outlay exclusive of tion, th a t being to provide some relatively safe manner of reach­ out the place on my map. though not devatstating, basis labor while blue fish ran as ing the top. Steps cut in the stone might do it or an Iron stairway. Now that I have closed the big of attack by Clean Government high, plus mental anguish. Boys will be boys and the present generation shows no change black book I cannot remember leaders. Zink forced the bills to • in this respect at least. Unless this spot Is to be guarded 18 hours a the data therein, to associate it a vote, but wily Loizezaux, apt-* This put It in the luxury class day It Is time for serious study as to how to safeguard It. with a family or home, but I can lng Senate President 'during the all right and any fresh impost remember other things. Many illness of Foran, handed the will make it prohibitive. little Incidents have made a gavel to Hendrickson, thus sty­ * lasting impression upon my mieing the key man. Had the If the government really Bowling To Softball memory. Outstanding personali­ election reforms bills come to needs money I’d suggest It look ( ties that I trust to meet again a vote and had the Hoffman into bowling as a new revenue Township bowlers have finished the 1939-1940 season rounding and talk over our common in­ Republicans voted against them, source. off with a series of banquets and trophy awards. Guests at these terests. Friendly little chats Hendrickson would have an ace- • functions sense for the first the great number of men and women when the book was closed and high campaign issue. With this This week I heard of th e Glen- who enjoy this sport and turn to It for relaxation and exercise. a welcomed interest that was delay the cry of a “Hague-tie- wood Bowling Club which came Year by year the number of devotees increases bringing wider heart-felt and sincere. Children up” is strong but not complete. through the season with such a fellowship and keener competition. with inquisitive little faces eager big surplus it is hard to find a For suburban towns, most im­ Many of these same groups will turn to softball In another week to learn what it was all about. way to dissipate it. portant legislation was the pas­ and the coming Summer will see Taylor Park taxed to provide play­ The little girl of four who said, • sage of the key bills of the refin­ ing space for teams already entered. "No Mummy, I 'wasn’t born in a All told members paid less for ancing mentioned here fortnight It will not be long before Township growth will make necessary State, I was born in a Hospital, the season than the average an­ ago. For once the boys forgot added recreation facilities and the Poor Farm on White Oak Ridge "and mother and I did not dare gler pays for one week-end and there is an election soon and may well become another play centre. to laugh. The dog who wagged after a “free night” which wu.-> engaged in as sound and Intel­ Millburn Is lucky to have this available acreage and at small his tail and conducted me to the all Inclusive of beer, bologna cost It can be transformed for sport with the present abandoned door where the butler stood ligent debate as has been heard and bowling, the treasury was school building as a field house. aghast and said. “He's fierce this year. still dough-heavy. • with strangers”. To suburban cities, with rela­ A tax on profitable business Nev. Tuesday. She was married The rainy weather was no tively low relief costs and well- like this would be in reason and Leopold C. Wimmer to Gustav L. Stewart Jr., In 1924. drawback for the Census had to manager government, the plan no hardship but a tackle tax, ★ go on and thanks for the cups contemplated a substantial re­ thats terrible. duction in property taxes as, re- • Funeral services for Leopold of hot tea and glasses of mHk Ilaniel J. Cnrrig on those cold rainy days. I have ’ gardless of relief or school needs, The smartest sportsmen I C. Wimmer, 76, retired Newark only pleasant remembrances of the city would be refunded an have contacted this season are baker and husband of Mrs. A requiem mass will be of­ my experience as a Census amount equal to 299 points in the White Oak Ridge Farmers Sophie Wimmer of 51 Short Hills fered Saturday morning at 9:30 Enumerator through the Short the tax rate, regardless whether entered in the softball league A. M. in St. Rase of Lima Church, their total share of relief and • avenue were held Wednesday Hills and Millburn area. By labeling themselves “farm­ Short Hills, for Daniel J. Carrig school fund monies reached this evening at 8 P. M. in Young’s Again I thank each and every ers" they have qualified for gov­ of 220 Short Hills avenue, total. Further, all municipalities Funeral Home, Millburn. Mr. person I met for their sincere ernment loans for equipment Springfield, who died suddenly interest and help in making this would share in the refund while Wimmer died Monday after a at his home Wednesday. Burial and insurance on the season's work for Uncle Sam a real pleas­ duly about half do now. year’s illness at the home of his will be in St. Rose Cemetery. He endeavors. ure. Thanks to The Item for be­ daughter, Mrs. Thomas Lynch, is survived by a daughter of Assembly leaders indicated * ing the medium through which At the close It is hinted they where both he and Mrs. Wim­ Trenton, brother of Chicago, and that they would go along with I can express my gratitude. may even come in for a subsidy mer had been residing for the two sisters of Springfield, 6 the general provisions of the bill if Secretary Wallace finds they past 16 years. Burial was yes­ grandchildren, and 2 great Countess Dorothy de only if they succeeded in elim­ terday a t 2 P. M. in Presbyter­ Sauteiron de St. Clement inating all refunds. Back of the haven’t scored excessively. grandchildren. • ian Cemetery, Springfield. or Dorothy (Je S t Clement, measure lay political comprom­ One or two players peeved at (in the U. S. A.) ise: —• the inclusion of the Born in Germany, Mr. Wim­ Editor, The Item: being left off the Farmer roster mer came to this country as a * school tax to please the south­ are said to be forming the Canoe boy of 17 and shortly after set­ May we, through your columns amounted to $416.75, expenses ern counties, the refunds to gain Brook Share Croppers as a rival tling in Newark, established thank the many individuals in were $30, leaving $386.75 for suburban support. organization offering bigger Wlmmer’s Bakery on West street, this and adjacent communities refugees. It may interest some benefits and a cow and pig tyee who helped to contribute to the of your readers to know that the which he operated up to the Editor, The Item: to members. time of his retirement 16 years success of the refugee benefit American Friends Service Com­ * ago. After retiring he and his concert held at the Millburn mittee has such urgent need of Some wise seer once said, “If Check-up shows this latter is wife came to Millburn to live High School on Saturday, April funds that one of our Quaker at first you don’t succeed try, not a MacDougall campaign with their daughter and son-in- 13th. The auditorium was filled members advanced to them a try again!" “Roddy” MacDou- subsidiary, critics to the con­ law. He was a member of with a sympathetic and appre­ small portion of the amount gall of the Canoe Brook Farms trary. ciative audience. Several in­ Baker’s Union Local 84 and raised before all returns were has decided to run for the Town ★ Bakers’ Sick Benefit No. 1. A quiries have been received re­ in to meet a particularly urgent Committee again in May. Hav­ NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT dog fancier, his hobby was to garding the two refugee mu­ telegraphed appeal for refugees ing tasted a wee bit of dust from sicians, Miss Magda Hajos, Vio­ in Vienna. ESTATE OP SAMUEL O. MEMORY. de- train young police dogs. his worthy opponents last year ceased. Besides his wife and Mrs. linist and Mr. Edgar Millz, bari­ Those wishing to aid further he is now ready to triumph. You Notice is hereby grlven that the A«‘- tone. Information about secur­ counts, of the Subscribers. Trustees unde' Lynch, Mr. Wimmer leaves two in this work can send contribu­ can’t keep a good man down. the last Will and Testament of SAMUfti- sons, Harry of Blaine street, ing them for concert work for tions to the American Friends O. MEMORY, deceased, will be audited Roddy is dependable, has un­ nnd stated by the Surrogate and reported Millburn, and Gharles of Union, Women’s Clubs or other organi­ Service Committee, Refugee Sec­ limited business experience, be­ for settlement to the Orphans' Court ot zations, or for private lessons tion, 20 South 12th street, the County of Essex on Tuesday eight grandchildreii, and one lieves in his town and is ready 11th flay of May next. great grandchild. can be made to Mrs. Loring Gros­ Philadelphit, Pa. and willing to serve it and you D a te d M arch 29, 1940 SARAH F. MEMORY man, Refugee chairman, 459 DOROTHY P. SMITH, to the best of his ability. Be HOWARD G. MEMORY Baldwin road, "Maplewood. Secretary-Treasurer sure to vote for “Roddy” Mac- SA V IN G S i n v e s t m e n t & Th u s i MRS. SARAH SAGE STEWART TOMPANY OF EAST ORANGE The financial results of the Women’s International1 League Dougall. Be sure to vote. Be S m ith & Sllngerland, Proctors of Short Hills, was granted an concert were gratifying. Pro­ for Peace and Freedom, South sure! .74 4 Broad Street uncontested divorce in Reno, Newark. N. J. ceeds from the sale of tickets Mountain Branch. CHET COOK A pril 5, 12. l#, *0, M ay I May 3» 1940) The Mi11burn Short Hills ITEM * [ Page 1 5 J bOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCioOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO session of Congress appropriated Millburn township and neigh­ erlck and Mr. Ernest Lanter- $750,000 for this purpose, and will be there to make the pre­ Olsens IV rite boring schools when he visited man. Mr. Lanterman is the Dis­ sentation. owners estimate the herd these parts a year ago last No­ trict Chairman of the Under­ through natural increase to be Charter members of the Club vember. privileged Child Committee. are: Henry A. Feustel, Kenneth Alaskan News about 70,000 These animals, Harry Knox, District Chairman however are at large; rounding Mackensle, George Pultz, Bion L. of the Committee on Publicity Humber, J. David Hayes, Joseph An Item staff member was them up will be another prob­ MISS LOIS PRITCHARD, for 1940, also attended the meet­ Gilbert, Tom R. Conlon, Robert the recipient recently of an In­ lem. Wolves, which In previous daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ ing. Haymarch, Charles R. Reeve, teresting letter from Mr. and years had caused little damage, man Pritchard, 1 Glen Hill Lane, The Millburn Club is the first William C. Ubhaus, Francis P. Mrs. Willard Olsen of Olsens are now killing hundreds of will serve as hostess at the an­ new dub to be formed in the Tighe, Carlisle C. Cahill, Dr. Trading Post In Bethel, Alaska. deer. The loss is so great that a " nual Rockford College May State of New Jersey within the Pasquale Dante, Levi Ptice, Mrs Olsen, the former Frieda bounty of $20 Is offered for each week-end May 10, 11 and 12. past five years, and was ap­ Frank Bairdu, Cole F. Biehler, Jacobi of Pine terrace, Short dead wolf. An Eskimo reindeer More than 100 high school sen­ proved by the District Clearance Edward F. Lonergan, Ernest Hills, left here five years ago to company offers an additional iors are expected as guests on Committee whose chairman is Brita, Edward W. Van Wagenen, reward of 10 reindeer. Mention . the campus when they will visit settle in this remote country Walter Morris, Past Governor. Archie W. MacDougall, Thomas is made of the possibility of classes and be entertained at a and since then has kept In Arrangements are being made Tighe, Robert E. Mulcahy, Jr., touch with her friends through hunting wolves by plane, but to number of social affairs. for the presentation of the char­ William H. Brodhead, Herbert a scries of mimeographed let­ make It pay they would have to * ter on May 15 and it is hoped W. Shaw, Joseph A. Schaible, Jr., ters. average two wolves per flying THE ANNUAL Boy Scout rally that the International Secre­ Joseph J. Boyajian and Henry hour. The latest of these communi­ will be held tomorrow afternoon tary, Fred Parker of Chicago, H. Crocker. cations from Frieda and Wil­ The Olsen's claim that the at 2:15 at Taylor Park. Troop lard contains miscellaneous data temperature had been hovering 14 of Millburn will act as hosts on political, social, and economic around 20 to 30 below and one for the day's events which will You Can G e t . t . conditions In the far north. A time dropped to 46 during the start with the bugle call, flag large paragraph is devoted to winter. But while Tennessee was raising ceremony, pledge to .the STATE-CERTIFIED FRESH an account of activities at the having its cold stroke the days flag and Scout oath Rod Mac- NEW JERSEY EGGS new government hospital at were comparatively mild. There Dougall chairman of the Rotary are still however, heavy storms Club Scout Committee will pre- From Any of Thoso Bethel. First birth and death are Franchised Distributor* on record; the Eskimo baby born which do not herald the ap­ ■*n?t the Rotary Club trophy to the winning troop. A. & P. Super Markets was named Bethel Isaac. At proach of Spring. Days have A. 4 P. Tea Company f present they are fighting an been growing longer, giving * * American Storea epidemic of measles, which has eight hours mow of sunlight IF AGE AND EXPERIENCE Acme Markets bring anything, they should Borden Farm causd the death»of many infants than in December. Sun sets at Products Co. 1 Gutoyfyf* under one year of age. 6:30 P. M. bring wisdom. Big Chief Markets , 117ww H a p p y H e n s Tlie couple are undecided as Grand Union Tea Co. As for politics, Alaska must * Mutual Storea Co. bow out of presidential election to whether or not they will make (Continued from Page One> and Independent Store* LV for it has not achieved state­ the trip to the State this com­ tary and treasurer. Directors e hood as yet. However there arc ing year, as there is much work elected were: Kenneth MacKen- Place a standing order local hustings, and Mr. Olsen has to be done on the new buildings sie, Bion L. Humber, J. David with any of them to be sure of a regular supply. become a candidate for the Ter­ they were forced to erect when Hayes, Robert Haymarch, and ritory Legislature on the Demo­ last season’s floods washed away, William C. Ubhaus. cratic ticket. their former post. Mr. Olsen, it The Club is sponsored by the will be remembered, gave a East Orange Kiwanis Club un­ New Jersey Poultry end Egg Co-op. Two observations of note were Marketing Association • Tronton, N. I. series of illustrated lectures in der the supervision of Mr. Fred- cooporating with Now Joraoy Council made concerning mining of platinum about 150 miles from the trading post and govern­ ment purchase of reindeer from . SAUTTER Eskimo owners. In regard to the first, the Olsen’s told of QUALITY MEATS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES conversing with an officer of AIIM.IKS MARKET 315 MILLBURN AVE. MILLBURN fi-1.122 JOSEPH MILLER, Proprietor Goodnews Bay Mining Co. This FREE DELIVERY company mines about one third Corner Main & Essex Streets of the world’s production of the Opposite Municipal Parking Lot metal. Platinum Is compounded of five minerals. Irradium, one FREE DELIVERY of these an essential In manu­ ROAST t ,,p ,,r Hi. 3 l c Phone Millburn 6-1586 facturing bombs and torpedoes ( ill from A rm o u r' n Prims* I W f which Is only 1 percent of total mineral in other mines, runs ib . 2 7 c Chopped Meat ■> from 10 percent to 15 percent in LEGS OF SPRING LAMB this one. Its estimated cost is L. I. Ducks \ i ib . 2 0 c $200 per ounce and both Ger­ PRIME RIBS OF BEEF Lambs’ Liver > h» many and England are dicker­ ing for the entire production of FRESH KILLED FOWL 11,.2 7 c Spiced Ham h 1 9 the mine. In speaking of purchase of ib.23c reindeer by government men, SMOKED HAMS Legs Spring Lamb lloncy Brunt) Tendwlapd the Olsen’s write that the last Prime Rib Roast Ib. F O W l l‘'Tsh Killed 2 7 MARKET Smoked Tongues DAVE’S Cottage Hams Ib. Free Delivery 347 Millburn Ave. Pork Chops |-^n 2 9

m /g f a e s tt' T^ Soap of Fancy Turkeys lb. 29* b ea u tifu l 3 tor 1 9c Phila. Capons lb. 35^ 0XYD0L W omen Prime Ribs of Beef ib. 2 9 c 3 lb. can 1 lb. can Out of Oood Notin' Slri-r. Fr. Killed Broilers or Fryers 29 2 large 33c C R IS C O 55 3 IH. A verage " Milk Fed Leg or Rump of Veal ib. 2 9 c S u p er 1 9 c Fr. Killed L. I. Ducks ib. 19c Suds m w ‘i pair 39c Fresh Sweetbreads large pkg. 1 8 c Breast of Lamb Ib. 7c RICH IPSO -2.

« LIQUOR Jgc. 2 1 BROWN & FORMAN’S DIPLOMAT COCKTAIL GIN I 9 c isfficL Kentucky Straight Bourbon 100% drain Neutral Spirit. .3 Y e a rs 014 Zi Gal. 2.89 .- 5th 99c Igc. 2 1 Phone M illburn 6-1730 for Prompt Delivery Cold Beers and Beverages miniriuKB The Millburn Short Hills ITEM •[May, nH0 [ Page 16 ] o o o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO recent match with Louisiana Normal he defeated John Bell, SHORTS Millburn Leads Normal captain who had never been beaten in collegiate ranks, S P O R T S 6-1, 6-2. Bill’s teammate is Walt Here & There Conference Ayres from Montclair, and well % known around this territory. By Gladiator son. Points were earned as fol­ Little Five Conference Although the favorite sport in Won Ixist Pet. lows: Vito Marcantonlo, 11-2; 1000 Millburn last week-end seemed Lackawanna M illburn ... . 3 0 Carmen Marcantonlo, ,3;. Sam M adison ... f. 1 - 1 .500 to be mountain climbing, with Caldwell . 0 1 .000 Calvano, 1-2; Ernest Faenza, 1. Glen Ridge 0 2 .000 Tennis Team Llghthipe’s Quarry providing the Team Shapes Summit rrr. . ;: v. 0 0 .000 mountain, we believe this form ★ tfYesh from three straight of sport should be confined to Lackawanna League baseball Little Five Conference victories. Defeats Blair the Alps and other mort suiL will return to Millburn after a Two Leagues For Coach Bernie Piela’s High School able locations where the climb­ year’s absence on May 11 when baseball team will be looking Of the three teams that were ers can risk their own necks Madison will be played at Taylor for its fourth and fifth con­ guests at Blair Academy last without having to call on the Park in the season opener for Legion Baseball quests today and Tuesday when Saturday the only Millburn vic­ Millburn fire department fqr both clubs. The league has been Caldwell plays a return game tor was the tennis squad. They assistance. Personally we feel reorganized this year on a pure­ According to the latest infor­ here this afternoon and Summit defeated the Blair netmen 5-4. mountains should be left to the ly amateur basis and Millburn’s mation on plans for American is faced on its home field Tues­ It was the opening match for goats which can climb or fall as team will be made up entirely of Legion Junior baseball there will day afternoon. both schools. they please without any possi­ local players with the possible be eleven teams from Essex Caldwell gave the Blue and In the singles Millburn gained bility of mourning on the part exception of Ozzie Day of Maple­ County and one from Morris White considerable trouble last four points and lost only two. of their families. County competing for the cham­ wood whose services as a pitcher, Tuesday and another good game Captain Bruce Kendall won from • however, will not be available pionship of the two counties. is expected when the two meet Walt Danielson, 4-6, 6-4, 7-5; Millburn will soon be flooded until the close of the Rutgers These teams have been formed again today and although Sum­ Scott Stickle beat John Moore- with baseball and softball games University schedule. into two leagues, American and mit has not played a conference head 6-2, 6-4; Jack Wouters de­ with two softball loops ready Coaches Matt Campanella and National, with the winners of game as yet the Big Red is sup­ feated Dave Stauffer, 3-6, 6-2, to play now that daylight sav­ Terry Kavanaugh have held a each league playing a best two posed to have a strong team and 7-5; Ted Douglas lost to Stew­ ing has arrived, a Lackawanna few practice sessions for those out of three game series for the a good pitcher in Gerity. Piela art Carothers, 6-1, 6-2; Bob Sut­ League representative Ameili- trying out for the team and championship. will probably use the same line­ ton was beaten in a very tight can Legion team, Sunday soft- although hampered by poor Each team will play a home up which has played in all the match by Ed Logan, 7-5, 10-8; ball by the Young Men’s Club weather conditions have a good and home series with each other games thus far with Warren Ellsworth Carrington beat Hal team, high school games, and idea of the capabilities of their team in its league and two DePalma on the mound and Lloyd, 4-6, 6-1, 6-1. baseball and softball programs players. The team roster is not games a week will constitute the Cookie Sammartino behind the Blair took the first two in the various grammar schools. complete as yet and the coaches method of play. Although no plate, doubles „ matches played to tie With this sort of program Mill­ urgently request anyone inter­ schedule has been drawn up as the score at 4-4. The number one ★ burn in a few years should de­ ested in playing to report for yet it is hoped to get the two doubles was the deciding match velop some really crack players. practice both Saturday and Sun­ leagues under way the week of of the day. Kendall and Stickle In fact at the present time wc day at Taylor Park. May 27. Millburn 4 played a hard match to defeat know of at least one big league The pitching staff has poten­ Millburn along with teams Moorehead and Danielson, 4-6, scout looking over some of the tial strength when Ozzie Day from Nutley, Cedar Grove, New­ 6-2, 7-5, for the winning point. boys. reports and when Warren De- ark Post No. 10, Newark Post No. Madison 3 The other doubles scores were: * Palma, high sehool ace, finishes Douglas-Wouters defeated by Do you remember ten years 191 and East Orange for the By Herb Fruchtman the blue and white season. American League and Bloom­ Stauffer - Carothers, 6-2, 6-2; ago in The Item sport news Last Friday at Taylor Park, Neither Arch MacDougall nor field, Irvington, Montclair, South Sutton-Alan lost^to Logan-Doil when — Ross Trengrove, man­ George Dodge, the other pitch­ the Millburn High School base­ Orange, Maplewood and Madi­ Weir, 6-1, 6-3. ager of Millburn’s, Lackawanna ers available, are in shape as yet ball nine met the first real test League baseball team announced son form the National League. ★ and the starting pitcher for the of it’s strength in the Little Five his roster for the year. The ros­ It was found advisable to take competition and behind Warren opening game is unknown at Madison into the Essex County ter included such names as Rha- DeFalma’s pitching the team this time. competition as one extra team Softball Leagues tican, McHugh, Spittler, Nelson, The team roster as it shapes came through with a 4-3 vic­ was needed to fill out the two Boslavage, Jasparenc, Leitch, up at present follows; catchers, tory over Madison. leagues and Madison was the Vacal, Wade, Rankin, Krausche, Vince Tighe, R. Carrella and Start Monday only team entered in Morris Heavy hitting was the order Gordon, Federicci, Laurent, Cookie Sammartino; first base- County. As a result the winner of the day as seven extra base South, Kuccen, Pool, Sullivan, men, Lefty Saladino and De- The Recreation Department of the twelve team league will hits were chalked up. In the first Woerner and Kochek. , Palma when he is not pitching; softball league composed of men automatically be the champion inning, DePalma helped his own second baseman, Nick Piccuito, under thirty years of age will of both Morris and Essex Coun­ cause along with a circuit clout Track fans should not fcel/oo Don Pearson and Bill Kerr; scoring Jake Flood before him. start its season May 6 along with badly about the showing of7 the ties. the Business Men’s League. The shortstops, A. Carrella and Jake Madison was held scoreless Millburn high school relay teams Flood; third basemen, Ike Flynn * latter will play its games on the at the Penn Relays last Friday until the fourth innirtg. Then, hardball diamond and the form­ and Bob Thompson; and out­ a batting rally gleaned six hits and Saturday. While the boys er on the softball diamond off fielders, Bill Ulrich, Don Mar­ Young MensI Club for the visitors, including finished out of the money Coach shall, Julie Policarpio, Bob Mar­ Ridgewood road. Herb Swanson is looking for­ doubles by Sanford Morris and Six teams will comprise the shall, Carl Dinger, Bill Flaherty, Carmen Piccolo. The Blue and ward to a much bebter perform­ To Play Sunday younger league. These will be Joe Fiola and Jim Tombyll. White fielders were on their toes ance nekt Fear as his quartettes Old Mill Garage, Roll’s Sweet Campanella plans to use a and kept the scoring down to were made up of sophomores The Millburn Young Men's Shop, Joe's Meat Market, Casa shifting line-up with each man three tallies. and juniors some of whom have Club will open its softball sea­ Colombo, Frank’s Lunch and on the squad playing some part Bill Kerr crossed the plate in never run on a real track or be­ son this Sunday playing two Canoe Brook Farms. All teams of each game. In this way it is the sixth to tie up the score. Bob fore a crowd before. games, one at 11 A. M. against have been strengthened over *> hoped to develop some of the Thompson opened the seventh the Hungarian Field Club of last year and the usual close ★ younger players by giving them stanza with a long double. Jake the necessary experience. Elizabeth 3f,t Warlnanco Park competition is expected with and then retim ing to Taylor Flood came through in a timely Roll’s and Frank’s lunch pre­ Bowlers Honor Plans for an appropriate spot with a triple to score the Park for a game with the Maple­ senting possibly the strongest opening day ceremony are not winning run. wood Softball Club at 2 P. M. line-up on paper. as yet complete but will be an­ At bat four times, Jake con- Harry Campbell nounced next week by officials The local club has recently The opening game will pit the nected four times with t w o of the Millburn Baseball Club purchased new blue and white Old Mill Garage against Roll’s Harry Campbell, retiring triples and two singles. which is sponsoring the Mill­ softball uniforms, and accord­ and the result of this game president of the Essex County burn entry in the league. ing to present Indications should MILLBURN should give a better picture of Bowling Association, will he AB R H field one of the best teams In Sammartino. e...... 4 0 0 the type of play which will be honored at the annual banquet the State. Games have been, Thompson. 3b...... 4 1 1 Flood, s s ...... 4 1 4 evidenced throughout the sea­ of the association at the Club scheduled for every Sunday DePalma. p...... 3 1 1 son. Royale, Union, Wednesday night afternoon at Taylor Park and as M arshall. If...... 3 0 1 Oh Girls! K err. 2b...... 2 1 0 ★ when he will be presented with far as possible a double head­ Dlnper, »lb. 3 0 2 BLAIR ACADEMY defeated a gold ring as an expression o Will the manager of the Mill­ Kimball, if...... 2 0 1 er program will be arranged. Marcandonio, r f...... 2 0 1 the Millburn golf team 6-0 last appreciation for his long serv­ burn Girls Softball team get in Tombyll, if...... 0 0 Some of the best teams in New Saturday. Vito “Boots” Marqan- ice. Members and their wives touch with the New Jersey Girls’ Jersey have already been carded 28 4 11 tonio shot Millburn’s best score will be present at the banquet. Softball League regarding af­ thus assuring Millburn fans of MADISON an 86, however, he lost two and Millburn will still be official­ filiation with that Circuit. an all star softball program. AB It H G roh. c f...... one to Bill Servis who shot an ly represented in the association Membership already contains ...... 4 0 1 In order to raise funds for the Grog-an. If...... 4 0 3 85. Paul Zimmerman defeated by Lee Lachat and Ted Weibo such clubs as; Hillside Kay- new uniforms and other neces­ Livesey. ss...... 4 0 0 M orris, l b ...... 4 1 2 Carmen Marcantonio, three and who were recently elected mem­ dettes; Ertlettes of Jersey City; sary expenses club members Piccolo. 3 b...... 2 1 1 two. Ernest Faenza lost to Mike bers at large to further bowling Hartley Girls of Kearney, Yock- have arranged a movie benefit Robinson, rf...... 3 0 0 UcSenK. 2b...... 1 0 0 Haberman, seven and five. Jack In Essex County. They will in­ ettes of West New York and the week at the Millburn Theatre M orro. 2h...... 1 1 1 St dw ell, p...... 3 0 1 Britton beat Joe Rizzo, five and spect alleys and have them cer I. B. of E. W„ Girls of So. Plain- K eller, o...... for May 6 to 10 inclusive. Tickets ...... 1 0 n four. tified for league bowling and in­ field. Address, Director Claude may be purchased from any club I.oSapio, c ...... 1 0 l B ahre. c ...... 1 0 0 terest new leagues in affiliation R. Seybolt, North Jersey -Girl’s member. * — _ ★ 30 3 10 EVERY MONDAY and Friday with the county association. Softball League at t Keasby Terry Kavanaugh, who is afternoon will be Ladles Day in street, Harrison, New Jersey. sponsoring the club and also the ★ , BILL UMSTAEDTER appears Newark until the night games BOB WURTZ of Millburn, coach, has not announced his ★ i to be in fine tennis form this start May 28. From then on the junior at Springfield Collet * LAST MONDAY- at West line-up as yet as he expects year having gained the number ladies will be guests of the man­ a candidate for the varsity Orange, Millburn’s golf squad some last minute changes may 0ne position on the Louisiana played to it’s second tie this sea- occur. agement on Monday afternoons State varsity tennis team. In a and Friday evenings. May 3 > <94° ] The Millhurn & Short Hills ITEM

b ig t o p By ED WHEELAN


'MOT rt> wHeeLaN- ■7 i**'V r . . » l I d tar 95

UPWARDS of a thousand chil­ with a copy of the proof of publications thereof, fn and to Is* recofded In the of- dren having a common birth­ LEGAL NOTICE f ce of the register of Essex County. New Mi l/burn Wins place -or, rather, two common Auto Races Next Jersey. Section I That this ordinance shall birthplaces, have been invited AN ORDINANCE TO RELEASE THE take effect at the time and In the man­ to attend a lawn party at the Wednesday PUBLIC RIGHT IN LANDS DEDI­ ner presir I lied by law -• First Track M eet CATED TO HITT NOT ACCEPTED Hospital of St, Barnabas ancf for FOR PUBLIC USE IN THE PUBLIC? NOTICE Is hereby given that TOWNSHIP OF MILLBURN IN By Bob de Luque Women and Children, at High By Charles J. Wernll the atsive Ordinance was Introduced and THE COUNTY OF ESSEX passed on first rending at a special and Montgomery Streets, New­ The opening big car auto meeting of the Township Committee of Millburn High’s track team ark, on Saturday, May 11, be­ racing meet scheduled for last Whereas, certain lands In the Town­ the T ow nship o f MlMbiitn In the C ounty ship of Millburn In the County of Essex, of Essex. New Jersey, held on Monday continued to show the fine stuff ginning at 2:30 P. M. This will Wednesday evening at Union lying within the boundaries of and con­ evening, A pril 22. 194ft. and thnt sa id O r­ it Is made of by defeating Sum­ stituting Phillips Place as delineated and dinance will be taken up for further con­ be theAfirst event on the hos­ Speedway was again postponed shown upon a certain map entitled. "Crows sideration and final passage at a regular mit last Wednesday by a score pital's )cventy-fifth anniversary due to Inclement weather. Four­ Roads Development. Section ’A'. Short meeting of said Committee to Im- held In Hills. Millburn and Livingston Townships. the meeting room, Town Hall, on Monday of 75>-i to 4l'i/a. program. teen cars had qualified In the Essex County. New* Jersey. July 12. 1037. evening. May ft, 1940, at 8:45 o'clock or "Chink” Passarelll won the time trials when a shower came revised February 4, 1938” , made by Wlb as soon thereafter as said matter can he ★ ton E. Goss. C E.. Millburn, N. J.. were reached, at w hich Dime all p erso n s w ho mile event as expected In the up wetting the track to such an by tin- filing of said map In the office of may t»e interested therein will Ik* given the Register of Essex County. New Jersey, an o p p o rtu n ity to Is- heard co n cern in g time of 4:53.6. Bob Hoppman extent as to make racing un­ on March 4, 1 938, duly dedicated to pub- sam e Blair Defeats safe. lie use for street purposes, but said dedi­ was second and Everett Catlin, cation has not been accepted, nor have JO H N A. STE W A R T 3rd. third. Those at the track with their said lands been opened for street pur­ Chairman. 'Cpwnahip Committee poses by said municipality, and It now THEODOSIA O LB WITT. "Chink" and Bob also placed machines and ready for racing appears to the governing body of said Acting Township Clerk M illburn 2-1 were: Tony Wilman, Walt Brown. municipality that the public interest will first and second respectively in i*e better served by releasing said lands Mark Light, Ted Horn, John from such dedication; ELECTION NOTICE the 880 yard event with Bob By Herb Fruchtman Hamilton placing third. The Uleskey, Joe Chitwood, Red Red­ Millburn suffered Its first de­ Now. therefore. HE IT ORDAINED by Not Ire is hereto given thnt n Primary mond, Joe Sanco, Bob Sail, Hank the Township Committee of the Township winner's time was 2:08.2. feat of the season at Blairstown Election will be held on Tuesday, May Rogers, Len Duncan and many of Millhurn in the County of Essex: 31. 10*0. 7 A M. to M I1. M. (S ta n d a rd Charlie Johnson and Ray Saturday in a very close game, Time). others. Section 1 That any and all public Rappaport placed first and Millburn—1, Blair Actylemy—2. Track Manager, Albert Santos right arising by virtue of the dedication United States Senator. third respectively In both the Don Marshall pitched his first to public use for street purposes of all Governor. has arranged to Hold the race those certain lands situate, lying and be­ Members of the House of Itcpresentatlrea. high and low hurdles. Charlie’s game, and allowed only four ing In the T ow nship of M illhurn In the Twelve Assemblymen. program next Wednesday eve­ County of Essex and State of New time was 25:1 for the low hurdles scattered hits. In the sixth in­ Delegates and Alternates to National ning, weather permitting. The Jersey, lying within the boundaries of Conventions. and 16:5 for the high hurdles. ning Blair combined two singles and constituting Phillips Place, as de­ Stale Committee, male and female. above drivers have signed up to lineated and shown upon a certain map County Cleric. Ray’s time was 27:3 and 18:9. and a little slow fielding to entitled. "Cross Roads Development. Sec­ County Rrglnter. Herb Jagels placed first in the appear again at this Class A tion 'A'. Short Hills, Millburn ami Liv­ Three Freeholders. score twice and win the game. half mile dirt track, run strictly ingston Townships. Essex County. New One T ow nship Com ml It eema n. 140 in the time of 54:6, with Bob Millburn's lone score came in Jersey. July 12, 1937. revised February .'ua'lrrn of the Pence. under A. A. A. regulations. 4. 1 938", and heretofore filed in the of­ Members of the Count) Committee. Hamilton placing second. the eighth inning. Bob Thomp­ fice of the Register of Essex County. New Bill Van Ingen was the only Jersey, as and to the extent hereinafter son hit a double, the only extra lilt licit TO LIMIT more particularly deserll»ed. I»e and here­ d- atrilet- Spring sireel fmm Mill rnne to WIIlow «l * Millburn aw-nuc high jump and the discus. Char­ Essex, this day made, on the applica­ particularly bounded and described as Stiiing street ly. tion of the undersigned, executors of said follows, that is to say: Polling place Washington School, 17 lie Johnson and Herb Jagels tied deceased, notice is hereby given to the Tommy Stevens pitched the creditors of said deceased, to exhibit to Taylor street. BEGINNING at a point where the for first place and Wright and the subscribers under oa/th or affirma­ Second District- Maplewood line f-om eighth inning, giving up no hits center line of Phillips Place would be tion. their claims and demands against It Idge wood road I- Rahway river, m Intersected by the northerly side line Pratt tied for third place. Char­ and getting credit for one strike the estate of .said deceased, within six Glen avenue, to Ib-servnt Ion, to Lfnd<*n of Exeier Hoad If said side line were months from this date, or they will be street, ic Myrtle avenue. to Halley road, lie and Herb won at 5’ 7”. Dave prolonged south fift° 00' W est, as said out. forever barred from prosecuting or re­ to Ithb.-cw im d i Mini, to Maplewood line. streets are laid out and designated Bartron placed first in the dis- covering the sam e a g a in s t t}io suhscrlb- Polling place Wyoming School. 83 Cy­ .MII.I.IIIUIN upon a map entitled, "Cross Roads press id reef. rus by a heave of 116’ 3”, Wil­ All CHARLE^Y’. DEUBEL Development Section ’A’ Short Hills. Thin! District Union ifne from Orehaid Millburn and Livingston Townships, r- It. f uhvh Sa mmartino. «• EDWARD J. UPLAND .... -i bm I .' nil a Ft It. in FIn­ lard Wuethrich was second with Essex County. New Jersey, July 12, a verIM«- t.> Highland ,n venue. to The Thom pson, .‘lb. Charles C Deuhel, Proctor Im r 1937, Scale 1" equals 100'. revised . on - t M Crescent place, to Short a loss of 91’ and Henry Pratt Flood. SH. jo Clinton Street. . DcPalma. of.-lb. F eb ru ary 4. 1938. W ilto n E Goss. C. Mdh4 a\eline. b- Lackawanna It R. to placed third with 81’9”. •ark. N. J. E, Millburn. N. J." and running ll-ilwell road l" Millburn a vonlie, to .Marshall, p.-rf. 1 0 April 2<>. May 3. in. 17. 24 reel reel, to K err. 2b. 2 ft Ilia 1ra‘ “1 If. Rector si Spring Henry Pratt placed second in Thence <1) Along the prolongation of >■ Will..w street, to Orchard ntreet. Dinger, lb. 2 ft NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT I he pole vault by vaulting 9’2". Marcantonio, rf. 1 ft the said northerly side line of Exeter to ((rrhniid sireel line, to Union line. Road North OH" 00' East 4f». feet t« P0. feet an are dist­ Short Hills road to llnhart avenue, to 19’ 14”. 3 April f>. 12. 19. 20. M ay 9 Gold. rf. ft ance of 325.4 2 feet to a point in the Highland avenue. 2 Last Saturday Millburn’s two R ichm ond. If. 0 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT westerly side line of Phillips Place Polling plm-e—Hohart Avenue School, Em m et, ss. 2 1 d ista n t South flfi" 00 ’ W est 50. feet 51 Hobart avenue. relay teams, composed mostly ESTATE OF SARAH HILLS RICHARD­ from the end of the third course here- Sixth District Lackawanna place from SON, deornsofk Inabove described; Lnt-kawnnnu It. R., to Glen avenue, to of sophomores and juniors cap­ Reservation, to Linden street, to Myrtle tured third place in the medley Notice is hereby given that the A c- Theme 15) Along the westerly aide avenue, to Halley road, to Ridgewood ONLY THOSE who have the cminls of the Subscriber. Trustee under line of Phillips Place South 24a 00' ■ i d in M-mb-wood line, to Union lino, to relay with a time of 7:59.3 arid atience to do simple things the last Will and Testament of SARAH East 155 2ft feet to a point of curve; Van* I lit 11 road, to Millburn avenue, to fourth in the one mile relay in HILLS RICHARDSON, dot-eased, will he " \ mine avenue, to Lncknwanna It. R., srfectly ever acquire the skill to audited and stated by the Surrogate and Thence (ft) On a curve to the right to Lackawanna place. 3:41.5. Co-Captain Passarelli reported for sell lenient to the Orphans' Whose- rad iu s Is 5ft. feet an are d ist­ Polling place—Wyoming School, 83 Cy­ 3 difficult things easily.—Schilr Hour! of the County of Essex on Tues­ ance of 49.2ft feet to a point of tan- pres* street. winning a mile in the medley day, the 21 si day of May next. gepey located in the northerly side line Seventh District — Main street from turned in one of the fastest Dated April .7. 194?) nf . Exeter Road (the chord being Uniti.n line. to I’n ritv lew drive, to Wlhit- OLIVER P VREELAND South 40 13' 30" West 47.29 feet); i hr; it aCO. If> Mounts In view road, it. 1’.it lev l**Vv dlive 1In Millburn avenue. to miles of any of the high school ORDER TO LIMIT Thomas H. Davidson-. Froctor 9? 1 Bergen Avenue. Thence f7) North 32" 27’ East 47.79 Vanx Hall roilid. toi Union line, to Mnln students entered finishing Jn feet along said northerly side line of April 2,'.. 194 0 Je’sey City. N. J. 4:29.9. A pril 12. 19. 2fi. M ay 3, 10 Exeter Road If prolonged In a north­ P tilling 1I’laf•o- Snnth Mountain Sc Inrail. E ST A T E O F AN N IK M. N EARY , de­ easterly direction to a point; 856 Ridgewood Road ceased. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT i: f)lsIriet Rodwell road ft•orti Pursuant to the order of EUGENE F. Thence ( 8) N o rth 6 6" 0ft' East 7.54 M illburn av•enue, to Lackawanna It It . tn l e g a l n o t i c e HOFFMANN. Surrogate of the County of ESTATE OF EDNAII .L KEENE, de­ feet along the northerly side line of Short Mills av•enue. to Crescent place. to IOh^on. Ibis day made, on the applica­ tf> av en u e, to ceased. , E xeter Road h erein ab o v e ftirsf de­ Tl... Hi i-scnt. Hobart Old N'“ w irnry civil Service Test tion of the , undofslgrf&U^editors of scribed to the point or place nf BE­ S!-<.I'l fllll•S road. to Farley road. to . T hursday. M ay 23. 1340 su'd deceased, notice is hereby Riven to Notice is hereby given that the Ac­ GINNING Won-h-roMt avenue, to Glen av en u e, to " m ale citIren a, 12 months rcai- the creditors of said deceased, to exhibit t-mints of the Subscriber, executor of the |;,s» Will arid Testament of EDNAH ,T. I Id wanna place, to Lackawanna R. R., i'i the T ow nship o f M illburn: T ra n - to the subscribers under oath or affirma­ The above description being intended in Main s'rcet. to Millburn avenue, to " aalaiy . $ 1^*00 - $ lT.00 per a n n u m . tion. their Claims and demands against KEENE, deceased, will he audited and stated by .the Surrogate and reported for- to describe all of Phillips Place as Kn- i--u s tre e t, to R ector stre e t, to B laine (he estate of said deceased,—within.—six laid out and designated upon the map street, to Millburn avenue, to Rodwell ' “"l*" 'Punt he m e ,| (l.ve ,|nya In nd- months from thi*rft*te. or they will he > set tlenient -to the Orphans’ Court of the County of Essex on Tuesday, the 21st hereinabove referred to. road. "T ”r !tlp date act for thla teat. Apply forever barred from prosecuting: or re­ Polling place Hlph School. 11 Old day of May next, 1 Service Cummlsalon, Stale llouao. covering the same against the subscribers. Section 3. That the Township Clerk he WILLIAM NEARY. Pitted April 10, 1940 Short Hills road. , Ne"' J««y- FREDERICK! M, WOOLLEY and she hereby Is authorized and directed '>,nl May 3. 10 ARTMl’K V TALMAC.E. to file, within sixty days after this or­ ESSEX COUNTY HOARD Frederick M. Woolley, Proctor OF ELECTIONS. A rth u r V. T aIm age. Proetoi dinance shall take effect, a true copy 300 Broadway. 112 Broad S treet. 4 thereof, certified by her under the seal of Attest: ELMER J. HERRMANN. N ew ark. N. J. C lerk. Hloomileld. N. J. « , gaid Township to be a true copy, together |.|};ur' . UIM “ E 8 nCRNt “ e w- SHORT l t b a d HILLS v e r t i s ITEM. e i n May 3, ID, 17. 24. SI J t * A pril 19, 28, May 3, 10. 17 The Millburn Sr* Short Hills ITEM, [ May 3, 1 V+o [ Page 1 8 ] he found available the latest the complete 30,000 mile gUar. copies of Reader’s Digest, Life anteed Alemlte Lubricating Ser­ Classified Lieut. IVorden Siefart-Rees and other timely magazines. vice recently Installed, which Section 0 | While there, the customer was equipment is only made avail- Modernizes impressed by prompt attention able to dealers meeting the l. LAWN SIGN, Millburn and the University of the Interest of better' and more Dame, recently appointed by von W IT H XO.UR______Arthur Wiley Michigan, is a member of the economical service to car own­ Slefart as manager of both the St NAME OR NUMBER. class of young officers who Flrat Natl. Dank llldg. Millburn, N. j AUTISTIC — I.KOlIiLE — REASON AH LB ers, President Erich von Slefart service and parts departm ent, M I 6-0780 Hr*. Ml. 6-|91|.J A USEFUL GIFT. graduated from Basic School In of Siefart-Rees Chevrolet, Inc., Informed him his car was ready. Philadelphia on May 3. Later he 315 Springfield Avenue, Summit, On his way^to the service de­ REFLECTO SIGN AGENCY E v ery b o d y read* th e (htNNifird ad,*. will be sent to the Marine Corps points with pride these days to partment to drive away, the sat­ tiaementH. Your little ad there, if there i, 357 Millburn Avenue, h market for what you want to sell, |, post at New London, Connecti­ the ever increasing patronage isfied owner was attracted to mu re to bring reoulta. Millburn, N. J. cut. and volume of trade the organi­ Phone S. O. 3-0600 3-1-3730 Following hts graduation from zation of which he Is the head the University of Michigan, enjoys. LADY’S PLATINUM DIAMOND WRIST Buy. With. ConfidtnaL.... W A TC H , I tearing In itia ls W. C. C. to Lieutenant Worden accepted a A typical example will serve O. C. C. Finder please return to Item commission as a 2nd Lieutenant o ffice. ------3-1-3728 to Illustrate the justifiable pride in the Marine Corps. For the FINE j SAVINGS HANK B(K>K No. 16141 of which von Slefart enjoys. A First National Bank of MlUburn, N. J. past ten months he has been motorist yesterday drove into Payment haw been stopped. Finder attending the Basic School, please return to bank 3-1-3720 the service shop through an en­ WINES where all junior officers are re­ EMPLOYMENT WANTED trance that will soon display a quired to take a post-graduate door 14 ft. wide with an ap­ YOUNG WOMAN, colored, experienced, course before being assigned to wishes day's work In Short Hills. proach to assure the greatest •Maplewood, or Millburn. Call Summit duty. f,-3229. 3-1-8721 safety .for the customer, said LIQUORS 1 This course Includes the dopr automatically working at KITNDLK’S proper handling of . military EMPLOYMENT AGENCY the touch of a button that elec­ COOKS, Couples. Nurses, House Workers. weapons, drills, map - making, trically controls both the en­ AH first class help with best references. scouting operations, military Second floor. 1087 Springfield Avenue. trance door, which affords only Irvington, near Centre. Phone Essex procedure and administration in a one-way entrance and another BELLE OF ioURBON 3-6471 l-tf-3408 preparation for future duties. door in the rear of the service GROVE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Lieutenant Worden Is the son department, which Is used only KENTUCKY BONDED BOURBON 1979 Springfield Avenue. Maplewood of Dr. Edward E. Worden 1st, •‘Prompt and Courteous Service" for exit. We Hpecallxe in First Class of 118 Sagamore road, Millburn, IOO PRO O F F u l l 1 0 0 ® Domestic Help and prior to his entering Basic The car in question came in T R Y US i f YEARS OLD A-W School made his home here. for a periodic check-up which PHONE S. ORANGE 3-0141 Bottl.d in Bond unJ.r U. S. Gsvsrnmsnt Svpsmiisn 20-t f-3 486 took between 10 and 15 minutes. The customer Instead of having "KNOLLWOOD Employment Agency, sp*- i lalizing In Investigated domestic hslp. TO REACH a port, we must tqjriait In the shop while the 9 Douglas Street. Millburn. N. J. Call Millburn 6-0416. 10-tf-!7ll sail, sometimes with the wind check-up was made was escorted by an attendant to a deluxe GALLANT KNIGHT RYE WORK WANTED and sometimes against It, but we must sail, and not drift, nor lounge room where he could sit DAY'S WORK WANTED. Tuesdays or A Blend of Straight Whiskies 4/5 qt 1 QQ \ Fridays. L»tthd»ring and cleaning. Call lie at anchor. — Oliver Wendell in one of a number of very com­ Friday aftlwioon, Millburn 6-1460-J. fortable chairs. Desiring to read •II over 4 YEARS OLD I 3-1-3722 Holmes. BOTTLED FOR A 6> P BY FRANKFORT DISTILLERS HELP WANTED

SALESMEN, by local distributor of houae- hold apparatus for better class homes. Commission basis. Write Box C, care THE GIFT CHEST* of The Item. 3-1-3723 TOWN CLUB DRY GIN. Ar 342-A Millburn Avenue, Next to Federal Cleaners SERVICES OFFERED M PROOF 4/5 q,.95C ! YOUNG GIRL willing to offer services for serving dinner parties, evenings. In­ Distilled from IOO% Grain Neutral Spirits cludes waiting on table and cleaning and straightening after. Call Unlon- (sift* For Every Occasion ville 2-3063. 3-1-3729 GANCIA VERMOUTH .. TUTORING offered through summer months by experienced High School in­ HUNDREDS OF ITEMS TO SELECT FROM IMPORTED 31 o: QjC structors In following subjects: French. SWEET OR DRY Latin. German. Biology, Chemistry, Physics. Algebra. Geometry. TrigOiio- OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT metry. and History. Call Short Hills 7-3030 between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. * 3-2-3724 ENCANTO SHERRIES WOMAN would like place as housekeep­ IMPORTED FROM SPAIN er and companion. Write Box F. care of The Item. 3-1-3725 V ERY DRY AMONTILLADO CREAM OLOROSO DRY MODERATELY SWEET J. E . LAY. COCKTAIL FULL BODIED DRY FINISH PIANO TUNER BEL. 2-3053 25 0, 1.59 2 5 „ 1.79 25 “ 2.89 PIANO ACCORDION LESSONS given by Eugene Con sales. For further Informa­ THREE TYPES OF SPAIN'S FINEST SHERRIES tion call Millburn 6-1929-M. 19-3-3712 WANTED SUPPLIES BUSINESS COUPLE would like a place « ‘ a r t h u r T b o o t h s as caretaker. Write Box fc. care of The Item. 3-1-3726 SCOTCH WHISKY BUSINESS COUPLE would like furnished room in private home. Write Box D. LAWN MOWERS Imported by National Distillers j care of The Item. 3-1-3727 IOO% SCOTCH WHISKIESKIES J / | F O R R E N T Case of 12 8 YEARS OLD Distilled *nJ HOUSE FOR RENT — 6 rooms and OLD MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIRED hath. Furnace. Garage. Meeker Place. 23.65 86 PR O O F Bs*oH*ndw -2.191 Millburn. ‘ Call Millburn 6-1299. * 26-3-8717 G A R A G E ait 369 M illb u rn avenue. In q u ire ALL TYPES OF FERTILIZERS, evenings and week-ends. 19-3-3711 MONTICELLO PERSONAL PEAT MOSS AND LIME BONDED PENNSYLVANIA SPRING AND SUMMER DRESSES. New prints, pastels and navy. Misses’ and viu&l wRYE WHISKEY Women’s sizes — $5.95 and $7.95. 1 IOO PROOF 5 YEARS OLD BONDED Washtfble cottons at 82.95 and our famous Mayflower frocks at $3.95. — LAWN SEED . iS S l . 1 A P BottlaeB tllltl undsr _ . W right’s Dress Shotf, 357 Millburn ave­ 1 l l h U. S. Gov.rnm.nl Full qt nue. Millburn. 5-tf-3689 SUNNY. SHADY AND CLOVER fw A 1.0! a V t / Supnrvifton 1.99 F O R SA L K Also Bottled at IVi Years Old - Qt. Decanter 2.79 LOT ON GLEN AVENUE containing largo barn whloh can be moved back 34 ft. and remodeled Into private home. $2, 000. LAWN ROLLERS Make offer to Mrs. W. R. Whittlngham. Millburn 6-1048. 26-2-3718 WHEELBARROWS NURSERY FURNITURE SET. Complete A&P WINE and LIQUOR SHOP with crib, dresser, mirror, toy chest, FERTILIZER SPREADERS and rocker. White with blue animals ' 321 MILLBURN AVE., MILLBURN as Meoortttlon. Very good condition. Millburn 6-0560-W. 19-3-3700 OPEN DELIVERY PHONE EVENINGS SERVICE MILLBURN 6-0819 FOR SCREENED TOP SOIL — $7 for 2% yard load. Specially screened from rot­ ten sod $8. Visit our block between ALSO AT Wellesley .and Colgate streets, and Rec­ TIGER’S CHATHAM ROAD - SHORT HILLS tor and Oberlin streets, all on north side of Springfield avenue. Maplewood. 324 Millburn Ave. Millburn 6-0469 Own.d and Op.r.t.d by tbs Gr.sl Atlantic and Paeific Tss C#< Residence of Michael D’Andrea. . 10 Oremn street. Maplewood. Telephone South Orange 2-0259. 18-18-8701 SEN u m a u