Dressuurproef 6
FEI Driven Dressage Senior – Test 3*HP1 CAI3* Event: Competitor no: Judge in: Test 3* HP1 H1 P1 Athlete: Horse: TEST DIRECTIVE IDEAS REMARKS MARK Driving straight on centre line. Impulsion, Enter in Collected AX Collection, Rhythm. Self-carriage, Uphill Canter. 1 Tendency. Elasticity and Cadence. XCM Transition to Collected Trot Collected Trot Bending and contact Transition to Extended Trot, Lengthening, MXK Extended Trot Impulsion, Rhythm, balance and straightness. 2 Transition to Working Trot, Bending, contact, KAF Working Trot activity of the hindquarters. Elastic steps and good hock action Transition to Collected Trot. Control shoulders, rhythm, balance inside Collected Trot, hind leg steps forward under the horse’s body 3 FB Shoulder in left weight following the same track of the outside foreleg, with the lowering of the inside hip. Left Bending. Circle left 15m Transition to Collected Trot Suppleness, bending, accuracy, impulsion B Collected Trot. Transition to Extended Trot, lengthening, 4 impulsion, rhythm, balance, quality of steps, BM Extended Trot, lengthening Straight out in line Transition to Working Trot, bending, contact, 5 MCHS Working Trot, activity of the hindquarters, elastic steps and good hock action Transition to Collected Trot Impulsion , quality of the collection, SEX Collected Trot Bending, angle left 6 Transition to the Halt. Halt, Immobility 8 X Immobility. Driver in centre line, on the Bit, seconds square. Rhythm, obedience, remain on the bit, quality X Rein back 5 steps of diagonal steps, contact, straightness Impulsion , quality of the collection, 7 Transition to Collected Trot. XBP Collected Trot, Bending, angle right Impulsion , quality of the collection, PFA Collected Trot Transition to Working Trot.
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