State of Women's Education in Developing Countries, Idlustratingthe Extent of the Gender Gap in Education in Those Countries
I''"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I PHREE Background Paper Series Public Disclosure Authorized FLoECOPY| Document No. PHREE/91/40 Women's Education in Developing Countries Public Disclosure Authorized Barriers, Benefits and Policy" Elizabeth M. King and M. Anne Hill Public Disclosure Authorized Editors Education and EmploymentDivision Populationand Human Resources Department The World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized September 1991 Mhzpublication series senes as an outlet for background produictsfront the ongoir.g w-orkprogramn of policy .-esearch and analylsis of the Eduication and Employment Ditision in the Population and lluntan ResouircesDepartment of the World Bank. Tke lviewsexpressed are those of the author(s), and should not be attributed to the World Bank. Copyright, World Bank, 1991. This volume has been accepted for publication by the World Bank. It is forthcomingfrom the Johns Hopkins University Press. Preface Several noteworthy volum. s piblished in the 1980s have dealt with the topic of women's education in the Third World. These include the volumesby A.C. Smock, Women's Education in DevelopingCountries: Opportunities and Outcomes, New York: Praeger, 1981,and G.P. Kellyand C.M. Elliott (eds.) Women's Educationin the ThirdWorldt ComparativePerspectives, Albany. State University of New York Press, 1982, as well as regional studies by UNESCO. Smock reviewedlessons from existingliterature and presents selectivedata on five countries (namely, Mexico, Ghana, Kenya, Pakistan, and the Philippines) with the aim of identifyingthe f.actors affecting women's opportunities to participate in formal education and the effects of education on women's marriage, labor supply, and fertility behavior. Her work attempts to shed light and understanding on the complex relationships pertaining to this topic, and the conclusions drawn, though "tentative",provide a springboard for future studies.
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