The Waste Makers
The Waste Makers BY VANCE PACKARD LONGMANS LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO LTD 6 & 7 CLIFFORD STREET, LONDON W I 605-6II LONSDALE STREET, MELBOURNE C I 443 LOCKHART ROAD, HONG KONG ACCRA, AUCKLAND, IBADAN KINGSTON (JAMAICA), KUALA LUMPUR LAHORE, NAIROBI, SALISBURY (RHODESIA) LONGMANS SOUTHERN AFRICA (PTY) LTD THIBAULT HOUSE, THIBAULT SQUARE, CAPE TOWN LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO INC 119 WEST 4OTH STREET, NEW YORK 18 LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO 137 BOND STREET, TORONTO 2 ORIENT LONGMANS PRIVATE LTD. CALCUTTA, BOMBAY, MADRAS DELHI, HYDERABAD, DACCA Copyright © 1960 by Vance Packard This edition first published 1961 Printed in Great Britain by Lowe & Brydone (Printers) Ltd., London, N.W.10 To my Mother and Father who have never confused the possession of goods with the good life. Acknowledgments I WISH TO EXPRESS MY GRATITUDE TO THE MANY PEOPLE WHO counseled or otherwise aided me in assembling this book. My sense of indebtedness is especially great to the staff members of Consumers Union—especially Mildred Brady and Florence Mason—who showed such patience in supplying me with information and advice. I also feel particularly indebted to William Zabel for the many hours he spent in 1958 helping me understand some of the then-known ramifications of planned obsolescence. It is not possible to cite by name all of the several hundred people who contributed to this book by offering insights, information, or criticism. And some, I know, would not wish to be identified. However, I would like to express my special appreciation to Leland Gordon, Raymond Loewy, Warren Bilkey, Robert Cook, Louis C. Jones, Loring Chase, George Stocking, R.
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