March 3, 2021

Honorable Deirdre Rudolph, P.E. Chair and the Board Members of The City of Troy Planning Commission 433 River Street Troy, NY 12180

Re: Planning Commission Submission Kings Landing II Apartments Troy NY

Dear Chair and Members of the Planning Commission:

At the request of the Planning Commission, the applicant has obtained an archeological Phase lA report, a Property Condition and Historic Summary Report, and based on the findings of these reports, has prepared a budget for the rehabilitation of the existing structures. Find these reports enclosed and part of this submission.

These documents establish that the site has no archeological significance and that the existing buildings have been severely compromised due to lack ofmaintenance and substantial low­ quality modifications. Moreover, the rehabilitation of these buildings to create code compliant and market rate rental units would cost vastly more than the resulting value of the properties. Therefore, the result of denying the pending site plan application will likely be the removal of tenants from the non-code compliant buildings and, ultimately, they would be boarded up or demolished.

Very truly yours,


C. Lapper, Esq. Dire t : (518) 832-6434 Dire Fax#: (518) 824-1034 Direct E-Mail: [email protected] JCL: COLUMBIA HERITAGE, LTD. Archaeological & Historical Studies Architectural Surveys Educational Programs



Prepared for The BOC Group 11 Herbert Drive, Suite 3 Latham, New York 12110

Prepared by Stephen J. Oberon Columbia Heritage, Ltd. P.O. Box 235 Old Chatham, New York 12136

Report CA807A-1-2-21 February 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS













The proposed residential development is located along the west side of Fifth Avenue and north of Federal Street (Bridge Avenue) in the northwestern portion of the City of Troy in west-central Rensselaer County, New York, encompassing approximately 0.5 acres (0.2 hectares). The project involves six existing parcels: 2129, 2133, 2135, 2139 and 2141 Fifth Avenue and 15 Bridge Avenue (also known as 15 Federal Street). Four of these parcels are currently occupied by two-story residential buildings and a garage; similar houses formerly located at 2139 and 2141 Fifth Avenue have been demolished and those properties are now open and used for parking. The development area is bordered on the east by Fifth Avenue, on the west by an alley known as Laundry Place, on the south by Federal Street and on the north by a parcel owned by the Bethel Baptist Church. The Hudson River lies roughly 0.2 miles (0.3 kilometers) to the west and receives run-off from the project area, which slopes generally east to west.

New construction on the parcel would consist of a five-level building containing 62 apartment units on the upper three levels with parking, retail and office space on the lower two levels, and five exterior parking spaces along Laundry Place. Unpaved surfaces within the project area are currently populated by lawn and wild grasses. An existing municipal sanitary sewer runs along Fifth Avenue and water mains owned and operated by the City of Troy are located within the Fifth Avenue and Federal Street corridor currently providing water service to the residences located on the project parcel. This portion of the City is characterized by nineteenth century residential and commercial buildings mixed with late twentieth century structures and urban spaces as well as vacant parcels where earlier structures have been razed.

As part of the applicant's compliance with operative historic preservation laws, Columbia Heritage, Ltd. was contracted to perform a Phase IA site assessment study for the area to be affected by proposed development. This investigation conforms to the current standards and guidelines developed by the New York Archaeological Council (NYAC) and adopted by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP).

This Phase IA site assessment study was performed in September and October of 2020 by Stephen Oberon serving as Principal Investigator, with by archival research performed by Kim Croshier, using the resources of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, the New York State Library, the New York State Museum, and the New York State Archives. A walking reconnaissance of the affected area was carried out by the Principal Investigator, during which the relative archaeological potential of the various subareas was assessed, prior disturbance and other factors likely to reduce such potential were noted, and historically significant structures within and adjacent to the project area were photo documented. CULTURAL BACKGROUND AND SENSITIVITY ASSESSMENT

As mentioned, the project impact area consists of flat terrain bounded by Fifth Avenue on the east, Federal Street on the south and Laundry Lane on the west. Reconnaissance revealed no visible ruins or anomalies that might indicate the presence of buried structural remains or cultural features. Four structures stand within the affected area, as noted previously.

Historic Structures

The project area lies within the National Register-eligible North Central Troy Historic District extending between Federal Street and Mount Olympus in the City of Troy. The four standing buildings are listed as contributing elements to this District: 15 Bridge Street (15 Federal Street), 2129 Fifth Avenue (USN 08340.001894), 2133 Fifth Avenue (USN 08340.001895), and 2135 Fifth Avenue (USN 08340.001899).

Four additional contributing elements stand along the east side of Fifth Avenue with a view of the proposed construction: 2134 Fifth Avenue (USN08340.001896), 2136 Fifth Avenue (USN 08340.001898), 2140 Fifth Avenue (USN 08340.001900), and 2142 Fifth Avenue (USN 08340. 001902).

The National Register-listed Oakwood Avenue Presbyterian Church {08340.0002181), a Late Victorian sanctuary dating from 1868, stands approximately one-half mile (0.8 kilometers) to the north-northeast with no view of the proposed construction.

No other structures current listed or nominated to, or determined eligible for inclusion on the State or National register of Historic Places are located within the project view shed.

Native American Era

Two sites of Native American occupation are listed for this portion of the City of Troy, Green Island and the adjacent west bank of the Hudson River in the New York State Museum archaeological site files and one such site appears in the site files maintained by the State Historic Preservation Office. These nearby sites are summarized below.

File Number Time Period/Culture Distance

A00144.000018 Green Is. Bridge Site reputed burial 0.4mi/0. 7km

NYSM 2795 Parker Albany Co. Site 12 "early" "camp" 0.6mi/0.9km

NYSM 9023 projectile point Late Archaic/ River Phase 0.4mi/0. 7km

2 A limited number of professional archaeological investigations associated with specific development projects,have taken place in the vicinity of the study area over the past half century (Crampton 1975, Lord 1980, Hartgen & Fisher 1976, Hartgen 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004a,b, 2008a,b, 2112, 2114). Previously, archaeological sites were usually encountered by chance during construction projects or farming activities and often recorded based on second hand information without the benefit of excavation.

No sites of Native American occupation were identified during recent investigations. As a result of earlier efforts, one site of unknown temporal and cultural affiliation described as "early'' and characterized as a "camp" was recorded in the vicinity of the study area by Arthur Parker in his early twentieth century compendium of known Native American archaeological sites (Parker 1920). A solitary projectile point identified as pertaining to the Late Archaic River Phase was also unearthed at this time.

The general setting of the project area just east of the Hudson would normally be associated with a high potential for occupation by indigenous populations and intact upper soils in this area would be likely to contain Native American era cultural material. In this case, the potential for project impact to this class of resources would be largely eliminated as a result of the serious disturbance and/or of upper soils over the last 150 years when this area saw ever more Intense urban development. The soils present within the area of proposed impact today are described as "urban" meaning the original material has been displaced, mixed and/or added to by deposition from external sources (USDA 1992). Any Native American items encountered here now would be without archaeological context and lacking the potential for containing significant cultural information.

European American Era

European American occupation of this portion of this portion of what is now the City of Troy and the adjacent Village of Green Island and the Town of Rensselaer dates from the later decades of the eighteenth century. An urban residential grid pattern may be seen in the 1845 map of the city. This part of Fifth Avenue was on the fringe of the Great Fire of 1862. The town houses on Fifth Avenue between Federal and Jacob streets "were once part of the elegant residential district in the city centre. Not many of these buildings burned because they were protected b y a railroad right-of-way. Consequently, they a quite carried group of elaborate and eclectic residences, showing the influence of Federal, Victorian ,Italianate, and Romanesque design" (Historic Resources Survey 1981: 1). Mid-twentieth century urban transportation development such as construction of the Green Island Bridge and residences built as part of urban renewal cut this area off from portions of the city to the south and saw the demolition of various residential, religious and institutional buildings, including the former two-story houses at 2139 and 2141 Fifth Avenue (USN 08340.001899 and 08340.001901).

3 Twelve archaeological listings dating from the European American era are shown for a radius of one half mile (0.8 kilometers) of this area in the State Historic Preservation Office files:

File Number Name DescriQtionLPeriod Distance A08340.000007 1st commercial laundry site 1835 building site 0.4mi/O. 7km

A08340.000008 pt detachable collar site 1825 0.4mi/0. 7km

A08340.000064 B & M Railroad no information 0.4mi/0. 7km

A08340.000065 Venderheyden Site 1791 structure 0.3mi/0.5km

A08340.001073 "Uncle Sam" Wilson House 1822 0.5mi/0.8km

A08340.001693 College Ave Hist. Archeological 19th c. working class 0.Smi/0.8km District housing

A08340.001715 "Troy pottery" site 1799 0.5mi/0.8km

A08340.001733 House Site constructed 1869 0.4mi/O. 7km

A08340.001734 Former 176-180 Congress St pre-1861 structures 0.4mi/0. 7km

A08340.001735 Former 151 Ferry Street pre-1861 structure 0.4mi/O. 7km

A08340.002182 City Station East Hist. Site pre-1845 0.4mi/0. 7km

Base on known European American era settlement patterns, a walking reconnaissance of the affected area, and a search of historical texts and maps and relevant municipal documents, a very low potential is seen to be present for the presence of buried cultural remains pertaining to this period of occupation within the affected area. Settings like this, located in areas that have been densely developed by the construction of buildings, paving of sidewalks and streets, and installation of buried utilities, are not very likely to contain traces of structures pre-dating the mid-nineteenth century expansion of the city. The potential exist for cultural features such as privies and cisterns to be present in open or less-disturbed spaces behind houses; however such there are few such spaces within the project area.


A site assessment study carried out for the proposed construction area indicated a theoretical potential for the presence of buried cultural remains pertaining to the Native American occupation of the region, based on the physiographic setting near the Hudson River and the flat terrain. This potential is seen to have been seriously compromised if not eliminated by the degree of serious dislocation and removal of upper soils and introduction of material from outside areas since urban development of the area began during the 1840s. Twentieth century development which included the installation of utilities, paving of sidewalks, streets and driveways, and mechanical demolition of two houses is seen to have seriously reduced the potential for intact survival of European American era cultural features

The potential for impact to buried cultural resources through proposed construction is therefore considered very low. Based on these findings, no subsurface archaeological investigation is recommended. Because the potential does exist for surviving nineteenth century cultural features to be present in the few open areas that remain, archaeological monitoring is recommended during excavation of these locations to record any such features that may be encountered.


Barton, W. 1869 Map of the City of Troy, West Troy and Green Island From Actual Surveys. Troy, New York. New York Public Library Digital Collection.

Beers, F.W. 1891 Hudson River Valley From New York City to Troy. New York: Watson & Company.

Beers, S. N. and D. G. Beers 1866 New Topographical Atlas of Rensselaer County, New York. Philadelphia (Pa.): Stone & Stewart.

Crampton, D. 1975 PIN 1054.000.1111-787 Hoosic Street Bridge Connection. NYS Department of Transportation.


2000 Phase I Archeological Sensitivity Assessment and Phase IB Archeological Field Investigation, Troy Bike Path, City of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.

2002 Phase 1B Archeological Field Reconnaissance, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Biotechnology/Interdisciplinary Studies Building and Related South Campus Improvements, Troy, New York. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.

2003 Phase IB Letter Report for Area 2, Congress Street Reconstruction Project From 11th Street to Pawling Avenue (PIN 1753.39) The Proposed Overlook Structure, City of Troy, Rensselaer County. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.

2004a Phase IB Archeological Field Reconnaissance, Proposed South Troy Riverfront Pedestrian and Bicycle Trail Improvements, City of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.

2004b A View of the Past: Excavating the Lives of Troy's 19th Century Working Class, College Avenue Historic District Data Retrieval Investigation, City of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.

2008a Phase 18 Addendum Archeological Field Reconnaissance Trench Excavations, Congress and Ferry Street Reconstruction, 5th Avenue to 11th Street, City of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.

6 Hartgen 2008b Phase I Archeological Investigation, Proposed Kate Mullany Park, Kate Mullany House National Historic Site, 350 Eighth Street, City of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc. 2112 Phase 1B Archeological Field Reconnaissance, City Station East Development, Congress and Ferry Streets, City of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.

2114 Phase 11/111 Archeological Investigation, City Station East Project, City Station East Historical Site, Congress and Ferry Streets, City of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.

Hartgen, K. and C. Fisher 1976 Stage I Cultural Resource Survey Village of Green Island Interceptor and Trunk Sewers.

Lake, D.J. and S. N. Beers 1861 Map of Rensselaer County, New York'

Lord, P. 1980 PIN 1751.02 8t h Street, Troy, Rensselaer County. NY State Museum.

Parker, A.C. 1920 The Archaeological History of New York State. New York State Museum Bulletin 237/238. Albany (N.Y.): The University of the State of New York.

Rogerson, D. 1854 Map of Rensselaer County, New York. New York Public Library Digital Collection.

USDA 1992 Soils Survey of Rensselaer County, New York Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture.


FIGURES PROJECT AREA AND VICINITY - 1891 (from Beers 1891) PROJECT AREA AND VICINITY - 1861 (from Lake & Beers 1861) I

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\ J I \ \ I L (' ; p,- I APPENDIX B

PHOTODOCUMENTATION 2129 Fifth Avenue (08340.0001894) to NW

View from 2129 Fifth Avenue (to SE) 2133 Fifth Avenue (08340.001897) to NW

View of 2134 Fifth Avenue (08340.001896) from 2133 Fifth Avenue (to SE) 2135 Fifth Avenue (08340.001897) to NW

~ ------_,,_ . ---;!ft ~--~-- -- -~~-~~-- ~

- -- r-r r---1

View of 2134 Fifth Avenue (08340.001896) from 2135 Fifth Avenue (to SE) -==--=-

View of 2136 Fifth Avenue (08340.001898) (left) as seen from 2135 Fifth Avenue (to SE)

2140 Fifth Avenue (08340.001900) visible from 2135 Fifth Avenue (to SE) 15 Bridge Avenue, also listed as 15 Federal Street (view to E)

View from 15 Bridge Avenue (to WSW)

March 3, 2021

Honorable Deirdre Rudolph, P.E. Chair and the Board Members of The City of Troy Planning Commission 433 River Street Troy, NY 12180

Re: Economic Analysis Fifth Avenue Rehabilitation Project Troy, NY

Madame Chairperson and Board Members,

As requested at the January 2021 Planning Commission Meeting, we have studied the condition of the existing derelict buildings. We have procured the opinion of a Licensed Architect in the State of New York with a background in Preservation and a Principal at Olsen Associates, to conduct a visual observation of the of the existing structures and render the following opinions to be included in a Property Condition and Historic Summary Report (“Report”): 1. Overall condition of the property. 2. Historic architectural value. 3. Code analysis. 4. A scope of work based on the code analysis provided to bring the buildings compliant to the current state and local building codes.

Based on their Report, it appears that the buildings were originally constructed as single-family dwelling units. Throughout the years the buildings have undergone a significant amount of poorly constructed and implemented rehabilitations and reconfigurations to allow for a multiple dwelling- unit use. Further, it appears that the work has been completed without obtaining the proper permits and certificates of occupancy.

The Report states that based on the extensive rehabilitation and reconfiguration of the interior spaces, the units remain with very little original materials in very poor condition, and therefore it is their opinion that the interiors are of no historic value. During any future rehabilitation, these materials would be demolished (perhaps salvaged for use of the community) and discarded. Finally, the interior wood superstructure has exhibited much settlement and decay. The floors are severely out of level with many doors not being able to shut properly. It appears evidence of a fire has deteriorated and damaged some floor joists at the first floor of the 2135 Fifth Avenue building.

The Report also states that the original brick facades are in poor to fair condition. The front facades are in better conditions than the sides and the rear facades. It appears that throughout the years there have been several additions to the original buildings. These additions have utilized different

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exterior building materials such as different color bricks, stucco, and siding and are currently in disrepair. Rear and side windows have been partially boarded, covered, blocked, or eliminated. Further, other exterior elements such as headers, sills, cornices are mostly in poor condition with some, at the front, being in poor to fair condition.

The Report also states that the building superstructure is comprised of exterior unreinforced masonry and timber joists, beams, and posts as the primary materials at the interior. Any extensive structural replacement work to the interior superstructure, would necessitate bracing the masonry facades as most unreinforced masonry building facades offer very low lateral structural value. Any type of future interior structural rehabilitation may cause the exterior unreinforced masonry to exhibit further disrepair.

Cost Analysis

Based on the Report provided by Olsen Associates, we have studied the economic impact of implementing a rehabilitation program to the existing structures. The rehabilitation program would not contemplate any historic rehabilitation; any original materials would be restored, repaired, or re-used if it would make good economic sense. The rehabilitation program would include bringing the building compliant with the current local and state building codes. Further, the rehabilitation program would include improvements that would be commensurate with the level of current market-rate apartments in the region. The rehabilitation would aim to maximize rents for 10 multiple dwelling units consisting of 3 studios, 1 one-bedroom, one-bath unit, and 6 two-bedrooms, 1-bath units.

The table below illustrates the total project costs for rehabilitating the units compliant with today’s applicable building codes and standard of living:

Fifth Ave Rehab Development Costs

Land/Closings and Development Costs $ 2,100,000.00 Hard Cost Rehab $ 1,777,282.80 Soft Costs (@$30psf) $ 270,450.00 $ 4,147,732.80

Please note, that further detail for the Hard Costs is provided in the exhibit section of this memorandum.

Proforma Analysis

Assuming that a studio unit could be rented at $850 per month; a one-bedroom, one-bath unit could

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be rented for $1,350 per month; and two-bedroom, one-bath unit could be rented for $1,950 per month; a 90% occupancy would yield a net operating income of $54,805 for the first year of stabilized operations. The following depicts a profit and loss statement for the first three years of operations after stabilization:

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Utilizing a best-case scenario capitalization rate of 6.5%, the best valuation after three years would be $914,760. A 20-year proforma-projection is included in the exhibit section of the report. The projections show that the project will never be valued at $4.15 million, the contemplated total projected project costs with this rehabilitation scenario.

In conclusion, it is our professional opinion that implementing a rehabilitation plan it is not a feasible economic or viable option. The rehabilitation program would cost more than the project would ever be worth. This option would result in the eviction of the remaining tenants and for the building to be dormant for the foreseeable future. Eventually, the structure would deteriorate and become a hazard to the community.

Please do not hesitate to call with any questions.

Respectfully submitted,

Cosmo D. Marfione BDC Holdings Inc

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Olsen Associates


456 Broadway, 201

Saratoga Springs Property Condition and Historic Summary Report

New York 12866 for 518 583 9004 15 Bridge Avenue, 2129 Fifth Avenue, 2133 Fifth Fax 518 583 9122 Avenue and 2135 Fifth Avenue

Troy, NY

March 2, 2021 Executive Summary for Property Condition and Historic Summary Report

The following analysis was prepared by Claudia Henao Olsen, Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. located in Saratoga Springs, New York. The information contained herein is based on observations and information gathered during two (2) site visits in February, 2021. While this analysis is not a substitute for a complete “conditions report” it does represent a substantial assessment of the buildings general physical and historic condition.

The purpose of this report is to analyze the general physical condition of the four existing buildings, determine the level and significance of the historic character of each building and to explore the feasibility of converting the buildings to multiple dwelling units. It is important to note, as currently configured, the buildings are currently substandard apartment units in size, spatial layout and quality.

Each of the existing buildings predates 1885 and is represented on the Sanborn Map dated 1885. The buildings were originally constructed as single-family homes. Additions have been added over time and each of the buildings have been converted to multiple tenant structures with significant interior layout changes. The buildings currently are occupied as multiple dwellings and have not been constructed to meet and do not currently meet NYS Building Code standards.

Current Building Conditions


The exterior of each of the buildings is in poor to fair condition. The buildings have generally been poorly maintained for years. The buildings are predominantly of unreinforced masonry over wood balloon frame construction that is in need of significant rehabilitation. Much of the brick needs repointing and repair and, in many areas, replacement. Much of it has been painted. These areas should be stripped and the masonry repaired and repainted or left unpainted, if applicable.

The majority of the building’s windows have been replaced with non-compatible aluminum replacement windows. Any existing windows that remain are in need of significant repair, paint stripping and repainted or replacement. Most have been covered with aluminum storms windows.

Many of the windows have been reduced in size from the original and some new window openings have been added.

The roof finish on all of the building is in poor condition, not original and requires replacement.

The wood frame additions, decks and porches are not original. For the most part they are structurally inadequate (all require substantial repair or total replacement).

None of the building are accessible to the physically disabled.


As indicated earlier, the buildings were originally constructed as single-family “ordinary city houses” of simple design and detail. At some point, the buildings were converted to multiple tenant buildings. These conversions necessitated significant alterations to the interiors including; the introduction of tenant separation walls and interior partitions, removal of original kitchens and bathrooms, construction of additional kitchens and bathrooms, alteration or removal of original mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems removing much of the historic fabric of the interiors. The conversion work altered the interior layout of the building to the point that very little of the original spatial layout or any significant architectural elements remain.

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 March 2, 2021 1

For the most part, only the interior stairways, some wood flooring and minimal wood trim remains, and much of these have been altered to accommodate the multi-tenant floor plans.

Structurally the buildings vary. While the structures, for the most part, are structurally stable, they show consistent signs of settlement and deflection. There are also areas of water damage and fire that require attention.

Conversion to Market Rate Multiple Dwellings – 2021

With regard to unit layout and marketability, the buildings are currently listed as 16 total apartment units and distributed as follows (not all of the units are livable or occupied):

15 Bridge Avenue: (2) 1 BR units 2129 Fifth Avenue: (3) 1 BR units, (1) 2 BR unit (includes substandard cellar apartment) 2133 Fifth Avenue: (3) 1 BR units, (2) 2 BR units (includes substandard cellar apartment) 2135 Fifth Avenue: (4) 1 BR units, (1) 2 BR unit (includes (1) substandard cellar apartment and (1) substandard rear garage apartment)

To convert the buildings to units that would be marketable today and that conform to current code, the new unit count would be only 10 units and distribution would be as follows:

15 Bridge Avenue: First Floor: (1) Studio at 500 sf Second Floor: (1) Studio at 550 sf

2129 Fifth Avenue: (Cellar is not included) First Floor: (1) 1 BR unit at 675 sf Second Floor: (1) 2 BR unit at 970 sf

2133 Fifth Avenue: (Cellar unit included but low ceilings and limited light unit) First Floor: (1) 2 BR unit at 1,110 sf Second Floor: (1) 2 BR unit at 1,160 sf Third Floor: (1) 2 BR unit at 1,160 sf Lower Level: (1) Studio unit at 550 sf

2135 Fifth Avenue: (Rear addition at laundry place removed, cellar not included) First Floor: (1) 2 BR unit at 1,185 sf Second Floor: (1) 2 BR unit at 1,205 sf

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 March 2, 2021 2

15 Bridge Ave.

Building Statistics

Approximate Date of Construction: Predating 1885 Lot Size: 1,307 sf / .03 Acre Number of Stories: 2 stories with unfinished basement Square Footage: 1,196 sf approx Number of Units: 2 (2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths)

Preliminary Description:

The overall condition of the exterior is fair to poor. The property has not been well maintained for many years. The masonry on the sides and back elevations are in need of extensive repointing and portions need rebuilding. Many areas have been patched in the past with non-compatible brick. The windows on the front elevation are original 6/6 wood windows with aluminum storms, original windows are in poor condition. The windows on the side and rear elevations are not original aluminum replacement windows in fair to poor condition.

Wood frame rear addition was built after 1955, (See Sanborn map details attached.) and at the first floor a large portion of the rear wall has been removed.

Exterior Materials Description

Feature Material Original/Not Original Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Roof Varies TBD P Front Elevation: Brick, painted Original F Cornice: Brick, painted Original F Front Door: Metal, painted Not Original F Door Surround: Wood, painted Original F Stoop: Concrete Not Original G Railing: Metal Not Original F Side Elevations: Brick Original and Not Original P Back Elevation: Brick Original and Not Original P Rear Addition: Wood clapboard Not Original P siding, unpainted. Window Lintels and Sills: Brownstone, painted Original F Windows Front Elevation 6/6 with storm units. Original and Not Original P Windows Side and back Elevation: 1/1 Not Original F

Interior Materials Description

The existing building was built as a single family “ordinary city house”. The original layout was altered with the addition of kitchens, baths and closets over the years to convert the building into two dwellings. Much of the building interior has been altered during previous renovations. First floor front elevation windows retain their original mouldings. The mouldings are in fair condition. All have multiple layers of paint. The mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems are antiquated and past their useful life.

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 March 2, 2021 3

Note: Access to all spaces in the building was not possible because of existing tenant occupancy.

Feature Material Original/Not Original Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Stair Wood Original F Flooring: Wood, carpet, vinyl Original and Not Original P Walls: Plaster and GWB Original and Not Original P Mouldings: Wood, painted Original and Not Original F Doors: Wood, painted Original and Not Original F Mechanical Not Original P Electrical Not Original P Plumbing Not Original P

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 March 2, 2021 4

Photographs: 15 Bridge Ave.

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 March 2, 2021 5

2129 Fifth Ave.

Building Statistics

Approximate Date of Construction: Predating 1885 Lot Size: 4,356 sf / .10 Acre Number of Stories: 2 stories with finished basement Square Footage: 1,850 sf approx. Detached Garage: 600 sf Number of Units: 4 (5 Bedrooms, 4 Baths)

Preliminary Description:

The overall condition of the exterior is fair to poor. The property has not been well maintained for many years. The masonry on all elevations is in need of repointing and portions need rebuilding. The windows on the front elevation are not original 1/1 aluminum replacement windows, in poor condition. The size of the existing openings of two of the five windows have been reduced. The windows on the side and rear elevations are not original aluminum windows in fair to poor condition. A portion of the rear elevation has been removed to accommodate a new wood framed addition.

Wood frame rear addition was built after 1955. See Sanborn map details attached.

Exterior Materials Description

Feature Material Original/Not Original Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Roof Varies TBD P Front Elevation: Brick, painted Original F Cornice: Brick, painted Original F Front Door: Metal, painted Not Original P Door Surround: Wood, painted Not Original P Stoop: Stone and brick Original P Railing: Metal Original F Side Elevations: Brick, painted Original P Back Elevation: Brick, painted Original P

Rear Addition: Wood clapboard siding, painted. Not Original P Rear Deck and Railing: Wood, painted Not Original P Window Lintels and Sills: Brownstone, painted Original P Windows Front Elevation: 1/1 Not Original F Windows Side and back Elevation: 1/1 Not Original F

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Interior Materials Description

The existing building was built as a single family “ordinary city house”. The original layout was altered with the addition of kitchens, baths and closets over the years to convert the building into 4 units. Much of the building interior has been altered for the conversion into a 4-dwelling building except for the entry halls and stair. The original wood stair, wood trim and doors are generally in fair to poor condition, railings are loose, spindles are missing and treads are worn. The entry hall has its original doors, trim and flooring. Trim and doors have multiple layers of paint. Doors and frames have been replaced or have been repaired numerous times. The remainder of the spaces have had multiple renovations over the years. The mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems are antiquated and past their useful life.

Note: Access to all spaces in the building was not possible because of existing tenant occupancy.

Feature Material Original/Not Original Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) Stair Wood Original F Flooring: Wood, carpet, vinyl Original and Not Original F Walls: Plaster and GWB Original and Not Original F Mouldings: Wood, painted Original and Not Original F Doors: Wood, painted Original and Not Original F Mechanical Not Original P Electrical Not Original P Plumbing Not Original P

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Photographs: 2129 Fifth Ave.

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2133 Fifth Ave.

Building Statistics

Approximate Date of Construction: Predating 1885 Lot Size: 2,178 sf / .05 Acre Number of Stories: 3 stories with finished basement Square Footage: 4,851 sf approx. Number of Units: 5 (7 Bedrooms, 5 Baths)

Preliminary Description:

The overall condition of the exterior is fair to poor. The property has not been well maintained over many years. The masonry on the sides and back elevations are in need of repointing and portions need rebuilding. The 3- story wood frame porch on the back of the building is in poor condition. All of the windows are not original 1/1 replacement aluminum windows in poor condition.

Brick rear addition and 3 story wood porches were built between 1904 and 1950. See Sanborn map details attached.

Exterior Materials Description

Feature Material Original/Not Original Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Roof Varies TBD P Front Elevation: Brick, painted with a brownstone water table Original P 3-Story Bay Window: Metal siding, painted Not Original P Cornice: Wood, painted Original G Front Door: Wood, painted Original G Door Surround: Wood, painted Original G Stoop: Concrete Original P Railing: Metal Not Original F Side Elevations: Brick Original P Back Elevation: Brick Original P Rear Porches: 3 story wood Not Original P Additions: Brick Not Original P Window Lintels and Sills: Brownstone Original G Windows Front Elevation: 1/1 Not Original F Windows Side and back Elevation: 1/1 Not Original F

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 March 2, 2021 10

Interior Materials Description

The existing building was built as a single family “ordinary city house”. The original layout was altered with the addition of kitchens, baths and closets over the years to convert the building into 5 units. Much of the building has been altered for the conversion into a multiple dwelling building except for the entry halls and stair. The original wood stair, wood trim and doors are generally in fair to poor condition, railings are loose, spindles are missing and treads are worn. The entry hall has its original doors, trim and flooring with multiple layers of paint. Doors and frames have been repaired numerous times. The mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems are antiquated and past their useful life.

Note: Access to all spaces in the building was not possible because of existing tenant occupancy.

Feature Material Original/Not Original Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Stair Wood Original F Flooring: Wood, carpet, vinyl Original and Not Original F Walls: Plaster and GWB Original and Not Original F Mouldings: Wood, painted Original and Not Original F Doors: Wood, painted Original and Not Original F Mechanical Not Original P Electrical Not Original P Plumbing Not Original P

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Photographs: 2133 Fifth Ave.

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Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 March 2, 2021 13

2135 Fifth Ave.

Building Statistics

Approximate Date of Construction: Predating 1885 Lot Size: 2,614 sf / .06 Acre Number of Stories: 2 stories with unfinished basement Square Footage: 4,478 sf approx Number of Units: 5 (6 Bedrooms, 5 Baths)

Preliminary Description:

The overall condition of the exterior is fair to poor. The property has not been well maintained for many years. The front elevation is cementitious parging over brick and is in poor condition. The masonry on the sides and back elevations are in need of repointing and portions need rebuilding. The windows on the front elevation are not original 1/1 aluminum windows in fair condition. The windows on the side elevation are 6/6 original (?) in poor condition, 2/2 original (?) in poor condition and not original 1/1 aluminum windows in fair condition. The windows on the rear elevation are not original 1/1 aluminum windows in fair condition. A steel emergency escape ladder was added to the north façade and is non-conforming.

Concrete rear addition was built between 1904 and 1950 and is in poor condition. (See Sanborn map details attached.)

Exterior Materials Description

Feature Material Original/Not Original Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Roof Varies TBD P Front Elevation: Parging over brick, painted with a stone foundation Original P Cornice: Wood, painted Original F Front Door: Wood, painted Not Original P Door Surround: Wood, painted Not Original P Stoop: Concrete Not Original F Railing: NA NA NA Side Elevations: Brick with stone foundation Original P Back Elevation: Brick Original P Additions: Stucco and siding, Painted Not Original P Window Lintels and Sills: Brownstone Original P Windows Front Elevation: 1/1 Not Original F Windows Side and back Elevation: 6/6, 2/2, 1/1 Original and Not Original P

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Suite 201, Saratoga Springs NY 12866 March 2, 2021 14

Interior Materials Description

The existing building was built as a single family “ordinary city house”. The original layout has been altered over the years with the addition of kitchens, baths and closets to convert the building into 5 units. Much of the building has been altered for the conversion into a multiple dwelling building except for the entry halls and stair. The original wood stair, wood trim and doors are generally in fair to poor condition, railings are loose, spindles are missing and treads are worn. The entry hall has its original doors, trim and flooring. Trim and doors have multiple layers of paint. Doors and frames have been repaired numerous times. There is evidence of a previous fire in the basement. The mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems are antiquated and past their useful life.

Note: Access to all spaces in the building was not possible because of existing tenant occupancy.

Feature Material Original/Not Original Condition (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)

Stair Wood Original F Flooring: Wood, carpet, vinyl Original and Not Original F Walls: Plaster and GWB Original and Not Original F Mouldings: Wood, painted Original and Not Original F Doors: Wood, painted Original and Not Original F Mechanical Not Original P Electrical Not Original P Plumbing Not Original P

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Photographs: 2135 Fifth Ave.

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Sanborn Maps 1885 to 1955:

1885 Sanborn Map

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1903 Sanborn Map

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1951 Sanborn Map

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1955 Sanborn Map

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Code Analysis

As previously indicated, the intention of renovations to the existing buildings is to convert them to market rate multifamily buildings, not to convert them back to single family residences.

The buildings are eligible to be analyzed under the 2020 Existing Building Code of New York State.

Chapters 7, 8 and 9 apply to the alterations of the existing buildings. The applicability of Chapter 10: Change of Occupancy almost certainly also applies and should be explored with the City of Troy. The buildings were originally constructed as single-family homes and have, over time been altered to function as multiple dwellings. The buildings do not have certificates of occupancy and there is no evidence that any permits were given for the conversion work. It should be noted that given the significance of the scope of work the buildings will require to bring them up to a level required for market rate housing, the Existing Building Code will offer minimal relief from the 2020 Building Code of New York State.

The following outlines the minimum applicable life safety code requirements for alteration work to the buildings. This list is not a result of a complete code review. It is meant to highlight major code requirements. The list assumes compliance under Chapters 7-10.

• Automatic sprinkler system is required • Fire alarm system is required • Means of egress: o One exit stairway is permitted if emergency exit from each unit is provided o The front exit doors swing in and do not comply with Section 1203.3 because there is not another means of egress. The front doors must be altered or relief must be granted. • Layout alterations; any new work must comply with Chapters 7, 8, 9 or 10, if applicable. • Plumbing: It is anticipated that the entire plumbing system, fixtures and fittings will be replaced with new, this work must comply with Chapter 29 of the 2020 Building Code of New York State. • Electrical: Based on initial investigations, regardless of layout changes, the existing electrical system must be removed and replaced with a new system conforming to the requirements of Chapter 27 of the 2020 Building Code of New York State. • Mechanical: As with the existing building’s electrical and plumbing systems, the buildings’ mechanical systems will require substantial, if not complete replacement and must comply with Chapter 20 of the 2020 Building Code of New York State.

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Scope of Work for Existing Buildings 15 Bridge Avenue, 2129 Fifth Avenue, 2133 Fifth Avenue and 2135 Fifth Avenue

Professional Services:

The following professional services will be required for each building for the renovation and conversion to market rate multiple tenant buildings:

• Architectural evaluation of each building • Structural evaluation of each building • Complete code analysis of the 2020 Existing Building Code of New York State and the 2020 Building Code of New York State. • Architectural, Structural and MEP Engineering drawings and specifications for permit and construction. • Architectural, Structural and MEP Engineering required construction administration services.

Exterior Work (for each building):

• Select demolition of structurally unstable additions. • Masonry repair, stabilization, repointing, replacement • Window replacement, window restoration • Roof replacement • Accessibility alterations, variances • Wood restoration, repair, painting

Interior work (for each building):

• Select demolition, removals • New electrical system • New plumbing system (including new water service) • New mechanical system • New sprinkler system • New fire alarm system • New kitchen • New bathroom(s) • New GWB partitions • New doors • New flooring • Misc. structural improvements • Misc. site-scape improvements • Fire damage repair/replacement

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Biography of Key Personnel


Claudia Henao Olsen is a registered Architect in New George L. Olsen is a registered Architect in New York, York State and has an educational background in Maryland and Vermont with an extensive background in architecture and historic preservation. Prior to the firm's housing and commercial development, mid-size educational formation, Ms. Henao Olsen was a project manager with and institutional facility design and numerous small scale Robert E. Meadows, P.C. Architect in New York City for private residential and commercial projects. Prior to the various projects ranging from interior rehabilitation and formation of the firm, Mr. Olsen was an associate and restoration to exterior renovation and preservation of project architect with Warren W. Gran Associates in New historic buildings. Prior experience includes completion of York City and was a co-founder of NH Architecture in a large variety of award winning commercial, retail and Rochester, New York. In addition to his schooling in residential projects. Ms. Henao Olsen received her architecture, Mr. Olsen holds bachelor's degrees in bachelor's degree in architecture from New York Institute Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science. of Technology and holds a master's degree in Historic Preservation from the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University.

Key Staff:

Brandi Hall coordinates the preparation of construction documents and is involved in project management and construction administration and has been with the firm since 2006. Prior to joining Olsen Associates Mrs. Hall was involved in new construction and renovation of educational facilities throughout northeastern New York. Mrs. Hall holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Louisiana Tech University.

Jodi Plante coordinates interior design and preparation of construction documents for Olsen Associates and has been with the firm since 1997. In addition to her degree from Cazenovia College Ms. Plante also attended the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City.

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY. 518.583.9004

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C.

Claudia Henao Olsen

May 1991 - Present Partner Education: Olsen Associates 456 Broadway, #201 Master of Science in Historic Preservation 1984 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Historic Preservation, Columbia University, New York, New York

Oct. 1989 - May 1991 Project Manager Bachelor of Science in Architecture 1982, Cum Laude, Robert Meadows, P.C., Architect New York Institute of Technology, 40 Dover Street New York, New York New York, NY 10038 Professional Registration:

March 1988 - Sept. 1989 Project Designer Registered Architect - New York Jan. 1987 - March 1987 Andaloro Associates Aug. 1986 - Dec. 1986 211 East 3rd Street Years of Experience: New York, NY 10009 Total: 40. With OA: 29

March 1987 - Jan. 1988 Project Manager Volunteer Work: Daniel Louis Goldner Associates 49 West 27th Street Served 6 years on the Board of Directors of the Saratoga New York, NY 10001 County Chamber of Commerce

Served 1 year as Chair of the Board for the Saratoga Feb. 1985 - June 1986 William Walther, Architect County Chamber of Commerce Dec. 1979 - Sept. 1980 71 West 23rd Street New York, New York 10010 Served 3 years on the Board of Directors of the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation

Served over 10 years on the Membership Committee for the Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce

Served 6 years on the Board of Trustees for the Beagle School of Saratoga Springs

Served 1 year as President of the Board for the Beagle School of Saratoga Springs

Served on the Corporation of Yaddo Corporate Sponsorship Committee for 5 years (Chaired the committee for 3 years)

Olsen Associates, Architects P.C. 456 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY. 518.583.9004