Northeast Information HUB Board/Membership Meeting Minutes March 29, 2018 Portage College, St. Paul, Alberta

Attending: Caroline McAuley/Town of Vermilion, Mike Krywiak/M.D. of , Steve Upham/County of St. Paul, Soren Odegard/County of Two Hills, Cheryle Eikleland/Marwayne, Ross Whitelaw/, Tim MacPhee/, Horace Patenaude/Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement, Heather Perryman/Kitscoty, Doug Sullivan/Bruderheim, Judy Schueler/Bruderheim, Bev Lockett/Portage College, Tyson deMoissac/St. Paul, Loni Leslie/Vilna, Terri Hampson/Elk Point, Chad Colbourne/Bonnyville, Chris Robblee/Vegreville, Diane Harms/Lakeland College, MaryLee Prior/Vermilion, Lorin Tkachuk/Lac La Biche County, Jana Rowe/Lac La Biche County, Mike Tarkowski/Two Hills, Jocelyne Lanovaz/Mannville, Rob Pulyk/Vermilion, Laurent Amyotte/County of St. Paul, Ed Sosnowski/Myrnam, Hank Holowaychuk/Smoky Lake, Mike Dowham/MPE Engineering, Diane Jenkinson/M.D. of Bonnyville, Dayna Brosseau/NADC, James Tessier/ED&T, Kathryn Hotte/RABC, Linda Sallstrom/St. Paul Chamber, Tanya Oliver/Bonnyville Chamber Jennifer Leroux/Alberta HUB, Bob Bezpalko/Alberta HUB, Regrets: Bob Buckle/Cold Lake, Greg Sparklingeyes/Whitefish First Nations, Lorne Halisky/Smoky Lake County, Lonnie Wolgien/County of Vermilion River, Karyann Boychuk/Alberta Labour, Eugene Mclean/Fishing Lake Metis Settlement, Sherri Chisan/University Blue Quills, Jim Newman/, MLA Jessica Littlewood / MLA Dr. Richard Starke / MLA Scott Cyr

Special Guests: Kim Durdle, Director of Transport Engineering/Alberta Transportation Dean Litke, Infrastructure Manager/North Central region/Alberta Transportation Chris Beringer, Director, Transportation Solutions, Economic Development & Trade

1.0 Soren Odegard called the meeting to order at 10:10 am Soren acknowledged that this meeting is taking place on Treaty Six land and the homeland of The Metis people. Soren began roundtable introductions Soren called up MLA David Hanson who welcomed everyone to the Two Hills – St. Paul – Lac La Biche riding and spoke to some of the issues he is addressing. Soren thanked David Hanson for his work. Soren introduced Bev Lockett, Manager of Portage College, St. Paul Campus. Bev welcomed everyone to Portage College and introduced Robin Tizzard, Associate Dean for Faculty of Business, Community Social Work, University Studies and Natural Resources Technology. Robin spoke to the opportunities Portage College offers to the youth of our region including University Transfer courses. Soren thanked Robin and Bev and congratulated Portage for their great work.

2.0 Adoption of the Agenda – Soren asked if there are any additions for the agenda. Having hearing none Soren asked for a motion to approve. Tim MacPhee moved the adoption of the agenda. Carried

3.0 Approval of the December 14, 2017 Board/Membership meeting minutes – Soren asked for a motion approving the minutes of the December 14, 2017. Cheryle Eikeland moved the approval of the December 14, 2017 Board/Membership minutes. Carried 4.0 Alberta HUB financial report – Soren called upon Jennifer Leroux, financial officer for Alberta HUB to present the financials as of February 28, 2018. Jennifer provided a review of the current financial status of Alberta HUB. Hearing no further discussion or questions Soren asked for a motion approving the financial report as presented. Caroline McAuley moved to accept the Alberta HUB financial report as presented. Carried

Jen provided additional information on year to date costs with a trend showing a surplus on the operating budget for 2017-18 which will end March 31, 2018. There are additional expenses still outstanding. Bob advised that all monies allocated to restricted project funding will spent by the project end Date.

5.0 Membership Update - Soren advised that Devon Energy has requested to join the Northeast Alberta Information HUB An industry member. As per Northeast Alberta Information HUB’ procedures Soren asked for a motion approving this request. Steve Upham moved to approve Devon Energy as a industry member in the Northeast Alberta Information HUB. Carried Soren thanked Devon Energy, who regrettably could not attend today’s meeting, for seeing the value in the Alberta HUB alliance and their decision to join. Bob acknowledged he works with Tracey Thompson, Community & Municipal Affairs Lead For Devon Corporation who has been instrumental in promoting the great work of the Alberta HUB alliance.

6.0 Alberta HUB AGM – Soren advised the date of June 20th has been chosen for the Alberta HUB AGM which will begin at 6pm. Soren asked for any discussion on this date, hearing none, Soren asked for a motion approving this date. Mike Krywiak moved the Northeast Alberta Information HUB Annual General Meeting will take Place June 20th, 2018. Carried

6.0a Alberta HUB meeting dates – Soren stated that requests have been made to the executive committee to choose a different day for Alberta HUB meetings as the 4th Thursday of the month was conflicting with Council meetings. After a lengthy discussion the 3rd Monday of September, November, January and March was chosen as the new day. Soren asked for a motion on this decision. Caroline McAuley moved that the 3rd Monday will be the date for Alberta HUB meetings. Carried

7.0 Meeting with Minister Bilous – Soren advised that the REDA’s met with Minster Bilous and started the discussion towards a new 5-year funding agreement for the regional economic development alliances. The current agreement is scheduled to end March 31, 2020.

8.0 Alberta HUB proposed 2018-19 budget / operations plan – Bob presented and reviewed the 2018 – 19 draft budget along with the operations plan. Soren asked if there are any questions or comments. Hearing no further discussion Soren asked For a motion approving the 2018 – 19 budget and operations plan as presented. Tim MacPhee moved the 2018-19 budget and operations plan be approved as presented. Carried 8.0a Aerospace Technology & Defense Project – Bob provided an update

8.0b Opportunity identification/Lead Generation Project – Bob provided an update

8.0c EATC Local to Global Forum - Bob provided a summary of the presentations which was Provided by Terri Hampson, Elk Point Councilperson. It was stated the Local to Global forum Was a success that was well received. This was largely due to the great work by the Town of Vermilion and the EATC operations committee. Soren confirmed that the Battle River Alliance of Economic Development, the central region of the EATC has decided to withdraw from the EATC initiative. Alberta HUB and the Palliser Economic Partnership will continue with this initiative as it has proven very valuable for the communities on both regions. Soren stated he will keep in the Alberta HUB board and membership up to date moving forward.

8.0d Supercluster - Smart Agri-Food Super Cluster – Diane Harms, Lakeland College Diane advised that this project was not approved however work on it has not stopped. A Version of it is moving forward. Bob advised that the supercluster Proteins Canada Inc. was approved, and Alberta HUB has Reached out to this group for involvement. This project aligns with Alberta HUB activities In value add agriculture projects as well as the Industrial Hemp projects. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

9.0 Rural Alberta Business Center (RABC) update – Bob along with the 3 other managing partners of the 4 RABCs met with ADM Michele Evans and Tom Mansfield ED&T on continued funding for the program. No decisions have been made to date moving past June, 2019. Kathryn Hotte provided an update on the RABC and the Business Incubator project.

10.0 FCM – Steve Upham - Soren called up Steve to provide an update on FCM activites.

Noon Lunch Break

11.0 Alberta Transportation (AT) Projects –

Soren Introduced Dean Litke who provided an update on the Highway 28 study

Soren introduced Kim Durdle who provided an update to the high load corridor study Now named the Over Sized over Weight Corridor………………

Unfortunately copies of the presentations are not for distribution (yet) however once this is approved the information will be made available.

Soren introduced Chris Beringer, Director, Transportation Solutions, Economic Development & Trade Chris spoke to his role and looks forward to hearing from the communities and the transport industry in the Alberta HUB region concerning “transportation”.

Soren thanked Dean, Kim and Chris for taking the time to attend and present.

Soren thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting at 2:25pm

______Soren Odegard Caroline McAuley Chair Sec/Treasurer Northeast Alberta Information HUB Northeast Alberta Information HUB