Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B, Natural History, 60 (3–4): 149–164 issued December 2004 Sborník Národního muzea, Serie B, Přírodní vědy, 60 (3–4): 149–164 WORLD KEYS TO THE GENERA AND SUBGENERA OF DERMESTIDAE (COLEOPTERA), WITH DESCRIPTIONS, NOMENCLATURE AND DISTRIBUTIONAL RECORDS* JIŘÍ HÁVA Private Entomological Laboratory and Collection, Branická 13, CZ-147 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic; e-mail:
[email protected] Háva, J. (2004): World keys to the genera and subgenera of Dermestidae (Coleoptera), with descriptions, nomenclature and di- stributional records. – Acta Mus. Nat. Pragae, Ser. B, Hist. Nat., 60 (3-4): 149-164. Praha. ISSN 0036-5343. * This paper is dedicated to Dr. Josef Jelínek, well known specialist in the family Nitidulidae. I thank you, Josef, for many ye- ars of your kind assistance. Abstract. All the known genera and subgenera belonging to the family Dermestidae are keyed. The genus Trinoparvus gen. n. with two new species Trinoparvus laboriosus sp. n. and T. villosus sp. n. is described and illustrated. The tribe Ctesiini REES, 1943 is newly synonymized with the tribe Megatomini; the genus Ctesias STEPHENS, 1830 is newly divided into the follo- wing subgenera described here with designations of type species: Ctesias s. str., subgenus Tiresiomorpha (PIC, 1954) stat. n. with Ctesias (Tiresiomorpha) klapperichi (PIC, 1954) comb. n., subgenus Decemctesias subgen. n., subgenus Novemctesias subgen. n.. The genus Caccoleptus SHARP, 1902 is newly divided into the following subgenera described here with desig- nations of type species: Caccoleptus s. str., subgenus Bicaccoleptus subgen. n., subgenus Pecticaccoleptus subgen. n.. The subgenus Pseudomesalia GANGLBAUER in BODEMEYER, 1900 of the genus Globicornis LATREILLE, 1829 is a resur- rected subgenus from synonymy and it is compared with subgenus Dearthrus LE CONTE, 1861.