Annual Report 2017 - 2018 If you or someone you know cannot read this document, please contact us and we will do our best to provide the information in a suitable format or language. For more information, contact the Communications Team on 020 8296 4995 or email
[email protected]. St Helier Hospital Epsom Hospital Wrythe Lane Dorking Road Carshalton Epsom Surrey Surrey SM5 1AA KT18 7EG Tel: 020 8296 2000 Tel: 01372 735735 These are the main hospitals that we run our services from. However, our doctors, nurses and other staff also work from a number of other sites, as well as nine renal centres for patients needing dialysis. Contents PERFORMANCE REPORT 1 Overview: 4 A welcome from our Chairman and Chief Executive 5 About us 8 Our values, objectives and five year strategy 9 2 Performance analysis 16 Deliver safe and effective care with dignity and respect 17 Create a positive experience that meets the expectations of our 22 patients, their families and carers Provide responsive care that delivers the right treatment, in the right 29 place at the right time Maintain financial sustainability 31 Work in partnership with our patients, commissioners, other health 32 providers and local authorities Ensuring we have highly engaged, patient centred and skilled teams 34 that are well-led. ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT 35 3 Corporate Governance Report 36 Governance statement 36 Executive and non-executive directors and the role of the trust board 37 Statement of Accountable Officer’s responsibilities 47 Director’s report 48 Remuneration and staff report 53 The accounts 60 1 Overview PERFORMANCE REPORT - overview Welcome to the 2017-18 Annual Report – a message from our Chairman and Chief Executive As another year comes to a close, we are delighted to be able to share an overview of how the Trust performed during 2017-18.