Case Report iMedPub Journals Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Research 2018 Vol.6 No.3:255 ISSN 2386-5180 DOI: 10.21767/2386-5180.100255 Imperforate Hymen with Hydrocolpos in Palestinian Neonate: A Case Report Allam Fayez Abuhamda1*, Shady Abu El Ajeen2, Wesam Shaltout2 and Salama Abu Nada3 1Gaza Strip’s Neonatal Intensive Care Units, Gaza, Palestine 2Al-Aqsa Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Al-Aqsa martyrs Hospital, Gaza, Palestine 3Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, Gaza, Palestine *Corresponding author: Allam Fayez Abuhamda, MOH Senior Consultant Neonatologist, Gaza Strip’s Neonatal Intensive Care Units, Gaza, Palestine, Tel: +00972597502720; E-mail:
[email protected] Received Date: September 1, 2018; Accepted Date: September 15, 2018; Published Date: September 17, 2018 Citation: Abuhamda AF, Ajeen SAE, Shaltout W, Nada SA (2018) Imperforate Hymen with Hydrocolpos in Palestinian Neonate: A Case Report. Ann Clin Lab Res Vol.6 No.3: 255. care, at 39 weeks gestation age, antenatal ultrasound showed Abstract the fetus had pelvic-abdominal mass 4 × 6 cm (Figure 1). Neonatal hydrocolpos is a rare condition, if not diagnosed early could lead to lower urinary tract obstruction and renal failure. At 39th week gestational age antenatal ultrasound showed the fetus had lower abdominal mass 4 × 6 cm. By physical examination at birth, she was girl with lower abdominal distension and she had a bulging imperforated hymen. Abdominal CT documented hydrocolpos. The pediatric surgeon did a small hymeneal incision, milky secretion drained and abdominal distension significantly improved. Keywords: Neonatal hydrocolpos; Lower urinary tract; Renal failure Figure 1 Fetal abdominal mass at the 39 weeks gestational age.