Number 76 Pullman, Washington, Friday, March }O, 1961 Volume 67 Buttermore 10 'Chest' Closes Replace Zion With living Dr. Ralph Buttermore, physi- cian and surgeon with WSU's Group Auction Student Health Service since Sep- tember, has been appointed direc- Today at 3:15 in the CUB tor of the service effectiye July 1. fountain area, the 1961 Cougar . His appointment has been ap- Campus Chest drive will come proved by C. Clement French, to a close with the annual living president of WSU, and is subject group auction. to confirmation by the 'Board of Items up for bidding will in- Regents. clude a Four Dot Function, Pic- . Dr. -Buttermore will replace Dr. nic and Entertainment, Slaves for Harry Zion who recently submit- a Day, Roman Toga , Car ted his resignation in order to Wash, Pizza at the Red , take a special residency in psy- Spring and Street Dance, chiatric training at Stanford Uni- Hobo Handout, Flapjack Flip, versity. Dr. Zion will complete Four Piece Combo, a Happy his eighth year with WSU before Hand Holding Hiking Party Pic- leaving Pullman. nic, and Snacks on the Snake. Other services to be auctioned Dr. Buttermore, a general are Barbecues, Singing Waitres- practitioner at Grangeville, Idaho ses, Hayride and Keg Party, for 13 years, said Wednesday that Kisses and Cake on the Snake, a search will start soon to find a Spaghetti Feed, Roastin' and Dan- fourth physician for the Student em', Bear Blast, Splash Party, Health Service. Sewing Singers, Smilin Sloshers- Student Health Service staff Auto Washers, Wagon Hay Play, also includes two registered nurs- and Sanitation and Stomp. es and two receptionists. from ieft are Hugh Campbell and Jim Larson. Filling out the list are several SOPHOMORE TOLO KING will be announced Back row is Gerry Hood and Bill Prescott. Not Dr. BuLtermore is a 1939 grad- tomorrow night at the Sophomore Tolo. Of five offers of "man hours" of work, uate of the Medical College of finalists, four are pictured above. Front row pictured is Craig Jackson. Spring Frolic in the Moscow Virginia at Richmond, and had a Mountains, Casino , Bed- general practice at Coulee Dam lam. Grasshopper, Popcorn Fire- before moving to Grangeville. side, Rendezvous at Ye Olde He is active in Pullman civic Coeds To Set Drive-in, Head Hunters Brawl, affairs and was physician for the Spring Fashions featured A Night in Tahiti, Sneak to the freshman football team last fall - Snake, Pizza parties, Brontosaur- a post he hopes to continue next IT ender Trap' us Brawl, and yard and house year. Coeds this is your big chance. At Women's Day Program cleanups. The only all-campus tolo of the These items are not listed in year, "The Tender Trap," is Sat- the order they will be put on the By Pauline Larson gloves. The featured the Lady Says City urday Match 11 from 9 to mid- new smooth lines in a softly auction block. Hemlines are still up, mix and night. tailored pattern. The skirt was A meeting of all bidders will match fashions are "it" for the Sue Coffin is dance chairman. slightly belled and short. be held at 2:45 p. m. in the Should Be Jailed college coed, and colors are CUB fountain area proceeding Music will be by the Gateswing- Lavender was predominant in FRA~KFURT, Ky. -UPl-Put- ers: an 8-piece band. brighter and better according to the auction. the Spring style show presented many of the styles. Pat Yarno The majority of donations is ting a city in jail might pose a Larry Kirkpatrick, sophomore problem, but the mayor of Mays- by AWS yesterday noon as part modeled a three piece co-ordin- expected to come from the auc- class president, said that the Tolo ated lavender outfit. The skirt ville, Ky., has suggested it. King will be announced during the of Women's Day. tion, but, according to Barbara Testifying at a Water Pollu-' and jerkin were lavender and intermission and crowned by Twenty six models, represent- Sinclair, drive adviser, the Stu- tion Control Commission hearing pink plaid. With the skirt and dent Bookstore has alreadv do- Homecoming Queen, Dol' 0 t 11 Y ing each of the women's living Wednesday, Mayor Rebecca Hord groups modeled fashions for jerkin she wore a lavender tail- nated $50. . Tucker and Sylvia Salsman, Pi ored blouse with roll-Up sleeves. acknowledged her city was guilty Kappa Alpha Dream Girl. The sportswear, school, dress and for- of dumping waste in the Ohio mal wear. The clothes and shoes One outfit for church, teas, or voting was held last night in all dress which caused a few sighs River but added the city couldn't women's living groups. were furnished by the Empire, Awards afford a sewage treatment plant. the Bookstore, Bolick's and Pen- from the filled feminine audience "You'll just have to put the city Finalists are Bill Prescott, Phi was a black dress modeled by Sigma Kappa; Jerry Hood, Sher- ney's. This Saturday in jail," she concluded. Ann Dahlin was commentator Kay Irwin. The dress. with semi- "\Ve'll study that," said Atty. wood; Jim Larson, Sigma Nu; full skirt, had a sophisticated' air The eighth annual Inland Em- Hugh Campbell, Phi Delta Theta for the show which was held in pire press, radio, and television Gen. John Breckenridge, acting the CUB Ballroom. Providing the and at the neckline a touch of and Craig Jackson, Stimson. white lace to break the solid line awards banquet will be held in as commission chairman. background music was Linda Sil- Spokane on March 11, according zel. Entertainment was provided of black. Concluding the magic hour of to Maynard Hicks, associate pro- by the Sigma N'u Trio consisting fessor of journalism. of Don Daniels, Dave Vic and fashions was Kathv Reese model- ing a very full white formal. The The banuqet, which last year Gary Larsen. Reports Highlight organdy formal appeared to be drew 300 guests, is sponsored by The majority of fashions layer after layer of ruffles cas- the Spokane alumnae chapter of showed colors such as shocking Theta Sigma Phi and honors men pink, lavender, azelea pink, and cading down the skirt. and women writers from through- odd never expected combinations The style show committee con- sisted of Julie Rock, chairman, out the Northwest. Short BOC Meeting such as apricot, yellow and green This year's program will be together. With colors such as and members Dee \Veissenborn, Jan VanderStaay, Judy Buess, held at the Spokane Press Club. In what was possibly the short- ported. He indicated that a dis- these, Spring promises to be more The evening's program, which be- cussion on African affairs may colorful than ever on college Sandy Udseth, Judy Brunson, est meeting in their history, Marlene Jacobson, Sue Separo- gins at 5:30 p.m. will include a be the subject of the seminar. campuses. Board of Control members romp- vich, Judy Conrad, Mikel Brehm, social hour, buffet supper, spe- ed through the agenda in 45 Placed on the agenda with a Swimwear featured low backs cial awards presentation pro- in the new popular knit Iabrtc. and Sharon Northridge. minutes Wednesday evening, report from the academic integ- Other models included were gram, and an awards dance. One called, "Cha, cha" Among those attending from Reporting on the activities of rity committee, chairman Ron Madeline Fitzgerald, Sheila Clay, World University Service, Dick Fragner said that "We're still features a knockout 'combination WSU are Pauline Larson, student of green, yellow and white hori- Linda Ebersole, Sherry Smith, Butler explained the organiz- alive, but haven't anything to re- representative, and H. V. Al- zontal stripes. Sylvia Fredrickson Anita Johnson, Georgia Kloostra, ation's role of assisting students port at this time." Denise Hilderbrand, Janet Jamar, ward, .Ir., Maynard Hicks, Char- in underdeveloped countries. Encouraging board members to modeled the suit. les Cole, and Jack Reidy, all A striking sports outfit modeled Stevie Bruce, Marlene Jacobsen, More than $10,000 has been do- use the book store during the Margaret Jacobson, Judy Chris- members of the Journalism fa- March noon hour trial period, by Jean Arthaucl consisted of culty. nated by the Cougar Campus capri pants and matching top. topher, Jan Aronson, Stevie York, Chest Drive in the past ten years, Dave Hirzel indicated that there Sandy Hurd, Julie Gongwer, was considerable traffic in the The colors were apricot, yellow Butler said. and green stripes. Topping the Mona Lake, Roberta Darby, and Sailor Steals Twice On the agenda for a commis- bookstore during noon hours, and outfit was a wide brimmed straw Joanne Bingham. sion on committee evaluation re- that the policy may possibly be- Women's Day was concluded by MEMPHIS, TENN. -VP) - A port, l\Iike Brooks could not be come permanent. Hirzel reported hat. a convocation at 7:30 in the - 17-year-old sailor drove up to the found. Commented President Milt jokingly that a group of Pi Beta Culottes, one of the new fash- Federal Building and parked in ions last fall, were modeled by room. Dr. Rheva Myhre of Spo- Smith: "We'll try to get him Phi women had been going to the kane was the featured speaker. the spot reserved for the U. S. store in shifts during the noon Bobbie Dunning. The green plaid marshal. here next week." pant-skirt was worn with a white "We hope that in the future hour to create the impression of Then the sailor Judson Edward heavy traffic, but final decision tailored blouse. Liberians Get Support Griggs, pleaded guilty to a car the Board of Control and Daily Knee ticklers, another of the Evergreen staff can work closer would be made by consideration UNITED NATIONA, N. Y.--UP) theft charge and was put on pro- of cash receipts only. new fashions last fall, were mod- bation. Griggs jauntily rode away together, although we can't work eled by Sandy Hurd. The knee --The chairman of the 26-nation hand in hand all of the time," Committee appointments an- African group said Wednesday but soon was back in court on nounced by Fred Segrest were tickler, which ends just above the the same charge. The second car, President Smith said in are-port knee, was in a brown linen. night that all have agreed to sup- on a recent Board o,f publications Diana Batzle and Donna Belknap, port the Liberian delegation for too, was stolen. CUB arts and crafts; Riad Kay- For dress Mary Epton modeled This time the judge sentenced meeting. an all co-ordinated beige outfit. action by the UN Security Coun- "The Student Relations Semin- yali, and Adli Qudsi, international cil on Portuguese-ruled Angola, a him to 21/2 years on each car theft relations; Camilla Crane, election The beige was carried out from charge. ar has been tentatively scheduled her shoes to dress jewelry and neighbor of the chaotic Congo. for April 15," Dick Butler re- board.