Post-Office Annual Directory
-,-- -- po£ emu tv »*««* p*w» a sissf Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland ' : t&ntor tyt patronage of SIR DAVID WEDDERBURN, Bart. POSTMASTER-GENERAL FOR SCOTLAND. THE POST OFFICE ANNUAL DIRECTORY FOR 1826-£7; CONTAINING AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE NOBILITY, CxENTRY, MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS, IN tfttfnlwrgii, EUttjb, antr $tto|jah*H. ' WITH AN APPENDIX. AND A STREET DIRECTORY. I TWENTY-FIRST PUBLICATION EDINBURGH PRINTED FOR THE. LETTER-CARRIERS OF THE GENERAL POST OFFICE. 1826. JAMES BALLANTYNE & CO, PRINTERS. CONTENTS PAGE. Edinburgh Street Directory, v Leith Street Directory, .... xiii Edinburgh Directory, including Newhaven and Leith walk, . , . ; . 1 Leith Directory, . • . 208 appendix. Delivery of Letters, 1 Closing of the Letter-Box, and Dispatch of Mails from Edinburgh, ib. Rates of Postages from Edinburgh to Countries beyond . Sea, , 2 Calculated return of Packets, to America, West Indies, &c. 3 List of Principal Places Abroad, with the Countries to which the Letters are forwarded, . ib. Ship Letters, &c 6 Rates of Postage of Letters, Bank Notes, Drafts, Money, Rings, Lockets, Money Order-Office, &c. ib. Receiving-Houses in Edinburgh, .... 7 Penny-Post Receiving-houses, .... ib. List of English Post-Towns, &c 8 Two-penny Post-Towns from London, . .15 List of Irish Post-Towns, &c. .17 List of Scottish Post-Towns, &c 20 Two-penny Post-Towns, with hour of Dispatch, from Edinburgh, . .23 List of Penny-Post and Sub-Offices, ... 24 Mail and Stage Coaches, . ... .25 Hackney Coach Regulations and Fares, ... 27 Hackney Chair Fares, . .31 Rates of Porterage, .32 Stamp Duties, ^.
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