Date: 07 March 2007

Report from: Borough Planning Officer

Application Address: Station Plaza, Station Approach, , TN34 1BA Proposal: Demolition of warehouse and workshops, mixed-use development of five new buildings comprising education, health, retail and 103 residential units (62 x 1 bed, 39 x 2 bed, 2 x 3 bed) with associated open space, landscaping, car parking and engineering works. Application No: HS/FA/06/00983

Recommendat ion: GRANT PERMISSION

Ward: CASTLE File No: DE90000X Applicant: Hastings College of Arts & Technology per GVA Grimley 10 Stratton Street LONDON W1J 8JR

Interest: Prospective Purchaser Existing Use: Station Car Park, Station, Royal Mail Goods Yard, 2 X Warehouse Buildings

Policies Hastings Local Plan 2004: Policies TC1, TC7, H1, H6, C1, DG1, DG2, DG3, DG7, DG13, DG20, DG24, DG25, DG34 apply County Structure Plan: No Conflict Conservation Area: No

Public Consultation Adj. Properties: Yes Advertisement: Yes - General Interest Letters of Objection: 9 Petitions Received: 1 Letters of Support: 1

Application Status: Not delegated - More than 2 letters of objection received


This is a detailed application for the redevelopment of Hastings Station Yard to provide a mix of educational facilities, a new Primary Care Trust (PCT) building and 103 residential units in the form of 3 blocks of apartments. The residential element will include 30% affordable units.

This proposal follows the resolution to grant planning permission subject to a Section 106 Agreement in August 2005 for a similar scheme which was subsequently deemed to be insufficient for the needs of the end users. It is considered that this current proposal is superior to that previously approved in both design terms and facilities proposed. The overall benefits this scheme will contribute to the regeneration of Hastings cannot be over estimated and the application is therefore recommended for approval subject to conditions and a Section 106 Agreement.


The site (approx. 1.4 hectares) is located to the north west of Hastings Town Centre adjacent to Hastings Railway Station. To the west of the site is the existing Hastings Railway Station with the railway line running to the rear. The bus and coach interchange operates from the front of the station with the public car park immediately to the west. The east of the site is bounded by South Terrace and the road bridge over the railway line. Devonshire Road lies on the south east of the boundary and comprises two storey terraced housing backing directly onto the site boundary at the rear.

The site was formerly Hastings Station Goods Yard and is currently a station public car park, Royal Mail and car parks and has two warehouse buildings on site.


The proposal comprises a mixed use development of education, healthcare facilities and residential. The uses are detailed as follows:

Education (Use Class D1)

The educational building will be occupied by Hastings College of Art and Technology (HCAT) and will comprise 21,120m 2 of gross external floorspace. The new campus will replace the existing facilities at Archery Road and St Saviours Road which are no longer capable of meeting modern requirements and do not comply with Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)/accessibility standards. The existing sites are not capable of expansion as is required to meet educational objectives within the area.

The college building will comprise five inter-linked blocks which will be connected by a centrally glazed atrium. The ground floor atrium area will house the reception and college shops (ie hairdressers, travel shop, florists and cafe). The building will be six storeys in height.


The residential element will comprise 3 blocks of apartments totalling 103 flats, 30% of which will be affordable and managed by a Registered Social Landlord (RSL). Two blocks will be circular rotunda in design and the third will be set back in a line backing onto the railway line. All three blocks will surround a square of landscaped open space to be enjoyed by the flats.

The western most building will contain 15 flats over five storeys, the central block 76 units over 7 storeys and the eastern block 12 units at 4 storeys high.

Health Facilities

The six storey building occupied by the Primary Care Trust (PCT) will be located on the south western end of the site in front of the station forecourt and will lead through to the town centre (Priory Meadow Shopping Centre).

Underground car parking (330 spaces) will be provided beneath the college for use by the college, PCT, and Network Rail customers and employees. Residential parking spaces (103) will be located beneath the residential building with access to both car parks off Devonshire Road. Service access will be via an independent access road between numbers 28 & 30 Devonshire Road.


HS/FA/04/968 Demolition of warehouse and workshops. Mixed use redevelopment of ten new buildings comprising education, health, B1 office and retail uses, 102 residential units, public open space, car parking. Resolution to Grant Permission 10 August 2005 subject to a Section 106 Agreement.

HS/OA/05/797 Development of Imagination Centre. Refused 25 November 2005.


There have been 9 individual letters of objection, 1 letter of support and 1 petition in response to neighbour consultation, newspaper advertisement and 5 site notices.

The Leisure Manager notes that the landscape statement is very general and detailed planting proposals are requested. A contribution towards play facilities in Alexandra Park is requested.

East Sussex County Council Highways conclude that the traffic impact of the development would require only minor modifications to local road junctions and therefore not be detrimental to the operational capacity of the highway network.

The Hastings Transport Planner requires further details on the Greenway treatment and potential conflict between pedestrians and cyclists. A contribution for the walking to school initiative is also requested as there is no primary school within Castle Ward.

The Marketing and Communications Manager states that “a quality development on this sitecan only create a good impression on visitors to the town, and so indirectly benefit the visitor economy”.

The Borough Ecologist recommends a condition to cover the safeguarding of protected species whilst development takes place.

Network Rail have requested the various conditions be attached to maintain the safety of the operational railway and the public.

CABE were consulted but are unable to comment on the proposals.

Hastings Greenway objects to the proposed Greenway running through the middle of the site as there is no through route under the South Terrace Bridge.

Sussex Police have no major concerns and are satisfied with the route of the Greenway. They would want further negotiations on the provision of CCTV.

The Environment Agency have no objections in principle but recommend conditions.

East Sussex Fire & Rescue have no objections.

Hastings and Rother Urban Design Group object to the proposal because of the proposed ‘road’ to the rear of Devonshire Road, development blocks access to the trackside at South Terrace Bridge for the Greenway and the PCT building blocks views of the Castle from Hastings Station.

Southern Water has no objection in principle subject to conditions.

English Heritage have some design comments but overall recommend that the case should be determined in accordance with government guidance, development plan policies and with the benefit of conservation and design advice locally.


Planning Policy

The application site is allocated in the Hastings Local Plan 2004 as follows:

'POLICY TC1 - Hastings Station Yard Land at Hastings Station Yard is allocated for a mixed use development that is likely to include educational, business, residential and retail uses. Planning permission will be granted for this type of scheme provided that the various elements complement each other in a way that contributes towards the vitality and viability of the town centre. The development must include any necessary provision for the upgrading of the station approach and interchange facilities and have regard to any plans for the Greenway.'

This policy was drafted prior to the redevelopment of Hastings Station so the comment regarding upgrading is no longer relevant. The Greenway will be discussed further on within this report.

Housing policies H1 & H6 allocate the site for a minimum of 80 dwelling with a provision of 25% social rented housing and 5% other affordable housing. As the scheme proposes 103 flats and 30% affordable housing provision, it is considered that the scheme is compliant with these allocations. The developers for the residential element (Gladedale) are currently in discussion with the Council’s preferred RSL partners as to their requirements. The affordable housing provision will be secured by a Section 106 Agreement.

Land Use

The proposed mixed use scheme of education with ancillary retail, health facilities and residential is compliant with Hastings Local Plan 2004 Policy TC1.

Design, Mass & Amenity Impact

The principle of major redevelopment on this site, with the scale, bulk and massing of the current scheme, was established when the Members resolved to grant planning permission in 2005.

The current scheme comprises a total of 5 individual buildings, varying in height from 4 storeys to seven storeys. Whilst the modern design deviates from the traditional style usually associated with Hastings, the materials are consistent with those used in other parts of the Borough.

The residents of Devonshire Road are concerned about the potential effect the development will have on their amenity. A large retaining wall currently separates the rear of the properties in Devonshire Road from the development site. The proposed car park for the residential units will be accessed via the rear of properties in Devonshire Road.

As only a 1 metre kerb will lie between the roadway leading to the car park and the rear of the houses in Devonshire Road, residents are concerned regarding potential noise, vibration and fumes from cars entering and exiting the car park. They are also concerned about potential crime from pedestrians able to access the car park on foot.

These potential issues have been discussed with the applicants and they are prepared to carry out acoustic investigations. They have also agreed to submit details of a ‘crash barrier’ or safety measures between the roadway and retaining wall. The contractors will prepare a Construction Management Plan which will set out mitigation measures to protect against any disruption to adjoining properties during construction which will include a condition to survey the existing situation of the retaining wall and monitor the wall during construction and after.

Overall, it is considered that the design of the current scheme is more accommodating to the residents of Devonshire Road. The proposed residential blocks are now some distance from the rear of their properties whereas previously they were a few metres away.

The proposed Plaza will provide adequate amenity space for public use and the residential units will include individual balconies providing private amenity space and outlook. In accordance with Hastings Local Plan 2004 Policy DG13 the developer has agreed to make a financial contribution towards improving play space facilities at Alexandra Park. This will be secured through a Section 106 Agreement.

The scheme has been designed around a central landscaped plaza which runs from east to west through the site. The Plaza area will include quality finishes (to be approved) which will provide a wide pedestrian route through the site with structured landscaping to the south. The residential blocks will surround a central landscaped square to be enjoyed by the residents.

Overall, the contemporary design and use of materials respect the character and appearance of the adjoining Conservation Area and the area in general. The views to will not be diminished.

The Greenway and Public Realm

Policy TC7 of the Hastings Local Plan 2004 states:

'POLICY TC7 - Greenway Land is safeguarded for a Greenway as set out on the Proposals Map. Planning permission will not be granted for any development that does not ensure its implementation as an integral part of the overall design and route of the Greenway scheme.'

The proposed Greenway is shown on the Hastings Local Plan 2004 Proposals Map as running alongside the railway to the north of the application site. The current proposals for the Greenway show the route through the centre of the development. The architects looked at different options for the location of the Greenway and it was concluded that the location chosen was the most practicable within land ownership (Network Rail own the strip of land adjacent the rail track) and for environmental and security reasons. Sussex Police are satisfied that the route through the centre is a safer option for potential users, and the proposed underground car park can now be naturally ventilated via grills to the north of the site adjoining the railway lines. The route of the Greenway could not have continued under the South Terrace Bridge (as suggested by an objector) as the land is not in the ownership or control of the applicant.

Details of the treatment of the Greenway will be submitted as a detail and should include different textures defining different areas of use within the track. Notwithstanding the current situation, a scheme for a cycle track along the railway can be implemented at a later date should additional land be secured from Network Rail.

While the proposed Greenway link would not follow the route shown on the Proposals Map of the Hastings Local Plan 2004, the route now proposed would, in fact, be more attractive than a route between the building and the railway line.

Highways & Traffic Implications

A naturally ventilated underground car park with 330 spaces in total is proposed on a single level. The residential spaces (103) are separate from the parking for the college, PCT, Network Rail and public parking (227). The number of spaces is in accordance with current parking standards. Cycle parking is provided at both podium and car park levels.

Access to both car parks will be controlled by a vehicular barrier and the residential element will have a separate entrance to the rear of Devonshire Road. Residents in Devonshire Road are concerned about the capacity of the ramped service road to accommodate two-way vehicular traffic. The vast majority of service vehicles entering and exiting the site will be transit sized and the level of traffic will be low and infrequent. The gradient of the ramp will be 1:12.

East Sussex County Council Highways are satisfied that the proposed vehicular access/egress to the site is acceptable in highway safety terms. A comprehensive Travel Plan is required, as is a management agreement for the car park, and contributions towards public transport initiatives and various off-site improvements to junctions, signals and traffic lines to take account of the change in traffic flows.


The proposed redevelopment is compliant with the policies contained within the Hastings Local Plan 2004 and redevelopment of this site will contribute much to the regeneration of Hastings. It will provide modern education facilities and a state of the art primary care trust facility. The mixed use nature of the development will add to the physical townscape and create considerable employment opportunities much needed in the area. I therefore recommend that permission be granted subject to conditions.

The Human Rights considerations have been taken into account fully in balancing the planning issues.


(A) That the Borough Planning Officer be authorized to issue planning permission on completion of an Agreement under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 to secure the provision of affordable housing, contributions towards Public Transport, Travel Plan and improvements to play space at Alexandra Park .


1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

2. With the exception of internal works the building works required to carry out the development allowed by this permission must only be carried out within the following times:-

08.00 - 18.00 Monday to Friday 08.00 - 13.00 on Saturdays No working on Sundays or Public Holidays.

3. No development shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority a scheme of soft landscaping, which shall include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land including details of those to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development. New soft landscaping details shall include planting plans; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment); schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate together with an implementation programme.

4. No development shall take place until full details of the hard landscape works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and these works shall be carried out as approved. These details shall include proposed finished levels or contours; surfaces and treatment of Greenway; means of enclosure; car parks and pedestrian access and circulation areas; hard surfacing materials; minor artefacts and structures (eg furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs lighting etc.); proposed and existing functional services above and below ground (eg drainage, power, communications cables, pipelines etc. indicating lines, manholes, supports etc.); retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant.

5. All planting seeding or turfing comprised in the approved soft landscaping scheme shall be carried out prior to the occupation of any part of the development, or with the written agreement of the Local Planning Authority, in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of any buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner. Any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.

6. All hard landscape works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. The works shall be carried out prior to the occupation of any part of the development or in accordance with the programme agreed with the Local Planning Authority.

7. No development shall take place until samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the development hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

8. The developer shall afford access at all reasonable times to any archaeologist nominated by the Local Planning Authority and shall allow them to observe the excavations and record items of interest and finds. To enable this to be arranged the developer must give the Local Planning Authority at least 10 working days notice before any excavation works are undertaken.

9. (a) A detailed site investigation for the presence of contaminants, methane and carbon dioxide in soil shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction works on site. Details of the investigation shall be approved by the Local Planning Authority prior to investigative works commencing. Such investigation and assessment should be carried out by suitably qualified personnel in accordance with current Government, Environment Agency and British Standard Guidance. Should any significant risks be identified by such an investigation, a remediation scheme including suitable monitoring and verification methodologies shall be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

(b) The remediation scheme, as agreed by the Local Planning Authority, shall be fully imp lemented before the development is first occupied. Any variation to the scheme shall be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority in advance of works being undertaken. The remediation scheme is to include considerations and proposals to deal with situations where, during works on site, contamination is encountered which has not previously been identified. Any further contamination shall be fully assessed and an appropriate remediation scheme submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval.

(c) On completion of the works the developer shall provide written confirmation that all works were completed in accordance with the agreed details.

10. No flat hereby approved shall be occupied until details of readily accessible external storage space for refuse bins awaiting collection have been provided to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority.

11. No development shall commence until details of the location of the CCTV equipment have been submitted, approved and installed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter no development shall take place other than in accordance with the approved details.

12. Prior to the commencement of residential element of the development an acoustic investigation shall be carried out to the rear of properties in Devonshire Road and the results for mitigation shall be provided to the Local Planning Authority.

13. Prior to the occupation of any of the buildings, a green travel plan, with the objective of reducing car-borne traffic to and from the site, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and upon approval in writing shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the authority when the buildings are brought into use. The plan shall include an assessment of the adequacy of bus services to and from the site.

14. No development shall take place until full details of all boundary fences, walls and/or enclosures have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. All such boundary treatments shall be erected before the building to which it relates is occupied.

15. Prior to commencement of development a scheme for the provision of public art in the Plaza shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and on approval in writing shall be implemented prior to the occupation of any of the buildings.

16. No development shall commence ubtil a scheme fo surface and foul drainage for the site has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and upon approval in writing shall be fully implemented prior to the occupation of any buildings hereby permitted.

17. The car parking spaces and service areas shown on the approved plans shall be provided prior to the occupation of the development hereby permitted and thereafter shall not be used for any other purpose.

18. Prior to the occupation of any buildings, a scheme for the management of the car park, including the allocation of spaces and parking charges if appropriate, shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. On approval the scheme shall be implemented when the buildings are first occupied.

19. A lighting scheme for the development shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and upon approval in writing shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority prior to the occupation of any of the buildings hereby permitted.

20. At least 2% of the residential units shall be designed and constructed for use by persons with restricted mobility.

21. No development shall commence on site until details of the following have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:-

(a) Proposed methods of excavation, demolition, piling and all other construction associated with the development;

(b) The number of piling rigs operating simultaneously and their deployment;

(c) Noise and vibration monitoring arrangements for the piling;

(d) Measures, methods of working and means of screens the site and the piling rigs which will be employed to minimise disturbance to neighbouring properties and surrounding streets durings all construction works;

(e) Methods of controlling dust emissions from the site, including wheel cleaning;

(f) Arrangements for the disposal of all soil from the site by rail.

No excavation, demolition, piling or other construction works shall take place outside the following operating hours:

8am - 6pm Monday to Friday 8am - 1pm Saturday

No constructiion work shall take place on sunday or Bank holidays.

The noise limit shall not exceed Leq75dB at the site boundary at any time.

22. Prior to commencement of development a condition survey of the properties in Devonshire Road to be undertaken and monitoring of the retaining wall to be undertaken during the removal of the fill to establish any movement of the wall. A condition survey to be undertaken after work has been carried out and submitted to the Local Planning Authority.

23. No development to be commenced on site until a Construction Management Plan setting out mitigation measures to protect against disruption caused during construction has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

24. Details of safety measures along the new access road to the residential car park shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and shall then be implemented to the satisfaction of the Authority prior to the occupation of the development.


1. This condition is imposed in accordance with the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

2. In the interests of the amenity of the neighbouring residential occupiers. (Hastings Local Plan 2004 Policy DG1)

3. To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interests of the character and amenity of the area.

4. To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interests of the character and amenity of the area.

5. To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interests of the character and amenity of the area.

6. To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interests of the character and amenity of the area.

7. In the interests of the visual amenity of the area. (Hastings Local Plan 2004 - Policy DG1)

8. In view of the position of the site in an area of archaeological interest. In accordance with the aims of Policy C6 in the Hastings Local Plan 2004

9. To protect those redeveloping the site and any future occupants from potential landfill gases and soil contamination.

10. To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interests of the visual amenity.

11. In order to ensure co-ordination with the town centre CCTV system, in the interests of crime reduction.

12. To safeguard the amenity of residents in Devenshire Road. (Hastings Local Plan 2004 Policies DG1 and DG3)

13. In order to reduce car borne traffic in the interests of sustainable development.

14. To ensure a satisfactory form of development in the interests of the visual amenity.

15. In the interests of the visual amenity and in accordance with Hastings Local Plan 2004 Policy DG20.

16. To ensure that adequate drainage facilities have been provided.

17. To ensure an adequate level of off-street parking to serve the development.

18. To ensure the maximum shared and public use of the car park and to ensure that it is operated in accordance with the charging regime of other public car parks.

19. In the interests of visual amenity and safety.

20. In order to facilitate the use of dwellings by people with restricted mobility, in accordance with Hastings Local Plan 2004 Policy CN3.

21. To safeguard the amenity of adjoining and future residents. (Hastings Local Plan 2004 Policies DG1 and DG3)

22. To safeguard the amenity of adjoining residents in Devonshire Road. (Hastings Local Plan 2004 Policies DG1 and DG3)

23. To protect the residents of Devonshire Road.

24. To protect the residents of Devonshire Road.

Notes to the Applicant

1. Failure to comply with any condition imposed on this permission may result in enforcement action without further warning.

2. This permission is the subject of an obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

The reason for granting this permission is:

1. Having regard to local plan policy and to all other material considerations and taking account of comments and objections from local residents (and other interested parties) the proposed development is considered to be acceptable.

______Officer to Contact Ms K Phillips, Telephone 01424 783250

Background Papers Application No: HS/FA/06/00983 including all letters and documents