The Constitution of Kappa National Affiliated Sorority, Inc. Chapter

Preamble to the Constitution

The purpose of this Sorority shall be to encourage the higher educational ideals and practices in our institution; to promote a spirit of good citizenship, individual character and fellowship; and to oppose discrimination on the basis of race, sexual orientation, religion, color or creed, in order to strengthen and preserve the bonds of sisterhood. This organization will be a working group, never satisfied at standing still and always striving for new and better ideas. Our members will hold the traditions and accomplishments of the University and work toward the betterment of the individual and the community; to foster the highest educational ideals, to promote the educational practices and to constantly be open to the truth and its application at Plymouth State University; to aid women in the preparation for careers.

​Article I: Name

Section A. The name of this Sorority shall be Phi National Affiliated Sorority, Inc. The name of this Chapter shall be Kappa Sigma, represented by the Greek letter ​“K” for and � for ; this organization is to be recognized on the campus of ​Kappa​ ​“ ” ​ ​Sigma​ Plymouth State University in Plymouth, .

Section B. It shall be a national, independent, greek organization approved by Plymouth State University.

Section C. The colors of this Sorority are black and gold.

Section D. The flower of this Sorority is the yellow rose.

Section E. The national motto is: “May the spirit never die.”

Section F. The chapter motto is: “Live to learn, learn to live.”

Section G. The affiliate education motto shall be: “All for one and one for all.”

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Section H. The greek letter sigma shall stand for sincerity.

Section I. At the first official business meeting of every semester all the active sisters will recite the chapter pledge. The chapter pledge shall be: I ______, pledge to shape my behavior in accordance with the interest and the standards of the group, that I will subordinate all self and selfish desires for the good of others, to think in terms of those about me, and to lend my strength to those who have less, and to give my all to those who do not have enough.

Article II: Membership

Section A. 1. Active(s): Any female (Article II, Section B) shall be eligible for membership in this Sorority if they have good character, who are studying at Plymouth State University, and who manifest a keen interest in higher education. 2. Active Alumnae: Active Alumnae members are those which have either graduated from or are no longer attending Plymouth State University where they were admitted to Kappa Sigma chapter. 3. Honorary Members: Any female who has performed some distinguished public service and elected by a majority as an Honorary member of the Sorority. Approval from Nationals is needed.

Section B. Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority defines Female as anyone who identifies as a woman regardless of biological sex.

Section C. Our admission procedure shall be as follows: 1. Announcement of Rush. 2. The Rush is held. 3. Affiliate Educator, Assistant Affiliate Educator, and Historian shall conduct interviews of the prospective Affiliates. 4. Potential members fill out the New Member Application, as required by Kappa Sigma Chapter from the chapter representative. 5. Election of bids. 6. Students must attend a minimum of one rush in order to be eligible to be given a bid. 7. Bids are given out to prospective affiliates at a ceremony that all active sisters must attend. 8. Affiliate Education shall consist of four weeks as mandated by Kappa Sigma Chapter.

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Section D. Any member in good standing in a chapter may transfer to another chapter with the approval and consent of each chapter concerned. The transfering sister will have to go through a modified Affiliate Education that highlights the history and traditions specific to the chapter.

Section E. Membership in this sorority shall be for life. Sisters have the ability to self-expel from the sorority but at that time must agree to surrender all Kappa Delta Phi, NAS belongings to the chapter immediately and that although they are no longer a member of this organization they must still maintain the secrets of the rituals as promised during initiation.

Section F. A first semester sister will be allowed to hold a position except for any on executive board, affiliate educator, or assistant affiliate educator (Unless stated in Article III Section D)

Article III: Government

Section A. The Executive Board of this Chapter shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant-At-Arms.

Section B. One President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain Historian, Sergeant-At-Arms, Philanthropy Chair, Philanthropy Fundraising, Academic Chair and Standards Board shall be elected at the end of each academic year and must fulfill (unless ​ ​ otherwise stated) a term of one year in office, which is both Fall and Spring semesters. Social Media Chair, Greek Social Chair, Chapter Fundraising, Affiliate Educator, Assistant Affiliate Educator, Apparel Chair and Alumnae Relations Chair shall be elected at the end of each semester and must fulfill (unless otherwise stated) a term of one semester in office, which is either spring or fall semester.

Section C. Elections of Chapter Officers: 1. Notice of elections must be given by the President at least two (2) meetings before elections will take place. 2. A committee to nominate, composed of graduating seniors, will make nominations of officers for the next year’s Board first, then the floor will open up and other sisters may make their nominations. 3. Nominations shall be made one (1) meeting prior to elections and additional nominations may be made from the floor at this time.

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4. The final list of prospective candidates shall be issued to the members of the Sorority at least one (1) week in advance of the next meeting; therefore prospective candidates must compose a speech in their defense to why they should be elected to the positions. The election of officers shall be held at least one (1) week before the Installation Ceremony. 5. Speeches will be given in the order that the officers are outlined in article IV section B. 6. A quorum vote (2/3 or more of the Sorority) must be present in order to secure a nomination. 7. If no candidate obtains a majority of votes on the first vote, a runoff election will occur between the two highest candidates. 8. Incoming officers shall be installed by the prescribed rituals and shall take office at the chapter meeting following elections. 9. Any vacancy in an elected office must be filled within two (2) weeks after such vacancy occurs. 10. The President and Secretary will total the votes for Fall and Spring semester.

Section D. Qualifications for elections: 1. Qualifications for nominations include: In “Good Standing” with the chapter (Not currently on Academic Probation or Philanthropic Probation), all financial debts are paid, must not have more than two (2) strikes for the current semester at time of election. 2. Executive Board officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Sergeant-At-Arms must be a member for at least two (2) semesters (including semester of elections), this may include semester of induction. 3. President nominees must have held an Executive Board Position for at least one (1) year of office (Including the semester of elections), or the position of Affiliate Educator for at least one (1) semester (including the semester of elections). 4. Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Sergeant-At-Arms nominees must have held any position for at least one (1) semester prior to elections (including the semester of elections). 5. Affiliate Educator must be an active sister for two (2) full semesters (not including semester of induction), before qualifying for nomination. Assistant Affiliate Educator must be an active sister for one (1) full semester (not including semester of induction), before qualifying for nomination. 6. All other offices may be held by any other member who meets the previously stated qualifications.

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Section F. No sister shall hold more than one (1) major office in the Sorority simultaneously, due to conflict of interest, (Major offices being President, Vice-President, Treasurer, rd Secretary, and Sergeant-At-Arms). By a 2/3 ​ vote a major officer may hold another ​ position if there are not enough sisters to fill the positions (except the President due to conflict of interest). In the case of Affiliate Educator a sister who is holding a major rd office can be elected if she so chooses and receives the required 2/3 ​ vote by the sorority ​ (neither President nor Vice President may hold Affiliate Educator simultaneously).

Section G. All officers of this Sorority shall be upheld to the utmost highest standards and ideals of the chapter, and are to be an example of leadership to fellow sisters. Officers are required to uphold all responsibilities’ as stated in Article IV; failure to do so will result in a strike, as described later in Article VIII. 1. Sergeant-At-Arms will distribute strikes. 2. President and Sergeant-At-Arms will maintain an up to date record of all sisters’ strikes. 3. President and Vice-President are responsible for distributing strikes to Sergeant-At-Arms if/when necessary.

Article IV: Duties of the Executive Board, Chairs and Representatives

Section A. Requirements of Officers: 1. All Executive Board members, Chapter Representatives and Chairs are responsible for maintaining up-to date records in binders that can be passed down to incoming officers. 2. Holding a position is an opportunity and a responsibility, not a right for each member. Therefore, those holding office will be held to the highest standard of sisterly conduct and will strive to make the chapter stronger. 3. Any Executive Board member, who acquires three unexcused absences from meetings, constitutes an automatic dismissal from office. Section B. Executive Board Officers:

President Duties of the president include but are not limited to: 1. The Chief Officer of the chapter and presides at all chapter meetings. 2. Responsible for creating an agenda for Executive Board, Chair and General Board meetings of the Sorority. 3. Responsible for all duties concerning communication between the National Board and the local chapter.

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4. The final judge at the chapter level of the interpretation of the Constitution and other regulations (acts as an ex-officio member of all committees). 5. Enforces and preserves the Constitution. 6. Is the liaison between the chapter and Plymouth State Universities’ Greek Council. 7. Responsible for ensuring National Awards are applied for. This means filling out each award application or designating someone to do it for st the chapter. The awards shall be completed by the March 1 ​ due date ​ (or the assigned due date by the National Board). If the President does not ensure that awards are completed, she will be given a strike. Vice-President Duties of the vice president include but are not limited to: 1. Preside at all chapter meetings in the absence of the President. 2. Responsible for planning all events, that are not designated to other positions: a. Winter and Spring Formal. b. Holiday Events with Sisters 3. Chairs person of the Executive Board. 4. Assists the President in all legislative activities 5. Responsible for making sure the chapter adheres to the Risk Management Policy set forth by the National Board of Directors. a. Is responsible for going over the Risk Management Policy with Affiliates at the beginning of each Affiliate Education period. b. Is responsible for going over the Risk Management Policy before the start of the Affiliate Education period each semester with Active Sisters.

​Secretary Duties of the secretary include but are not limited to: ​ 1. The secretary shall record the minutes and attendance at each general, executive, and emergency meeting. After each meeting, she shall email the minutes to both the field rep and the chapter’s president. 2. The secretary is also responsible for posting the minutes on to the chapter’s private facebook page so every sister can view them. Sisters must contact the secretary if they are going to be late or absent from general meetings twenty four hours before the meetings start time. 3. Responsible for keeping a secretary book with all the minutes and attendance included. 4. Responsible for have adequate supplies and forms which are used by the chapter, such as Affiliate applications, order forms, membership applications, and any other forms which have been submitted to Nationals.

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Treasurer Duties of the treasurer include but are not limited to: 1. Responsible for contacting any sisters that have not made their payments and making arrangements with those sisters that need payment assistance. 2. Gives a report of all finances of the Sorority as maintained by her at all business meetings. 3. Responsible for maintaining sorority or chapter checking account and those funds designated for use by the sorority by Plymouth State University. 4. Responsible for the collection and payments of all contracts, dues, and contributions into the designated chapter bank account.This is to include the National dues, chapter dues and issuing receipts. 5. Responsible for sending 202 and 303 forms to the National Treasurer at the beginning of each semester. 6. Responsible for informing affiliates about financial obligations. a. Responsible for sending 101 forms to Nationals one day after nd Affiliates receive 2 ​ Degree, check needs to be sent out two ​ (2) days after. Sergeant-At-Arms Duties of the sergeant-at-arms include but are not limited to: 1. Responsible for carrying out any orders of the chapter Executive Board concerning censorship and removal of any member who displays misconduct during sorority functions. 2. The official guard of all Sorority functions, including meetings and Affiliate Education and will be responsible for maintaining order. 3. Responsible distributing strikes and keeping records of such actions. 4. Will be the head of the Standard’s Board and will be present in disciplinary meetings.

Affiliate Education Program: Affiliate Educator Duties of the affiliate educator include but are not limited to: 1. Responsible for coordinating all education activities with the realm of those activities authorized by the National Sorority. 2. Responsible for issuing Affiliate pins and be responsible for their return after education has been completed. 3. Administer the Standardized National Affiliate Examination and forward it to the Chapter Field Representative. 4. Responsible for the chapter Charter and the Book of Rituals. 5. Affiliate educator is responsible for leading the newest class in recruitment events including: Making facebook posts, being active at tabling, scheduling a recruitment calendar, and keeping in contact with potential affiliates. 6. Responsible for planning and advertise rushes in a timely matter.

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7. Little Sisters will be assigned in the method by choice of the Affiliate Educator. The order that little sisters will be assigned is based on affiliate education class seniority, to the sister with no family line lineage. The order by affiliate education class will be based on attendance and points per sister within a class. The order will continue down to the last class of eligible sisters before it will start back at the top of the list and any sister who does not have two little sisters is eligible to take a second little, the order will continue like before by seniority of affiliate education class. Sisters on probation are ineligible to take a little. The order of selection based on seniority will be publicly known before the recruitment period begins. 8. She must run a four week affiliate education program with various activities that includes all the appropriate traditions and ideals of Kappa Sigma. 9. She must administer the national test to affiliates at the two week mark of affiliate education.

Assistant Affiliate Educator Assistant Affiliate Educator’s duties include but are not limited to: 1. helping out the Affiliates Educator with all duties( including but not limited to; affiliate program, affiliate education nights, rush events, bid process, etc) 2. Also responsible for replacing AE during any education or event that the AE cannot attend, making sure all information and activities are carried out. Representatives and Chairs: Chaplain Historian Duties of the chaplain historian include but are not limited to: 1. Responsible for keeping a running history of the chapter and filling such history and pictures in a scrapbook. 2. Keep inventory of all chapter belongings (Composites, photos, flags, etc.) 3. Is in charge of preparing the room and setting for formal degrees. 4. Responsible for creating display at convention. 5. Responsible for producing material for the Sorority publications, (i.e. Kappa Quill). 6. Shall oversee taking photos at any sorority function. 7. Responsible for opening all meetings with a few motivational and/or inspirational words. 8. If there are not enough sisters to fill the role of Social Media Chair, Chaplain Historian will fill any and all duties listed under Social Media Chair. Alumnae Relations Duties of the alumnae relations include but are not limited to:

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1. Creating a monthly newsletter to inform alumnae of events, fundraising and information on actives and alumnae. 2. Responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to date alumnae contact information. 3. Must plan at least one (1) alumnae event per semester. 4. Send thank you messages to alumnae for participating in any alumni events or support. 5. Must act as the liaison between the chapter and alumnae to include contacting alumnae for networking opportunities, chapter assistance and fundraising opportunities. Chapter Fundraising Chair Duties of the fundraising chair include but are not limited to: 1. Must work closely with Treasurer in organizing all chapter fundraisers for the organization. 2. Responsible for planning at least three (3) fundraising events each semester. Philanthropy Fundraising Chair Duties of the fundraising chair include but are not limited to: 1. Must work closely with Treasurer in organizing all philanthropy fundraisers for the organization. 2. Responsible for planning at least three (3) fundraising events each semester. As well as one (1) larger fundraising event. Philanthropy Chair Duties of the philanthropy chair include but are not limited to: 1. Responsible for keeping all record of philanthropy hours and activities during the semester on a chapter and individual basis. 2. Must plan at least two (2) group philanthropy events per semester. 3. Presents community service opportunities to sisters on a regular basis. 4. Works closely with each sister has completed a minimum of fifteen (15) hours per semester as required. 5. Ensures that all sisters complete additional hours that may be required through the chapter. 6. Ensures all paperwork is passed into Nationals. 7. Responsible for the creation of a philanthropy binder including copies of all forms, a summary of each sister's hours, and pictures/descriptions of all major philanthropies. 8. Provide discretion on philanthropic probation based on sisters that did not complete mandatory fifteen (15) hours in previous semester. 9. Must present the chapters choice for National Philanthropy at Convention every spring.

Social Media Chair Duties of the Social Media Chair include but are not limited to: 1. Responsible for keeping the Kappa Sigma Facebook and Instagram updated with statuses, pictures, birthdays, philanthropy and other sorority events.

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2. Does not have to create all event invitations via Facebook, but if asked by another sister, can, as long as there is a mutual agreement as to what should be done.

Greek Social Chair Duties of the Greek Social Chair include but are not limited to: 1. Create and plan at least three (3) events with other greek organizations on campus each semester. 2. Represent the sorority as a whole while maintaining professional communication with other greek organizations and with Plymouth State University. 3. Will present Social Contracts at the beginning of each semester (fall and spring), and will keep signed contracts in Binder.

Academic Chair Duties of the Academic Chair include but are not limited to: 1. She shall guide those who seek help academically. 2. She shall have mandatory meetings, set up study hours, and seek tutoring when needed with sisters who fall below the required Grade Point Average. 3. She shall keep documentation of each sisters Six week grades as well as Final grades to keep in the binder for records . 4. She shall keep confidentiality about other sisters, only to confide in the President when need be. 5. She shall be a point of contact for those needing academic resources. 6. Sisters on Academic Probation for violating their Academic Contract will meet with the Academic Chair to ensure the sister prioritizes her studies. 7. Will present Academic Contracts at the beginning of each year as well as after each Affiliate Education Program to new sisters, will keep all signed contracts in Academic Binder.

Sisterhood Bonding Duties of sisterhood bonding chair include but are not limited to: 1. Giving out weekly sister dates. 2. Creating at least three (3) sisterhood bonding events a semester.

Article V: Meetings

Section A. General meetings shall be held at regular intervals as directed by the chapter Executive Board each year. An exception exists, as the President may postpone or cancel a regularly scheduled meeting or reschedule a meeting as required.

Section B. Meetings are mandatory. For an excused absence or tardiness the President and Secretary must be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours before (unless in the case of an

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emergency then the absence will be excused), if not, then that absence will result in a strike as per Article VIII, Section A. Section C. Emergency meetings may be called by the President, the chapter Executive Board, any member of the National Board of Directors or Field Representative. Section D. No business meeting may be held without a quorum of membership. Section E. Executive Board meetings will be held weekly an hour before general meetings. Chair meetings will be held weekly a half hour before general meetings. Section F. Each sister shall have twenty-four (24) hours to respond to another sister’s communication via email, text, or post in the Facebook group (this applies only when about subjects related to the sorority).

Article VII: Dues

Section A. The Treasurer will announce dues for the year in writing at the beginning of each semester. An affiliate will be required to pay a new sister fee, National Head Tax, ​ ​ Insurance and chapter dues are due each semester and is subject to change.

Section B. Sisters who do not pay their dues by the date mandated by the Treasurer, will be given a strike as stated in Article VIII Sec. A.

Section C. All payment plans must be paid by the end of the semester or will result in a sister receiving a strike.

Section D. Any sister who does not pay her semesterly dues by the end of the semester will be put on financial probation until her debts are paid in full.

Article VIII: Strikes and Probation

Section A. If a sister receives three (3) strikes per semester then the sister is considered on probation. Being on probation means that the sister loses the privilege to attend sister bonding events, can no longer hold a position for the semester, and loses the privilege of having a little if she is eligible the next semester. If a sister receives five (5) strikes for the entire year then that sister will lose her privilege to attend formal. Strikes shall be given for the following reasons: 1. Unexcused absence from a meeting, one strike will be given.

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2. Unexcused absence at any pre-notified (at least two weeks notice) event or sister bonding, one strike will be given. 3. If dues are not paid on time and a payment plan has not been set up with the Treasurer then one strike will be given. 4. Unexcused tardiness (after thirty (30) minutes the tardiness will be considered an unexcused absence) to a meeting, half a strike will be given 5. Not following the twenty-four (24) hour rule for communication as stated in Article V, Sec. G half a strike will be given. 6. If a sister does not arrive at an event at the specified time, or leaves before the event is completed (unless she has been given permission to leave by the President or Event Coordinator) half a strike shall be given. 7. If a sister volunteers for something and doesn’t follow through, half a strike will be given (including things such as banner making, buying supplies, cooking, tabling, etc.) 8. If a sister is being disruptive at New Member Education, half a strike will be given. 9. If a sister does not show up to New Member Education for the amount of days designated by the Affiliate Educator, half a strike will be given. 10. If a sister breaks the Sisterhood Code of Conduct, one strike will be given.

Section B. Any sister, who misses three (3) unexcused consecutive meetings in a row, shall be put on probation for one semester by a majority vote of the Executive Board. Section C. Sisters who owe dues by the end of any semester will be put on Financial Probation. Financial probation will last until all debts are paid in full to the chapter. The sister will lose the right to attend more than one (1) sorority function or receive a little sister while on probation. Affiliate Education and meetings will still be mandatory.

Section D. Any sister who does not maintain a grade point average of 2.5 will be placed on academic probation and will lose the right to hold a position, will be ineligible to receive a little sister or attend more than one (1) event a semester.

Section E. Any sister who does not meet the minimum philanthropy hours of fifteen (15) from the previous semester will be put on philanthropic probation. Philanthropic Probation will last until the previous semesters missed hours are made up. The sister will lose the right to attend more than one (1) sorority function or recieve a little sister while on probation. Affiliate Education and meetings will still be mandatory.

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Article IX: By Laws

Section A. The Kappa Delta Phi, National Affiliated Sorority Constitution overrides the chapter Constitution if an “issue” is not specifically outlined in the chapter Constitution.

Section B. If an “issue” is not specifically stated in the National Constitution, then the chapter Constitution overrides the Kappa Delta Phi National Affiliated Sorority Constitution. Revised November 13, 2018

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