Oklahoma Association for Problem and Compulsive Gaming Project Summary

Oklahoma Prevalence Study

16 February 2016

Presented by Rene Paulson, PhD Mindy Chandler, MA

Prepared for Wiley Harwell – Oklahoma Association for Problem and Compulsive Gaming Mark Reynolds – Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services John Hostetler – Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Contact Information

For questions or concerns, please contact the following:

René Paulson and Mindy Chandler Elite Research, LLC 9901 Valley Ranch, Parkway E., Suite 3075 Irving, TX 75063 Telephone: +1 (972) 538 - 1374 +1 (800) 806 - 5661 Fax: +1 (800) 806 - 5661



Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


In order to best serve the behavioral and rehabilitative needs of the residents of the state of Oklahoma, the OAPCG is conducting a gambling prevalence within the state. To date, no such prevalence study has been conducted in Oklahoma. Conducting such a study would assist the OAPCG in lobbying for additional funds and intervention resources on behalf of its residents.

The prevalence study will be representative of the state in terms of demographics and social economics status, and would allow for analysis in terms of age, race/ethnicity, education level, and county.


According to national diagnostics, up to 1.5%2 of the general population in the United States is speculated to have pathological gambling problem (individual states that have conducted their own prevalence studies have found rates closer to 5% and 7%3). Because no prevalence studies have been conducted in Oklahoma to date, applying the national percentage to the state’s population (3,850,560)4, it is estimated that close to 60,000 residents suffer from compulsive or problem gaming. According to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission, “access to a within 50 miles was associated with approximately double the rate of pathological gambling”5, which could indicate a compulsive or problem gaming issues for well over 100,000 Oklahomans. Individuals with this condition have been found to also suffer from substance use, mood, anxiety, and personality disorders – suggesting that “treatment for one condition should involve assessments and possible concomitant treatment for comorbid conditions”6. Because pathological and problem gaming is associated with concurrent psychiatric problems and due to the concentration of casino-gaming within the state, it is crucial to understand the prevalence of this issue in the state of Oklahoma as a public health need.

Within the state of Oklahoma, there are over one hundred , most of which are tribal-operated. Indian gaming continues to see a steady increase in growth, up 7% in 2014, with revenues growing three times faster than national Indian gaming revenues7. This growth, however, was slower than gaming- revenue increases generated by non-tribal operated facilities8. Both trends speak to ever increasing gaming numbers, which may correlate with an increase in problem gaming and comorbid conditions.

The OAPCG is a non-profit dedicated to providing education and training regarding problem and compulsive gambling, increase public awareness within the state of Oklahoma about problems associated with problem and compulsive gambling, providing information about compulsive gambling to all concerned individuals, conducting research in areas related to this problem, and developing prevention and education programs for all Oklahoma residents. It is with this mission that the OAPCG is requesting a study of compulsive and problem gaming within their state in order to best serve the needs of their residents, supporting a greater public well-being.

2 National Academy Press. Pathological Gambling: A Critical Review. 1999 3 Sited from: http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/ngisc/reports/7.pdf 4 Sited from: http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/40000.html 5 Sited from: http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/ngisc/reports/fullrpt.html 6 Petry, N.M., Stinson F.S., Grant B.F. “Comorbidity of DSM-IV Pathological Gambling and Other Psychiatric Disorders: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 66(5). May 2005. 7 Sited from: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-indian-gaming-revenues-continue-to-thrive-report- shows/article/3947171/?page=1 8 Sited from: http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/local/indian-gaming-revenue-rises-but-is-outpaced-by-nontribal- facilities/article_e43af712-b4d8-11e3-a822-001a4bcf6878.html


The ODMHSAS is responsible for providing services to Oklahomans who are affected by mental illness and substance abuse. In FY13, ODMHSAS provided services to approximately 187,000 individuals. Fewer than 5 percent require hospital care. The majority take part in mental health and substance abuse outpatient programs, targeted community based services, prevention efforts and educational initiatives.


The survey used in this study is based on the Problem and Pathological Gambling Measure (PPGM). Findings from a recent study published by Williams & Volberg (2013) suggest when considering an instrument intended to measure gambling prevalence among a population, the PPGM outperforms other highly utilized gambling measures such as the SOGS (South Oaks Gambling Screen), CPGI (Canadian Problem Gambling Index), and various other operationalizations of the DSM-IV. In order to be able to score the PPGM to the newly released DSM-V, Williams & Volberg provided in direct correspondence (October 25, 2014) the analogous DSM-IV and DSM-V questions. Given this, the PPGM was used as the backbone for the instrument and supplemented with additional questions from other instruments, including the CPGI and a 2013 Iowa-based gambling study.

Demographic and recreation questions, along with several questions related to forms of abuse, knowledge of gambling help centers, and the inclusion of social 'online' gaming were included at the request of OAPCG to broaden the analysis possibilities.

Finally, a four-item social desirability scale was included in the instrument to assess the truthfulness of participant responses. The Brief Social Desirability Scale (BSDS) has four questions, is valid and reliable and free from gender specificity. BSDS has the advantages of brevity and practicality. It can be used before administering attitudinal surveys and the results of the survey compared including and excluding those with high social desirability scores. The cut-off score can be set from anything > 2 (more than one socially desirable answer) to > 3 (more than two socially desirable answers) to exclude people with a high tendency towards social desirability from analysis. The exact cut-off level will depend on how important it is to get results of the other questionnaire from people who answer more transparently about their personal attitudes. As is the case with all brief scales, the BSDS is preferred in many test situations where the administration time is limited or subjects are unable to tolerate lengthy questionnaires and the related drop in reliability remains tolerable (Strahan & Gerbasi, 1972). Analyses in this report are based on removal so respondents with a social desirability score > 3.

A pilot sample of 12 participants completed the survey to assess the anticipated time for completion, as well as the readability and understanding of the survey items. Average completion time was 19 minutes. Minor changes to questions and question order were made at this stage, as well as the addition of the item of year of birth to validate the age range of respondents. Interrater reliability of item subsets were all above acceptable ranges (Cronbach’s alpha > .72).

The online version of the survey was created and tested with another sample of 8 participants. Based on their feedback, several matrices of related questions were combined to reduce repetitiveness and completion time. Average completion time for the online sample was 15 minutes. Interrater reliability of item subsets were all above acceptable ranges (Cronbach’s alpha > .79).

See Appendix A for a copy of the full survey. See Appendix B for DSMIV, DSMV, and PPGM scoring syntax.



As part of the methodology, a minimum sample of 2700 was needed for a final usable sample of 2200 (95% confidence level, 3% confidence interval, based on a 1.5% prevalence rate) representative of the U.S. Census data for the state of Oklahoma. The sample will reflect the characteristic makeup of the state in gender, age, and race/ethnicity. A total of 3253 respondents were collected with a final valid sample size of 2636.

There were three forms of participant recruitment. Past prevalence studies have focused collection using an addressed based sampling telephone survey. With the increase in the population with wireless only service9,10, new collection techniques must be considered to reach a diverse and generalizable sample. In addition, there is an increase in people younger than 35 years heavily involved in online social media11, thus an increasing need to include and test collection through online surveys and social media advertisement. To date, no known problem gambling studies have been conducted with social media recruitment. Research including online panelists suggests that an increased rate of problem gambling may be evident. Statistical comparisons will be made between participants from these collection methods.

Many benefits of online data collection methods have been outlined in the literature. Specifically, online data collection can be more cost effective, reach a wider audience than traditional data collection methods, increased response rate, and may result in higher quality of data collected.12 Researchers have also noted that the increased anonymity offered by online survey collection may yield more truthful responses compared to face-to-face or phone interviews in which they may respond in a pro- social or socially desirable manner out of fears of judgment.13 Thus, the present study included options for respondents to complete an online survey, a paper survey mailed with prepaid return envelope, or a telephone survey. Statistical comparisons will be made between the three delivery methods.

The demographic characteristics of the data were monitored regularly once 50% of each recruitment method was achieved. Announcements were tailored and targeted to any specific demographic group for which more data was needed.


Elite Research, LLC provided ongoing monitoring of data collection for valid respondents and demographic makeup of the sample, as well as additional promotion of survey to target demographics through the course of the data collection until a minimum of 2200 valid respondents was achieved. Once 75% of each recruitment method quota was achieved, several measures were taken to check the validity of the data.

1. The panelist company will be TrueSample™ certified, a technological solution that ensures data quality by verifying that each survey respondent is:  Real. Respondents must be who and where they say they are.  Unique. Respondents can never be allowed to enter a survey twice.  Engaged. Participants must provide honest, thoughtful responses.

9 Sited from: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhis/earlyrelease/wireless201312.pdf 10 Sited from: http://www.pewinternet.org/data-trend/mobile/cell-phone-and-smartphone-ownership-demographics/ 11 Sited from: http://www.pewinternet.org/2013/08/05/72-of-online-adults-are-social-networking-site-users/ 12 Okazaki S. “Assessing mobile-based online surveys: Methodological considerations and pilot study in an advertising context.” International Journal of Market Research, 49(5). April 2007. 13 Herrwegh D. “Mode differences between face-to-face and web surveys: An experimental investigation of data quality and social desirability effects.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 21. August 2007.


TrueSample brings the same real-time technologies that help prevent credit card fraud and identity theft to the world of online research, enabling researchers to eliminate duplicate, fraudulent, or unengaged respondents from panel databases to ensure that the panel participants are who they represent themselves to be (age, gender, etc).

2. In addition, the survey included several items used to validate the data. For example, an item asking participants their year of birth was included later in the survey. This can be checked against the age item to identify participants that are likely being untruthful.

To identify and remove individuals who do not pay attention to the survey, completion time is assessed for individuals who complete the survey too quickly or too slow; impossible values; oppositely worded items were embedded in the survey and compared; variance of matrix questions is calculated and individuals with little to no variance are considered for analysis inclusion.

Checking a dataset for invalid cases or values is a critical part of data preparation. Invalid data are observations that reflect inaccurate, inattentive, or careless response values. Cases that exhibit these types of responses can seriously bias your study. The appropriate procedure for handling invalid data is typically case removal which often results in the reduction of sample size.

Dropped out midway through survey. Respondents taking a survey can sometimes drop out or stop responding to items in a questionnaire for a variety of reasons. However, it is recommended that respondents who stopped participating in a survey should be removed if they did not complete more than 50% of the questionnaire (Johnson 2005). Q24 Would you smile at people every time you meet them(~50% through survey).

Took questionnaire too quickly or slowly. Huang et al (2011) suggest removing cases that take less than 2 seconds per item to answer the survey, that is they are responding too quickly. Respondents who complete a survey too quickly are indicative of careless and inattentive answering and should be removed. Conversely, if respondents take too much time to complete the survey this should also be considered a reason for removal. Respondents that are 3 Standard Deviations above the mean in time duration are considered having taken too long (similar to extreme outliers, see Tabachnik and Fidell 2007). Too fast (i.e., less than 3 min), too slow (i.e., greater than 3 hr).

Had zero variance across items in survey. If participants show no variance across items, e.g. they are answering each question with the same answer, there is strong justification for removing them due to careless or inattentive answering (Huang et al. 2011). Participants were flagged as invalid if they had zero variance on both matrices.

Matrix 1 included the items . How often do you earn or spend virtual currency (coins, gems, etc.) when playing online social games, including online casino games? . How often do your purchase virtual currency with actual (real-world) money when playing online social games, including online casino games? . How often do you purchase a virtual gift for someone when playing online social games, including online casino games?

Matrix 2 included the items Think about the reasons you do any type of gambling. For each of the following reasons, please: . For socializing . For excitement or as a challenge


. As a hobby . To win money to use for paying bills . To support worthy causes . Out of curiosity . For entertainment or fun . To distract myself from everyday problems . Just to win money

Answered similar items oppositely. When respondents answer similarly on questions that have an similar meaning this results in conflicting responses (semantic synonyms, see DiSimone 2015) and is often an indication of careless or inattentive answering. Respondents were flagged as invalid if they had opposing answers on both pairs. Similar items included: . Has your involvement in gambling caused you either to borrow a significant amount of money or sell some of your possessions in the past 12 months? . Has your involvement in gambling caused significant financial concerns for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months? WITH . Has your gambling ever made you feel financial stressed or with a feeling that you have money problems?

To summarize, participants were marked as invalid for analysis based on the following criteria; . Filtered out, < 18 years of age . Filtered out, not from state of OK . Dropped out of survey . Age & Year of Birth don't match . Completed Survey Too Fast (< 3 mins) . Took too long to complete (> 3 hours) . Zero variance in both matrices . Social Desirability Sum of 4 . Both similarity items mismatched


Social Network Recruitment

To recruit participants from social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., we first determined several incentives (examples include drawings for gift cards, iPods, etc. totaling a value of $3500) and created announcements that include the survey web-link and incentive information, which were posted online. The survey encourages snowballing, which allow participants to invite other eligible participants to complete the survey.

. Facebook ads were created for desktop newsfeed, mobile newsfeed, audience network, and desktop right column. Paid ads (Cost per click) targeted toward Oklahoma residents age 18 and over. . Reddit and Craigslist ads were created and posted with defined targets. . Google and Bing Ads were created.

A pilot assessment of 18 participants for the social media collection. From this assessment, state versions of the online survey were added to keep respondents from figuring out the state filter for only Oklahoma. Zipcode was also added to confirm county. A minimum 500 valid respondents were to be collected using this recruitment method.


A total of 913 social media respondents started the survey with a final valid sample size of 722.

Frequency Percent

Filtered Out, not from state of OK 2 0.2 Age & Year of Birth don't match 5 0.5 Completed Survey Too Fast 5 0.5 Took too long to complete 2 0.2 Zero variance in matrix 112 12.3 Social Desirability Sum of 4 37 4.1 Both similarity items mismatched 28 3.1

Total Invalid Cases 191 20.9 Valid for Inclusion 722 79.1

Panel Participants

Panel participants were provided from Survey Sampling International, a reputable panelist company with more than 38 years of experience. Survey Sampling International, LLC (“SSI”), founded in 1977, was the first company to make random sample available to researchers and invented the random sampling telephone methodologies which are still considered the gold standard today. SSI has offered online sample for over 15 years. SSI’s survey and sampling processes have been successfully audited every year since 1998 by Ernst & Young and follows ESOMAR’s Guideline for Online Research. The audits are performed as part of the annual Media Ratings Council audit of syndicated ratings data produced by Arbitron Inc. and Scarborough Research.

SSI improves the quality and representative nature of its online sample by incorporating participants from online communities, social networks, and websites of all types. SSI’s sample recruitment is different from the simple “river” approach: participants are invited via banners, invitations and messaging of all types, but then go through rigorous quality controls before being included in any sample. SSI’s recruitment practice is to include a multitude of diverse sources to minimize bias. Quality control innovations from SSI follow the TrueSample certification including:

 2-Factor Authentication: requires 2 pieces of information to confirm identity.  Pattern Recognition: Using a variety of software, SSI monitors patterns across survey participants over time in order to identify fraudulent respondents.  Monitoring Inattention: Speeding, straightlining, not providing thoughtful answers to open ends, and not reading questions fully are all behaviors that can impact data quality.  TrustScore: a score used to evaluate the level of trust SSI has in a respondent. As the panelist behaves across surveys they can either earn or lose trust points. Any participants with negative TrustScores are carefully monitored and potentially blacklisted.

For inclusion in the survey, panel participants must have been 18 years or older and a current resident of the state of Oklahoma.

SSI tested the online survey created using an online survey tool (www.psychdata.com) with 20 panelists. No changes were made to the survey, however if a state other than Oklahoma was chosen, the panelist was directed to the end of the survey, rather than to the state specific survey, as the panel method only


allows them to click the survey link once. A minimum 500 valid respondents were to be collected using this recruitment method.

A total of 1296 panel respondents started the survey with a final valid sample size of 1028.

Frequency Percent

Filtered Out < 18 years old 15 1.2 Filtered Out, not from state of OK 25 1.9 Age & Year of Birth don't match 1 0.1 Invalid zip code 2 0.2 Dropped Out of Survey 51 3.9 Took too long to complete 5 0.4 Zero variance in matrix 113 8.7 Social Desirability Sum of 4 24 1.9 Both similarity items mismatched 32 2.5

Total Invalid Cases 268 20.7 Valid for Inclusion 1028 79.3

Address-Based Sampling

The third recruitment method is address-based sampling where by participants are randomly selected by postal code and then invited by telephone or mail advertisement to participant in an online survey, paper survey mailed to them with prepaid return envelope, or to complete a phone interview.

The ABS script is complete, trained with 4 interviewers, and has been tested with phone interviews. The primary phone voicemail instructs interested participants to either complete the survey online at www.eliteresearch.com/srs or to leave their name and address for a paper survey, or their name and phone number to be scheduled an interview during a time convenient to them. The ABS list of 10,000 potential participants has been purchased from SSI (described above). These potential participants are not members of the panel. This methodology was to make up at least 40% of the sample (880 respondents).

A total of 1044 ABS respondents started the survey with a final valid sample size of 886. Frequency Percent

Filtered Out < 18 years old 19 1.8 Filtered Out, not from state of OK 72 6.9 Age & Year of Birth don't match 3 0.3 Dropped Out of Survey 44 4.2 Zero variance in matrix 8 0.8 Social Desirability Sum of 4 7 0.7 Both similarity items mismatched 5 0.5

Total Invalid Cases 158 15.1 Valid for Inclusion 886 84.9



Descriptive statistics, including means and standard deviations, are shown for the continuous measures for the total valid sample and by collection method. Similarly, frequencies and percentages are shown for the categorical measures for the total valid sample and by collection method.

N Mean Median SD Min Max

DSMIV Panel 549 .62 .00 1.43 0 10 Social Media 517 .49 .00 1.29 0 10 ABS 422 .35 .00 1.11 0 9 Total 1488 .50 .00 1.30 0 10

DSMV Panel 549 .61 .00 1.36 0 9 Social Media 517 .47 .00 1.21 0 9 ABS 422 .34 .00 1.10 0 9 Total 1488 .48 .00 1.24 0 9

PPGM_Problems Panel 549 .20 .00 .91 0 7 Social Media 454 .23 .00 .91 0 7 ABS 422 .16 .00 .65 0 4 Total 1425 .20 .00 .84 0 7

PPGM_ImpairedControl Panel 547 .96 1.00 .74 0 4 Social Media 517 .87 1.00 .79 0 4 ABS 417 .48 .00 .85 0 4 Total 1481 .79 1.00 .81 0 4

PPGM_OtherIssues Panel 547 .15 .00 .52 0 3 Social Media 517 .08 .00 .36 0 3 ABS 415 .05 .00 .33 0 3 Total 1479 .10 .00 .42 0 3

PPGM _Total Panel 549 1.31 1.00 1.76 0 13 Social Media 517 1.15 1.00 1.71 0 14 ABS 422 .68 .00 1.51 0 11 Total 1488 1.08 1.00 1.69 0 14


N Mean Median SD Min Max

Largest $ ever spent on casino gambling in any one day Panel 664 228.70 40.00 872.96 0 10000 Social Media 556 266.03 72.50 752.49 0 8000 ABS 688 710.90 20.00 13370.42 0 350000 Total 1908 413.45 30.00 8054.90 0 350000

Largest $ ever spent on non- casino gambling in any one day Panel 652 97.72 .00 609.55 0 10000 Social Media 553 184.08 5.00 1303.37 0 16000 ABS 647 430.08 .00 3707.45 0 60000 Total 1852 239.62 .00 2335.61 0 60000

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

PPGM_Class NONGAMBLER 480 46.7% 205 28.4% 464 52.4% 1149 43.6% RECREATIONAL 120 11.7% 157 21.7% 274 30.9% 551 20.9% GAMBLER AT RISK GAMBLER 395 38.4% 323 44.7% 127 14.3% 845 32.1% PROBLEM GAMBLER 9 0.9% 13 1.8% 6 0.7% 28 1.1% PATHOLOGICAL 24 2.3% 24 3.3% 15 1.7% 63 2.4% GAMBLER Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 886 100.0% 2636 100.0%

DSMIV_Level No 528 96.4% 497 96.1% 413 97.9% 1438 96.7% Mild 6 1.1% 10 1.9% 3 0.7% 19 1.3% Moderate 6 1.1% 6 1.2% 3 0.7% 15 1.0% Severe 8 1.5% 4 0.8% 3 0.7% 15 1.0% Total 548 100.0% 517 100.0% 422 100.0% 1487 100.0%

DSMV_Level No 528 96.4% 499 96.5% 413 97.9% 1440 96.8% Mild 9 1.6% 10 1.9% 3 0.7% 22 1.5% Moderate 5 0.9% 4 0.8% 3 0.7% 12 0.8% Severe 6 1.1% 4 0.8% 3 0.7% 13 0.9% Total 548 100.0% 517 100.0% 422 100.0% 1487 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

What is your age? 18-34 years old 390 37.9% 224 31.0% 160 18.1% 774 29.4% 35-49 years old 193 18.8% 202 28.0% 186 21.0% 581 22.0% 50-64 years old 259 25.2% 204 28.3% 224 25.3% 687 26.1% 65+ years old 186 18.1% 92 12.7% 316 35.7% 594 22.5% Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 886 100.0% 2636 100.0%

What is your gender? Male 505 49.2% 364 50.4% 435 49.2% 1304 49.5% Female 521 50.8% 358 49.6% 449 50.8% 1328 50.5% Total 1026 100.0% 722 100.0% 884 100.0% 2632 100.0%

What is your marital status? Never married 216 21.0% 98 13.6% 67 7.7% 381 14.5% Married 540 52.5% 397 55.0% 464 53.1% 1401 53.4% Married but separated 12 1.2% 10 1.4% 16 1.8% 38 1.4% or not living together Domestic partnership 33 3.2% 33 4.6% 19 2.2% 85 3.2% but not legally married Widowed 49 4.8% 46 6.4% 121 13.8% 216 8.2% Divorced 92 8.9% 75 10.4% 106 12.1% 273 10.4% Single 61 5.9% 37 5.1% 70 8.0% 168 6.4% Single but living 25 2.4% 26 3.6% 11 1.3% 62 2.4% together with partner Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 874 100.0% 2624 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

What is your race/ethnicity? White/Caucasian 745 72.5% 551 76.3% 690 79.1% 1986 75.7% Black/African American 90 8.8% 63 8.7% 60 6.9% 213 8.1% American Indian or 82 8.0% 66 9.1% 81 9.3% 229 8.7% Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or 7 0.7% 7 1.0% 7 0.8% 21 0.8% Other Pacific Islander Asian Indian 15 1.5% 4 0.6% 5 0.6% 24 0.9% Asian 53 5.2% 16 2.2% 13 1.5% 82 3.1% Other, please specify 36 3.5% 15 2.1% 16 1.8% 67 2.6% Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 872 100.0% 2622 100.0%

Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Yes 88 8.6% 71 9.8% 84 9.5% 243 9.2% No 940 91.4% 651 90.2% 799 90.5% 2390 90.8% Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 883 100.0% 2633 100.0%

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Education Level Less than high school 41 4.0% 23 3.2% 44 5.0% 108 4.1% High school graduate 219 21.3% 186 25.8% 200 22.7% 605 23.0% Some college 350 34.0% 241 33.4% 241 27.4% 832 31.6% College graduate 286 27.8% 212 29.4% 196 22.2% 694 26.4% Graduate or professional 132 12.8% 60 8.3% 200 22.7% 392 14.9% school Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 881 100.0% 2631 100.0%

Veteran of the armed forces Yes 126 12.3% 92 12.7% 137 15.5% 355 13.5% No 902 87.7% 630 87.3% 745 84.5% 2277 86.5% Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 882 100.0% 2632 100.0%

Currently enlisted or on active duty in armed forces Yes 11 1.1% 8 1.1% 7 0.8% 26 1.0% No 1017 98.9% 714 98.9% 875 99.2% 2606 99.0% Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 882 100.0% 2632 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Are you currently… Employed 394 38.3% 313 43.4% 334 38.0% 1041 39.6% Self-employed 89 8.7% 38 5.3% 51 5.8% 178 6.8% Out of work for > 1 year 26 2.5% 13 1.8% 27 3.1% 66 2.5% Out of work for < 1 year 34 3.3% 21 2.9% 16 1.8% 71 2.7% Homemaker/stay-at- 114 11.1% 117 16.2% 80 9.1% 311 11.8% home A student 83 8.1% 34 4.7% 22 2.5% 139 5.3% Retired 214 20.8% 112 15.5% 271 30.8% 597 22.7% Unable to work 74 7.2% 74 10.2% 79 9.0% 227 8.6% Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 880 100.0% 2630 100.0%

Annual Household Income Less than $10,000 64 6.2% 40 5.5% 80 9.1% 184 7.0% $10,000 - $14,999 57 5.6% 60 8.3% 71 8.0% 188 7.1% $15,000 - $19,999 57 5.6% 47 6.5% 47 5.3% 151 5.7% $20,000 - $24,999 107 10.4% 61 8.4% 57 6.5% 225 8.6% $25,000 - $34,999 122 11.9% 89 12.3% 84 9.5% 295 11.2% $35,000 - $49,999 156 15.2% 102 14.1% 113 12.8% 371 14.1% $50,000 - $74,999 162 15.8% 138 19.1% 115 13.0% 415 15.8% $75,000 - $99,999 105 10.2% 73 10.1% 74 8.4% 252 9.6% $100,000 or more 137 13.3% 73 10.1% 129 14.6% 339 12.9% I don’t know 60 5.8% 39 5.4% 112 12.7% 211 8.0% Total 1027 100.0% 722 100.0% 882 100.0% 2631 100.0%

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Would you say you spend more of your free time: Indoors 683 66.6% 447 61.9% 470 53.9% 1600 61.1% Outdoors 155 15.1% 57 7.9% 139 15.9% 351 13.4% Equally 187 18.2% 218 30.2% 263 30.2% 668 25.5% Total 1025 100.0% 722 100.0% 872 100.0% 2619 100.0%


For each activity below, please answer the following: In your spare time, do you take part in any of the following recreation/leisure activities?

Play sports Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 245 24.9% 136 18.9% 203 23.6% 584 22.8% No, I do not do this. 740 75.1% 582 81.1% 657 76.4% 1979 77.2% Total 985 100.0% 718 100.0% 860 100.0% 2563 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 82 9.1% 35 7.7% 152 17.7% 269 12.2% Weekends 175 19.5% 71 15.7% 269 31.4% 515 23.3% Saturday 19 2.1% 14 3.1% 20 2.3% 53 2.4% Sunday 6 0.7% 5 1.1% 5 0.6% 16 0.7% No difference 616 68.6% 328 72.4% 411 48.0% 1355 61.4% Total 898 100.0% 453 100.0% 857 100.0% 2208 100.0%

Attend sporting events Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 413 41.9% 321 44.9% 380 44.1% 1114 43.5% No, I do not do this. 573 58.1% 394 55.1% 482 55.9% 1449 56.5% Total 986 100.0% 715 100.0% 862 100.0% 2563 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 90 10.2% 40 8.7% 97 11.4% 227 10.3% Weekends 174 19.8% 139 30.2% 364 42.7% 677 30.9% Saturday 47 5.3% 28 6.1% 35 4.1% 110 5.0% Sunday 11 1.3% 4 0.9% 4 0.5% 19 0.9% No difference 558 63.4% 250 54.2% 353 41.4% 1161 52.9% Total 880 100.0% 461 100.0% 853 100.0% 2194 100.0%

Go to concerts/gigs Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 449 45.7% 333 46.8% 331 38.4% 1113 43.5% No, I do not do this. 534 54.3% 378 53.2% 532 61.6% 1444 56.5% Total 983 100.0% 711 100.0% 863 100.0% 2557 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 52 5.9% 25 5.8% 63 7.3% 140 6.5% Weekends 260 29.7% 161 37.1% 424 49.4% 845 39.0% Saturday 37 4.2% 22 5.1% 44 5.1% 103 4.7% Sunday 5 0.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5 0.2% No difference 522 59.6% 226 52.1% 328 38.2% 1076 49.6% Total 876 100.0% 434 100.0% 859 100.0% 2169 100.0%


Gamble Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 309 31.4% 266 37.1% 166 19.2% 741 28.9% No, I do not do this. 674 68.6% 451 62.9% 698 80.8% 1823 71.1% Total 983 100.0% 717 100.0% 864 100.0% 2564 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 67 7.7% 30 6.9% 29 3.4% 126 5.8% Weekends 109 12.5% 98 22.6% 213 24.8% 420 19.4% Saturday 26 3.0% 16 3.7% 31 3.6% 73 3.4% Sunday 9 1.0% 3 0.7% 8 0.9% 20 0.9% No difference 662 75.8% 286 66.1% 578 67.3% 1526 70.5% Total 873 100.0% 433 100.0% 859 100.0% 2165 100.0%

Travel Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 668 68.0% 473 66.7% 520 60.1% 1661 65.0% No, I do not do this. 315 32.0% 236 33.3% 345 39.9% 896 35.0% Total 983 100.0% 709 100.0% 865 100.0% 2557 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 45 5.1% 14 3.1% 24 2.8% 83 3.8% Weekends 265 29.9% 168 36.8% 410 47.7% 843 38.3% Saturday 15 1.7% 10 2.2% 11 1.3% 36 1.6% Sunday 8 0.9% 9 2.0% 4 0.5% 21 1.0% No difference 554 62.5% 256 56.0% 410 47.7% 1220 55.4% Total 887 100.0% 457 100.0% 859 100.0% 2203 100.0%

Video gaming Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 447 45.8% 373 52.1% 206 23.9% 1026 40.2% No, I do not do this. 530 54.2% 343 47.9% 655 76.1% 1528 59.8% Total 977 100.0% 716 100.0% 861 100.0% 2554 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 152 17.2% 119 27.4% 142 16.8% 413 19.1% Weekends 77 8.7% 33 7.6% 85 10.1% 195 9.0% Saturday 20 2.3% 6 1.4% 29 3.4% 55 2.5% Sunday 6 0.7% 1 0.2% 16 1.9% 23 1.1% No difference 627 71.1% 276 63.4% 573 67.8% 1476 68.3% Total 882 100.0% 435 100.0% 845 100.0% 2162 100.0%


Spa/personal pampering Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 231 23.1% 211 29.7% 204 23.6% 646 25.1% No, I do not do this. 768 76.9% 500 70.3% 660 76.4% 1928 74.9% Total 999 100.0% 711 100.0% 864 100.0% 2574 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 55 6.2% 37 8.7% 96 11.2% 188 8.7% Weekends 119 13.4% 72 17.0% 233 27.2% 424 19.5% Saturday 32 3.6% 24 5.7% 60 7.0% 116 5.3% Sunday 6 0.7% 11 2.6% 11 1.3% 28 1.3% No difference 679 76.2% 279 66.0% 458 53.4% 1416 65.2% Total 891 100.0% 423 100.0% 858 100.0% 2172 100.0%

Go to amusement parks Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 397 39.5% 278 38.9% 271 31.5% 946 36.7% No, I do not do this. 609 60.5% 437 61.1% 589 68.5% 1635 63.3% Total 1006 100.0% 715 100.0% 860 100.0% 2581 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 38 4.4% 12 2.8% 27 3.2% 77 3.6% Weekends 245 28.3% 147 34.3% 382 45.4% 774 36.2% Saturday 23 2.7% 22 5.1% 43 5.1% 88 4.1% Sunday 16 1.8% 3 0.7% 12 1.4% 31 1.5% No difference 544 62.8% 245 57.1% 378 44.9% 1167 54.6% Total 866 100.0% 429 100.0% 842 100.0% 2137 100.0%

Visit outdoors paces (lakes, parks, forests, etc.) Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 717 71.3% 537 74.6% 574 66.1% 1828 70.4% No, I do not do this. 289 28.7% 183 25.4% 295 33.9% 767 29.6% Total 1006 100.0% 720 100.0% 869 100.0% 2595 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 73 8.2% 24 5.3% 73 8.4% 170 7.7% Weekends 363 40.6% 231 50.8% 472 54.5% 1066 48.1% Saturday 31 3.5% 15 3.3% 11 1.3% 57 2.6% Sunday 24 2.7% 11 2.4% 26 3.0% 61 2.8% No difference 402 45.0% 174 38.2% 284 32.8% 860 38.8% Total 893 100.0% 455 100.0% 866 100.0% 2214 100.0%


Go shopping Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 922 91.1% 646 90.5% 583 67.4% 2151 83.0% No, I do not do this. 90 8.9% 68 9.5% 282 32.6% 440 17.0% Total 1012 100.0% 714 100.0% 865 100.0% 2591 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 181 20.1% 88 18.5% 151 17.6% 420 18.8% Weekends 206 22.9% 109 22.9% 295 34.5% 610 27.3% Saturday 46 5.1% 22 4.6% 12 1.4% 80 3.6% Sunday 7 0.8% 6 1.3% 12 1.4% 25 1.1% No difference 461 51.2% 251 52.7% 386 45.1% 1098 49.2% Total 901 100.0% 476 100.0% 856 100.0% 2233 100.0%

Visit markets Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 580 57.5% 441 62.0% 438 50.8% 1459 56.5% No, I do not do this. 428 42.5% 270 38.0% 425 49.2% 1123 43.5% Total 1008 100.0% 711 100.0% 863 100.0% 2582 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 92 10.8% 35 8.3% 101 11.9% 228 10.7% Weekends 172 20.1% 100 23.8% 331 39.0% 603 28.4% Saturday 62 7.3% 29 6.9% 43 5.1% 134 6.3% Sunday 14 1.6% 15 3.6% 22 2.6% 51 2.4% No difference 514 60.2% 241 57.4% 351 41.4% 1106 52.1% Total 854 100.0% 420 100.0% 848 100.0% 2122 100.0%

Do art/paint/crafts Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 375 38.2% 317 44.8% 326 37.9% 1018 39.9% No, I do not do this. 606 61.8% 390 55.2% 535 62.1% 1531 60.1% Total 981 100.0% 707 100.0% 861 100.0% 2549 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 128 15.1% 72 17.8% 130 15.6% 330 15.8% Weekends 67 7.9% 57 14.1% 127 15.3% 251 12.0% Saturday 23 2.7% 13 3.2% 8 1.0% 44 2.1% Sunday 6 0.7% 4 1.0% 16 1.9% 26 1.2% No difference 625 73.6% 259 64.0% 550 66.2% 1434 68.8% Total 849 100.0% 405 100.0% 831 100.0% 2085 100.0%


Eat out Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 930 93.8% 654 91.3% 618 71.0% 2202 85.4% No, I do not do this. 61 6.2% 62 8.7% 253 29.0% 376 14.6% Total 991 100.0% 716 100.0% 871 100.0% 2578 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 225 26.0% 101 21.0% 184 21.1% 510 23.0% Weekends 159 18.4% 93 19.4% 222 25.5% 474 21.4% Saturday 39 4.5% 18 3.8% 8 0.9% 65 2.9% Sunday 31 3.6% 18 3.8% 12 1.4% 61 2.8% No difference 410 47.5% 250 52.1% 444 51.0% 1104 49.9% Total 864 100.0% 480 100.0% 870 100.0% 2214 100.0%

Read Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 795 80.8% 613 85.7% 675 77.8% 2083 81.1% No, I do not do this. 189 19.2% 102 14.3% 193 22.2% 484 18.9% Total 984 100.0% 715 100.0% 868 100.0% 2567 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 232 27.3% 128 27.9% 305 35.5% 665 30.7% Weekends 55 6.5% 31 6.8% 55 6.4% 141 6.5% Saturday 12 1.4% 3 0.7% 8 0.9% 23 1.1% Sunday 26 3.1% 5 1.1% 8 0.9% 39 1.8% No difference 526 61.8% 292 63.6% 483 56.2% 1301 60.0% Total 851 100.0% 459 100.0% 859 100.0% 2169 100.0%

Surf the internet/ browse the web Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 927 94.0% 688 95.8% 540 62.2% 2155 83.8% No, I do not do this. 59 6.0% 30 4.2% 328 37.8% 417 16.2% Total 986 100.0% 718 100.0% 868 100.0% 2572 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 249 28.8% 114 23.6% 217 25.1% 580 26.2% Weekends 45 5.2% 34 7.0% 40 4.6% 119 5.4% Saturday 3 0.3% 2 0.4% 0 0.0% 5 0.2% Sunday 4 0.5% 0 0.0% 4 0.5% 8 0.4% No difference 563 65.2% 334 69.0% 603 69.8% 1500 67.8% Total 864 100.0% 484 100.0% 864 100.0% 2212 100.0%


Visit friends and family Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 873 88.0% 644 89.9% 700 80.4% 2217 86.0% No, I do not do this. 119 12.0% 72 10.1% 171 19.6% 362 14.0% Total 992 100.0% 716 100.0% 871 100.0% 2579 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 82 9.6% 35 7.5% 64 7.4% 181 8.3% Weekends 305 35.6% 159 33.9% 358 41.3% 822 37.5% Saturday 19 2.2% 18 3.8% 11 1.3% 48 2.2% Sunday 19 2.2% 17 3.6% 16 1.8% 52 2.4% No difference 432 50.4% 240 51.2% 418 48.2% 1090 49.7% Total 857 100.0% 469 100.0% 867 100.0% 2193 100.0%

Do learning activities Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 543 55.3% 449 63.2% 476 55.1% 1468 57.4% No, I do not do this. 439 44.7% 262 36.8% 388 44.9% 1089 42.6% Total 982 100.0% 711 100.0% 864 100.0% 2557 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 153 18.1% 76 17.5% 195 23.0% 424 19.9% Weekends 41 4.8% 44 10.1% 61 7.2% 146 6.9% Saturday 12 1.4% 6 1.4% 16 1.9% 34 1.6% Sunday 8 0.9% 6 1.4% 24 2.8% 38 1.8% No difference 632 74.7% 303 69.7% 551 65.1% 1486 69.8% Total 846 100.0% 435 100.0% 847 100.0% 2128 100.0%

Other, please specify Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes, I do this activity. 169 22.8% 52 14.9% 192 25.0% 413 22.2% No, I do not do this. 571 77.2% 296 85.1% 577 75.0% 1444 77.8% Total 740 100.0% 348 100.0% 769 100.0% 1857 100.0%

When would you do more? Weekday evenings 21 3.2% 15 7.7% 72 9.4% 108 6.7% Weekends 24 3.7% 14 7.1% 47 6.1% 85 5.3% Saturday 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Sunday 7 1.1% 5 2.6% 6 0.8% 18 1.1% No difference 603 92.1% 162 82.7% 642 83.7% 1407 87.0% Total 655 100.0% 196 100.0% 767 100.0% 1618 100.0%


What are the top 3 ways you usually find out about the recreation/leisure activities you take par...

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Friends UnChecked 307 29.9% 0 0.0% 309 35.2% 616 25.3% Checked 721 70.1% 525 100.0% 568 64.8% 1814 74.7% Total 1028 100.0% 525 100.0% 877 100.0% 2430 100.0%

Family UnChecked 335 32.6% 0 0.0% 362 41.3% 697 29.2% Checked 693 67.4% 482 100.0% 515 58.7% 1690 70.8% Total 1028 100.0% 482 100.0% 877 100.0% 2387 100.0%

Press (magazines, papers, etc.) UnChecked 695 67.6% 0 0.0% 534 60.9% 1229 61.4% Checked 333 32.4% 98 100.0% 343 39.1% 774 38.6% Total 1028 100.0% 98 100.0% 877 100.0% 2003 100.0%

Online UnChecked 656 63.8% 0 0.0% 500 57.0% 1156 51.6% Checked 372 36.2% 334 100.0% 377 43.0% 1083 48.4% Total 1028 100.0% 334 100.0% 877 100.0% 2239 100.0%

Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) UnChecked 595 57.9% 0 0.0% 569 64.9% 1164 51.6% Checked 433 42.1% 352 100.0% 308 35.1% 1093 48.4% Total 1028 100.0% 352 100.0% 877 100.0% 2257 100.0%

Colleagues UnChecked 878 85.4% 0 0.0% 673 76.7% 1551 78.9% Checked 150 14.6% 62 100.0% 204 23.3% 416 21.1% Total 1028 100.0% 62 100.0% 877 100.0% 1967 100.0%

Club/team members UnChecked 970 94.4% 0 0.0% 765 87.2% 1735 90.0% Checked 58 5.6% 22 100.0% 112 12.8% 192 10.0% Total 1028 100.0% 22 100.0% 877 100.0% 1927 100.0%

TV/radio UnChecked 770 74.9% 0 0.0% 438 49.9% 1208 57.4% Checked 258 25.1% 199 100.0% 439 50.1% 896 42.6% Total 1028 100.0% 199 100.0% 877 100.0% 2104 100.0%


Promoters UnChecked 938 91.2% 0 0.0% 796 90.8% 1734 90.5% Checked 90 8.8% 10 100.0% 81 9.2% 181 9.5% Total 1028 100.0% 10 100.0% 877 100.0% 1915 100.0%

Roommates/neighbors UnChecked 981 95.4% 0 0.0% 724 82.6% 1705 87.8% Checked 47 4.6% 36 100.0% 153 17.4% 236 12.2% Total 1028 100.0% 36 100.0% 877 100.0% 1941 100.0%

Other, please specify UnChecked 991 96.4% 0 0.0% 840 95.8% 1831 95.2% Checked 37 3.6% 19 100.0% 37 4.2% 93 4.8% Total 1028 100.0% 19 100.0% 877 100.0% 1924 100.0%


For each activity below, please tell us the following: How often did you bet or spend money on this activity? When engaged with this activity, how long do you normally spend each time? How much money, not including winnings, do you normally spend on this activity each time?

Slot machines Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Daily 8 0.9% 6 0.9% 1 0.1% 15 0.7% 2-6 times a week 23 2.7% 25 3.8% 12 1.5% 60 2.6% About once a week 39 4.5% 23 3.5% 13 1.7% 75 3.3% 2-3 times a month 40 4.6% 28 4.3% 24 3.0% 92 4.0% About once a month 56 6.5% 58 8.8% 21 2.7% 135 5.9% Between 6-11 times a 31 3.6% 43 6.5% 17 2.2% 91 3.9% year Between 1-5 times a 154 17.8% 169 25.7% 101 12.8% 424 18.4% year Never in the past year 138 16.0% 95 14.5% 189 24.0% 422 18.3% Never bet or spent 374 43.3% 210 32.0% 409 52.0% 993 43.0% money on this activity Total 863 100.0% 657 100.0% 787 100.0% 2307 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 70 9.9% 52 10.6% 35 4.9% 157 8.2% 15-29 minutes 73 10.3% 60 12.2% 52 7.2% 185 9.6% 30-59 minutes 59 8.3% 65 13.2% 59 8.2% 183 9.5% 1-2 hours 123 17.3% 106 21.5% 91 12.6% 320 16.7% 2-4 hours 64 9.0% 65 13.2% 58 8.1% 187 9.7% 4+ hours 25 3.5% 20 4.1% 30 4.2% 75 3.9% NA 295 41.6% 124 25.2% 395 54.9% 814 42.4% Total 709 100.0% 492 100.0% 720 100.0% 1921 100.0%

< $1 17 2.4% 19 3.9% 91 12.8% 127 6.7% $1-4.99 38 5.5% 16 3.3% 16 2.3% 70 3.7% $5-9.99 47 6.8% 32 6.5% 16 2.3% 95 5.0% $10-14.99 38 5.5% 20 4.1% 22 3.1% 80 4.2% $15-19.99 60 8.6% 56 11.4% 17 2.4% 133 7.0% $20+ 211 30.4% 219 44.7% 155 21.9% 585 30.9% NA 283 40.8% 128 26.1% 392 55.3% 803 42.4% Total 694 100.0% 490 100.0% 709 100.0% 1893 100.0%


Table games at casino such as poker, roulette, , Panel Social Media ABS Total and blackjack n % n % n % n %

Daily 4 0.5% 4 0.6% 0 0.0% 8 0.4% 2-6 times a week 2 0.2% 5 0.8% 3 0.4% 10 0.4% About once a week 8 0.9% 5 0.8% 4 0.5% 17 0.7% 2-3 times a month 10 1.2% 11 1.7% 2 0.3% 23 1.0% About once a month 19 2.3% 13 2.0% 9 1.2% 41 1.8% Between 6-11 times a 23 2.7% 14 2.2% 9 1.2% 46 2.0% year Between 1-5 times a 47 5.6% 41 6.4% 38 4.9% 126 5.6% year Never in the past year 93 11.0% 97 15.1% 92 11.8% 282 12.4% Never bet or spent 638 75.6% 453 70.5% 623 79.9% 1714 75.6% money on this activity Total 844 100.0% 643 100.0% 780 100.0% 2267 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 27 4.3% 12 3.2% 2 1.0% 41 3.4% 15-29 minutes 21 3.4% 11 2.9% 12 6.1% 44 3.7% 30-59 minutes 31 5.0% 12 3.2% 21 10.7% 64 5.4% 1-2 hours 32 5.2% 36 9.6% 41 20.8% 109 9.1% 2-4 hours 19 3.1% 8 2.1% 30 15.2% 57 4.8% 4+ hours 16 2.6% 15 4.0% 8 4.1% 39 3.3% NA 475 76.5% 281 74.9% 83 42.1% 839 70.3% Total 621 100.0% 375 100.0% 197 100.0% 1193 100.0%

< $1 12 2.0% 11 2.9% 38 19.0% 61 5.2% $1-4.99 14 2.3% 6 1.6% 0 0.0% 20 1.7% $5-9.99 8 1.3% 4 1.0% 3 1.5% 15 1.3% $10-14.99 20 3.3% 3 0.8% 5 2.5% 28 2.4% $15-19.99 6 1.0% 10 2.6% 1 0.5% 17 1.4% $20+ 90 15.0% 68 17.8% 72 36.0% 230 19.4% NA 450 75.0% 281 73.4% 81 40.5% 812 68.6% Total 600 100.0% 383 100.0% 200 100.0% 1183 100.0%


Video poker, video keno, or video blackjack Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Daily 6 0.7% 3 0.5% 0 0.0% 9 0.4% 2-6 times a week 6 0.7% 6 0.9% 2 0.3% 14 0.6% About once a week 12 1.4% 6 0.9% 5 0.6% 23 1.0% 2-3 times a month 5 0.6% 10 1.6% 2 0.3% 17 0.8% About once a month 23 2.7% 22 3.4% 7 0.9% 52 2.3% Between 6-11 times a 8 0.9% 6 0.9% 7 0.9% 21 0.9% year Between 1-5 times a 57 6.8% 52 8.1% 23 3.0% 132 5.8% year Never in the past year 106 12.6% 92 14.4% 75 9.6% 273 12.1% Never bet or spent 621 73.6% 444 69.3% 658 84.5% 1723 76.1% money on this activity Total 844 100.0% 641 100.0% 779 100.0% 2264 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 23 3.7% 20 5.1% 11 6.3% 54 4.5% 15-29 minutes 26 4.2% 29 7.4% 12 6.9% 67 5.6% 30-59 minutes 36 5.8% 34 8.7% 26 14.9% 96 8.1% 1-2 hours 40 6.4% 19 4.8% 23 13.1% 82 6.9% 2-4 hours 12 1.9% 6 1.5% 14 8.0% 32 2.7% 4+ hours 3 0.5% 2 0.5% 1 0.6% 6 0.5% NA 482 77.5% 282 71.9% 88 50.3% 852 71.7% Total 622 100.0% 392 100.0% 175 100.0% 1189 100.0%

< $1 15 2.5% 13 3.3% 24 13.8% 52 4.4% $1-4.99 21 3.5% 7 1.8% 2 1.1% 30 2.6% $5-9.99 14 2.3% 10 2.6% 1 0.6% 25 2.1% $10-14.99 23 3.8% 17 4.4% 11 6.3% 51 4.4% $15-19.99 19 3.1% 8 2.1% 2 1.1% 29 2.5% $20+ 50 8.3% 59 15.1% 47 27.0% 156 13.3% NA 464 76.6% 276 70.8% 87 50.0% 827 70.7% Total 606 100.0% 390 100.0% 174 100.0% 1170 100.0%


Dice games Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Daily 6 0.7% 4 0.6% 0 0.0% 10 0.4% 2-6 times a week 8 1.0% 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 10 0.4% About once a week 0 0.0% 1 0.2% 1 0.1% 2 0.1% 2-3 times a month 5 0.6% 7 1.1% 1 0.1% 13 0.6% About once a month 6 0.7% 12 1.9% 3 0.4% 21 0.9% Between 6-11 times a 5 0.6% 2 0.3% 1 0.1% 8 0.4% year Between 1-5 times a 28 3.3% 20 3.1% 7 0.9% 55 2.4% year Never in the past year 77 9.2% 95 14.9% 50 6.4% 222 9.9% Never bet or spent 702 83.9% 495 77.6% 713 91.9% 1910 84.9% money on this activity Total 837 100.0% 638 100.0% 776 100.0% 2251 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 10 1.7% 10 2.7% 1 0.8% 21 1.9% 15-29 minutes 25 4.2% 13 3.6% 2 1.5% 40 3.7% 30-59 minutes 22 3.7% 12 3.3% 9 6.9% 43 3.9% 1-2 hours 13 2.2% 14 3.8% 9 6.9% 36 3.3% 2-4 hours 7 1.2% 0 0.0% 7 5.3% 14 1.3% 4+ hours 2 0.3% 8 2.2% 1 0.8% 11 1.0% NA 521 86.8% 307 84.3% 102 77.9% 930 84.9% Total 600 100.0% 364 100.0% 131 100.0% 1095 100.0%

< $1 8 1.4% 7 2.0% 14 10.4% 29 2.7% $1-4.99 9 1.6% 1 0.3% 0 0.0% 10 0.9% $5-9.99 14 2.4% 12 3.4% 1 0.7% 27 2.5% $10-14.99 16 2.8% 5 1.4% 2 1.5% 23 2.2% $15-19.99 5 0.9% 2 0.6% 1 0.7% 8 0.7% $20+ 26 4.5% 22 6.1% 19 14.1% 67 6.3% NA 497 86.4% 309 86.3% 98 72.6% 904 84.6% Total 575 100.0% 358 100.0% 135 100.0% 1068 100.0%


Scratch tickets or pull tabs Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Daily 6 0.7% 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 8 0.4% 2-6 times a week 16 1.9% 18 2.8% 5 0.6% 39 1.7% About once a week 34 4.1% 23 3.6% 8 1.0% 65 2.9% 2-3 times a month 26 3.1% 44 6.9% 10 1.3% 80 3.6% About once a month 47 5.6% 47 7.4% 28 3.6% 122 5.4% Between 6-11 times a 30 3.6% 32 5.0% 17 2.2% 79 3.5% year Between 1-5 times a 113 13.5% 137 21.6% 91 11.7% 341 15.2% year Never in the past year 157 18.8% 105 16.5% 99 12.7% 361 16.1% Never bet or spent 405 48.6% 227 35.7% 521 66.9% 1153 51.3% money on this activity Total 834 100.0% 635 100.0% 779 100.0% 2248 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 259 40.3% 221 50.8% 163 63.7% 643 48.2% 15-29 minutes 33 5.1% 30 6.9% 14 5.5% 77 5.8% 30-59 minutes 14 2.2% 7 1.6% 11 4.3% 32 2.4% 1-2 hours 5 0.8% 3 0.7% 6 2.3% 14 1.1% 2-4 hours 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 3 1.2% 5 0.4% 4+ hours 2 0.3% 2 0.5% 0 0.0% 4 0.3% NA 327 50.9% 172 39.5% 59 23.0% 558 41.9% Total 642 100.0% 435 100.0% 256 100.0% 1333 100.0%

< $1 24 3.8% 16 3.7% 38 14.3% 78 5.9% $1-4.99 149 23.8% 92 21.4% 57 21.4% 298 22.6% $5-9.99 72 11.5% 90 21.0% 54 20.3% 216 16.4% $10-14.99 34 5.4% 29 6.8% 24 9.0% 87 6.6% $15-19.99 9 1.4% 12 2.8% 8 3.0% 29 2.2% $20+ 28 4.5% 33 7.7% 34 12.8% 95 7.2% NA 310 49.5% 157 36.6% 51 19.2% 518 39.2% Total 626 100.0% 429 100.0% 266 100.0% 1321 100.0%


Lotteries such as Powerball, Hot Lotto, Mega Millions, Panel Social Media ABS Total and daily numbers n % n % n % n %

Daily 6 0.7% 4 0.6% 1 0.2% 11 0.6% 2-6 times a week 25 2.9% 18 2.8% 23 5.3% 66 3.4% About once a week 41 4.7% 41 6.3% 23 5.3% 105 5.4% 2-3 times a month 23 2.6% 43 6.6% 22 5.1% 88 4.5% About once a month 45 5.2% 49 7.6% 50 11.5% 144 7.4% Between 6-11 times a 37 4.3% 39 6.0% 26 6.0% 102 5.2% year Between 1-5 times a 126 14.5% 192 29.7% 161 37.0% 479 24.5% year Never in the past year 122 14.0% 46 7.1% 60 13.8% 228 11.7% Never bet or spent 445 51.1% 215 33.2% 69 15.9% 729 37.3% money on this activity Total 870 100.0% 647 100.0% 435 100.0% 1952 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 270 40.6% 264 56.9% 77 56.2% 611 48.3% 15-29 minutes 20 3.0% 23 5.0% 4 2.9% 47 3.7% 30-59 minutes 8 1.2% 7 1.5% 1 0.7% 16 1.3% 1-2 hours 0 0.0% 3 0.6% 1 0.7% 4 0.3% 2-4 hours 6 0.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6 0.5% 4+ hours 5 0.8% 5 1.1% 1 0.7% 11 0.9% NA 356 53.5% 162 34.9% 53 38.7% 571 45.1% Total 665 100.0% 464 100.0% 137 100.0% 1266 100.0%

< $1 21 3.2% 10 2.2% 2 1.4% 33 2.6% $1-4.99 146 22.4% 117 25.3% 38 27.5% 301 24.0% $5-9.99 69 10.6% 91 19.7% 24 17.4% 184 14.7% $10-14.99 40 6.1% 44 9.5% 11 8.0% 95 7.6% $15-19.99 11 1.7% 22 4.8% 6 4.3% 39 3.1% $20+ 32 4.9% 44 9.5% 12 8.7% 88 7.0% NA 334 51.1% 135 29.2% 45 32.6% 514 41.0% Total 653 100.0% 463 100.0% 138 100.0% 1254 100.0%


Racetracks either on horses or dogs Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Daily 2 0.2% 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 3 0.1% 2-6 times a week 6 0.7% 0 0.0% 1 0.1% 7 0.3% About once a week 2 0.2% 3 0.5% 0 0.0% 5 0.2% 2-3 times a month 1 0.1% 3 0.5% 2 0.3% 6 0.3% About once a month 4 0.5% 1 0.2% 1 0.1% 6 0.3% Between 6-11 times a 5 0.6% 4 0.6% 6 0.8% 15 0.7% year Between 1-5 times a 23 2.6% 25 3.9% 28 3.6% 76 3.3% year Never in the past year 122 13.9% 139 21.8% 89 11.4% 350 15.3% Never bet or spent 710 81.1% 461 72.4% 651 83.7% 1822 79.6% money on this activity Total 875 100.0% 637 100.0% 778 100.0% 2290 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 3 0.5% 7 1.9% 7 3.8% 17 1.5% 15-29 minutes 6 1.0% 9 2.5% 4 2.2% 19 1.6% 30-59 minutes 3 0.5% 5 1.4% 2 1.1% 10 0.9% 1-2 hours 23 3.7% 19 5.3% 11 6.0% 53 4.6% 2-4 hours 29 4.7% 13 3.6% 31 16.9% 73 6.3% 4+ hours 12 1.9% 5 1.4% 33 18.0% 50 4.3% NA 545 87.8% 301 83.8% 95 51.9% 941 80.9% Total 621 100.0% 359 100.0% 183 100.0% 1163 100.0%

< $1 3 0.5% 6 1.7% 23 12.6% 32 2.8% $1-4.99 6 1.0% 1 0.3% 3 1.6% 10 0.9% $5-9.99 5 0.8% 9 2.5% 1 0.5% 15 1.3% $10-14.99 2 0.3% 6 1.7% 10 5.5% 18 1.6% $15-19.99 14 2.3% 4 1.1% 2 1.1% 20 1.8% $20+ 42 7.0% 33 9.3% 49 26.9% 124 10.9% NA 532 88.1% 295 83.3% 94 51.6% 921 80.8% Total 604 100.0% 354 100.0% 182 100.0% 1140 100.0%


Bingo Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Daily 4 0.5% 3 0.5% 2 0.3% 9 0.4% 2-6 times a week 2 0.2% 1 0.2% 4 0.5% 7 0.3% About once a week 5 0.6% 3 0.5% 4 0.5% 12 0.5% 2-3 times a month 11 1.3% 9 1.4% 6 0.8% 26 1.1% About once a month 19 2.2% 14 2.2% 3 0.4% 36 1.6% Between 6-11 times a 10 1.1% 5 0.8% 2 0.3% 17 0.7% year Between 1-5 times a 33 3.8% 42 6.6% 19 2.4% 94 4.1% year Never in the past year 159 18.2% 171 27.0% 90 11.6% 420 18.4% Never bet or spent 630 72.2% 386 60.9% 647 83.3% 1663 72.8% money on this activity Total 873 100.0% 634 100.0% 777 100.0% 2284 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 6 1.0% 19 5.1% 5 2.9% 30 2.6% 15-29 minutes 13 2.1% 5 1.3% 1 0.6% 19 1.6% 30-59 minutes 23 3.7% 12 3.2% 2 1.1% 37 3.2% 1-2 hours 42 6.8% 40 10.8% 44 25.3% 126 10.8% 2-4 hours 23 3.7% 26 7.0% 20 11.5% 69 5.9% 4+ hours 9 1.5% 8 2.2% 11 6.3% 28 2.4% NA 504 81.3% 262 70.4% 91 52.3% 857 73.5% Total 620 100.0% 372 100.0% 174 100.0% 1166 100.0%

< $1 12 2.0% 13 3.6% 23 13.0% 48 4.2% $1-4.99 17 2.8% 8 2.2% 3 1.7% 28 2.4% $5-9.99 23 3.8% 17 4.6% 9 5.1% 49 4.3% $10-14.99 13 2.2% 18 4.9% 10 5.6% 41 3.6% $15-19.99 11 1.8% 18 4.9% 3 1.7% 32 2.8% $20+ 36 6.0% 33 9.0% 40 22.6% 109 9.5% NA 490 81.4% 259 70.8% 89 50.3% 838 73.2% Total 602 100.0% 366 100.0% 177 100.0% 1145 100.0%


Live keno Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Daily 2 0.2% 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 4 0.2% 2-6 times a week 1 0.1% 3 0.5% 0 0.0% 4 0.2% About once a week 2 0.2% 1 0.2% 3 0.4% 6 0.3% 2-3 times a month 2 0.2% 2 0.3% 1 0.1% 5 0.2% About once a month 1 0.1% 3 0.5% 1 0.1% 5 0.2% Between 6-11 times a 3 0.3% 4 0.7% 0 0.0% 7 0.3% year Between 1-5 times a 8 0.9% 11 1.8% 7 0.9% 26 1.2% year Never in the past year 95 11.0% 93 15.2% 35 4.5% 223 9.9% Never bet or spent 752 86.8% 492 80.5% 731 94.0% 1975 87.6% money on this activity Total 866 100.0% 611 100.0% 778 100.0% 2255 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 11 1.8% 9 2.6% 3 2.4% 23 2.1% 15-29 minutes 4 0.7% 5 1.4% 7 5.6% 16 1.5% 30-59 minutes 6 1.0% 3 0.9% 4 3.2% 13 1.2% 1-2 hours 12 2.0% 10 2.8% 5 4.0% 27 2.5% 2-4 hours 1 0.2% 1 0.3% 5 4.0% 7 0.6% 4+ hours 4 0.7% 5 1.4% 0 0.0% 9 0.8% NA 565 93.7% 318 90.6% 101 80.8% 984 91.2% Total 603 100.0% 351 100.0% 125 100.0% 1079 100.0%

< $1 4 0.7% 7 2.0% 10 8.1% 21 2.0% $1-4.99 9 1.5% 3 0.9% 2 1.6% 14 1.3% $5-9.99 8 1.4% 11 3.2% 2 1.6% 21 2.0% $10-14.99 1 0.2% 4 1.1% 3 2.4% 8 0.8% $15-19.99 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 1 0.8% 3 0.3% $20+ 12 2.0% 8 2.3% 6 4.8% 26 2.5% NA 551 93.9% 315 90.5% 100 80.6% 966 91.2% Total 587 100.0% 348 100.0% 124 100.0% 1059 100.0%


Video lottery machines Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Daily 5 0.6% 4 0.6% 0 0.0% 9 0.4% 2-6 times a week 3 0.3% 0 0.0% 1 0.1% 4 0.2% About once a week 3 0.3% 1 0.2% 2 0.3% 6 0.3% 2-3 times a month 1 0.1% 6 1.0% 2 0.3% 9 0.4% About once a month 9 1.0% 13 2.1% 3 0.4% 25 1.1% Between 6-11 times a 3 0.3% 5 0.8% 2 0.3% 10 0.4% year Between 1-5 times a 12 1.4% 27 4.3% 8 1.0% 47 2.1% year Never in the past year 65 7.5% 92 14.6% 34 4.4% 191 8.4% Never bet or spent 761 88.3% 483 76.5% 725 93.3% 1969 86.7% money on this activity Total 862 100.0% 631 100.0% 777 100.0% 2270 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 15 2.5% 23 6.3% 8 6.3% 46 4.2% 15-29 minutes 14 2.3% 15 4.1% 6 4.8% 35 3.2% 30-59 minutes 5 0.8% 8 2.2% 2 1.6% 15 1.4% 1-2 hours 9 1.5% 8 2.2% 5 4.0% 22 2.0% 2-4 hours 0 0.0% 2 0.6% 3 2.4% 5 0.5% 4+ hours 3 0.5% 7 1.9% 4 3.2% 14 1.3% NA 560 92.4% 300 82.6% 98 77.8% 958 87.5% Total 606 100.0% 363 100.0% 126 100.0% 1095 100.0%

< $1 8 1.4% 9 2.5% 4 3.2% 21 2.0% $1-4.99 11 1.9% 9 2.5% 3 2.4% 23 2.2% $5-9.99 11 1.9% 13 3.7% 2 1.6% 26 2.4% $10-14.99 2 0.3% 7 2.0% 2 1.6% 11 1.0% $15-19.99 4 0.7% 5 1.4% 1 0.8% 10 0.9% $20+ 22 3.8% 18 5.1% 13 10.4% 53 5.0% NA 528 90.1% 295 82.9% 100 80.0% 923 86.5% Total 586 100.0% 356 100.0% 125 100.0% 1067 100.0%


Card games with friends, family or others but not at a Panel Social Media ABS Total casino n % n % n % n %

Daily 4 0.5% 5 0.8% 0 0.0% 9 0.4% 2-6 times a week 7 0.8% 8 1.3% 1 0.1% 16 0.7% About once a week 17 2.0% 6 0.9% 7 0.9% 30 1.3% 2-3 times a month 9 1.0% 22 3.4% 12 1.5% 43 1.9% About once a month 34 3.9% 35 5.5% 11 1.4% 80 3.5% Between 6-11 times a 39 4.5% 36 5.6% 8 1.0% 83 3.6% year Between 1-5 times a 91 10.5% 92 14.4% 64 8.2% 247 10.8% year Never in the past year 155 17.9% 105 16.5% 103 13.3% 363 15.9% Never bet or spent 510 58.9% 329 51.6% 571 73.5% 1410 61.8% money on this activity Total 866 100.0% 638 100.0% 777 100.0% 2281 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 7 1.1% 15 3.8% 3 1.4% 25 2.0% 15-29 minutes 21 3.3% 13 3.3% 1 0.5% 35 2.8% 30-59 minutes 36 5.6% 14 3.6% 5 2.3% 55 4.4% 1-2 hours 89 13.9% 81 20.6% 40 18.7% 210 16.9% 2-4 hours 65 10.2% 58 14.8% 69 32.2% 192 15.4% 4+ hours 34 5.3% 22 5.6% 34 15.9% 90 7.2% NA 387 60.6% 190 48.3% 62 29.0% 639 51.3% Total 639 100.0% 393 100.0% 214 100.0% 1246 100.0%

< $1 41 6.7% 46 11.9% 57 25.1% 144 11.8% $1-4.99 21 3.4% 21 5.4% 9 4.0% 51 4.2% $5-9.99 22 3.6% 13 3.4% 13 5.7% 48 3.9% $10-14.99 29 4.7% 11 2.8% 19 8.4% 59 4.8% $15-19.99 8 1.3% 7 1.8% 7 3.1% 22 1.8% $20+ 37 6.0% 28 7.3% 38 16.7% 103 8.4% NA 454 74.2% 260 67.4% 84 37.0% 798 65.1% Total 612 100.0% 386 100.0% 227 100.0% 1225 100.0%


Games of personal skill such as pool, video games, or Panel Social Media ABS Total playing basketball n % n % n % n %

Daily 13 1.5% 37 5.8% 13 1.7% 63 2.8% 2-6 times a week 17 1.9% 11 1.7% 4 0.5% 32 1.4% About once a week 14 1.6% 17 2.7% 6 0.8% 37 1.6% 2-3 times a month 26 3.0% 15 2.3% 10 1.3% 51 2.2% About once a month 30 3.4% 17 2.7% 13 1.7% 60 2.6% Between 6-11 times a 22 2.5% 20 3.1% 7 0.9% 49 2.1% year Between 1-5 times a 53 6.1% 57 8.9% 38 4.9% 148 6.5% year Never in the past year 137 15.7% 90 14.1% 90 11.6% 317 13.9% Never bet or spent 560 64.2% 375 58.7% 595 76.7% 1530 66.9% money on this activity Total 872 100.0% 639 100.0% 776 100.0% 2287 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 9 1.4% 14 3.5% 11 5.5% 34 2.8% 15-29 minutes 29 4.7% 14 3.5% 8 4.0% 51 4.2% 30-59 minutes 31 5.0% 30 7.5% 20 10.0% 81 6.6% 1-2 hours 77 12.4% 55 13.8% 35 17.5% 167 13.7% 2-4 hours 22 3.5% 34 8.5% 30 15.0% 86 7.0% 4+ hours 32 5.1% 22 5.5% 24 12.0% 78 6.4% Total 623 100.0% 400 100.0% 200 100.0% 1223 100.0%

< $1 16 2.6% 17 4.4% 43 20.7% 76 6.3% $1-4.99 15 2.5% 9 2.3% 6 2.9% 30 2.5% $5-9.99 26 4.3% 24 6.2% 18 8.7% 68 5.7% $10-14.99 19 3.1% 12 3.1% 4 1.9% 35 2.9% $15-19.99 4 0.7% 12 3.1% 4 1.9% 20 1.7% $20+ 28 4.6% 24 6.2% 38 18.3% 90 7.5% NA 500 82.2% 289 74.7% 95 45.7% 884 73.5% Total 608 100.0% 387 100.0% 208 100.0% 1203 100.0%


Fantasy sports leagues or games (include only if there Panel Social Media ABS Total is an entry fee to play) n % n % n % n %

Daily 4 0.5% 7 1.1% 2 0.3% 13 0.6% 2-6 times a week 2 0.2% 1 0.2% 1 0.1% 4 0.2% About once a week 4 0.5% 8 1.3% 3 0.4% 15 0.7% 2-3 times a month 5 0.6% 6 0.9% 0 0.0% 11 0.5% About once a month 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Between 6-11 times a 11 1.3% 10 1.6% 5 0.6% 26 1.1% year Between 1-5 times a 15 1.7% 22 3.4% 15 1.9% 52 2.3% year Never in the past year 66 7.7% 91 14.3% 31 4.0% 188 8.3% Never bet or spent 755 87.6% 493 77.3% 719 92.7% 1967 86.4% money on this activity Total 862 100.0% 638 100.0% 776 100.0% 2276 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 10 1.7% 7 1.9% 2 1.5% 19 1.7% 15-29 minutes 15 2.5% 15 4.1% 5 3.8% 35 3.2% 30-59 minutes 1 0.2% 9 2.5% 1 0.8% 11 1.0% 1-2 hours 6 1.0% 14 3.9% 8 6.2% 28 2.6% 2-4 hours 4 0.7% 7 1.9% 3 2.3% 14 1.3% 4+ hours 9 1.5% 9 2.5% 12 9.2% 30 2.8% NA 550 92.4% 302 83.2% 99 76.2% 951 87.4% Total 595 100.0% 363 100.0% 130 100.0% 1088 100.0%

< $1 8 1.4% 7 1.9% 3 2.3% 18 1.7% $1-4.99 3 0.5% 4 1.1% 0 0.0% 7 0.7% $5-9.99 8 1.4% 9 2.5% 0 0.0% 17 1.6% $10-14.99 8 1.4% 12 3.3% 9 7.0% 29 2.7% $15-19.99 0 0.0% 3 0.8% 2 1.6% 5 0.5% $20+ 10 1.7% 25 6.9% 18 14.1% 53 5.0% NA 541 93.6% 300 83.3% 96 75.0% 937 87.9% Total 578 100.0% 360 100.0% 128 100.0% 1066 100.0%


Office pools such as college basketball tournaments or Panel Social Media ABS Total “delivery dates” for babies n % n % n % n %

Daily 4 0.5% 4 0.6% 0 0.0% 8 0.4% 2-6 times a week 0 0.0% 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 2 0.1% About once a week 2 0.2% 1 0.2% 3 0.4% 6 0.3% 2-3 times a month 2 0.2% 8 1.3% 0 0.0% 10 0.4% About once a month 9 1.0% 5 0.8% 8 1.0% 22 1.0% Between 6-11 times a 5 0.6% 10 1.6% 5 0.6% 20 0.9% year Between 1-5 times a 69 8.0% 53 8.3% 47 6.1% 169 7.4% year Never in the past year 117 13.6% 120 18.8% 69 8.9% 306 13.4% Never bet or spent 655 75.9% 434 68.1% 644 83.0% 1733 76.1% money on this activity Total 863 100.0% 637 100.0% 776 100.0% 2276 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 72 11.6% 43 11.5% 53 30.1% 168 14.4% 15-29 minutes 20 3.2% 18 4.8% 15 8.5% 53 4.5% 30-59 minutes 7 1.1% 13 3.5% 8 4.5% 28 2.4% 1-2 hours 11 1.8% 6 1.6% 6 3.4% 23 2.0% 2-4 hours 3 0.5% 2 0.5% 2 1.1% 7 0.6% 4+ hours 9 1.5% 2 0.5% 4 2.3% 15 1.3% NA 498 80.3% 289 77.5% 88 50.0% 875 74.9% Total 620 100.0% 373 100.0% 176 100.0% 1169 100.0%

< $1 10 1.7% 8 2.2% 16 8.7% 34 2.9% $1-4.99 37 6.1% 20 5.4% 22 12.0% 79 6.8% $5-9.99 23 3.8% 18 4.9% 16 8.7% 57 4.9% $10-14.99 12 2.0% 17 4.6% 13 7.1% 42 3.6% $15-19.99 6 1.0% 7 1.9% 4 2.2% 17 1.5% $20+ 26 4.3% 19 5.2% 27 14.8% 72 6.2% NA 491 81.2% 279 75.8% 85 46.4% 855 74.0% Total 605 100.0% 368 100.0% 183 100.0% 1156 100.0%


Other sports betting on professional, college, and Panel Social Media ABS Total amateur games or events n % n % n % n %

Daily 4 0.5% 1 0.2% 2 0.3% 7 0.3% 2-6 times a week 0 0.0% 2 0.3% 1 0.1% 3 0.1% About once a week 2 0.2% 3 0.5% 1 0.1% 6 0.3% 2-3 times a month 6 0.7% 5 0.8% 0 0.0% 11 0.5% About once a month 4 0.5% 9 1.4% 2 0.3% 15 0.7% Between 6-11 times a 6 0.7% 4 0.6% 1 0.1% 11 0.5% year Between 1-5 times a 23 2.7% 18 2.9% 19 2.4% 60 2.6% year Never in the past year 103 11.9% 97 15.4% 42 5.4% 242 10.7% Never bet or spent 714 82.8% 492 78.0% 708 91.2% 1914 84.4% money on this activity Total 862 100.0% 631 100.0% 776 100.0% 2269 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 12 2.0% 17 4.7% 15 11.5% 44 4.0% 15-29 minutes 11 1.8% 8 2.2% 3 2.3% 22 2.0% 30-59 minutes 9 1.5% 4 1.1% 2 1.5% 15 1.4% 1-2 hours 20 3.3% 9 2.5% 3 2.3% 32 2.9% 2-4 hours 7 1.2% 1 0.3% 5 3.8% 13 1.2% 4+ hours 6 1.0% 5 1.4% 3 2.3% 14 1.3% NA 540 89.3% 318 87.8% 99 76.2% 957 87.2% Total 605 100.0% 362 100.0% 130 100.0% 1097 100.0%

< $1 5 0.8% 8 2.2% 10 7.5% 23 2.1% $1-4.99 10 1.7% 1 0.3% 4 3.0% 15 1.4% $5-9.99 10 1.7% 10 2.8% 1 0.7% 21 1.9% $10-14.99 16 2.7% 7 1.9% 3 2.2% 26 2.4% $15-19.99 3 0.5% 3 0.8% 0 0.0% 6 0.6% $20+ 21 3.5% 17 4.7% 21 15.7% 59 5.4% NA 529 89.1% 313 87.2% 95 70.9% 937 86.2% Total 594 100.0% 359 100.0% 134 100.0% 1087 100.0%


Raffle tickets including Panel Social Media ABS Total those in support of a n % n % n % n % charitable cause

Daily 3 0.3% 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 4 0.2% 2-6 times a week 3 0.3% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.1% About once a week 5 0.6% 6 0.9% 0 0.0% 11 0.5% 2-3 times a month 2 0.2% 7 1.1% 5 0.6% 14 0.6% About once a month 16 1.8% 7 1.1% 17 2.2% 40 1.7% Between 6-11 times a 24 2.8% 32 5.0% 23 3.0% 79 3.5% year Between 1-5 times a 162 18.6% 156 24.4% 193 24.8% 511 22.3% year Never in the past year 203 23.3% 162 25.4% 124 15.9% 489 21.4% Never bet or spent 452 52.0% 268 41.9% 416 53.5% 1136 49.7% money on this activity Total 870 100.0% 639 100.0% 778 100.0% 2287 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 195 30.4% 141 34.7% 216 64.1% 552 39.9% 15-29 minutes 26 4.0% 20 4.9% 23 6.8% 69 5.0% 30-59 minutes 15 2.3% 10 2.5% 13 3.9% 38 2.7% 1-2 hours 13 2.0% 2 0.5% 16 4.7% 31 2.2% 2-4 hours 1 0.2% 1 0.2% 7 2.1% 9 0.6% 4+ hours 6 0.9% 9 2.2% 3 0.9% 18 1.3% NA 386 60.1% 223 54.9% 59 17.5% 668 48.2% Total 642 100.0% 406 100.0% 337 100.0% 1385 100.0%

< $1 22 3.5% 9 2.3% 50 14.3% 81 5.9% $1-4.99 99 15.7% 58 14.6% 45 12.9% 202 14.7% $5-9.99 63 10.0% 61 15.4% 66 18.9% 190 13.8% $10-14.99 18 2.8% 24 6.0% 49 14.0% 91 6.6% $15-19.99 15 2.4% 8 2.0% 13 3.7% 36 2.6% $20+ 47 7.4% 41 10.3% 70 20.1% 158 11.5% NA 368 58.2% 196 49.4% 56 16.0% 620 45.0% Total 632 100.0% 397 100.0% 349 100.0% 1378 100.0%


High-risk trading of stocks, Panel Social Media ABS Total commodities, or futures n % n % n % n %

Daily 9 1.0% 7 1.1% 2 0.3% 18 0.8% 2-6 times a week 0 0.0% 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% About once a week 5 0.6% 1 0.2% 1 0.1% 7 0.3% 2-3 times a month 4 0.5% 8 1.3% 1 0.1% 13 0.6% About once a month 6 0.7% 6 0.9% 5 0.6% 17 0.7% Between 6-11 times a 14 1.6% 4 0.6% 7 0.9% 25 1.1% year Between 1-5 times a 27 3.1% 16 2.5% 22 2.8% 65 2.9% year Never in the past year 74 8.6% 87 13.7% 49 6.3% 210 9.2% Never bet or spent 723 83.9% 504 79.5% 688 88.8% 1915 84.3% money on this activity Total 862 100.0% 634 100.0% 775 100.0% 2271 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 13 2.1% 12 3.3% 12 8.1% 37 3.3% 15-29 minutes 6 1.0% 10 2.8% 5 3.4% 21 1.9% 30-59 minutes 14 2.3% 5 1.4% 11 7.4% 30 2.7% 1-2 hours 19 3.1% 6 1.7% 13 8.7% 38 3.4% 2-4 hours 7 1.1% 5 1.4% 7 4.7% 19 1.7% 4+ hours 10 1.6% 5 1.4% 7 4.7% 22 1.9% NA 552 88.9% 318 88.1% 94 63.1% 964 85.2% Total 621 100.0% 361 100.0% 149 100.0% 1131 100.0%

< $1 3 0.5% 8 2.2% 11 7.6% 22 2.0% $1-4.99 7 1.1% 1 0.3% 1 0.7% 9 0.8% $5-9.99 4 0.7% 4 1.1% 0 0.0% 8 0.7% $10-14.99 5 0.8% 6 1.7% 0 0.0% 11 1.0% $15-19.99 0 0.0% 1 0.3% 3 2.1% 4 0.4% $20+ 53 8.6% 25 7.0% 37 25.5% 115 10.3% NA 542 88.3% 311 87.4% 93 64.1% 946 84.8% Total 614 100.0% 356 100.0% 145 100.0% 1115 100.0%


Some other game, activity, Panel Social Media ABS Total or event we have not listed n % n % n % n %

Daily 7 0.8% 4 0.6% 0 0.0% 11 0.5% 2-6 times a week 7 0.8% 5 0.8% 2 0.3% 14 0.6% About once a week 5 0.6% 2 0.3% 2 0.3% 9 0.4% 2-3 times a month 5 0.6% 6 1.0% 1 0.1% 12 0.5% About once a month 8 0.9% 6 1.0% 2 0.3% 16 0.7% Between 6-11 times a 9 1.1% 5 0.8% 1 0.1% 15 0.7% year Between 1-5 times a 11 1.3% 13 2.1% 1 0.1% 25 1.1% year Never in the past year 61 7.2% 83 13.2% 33 4.3% 177 7.9% Never bet or spent 740 86.8% 503 80.2% 726 94.5% 1969 87.6% money on this activity Total 853 100.0% 627 100.0% 768 100.0% 2248 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 3 0.5% 15 4.2% 2 1.8% 20 1.9% 15-29 minutes 14 2.3% 8 2.2% 0 0.0% 22 2.1% 30-59 minutes 10 1.7% 11 3.1% 1 0.9% 22 2.1% 1-2 hours 7 1.2% 2 0.6% 4 3.5% 13 1.2% 2-4 hours 2 0.3% 0 0.0% 1 0.9% 3 0.3% 4+ hours 13 2.2% 3 0.8% 4 3.5% 20 1.9% NA 548 91.8% 321 89.2% 102 89.5% 971 90.7% Total 597 100.0% 360 100.0% 114 100.0% 1071 100.0%

< $1 8 1.4% 10 2.9% 5 4.3% 23 2.2% $1-4.99 5 0.9% 6 1.7% 0 0.0% 11 1.0% $5-9.99 6 1.0% 10 2.9% 0 0.0% 16 1.5% $10-14.99 6 1.0% 3 0.9% 0 0.0% 9 0.9% $15-19.99 2 0.3% 1 0.3% 1 0.9% 4 0.4% $20+ 6 1.0% 5 1.4% 3 2.6% 14 1.3% NA 551 94.3% 315 90.0% 106 92.2% 972 92.7% Total 584 100.0% 350 100.0% 115 100.0% 1049 100.0%


Online gambling using the Panel Social Media ABS Total internet n % n % n % n %

Daily 7 0.8% 3 0.5% 2 0.3% 12 0.5% 2-6 times a week 5 0.6% 5 0.8% 4 0.5% 14 0.6% About once a week 7 0.8% 6 1.0% 0 0.0% 13 0.6% 2-3 times a month 7 0.8% 5 0.8% 2 0.3% 14 0.6% About once a month 9 1.1% 8 1.3% 0 0.0% 17 0.8% Between 6-11 times a 6 0.7% 7 1.1% 1 0.1% 14 0.6% year Between 1-5 times a 10 1.2% 26 4.1% 2 0.3% 38 1.7% year Never in the past year 52 6.1% 63 10.0% 30 3.9% 145 6.4% Never bet or spent 752 88.0% 507 80.5% 732 94.7% 1991 88.2% money on this activity Total 855 100.0% 630 100.0% 773 100.0% 2258 100.0%

Less than 15 minutes 7 1.1% 14 3.9% 1 0.8% 22 2.0% 15-29 minutes 14 2.3% 11 3.0% 6 5.0% 31 2.8% 30-59 minutes 8 1.3% 16 4.4% 2 1.7% 26 2.4% 1-2 hours 14 2.3% 12 3.3% 3 2.5% 29 2.7% 2-4 hours 2 0.3% 2 0.6% 4 3.4% 8 0.7% 4+ hours 10 1.6% 2 0.6% 6 5.0% 18 1.6% NA 554 91.0% 306 84.3% 97 81.5% 957 87.7% Total 609 100.0% 363 100.0% 119 100.0% 1091 100.0%

< $1 9 1.5% 13 3.7% 4 3.4% 26 2.4% $1-4.99 7 1.2% 7 2.0% 0 0.0% 14 1.3% $5-9.99 6 1.0% 8 2.3% 1 0.8% 15 1.4% $10-14.99 8 1.3% 8 2.3% 0 0.0% 16 1.5% $15-19.99 5 0.8% 2 0.6% 3 2.5% 10 0.9% $20+ 12 2.0% 11 3.1% 15 12.7% 38 3.6% NA 549 92.1% 304 86.1% 95 80.5% 948 88.8% Total 596 100.0% 353 100.0% 118 100.0% 1067 100.0%


Do you play online social games (Candy Crush, Farmville, Second Life, etc.)?

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Yes 407 41.5% 389 53.9% 161 19.5% 957 37.9% No 574 58.5% 333 46.1% 663 80.5% 1570 62.1% Total 981 100.0% 722 100.0% 824 100.0% 2527 100.0%

Why do you play online social games? Please select all that apply.

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

I like the fun and excitement Unchecked 130 32.1% 0 0.0% 45 28.0% 175 24.4% Checked 275 67.9% 150 100.0% 116 72.0% 541 75.6% Total 405 100.0% 150 100.0% 161 100.0% 716 100.0%

I enjoy the competitive spirit Unchecked 290 71.6% 0 0.0% 96 59.6% 386 62.0% Checked 115 28.4% 57 100.0% 65 40.4% 237 38.0% Total 405 100.0% 57 100.0% 161 100.0% 623 100.0%

It is a stress-reliever Unchecked 137 33.8% 0 0.0% 35 21.7% 172 22.6% Checked 268 66.2% 195 100.0% 126 78.3% 589 77.4% Total 405 100.0% 195 100.0% 161 100.0% 761 100.0%

I like the mental workout Unchecked 283 69.9% 0 0.0% 74 46.0% 357 55.9% Checked 122 30.1% 73 100.0% 87 54.0% 282 44.1% Total 405 100.0% 73 100.0% 161 100.0% 639 100.0%

I like the sense of accomplishment Unchecked 262 64.7% 0 0.0% 100 62.1% 362 58.9% Checked 143 35.3% 49 100.0% 61 37.9% 253 41.1% Total 405 100.0% 49 100.0% 161 100.0% 615 100.0%

It allows me to connect with others in social network(s) Unchecked 321 79.3% 0 0.0% 123 76.4% 444 72.9% Checked 84 20.7% 43 100.0% 38 23.6% 165 27.1% Total 405 100.0% 43 100.0% 161 100.0% 609 100.0%


It improves my hand-eye coordination Unchecked 317 78.3% 0 0.0% 98 60.9% 415 68.3% Checked 88 21.7% 42 100.0% 63 39.1% 193 31.7% Total 405 100.0% 42 100.0% 161 100.0% 608 100.0%

It lets me express my personality Unchecked 345 85.2% 0 0.0% 131 81.4% 476 80.0% Checked 60 14.8% 29 100.0% 30 18.6% 119 20.0% Total 405 100.0% 29 100.0% 161 100.0% 595 100.0%

Preferred way of interacting with social networking contacts Unchecked 378 93.3% 0 0.0% 137 85.1% 515 88.5% Checked 27 6.7% 16 100.0% 24 14.9% 67 11.5% Total 405 100.0% 16 100.0% 161 100.0% 582 100.0%

It is a convenient way to gamble Unchecked 382 94.3% 0 0.0% 149 92.5% 531 92.3% Checked 23 5.7% 9 100.0% 12 7.5% 44 7.7% Total 405 100.0% 9 100.0% 161 100.0% 575 100.0%

Other Unchecked 391 96.5% 0 0.0% 146 90.7% 537 93.7% Checked 14 3.5% 7 100.0% 15 9.3% 36 6.3% Total 405 100.0% 7 100.0% 161 100.0% 573 100.0%

How many online social games have you played in the last 30 days? Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 5 3.2% 5 0.5% 1 102 25.5% 69 17.7% 48 30.6% 219 23.2% 2 83 20.8% 80 20.6% 27 17.2% 190 20.1% 3-5 135 33.8% 155 39.8% 48 30.6% 338 35.7% 6-10 50 12.5% 52 13.4% 16 10.2% 118 12.5% 11-15 12 3.0% 3 0.8% 6 3.8% 21 2.2% 16-20 2 0.5% 11 2.8% 2 1.3% 15 1.6% 21-25 2 0.5% 10 2.6% 1 0.6% 13 1.4% 26 or more 14 3.5% 9 2.3% 4 2.5% 27 2.9% Total 400 100.0% 389 100.0% 157 100.0% 946 100.0%


Which of the following online social games are you currently playing at least once a week?

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Active Worlds Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 156 97.5% 556 94.7% Checked 4 1.0% 23 100.0% 4 2.5% 31 5.3% Total 404 100.0% 23 100.0% 160 100.0% 587 100.0%

Braaains Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 558 98.6% Checked 4 1.0% 2 100.0% 2 1.3% 8 1.4% Total 404 100.0% 2 100.0% 160 100.0% 566 100.0%

Café World Unchecked 379 93.8% 0 0.0% 156 97.5% 535 92.4% Checked 25 6.2% 15 100.0% 4 2.5% 44 7.6% Total 404 100.0% 15 100.0% 160 100.0% 579 100.0%

Cityville Unchecked 383 94.8% 0 0.0% 151 94.4% 534 91.6% Checked 21 5.2% 19 100.0% 9 5.6% 49 8.4% Total 404 100.0% 19 100.0% 160 100.0% 583 100.0%

City of Wonder Unchecked 396 98.0% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 554 98.1% Checked 8 2.0% 1 100.0% 2 1.3% 11 1.9% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

Club Penguin Unchecked 397 98.3% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 555 97.9% Checked 7 1.7% 3 100.0% 2 1.3% 12 2.1% Total 404 100.0% 3 100.0% 160 100.0% 567 100.0%

Cupcake Corner Unchecked 394 97.5% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 552 96.8% Checked 10 2.5% 6 100.0% 2 1.3% 18 3.2% Total 404 100.0% 6 100.0% 160 100.0% 570 100.0%

Endless Chaos Unchecked 402 99.5% 0 0.0% 157 98.1% 559 99.1% Checked 2 0.5% 0 0.0% 3 1.9% 5 0.9% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

EGO Unchecked 403 99.8% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 563 99.8% Checked 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.2% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

Fantage Unchecked 402 99.5% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 562 99.5% Checked 2 0.5% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.5% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%


Farmville Unchecked 310 76.7% 0 0.0% 142 88.8% 452 71.6% Checked 94 23.3% 67 100.0% 18 11.3% 179 28.4% Total 404 100.0% 67 100.0% 160 100.0% 631 100.0%

Farm Town Unchecked 382 94.6% 0 0.0% 151 94.4% 533 92.9% Checked 22 5.4% 10 100.0% 9 5.6% 41 7.1% Total 404 100.0% 10 100.0% 160 100.0% 574 100.0%

Fishville Unchecked 397 98.3% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 557 98.1% Checked 7 1.7% 4 100.0% 0 0.0% 11 1.9% Total 404 100.0% 4 100.0% 160 100.0% 568 100.0%

Flyff Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 560 99.3% Checked 4 1.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 4 0.7% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

Free Realms Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 155 96.9% 555 97.7% Checked 4 1.0% 4 100.0% 5 3.1% 13 2.3% Total 404 100.0% 4 100.0% 160 100.0% 568 100.0%

Frontierville Unchecked 394 97.5% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 553 95.8% Checked 10 2.5% 13 100.0% 1 0.6% 24 4.2% Total 404 100.0% 13 100.0% 160 100.0% 577 100.0%

Furcadia Unchecked 401 99.3% 0 0.0% 156 97.5% 557 98.8% Checked 3 0.7% 0 0.0% 4 2.5% 7 1.2% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

Habbo Unchecked 398 98.5% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 558 98.9% Checked 6 1.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6 1.1% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

Happy Aquarium Unchecked 397 98.3% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 557 97.9% Checked 7 1.7% 5 100.0% 0 0.0% 12 2.1% Total 404 100.0% 5 100.0% 160 100.0% 569 100.0%

Happy Island Unchecked 397 98.3% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 555 97.9% Checked 7 1.7% 3 100.0% 2 1.3% 12 2.1% Total 404 100.0% 3 100.0% 160 100.0% 567 100.0%

Hotel City Unchecked 403 99.8% 0 0.0% 157 98.1% 560 97.9% Checked 1 0.2% 8 100.0% 3 1.9% 12 2.1% Total 404 100.0% 8 100.0% 160 100.0% 572 100.0%


Kingdoms of Camelot Unchecked 399 98.8% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 557 97.5% Checked 5 1.2% 7 100.0% 2 1.3% 14 2.5% Total 404 100.0% 7 100.0% 160 100.0% 571 100.0%

Kogamu Unchecked 403 99.8% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 563 99.8% Checked 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.2% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

Mafia Wars Unchecked 389 96.3% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 548 95.8% Checked 15 3.7% 8 100.0% 1 0.6% 24 4.2% Total 404 100.0% 8 100.0% 160 100.0% 572 100.0%

Market Street Unchecked 402 99.5% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 562 99.5% Checked 2 0.5% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.5% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

National Geographic Animal Jam Unchecked 401 99.3% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 560 98.8% Checked 3 0.7% 3 100.0% 1 0.6% 7 1.2% Total 404 100.0% 3 100.0% 160 100.0% 567 100.0%

Nicktropolis Unchecked 401 99.3% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 559 98.9% Checked 3 0.7% 1 100.0% 2 1.3% 6 1.1% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

Nightclub City Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 558 98.4% Checked 4 1.0% 3 100.0% 2 1.3% 9 1.6% Total 404 100.0% 3 100.0% 160 100.0% 567 100.0%

Ninja Saga Unchecked 399 98.8% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 558 98.1% Checked 5 1.2% 5 100.0% 1 0.6% 11 1.9% Total 404 100.0% 5 100.0% 160 100.0% 569 100.0%

OurWorld Unchecked 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 99.8% Checked 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.2% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

PetSociety Unchecked 397 98.3% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 556 97.5% Checked 7 1.7% 6 100.0% 1 0.6% 14 2.5% Total 404 100.0% 6 100.0% 160 100.0% 570 100.0%

PetVille Unchecked 383 94.8% 0 0.0% 152 95.0% 535 92.7% Checked 21 5.2% 13 100.0% 8 5.0% 42 7.3% Total 404 100.0% 13 100.0% 160 100.0% 577 100.0%


Ravenwood Fair Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 559 98.8% Checked 4 1.0% 2 100.0% 1 0.6% 7 1.2% Total 404 100.0% 2 100.0% 160 100.0% 566 100.0%

Red Light Center Unchecked 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 99.8% Checked 0 0.0% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.2% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

Restaurant City Unchecked 397 98.3% 0 0.0% 156 97.5% 553 96.5% Checked 7 1.7% 9 100.0% 4 2.5% 20 3.5% Total 404 100.0% 9 100.0% 160 100.0% 573 100.0%

Roblox Unchecked 396 98.0% 0 0.0% 157 98.1% 553 97.5% Checked 8 2.0% 3 100.0% 3 1.9% 14 2.5% Total 404 100.0% 3 100.0% 160 100.0% 567 100.0%

Second Life Unchecked 393 97.3% 0 0.0% 157 98.1% 550 96.5% Checked 11 2.7% 6 100.0% 3 1.9% 20 3.5% Total 404 100.0% 6 100.0% 160 100.0% 570 100.0%

SmallWorlds Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 157 98.1% 557 98.6% Checked 4 1.0% 1 100.0% 3 1.9% 8 1.4% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

Social City Unchecked 397 98.3% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 557 98.1% Checked 7 1.7% 4 100.0% 0 0.0% 11 1.9% Total 404 100.0% 4 100.0% 160 100.0% 568 100.0%

There Unchecked 402 99.5% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 562 99.5% Checked 2 0.5% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.5% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

TirNua Unchecked 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 563 99.8% Checked 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.6% 1 0.2% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

Toontown Online Unchecked 401 99.3% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 561 99.3% Checked 3 0.7% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 4 0.7% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

Treasure Isle Unchecked 388 96.0% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 547 96.3% Checked 16 4.0% 4 100.0% 1 0.6% 21 3.7% Total 404 100.0% 4 100.0% 160 100.0% 568 100.0%


Virtual World of Kaneva Unchecked 402 99.5% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 562 99.5% Checked 2 0.5% 1 100.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.5% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0% vSide Unchecked 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0% Checked 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

Wizard 101 Unchecked 392 97.0% 0 0.0% 153 95.6% 545 94.9% Checked 12 3.0% 10 100.0% 7 4.4% 29 5.1% Total 404 100.0% 10 100.0% 160 100.0% 574 100.0%

Vikings of Thule Unchecked 398 98.5% 0 0.0% 158 98.8% 556 98.4% Checked 6 1.5% 1 100.0% 2 1.3% 9 1.6% Total 404 100.0% 1 100.0% 160 100.0% 565 100.0%

Woozworld Unchecked 403 99.8% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 563 99.8% Checked 1 0.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.2% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 160 100.0% 564 100.0%

YoVille Unchecked 402 99.5% 0 0.0% 159 99.4% 561 97.6% Checked 2 0.5% 11 100.0% 1 0.6% 14 2.4% Total 404 100.0% 11 100.0% 160 100.0% 575 100.0%

Zoo World Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 157 98.1% 557 97.4% Checked 4 1.0% 8 100.0% 3 1.9% 15 2.6% Total 404 100.0% 8 100.0% 160 100.0% 572 100.0%

Other Unchecked 221 54.7% 0 0.0% 144 90.0% 365 47.3% Checked 183 45.3% 207 100.0% 16 10.0% 406 52.7% Total 404 100.0% 207 100.0% 160 100.0% 771 100.0%

I do not play online social games at least once a week Unchecked 330 81.7% 0 0.0% 154 96.3% 484 80.3% Checked 74 18.3% 39 100.0% 6 3.8% 119 19.7% Total 404 100.0% 39 100.0% 160 100.0% 603 100.0%

I do not play social games online at all Unchecked 397 98.3% 0 0.0% 49 30.6% 446 78.0% Checked 7 1.7% 8 100.0% 111 69.4% 126 22.0% Total 404 100.0% 8 100.0% 160 100.0% 572 100.0%


What casino games do you typically play online?

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Baccarat Unchecked 401 99.3% 0 0.0% 159 100.0% 560 95.7% Checked 3 0.7% 22 100.0% 0 0.0% 25 4.3% Total 404 100.0% 22 100.0% 159 100.0% 585 100.0%

Blackjack Unchecked 363 89.9% 0 0.0% 145 91.2% 508 84.9% Checked 41 10.1% 35 100.0% 14 8.8% 90 15.1% Total 404 100.0% 35 100.0% 159 100.0% 598 100.0%

Craps Unchecked 395 97.8% 0 0.0% 159 100.0% 554 98.1% Checked 9 2.2% 2 100.0% 0 0.0% 11 1.9% Total 404 100.0% 2 100.0% 159 100.0% 565 100.0%

Roulette Unchecked 392 97.0% 0 0.0% 158 99.4% 550 97.3% Checked 12 3.0% 2 100.0% 1 0.6% 15 2.7% Total 404 100.0% 2 100.0% 159 100.0% 565 100.0%

Sic bo Unchecked 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 159 100.0% 563 100.0% Checked 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 159 100.0% 563 100.0%

Slot machines Unchecked 331 81.9% 0 0.0% 135 84.9% 466 69.2% Checked 73 18.1% 110 100.0% 24 15.1% 207 30.8% Total 404 100.0% 110 100.0% 159 100.0% 673 100.0%

Poker Unchecked 346 85.6% 0 0.0% 141 88.7% 487 82.4% Checked 58 14.4% 28 100.0% 18 11.3% 104 17.6% Total 404 100.0% 28 100.0% 159 100.0% 591 100.0%

Keno Unchecked 400 99.0% 0 0.0% 155 97.5% 555 98.6% Checked 4 1.0% 0 0.0% 4 2.5% 8 1.4% Total 404 100.0% 0 0.0% 159 100.0% 563 100.0%

Bingo Unchecked 356 88.1% 0 0.0% 147 92.5% 503 84.1% Checked 48 11.9% 35 100.0% 12 7.5% 95 15.9% Total 404 100.0% 35 100.0% 159 100.0% 598 100.0%


Progressive jackpots Unchecked 391 96.8% 0 0.0% 153 96.2% 544 95.6% Checked 13 3.2% 6 100.0% 6 3.8% 25 4.4% Total 404 100.0% 6 100.0% 159 100.0% 569 100.0%

I do not play casino games online Unchecked 153 37.9% 0 0.0% 57 35.8% 210 27.5% Checked 251 62.1% 201 100.0% 102 64.2% 554 72.5% Total 404 100.0% 201 100.0% 159 100.0% 764 100.0%

Other Unchecked 398 98.5% 0 0.0% 151 95.0% 549 95.0% Checked 6 1.5% 15 100.0% 8 5.0% 29 5.0% Total 404 100.0% 15 100.0% 159 100.0% 578 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

How often do you typically play online social games, including online casino games? Several times a day 111 27.5% 147 39.4% 43 29.3% 301 32.6% Once a day 91 22.5% 84 22.5% 34 23.1% 209 22.6% 2-3 times a week 68 16.8% 50 13.4% 18 12.2% 136 14.7% Once a week or less 76 18.8% 67 18.0% 30 20.4% 173 18.7% I do not play online social 58 14.4% 25 6.7% 22 15.0% 105 11.4% games or online casino games Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 147 100.0% 924 100.0%

How long is your typical online social game-play session, including time spent playing online cas... 10 minutes or less 53 13.1% 48 12.9% 21 15.8% 122 13.4% 11-15 minutes 49 12.1% 62 16.6% 17 12.8% 128 14.1% 16-30 minutes 107 26.5% 100 26.8% 34 25.6% 241 26.5% 31-59 minutes 61 15.1% 69 18.5% 15 11.3% 145 15.9% 1-2 hours 57 14.1% 53 14.2% 27 20.3% 137 15.1% 3-4 hours 25 6.2% 18 4.8% 5 3.8% 48 5.3% 5 or more hours 7 1.7% 8 2.1% 6 4.5% 21 2.3% I do not play online social 45 11.1% 15 4.0% 8 6.0% 68 7.5% games or online casino games Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 133 100.0% 910 100.0%

How much do you spend per month on online social gaming, including online casino gaming? Less than $10 69 17.1% 77 20.6% 47 35.3% 193 21.2% $11-30 27 6.7% 23 6.2% 1 0.8% 51 5.6% $31-60 13 3.2% 15 4.0% 4 3.0% 32 3.5% $61-100 0 0.0% 10 2.7% 1 0.8% 11 1.2% More than $100 6 1.5% 4 1.1% 7 5.3% 17 1.9% I only play free games 38 9.4% 228 61.1% 26 19.5% 292 32.1% I do not play online social 251 62.1% 16 4.3% 47 35.3% 314 34.5% or online casino games Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 133 100.0% 910 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

How often do you earn or spend virtual currency (coins, gems, etc.) when playing online social games, including online casino games? Daily 125 30.9% 132 35.4% 27 27.6% 284 32.5% Weekly 94 23.3% 87 23.3% 18 18.4% 199 22.7% Monthly 78 19.3% 63 16.9% 14 14.3% 155 17.7% Never 107 26.5% 91 24.4% 39 39.8% 237 27.1% Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 98 100.0% 875 100.0%

How often do your purchase virtual currency with actual (real-world) money when playing online social games, including online casino games? Daily 6 1.5% 7 1.9% 3 3.5% 16 1.9% Weekly 21 5.2% 30 8.0% 3 3.5% 54 6.3% Monthly 71 17.6% 79 21.2% 18 21.2% 168 19.5% Never 306 75.7% 257 68.9% 61 71.8% 624 72.4% Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 85 100.0% 862 100.0%

How often do you purchase a virtual gift for someone when playing online social games, including online casino games? Daily 15 3.7% 9 2.4% 3 3.8% 27 3.2% Weekly 21 5.2% 15 4.0% 0 0.0% 36 4.2% Monthly 42 10.4% 28 7.5% 7 8.9% 77 9.0% Never 326 80.7% 321 86.1% 69 87.3% 716 83.6% Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 79 100.0% 856 100.0%

How likely would you be to purchase a virtual item with (real-world) money if it gave you a modest short-lived advantage in an online social game (ex. power up special, bonus multiplier, or special weapon/tool), including online casino games? Very likely 18 4.5% 20 5.4% 6 4.1% 44 4.8% Somewhat likely 66 16.3% 76 20.4% 18 12.3% 160 17.3% Somewhat unlikely 77 19.1% 54 14.5% 7 4.8% 138 15.0% Very unlikely 243 60.1% 223 59.8% 115 78.8% 581 62.9% Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 146 100.0% 923 100.0%


Social Desirability Items

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Would you smile at people every time you meet them? Yes 844 82.1% 627 86.8% 715 81.3% 2186 83.1% No 184 17.9% 95 13.2% 164 18.7% 443 16.9% Total 1028 100.0% 722 100.0% 879 100.0% 2629 100.0%

Would you ever lie to people? Yes 198 36.3% 164 36.1% 143 34.5% 505 35.7% No 348 63.7% 290 63.9% 272 65.5% 910 64.3% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 415 100.0% 1415 100.0%

Do you always practice what you preach? Yes 227 56.2% 169 45.3% 78 53.4% 474 51.4% No 177 43.8% 204 54.7% 68 46.6% 449 48.6% Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 146 100.0% 923 100.0%

If you say to people that you will do something, do you always keep your promise no matter how inconvenient it might be? Yes 361 65.9% 289 63.7% 335 79.8% 985 69.3% No 187 34.1% 165 36.3% 85 20.2% 437 30.7% Total 548 100.0% 454 100.0% 420 100.0% 1422 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Do you consider online social casino play to be gambling? Yes 256 63.4% 230 61.7% 93 65.0% 579 62.9% No 148 36.6% 143 38.3% 50 35.0% 341 37.1% Total 404 100.0% 373 100.0% 143 100.0% 920 100.0%

Have you ever gambled (in an actual casino or online)? Yes, but only online 16 1.6% 8 1.1% 2 0.2% 26 1.0% Yes, but only in casino 429 43.9% 363 50.3% 327 40.0% 1119 44.5% Yes, both online and in 84 8.6% 83 11.5% 37 4.5% 204 8.1% casino No 449 45.9% 268 37.1% 451 55.2% 1168 46.4% Total 978 100.0% 722 100.0% 817 100.0% 2517 100.0%

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

After losing many times in a row, you are more likely to win. Agree 92 16.8% 76 16.7% 45 11.1% 213 15.1% Disagree 454 83.2% 378 83.3% 361 88.9% 1193 84.9% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 406 100.0% 1406 100.0%

You could win more if you use a certain system or strategy. Agree 171 31.3% 151 33.3% 81 19.6% 403 28.5% Disagree 375 68.7% 303 66.7% 333 80.4% 1011 71.5% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 414 100.0% 1414 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Has your involvement in gambling caused you either to borrow a significant amount of money or sell some of your possessions in the past 12 months? Yes 15 2.7% 14 3.1% 5 1.2% 34 2.4% No 533 97.3% 440 96.9% 406 98.8% 1379 97.6% Total 548 100.0% 454 100.0% 411 100.0% 1413 100.0%

Has your involvement in gambling caused significant financial concerns for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months? Yes 18 3.3% 18 4.0% 17 4.1% 53 3.7% No 530 96.7% 436 96.0% 395 95.9% 1361 96.3% Total 548 100.0% 454 100.0% 412 100.0% 1414 100.0%

Has your involvement in gambling caused significant mental stress in the form of guilt, anxiety, or depression for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months? Yes 25 4.6% 21 4.6% 17 4.0% 63 4.4% No 523 95.4% 433 95.4% 405 96.0% 1361 95.6% Total 548 100.0% 454 100.0% 422 100.0% 1424 100.0%

Has your involvement in gambling caused serious problems in your relationship with your spouse/partner, or important friends or family in the past 12 months? Yes 8 1.5% 13 2.9% 11 2.6% 32 2.2% No 540 98.5% 441 97.1% 411 97.4% 1392 97.8% Total 548 100.0% 454 100.0% 422 100.0% 1424 100.0%

Has your involvement in gambling caused you to repeatedly neglect your children or family in the past 12 months? Yes 9 1.6% 8 1.8% 2 0.5% 19 1.3% No 539 98.4% 446 98.2% 420 99.5% 1405 98.7% Total 548 100.0% 454 100.0% 422 100.0% 1424 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

How often have you felt guilty about the way you gamble or what happens when you gamble? Never 411 75.0% 348 76.7% 374 88.6% 1133 79.6% Sometimes 119 21.7% 94 20.7% 30 7.1% 243 17.1% Most of the time 9 1.6% 6 1.3% 5 1.2% 20 1.4% Almost always 9 1.6% 6 1.3% 13 3.1% 28 2.0% Total 548 100.0% 454 100.0% 422 100.0% 1424 100.0%

Has your involvement in gambling resulted in significant health problems or injury for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months? Yes 12 2.2% 6 1.3% 0 0.0% 18 1.3% No 534 97.8% 448 98.7% 421 100.0% 1403 98.7% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 421 100.0% 1421 100.0%

Has your involvement in gambling caused significant work or school problems for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months? Yes 14 2.6% 9 2.0% 1 0.2% 24 1.7% No 532 97.4% 445 98.0% 420 99.8% 1397 98.3% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 421 100.0% 1421 100.0%

Has your involvement in gambling caused you to miss a significant amount of time off work or school in the past 12 months? Yes 11 2.0% 7 1.5% 2 0.5% 20 1.4% No 535 98.0% 447 98.5% 419 99.5% 1401 98.6% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 421 100.0% 1421 100.0%

Has your involvement in gambling caused you or someone close to you to write bad checks, take money that didn’t belong to you or commit other illegal acts to support your gambling in the past 12 months? Yes 8 1.5% 10 2.2% 3 0.7% 21 1.5% No 538 98.5% 444 97.8% 418 99.3% 1400 98.5% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 421 100.0% 1421 100.0%

Is there anyone else who would say that your involvement in gambling in the past 12 months has caused any significant problems regardless of whether you agree with them or not? Yes 10 1.8% 14 3.1% 15 3.6% 39 2.8% No 536 98.2% 440 96.9% 402 96.4% 1378 97.2% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 417 100.0% 1417 100.0%

In the past 12 months, have you often gambled longer, with more money or more frequently than you intended to? Yes 57 10.4% 52 11.5% 26 6.3% 135 9.5% No 489 89.6% 402 88.5% 390 93.8% 1281 90.5% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 416 100.0% 1416 100.0%


In the past 12 months, have you often gone back to try and win back the money you lost? Yes 61 11.2% 43 9.5% 29 7.0% 133 9.4% No 485 88.8% 411 90.5% 388 93.0% 1284 90.6% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 417 100.0% 1417 100.0%

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

In the past 12 months, did you find you needed to gamble with larger and larger amounts of money to achieve the same level of excitement? Yes 22 4.0% 15 3.3% 7 1.7% 44 3.1% No 524 96.0% 439 96.7% 408 98.3% 1371 96.9% Total 546 100.0% 454 100.0% 415 100.0% 1415 100.0%

Do you remember a big WIN when you first started gambling? Yes 175 32.1% 170 36.6% 123 29.7% 468 32.8% No 371 67.9% 295 63.4% 291 70.3% 957 67.2% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 414 100.0% 1425 100.0%

Do you remember a big LOSS when you first started gambling? Yes 115 21.1% 97 20.9% 52 12.6% 264 18.5% No 431 78.9% 368 79.1% 362 87.4% 1161 81.5% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 414 100.0% 1425 100.0%

In the past 12 months, have you made any attempts to either cut down, control or stop your gambling? Yes 103 18.9% 66 14.2% 41 10.2% 210 14.9% No 443 81.1% 399 85.8% 362 89.8% 1204 85.1% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 403 100.0% 1414 100.0%

Were you successful in these attempts? Yes 246 45.1% 174 37.4% 84 48.0% 504 42.5% No 300 54.9% 291 62.6% 91 52.0% 682 57.5% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 175 100.0% 1186 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

In the past 12 months, is there anyone else who would say that you have had difficulty controlling your gambling, regardless of whether you agreed with them or not? Yes 28 5.1% 24 5.2% 14 3.4% 66 4.6% No 518 94.9% 441 94.8% 396 96.6% 1355 95.4% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 410 100.0% 1421 100.0%

In the past 12 months, would you say you have been preoccupied with gambling? Yes 35 6.4% 12 2.6% 8 1.9% 55 3.9% No 511 93.6% 453 97.4% 405 98.1% 1369 96.1% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 413 100.0% 1424 100.0%

In the past 12 months, when you were not gambling did you often experience irritability, restlessness or strong cravings for it? Yes 26 4.8% 16 3.4% 6 1.5% 48 3.4% No 520 95.2% 449 96.6% 406 98.5% 1375 96.6% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 412 100.0% 1423 100.0%

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Have you used alcohol or drugs while gambling? Yes 158 28.9% 122 26.2% 116 28.2% 396 27.8% No 388 71.1% 343 73.8% 296 71.8% 1027 72.2% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 412 100.0% 1423 100.0%

Have you gambled while drunk or high? Yes 94 17.2% 75 16.1% 51 12.3% 220 15.4% No 452 82.8% 390 83.9% 362 87.7% 1204 84.6% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 413 100.0% 1424 100.0%

Have you ever seriously thought about committing suicide as a result of your gambling? Yes 12 2.2% 7 1.5% 0 0.0% 19 1.3% No 534 97.8% 458 98.5% 407 100.0% 1399 98.7% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 407 100.0% 1418 100.0%

Have you ever attempted suicide as a result of your gambling? Yes 12 2.2% 6 1.3% 0 0.0% 18 1.3% No 534 97.8% 459 98.7% 407 100.0% 1400 98.7% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 407 100.0% 1418 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

In the past 12 months, have you often lied to people about your gambling or often concealed the extent of your gambling from other people? Yes 17 3.1% 11 2.4% 6 1.5% 34 2.4% No 529 96.9% 454 97.6% 401 98.5% 1384 97.6% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 407 100.0% 1418 100.0%

In the past 12 months, have you often gambled to escape bad moods or other troubles? Yes 28 5.1% 35 7.5% 17 4.2% 80 5.6% No 518 94.9% 430 92.5% 390 95.8% 1338 94.4% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 407 100.0% 1418 100.0%

Do you believe you have had a problem with gambling in the past 12 months? Yes 12 2.2% 14 3.0% 8 2.0% 34 2.4% No 534 97.8% 451 97.0% 399 98.0% 1384 97.6% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 407 100.0% 1418 100.0%

Has your gambling ever made you feel financial stressed or with a feeling that you have money problems? Yes 15 2.7% 15 3.2% 9 2.2% 39 2.8% No 531 97.3% 450 96.8% 398 97.8% 1379 97.2% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 407 100.0% 1418 100.0%


Think about the reasons you do any type of gambling. For each of the following reasons, please indicate how important… Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

For socializing Very important 36 6.6% 30 6.5% 24 5.9% 90 6.4% Important 153 28.0% 96 20.6% 62 15.3% 311 22.0% Not very important 146 26.7% 151 32.5% 91 22.5% 388 27.4% Not at all important 211 38.6% 188 40.4% 227 56.2% 626 44.2% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 404 100.0% 1415 100.0%

For excitement or as a challenge Very important 27 4.9% 40 8.6% 22 5.4% 89 6.3% Important 221 40.5% 168 36.1% 70 17.3% 459 32.4% Not very important 138 25.3% 117 25.2% 81 20.0% 336 23.7% Not at all important 160 29.3% 140 30.1% 232 57.3% 532 37.6% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 405 100.0% 1416 100.0%

As a hobby Very important 17 3.1% 22 4.7% 9 2.2% 48 3.4% Important 109 20.0% 104 22.4% 30 7.4% 243 17.2% Not very important 163 29.9% 144 31.0% 86 21.2% 393 27.8% Not at all important 257 47.1% 195 41.9% 280 69.1% 732 51.7% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 405 100.0% 1416 100.0%

To win money to use for paying bills Very important 23 4.2% 19 4.1% 13 3.2% 55 3.9% Important 56 10.3% 36 7.7% 18 4.5% 110 7.8% Not very important 113 20.7% 113 24.3% 31 7.7% 257 18.2% Not at all important 354 64.8% 297 63.9% 341 84.6% 992 70.2% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 403 100.0% 1414 100.0%

To support worthy causes Very important 16 2.9% 21 4.5% 24 6.0% 61 4.3% Important 114 20.9% 90 19.4% 52 12.9% 256 18.1% Not very important 148 27.1% 145 31.2% 64 15.9% 357 25.2% Not at all important 268 49.1% 209 44.9% 263 65.3% 740 52.3% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 403 100.0% 1414 100.0%

Out of curiosity Very important 23 4.2% 17 3.7% 9 2.3% 49 3.5% Important 149 27.3% 143 30.8% 51 12.8% 343 24.4% Not very important 193 35.3% 144 31.0% 106 26.7% 443 31.5% Not at all important 181 33.2% 161 34.6% 231 58.2% 573 40.7% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 397 100.0% 1408 100.0%

For entertainment or fun Very important 145 26.6% 127 27.3% 56 13.9% 328 23.2% Important 229 41.9% 202 43.4% 106 26.2% 537 38.0% Not very important 95 17.4% 74 15.9% 117 29.0% 286 20.2% Not at all important 77 14.1% 62 13.3% 125 30.9% 264 18.7% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 404 100.0% 1415 100.0%


To distract myself from everyday problems Very important 18 3.3% 36 7.7% 8 2.0% 62 4.4% Important 78 14.3% 46 9.9% 22 5.5% 146 10.3% Not very important 129 23.6% 110 23.7% 65 16.1% 304 21.5% Not at all important 321 58.8% 273 58.7% 308 76.4% 902 63.8% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 403 100.0% 1414 100.0%

Just to win money Very important 97 17.8% 65 14.0% 25 6.2% 187 13.2% Important 163 29.9% 137 29.5% 48 11.9% 348 24.6% Not very important 147 26.9% 144 31.0% 99 24.6% 390 27.6% Not at all important 139 25.5% 119 25.6% 231 57.3% 489 34.6% Total 546 100.0% 465 100.0% 403 100.0% 1414 100.0%

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Has anyone in your family EVER had a gambling problem? Yes 133 13.6% 121 16.8% 121 15.1% 375 15.0% No 842 86.4% 601 83.2% 681 84.9% 2124 85.0% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 802 100.0% 2499 100.0%

Has anyone in your family EVER had an alcohol or drug problem? Yes 384 39.4% 334 46.3% 351 43.9% 1069 42.8% No 591 60.6% 388 53.7% 448 56.1% 1427 57.2% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 799 100.0% 2496 100.0%

Have you felt you might have an alcohol or drug problem? Yes 66 6.8% 70 9.7% 40 5.0% 176 7.0% No 909 93.2% 652 90.3% 767 95.0% 2328 93.0% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2504 100.0%

If something painful happened in your life, did you have the urge to gamble? Yes 19 1.9% 22 3.0% 14 1.7% 55 2.2% No 956 98.1% 700 97.0% 795 98.3% 2451 97.8% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 809 100.0% 2506 100.0%

If something painful happened in your life, did you have the urge to have a drink? Yes 166 17.0% 161 22.3% 134 16.6% 461 18.4% No 809 83.0% 561 77.7% 674 83.4% 2044 81.6% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 808 100.0% 2505 100.0%


If something painful happened in your life, did you have the urge to use drugs or medication? Yes 88 9.0% 88 12.2% 69 8.6% 245 9.8% No 887 91.0% 634 87.8% 738 91.4% 2259 90.2% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2504 100.0%

Have you been under a doctor’s care because of physical or emotional problems brought on by stress? Yes 161 16.5% 162 22.4% 141 17.5% 464 18.5% No 814 83.5% 560 77.6% 665 82.5% 2039 81.5% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 806 100.0% 2503 100.0%

Was there ever a time when you felt depressed for two weeks or more in a row? Yes 312 32.0% 284 39.3% 271 33.5% 867 34.6% No 663 68.0% 438 60.7% 538 66.5% 1639 65.4% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 809 100.0% 2506 100.0%

Do you feel that your home is an emotionally and physically safe place? Yes 703 72.1% 559 77.4% 757 93.9% 2019 80.7% No 272 27.9% 163 22.6% 49 6.1% 484 19.3% Total 975 100.0% 722 100.0% 806 100.0% 2503 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Have you ever been the victim of abuse: Physically Yes 199 20.4% 153 21.2% 142 17.7% 494 19.8% No 775 79.6% 569 78.8% 660 82.3% 2004 80.2% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 802 100.0% 2498 100.0%

Have you ever been the victim of abuse: Emotionally Yes 323 33.2% 246 34.1% 224 28.0% 793 31.8% No 651 66.8% 476 65.9% 577 72.0% 1704 68.2% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 801 100.0% 2497 100.0%

Have you ever been the victim of abuse: Sexually Yes 159 16.3% 133 18.4% 103 12.8% 395 15.8% No 815 83.7% 589 81.6% 701 87.2% 2105 84.2% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 804 100.0% 2500 100.0%

Have you ever abused another person: Physically Yes 67 6.9% 48 6.6% 29 3.6% 144 5.8% No 907 93.1% 674 93.4% 772 96.4% 2353 94.2% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 801 100.0% 2497 100.0%

Have you ever abused another person: Emotionally Yes 115 11.8% 77 10.7% 61 7.6% 253 10.1% No 859 88.2% 645 89.3% 740 92.4% 2244 89.9% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 801 100.0% 2497 100.0%

Have you ever abused another person: Sexually Yes 32 3.3% 31 4.3% 1 0.1% 64 2.6% No 942 96.7% 691 95.7% 807 99.9% 2440 97.4% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 808 100.0% 2504 100.0%


Have you ever engaged in any of the following behaviors to a degree that made you feel out of control

Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Shopping Yes 102 10.5% 108 15.0% 43 5.3% 253 10.1% No 872 89.5% 614 85.0% 764 94.7% 2250 89.9% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2503 100.0%

Work Yes 123 12.6% 93 12.9% 77 9.5% 293 11.7% No 851 87.4% 629 87.1% 730 90.5% 2210 88.3% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2503 100.0%

Food Yes 150 15.4% 155 21.5% 85 10.5% 390 15.6% No 824 84.6% 567 78.5% 722 89.5% 2113 84.4% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2503 100.0%

Sex Yes 70 7.2% 61 8.4% 28 3.5% 159 6.4% No 904 92.8% 661 91.6% 779 96.5% 2344 93.6% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2503 100.0%

Pornography Yes 53 5.4% 31 4.3% 22 2.7% 106 4.2% No 921 94.6% 691 95.7% 785 97.3% 2397 95.8% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2503 100.0%

Exercise Yes 67 6.9% 54 7.5% 48 5.9% 169 6.8% No 907 93.1% 668 92.5% 759 94.1% 2334 93.2% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2503 100.0%

Video gaming Yes 80 8.2% 54 7.5% 33 4.1% 167 6.7% No 894 91.8% 668 92.5% 774 95.9% 2336 93.3% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2503 100.0%

Internet Use Yes 148 15.2% 127 17.6% 44 5.5% 319 12.7% No 826 84.8% 595 82.4% 763 94.5% 2184 87.3% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 807 100.0% 2503 100.0%


Panel Social Media ABS Total n % n % n % n %

Are you aware of any problem gambling helplines that are available? Yes 391 40.1% 324 44.9% 309 38.7% 1024 41.1% No 583 59.9% 398 55.1% 489 61.3% 1470 58.9% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 798 100.0% 2494 100.0%

Have you ever called the Oklahoma problem gambling helpline? Yes 6 0.6% 8 1.1% 8 1.0% 22 0.9% No 968 99.4% 714 98.9% 797 99.0% 2479 99.1% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 805 100.0% 2501 100.0%

Are you aware of any gambling treatment-centers that are available in Oklahoma? Yes 148 15.2% 152 21.1% 128 16.0% 428 17.1% No 826 84.8% 570 78.9% 672 84.0% 2068 82.9% Total 974 100.0% 722 100.0% 800 100.0% 2496 100.0%



De Simone, Justin A., Peter D. Harms, Alice J. DeSimone (2015) Best Practice Recommendations for Data Screening. Management Department Faculty Publications. Paper 124.

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Appendix A

Oklahoma Recreation Study 2015

Your participation in this study is very important to us as your answers will represent many other Oklahomans. In any report created from this data, the result will not be reported individually. Your participation is voluntary and confidential. Your responses will remain anonymous. This survey will take less than 20 minutes, and you will be asked questions about personal recreation, social gaming, gambling experiences you have had (including online), and awareness of gambling treatment in Oklahoma.

Risks are minimal and like those experienced in day-to-day life. If you have any questions regarding this survey or if you would prefer to take this survey over the phone, please feel free to call ____.

Let’s get started.

Demographics 1. What is your age?  <18 years old  Thank you very much, but we are only asking these questions of those above the age of 18.  18-34 years old  35-49 years old  50-64 years old  65+ years old 2. Which state do you currently reside?  ______Dropdown list of states. Filter other states. 3. What is your zipcode? 4. In which county do you reside?  ______Dropdown list of counties by state 5. What is your gender?  Male  Female 6. What is your marital status?  Never married  Married  Married but separated or not living together  Domestic partnership but not legally married  Widowed  Divorced  Single  Single but living together with partner 7. What is your race/ethnicity?  White/Caucasian  Black/African American  American Indian or Alaska Native  Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  Asian Indian  Asian  Other: ______


8. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?  Yes  No 9. What is the highest level of school you completed or the highest degree you received?  Less than high school  High school graduate  Some college  College graduate  Graduate or professional school 10. Are you a veteran of the armed forces?  Yes  No 11. Are you currently enlisted or on active duty in the armed forces?  Yes  No 12. Are you currently…  Employed  Self-employed  Out of work for more than 1 year  Out of work for less than 1 year  A home-maker /stay-at-home  A student  Retired  Unable to work 13. Is your annual gross household income before taxes from all sources…  Less than $10,000  $10,000 - $14,999  $15,000 - $19,999  $20,000 - $24,999  $25,000 - $34,999  $35,000 - $49,999  $50,000 - $74,999  $75,000 -$99,999  $100,000 or more  I don’t know 14. What is your year of birth? ______Dropdown of years. 15. In your spare time, what type of recreation/leisure activities do you take part in? (check all that apply)  Play sports  Attend sporting events  Go to concerts/gigs  Gamble  Travel  Video gaming  Spa/personal pampering  Go to amusement parks  Visit outdoors paces (lakes, parks, forests, etc.)  Go shopping


 Visit markets  Do art/paint/crafts  Eat out  Read  Surf the internet/browse the web  Visit friends and family  Do learning activities  Other: ______16. When would you do more of these activities?  Weekday evenings  Saturday  Sunday  No difference 17. Would you say you spend more of your free time:  Indoors  Outdoors  No Difference 18. How do you usually find out about the recreation/leisure activities you take part in?  Friends  Family  Press (magazines, papers, etc.)  Online  Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)  Colleagues  Club/team members  TV/radio  Promoters  Roommates/neighbors  Other 19. If you frequent casinos, which one is your favorite?  ______Is it in Oklahoma? . Yes . No If no, where is the casino located? 20. What is the largest amount of money you ever spent on casino gambling in any one day?  ______21. What is the largest amount of money you ever spent on non-casino gambling in any one day? ______22. Would you smile at people every time you meet them?  Yes  No 23. Have you bet or spent money on…? (check all that apply)  Slot machines  Table games at casino such as poker, roulette, craps, and blackjack  Video poker, video keno, or video blackjack  games  Scratch tickets or pull tabs  Lotteries such as Powerball, Hot Lotto, Mega Millions, and daily numbers


 Racetracks either on horses or dogs  Bingo  Live keno  Video lottery machines  Card games with friends, family or others but not at a casino  Games of personal skill such as pool, video games, or playing basketball  Fantasy sports leagues or games (include only if there is an entry fee to play)  Office pools such as college basketball tournaments or “delivery dates” for babies  Other sports betting on professional, college, and amateur games or events  Raffle tickets including those in support of a charitable cause  High-risk trading of stocks, commodities, or futures  Some other game, activity, or event we have not listed  Online gambling using the internet  I have never bet or spent money on any of these types of items  skip to q24 24. How often did you bet or spend money on [list activity]?  Daily  2-6 times a week  About once a week  2-3 times a month  About once a month  Between 6-11 times a year  Between 1-5 times a year  Never in the past year 25. When spending money on [list activity], how many minutes/hours do you normally spend each time?  ______26. How much money, not including winnings, did you spend on [list activity] in a typical month?  ______27. What is the largest amount of money you ever spent on gambling in any one day?  $______28. Do you play online social games (Candy Crush, Farmville, Second Life, etc.)?  Yes  No  if no, skip to q42 29. Why do you play online social games?  I like the fun and excitement  I enjoy the competitive spirit  It is a stress-reliever  I like the mental workout  I like the sense of accomplishment  It allows me to connect with others in social network(s)  It improves my hand-eye coordination  It lets me express my personality  Preferred way of interacting with social networking contacts  It is a convenient way to gamble 30. How many online social games have you played in the last 30 days?  1  2  3-5  6-10


 11-15  16-20  21-25  25 or more 31. Which of the following online social games are you currently playing at least once a week?  Active Worlds  Braaains  Café World  Cityville  City of Wonder  Club Penguin  Cupcake Corner  Endless Chaos  EGO  Fantage  Farmville  Farm Town  Fishville  Flyff  Free Realms  Frontierville  Furcadia  Habbo  Happy Aquarium  Happy Island  Hotel City  Kingdoms of Camelot  Kogamu  Mafia Wars  Market Street  National Geographic Animal Jam  Nicktropolis  Nightclub City  Ninja Saga  OurWorld  PetSociety  PetVille  Ravenwood Fair  Red Light Center  Restaurant City  Roblox  Second Life  SmallWorlds  Social City  There  TirNua  Toontown Online  Treasure Isle  Virtual World of Kaneva


 vSide  Wizard 101  Vikings of Thule  Woozworld  YoVille  Zoo World  Other – please tell us: ______ I do not play online social games at least once a week  I do not play social games online at all 32. What casino games do you typically play online?  Baccarat  Blackjack  Craps  Roulette  Sic bo  Slot machines  Poker  Keno  Bingo  Progressive jackpots  Other, please tell us: ______ I do not play casino games online 33. How often do you typically play online social games, including online casino games?  Several times a day  Once a day  2-3 times a week  Once a week or less 34. How long is your typical online social game-play session, including time spent playing online casino games?  10 minutes or less  11-15 minutes  16-30 minutes  31-60 minutes  1-2 hours  3-4 hours  5 or more hours 35. How much do you spend per month on online social gaming, including online casino gaming?  Less than $10  $11-30  $31-60  $60-100  More than $100 36. How often do you earn or spend virtual currency (coins, gems, etc.) when playing online social games, including online casino games?  Daily  Weekly  Monthly  Never


37. How often do your purchase virtual currency with actual (real-world) money when playing online social games, including online casino games?  Daily  Weekly  Monthly  Never 38. How often do you purchase a virtual gift for someone when playing online social games, including online casino games?  Daily  Weekly  Monthly  Never 39. How likely would you be to purchase a virtual item with (real-world) money if it gave you a modest short-lived advantage in an online social game (ex. power up special, bonus multiplier, or special weapon/tool), including online casino games?  Very likely  Somewhat likely  Somewhat unlikely  Very unlikely 40. Do you always practice what you preach?  Yes  No 41. Do you consider online social casino play to be gambling?  Yes  No 42. Aside from online social casino play, have you ever gambled (for instance, in an actual casino)?  Yes  No 43. A) Has your involvement in gambling caused you either to borrow a significant 14 amount of money or sell some of your possessions in the past 12 months?  Yes  No B) Has your involvement in gambling caused significant financial concerns for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months?  Yes  No 44. If you say to people that you will do something, do you always keep your promise no matter how inconvenient it might be?  Yes  No 45. Has your involvement in gambling caused significant mental stress in the form of guilt, anxiety, or depression for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months? PPGM-q2  Yes  No

14 ‘Significant’ means ‘something that either you or someone else would say is considerable, important, or major’, either because of its frequency or seriousness.


46. How often have you felt guilty about the way you gamble or what happens when you gamble?  Never  Sometimes  Most of the time  Almost always 47. A) Has your involvement in gambling caused serious problems 15 in your relationship with your spouse/partner, or important friends or family16 in the past 12 months? PPGM-q3a  Yes  No B) Has your involvement in gambling caused you to repeatedly neglect your children or family in the past 12 months?  Yes  No 48. Would you ever lie to people?  Yes  No 49. Has your involvement in gambling resulted in significant health problems or injury for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months?  Yes  No 50. A) Has your involvement in gambling caused significant work or school problems for you or someone close to you in the past 12 months?  Yes  No B) Has your involvement in gambling caused you to miss a significant amount of time off work or school in the past 12 months?  Yes  No 51. Has your involvement in gambling caused you or someone close to you to write bad checks, take money that didn’t belong to you or commit other illegal acts to support your gambling in the past 12 months?  Yes  No 52. Is there anyone else who would say that your involvement in gambling in the past 12 months has caused any significant problems regardless of whether you agree with them or not?  Yes  No 53. In the past 12 months, have you often gambled longer, with more money or more frequently than you intended to?  Yes  No 54. In the past 12 months, have you often gone back to try and win back the money you lost?  Yes  No

15 If people ask what ‘problem’ means say ‘a difficulty that needs to be fixed’. 16 ‘Family’ is whomever the person themselves defines as family.


55. After losing many times in a row, you are more likely to win.  Agree  Disagree 56. You could win more if you use a certain system or strategy.  Agree  Disagree 57. In the past 12 months, did you find you needed to gamble with larger and larger amounts of money to achieve the same level of excitement?  Yes  No 58. Do you remember a big WIN17 when you first started gambling?  Yes  No 59. Do you remember a big LOSS when you first started gambling?  Yes  No 60. A) In the past 12 months, have you made any attempts to either cut down, control or stop your gambling?  Yes  No B) Were you successful in these attempts?  Yes  No 61. In the past 12 months, is there anyone else who would say that you have had difficulty controlling your gambling, regardless of whether you agreed with them or not? (Yes/No).  Yes  No 62. In the past 12 months, would you say you have been preoccupied with gambling?  Yes  No 63. In the past 12 months, when you were not gambling did you often experience irritability, restlessness or strong cravings for it?  Yes  No 64. Has anyone in your family EVER had a gambling problem?  Yes  No 65. Has anyone in your family EVER had an alcohol or drug problem?  Yes  No 66. Have you used alcohol or drugs while gambling?  Yes  No 67. Have you gambled while drunk or high?  Yes  No

17 “Big Win” is defined as a large, early monetary gain


68. Have you felt you might have an alcohol or drug problem?  Yes  No 69. If something painful happened in your life, did you have the urge to gamble?  Yes  No 70. If something painful happened in your life, did you have the urge to have a drink?  Yes  No 71. If something painful happened in your life, did you have the urge to use drugs or medication?  Yes  No 72. Have you been under a doctor’s care because of physical or emotional problems brought on by stress?  Yes  No 73. Was there ever a time when you felt depressed for two weeks or more in a row?  Yes  No 74. Have you ever seriously thought about committing suicide as a result of your gambling?  Yes  No 75. Have you ever attempted suicide as a result of your gambling?  Yes  No 76. In the past 12 months, have you often lied to people about your gambling or often concealed the extent of your gambling from other people?  Yes  No 77. In the past 12 months, have you often gambled to escape bad moods or other troubles?  Yes  No 78. Do you believe you have had a problem with gambling in the past 12 months?  Yes  No 79. Has your gambling ever made you feel financial stressed or with a feeling that you have money problems?  Yes  No 80. Think about the reasons you do any type of gambling. For each of the following reasons, please indicate how important it is to you as a reason for gambling. o For socializing  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important


o For excitement or as a challenge  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important o As a hobby  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important o To win money to use for paying bills  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important o To support worthy causes  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important o Out of curiosity  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important o For entertainment or fun  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important o To distract myself from everyday problems  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important o Just to win money  Very important  Important  Not very important  Not at all important 81. Have you ever been the victim of abuse: o Physically  Yes  No o Emotionally  Yes  No


o Sexually  Yes  No 82. Have you ever abused another person: o Physically  Yes  No o Emotionally  Yes  No o Sexually  Yes  No 83. Do you feel that your home is an emotionally and physically safe place?  Yes  No 84. Have you ever engaged in any of the following behaviors to a degree that made you feel out of control or that it created problems related to work, family, or other responsibilities?  Shopping  Work  Food  Sex  Pornography  Exercise  Video gaming  Internet Use 85. Are you aware of any gambling helplines that are available?  Yes  No 86. Have you ever called the Oklahoma gambling helpline?  Yes  No 87. Are you aware of any gambling help-centers that are available in Oklahoma?  Yes  No

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you are interested in speaking with someone about getting information about treatment, you can call the toll-free helpline at 1-800-522-4700. If you prefer, a directory of treatment providers, locations, and telephone numbers is available online at www.oapcg.org


Appendix B

Scoring Syntax for DSM-IV, DSM-V and PPGM


RECODE Q47_2 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q47_2rec. RECODE Q46_1 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q46_1rec. RECODE Q46_4 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q46_4rec. RECODE Q47_3 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q47_3rec. RECODE Q48_4 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q48_4rec. RECODE Q43_8 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q43_8rec. RECODE Q48_3 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q48_3rec. RECODE Q43_5 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q43_5rec. RECODE Q43_2 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q43_2rec. RECODE Q43_3 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q43_3rec. RECODE Q40_4 (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q40_4rec. RECODE Q42A (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q42Arec. RECODE Q42B (1=1) (2=0) INTO Q42Brec. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE DSM89_Sum=SUM(Q43_2rec, Q43_3rec, Q40_4rec). COMPUTE DSM910_Sum=SUM(Q42Arec, Q42Brec). EXECUTE.

RECODE DSM89_Sum (0=0) (1 thru Highest=1) INTO DSM89_dic. RECODE DSM910_Sum (0=0) (1 thru Highest=1) INTO DSM10_dic. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE DSMIV=SUM(Q47_2rec, Q46_1rec, Q46_4rec, Q47_3rec, Q48_4rec, Q43_8rec, Q48_3rec, Q43_5rec, DSM89_dic, DSM10_dic). COMPUTE DSMV=SUM(Q47_2rec, Q46_1rec, Q46_4rec, Q47_3rec, Q48_4rec, Q43_8rec, Q48_3rec, DSM89_dic, DSM10_dic). EXECUTE.

RECODE DSMIV (0 thru 3=0) (4 thru 5=1) (6 thru 7=2) (8 thru 10=3) INTO DSMIV_Level. RECODE DSMV (0 thru 3=0) (4 thru 5=1) (6 thru 7=2) (8 thru 9=3) INTO DSMV_Level. EXECUTE.



RECODE Q42A (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM1a. RECODE Q42B (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM1b. RECODE Q40_3 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM2. RECODE Q40_4 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM3a. RECODE Q40_5 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM3b. RECODE Q43_1 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM4. RECODE Q43_2 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM5a. RECODE Q43_3 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM5b. RECODE Q43_5 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM6. RECODE Q43_6 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM7. RECODE Q43_7 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM8. RECODE Q43_8 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM9. RECODE Q46_4 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM10a. RECODE Q46_5 (1=0) (2=1) INTO PPGM10b. RECODE Q43_6 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM11. RECODE Q47_2 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM12. RECODE Q47_3 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM13. RECODE Q46_1 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM14. RECODE Q48_3 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM15. RECODE Q48_4 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM16. RECODE Q48_5 (1=1) (2=0) INTO PPGM17. EXECUTE.


RECODE PPGM1_Sum (0=0) (1 thru Highest=1) INTO PPGM1_dic. RECODE PPGM3_Sum (0=0) (1 thru Highest=1) INTO PPGM3_dic. RECODE PPGM5_Sum (0=0) (1 thru Highest=1) INTO PPGM5_dic. RECODE PPGM10_Sum (0=0) (1 thru Highest=1) INTO PPGM10_dic. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE PPGM_Problems=SUM(PPGM1_dic, PPGM2, PPGM3_dic, PPGM4, PPGM5_dic, PPGM6, PPGM7). COMPUTE PPGM_ImpairedControl=SUM(PPGM10_dic, PPGM8, PPGM9, PPGM11). COMPUTE PPGM_OtherIssues=SUM(PPGM12, PPGM13, PPGM14). COMPUTE PPGM_Total=SUM(PPGM_Problems, PPGM_ImpairedControl, PPGM_OtherIssues). EXECUTE.

RECODE DSMIV (0 thru 3=0) (4 thru 5=1) (6 thru 7=2) (8 thru 10=3) INTO DSMIV_Level. RECODE DSMV (0 thru 3=0) (4 thru 5=1) (6 thru 7=2) (8 thru 9=3) INTO DSMV_Level. EXECUTE.

COMPUTE PPGM_Class=0. EXECUTE. IF (PPGM_Total =0) PPGM_Class=1. EXECUTE. IF (PPGM_Total >= 1) PPGM_Class=2. EXECUTE. IF (PPGM_Problems >= 1 & PPGM_ImpairedControl >=1 & PPGM_Total >= 2) PPGM_Class=3. EXECUTE. IF (PPGM_Problems >= 1 & PPGM_ImpairedControl >= 1 & PPGM_Total >= 5) PPGM_Class=4. EXECUTE.