THE WORLII'S FOREMOST AMUSEMENT WEEKLY GENERAL NEWS VALIDE 50% PREFABRICATED RADIO Industry Policy- Making May Be NAB Future MUSIC Record - Making Snowballs - -- It's Everybody's Biz TELEVISION 1 WEEK RUNS FOR VIDEO SHOWS? UNT BAS AND HIS ORCHESTRA `eatcesu'zq JAMES RUSHING 0 JONES EARLE WARREN THELMA CARPENTER HOTEL LINCOLN Recalled by overwhelming popular demand WITHIN FOUR MONTHS! ROXY THEATRE Just concluded four smash weeks and ALREADY SIGNED FOR 1945 and '46! KATE SMITH HOUR (EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT) CBS COAST -TO -COAST 8 to 9 P. M. E W T COLUMBIA RECORDS "BLUES BY BASIE" New Album-Being Released May 15th Vol. 56. No. 17 April 22, 1944 me World's Formosi Amusement Weekly VALIDE 50% PREFABRICATED Poll -Tax Talk O'Connell New Band Packages and Units Holds Showbiz 30% BIR Boss Legislation? Help Agents Collect 2 Ways; WASHINGTON, April 15.-I1 and when WASHINGTON, April 15. - Congress the 30 per cent cabaret tax is lifted, the came back to town this week and took one person who will have the final word Bundles Better Shows up the strings where it left off before the Easter recess, which, specifically, was will be Joseph J. O'Connell Jr., who on the edge of an explosion over the con- this week was nominated by President Act Scarcity One Reason for Growth troversial poll -tax issue. Roosevelt to be general counsel of the Altho showbiz may have only an aca- Treasury Department. demic interest in the poll -tax controversy, NEW YORK, April 15.-Accelerated by talent shortage and facilitated the amusement trade will likely be af- He will succeed Randolph Paul, who the of and ad- by powerful talent agencies, the vaude package show has reached the fected, as this issue may block other held job general counsel point where prefabricated presentations comprise 50 per cent, or more, of legislation in which showbiz has a definite vised congressional tax leaders in fram- stake.
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