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The Award-Winning Political Arts Magazine of the College of Staten Island/CUNY Winter 2016 www.ThirdRailMag.com i& siSsiiN E E R E ism m m s COLLEGE OF STATEN ISUiND IS :/ - t h is ju s t m : T h i r d R a i l w ins 8 awards at 2009 Gold Cirde Awards. ^ more info ^ n e x t i s s u e on being conferred the r in The Colum bia University Graduate School of Journalism ’s prestigious Colum bia Scholastic Press Association yi . A nnual Collegiate Critique. Founded m l 925,*the C olum bia Scholastic Press A ssociation is; an international student press association w hose goal is to unite students and colleges by critiquing publications and recognizing outstanding w ork. A pproxim ately 1,900 m agazines com peted for the A ssociation’s G old M edal last year. 06 CSrs Ine ^ g^l Gold Medalist S t u d e n t "05 Open Letter - ^ ^ totheCSI Student Government Og Profile of a CSt Student 17 Comparative Healthcare 26 In This Place 27 Changing the Stereotype 13 The Virtue of Slave Labor 3S New York Anlme Festival Coverage Comparative Profile of a Health Care CSI Student Michael Gualtierl explores Nlkkl Saint Bautista America’s failed heath care policies Intervleuus an Iraqi UUar Veteran T h i r d R a il THE COLLECTIVE C S I ’s o n l u ; (in reuoluing order) ALISHAH auuard-uuLnnlng Stulient Government Liaison WIKKI SAINT BAUTISTA Ponderer of All Things student publication AWTHONVVIVIRITO Arnild Securitv Detail HEATHER ANNESE Secretary Extraordinaire MICHAEL ABROmOVICH Veteran Affairs JOSEPH BRUSH THIRD Business Consultant WlARTV CLIFFORD .Editor of Some Sort! R A I L . DUJIGHTDUNKLEV J Corporate Bureaucrat IVllCHAELENAHORO IVIAG AethlestG-d BRIAN GONZALEZ E H 3 IZ Photography CHUN HOAA n Business Wlanager ASHLEVHURUJITZ Editor of Some Sort! JANUARY KAYSER Editor of Some Sort! MICHAEL GUALTIERI Distribution Manager RAMSES MARTINEZ Editor of Some Sort! MICHAEL MILEY T h e N a t io n Stalinist Bureaucrat T.J. RILEY Associate Editor NEILSCHULDINER Creative Consultant LAVOUTB- DESIGN CHUNHOM N E U U B L O O D TONY ACEVEDO, NADIA KADER, RA CHAUN ROGERS, ANDREUU OPPENHEIWIER 8- DEVRON THE CONSPIRACV THEORIST RONALD B.WICGUIRE, ESQ. & THE CUNY EMERGENCY LEGAL DEFENSE FUND Legal Department PROFESSOR ALLISON BRUNELL Faculty Adulsor CONTACT E-MAIL: mallpThlrdRallMag.com UIEB: ujujuj.ThlrdRaUMag.com SNAIL MAIL: Third Rail Magazine c/o College of Staten Island 2800 Victory Boulevard Campus Center Room 207 Staten Island, NY 10314 MAGAZINE OFFICE: Room 231 on the 2nd floor of the CSI Campus Center TELEPHONE: FAX: 718-982-3105 718-982-3104 IVIEIVIBER Third Rail Mogozine is published by the students of the College of Staten Island. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and ore not netessorily shared by Ihird Rail Magazine staff or the College of Staten Island. Third Rail l^agozine is funded by the student octivity fee of the College of Staten Island of the City University of New York. Third Rail Mogazine is not o publitotion of the College ASSOCIATED of Staten Islond or The City University of New York. The College of Staten Island and The City University of New York are not responsible for the contents of Third Rail Magazine. C0LL£G1AT£ PRESS The Award-Winning Political Arts Magazine of the College of Staten Island/CUNY THIRD RAIL MAGAZINE has always encouraged students to be expressive of their ideals regardless of what they may entail. This allows the campus community to create forums in order to exchange ideas and to cultivate and nurture the collective ideals and needs of the student body. Without fear of censorship, we publish thought-provoking moral and ethical issues for the college community to contemplate, to rally for or against, but more importantly to be informed. THIRD RAIL is always looking for passionate people who are not afraid to express their opinions whether it be in the form of poetry, letters, fiction, photography, criticism, or complaints. We are always on the look out for new talent and to show how much we appreciate the student body, we are hosting a little contest. Subm issions w b receive and publish in the next issu e w ill n et the contributor a $25 G ift Card to B arnes and N oble. Of course there are certain rules & criteria. ^ If it Is a written piece, we'd prefer if it is written with proper grammar and spelling ja -We do not care if it is clean - Unless it is poetry, we would prefer if submissions were a minimum of500 words m ^ If it is a digital photo, we'd prefer if it is a minimum of 5 megapixels ^ If it is a scanned image, please make sure it is 300dpi ^ If it is a drawing, please either take a photo of it or scan it. - If that is not possible, come to our office and we will see about digitizing it for you ^ Submissions must be received by iVlarch 5, 2010 and must have name and contact information. Subm issions can be dropped off in Third Rail’s office: 10-231 or e-m ailed to mail@ ThirdRailM ag.com. Subm issions can also be left in Third Rail’s m ail box in the Student G overnm ent office in 1C-207. I I www.THIRDRAILMAG.com SPECIAL EDITORIAL A n O pen Letter To CSI’s Ineffectual Student G overnm en a n d NEWS f -rr^,.; ,V-ti , tVf-■*&..■<•'■'.I?.' An Open Letter To CSI’s Ineffectual Sludent Government S O, as w e’re sure m any of you don’t know, we had a willing to raise all sorts of hell for the students. If you are not great concern to us. Even if it is just one speaker, that CSI Student Governm ent election last spring. To clear prepared to go to bat for the Students, then why did you would show your willingness to engage us. It would show the air; several members of T h ir d R a il and other stu run for STUDENT GOVERNM ENT? good faith that you are looking out for us; not just joining dents ran together for SC on a slate with a com m on politi Student Governm ent for the stipend check because you Student Governm ent (SG) must also take the lead on stu cal platform . Sadly, most of us did not win. W e m ention this don’t have the tim e (or the desire) to look for a job. dent activism. A former Student Governm ent President out of one of the saddest, most disgusting m om ents of the W e call on Student Governm ent to cut their stipends, and hod this idea, but he failed to fake the initiative. He w ant election. After the election results had been announced, cancel their yearly trips. Last year, SG spent in excess of ed to partner up with NYPIRG, but he waited around for Wosheika Torres, one of our opponents who hod barely $50,000 of OUR student m oney on them selves! Using our NYPIRG instead of taking charge himself. If you want to eeked out a victory, thought if was an appropriate time to student m oney to take luxurious trips, buying yourselves engage the student body, take the lead! Carpe diem! com e into the T h ir d R a il office to gloat about her victory. clothes, and then on top of everything else, paying your Grab the student body by the scruff of the neck; stand At the time, we were busy doing the various magoziney selves a salary are only things that an ACTIVE Student them up on their feet and once more, good fellows, into things that w e do from time to tim e, but our award-winning Governm ent deserves. How do you think it m akes us stu the breech! work was interrupted when Student Governm ent Senator dents feel w hen you spend m ore than $50,000 of our stu W osheika Torres barged into our office and started flash It will be hard, very hard indeed! The College of Staten dent m oney on yourselves and virtually nothing on fight ing on and off our lights and shouted, “This is w hat victory Island, being a com m uter school, lets the national problem SG Senator Washeika Torres of student apathy increase tenfold. Coupled with the re ing tuition increases and budget cuts to CSI and CUNY? Don't just sit in those m eetings, eating the pizza and drink looks like!" active ideology of Staten Island itself, gaining student sup To the average student, it looks like corruption. W e have ing the soda - things that, once again, were bought at port will be hard. But, this is som ething you must do! The She then took the time to brag about winning by a mere a severely dysfunctional Student Governm ent when the our expense - just to fill a seat for som e God-forsaken sti option not to do this does not exist! It is your duty to stand t w o v o t e s . W hat kind of Student Governm ent Senator does SG President admits that, “w e haven’t done anything to pend! Stand up for the students, and do it loudly! W hat this to her constituents? up for the students and help to rally them ; to fight for bet fight against CSI tuition increases or budget cuts.” w e are saying is not impossible; other CSI Student G ov ter prices on the required textbooks sold at our corporate, ernm ents in the past have done this.