
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 07/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 342 - September 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, lang, also vier Tage länger als ge- gibt es demnächst zwei neue Pre- liebe Filmfreunde! wöhnlich. Grund dafür ist die Tat- mieren-Videos in unserem Youtube- sache, dass nur ein einziger Kino- Kanal. Also: stay tuned! Ab Seite Es hat ja inzwischen fast schon so saal bespielt wird, es also keine 12 in diesem Newsletter präsentie- etwas wie Tradition, dass wir mit zwei Filme parallel gibt. Und da ren wir dann das Programm des unserem Sommerurlaub genau dann sich an der Zahl der Filme nichts “10. Todd-AO 70mm Filmfestivals” beginnen, wenn alle anderen gerade geändert hat, geht die ganze Veran- der Karlsruher Schauburg, das dort aus dem Urlaub zurückkehren. Da- staltung in eine zeitliche Verlänge- vom 03. bis 05.10.2014 über die hinter steckt natürlich keine böse rung. Das wird auch für harte gekrümmte Cinerama-Bildwand Absicht, sondern ein klares Kalkül. Kinoextremisten wie uns eine Her- laufen wird. Und last but not least Und dieses Kalkül nennt sich ausforderung. Aber wie heisst es so spricht unsere Kolumnistin Anna “Fantasy Filmfest”. Für uns stets schön: No Risk, No Fun! In diesem auf den beiden folgenden Seiten ein willkommener Anlass, einmal Sinne verabschieden wir uns daher wieder mit . Uns hier in eine Auszeit von der “Laser vom 04.09. bis 21.09. aus unserem der Redaktion hat ihre neueste Ko- Hotline” zu nehmen und uns voll Büro und werden (hoffentlich) ab lumne tief berührt und Anna verriet und ganz dem blutigen Alltag zu dem 22. September wieder frisch uns, dass sie selbst Rotz und Was- widmen. Denn ohne Blut geht ja bei und munter für Sie da sein. ser geheult hat, als sie diese Zeilen einem Festival, in dessen Mittel- verfasste. Bravo, tapferes Mäd- punkt Horror, Thriller und SciFi Lassen Sie uns aber vorher noch chen! steht, gar nichts. Anders als in den kurz einen Ausblick auf “Coming Vorjahren dauert das filmische Ge- Attractions” geben. Wie die Bilder Ihr Laser Hotline Team metzel dieses Mal ganze 12 Tage auf dieser Seite bereits verraten,

DIPLOMATIE: Regisseur Volker Schöndorff (links) und Filmkomponist Jörg Lemberg (unten)

WOLFSKINDER: Regisseur Rick Ostermann (oben) und Produzent Rüdiger Heinze (rechts)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

„It’s going to be alright in the end. And if it’s not alright, it’s not the end.”

Am 22. Juli dieses Jahres ist mein Vater Jochen an ihn gekuschelt und ein furchterregender Moment verstorben. Ohne ihn zu sein fällt mir schwer, doch wurde zu etwas Gutem. Jahre später brauchte ich die ohne ihn diese Kolumne zu schreiben fühlt sich schützende Hand nicht mehr, aber als die Lone gänzlich wider der Natur an. Wieso? Weil diese Gunmen starben lag ich meinem Vater trotzdem Kolumnistin nur deshalb mit Hollywood spricht, weil sie wieder, diesmal schluchzend, in den Armen. einen Vater hatte, der ihr die Liebe zum Film schon in Filme waren bei uns nie verboten. Meine Eltern gingen die Wiege gelegt hat. beide mit mir ins Kino, gerade bei Disney sogar zweimal, denn ich bestand darauf, die Filme auf Als Baby und Kleinkind war ich viel von Filmmusik Deutsch und Englisch zu sehen. Zuhause eröffnete umgeben. Beim Frühstück ging mein Vater oft zum sich mir schon als kleines Mädchen die Welt von Bond Schallplattenspieler, suchte aus seiner Sammlung und viele Filme, für die ich zu jung war im Kino, durfte etwas aus und dann ertönten Kompositionen von Lalo ich bei uns später auf VHS sehen. Schifrin, Jerry Goldsmith, Maurice Jarre und vielen Mein Vater wusste, was sein Mädchen aushalten mehr. Ich liebte diese Stücke, die Geschichten konnte, und scherte sich wenig um erzählten. Altersbegrenzungen. Als ich 13 war, ging ich mit ihm in meinen ersten Film ab 18. Blade. Überhaupt, das “mit Mit etwa fünf Jahren offenbarte sich mir, dass diese ihm Gehen”. Mit keinem anderen Menschen bin ich so Noten zu Bildern gehörten. Filmbildern. Ich durfte zum häufig ins Kino gegangen wie mit ihm. Wir waren ein ersten Mal Star Wars sehen und . Nach und seltsames Duo, aber wir liebten diese Zweisamkeit. Ins nach kamen immer mehr hinzu und dann natürlich Kino ging ich immer schon entweder mit meinem Vater auch die Disneyfilme, deren Melodien ich schnell oder allein. Noch heute ist es für mich eine auswendig konnte und lauthals mitsang. Auch die Ausnahmesituation, wenn ich mit jemandem anderes in Bondfilme animierten mich oft zum Mitsingen – die Geheiligten Kinematographischen Hallen trete. besonders angetan hatten es mir die Titellieder von Als ich 15 war, stoß mein Vater die Tür zu einer Goldfinger und The Man with the Golden Gun. weiteren filmischen Dimension auf: der des 70mm. Als Erwachsene habe ich erst gemerkt, wie anders als Zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben reiste ich nach die der meisten Kinder meine filmische Sozialisierung England und wir fanden uns in Bradford wieder, in ablief. Fernsehen war bei uns zwar nicht verboten, aber einem renovierenden Hilton, wo wir zum Frühstück Ken wahlloses Fernsehen war absolut tabu. Annakin trafen und auf dem Weg ins Filmmuseum mit Samstagmorgencartoons, Soaps oder Zappen gab es John Belton plauderten. Noch ein zweites Mal schafften bei uns nicht. Dafür durfte ich jeden Dienstag am wir es dort hin, danach kamen die Umbrüche in späten Nachmittag : The Next Generation meinem Leben und die Krankheit meines Vaters immer gucken, welches mein Vater und ich liebevoll wieder dazwischen. Aber zu dem Zeitpunkt gab es, “Raumschiff Entenscheiß” nannten, was mich immer Filmgott sei Dank, das Karlsruher Festival in der zum Kichern brachte. Mit acht traten dann Mulder und Schauburg und auch das tschechische Krnov. Scully von den X-Files in unser Leben und Papa ließ es Im 70mm-Kino durchlebte mein Vater die wenigen mich sehen. Während der ersten Staffeln musste er wirklich glücklichen Momente seiner Jugend wieder. Als mir manchmal noch die Hand vor die Augen halten, er am Wochenende allein von Ingolstadt mit dem Zug wenn ich mich allzu sehr erschrak. Dann saß ich dicht nach München fuhr, um dort ins Royal zu gehen. Als er

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

Filmprogrammhefte sammelte, selber auf Super-8 der Palliativstation lag und wir uns verabschiedeten, drehte und später sogar Drehbücher schrieb. machte er noch Witze, welch ein Glück wir gehabt Sein großes Wissen gab er immer großzügig weiter. Er hatten, das unser letzter Film ein so wunderbarer erklärte mir New Hollywood, das anamorphotische gewesen war. Verfahren und die Geschichte des Westerns. Dank ihm las ich Filmtheoriebücher, ging in offene Seminare der Auf der Trauerfeier las ich zwei Gedichte vor, die ich Filmhochschule München und belegte während des und er durch Filme kennen und lieben gelernt hatten Journalismusstudiums Filmkurse. Der Sprung zum und musste ständig an unser letztes Gespräch über Kritiken- und Kolumnenschreiben war dann letztendlich Film denken. nur noch ein kleiner. Wichtig war er dennoch, denn in meinen Schriften über Film lebt mein Vater weiter. Ich sagte: “Wir haben viele gute Filme zusammen Der letzte Film, den wir zusammen sahen, war The gesehen.” Und er antwortete: “Ja mein Mäuschen, das Grand Budapest Hotel. Als mein Vater schließlich auf haben wir.” Anna Rudschies

Jochen und Anna Rudschies im Juni 2010 während des Sensurround-Festivals in der Karlsruher Schauburg

Anna freut sich über Feedback: [email protected]

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Freitag, 01. August 2014 chester und Chor zu Werke geht und zeichnend, dass der Kanadier David Von Affen und Menschen den Film dadurch bereichert. Die exzel- Cronenberg den ersten Film, der er auf Der letzte Pressetag der Woche präsen- lente Tonmischung sorgt bestens da- amerikanischem Boden drehte, gleich tierte ein sehr interessantes Doppel- für, dass man sich im Kinosaal mehr als zur Generalabrechnung mit Hollywood programm. nur einmal von Affen umzingelt fühlt. nutzt. In seinem Hollywood-Universum Erklärtes Ziel der Filmemacher ist es, gibt es keinen einzigen normalen Men- PLANET DER AFFEN: REVOLUTION mit dem Ende ihres nächsten Films di- schen. Alles dreht sich nur darum, wer (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) rekt an den Anfang der Verfilmung aus hier wen f**** oder wie man am OT: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes dem Jahre 1968 anzuknüpfen. Es bleibt schnellsten an seine Drogen kommt. Verleih: Fox spannend. Fazit: PLANET DER AF- Und genau die werden in rauhen Men- Land/Jahr: USA 2014 FEN: PREVOLUTION ist gen benötigt, um die eigenen Psycho- Regie: Matt Reeves Blockbusterkino, das prächtig unter- sen zu überwinden – nur um damit an- Darsteller: Andy Serkis, Clarke, hält. dere Psychosen zu entwickeln! Gary Oldman Cronenbergs Protagonisten (sensatio- Kinostart: 07.08.2014 MAPS TO THE STARS (1:1.85, DD 5.1) nell gut: ) nehmen kein OT: Maps To The Stars Blatt vor den Mund (was dem Film si- Zehn Jahre sind vergangen, seit die Verleih: MFA (Filmagentinnen) cherlich Probleme in Amerika machen Menschheit von einem tödlichen Virus Land/Jahr: Kanada, USA, Deutschland, wird) – hier geht es verbal ohne Tabus fast komplett dezimiert wurde. Die Af- Frankreich 2014 zur Sache. Cronenberg findet mit die- fen unter Führung von Caesar, dem Regie: David Cronenberg sem Film endlich wieder zu seiner ge- ehemaligen Versuchstier, haben sich im Darsteller: Julianne Moore, Robert wohnten Form zurück. Sein Film ist un- Wald ihr eigenes Reich aufgebaut. Der- Pattinson, Mia Wasikowska angenehm und hält den Finger stets in weil versuchen die letzten Überleben- Kinostart: 11.09.2014 die offene Wunde. So muss Kino sein, den der Menschheit, ein Kraftwerk in das auch nach dem Ende des Films Gang zu setzen, um wieder Energie ge- Eine von Kindheitstraumata geplagte noch nachwirkt. Anschauen! winnen zu können. Da das Kraftwerk Schauspielerin, die unbedingt ihre ei- jedoch im Gebiet der Affen liegt, kommt gene Mutter im Film verkörpern möch- Montag, 04. August 2014 es zu einer Konfrontation. Während te. Ein arroganter Kinderstar auf Ent- So geht Spannung Caesar nicht abgeneigt ist, mit den zug. Eine junge Frau, die nicht nur Erfreulicher Auftakt für die neue Menschen zu kooperieren, hat sein durch Verbrennungen entstellt ist, son- Pressewoche Artgenosse Koba ganz andere Pläne... dern auch noch ein Geheimnis hütet. Dass amerikanisches Blockbuster-Kino Nur drei der Figuren, die in der Traum- A MOST WANTED MAN (1:2.35, DD nicht immer nur bunt und laut und fabrik Hollywood aufeinandertreffen 5.1) langweilig sein muss, beweist Regis- und ins Verderben rennen... Es ist be- OT: A Most Wanted Man seur Matt Reeves mit der Fortsetzung Verleih: Senator zu PLANET DER AFFEN: Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, Deutsch- PREVOLUTION, der 2011 in die Kinos land 2014 kam. Sein Film ist konsequent span- Regie: Anton Corbijn nend inszeniert und fesselt trotz seiner Darsteller: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Länge von über zwei Stunden über die Rachel McAdams, Willem Dafoe gesamte Laufzeit. Großen Anteil daran haben die sehr überzeugenden Affen – Kinostart: 11.09.2014 ein Paradebeispiel dafür, wie weit die Motion Capture Technologie inzwi- Als ein rätselhafter Flüchtling in Ham- schen entwickelt ist. Abzulesen immer burg untertauchen will, schlagen bei wieder an der genialen Mimik der Men- Geheimdienstler Günter Bachmann die schenaffen, die perfekt suggeriert, dass Alarmglocken. Könnte es sich bei dem man hier mit echten Affen gedreht ha- Tschetschenen Issa Karpov um einen ben könnte. Diese visuellen Effekte islamistischen Terroristen handeln? demonstrieren gleichzeitig hervorra- Eine idealistische Anwältin sowie ein gend, dass es wesentlich effektvoller undurchsichtige Bankier sind weitere ist, sie sehr subtil einzusetzen und Figuren in einem Netz, in das Bach- nicht in den Fokus zu rücken wie es in mann liebend gerne Dr. Faisal Abdullah Filmen wie TRANSFORMERS gehand- locken möchte, jenen Mann, der wohl- habt wird. Erwähnenswert im neuen tätige Gelder angeblich für terroristi- AFFEN-Film ist auch die Filmmusik von sche Ziele einsetzt. Doch auch die CIA Michael Giacchino, der mit großem Or- hat Interesse an Karpov... Mit A MOST

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog WANTED MAN wurde ein weiterer dem Kerker der Hexe zu befreien, um Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 Spionage-Roman von Altmeister John dadurch das Böse zu überkommen. Ob Regie: Anne Fontaine Le Carre verfilmt. Wer seine Romane das den kleinen Freaks tatsächlich ge- Darsteller: Gemma Arterton, Fabrice und auch die dazugehörigen Verfilmun- lingen wird, steht in den Sternen. Denn Luchini, Jason Flemyng gen kennt, der weiß längst, dass diese die Heldenschar nimmt statt dem un- Kinostart: 18.09.2014 Geschichten ohne Action auskommen. sichtbar machenden Mittel und auch Denn nichts kann spannender sein als statt dem unbesiegbar machenden Mit- Die blühende Fantasie und seine Lei- Geheimdienste bei ihrer tagtäglichen tel nur eine Dose Bohnerwachs mit auf denschaft für große Literatur sind das Arbeit über die Schulter zu schauen. die Reise. Und die führt sie direkt in Einzige, was Martin von seiner Zeit als Regisseur Anton Corbijn bleibt diesem die Höhle eines Drachen... Mit stram- Bohemian geblieben sind. Jetzt ver- Konzept treu. Minutiös und detail- mem Schritt und einem Liedchen auf dingt sich der Familienvater als Bäcker verliebt schildert er, wie der deutsche den Lippen marschieren die sieben in einem kleinen Dorf in der Normandie. Geheimdienst versucht, nicht nur den Zwerge durch die Lande, um Jack zu Alles ändert sich jedoch, als ein engli- kleinen Fisch zu fangen, sondern ins- befreien, der der Prinzessin den erlö- sches Ehepaar das Haus gegenüber besondere dadurch an die großen Fi- senden Kuss der wahren Liebe verab- seinem Wohnhaus kauft. Nicht nur ihre sche heranzukommen. Ein Unterfangen, reichen kann. Animiert wurden die Namen – Gemma und Charles Bovery - , das recht kompliziert ist, zumal auch Zipfelmützenträger dabei nach ihren auch alles andere, was die beiden ma- andere internationale Player mitmi- Synchronsprechern. So hat Zwerg Bubi chen, erinnert ihn sofort an Flauberts schen wollen. Corbijn inszeniert seinen beispielsweise etwas von Ottos un- großes Werk “”. Film konsequent spannend. Was zu- schuldigem Grinsen im Gesicht und Gemma wird für Martin zur Obsession, nächst gemächlich und etwas unüber- Speedy etwas von “Maddin” Schnei- in der er bald nur noch Flauberts Ro- schaubar beginnt, steigert sich konti- ders Langsamkeit. In dem computer- manheldin sieht, die er vor ihrem nuierlich, bis sich die verschiedenen animierten 3D-Film treten aber nicht Schicksal bewahren möchte. Doch Puzzleteile zu einem großen Ganzen nur Schneewittchens sieben Zwerge Gemma ist alles andere als eine Ma- zusammenfügen. Der vor wenigen Mo- auf, sondern viele weitere Märchen- dame Bovary... Christophe Beaucarnes naten verstorbene Philip Seymour gestalten, z.B. Rotkäppchen und der Kameraarbeit schafft von Anfang an Hoffman gibt hier seine Abschiedsvor- Wolf, die sich als TV-Moderatoren hin- die perfekte Stimmung für Anne stellung – als Geheimdienstler, der ter einer TV-Attrappe versuchen – was Fontaines Filmadaptation nach Posy raucht, Kaffee trinkt und am Whiskey dem behaarten Wolf natürlich schwer Simmonds Graphic Novel (die wiederum nippelt, oft schwer atmend. A MOST fällt, weil er doch großen Appetit auf inspiriert wurde von Flauberts “Ma- WANTED MAN empfiehlt sich für an- die junge Dame hat! An solchen Stellen dame Bovary”): das weiche Licht, mit spruchsvolle Thriller-Fans. Allerdings bricht sich dann immer wieder etwas Schmelz versetzt, suggeriert viel – und das ist die Ausnahme von der Anarchohumor seine Bahn und man Sinnlichkeit! Verstärkt wird diese Sinn- Regel! – sollte man sich den Film in der wünscht sich, dass dies wesentlich lichkeit durch Gemma Arterton, die in Deutsch synchronisierten Version an- öfters passieren würde. So aber bleibt schauen. Denn es macht einfach keinen das an den Live-Action-Filmen mit Otto Sinn, dass deutsche Charaktere von Waalkes angelehnte Märchen meist in amerikanischen Schauspielern gespielt geregelten Bahnen, was vermutlich werden, die ausnahmslos in Englisch einem vorwiegend ganz jungen Publi- kommunizieren – auch untereinander. kum geschuldet ist. Auf der Tonebene erklingt der Animationsspaß recht im- Dienstag, 05. August 2014 posant und zieht alle Register des 5.1- He Zwerge, Ho! Sound-Layouts. Damit könnte das “Zwerg”fellerschütterndes wurde uns Knurren und Fauchen des Drachen heute kredenzt ganz kleinen Zuschauern durchaus et- was Angst machen. Aber keine Sorge: DER 7BTE ZWERG (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1) Rettung naht! Verleih: Universal Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Mittwoch, 06. August 2014 Regie: Boris Aljinovic, Michael Wenn das Leben die Kunst imitiert Coldewey, Harald Siepermann Der heutige Vormittag hielt eine sinn- Kinostart: 25.09.2014 lich-schöne Begegnung für mich be- reit... Nachdem die böse Eishexe den gesam- ten Königspalast in Tiefschlaf versetzt GEMMA BOVERY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) hat, liegt es einzig an den sieben Zwer- OT: Gemma Bovery gen, den Liebsten der Prinzessin aus Verleih: Prokino (Fox)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog der Rolle der Gemma Bovery herrlich werden. Die teilweise fesselnden Bilder, leichte Sommerkleider zur Schau stellen geschickt durch Kamerabewegung zum HERCULES (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + darf. Das ist sehr sexy, aber nie vulgär. Leben erweckt, werden mit aus dem Off Atmos) Und entspricht damit dem Geiste nach gesprochenen Texten unterlegt. Bei OT: Hercules Flauberts Romanheldin Madame diesen Texten handelt es sich sowohl Verleih: Paramount Bovary. Das Leben imitiert die Kunst, um Briefe einfacher Soldaten von der Land/Jahr: USA 2014 stellt Bäcker Martin im Film einmal fest. Front in die Heimat als auch um literari- Regie: Brett Ratner Und er tut wirklich alles dafür, dass es sche Texte von Zeitzeugen wie Stefan Darsteller: Dwayne Johnson, Ian auch so kommt – jedoch ohne es jemals Zweig. Die Kombination aus den Bil- McShane, Rufus Sewell, zu wollen. “Self-fullfilling Prophecy” dern, Texten und der darunter liegen- Kinostart: 04.09.2014 würde man wohl auf Neudeutsch dazu den groß angelegten sinfonischen Mu- sagen. Gespielt wird Martin von dem sik von Henrik Albrecht lassen den Hercules und seine treuen Freunde großartigen Fabrice Luchini, der die Film zu einem ergreifenden Aufschrei werden von König Cotys zu Hilfe geru- Rolle des in Wallung kommenden Bäk- gegen Krieg werden. Und macht an fen, um ihm im Kampf gegen den teufli- kermeisters wie kaum ein anderer zu seinem Ende, der gleichzeitig das Ende schen Centaur Rhesus zu helfen. Doch spielen vermag. Wenn er eines Tages des Ersten Weltkriegs ist, klar: nach Cotys spielt ein doppeltes Spiel... Ei- Gemma in seiner Backstube den Brot- dem Krieg ist vor dem Krieg. nes gleich vorweg: wer aufgrund des teig kneten lässt und er dabei nur starr Trailers in diesen Film geht, der wird zusehen darf, so spürt man förmlich OHNE DICH (1:2.35, 5.1) herb enttäuscht werden. Denn die 12 sein Verlangen nach dieser sinnlich- Verleih: Camino Aufgaben, die Hercules erfüllen muss, schönen Engländerin. Anne Fontaine Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 und die den Trailer bilden, werden be- ist eine melancholische Komödie ge- Regie: Alexandre Powelz reits in den ersten fünf Minuten des lungen, die dank der beiden großarti- Darsteller: Katja Riemann, Charly Films abgearbeitet. Was danach folgt gen Hauptdarsteller “funktioniert”. Hübner, Helen Woigk ist ein Schlachtenfilm, der versucht, in Kinostart: 04.09.2014 die Fußstapfen eines 300 zu treten. Donnerstag, 07. August 2014 Zwar gibt es hin und wieder ganz kurze, Nach dem Krieg ist vor dem Krieg Drei Geschichten, drei Schicksale. Heb- witzige Einlagen, doch können die Ein ungewöhnlicher Dokumentarfilm amme Rose hat Krebs und wird bald nicht über die Langeweile hinwegtäu- und ein Drama aus Stuttgart hielten sterben. Ihr Mann Marcel kann sich schen, mit der dieses Epos zu unterhal- mich heute auf Trab nicht vorstellen, ohne sie zu sein. Putz- ten versucht. Kaum hat man das Kino frau Layla kann ihren Ex-Geliebten verlassen, weiß man schon nichts mehr IM KRIEG (1:1.85, 3D, 5.1) nicht vergessen und stellt ihm nach. von diesem Trivialfilm, für den Ungarn Verleih: Neue Visionen Die junge Kellnerin Motte, ohne festes als Griechenland aus Kostengründen Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Zuhause, wird schwanger, ihr Freund herhalten musste. Wer einer Enttäu- Regie: Nikolai Vialkowitsch ist schwul. Alle drei Storys sind mitein- schung entgehen möchte, der meide Kinostart: 25.09.2014 ander verflochten und die Liebe steht diesen Film. immer im Mittelpunkt... Eine schwere Es ist ein Irrglaube zu meinen, dass es Geburt – im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes SHIRLEY – VISIONEN DER REALI- 3D erst seit der Digitaltechnik gibt. passt dies zum Film selbst. Die Ver- TÄT (1:1.85, 5.1) Einige wissen immerhin, dass es 3D- flechtungen der Protagonisten unter- OT: Shirley – Visions Of Reality Filme bereits in den 1950er-Jahren ge- einander an sich wirkt schon ziemlich Verleih: Rendezvous geben hat. Fast niemand weiß jedoch, konstruiert. Ebenso konstruiert wirken Land/Jahr: Österreich 2013 dass es stereoskopische Bilder bereits aber auch deren Probleme! Und ob das Regie: Gustav Deutsch seit 1840 gibt. Und das in Hülle und alles nicht schon genug wäre, wird auf Darsteller: Stephanie Cumming, Chri- Fülle! Jetzt hat sich Regisseur Nikolai ziemlich nervige Art und Weise die stoph Bach, Florentin Groll Vialkowitsch daran gemacht, stereosko- Location Stuttgart ins Bild gerückt, so Kinostart: 18.09.2014 pische Fotografien aus der Zeit des als gelte es, eine neue Tourismus- Ersten Weltkriegs auszugraben und attraktion zu schaffen. So etwas wirkt Der Untertitel macht gleich zu Beginn diese als Basis für einen Dokumentar- leider extrem peinlich. Wer künstliches, klar, um was es in Gustav Deutschs film zu machen. Anhand der alten Auf- depressives Kino mag – bitte sehr, hier Film geht: “Der Maler Edward Hopper nahmen, die um Filmfragmente aus je- ist Euer Film. in 13 Bildern”. So erweckt Deutsch 13 ner Zeit sowie neuzeitlichen 3D-Auf- Bilder Hoppers, die zwischen 1931 und nahmen der Kriegsschauplätze ergänzt Freitag, 08. August 2014 1963 entstanden, zum Leben und ver- wurden, sollte sowohl der Beginn des Griechische Mythologie trifft auf moderne knüpft diese durch die Hauptfigur großen Krieges als auch das ungeheure Malerei Shirley zu einer Geschichte. Dieses Ausmaß der Schlachten mit all dem Die letzten zwei Filme der Woche waren filmische Experiment beeindruckt vor Elend, das sie brachten, dokumentiert recht unterschiedlicher Natur allem durch seine Bilder, die oftmals

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog nicht von einem Gemälde zu unter- sein “Ding” viel zu klein ist. Zehn Jah- + 7.1 + Atmos) scheiden sind. Der Regisseur war dabei re sind vergangen, es sind Ferien und OT: Drehbuchautor, Szenenbildner und Andi ist in Katja verliebt. Die aber hat Verleih: Splendid (Fox) Schnittmeister in Personalunion. Unter- nur Augen für Bobby, der alle Mädels Land/Jahr: USA 2014 legt werden die einzelnen anbaggert. Als Lilli zu Besuch kommt, Regie: Patrick Hughes (Bewegt)Bilder teilweise mit Musik so- werden die Karten allerdings neu ge- Darsteller: Sylvester Stallone, Jason wie Toncollagen. Rundfunkmeldungen mischt... Pubertierende Jungs haben es Statham, Antonio Banderas, Jet Li, aus dem Off bilden die Übergänge zwi- heute verdammt schwer. Denn die Mä- Wesley Snipes, Dolph Lundgren, schen den Szenen. Gustav Deutschs dels haben einfach zu große Erwartun- Kelsey Grammer, Randy Couture, Terry Film ist ein entschleunigter Film, der gen an das erste Mal. Und das wort- Crews, Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, Ar- sich zeitgenössischem Filmemachen wörtlich. Denn in den übers Netz frei nold Schwarzenegger komplett entzieht und dadurch vermut- zugänglichen Pornofilmen geht es ja Kinostart: 21.08.2014 lich nur einem Nischenpublikum er- meist um Quantität und weit weniger schließen wird. Leider verzichtet der um Qualität. Da wundert es nicht, dass Die Söldnerschar um Barney Ross soll Film darauf, Hoppers Bilder zu zeigen. die jungen Männer ziemlich verunsi- einen Altbekannten den Behörden aus- Nicht einmal am Ende des Films, im chert werden, wenn es um das “Eine” liefern: Conrad Stonebanks, einst Abspann, werden die Gemälde gezeigt. geht. Das ist die Grundlage der Komö- Barney rechte Hand, jetzt skrupelloser Somit eignet sich der Film eigentlich die, mit der Regisseur Marco Petry Waffenhändler. Weil er der Meinung nur für Zuschauer, die mit dem Werk gleichzeitig etwas Zeitgeist in den Ki- ist, dass seine treuen Mitkämpfer in- des Künstlers bereits vertraut sind. nosaal versprüht. Und damit das alles zwischen zu alt für den Job sind, rekru- auch ganz sicher ein Kassenschlager tiert er eine neue, junge Garde. Doch Montag, 11. August 2014 wird (beim Zielpublikum wenigstens), alte Haudegen lassen sich nicht so ein- Vom Verrat an der Liebe suhlt sich der Film in allerlei Anzüg- fach entsorgen – zum Glück... Einmal Ein deutsches Drama aus der Nach- lichkeiten, die man eigentlich schon mehr ist es dem Tausendsassa Sylve- kriegszeit eröffnete heute den kleinen nicht mehr als solche bezeichnen kann, ster Stallone gelungen, eine Altherren- Pressereigen da diese viel zu direkt sind. Will riege zusammenzustellen, die wohl bei heissen: es wird nicht mehr um den jedem 1980er-Jahre Action-Fan das (1:2.35, 5.1) heissen Brei geredet, sondern man Herz höher schlagen lässt. Fast so als Verleih: Piffl kommt (im doppelten Sinne!) gleich zur wolle er seiner Fangemeinde mitteilen, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Sache. Was für Teens damit vielleicht dass er und seine Kumpels noch lange Regie: Christian Petzold noch lustig ist, ist für alte Säcke wie nicht zum alten Eisen gehören. Und da Darsteller: Nina Hoss, Nina den hier schreibenden Rezensenten er selbst das Drehbuch zu diesem Kunzendorf, Ronald Zehrfeld eigentlich nur noch langweilig. Lang- Kinostart: 25.09.2014 weilig deshalb, weil das Drehbuch tat- sächlich – so scheint es zumindest – Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung nach dem großen Masterplan vorgeht gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film und auch brav jeden Punkt abarbeitet, erst ab 06.09.2014 auf den es abzuarbeiten gibt. Originell ist www.wolframhannemann.de so etwas nicht. Leider. Und damit nie- mand auf die Idee käme, dass hier Lan- Dienstag, 12. August 2014 geweile und platte Pointen vorherr- Wenn Hormone Amok laufen schen, wird das gesamte Werk in einen Bin ich zu alt für solche Filme? Ich musikalischen Klangteppich gepackt, fürchte ja... der sich vermutlich gut verkaufen lässt. Aber was schreibe ich hier – schließ- DOKTORSPIELE (1:2.35, 5.1) lich möchte ich die jungen Leute nicht Verleih: Fox davon abhalten, ins Kino zu gehen. Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Also: tut es, solange es noch Kinos Regie: Marco Petry gibt! Darsteller: Merlin Rose, Lisa Vicari, von der Groeben Mittwoch, 13. August 2014 Kinostart: 28.08.2014 Boys will be Boys Meine letzte Pressevorführung in die- Als Kinder haben sie zusammen Doktor ser Woche gestaltete sich recht gespielt: der schüchterne Andi und die actionreich süße Lilli. Eine traumatische Erfahrung für Andi, glaubt er doch seither, dass THE EXPENDABLES 3 (1:2.35, DD 5.1

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Actionfilm verfasst hat, sorgt er natür- Der Wahnsinn steht ihm ins Gesicht Aksel Hennie lich dafür, dass die “Next Generation” geschrieben Kinostart: 30.10.2014 zwar technisch brillanter ist als die ver- Deutsches Kino beherrschte heute mei- narbte alte Crew, sich dafür aber in eine nen Vormittag Als Anfang der 1980er Jahre vor Nor- ausweglose Situation manövriert, aus wegens Küste große Erdöl- und Gas- der sie genau diese vernarbte alte Crew HIRNGESPINSTER (1:1.85, 5.1) vorkommen entdeckt werden, geht es retten wird! Gut gemacht, alter Knabe – Verleih: Movienet nur darum, wem es gelingt, den Schatz da hast Du es den Jungspunden aber Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 zu heben. Eigens dafür ausgebildete tüchtig gezeigt. Ernst nehmen sollte Regie: Christian Bach Taucher wie Petter und sein Bruder man diesen Spaß für die (fast) ganze Darsteller: Tobias Moretti, Stephanie Knut gehören zu den Pionieren, die in Familie natürlich nicht. Der Body Japp, Jonas Nay über 300 Metern Tiefe Arbeiten für eine Count schnellt astronomisch in die Kinostart: 09.10.2014 Pipeline ausführen sollen. In Zusam- Höhe, aber den Schaden zeigt die Ka- menarbeit mit einem amerikanischen mera nicht. Was die Kamera jedoch Simons Leben läuft in geordneten Bah- Team wird ein spezielles Gasgemisch zeigt, sind fulminant in Szene gesetzte nen so gut es geht. Der 23jährige fährt erprobt, das es den Tauchern ermögli- Actionsequenzen, in denen es mächtig einen Schulbus, hängt in der Disco ab chen soll, in derartigen Tiefen zu über- kracht und scheppert. Spätestens und kümmert sich liebevoll um die we- leben. Bei einem Test auf offener See dann, wenn Harrison Ford (ja, er ist es sentlich jüngere Schwester. Sein Vater, kommt es jedoch zu einem Unfall, den wirklich!) selbst in den Helikopter ein verschuldeter Architekt, der sein Knut mit dem Leben bezahlt und der steigt und auch mal kräftig Dampf großes Comeback bei einer Ausschrei- Petter in die Schuhe geschoben wird. ablässt, ist der Spaß komplett. Jetzt bung machen möchte, ist das Problem- Petter aber glaubt nicht an diese Theo- können die Jungs endlich wieder Jungs kind in der Familie: er ist schizophren rie und beginnt mit Nachforschungen, sein und sich nach Herzenslust prü- und will sich nicht behandeln lassen. die ihn bald in eine äußert brenzlige geln. Dieses “Treffen der Generatio- Als Simon die junge Verena kennen- Lage bringt... Die Unterwasser-Bilder, nen” macht Laune und gleichzeitig Vor- lernt, gerät sein fragiles Familienidyll die der schwedische Kameramann Jallo freude auf die bereits in den Startlö- aus den Fugen... Ihm steht der Wahn- Faber liefert, sind recht beeindruckend chern stehenden “Expendebelles”. Das sinn ins Gesicht geschrieben: Tobias und erinnern ein wenig an jene aus Luc Sahnehäubchen des Films wird übri- Moretti liefert in der Rolle des psy- Bessons Taucherfilm IM RAUSCH DER gens ganz am Schluss serviert. Nämlich chisch kranken Vaters eine überzeu- TIEFE. Faber visualisiert dadurch per- dann, wenn die neue Generation den gende Leistung ab. Seine Unberechen- fekt das Gefühl der Klaustrophobie, alten Haudegen mit Neil Youngs “Old barkeit trägt den ganzen Film. Leider dem die Taucher bei ihrer Arbeit ausge- Man” ein Ständchen gibt. Einen schö- jedoch überzeugt alles andere nicht setzt sind. Gleichzeitig aber funktio- neren Schluss könnte man sich kaum genauso deutlich. Denn Christian niert diese Klaustrophobie auch als vorstellen. Bachs Film ist weniger ein Film für die Metapher für die Verschwörung, der große Kinoleinwand als vielmehr fürs Petter auf die Spur kommt. Und offen- Montag, 18. August 2014 Fernsehformat, eine Eigenschaft, die bar hat es sie wirklich gegeben. Denn Western von gestern der Film nicht abschütteln kann. Hinzu Regisseur Erik Skjoldbjaergs Film be- Der Auftakt der neuen Pressewoche kommen einige inszenatorische Schwä- ruht auf wahren Begebenheiten, die macht heute ein Western chen, die insbesondere die im Film auf- sich in den 1980er-Jahren in Norwegen tretenden Polizisten als ziemliche zugetragen haben, jener Zeit also, in THE SALVATION (1:2.35, 5.1) Deppen erscheinen lässt. Etwas be- der das Land angesichts der massiven OT: The Salvation müht wirkt auch die Liebesgeschichte Öl- und Gasvorkommen vor der norwe- Verleih: Concorde zwischen Simon und Verena. Fazit: der gischen Küste in eine Art Goldrausch Land/Jahr: Dänemark, Südafrika, Groß- Gang ins Kino ist nicht lohnenswert. verfiel und die das Land schließlich zu britannien 2014 einem der reichsten Länder der Welt Regie: Kristian Levring Mittwoch, 20. August 2014 gemacht hat. Skjoldbjaerg, dem wir ei- Darsteller: Mads Mikkelsen, Eva Green, In tiefen Wassern nen Thriller wie INSOMNIA zu verdan- Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jonathan Pryce, Ein Thriller aus Norwegen zog mich ken haben (das norwegische Original Mikael Persbrandt heute in seinen Bann wohlgemerkt, nicht das weichgespülte Kinostart: 09.10.2014 amerikanische Remake!), inszeniert sei- PIONEER (1:2.35, 5.1 + 7.1) nen Film routiniert spannend und ex- Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung OT: Pioneer trem flott. Mit Aksel Hennie in der gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Verleih: farbfilm Hauptrolle hat er den Film mit einem erst ab 01.09.2014 auf Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Deutschland, zumindest in Deutschland unver- www.wolframhannemann.de Schweden 2013 brauchten Gesicht besetzt. Und Hennie Regie: Erik Skjoldbjaerg füllt seine Rolle sehr gut aus – phy- Dienstag, 19. August 2014 Darsteller: Wes Bentley, Stephen Lang, sisch wie psychisch. In guten Momen-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ten wirkt die Filmmusik von Air sehr atmosphärisch unterstützend, doch Freitag, 22. August 2014 Am Wochenende habe ich mir mal wie- genauso schlägt sie leider hin und wie- Wunderlich der einen ganz regulären Kinobesuch der ins Gegenteil um. Nichtsdestotrotz Wohl dem, der gut interpretieren gegönnt. Regulär? Bei IMAX wohl eignet sich PIONEER als Spannungs- kann... kaum... kino und sollte auf einer möglichst gro- ßen Leinwand konsumiert werden. LAND DER WUNDER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) LUCY (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + Atmos, Barco OT: Le Meraviglie 11.1) Donnerstag, 21. August 2014 Verleih: Delphi (Central) OT: Lucy Auf der Couch Land/Jahr: Italien, Deutschland 2014 Verleih: Universal Eine Persönlichkeit amerikanischer Regie: Alice Rohrwacher Land/Jahr: USA, Frankreich 2014 Psychoanalyse war heute das Thema Darsteller: Monica Bellucci, Alba Rohr- Regie: Luc Besson meiner Kinomatinee wacher, André Hennicke Darsteller: , Morgan Kinostart: 02.10.2014 Freeman, Amr Waked YALOMS ANLEITUNG ZUM GLÜCK- Kinostart: 14.08.2014 LICHSEIN (1:1.85, 5.1) Gelsomina und ihre Schwestern leben OT: Yalom’s Cure mit ihren Eltern auf einem kleinen Hof Weil sie ihrer Disco-Bekanntschaft ei- Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) in der Toskana, der sich vor allem der nen Gefallen tun will, bekommt es Stu- Land/Jahr: Schweiz 2014 Honiggewinnung verschrieben hat. dentin Lucy in Taipeh mit der brutalen Regie: Sabine Gisiger Doch neue staatliche Auflagen bringen Chinesenmafia zu tun, die ihr einen Kinostart: 02.10.2014 den Familienbetrieb in arge Bedrängnis Beutel mit einer neuen Droge in den und die Nachbarn verwenden Dünge- Bauch einnähen, um sie als Kurier zu Er zählt als einer der ganz Großen der mittel, der Gift für die Bienen ist. Damit benutzen. Doch das Paket wird undicht amerikanischen Psychoanalyse: Dr. etwas mehr Geld in die Kasse kommt, und setzt die Droge in Lucys Körper Irvin D. Yalom. Von ihm stammen so nimmt der Vater einen Jungen aus ei- frei und steigert Lucys Hirnaktivitäten essentielle Erkenntnisse wie “Je besser nem Resozialisierungsprogramm auf. ins Unermessliche. Ausgestattet mit wir uns selber kennen, desto besser Gelsomina aber hat ganz andere Pläne: vollkommen neuen physischen wie wird unser Leben. Wenn wir Probleme sie möchte den Familienbetrieb bei ei- psychischen Möglichkeiten will Lucy bekommen, hat das oft mit Teilen unse- ner TV-Show anmelden, in der es viel die anderen Kuriere stoppen – und rer Selbst zu tun, die wir nicht kennen”. Geld zu gewinnen gibt. Der Vater aber wird gleichzeitig von den Chinesen Die Filmemacherin Sabine Gisiger ist ist strikt dagegen... Über LAND DER gejagt. Wer Luc Bessons Action-Film dem Psychotherapeuten und Buchautor WUNDER habe ich mich gewundert. unbedingt an seiner Geschichte oder jetzt mit der Kamera auf den Leib ge- Denn der Film hat doch tatsächlich den gar seinen Charakteren festmachen rückt und hat auch seine Ehefrau Grand Prix in Cannes gewonnen. Immer- will, begeht einen großen Fehler. Denn Marilyn mit einbezogen. Denn die bei- hin war es der beste Film, den ich heute beides – Story und Charaktere – sind den sind schon eine Ewigkeit miteinan- gesehen habe. Und es war der bisher bei Besson eigentlich nur Mittel zum der verheiratet – und das glücklich! einzige Film an diesem Tag. An dieser Zweck. Und der Zweck? Furiose, op- Ganz anders als ihre vier Kinder, die Stelle muss ich einmal mehr meine The- tisch brillante Action! Bessons Bot- alle bereits Scheidungen hinter sich se bemühen, dass wenn ich es nicht schaft am Ende des Films ist klar: “Das haben. Was ist das Geheimnis dieser verstanden habe, es sich um Filmkunst Leben wurde Euch gegeben – also glücklichen Ehe? Nur eine der Fragen, handeln muss. Also jene Art von Film, macht etwas daraus”. Und die geht der die Filmemacherin auf den Grund in die man als Schüler vom Deutsch- auch vollkommen in Ordnung, würde er geht. Entstanden ist dabei das Porträt oder Kunstlehrer geschleppt wurde, sie nicht ständig und holzhammerartig zweier sehr sympathischen Menschen, damit man mal ein bisschen hochwerti- immer wieder heraufbeschwören, an- die sich ihr ganzes Leben lang mit der ge Kultur mit auf den Weg bekommt. statt einfach dem Bilderfluss freien Psychoanalyse auseinandergesetzt Wie auch immer – ich konnte mit Alice Lauf zu lassen. LUCY ist genau dann haben, um anderen Menschen zu hel- Rohrwachers Film leider nichts anfan- absolut grandios, wenn wir mit diesen fen. Ein Ergebnis, das Irvin Yalom aus gen (und habe damit vermutlich wieder schnell montierten Bildern regelrecht seiner langjährigen Arbeit als Thera- ein Meisterwerk nicht erkannt). Die bombardiert werden und das Sound- peut dabei gewonnen hat, ist die Er- ganze Inszenierung wirkte wie eine design ein Übriges dafür tut, dass es kenntnis, dass wir alle Patienten sind Doku-Soap – mit Wackelkamera und uns in den Kinosessel drückt. Wer das und nicht nur jene, bei denen dies ganz was sonst noch dazu gehört. Dazu ein vollkommen anders empfindet, hat den offensichtlich ist. Für Kenner von Dialogwirrwarr aus Italienisch und Film garantiert nicht in seiner IMAX- Yaloms Büchern sowie für Menschen Deutsch, das nicht weiter erklärt wird. Version goutiert. Ein derart optisch mit Interesse an moderner Psychoana- Wer auf Kunstkino steht – bitte schön! starker Film wie LUCY ist wie geschaf- lyse ist Sabine Gisigers schön fotogra- fen für die riesige IMAX Leinwand. fierter Film Pflicht. Sonntag, 24. August 2014 Und sie hilft wesentlich bei der Ver-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog drängung der missglückten Story und Verleih: Arsenal nicht gefunden: er ist Autist! Seine seiner Protagonisten. Bessons Film Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 besten Freunde Alex und Carlo finden, steckt zudem voller Filmzitate. Nicht Regie: Oliver Haffner dass es an der Zeit ist, ein Mädchen nur, dass er in seine beschleunigten Darsteller: Katharina Marie Schubert, für Enea zu finden, das all seine Be- Bilderfluten Sequenzen aus BARAKA Adam Bousdoukos, Canan Kir dürfnisse zufriedenstellen kann. Und und SAMSARA gepackt hat. Auch bei Kinostart: 09.10.2014 schon geht das Trio auf eine Reise den wirklich eigenen Kreationen wird durch Europa. Carlo Zoratti, der Enea beispielsweise mehrfach auf 2001 ver- Als Anna ihren Job als Schauspielerin während seines Sozialdienstes kennen- wiesen. Die visuellen Effekte sind am örtlichen Theater verliert, soll sie gelernt hat und ihn mittlerweile seit 16 überwältigend und sprudeln nur so mit einer Gruppe Langzeitarbeitsloser hel- Jahren kennt, hat ein Kamerateam mit wirklich netten Ideen. Wenn sich fen, Selbstvertrauen aufzubauen. Doch auf die Reise genommen und gibt mit Scarlett Johansson alias Lucy am Ende schon bald findet sich der bunt zusam- diesem dokumentarischen Spielfilm des Films in einen Supercomputer ver- mengewürfelte Haufen inmitten der sein Debüt. Er soll nach eigenem Be- wandelt, von dem schließlich nur ein Proben für das Theaterstück “Antigo- kunden zeigen, “wie spannend es sein USB-Stick übrigbleibt, erwartet man ne” wieder... Oliver Haffners Versuch kann, das Leben aus einer anderen Per- eigentlich, dass das IMAX-Logo auf- eines deutschen GANZ ODER GAR spektive zu betrachten”. Das gelingt gedruckt ist. Das zumindest wäre ein NICHT (dort war es Männerstrip, hier dem Film nur bedingt. Vielmehr drängt brillanter Gag gewesen. Weit weniger ist es Theater) ist leider viel zu sehr sich dem Betrachter die Feststellung brillant ist die Entscheidung der FSK, bemüht. Das Komödiantische weicht auf, dass auch behinderte Menschen die den ziemlich blutigen und gewalt- schon früh einem Sozialdrama, Pointen dieselben zwischenmenschlichen Be- getränkten Film bereits ab 12 Jahren funktionieren nur bedingt. Das schwä- dürfnisse haben wie die nicht Behin- freigegeben hat. Vielleicht sollten sich bisch sprechende Ehepaar mutet wie derten. Es ist natürlich bemerkenswert, die Juroren das Werk zur Abwechslung ein Fremdkörper an in einem Film, in wie sich die beiden Freunde für Enea mal in einem richtigen Kino anschauen. dem ausschließlich Hochdeutsch ge- einsetzen, doch bleibt der Wahrheits- sprochen wird. Immerhin gibt es eine gehalt etwas fragwürdig. Auf die Form Dienstag, 26. August 2014 gelungen Szene gleich zu Beginn des seines Films angesprochen verweigert Eine elitäre Burschenschaft Films, in der Anna vom Intendanten der Regisseur eine Klassifizierung. Das erste von nur drei (souverän: Bernd Grawert) auf eine Doku-Drama oder Dokumentarfilm – für Pressescreenings in dieser Woche derart perfide Art und Weise entlassen Carlo Zoratti zählt nur, dass er einen führte mich nach Oxford... wird, dass man dem Kerl am liebsten an Film gemacht hat. Die Reise der Jungs den Hals springen möchte – und die mit ihrem VW-Bus zu einem Bordell in THE RIOT CLUB (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Gute merkt überhaupt nicht wie ihr ge- Österreich oder ein auf Behinderte spe- OT: Posh / The Riot Club schieht. zialisiertes Etablissement wirkt länger Verleih: Prokino (Fox) als die 84 Minuten, die der Film dauert. Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 Donnerstag, 28. August 2014 Eine Reise, während der man sich auch Regie: Lone Scherfig Die Suche nach der richtigen Frau die Frage stellt, ob Enea tatsächlich ein Darsteller: Sam Claflin, Max Irons, Doku-Drama oder Dokumentarfilm, das Autist ist oder nicht unter einer ganz Douglas Booth ist hier die Frage anderen Behinderung leidet. Um eine Kinostart: 09.10.2014 Beantwortung dieser Frage bemüht (K)EIN BESONDERES BEDÜRFNIS sich der Film in keiner Weise. Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung (1:1.85, 5.1) gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film OT: The Special Need erst ab 07.09.2014 auf Verleih: farbfilm www.wolframhannemann.de Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Italien 2013 Regie: Carlo Zoratti Mittwoch, 27. August 2014 Darsteller: Enea Gabino, Alex Nazzi, Was für ein Theater! Carlo Zoratti Ist der heutige Film tatsächlich so gut Kinostart: 23.10.2014 wie der Ruf, der ihm vorauseilt? Enea ist ein feiner Kerl. Der 29jährige EIN GESCHENK DER GÖTTER (1:2.35, Italiener ist bei seinen Kumpels beliebt, 5.1) arbeitet in der Textilfabrik und mag alle Frauen. Die Richtige aber hat er noch

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

Brandt Freitag, 03. Oktober 2014 Kamera: Günter Haubold, Werner Heydn Musik: Helmut Nier 10.30 Uhr Schnitt: Erika Lehmphul GOODBYE MR. CHIPS! Darsteller: Horst Drinda (Dr. Dr. Arvid Harnack), Irma Münch Originaltitel: Goodbye, Mr. Chips! / GB/USA 1969 (Dr. Mildred Harnack), Horst Schulze (Dr. Adam Kuckhoff), Aufgenommen in Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) (35mm Barbara Adolph (Greta Kuckhoff), Klaus Piontek (Harro Negativfilm) Schulze-Boysen), Jutta Wachowiak (Libertas Schulze-Boy- Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton sen), Harry Pietzsch ( Küchenmeister) Deutsche Fassung / 140 Minuten (gekürzt von 155 Minuten) / Erstaufführungskopie Die Geschichte der Widerstandsgruppe Schulze-Boysen/ Welturaufführung: 05.11.1969 Harnack, in der sich Angehörige der verschiedenen Klassen Deutsche Erstaufführung: 26.03.1970 und Schichten des deutschen Volkes und Vertreter unter- Produktion: Arthur P. Jacobs schiedlicher Weltanschauungen im Kampf gegen den Fa- Regie: Herbert Ross schismus vereinigten. Ein groß angelegtes Filmepos, das Buch: Terence Rattigan weniger um äußerlich dramatische Zuspitzung als um genaue Vorlage: James Hilton (Roman) Charakter- und Motivschilderung bemüht ist. Ende der Kamera: Oswald Morris sechziger Jahre nicht zuletzt als zeitgemäßer Aufruf zur Ein- Musik: Leslie Bricusse, John Williams heit friedliebender Kräfte unter Führung der Sowjetunion Schnitt: Ralph Kemplen konzipiert. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Darsteller: Peter O’Toole (Arthur Chipping), Petula Clark (Katherine Bridges), Michael Redgrave (Headmaster), Mi- chael Bryant (Max Staefel), George Baker (Lord Sutterwick) 19:00 Uhr ALAMO Originaltitel: The Alamo / USA 1960 Erinnerungen eines alternden College-Lehrers, dem die Hei- Aufgenommen in Todd-AO® (1:2.2) (65mm Negativfilm) rat mit einer liebenswerten unstandesgemäßen Frau berufli- Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton che Schwierigkeiten, aber auch die Zuneigung seiner Schü- Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause ler brachte. Romantisch-sentimentale Bestsellerverfilmung Deutsche Originalfassung / 167 Min. (gekürzt von 192 Minu- mit Musical-Elementen. Bemerkenswert die Darstellung der ten) / Erstaufführungskopie von 1961 kauzigen Hauptfigur durch Peter O’Toole. (Quelle: Film- Welturaufführung: 24.10.1960 Dienst) Deutsche Erstaufführung: 26.01.1961 Produktion: John Wayne Regie: John Wayne 14:30 Uhr Buch: James Edward Grant KLK AN PTX – DIE ROTE KAPELLE Kamera: William H. Clothier DDR 1971 Musik: Dimitri Tiomkin Aufgenommen in DEFA 70® (1:2.2) (70mm Negativfilm) Schnitt: Stuart Gilmore Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Darsteller: John Wayne (Col. David Crockett), Laurence Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Harvey (Col. William Travis), Richard Widmark (Col. James Deutsche Originalfassung / 178 Min. / Erstaufführungskopie Bowie), Richard Boone (General Sam Huston), Frankie von 1971 Avalon (Smitty), Patrick Wayne (Cap. James Butler Bonham), Welturaufführung: 25.03.1971 Hank Worden (Pfarrer), Linda Cristal (Flaca), Joan O’Brien Deutsche Erstaufführung: 25.03.1971 (Mrs. Dickinson), Chill Wills (Barkeeper) Produktion: Heinz Herrmann, Wolfgang Rennebarth Regie: Horst E. Brandt Die Verteidigung von Fort Alamo gegen die mexikanische Buch: Wera Küchenmeister, Claus Küchenmeister, Horst E. Übermacht im Freiheitskampf der Texaner 1836 durch 185

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

Freiwillige bis zum letzten Mann. Monumentaler Kriegsfilm treue Verfilmung des Romans von Günter Grass. Eine opu- mit fragwürdiger Heldenverehrung: In dekorativen Bildern lente Bestseller-Verfilmung voller sinnlicher Kraft. Der Film wird eine bedenkliche Bewunderung von Todesmut und wurde u.a. mit dem „Oscar“ für den „besten nicht- Führertum zelebriert. Filmisch überzeugt die Produktion englischsprachigen Film“ ausgezeichnet. (Quelle: Film- durch Aufwand und Tempo und die gefühlvolle Inszenie- Dienst) rung. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Auszeichnungen: Auszeichnungen: Oscar 1979 Oscar 1961 Bester ausländischer Film Bester Ton

Samstag, 04. Oktober 2014 13:00 Uhr EOLOMEA 10:00 Uhr DDR 1971-72 DIE BLECHTROMMEL Aufgenommen in DEFA 70® (1:2.2) (70mm Negativfilm) D/F 1979 Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Aufgenommen in Breitwand (1:1.66) (35mm Negativfilm) Deutsche Originalfassung / 82 Minuten / Erstaufführungs- Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton kopie Deutsche Fassung / 142 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Welturaufführung: 30.06.1972 von 1979 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 30.06.1972 Welturaufführung: 03.05.1979 Regie: Herrmann Zschoche Deutsche Erstaufführung: 03.05.1979 Buch: Herrmann Zschoche Produktion: Franz Seitz, Anatole Dauman Kamera: Günter Jaeuthe Regie: Volker Schlöndorff Musik: Günther Fischer Buch: Jean-Claude Carrière, Volker Schlöndorff, Franz Seitz Schnitt:Helga Gentz Darsteller: Cox Habbema (Prof. Maria Scholl), Iwan Vorlage: Günter Grass (Roman) Andonow (Daniel Lagny), Wsewolod Sanajew (Kun, der Lot- Kamera: Igor Luther se), Rolf Hoppe (Olo Tal), Petar Slabakow (Pierre Brodski), Musik: Maurice Jarre, Friedrich Meyer Wolfgang Greese (Ratsvorsitzender), Benjamin Besson (Sima Schnitt: Suzanne Baron Kun), Holger Mahlich (Navigator), Jürgen Scharfenberg Darsteller: David Bennent (Oskar Matzerath), Angela (Havarietechniker) Winkler (Agnes Matzerath), Mario Adorf (Alfred Matzerath), Daniel Olbrychski (Jan Bronski), Katharina Thalbach (Ma- Das Verschwinden von acht Raumschiffen stellt die ria), Heinz Bennent (Greff), Andréa Ferréol (Lina Greff), Weltraumbehörde vor ein Rätsel. Es stellt sich schließlich Charles Aznavour (Sigismund Markus), Mariella Oliveri (Ro- heraus, daß die Gesuchten zu einem gewagten Unternehmen switha), Ilse Pagé (Gretchen Scheffler), Otto Sander (Musi- zusammengefunden haben. Sie wollen Lichterscheinungen ker Meyn) überprüfen, die aus einem 12 Lichtjahre entfernten Sternbild registriert werden. Weitgehend spannungsloser DEFA- An seinem dritten Geburtstag verweigert der 1924 in der Science-Fiction-Film. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Freien Stadt Danzig geborene Oskar Matzerath weiteres Wachstum und Teilnahme an der Welt der Erwachsenen. Auf 16:00 Uhr seiner Blechtrommel artikuliert das ewige Kind seinen Pro- 2001: ODYSSEE IM WELTRAUM test gegen Nazis und Mitläufer, und erst nach Kriegsende Originaltitel: 2001: A Space Odyssey / GB 1965-68 fasst Oskar den Beschluss, wieder zu wachsen, um mitzube- Aufgenommen in Super Panavision® 70 (1:2.2) (65mm stimmen. Schlöndorffs brillant inszenierte, weitgehend werk- Negativfilm)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton führungskopie von 1975 Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Roadshow-Präsentation mit Pause Deutsche Fassung / 149 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Welturaufführung: 15.11.1974 von 1968 Deutsche Erstaufführung: 14.02.1975 Welturaufführung: 02.04.1968 Produktion: Mark Robson Deutsche Erstaufführung: 11.09.1968 Regie: Mark Robson Produktion: Stanley Kubrick Buch: George Fox, Mario Puzo Regie: Stanley Kubrick Kamera: Philip Lathrop Buch: Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke Musik: John Williams Vorlage: Arthur C. Clarke (Kurzgeschichte) Schnitt: Dorothy Spencer Kamera: Geoffrey Unsworth, John Alcott Darsteller: Charlton Heston (Stuart Graff), Ava Gardner Musik: Aram Khatschaturian, Richard Strauss, Johann (Remy Graff), George Kennedy (Lew Slade), Lorne Greene Strauß, György Ligeti (Sam Royce), Geneviève Bujold (Denise) Schnitt: Ray Lovejoy Darsteller: Keir Dullea (David Bowman), Gary Lockwood Die Zerstörung der Stadt Los Angeles in einem großen Erd- (Frank Poole), William Sylvester (Dr. Heywood Floyd), beben. Katastrophenfilm mit verblüffend realistisch wirken- Leonard Rossiter (Smyslov), Daniel Richter (Mond- den Zerstörungsszenen und vergleichsweise differenzierter beobachter), Robert Beatty (Halvorsen), Frank Miller (Chef Handlung. Eine technisch perfekte Show. (Quelle: Film- der Expedition), Ed Bishop Dienst)

Ein geheimnisvoller schwarzer Monolith, der offenbar von Auszeichnungen Außerirdischen stammt, beeinflusst in grauer Vorzeit die Ent- Oscar 1975 stehung von Intelligenz und den „Aufbruch der Mensch- Bester Ton heit“, wird Jahrtausende später von Wissenschaftlern auf dem Mond entdeckt und lockt ein Forschungsraumschiff in Richtung Jupiter. Die Mission endet nach dem Versagen des Bordcomputers mit einer Katastrophe; der einzig überleben- de Astronaut begegnet der außerirdischen Macht und er- Sonntag, 05. Oktober 2014 fährt eine kosmische Wiedergeburt. Kubricks fantastisches Kinoabenteuer vereint technische Utopie und kultur- 10:00 Uhr philosophische Spekulation zu einer Weltraumoper von JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR überwältigendem Ausmaß. Der kühne gedankliche Entwurf Originaltitel: Jesus Christ Superstar / USA 1973 des Films (eine Entwicklungsgeschichte der Menschheit Aufgenommen in Todd-AO 35® (1:2.35) (35mm Negativfilm) voller Skepsis und bitterer Ironie) wird mit nicht minder küh- Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton nen optischen Effekten und einer revolutionären Trick- Englische Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln / 108 technik realisiert, die das Genre des Science-Fiction-Films in Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie von 1974 den folgenden Jahren entscheidend prägten. (Quelle: Film- Welturaufführung: 07.08.1973 Dienst) Deutsche Erstaufführung: 27.02.1974 Produktion: Norman Jewison, Robert Stigwood 20:30 Uhr Regie: Norman Jewison ERDBEBEN Buch: Melvyn Bragg, Norman Jewison Originaltitel: Earthquake / USA 1974 Vorlage: Tim Rice (Rockoper) Aufgenommen in Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) (35mm Kamera: Douglas Slocombe Negativfilm) Musik: Andrew Lloyd Webber Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton / Schnitt: Anthony Gibbs Sensurround®-Subbass-System Darsteller: Ted Neeley (Jesus), Carl Anderson (Judas), Deutsche Synchronfassung / 122 Minuten / Erstauf- Yvonne Elliman (Maria Magdalena), Robert Bingham

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(Kaiaphas), Kurt Yahgjian (Annas), Barry Dennen (Pontius Pilatus), Larry T. Marshall (Simon) 16:30 Uhr FLAMMENDE JAHRE Die Filmversion der erfolgreichen „Rockoper“: Eine Gruppe Originaltitel: Powest Plamennych Let / UdSSR 1961 junger Leute spielt in den Ruinen antiker Bauten in der Ne- Aufgenommen in Sovscope® 70 (1:2.2) (70mm Negativfilm) gev-Wüste Stationen aus dem Leben Jesu und seiner Jünger. Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton Der Akzent liegt auf dem machtpolitischen Spannungsver- Deutsche Fassung / 91 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie von hältnis, in das Jesus durch den Massenerfolg seiner Predig- 1963 ten gerät. Judas wird als tragische Figur interpretiert: Seine Welturaufführung: 23.02.1961 Skepsis und Verzweiflung angesichts der zur Droge gewor- Deutsche Erstaufführung: 18.01.1963 denen christlichen Lehre - auf deren sozialrevolutionäre Produktion: Alexandr Dovzhenko Kraft er hoffte - treibt ihn zu Verrat und Selbstmord. Die bril- Regie: Julia Solnzewa lant fotografierte Inszenierung macht sich mitunter selbst Buch: Alexander Dowshenko zum Thema, indem sie Starkult und Showbusiness ironisiert, Kamera: Fjodor Proworow, Alexej Temerin verdrängt diese kritischen Ansätze jedoch durch kunstge- Musik: Gawriil Popow werbliche Musical-Bombastik. Interessant als Dokument der Darsteller: Nikolai Wingranowski (Iwan Orljuk), Swetlana Jugendkultur zu Beginn der 70er Jahre. (Quelle: Film-Dienst) Shgun (Uljana), Boris Andrejew (Glasunow), M. Majorow (Welitschko), A. Bogdanowa (Antonina) 13:00 Uhr MY TODD-AO ADVENTURE Mit starkem nationalen Pathos befrachteter Film über die Vortrag von Thomas Hauerslev in englischer Sprache mit Befreiung der Ukraine vom Faschismus. In dramatischen und dänischem Akzent lyrischen Episoden eindrucksvoll fotografiert. (Quelle: Film- Dienst) 14:45 Uhr SHORTS, TRAILERS & SPECIALS 19:30 Uhr Double Feature “Stirb langsam 1 & 2” FORTRESS OF PEACE (VIGILANT SWITZERLAND) (CH 1965) STIRB LANGSAM Originaltitel: Die Hard / USA 1988 Regie: John Fernhout Aufgenommen in Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) (35mm Aufgenommen in MCS 70 Superpanorama®, prä- Negativfilm) und Super Panavision® 70 (1:2.2) (65mm sentiert in 70mm mit 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton / Negativfilm) 20min. Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Dolby® (A) Stereo Ma- gnetton SKY OVER HOLLAND (NL 1967) Deutsche Fassung / 132 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Regie: John Fernhout von 1988 Aufgenommen in MCS 70 Superpanorama®, prä- Welturaufführung: 15.07.1988 sentiert in 70mm mit 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton / Deutsche Erstaufführung: 10.11.1988 22min. Produktion: Lawrence Gordon, Joel Silver Regie: John McTiernan WLADIMIR lLJITSCH ULJANOW LENIN (DDR Buch: Jeb Stuart, Steven E. de Souza 1970) Vorlage: Roderick Thorp (Roman) Kamera: Regie: Andrew & Annelie Thorndike Musik: Michael Kamen Aufgenommen in DEFA 70®, präsentiert in Schnitt: Frank J. Urioste, John F. Link 70mm mit 6-Kanal Stereo Magnetton / 53min. Darsteller: (John McClane), Alan Rickman (Hans Gruber), Bonnie Bedelia (Holly Genaro McClane),

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Alexander Godunow (Karl), Reginald Veljohnson (Sgt. Al von 1990 Powell), Paul Gleason (Dwayne T. Robinson), De’voreaux Welturaufführung: 02.07.1990 White (Argyle) Deutsche Erstaufführung: 25.10.1990 Produktion: Lawrence Gordon, Joel Silver, Charles Gordon Eine Gangsterbande besetzt am Weihnachtsabend das 30. Stockwerk eines Bürohochhauses, nimmt die Gäste einer Regie: Renny Harlin Party als Geiseln und versucht, 640 Millionen Dollar in Wert- Buch: Steven E. de Souza, Douglas Richardson papieren aus dem Safe eines japanischen Konzerns zu erbeu- Vorlage: Roderick Thorp (Charaktere), Walter Wager (Roman ten. Ein zufällig anwesender Polizist durchkreuzt in einem „58 Minutes“) aussichtslos erscheinenden Kampf gegen die Gangster und Kamera: Oliver Wood, Frank Holgate gegen die Tücken der Hochhaus-Elektronik den ausgefeilten Musik: Michael Kamen Plan. Unter Einsatz aller erdenklichen technischen Raffines- Schnitt: Stuart Baird, Robert A. Ferretti sen auf Hochspannung getrimmter harter Action-Film, der in Darsteller: Bruce Willis (John McClane), Bonnie Bedelia der zweiten Hälfte zunehmend an Ironie gewinnt. Seine Ra- (Holly McClane), William Atherton (Thornberg), Reginald sanz und Dramatik erreicht er erst in der 70mm-Fassung und Veljohnson (Al Powell), Franco Nero (Esperanza), William einem dementsprechend eingerichteten Kino. Erwähnens- Sadler (Col. Stuart), John Amos (Capt. Grant), Dennis Franz wert: die gegenüber dem amerikanischen Original durch Syn- (Carmine Lorenzo), Sheila McCarthy (Samantha Copeland) chronisation und kleine Kürzungen veränderte Darstellung der deutschen Gangster mit terroristischem Hintergrund. Um einen lateinamerikanischen Diktator und Drogenboß zu (Quelle: Film-Dienst) befreien, der an die US-Behörden ausgeliefert werden soll, legt eine bis an die Zähne bewaffnete und technisch raffi- niert ausgestattete Terroristen-Einheit den Flughafen von STIRB LANGSAM 2 Washington lahm und läßt ein Passagier-Flugzeug am Boden Originaltitel: Die Hard 2: Die Harder / USA 1990 zerschellen. Ein Polizist aus Los Angeles bringt praktisch im Aufgenommen in Panavision® Anamorphic (1:2.35) (35mm Alleingang das Unternehmen zum Scheitern. Der spannende Negativfilm) Kampf mit den Tücken moderner Technik, der den Reiz von Präsentiert in 70mm (1:2.2) / 6-Kanal Dolby® (A) Stereo Ma- „Stirb langsam“ (1987) ausmachte, weicht oberflächlich kon- gnetton struiertem, lautstarkem Aktionsreichtum mit nur geringen Deutsche Fassung / 124 Minuten / Erstaufführungskopie Anzeichen von Ironie, aber um so mehr genreüblichen Här- ten. (Quelle: Film-Dienst)

Als besonderes Schmankerl präsentiert die Schauburg in Karlsruhe am Vorabend des Todd- AO-Festivals als europäische Erstaufführung ein nagelneues DCP des allerersten Todd-AO-Films „OKLAHOMA“. Das DCP verfügt über eine Bildauflösung von 4K mit einer Bildfrequenz von 30 Bildern pro Sekunde sowie unkomprimiertem Dolby Surround 7.1 PCM-Sound.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 18 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Spirited Away Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Dir. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Animation Trickfilm/Fantasy 2001 125min. Germany(DreamWorks) 17.10.2014 Universum Film Home 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061170 Akira (Steelbook) Entertainment(Universum Kids) 10.10.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061260 Dragons - Die Wächter von Berk, Akira Vol. 3 Dir. Katsuhiro Ôtomo Chuggington 23 Bildergalerie, Booklet, Making of, Trailer, Teaser, TV-Spots Dragons: Riders Of Berk Trickfilm/Science Fiction 1988 119min. Chuggington Dir. Anthony Bell, John Sanford, John Eng, Universum Film Home Dir. Sarah Ball Louie del Carmen, Joe Sichta Entertainment(Universum ) Trickfilm 50min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 110min. 31.10.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061392 09.10.2014 Germany(DreamWorks) 17.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061115 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061169 Akira (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Akira Chuggington 24 Die Eiskönigin - Völlig unverfro- Dir. Katsuhiro Ôtomo Chuggington ren (Sing Along) Dir. Sarah Ball Bildergalerie, Booklet, Making of, Trailer, Teaser, TV-Spots Frozen Trickfilm/Science Fiction 1988 124min. Trickfilm 50min. Dir. Buck, Jennifer Lee Universum Film Home Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trickfilm/Fantasy 2013 99min. Entertainment(Universum Anime) 09.10.2014 The Company (Germany) 31.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061116 30.10.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061408 Die Croods / Turbo (2 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061197 Biene Maja - DVD 11 The Croods / Turbo Es war einmal... der Mensch (3 Mitsubachi Maya No Boken Dir. Christopher Sanders, Kirk De Micco, Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito David Soren Discs) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 82min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 min. Il Etait Une Fois ... L’Homme Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 40-seitiges Booklet Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1978 650min. 17.10.2014 Germany(DreamWorks) 02.10.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 14.11.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061250 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061541 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061604 Biene Maja - DVD 12 Devil Survivor 2 - Vol. 3 Familie Feuerstein - Die komplet- Mitsubachi Maya No Boken Devil Survivor 2: Tha Animation Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Dir. Seiji Kishi te erste Staffel (Collector’s Editi- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 70min. Booklet on, 5 DVDs) Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Trickfilm/Fantasy 75min. The Flintstones 17.10.2014 AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.09.2014 Dir. William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061251 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061620 Charles Nichols Featurette, Hintergrundinfos, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Ein Brief an Momo (Blu-ray) Devil Survivor 2 - Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1960-1966 710min. Momo E No Tegami Devil Survivor 2: Tha Animation Warner Home Video Germany 05.09.2014 Dir. Hiroyuki Okiura Dir. Seiji Kishi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061539 Trickfilm/Drama 2011 120min. Booklet Trickfilm/Fantasy 79min. Universum Film Home Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya - AV Visionen(Kazé) 26.09.2014 Entertainment(Universum Anime) Gesamtausgabe (3 Discs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061633 05.09.2014 Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061258 Doc McStuffins - Spielzeugärztin, Dir. Shin Oonuma Postkarten Caillou 33 - Gute Nacht mit Vol. 4: Docs mobile Praxis Trickfilm/Action min. Caillou Doc McStuffins AV Visionen(Nipponart) 26.09.2014 Kiara Muhammad, Lara Jill Miller, Robbie 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061616 Caillou Rist, Loretta Devine, Caitlin Carmichael, Dir. Jean Pilotte Jess Harnell Fate/Kaleid liner Prisma Illya - Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 71min. Trickfilm/Fantasy min. Universum Film Home Gesamtausgabe (3 Discs) (Blu- The Walt Disney Company Entertainment(Universum Kids) 17.10.2014 ray) (Germany)(Disney) 30.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061332 Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061198 Dir. Shin Oonuma Charlie und Lola - Meine allerer- Dora - Magisches Übernachtungs- Postkarten ste zweite Sammelbox (3 Discs) Trickfilm/Action min. abenteuer AV Visionen(Nipponart) 26.09.2014 Charlie And Lola Dora The Explorer 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061632 Dir. Kitty Taylor Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005 198min. Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Feuerwehrmann Sam - Box 4 (2 polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061638 Discs) Paramount Home Fireman Sam - The New Series Charlie und Lola - Sieben Entertainment() 02.10.2014 Dir. Jerry Hibbert 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061594 Charlie And Lola Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 100min. justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) Dir. Kitty Taylor Dragons - Die Reiter von Berk, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005 66min. 12.09.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 Vol. 1-4 (4 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061027 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061640 Dragons: Riders Of Berk Dir. Anthony Bell, John Sanford, John Eng, Free Birds - Esst uns an einem Chihiros Reise ins Zauberland Louie del Carmen, Joe Sichta anderen Tag (Blu-ray) Featurettes, Musikvideo Free Birds

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Dir. Jimmy Hayward Lego: Legends Of Chima Ninja Scroll / Sword of the Stran- Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 88min. Dir. Peder Pedersen ger (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Senator Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Musikvideos, Outtakes Jûbê Ninpûchô / Sutorenjia: Mukô Hadan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061243 Trickfilm 88min. Universum Film Home Dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Kevin Seymour, Free Birds - Esst uns an einem Entertainment(Universum Kids) 10.10.2014 Masahiro Andô 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061242 Trickfilm/Action 1993-2007 195min. anderen Tag (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- polyband Medien GmbH(I-On New Media) ray) The Little Cars 1 & 2 (2 Discs) 26.09.2014 Free Birds Os Carrinhos 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061076 Dir. Jimmy Hayward Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2008 80min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 92min. justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Nix wie weg - vom Planeten Erde Senator Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 12.09.2014 Escape From Planet Earth 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061259 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061026 Dir. Callan Brunker Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 86min. Free Birds - Esst uns an einem Micky Maus Wunderhaus - Min- Splendid Film 31.10.2014 anderen Tag (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- nie-Rella 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061355 ray) Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Nix wie weg - vom Planeten Erde Free Birds Dir. Sherie Pollack, Broni Likomanov, Rob Dir. Jimmy Hayward LaDuca, Donovan Cook, Howy Parkins, (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 92min. Victor A. Cook Escape From Planet Earth Senator Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Trickfilm min. Dir. Callan Brunker 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061379 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 89min. 30.10.2014 Splendid Film 31.10.2014 Geronimo Stilton - Die große 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061199 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061372 Box, Teil 2 (2 Discs) Nix wie weg - vom Planeten Erde Geronimo Stilton Mickys Weihnachts-Collection Dir. Guy Vasilovich Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. (Blu-ray) Trickfilm 2009-2010 299min. The Walt Disney Company Escape From Planet Earth polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 (Germany)(Disney) 30.10.2014 Dir. Callan Brunker 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061643 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061200 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2013 89min. Splendid Film 31.10.2014 Go, Diego! Go! - Unterwasser-Rät- Monster High - Fatale Fusion 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061371 sel Monster High: Freaky Fusion Dir. William Lau, Sylvain Blais Die Olsenbande auf hoher See Go, Diego! Go! Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 70min. Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen (Limited 2-Disc-Fan-Edition, + Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Info/Lehr Featurettes DVD) (Blu-ray) 16.10.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 92min. Olsen Banden På Dybt Vand 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061117 Paramount Home Dir. Jørgen Lerdam Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 04.09.2014 Booklet, Storyboard-Sequenz, Musikvideo, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061501 Monster High - Fatale Fusion Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 80min. (Blu-ray) capelight pictures 26.09.2014 Kleine Prinzessin - Königliche Monster High: Freaky Fusion 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061410 Tierwelt Dir. William Lau, Sylvain Blais Little Princess Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 73min. - Die TV Serie - Box Dir. Edward Foster Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Vol. 7 (6 Discs) Trickfilm 60min. 16.10.2014 Wan Pîsu: One Piece justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061141 Dir. Kônosuke Uda 10.10.2014 Booklet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061607 My Little Pony - Freundschaft ist Trickfilm/Action 825min. Magie, Folge 17 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.08.2014 Die Legende von Korra, Buch 2: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061105 Dir. Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton Geister, Volume 2 One Piece Z - 11. Film (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Audiokommentar, Featurettes Edel:Kids 26.09.2014 One Piece Film Z Trickfilm/Action 159min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061421 Dir. Tatsuya Nagamine Paramount Home Poster, Booklet Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2012 108min. Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 04.09.2014 My Little Pony - Freundschaft ist AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061504 Magie, Folge 18 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061339 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Lego Star Wars: Die Padawan Dir. Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton Otto ist ein Nashorn (Blu-ray 3D) Bedrohung / Das Imperium Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. (Blu-ray) Edel:Kids 26.09.2014 schlägt ins Aus / Die Yoda Chroni- Otto Er Et Næsehorn 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061422 ken (3 Discs) Dir. Kennetz Kainz Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace / Ninja Scroll / Sword of the Stran- Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 73min. The Empire Strikes Out / The Yoda Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Chronicles ger (2 Discs) 30.10.2014 Dir. Guy Vasilovich, Michael Hegner Jûbê Ninpûchô / Sutorenjia: Mukô Hadan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061143 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2011-2013 min. Dir. Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Kevin Seymour, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Masahiro Andô Pettersson und Findus - Jubilä- Germany 02.10.2014 Trickfilm/Action 1993-2007 195min. ums-Edition Folgen 1-3 (3 Discs) polyband Medien GmbH(I-On New Media) tba BestellNr.: 20061547 Pettson Och Findus 26.09.2014 Dir. Albert Hanan Kaminski 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061051 Lego: Legends of Chima - DVD 7 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000-2006 150min.

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Edel:Kids 19.09.2014 komplette achte Season (4 Discs) Tom und Jerry - The Ultimate 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061418 Spongebob Squarepants Classic Collection (12 DVDs) Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 613min. Die Polarbärchen Tom And Jerry - The Classic Collection Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1074min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 73min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061601 Warner Home Video Germany 05.09.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.10.2014 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061544 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061424 SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die Queen’s Blade - Gesamtausgabe komplette siebte Season (4 Discs) Die wilden Kerle - Starter-Box (3 Spongebob Squarepants Staffel 1 und 2 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Discs) Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 603min. Dir. Mike Maurus Kuînzu Bureido: Rurô No Senshi Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 150min. Dir. Kinji Yoshimoto 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061600 Postkarten Edel:Kids 19.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061420 Action/Trickfilm 2009 676min. Star Wars Rebels - Der Funke ei- AV Visionen(Nipponart) 29.08.2014 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061631 ner Rebellion Die Wilden Kerle 10 - Geheimnis- Star Wars Rebels: Spark Of Rebellion volle Aufgaben Queen’s Blade - Gesamtausgabe Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2014 50min. Dir. Mike Maurus Staffel 1 und 2 (5 Discs) The Walt Disney Company Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 60min. (Germany)(Lucasfilm) 20.11.2014 Kuînzu Bureido: Rurô No Senshi Edel:Kids 05.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061602 Dir. Kinji Yoshimoto 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061000 Postkarten Action/Trickfilm 2009 650min. Tinkerbell - Alle 5 Tinkerbell Die Wilden Kerle 9 - Wilde Her- AV Visionen(Nipponart) 29.08.2014 Abenteuer (Geschenkbox, 5 ausforderungen 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061613 Discs) Dir. Mike Maurus Trickfilm/Fantasy min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 60min. Rio / Epic (2 Discs) The Walt Disney Company Edel:Kids 05.09.2014 Rio / Epic (Germany)(Disney) 16.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20060999 Dir. Carlos Saldanha, Chris Wedge 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061203 Trickfilm/Komödie 2011-2013 min. Winnie Puuh - Die vielen Aben- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Tinkerbell / Tinkerbell - Die Su- teuer von Winnie Puuh (Limited Germany 02.10.2014 che nach dem verlorenen Schatz 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061565 Edition) / Die großen Feenspiele (3 Discs) The Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh Sarah & Duck - Folge 01-10 Tinkerbell / Tinkerbell And The Dir. Wolfgang Reitherman, John Lounsbery Sarah & Duck Treasure / Die GroßEn Feenspiele Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1966-1974 71min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 70min. Dir. Bradley Raymond, Klay Hall The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Studio Hamburg Enterprises 29.08.2014 Trickfilm/Fantasy 2008-2014 min. 11.09.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061679 The Walt Disney Company 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061193 (Germany)(Disney) 16.10.2014 Sarah & Duck - Folge 11-20 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061202 Winnie Puuh (Limited Edition) Sarah & Duck Winnie The Pooh Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 70min. TinkerBell und die Piratenfee Dir. Stephen J. Anderson, Don Hall Studio Hamburg Enterprises 29.08.2014 The Pirate Fairy Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2011 66min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061680 Dir. Peggy Holmes The Walt Disney Company Trickfilm/Fantasy 2014 75min. (Germany)(Disney) 11.09.2014 Sarah & Duck - Folge 21-30 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061195 Sarah & Duck 16.10.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 70min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061113 Winnie Puuh auf großer Reise Studio Hamburg Enterprises 05.09.2014 (Limited Edition) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061681 TinkerBell und die Piratenfee Winnie The Pooh’s Grand Adventure - The (Blu-ray) Search For Christopher Robin Sarah & Duck - Folge 31-40 The Pirate Fairy Dir. Karl Geurs Sarah & Duck Dir. Peggy Holmes Trickfilm 1997 73min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 70min. Trickfilm/Fantasy 2014 78min. The Walt Disney Company Studio Hamburg Enterprises 05.09.2014 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) (Germany)(Disney) 11.09.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061682 16.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061194 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061139 Sesamstraße Classics - Die 90er The - Staffel 1, Box 2 Jahre (2 Discs) Tom & Jerry und der verlorene (2 Discs) Drache The Winx Club - The Winx Club Booklet Tom And Jerry - The Lost Dragon Trickfilm/Fantasy 2004-2008 180min. Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 200min. Bonus-Cartoons justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Studio Hamburg Enterprises 02.10.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 56min. 08.08.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061570 Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061045 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061269 South Park: Die komplette sieb- Wir lernen die Farben zehnte Season (2 Discs) Tom & Jerry und der verlorene Let’s Learn: Colors South Park Drache (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 94min. Dir. Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Eric Stough Tom And Jerry - The Lost Dragon Paramount Home Trickfilm/Satire 214min. Bonus-Cartoons Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 04.09.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 23.09.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 56min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061510 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061505 Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061277 Yakari - Der Schatten des Riesen SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die Yakari

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Dir. Xavier Giacometti 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061009 Descendants - Familie und andere Ange- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. legenheiten / Ganz oder gar nicht / Genug Edel:Kids 12.09.2014 1240 - Schlacht an der Neva (Blu- gesagt / Grand Budapest Hotel / Hitchcock 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061001 ray) / Juno / Der letzte König von Schottland - Aleksandr. Nevskaya Bitva In den Fängen der Macht / Little Miss Yakari - Der Wächter des Felsens Anton Pampushny, Swetlana Bakulina, Igor Sunshine / Never Die Alone / Sideways / Yakari Botvin, Dimitri Bykowski, Julia Galkina, Trance - Gefährliche Erinnerung / The Dir. Xavier Giacometti Bogdan Stupka - Dir. Igor Kalyonov Wrestler Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2008 122min. George Clooney, , Beau Edel:Kids 12.09.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 05.09.2014 Bridges, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061002 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061032 Scarlett Johansson, , Thomas Haden Church, Virginia Madsen, Robert Yakari - Starter-Box (3 Discs) Der 13te Krieger / Der Adler der Carlyle, Tom Wilkinson, Mark Addy - Dir. Yakari Neunten Legion (2 Discs) Alexander Payne, Sacha Gervasi, Peter Dir. Xavier Giacometti Cattaneo The 13th Warrior / The Eagle Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 120min. Drama 1997-2013 min. Antonio Banderas, , Dennis Edel:Kids 19.09.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Storhøi, Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell, Donald 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061419 Germany 02.10.2014 Sutherland - Dir. John McTiernan, Kevin 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061553 Zoés Zauberschrank 04 Macdonald Alternatives Ende, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Chloe’s Closet Making of, Featurette 3 Days to Kill Dir. Gary Hurst Action 1999-2010 210min. 3 Days To Kill Trickfilm 55min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Kevin Costner, Amber Heard, Hailee Stein- Universal Music Family Home Edition) 02.10.2014 feld, Connie Nielsen, Tómas Lemarquis, Entertainment(Karussell) 05.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061460 Richard Sammel, Marc Andréoni, Bruno 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061325 Ricci, Jonas Bloquet, Eriq Ebouaney - Dir. Der 13te Krieger / Der Adler der McG Zoés Zauberschrank 05 Neunten Legion (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Action/Thriller 2014 112min. Chloe’s Closet Discs) (Blu-ray) Universum Film Home Entertainment Dir. Gary Hurst 31.10.2014 The 13th Warrior / The Eagle Trickfilm 55min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061333 Antonio Banderas, Diane Venora, Dennis Universal Music Family Storhøi, Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell, Donald Entertainment(Karussell) 05.09.2014 3 Days to Kill (Blu-ray) Sutherland - Dir. John McTiernan, Kevin 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061326 3 Days To Kill Macdonald Alternatives Ende, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Kevin Costner, Amber Heard, Hailee Stein- Zoés Zauberschrank 06 Making of, Featurette feld, Connie Nielsen, Tómas Lemarquis, Chloe’s Closet Action 1999-2010 216min. Richard Sammel, Marc Andréoni, Bruno Dir. Gary Hurst Concorde Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Ricci, Jonas Bloquet, Eriq Ebouaney - Dir. Trickfilm 55min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061488 McG Universal Music Family Action/Thriller 2014 116min. Entertainment(Karussell) 05.09.2014 20 Jahre Fox Searchlight Universum Film Home Entertainment 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061327 Pictures: Jubiläums-Collection 31.10.2014 (21 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061340 (500) Days of Summer / 127 Hours / Alles, 4 in War Classic Collection (2 was wir geben mussten / Another Earth / Film Best Exotic Marigold Hotel / Black Swan / Discs) (FSK 18) Crazy Heart / Darjeeling Limited / The Last Warrior - Tod in der Dämmerung / The Lost Idol / The No Mercy Man / The [Rec] / The Day of the Dead / Descendants - Familie und andere Ange- legenheiten / Ganz oder gar nicht / Genug Odd Angry Shot Running Scared (3 Discs) (Blu- gesagt / Grand Budapest Hotel / Hitchcock Kriegsfilm 361min. ray) (k.J.) / Juno / Der letzte König von Schottland - Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 12.09.2014 [Rec] / The Day Of The Dead / Running In den Fängen der Macht / Little Miss 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061014 Scared Sunshine / Never Die Alone / Sideways / Trailer, Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Trance - Gefährliche Erinnerung / The 6 Schwedinnen im Pensionat Horror/Action 286min. Wrestler (Blu-ray) (FSK 18) 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.10.2014 George Clooney, Shailene Woodley, Beau Diane Kelly, Brigitte Lahaie, Nadine Pascal - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061652 Bridges, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Dir. Jack Regis, Michael Thomas Scarlett Johansson, Paul Giamatti, Thomas Featurette, DVD-ROM-Teil [Rec] / The Day of the Dead / Haden Church, Virginia Madsen, Robert Erotik 1979 91min. Running Scared (Blu-ray 3D, 3 Carlyle, Tom Wilkinson, Mark Addy - Dir. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.09.2014 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Alexander Payne, Sacha Gervasi, Peter 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061363 Cattaneo [Rec] / The Day Of The Dead / Running 6 Schwedinnen im Pensionat Scared Drama 1997-2013 min. Trailer, Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (FSK 18) Horror/Action 286min. Germany 02.10.2014 Diane Kelly, Brigitte Lahaie, Nadine Pascal - 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.10.2014 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061528 Dir. Jack Regis, Michael Thomas tba BestellNr.: 20061653 Featurette, DVD-ROM-Teil 20 Jahre Fox Searchlight Erotik 1979 88min. 1240 - Schlacht an der Neva Pictures: Jubiläums-Collection Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.09.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061344 Aleksandr. Nevskaya Bitva (21 Discs) (Blu-ray) Anton Pampushny, Swetlana Bakulina, Igor (500) Days of Summer / 127 Hours / Alles, Botvin, Dimitri Bykowski, Julia Galkina, Abenteuer in Rio was wir geben mussten / Another Earth / Bogdan Stupka - Dir. Igor Kalyonov L’ Homme De Rio Best Exotic Marigold Hotel / Black Swan / Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2008 117min. Jean-Paul Belmondo, Françoise Dorléac, Crazy Heart / Darjeeling Limited / The Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 05.09.2014 Jean Servais, Adolfo Celi, Milton Ribeiro,

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Ubiraci de Oliveira, Simone Renant - Dir. Komödie 120min. Philippe de Broca Studio Hamburg Enterprises 31.10.2014 Amy - Sie öffnet das Tor zur Hölle Action 1963 116min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061590 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Amy AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.11.2014 Alles muss raus - Eine Familie Jessica DiGiovanni, Kurt Mason Peterson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061257 rechnet ab Christopher Atkins, David Blount, David R. Die Abrechnung Clayton, Jane Doherty, Victoria Doll, Abenteuer in Rio (Blu-ray) Robert Atzorn, Lisa Martinek, Josefine Clayton Myers, Kris Smith - Dir. Ravindra L’ Homme De Rio Preuß, Florian Lukas, Benjamin Sadler, Ar- Prasad Patnaik Jean-Paul Belmondo, Françoise Dorléac, min Rohde - Dir. Dror Zahavi Trailer Jean Servais, Adolfo Celi, Milton Ribeiro, Drama 180min. Horror 2013 94min. Ubiraci de Oliveira, Simone Renant - Dir. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith Philippe de Broca 17.10.2014 Pictures) 14.10.2014 Action 1963 120min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061571 tba BestellNr.: 20061233 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.11.2014 Alpha House (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Amy - Sie öffnet das Tor zur Hölle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061263 Alpha House (k.J.) Chris O’Brien, Julien Bensimhon, Heather Amy Absentia (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Paige Cohn, D.C. Douglas, Jean Louise Jessica DiGiovanni, Kurt Mason Peterson, Absentia O’Sullivan, Sam Aotaki - Dir. Jacob Cooney Christopher Atkins, David Blount, David R. Katie Parker, Courtney Bell, Dave Levine, Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Clayton, Jane Doherty, Victoria Doll, Morgan Brown, Justin Gordon, James Komödie 2014 89min. Clayton Myers, Kris Smith - Dir. Ravindra Flanagan, Scott Graham, Doug Jones, Ian Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.10.2014 Prasad Patnaik Gregory - Dir. Mike Flanagan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061275 Trailer Trailer Horror 2013 90min. Horror/Mystery 2011 91min. Alpha House (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Alpha House Pictures) 14.10.2014 01.08.2014 Chris O’Brien, Julien Bensimhon, Heather tba BestellNr.: 20061212 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061075 Paige Cohn, D.C. Douglas, Jean Louise O’Sullivan, Sam Aotaki - Dir. Jacob Cooney An jedem verdammten Sonntag Absentia (k.J.) Outtakes, Making of, Trailer (15th Anniversary Edition) (Blu- Absentia Komödie 2014 85min. Katie Parker, Courtney Bell, Dave Levine, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.10.2014 ray) Morgan Brown, Justin Gordon, James 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061266 Any Given Sunday Flanagan, Scott Graham, Doug Jones, Ian , Diaz, Dennis Quaid, Gregory - Dir. Mike Flanagan American Warships 2 James Woods, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J, Trailer Bermuda Tentacles Matthew Modine, Jim Brown, Charlton Horror/Mystery 2011 87min. Trevor Donovan, Jamie Kennedy, Linda Heston, Ann-Margret, Aaron Eckhart - Dir. Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Hamilton - Dir. Nick Lyon Oliver Stone 01.08.2014 Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Drama 1999 157min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061050 Action/Horror 2014 85min. Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovies) 26.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061272 Agenten sterben zweimal 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061268 The Jigsaw Man Angélique - Eine große Liebe in Sir Michael Caine, Sir , American Warships 2 (Blu-ray 3D) Gefahr Susan George, Robert Powell, Charles (Blu-ray) Angélique, Marquise Des Anges Gray, Michael Medwin - Dir. Terence Young Bermuda Tentacles Nora Arnezeder, Gérard Lanvin, Tomer Thriller 1983 90min. Trevor Donovan, Jamie Kennedy, Linda Sisley, David Kross, Simon Abkarian, Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Hamilton - Dir. Nick Lyon Matthieu Boujenah, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Productions) 22.08.2014 Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Julian Weigend, Rainer Frieb, Florence 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061330 Action/Horror 2014 89min. Coste, Michel Carliez, Mathieu Kassovitz - Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 Dir. Ariel Zeitoun Alien Anthology (4 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061278 Interviews, Trailer Alien / Aliens / Alien 3 / Alien: Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 108min. Resurrection American Warships 2 (Blu-ray) Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Science Fiction/Horror 1979-1997 min. Bermuda Tentacles 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061430 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trevor Donovan, Jamie Kennedy, Linda Germany 02.10.2014 Hamilton - Dir. Nick Lyon Angélique - Eine große Liebe in 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061529 Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Gefahr (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Action/Horror 2014 89min. Angélique, Marquise Des Anges Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 Alien Anthology (4 Discs) (Blu- Nora Arnezeder, Gérard Lanvin, Tomer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061276 ray) Sisley, David Kross, Simon Abkarian, Alien / Aliens / Alien 3 / Alien: Amy - Sie öffnet das Tor zur Hölle Matthieu Boujenah, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Resurrection Julian Weigend, Rainer Frieb, Florence Science Fiction/Horror 1979-1997 min. (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Coste, Michel Carliez, Mathieu Kassovitz - Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Amy Dir. Ariel Zeitoun Germany 02.10.2014 Jessica DiGiovanni, Kurt Mason Peterson, Interviews, Trailer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061554 Christopher Atkins, David Blount, David R. Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 113min. Clayton, Jane Doherty, Victoria Doll, Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Alle Jahre wieder - Die Clayton Myers, Kris Smith - Dir. Ravindra 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061470 Weihnachtsserie Prasad Patnaik Trailer Angélique - Eine große Liebe in Frank Voß, Tina Eschmann, Carl Heinz Horror 2013 94min. Gefahr (Blu-ray) Choynski, Gerda Böken, Patrick Mölleken, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Zenith Angélique, Marquise Des Anges Olga von Luckwald, Martin Baden - Dir. Pictures) 14.10.2014 Nora Arnezeder, Gérard Lanvin, Tomer Matthias Schmidt tba BestellNr.: 20061234 Outtakes, Teaser Sisley, David Kross, Simon Abkarian,

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Matthieu Boujenah, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061022 09.10.2014 Julian Weigend, Rainer Frieb, Florence 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061261 Coste, Michel Carliez, Mathieu Kassovitz - Asteroid vs Earth (Blu-ray 3D) Dir. Ariel Zeitoun (Blu-ray) Bates Motel - Season 2 (3 Discs) Interviews, Trailer Asteroid Vs Earth Bates Motel Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 113min. Tia Carrere, Robert Davi, Jason Brooks, Horror/Thriller 409min. Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Darin Cooper, Craig Blair, Robert R. Shafer, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061469 Gerald Webb, Tim Russ, Malik McCall - Dir. 09.10.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061254 Anomaly - Jede Minute zählt Christopher Ray Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm The Anomaly Action/Drama 2014 91min. Battle Disaster Box , Alexis Knapp, Noel Clarke, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.09.2014 Battle of Los Angeles / Battle / Luke Hemsworth, Brian Cox, Niall Fulton, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061042 Doomsday Michael Bisping, Ali Cook, Art Parkinson - Action/Science Fiction 253min. Dir. Noel Clarke Asteroid vs Earth (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.10.2014 Science Fiction/Action 2014 97min. Asteroid Vs Earth 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061461 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tia Carrere, Robert Davi, Jason Brooks, 30.10.2014 Darin Cooper, Craig Blair, Robert R. Shafer, The Bell Witch Haunting (Blu-ray 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061118 Gerald Webb, Tim Russ, Malik McCall - Dir. 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Christopher Ray Anomaly - Jede Minute zählt The Bell Witch Haunting Making of, Outtakes, Trailer, Bonusfilm Catherine Alter, Drew Cash, Andrew Action/Drama 2014 91min. (Blu-ray) Hellenthal, Desi Ivanova, Benjamin James, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.09.2014 The Anomaly Jason Kakebeen, Danielle Lozeau, James 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061041 Ian Somerhalder, Alexis Knapp, Noel Clarke, Simenc, Natalie Burtney, Julia Cearley, M. Luke Hemsworth, Brian Cox, Niall Fulton, Auch die Kleinen wollen nach Steven Felty - Dir. Glenn Miller Michael Bisping, Ali Cook, Art Parkinson - Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Dir. Noel Clarke oben Horror 2013 91min. Science Fiction/Action 2014 101min. The Mouse On The Moon Great Movies GmbH 09.10.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) , Ron Moody, Bernard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061376 30.10.2014 Cribbins, David Kossoff, Terry-Thomas - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061142 Dir. The Bell Witch Haunting (Blu-ray) Booklet (k.J.) Komödie 1963 82min. Antboy - Der Biss der Ameise The Bell Witch Haunting Pidax film media(Pidax film) 19.09.2014 Antboy Catherine Alter, Drew Cash, Andrew 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061066 Oscar Dietz, Nicolas Bro, Samuel Ting Hellenthal, Desi Ivanova, Benjamin James, Graf, Amalie Kruse Jensen, Cecilie Alstrup Auf der Flucht - Die komplette Jason Kakebeen, Danielle Lozeau, James Tarp, Lærke Winther, Frank Thiel, Elsebeth Simenc, Natalie Burtney, Julia Cearley, M. Steentoft, Thomas Voss, Aske Bang - Dir. Serie (32 Discs) Steven Felty - Dir. Glenn Miller Ask Hasselbalch The Fugitive Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Trailer David Janssen, William Conrad, Barry Mor- Horror 2013 91min. Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 77min. se, Bill Raisch, Hank Simms - Dir. Lewis Great Movies GmbH 09.10.2014 MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 04.11.2014 Allen, László Benedek, Robert Butler, Jerry 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061375 tba BestellNr.: 20061665 Hopper Kriminalfilm 1963-1967 5925min. The Bell Witch Haunting (k.J.) Antboy - Der Biss der Ameise Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 The Bell Witch Haunting (Blu-ray) 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061592 Catherine Alter, Drew Cash, Andrew Antboy Hellenthal, Desi Ivanova, Benjamin James, Oscar Dietz, Nicolas Bro, Samuel Ting Bad Words Jason Kakebeen, Danielle Lozeau, James Graf, Amalie Kruse Jensen, Cecilie Alstrup Bad Words Simenc, Natalie Burtney, Julia Cearley, M. Tarp, Lærke Winther, Frank Thiel, Elsebeth Jason Bateman, Kathryn Hahn, Amanda Steven Felty - Dir. Glenn Miller Steentoft, Thomas Voss, Aske Bang - Dir. Anka, Rohan Chand, Philip Baker Hall, Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Ask Hasselbalch , Ben Falcone, Steve Witting Horror 2013 87min. Trailer - Dir. Jason Bateman Great Movies GmbH 09.10.2014 Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 80min. Komödie 2013 89min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061358 MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 04.11.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) tba BestellNr.: 20061692 09.10.2014 Beneath - Abstieg in die Finster- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061114 nis Aschenbrödel und der gestiefelte Beneath Kater Bad Words (Blu-ray) Jeff Fahey, Kelly Noonan, Joey Kern, Brent Ezra Finzi, Samuel Finzi, Marie-Lou Sellem, Bad Words Briscoe, Rene Rivera, Rene Rivera, Mark L. Maxim Mehmet, Claudia Graue, Carsta Zim- Jason Bateman, Kathryn Hahn, Amanda Young, Kurt Caceres - Dir. Ben Ketai mermann - Dir. Torsten Künstler Anka, Rohan Chand, Philip Baker Hall, Featurettes, Trailer Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 2013 58min. Allison Janney, Ben Falcone, Steve Witting Horror/Thriller 2013 87min. Universum Film Home - Dir. Jason Bateman Meteor Film 24.10.2014 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 03.10.2014 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061161 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061252 Komödie 2013 91min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Beneath - Abstieg in die Finster- Asteroid vs Earth 09.10.2014 nis (Blu-ray) Asteroid Vs Earth 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061140 Beneath Tia Carrere, Robert Davi, Jason Brooks, Jeff Fahey, Kelly Noonan, Joey Kern, Brent Darin Cooper, Craig Blair, Robert R. Shafer, Bates Motel - Season 2 (2 Discs) Briscoe, Rene Rivera, Rene Rivera, Mark L. Gerald Webb, Tim Russ, Malik McCall - Dir. (Blu-ray) Young, Kurt Caceres - Dir. Ben Ketai Christopher Ray Bates Motel Featurettes, Trailer Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Horror/Thriller 426min. Horror/Thriller 2013 90min. Action/Drama 2014 87min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Meteor Film 24.10.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061176

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26.09.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061516 Bergerac - Jim Bergerac ermit- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061575 telt: Die komplette Serie 1 - 8 (24 Blood Lake - Killerfische greifen Discs) Black Robe - Am Fluß der Iroke- an (k.J.) Bergerac sen (2 Discs) Blood Lake: Attack Of The Killer Lampreys John Nettles, Terence Alexander, Sean Black Robe Shannen Doherty, Christopher Lloyd, Jason Arnold, Mela White, David Kershaw, Nancy , Aden Young, Sandrine Brooks, Zack Ward, Ciara Hanna, Yar Mansfield, John Telfer, Louise Jameson - Holt, August Schellenberg, Tantoo Cardinal, Koosha, Fred Stoller, Rachel True, Jeremy Dir. Robert Tronson Frank Wilson - Dir. Bruce Beresford Wade - Dir. James Cullen Bressack Kriminalfilm 1981-1991 3480min. Trailer, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar, Original Deutsche Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Kinofassung, Bonusdisc: AM FLUSS DER MOHAWK (Digital Horror/Abenteuer 2014 87min. justbridge entertainment media(BBC) remastert) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 10.10.2014 Abenteuer/Drama 1991 101min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061493 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061612 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 18.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061309 Between Us Bloody Homecoming (Blu-ray) Between Us Die Blechtrommel (Reclam Editi- (k.J.) Taye Diggs, Melissa George, David on) Bloody Homecoming Jim Tavaré, Rae Latt, Lexi Giovagnoli, Alex Harbour, Julia Stiles, Mara New, Julia Cho, David Bennent, Angela Winkler, Mario Dobrenko, Randi Lamey, Branden Lee Roth, Claudio Dabed, Michael Doneger - Dir. Dan Adorf, Daniel Olbrychski, Katharina Taryn Cervarich, Elizabeth Bigger, Shaleen Mirvish Thalbach, Heinz Bennent, Andréa Ferréol, Cholera - Dir. Brian C. Weed Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Mariella Oliveri, Charles Aznavour, Tina Trailer Horror 2012 84min. Engel (Anna Koljaiczek), Berta Drews Drama/Komödie 2012 86min. MIG Film 05.11.2014 (Anna Koljaiczek), Roland Teubner, Bubblegum Movie AG 10.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061406 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061162 Tadeusz Kunikowski, Ilse Pagé, Werner Rehm, Käthe Jaenicke, Helmut Brasch, Otto Bloody Homecoming (k.J.) Sander, Wigand Wittig, Fritz Hakl, Emil Feist Between Us (Blu-ray) Bloody Homecoming (Clown #1), Herbert Behrendt (Clown #2), Between Us Jim Tavaré, Rae Latt, Lexi Giovagnoli, Alex Karl Heinz Tittelbach, Marek Walczewski, Taye Diggs, Melissa George, David Dobrenko, Randi Lamey, Branden Lee Roth, Ernst Jacobi, Wojciech Pszoniak, Gerda Harbour, Julia Stiles, Mara New, Julia Cho, Taryn Cervarich, Elizabeth Bigger, Shaleen Blisse, Joachim Hackethal, Henning Claudio Dabed, Michael Doneger - Dir. Dan Cholera - Dir. Brian C. Weed Schlüter, Zygmunt Hübner, Mieczyslaw Mirvish Horror 2012 81min. Czechowicz, Bruno Thost, Alexander von Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, MIG Film 05.11.2014 Trailer Richthofen, Lech Grzmocinski, Stanislaw 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061390 Drama/Komödie 2012 90min. Michalski (Gendarm #1), J. Kapinski (Gen- Bubblegum Movie AG 10.10.2014 darm #2), Dietrich Frauboes, Beata Pozniak Bone - Allein zu Haus 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061177 - Dir. Volker Schlöndorff Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Biografie, Trailer Alone For Christmas Bitten - Die komplette erste Staf- Drama 1979 136min. Davis Cleveland, Kevin Sorbo, David fel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment DeLuise, Kim Little, Natalie Jane, Jeremy Mascia, Justin Hoffmeister, John Kenward Bitten Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061084 - Dir. Joseph J. Lawson Laura Vandervoort, Greyston Holt, Greg Outtakes, Making of, Trailer Bryk, Paul Greene, Steve Lund, Michael Blood Dolls - Die Killerpuppen Komödie/Familie 2013 87min. Xavier, Genelle Williams, Natalie Brown, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Michael Luckett, Fiona Highet, Curtis (k.J.) 08.10.2014 Caravaggio, Paulino Nunes - Dir. James Blood Dolls tba BestellNr.: 20061511 Dunnison, Paul Fox, Andy Mikita, Brad Tur- Jack Maturin, Debra Mayer, William Paul ner, John Fawcett, Grant Harvey, Kelly Burns, Warren Draper, Nicholas Worth, Bone - Allein zu Haus (Blu-ray) Makin, T.W. Peacocke, T.J. Scott Jodie Coady - Dir. Charles Band Alone For Christmas Fantasy/Mystery 2014 546min. Trailer, Outtakes, Making of, Bildergalerie Davis Cleveland, Kevin Sorbo, David Horror 1999 81min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 31.10.2014 DeLuise, Kim Little, Natalie Jane, Jeremy cmv-Laservision 26.09.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061603 Mascia, Justin Hoffmeister, John Kenward 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061685 - Dir. Joseph J. Lawson Bitten - Die komplette erste Staf- Outtakes, Making of, Trailer fel (4 Discs) Blood Lake - Killerfische greifen Komödie/Familie 2013 91min. Bitten an (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Laura Vandervoort, Greyston Holt, Greg Blood Lake: Attack Of The Killer Lampreys 08.10.2014 Bryk, Paul Greene, Steve Lund, Michael Shannen Doherty, Christopher Lloyd, Jason tba BestellNr.: 20061526 Xavier, Genelle Williams, Natalie Brown, Brooks, Zack Ward, Ciara Hanna, Yar Michael Luckett, Fiona Highet, Curtis Koosha, Fred Stoller, Rachel True, Jeremy Borgen - Gefährliche Seilschaf- Caravaggio, Paulino Nunes - Dir. James Wade - Dir. James Cullen Bressack ten, Die komplette Serie (11 Dunnison, Paul Fox, Andy Mikita, Brad Tur- Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm Horror/Abenteuer 2014 91min. Discs) ner, John Fawcett, Grant Harvey, Kelly Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 Borgen Makin, T.W. Peacocke, T.J. Scott 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061517 Sidse Babett Knudsen, Mikael Birkkjær, Fantasy/Mystery 2014 546min. Pilou Asbæk, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen Studio Hamburg Enterprises 31.10.2014 Blood Lake - Killerfische greifen (Katrine Fønsmark), Benedikte Hansen, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061584 an (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Lars Knutzon (Bent Sejrø), Peter Mygind - Dir. Mikkel Nørgaard, Louise Friedberg, Blood Lake: Attack Of The Killer Lampreys Roy Black - Kult-Klassiker (3 Jannik Johansen, Jesper W. Nielsen Shannen Doherty, Christopher Lloyd, Jason Discs) Drama 1751min. Brooks, Zack Ward, Ciara Hanna, Yar Immer Ärger mit den Paukern / Unser Dok- WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Koosha, Fred Stoller, Rachel True, Jeremy tor ist der Beste / Kinderarzt Dr. Fröhlich 26.09.2014 Wade - Dir. James Cullen Bressack Roy Black Outtakes, Making of, Trailer, Bonusfilm 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061053 Komödie 250min. Horror/Abenteuer 2014 91min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 Bottle Shock - Kalifornischer

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Wein, mit Liebe gemacht chael Bully Herbig, Günter Mitgutsch Cheers - Die komplette fünfte Bottle Shock Pannen vor Publikum, Backstage Komödie 2013 180min. Season (4 Discs) Rachael Taylor, Alan Rickman, Eliza Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 Cheers Dushku, , Chris Pine, Bill 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061265 , Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Pullman, Dennis Farina, Miguel Sandoval - Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, Dir. Randall Miller Bruce Campbell Collection (3 George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Komödie/Drama 2008 106min. Discs) Alley, Kelsey Grammer, , Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Army Of Darkness / Alien Apocalypse / 29.08.2014 Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Man With The Screaming Brain 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061610 Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Bruce Campbell, Embeth Davidtz, Marcus Richard Doyle, , Dan Gilbert, Renée O’Connor, Remington Frank- Bottle Shock - Kalifornischer Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy lin, Ted Raimi, Antoinette Byron - Dir. Sam Wein, mit Liebe gemacht (Blu- Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Raimi, Josh Becker, Bruce Campbell ray) Kinotrailer Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Bottle Shock Horror/Komödie 1992-1995 259min. Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Rachael Taylor, Alan Rickman, Eliza Koch Media 11.09.2014 Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 609min. Dushku, Freddy Rodriguez, Chris Pine, Bill 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061285 Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Pullman, Dennis Farina, Miguel Sandoval - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061593 Dir. Randall Miller Carrie / Carrie - Remake (2 Discs) Komödie/Drama 2008 110min. Carrie / Carrie Cheyenne Warrior Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Sissy Spacek, John Travolta, Piper Laurie, Cheyenne Warrior 29.08.2014 Chloe Grace Moretz, Judy Greer, Portia Kelly Preston, Bo Hopkins, Rick Dean, Clint 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061627 Doubleday - Dir. Brian De Palma, Kimberly Howard, Charles Powell, Daniel Lee Clark, Peirce Winterhawk, Joseph Wolves Kill, Dan Briefe an Julia / Liebe auf den Horror/Drama 1976-2013 min. Haggerty, Pato Hoffmann - Dir. Mark zweiten Blick (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Griffiths Western 1994 90min. Discs) Germany 02.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061537 MIG Film 18.09.2014 Letters To Juliet / Last Chance Harvey 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061312 Amanda Seyfried, Vanessa Redgrave, Gael Carrie / Carrie - Remake (2 Discs) García Bernal, Dustin Hoffman, Emma (Blu-ray) Agatha Christie - Poirot Thompson, Kathy Baker - Dir. Gary Winick, Collection 12 (5 Discs) Joel Hopkins Carrie / Carrie Making ofs, Audiokommentare, Featurette, Entfallene und Sissy Spacek, John Travolta, Piper Laurie, Agatha Christie: Poirot erweiterte Szenen Chloe Grace Moretz, Judy Greer, Portia David Suchet - Dir. Peter Barber-Fleming, Komödie 2008-2010 190min. Doubleday - Dir. Brian De Palma, Kimberly Renny Rye Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Peirce Featurette Kriminalfilm 1989-2013 450min. Home Edition) 02.10.2014 Horror/Drama 1976-2013 min. polyband Medien GmbH 26.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061456 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061068 Germany 02.10.2014 Briefe an Julia / Liebe auf den 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061556 zweiten Blick (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Chucky 2 - Ein verhexter Geburtstag Child’s Play 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Alex Vincent, Jenny Agutter, Gerrit Graham The Good Witch’s Destiny Letters To Juliet / Last Chance Harvey - Dir. John Lafia Catherine Bell, Chris Potter Amanda Seyfried, Vanessa Redgrave, Gael Horror/Thriller 1990 80min. Drama/Fantasy 2013 85min. García Bernal, Dustin Hoffman, Emma Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 Thompson, Kathy Baker - Dir. Gary Winick, 16.10.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061637 Joel Hopkins 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061129 Making ofs, Audiokommentare, Featurette, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen Cassie - Ein verhextes Video Chucky 3 (k.J.) Komödie 2008-2010 198min. The Good Witch’s Charme Child’s Play 3 Concorde Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Catherine Bell, Chris Potter - Dir. Craig Justin Whalin, Perrey Reeves, Jeremy 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061486 Pryce Sylvers, Travis Fine, Dean Jacobson, Brad Drama/Fantasy 2012 90min. Dourif, Peter Haskell, Dakin Matthews, Brot & Tulpen (Blu-ray) polyband Medien GmbH 26.09.2014 Andrew Robinson, Burke Byrnes - Dir. Jack Pane E Tulipani 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061055 Licia Maglietta, Bruno Ganz, Giuseppe Bender Battiston, Marina Massironi, Antonio Jackie Chan Box (3 Discs) Horror 1991 85min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Catania, Felice Andreasi, Tatiana Lepore - 1911 / Rob-B-Hood / Der Mythos 16.10.2014 Dir. Silvio Soldini Jackie Chan 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061130 Komödie 2000 116min. Action/Eastern 2005-2011 353min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Splendid Film 28.11.2014 Cinderella - Ein Liebesmärchen 10.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061064 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061634 in Rom Charlie Chan - Die große Charlie Cenerentola Buddies Weihnachts-Box Chan Box (5 Discs) Vanessa Hessler, Flavio Parenti, Ruth- Komödie/Familie min. Maria Kubitschek, Natalia Wörner, Hary Gefährliches Geld / Die Falle / Ein fast The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Prinz, Ilaria Spada, Frank Crudele, Carlotta perfektes Alibi / Die blutige Spur / Der 30.10.2014 Natoli, Urbano Barberini, Elisa Di Eusanio, chinesische Ring 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061196 Giulia Andò, Giuseppe Sanfelice di Warner Oland - Dir. Lewis Seiler Trailer, Bildergalerie Monteforte, Mariella Valentini, David Bully macht Buddy Kriminalfilm 1946-1947 360min. Brandon, Niccolò Senni, Massimo Poggio, Michael Bully Herbig, Rick Kavanian, Gisa AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, Daniele La Flake, Sandra Koltai, Ina Meling, Anja AG(Chandler Film) 28.11.2014 Leggia, Filippo Scarafia - Dir. Christian Karmanski, Matthias Kupfer, Daniel 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061160 Duguay Zillmann, Sasha, Elyas M’Barek - Dir. Mi- Drama/Lovestory 2011 114min.

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Studio Hamburg Enterprises 26.09.2014 Carlson, Julie Adams, Richard Denning, Donovan - Dir. Paul Landres, John Florea, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061347 Antonio Moreno - Dir. Jack Arnold Andrew Marton, Dick Moder, Otto Lang Horror 1954 79min. Drama/Abenteuer 1965-1968 1400min. Con Game - Kenne deine Feinde Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 Inumber Number 02.10.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061267 S’Dumo Mtshali, Presley Chweneyagae, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061156 Israel Makoe, Owen Sejake, Warren Dance Academy, Staffel 1-3 (13 Masemola, Hlubi Mboya, Percy Matsemela, The Creature from the Black Discs) Carlo Radebe, Brendon Daniels, Ronnie Lagoon (Blu-ray) Dance Academy Nyakale, Daniel Hadebe, Pallance Dladla - Creature From The Black Lagoon Xenia Goodwin, Alicia Banit, Dena Kaplan, Dir. Donovan Marsh Ben Chapman, Ricou Browning, Richard Tom Green, Jordan Rodrigues, Tim Pocock, Thriller 2013 103min. Carlson, Julie Adams, Richard Denning, Tara Morice, Robert Alexander, Josef Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Antonio Moreno - Dir. Jack Arnold Brown, Shayni Notelovitz, Stephen Multari, 04.11.2014 Horror 1954 79min. Matt Lee tba BestellNr.: 20061666 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Musikfilm 2010 1573min. 02.10.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Con Game - Kenne deine Feinde 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061155 16.10.2014 (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061120 Inumber Number Crusade - Die komplette Serie (5 S’Dumo Mtshali, Presley Chweneyagae, DVDs) Dancer in the Dark Israel Makoe, Owen Sejake, Warren - Crusade Dancer In The Dark Masemola, Hlubi Mboya, Percy Matsemela, Gary Cole, Tracy Scoggins, Daniel Dae Björk, Catherine Deneuve, Jean-Marc Barr, Carlo Radebe, Brendon Daniels, Ronnie Kim, David A. Brooks, Peter Woodward, Peter Stormare, David Morse, Stellan Nyakale, Daniel Hadebe, Pallance Dladla - Marjean Holden, Carrie Dobro Skarsgård, Udo Kier - Dir. Lars von Trier Dir. Donovan Marsh Audiokommentar, Hintergrundinfos, Making of Interviews, B-Roll Thriller 2013 107min. Science Fiction/Action 1999 551min. Drama/Musical 2000 134min. Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Warner Home Video Germany 05.09.2014 Koch Media 14.08.2014 04.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061538 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061289 tba BestellNr.: 20061693 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Dancer in the Dark (Blu-ray) Corpsing - Lady Frankenstein Season 13 (6 Discs) Dancer In The Dark Björk, Catherine Deneuve, Jean-Marc Barr, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Peter Stormare, David Morse, Stellan Corpsing , Ted Danson, , David Skarsgård, Udo Kier - Dir. Lars von Trier Joanna Lowe, Jeff Monahan, Jessie Berman, , Elisabeth Shue, Interviews, B-Roll Goodman, Carrie Shoberg, Bradley , Wallace Langham, Robert Drama/Musical 2000 140min. Walkowiak - Dir. Jeff Monahan David Hall - Dir. Alec Smight Koch Media 14.08.2014 Horror/Drama 2013 89min. Diverse 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061303 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.10.2014 Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012-2013 924min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061518 Universum Film Home Danni Lowinski - Die komplette Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 17.10.2014 Corpsing - Lady Frankenstein 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061622 Staffel 5 (3 Discs) Annette Frier, Jan Sosniok, Axel Siefer, (k.J.) CSI: NY - Season 9: The Final Nadja Becker, Oliver Fleischer, Orhan Corpsing Season (6 Discs) Müstak, René Steinke, Dirk Borchardt, Joanna Lowe, Jeff Monahan, Jessie Anjorka Strechel - Dir. Richard Huber, Uwe CSI: NY Goodman, Carrie Shoberg, Bradley Janson Walkowiak - Dir. Jeff Monahan Sela Ward, A.J. Buckley, Robert Joy, Hill Best of Horror/Drama 2013 85min. Harper, Gary Sinise, Eddie Cahill, Anna Drama/Komödie 2014 540min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.10.2014 Belknap, Carmine D. Giovinazzo, Rob Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061494 Morrow - Dir. Jeff T. Thomas Division(Spassgesellschaft) 12.09.2014 Diverse 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061621 Cowgirls and Angels / Cowgirls Kriminalfilm/Drama 2013 714min. Universum Film Home Das gibt Ärger / Knight and Day - and Angels 2 (2 Discs) Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 17.10.2014 Cowgirls N’ Angels / Dakota’s Summer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061623 Agentenpaar wider Willen (2 Bailee Madison, Jackson Rathbone, James Discs) Cromwell, Haley Ramm, Jade Pettyjohn, D.O.A. - Opfer der Unterwelt This Means War / Knight And Day Emily Bett Rickards - Dir. Timothy D.O.A. Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy, Armstrong Edmond O’Brien, Pamela Britton, Luther Tom Cruise, , Peter Drama/Familie 2012-2014 min. Adler, Beverly Garland, Lynn Baggett, Sarsgaard - Dir. McG, James Mangold Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment William Ching, Henry Hart, Neville Brand, Action/Komödie 2010-2011 min. Germany 02.10.2014 Laurette Luez, Jess Kirkpatrick, Cay Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061540 Forrester, Frank Jaquet - Dir. Rudolph Maté Germany 02.10.2014 Thriller 1950 83min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061531 Cracked - Die komplette Staffel 2 Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) (2 Discs) 03.10.2014 Dates - Die komplette erste Staf- Cracked 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061446 fel (2 Discs) Kriminalfilm 2013 360min. Dates polyband Medien GmbH 26.09.2014 Daktari - Die komplette dritte Oona Chaplin, Will Mellor, Ben Chaplin, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061062 Staffel (7 Discs) Gemma Chan, Sheridan Smith, Sian Daktari Breckin, Neil Maskell, Katie McGrath, The Creature from the Black Marshall Thompson, Cheryl Miller, Hari Andrew Scott, Amanda Hale, Esther Hall, Lagoon (Blu-ray 3D, Limited Editi- Rhodes, Hedley Mattingly, Yale Summers, April Pearson - Dir. John Maybury, Philippa on, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Erin Moran, Ross Hagen, Don Marshall, Langdale, Charles Sturridge, Sarah Walker, Creature From The Black Lagoon Joan Anderson, Jan Clayton, Robert DoQui, Paul Andrew Williams Ben Chapman, Ricou Browning, Richard George Mitchell, Davis Roberts, King Drama 2013 270min.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Studio Hamburg Enterprises 10.10.2014 Kyle Cassie, Benjamin Ayres, Dave Aditya Chopra 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061586 Collette, Viv Leacock, Willis Horst - Dir. Drama/Komödie 1995 189min. Nicholas Humphries Rapid Eye Movies HE 05.12.2014 DDR TV-Archiv: Kinder TV: Box 2 Thriller/Horror 2014 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061416 (2 Discs) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- Trailer dia) 28.10.2014 Discopath (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kinderfilm 1976-1987 220min. tba BestellNr.: 20061427 Discopathe Studio Hamburg Enterprises 17.10.2014 Jérémie Earp-Lavergne, Sandrine Bisson, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061587 Defiance - Season 2 (3 Discs) Ingrid Falaise, Christian Paul, Katherine (Blu-ray) Cleland, Mathieu Lepage, Pierre Lenoir, Louis de Funès Edition 1 (4 Discs) Defiance François Aubin, Ivan Freud - Dir. Renaud Scharfe Kurven für Madame / Oscar / On- Science Fiction 559min. Gauthier kel Paul, die große Pflaume / Alles tanzt Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Thriller/Horror 2013 81min. nach meiner Pfeife 16.10.2014 Mad Dimension GmbH 31.10.2014 Louis de Funès 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061146 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061262 Komödie 317min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Defiance - Season 2 (4 Discs) Discopath (k.J.) 02.10.2014 Defiance Discopathe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061614 Science Fiction 536min. Jérémie Earp-Lavergne, Sandrine Bisson, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ingrid Falaise, Christian Paul, Katherine Louis de Funès Edition 2 (3 Discs) 16.10.2014 Cleland, Mathieu Lepage, Pierre Lenoir, Karambolage / Fisch oder Fleisch / Wenn 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061122 François Aubin, Ivan Freud - Dir. Renaud Louis eine Reise tut Gauthier Louis de Funès Devil’s Due - Teufelsbrut Thriller/Horror 2013 78min. Komödie 257min. Devil’s Due Mad Dimension GmbH 31.10.2014 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Steffie Grote, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061255 02.10.2014 Robert Belushi, Catherine Kresge, Sam 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061615 Anderson, Griff Furst, Donna Duplantier - Dr. House - Die komplette Serie, Dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett Season 1-8 (46 Discs) Louis de Funès Edition 3 (3 Discs) Horror 2014 87min. House M.D. Der Gendarm von St. Tropez / Der Gen- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Hugh Laurie, Lisa Edelstein, Omar Epps, darm vom Broadway / Louis und seine Germany 17.10.2014 Robert Sean Leonard, Jennifer Morrison, verrückten Politessen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061168 Jesse Spencer Louis de Funès Drama 2004-2012 7449min. Komödie 289min. Devil’s Due - Teufelsbrut (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Devil’s Due 16.10.2014 02.10.2014 Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, Steffie Grote, 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061126 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061617 Robert Belushi, Catherine Kresge, Sam Anderson, Griff Furst, Donna Duplantier - Dr. Quinn - Ärztin aus Leiden- Louis de Funès Edition 4 (3 Discs) Dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett schaft: Die komplette Serie (44 Balduin, der Heiratsmuffel / Balduin, der Horror 2014 90min. DVDs) Schrecken von St. Tropez / Louis’ unheim- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman liche Begegnung mit den Außerirdischen Germany 17.10.2014 Jane Seymour, Joe Lando, Chad Allen, Louis de Funès 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061183 Komödie 270min. Jessica Bowman, Erika Flores, Shawn Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Dexter - The Complete Series Toovey, Orson Bean, Geoffrey Lower, Jim Knobeloch, Frank Collison, Helene Udy, 02.10.2014 (Büste, 35 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061618 Nick Ramus, Jennifer Youngs, Heidi Kozak, Dexter Georgann Johnson, Larry Sellers, William Louis de Funès Edition 5 (3 Discs) Michael C. Hall, , Christina Shockley, Andrea Bakkum, John Schneider, Robinson, , Lauren Der Sonntagsangler / Wir fahren nach Alley Mills, Alex Meneses, Haylie Johnson, Vélez, David Zayas, John Lithgow Deauville / Woll’n Sie nicht mein Mörder Jason Adams, Jonelle Allen, Barbara Diverse Babcock, Tantoo Cardinal, Charlotte sein? Kriminalfilm/Thriller 5091min. Chatton, Elinor Donahue, Brandon Douglas, Louis de Funès Paramount Home Entertainment 05.09.2014 Melissa Flores, Christopher Keene Kelly, Komödie 260min. 469,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061521 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Patrick Kilpatrick, Shawn Michael Perry, 02.10.2014 Dieses obskure Objekt der Be- Henry Sanders, Gail Strickland - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061619 Jeremy Kagan, Gwen Arner, Daniel Attias, gierde (Blu-ray) Reza Badiyi, Gabrielle Beaumont, Carl Bin- Death Do Us Part (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Cet Obscur Objet Du Désir der, Chuck Bowman, Roy Campanella II, Fernando Rey, Carole Bouquet, Ángela Death Do Us Part Steve Dubin, Jerry London, Terrence Molina, Julien Bertheau, André Weber, Julia Benson, Peter Benson, Aaron O’Hara, James Keach, Alan J. Levi, María Asquerino, David Rocha - Dir. Luis Douglas, Emilie Ullerup, Christine Chatelain, Bethany Rooney, Bobby Roth, Lorraine Buñuel Kyle Cassie, Benjamin Ayres, Dave Senna Ferrara, Victor Lobl, Jerry Jameson, Interview, Featurettes, Biografie Victoria Hochberg, Richard T. Heffron, Collette, Viv Leacock, Willis Horst - Dir. Drama 1977 103min. Harry Harris, Rachel Feldman Nicholas Humphries STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama/West 1993-1998 6593min. Thriller/Horror 2014 94min. Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 Koch Media 25.09.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Spirit Me- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061187 dia) 28.10.2014 119,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061282 tba BestellNr.: 20061467 Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge - Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh - Death Do Us Part (k.J.) Wer zuerst kommt, kriegt die Komplettbox (27 Discs) Death Do Us Part Braut (Blu-ray) All Creatures Great And Small Julia Benson, Peter Benson, Aaron Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge Dir. Peter Grimwade Douglas, Emilie Ullerup, Christine Chatelain, Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Amrish Puri, Farida Drama/Komödie 1978-1990 4372min. Jalal, Anupam Kher, Satish Shah - Dir.

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Universum Film Home Entertainment Mitch Powell, Patricia Duarte, Anna Rainer Hunold, Walter Gross, Buddy Elias - 26.09.2014 Burkholder, Suzanne Roche, Daniel Dir. Wolf Dietrich, Thomas Engel, Hans 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061564 Shayler, Faith Watkins, Bill Hutchens, Anna Heinrich, Dieter Kehler, Harald Philipp, Mi- Passey - Dir. Rupesh Paul chael Werlin, Herrmann Zschoche Doomsday - Die große Welle Trailer, Bildergalerie Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Currywurst-Schale, Curry- 2012: Doomsday Fantasy/Horror 93min. wurst-Rezept Komödie/Drama 1977-1992 3500min. Cliff De Young, Dale Midkiff, Ami Dolenz, KSM GmbH 15.09.2014 Edel Germany(rbb) 03.10.2014 Danae Nason, Joshua Lee, Sara Tomko, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061703 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061442 Caroline Amiguet, Shirley Raun - Dir. Nick Dracula (Blu-ray) Everhart Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen Dracula Science Fiction/Drama 2008 82min. Béla Lugosi, Helen Chandler, David (40 Jahre Jubiläumsedition, 2 Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Manners, Dwight Frye, Edward van Sloan, Discs) 01.08.2014 Herbert Bunston, Frances Dade, Charles Tri Orisky Pro Popelku 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061052 Gerrard, Joan Standing - Dir. Tod Browning Libuse Safránková, Pavel Trávnícek, Horror 1931 74min. Carola Braunbock, Rolf Hoppe, Karin Doomsday - Die große Welle (Blu- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Lesch, Daniela Hlavacova - Dir. Václav ray) 02.10.2014 Vorlícek 2012: Doomsday 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061149 Dokumentationen Cliff De Young, Dale Midkiff, Ami Dolenz, Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1973 82min. Danae Nason, Joshua Lee, Sara Tomko, Dracula (Blu-ray) ICESTORM Entertainment 08.09.2014 Caroline Amiguet, Shirley Raun - Dir. Nick Dracula / Dracula Reborn / Dracula 2 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061513 Everhart Jack Palance, Nigel Davenport, Pamela Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen Brown, Stuart Rigby, Keith Reay, Corey Drei Hochzeiten zuviel Science Fiction/Drama 2008 86min. Landis, Thomas Downey, Eliza Swenson, Tres Bodas De Mas Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Rhett Giles - Dir. Leigh Scott; mit Thomas Inma Cuesta, Martiño Rivas, Quim 01.08.2014 Downey, Gutiérrez, María Botto, Laura Sánchez 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061077 Horror 1973-2012 294min. (Álex), Rossy de Palma (Mónica), Paco Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Léon - Dir. Javier Ruiz Caldera - Season 1-4 09.10.2014 Making of, Trailer (Limited Edition, 15 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061413 Komödie/Lovestory 2013 91min. Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Downton Abbey 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061431 Hugh Bonneville, Elizabeth McGovern, Dracula und seine Opfer (k.J.) Blood Of Dracula’s Castle Maggie Smith, Michelle Dockery, Laura Drei Hochzeiten zuviel (Blu-ray) Carmichael, Jessica Brown-Findlay, Dan John Carradine, Paula Raymond, Alex Tres Bodas De Mas Stevens, Penelope Wilton, Jim Carter, D’Arcy - Dir. Al Adamson Inma Cuesta, Martiño Rivas, Quim Phyllis Logan, Brendan Coyle, Lesley Nicol, Wendecover Horror 1969 81min. Gutiérrez, María Botto, Laura Sánchez Siobhan Finneran, Rob James-Collier, Tho- Maritim Pictures 24.10.2014 (Álex), Rossy de Palma (Mónica), Paco mas Howes, Joanne Froggatt, Rose Leslie, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061398 Léon - Dir. Javier Ruiz Caldera Sophie McShera, Allen Leech, Andrew Making of, Trailer Westfield, Kevin Doyle, Christine Lohr, Dreamcatcher (Blu-ray) Komödie/Lovestory 2013 94min. David Robb, Robert Bathurst, Brendan Dreamcatcher Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Patricks, Samantha Bond, Charlie Cox, Morgan Freeman, Thomas Jane, Jason Lee, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061471 Jonathan Coy, Nicky Henson, Theo James, Damian Lewis, Timothy Olyphant, Tom Maria Doyle Kennedy - Dir. Brian Kelly, Sizemore, Donnie Wahlberg, Ingrid Dusty, der Wüstenhund Brian Percival, Ben Bolt, Julian Fellowes Kavelaars, Alex Campbell, Chera Bailey, Dusty Drama 2010-2014 1958min. Shauna Kain, Campbell Lane, Ty Olsson, Bill Kerr, Noel Trevarthen, Carol Burns - Dir. Universal Pictures Germany (Universal) Grant Heslov, C. Ernst Harth, Lance Kinsey, John Richardson 16.10.2014 Susan Charest, Mike Holekamp (Henry Drama 1981 88min. 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061124 Devlin), Eric Keenleyside, T.J. Riley, Micha- MIG Film 18.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061317 Dracula el O’Neill, Rosemary Dunsmore - Dir. Lawrence Kasdan Dracula / Dracula Reborn / Dracula 2 Horror/Science Fiction 2003 134min. Edge of Tomorrow - Live. Die. Jack Palance, Nigel Davenport, Pamela Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 Repeat. Brown, Stuart Rigby, Keith Reay, Corey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061273 Edge Of Tomorrow Landis, Thomas Downey, Eliza Swenson, Tom Cruise, , Bill Paxton, Rhett Giles - Dir. Leigh Scott; mit Thomas Drei Damen vom Grill - Die kom- Brendan Gleeson, Jonas Armstrong, Downey, Way, Kick Gurry, Franz Drameh, Dragomir Horror 1973-2012 283min. plette Serie Mrsic, Charlotte Riley, Lara Pulver, Jeremy Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Brigitte Mira, Gabriele Schramm, Brigitte Piven, Madeleine Mantock, Marianne Jean- 09.10.2014 Grothum, Günter Pfitzmann, Harald Juhnke, Baptiste - Dir. Doug Liman 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061402 Ilja Richter, Peter Schiff, Davia Dannen- berg, Evelyn Gressmann, Wollner, Science Fiction/Action 2014 108min. Dracula - The Dark Lord Jörg Pleva, Bettina Martell, Manfred Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061560 Saint Dracula Lehmann, Ralf Lindermann, Christian Lemke, Wilfried Herbst, Lena Lessing, Mitch Powell, Patricia Duarte, Anna Edge of Tomorrow - Live. Die. Burkholder, Suzanne Roche, Daniel Michèle Marian, Andrea Kathrin Loewig, Shayler, Faith Watkins, Bill Hutchens, Anna Karsten Speck, Stefan Behrens, Katharina Repeat. (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Passey - Dir. Rupesh Paul Tomaschewsky, Peter Seum, Rudi Unger, Edge Of Tomorrow Trailer, Bildergalerie Adelheid Arndt, Detlef Bierstedt, Gundula Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Fantasy/Horror 89min. Petrovska, Günter Glaser, Ute Christensen, Brendan Gleeson, Jonas Armstrong, Tony KSM GmbH 15.09.2014 Sabine Kaack, Reinhard von Hacht, Willy Way, Kick Gurry, Franz Drameh, Dragomir 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061678 Schäfer, Edith Teichmann, Angela Roy, Mrsic, Charlotte Riley, Lara Pulver, Jeremy Achim Strietzel, Joseline Gassen, Christian Piven, Madeleine Mantock, Marianne Jean- Dracula - The Dark Lord (Blu-ray) Wolff, Paul Esser, Tilly Lauenstein, Ursula Baptiste - Dir. Doug Liman Saint Dracula Reit, Wolfgang Zerlett, Hugo Schrader, Science Fiction/Action 2014 113min.

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Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 502min. Enemy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061578 Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061499 Gadon, , Joshua Peace, Edge of Tomorrow - Live. Die. Tim Post, Kedar Brown, Darryl Dinn, Misha Repeat. (Blu-ray) Elementary - Season 1.2 (3 Discs) Highstead, Megan Mann, Alexis Uiga - Dir. Edge Of Tomorrow Elementary Denis Villeneuve Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, Aidan Quinn, Interviews, Featurettes, Teaser, Trailer Thriller/Mystery 2013 90min. Brendan Gleeson, Jonas Armstrong, Tony Jon Michael Hill, Natalie Dormer, Ato Capelight Pictures 10.10.2014 Way, Kick Gurry, Franz Drameh, Dragomir Essandoh, Jennifer Ferrin, Dominic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061131 Mrsic, Charlotte Riley, Lara Pulver, Jeremy Fumusa, Erik Jensen - Dir. John David Coles, John Polson, Andrew Bernstein, Piven, Madeleine Mantock, Marianne Jean- Der englische Patient (Reclam Baptiste - Dir. Doug Liman Seith Mann, Sanaa Hamri, Guy Ferland, Science Fiction/Action 2014 113min. Jerry Levine, Peter Werner, Larry Teng, Edition) Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 Christine Moore, Phil Abraham, Colin The English Patient 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061577 Bucksey, Michael Cuesta, Rod Holcomb, Ralph Fiennes, , Willem David Platt, Rosemary Rodriguez, Adam Dafoe, , Naveen Edition des Schreckens - Die Au- Davidson Andrews, Colin Firth, Julian Wadham, Jür- gen des Satans & Dementia 13 Fetaurettes, Promos gen Prochnow, Kevin Whately, Clive Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 498min. Merrison, Nino Castelnuovo, Hichem (k.J.) Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 Rostom, Peter Rühring - Dir. Anthony The Brain From Planet Arous / Dementia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061500 Minghella 13 Audiokommentare Horror/Science Fiction 150min. Elf Uhr nachts (Blu-ray) Drama/Abenteuer 1996 155min. Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Pierrot Le Fou STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 26.09.2014 Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anna Karina, Dirk Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061448 Sanders, Raymond Devos, Graziella 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061086 Galvani, Jean-Pierre Léaud - Dir. Jean-Luc Eierdiebe Godard The English Teacher Wotan Wilke Möhring, Janek Rieke, Antoine Intro, Featurette, Poster, Trailer, Wendecover The English Teacher Monot, Jr., Julia Hummer, Alexander Beyer, Kriminalfilm 1965 110min. Julianne Moore, Michael Angarano, Greg Marie Gruber, Fatih Cevikkollu, Götz Schu- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kinnear, Lily Collins, , Jessica bert, Thomas Thieme, Doris Schretzmayer, Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 Hecht, Nikki Blonsky, Charlie Saxton, Fiona Leander Haußmann, Christiane Scheda, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061188 Shaw - Dir. Craig Zisk Steffen Münster, Andreas Schmidt, Wolf- Trailer gang Michael, Gisela Monot - Dir. Robert Emma (Reclam Edition) Komödie 2013 87min. Schwentke Emma 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.10.2014 Audiokommentar, Trailer Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy Northam, Toni 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061641 Drama/Komödie 2003 84min. Collette, Greta Scacchi, Alan Cumming, Filmgalerie 451 26.09.2014 Juliet Stevenson, Ewan McGregor, Polly The English Teacher (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061219 Walker, Sophie Thompson, Phyllida Law, The English Teacher James Cosmo, Edward Woodall, Kathleen Julianne Moore, Michael Angarano, Greg Ein Elefant irrt sich gewaltig Byron, Angela Down, Rebecca Craig - Dir. Kinnear, Lily Collins, Nathan Lane, Jessica Un Eléphant Ca Trompe Enormément Douglas McGrath Hecht, Nikki Blonsky, Charlie Saxton, Fiona , , Guy Bildergalerie, Trailer Shaw - Dir. Craig Zisk Bedos, Victor Lanoux, Danièle Delorme, Komödie/Drama 1996 120min. Trailer Anny Duperey - Dir. Yves Robert STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie 2013 91min. Komödie 1976 105min. Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.10.2014 Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061093 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061655 Productions) 08.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061043 Enemy Er kann’s nicht lassen (Blu-ray) Enemy Heinz Rühmann, Grit Boettcher, Rudolf Der Elefantenjunge Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah Forster, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Siegfried Elephant Boy Gadon, Isabella Rossellini, Joshua Peace, Wischnewski, Lina Carstens, Horst Sabu, Walter Hudd, Allan Jeayes, Wilfrid Tim Post, Kedar Brown, Darryl Dinn, Misha Tappert, Peter Ehrlich, Rainer Penkert, Em- Hyde-White, W. E. Holloway, Bruce Gordon Highstead, Megan Mann, Alexis Uiga - Dir. merich Schrenk, Otto Schmöle, E. O. Fuhr- - Dir. Robert J. Flaherty, Zoltán Korda Denis Villeneuve mann, Uli Steigberg, Hans-Dietrich Bildergalerie, Trailer Interviews, Featurettes, Teaser, Trailer Jendreyko - Dir. Axel von Ambesser Abenteuer/Drama 1936 168min. Thriller/Mystery 2013 87min. Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1962 91min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Capelight Pictures 10.10.2014 Black Hill Pictures 11.09.2014 AG(Ostalgica) 10.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061087 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061297 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061173 Enemy (Limited Collector’s Editi- Erfolgreiche Kinderfilme (3 Discs) Elementary - Season 1.1 (3 Discs) on, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Lizzie McGuire / Tinke - Kleines, starkes Elementary Enemy Mädchen / Wer küsst schon einen Legu- Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, Aidan Quinn, Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah an? Jon Michael Hill, Natalie Dormer, Ato Gadon, Isabella Rossellini, Joshua Peace, Abenteuer/Drama 266min. Essandoh, Jennifer Ferrin, Dominic Tim Post, Kedar Brown, Darryl Dinn, Misha Black Hill Pictures 26.09.2014 Fumusa, Erik Jensen - Dir. John David Highstead, Megan Mann, Alexis Uiga - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061452 Coles, John Polson, Andrew Bernstein, Denis Villeneuve Seith Mann, Sanaa Hamri, Guy Ferland, Interviews, Featurettes, Teaser, Trailer Eskil und Trinidad - Eine Reise Jerry Levine, Peter Werner, Larry Teng, Thriller/Mystery 2013 90min. ins Paradies Capelight Pictures 10.10.2014 Christine Moore, Phil Abraham, Colin Eskil & Trinidad 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061132 Bucksey, Michael Cuesta, Rod Holcomb, Ann Petrén, Linus Oscarsson, Torkel David Platt, Rosemary Rodriguez, Adam Enemy (Limited Edition, Petersson, Saga Midfjäll, Iben Hjejle, Jonas Davidson Inde, Sannamari Patjas, Douglas Featurettes Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Johansson, Martin Lindberg - Dir. Stephan

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Apelgren Navarro, Arzoris Perez - Dir. Ernie Trailer, Bildergalerie Barbarash Fighting Beat 3 (Blu-ray) Drama/Familie 2013 99min. Action 2014 98min. Jukkalan KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 Koch Media 27.11.2014 Petchtai Wongkamlao, JeeJa Yanin, Akom 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061673 tba BestellNr.: 20061669 Preedakul, Bawriboon Chanreuang, Chalerm Yamchamang, Anek Intajan, Udom EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Die Ein Fall für Zwei - Collector’s Box Songsaeng, Chookiat Iamsook, Siriporn komplette Serie (22 Discs) 16 (5 Discs) Eiamsuk - Dir. Petchtai Wongkamlao Eureka Claus Theo Gärtner, Günter Strack, Renate Trailer Action 2011 99min. Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Joe Kohn, Edwin Nöel, Désirée Nosbusch, Jür- Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Morton, Erica Cerra, Jordan Hinson, Neil gen Schmidt, Herbert Stass, Heidelinde 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061472 Grayston Weis, Hans Brenner, Donata Höffer, Renate Science Fiction/Komödie 2006-2012 Schauss, Robert Stromberger - Dir. Michael Filmriss - The Blackout 3240min. Mackenroth, Michael Meyer The Blackout Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kriminalfilm 1981-2009 900min. Scott Rosa, Flood Reed, Michael Graziadei 16.10.2014 MORE Music and Media(More Brands and - Dir. Matt Hish 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061127 Products) 05.09.2014 Komödie 2013 90min. 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061328 EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Die Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinokater) komplette Serie (22 Discs) (Blu- Fantastische Weihnachtszeit 26.09.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061046 ray) Komödie/Drama 355min. Eureka MIG Film 06.11.2014 Filmriss - The Blackout (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20061324 Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Joe The Blackout Morton, Erica Cerra, Jordan Hinson, Neil Faust (Reclam Edition) Scott Rosa, Flood Reed, Michael Graziadei Grayston - Dir. Matt Hish Will Quadflieg, Gustaf Gründgens, Elisa- Science Fiction/Komödie 2006-2012 Komödie 2013 94min. beth Flickenschildt, Hermann Schomberg, 3360min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinokater) Uwe Friedrichsen, Ella Büchi, Eduard Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 26.09.2014 Marks, Heinz Reincke, Hans Irle - Dir. Peter 16.10.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061072 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061148 Gorski Dokumentation, Trailer Final Showdown Evil Feed (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 1960 124min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Adventures Of Power Evil Feed Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Michael McKean, Jane Lynch, Shoshannah Laci J. Mailey, Alain Chanoine, Terry Chen - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061094 Stern, Chi Ling Chiu, Adrian Grenier, Ari Dir. Kimani Ray Smith Gold, Richard Fancy, Annie Golden - Dir. Ari Action/Horror 2013 89min. Fight Club / Thelma and Louise / Gold Mad Dimension GmbH 21.11.2014 Kalifornia (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Komödie 2008 89min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061706 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Fight Club / Thelma And Louise / 01.08.2014 Kalifornia Evil Feed (k.J.) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061058 Evil Feed , Edward Norton, Helena Bonham Laci J. Mailey, Alain Chanoine, Terry Chen - Carter, Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Die Firma - Die komplette Serie Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, David Dir. Kimani Ray Smith (6 Discs) Action/Horror 2013 86min. Duchovny - Dir. David Fincher, Ridley Scott, The Firm Mad Dimension GmbH 21.11.2014 Dominic Sena Josh Lucas, Molly Parker, Callum Keith 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061688 Thriller 1991-1999 min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Rennie, Juliette Lewis, Tricia Helfer, Shaun Exzesse im Folterkeller (k.J.) Germany 02.10.2014 Majumder, Natasha Calis - Dir. David Straiton, Holly Dale, Helen Shaver, Lynne The Halfway House tba BestellNr.: 20061555 Stopkewich Mary Woronov, Janet Tracy Keijser, Shawn Fight Club / Thelma and Louise / Sneak Peek Featurette , Making of, Featurette, Interviews, Savage, Stephanie Leighs, Athena Demos, Behind the Scenes Monica Shere, Joseph Tatner, Mike Gaglio, Kalifornia (3 Discs) (k.J.) Action/Drama 2012 890min. Cleve Hall, Tomi X, Saye Yabandeh, M. Fight Club / Thelma And Louise / WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Robert Todd, Ashley Rea - Dir. Kenneth J. Kalifornia 31.10.2014 Hall Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061648 Horror/Komödie 2004 84min. Carter, Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.09.2014 Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, David Die Firma - Die komplette Serie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061023 Duchovny - Dir. David Fincher, Ridley Scott, (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Dominic Sena The Firm Rising (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller 1991-1999 min. Josh Lucas, Molly Parker, Callum Keith Falcon Rising Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Rennie, Juliette Lewis, Tricia Helfer, Shaun Michael Jai White, Neal McDonough, Laila Germany 02.10.2014 Majumder, Natasha Calis - Dir. David Ali, Lateef Crowder, Hazuki Kato, Masashi tba BestellNr.: 20061534 Straiton, Holly Dale, Helen Shaver, Lynne Odate, Millie Ruperto, Clifford Myatt, Jimmy Stopkewich Navarro, Arzoris Perez - Dir. Ernie Fighting Beat 3 Sneak Peek Featurette , Making of, Featurette, Interviews, Barbarash Jukkalan Behind the Scenes Action 2014 101min. Petchtai Wongkamlao, JeeJa Yanin, Akom Action/Drama 2012 927min. Koch Media 27.11.2014 Preedakul, Bawriboon Chanreuang, WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) tba BestellNr.: 20061695 Chalerm Yamchamang, Anek Intajan, Udom 31.10.2014 Songsaeng, Chookiat Iamsook, Siriporn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061663 Falcon Rising (k.J.) Eiamsuk - Dir. Petchtai Wongkamlao Falcon Rising Trailer Five Minutes To Live (Uncut) Michael Jai White, Neal McDonough, Laila Action 2011 95min. Door-To-Door Maniac Ali, Lateef Crowder, Hazuki Kato, Masashi Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Johnny Cash, Donald Woods, Pamela Odate, Millie Ruperto, Clifford Myatt, Jimmy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061432 Mason, Cay Forrester, Midge Ware, Vic

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Tayback - Dir. Bill Karn Brenneman, Virginia Madsen, Conrad Janis, G.I. Joe - Die Abrechnung / G.I. Trailer, diverse George DelHoyo, Lindsay Frost, Gigi Rice, Joe - Geheimauftrag Cobra (2 Kriminalfilm 1962 76min. Jennifer Beals, Aaron Eckhart, Rosie Perez Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) - Dir. David Lee, Kelsey Grammer, Pamela Discs) 23.10.2014 Fryman, James Burrows, Sheldon Epps, G.I. Joe - Rise Of Cobra / G.I. Joe 2: 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061403 Philip Charles MacKenzie, Jeffrey Melman, Retaliation Katy Garretson, Scott Ellis, Andy Dennis Quaid, Sienna Miller, Joseph Gor- Flavia - Leidensweg einer Nonne Ackerman, Wil Shriner, Jerry Zaks don-Levitt, Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, (Blu-ray) Komödie 1993-2004 509min. Channing Tatum - Dir. Stephen Sommers, Flavia La Monaca Musulmana Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Jon M. Chu Florinda Bolkan, Maria Casarès, Spiros 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061596 Diverse Action 2009-2012 219min. Focas, Claudio Cassinelli, Anthony Corlan - Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Dir. Gianfranco Mingozzi Morgan Freeman Box 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061597 Erotik/Horror 1974 78min. Blade / Death of a Prophet / Letzte Ruhe VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 26.08.2014 Morgan Freeman G.I. Joe - Die Abrechnung / G.I. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061364 Action/Thriller 232min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.10.2014 Joe - Geheimauftrag Cobra (2 Floris von Rosemund (3 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061458 Discs) (Blu-ray) Rutger Hauer, Derval De Faria, Ferdy G.I. Joe - Rise Of Cobra / G.I. Joe 2: Mayne - Dir. Ferry Radax Freibeuter des Todes (Blu-ray) Retaliation Abenteuer 1973 475min. The Island Dennis Quaid, Sienna Miller, Joseph Gor- Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.10.2014 Sir Michael Caine, David Warner, Angela don-Levitt, Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061336 Punch-McGregor, , Don Channing Tatum - Dir. Stephen Sommers, Henderson, Dudley Sutton, Colin Jeavons, Jon M. Chu Fontane - Effi Briest (Reclam Edi- Zakes Mokae, Brad Sullivan, Jeffrey Frank Diverse tion) - Dir. Michael Ritchie Action 2009-2012 241min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Hanna Schygulla, Wolfgang Schenck, Ulli Bildergalerie, Super-8-Fassung, Original Kinotrailer Action/Horror 1980 109min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061605 Lommel, Lilo Pempeit, Karlheinz Böhm, Ur- Koch Media 14.08.2014 sula Strätz, Irm Hermann, Prof. Hark Bohm, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061300 Geheimkommando Phoenix - Herbert Steinmetz, Karl E. Scheydt, Barba- Female Agents ra Lass, Rudolf Lenz, Andrea Schober, Eva From Dusk to Desert (Blu-ray) Mattes, Theo Tecklenburg, An Dorthe Les Femmes De L’Ombre Jake’s Corner Braker, Peter Gauhe, Barbara Valentin - Dir. Sophie Marceau, Julie Dépardieu, Marie Richard Tyson, David Della Rocca, Colton Rainer Werner Fassbinder Gillain, Déborah François, Moritz Bleibtreu, Dokumentation, Bildergalerie, Biografie Rodgers, Diane Ladd, Danny Trejo, Tony Maya Sansa, Julien Boisselier, Vincent Drama 1972-1974 135min. Longo - Dir. Jeff Santo Rottiers, Volker Bruch, Robin Renucci, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Drama 2008 97min. Xavier Beauvois, Colin David Reese, Stefan Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Kollmuss, Johannes Oliver Hamm - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061097 29.08.2014 Jean-Paul Salomé 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061628 Audiokommentar, Trailer Frankenstein (Blu-ray) Drama/Kriegsfilm 2008 112min. Frankenstein - The Man Who Made A The Frontier Boys :) - Die Jugend- Atlas Film Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Monster gang 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061174 Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, Boris Karloff, John The Frontier Boys Boles, Edward van Sloan, Dwight Frye, Timothy Lofing, Taylor DeRoo, Jedidiah Geheimkommando Phoenix - Frederick Kerr, Lionel Belmore - Dir. James Grooters, Jake Boyce, Rebecca St. James, Female Agents (Blu-ray) Whale Big Kenny Alphin, Earthquake Kelley, Melis- Les Femmes De L’Ombre Horror/Drama 1931 71min. sa Brock, Lara Landon - Dir. John Grooters Sophie Marceau, Julie Dépardieu, Marie Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trailer Gillain, Déborah François (Gaëlle 02.10.2014 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 89min. Lemenech), Moritz Bleibtreu, Maya Sansa, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061150 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.10.2014 Julien Boisselier, Vincent Rottiers, Volker 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061438 Bruch, Robin Renucci, Xavier Beauvois, Frankensteins Braut (Blu-ray) Colin David Reese, Stefan Kollmuss, Johan- The Bride Of Frankenstein The Frontier Boys :) - Die Jugend- nes Oliver Hamm - Dir. Jean-Paul Salomé Boris Karloff, Colin Clive, Valerie Hobson, gang (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Trailer Elsa Lanchester, O. P. Heggie, Douglas The Frontier Boys Drama/Kriegsfilm 2008 116min. Walton, E. E. Clive - Dir. James Whale Timothy Lofing, Taylor DeRoo, Jedidiah Atlas Film Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Horror 1935 74min. Grooters, Jake Boyce, Rebecca St. James, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061224 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Big Kenny Alphin, Earthquake Kelley, Melis- 02.10.2014 sa Brock, Lara Landon - Dir. John Grooters George Gently 5 (3 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061151 Trailer Inspector George Gently Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 92min. Martin Shaw, Lee Ingleby - Dir. Euros Lyn, - Die komplette fünfte Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.10.2014 Ciaran Donnelly 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061477 Behind the Scenes, Interviews Season (4 Discs) Kriminalfilm 2007-2008 270min. Frasier Die fünfte Kolonne Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 22.08.2014 Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, Jane Foreign Intrigue 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061004 Leeves, Peri Gilpin, John Mahoney, Dan Robert Mitchum, Geneviève Page, Ingrid Butler, Tom McGowan, Edward Hibbert, Thulin, Frederic O’Brady, Eugene Deckers, Das Gesetz sind wir (Blu-ray) Patrick Kerr, Millicent Martin, Saul Rubinek, Inga Tidblad, Lauritz Falk, Peter Copley - (k.J.) Harriet Sansom Harris, Bebe Neuwirth, Dir. Sheldon Reynolds, Gene Levitt Vigilante Force Jane Adams, Wendie Malick, Felicity Booklet Kris Kristofferson, Michael Vincent, Huffman, Trevor Einhorn, Anthony Kriminalfilm 1956 95min. Victoria Principal, , Brad LaPaglia, Jean Smart, , Pidax film media(Pidax film) 19.09.2014 Dexter, Judson Pratt - Dir. George Armitage Marsha Mason, Brian Klugman, Mercedes 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061065 Trailer Ruehl, , Shelley Long, Amy Action 1976 86min.

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Explosive Media 02.10.2014 Action/Science Fiction 1969 71min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061240 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061191 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Shock Entertainment) 26.09.2014 The Guilty ... wenn ein Kind spur- Das gestohlene Glück 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061683 los verschwindet ... Sampo The Guilty Urho Somersalmi, Anna Orotschko, Iwan Thomas Gottschalk & Mike Krüger Tamsin Greig, Katherine Kelly, Darren Boyd, Woronow - Dir. Alexander Ptuschko - Kult-Klassiker (3 Discs) Daniel Runacres-Grundstrom, Tom Beard, Trailer Die Supernasen / Zwei Nasen tanken Su- Arsher Ali, Jude Foley, Ruta Gedmintas, Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1958 93min. per / Piratensender Power Play Linda Marlowe, Jay Simpson, David Pusey, EuroVideo Medien 08.09.2014 Thomas Gottschalk, Mike Krüger Madlen Meyer, Theo Barklem-Biggs, Pooky 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061535 Komödie 260min. Quesnel, Jamie Sives, Alan Williams, Chri- Ghost Horror Hotel MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) stopher Fulford, Adam Kotz, Cleo 26.09.2014 Sylvestre, Milo Twomey, Christopher Pray For Morning 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061574 Cowlin, Teddy Fitzpatrick - Dir. Edward Jonathon Trent, Jessica Stroup, Dennis Bazalgette Flanagan, Ashlee Turner, Jackson Grand Hotel - Die komplette Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 137min. Rathbone, Brandon Novitsky, Kip Martin, justbridge entertainment media 10.10.2014 Rachel Veltri, Robert F. Lyons, Udo Kier - zweite Staffel (4 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061636 Dir. Cartney Wearn Gran Hotel Trailer Yon González, Amaia Salamanca, Llorenç Horror 2005 87min. González, Concha Velasco, Adriana Hans Dampf SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 18.09.2014 Ozores, Pedro Alonso, Marta Larralde, Hans Dampf - Better Than Daheim 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061311 Manuel de Blas, Fele Martinez, Luz Fabian Backhaus, Mario Mentrup, Nina Valdenebro - Dir. Sílvia Quer, Max Lemcke, Schwabe, Cécile Marmier, Jacques Palmin- Ghost Movie 2 Jorge Torregrossa ger, Rica Blunck, Victor Marek, Rocco Ba- A Haunted House 2 Drama/Kostümfilm 2012 630min. ron, Thomas Hermel, Eckhard Schembs, Marlon Wayans, Jaime Pressly, Essence polyband Medien GmbH 26.09.2014 Piet Fuchs, Caroline Reinhartz, Sharon Atkins, Gabriel Iglesias, Missi Pyle, Ashley 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061063 Weekers, Jaana Baron, Ricardo Agnesia, Rickards, Affion Crockett, Dave Sheridan - Alfredo de Viscomi, Nina Wellens, Guy Dir. Michael Tiddes Grimms Märchen - Spielfilm-Editi- Nanetti, Kings of Dub Rock - Dir. Jukka Komödie 2014 83min. on (3 Discs) Schmidt, Christian Mrasek Drama 2013 91min. Falcom Investment AG 14.10.2014 Aschenputtel / Dornröschen / Schneewitt- good!movies(RealFiction) 29.08.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061425 chen / Der Froschkönig / Frau Holle / Sie- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061562 ben auf einen Streich Ghost Movie 2 (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 535min. Hard to Die (Dragon Edition) (Blu- A Haunted House 2 Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Marlon Wayans, Jaime Pressly, Essence 10.10.2014 ray) (k.J.) Atkins, Gabriel Iglesias, Missi Pyle, Ashley 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061249 Crime Story Rickards, Affion Crockett, Dave Sheridan - Jackie Chan, Kent Cheng, Christine Ng, Dir. Michael Tiddes Die große Hundebox (2 Discs) Law Hang Kang, Chung Fatt - Dir. Kirk Komödie 2014 86min. Lassie / Rin Tin Tin (In de Fängen der Wong Falcom Investment AG 14.10.2014 Wildnis & Die Rückkehr) Nur Hunde kom- Action 1994 90min. tba BestellNr.: 20061465 men in den Himmel / First Dog Splendid Film 31.10.2014 Featurette 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061662 Ghostbusters I & II (Blu-ray) Abenteuer 418min. Ghostbusters I & II Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.10.2014 Hard to Die (Dragon Edition) (k.J.) Komödie/Science Fiction 1984-1989 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061453 Crime Story 213min. Jackie Chan, Kent Cheng, Christine Ng, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Die große Illusion (Blu-ray) Law Hang Kang, Chung Fatt - Dir. Kirk 16.10.2014 La Grande Illusion Wong 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061383 Erich von Stroheim, Jean Gabin, Pierre Action 1994 90min. Fresnay, Julien Carette, Marcel Dalio, Dita Splendid Film 31.10.2014 Ghostbusters I & II (Steelbook) Parlo - Dir. Jean Renoir 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061651 (Blu-ray) Intro, Kurzfilm, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1937 113min. Ghostbusters I & II Der Hauch des Bösen STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Science Fiction 1984-1989 A Taste Of Fear Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 213min. Barbara Stanwyck, Barbara Parkins, Roddy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061189 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) McDowall - Dir. John Llewellyn Moxey Thriller/Horror 1971 72min. 16.10.2014 Der große Karpfen Ferdinand und 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061385 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 18.09.2014 andere Weihnachtsgeschichten 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061314 Ghostbusters II (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm 1978 65min. Ghostbusters 2 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 24.10.2014 Das Haus der Krokodile - Die Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061588 komplette Serie Weaver, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Ernie Kristo Ferkic, Joanna Ferkic, Vijessna Hudson - Dir. Ivan Reitman Die große Liebe meines Lebens Ferkic, Christoph Maria Herbst, Gudrun Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) Ritter, Waldemar Kobus, Elena Oechsner, Komödie 1989 108min. An Affair To Remember Uwe Friedrichsen, Dieter Schaad, Thomas Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Cary Grant, , Richard Ohrner, Katja Weitzenböck - Dir. Cyrill 16.10.2014 Denning, Neva Patterson, Cathleen Nesbitt, Boss, Philipp Stennert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061380 Charles Watts, Fortunio Bonanova, George Interview mit Tommi Ohrner Winslow - Dir. Leo McCarey Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2012 180min. Godzilla - Attack All Monsters Featurette, Bio- und Filmografien, Wochenschau, Trailer, Studio Hamburg Enterprises 19.09.2014 Gojira-Minira-Gabara: Oru Kaijû Bildergalerie, Wendecover 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061350 Daishingeki Drama 1957 111min. Wendecover Winkler Film 24.10.2014 Hawaii Five-0 - Season 3.1 (3

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Discs) Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.10.2014 Horror/Komödie 2005 71min. Hawaii Five-0 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061457 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae 01.08.2014 Kim, Grace Park, Masi Oka, Taylor Wily, Ein Hund im Winter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061057 Michelle Borth, Teilor Grubbs, Brian Yang - Christmas With Tucker Dir. Larry A. McLean Dir. Bryan Spicer, Steve Boyum, Larry Teng, Hercules - Die große Schlacht um Duane Clark, Jeffrey Hunt, Joe Dante Drama 2013 83min. Entfallene Szenen, Alternatives Ende Hellas EuroVideo Medien 23.10.2014 Kriminalfilm 2012 495min. La Battaglia Di Maratona 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061428 Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 Steve Reeves, Mylène Demongeot, Daniele 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061502 Vargas, Sergio Fantoni, Alberto Lupo, Ein Hund rettet Weihnachten / Gianni Loti, Miranda Campa, Philippe Ein Hund rettet die Weihnachtsfe- Hawaii Five-0 - Season 3.2 (3 Hersent, Anita Todesco - Dir. Jacques rien (2 Discs) Tourneur Discs) The Dog Who Saved Christmas / The Dog Hawaii Five-0 Bildergalerie Drama/Kriegsfilm 1959 85min. Who Saved Christmas Vacation Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Daniel Dae SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 18.09.2014 Elisa Donovan, Gary Valentine, Charlie Kim, Grace Park, Masi Oka, Taylor Wily, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061308 Stewart, Sierra McCormick, Dean Cain, Michelle Borth, Teilor Grubbs, Brian Yang - Mindy Sterling, Joey Diaz, Adrienne Bar- Dir. Bryan Spicer, Steve Boyum, Larry Teng, Hexenjagd (k.J.) beau, Joe Torry, Tino Struckmann, Caia Duane Clark, Jeffrey Hunt, Joe Dante Finale Coley, Michael Feifer, Mario Lopez - Dir. Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Michael Feifer Kriminalfilm 2012 498min. Carolyn von Hauck, Suthi Picotte, Steven Komödie 2009-2010 180min. Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 Nieport, Brad Barnes, Elizabeth Holmes, polyband Medien GmbH 10.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061503 James Johnson, Warren Bryson, Maria Jenkins - Dir. John Michael Elfers 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061205 Horror 2009 85min. Haywire / The Fighters (2 in 1 In Time - Deine Zeit läuft ab / Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) MIG Film 23.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061450 Runner Runner - Nur einer kann Haywire / Never Back Down gewinnen (2 Discs) Gina Carano, Channing Tatum, Ewan Hide and Seek McGregor, Sean Faris, Djimon Hounsou, In Time / Runner Runner Sum-Bakk-Og-Jil Amber Heard - Dir. Steven Soderbergh, Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Moon Jung-Hee, Son Hyeon-ju, Jeon Mi- Jeff Wadlow Murphy, Gemma Arterton, Anthony Mackie - Trailer, diverse seon, Jeong Jun-won, Kim Su-an, Kim Ji- Dir. Andrew Niccol, Brad Furman Action 2008-2011 210min. young, Lee Jun-hyeok, Lee Yeoung-sok - Action 2011-2013 min. Concorde Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Dir. Jung Huh Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061484 Behind the Scenes, Making of Germany 02.10.2014 Thriller 2013 104min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061546 Haywire / The Fighters (2 in 1 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 26.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061439 Edition, 2 Discs) (k.J.) In Time - Deine Zeit läuft ab / Haywire / Never Back Down Hide and Seek (Blu-ray) Runner Runner - Nur einer kann Gina Carano, Channing Tatum, Ewan Sum-Bakk-Og-Jil gewinnen (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) McGregor, Sean Faris, Djimon Hounsou, Moon Jung-Hee, Son Hyeon-ju, Jeon Mi- In Time / Runner Runner Amber Heard - Dir. Steven Soderbergh, seon, Jeong Jun-won, Kim Su-an, Kim Ji- Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Jeff Wadlow young, Lee Jun-hyeok, Lee Yeoung-sok - Murphy, Gemma Arterton, Anthony Mackie - Trailer, diverse Dir. Jung Huh Dir. Andrew Niccol, Brad Furman Action 2008-2011 198min. Behind the Scenes, Making of Action 2011-2013 min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Thriller 2013 108min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Home Edition) 02.10.2014 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 26.09.2014 Germany 02.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061449 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061478 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061581 Heatstroke - Mörderische Steppe Himmel im Kopf - Remo: Der Film Inbred (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) Heatstroke Remo, Paul Schlase - Dir. Dominik Balkow (k.J.) Stephen Dorff, Swetlana Metkina, Peter Musikfilm min. Inbred Stormare, , Andrew Roux - Universal Music_Strategic Marketing Jo Hartley, Seamus O’Neill, James Doherty, Dir. Evelyn Purcell (USM)(Artists & Acts) 15.08.2014 Mark Rathbone, James Burrows, Neil Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061044 Thriller/Abenteuer 2013 88min. Leiper, Chris Waller, Nadine Rose Mulkerrin, Koch Media 23.10.2014 Homo Faber (Reclam Edition) Terry Haywood, Damien Lloyd-Davies, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061215 Derek Melling - Dir. Alex Chandon Sam Shepard, Julie Delpy, Barbara Thriller/Horror 2011 102min. Sukowa, Dieter Kirchlechner, Traci Lind, Heatstroke - Mörderische Steppe Mad Dimension GmbH 31.10.2014 Deborra-Lee Furness, August Zirner, Tho- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061705 (Blu-ray) mas Heinze, Bill Dunn, Peter Berling, Lorna Heatstroke Farrar, Charley Hayward - Dir. Volker Inbred (Director’s Cut) (k.J.) Stephen Dorff, Swetlana Metkina, Peter Schlöndorff Stormare, Maisie Williams, Andrew Roux - Alternative und entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerien, Biografie Inbred Dir. Evelyn Purcell u.a. Jo Hartley, Seamus O’Neill, James Doherty, Trailer Drama 1991 109min. Mark Rathbone, James Burrows, Neil Thriller/Abenteuer 2013 91min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Leiper, Chris Waller, Nadine Rose Mulkerrin, Koch Media 23.10.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Terry Haywood, Damien Lloyd-Davies, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061237 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061099 Derek Melling - Dir. Alex Chandon Thriller/Horror 2011 98min. Hell of Sex (k.J.) Ein Hosianna für zwei Halunken Mad Dimension GmbH 31.10.2014 Belcebú Trinità E Sartana Figli Di... 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061687 Oscar Pastor, Mapi Romero, Diego Robert Widmark, Harry Baird, Beatrice Pellh Braguinsky, Rubén Rodríguez - Dir. Sergio - Dir. Mario Siciliano Indiana Jones - The Complete Blasco Western 1972 102min.

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Adventures (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Sergei Bondartschuk, Peter Carsten, Indiana Jones und der Jäger des verlore- Josephine Chaplin, Alain Noury - Dir. Trilogie (Collector’s Edi- nen Schatzes / ... und der Tempel des Zdravko Velimirovic tion, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Todes / ... und der letzte Kreuzzug / ... und Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen Iron Man / Iron Man 2 / Iron Man 3 Kriegsfilm 1977 90min. das Königreich des Kristallschädels Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Kate Capshaw, Bridges, , Leslie Bibb, 01.08.2014 Alison Doody, , Sir Sean Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Bill 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061060 Connery - Dir. Smitrovich, Don Cheadle, Scarlett Abenteuer/Action 1981-2008 483min. Invasion vom Mars Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke, Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 - Dir. Jon Favreau, Shane Invaders From Mars 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061606 Black , Hunter Carson, Louise Action/Science Fiction 2008-2013 min. Fletcher, Timothy Bottoms, Laraine Indiskret (Reclam Edition) Concorde Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Newman, James Karen - Dir. Tobe Hooper Indiscreet Featurette, Bildergalerie, trailer 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061480 Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant, Cecil Parker, Science Fiction 1985 96min. Phyllis Calvert, David Kossoff - Dir. Stanley Koch Media 25.09.2014 Ironweed Donen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061281 Ironweed Bildergalerie, Dokumentation Jack Nicholson, , Tom Waits, Komödie 1958 96min. Invasion vom Mars (Blu-ray) Michael O’Keefe, Carroll Baker - Dir. Hector STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Invaders From Mars Babenco Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Karen Black, Hunter Carson, Louise Drama 1987 137min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061102 Fletcher, Timothy Bottoms, Laraine Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 12.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061003 Der innere Feind - Intimate Newman, James Karen - Dir. Tobe Hooper Featurette, Bildergalerie, trailer Enemies Science Fiction 1985 100min. Ist das Leben nicht schön? (Re- L’ Ennemi Intime Koch Media 25.09.2014 clam Edition) Benoît Magimel, Albert Dupontel, Aurélien 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061293 It’s A Wonderful Life Recoing, Marc Barbé, Eric Savin, Mohamed James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel , Lounès Tazairt, Abdelhafid Metalsi - Invasion vom Mars (Mediabook) Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Henry Tra- Dir. Florent Emilio Siri (Blu-ray) vers, Beulah Bondi, Frank Faylen - Dir. Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer Invaders From Mars Frank Capra Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 106min. Karen Black, Hunter Carson, Louise Kurzfilm u.a. Atlas Film Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Fletcher, Timothy Bottoms, Laraine Komödie 1947 125min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061201 Newman, James Karen - Dir. Tobe Hooper STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Originalverfilmung von 1953, Featurette, Bildergalerie, Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Der innere Feind - Intimate Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061103 Enemies (Blu-ray) Science Fiction 1985 100min. L’ Ennemi Intime Koch Media 25.09.2014 Ist das Leben nicht schön? Benoît Magimel, Albert Dupontel, Aurélien 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061294 (Special Edition, 2 Discs) Recoing, Marc Barbé, Eric Savin, Mohamed Invasion vom Mond It’s A Wonderful Life Fellag, Lounès Tazairt, Abdelhafid Metalsi - James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Pale Blue Moon Dir. Florent Emilio Siri Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Henry Tra- Edward Íce Mrozek, Johnny Sneed, Frank Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer vers, Beulah Bondi, Frank Faylen - Dir. Drama/Kriegsfilm 2007 106min. Ford, Jimmy Costello, Brittany Parvin, Frank Capra Atlas Film Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Thurman Moss, Robert Meadows - Dir. Colorierte Fassung, Kurzfilm, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061225 Mark Hosack Komödie 1947 125min. Thriller/Drama 2003 83min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Inspector Barnaby, Vol. 21 (4 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.09.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 Discs) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061024 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061172 Midsomer Murders John Nettles, Jane Wymark, Barry Jackson, The Invisible Man (Blu-ray) Italowestern - Enzyklopädie 3 (4 Neil Dudgeon, Jason Hughes, Laura The Invisible Man Discs) Claude Rains, , William Howard, Daniel Casey, Kirsty Dillon, Neil Jonny Madoc / Jonny Madoc rechnet ab / Harrigan, Henry Travers, Una O’Connor, Dudgeon, Fiona Dolman - Dir. Peter Smith, Sartana / Lanky Fellow Renny Rye, Richard Holthouse, Sarah Forrester Harvey, Holmes Herbert, E. E. Featurettes, Bildergalerien, Trailer Hellings, Jeremy Silberston, Nicholas Clive, Dudley Digges, Harry Stubbs - Dir. Western 1966-1968 min. Laughland, Alex Pillai James Whale Koch Media 14.08.2014 Interview Kriminalfilm 1933 72min. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061291 Kriminalfilm 360min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 10.10.2014 02.10.2014 Jerry Cotton - Der Tod im roten 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061443 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061157 Jaguar Inspector Morse - Staffel 1 (4 Iron Man Trilogie (Collector’s Edi- George Nader, Grit Boettcher, Heinz Weiss, Kurt Jaggberg, Herbert Stass - Dir. Harald Discs, OmU) tion, 3 Discs) Reinl Inspector Morse Iron Man / Iron Man 2 / Iron Man 3 Booklet John Thaw, Kevin Whately, James Grout, Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff Kriminalfilm 1968 87min. Peter Woodthorpe, Clare Holman, Amanda Bridges, Terrence Howard, Leslie Bibb, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Hillwood - Dir. John Madden, Peter Ham- Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Bill AG(Filmjuwelen) 17.10.2014 mond, Herbert Wise, Adrian Shergold Smitrovich, Don Cheadle, Scarlett 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061551 Kriminalfilm 1987-2000 360min. Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 12.09.2014 John Slattery - Dir. Jon Favreau, Shane Jerry Cotton - Der Tod im roten 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061306 Black Jaguar (Blu-ray) Action/Science Fiction 2008-2013 382min. George Nader, Grit Boettcher, Heinz Weiss, Invasion Apokalypse Concorde Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Kurt Jaggberg, Herbert Stass - Dir. Harald Vrhovi Zelengore 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061417 Reinl

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Booklet , Tye Sheridan, Ronnie Gene 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061028 Kriminalfilm 1968 91min. Blevins, Adriene Mishler, Heather Kafka, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Robert J. Johnson, Sue Rock, Dana Freitag Der Käfig (k.J.) AG(Filmjuwelen) 17.10.2014 - Dir. La Gabbia 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061558 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Tony Musante, Laura Antonelli, Florinda Trailer Bolkan, Cristina Marsillach, Blanca Drama/Thriller 2013 113min. Jerry Cotton - Todesschüsse am Marsillach, Laura Troschel - Dir. Giuseppe Koch Media 23.10.2014 Broadway Patroni Griffi 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061216 George Nader, Heidy Bohlen, Heinz Weiss - Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Erotik 1985 97min. Dir. Harald Reinl Joe - Die Rache ist sein (Blu-ray) Booklet Donau Film 24.10.2014 Kriminalfilm 1968 86min. Joe 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061686 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Nicolas Cage, Tye Sheridan, Ronnie Gene AG(Filmjuwelen) 17.10.2014 Blevins, Adriene Mishler, Heather Kafka, Ein Käfig voller Helden - Die 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061552 Robert J. Johnson, Sue Rock, Dana Freitag komplette Serie (26 Discs) - Dir. David Gordon Green Hogan’s Heroes Jerry Cotton - Todesschüsse am Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Trailer Bob Crane, Werner Klemperer, John Ban- Broadway (Blu-ray) Drama/Thriller 2013 117min. ner, Robert Clary, Larry Hovis, Richard George Nader, Heidy Bohlen, Heinz Weiss - Koch Media 23.10.2014 Dawson, Ivan Dixon, Leon Askin, Sigrid Dir. Harald Reinl 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061238 Valdis, Howard Caine, Kenneth Washing- Booklet ton, Cynthia Lynn, Dave Morick, Jon Cedar, Kriminalfilm 1968 89min. Joy Ride - Spritztour / Joy Ride - Walter Janovitz, Edward Knight, Bernard AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dead Ahead / Joy Ride 3 (3 Discs) Fox, Nita Talbot, Arlene Martel, Kathleen AG(Filmjuwelen) 17.10.2014 (k.J.) Freeman - Dir. Gene Reynolds, Edward H. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061559 Feldman, Howard Morris, Bruce Bilson, Bob Joy Ride / Joy Ride: Dead Ahead / Joy Sweeney, Marc Daniels, Jerry London, Ride 3 Jimmy P. - Psychotherapie eines Richard Kinon, Robert Butler, John Rich, Steve Zahn, Paul Walker, LeeLee Sobieski, Indianers Irving J. Moore Nick Zano, Nicki Aycox, Kyle Schmid, Kir- Jimmy P. Komödie/Kriegsfilm 1965-1971 4132min. sten Prout, Dean Armstrong, Jesse Hutch - Benicio Del Toro, , Gina Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Dir. John Dahl, Louis Morneau, Declan McKee, Larry Pine, Joseph Cross, Elya 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061595 O’Brien Baskin, A Martinez, Misty Upham, Danny Thriller 2001-2014 min. Mooney, Michelle Thrush, Matthew Geczy, Kampf ums Morgenland Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Linda - Dir. Arnaud Desplechin Soldier Of God Germany 02.10.2014 Trailer Tim Abell, William Mendieta, Mapi Galán, tba BestellNr.: 20061545 Drama 2013 117min. Nicholas Kadi, Scott Cleverdon, Michael Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 10.10.2014 Jules und Jim (Reclam Edition) Desante, Morgan Sheppard, Patrick 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061441 Bauchau, Antonio Moncada - Dir. William Jules Et Jim David Hogan Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner, Henri Jimmy P. - Psychotherapie eines Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2005 90min. Serre, Marie Dubois, Vanna Urbino, Boris Indianers (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 03.10.2014 Bassiak - Dir. François Truffaut Jimmy P. Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061463 Benicio Del Toro, Mathieu Amalric, Gina Drama 1961 101min. McKee, Larry Pine, Joseph Cross, Elya STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kampf ums Morgenland (Blu-ray) Baskin, A Martinez, Misty Upham, Danny Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Soldier Of God Mooney, Michelle Thrush, Matthew Geczy, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061106 Tim Abell, William Mendieta, Mapi Galán, Linda Boston - Dir. Arnaud Desplechin Nicholas Kadi, Scott Cleverdon, Michael Trailer Jungle - In der Gewalt der Kanni- Desante, Morgan Sheppard, Patrick Drama 2013 122min. balen Bauchau, Antonio Moncada - Dir. William Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 10.10.2014 David Hogan Dzhungli 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061479 Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2005 94min. Sergej Swetlakow, Vera Brezhnewa - Dir. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 03.10.2014 Alexander Wojtinskij Jinn 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061490 Jinn Trailer Abenteuer/Komödie 2012 79min. Dominic Rains, Ray Park, Serinda Swan, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.09.2014 Karate Bomber (Dragon Edition) William Atherton, Faran Tahir, Walter 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061007 Dian Zhi Gong Fu Gan Chian Chan Phelan, Amber Whelan, Milica Govich - Dir. Jackie Chan, James Tien, Kim Kong - Dir. Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad Jungle - In der Gewalt der Kanni- Chen Chi-Hwa Trailer Action/Eastern 1980 93min. Horror 2014 97min. balen (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 31.10.2014 WVG Medien 31.10.2014 Dzhungli 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061649 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061100 Sergej Swetlakow, Vera Brezhnewa - Dir. Alexander Wojtinskij Karate Bomber (Dragon Edition) Jinn (Blu-ray) Trailer, Bonusfilm Jinn Abenteuer/Komödie 2012 83min. (Blu-ray) Dominic Rains, Ray Park, Serinda Swan, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.09.2014 Dian Zhi Gong Fu Gan Chian Chan William Atherton, Faran Tahir, Walter 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061029 Jackie Chan, James Tien, Kim Kong - Dir. Phelan, Amber Whelan, Milica Govich - Dir. Chen Chi-Hwa Ajmal Zaheer Ahmad Jungle - In der Gewalt der Kanni- Action/Eastern 1980 97min. Trailer balen (Blu-ray) Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 31.10.2014 Horror 2014 102min. Dzhungli 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061660 WVG Medien 31.10.2014 Sergej Swetlakow, Vera Brezhnewa - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061136 Alexander Wojtinskij Aki Kaurismäki Collection (10 Trailer, Bonusfilm Discs) Joe - Die Rache ist sein Abenteuer/Komödie 2012 83min. Dir. Aki Kaurismäki Joe Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.09.2014 Trailer

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Drama/Komödie 1358min. Marcel Carné Lea van Acken, Franziska Weisz, Florian Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Trailer Stetter, Lucie Aron, Moritz Knapp, Michael 14.11.2014 Drama 1943-1945 183min. Kamp, Hanns Zischler, Birge Schade, Ge- 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061689 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde org Wesch, Ramin Yazdani - Dir. Dietrich Classic Selection) 23.10.2014 Brüggemann Shahrukh Khan Collection (3 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061444 Drama 2014 107min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Camino) Discs) Kinder des Olymp (Blu-ray) Und ganz plötzlich ist es Liebe / In guten 08.10.2014 Les Enfants Du Paradis wie in schweren Tagen / Lebe und denke tba BestellNr.: 20061351 Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre nicht an morgen Brasseur, Marcel Herrand, Louis Salou, Shah Rukh Khan - Tal der Rache / Maria Casarès, Etienne Decroux, Pierre Sticker Sein Leben, sein Werk Renoir, Fabien Loris, Pierre Palau, Marcel Komödie/Bollywood 575min. Burt Lancaster - A Portrait / Tal der Rache Pérès, Jeanne Marken, Gaston Modot, Rapid Eye Movies HE 31.10.2014 Burt Lancaster Jean-Pierre Delmon, Jean Carmet - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061401 Western 140min. Marcel Carné Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Killer Ants - Sie kommen um dich Trailer Drama 1943-1945 190min. 26.09.2014 zu fressen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061491 Killer Ants Classic Selection) 23.10.2014 Matt Tramel, Sam Damon, Dawn Erin - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061481 Pippi Langstrumpf - TV-Serie, Carolyn Banks DVD 1 Trailer, Bonusfilm Klondike (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Pippi Långstrump Horror/Komödie 2009 76min. Klondike Inger Nilsson, Pär Sundberg, Maria Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.10.2014 Richard Madden, Abbie Cornish, Sam Persson, Margot Trooger, Hans Clarin - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061279 Shepard - Dir. Simon Cellan Jones Olle Hellbom Killer Ants - Sie kommen um dich Western 2014 min. Kinderfilm 1968 109min. Koch Media 27.11.2014 Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) zu fressen (k.J.) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061699 03.10.2014 Killer Ants 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061246 Matt Tramel, Sam Damon, Dawn Erin - Dir. Klondike (3 Discs) Carolyn Banks Klondike Pippi Langstrumpf - TV-Serie, Trailer Richard Madden, Abbie Cornish, Sam Horror/Komödie 2009 73min. DVD 1 & 2 (2 Discs) Shepard - Dir. Simon Cellan Jones Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.10.2014 Pippi Långstrump Western 2014 min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061270 Inger Nilsson, Pär Sundberg, Maria Koch Media 27.11.2014 Persson, Margot Trooger, Hans Clarin - Dir. Killers - In jedem von uns steckt 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061672 Olle Hellbom ein Killer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kinderfilm 1968 220min. Knight Rider - Die komplette Se- Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Kirazu rie (26 Discs) 03.10.2014 , Oka Antara, Rin Knight Rider 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061248 Takanashi, Luna Maya, Epy Kusnandar, Mei , Edward Mulhare, Patricia Kurokawa, Tara Basro - Dir. The Mo McPherson, Rebecca Holden, Peter Parros, Pippi Langstrumpf - TV-Serie, Brothers Pamela Susan Shoop, Shawn Southwick, Thriller/Horror 2014 127min. DVD 2 Ann Turkel, Jack Gill, Brian Cutler - Dir. Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Pippi Långstrump Daniel Haller, Paul Stanley 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061473 Inger Nilsson, Pär Sundberg, Maria Action 1982-1986 4189min. Persson, Margot Trooger, Hans Clarin - Dir. Killers - In jedem von uns steckt Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Olle Hellbom 16.10.2014 ein Killer (k.J.) Kinderfilm 1968 111min. 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061128 Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Kirazu 03.10.2014 Kazuki Kitamura, Oka Antara, Rin Knights of Badassdom 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061247 Takanashi, Luna Maya, Epy Kusnandar, Mei Knights Of Badassdom Kurokawa, Tara Basro - Dir. The Mo Ryan Kwanten, Steve Zahn, Peter Dinklage, Laurel & Hardy - Die Schatztruhe Brothers , Margarita Levieva, Jimmi Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Thriller/Horror 2014 122min. Simpson, Danny Pudi, Joshua Malina - Dir. Komödie 106min. Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061433 Interviews, Featurette, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061451 Komödie/Horror 2013 86min. Killerschlangen (Creature Terror Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Die lebenden Leichen des Dr. 28.10.2014 Collection) Jekyll Rattlers tba BestellNr.: 20061210 El Secreto Del Dr. Orloff Sam Chew, Elizabeth Chauvet, Dan Priest - Hugo Blanco, Agnes Spaak, Perla Cristal, Dir. John McCauley Knights of Badassdom (Blu-ray) Marcelo Arroita, Pepe Rubio, Pastor Horror 1976 80min. Knights Of Badassdom Serrador, Marta Reves, Daniel Blumer, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 10.10.2014 Ryan Kwanten, Steve Zahn, Peter Dinklage, Luisa Sala, Manuel Guitián, Mer Casas, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061496 Summer Glau, Margarita Levieva, Jimmi Simpson, Danny Pudi, Joshua Malina - Dir. Rafael Hernández - Dir. Jess Franco Kinder des Olymp Joe Lynch Horror 1964 86min. VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 19.08.2014 Les Enfants Du Paradis Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Komödie/Horror 2013 89min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061343 Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Brasseur, Marcel Herrand, Louis Salou, 28.10.2014 Die Legende vom Weihnachts- Maria Casarès, Etienne Decroux, Pierre tba BestellNr.: 20061231 Renoir, Fabien Loris, Pierre Palau, Marcel stern Reisen Til Julestjernen Pérès, Jeanne Marken, Gaston Modot, Kreuzweg Jean-Pierre Delmon, Jean Carmet - Dir. Vilde Zeiner, Anders Baasmo Christiansen,

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Agnes Kittelsen, Stig Werner Moe, Eilif Jenny Slate, Barbara Schulz, Tony Ro- Sheridan, Murisa Harba - Dir. Gor Hellum Noraker, Kristin Zachariassen, An- berts, Laura Clery - Dir. Peter Glanz Kirakosian dreas Cappelen, Knut Walle, Sofie Asplin, Komödie/Lovestory 2014 90min. Trailer Jakob Oftebro, Evy Kasseth Røsten, Jarl EuroVideo Medien 05.11.2014 Komödie 2012 96min. Goli, Vera Rudi, Brit Elisabeth Haagensli - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061407 Bubblegum Movie AG 10.10.2014 Dir. Nils Gaup 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061163 Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2012 74min. Liebe und Flamenco polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 Flirting With Flamenco Lost & Found in Armenien (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061101 Holly Davidson, Jeremy Edwards, Elize du ray) Toit, Tom Watt, Ania Sowinski, Charlie Lost & Found In Armenia Die Legende vom Weihnachts- Condou, Jake Canuso, Victoria Leigh, Jamie Kennedy, Angela Sarafyan, Mikael stern (Blu-ray) Naomi Westerman - Dir. Jim Doyle Pogosyan, Hrant Tokhatyan, David Reisen Til Julestjernen Komödie/Drama 2006 101min. Tovmasyan, Vachik Mangassarian, Dave Vilde Zeiner, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.09.2014 Sheridan, Murisa Harba - Dir. Gor Agnes Kittelsen, Stig Werner Moe, Eilif 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061008 Kirakosian Hellum Noraker, Kristin Zachariassen, An- Trailer Komödie 2012 100min. dreas Cappelen, Knut Walle, Sofie Asplin, Liebe und Flamenco (Blu-ray 3D) Bubblegum Movie AG 10.10.2014 Jakob Oftebro, Evy Kasseth Røsten, Jarl (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061175 Goli, Vera Rudi, Brit Elisabeth Haagensli - Flirting With Flamenco Dir. Nils Gaup Holly Davidson, Jeremy Edwards, Elize du Lost in Toronto Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2012 77min. Toit, Tom Watt, Ania Sowinski, Charlie Picture Claire polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 Condou, Jake Canuso, Victoria Leigh, Juliette Lewis, Gina Gershon, Callum Keith 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061137 Naomi Westerman - Dir. Jim Doyle Rennie, Kelly Harms, Camilla Rutherford, Komödie/Drama 2006 105min. Mickey Rourke, Peter Stebbings, Raoul Legenden des Wilden Westens (3 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.09.2014 Bhaneja, Tracy Wright - Dir. Bruce 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061031 Discs) McDonald Stahlharte Fäuste / Der Weg nach Westen Trailer / Mit eisernen Fäusten Liebe und Flamenco (Blu-ray) Thriller 2001 87min. Western 300min. Flirting With Flamenco Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Maritim Holly Davidson, Jeremy Edwards, Elize du 17.10.2014 Pictures) 23.09.2014 Toit, Tom Watt, Ania Sowinski, Charlie tba BestellNr.: 20061509 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061091 Condou, Jake Canuso, Victoria Leigh, Naomi Westerman - Dir. Jim Doyle Lost in Toronto (Blu-ray) Der letzte Exorzismus - Part 1 & Komödie/Drama 2006 101min. Picture Claire The Next Chapter (2 Discs) (Blu- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.09.2014 Juliette Lewis, Gina Gershon, Callum Keith 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061030 ray) (k.J.) Rennie, Kelly Harms, Camilla Rutherford, Mickey Rourke, Peter Stebbings, Raoul The Last Exorcism / The Last Exorcism Astrid Lindgren: Michel aus Bhaneja, Tracy Wright - Dir. Bruce Part Ii Lönneberga - TV-Serie, DVD 1 McDonald Patrick Fabian, Ashley Bell, Iris Bahr, Julia Emil I Lönneberga Trailer Garner, Spencer Treat Clark - Dir. Daniel Jan Ohlsson, Lena Wisborg, Allan Edwall, Thriller 2001 91min. Stamm, Ed Gass-Donnelly Emy Storm - Dir. Olle Hellbom Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover 24.10.2014 Horror 2010-2013 175min. Kinderfilm 1975 96min. tba BestellNr.: 20061525 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 03.10.2014 Germany 25.09.2014 Love and Other Troubles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061034 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061244 Hulluna Saraan Der letzte Exorzismus - Part 1 & Astrid Lindgren: Michel aus , Jussi Nikkilä, Ville Virtanen Lönneberga - TV-Serie, DVD 2 - Dir. Samuli Valkama The Next Chapter (2 Discs) (k.J.) Komödie/Lovestory 2012 90min. Emil I Lönneberga The Last Exorcism / The Last Exorcism Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.10.2014 Jan Ohlsson, Lena Wisborg, Allan Edwall, Part Ii tba BestellNr.: 20061506 Patrick Fabian, Ashley Bell, Iris Bahr, Julia Emy Storm - Dir. Olle Hellbom Garner, Spencer Treat Clark - Dir. Daniel Kinderfilm 1975 96min. Love and Other Troubles (Blu-ray) Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Stamm, Ed Gass-Donnelly Hulluna Saraan 03.10.2014 Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Emilie de Ravin, Jussi Nikkilä, Ville Virtanen Horror 2010-2013 168min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061245 - Dir. Samuli Valkama STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Lovestory 2012 94min. Germany 25.09.2014 Lone Survivor (Limited Edition, Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061011 Steelbook) (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20061522 Lone Survivor Liebe to Go - Die längste Woche Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Der Löwe im Winter (Reclam Edi- meines Lebens , Eric Bana, Ali Suliman, Alexan- tion) The Longest Week der Ludwig, Sammy Sheik, Dan Bilzerian - The Lion In Winter Jason Bateman, Olivia Wilde, Billy Crudup, Dir. Peter Berg Peter O’Toole, Katharine Hepburn, Jane Jenny Slate, Barbara Schulz, Tony Ro- Drama/Kriegsfilm 2013 122min. Merrow, John Castle, Timothy Dalton, Sir berts, Laura Clery - Dir. Peter Glanz Universum Film Home Anthony Hopkins - Dir. Anthony Harvey Komödie/Lovestory 2014 86min. Entertainment(SquareOne) 17.10.2014 Audiokommentar EuroVideo Medien 05.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061341 Drama/Historienfilm 1968 129min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061391 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Lost & Found in Armenien Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Liebe to Go - Die längste Woche Lost & Found In Armenia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061088 meines Lebens (Blu-ray) Jamie Kennedy, Angela Sarafyan, Mikael The Longest Week Pogosyan, Hrant Tokhatyan, David Maïna - Das Wolfsmädchen Jason Bateman, Olivia Wilde, Billy Crudup, Tovmasyan, Vachik Mangassarian, Dave Maïna

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Roseanne Supernault, Graham Greene, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061629 Trailer Ipellie Ootoova, Tantoo Cardinal - Dir. Mi- Horror 2004 94min. chel Poulette Ein Mann schlägt zurück SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 18.09.2014 Trailer Act Of Vengeance 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061310 Abenteuer 2013 98min. Charles Bronson, Ellen Burstyn, Wilford MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 13.11.2014 Brimley, Joseph Kell, Alfred Humphries, Mercenaries Fighter (3 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20061207 Caroline Kava - Dir. John Mackenzie (k.J.) Action 1985 85min. Top Fighter 1 / Beretta’s Island / Eagle Maïna - Das Wolfsmädchen (Blu- MIG Film 18.09.2014 Shadow Fist / Kambakkht Ishq / Retrogra- ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061313 de - Krieg auf dem Eisplaneten / Sie töten Maïna aus Lust / Tim - Kann das Liebe sein? / Roseanne Supernault, Graham Greene, Männerwirtschaft - Die fünfte The Legend of Bruce Lee Ipellie Ootoova, Tantoo Cardinal - Dir. Mi- Season (4 Discs) Franco Columbu, Ken Kercheval, Elizabeth chel Poulette The Odd Couple Kaitan, Dolph Lundgren, Silvia De Santis, Trailer , , Al Molinaro, Joe Montana, Antonio Banderas, Mathieu Abenteuer 2013 102min. , Elinor Donahue, Janis Carrière, Victoria Abril, Wong Chung, MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 13.11.2014 Hansen - Dir. Jerry , Jack Donohue, Jackie Chan, Mu Zhu, Piper Laurie, Mel tba BestellNr.: 20061228 Mel Ferber Gibson, Alwyn Kurts, Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor, Aftab Shivdasani, Chan Mall - Wrong Time, Wrong Place Komödie 1974-1975 562min. Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Kwok-kwan, Michelle Lang, Ted E. Duran, Mall 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061598 Bruce Lee, Jet Li - Dir. Michael Preece, Vincent D’Onofrio, Peter Stormare, Gina Christopher Kulikowski, Félix Rotaeta, Zhuo Gershon, Mimi Rogers, Cameron Monaghan, Mauern der Gewalt Wu, Mu Zhu, Michael Pate, Sabir Khan, Li Sianoa Smit-McPhee, James Frecheville, Starred Up Qi-Wen, Toby Russell Gbenga Akinnagbe, John Hensley - Dir. Rupert Friend, Ben Mendelsohn, Jack Action 1973-2009 852min. Joseph Hahn O’Connell, Sam Spruell, David Ajala, David Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Drama/Thriller 2014 85min. Avery, Peter Ferdinando, Ashley Chin - Dir. 23.10.2014 Splendid Film 31.10.2014 David Mackenzie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061440 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061353 Drama/Action 2013 101min. A Million Ways to Die in the West Mall - Wrong Time, Wrong Place Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061213 A Million Ways To Die In The West (Blu-ray) MacFarlane, Charlize Theron, Amanda Mall Mauern der Gewalt (Blu-ray) Seyfried, Liam Neeson, Giovanni Ribisi, Neil Vincent D’Onofrio, Peter Stormare, Gina Starred Up Patrick Harris, Sarah Silverman, Christo- Gershon, Mimi Rogers, Cameron Monaghan, Rupert Friend, Ben Mendelsohn, Jack pher Hagen, Wes Studi, Matt Clark, Evan Sianoa Smit-McPhee, James Frecheville, O’Connell, Sam Spruell, David Ajala, David Jones, Aaron McPherson, Rex Linn, Brett Gbenga Akinnagbe, John Hensley - Dir. Avery, Peter Ferdinando, Ashley Chin - Dir. Rickaby, Alex Borstein, Ralph Garman, Joseph Hahn David Mackenzie John Aylward, Jay Patterson, Amick Byram, Drama/Thriller 2014 88min. Drama/Action 2013 105min. Christopher Lloyd - Dir. Seth MacFarlane Splendid Film 31.10.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 Komödie/Western 2014 112min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061370 tba BestellNr.: 20061235 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 09.10.2014 Maman und ich Der Medicus (Extended Edition, 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061098 Les Garçons Et Guillaume, A Table Discs) Guillaume Gallienne, André Marcon, A Million Ways to Die in the West Tom Payne, Emma Rigby, Stellan Skarsgård, Françoise Fabian, Diane Kruger, Nanou Sir Ben Kingsley, Olivier Martinez, Michael (Kinofassung, + Extended Versi- Garcia, Reda Kateb, Götz Otto, Brigitte Marcus, Elyas M’Barek, Fahri Yardim, on) (Blu-ray) Catillon, Carol Brenner, Charlie Anson - Dir. Dominique Moore, Stanley Townsend, Mi- A Million Ways To Die In The West Guillaume Gallienne chael Jibson, Mourad Zaoui - Dir. Philipp Seth MacFarlane, Charlize Theron, Amanda Komödie/Drama 2013 84min. Stölzl Seyfried, Liam Neeson, Giovanni Ribisi, Neil Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Making of, Trailer, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Patrick Harris, Sarah Silverman, Christo- Home Edition) 23.10.2014 Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 181min. pher Hagen, Wes Studi, Matt Clark, Evan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061206 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jones, Aaron McPherson, Rex Linn, Brett 09.10.2014 Maman und ich (Blu-ray) Rickaby, Alex Borstein, Ralph Garman, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061492 John Aylward, Jay Patterson, Amick Byram, Les Garçons Et Guillaume, A Table Christopher Lloyd - Dir. Seth MacFarlane Guillaume Gallienne, André Marcon, Der Medicus (Extended Edition, 2 Komödie/Western 2014 116min. Françoise Fabian, Diane Kruger, Nanou Discs) (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Garcia, Reda Kateb, Götz Otto, Brigitte Tom Payne, Emma Rigby, Stellan Skarsgård, 09.10.2014 Catillon, Carol Brenner, Charlie Anson - Dir. Sir Ben Kingsley, Olivier Martinez, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061135 Guillaume Gallienne Marcus, Elyas M’Barek, Fahri Yardim, Komödie/Drama 2013 87min. Dominique Moore, Stanley Townsend, Mi- Millionen EuroVideo Medien(Concorde) 23.10.2014 chael Jibson, Mourad Zaoui - Dir. Philipp Andreas Döhler, Carola Sigg, Levin Hen- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061227 Stölzl ning, Godehard Giese, Annika Ernst, Lucie Manche Hunde beißen (Blu-ray) Making of, Trailer, Featurettes, Audiokommentar Heinze, Rainer Winkelvoss, Artur Albrecht, Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 188min. Horst-Günter Marx, Florian Hertweck, Da- Some Dogs Bite Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) vid Bredin, Wiebke Frost, Peter Trabner - Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Aaron Taylor, 09.10.2014 Dir. Fabian Möhrke Michelle Asante, Aymen Hamdouchi, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061515 Drama/Tragikomödie 2013 82min. Mandeep Dhillon, Ben Bishop, Theo KNM Home Entertainment 16.10.2014 Barklem-Biggs, Kian Smith - Dir. Marc Mun- Mega Bugs (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20061608 den Centipede! Trailer Larry Casey, Margaret Cash, Trevor Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 88min. Mindscape Murphy, George Foster, Matthew Pohlson, Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Mindscape Danielle Kirlin - Dir. Gregory Gieras 29.08.2014 Mark Strong, Taissa Farmiga, Saskia

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Reeves, Richard Dillane, Indira Varma, Morning Star - Knight of the Christian Slater, Elya Baskin, William Noah Taylor, Alberto Ammann, Brian Cox - Witch (Blu-ray) Hickey, , Volker Prechtel, Dir. Jorge Dorado Valentina Vargas, Ron Perlman, Pete Lan- Morning Star Interview, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, TV-Spots, caster - Dir. Jean-Jacques Annaud Wendecover Adrian Bouchet, Mike Mitchell, Ivy Corbin, Trailer Thriller 2013 94min. Daniel Vivian, David White, Ally McClelland, Abenteuer/Kriminalfilm 1986 126min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Rosella Elmi - Dir. Luca Boni, Marco Ristori STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 20.11.2014 Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Germany(Kinowelt) 09.10.2014 Fantasy/Action 2014 91min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061338 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061089 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 Mohabbatein - Denn meine Liebe 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061700 Natural Born Killers (20th ist unsterblich (Blu-ray) Mumie - Tal des Todes Anniversary Edition) (Blu-ray) Mohabbatein The Mummy Lives (k.J.) Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Tony Curtis, Greg Wrangler, Leslie Hardy, Natural Born Killers Aishwarya Rai, Uday Chopra, Jugal Jack Cohen, Mohammed Bakri, Mosko Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Robert Hansraj, Jimmy Shergill, Shamita Shetty - Alkalai, Moshe Ivgy, Joseph Shiloach, Uri Downey Jr., Tommy Lee Jones, Tom Dir. Aditya Chopra Gavriel, Yigal Naor, Eli Danker - Dir. Gerry Sizemore, Rodney Dangerfield, Russell Komödie/Drama 2000 215min. O’Hara Means, Edie McClurg, Balthazar Getty, Joe Rapid Eye Movies HE 07.11.2014 Horror 1993 96min. Grifasi, O-Lan Jones - Dir. Oliver Stone 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061415 Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Audiokommentar, Alternatives Ende, Einleitung von Oliver Productions) 22.08.2014 Stone, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, US-Kinotrailer Montana - Rache hat einen neu- Thriller/Satire 1994 119min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061331 en Namen Warner Home Video Germany 25.09.2014 Montana The Mummy (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061274 Lars Mikkelsen, Adam Deacon, Ashley Wal- The Mummy Nesthäkchen - Komplettbox (3 ters, Michelle Fairley, Alexandra Weaver, Boris Karloff, Zita Johann, David Manners, Zlatko Buric, Clint Dyer, Dominique Tipper, Arthur Byron, Edward van Sloan, Bramwell Discs) Ryan Oliva, Oliver Stark - Dir. Mo Ali Fletcher - Dir. Karl Freund Kathrin Toboll, Anja Bayer, Susanne Uhlen, Making of, Interviews Horror 1932 73min. Christian Wolff, Doris Kunstmann, Helma Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 98min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Seitz - Dir. Gero Erhardt WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) 02.10.2014 Kinderfilm 1983 330min. 31.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061153 Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061650 10.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061253 Montana - Rache hat einen neu- München 7 - Zwei Polizisten und en Namen (Blu-ray) ihre Stadt, Vol. 5 (3 Discs) Nico - Meister des Spiels Andreas Giebel, Florian Karlheim, Christine Montana Fill De Caín Neubauer, Monika Gruber, Julia Koschitz, Lars Mikkelsen, Adam Deacon, Ashley Wal- José Coronado, Julio Manrique, David Sol- Dorothee Hartinger, Christian Lerch, Luise ters, Michelle Fairley, Alexandra Weaver, ans, Maria Molins, Jack Taylor, Abril García, Kinseher, Johannes Herrschmann, Winfried Zlatko Buric, Clint Dyer, Dominique Tipper, Mercè Rovira, Helena de la Torre - Dir. Frey, Jockel Tschiersch, Johann Schuler, Ryan Oliva, Oliver Stark - Dir. Mo Ali Jesús Monllaó Making of, Interviews Jonas Wittmann, Max Schmidt, Sarah Trailer Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 102min. Camp, Alfons Schuhbeck - Dir. Franz Xaver Thriller/Drama 2013 87min. WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Bogner 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.10.2014 31.10.2014 Kriminalfilm 2013 400min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061639 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061661 Universum Film Home Entertainment(Bayerischer Rundfunk) Nico - Meister des Spiels (Blu-ray) Mord ist ihr Hobby - Staffel 8.2 (3 07.11.2014 Fill De Caín Discs) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061589 José Coronado, Julio Manrique, David Sol- ans, Maria Molins, Jack Taylor, Abril García, Murder, She Wrote My Bollywood Bride , William Windom, Ron Mercè Rovira, Helena de la Torre - Dir. My Bollywood Bride Masak, Tom Bosley, Louis Herthum, Michael Jesús Monllaó Jason Lewis, Kashmira Shah, Gulshan Horton, Ken Swofford, Julie Adams, Herb Trailer Grover, Sanjay Suri, Neha Dubey, Ash Thriller/Drama 2013 91min. Edelman, Keith Michell - Dir. Anthony Pullen Chandler, Deepak Qazir, Madhuri Bhatia - 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.10.2014 Shaw, Walter Grauman, Vincent McEveety, Dir. Rajeev Virani 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061654 Seymour Robbie, Jerry Jameson, John Trailer, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie Llewellyn Moxey, Peter Crane, Allen Komödie 2006 92min. Nine Lives Reisner, Arthur Allan Seidelman, Nick Edel Germany(Starmovie) 19.09.2014 Nine Lives Havinga 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061013 Sissy Spacek, , Holly Hunter, Kriminalfilm 1984-1996 497min. Lisa Gay Hamilton, Kathy Baker, Amanda Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) My Sweet Pepper Land Seyfried, Amy Brenneman, Robin Wright, 30.10.2014 My Sweet Pepper Land Aidan Quinn, Molly Parker, Sydney Tamiia 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061125 Golshifteh Farahani, Korkmaz Arslan, Suat Poitier, Elpidia Carrillo, Jason Isaacs, Miguel Usta, Fayyaz Doman, Mir Murad Bedirxan, Morning Star - Knight of the Sandoval, Joe Mantegna, Stephen Dillane, Tarik Akrevi, Véronique Wüthrich (Nîroj) - Dakota Fanning, William Fichtner, Ian Witch Dir. Hiner Saleem McShane, Mary Kay Place - Dir. Rodrigo Morning Star Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover, Booklet García Drama 2013 90min. Adrian Bouchet, Mike Mitchell, Ivy Corbin, Drama/Episodenfilm 2005 107min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 31.10.2014 Daniel Vivian, David White, Ally McClelland, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.09.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061664 Rosella Elmi - Dir. Luca Boni, Marco Ristori 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061012 Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Fantasy/Action 2014 87min. Der Name der Rose (Reclam Edi- Nine Lives (Blu-ray) KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 tion) Nine Lives 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061674 Sir Sean Connery, F. Murray Abraham, Sissy Spacek, Glenn Close, Holly Hunter, Feodor Chaliapin jr., Helmut Qualtinger, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Kathy Baker, Amanda

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Seyfried, Amy Brenneman, Robin Wright, da music(Laser Paradise) 22.08.2014 Olsen-Banden ser rødt / Olsen-Bandens Aidan Quinn, Molly Parker, Sydney Tamiia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061369 flugt over plankeværket / Olsen-Bandens Poitier, Elpidia Carrillo, Jason Isaacs, Miguel store kup / Die Olsenbande ergibt sich Sandoval, Joe Mantegna, Stephen Dillane, La Noche de los Muertos Viventes nie / Die Olsenbande fährt nach Jütland / Dakota Fanning, William Fichtner, Ian (k.J.) Der voraussichtlich letzte Streich der McShane, Mary Kay Place - Dir. Rodrigo Night Of The Living Dead Olsenbande García Judith O’Dea, Russell Steiner, Duane Jones, Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Drama/Episodenfilm 2005 110min. Karl Hardman, Keith Wayne, Judith Ridley, Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther, Ghita Nørby - Edel Germany(Starmovie) 05.09.2014 Marilyn Eastman, Kyra Schon - Dir. George Dir. Erik Balling 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061033 A. Romero Sammelpostkarten, Diverse Kriminalfilm 1968-1981 1297min. Horror 1968 96min. ICESTORM Entertainment 08.09.2014 Ninja Double Feature (2 Discs) da music(Laser Paradise) 22.08.2014 259,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061527 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061354 Ninja - Revenge Will Rise / Ninja - Pfad Die Olsenbande - DVD-Box (13 der Rache Die Normannen kommen (Blu-ray) Scott Adkins, Kane Kosugi, Mika Hijii, The War Lord Discs) Tsuyoshi Ihara - Dir. Isaac Florentine Charlton Heston, Richard Boone, Rosemary Der (wirklich) allerletzte Streich der Making of, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, B-Roll Forsyth, Maurice Evans, Guy Stockwell, Olsenbande / Olsen-Banden / Olsen-Ban- Action/Eastern 2009-2013 178min. Niall MacGinnis - Dir. Franklin J. Schaffner den deruda’ / Olsen-Banden går amok / Splendid Film 26.09.2014 Bildergalerie, Original Kinotrailer Olsen-Banden går i krig / Olsen-Banden 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061079 Abenteuer 1965 116min. over alle bjerge / Olsen-Banden pa Koch Media 14.08.2014 spanden / Olsen-Banden på sporet / Ninja Double Feature (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061299 Olsen-Banden ser rødt / Olsen-Bandens (k.J.) flugt over plankeværket / Olsen-Bandens Ninja - Revenge Will Rise / Ninja - Pfad Nymphs - Die komplette erste store kup / Die Olsenbande ergibt sich der Rache Staffel (3 Discs) nie / Die Olsenbande fährt nach Jütland / Scott Adkins, Kane Kosugi, Mika Hijii, Nymfit Der voraussichtlich letzte Streich der Tsuyoshi Ihara - Dir. Isaac Florentine Sara Soulié, Rebecca Vitala, Manuela Olsenbande Making of, Behind the Scenes, Featurette, B-Roll Bosco - Dir. Miikko Oikkonen, Teemu Nikki Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul Action/Eastern 2009-2013 178min. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther, Ghita Nørby - Splendid Film 26.09.2014 Fantasy/Mystery 2013 528min. Dir. Erik Balling 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061067 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 29.08.2014 Sammelpostkarten, Diverse 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061095 Kriminalfilm 1968-1981 1247min. No Turning Back ICESTORM Entertainment 08.09.2014 Locke Nymphs - Die komplette erste 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061514 Tom Hardy, Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott, Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) One Shot - Space Trooper Olivia Colman, Tom Holland, Ben Daniels, Nymfit One Shot Alice Lowe, Bill Milner - Dir. Steven Knight Sara Soulié, Rebecca Vitala, Manuela Matthew Reese, Nichelle Aiden, Kevin Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Bosco - Dir. Miikko Oikkonen, Teemu Nikki Drama/Thriller 2013 81min. Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Sorbo, Jacque Gray, Scott Hanks, Jaci STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Fantasy/Mystery 2013 549min. Twiss - Dir. John Lyde Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 29.08.2014 Action/Science Fiction 2014 88min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061337 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061133 Splendid Film 31.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061356 No Turning Back (Blu-ray) Oberst Redl - Spionage Locke Spionage One Shot - Space Trooper (Blu- Tom Hardy, Ruth Wilson, Andrew Scott, Ewald Balser, Barbara Rütting, Gerhard ray) Olivia Colman, Tom Holland, Ben Daniels, Riedmann, Oskar Werner, Marte Harell, One Shot Alice Lowe, Bill Milner - Dir. Steven Knight Hannelore Bollmann, Rudolf Forster, Attila Matthew Reese, Nichelle Aiden, Kevin Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Hörbiger, Erik Frey, Heinz Moog - Dir. Franz Sorbo, Jacque Gray, Scott Hanks, Jaci Drama/Thriller 2013 84min. Antel Twiss - Dir. John Lyde STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Booklet, Trailer Action/Science Fiction 2014 92min. Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 Thriller 1955 95min. Splendid Film 31.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061342 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061373 AG(Filmjuwelen) 26.09.2014 Noah (Blu-ray 3D, Limited Editi- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061394 Open House (Blu-ray) (k.J.) on, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Open House Noah Die Oktonauten... und das Tief- Brian Geraghty, Rachel Blanchard, Tricia Russell Crowe, , Ray see-Abenteuer Helfer, Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Gabri- Winstone, Emma Watson, Sir Anthony The Octonauts el Olds, Jessica Collins, Larry Sullivan, Hopkins, , Douglas Booth, Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars Ryan March - Dir. Andrew Paquin Kevin Durand, Sami Gayle - Dir. Darren Julio Muri Trailer, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie Aronofsky Kinderfilm 2010-2011 60min. Thriller/Horror 2010 88min. Featurettes Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Drama/Abenteuer 2014 138min. Division(Europa) 05.09.2014 01.08.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 28.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061264 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061074 tba BestellNr.: 20061630 Open House (k.J.) La Noche de los Muertos Viventes Die Olsenbande - Blu-ray-Box (13 Discs) (Blu-ray) Open House (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Brian Geraghty, Rachel Blanchard, Tricia Der (wirklich) allerletzte Streich der Night Of The Living Dead Helfer, Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Gabri- Olsenbande / Olsen-Banden / Olsen-Ban- Judith O’Dea, Russell Steiner, Duane Jones, el Olds, Jessica Collins, Larry Sullivan, den deruda’ / Olsen-Banden går amok / Karl Hardman, Keith Wayne, Judith Ridley, Ryan March - Dir. Andrew Paquin Olsen-Banden går i krig / Olsen-Banden Marilyn Eastman, Kyra Schon - Dir. George Trailer, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie over alle bjerge / Olsen-Banden pa A. Romero Thriller/Horror 2010 84min. spanden / Olsen-Banden på sporet / Horror 1968 96min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta)

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01.08.2014 Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Interview - Dir. Dominik Graf 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061049 Komödie 2010-2011 201min. Interview Concorde Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Kriminalfilm 2004-2011 277min. Orlando (Reclam Edition) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061482 EuroVideo Medien 23.10.2014 Orlando 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061404 , Billy Zane, Lothaire Bluteau, Plötzlich Star! / Schwesterherzen John Wood, , Heathcote - Ramonas wilde Welt (2 Discs) Preisgekrönte Kinderfilme 2 (3 Williams - Dir. Sally Potter Monte Carlo / Ramona And Beezus Discs) Trailer , Leighton Meester, Katie Sommer mit Onkel Erik / Das weiße Drama 1992 90min. Cassidy, Joey King, John Corbett - Dir. Tho- Zauberpferd / Scars STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment mas Bezucha, Elizabeth Allen Peter Gantzler, Wencke Barfoed, Niels Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Komödie/Lovestory 2010-2011 min. Olsen, Eirik Evjen, Martin Jonny Raaen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061108 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Eidissen, Eirik Stigar, Gabriel Byrne, Ellen Germany 02.10.2014 Barkin, Ciarán Fitzgerald - Dir. Tomas Villum Persona (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061568 Jensen, Lars Berg, Mike Newell Persona Drama/Komödie 1992-2002 247min. , , Margaretha Die Poetin Spirit Media 11.09.2014 Krook, Gunnar Björnstrand, Jörgen Flores Raras 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061284 Lindström - Dir. Miranda Otto, Glória Pires, Tracy Dokumentation, Wendecover Middendorf, Marcello Airoldi, Lola Kirke, The Prince - Only God Forgives Drama 1966 82min. Tânia Costa, Marianna Mac Niven, Marcio The Prince STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ehrlich, Treat Williams, Anna Bella - Dir. Jason Patric, Bruce Willis, John Cusack, 50 Germany(Arthaus) 25.09.2014 Bruno Barreto Cent, Rain, Jessica Lowndes, Johnathon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061035 Making of, Featurette, Trailer Schaech, Gia Mantegna, Courtney B. Turk, Drama 2013 110min. Ein Pferd für Sunny Tyler J. Olson, Jesse Pruett - Dir. Brian A Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Miller Second Chances 15.08.2014 Featurette, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Kelsey Mulrooney, Isabel Glasser, Tom 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061121 Action/Thriller 2014 90min. Amandes, Stuart Whitman, Charles KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 Shaughnessy, Theodore Bikel, , Die Poetin (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061676 Madeline Zima - Dir. James Fargo Flores Raras Trailer, Bildergalerie Miranda Otto, Glória Pires, Tracy The Prince - Only God Forgives Drama/Familie 1998 103min. Middendorf, Marcello Airoldi, Lola Kirke, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 (Blu-ray) Tânia Costa, Marianna Mac Niven, Marcio 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061675 The Prince Ehrlich, Treat Williams, Anna Bella - Dir. Jason Patric, Bruce Willis, John Cusack, 50 Phantom of the Opera (Blu-ray) Bruno Barreto Cent, Rain, Jessica Lowndes, Johnathon Making of, Featurette, Trailer Schaech, Gia Mantegna, Courtney B. Turk, Phantom Of The Opera Drama 2013 115min. Tyler J. Olson, Jesse Pruett - Dir. Brian A Nelson Eddy, Claude Rains, Susanna Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Miller Foster, Edgar Barrier, Leo Carrillo, Jane 15.08.2014 Farrar, J. Edward Bromberg - Dir. Arthur Featurette, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061145 Action/Thriller 2014 93min. Lubin KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 Horror/Drama 1943 92min. Die Poetin (Special Edition) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061701 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Flores Raras 02.10.2014 Miranda Otto, Glória Pires, Tracy Der Prinz und der Abendstern 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061154 Middendorf, Marcello Airoldi, Lola Kirke, Princ A Vecernice Tânia Costa, Marianna Mac Niven, Marcio Piraten-Box Juraj Durdiak, Libuse Safránková, Ehrlich, Treat Williams, Anna Bella - Dir. Radoslav Brzobohatý, Frantisek Filipovsky, Der Kampf um den Piratenschatz / Der Bruno Barreto Petr Svoboda, Alexej Okunev, Oldrich Schatz der Korsaren Schmuckschuber, Making of, Featurette, Trailer Táborský, Rudolf Jelinek, Julie Juristova, Abenteuer 210min. Drama 2013 110min. Zlata Adamovská, Ivana Andrlová - Dir. Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Václav Vorlícek 26.09.2014 15.08.2014 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061454 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061123 Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1979 76min. ICESTORM Entertainment 08.09.2014 Plan B für die Liebe / Einmal ist Die Poetin (Special Edition) (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061536 keinmal (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Discs) ray) The Back-Up Plan / One For The Money Flores Raras Projekt B (Dragon Edition) Jennifer Lopez, Alex O’Loughlin, Eric Chri- Miranda Otto, Glória Pires, Tracy ‘A’ Gai Waak Juk Jaap stian Olsen, , Jason O’Mara, Middendorf, Marcello Airoldi, Lola Kirke, Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, David Lam, Daniel Sunjata - Dir. Alan Poul, Julie Anne Tânia Costa, Marianna Mac Niven, Marcio Carina Lau, Bill Tung, Kenny Ho - Dir. Robinson Ehrlich, Treat Williams, Anna Bella - Dir. Jackie Chan Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Interview Bruno Barreto Action/Eastern 1987 102min. Komödie 2010-2011 184min. Schmuckschuber, Making of, Featurette, Trailer Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 26.09.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Drama 2013 115min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061069 Home Edition) 02.10.2014 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061445 15.08.2014 Projekt B (Dragon Edition) (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061147 Plan B für die Liebe / Einmal ist ray) Polizeiruf 110 - Sonderedition Do- ‘A’ Gai Waak Juk Jaap keinmal (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Discs) Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, David Lam, (Blu-ray) minik Graf (3 Discs) Carina Lau, Bill Tung, Kenny Ho - Dir. The Back-Up Plan / One For The Money Polizeiruf 110 - Der Scharlachrote Engel / Jackie Chan Jennifer Lopez, Alex O’Loughlin, Eric Chri- Er Sollte Tot / Cassandras Warnung Action/Eastern 1987 106min. stian Olsen, Katherine Heigl, Jason O’Mara, Edgar Selge, Michaela May, Nina Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 26.09.2014 Daniel Sunjata - Dir. Alan Poul, Julie Anne Kunzendorf, Rosalie Thomass, Matthias 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061080 Robinson Brandt, Anna Maria Sturm, Ronald Zehrfeld

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Der Prozess (Reclam Edition) , Donny Alamsyah, Tio Pakusodewo, The Return of the First Avenger Le Procès Ryuhei Matsuda, Oka Antara, Kenichi Endo (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) - Dir. Gareth Evans Anthony Perkins, , Jeanne Captain America: The Winter Soldier Moreau, Romy Schneider, Elsa Martinelli, Audiokommentar, Trailer Action 2014 144min. Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Cobie Suzanne Flon - Dir. Orson Welles Koch Media 27.11.2014 Smulders, Samuel L. Jackson, Emily Dokumentation, Bildergalerie, Trailer u.a. VanCamp, Robert Redford, Hayley Atwell, Drama 1962 114min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061670 Dominic Cooper, Sebastian Stan, Toby STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Jones, Maximiliano Hernández, Georges St- Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 The Raid 2 (Special Edition, 2 Pierre, Anthony Mackie, Frank Grillo - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061090 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Anthony Russo, Joe Russo Serbuan Maut 2: Berandal Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Featurettes, Outtakes, Die Rache der Putzfrauen Iko Uwais, Arifin Putra, Yayan Ruhian, Julie Audiokommentar Chance Estelle, Donny Alamsyah, Tio Pakusodewo, Action/Abenteuer 2014 136min. Rosa Isabel Lorenzo, Aida Morales, Fran- Ryuhei Matsuda, Oka Antara, Kenichi Endo The Walt Disney Company (Germany) cisco Gattorno, Maria Alejandra Palacios, - Dir. Gareth Evans 14.08.2014 Maria Cristina Palacios, Isabella Santo- Audiokommentar, Trailer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061305 domingo, Juan David Valdez Lauri - Dir. Action 2014 150min. Abner Benaim Koch Media 27.11.2014 Rise of the Predator Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061697 Blackjacks Komödie/Satire 2009 88min. Eric Roberts, James C. Burns, Rich Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) The Raid 2 (Ultimate Edition, 3 McDonald - Dir. Nicolas Mezzanatto 29.08.2014 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Action/Science Fiction 2014 min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061609 Serbuan Maut 2: Berandal Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinokater) Iko Uwais, Arifin Putra, Yayan Ruhian, Julie 26.09.2014 Die Rache der Putzfrauen (Blu- Estelle, Donny Alamsyah, Tio Pakusodewo, tba BestellNr.: 20061047 ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Ryuhei Matsuda, Oka Antara, Kenichi Endo Chance - Dir. Gareth Evans Rise of the Predator (Blu-ray) Rosa Isabel Lorenzo, Aida Morales, Fran- Audiokommentar, Trailer Blackjacks cisco Gattorno, Maria Alejandra Palacios, Action 2014 150min. Eric Roberts, James C. Burns, Rich Maria Cristina Palacios, Isabella Santo- Koch Media 27.11.2014 McDonald - Dir. Nicolas Mezzanatto domingo, Juan David Valdez Lauri - Dir. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061698 Action/Science Fiction 2014 min. Abner Benaim Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Kinokater) Komödie/Satire 2009 91min. The Red Corvette 26.09.2014 Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) The Red Corvette tba BestellNr.: 20061073 05.09.2014 Valerie Bauer, Katherine Mesa, Tisha 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061626 Tinsman - Dir. Frank Lisi Robo X-Cops (Blu-ray) Trailer Mei Loi Ging Chaat Action/Thriller 2011 101min. Die Rache der Putzfrauen (Blu- Andy Lau, Barbie Hsu, Bingbing Fan, Jiao Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.10.2014 Xu, Mike He, Fan Siu-wong, Yifei Tang, ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061271 Chance Jingwu Ma, Law Kar-ying, Lee Kin-Yan - Rosa Isabel Lorenzo, Aida Morales, Fran- Red Riding Hood Dir. Jing Wong cisco Gattorno, Maria Alejandra Palacios, Trailer Red Riding Hood Action/Science Fiction 2010 94min. Maria Cristina Palacios, Isabella Santo- Lainie Kazan, Henry Cavill, Morgan Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) domingo, Juan David Valdez Lauri - Dir. Thompson, Sam Stone, Daniel Roebuck, 26.09.2014 Abner Benaim Joey Fatone, Debi Mazar, Andrea Bowen, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061387 Trailer Callie Waterman - Dir. Randal Kleiser Komödie/Satire 2009 91min. Abenteuer/Musical 2006 82min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Robocop 1-3 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 19.09.2014 05.09.2014 (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061025 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061625 Robocop / Robocop 2 / Robocop 3 Red River (Blu-ray) Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O’Herlihy, The Raid 2 (2 Discs) (k.J.) Robert John Burke, Rip Torn - Dir. Paul Red River Serbuan Maut 2: Berandal Verhoeven, Irvin Kershner, Fred Dekker John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, Joanne Dru, Iko Uwais, Arifin Putra, Yayan Ruhian, Julie Science Fiction/Action 1987-1993 min. Walter Brennan, Coleen Gray, Harry Carey Estelle, Donny Alamsyah, Tio Pakusodewo, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sr., John Ireland, Noah Beery jr., Harry Ryuhei Matsuda, Oka Antara, Kenichi Endo Germany(MGM/UA) 02.10.2014 Carey Jr., Chief Yowlachie, Paul Fix, Hank - Dir. Gareth Evans 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061579 Audiokommentar, Trailer Warden, Mickey Kuhn, Ray Hyke, Wally Action 2014 144min. Wales - Dir. Howard Hawks, Arthur Rosson Robocop 1-3 (3 Discs) (k.J.) Western 1948 130min. Koch Media 27.11.2014 Robocop / Robocop 2 / Robocop 3 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061671 Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O’Herlihy, Germany 31.10.2014 Robert John Burke, Rip Torn - Dir. Paul 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061185 The Raid 2 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Verhoeven, Irvin Kershner, Fred Dekker Serbuan Maut 2: Berandal Redwing - Flucht vor den schwar- Science Fiction/Action 1987-1993 min. Iko Uwais, Arifin Putra, Yayan Ruhian, Julie Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Estelle, Donny Alamsyah, Tio Pakusodewo, zen Droiden Germany(MGM/UA) 02.10.2014 Ryuhei Matsuda, Oka Antara, Kenichi Endo Starship 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061566 - Dir. Gareth Evans Tyler Coppin, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Ralph Audiokommentar, Trailer Cotterill, Deep Roy, Donogh Rees, RobotJox - Die Schlacht der Action 2014 150min. Cassandra Webb, Joy Smithers, John Stahlgiganten Koch Media 27.11.2014 Tarrant - Dir. Roger Christian 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061696 Bildergalerie Robotjox Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1984 96min. Gary Graham, Anne Marie Johnson, Paul The Raid 2 (k.J.) MIG Film 23.10.2014 Koslo, Robert Sampson, Danny Kamekona, Serbuan Maut 2: Berandal 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061423 Hilary Mason, Ian Patrick Williams, Jason Iko Uwais, Arifin Putra, Yayan Ruhian, Julie Marsden, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, Thyme

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Lewis, Gary , Russel Case - Dir. Michôd fel (4 Discs) Stuart Gordon Action/Drama 2014 98min. Saving Hope Trailer Senator Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Erica Durance, Daniel Gillies, Husein Science Fiction 1989 82min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061360 Madhavji, Julia Taylor Ross, Kristopher Explosive Media 10.10.2014 Turner, K.C. Collins, Glenda Braganza, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061550 The Rover (Blu-ray) Benjamin Ayres, Salvatore Antonio, Joseph The Rover RobotJox - Die Schlacht der Pierre, Michael Shanks, Michelle Nolden, Guy Pearce, Robert Pattinson, Scoot Wendy Crewson, Kent Staines - Dir. John Stahlgiganten (Blu-ray) McNairy, David Field, Anthony Hayes, Fawcett, David Wellington Robotjox Gillian Jones, Susan Prior, Jamie Fallon, Drama 2012 528min. Gary Graham, Anne Marie Johnson, Paul Samuel F. Lee, Matt Connelly - Dir. David Studio Hamburg Enterprises 14.11.2014 Koslo, Robert Sampson, Danny Kamekona, Michôd 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061591 Hilary Mason, Ian Patrick Williams, Jason Action/Drama 2014 102min. Marsden, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, Thyme Senator Home Entertainment 31.10.2014 Das Schicksal ist ein mieser Ver- Lewis, Gary Houston, Russel Case - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061381 räter Stuart Gordon The Fault In Our Stars Trailer Die rührendsten Weihnachtsfilme Shailene Woodley, , Laura Science Fiction 1989 85min. Collection Vol. 2 (2 Discs) Explosive Media 10.10.2014 Dern, Sam Trammell, Nat Wolff, Willem Christmas Angel / The Christmas Bunny / 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061557 Dafoe, Lotte Verbeek, Mike Birbiglia - Dir. Borrowed Hearts / A Chance of Snow / Ein Josh Boone Rocker Collection (FSK 18) Engel für Eve / If You Believe Erweiterte Fassung, Audiokommentar, Making of, Behind the Drama/Komödie 545min. Scenes, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer Brute Corps / The Survivalist / Woman on MIG Film 02.10.2014 Drama 2014 121min. Wheels 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061319 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Action 1972-1989 354min. Germany 17.10.2014 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 12.09.2014 Rules of Engagement - Die fünfte 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061389 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061015 Season (3 Discs) Das Schicksal ist ein mieser Ver- Rules Of Engagement Rocketeer (Blu-ray) räter (Blu-ray) The Rocketeer Komödie 655min. The Fault In Our Stars Bill Campbell, Jennifer Connelly, Alan Arkin, Paramount Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Laura Timothy Dalton, Paul Sorvino, Terry 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061599 Dern, Sam Trammell, Nat Wolff, Willem O’Quinn, Ed Lauter, James Handy, Tiny Dafoe, Lotte Verbeek, Mike Birbiglia - Dir. Ron, Nada Despotovich, Margo Martindale - Das Sams - Der Film (Blu-ray) Josh Boone Dir. Joe Johnston ChrisTine Urspruch, Ulrich Noethen, Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Armin Rohde, Eva Mattes, Diverse Trailer Drama 2014 126min. Action/Fantasy 1991 108min. August Zirner, Gert Burkard, Gerd Knebel, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment The Walt Disney Company Henni Nachtsheim, Heinrich Schafmeister - Germany 17.10.2014 (Germany)(Touchstone) 11.09.2014 Dir. Ben Verbong 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061405 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061223 Audiokommentar, Easter Egg, Interview, Karaoke, Making of, Musikvideo, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Der Rosarote Panther - Peter Kinderfilm 2001 103min. Schlafes Bruder (Reclam Edition) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment André Eisermann, Dana Vávrová, Ben Sellers Collection (5 Discs) Germany 23.10.2014 Becker, Angelika Bartsch, Michael Mendl, Der Rosarote Panther / Ein Schuss im 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061190 Eva Mattes, Peter Franke, Michaela Rosen, Dunkeln / Inspektor Clouseau - Der beste Detlef Bothe, Jochen Nickel, Conradin Blum, Mann bei Interpol / Inspektor Clouseau - Santas Wunsch zu Weihnachten Daniel Lins, Lena Stolze, Prof. Heinz Der irre Flic mit dem heißen Blick / Der Once Upon A Christmas Emigholz, Jürgen Schornagel, Paulus Rosarote Panther wird gejagt Mary Donnelly-Haskell, John Dye, Kathy Manker, Birge Schade, Ingo Naujoks, Her- , Burt Kwouk, Herbert Lom - Ireland, Michael Gilden, Liz Torres - Dir. bert Knaup, Nadine Neumann - Dir. Joseph Dir. Blake Edwards Tibor Takács Vilsmaier Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1964-1982 min. Komödie/Drama 2000 90min. Trailer, Bildergalerie, Dokumentation Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment MIG Film 02.10.2014 Drama 1994 127min. Germany(MGM/UA) 02.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061318 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061567 Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Ein Sarg aus Hongkong 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061109 Die Rosenheim-Cops - Die kom- Heinz Drache, Elga Andersen, Sabine plette zwölfte Staffel (3 Discs) Sesselmann, Ralf Wolter, Willy Birgel, Moni- Der Schlangenkuss Joseph Hannesschläger, Dieter Fischer, ka John - Dir. Manfred R. Köhler The Serpent’s Kiss Michael A. Grimm, Igor Jeftic, Karin Thaler, Booklet Ewan McGregor, Greta Scacchi, Pete Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Diana Staehly, Kriminalfilm/Drama 1964 93min. Postlethwaite, Richard E. Grant, Carmen Alexander Duda, Christian Schaeffer, Petra AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Chaplin, Donal McCann, Charley Boorman, Einhoff, Marion Mathoi, Tom Mikulla, Gabor AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.11.2014 Gerard McSorley, Britta Smith, Susan Biedermann - Dir. Gunther Krää, Jörg 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061204 Fitzgerald, Pat Laffan, Rúaidhrí Conroy, Schneider, Carsten Meyer-Grohbrügge, Henry King - Dir. Philippe Rousselot Walter Bannert, Karsten Wichniarz Ein Sarg aus Hongkong (Blu-ray) Interview Kriminalfilm/Historienfilm 1997 104min. Kriminalfilm 2012-2013 1295min. Heinz Drache, Elga Andersen, Sabine Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Edel Germany(Aviator) 29.08.2014 Sesselmann, Ralf Wolter, Willy Birgel, Moni- Productions) 22.08.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061006 ka John - Dir. Manfred R. Köhler Booklet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061334 The Rover Kriminalfilm/Drama 1964 93min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Die schönsten Weihnachts- The Rover AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.11.2014 Guy Pearce, Robert Pattinson, Scoot komödien (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061226 McNairy, David Field, Anthony Hayes, Faith, Fraud, & Minimum Wage / Christmas in Connecticut / Santa Who? / Gillian Jones, Susan Prior, Jamie Fallon, Saving Hope - Die Hoffnung stirbt Samuel F. Lee, Matt Connelly - Dir. David Stealing Christmas / Wer ist hier der zuletzt: Die komplette erste Staf- Weihnachtsmann?

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Komödie 520min. Olga Strub, Christian Grashof - Dir. Rainer technik / Shao Lin si / Shao Lin ta-peng MIG Film 06.11.2014 Simon hsiao-tzu tba BestellNr.: 20061323 Trailer Action/Eastern 1194min. Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1972 62min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 Schuldig oder nicht schuldig? ICESTORM Entertainment 08.09.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061497 The Paradine Case 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061530 Gregory Peck, Ann Todd, Charles Shaw Brothers Collection (4 Laughton, Ethel Barrymore, Charles Die Sendung mit der Maus 7 - Discs) (Blu-ray) Coburn, Louis Jourdan, Alida Valli, Leo G. Frohe Weihnachten! Zhao - Der Unbesiegbare / Das unbesieg- Carroll, Joan Tetzel - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Armin Maiwald, Christoph Biemann, Ralph bare Schwert der Shaolin / Die Todeshand Bio- und Filmografien Caspers des gelben Adlers / Der Todesspeer des Drama 1947 109min. Kinderfilm 1997 60min. Shaolin Soulfood Music Distribution(Great Movies) Universum Film Home Lo Lieh, Wang Ping, Wang Chin-feng, Ti 29.08.2014 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 28.11.2014 Lung, Ching Li, Alexander Fu-sheng, Jimmy 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061611 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061624 Wang Yu, Kara Hui, Sheng Fu, Chang Das schwarze Schaf (Blu-ray) Chan-Peng - Dir. Cheh Chang, Chu Yuan, Seven Assassins - Iron Cloud’s Chung Sun, Chia-liang Liu Heinz Rühmann, Siegfried Lowitz, Lina Revenge Featurettes, Original Kinotrailer, Bildergalerien Carstens, Karl Schönböck, Maria Sebaldt, Qida Cike Action/Eastern 1972-1984 404min. Fritz Rasp, Rosel Schäfer, Herbert Tiede, Tsang Chi-wai, Felix Wong, Gigi Leung, Tao Koch Media 14.08.2014 Friedrich Domin, Gernot Duda, Hans Leibelt, Guo, Ray Lui, Michael F. Wong, Ni Hong-jie, 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061304 Herta Fahrenkrog, Wolf Petersen, Johan- Hung Yan-yan - Dir. Yan Yan Hung, Tsang nes Buzalski, Katharina Herberg - Dir. Chi-wai Sherlock Holmes - Im Zeichen der Helmuth Ashley Trailer, Bildergalerie Vier Bildergalerie Action/Eastern 2013 99min. Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1960 91min. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Sign Of Four KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 Black Hill Pictures 11.09.2014 Ian Richardson, David Healy, Thorley Wal- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061677 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061298 ters, Terence Rigby, Joe Melia, Terence Rigby, Clive Merrison, Richard Heffer - Dir. Der Schweinestall (OmU) Seven Assassins - Iron Cloud’s Desmond Davis Porcile Revenge (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1983 91min. Pierre Clémenti, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Alberto Qida Cike Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Lionello, Franco Citti, Anne Wiazemsky, Ugo Tsang Chi-wai, Felix Wong, Gigi Leung, Tao 01.08.2014 Tognazzi - Dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini Guo, Ray Lui, Michael F. Wong, Ni Hong-jie, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061048 Trailer Hung Yan-yan - Dir. Yan Yan Hung, Tsang Drama 1969 98min. Chi-wai Das siebente Siegel (Blu-ray) Filmgalerie 451 26.09.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie Det Sjunde Inseglet 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061218 Action/Eastern 2013 103min. Max von Sydow, Gunnar Björnstrand, Nils KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 10.11.2014 Poppe, Bengt Ekerot, Bibi Andersson, Åke The Scribbler - Unzip Your Head 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061702 Fridell, Inga Grill, Erik Strandmark, Gunnel The Scribbler Lindblom, Bertil Anderberg, Anders Ek, Katie Cassidy, Eliza Dushku, Billy Campbell, Sex-Up Your Man Gunnar Olsson - Dir. Ingmar Bergman Garret Dillahunt, Michelle Trachtenberg, My Man Is A Loser Bonusfilm, Trailer, Wendecover , Gina Gershon, Sasha Michael Rapaport, Bryan Callen, John Drama 1956 97min. Grey, Kunal Nayyar, Ashlynn Yennie - Dir. Stamos, Tika Sumpter, Sean Young, Diane STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment John Suits Guerrero, Wass M. Stevens, Carly Brooke Germany(Arthaus) 25.09.2014 Thriller/Science Fiction 2014 88min. Pearlstein - Dir. Mike Young 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061036 Splendid Film 31.10.2014 Komödie 2014 96min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061357 EuroVideo Medien 23.10.2014 Das siebente Siegel (Reclam Edi- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061164 tion) The Scribbler - Unzip Your Head Det Sjunde Inseglet (Blu-ray) Sex-Up Your Man (Blu-ray) Max von Sydow, Gunnar Björnstrand, Nils My Man Is A Loser The Scribbler Poppe, Bengt Ekerot, Bibi Andersson, Åke Michael Rapaport, Bryan Callen, John Katie Cassidy, Eliza Dushku, Billy Campbell, Fridell, Inga Grill, Erik Strandmark, Gunnel Stamos, Tika Sumpter, Sean Young, Diane Garret Dillahunt, Michelle Trachtenberg, Lindblom, Bertil Anderberg, Anders Ek, Guerrero, Wass M. Stevens, Carly Brooke Michael Imperioli, Gina Gershon, Sasha Gunnar Olsson - Dir. Ingmar Bergman Pearlstein - Dir. Mike Young Grey, Kunal Nayyar, Ashlynn Yennie - Dir. Bildergalerie, Biografie, Trailer u.a. Komödie 2014 100min. Drama 1956 93min. John Suits EuroVideo Medien 23.10.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thriller/Science Fiction 2014 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061178 Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Splendid Film 31.10.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061085 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061374 Shark - Stunde der Entscheidung SeaQuest - Die komplette Serie La Notte Degli Squali Silent Assassins - Lautlose Killer Treat Williams, Janet Agren, Antonio Fargas Assassins Run (18 DVDs) - Dir. Tonino Ricci Christian Slater, Sofya Skya, Cole Hauser, Seaquest DSV Action 1988 90min. Angus Macfadyen, Marianna Khalifman, Kenneth Zunder, Roy Scheider, Stephanie Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 05.09.2014 Svetlana Tsvichenko, Alexander Rapoport, Beacham, Stacy Haiduk, Don Franklin, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061021 Romuald Makarenko, Boris Birman - Dir. Jonathan Brandis, Royce D. Applegate, Ted Robert Crombie Raimi, Shelley Hack, Scott Coffey - Dir. Shaw Brothers (6 Discs) (k.J.) Action/Thriller 2013 90min. Irvin Kershner Die 13 Söhne des gelben Drachen / Die 36 Maritim Pictures 14.10.2014 Science Fiction 1993-1996 2587min. Kammern der Shaolin / Blutsbruder des tba BestellNr.: 20061208 Koch Media 25.09.2014 gelben Drachen / Heroes Two / Das 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061283 Höllentor der Shaolin / Liu xing hu die jian Silent Assassins - Lautlose Killer / Ma yong zhen / Der Rächer aus der Sechse kommen durch die Welt (Blu-ray) Todeszelle / Das Schlitzohr mit der Affen- Assassins Run Jirí Menzel, Günter Schubert, Friedo Solter,

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Christian Slater, Sofya Skya, Cole Hauser, Samoilenko, Artem Tkachenko - Dir. Alexan- Beesley Angus Macfadyen, Marianna Khalifman, der Chernjaew Diverse Svetlana Tsvichenko, Alexander Rapoport, Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 94min. Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2011-2013 min. Romuald Makarenko, Boris Birman - Dir. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.10.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Robert Crombie tba BestellNr.: 20061524 Germany 02.10.2014 Action/Thriller 2013 94min. 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061573 Maritim Pictures 14.10.2014 Einen Sommer lang tba BestellNr.: 20061229 Sommarlek Speed / Speed 2: Cruise Control Maj-Britt Nilsson, Birger Malmsten, Alf (2 Discs) Silent Witness: Gerichtsmediziner Kjellin, Annalisa Ericson, Georg Funkquist, Speed / Speed 2: Cruise Control Dr. Leo Dalton - Season 15 (4 Stig Olin - Dir. Ingmar Bergman Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Discs) Featurette, Wendecover Bullock, Jason Patric, Willem Dafoe - Dir. Drama 1951 86min. Jan de Bont Silent Witness STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action/Thriller 1994-1997 min. Amanda Burton, William Gaminara, Clare Germany(Arthaus) 25.09.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Higgins, John McGlynn, Mick Ford, Ruth 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061010 Germany 02.10.2014 McCabe - Dir. Bill Anderson, Mike Barker 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061569 Kriminalfilm 450min. Sommernachtsträume: Lady justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Chatterleys Liebhaber / Mata Hari Speed / Speed 2: Cruise Control 10.10.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061635 / Die Tigerin (3 Discs) (k.J.) (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Sylvia Kristel, Nicholas Clay, Elizabeth Speed / Speed 2: Cruise Control Sindbads fünfte Reise Spriggs, Christopher Cazenove, Oliver To- Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage bias, Valentina Vargas, James Remar, Han- Bullock, Jason Patric, Willem Dafoe - Dir. Shahin Sean Solimon, Sadie Alexandru, nes Jaenicke - Dir. Just Jaeckin, Curtis Jan de Bont Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Lorna Raver, Said Harrington, Karin Howard Action/Thriller 1994-1997 min. Faraj, Marco Khan, Camille Banham, Bildergalerien, Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Erotik 1981-1991 284min. Mehrdad Sarlak - Dir. Shahin Sean Solimon Germany 02.10.2014 Koch Media 28.08.2014 Fantasy/Abenteuer 2014 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061580 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061290 Maritim Pictures 28.10.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061426 Spetters - Knallhart und roman- Spartacus: Blood and Sand - Die tisch Sindbads fünfte Reise (Blu-ray) komplette Season 1 (5 Discs) Spetters Sinbad: The Fifth Voyage (k.J.) Hans van Tongeren, Renée Soutendijk, Shahin Sean Solimon, Sadie Alexandru, Spartacus: Blood And Sand Toon Agterberg, Maarten Spanjer, Marianne Isaac C. Singleton Jr., Lorna Raver, Said Andy Whitfield, John Hannah, Manu Boyer - Dir. Paul Verhoeven Faraj, Marco Khan, Camille Banham, Bennett, , Peter Mensah, Nick Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer Mehrdad Sarlak - Dir. Shahin Sean Solimon Tarabay, Viva Bianca, Craig Parker, Lesley- Drama 1980 117min. Fantasy/Abenteuer 2014 95min. Ann Brandt, Jai Courtney, Siaosi Fonua, Koch Media 14.08.2014 Maritim Pictures 28.10.2014 David Austin, Craig Walsh-Wrightson, Erin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061288 tba BestellNr.: 20061466 Cummings, Antonio Te Maioha, Eka Darville, Ande Cunningham, Janine Burchett, Raicho Spetters - Knallhart und roman- Solarfighters Vasilev, John Bach, Lliam Powell, Mark tisch (+ DVD, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Solarbabies Mitchinson, Tim Foley, Karlos Drinkwater, Spetters Richard Jordan, Jami Gertz, Charles Matthew Chamberlain, Brooke Harman, Hans van Tongeren, Renée Soutendijk, Durning, Jason Patric, Lukas Haas, James Tania Nolan, Mia Pistorius, Matt Gillanders, Toon Agterberg, Maarten Spanjer, Marianne LeGros - Dir. Alan Johnson Jon Brazier - Dir. Michael Hurst, Rick Boyer - Dir. Paul Verhoeven Bildergalerie, Trailer Jacobson, Jesse Warn, Chris Martin-Jones Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Interviews, Dokumentation, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1985 87min. Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Making of, Outtakes Trailer Koch Media 25.09.2014 Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2010 655min. Drama 1980 122min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061280 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Koch Media 14.08.2014 Germany 15.08.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061302 Solarfighters (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061329 Solarbabies Spetters - Knallhart und roman- Richard Jordan, Jami Gertz, Charles Spartacus: Complete Box (15 tisch (Blu-ray) Durning, Jason Patric, Lukas Haas, James Discs, Geschnittene Version) (Blu- Spetters LeGros - Dir. Alan Johnson ray) (k.J.) Hans van Tongeren, Renée Soutendijk, Bildergalerie, Trailer Toon Agterberg, Maarten Spanjer, Marianne Spartacus Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1985 91min. Boyer - Dir. Paul Verhoeven Koch Media 25.09.2014 Andy Whitfield, John Hannah, Manu Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061292 Bennett, Peter Mensah, Liam McIntyre, Drama 1980 122min. Lucy Lawless, Dustin Clare - Dir. Michael Koch Media 14.08.2014 The Soldier - Unter falscher Flag- Hurst, Rick Jacobson, Jesse Warn, Mark 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061301 ge Beesley Diverse Spuren - Lass alles hinter dir. The Soldier Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2011-2013 min. Tracks Wjacheslaw Krikunow, Alexander Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mia Wasikowska, Adam Driver, Rainer Samoilenko, Artem Tkachenko - Dir. Alexan- Germany 02.10.2014 Bock, Rolley Mintuma, John Flaus, Robert der Chernjaew 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061583 Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 90min. Coleby, Tim Rogers, Emma Booth, Jessica Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.10.2014 Spartacus: Complete Box (16 Tovey, Melanie Zanetti, Carol Burns - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20061507 John Curran Discs, Geschnittene Version) (k.J.) Drama/Abenteuer 2013 108min. The Soldier - Unter falscher Flag- Spartacus Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 Andy Whitfield, John Hannah, Manu 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061429 ge (Blu-ray) Bennett, Peter Mensah, Liam McIntyre, The Soldier Lucy Lawless, Dustin Clare - Dir. Michael Spuren - Lass alles hinter dir. Wjacheslaw Krikunow, Alexander Hurst, Rick Jacobson, Jesse Warn, Mark

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(Blu-ray) Maritim Pictures 04.11.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tracks tba BestellNr.: 20061209 09.10.2014 Mia Wasikowska, Adam Driver, Rainer 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061144 Bock, Rolley Mintuma, John Flaus, Robert Stille Nacht - Eine wahre Coleby, Tim Rogers, Emma Booth, Jessica Weihnachtsgeschichte Die Sullivans - Staffel 4, Episo- Tovey, Melanie Zanetti, Carol Burns - Dir. Silent Night den 151-200 (7 Discs) John Curran Carsten Clemens, Markus von Lingen, Aap The Sullivans Drama/Abenteuer 2013 113min. Lindenberg, Janina Elkin, Florence Booklet Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.10.2014 Matousek, Henry Vuissa, Alexander E. Drama/Familie 1979 1250min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061468 Fennon, Manuel Mairhofer, Matthias Kupfer, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Robert Spitz, Frauke Steiner - Dir. Christian AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 02.10.2014 Der Staatsanwalt - Staffel 9 (3 Vuissa 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061399 Discs) Trailer, Behind the Scenes Drama 2012 96min. Der Supercop Rainer Hunold, Fiona Coors, Marcus Mit- polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 Poliziotto Superpiù termeier, Antje Schmidt, Astrid Posner, Rad- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061646 Terence Hill, Ernest Borgnine, Julie Gordon, ost Bokel, Simon Eckert, Therese Hämer - Joanne Dru, Herb Goldstein, Don Sebasti- Dir. Martin Kinkel, Peter F. Bringmann, Boris Bram Stoker’s Dracula 2 - Die an, Marc Lawrence, Claudio Ruffini - Dir. Keidies, Peter Fratzscher Rückkehr der Blutfürsten (Blu-ray Sergio Corbucci Kriminalfilm 345min. Trailer, Interviews, Bildergalerie Edel Germany(Aviator) 29.08.2014 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Komödie 1980 102min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061005 Dracula’s Curse 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.11.2014 Thomas Downey, Eliza Swenson, Rhett 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061644 Star Trek Into Darkness (Blu-ray) Giles, Christina Rosenberg, Jeff Denton, Star Trek Into Darkness Amanda Barton - Dir. Leigh Scott Der Supercop (Blu-ray) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Benedict Horror 2006 106min. Poliziotto Superpiù Cumberbatch, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Zoe Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 Terence Hill, Ernest Borgnine, Julie Gordon, Saldana, , Anton Yelchin, Alice 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061520 Joanne Dru, Herb Goldstein, Don Sebasti- Eve, Bruce Greenwood, Peter Weller - Dir. an, Marc Lawrence, Claudio Ruffini - Dir. J.J. Abrams Bram Stoker’s Dracula 2 - Die Sergio Corbucci Featurettes Rückkehr der Blutfürsten (Blu-ray) Trailer, Interviews, Bildergalerie Science Fiction/Action 2013 133min. (k.J.) Komödie 1980 106min. Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.11.2014 Dracula’s Curse 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061523 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061657 Thomas Downey, Eliza Swenson, Rhett Stay Cool - Feuer & Flamme Giles, Christina Rosenberg, Jeff Denton, SxCam Amanda Barton - Dir. Leigh Scott Stay Cool Sxtape Horror 2006 106min. Mark Polish, , Hilary Duff, Caitlyn Folley, Ian Duncan, Chris Coy, Diana Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 Sean Astin, , Scott Michael Garcia, Julie Marcus, Daniel Faraldo, Eric 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061519 Campbell, Dee Wallace, Chevy Chase - Dir. Neil Gutierrez - Dir. Bernard Rose Michael Polish Making of, Trailer Bildergalerie, Trailershow, Making of, Outtakes Bram Stoker’s Dracula 2 - Die Horror 2013 80min. Komödie/Drama 2009 89min. Rückkehr der Blutfürsten (k.J.) Koch Media 23.10.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.10.2014 Dracula’s Curse tba BestellNr.: 20061217 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061455 Thomas Downey, Eliza Swenson, Rhett Giles, Christina Rosenberg, Jeff Denton, SxCam (Blu-ray) Stay Cool - Feuer & Flamme (Blu- Amanda Barton - Dir. Leigh Scott Sxtape ray) Horror 2006 102min. Caitlyn Folley, Ian Duncan, Chris Coy, Diana Stay Cool Edel Germany(Starmovie) 26.09.2014 Garcia, Julie Marcus, Daniel Faraldo, Eric Mark Polish, Winona Ryder, Hilary Duff, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061495 Neil Gutierrez - Dir. Bernard Rose Sean Astin, Josh Holloway, Scott Michael Making of, Trailer Campbell, Dee Wallace, Chevy Chase - Dir. Strictly Ballroom (Special Editi- Horror 2013 83min. Michael Polish on) (Blu-ray) Koch Media 23.10.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061239 Bildergalerie, Trailershow, Making of, Outtakes Strictly Ballroom Komödie/Drama 2009 93min. Paul Mercurio, Tara Morice, Bill Hunter, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 10.10.2014 Szenen einer Ehe / Sarabande (3 Barry Otto, Pat Thompson, Gia Carides, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061485 Peter Whitford, John Hannan, Sonia Discs) (Blu-ray) Scener Ur Ett äKtenskap / Sarabande Stille Nacht - Blutige Nacht (Blu- Kruger-Taylor, Pip Mushin - Dir. Baz Luhrmann Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson - Dir. Ingmar ray) (k.J.) Original Kult-Kino Synchronisation, Audiokommentar, Making Bergman Silent Night, Bloody Night: The of, Trailer Making of, Wendecover Homecoming Musikfilm/Komödie 1991 94min. Drama 1973-2002 409min. Mel Stevens, Alan Humphreys, Philip Winkler Film 24.10.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Harvey, Sabrina Dickens, Sulé Rimi - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061241 Germany(Arthaus) 25.09.2014 James Plumb 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061037 Thriller/Horror 2013 89min. Suits - Season 3 (4 Discs) Maritim Pictures 04.11.2014 Suits Der Tag bricht an (Digital tba BestellNr.: 20061230 Drama/Kriminalfilm 670min. Remastered) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Le Jour Se Lève Stille Nacht - Blutige Nacht (k.J.) 09.10.2014 Jean Gabin, Jules Berry, Jacqueline Silent Night, Bloody Night: The 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061119 Laurent, Arletty, Rene Gelin, Bernard Blier - Homecoming Dir. Marcel Carné Mel Stevens, Alan Humphreys, Philip Suits - Season 3 (4 Discs) (Blu- Featurettes, Wendecover Harvey, Sabrina Dickens, Sulé Rimi - Dir. ray) Drama 1939 82min. James Plumb Suits STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thriller/Horror 2013 85min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 700min. Germany(Arthaus) 25.09.2014

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15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061016 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061543 Titanic / ’s Romeo & Juliet Der Tag bricht an (Digital Terra Nova - Insel des Todes (Blu- Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Remastered) (Blu-ray) ray) (k.J.) Zane, Claire Danes, Brian Dennehy - Dir. Le Jour Se Lève Novaya Zemlya James Cameron, Baz Luhrmann Jean Gabin, Jules Berry, Jacqueline Konstantin Lawronenko, Andrej Feskow, Drama 1996-1997 min. Laurent, Arletty, Rene Gelin, Bernard Blier - Marat Bascharow, Pawel Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Marcel Carné Sborschtschikow, Sergei Schigunow, Alex- Germany 02.10.2014 Featurettes, Wendecover andre Samojlenko, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr., 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061548 Drama 1939 85min. Ingeborga Dapkunaite - Dir. Alexander STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Melnik Titanic / William Shakespeares Germany(Arthaus) 25.09.2014 Action/Abenteuer 2008 125min. Romeo und Julia (2 Discs) (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061038 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 03.10.2014 ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061489 Der talentierte Mr. Ripley (Re- Titanic / William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet clam Edition) Terra Nova - Insel des Todes (k.J.) Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy The Talented Mr. Ripley Novaya Zemlya Zane, Claire Danes, Brian Dennehy - Dir. Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Konstantin Lawronenko, Andrej Feskow, James Cameron, Baz Luhrmann Cate Blanchett, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Marat Bascharow, Pawel Drama 1996-1997 min. Jack Davenport, James Rebhorn, Sergio Sborschtschikow, Sergei Schigunow, Alex- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Rubini, Philip Baker Hall, Celia Weston, andre Samojlenko, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Lister Jr., Germany 02.10.2014 Rosario Fiorello, Stefania Rocca, Ivano Ingeborga Dapkunaite - Dir. Alexander 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061582 Marescotti, Anna Longhi, Alessandro Melnik Fabrizi, Lisa Eichhorn - Dir. Anthony Action/Abenteuer 2008 115min. Die Todesbox des gelben Dra- Minghella Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 03.10.2014 chen (2 Discs) (FSK 18) Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Musikvideos u.a. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061462 Thriller 1999 134min. Ming jian / Shan Dong xiang ma / Der STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Der Teufel vom Mühlenberg Silberspeer der Shao-Lin / Yi fu dang guan / Zhan shen tan / Zhui ming qiang Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Willy A. Kleinau, Eva Kotthaus, Werner Action/Eastern 500min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061092 Peters, Hans-Peter Minetti, Gerhard Frei, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 05.09.2014 Heinz Kammer - Dir. Herbert Ballmann Der Tatortreiniger 3 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061019 Bjarne Mädel, Karin Hanczewski, Fritzi Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1954 83min. Haberlandt, André Jung, Peer Martiny, Jörg ICESTORM Entertainment 08.09.2014 Die Todesfäuste der Shaolin Pose, Hilke Altefrohne - Dir. Arne 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061532 Fang Shih Yu Yu Hu Hui Chien Feldhusen Sheng Fu, Chi Kuan-chun, Lung Fei, Bruce Sticker, 2 Folgen mit englischer oder französischer Synchro- Three’s Company - Herzbube mit Chen, Ma Chi Chin, Tsai Hung, Leung Ka- nisation zwei Damen (Staffel 1 & 2) (5 Yan, Wang Lung-wei - Dir. Cheh Chang Komödie/Drama 2014 100min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Discs) Action/Eastern 1976 91min. 10.10.2014 Three’s Company Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061585 John Ritter 01.08.2014 Komödie 1977-1984 775min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061059 Taza, der Sohn der Cochise (Blu- Studio Hamburg Enterprises 26.09.2014 ray) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061346 Todesmelodie (Blu-ray) Taza, Son Of Cochise Giù La Testa Rock Hudson, Barbara Rush, Gregg Palmer, Tierische Weihnachten Rod Steiger, James Coburn, Maria Monti, Rex Reason, Morris Ankrum, Eugene The 12 Dogs of Christmas II / Dear Friend Romolo Valli, Antoine Domingo, Rik Iglesias, Richard H. Cutting, Ian MacDonald, / The Duke / Ele, My Friend Battaglia, Franco Graziosi - Dir. Sergio Robert Burton, Joe Sawyer, Lance Fuller, Drama/Komödie 340min. Leone Bradford Jackson, James van Horn, MIG Film 02.10.2014 Abenteuer/Action 1971 154min. Charles Horvath, Robert Hoy, Barbara tba BestellNr.: 20061320 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Burck, Dan White - Dir. Douglas Sirk Germany(MGM/UA) 31.10.2014 Trailer Tiger & Dragon (Reclam Edition) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061184 Western 1954 80min. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon HanseSound Musik und Film GmbH Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Ziyi, Tokyo Powerman (Dragon Editi- 28.08.2014 Chang Chen, Lung Sihung, Cheng Pei-pei, on) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061658 Li Fazeng, Gao Xian, Hai Yan, Wang Fuk Sing Go Jiu Deming, Li Li-Li - Dir. Ang Lee Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, - The Sarah Connor Audiokommentar Sibelle Hu, Richard Ng, Tsang Chi-wai - Dir. Fantasy/Action 2000 115min. Chronicles: Die komplette erste Sammo Hung STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action/Eastern 1985 93min. Staffel (3 DVDs) Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 26.09.2014 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061110 , , Summer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061070 Glau, Richard T. Jones, Brian Austin Green, Timm Thaler - Die komplette Se- Tokyo Powerman (Dragon Editi- Garret Dillahunt, Dean Winters, Brendan rie (Digital Remastered, 2 Discs) Hines, Jesse Garcia, Catherine Dent, on) (Blu-ray) Thomas Ohrner, Horst Frank, Bruni Löbel, Kristina Apgar, Jonathan Sadowski, Matt Fuk Sing Go Jiu Richard Lauffen, Stefan Behrens - Dir. Sigi McColm, Luis Chávez, Sabrina Perez, Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, Sammo Hung, Rothemund Edoardo Ballerini, Jonathan Jackson, Mark Sibelle Hu, Richard Ng, Tsang Chi-wai - Dir. Abenteuer 1979 325min. Ivanir, Charlayne Woodard, Andre Royo, Sammo Hung Studio Hamburg Enterprises 02.10.2014 Mario Orozco, Peter Mensah - Dir. David Action/Eastern 1985 93min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061345 Nutter, Charles Beeson, Jeffrey Hunt Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 26.09.2014 Action/Science Fiction 2007 378min. Titanic / William Shakespeares 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061081 Warner Home Video Germany 26.09.2014 Romeo und Julia (2 Discs)

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Die tollen Abenteuer des Mon- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061286 Der Tropfen - Ein Roadmovie David Emig, Fee Schnittker, Walfriede sieur L. Die Toten von Hameln Les Tribulations D’Un Chinois En Chine Schmitt, Florian Martens, Harald Schrott, Julia Koschitz, Bjarne Mädel, Matthias Jean-Paul Belmondo, Ursula Andress, Jean Winnie Böwe, Jörg Zirnstein, Martha Char- Habich, Ruth Reinecke, Hannes Wegener, Rochefort, Valérie Lagrange, Maria lotte Richter, Franziska Troegner, Matthias Luise Befort, Lili Fichtner, Camille Pacôme, Valery Inkijnoff, Jess Hahn - Dir. Freihof, Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss, Pascal von Dombrowski, Zita Aretz, Charley Ann Philippe de Broca Wroblewsky, Maria Thomas, Christina Emig- Booklet Schmutzler, Margot Gödrös, Annedore Könning, Cornelia Lippert, Lucio Nardi, Abenteuer 1965 106min. Kleist, Jörg Pose, Stephan Grossmann - Dir. Robert Rating, Werner Daehn, Hans AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Christian von Castelberg Brückner, Monika Scheler - Dir. Matthias AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.11.2014 Thriller/Mystery 2013 90min. Kubusch, Robert von Wroblewsky 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061690 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF Video) Drama 2013 108min. 10.10.2014 AV Visionen(eye see movies) 13.08.2014 Die tollen Abenteuer des Mon- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061563 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061104 sieur L. (Blu-ray) Trabbi goes to Hollywood Les Tribulations D’Un Chinois En Chine True Detective (3 Discs) Driving Me Crazy Jean-Paul Belmondo, Ursula Andress, Jean True Detective Thomas Gottschalk, Billy Dee Williams, Rochefort, Valérie Lagrange, Maria Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, Michelle Johnson, James Tolkan, Steve Pacôme, Valery Inkijnoff, Jess Hahn - Dir. Michelle Monaghan, Michael Potts, Tory Kanaly, Milton Berle - Dir. Philippe de Broca Kittles, J.D. Evermore, Dana Gourrier, Trailer, Bildergalerie Madison Wolfe, Kevin Dunn, Joe Chrest, Booklet Komödie 1991 86min. Abenteuer 1965 110min. Dane Rhodes, Alexandra Daddario, Eric Explosive Media 17.10.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Price, Tony Molina Jr., Don Yesso, Glenn 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061667 AG(Filmjuwelen) 28.11.2014 Fleshler, Michael Harney, Jay O. Sanders, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061707 Trance - Gefährliche Erinnerung / Lili Simmons, Shea Whigham, Christopher Berry, Erin Moriarty, Elizabeth Reaser, Jo- Tom Sawyer vs. Zombies 127 Hours / The Beach (3 Discs) seph Sikora, Johnny McPhail, Charles The Dead, The Damned And The Darkness Trance / 127 Hours / The Beach Halford, Clarke Peters - Dir. Cary Fukunaga Robert Tweten, Iren Levy, John J. Welsh, James McAvoy, , Rosario Audiokommentare, Making of, Interviews, Featurettes, Ge- Richard Tyson, Raven Lexy, Russell Piette - Dawson, , Amber Tamblyn, schnittene Szenen Thriller/Drama 2013 420min. Dir. Rene Perez , Leonardo DiCaprio, Tilda Trailer Swinton, Virginie Ledoyen - Dir. Danny Warner Home Video Germany 04.09.2014 Horror 2014 86min. Boyle 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061107 Great Movies GmbH 23.10.2014 Thriller 2000-2013 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061359 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment True Detective (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Germany 02.10.2014 True Detective Tom Sawyer vs. Zombies (Blu-ray tba BestellNr.: 20061542 Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson, 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Michelle Monaghan, Michael Potts, Tory Kittles, J.D. Evermore, Dana Gourrier, The Dead, The Damned And The Darkness Das Traumhotel (3 Discs) Madison Wolfe, Kevin Dunn, Joe Chrest, Robert Tweten, Iren Levy, John J. Welsh, Komödie/Drama min. Dane Rhodes, Alexandra Daddario, Eric Richard Tyson, Raven Lexy, Russell Piette - MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Price, Tony Molina Jr., Don Yesso, Glenn Dir. Rene Perez 26.09.2014 Trailer, Bonusfilm 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061576 Fleshler, Michael Harney, Jay O. Sanders, Horror 2014 90min. Lili Simmons, Shea Whigham, Christopher Great Movies GmbH 23.10.2014 Die Trauzeugen / Sterben für An- Berry, Erin Moriarty, Elizabeth Reaser, Jo- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061378 fänger (2 in 1 Edition, 2 Discs) seph Sikora, Johnny McPhail, Charles Halford, Clarke Peters - Dir. Cary Fukunaga A Few Best Men / Death At A Funeral Tom Sawyer vs. Zombies (Blu-ray) Audiokommentare, Making of, Interviews, Featurettes, Ge- Ewen Bremner, Peter Dinklage, Matthew schnittene Szenen (k.J.) Macfadyen, Xavier Samuel, Kris Marshall, Thriller/Drama 2013 458min. The Dead, The Damned And The Darkness Kevin Bishop - Dir. , Stephan Elliott Warner Home Video Germany 04.09.2014 Robert Tweten, Iren Levy, John J. Welsh, Interviews, B-Roll, Behind the Scenes 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061138 Richard Tyson, Raven Lexy, Russell Piette - Komödie 2007-2011 180min. Dir. Rene Perez Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde ... und noch nicht sechzehn (k.J.) Trailer, Bonusfilm Home Edition) 02.10.2014 Rosy-Rosy, Helen Vita, Peter Capra, Andy Horror 2014 90min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061447 Burton, Alfred Frei, Isabell Cordo, Heidy Great Movies GmbH 23.10.2014 Forster, Karl Gretler - Dir. Peter 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061377 Die Trauzeugen / Sterben für An- Baumgartner fänger (Blu-ray) Drama 1968 70min. Töte Amigo (Blu-ray) (k.J.) A Few Best Men / Death At A Funeral Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Pidax) Quién Sabe? Ewen Bremner, Peter Dinklage, Matthew 23.09.2014 Lou Castel, Gian Maria Volonté, Klaus Macfadyen, Xavier Samuel, Kris Marshall, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061159 Kinski, Martine Beswick, Andrea Checchi, Kevin Bishop - Dir. Frank Oz, Stephan Elliott Carla Gravina - Dir. Damiano Damiani Interviews, B-Roll, Behind the Scenes Universal Monsters Collection (8 Original Kinotrailer, Interviews, Bildergalerie Komödie 2007-2011 188min. Discs, Sargbox) (Blu-ray) Western 1966 118min. Concorde Home Entertainment 02.10.2014 Dracula / Frankenstein / Die Mumie / Der Koch Media 11.09.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061483 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061295 Unsichtbare / Frankensteins Braut / Der Danny Trejo Box (2 Discs) (k.J.) Wolfsmensch / Das Phantom der Oper / Der Schrecken vom Amazonas Töte Amigo (k.J.) Boston Girls / Jake’s Corner / Pastor Béla Lugosi, Helen Chandler, David Quién Sabe? Shepherd / Rise of the Zombies / Shoot Manners, Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, Boris Lou Castel, Gian Maria Volonté, Klaus the Hero / Haunted High Karloff, Zita Johann, Claude Rains, Gloria Kinski, Martine Beswick, Andrea Checchi, Danny Trejo Stuart, William Harrigan, Valerie Hobson, Carla Gravina - Dir. Damiano Damiani Horror/Action 515min. Lon Chaney jr., Evelyn Ankers, Nelson Original Kinotrailer, Interviews, Bildergalerie Edel Germany(Starmovie) 03.10.2014 Western 1966 113min. Eddy, Susanna Foster, Ben Chapman, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061498 Koch Media 11.09.2014 Ricou Browning, Richard Carlson - Dir. Tod

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Browning, James Whale, Karl Freund, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061414 Wallers letzter Gang George Waggner, Arthur Lubin, Jack Arnold Rolf Illig, Volker Prechtel, Tilo Prückner, Booklet, Artcards, Diverse Vegas - Die komplette Season (5 Dietlinde Elsässer, Herbert Knaup, Sibylle Horror 1931-1954 604min. Discs) Canonica, Franz Böhm, Crescentia Dünßer, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Vegas Robert Naegele, Erika Wackernagel, Irm 02.10.2014 Dennis Quaid, Michael Chiklis, Jason Hermann, Rainer Egger - Dir. Christian 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061152 O’Mara, Joe Sabatino, Carrie-Anne Moss, Wagner Das unsichtbare Netz Taylor Handley, James Russo, Sonny Kurzfilm, Interview, Making of, Audiokommentar, Trailer Marinelli, Sarah Jones, Michael Reilly Drama 1988 100min. Night People Burke, Aimee Garcia, Kai Lennox, Michael Filmgalerie 451 26.09.2014 Gregory Peck, Broderick Crawford, Anita Wiseman, William Russ - Dir. Greg Beeman, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061220 Björk - Dir. Nunnally Johnson Roxann Dawson, Gary Fleder, James Man- Booklet Wang Yu - Der stählerne Todes- Kriminalfilm 1953 89min. gold, Alex Zakrzewski Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.10.2014 Featurettes schlag Kriminalfilm 868min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061335 Meng Si Hung Feng Paramount Home Entertainment 04.09.2014 Jimmy Wang Yu, Shirley Jane, Paul Chang, Unter dem Regenbogen - Ein 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061508 Yueh Sun, Hsueh Han, Hon Siu - Dir. Ting Frühjahr in Paris Shan-hsi Die Verachtung (Reclam Edition) Bildergalerie Au Bout Du Conte Le Mépris Action/Eastern 1972 80min. Agathe Bonitzer, Agnès Jaoui, Arthur Brigitte Bardot, , Jack Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 05.09.2014 Dupont, Jean-Pierre Bacri, Benjamin Biolay, Palance, Fritz Lang, Giorgia Moll, Jean-Luc 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061017 Dominique Valadié, Valérie Crouzet Godard, Linda Veras - Dir. Jean-Luc (Éléonore), Beatrice Rosen, Didier Sandre, Godard Wasser kennt keine Gnade Laurent Poitreneaux, Nina Meurisse, Kurzfilme, Trailer u.a. DAM 999 / Countdown Jerusalem / Titanic Clément Roussier, Serena Legeais, Bonny Drama 1963 99min. 2 Durand, Candela Cottis - Dir. Agnès Jaoui STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Action/Drama 281min. Komödie 2013 112min. Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 12.09.2014 good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 29.08.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061111 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061020 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061083 Vergessene Western Vol. 28 - Fast The Way She Moves Urlaubsreif on the Draw The Way She Moves Blended Crooked River Annabeth Gish, Nelson Vasquez, Kerry Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, Kevin James Ellison, Russell Hayden, Fuzzy Beyer, Daniel Cosgrove, Kamar De Los Nealon, Terry Crews, Wendi McLendon- Knight, Raymond Hatton, Julie Adams, Tom Reyes, Kelley Johnson, Nicole Sullivan - Covey, Joel McHale, Jessica Lowe, Bella Tyler, George J. Lewis, John Cason - Dir. Dir. Ron Lagomarsino Thorne, Lauren Lapkus - Dir. Frank Coraci Thomas H. Carr Komödie/Drama 2001 86min. Komödie 2014 112min. Western 1950 78min. MIG Film 18.09.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061316 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061436 19.09.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061388 John Wayne Collection (5 Discs) Urlaubsreif (Blu-ray) Die Comancheros / Land der tausend Blended Via Mala Abenteuer / Die Unbesiegten / Der längste Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, Kevin Gert Fröbe, Joachim Hansen, Christine Tag / Der letzte Befehl Nealon, Terry Crews, Wendi McLendon- Kaufmann, Christian Wolff, Anita Höfer, John Wayne Covey, Joel McHale, Jessica Lowe, Bella Edith Schultze-Westrum - Dir. Paul May Western 1959-1962 min. Thorne, Lauren Lapkus - Dir. Frank Coraci Booklet Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie 2014 117min. Drama 1961 92min. Germany 02.10.2014 Warner Home Video Germany 09.10.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061572 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061476 AG(Filmjuwelen) 14.11.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061256 Der Weg nach San José Utopia - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- Ursula Karven, Filip Peeters, Steve Windolf, ray) (k.J.) Vier im roten Kreis (Blu-ray) Henriette Heinze, Peter Prager, Alessandro Utopia Le Cercle Rouge Bressanello - Dir. Roland Suso Richter Audiokommentar , Yves Montand, Gian Maria Drama 90min. Drama/Mystery 2013 316min. Volonté, Bourvil, François Périer, Paul Studio Hamburg Enterprises 02.10.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 Crauchet, Andre Eckyan, Pierre Collet, Paul 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061349 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061659 Amiot, Jean-Pierre Rosier, Jean-Marc Boris, Ana Douking - Dir. Jean-Pierre Melville Weihnachten bei Santa Claus Utopia - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (k.J.) Intro, Interviews, Wendecover Twice Upon A Christmas Thriller 1970 140min. Utopia Kathy Ireland, Mary Donnelly-Haskell, John STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Audiokommentar Dye, Ryf van Rij, Arturo Gil, Lloyd Berry - Drama/Mystery 2013 316min. Germany(Arthaus) 23.10.2014 Dir. Tibor Takács polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061192 Komödie 2001 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061647 Von Django - mit den besten MIG Film 06.11.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061322 Veer & Zaara - Die Legende einer Empfehlungen (k.J.) Liebe (Blu-ray) Uno Dopo L’Altro Weihnachten, Liebe und andere Veer-Zaara Richard Harrison, Pamela Tudor, Paolo Katastrophen Shah Rukh Khan, Preity Zinta, Rani Gozlino, Jolanda Modio - Dir. Nick Howard No Controles Mukherjee, Amitabh Bachchan, Kirron Kher, Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie Unax Ugalde, Alexandra Jiménez, Julián Divya Dutta, Boman Irani, Anupam Kher, Western 1968 89min. López, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Secun de la Hema Malini, Manoj Bajpai, Zohra Segal, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Rosa, Mariam Hernández, Marivi Bilbao, Akhilendra Mishra - Dir. Yash Chopra AG(Colosseo Film) 24.10.2014 Ramón Barea, Alfredo Silva - Dir. Borja Drama 2004 198min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061221 Cobeaga Rapid Eye Movies HE 31.10.2014

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Komödie/Lovestory 2010 95min. Wer 28.10.2014 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 02.10.2014 A.J. Cook, Oaklee Pendergast, Sebastian tba BestellNr.: 20061211 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061321 Roché, Vik Sahay, Stephanie Lemelin, An- gelina Armani, Simon Quarterman, Brian White Collar Hooligan 3 (Blu-ray) Das Weihnachtsherz - Das Ge- Johnson - Dir. William Brent Bell White Collar Hooligan 3: Revenge In Rio schenk meines Lebens Horror 2013 93min. Simon Phillips, Josh Myers, Rita Ramnani, The Christmas Heart Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Sephora Venites, Rebecca Ferdinando, Teri Polo, Tess Harper, Paul Essiembre, Ty tba BestellNr.: 20061236 Vas Blackwood, Akbar Kurtha, Petra Wood, John B. Lowe, Samantha Kendrick, Bryant - Dir. Paul Tanter Adam Hurtig, Aaron Hughes, Blake Taylor - Wer spinnt denn da, Herr Doktor? Trailer Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 106min. Dir. Gary Yates Otto Sander, Sunnyi Melles, Vicco von Bü- Trailer low, Peter Fritz, Paul Burian, Richy Müller, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) Drama/Familie 2012 84min. Hannelore Elsner - Dir. Stefan Lukschy, 28.10.2014 Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Christian Rateuke tba BestellNr.: 20061232 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061434 Komödie 1981 78min. EuroVideo Medien 09.10.2014 Wikinger - Berserker des Nordens Das Weihnachtsherz - Das Ge- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061395 (2 Discs) schenk meines Lebens (Blu-ray) Die Rache des Wikingers 1-4 / Die Wikin- The Christmas Heart Wer spinnt denn da, Herr Doktor? ger / Der letzte Wikinger Teri Polo, Tess Harper, Paul Essiembre, Ty (Blu-ray) Jakob Thor Einarsson, Edda Björgvinsdottir, Wood, John B. Lowe, Samantha Kendrick, Otto Sander, Sunnyi Melles, Vicco von Bü- Helgi Skúlasson, Reine Brynolfsson, Tinna Adam Hurtig, Aaron Hughes, Blake Taylor - low, Peter Fritz, Paul Burian, Richy Müller, Gunnlaugsdóttir, Gordon Mitchell, Giuliano Dir. Gary Yates Hannelore Elsner - Dir. Stefan Lukschy, Gemma, Fortunato Arena, Gottskalk Dagur Trailer Christian Rateuke Sigurdarson, Maria Bonnevie, Egill Drama/Familie 2012 88min. Komödie 1981 81min. Olafsson, Ken Vedsegaard, Peter Gantzler, Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 EuroVideo Medien 09.10.2014 Erik Holmey, Cameron Mitchell, Edmund 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061474 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061409 Purdom, Isabelle Corey - Dir. Hrafn Gunnlaugsson, Mario Caiano, Michael Der Weihnachts-Song - Wir sin- Westen Mouyal, Giacomo Gentilomo gen für den Sieg! Jördis Triebel, Alexander Scheer, Tristan Abenteuer/Action 1960-2008 596min. A Christmas Song Göbel, Jacky Ido, Anja Antonowicz - Dir. MIG Film 23.10.2014 Natasha Henstridge, Gabriel Hogan, Aman- Christian Schwochow 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061437 da Thomson, Brittany Adams, Ruth Mars- Entfallene Szenen, Making of hall, Kent Nolan, Ramona Milano, Joel S. Drama 2013 98min. Wilde Erdbeeren (Blu-ray) Keller - Dir. Timothy Bond Senator Home Entertainment 17.10.2014 SmultronstäLlet Komödie/Familie 2012 88min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061361 Victor Sjöström, Bibi Andersson, Ingrid Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Thulin, Gunnar Björnstrand, Naima 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061435 Westen (Blu-ray) Wifstrand, Folke Sundquist, Björn Jördis Triebel, Alexander Scheer, Tristan Bjelvenstam, Juliane Kindahl, Gunnel Der Weihnachts-Song - Wir sin- Göbel, Jacky Ido, Anja Antonowicz - Dir. Brostrom, Gertrud Fridh, Max von Sydow gen für den Sieg! (Blu-ray) Christian Schwochow (Henrik Åkerman) - Dir. Ingmar Bergman Entfallene Szenen, Making of Making of, Featurettes, Interview, Trailer, Wendecover A Christmas Song Drama 2013 102min. Drama 1957 91min. Natasha Henstridge, Gabriel Hogan, Aman- Senator Home Entertainment 17.10.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment da Thomson, Brittany Adams, Ruth Mars- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061382 Germany(Arthaus) 25.09.2014 hall, Kent Nolan, Ramona Milano, Joel S. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061039 Keller - Dir. Timothy Bond Western Movies Komödie/Familie 2012 92min. Stagecoach / Das Geheimnis der toten Wilde Orchidee / 9 1/2 Wochen (2 Tiberius Film 06.11.2014 Stadt / Land der Verfluchten Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061475 Western 300min. Wild Orchid / 9 1/2 Weeks Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Welcome to Sarajevo (Blu-ray) Mickey Rourke, Jacqueline Bisset, Carré 01.08.2014 Otis, Kim Basinger, Margaret Whitton - Dir. Welcome To Sarajevo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061061 Zalman King, Adrian Lyne Stephen Dillane, Woody Harrelson, Marisa Erotik 1985-1989 min. Tomei, Emira Nusevic, Kerry Fox, Goran Wetherby - Die Gewalt vergesse- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Visnjic, James Nesbitt, Emily Lloyd, Igor ner Träume (Blu-ray) Germany 02.10.2014 Dzambazov, Gordana Gadzic, Juliet Wetherby 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061549 Aubrey, Drazen Sivak, Vesna Orel, Davor Vanessa Redgrave, Joely Richardson, Sir Janjic - Dir. Michael Winterbottom Wilde Zeiten - Neue Freunde neu Trailer, Interviews, Behind the Scenes , Dame , Marjorie Yates, Drama 1997 102min. Katy Behean, Tom Wilkinson, Tim gemischt! Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) McInnerny, Suzanna Hamilton, Stuart The Good Old Fashioned Orgy 08.10.2014 Wilson - Dir. David Hare Jason Sudeikis, Leslie Bibb, Lake Bell, tba BestellNr.: 20061365 Thriller 1984 100min. Michelle Borth, Nick Kroll, Tyler Labine, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Angela Sarafyan, Lindsay Sloane - Dir. Wer - Das Biest in dir 08.10.2014 Alex Gregory, Peter Huyck Wer tba BestellNr.: 20061366 Trailer A.J. Cook, Oaklee Pendergast, Sebastian Komödie 2010 91min. Roché, Vik Sahay, Stephanie Lemelin, An- White Collar Hooligan 3 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.11.2014 gelina Armani, Simon Quarterman, Brian White Collar Hooligan 3: Revenge In Rio 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061642 Johnson - Dir. William Brent Bell Simon Phillips, Josh Myers, Rita Ramnani, Horror 2013 89min. Sephora Venites, Rebecca Ferdinando, Wilde Zeiten - Neue Freunde neu Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Vas Blackwood, Akbar Kurtha, Petra gemischt! (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20061214 Bryant - Dir. Paul Tanter The Good Old Fashioned Orgy Trailer Jason Sudeikis, Leslie Bibb, Lake Bell, Action/Kriminalfilm 2014 102min. Wer - Das Biest in dir (Blu-ray) Michelle Borth, Nick Kroll, Tyler Labine, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith)

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Angela Sarafyan, Lindsay Sloane - Dir. Senator Home Entertainment 07.11.2014 Álex González, Zoë Kravitz, January Alex Gregory, Peter Huyck 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061487 Jones, , Caleb Landry Jones, Trailer Edi Gathegi (Darwin/Armando Muñoz), Komödie 2010 95min. X-Men: Cerebro Collection (7 Corey Johnson, Lucas Till, Demetri 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 20.11.2014 Discs) Goritsas, Glenn Morshower, Don Creech, tba BestellNr.: 20061656 X-Men / X-Men 2 / X-Men: Der letzte Wi- Matt Craven, James Remar, Tao Okamoto, Rila Fukushima - Dir. Bryan Singer, Brett The Wolf Man (Blu-ray) derstand / X-Men Origins: / Wolverine - Weg des Kriegers / X-Men: Ratner, Gavin Hood, Matthew Vaughn, The Wolf Man Erste Entscheidung / X-Men: Zukunft ist James Mangold Claude Rains, Lon Chaney jr., Evelyn An- Vergangenheit Science Fiction 2000-2014 min. kers, Ralph Bellamy, Warren William, Patric Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Halle Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Knowles - Dir. George Waggner Berry, Sir Ian McKellen, , Germany 02.10.2014 Horror 1941 69min. Jack Marsden, Anna Paquin, Tyler Mane, 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061182 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ray Park, , Bruce Davison, 02.10.2014 Matthew Sharp, Brett Morris, James X-Men: Erste Entscheidung / X- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061158 Marsden, Brian Cox, Alan Cumming, Kelly Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit (2 WolfCop Hu, Aaron Stanford, Katie Stuart, Michael Discs) Reid MacKay, Keely Purvis, Shawn WolfCop X-Men: First Class / X-Men: Days Of Ashmore, Kea Wong, Daniel Cudmore, Leo Fafard, Amy Matysio, Sarah Lind, Future Past Connor Widdows, Bryce Hodgson, Shauna Corinne Conley, Jesse Moss, Jonathan James McAvoy, Laurence Belcher, Michael Kain, Cotter Smith, Alf Humphreys, Jill Cherry, Aidan Devine, James Whittingham, Fassbender, Hugh Jackman - Dir. Matthew Teed, James Kirk, Ty Olsson, Kelsey Ryland Alexander - Dir. Lowell Dean Vaughn, Bryan Singer Grammer, Vinnie Jones, Ben Foster, Dania Komödie/Horror 2014 80min. Outtakes, Bildergalerie, Trailer Ramirez, Ellen Page, Michael Murphy, Action/Science Fiction 2011-2014 253min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 Shohreh Aghdashloo, Josef Sommer, Bill Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20061668 Duke, Danny Huston, Ryan Reynolds, Liev Germany 02.10.2014 WolfCop (Blu-ray) Schreiber, , Lynn Collins, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061166 will.i.am, Daniel Henney, Kevin Durand, WolfCop James McAvoy, Laurence Belcher, Michael X-Men: Erste Entscheidung / X- Leo Fafard, Amy Matysio, Sarah Lind, Fassbender, Bill Milner, Kevin Bacon, Rose Corinne Conley, Jesse Moss, Jonathan Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit (2 Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Beth Goddard, Cherry, Aidan Devine, James Whittingham, Discs) (Blu-ray) Morgan Lily, Oliver Platt, Jason Flemyng, Ryland Alexander - Dir. Lowell Dean X-Men: First Class / X-Men: Days Of Álex González, Zoë Kravitz, January Komödie/Horror 2014 83min. Future Past Jones, Nicholas Hoult, Caleb Landry Jones, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 18.11.2014 James McAvoy, Laurence Belcher, Michael Edi Gathegi (Darwin/Armando Muñoz), tba BestellNr.: 20061694 Fassbender, Hugh Jackman - Dir. Matthew Corey Johnson, Lucas Till, Demetri Vaughn, Bryan Singer Goritsas, Glenn Morshower, Don Creech, Wooden Man (Dragon Edition) Isolierte Filmmusik, Featurettes, Making of, Entfallene Sze- Matt Craven, James Remar, Tao Okamoto, Shao Lin Mu Ren Xiang nen, BD-Live, Outtakes, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Second Rila Fukushima - Dir. Bryan Singer, Brett Screen App Jackie Chan - Dir. Chen Chi-Hwa Ratner, Gavin Hood, Matthew Vaughn, Action/Science Fiction 2011-2014 263min. Action/Eastern 1976 103min. James Mangold Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 26.09.2014 Science Fiction 2000-2014 min. Germany 02.10.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061071 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061181 Wooden Man (Dragon Edition) Germany 02.10.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061167 X-Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit (Blu-ray) X-Men: Days Of Future Past Shao Lin Mu Ren Xiang X-Men: Cerebro Collection (7 Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Jackie Chan - Dir. Chen Chi-Hwa Discs) (Blu-ray) Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Sir Patrick Action/Eastern 1976 107min. Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, X-Men / X-Men 2 / X-Men: Der letzte Wi- Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 26.09.2014 Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, derstand / X-Men Origins: Wolverine / 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061082 Nicholas Hoult, , Shawn Ashmore, Wolverine - Weg des Kriegers / X-Men: Evan Peters, Daniel Cudmore, Lucas Till, Erste Entscheidung / X-Men: Zukunft ist Wüstentänzer - Afshins verbote- Bingbing Fan, Booboo Stewart, Josh Helm- Vergangenheit an, Evan Jonigkeit, Adan Canto, January ner Traum von Freiheit Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Halle Jones - Dir. Bryan Singer Desert Dancer Berry, Sir Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, Reece Ritchie, Freida Pinto, Tom Cullen, Outtakes, Bildergalerie, Featurettes, Trailer Jack Marsden, Anna Paquin, Tyler Mane, Action/Science Fiction 2014 127min. Farid Ghaffarian, Marama Corlett, Bamshad Ray Park, Rebecca Romijn, Bruce Davison, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Abedi-Amin, Neet Mohan, Simon Matthew Sharp, Brett Morris, James Germany 02.10.2014 Kassianides, Davood Ghadami, Nazanin Marsden, Brian Cox, Alan Cumming, Kelly 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061165 Boniadi, Gabriel Senior, Akin Gazi, Tolga Hu, Aaron Stanford, Katie Stuart, Michael Safer - Dir. Richard Raymond Reid MacKay, Keely Purvis, Shawn X-Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit Drama 2014 100min. Ashmore, Kea Wong, Daniel Cudmore, (Blu-ray 3D, 2-Disc Edition) (Blu- Senator Home Entertainment 07.11.2014 Connor Widdows, Bryce Hodgson, Shauna 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061459 Kain, Cotter Smith, Alf Humphreys, Jill ray) Teed, James Kirk, Ty Olsson, Kelsey X-Men: Days Of Future Past Wüstentänzer - Afshins verbote- Grammer, Vinnie Jones, Ben Foster, Dania Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael ner Traum von Freiheit (Blu-ray) Ramirez, Ellen Page, Michael Murphy, Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Sir Patrick Desert Dancer Shohreh Aghdashloo, Josef Sommer, Bill Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Reece Ritchie, Freida Pinto, Tom Cullen, Duke, Danny Huston, Ryan Reynolds, Liev Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Farid Ghaffarian, Marama Corlett, Bamshad Schreiber, Dominic Monaghan, Lynn Collins, Nicholas Hoult, Omar Sy, Shawn Ashmore, Abedi-Amin, Neet Mohan, Simon will.i.am, Daniel Henney, Kevin Durand, Evan Peters, Daniel Cudmore, Lucas Till, Kassianides, Davood Ghadami, Nazanin James McAvoy, Laurence Belcher, Michael Bingbing Fan, Booboo Stewart, Josh Helm- Boniadi, Gabriel Senior, Akin Gazi, Tolga Fassbender, Bill Milner, Kevin Bacon, Rose an, Evan Jonigkeit, Adan Canto, January Safer - Dir. Richard Raymond Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Beth Goddard, Jones - Dir. Bryan Singer Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Making of, Outtakes, Drama 2014 104min. Morgan Lily, Oliver Platt, Jason Flemyng, Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Second Screen App

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Action/Science Fiction 2014 132min. (k.J.) Orlando Bloom, Forest Whitaker, Conrad Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ein Zombie hing am Glockenseil / The Kemp, Tanya van Graan, Patrick Lyster, Germany 02.10.2014 Day the Dead Walked / Zombies unter Tinarie Van Wyk-Loots, Iman Isaacs, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061180 Kannibalen Roxanne Prentice, Regardt van den Bergh, Horror 234min. Sven Ruygrok, Inge Beckmann, Joëlle X-Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Kayembe, Randall Majiet, Danny Keogh, (Blu-ray) 19.09.2014 Christian Bennett, Nomhle Nkonyeni, Oscar X-Men: Days Of Future Past 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061386 Pietersen, Khulu M. Skenjana, Chuma Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Sopotela, Dean Slater, Thenjiwe Stemela, Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Sir Patrick Zombie Mania (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Natasha Loring, Adrian Galley - Dir. Jérôme Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, (k.J.) Salle Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Featurette Cockney vs. Zombies / Die Horde / The Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 111min. Nicholas Hoult, Omar Sy, Shawn Ashmore, Crazies Studio Hamburg Enterprises 31.10.2014 Evan Peters, Daniel Cudmore, Lucas Till, Michelle Ryan, Georgia King, Honor tba BestellNr.: 20061464 Bingbing Fan, Booboo Stewart, Josh Helm- Blackman, Eriq Ebouaney, Jean-Pierre Mar- an, Evan Jonigkeit, Adan Canto, January tins, Aurélien Recoing, Timothy Olyphant, Die zwei Gesichter des Januars Jones - Dir. Bryan Singer Radha Mitchell, Joe Anderson - Dir. Matthi- Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Making of, Outtakes, The Two Faces Of January Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Second Screen App as Hoene, Yannick Dahan, Benjamin Roch- Viggo Mortensen, Kirsten Dunst, Oscar Action/Science Fiction 2014 132min. er, Breck Eisner Isaac, Daisy Bevan, Omiros Poulakis, David Audiokommentar, Making of , Featurettes, Interviews, Entfalle- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ne und erweiterte Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Warshofsky, Evgenia Dimitropoulou, James Germany 02.10.2014 Wendecover Sobol Kelly, Mehmet Esen, Orkan Avci, Yigit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061179 Horror 2009-2012 284min. Özsener, Prometheus Aleifer, Socrates STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Alafouzos - Dir. Hossein Amini You Are Not Alone Germany 25.09.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Bloopers, Featurettes, Trailer, Du Er Ikke Alene 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061040 Wendecover Thriller 2014 94min. Anders Agensø, Peter Bjerg, Ove Sprogøe, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Elin Reimer, Jan Jørgensen, Jørn Zombie Mania (3 Discs) (k.J.) Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Faurschou - Dir. Lasse Nielsen, Ernst Cockney vs. Zombies / Die Horde / The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061096 Johansen Crazies Trailer, Bildergalerie Michelle Ryan, Georgia King, Honor Die zwei Gesichter des Januars Drama 1978 89min. Blackman, Eriq Ebouaney, Jean-Pierre Mar- cmv-Laservision 26.09.2014 tins, Aurélien Recoing, Timothy Olyphant, (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061684 Radha Mitchell, Joe Anderson - Dir. Matthi- The Two Faces Of January as Hoene, Yannick Dahan, Benjamin Roch- Viggo Mortensen, Kirsten Dunst, Oscar You Are Not Alone (Blu-ray) er, Breck Eisner Isaac, Daisy Bevan, Omiros Poulakis, David Du Er Ikke Alene Audiokommentar, Making of , Featurettes, Interviews, Entfalle- Warshofsky, Evgenia Dimitropoulou, James Anders Agensø, Peter Bjerg, Ove Sprogøe, ne und erweiterte Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Sobol Kelly, Mehmet Esen, Orkan Avci, Yigit Elin Reimer, Jan Jørgensen, Jørn Wendecover Özsener, Prometheus Aleifer, Socrates Horror 2009-2012 273min. Faurschou - Dir. Lasse Nielsen, Ernst Alafouzos - Dir. Hossein Amini STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Johansen Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Bloopers, Featurettes, Trailer, Trailer, Bildergalerie Germany 25.09.2014 Wendecover Drama 1978 93min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061018 Thriller 2014 97min. cmv-Laservision 26.09.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061704 Zombie Night (k.J.) Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 Night of the Vampires / The Ultimative 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061134 Der Zauberer aus der Flasche Terror / Zombie Night Starik Chottabitsch Horror min. Zwiebel-Jack räumt auf Nikolai Wolkow - Dir. Gennadi Kasanski Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Cipolla Colt Trailer 01.08.2014 Franco Nero, Sterling Hayden, Martin Bal- Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1956 81min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061054 sam, Emma Cohen, Leo Anchóriz, Romano ICESTORM Entertainment 08.09.2014 Puppo, Nazzareno Zamperla (Oblò), 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061533 Der Zufrühkommer Massimo Vanni, Helmut Brasch, Dan van Premature Husen - Dir. Enzo G. Castellari Zeit der Dunkelheit John Karna, Katie Findlay, Craig Roberts, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Bildergalerie Stealing Heaven Alan Tudyk, Carlson Young, Autumn Dial, Western/Komödie 1975 88min. Derek de Lint, Kim Thomson, Denholm Zoe Myers, Cara Mantella, Steve Coulter - Koch Media 11.09.2014 Elliott, Bernard Hepton, Kenneth Cranham, Dir. Dan Beers 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061287 Patsy Byrne - Dir. Clive Donner Komödie 2014 90min. Drama 1987 111min. Universum Film Home Zwiebel-Jack räumt auf (Blu-ray) MIG Film 18.09.2014 Entertainment(SquareOne) 17.10.2014 Cipolla Colt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061315 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061362 Franco Nero, Sterling Hayden, Martin Bal- sam, Emma Cohen, Leo Anchóriz, Romano Zimmer mit Aussicht (Reclam Edi- Der Zufrühkommer (Blu-ray) Puppo, Nazzareno Zamperla (Oblò), tion) Premature Massimo Vanni, Helmut Brasch, Dan van John Karna, Katie Findlay, Craig Roberts, Husen - Dir. Enzo G. Castellari A Room With A View Audiokommentar, Italienische Kinofassung, Trailer, Bilderga- Helena Bonham Carter, Maggie Smith, Den- Alan Tudyk, Carlson Young, Autumn Dial, lerie holm Elliott, Julian Sands, Daniel Day- Zoe Myers, Cara Mantella, Steve Coulter - Western/Komödie 1975 91min. Lewis, Sir Simon Callow - Dir. James Ivory Dir. Dan Beers Koch Media 11.09.2014 Audiokommentar, Biografien, Bildergalerien, Trailer Komödie 2014 94min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061296 Drama 1986 112min. Universum Film Home STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Entertainment(SquareOne) 17.10.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 09.10.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061384 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061112 Zulu (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Special Interest Zombie 3er Pack Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) Zulu

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20 Feet from Stardom (OmU) Fascinating Medeiros - Dir. Errol Morris 20 Feet From Stardom Fascinating India 3D Interview, Trailer Porträt/Biographie 2013 104min. Dir. Morgan Neville Dir. Simon Busch Trailer; Wendecover Trailer EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 09.10.2014 Dokumentarfilm 2013 87min. Dokumentarfilm 2013 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061400 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch Germany(Weltkino) 09.10.2014 Media Group) 31.10.2014 Wer ist Thomas Müller? 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061171 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061397 Dir. Christian Heynen Dokumentarfilm 2013 87min. 20 Feet from Stardom (OmU) (Blu- Fascinating India (Blu-ray) Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Camino) ray) Fascinating India 3D 26.09.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20061348 20 Feet From Stardom Dir. Simon Busch Trailer Dir. Morgan Neville Woody Allen: A Documentary Trailer; Wendecover Dokumentarfilm 2013 91min. Dokumentarfilm 2013 91min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch (Director’s Cut, 2 Discs, OmU) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Media Group) 31.10.2014 Woody Allen: A Documentary Germany(Weltkino) 09.10.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061412 Woody Allen, Letty Aronson, Marshall 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061186 Brickman, Josh Brolin, Dick Cavett, Fascinating India 3D (Blu-ray 3D, Penélope Cruz, John Cusack, , Amazonia - Abenteuer im Regen- 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Mariel Hemingway, Charles H. Joffe, wald Fascinating India 3D Scarlett Johansson, Julie Kavner, Diane Amazonia 3D Dir. Simon Busch Keaton, Nettie Konigsberg, Martin Landau, Dir. Thierry Ragobert Trailer Louise Lasser, Robert E. Lauder, Eric Lax, Making of Dokumentarfilm 2013 91min. Leonard Maltin, Doug McGrath, , Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2013 83min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Busch Tony Roberts, Chris Rock, Jack Rollins, polyband Medien GmbH 14.11.2014 Media Group) 31.10.2014 Richard Schickel, Martin Scorsese, Mira 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061352 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061411 Sorvino, Stephen Tenenbaum, Naomi Watts, Fred Weintraub, , Gordon Amazonia - Abenteuer im Regen- Finding Vivian Maier Willis, Owen Wilson - Dir. Robert B. Weide wald (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Finding Vivian Maier Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Trailer John Maloof, Mary Ellen Mark, Phil Donahue Dokumentarfilm 2011 184min. Amazonia 3D - Dir. John Maloof, Charlie Siskel EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 09.10.2014 Dir. Thierry Ragobert Trailer, 8mm Filme 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061396 Making of Dokumentarfilm 2014 81min. Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2013 87min. EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 09.10.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 14.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061393 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061368 Amazonia - Abenteuer im Regen- Mitgift - Ostdeutschland im Wan- wald (Blu-ray) del Dir. Roland Blum Amazonia 3D Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Dir. Thierry Ragobert Dokumentarfilm 2014 96min. Making of good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 05.09.2014 Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2013 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061307 polyband Medien GmbH 14.11.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061367 Mittsommernachtstango (OmU) Cerro Torre - Nicht den Hauch Dir. Viviane Blumenschein Slideshow einer Chance (OmU) Dokumentarfilm 2012 82min. David Lama, Peter Ortner, Toni Ponholzer, good!movies(Neue Visionen) 19.09.2014 Jim Bridwell, Markus Pucher, Thomas 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061561 Dirnhofer, Martin Boysen - Dir. Thomas Dirnhofer Orchester im Exil Trailer, Making-of, Webisoden, Audiokommentar, Wendecover Orchestra Of Exiles Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2013 99min. Thomas Kornmann, Zubin Mehta, Itzhak EuroVideo Medien(Red Bull) 23.10.2014 Perlman, Joshua Bell, Elin Kolev, Henk 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061056 Reinicke, Geno Lechner, Jan Uplegger, Alex Ansky, Yigal Sachs, Vlasto Peyitch, Gil Cerro Torre - Nicht den Hauch Baxpehler, Brett Lorier, Stefan Hauser, einer Chance (OmU) (Blu-ray) Harald Magarin, Wolfgang Ronfeldt - Dir. David Lama, Peter Ortner, Toni Ponholzer, Josh Aronson Jim Bridwell, Markus Pucher, Thomas Dokumentarfilm 2012 86min. Dirnhofer, Martin Boysen - Dir. Thomas polyband Medien GmbH 24.10.2014 Dirnhofer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061645 Trailer, Making-of, Webisoden, Audiokommentar, Wendecover Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2013 103min. Population Boom EuroVideo Medien(Red Bull) 23.10.2014 Dir. Werner Boote 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061078 Audiokommentar, Trailer, Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte Dokumentarfilm 2013 93min. Deutschboden AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dir. André Schäfer AG(mindjazz pictures) 10.10.2014 Trailer, Musikvideo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20061691 Dokumentarfilm 2013 93min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(W-Film) The Unknown Known 08.10.2014 The Unknown Known tba BestellNr.: 20061512 Errol Morris, Donald Rumsfeld, Kenn

LASER HOTLINE Seite 56 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 57 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

and your own little trainee will discover important lessons 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124174 about safety, responsibility and teamwork! Animation Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, Friendships, In Search Of Santa (DVD + Attack On Titan: Part 2 - Limited 2014 64min. UltraViolet) Starz / Anchor Bay 14.10.2014 Garry Chalk, Haylie Duff, French Tickner, Edition (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124122 Hilary Duff, Kathleen Barr, Scott McNeil - Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray min. Dir. William R. Kowalchuk 23.09.2014 Denver The Last Dinosaur: The When a sleigh bell mysteriously falls from the sky, pure- 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124323 hearted Princess Crystal is determined to prove it came from Complete Series one of Santa’s reindeer. Together, she and her sister, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Princess Lucinda, set off on a daring journey to the North Attack On Titan: Part 2 (Blu-ray + Pole to find Santa Claus. Along the way, the royal duo must Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, work together to outrun hungry, wild beasts, outwit greedy DVD) (Blu-ray) Friendships, Television min. pirates and try to keep three sneaky court penguins from Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray min. stealing their parents’ throne in spite of their rivalry. VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 16.09.2014 Celebrates friendship, family and the most wonderful time of Funimation 23.09.2014 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124455 the year. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124324 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Dragon Ball Z: Season 7 (Blu-ray) Children’s, Christmas, Family, Friendships, Bionicle 3: Web Of Shadows This popular anime series follows the skilled warrior Goku Holidays, Monsters, Movies, Pirates, With one final duty to fulfill before they can build their new and his band of Z-fighters as they search for the powerful Royalty 80min. home on the island of Mata Nui, six great Toa heroes return to Dragon Balls. The seventh season picks up almost a decade Metru Nui and find their once-glorious city shrouded in after the fall of the Cell, and the Z-fighters and friends have Lionsgate 07.10.2014 shadows and overrun by a sinister army of spidery, web- since made the most of the extended peacetime. But when 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124175 slinging Visorak. Mysteriously transformed into strange everyone reunites for the new World Martial Arts tournament, beast-like creatures know as Toa Hordika, the Toa realize it appears a mysterious dark force is observing the their mission to recue the stranded Matoran - held captive by proceedings from the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to Jack And The Cuckoo-Clock Heart dark powers - will be anything but easy. attack. This release contains every episode of Dragon Ball Grand Corps Malade, Olivia Ruiz, Mathias Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Z’s exciting seventh season. Malzieu - Dir. Stephane Berla, Mathias Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Interna- Computer Animation, Fantasy, Monsters, Malzieu Science Fiction, Television, War 135min. tional TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Television Edinburgh, late 19th century. Little Jack is born on a day so Lionsgate 07.10.2014 2002 min. cold that his heart remains frozen. Madeleine the midwife Funimation 16.09.2014 replaces his heart with a cuckoo-clock. It will work, as long 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124338 as Jack follows the rules, mainly not falling in love. But his 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124198 encounter with a fiery-eyed girl singing on a street corner Birds Of Paradise (DVD + and his decision to chase after her will test the resistance of Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: his makeshift heart to the breaking point... Jack And The UltraViolet) Cuckoo-Clock Heart is a magnificent love story set in an Season 2 exciting period full of fabulous inventions, eccentric Ashley Tisdale, Ken Jeong, Keith David, characters and fantastic adventures. Adapted by Mathias Drake Bell, Jane Lynch Action, Adventure, Animation, Auto Racing, Malzieu from his best-selling novel and the gold-selling album When Jack (Drake Bell, Drake & Josh,iCarly) an ordinary Cars & Motorcycles, Children’s, Family, by his band Dionysos, this superbly animated movie is about sparrow with dreams of becoming an extraordinary bird is Television min. passion and acceptance of others. accidently covered in colorful paint, he is thrilled about his Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- new exotic appearance and believes that he’ll now be able to Cinedigm 14.10.2014 impress Aurora (Ashley Tisdale, High School Musical), a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124524 tion, Book-To-Film, Drama, Family, Fantasy, beautiful canary who has recently escaped from her indoor Foreign, French, Music, Musical, Romance cage. But when Aurora’s mean owner, Mr. Potter, finds her, Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: 2013 94min. Jack must enlist the help of his best friends - Vinnie (Ken Shout Factory 07.10.2014 Jeong, Despicable Me 2), the loyal pigeon, and Skeeter (Jon Season 2 - Volume 3 Lovitz, The Benchwarmers), the hyper hummingbird, as well 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124503 as Rosie (Jane Lynch, Glee), the caring bat and the wise Old Action, Adventure, Animation, Auto Racing, Buzzard (Keith David, Free Birds) in order to free her. And Children’s, Family, Racing, Television min. Jack And The Cuckoo-Clock Heart along the way, Jack and Aurora will learn that it’s not what Cinedigm 16.09.2014 you look like on the outside, but who you are on the inside (Blu-ray) that truly counts. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124457 Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Grand Corps Malade, Olivia Ruiz, Mathias Animation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: Malzieu - Dir. Stephane Berla, Mathias Malzieu Romance 82min. Season 2 - Volume 4 Lionsgate 04.11.2014 Edinburgh, late 19th century. Little Jack is born on a day so Action, Adventure, Animation, Auto Racing, cold that his heart remains frozen. Madeleine the midwife 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124425 replaces his heart with a cuckoo-clock. It will work, as long Children’s, Family, Racing, Television min. as Jack follows the rules, mainly not falling in love. But his Cinedigm 16.09.2014 encounter with a fiery-eyed girl singing on a street corner Care Bears: Belly Badge Rock 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124458 and his decision to chase after her will test the resistance of (DVD + UltraViolet) his makeshift heart to the breaking point... Jack And The Cuckoo-Clock Heart is a magnificent love story set in an Bring on the Belly Badge Rock! It’s all music and cheer until Hot Wheels Battle Force 5: exciting period full of fabulous inventions, eccentric Harmony BearTM loses her singing voice before the big characters and fantastic adventures. Adapted by Mathias show, and Kaylee, a visitor to Care-a-lot, stops playing her Season 2 - Volume 5 Malzieu from his best-selling novel and the gold-selling album instrument because of a bully. Perhaps a bit of Care Bears by his band Dionysos, this superbly animated movie is about courage will save the day? Then, when Funshine BearTM and Action, Adventure, Animation, Auto Racing, Cars & Motorcycles, Children’s, Family, passion and acceptance of others. Grumpy BearTM realize they have a wild child on the loose, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- and WonderheartTM Bear tells a few little lies, the bears Television min. tion, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, Family, discover how important it is to have good manners and always Cinedigm 14.10.2014 tell the truth! Fantasy, Foreign, French, Music, Musical, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124526 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Romance 2013 94min. Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Music 88min. Shout Factory 07.10.2014 Lionsgate 28.10.2014 How The Toys Saved Christmas 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124514 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124222 Walter Massey, Michael Caloz, Mary Tyler Moore, Tony Randall Kids’ Holiday 4-Pack Chuggington: Chuggineers Ready When Santa’s helper Granny Rose falls ill and must take off a Christmas Eve, she recruits Mr. Grimm to help deliver all the Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, To Build toys. What no one but the toys knows is that Mr. Grimm plans Children’s, Christmas, Family, Holidays min. Who is the strongest and most dependable construction crew to auction off the toys to the highest bidder! His plan means Starz / Anchor Bay 07.10.2014 in Chuggington? The Chuggineers! In this special collection that the toys won’t make it to the children who are their of hard-working adventures - plus train loads of free bonus destinies. The toys decide to deliver themselves, and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124125 features! - Brewster joins Chuggineers Zack, Fletch and Tyne story follows them as they struggle to avoid the heartless Mr. to build tracks, bridges and tunnels, make repairs, haul heavy Grimm and to find their true homes. Kiki’s Delievery Service (Blu-ray loads and more! Featuring new wagons and machines - like Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, the huge yellow Mega Chug Crane - and new friends - Christmas, Family, Holidays 1996 93min. + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) including Payce, the tunnel runner from Tootington, and Cormac, the cheeky forklift engine - Wilson, Brewster, Koko, Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Corey Burton, Kath Soucie, Tress

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 58 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

MacNeille, Edie McClurg, Debi Derryberry, The Magic School Bus - Human Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Matthew Lawrence, Pamela Segall, Phil Body Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, Hartman, Janeane Garofalo, Debbie From the award-winning PBS television series, take another Children’s, Comedy, Family, Science Fiction, Reynolds, Kirsten Dunst, Jeff Bennett - Dir. unforgettable adventure with Ms. Frizzle and the gang from Time Travel 2014 93min. Hayao Miyazaki the Magic School Bus. 20th Century Fox 14.10.2014 Discover Kiki’s Delivery Service, a fantastic coming-of-age Animation, Children’s, Children’s / 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124247 tale full of magic, adventure and self-discovery from the Educational, Family, PBS min. sensational imagination of Academy Award-winning director Scholastic 09.09.2014 Hayao Miyazaki (2002, Best Animated Feature, Spirited Mr. Peabody & Sherman (Blu-ray Away). And now you can explore even more of Kiki’s amazing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124451 world through never-before-seen bonus features - exclusively 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) in this 2-Disc Special Edition! Kiki is an enterprising young (Blu-ray) girl who must follow tradition to become a full-fledged witch. The Magic School Bus: Season’s Venturing out with only her black cat, Jiji, Kiki flies off for the Greetings Karan Brar, Ariel Winter, Steve Valentine, adventure of a lifetime. Landing in a far-off city, she sets up a Ty Burrell, Stephen Colbert, Stephen Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, high-flying delivery service and begins a wonderful Tobolowsky, Allison Janney, Dennis experience of independence and responsibility as she finds Fantasy, Holidays, Magic, Teachers, Televi- her place in the world. Bring home Kiki’s Delivery Service Haysbert, Leslie Mann - Dir. from Studio Ghibli and Disney for the first time ever on Blu- sion min. Unleash the fun with this hilarious comedy for all ages from ray, and share Kiki’s high-flying adventure again and again. Scholastic 14.10.2014 the creators of The Croods and How To Train Your Dragon! Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124531 Mr. Peabody (Ty Burrell) is an inventor, scientist and genius who just happens to be a dog. With his son Sherman, he will Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, embark on the most extraordinary adventure imaginable as Children’s, Disney, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas they race against time to repair history and save the future. Witches & Warlocks 1989 105min. / Mickey’s Twice Upon A Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Disney / Buena Vista 18.11.2014 Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124433 Christmas (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) 3D, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Movies, (Blu-ray) Science Fiction, Time Travel 2014 93min. : 4 Movie Tony Anselmo, Wayne Allwine, Kelsey 20th Century Fox 14.10.2014 Family Fun Pack Grammar, Bill Farmer, Jeff Bennett, Corey 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124248 Burton, Tress MacNeille, Jim Cummings, Jeremy Suarez, Nancy Cartwright, Tress Alan Young - Dir. Jun Falkenstein My Little Pony: Escape From MacNeille, Jim Cummings, Rob Paulsen, Unwrap the wonder of the holidays with two beloved Disney Miriam Flynn, Kris Kristofferson, Robert Christmas classics in one unforgettable package. The magic Catrina And Other Adventures Guillaume, Kenneth Mars, Danny Mann, of Disney animation warms up the season as Mickey’s Once Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Upon A Christmas and Mickey’s Twice Upon A Christmas Michael York, Jeff Bennett, Thomas Dekker arrive on Blu-ray for the first time ever with a new digital Children’s, Family, Friendships, Preschool, - Dir. Charles Grosvenor remaster. First, join Mickey, Minnie and their famous friends Television min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto for hilarious and Shout Factory 30.09.2014 heartwarming stories of their most memorable Christmases Children’s, Dinosaurs, Family, Friendships, together. Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas is a merry and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124499 Musical 301min. madcap collection of adventures and magical Christmas songs Universal Studios 30.09.2014 celebrating the true joys of the holiday season. Then find out My Little Pony: Friendship Is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124105 who’s been naughty and who’s been nice as Santa Clause joins Disney’s biggest stars in Mickey’s Twice Upon A Magic - Spooktacular Pony Tales Christmas. Give your family the perfect holiday treat with two Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Stan Lee’s Mighty 7: Beginnings timeless Christmas collections together for the first time on Disney Blu-ray! Family, Fantasy, Friendships, Holidays, Darren Criss, Armie Hammer, Mayim Bialik, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Television min. Flea, Stan Lee, , Sean Astin, Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, Shout Factory 09.09.2014 Christian Slater, James Belushi, Michael Children’s, Christmas, Disney, Double Fea- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124452 Ironside tures, Family, Friendships, Holidays, Musi- Stan Lee encounters a group of actual aliens and teaches them to be a team of superheroes, using their „actual“ exploits cal 1999 72min. My Little Pony: The Complete as comic book stories. Disney / Buena Vista 04.11.2014 Series Action, Adventure, Alien Invasions, Aliens, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124266 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Animation, Monsters, Superheroes, Children’s, Family, Friendships, Preschool, Supernatural & Paranormal, Television, TV Mr. Peabody & Sherman Television min. Movies 2014 66min. Karan Brar, Ariel Winter, Steve Valentine, Shout Factory 30.09.2014 Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 Ty Burrell, Stephen Colbert, Stephen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124500 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124541 Tobolowsky, Allison Janney, Dennis Haysbert, Leslie Mann - Dir. Rob Minkoff One Piece Film: Z Stan Lee’s Mighty 7: Beginnings Unleash the fun with this hilarious comedy for all ages from the creators of The Croods and How To Train Your Dragon! Action, Adventure, Animation, Foreign, (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Mr. Peabody (Ty Burrell) is an inventor, scientist and genius International TV, Japanese, Science Darren Criss, Armie Hammer, Mayim Bialik, who just happens to be a dog. With his son Sherman, he will embark on the most extraordinary adventure imaginable as Fiction, Television 108min. Flea, Stan Lee, Teri Hatcher, Sean Astin, they race against time to repair history and save the future. Funimation 30.09.2014 Christian Slater, James Belushi, Michael Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124382 Ironside Feature Films, Animation, Children’s, Stan Lee encounters a group of actual aliens and teaches them to be a team of superheroes, using their „actual“ exploits Comedy, Family, Science Fiction, Time One Piece Film: Z (Blu-ray + DVD) as comic book stories. Travel 2014 93min. (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Alien Invasions, Aliens, 20th Century Fox 14.10.2014 Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Foreign, Animation, Blu-ray, Monsters, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124243 International TV, Japanese, Science Superheroes, Supernatural & Paranormal, Fiction, Television 108min. Television, TV Movies 2014 66min. Mr. Peabody & Sherman (Blu-ray Funimation 30.09.2014 Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124409 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124545 Karan Brar, Ariel Winter, Steve Valentine, Ty Burrell, Stephen Colbert, Stephen Littlest Pet Shop: Passport To Fa- Pokemon: Black & White - Tobolowsky, Allison Janney, Dennis Adventures In Unova, Volume 1 shion Haysbert, Leslie Mann - Dir. Rob Minkoff Action, Animation, Based On Video Game, Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Unleash the fun with this hilarious comedy for all ages from Children’s, Family, Foreign, International TV, Family, Friendships, Television 110min. the creators of The Croods and How To Train Your Dragon! Mr. Peabody (Ty Burrell) is an inventor, scientist and genius Japanese, Television 530min. Shout Factory 23.09.2014 who just happens to be a dog. With his son Sherman, he will Viz Entertainment 23.09.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124488 embark on the most extraordinary adventure imaginable as they race against time to repair history and save the future. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124303

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

ever for Sofia The First. Welcome to the most magical time of the year! This is Sofia’s first Winter Holiday in the castle Pokemon: Destiny Deoxys Sabrina, Secrets Of A Teenage with her new family, but when King Roland goes missing in a Lisa Ortiz, Veronica Taylor, Eric Stuart - Dir. Witch: A Witch And The raging snowstorm, Sofia leaders her mother, Amber and James Kunihiko Yuyama on a brave expedition aboard a flying sleigh to find him. As the Werewolf blizzard whirls around them, their hopes are nearly dashed - Four years ago, a strange meteorite crashed to Earth carrying until Princess Aurora appears and reminds Sofia that her a powerful secret. Ash and Pikachu travel to the futuristic city Animation, Family, Television, Witches & friends might hold the key to finding her dad and of Larousse where they meet Tory - a new friend who is afraid Warlocks 63min. reuniting her family. Sparkling with festive fun - plus four of Pokemon and their trainers. New fears surface when a Lionsgate 09.09.2014 additional song-filled episodes - Holiday In Enchancia mysterious aurora appears over the city along with Deoxys - celebrates the greatest gift of all: spending special days with a Pokemon unlike any seen before. When a spectacular battle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124110 the people you love! between Deoxys and Rayquaza begins, Ash and Pikachu will need help to stop it. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Saving Santa Children’s, Christmas, Disney, Family, mation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, Ashley Tisdale, Martin Freeman, Tim Holidays, Music, Preschool 90min. Monsters 98min. Conway, Tim Curry Disney / Buena Vista 04.11.2014 From the animation studio that brought you Disney’s Secret of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124429 Lionsgate 07.10.2014 the Wings, Tinker Bell and Planes, comes an adorable tale of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124176 the ultimate holiday rush: Saving Santa (voiced by Tim Conway)! At the top of the North Pole, Bernard (voiced by Star Wars Rebels: Spark Of Re- Martin Freeman) is a lowly stable-Elf who dreams of one day Pokemon: Jirachi Wish Maker joining Santa’s esteemed team of great inventors who make bellion Lisa Ortiz, Veronica Taylor, Eric Stuart - Dir. the magic of Christmas possible. But, when one of Bernard’s From the ashes of the Old Republic, an unlikely band of hare-brained inventions accidently reveals the secret location heroes emerges to renew the fight for freedom. Witness the Kunihiko Yuyama of Santa’s workshop to an eccentric, globetrotting, billionaire epic debut of the riveting animated series Star Wars Rebels, Only once every thousand years when the Millenium Comet is scoundrel, Bernard realizes that he has put Santa’s coveted in this full-length, must-own movie - now on DVD for the first visible in the night sky does Jirachiawaken from his slumber. time-machine , and the secret of how Santa is able to deliver time ever! Five years before the events of Star Wars IV: A And when he awakens this time at a traveling circus, he’s got all the presents in just one night, at risk. In this instant New Hope, the reigning evil Empire continues to tighten its a whole new set of friends by his side; Ash, Pikachu, max and holiday classic full of time-travel adventure and laughter, grip of power and fear throughout the cosmos. But even amidst the whole gang. But soon, they must rescue Jirachi from the Bernard must go back in time and do whatever is necessary the tyranny and treachery of The Dark Side, a glimmer of light clutches of an evil magician and former scientist named Butler (again and again)... to save Santa. emerges. Meet the ragtag crew of the starship Ghost: Twi’lek who wants to harness Kirachi’s incredible energy to bring life Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, pilot Hera, street-smart pickpocket Ezra, team leader Kanan, to one of the most legendary and powerful Pokemon of all! alien enforcer Zeb, explosives expert Sabine, and Chopper, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, the cantankerous droid. Together, they embark on action- mation, Anime, Children’s, Family, Holidays, Time Travel 2013 83min. packed adventures, battle ruthless villains, and ignite the Friendships, Japanese, Monsters 81min. Starz / Anchor Bay 14.10.2014 very first Spark Of Rebellion against a surging tide of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124133 Stormtroopers, TIE fighters and mysterious Sith Lords! Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Action, Animation, Based On Feature Film, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124177 Children’s, Disney, Drama, Fantasy, Saving Santa (Blu-ray + DVD Intergalactic War, Monsters, Science Postman Pat: The Movie Combo) (Blu-ray) Fiction, Space, Star Wars, Television, War Animation, Comedy, Family, Movies 127min. Ashley Tisdale, Martin Freeman, Tim min. Paramount 23.09.2014 Conway, Tim Curry Disney / Buena Vista 14.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124232 From the animation studio that brought you Disney’s Secret of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124430 the Wings, Tinker Bell and Planes, comes an adorable tale of the ultimate holiday rush: Saving Santa (voiced by Tim (Blu-ray + Conway)! At the top of the North Pole, Bernard (voiced by Thomas & Friends: The Christmas Martin Freeman) is a lowly stable-Elf who dreams of one day DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) joining Santa’s esteemed team of great inventors who make Engines , Masahiko Nishimura, the magic of Christmas possible. But, when one of Bernard’s Thomas and his friends are in holly, jolly Christmas spirits! hare-brained inventions accidently reveals the secret location Percy brings holiday fun to Reg at the scrap yard while Keith David, Tress MacNeille, Billy Crudup, of Santa’s workshop to an eccentric, globetrotting, billionaire Duncan tries to overcome his bah humbug attitude. Thomas Billy Bob Thornton, Gillian Anderson, Minnie scoundrel, Bernard realizes that he has put Santa’s coveted clears the snowy tracks so Connor can race passengers Driver, Claire Danes - Dir. Hayao Miyazaki time-machine , and the secret of how Santa is able to deliver home in time for the holidays. James causes confusion and Witness the majesty of celebrated animated film director all the presents in just one night, at risk. In this instant delay helping Duck get unstuck as an old friend returns to Hayao Miyazaki’s masterpiece, Princess Mononoke, for the holiday classic full of time-travel adventure and laughter, Sodor bringing Percy the perfect gift. Join Thomas & Friends first time ever on Blu-ray High Definition. This exquisitely Bernard must go back in time and do whatever is necessary as they deliver holiday cheer! animated, critically acclaimed adventure from one of the most (again and again)... to save Santa. Animation, Children’s, Christmas, Family, illustrious filmmakers of all time is now even more spectacular Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Friendships, Holidays, Preschool min. with dazzling HD picture and sound! Inflicted with a deadly Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Christmas, curse, a young warrior named Ashitaka sets out to the forests Universal Studios 28.10.2014 of the west in search of the cure that will save his life. Once Family, Holidays, Time Travel 2013 83min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124479 there, he becomes inextricably entangled in a bitter battle that Starz / Anchor Bay 14.10.2014 matches Lady Eboshi and a proud clan of humans against the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124158 forest’s animal gods... who are led by the brave Princess Tickety Toc: Christmas Present Mononoke, a young woman raised by wolves. This monumen- Time tal struggle between man and nature will have you transfixed Shrek’s Thrilling Tales as stunning artistry blends with epic storytelling to create a It’s Christmas time in Tickety Town, and Tommy & Tallulah are This Halloween-inspired collection follows Shrek, Donkey, determined to make every merry second count! In this all-new uniquely entertaining motion picture. Experience it like never Puss, and B.O.B through three spooky episodes: Night of the before on Disney Blu-ray! collection of adventures - including the Christmas Present Living Carrots, The Pig who Cried Werewolf, and The Ghost Time Special - the twins find a new way to make snow, build a Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, of Lord Farquaad. giant igloo, roll the biggest snowball ever, and even help Animated Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Fairy Tales, Family, Movies, Santa fix his sleigh in time for Christmas Eve! But when their Children’s, Devils And Demons, Disney, Myths & Legends min. escapades get out of hand, friends like McCoggins, Pufferty, Madame Au Lait and Tooteroo will help them make things right. Family, Fantasy, War 134min. Anderson Merchandisers 09.09.2014 It’s time to chime in these exciting winter-themed episodes Disney / Buena Vista 18.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124219 from the Nick Jr. preschool hit! 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124434 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Slugterra: Return Of The Christmas, Family, Holidays, Nickelodeon, Ranma 1/2: Set 3 Elementals Television 2014 68min. Starz / Anchor Bay 14.10.2014 Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124135 International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, mation, Children’s, Family, Monsters, Televi- Romance, Television min. sion min. Viz Entertainment 16.09.2014 Shout Factory 16.09.2014 Transformers Prime: Ultimate 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124231 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124461 Autobots Action, Animation, Children’s, Family, Giant Ranma 1/2: Set 3 (Blu-ray) Sofia The First: Holiday In Robots, Robots / Androids, Television, War Action, Animation, Anime, Comedy, Foreign, Enchancia min. International TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Shout Factory 23.09.2014 , Ariel Winter, Tim Gunn, Romance, Television min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124495 Wayne Brady Viz Entertainment 16.09.2014 Deck the halls and ring in the season! It may be the coldest 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124201 day of winter, but it’s also the warmest, merriest adventure

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The Wind Rises 10 Movie Princess Collection 2 ray) Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Werner Her- Children’s, Collections, Family, Movies, Charles Bradstreet, Frank Ferguson, Jane zog, Mandy Patinkin, Mae Whitman, Stanley Royalty min. Randolph, Lenore Aubert, Glenn Strange, Tucci, Jennifer Grey, Elijah Wood, Martin Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 Bela Lugosi, Lou Costello, Bud Abbott - Dir. Short, William H. Macy, David Cowgill, Dar- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124510 Charles Barton ren Criss, Zach Callison Comedy meets horror when Bud Abbott and Lou Costello From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki 24: Live Another Day encounter Universal’s classic monsters in the frightfully (Best Animated Feature, Spirited Away, 2002) comes a funny Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. The world of spellbinding movie beyond compare. Experience „perhaps the Gbenga Akinnagbe, Benjamin Bratt, Yvonne baggage handlers Chick Young (Abbott) and Wilbur Grey greatest animated film the cinema has ever seen“ (David Strahovski, Kim Raver, Mary Lynn Rajskub, (Costello) is turned upside down when they receive the Ehrlich, Film.com) on Blu-ray. Jiro dreams of flying and remains of Dracula (Bela Lugosi) and Frankenstein (Glenn designing beautiful airplanes, inspired by the famous Italian William Devane, Tate Donovan, Michael Strange) bound for the House of Horrors museum. When aeronautical designer Caproni. Nearsighted and unable to be Wincott, Kiefer Sutherland Dracula and Frankenstein escape, complete chaos ensues as a pilot, he becomes one of the world’s most accomplished The year’s most anticipated television event, 24: Live Another Chick and Wilbur get mixed up in an evil plot to switch airplane designers, experiencing key historical events in an Day, delivers more explosive action than viewers could have Wilbur’s brain with Frankenstein’s and are aided by Larry epic tale of love, perseverance and the challenges of living hoped for! Exiled in London for four years, former Counter Talbot (Lon Chaney, Jr.), who turns into The Wolf Man when and making choices in a turbulent world. Bring home the film Terrorist Unit agent Jack Bauer (Emmy winner Kiefer the moon is full! Featuring a perfect blend of laughs and that has dazzled fans and critics around the globe. Bursting Sutherland) must spring into action to try to save U.S. thrills, Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein is one the „all- off the screen with spectacular picture and sound and President James Heller (William Devane). In retribution for a time great horror comedies.“ (Leonard Maltin’s Classic Movie featuring fascinating bonus material, Miyazaki’s final drone strike he ordered, Heller sits in the crosshairs of the Guide) masterpiece, , is breathtaking on Blu-ray. widow of an al-Qaeda leader. Along the way, Jack faces his Classics, Comedy, Dracula, Frankenstein, Animation, Biography, Disney, Drama, ex-love, Heller’s daughter Audrey (Kim Raver), who’s Horror, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction, married to chief of staff Mark Boudreau (Tate Donovan). Friendships, History & Events, Romance, Teaming with CTU operative-turned-hacktivist Chloe O’Brian Vampires, Werewolves 1948 83min. War, World War II 2013 135min. (Mary Lynn Rajskub), Jack risks everything to try to protect Universal Studios 14.10.2014 Disney / Buena Vista 18.11.2014 the U.S., prevent a global terrorist attack and outrun the CIA 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124277 head (Benjamin Bratt) - as the pulse-quickening tension 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124428 unfolds in real time! Action, Adventure, Drama, Fox, Mystery, Across 110th Street The Wind Rises (Blu-ray + DVD Special Forces, Spies & Secret Agents, Ed Bernard, Richard Ward, Anthony Combo) (Blu-ray) Television, Terrorism, Thrillers 2014 Franciosa, Antonio Fargas, Anthony Quinn Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Werner Her- 526min. - Dir. Barry Shear 20th Century Fox 30.09.2014 The robbery of a Mafia numbers house in Harlem of $300,000 zog, Mandy Patinkin, Mae Whitman, Stanley by three black men dressed as police sets off a city-wide Tucci, Jennifer Grey, Elijah Wood, Martin 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124137 search for the perpetrators. Quinn and Kotto give fine Short, William H. Macy, David Cowgill, Dar- performances as cops divided in the common search. Quinn, 24: Live Another Day (Blu-ray) as a cop on the take for most of his career, must balance his ren Criss, Zach Callison greed and the inherent need for justice in this gripping story. From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Hayao Miyazaki Gbenga Akinnagbe, Benjamin Bratt, Yvonne Excellent footage of Harlem as we see the Mafia and the (Best Animated Feature, Spirited Away, 2002) comes a police simultaneously try to track down the hoods. spellbinding movie beyond compare. Experience „perhaps the Strahovski, Kim Raver, Mary Lynn Rajskub, greatest animated film the cinema has ever seen“ (David William Devane, Tate Donovan, Michael Action, Adventure, Cops, Movies, Thrillers Ehrlich, Film.com) on Blu-ray. Jiro dreams of flying and Wincott, Kiefer Sutherland 1972 102min. designing beautiful airplanes, inspired by the famous Italian The year’s most anticipated television event, 24: Live Another Kino Video 09.09.2014 aeronautical designer Caproni. Nearsighted and unable to be Day, delivers more explosive action than viewers could have 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124209 a pilot, he becomes one of the world’s most accomplished hoped for! Exiled in London for four years, former Counter airplane designers, experiencing key historical events in an Terrorist Unit agent Jack Bauer (Emmy winner Kiefer epic tale of love, perseverance and the challenges of living Sutherland) must spring into action to try to save U.S. Across 110th Street (Blu-ray) and making choices in a turbulent world. Bring home the film President James Heller (William Devane). In retribution for a that has dazzled fans and critics around the globe. Bursting drone strike he ordered, Heller sits in the crosshairs of the Ed Bernard, Richard Ward, Anthony off the screen with spectacular picture and sound and widow of an al-Qaeda leader. Along the way, Jack faces his Franciosa, Antonio Fargas, Anthony Quinn featuring fascinating bonus material, Miyazaki’s final ex-love, Heller’s daughter Audrey (Kim Raver), who’s masterpiece, The Wind Rises, is breathtaking on Blu-ray. - Dir. Barry Shear married to chief of staff Mark Boudreau (Tate Donovan). The robbery of a Mafia numbers house in Harlem of $300,000 Animation, Biography, Blu-ray, Disney, Dra- Teaming with CTU operative-turned-hacktivist Chloe O’Brian by three black men dressed as police sets off a city-wide ma, Friendships, History & Events, (Mary Lynn Rajskub), Jack risks everything to try to protect search for the perpetrators. Quinn and Kotto give fine Romance, War, World War II 2013 135min. the U.S., prevent a global terrorist attack and outrun the CIA performances as cops divided in the common search. Quinn, head (Benjamin Bratt) - as the pulse-quickening tension as a cop on the take for most of his career, must balance his Disney / Buena Vista 18.11.2014 unfolds in real time! greed and the inherent need for justice in this gripping story. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124435 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Fox, Excellent footage of Harlem as we see the Mafia and the Mystery, Special Forces, Spies & Secret police simultaneously try to track down the hoods. Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal: Season One, Agents, Television, Terrorism, Thrillers Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Cops, Movies, Thrillers 1972 102min. Volume One 2014 526min. 20th Century Fox 30.09.2014 Kino Video 09.09.2014 Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124160 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124186 Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Television 352min. The Adventures Of The Cinedigm 16.09.2014 4 Minute Mile 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124484 Analeigh Tipton, Kelly Blatz, Cam Gigandet, Wilderness Family Trilogy Richard Jenkins, Kim Basinger Hollye Holmes, Ham Larsen, Heather A troubled inner-city teen turns to track in order to escape a Rattray, Robert Logan - Dir. Stewart Raffill, life of crime, enlisting the aid of a legendary former coach to train him for a race that could pave the path to a brighter John Cotter, Frank Zuniga future. Drew (Kelly Blatz) is a good kid whose single mother Celebrate the exciting adventures of the beloved Wilderness Film (Kim Basinger) never had the time to raise him, and whose Family with this timeless trilogy. After leaving the city to build older brother (Cam Gigandet) is on the road to nowhere. a home in the Rocky Mountains wilderness, Skip Robinson When Drew resorts to running drug payments in order to get and his family display courage, resourcefulness, and a deep 10 Movie Fairytale Collection by, it starts to look like he, too, will become a victim of his respect for nature as they face the dangers of the wilds and Children’s, Collections, Fairy Tales, Family, own desperation. Meanwhile, as a concerned classmate share the joys of their new life of freedom. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Drama, Movies min. (Analeigh Tipton) reaches out to Drew, his natural athleticism catches the eye of an ex-coach (Richard Jenkins) who’s Family, Movies, Triple Feature, Wilderness Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 fallen on hard times. Eventually, the coach agrees to help 305min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124511 shape Drew into a world-class runner. Just when it starts to look as if Drew has finally earned his ticket out of the city, Lionsgate 07.10.2014 however, a sudden tragedy threatens to take away everything 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124178 10 Movie Family & Romance he’s worked so hard to achieve. Holiday Collection Drama, Movies, Sports 2014 96min. First Look 07.10.2014 Aftermath Christmas, Collections, Drama, Family, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124383 Ireneusz Czop, Maciej Stuhr, Zbigniew Holidays, Movies, Romance min. Zamachowski - Dir. Wladyslaw Pasikowski Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 Sons of a poor farmer, brothers Franek and Jozek Kalina 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124512 Abbott & Costello Meet Franken- come from a small village in central Poland. When Franek stein (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- immigrates to the in the 1980’s, he cut all ties with his family. Only when Jozek’s wife arrives in the US

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA without explanation does Franek finally return to his Aliens, Blu-ray, Classics, Horror, In The homeland. As Franek and Jozek struggle to rebuild their relationship, they uncover a dark secret that forces them to Future..., Monsters, Movies, Science An American Werewolf In London confront the history of their family and their hometown. Fiction, Space, Special Editions, Thrillers (Blu-ray) Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, 1979 116min. David Schofield, Lila Kaye, Brian Glover, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 104min. 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 Griffin Dunne, Jenny Agutter, David Passion River 07.10.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124161 Naughton - Dir. John Landis 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124357 Re-discover one of the most gripping horror films of all-time Alien Warning (Blu-ray + DVD with the cult classic An American Werewolf in London. Against The Wild Blending the macabre with a wicked sense of humor, director Combo) (Blu-ray) John Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House) delivers a CJ Adams, Erin Pitt, Sarah Deakins, Ted Cameron Mitchell, Martin Landau, Jack contemporary take on the classic werewolf tale in this story Whittall, John Tench, Natasha Henstridge - of two American tourists who, while traveling in London, find Palance - Dir. Greydon Clark their lives changed forever when a vicious wolf attacks them Dir. Richard Boddington This goofy sci-fi/horror nonsense plays like ’50s-style alien- during a full moon. Featuring groundbreaking, Academy CJ Adams of The Odd Life Of Timothy Green stars as Zach invasion schlock with a dollop of ’80s-style blood and gore. Award-winning make-up by Rick Baker (The Wolfman), this Wade, a mischievous kid who - along with his younger sister The invasion - such as it is - is perpetrated on various digitally remastered Full Moon Edition also includes the new Hannah (Erin Pitt of Camp Rock 2 and the upcoming An backwoods hunters and campers by a scarcely-seen alien feature-length documentary Beware the Moon. American Girl: Blanche) and their devoted dog Chinook - that looks like a menacing Star Trek guest star in a glam-rock become lost in the wilderness when their small plane has outfit. The alien’s rather simple frontal attack employs an British, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, engine problems and must make an emergency landing. Their arsenal of toothy, pulsating frisbees that glow in the dark and Horror, Movies, Werewolves 1981 98min. mom (Natasha Henstridge of She Spies and The Whole Nine glom onto the necks and backs of various flannel-clad Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Yards) and dad (Ted Whittall of Beauty & The Beast) are denizens of the woods. That’s about it... oh, and there’s a few frantic, and rescue teams are searching. But for the next few reliable character on hand to spout silly dialogue. Jack 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124330 days, Zach, Hannah and Chinook must learn how to combine Palance plays a crusty hunter who fancies the alien stuffed their skills, trust their instincts and navigate a terrain as and mounted, not caring that it plans to do the same to him Animosity beautiful as it is untamed. John Tench (Tooth Fairy) co-stars (now there’s a trophy); Martin Landau turns in an eye-rolling in this exciting family adventure about loyalty, bravery and performance as the local lunatic, whose paranoid ravings Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2014 surviving Against The Wild. presage those of his character in the feature film The X-Files. 107min. Adventure, Animals & Nature, Family, Also known as It Came Without Warning. E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 Alien Invasions, Aliens, Blu-ray, Classics, Movies, Wilderness 2014 92min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124530 Starz / Anchor Bay 07.10.2014 Cult Film / TV, Horror, Monsters, Movies, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124119 Science Fiction 1980 89min. Shout Factory 05.08.2014 Are You Here 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124407 Laura Ramsey, Zach Galifianakis, Amy Age Of Tomorrow (Blu-ray) Poehler, Owen Wilson - Dir. Matthew Kelly Hu, Robert Picardo, Lane Townsend, Jazz: The Criterion Weiner Morgan West, Anthony Marks - Dir. James Comedy, Friendships, Movies 2014 112min. Kondelik Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) First Look 30.09.2014 Planet Earth’s explorations of space has catastrophic effects (Blu-ray) as it leads a deadly alien force back home where Mankind is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124276 likely to face it’s final battle. Roy Scheider, Leland Palmer, Ann Reinking, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Blu-ray, End Of The Ben Vereen, Jessica Lange - Dir. Bob Are You Here (Blu-ray) World, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Fosse Laura Ramsey, Zach Galifianakis, Amy Space, Thrillers 2014 91min. The preternaturally gifted director and choreographer Bob Fosse turned the camera on his own life for this madly Poehler, Owen Wilson Cinedigm 10.06.2014 imaginative, self-excoriating musical masterpiece. Roy Comedy, Friendships, Movies 2014 113min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124070 Scheider gives the performance of his career as Joe Gideon, First Look 30.09.2014 whose exhausting work schedule - mounting a Broadway production by day and editing his latest movie at night - and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124284 Ali: Fear Eats The Soul (Blu-ray) routine of amphetamines, booze, and sex are putting his health Lilo Pempeit, El Hedi Ben Salem, Brigitte at serious risk. Fosse burrows into Gideon’s (and his own) Armored Attack / The North Star Mira, Walter Sedlmayr, Irm Hermann, Barba- mind, rendering his interior world as phantasmagoric spectacle. Assembled with visionary editing that makes dance (Blu-ray) ra Valentin - Dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder come alive on-screen as never before, and overflowing with The wildly prolific German filmmaker Rainer Werner sublime footwork by the likes of Ben Vereen, Leland Palmer, Erich Von Stroheim, Anne Baxter, Dean Fassbinder paid homage to his cinematic hero Douglas Sirk and the awesomely leggy Ann Reinking, All That Jazz pushes Jagger, Dana Andrews, Walter Brennan, with this update of that filmmaker’s 1955 All That Heaven the musical genre to personal depths and virtuosic aesthetic Farley Granger - Dir. Lewis Milestone Allows. A lonely widow (Brigitte Mira) meets a much younger heights. When the school year ends, five friends from a small Arab worker (El Hedi ben Salem) in a bar during a rainstorm. Art House, Blu-ray, Criterion Collection, Ukrainian village decide to travel to Kiev. Their trip is cut They fall in love, to their own surprise - and to the outright Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Music, Musical, short when German aircraft attack and their town falls under shock of their families, colleagues, and drinking buddies. In occupation. While many escape to the hills to form an anti- Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Fassbinder expertly wields the National Film Registry 1979 123min. Nazi resistance group, a German doctor, Dr. Otto Von Harden emotional power of classic Hollywood melodrama to expose Criterion 26.08.2014 (Erich von Stroheim), begins to use the children for medical the racial tensions underlying contemporary German culture. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124360 experiments and as sources of blood transfusions for Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, wounded German soldiers. Directed by Lewis Milestone (All Foreign, German, Movies, Romance, Quiet on the Western Front), this story of valiant resistance Alpha House stars Dana Andrews (Laura), Anne Baxter (All About Eve), Special Editions 1974 93min. and Walter Huston (The Treasure of Sierra Madre) as the Criterion 30.09.2014 Drama, Television 300min. Russian discovers the nefarious German plot. In 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124063 Anderson Merchandisers 16.09.2014 1943, The North Star was nominated for six Academy Awards. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124221 The North Star (1943) was re-released in the midst of the Cold War as Armored Attack! (1957). The original references Alien - 35th Anniversary Limited to the allied Russian military were excised and an overtly Edition Set (Blu-ray) Alpha House (Blu-ray) anti-Communist narration track was added. This disc includes Drama, Television 300min. the original theatrical cut, The North Star, which runs 30 Harry Dean Stanton, Yaphet Kotto, Ian minutes longer and preserves Milestone’s initial version of Anderson Merchandisers 16.09.2014 Holm, Tom Skerritt, John Hurt, Veronica the 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124195 Classics, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Mad Cartwright, - Dir. Ridley Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Movies, Musi- Scott This Alien 35th Anniversary Limited Edition Set includes both American Muscle cal, Romance, War, World War II 1957 the theatrical version and director’s cut on Blu-ray, along with Robin Sydney 76min. audio commentaries, deleted scenes and more - PLUS - a Olive Films 15.07.2014 reprint of the original Alien illustrated comic and all-new, Action, Drama, Movies min. collectible art cards as a tribute to the late H.R. Giger, Well Go USA 30.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124065 creator of the iconic movie monster that started it all. When 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124375 the crew of the space-tug Nostromo responds to a distress As Dreamers Do signal from a barren planet, they discover a mysterious life form that breeds within human hosts. The acid-blooded American Muscle (Blu-ray) Travis Tritt - Dir. Logan Sekulow extraterrestrial proves to be the ultimate adversary as crew Biography, Drama, Movies 2014 90min. members battle to stay alive and prevent the deadly creature Robin Sydney from reaching Earth. Directed by Ridley Scott and starring Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies min. First Look 16.09.2014 Sigourney Weaver in her breakout performance as Ripley, Well Go USA 30.09.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124117 this legendary first film in the Alien saga will leave you breathless! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124405

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Asylum Of The Dead Drama, Horror, Movies 2012 min. Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Friendships, Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. Shout Factory 16.09.2014 Movies 2013 116min. First Look 16.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124150 New Line Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124118 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124513 (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Gene Autry: Movie Collection 7 (Blu-ray) Beneath The Harvest Sky (Blu- Gene Autry Brooklyn Decker, Taylor Kitsch, Alexander ray) Action, Classics, Collections, Comedy, Skarsgard, Rihanna, Jerry Ferrara, Hamish Kymberli Bryant, Emory Cohen, Callan Crime, Movies, Music, Mystery, Western Linklater, Peter MacNicol, , McAuliffe - Dir. Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly min. Liam Neeson - Dir. Peter Berg The story of Casper (Emory Cohen) and Dominic (Callan Shout Factory 26.08.2014 The battle for Earth begins at sea in this epic action- McAuliffe) - two best friends that are fiercely loyal to one adventure starring Taylor Kitsch, Rihanna, Alexander another, as they come of age in a small farming town in Maine. tba BestellNr.: 40124439 Skarsgard, Brooklyn Decker and Liam Neeson. An internatio- During harvest break, Casper is drawn into smuggling drugs nal naval coalition becomes the world’s last hope for survival across the Canadian border with his outlaw father, Clayton Avalanche as they engage a hostile alien force of unimaginable strength. (Aidan Gillen). Meanwhile, Dominic works his final potato Ripping across sea, sky and land, Battleship is „a big bold harvest, hoping to earn the money he needs to buy a car and Anthony Carbone, Barry Primus - Dir. blast“ (MSN Movies), packed with spectacular visual effects take them away towards a better future. But with Casper’s life and explosive action. unraveling before their eyes, their friendship and loyalty are Corey Allen put to the test as they are forced to mature and make very The vacationers at a winter wonderland struggle to survive Action, Adventure, Alien Invasions, Aliens, adult decisions that will forever alter the course of their lives. after an avalanche of snow crashes into their ski resort. Blu-ray, Movies, Navy, Science Fiction, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Friendships, Their holiday then turns into a game of survival. Thrillers, War 2012 132min. Action, Drama, Movies 1978 91min. Movies 2013 116min. Universal Studios 14.10.2014 Kino Video 16.09.2014 New Line Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124278 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124288 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124515

Avalanche (Blu-ray) Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Benson: The Complete First Anthony Carbone, Barry Primus - Dir. Chrome (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Season Corey Allen (Blu-ray) Missy Gold, James Noble, Inga Swenson, The vacationers at a winter wonderland struggle to survive Lili Bordan, Luke Pasqualino , Ben Cotton, Rene Auberjonois, Robert Guillaume after an avalanche of snow crashes into their ski resort. Their holiday then turns into a game of survival. Mike Dopud, Zak Santiago Alam - Dir. Jonas ABC, Comedy, Television 1979 min. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies 1978 91min. Pate Mill Creek Entertainment 02.09.2014 An all-new chapter in the Battlestar Galactica saga, Blood & 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124085 Kino Video 16.09.2014 Chrome takes place in the midst of the first Cylon war. As the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124310 battle between humans and their creation, the sentient robotic Cylons, rages across the 12 colonial worlds, a young, Benson: The Complete Second talented fighter pilot, William Adama (Luke Pasqualino, The The Avengers: Season 5 (Blu-ray Borgias), finds himself assigned to one of the most powerful Season + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) battlestars in the Colonial fleet: the Galactica. Though Adama ABC, Comedy, Television 1980 min. quickly finds himself at odds with his co-pilot, the battle- Patrick MacNee, Diana Rigg - Dir. Robert weary officer Coker (Ben Cotton, Alcatraz), the two men must Mill Creek Entertainment 02.09.2014 Day, Charles Crichton, James Hill, Robert set their differences aside when a routine escort mission with 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124086 an enigmatic passenger (Lili Bordan, Silent Witness) turns Asher, John Krish, Gordon Flemyng dangerous and becomes a pivotal one for the desperate fleet. Starring Diana Rigg as Emma Peel and Patrick Macnee as her The Big Lebowski (Blu-ray + engaging partner John Steed, The Avengers Season 5 Action, Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, Dra- features 24 action-packed HD episodes in color! ma, Intergalactic War, Movies, Robots / UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, British, Androids, Science Fiction, Space, Thrillers, Philip Moon, Flea, Mark Pellegrino, Tara Classics, Crime, Foreign, Television TV Movies, War 2012 94min. Reid, Philip Seymour Hoffman, David 1327min. Universal Studios 14.10.2014 Huddleston, John Goodman, John Turturro, Lionsgate 11.11.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124279 Julianne Moore, Jeff Bridges, Steve 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124416 Buscemi - Dir. Joel Coen, Ethan Coen Beauty And The Beast: The From the Academy Award-winning Coen brothers, The Big Lebowski is a hilariously quirky comedy about bowling, a The Baby (Blu-ray) Complete Series (Repackage) severed toe, White Russians and a guy named...The Dude. Marianna Hill, Tod Andrews, Anjanette Co- Jeff „The Dude“ Lebowski doesn’t want any drama in his life... Jo Anderson, David Greenlee, Roy Dotrice, heck, he can’t even be bothered with a job. But, he must mer, Michael Pataki, Ruth Roman - Dir. Ted Jay Acovone, Edward Albert, Ron Perlman, embark on a quest with his bowling buddies after his rug is Post Linda Hamilton destroyed in a twisted case of mistaken identity. Starring Jeff A social worker who recently lost her husband investigates Once upon a time is now and forever: Beauty and the Beast, Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, the strange Wadsworth family. The Wadsworths might not the Emmy Award-winning, fan favorite show is more Philip Seymour Hoffman and John Turturro, experience the seem too unusual to hear about them at first - consisting of the captivating than ever with The Complete Series. This unique cultural phenomenon of The Dude in the „#1 cult film of all mother, two grown daughters and the diaper-clad, bottle- fantasy-crime drama series features the adventures and time!“ (The Boston Globe) sucking baby. The problem is, the baby is twenty-one years romance between Vincent (Ron Perlman), a mythic, noble Classics, Comedy, Crime, Cult Film / TV, old. man-beast and Catherine (Linda Hamilton), a savvy assistant Movies, Sports 119min. Classics, Dysfunctional Families, Horror, DA in New York. These two share a strong, mystical bond Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Movies, Thrillers 1973 84min. that enables Vincent while in his underground lair to sense 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124331 CAV 08.07.2014 whenever Catherine is in danger in the World Above. CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124071 Lawyers / Legal Issues, Monsters, The Big Operator Romance, Television 2654min. Mickey Rooney plays labor racketeer Little Joe Braun in this Barney: This Is How I Feel 11.11.2014 fast-paced and surprisingly violent drama about one man’s Adventure, Children’s, Children’s / determination to clean up his union. Bill Gibson (Steve 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124418 Cochran) is Little Joe’s nemesis and is one of the men who Educational, Comedy, Dinosaurs, can testify that he saw the labor boss in an incriminating Educational, Family, Fantasy, Musical, Tele- Beneath The Harvest Sky conversation with a known criminal — something that Little vision 67min. Joe denied under oath. Knowing that Cochran and one other Kymberli Bryant, Emory Cohen, Callan Universal Studios 11.11.2014 witness can bring him down, the crooked labor boss starts on McAuliffe - Dir. Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly a campaign of terror. One of Bill’s friends is set on fire, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124358 The story of Casper (Emory Cohen) and Dominic (Callan someone else is thrown into a cement mixer (in the opening McAuliffe) - two best friends that are fiercely loyal to one scenes), and finally, Little Joe kidnaps Bill’s son Timmy (Jay The Battery another, as they come of age in a small farming town in Maine. North). The odds at this point, seem very much in the labor During harvest break, Casper is drawn into smuggling drugs boss’ favor. Drama, Horror, Movies 2012 min. across the Canadian border with his outlaw father, Clayton Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 1959 91min. Shout Factory 16.09.2014 (Aidan Gillen). Meanwhile, Dominic works his final potato Olive Films 16.09.2014 harvest, hoping to earn the money he needs to buy a car and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124121 take them away towards a better future. But with Casper’s life 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124223 unraveling before their eyes, their friendship and loyalty are The Battery (Blu-ray) put to the test as they are forced to mature and make very The Big Operator (Blu-ray) adult decisions that will forever alter the course of their lives. Jeremy Gardner - Dir. Jeremy Gardner Jay North, Ray Danton, Leo Gordon,

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Vampira, Mamie Van Doren, Jackie Coogan, Family, Friendships, Holidays, Movies, Mu- into perversity as it explores this most dysfunctional of families, and it’s great to see method actors such as De Niro, Mel Torme, Lawrence Dobkin, Steve sical, Religion/Spirituality 2013 93min. Dern, and Winters strutting their stuff with such lurid Cochran, Jim Backus, Mickey Rooney, Ray 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 material. Scatman Crothers plays the handyman who finally Anthony - Dir. Charles F. Haas 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124339 reports the Barkers to the feds, leading to the requisi Mickey Rooney plays labor racketeer Little Joe Braun in this Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, fast-paced and surprisingly violent drama about one man’s Black Nativity (Blu-ray + Thieves, Thrillers 1970 90min. determination to clean up his union. Bill Gibson (Steve Kino Video 23.09.2014 Cochran) is Little Joe’s nemesis and is one of the men who UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) can testify that he saw the labor boss in an incriminating 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124400 conversation with a known criminal — something that Little J. Mallory McCree, Jacob Latimore, Jennifer Joe denied under oath. Knowing that Cochran and one other Hudson, Nas, Tyrese Gibson, Mary J. Blige, Blue Thunder (Blu-ray) witness can bring him down, the crooked labor boss starts on Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker - Dir. Kasi a campaign of terror. One of Bill’s friends is set on fire, Roy Scheider, Daniel Stern, - someone else is thrown into a cement mixer (in the opening Lemmons scenes), and finally, Little Joe kidnaps Bill’s son Timmy (Jay Struggling to pay the bills, single mom Naima (Jennifer Dir. John Badham North). The odds at this point, seem very much in the labor Hudson) sends her teenage son Langston (Jacob Latimore) to The air above Los Angeles has become a battle ground in this boss’ favor. live with his estranged grandparents, Reverend Cornell and explosive action thriller. Roy Scheider (Jaws) stars as Frank Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, Drama, Aretha Cobbs (Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett) in New Murphy, a courageous and honorable Los Angeles police York City. At first Langston resents their strict household, but officer who is chosen to test run Blue Thunder, a high-tech Movies 1959 91min. with the help of new friends - and a little divine intervention - experimental attack helicopter that comes complete with Olive Films 16.09.2014 he embarks on an inspirational journey of self-discovery that listening devices, camera lenses, and computer files. While brings the whole family together. flying Blue Thunder, Murphy and his partner, Lymangood 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124073 (Daniel Stern) discover that the government intends to use the African Americans, Blu-ray, Christmas, helicopter for corrupt crowd control and surveillance. The The Big Sleep Drama, Family, Friendships, Holidays, top-secret operation is being run by a sinister colonel Movies, Musical, Religion/Spirituality 2013 (Malcolm McDowell), who will stop at nothing to keep the Richard Todd, James Stewart, Joan Collins, 93min. devious military conspiracy a secret. In an effort to expose Colin Blakely, John Mills, James Donald, the covert military operation Murphy decides to ‘borrow’ Blue 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 , Oliver Reed, Robert Mitchum, Thunder, flying against military and police aircrafts on a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124353 death-defying flight. Superb special effects and daredevil Edward Fox, Richard Boone, Harry stunts combine with breathtaking cinematography to create a Andrews, Sarah Miles, Diana Quick, John dizzying battle for justice. Justin - Dir. Michael Winner Bloody Birthday (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Set in England, rather than , the story follows Ben Marley, Erica Hope, Elizabeth Hoy, Billy Movies 1983 min. Raymond Chandler’s book fairly closely otherwise. Philip Jayne, Lori Lethin, K.C. Martel, Ellen Geer, Mill Creek Entertainment 30.09.2014 Marlowe is asked by the elderly (and near death) General Sternwood to investigate an attempt at blackmail on one of his Joe Penny, Julie Brown, Susan Strasberg, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124406 daughters. He soon finds that the attempt is half hearted at Jose Ferrer - Dir. Ed Hunt best and seems to be more connected with the disappearance In 1970, three children are born at the height of a total The Blues Brothers (Blu-ray + of the other daughter’s husband, Rusty Regan. Rusty’s wife, eclipse. Due to the sun and moon blocking Saturn, which seems unconcerned with his disappearance, further controls emotions, they have become heartless killers ten UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) complicating the mystery. Only General Sternwood seems years later, and are able to escape detection because of their concerned as mobsters and hired killers continue to appear in youthful and innocent facades. A boy and his teenage sister Steven Spielberg, John Landis, Ray the path of the investigation. become endangered when they stumble onto the bloody truth. Charles, Cab Calloway, Aretha Franklin, Assassins & Hitmen, Book-To-Film, CAV, Classics, Horror, Movies, Serial Kil- Carrie Fisher, John Lee Hooker, John Classics, Crime, Mobsters & The Mafia, lers, Thrillers 1981 85min. Candy, Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, James Movies, Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 1978 CAV 08.07.2014 Brown, Frank Oz, Paul Reubens, Twiggy - 99min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124169 Dir. John Landis Shout Factory 23.09.2014 After the release of Jake Blues (John Belushi) from prison, he and brother Elwood (Dan Aykroyd) go to visit the orphanage 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124486 Bloody Mama where they were raised by nuns. They learn that the church Robert De Niro, Pat Hingle, Shelley Winters, stopped its support and will sell the place unless the tax on The Billy Bagg Double Feature: the property is paid within 11 days. The brothers decide to Don Stroud - Dir. Roger Corman raise the money by putting their blues band back together and The Violation Of Claudia / Hot Director Roger Corman pulls no punches in this sordid (and staging a big gig. They may be on a „mission from God“ but true) saga of Kate ‘Ma’ Barker and her sons, brutal criminals they’re making enemies everywhere they go! Honey who terrorized America in the 1920s and ’30s. Shelley Win- ters plays Ma with scenery-chewing vigor; the scene in Action, Blues, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Sharon Mitchell, Jamie Gillis, Heather which she holds up a bank with a tommy gun is a peak moment Crime, Cult Film / TV, Movies, Music, Religi- Young - Dir. Bill Lustig in exploitation cinema. Robert De Niro plays Ma’s dope- on/Spirituality 1980 133min. Before he became one of the most famous and important horror addicted son Lloyd (in his first major onscreen role). Ma also filmmakers of the 1980s, Bill Lustig(Manic Cop, Vigilante) has a homosexual son named Fred (Robert Walden) whose Universal Studios 04.11.2014 directed these two X rated oddities. Both films have been sadistic lover (Bruce Dern) joins the gang and sleeps with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124345 newly restored in 2K from their original negatives and each her as well. Don Stroud and Clint Kimborough are the other audio commentary with Bill Lustig is moderated by Danish film boys. At Ma’s command they rob and murder, but when they director, Nicolas Winding Refn (Drive, Only God Forgives, kidnap a local politician (Pat Hingle), he turns into the father Breaking At The Edge Valhalla Rising, Bronson). The Violation Of Claudia The figure they never had, enabling them to finally stand up to her. Rebecca Da Costa, Logan Browning, incredible Sharon Mitchell stars as Claudia, a beautiful, Robert Thorn’s doesn’t miss a single chance to delve wealthy housewife who enters the seedy and bizarre world of into perversity as it explores this most dysfunctional of Brianne Davis, Milo Ventimiglia, Johnathon prostitution with the help of her manipulative tennis coach families, and it’s great to see method actors such as De Niro, Schaech, Andie MacDowell (Jamie Gillis). Also starring Crystal Sync, Long Jeane Dern, and Winters strutting their stuff with such lurid A pregnant woman fears for her unborn child’s life if she Silvers and Don Peterson. Hot Honey Young Honey (Heather material. Scatman Crothers plays the handyman who finally doesn’t avenge a supernatural entity. Young) refuses to put out for her boyfriend, preferring to tend reports the Barkers to the feds, leading to the requisi Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, for her wheelchair bound brother (Jamie Gillis). But soon, Action, Adventure, Movies, Thieves, Thril- Honey begins a strange sexual awakening, seducing men and Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 86min. women alike! Co-starring Serena and Robin Byrd. lers 1970 90min. Gaiam Americas 07.10.2014 Double Features, Erotica, Movies 134min. Kino Video 23.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124501 CAV 07.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124365 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124334 Breaking Bad: The Complete Bloody Mama (Blu-ray) Series (Blu-ray) Robert De Niro, Pat Hingle, Shelley Winters, Black Nativity R.J. Mitte, Betsy Brandt, Aaron Paul, Anna J. Mallory McCree, Jacob Latimore, Jennifer Don Stroud - Dir. Roger Corman Director Roger Corman pulls no punches in this sordid (and Gunn, Jesse Plemons, Dean Norris, Laura Hudson, Nas, Tyrese Gibson, Mary J. Blige, true) saga of Kate ‘Ma’ Barker and her sons, brutal criminals Fraser, Jonathan Banks, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker - Dir. Kasi who terrorized America in the 1920s and ’30s. Shelley Win- AMC, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, Collections, Lemmons ters plays Ma with scenery-chewing vigor; the scene in Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Illness & Struggling to pay the bills, single mom Naima (Jennifer which she holds up a bank with a tommy gun is a peak moment Hudson) sends her teenage son Langston (Jacob Latimore) to in exploitation cinema. Robert De Niro plays Ma’s dope- Disease, Television, Thrillers min. live with his estranged grandparents, Reverend Cornell and addicted son Lloyd (in his first major onscreen role). Ma also Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Aretha Cobbs (Forest Whitaker and Angela Bassett) in New has a homosexual son named Fred (Robert Walden) whose 28.10.2014 York City. At first Langston resents their strict household, but sadistic lover (Bruce Dern) joins the gang and sleeps with with the help of new friends - and a little divine intervention - her as well. Don Stroud and Clint Kimborough are the other 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124492 he embarks on an inspirational journey of self-discovery that boys. At Ma’s command they rob and murder, but when they brings the whole family together. kidnap a local politician (Pat Hingle), he turns into the father figure they never had, enabling them to finally stand up to her. Burning Love: The Complete Se- African Americans, Christmas, Drama, Robert Thorn’s script doesn’t miss a single chance to delve

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Brian Des- Lydia Hearst, Jillian Murray, Brando Eaton, Chavez: Cage Of Glory Currie Graham, Ryan Donowho, Mitch mond Hurst Hector Echavarria, Patrick Kilpatrick, Danny Ryan, Sean Astin - Dir. Kaare Andrews Stingy businessman Ebenezer Scrooge is known as the Trejo, James Russo, Steven Bauer - Dir. meanest miser in Victorian London. He overworks and A group of adventurous young friends on a trip to the underpays his humble clerk, Bob Cratchit, whose little son, Caribbean decide to explore a secluded island, where they Hector Echavarria Tiny Tim, is crippled and may soon die. He also has nothing to unleash a highly contagious, flesh-eating virus after swimming Drama, Movies 2013 92min. do with his nephew, Fred, because his birth cost the life of in contaminated water, and exploring a research facility that Anderson Merchandisers 02.09.2014 his beloved sister. On Christmas Eve, Scrooge has a haunting houses a terrifying secret. Somewhere on an uncharted island nightmare from being visited by the ghost of his business deep in the Caribbean, the doctors at a secluded research lab 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124088 partner, Jacob Marley. He is visited by three ghosts and is have managed to quarantine Porter (Sean Astin), the first given one last chance to change his ways and save himself person to be infected by an aggressive flesh-eating virus. Chef from the grim fate that befell Marley. Meanwhile, not too far away, Marcus (Mitch Ryan) is Children’s, Christmas, Classics, Drama, preparing to get married when his brother Josh (Brando Sofia Vergara, Bobby Cannavale, Amy Family, Fantasy, Ghosts, Holidays, Movies, Eaton), Josh’s girlfriend Penny (Jillian Murray), and their Sedaris, Scarlett Johansson, Oliver Platt, best friend Dobbs (Ryan Donowho) lure him onto a luxury TV Movies 1951 86min. Jon Favreau, Robert Downey Jr., John yacht to celebrate his last night of freedom. Upon arriving at a VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 14.10.2014 picturesque island that isn’t on the maps, Josh and Penny stay Leguizamo, Dustin Hoffman - Dir. Jon on the beach to do a little snorkeling while Marcus and Dobbs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124516 set up the campsite. Returning to the tent in a panic after Favreau spotting scores of dead fish in the water, Penny breaks out in When gifted chef Carl Casper (Jon Favreau) suddenly quits a rash that Josh credits to some bad local ganja. Later, when his demanding job at a trendy LA restaurant, he’s on his own The Christmas Ornament Josh also shows signs of infection, Marcus an to pick up the pieces of his once promising career. Finding himself in Miami, he decides to team up with his successful Cameron Mathison, Nels Lennarson, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers ex-wife (Sofia Vergara), best friend (John Leguizamo) and Brendan Meyer, Laura Mennell, Jewel 2014 95min. son (Emjay Anthony) to launch a no-frills food truck business. Staite, Linda Darlow, Nicole Oliver, Kellie Image Ent. 02.09.2014 Taking to the road, Carl reignites his passion for the kitchen and, along the way, discovers a renewed zest for life and Martin, Gwynyth Walsh - Dir. Mark Jean 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124087 love. Newly widowed Kathy plans to skip out on decking the halls and trimming the tree this Christmas, trying to avoid anything Comedy, Drama, Family, Food & Cooking, that will bring back memories of her late husband. The only Cabin Fever: Patient Zero (Blu- Movies, On The Job 2014 115min. Christmas tradition she will observe is baking cookies for her ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 30.09.2014 friends, a passion since she was a child. When Kathy meets handsome Christmas tree shop owner Tim, their undeniable Lydia Hearst, Jillian Murray, Brando Eaton, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124103 chemistry - along with an ornament Tim gives her that Currie Graham, Ryan Donowho, Mitch symbolizes hope-helps Kathy open up to the joys of the Chef (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) season again. With the support of her best friend Jenna, and Ryan, Sean Astin - Dir. Kaare Andrews the budding relationship with Tim, Kathy begins to embrace A group of adventurous young friends on a trip to the (Blu-ray) the hopeful message of the ornament. Although Kathy wants to Caribbean decide to explore a secluded island, where they take a chance on Tim, she struggles to find the balance unleash a highly contagious, flesh-eating virus after swimming Sofia Vergara, Bobby Cannavale, Amy between preserving the memory of her husband and moving on in contaminated water, and exploring a research facility that Sedaris, Scarlett Johansson, Oliver Platt, with her own future. Is the Christmas ornament a sign that she houses a terrifying secret. Somewhere on an uncharted island can have a hopeful future? deep in the Caribbean, the doctors at a secluded research lab Jon Favreau, Robert Downey Jr., John have managed to quarantine Porter (Sean Astin), the first Leguizamo, Dustin Hoffman - Dir. Jon Christmas, Family, Holidays, Movies, person to be infected by an aggressive flesh-eating virus. Favreau Romance, TV Movies 2013 83min. Meanwhile, not too far away, Marcus (Mitch Ryan) is When gifted chef Carl Casper (Jon Favreau) suddenly quits Hallmark Entertainment 14.10.2014 preparing to get married when his brother Josh (Brando his demanding job at a trendy LA restaurant, he’s on his own 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124517 Eaton), Josh’s girlfriend Penny (Jillian Murray), and their to pick up the pieces of his once promising career. Finding best friend Dobbs (Ryan Donowho) lure him onto a luxury himself in Miami, he decides to team up with his successful yacht to celebrate his last night of freedom. Upon arriving at a ex-wife (Sofia Vergara), best friend (John Leguizamo) and Cold In July picturesque island that isn’t on the maps, Josh and Penny stay son (Emjay Anthony) to launch a no-frills food truck business. on the beach to do a little snorkeling while Marcus and Dobbs Taking to the road, Carl reignites his passion for the kitchen Wyatt Russell, Michael C. Hall, Kristin set up the campsite. Returning to the tent in a panic after and, along the way, discovers a renewed zest for life and Griffith, Vinessa Shaw, Sam Shepard, Don spotting scores of dead fish in the water, Penny breaks out in love. a rash that Josh credits to some bad local ganja. Later, when Johnson - Dir. Jim Mickle Josh also shows signs of infection, Marcus an Comedy, Drama, Family, Food & Cooking, When a protective father meets a murderous ex-con, both Movies, On The Job 2014 115min. need to deviate from the path they are on as they soon find Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers themselves entangled in a downwards spiral of lies and 2014 95min. Universal Studios 30.09.2014 violence while having to confront their own inner psyche. Image Ent. 02.09.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124072 Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2014 109min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124138 MPI 30.09.2014 The China Syndrome (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124376 The Calling Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, Michael Topher Grace, Susan Sarandon Douglas - Dir. James Bridges Cold In July (Blu-ray) Nominated for four Academy Awards including Best and Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers min. Actress (Jack Lemmon, Best Actor; Jane Fonda, Best Actress Wyatt Russell, Michael C. Hall, Kristin Sony Pictures Home Entertainment - 1979), The China Syndrome stars Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon Griffith, Vinessa Shaw, Sam Shepard, Don 23.09.2014 and Michael Douglas in the „superbly suspenseful, expertly Johnson - Dir. Jim Mickle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124301 crafted, entirely riveting“ (Richard Schickel, Time) white- When a protective father meets a murderous ex-con, both knuckle thriller that famously predicted the Three Mile Island need to deviate from the path they are on as they soon find meltdown, a nuclear disaster that occurred just 12 days after themselves entangled in a downwards spiral of lies and : The Complete Series the film’s theatrical release. It started as just another violence while having to confront their own inner psyche. assignment. Reporter Kimberly Wells (Jane Fonda) and Book-To-Film, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2014 (Repackage) cameraman Richard Adams (Michael Douglas) were covering 109min. Holly Combs, Dorian Gregory, Brian Krau- the daily routine at a Los Angeles power plant when the unthinkable occurred - a nuclear accident that could have MPI 30.09.2014 se, Drew Fuller, Shannen Doherty, Alyssa wiped out Southern California. And Richard caught it all on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124060 Milano, Rose McGowan tape. When their TV station refuses to air the footage, Wells Meet the beautiful and bewitching Halliwell sisters - the and Adams recruit plant supervisor Jack Godell (Jack vulnerable Prue (Shannen Doherty), who can magically move Lemmon) to expose the terrifying truth: the facility is a ticking The Complete Jacques Tati (Blu- objects; the shy Piper (Holly Marie Combs), who is able to bomb. But with millions of dollars at stake, company officials freeze time; and the uninhibited Phoebe (), who cannot let the story break. When the trio attempts to ray) can see the future. These modern-day witches are strong broadcast live from the plant’s control room, the utility comp Valerie Camille, Delahalle, France AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, individually, but it’s only when they put aside their differences Rumilly, Rita Maiden, Barbara Dennek, Louis and band together as the Charmed Ones that they can summon Conspiracies, Drama, Movies, Thrillers Perrault, Lucien Fregis, Adrienne the „Power of Three“ to vanquish evil and protect the 1979 122min. innocent. Experience the siblings’ discovery of their magical Servantie, Jacques Tati, Paul Frankeur, Image Ent. 14.10.2014 half-sister Paige (Rose McGowan), plus all the thrills and Erika Dentzler, Yvette Ducreux, Raymond gripping suspense as they go head-to-head against demons 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124075

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Carle, Guy Decomble - Dir. Jacques Tati Barbier, Anabel Shaw, Nestor Paiva, Though he made only a handful of films, director, writer, and Wes Craven Collection: Dracula Carolyn Lee, Elizabeth Patterson, Lionel actor Jacques Tati ranks among the most beloved of all cinematic geniuses. With a background in music hall and mime Diane Neal, Stephen Billington, Gerard But- Royce, Leon Errol, Ellen Drew, Kitty performance, Tati steadily built an ever more ambitious movie ler, Justine Waddell, Craig Sheffer - Dir. Carlisle, catherine craig, Douglass career that ultimately raised sight-gag comedy to the level of Dumbrille, Louise Beavers, Claude high art. In the surrogate character of the sweet and bumbling, Patrick Lussier eternally umbrella-toting and pipe-smoking Monsieur Hulot, Action, Dracula, Drama, Horror, Horror Gillingwater, Noel Neill, Frances Farmer, Tati invented a charming symbol of humanity lost in a Series, Movies, Romance, Thrillers, Triple Gloria Jean - Dir. Hal Walker, Billy Wilder, constantly modernizing modern age. This set gathers his six George Marshall, Wesley Ruggles, David hilarious features - Jour de fete, Monsieur Hulots Holiday, Feature, Vampires 287min. Mon oncle, PlayTime, Trafic, and Parade - along with seven Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Butler, Elliott Nugent, Victor Schertzinger, delightful Tati- short films. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124211 A. Edward Sutherland, Tay Garnett, Leo Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, McCarey, Mark Sandrich, Norman Taurog, Family, Foreign, French, Movies, Special Crimson Winter Stuart Heisler, Frank Tuttle Editions min. One of the most popular entertainers of all-time, Bryan Ferriter, Paulie Rojas, Andrew Roth, Criterion 28.10.2014 was a superstar of movies, music, radio and television during David Lee Smith - Dir. Bryan Ferriter a spectacular career that lasted over 50 years. Bing Crosby: 186,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124067 For centuries now, vampires have been forced to live in the The Silver Screen Collection includes 24 of his best films shadows. Elric, a prince of these highly evolved creatures of showcasing the diverse range of roles throughout his career. Cotton Comes To Harlem the night, falls in love with a human... the very race that From his Academy Award winning performance in Going My pushed his people into myth. This is an intolerable offense to Way to his series of Road films with Bob Hope, Bing remains Cleavon Little, Calvin Lockhart, Redd Foxx, the royal family and Elric is imprisoned for a century until a one of the biggest movie stars ever having sold over $1 Godfrey Cambridge, Judy Pace, Raymond group of loyalists battle to free him from his dark cell. Billion in ticket sales. Featuring Bing in top-form singing some Together they escape to the remote mountainous terrain of of his most memorable songs such as „June in January,“ St. Jacques - Dir. Ossie Davis North America where they begin building an army to exact „Swinging on a Star,“ „Sweet Leilani,“ „I’ve Got a Pocketful of The highly influential blaxploitation film Cotton Comes To revenge upon his family. A century later, in the frozen heart of Dreams“ and „White Christmas“ from Holiday Inn, this Harlem spawned the beginning of the blaxploitation action winter, a group of researchers sets out to investigate a timeless collection will entertain longtime fans and introduce a boom in 1970 by delivering a refreshingly different detective mysterious decline in the local wildlife population. Their whole new generation to the legendary action story utilizing humor, impactful drama, and most journey takes them deep into the isolated mountain wilderness Classics, Collections, Comedy, Drama, refreshingly, a lot of soul. This picture became a milestone in where they soon discover a terrifying truth and find Movies, Music, Musical, Romance min. blaxploitation filmmaking and influenced many of its themselves caught between two foes in a centuries-old battle successors during this important decade in film history. Two between vampires and hunters. As they struggle to survive, Universal Studios 11.11.2014 black cops in Harlem suspect a preacher’s back-to-Africa they come face to face with the vampire prince, Elric, who is 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124477 campaign is a swindle, and this leads to a host of adventures haunted by his own dark past. An ancient prophecy and his trail-blazed by fast, tough repartee. Cotton featured the own anguished heart weigh heavily upon him as the vampire relatively unknown actor Redd Foxx, as well as solid lord decides the fate of those who have disco The Crow Collection performances by Godfrey Cambridge, Raymond St. Jacques, and Calvin Lockhart. Based on the book by Chester Himes, Action, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Revenge, Tito Ortiz, Iggy Pop, Eric Mabius, Yuji the signature combination of fast-paced adventure, sheer Vampires, War 2013 104min. Okumoto, Marcus Chong, Fred Ward, Mia comedy, and spectacular shootouts and chase scenes make CAV 07.10.2014 Kirshner, Vincent Perez, Kirsten Dunst - this classic blaxploitation. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124239 Dir. Tim Pope, Lance Mungia, Bharat Nalluri Action, Blaxploitation, Comedy, Con-Artists, Action, Based On A Comic Strip, Based On Cops, Movies 1970 97min. Comic Book, Crime, Devils And Demons, Kino Video 09.09.2014 Crimson Winter (Blu-ray) Fantasy, Gangs, Movies, Murder Mysteries, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124210 Bryan Ferriter, Paulie Rojas, Andrew Roth, David Lee Smith - Dir. Bryan Ferriter Mystery, Revenge, Romance, Thrillers, For centuries now, vampires have been forced to live in the Triple Feature 286min. Cotton Comes To Harlem (Blu-ray) shadows. Elric, a prince of these highly evolved creatures of Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Cleavon Little, Calvin Lockhart, Redd Foxx, the night, falls in love with a human... the very race that pushed his people into myth. This is an intolerable offense to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124179 Godfrey Cambridge, Judy Pace, Raymond the royal family and Elric is imprisoned for a century until a St. Jacques - Dir. Ossie Davis group of loyalists battle to free him from his dark cell. Cry For Cindy / Touch Me / Act Of The highly influential blaxploitation film Cotton Comes To Together they escape to the remote mountainous terrain of Harlem spawned the beginning of the blaxploitation action North America where they begin building an army to exact Confession boom in 1970 by delivering a refreshingly different detective revenge upon his family. A century later, in the frozen heart of action story utilizing humor, impactful drama, and most winter, a group of researchers sets out to investigate a John Leslie refreshingly, a lot of soul. This picture became a milestone in mysterious decline in the local wildlife population. Their Classics, Drama, Erotica, Movies, Religion/ blaxploitation filmmaking and influenced many of its journey takes them deep into the isolated mountain wilderness Spirituality, Softcore, Triple Feature 220min. successors during this important decade in film history. Two where they soon discover a terrifying truth and find black cops in Harlem suspect a preacher’s back-to-Africa themselves caught between two foes in a centuries-old battle CAV 09.09.2014 campaign is a swindle, and this leads to a host of adventures between vampires and hunters. As they struggle to survive, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124240 trail-blazed by fast, tough repartee. Cotton featured the they come face to face with the vampire prince, Elric, who is relatively unknown actor Redd Foxx, as well as solid haunted by his own dark past. An ancient prophecy and his performances by Godfrey Cambridge, Raymond St. Jacques, own anguished heart weigh heavily upon him as the vampire Dark Fields (Blu-ray) and Calvin Lockhart. Based on the book by Chester Himes, lord decides the fate of those who have disco Dee Wallace, Ellen Sandweiss, David the signature combination of fast-paced adventure, sheer Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, comedy, and spectacular shootouts and chase scenes make Carradine, Richard Lynch - Dir. Douglas this classic blaxploitation. Revenge, Vampires, War 2013 104min. Schulze Blaxploitation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Con- CAV 07.10.2014 Screen icons David Carradine (Kill Bill), Richard Lynch 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124246 (Halloween, Sword & The Sorcerer) and Dee Wallace (ET, Artists, Cops, Movies 1970 97min. Cujo, The Howling) star in this epic tale of terror that follows Kino Video 09.09.2014 three generations and one timeless curse. Set in the remote 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124187 Bing Crosby: The Silver Screen farming community of Perseverance the Rain follows three families who experience a similar horror yet each lives in a Collection different century. It begins in 1866 as the drought stricken Covert Operation (DVD + Joan Bennett, Charles Coburn, Hillary farming community turns to child sacrifice to bring healing rains to their land. Then in 1954 the descendants unearth an UltraViolet) Brooke, Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, Dorothy old relic that demands further payment for the sins of their Seydina Balde , Kirt Kishita, Michael Chan, Lamour, , Fred MacMurray, forefathers. The third tale is set in modern day as a young girl George Burns, Anthony Quinn, Carole Lom- is struck with a horrible affliction. She is soon faced with an Richard Sammel insidious rite of passage that involves sacrificing her younger Gabriel, a bounty hunter trapped in Asia, is promised his bard, Gail Patrick, Ann Doran, Ray Milland, siblings so that a supernatural rain may be summoned to cure freedom in return for one final rescue mission. On his search W.C. Fields, Roland Young, Barry her and the community’s ongoing curse. for the missing British secret service agent named Witaker, Gabriel travels somewhere between the border of China and Fitzgerald, Queenie Smith, Betty Hutton, E1 Entertainment, Horror, Supernatural & North Korea, where the mission takes a turn for the worst. Olga San Juan, Marjorie Reynolds, Leif Paranormal 2009 111min. Captured and on the brink of torture in a North Korean Erickson, Rhonda Fleming, Joan Fontaine, E1 Entertainment 16.09.2014 military stronghold, Gabriel discovers that Witaker and several others are at the same compound, and to win Mary Martin, Basil Rathbone, , 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124544 everyone’s freedom he must break out and defeat the North Martha Raye, Virginia Dale, Walter Abel, Korean military on his own. William Bendix, Noble Johnson, Una Merkel, DCI Banks: Season 2 Action, Bounty Hunters, Military, Movies, Brian Donlevy, Gracie Allen, Frank Jack Deam, Andrea Lowe, Lorraine Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers 2012 Ferguson, Richard Arlen, Sonny Tufts, Burroughs, Charlotte Riley, Stephen 89min. Mary Hatcher, Jack La Rue, Bob Burns, Tompkinson - Dir. James Hawes Lionsgate 11.11.2014 Shirley Ross, Judith Barrett, Jerry Colonna, BBC, British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Dra- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124391 Joan Caulfield, John Gallaudet, George

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 66 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ma, Foreign, Television 2011 270min. powerful film classic. Biography, Classics, Crime, Double Fea- BBC Home Video 16.09.2014 Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top tures, Drama, girl power, Movies, Prison, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124224 100, Army, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Romance, Spies & Secret Agents, War, Friendships, Movies, Prison, Torture, Viet- World War II min. Dear Secret Santa (DVD + nam War, War 1978 184min. VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 19.08.2014 Universal Studios 14.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124436 UltraViolet) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124280 Jay Ellis, Jordin Sparks, Lamorne Morris, Earth To Echo Tatyana Ali, Bill Cobbs, Della Reese, Ernie Delivery: The Beast Within Hudson - Dir. Peter Sullivan Reese Hartwig, Astro, Teo Halm - Dir. Dave Jennifer, a hardworking and ambitious woman, returns to her Rob Cobuzio, Danny Barclay, Laurel Vail - Green hometown for the holidays and begins exchanging letters with Dir. Brian Netto This wonderful journey, „full of adventure, bravery, a secret admirer. Soon, she realizes that her admirer is Delivery tells the story of Kyle and Rachel Massy, a young excitement, and friendship... has something for audiences of actually someone from her past and decides to find out just couple who agree to document their first pregnancy for a all ages.“ (Claudia Puig, USA Today) The „lively and who it is. Now that she has a second chance at love, will she family-oriented reality show. The production spirals out-of- likable“(Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times) tale is told be able to take it? control after the cameras capture a series of unexplained through the eyes of Tuck, Munch and Alex, a trio of pals who African Americans, Christmas, Drama, events, leading Rachel to believe that a malevolent spirit has make an out-of-this-world discovery. After receiving signals Family, Holidays, Movies, Romance 88min. possessed their unborn child. on their phones, they meet Echo, a small, but amazingly Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Pos- energetic, alien trying to make his way back to his home Lionsgate 11.11.2014 session, Thrillers 2013 84min. planet. As they race to help their new friend, the boys will 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124392 discover that little Echo has touched their hearts in Gaiam Americas 30.09.2014 unexpected ways and changed their lives forever. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124497 Adventure, Aliens, Children’s, Family, Death In Paradise: Season Two Friendships, Movies, Science Fiction 2014 BBC, British, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Distant Drums 90min. International TV, Mystery, Television 2012 Richard Webb, Arthur Hunnicutt, Ray Teal, 20th Century Fox 21.10.2014 466min. Gary Cooper - Dir. Raoul Walsh 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124244 BBC Home Video 16.09.2014 A small but daring group of men venture into the Florida 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124225 Everglades to battle the hostile Seminole Indians during their Earth To Echo (Blu-ray + DVD + rebellion of 1840 in this tepid adventure movie. Decoding Annie Parker Action, Adventure, Movies, Western 1951 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The true story of American geneticist Mary-Claire King 101min. Reese Hartwig, Astro, Teo Halm - Dir. Dave (Helen Hunt), and the friendship she forged with breast- Olive Films 23.09.2014 Green cancer patient Annie Parker () while 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124302 This wonderful journey, „full of adventure, bravery, searching for the link between DNA and cancer. Parker was excitement, and friendship... has something for audiences of just 11 when she lost her mother to breast cancer. Seven all ages.“ (Claudia Puig, USA Today) The „lively and years later, her father has passed away as well. Married to Distant Drums (Blu-ray) likable“(Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times) tale is told Paul (Aaron Paul) at 19, Annie is expecting her first child through the eyes of Tuck, Munch and Alex, a trio of pals who when her older sister, too, succumbs to the same disease that Richard Webb, Arthur Hunnicutt, Ray Teal, make an out-of-this-world discovery. After receiving signals claimed their mother. Meanwhile, esteemed research scientist Gary Cooper - Dir. Raoul Walsh on their phones, they meet Echo, a small, but amazingly King is on the verge of a scientific breakthrough that could A small but daring group of men venture into the Florida energetic, alien trying to make his way back to his home revolutionize cancer treatment and perhaps save Parker’s Everglades to battle the hostile Seminole Indians during their planet. As they race to help their new friend, the boys will life. But first King must convince her skeptical colleagues that rebellion of 1840 in this tepid adventure movie. discover that little Echo has touched their hearts in some individuals are genetically predisposed to cancer — a Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, We- unexpected ways and changed their lives forever. theory that’s been largely rejected by the scientific community. Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Children’s, Later, as an optimistic Parker fights to remain brave for the stern 1951 101min. sake of her young son, the two women find their fates Olive Films 23.09.2014 Family, Friendships, Movies, Science intertwined, and King makes a discovery that will forever 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124322 Fiction 2014 90min. alter the way that cancer is diagnosed and treated. 20th Century Fox 21.10.2014 Drama, Movies 100min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124249 E1 Entertainment 30.09.2014 Dracula 2000 / Dracula II: 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124298 Ascension (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) The Collection (Blu-ray) (Repackage) Decoding Annie Parker (Blu-ray) Gerard Butler, Justine Waddell, Craig Gian Maria Volonte, Marianne Koch, Pat The true story of American geneticist Mary-Claire King Sheffer, Jason Scott Lee Hingle, Eli Wallach, Mario Brega, Ben (Helen Hunt), and the friendship she forged with breast- Double Features, Dracula, Horror, Movies, cancer patient Annie Parker (Samantha Morton) while Johnson, Clint Eastwood, Ed Begley, Luigi Thrillers, Vampires 184min. searching for the link between DNA and cancer. Parker was Pistilli, Aldo Giuffre, Lee Van Cleef, Aldo just 11 when she lost her mother to breast cancer. Seven Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Sambrell, Rada Rassimov, Inger Stevens, years later, her father has passed away as well. Married to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124170 Paul (Aaron Paul) at 19, Annie is expecting her first child Wolfgang Lukschy, John Bartha - Dir. when her older sister, too, succumbs to the same disease that Sergio Leone, claimed their mother. Meanwhile, esteemed research scientist Duck, You Sucker (A Fistful Of King is on the verge of a scientific breakthrough that could Five-time Oscar Winner Clint Eastwood is synonymous with revolutionize cancer treatment and perhaps save Parker’s Dynamite) (Blu-ray) excellence, subtlety and versatility. Yet with his piercing blue life. But first King must convince her skeptical colleagues that eyes, steel jaw, and calm, occasionally predatory demeanor, some individuals are genetically predisposed to cancer — a Romolo Valli, Rod Steiger, Rik Battaglia, Eastwood is probably still most adored as cinema’s quint- theory that’s been largely rejected by the scientific community. James Coburn - Dir. Sergio Leone essential tough guy. In these four acclaimed Westerns, Later, as an optimistic Parker fights to remain brave for the Juan Miranda (Steiger) is a cigar-chomping, salt-of-the-earth Eastwood draws characters that are measured, dangerous, sake of her young son, the two women find their fates peasant with a Robin Hood heart. John Mallory (Coburn) is a and inescapably entertaining. intertwined, and King makes a discovery that will forever dynamite-tossing Irish revolutionary who has fled to Mexico Action, Adventure, Assassins & Hitmen, alter the way that cancer is diagnosed and treated. to practice his skills. Together, they’re a devilishly volatile Bounty Hunters, Classics, Crime, Movies, rama, Movies 100min. mix of anti-establishment philosophies and violent tendencies as they attempt to liberate political prisoners, defend their Revenge, Spaghetti Westerns, Thrillers, E1 Entertainment 30.09.2014 compatriots against a well-equipped militia, and risk their Western min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124319 lives on a train filled with explosives. MGM / UA 07.10.2014 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124344 The Deer Hunter (Blu-ray) Movies, Spaghetti Westerns, Western 1971 Robert De Niro, Shirley Stoler, John 157min. Edge Of Tomorrow MGM / UA 07.10.2014 Savage, Rutanya Alda, John Cazale, Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise, Bill Paxton - Dir. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124163 George Dzundza, Meryl Streep, Christopher Doug Liman Walken - Dir. Michael Cimino Tom Cruise stars as a futuristic soldier who is killed during a Winner of five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Duty And Devotion Double Fea- battle with alien invaders, and lives out the last day of his life Best Director, and one of AFI’s Top 100 Films of All Time, The over and over again in director Doug Liman’s adaptation of the Deer Hunter follows a group of steelworkers ture: Carve Her Name With Pride popular Manga All You Need Is Kill. In the not-too-distant from their blue-collar lives, hunting in the woods of the / A Town LIke Alice future, a ferocious race of aliens dubbed ‘Mimics’ have Alleghenies, to the hells of Southeast Asia during the Vietnam descended from the stars to stake their claim on Earth. Five War. Academy Award winners Robert De Niro and Christo- Denise Grey, Virginia McKenna, Marie Lohr, years after arriving, they’re poised to claim . Because pher Walken star in this unforgettable saga of friendship and Paul Scofield, , Jean Anderson, the extraterrestrial invaders prove unusually proficient in courage. Experience the brutality of war and the depths of responding to mankind’s typical combat strategies, the military emotional strain on the human spirit in this extraordinarily Jack Warner - Dir. Lewis Gilbert, Jack Lee begins outfitting its soldiers with weaponized bionic suits that

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 67 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA increase strength, speed, and agility. Meanwhile, the military theatrics of traveling ministries, while analyzing the true at all; it’s a deformed creature that resembles a lizard. The is certain that, by conducting a surprise assault on the west nature of faith and redemption. Lancaster’s performance as the baby won’t stop crying, a horrifyingly piercing wail that coast of France, they can catch the enemy off guard and salesman turned preacher is dynamic and highly charismatic, drives Mary insane. Left alone with the baby, Henry is defeat them. With victory in sight, General Brigham (Brendan full of energy and serenaded by a woman who lives inside his radiator, and soon Gleeson) tasks Major William Cage (Cruise) with heading to Con-Artists, Drama, Movies, Religion/ he decides to murder his baby in order to stop the nightmare the front lines and selling the war to the general public. Cage, once and for all. Five years in the making, Eraserhead however, is wary of the assignment due to his noted lack of Spirituality 1960 146min. contains all of the trademark attributes of a Lynch film— combat experience, and unsuccessfully attempts to blackmail Kino Video 23.09.2014 haunting visuals, an ethereal score, unsettling sound design, Brigham. Subs 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124401 and, most notably, a black sense of humor—creat Action, Adventure, Aliens, Movies, Science Horror, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction Fiction, Time Travel 2013 min. End Of Watch (Blu-ray + 1976 min. Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 Criterion 16.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124388 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124196 Natalie Martinez, Cody Horn, David Edge Of Tomorrow (Blu-ray) Harbour, , Frank Grillo, Kristy The Exes: Seasons One And Two Wu, , Maurice Compte, Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise, Bill Paxton - Dir. Kelly Stables, Kristen Johnston, Donald Michael Pena, Jake Gyllenhaal - Dir. David Doug Liman Faison, Wayne Knight Tom Cruise stars as a futuristic soldier who is killed during a Ayer Meet Phil (Donald Faison), Haskell (Wayne Knight) and battle with alien invaders, and lives out the last day of his life From the writer of Training Day comes a gripping, action- Stuart (David Alan Basche), three divorces brought together over and over again in director Doug Liman’s adaptation of the packed cop drama starring Academy Award nominee Jake under the same roof by their divorce attorney and landlord, popular Manga All You Need Is Kill. In the not-too-distant Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena. In their mission to abide by Holly (Kristen Johnston). Together with her plucky assistant future, a ferocious race of aliens dubbed ‘Mimics’ have their oath to serve and protect, Officers Brian Taylor Eden (Kelly Stables) these unlikely friends grapple with the descended from the stars to stake their claim on Earth. Five (Gyllenhaal) and Mike Zavala (Pena) have formed a powerful perils of single life. And whether they’re finding romance or years after arriving, they’re poised to claim Europe. Because brotherhood to ensure they both go home at the end of watch. bromance, their exploits are sure to leave you laughing. After the extraterrestrial invaders prove unusually proficient in But nothing can prepare them for the violent backlash that all, they lost the battle of the sexes, that’s why they call the responding to mankind’s typical combat strategies, the military happens after they pull over the members of a notorious drug The Exes. begins outfitting its soldiers with weaponized bionic suits that cartel for a routine traffic stop. Seen from the point of view of Comedy, Single, Television 437min. increase strength, speed, and agility. Meanwhile, the military the officers, gang members, surveillance cameras, dash cams is certain that, by conducting a surprise assault on the west and citizens caught in the line of fire, a 360 perspective Comedy Central 04.11.2014 coast of France, they can catch the enemy off guard and creates a gritty, compassionate and intense portrait of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124257 defeat them. With victory in sight, General Brigham (Brendan city’s darkest streets, and the brave men and women Gleeson) tasks Major William Cage (Cruise) with heading to patrolling them. the front lines and selling the war to the general public. Cage, Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Drama, F For Fake: The Criterion however, is wary of the assignment due to his noted lack of Friendships, Gangs, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Collection (Blu-ray) combat experience, and unsuccessfully attempts to blackmail Brigham. Subs 110min. Pablo Picasso, Oja Kodar, Orson Welles - Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Movies, Universal Studios 14.10.2014 Dir. Orson Welles Science Fiction, Time Travel 2013 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124281 Trickery. Deceit. Magic. InF for Fake, a free-form sort-of documentary by Orson Welles, the legendary filmmaker (and Warner Bros. 07.10.2014 self-described charlatan) gleefully reengages with the central 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124414 The Equalizer: The Best Of preoccupation of his career: the tenuous lines between Luis Guzman, Melissa Joan Hart, Tony illusion and truth, art and lies. Beginning with portraits of the world - renowned art forger Elmyr de Hory and his equally Elmer Gantry Shalhoub, , Edward devious biographer, Clifford Irving, Welles embarks on a Patti Page, Edward Andrews, Dean Jagger, Woodward dizzying journey that simultaneously exposes and revels in Golden Globe winner Edward Woodward stars as private fakery and fakers of all stripes - not the least of whom is Burt Lancaster, , John detectives Robert McCall, a sophisticated former government Welles himself. Charming and inventive, F for Fake is an McIntire, Arthur Kennedy, Jean Simmons - agent atoning for the sins of his past by righting the wrongs of inspired prank and a clever examination of the essential Dir. Richard Brooks a flawed legal system in the groundbreaking hit suspense duplicity of cinema. Elmer Gantry is a charming, fast-talking con, working the road series The Equalizer. The Equalizer (Robert McCall) is a Art & Architecture, Art House, Blu-ray, as a traveling salesman in the 1920s. Burt Lancaster stars as former veteran of the British army and the shadowy Criterion Collection, Documentary, Special the elusive Gantry in this charismatic adaptation of Sinclair government agency known as „the company.“ He breaks away Lewis’s 1927 novel. When Gantry runs across a group of from the company after getting disillusioned with his cloak- Editions, Special Interest 1975 88min. traveling evangelists, he charms their saintly leader, Sister and-dagger life. He seeks atonement by offering his services Criterion 21.10.2014 Susan Falconer (Jean Simmons), and becomes her partner, to the public through the above advertisement in the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124411 preaching fire and brimstone in the packed tents of the newspaper. Edward Woodward plays McCall to perfection, hardened Midwest. Gantry’s robust style and Falconer’s Joan as a dark, steeling middle-aged man hardened by a life of of Arc-like spirit skyrocket the two minstrels to fame and espionage, yet allowing compassion to seep through when The Faculty (Blu-ray + fortune as they travel with their flock waging war on sinners helping those in need. Features musical score by Steward and speakeasies—until they preach in a big city and catch the Copeland (The Police)! UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) eye of a tough prostitute (Shirley Jones) who knows that Action, CBS, Detectives, Drama, Television Jordana Brewster, Shawn Hatosy, Josh Elmer is not quite as holy as he appears. This biting portrait 225min. of the business of religion was highly innovative at the time of Hartnett, Jon Stewart, Elijah Wood, Famke its release, casting a slightly tarnished light on the hustle and Universal Studios 03.06.2014 Janssen - Dir. Robert Rodriguez theatrics of traveling ministries, while analyzing the true 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124269 When some very creepy things start happening around nature of faith and redemption. Lancaster’s performance as the school, the kids at Herrington High make a chilling discovery salesman turned preacher is dynamic and highly charismatic, that confirms their worst suspicions: their teachers really are full of energy and Eraserhead from another planet. As mind-controlling parasites rapidly Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 1960 with her extremely odd family. The baby is eventually born, begin spreading from the faculty to the students’ bodies, it’s only it isn’t a human baby at all; it’s a deformed creature that ultimately up to the few who are left, an unlikely collection of 146min. resembles a lizard. The baby won’t stop crying, a horrifyingly loners, leaders, nerds, and jocks, to save the world from alien Kino Video 23.09.2014 piercing wail that drives Mary insane. Left alone with the domination. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124366 baby, Henry is serenaded by a woman who lives inside his Aliens, Blu-ray, High School, Horror, Mon- radiator, and soon he decides to murder his baby in order to stop the nightmare once and for all. Five years in the making, sters, Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction, Elmer Gantry (Blu-ray) Eraserhead contains all of the trademark attributes of a Lynch Teachers, Thrillers 1998 104min. film—haunting visuals, an ethereal score, unsettling sound Lionsgate 07.10.2014 John McIntyre, Patti Page, Edward design, and, most notably, a black sense of humor—creating a Andrews, Dean Jagger, Burt Lancaster, world onscreen that is exhilarating, terrifying, and unique. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124182 Shirley Jones, Arthur Kennedy, Jean Horror, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction Simmons - Dir. Richard Brooks min. Family Ties: The Complete Series Elmer Gantry is a charming, fast-talking con, working the road Criterion 16.09.2014 (Repackage) as a traveling salesman in the 1920s. Burt Lancaster stars as the elusive Gantry in this charismatic adaptation of Sinclair 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124226 Tina Yothers, Justine Bateman, Brian Bons- Lewis’s 1927 novel. When Gantry runs across a group of all, Michael Gross, Michael J. Fox traveling evangelists, he charms their saintly leader, Sister Eraserhead (Blu-ray) Steve and Elyse Keaton (Michael Gross and Meredith Baxter- Susan Falconer (Jean Simmons), and becomes her partner, Birney), once 1960s radicals, now find themselves in Reagan- preaching fire and brimstone in the packed revival tents of the Director David Lynch’s feature-film debut is a masterpiece of the macabre and grotesque. Reportedly a reaction to the news Era American trying to raise a traditional suburban family. Son hardened Midwest. Gantry’s robust style and Falconer’s Joan Alex P. Keaton (Michael J. Fox) is an ambitious Young of Arc-like spirit skyrocket the two minstrels to fame and that he was about to become a father, Lynch’s Eraserhead follows a sensitive young man as he struggles to cope with Republican and his sister Mallory (Justine Bateman) is a fortune as they travel with their flock waging war on sinners shallow victim of the corporate culture, obsessed with music, and speakeasies—until they preach in a big city and catch the impending parenthood. Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) lives in a hopeless industrial landscape, lusting after the beautiful clothes, and boys. Their only normal kid is young tomboy eye of a tough prostitute (Shirley Jones) who knows that Jennifer (Tina Yothers), while the youngest, Andrew (Brian Elmer is not quite as holy as he appears. This biting portrait woman who lives in the apartment across the hall. After his girlfriend, Mary (Charlotte Stewart), informs him of her Bonsall) quickly becomes a protege to Alex and his of the business of religion was highly innovative at the time of conservative image. This highly successful comedy series its release, casting a slightly tarnished light on the hustle and pregnancy, he is forced to eat dinner with her extremely odd family. The baby is eventually born, only it isn’t a human baby follows this unique American family as their views on politics

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 68 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and life clash to give us humorous family moments. , they decide to make it the ultimate business trip. Brion James, Bruno Kirby, Jack Thompson, Classics, Comedy, Family, NBC, Television But before long, business is forgotten and trip has become the key word. Fueled by a suitcase full of mind-bending - Dir. Paul Verhoeven 4329min. pharmaceuticals, Duke and set off on a fast and furious Set in medieval Europe when valiant knights battle for love Paramount Pictures 11.11.2014 ride through nonstop neon, surreal surroundings and a crew and honor, this is the adventurous story of two men - a 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124420 of the craziest characters ever (including cameo appearances mercenary soldier and the son of a feudal lord - and their love by Cameron Diaz, , Gary Busey and many for the same woman. Sexual and violent content. AKA ‘The others). But no matter where misadventure leads them, Duke Rose and the Sword.’ Fargo: Season One and Gonzo discover that sometimes going too far is the only Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love way to go.Capturing the insane madness of Hunter S. Triangles, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Movies, Joshua Close, Martin Freeman, Bob Thompson’s literary classic was the challenge that director Odenkirk, Gary Valentine, Adam Goldberg, (12 Monkeys) openly embraced. Critics hailed it Romance 1985 126min. Colin Hanks, Rachel Blanchard, Barry as: „Mindblowing. Bizarre. Outrageous. Wild.“ Buy the ticket. Kino Video 16.09.2014 Flatman, Keith Carradine, Oliver Platt, Billy Take the ride! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124314 Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Bob Thornton, Glenn Howerton, Joey King Comedy, Drugs & Dealers, Lawyers / Legal The Coen Brothers Best Picture Oscar Nominee transforms Flowers In The Attic (Blu-ray) Issues, Movies, Psychedelic, Road Trips into the season’s most talked about TV debut. Fargo features Leonard Mann, Kristy Swanson, Victoria a new „true crime“ story and new characters... all chilled in 1998 119min. Tennant, Louise Fletcher - Dir. Jeffrey the trademark dry wit, murderous mayhem and „ Universal Studios 04.11.2014 nice“ of the original classic film. Oscar Winner Billy Bob Bloom Thornton stars a Lorne Malvo, a manipulative master criminal 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124346 After the death of her husband, a mother takes her kids off to who changes the life of insurance salesmen Lester Nygaard live with their grandparents in a huge, decrepit old mansion. (Martin Freeman). Gus Grimly (Colin Hanks) and Molly Fear In The Night However, the kids are kept hidden in a room just below the Solverson (Allison Tolman) are the small-town police officers attic, visited only by their mother who becomes less and less who join forces to uncover Lester’s secrets and stop the Kay Scott, Paul Kelly, DeForest Kelley, Ann concerned about them and their failing health, and more relentlessly destructive Malvo. Doran - Dir. Maxwell Shane concerned about herself and the inheritence she plans to win Based On Feature Film, Cops, Crime, Dra- A meek and mild bank teller awakens one morning from a back from her dying father, to the point of murder... ma, FX, Television 2014 551min. disturbing dream, in which he has killed a man, only to find Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, 20th Century Fox 14.10.2014 that his dream may well have been real. Was he Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 1987 93min. sleepwalking? Was he hypnotized? The suspense never lets 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124340 up in this film noir original (later remade as Nightmare with Image Ent. 09.09.2014 Edward G. Robinson) as they story unravels to reveal an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124076 Fargo: Season One (Blu-ray) eerie tale of murder and mind control. This preferred version stars a young Deforest Kelley (later of Star Trek fame) in his Joshua Close, Martin Freeman, Bob feature film debut. Fort McCoy Odenkirk, Gary Valentine, Adam Goldberg, Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Eric Stoltz - Dir. Michael Worth Colin Hanks, Rachel Blanchard, Barry Thrillers 1947 72min. Kate Connor and Michael Worth’s war drama Fort McCoy stars Eric Stoltz as Frank, a man who, physically unable to Flatman, Keith Carradine, Oliver Platt, Billy Film Chest Media Group 26.08.2014 fight during WWII, becomes an army barber. While servicing Bob Thornton, Glenn Howerton, Joey King 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124464 prisoners of war in , Frank clashes with a Nazi The Coen Brothers Best Picture Oscar Nominee transforms who threatens his wife, while the wife’s sister finds herself into the season’s most talked about TV debut. Fargo features drawn to a battle-scarred Jewish soldier. a new „true crime“ story and new characters... all chilled in Film Noir 10-Movie Spotlight Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, the trademark dry wit, murderous mayhem and „Minnesota Collection nice“ of the original classic film. Oscar Winner Billy Bob War, World War II 101min. Thornton stars a Lorne Malvo, a manipulative master criminal Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Monterey Home Video 23.09.2014 who changes the life of insurance salesmen Lester Nygaard Mystery, Thrillers 941min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124367 (Martin Freeman). Gus Grimly (Colin Hanks) and Molly Solverson (Allison Tolman) are the small-town police officers Universal Studios 04.11.2014 who join forces to uncover Lester’s secrets and stop the 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124398 Free Fall relentlessly destructive Malvo. Kristina Klebe, Sarah Butler, Jayson Blair, Based On Feature Film, Blu-ray, Cops, Adam Tomei, Ian Gomez, D.B. Sweeney, Crime, Drama, FX, Television 2014 551min. Lam Ka Tung, Andy Lau - Dir. Alan Yuen Malcolm McDowell 20th Century Fox 14.10.2014 A tough police inspector (Andy Lau) puts his own morality on A top executive is killed in an apparent suicide leap from the 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124354 the line in order to stop a ruthless gang of criminals in this skyscraper headquarters of Gault Capital. But when the dead Hong Kong action thriller that marks the feature directorial man’s loyal protege Jane Porter (Sarah Butler of I Spit Your debut of prolific screenwriter Alan Yuen (New Police Story, On Grave) uncovers some startling criminal evidence, the Faust (Blu-ray) Shaolin). corporation calls in their ‘crisis manager’ (D.B. Sweeney of Isolda Dychauk, Anton Adasinsky, Johan- Action, Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. Taken 2 and Fire in the Sky) to silence her forever. He will trap Jane in an elevator between floors. It is a holiday nes Zeiler - Dir. Aleksandr Sokurov Well Go USA 23.09.2014 weekend in the empty building. And for one desperate woman, Winner of the 2011 Venice International ’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124300 surviving a cold-blooded killer may now mean a very long Golden Lion, Faust is acclaimed director Alexander Sokurov’s drop to the ground floor. Ian Gomez () and (Russian Ark) hallucinatory re-imagining of Goethe’s screen legend Malcolm McDowell (The Artist, A Clockwork masterpiece set in the early 19th century. Faust (Johannes Firestorm (Blu-ray) Orange) co-star in this intense suspense thriller from the Zeiler), is a man in search of the ideals of the Enlightenment, producers of the Halloween and Final Destination movies. but becomes obsessed with the lovely Margarete (Isolda Lam Ka Tung, Andy Lau - Dir. Alan Yuen Dychauk) and eventually sells his soul to the Devil (Anton A tough police inspector (Andy Lau) puts his own morality on Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Drama, Adasinsky) also known as the Moneylender, so that he may the line in order to stop a ruthless gang of criminals in this Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thril- possess her. Comic, cosmic, painterly and stunningly Hong Kong action thriller that marks the feature directorial lers 2014 90min. beautiful scenes abound as the Devil takes Faust on a debut of prolific screenwriter Alan Yuen (New Police Story, strange, unforgettable journey that ends in Hell itself. Using Shaolin). Starz / Anchor Bay 28.10.2014 elaborate camera movements, a dense soundscape, intricate Action, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124124 production design and spectacular locations, Faust conjures min. up a unique and phantasmagoric vision of the Faustian legend. Well Go USA 23.09.2014 Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, German, Movies Free Fall (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124321 2011 132min. Kristina Klebe, Sarah Butler, Jayson Blair, Kino Video 16.09.2014 Adam Tomei, Ian Gomez, D.B. Sweeney, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124313 Flesh And Blood Malcolm McDowell Brion James, Bruno Kirby, Jack Thompson, A top executive is killed in an apparent suicide leap from the Jennifer Jason Leigh - Dir. Paul Verhoeven skyscraper headquarters of Gault Capital. But when the dead Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas man’s loyal protege Jane Porter (Sarah Butler of I Spit Your Set in medieval Europe when valiant knights battle for love On Grave) uncovers some startling criminal evidence, the (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) and honor, this is the adventurous story of two men - a corporation calls in their ‘crisis manager’ (D.B. Sweeney of Craig Bierko, Tim Thomerson, Lyle Lovett, mercenary soldier and the son of a feudal lord - and their love Taken 2 and Fire in the Sky) to silence her forever. He will for the same woman. Sexual and violent content. AKA ‘The trap Jane in an elevator between floors. It is a holiday Christina Ricci, Ellen Barkin, Katherine Rose and the Sword.’ weekend in the empty building. And for one desperate woman, Helmond, Cameron Diaz, Johnny Depp, Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love surviving a cold-blooded killer may now mean a very long , Gary Busey, Benicio Del Triangles, Fantasy, Movies, Romance 1985 drop to the ground floor. Ian Gomez (Cougar Town) and screen legend Malcolm McDowell (The Artist, A Clockwork Toro, Harry Dean Stanton, Tobey Maguire, 126min. Orange) co-star in this intense suspense thriller from the Mark Harmon, Penn Jillette, Christopher Kino Video 16.09.2014 producers of the Halloween and Final Destination movies. Meloni, Verne Troyer, Flea, Michael Jeter - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124293 Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Dra- Dir. Terry Gilliam ma, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, When a writing assignment lands journalist Raoul Duke Flesh And Blood (Blu-ray) Thrillers 2014 90min. (Johnny Depp) and sidekick Dr. Gonzo (Benicio Del Toro) in

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Starz / Anchor Bay 28.10.2014 worldly demons. , Eddie Marsan, John 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124152 Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Devils Turturro - Dir. John Slattery And Demons, Fantasy, Ghosts, Giant Mon- John Slattery’s feature directorial debut, an adaptation of Pete From Dusk Till Dawn: Season sters!, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction Dexter’s first novel, God’s Pocket stars Philip Seymour 1984 105min. Hoffman as Mickey Scarpato, who lives in the gritty, blue- One collar neighborhood of God’s Pocket with his wife Jeanie Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Christina Hendricks), a lifelong resident of the Pocket, and D.J. Cotrona, Wilmer Valderrama, Robert 16.09.2014 his stepson Leon (Caleb Landry Jones). Young Leon works at Patrick, Don Johnson a construction site, and one day his overt racism and all- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124146 around unlikability lead to his murder at the hands of a co- Action, Crime, Horror, Television, Thrillers worker (the entire crew claim it was a workplace accident). 2014 450min. Ghostbusters / Ghostbusters 2 - Drama, Movies 2014 min. E1 Entertainment 16.09.2014 Limited Edition Gift Set (Blu-ray) MPI 09.09.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124123 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124106 Peter MacNicol, Annie Potts, William From Dusk Till Dawn: Season Atherton, Harold Ramis, David Margulies, Harris Yulin, Rick Moranis, Ernie Hudson, God’s Pocket (Blu-ray) One (Blu-ray) Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Christina Hendricks, Eddie Marsan, John D.J. Cotrona, Wilmer Valderrama, Robert Murray - Dir. Ivan Reitman Turturro - Dir. John Slattery Patrick, Don Johnson John Slattery’s feature directorial debut, an adaptation of Pete Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Double Dexter’s first novel, God’s Pocket stars Philip Seymour Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Horror, Television, Features, Fantasy, Ghosts, Giant Mon- Hoffman as Mickey Scarpato, who lives in the gritty, blue- Thrillers 2014 450min. sters!, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction collar neighborhood of God’s Pocket with his wife Jeanie E1 Entertainment 16.09.2014 (Christina Hendricks), a lifelong resident of the Pocket, and 213min. his stepson Leon (Caleb Landry Jones). Young Leon works at 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124151 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment a construction site, and one day his overt racism and all- 16.09.2014 around unlikability lead to his murder at the hands of a co- From The Rough 222,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124145 worker (the entire crew claim it was a workplace accident). Drama, Movies 2014 min. Tom Felton, Justin Chon, James Saito, Taraji MPI 09.09.2014 P. Henson, Michael Clarke Duncan - Dir. Ghostbusters / Ghostbusters 2 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124141 Pierre Bagley (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Taraji P. Henson and Tom Felton star in this inspirational drama chronicling the true story of Catana Starks and the Peter MacNicol, Annie Potts, William Godzilla (Blu-ray + DVD + seemingly insurmountable obstacles she faced in her mission Atherton, Harold Ramis, David Margulies, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) to become the first black woman to coach an all-male Harris Yulin, Rick Moranis, Ernie Hudson, collegiate golf team through what would become a record- CJ Adams, Elizabeth Olsen, , Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Bill breaking championship season. Richard T. Jones, Juliette Binoche, Bryan Drama, Movies 2013 97min. Murray - Dir. Ivan Reitman Cranston - Dir. Gareth Edwards Anderson Merchandisers 02.09.2014 Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Double The king of all monsters returns in this Warner Bros./ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124089 Features, Fantasy, Ghosts, Giant Mon- Legendary Pictures production helmed by Gareth Edwards sters!, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction (Monsters). As the story opens in Japan, we find dedicated nuclear power-plant manager Joe Brody (Bryan Cranston) so A Funny Thing Happened On The 213min. caught up in his work that he forgets it’s his birthday. Sending Way To The Forum Sony Pictures Home Entertainment his young son Ford off to school before reporting to the plant 16.09.2014 with his wife Sandra (Juliette Binoche), who works in the Zero Mostel, Phil Silvers, Jack Gilford, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124080 reactor, Joe begins to suspect that some suspiciously Buster Keaton, Michael Crawford, Michael patterned seismic activity may be something more sinister than Hordern, Patricia Jessel - Dir. Richard shifting tectonic plates He’s right, too, because when the Ghostbusters 2 (Blu-ray + plant goes into meltdown mode and Sandra gets caught on the Lester wrong side of the containment door, a massive cover-up Based on the Broadway musical comedy, this farce set in UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) ensues. Fifteen years later, Ford (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) has Ancient Rome follows slave and scam-artist Pseudolus (Zero become a bomb-disposal expert in the U.S. military. He’s just Mostel in a signature role) as he attempts to win his freedom Annie Potts, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, returned home to his wife Elle (Elizabeth Olsen) and their son by brokering the sale of a virgin. Stephen Sondheim’s score Ernie Hudson, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Sam (Carson Bolde) when he gets word that Joe been adds to the appeal. Weaver, Bill Murray - Dir. Ivan Reitman arrested in Japan. Long estranged from his father, who was Comedy, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis take up their written off as a conspiracy theorist for his failed efforts to Slapstick 1966 99min. proton packs once more to battle the forces of evil in Manhat- prove the Japanese government was attempting to hide somet Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Science Fiction, Kino Video 09.09.2014 tan! After waging a war on slime that cost millions, the Ghostbusters find themselves out of business Thrillers 2014 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124213 until an ancient tyrant, preparing a return to the Earthly domain through his portrait at the Manhattan Museum of Warner Bros. 16.09.2014 Modern Art, sets his sights on Dana Barrett’s baby as the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124159 A Funny Thing Happened On The new home for his wicked soul! With the help of the Museum’s Way To The Forum (Blu-ray) possessed curator, he plans to turn New York into a really scary place to live! Now only the Ghostbusters can save New Godzilla VS. Biollante Zero Mostel, Phil Silvers, Jack Gilford, York City, by turning paranormal pest control into an art form! Kunihiko Mitamura, Masanobu Takashima, Buster Keaton, Michael Crawford, Michael Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Toru Minegishi - Dir. Kazuki Ohmori Hordern, Patricia Jessel - Dir. Richard Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Ghosts, After rising from his volcanic grave, Godzilla is threatened by Lester Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction 1989 a mutated rosebush. Based on the Broadway musical comedy, this farce set in 108min. Action, Classics, Drama, Foreign, Giant Ancient Rome follows slave and scam-artist Pseudolus (Zero Monsters!, Godzilla, Horror, Japanese, Mad Mostel in a signature role) as he attempts to win his freedom Sony Pictures Home Entertainment by brokering the sale of a virgin. Stephen Sondheim’s score 16.09.2014 Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Military, Mon- adds to the appeal. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124143 sters, Movies, Science Fiction 1989 Comedy, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, 104min. Slapstick 1966 99min. Gingerclown (DVD + UltraViolet) Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Kino Video 09.09.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124166 Ashley Lloyd, Michael Winslow, Lance 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124188 Henriksen, Brad Dourif, Tim Curry, Sean Young Godzilla VS. Biollante (Blu-ray) Ghostbusters (Blu-ray + To impress the football team - and the girl of his dreams - Sam Kunihiko Mitamura, Masanobu Takashima, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) dares to enter an old amusement park, but when Jenny follows Toru Minegishi - Dir. Kazuki Ohmori him in, they quickly realize that they’ll be lucky if they can get After rising from his volcanic grave, Godzilla is threatened by Annie Potts, William Atherton, Harold out alive. a mutated rosebush. Ramis, Rick Moranis, Ernie Hudson, Dan Comedy, High School, Horror, Movies, Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Foreign, Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Murray - Romance, Thrillers 2013 83min. Giant Monsters!, Godzilla, Horror, Dir. Ivan Reitman Lionsgate 11.11.2014 Japanese, Mad Scientists & Deadly A trio of university parasychologists lose their research grant 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124393 and decide to open their own business, „Ghostbusters,“ and Doctors, Military, Monsters, Movies, almost at once are summoned to investigate the strange Science Fiction 1989 104min. happenings in a Central Park West apartment. What they God’s Pocket Lionsgate 07.10.2014 discover is that all Manhattan is being besieged by other

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124172 which no pig has ever returned, Gordy faithfully sets off to underclass, The Great Train Robbery is a historical tour de find them. Along the way, he saves the life of a little boy and force that culminates in the suspenseful, dangerous climax of becomes the nation’s most famous hero - leading him one this true story. A Golden Christmas Triple Fea- hoofstep closer to reuniting with his family! Through comical Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Historical / encounters and heartwarming moments, Gordy shows ture everyone the importance of family and friends Period Piece, Movies, Thieves 1979 Rob Mayes, Shantel Vansanten, Nikki Adventure, Animals & Nature, Children’s, 108min. DeLoach, Elisa Donovan, Alley Mills, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Kino Video 16.09.2014 Nicholas Brendon, Bruce Davison, Andrea Friendships, Kidnapping, Movies 1995 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124315 Roth, Jason London - Dir. Michael Feifer, 90min. John Murlowski Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Hallows’ Eve (Blu-ray) Animals & Nature, Christmas, Comedy, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124167 Courtney Baxter, Danielle Harris - Dir. Sean Family, Holidays, Movies, Romance, Triple Mcgarry Feature, TV Movies min. Grace: The Possession A group of friends who played a cruel prank on an innocent little girl fall prey to a sadistic psychopath in this Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 Alexis Knapp, Alexia Fast, Alan Dale, Lin starring Ashley C. Williams (The Human Centipede), Danielle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124519 Shaye Harris (Hatchet 2 And 3), and Tiffany Shepis (Chainsaw Grace: The Possession, a story told like never before through Cheerleaders). The Good Witch’s Charm the eyes of the possessed. Alexia Fast (Jack Reacher) is Horror, Movies 2013 80min. Grace: a naive, beautiful, virginal college freshman trying to E1 Entertainment 16.09.2014 Matthew Knight, Chris Potter, Catherine Bell deal with campus culture and her outgoing new roommate. But 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124153 - Dir. Craig Pryce when a terror takes over her body and unleashes chaos, Good Witch Cassie Nightingale is back to her bewitching Grace returns to the cold clutches of her severe grandmother ways, but this time she’s also juggling a newborn daughter (Lin Shaye) and the strict rules of the church. Haunted by the Hannibal: Season Two and her job as town Mayor. With such a busy schedule she horrific death of her mother and deeply ingrained, destructive and her husband, town sheriff Jake Russell, aren’t getting urges, she must stop the demon inside before it’s too late. ABC, Cannibalism, Crime, Drama, Horror, much sleep. Hoping for a break, Cassie plans a much needed College Life, Devils And Demons, Serial Killers, Television, Thrillers 2014 min. vacation with her new family. But things go awry when a crime Dysfunctional Families, Horror, Movies, Lionsgate 16.09.2014 wave sweeps through town and an investigative reporter tries to ruin Cassie’s image after a video of her magically Possession, Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124229 disappearing turns up on the internet. To make matters worse, 2014 87min. Cassie’s estranged foster mother appears in town and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Hannibal: Season Two (Blu-ray) Cassie’s stepdaughter is suddenly accused of the recent robberies. Supported by her loyal family and friends, Cassie 28.10.2014 ABC, Blu-ray, Cannibalism, Crime, Drama, must rely on her signature charm to put a stop to the rumors 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124471 Horror, Serial Killers, Television, Thrillers before they completely destroy the town, and a Good Witch’s reputation! 2014 min. Crime, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Movies, TV The Grand Seduction Lionsgate 16.09.2014 Movies, Witches & Warlocks 2012 88min. Taylor Kitsch, , Liane 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124200 Gaiam Americas 07.10.2014 Balaban, Brendan Gleeson - Dir. Don 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124502 McKellar Hemlock Grove: The Complete Comedy, Movies 2013 min. First Season E1 Entertainment 07.10.2014 The Good Witch’s Family Horror, Television, Thrillers min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124384 Catherine Disher, Matthew Knight, Chris Shout Factory 07.10.2014 Potter, Catherine Bell, Paul Miller - Dir. Craig 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124387 Pryce The Great Train Robbery Mayor Tom Tinsdale plans a bridge as his legacy, precursor Robert Lang, Alan Webb, Sean Connery, Hemlock Grove: The Complete to Middleton, Delaware’s annexation to the city across the - Dir. Michael Crichton river. His wife Martha spearheads the opposition, but instead Michael Crichton’s most accomplished directorial effort, The First Season (Blu-ray) of her, the committee unanimously calls for Cassie to stand for Great Train Robbery is a stylish thriller based on his best- Horror, Television, Thrillers min. mayor. Jake is preoccupied with controlling demonstrations, selling book about the first robbery to take place aboard a but soon finds indications that the merger may not be so good moving train. Set in 1855 England, Edward Pierce (Sean Shout Factory 07.10.2014 after all. Brandon is composing a song to get him into music Connery) is a master thief with the ambitious goal of stealing 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124412 academy, but counts for lyrics on buddy Wesley, an a shipment of gold bars en route to the Crimea. Conspiring incorrigible womanizer, whom Lori has an instant crush on. with his beautiful mistress, Miriam (Lesley-Anne Down), and Cassie invites her just-discovered maternal niece Abigail, England’s greatest locksmith, Agar (Donald Sutherland), The Hercules Collection who has a mild criminal past and a knack for junior magic. Pierce sets out on a quest to copy each of four keys needed to Action, Adventure, Collections, Greek, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Magic, Movies, TV open the train’s vault, keys that are kept and guarded by Movies, Myths & Legends, Romance min. Movies, Witches & Warlocks 2011 83min. different parties. Giving a smooth performance reminiscent of Shout Factory 14.10.2014 Gaiam Americas 16.09.2014 his James Bond role, Connery infuses Pierce with a disarming confidence as he seduces his way through the upper-class 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124520 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124456 environment of the key holders, who seem to have their own low-brow weaknesses. From the decadent parties and mansions of the wealthy to the brothels and dog fights of the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo: A The Good, The Bad And The Ugly underclass, The Great Train Robbery is a historical tour de (Remastered) (Blu-ray) force that culminates in the suspenseful, dangerous climax of Very Boo Halloween / A Very Boo this true story. Thanksgiving Eli Wallach, Mario Brega, Clint Eastwood, Action, Adventure, Historical / Period Comedy, Dysfunctional Families, Family, Aldo Giuffre - Dir. Sergio Leone Piece, Movies, Thieves 1979 108min. Holidays, Reality, Television, Thanksgiving Experience the grittiest Western ever made with Sergio Kino Video 16.09.2014 Leone’s The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - newly remastered min. on Blu-ray. With a saddlebag full of special features, it’s the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124294 most exciting version of this groundbreaking Western Discovery Channel 09.09.2014 available! The inimitable „Man With No Name“ (Clint 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124448 Eastwood) teams with two gunslingers (Lee Van Cleef and Eli The Great Train Robbery (Blu-ray) Wallach) to pursue a fortune in stolen gold, but they soon Robert Lang, Alan Webb, Sean Connery, Highway To Heaven: Season Five discover their greatest challenge is to stay alive. Forging a Donald Sutherland - Dir. Michael Crichton vibrant and yet detached style of action never before seen and Victor French, Michael Landon not matched since, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly shatters Michael Crichton’s most accomplished directorial effort, The the Western mold in true Eastwood style! Great Train Robbery is a stylish thriller based on his best- Cult Film / TV, Drama, Family, Fantasy, selling book about the first robbery to take place aboard a Friendships, Religion/Spirituality, Television Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, moving train. Set in 1855 England, Edward Pierce (Sean Movies, Spaghetti Westerns, Western 1966 Connery) is a master thief with the ambitious goal of stealing min. 179min. a shipment of gold bars en route to the Crimea. Conspiring Mill Creek Entertainment 16.09.2014 with his beautiful mistress, Miriam (Lesley-Anne Down), and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124230 MGM / UA 07.10.2014 England’s greatest locksmith, Agar (Donald Sutherland), 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124162 Pierce sets out on a quest to copy each of four keys needed to open the train’s vault, keys that are kept and guarded by The Hills Run Red / Apache different parties. Giving a smooth performance reminiscent of Gordy (DVD + UltraViolet) his James Bond role, Connery infuses Pierce with a disarming Thomas Hunter, Jean Peters, Burt Lanca- Doug Stone, Tom Lester - Dir. Mark Lewis confidence as he seduces his way through the upper-class ster, John McIntire, Dan Duryea, Henry Follow the hilarious antics of the world’s cutest talking pig, environment of the key holders, who seem to have their own Silva - Dir. Robert Aldrich, Carlo Lizzani Gordy, in the film that has audiences swuealing with delight! low-brow weaknesses. From the decadent parties and Action, , Classics, Doub- When Gordy’s family is trucked „up north“, to a place from mansions of the wealthy to the brothels and dog fights of the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 71 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA le Features, Movies, Prison, Revenge, Action, African Americans, College Life, gothic stars Deborah Kerr as an emotionally fragile governess who comes to suspect that there is something very, Romance, Spaghetti Westerns, War, We- Comedy, Crime, Detectives, Gangs, Movies, very wrong with her precocious new charges. A stern min. Road Trips, Romance, Spoofs & Parodies psychosexually intensified adaptation of Henry James’s Shout Factory 26.08.2014 367min. classic The Turn of the Screw, co written by Truman Capote and directed by , The Innocents is a triumph of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124440 Lionsgate 07.10.2014 narrative economy and technical expressiveness, from its 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124173 chilling sound design to the stygian depths of its widescreen A Holiday Heist cinematography by Freddie Francis. Classics, Criterion Collection, Devils And Fallon Goodson, Robert Maschio, Rick The Hunted Demons, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Possessi- Malambri, Jermaine Williams, Dov Tiefen- Josh Stewart, Nikki DeLoach on, Thrillers 1961 100min. bach, Preston Lacy, Chris Kattan, Lacey Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Criterion 23.09.2014 Chabert, Vivica A. Fox - Dir. Christie Will 88min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124304 A group of college students stay at school over Christmas to E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 work at a special exhibit in the college’s fine art gallery. The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124537 students have little in common to each other. When they Ivory Tower decide to hold an unplanned Christmas Eve dinner in the gallery, they stumble into a trio of bumbling thugs planning a I Know What You Did Last Sum- Drama, Movies min. Holiday Heist of the exhibit. As the students are held hostage, Paramount 30.09.2014 they are forced to learn about themselves and each other, the mer (Blu-ray) spirit of Christmas, and get the courage to work together and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124297 fight back to foil the thieves. With heartfelt talks, wild Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, escapes, and Christmas romance — the night ends up being a Johnny Galecki, Bridgette Wilson, Anne Ivory Tower (Blu-ray) Christmas Eve these new friends will never forget! Heche, Freddie Prinze Jr., Jennifer Love Drama, Movies min. Christmas, Comedy, Crime, Family, Hewitt - Dir. Jim Gillespie Holidays, Hostage Crisis, Movies, Romance After a post-graduation Fourth of July beer blast, four tipsy Paramount 30.09.2014 2011 90min. teens accidentally smash up a pedestrian with their car, and, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124318 in a panic, dispose of the almost-dead body in the ocean. Sure Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 enough, the following summer, the reunited group is stalked by 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124522 a mysterious figure clad in fisherman’s garb—replete with fish Jaws (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- hook. A putative echo of screenwriter Kevin Williamson’s ray) mega-hit ‘Scream,’ substituting that movie’s inside-jokiness Home For Christmas for genuine feelings of guilt and angst. Murray Hamilton, Carl Gottlieb, Lorraine Lesley Kelly, Simon Richards, Mickey Horror, Movies, Slasher, Thrillers 1997 min. Gary, Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Rooney - Dir. Peter McCubbin Mill Creek Entertainment 30.09.2014 Dreyfuss - Dir. Steven Spielberg A sensitive story of a family who rediscovers the magic of 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124408 Directed by Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg, Jaws Christmas when an elderly homeless man enters their lives. set the standard for edge-of-your-seat suspense, quickly Christmas, Classics, Drama, Family, becoming a cultural phenomenon and forever changing the Ida movie industry. When the seaside community of Amity finds Holidays, Movies, TV Movies 1990 96min. itself under attack by a dangerous great white shark, the VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 14.10.2014 Agata Trzebuchowska, Joanna Kulig, town’s chief of police (Roy Scheider), a young marine 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124523 Agata Kulesza - Dir. Pawel Pawlikowski biologist (Richard Dreyfuss) and a grizzled shark hunter In this Pawel Pawlikowski-directed drama set in 1960s (Robert Shaw) embark on a desperate quest to destroy the Poland, an orphaned teenager planning to become a nun visits beast before it strikes again. Featuring an unforgettable score Horses Of God her aunt. When she learns that her birth parents were Jews that evokes pure terror, Jaws remains one of the most Director Nabil Ayouch offers a fictional account of the events who were killed during the Holocaust, she sets off on a influential and gripping adventures in motion picture history. leading up to the May, 2003, Casablanca bombings with this journey of self-discovery. Action, Adventure, Animals & Nature, Blu- historical drama centering on the events leading up to a Drama, Movies 2013 80min. ray, Classics, Hunting, Killer Animals, series of terrorist bombings that rocked Casablanca. The Music Box Films 09.09.2014 bombers all hailed from the slum of Sidi Moumen and were Movies, Sharks, Thrillers 1975 124min. recruited by radical Muslim extremists to carry out the attack. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124107 Universal Studios 14.10.2014 Drama, Movies, Terrorism 2012 115min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124282 Kino Video 02.09.2014 Ida (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124090 Agata Trzebuchowska, Joanna Kulig, Juan Of The Dead (Blu-ray) Agata Kulesza - Dir. Pawel Pawlikowski Andros Perugorria, Andrea Duro, Jorge Hot In Cleveland: Season Five In this Pawel Pawlikowski-directed drama set in 1960s Poland, an orphaned teenager planning to become a nun visits Molina - Dir. Alejandro Brugues Valerie Bertinelli, Wendie Malick, Jane her aunt. When she learns that her birth parents were Jews Two friends from Cuba hatch a plan to launch a zombie Leeves, Betty White who were killed during the Holocaust, she sets off on a extermination service after their picturesque island is overrun journey of self-discovery. by the living dead in this satirical horror film from director Valerie Bertinelli, Jane Leeves, Wendie Malick, and Betty Alejandro Brugus (Personal Belongings). It’s the anniversary White are back with more twists, more turns, and more laughs Drama, Movies 2013 80min. of the Cuban Revolution, and as the hungry undead make an in Season 5 of Hot in Cleveland! Whether they’re juggling Music Box Films 09.09.2014 unwelcomed appearance, best friends Juan (Alexis Das de romances, adopting a puppy, running for public office, or being 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124142 Villegas) and Lzardo (Jorge Molina) decide to parlay their interrogated by the FBI, these 4 HOT ladies remain skills for dispatching zombies into a professional career. As incorrigible and irresistible. Throw in the live season the government attempts to maintain public order by blaming premiere and their first ever animated episode and you have The Innocents (Blu-ray) the fracas on Americans who they claim are attempting to the hottest, craziest, and most unpredictable season yet. You topple the current regime, Juan and Lazardo rally the troops, won’t want to miss a minute! Martin Stephens, Megs Jenkins, Peter gather their weapons, and prepare to make a killing by ridding Comedy, Comedy Central, Drama, Wyngarde, Pamela Franklin, Deborah Kerr, Cuba of zombies one shambling, flesh-eating corpse at a time. Friendships, Independent Women, Televisi- Michael Redgrave Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Horror, Movies on 528min. This genuinely frightening, exquisitely made supernatural 2011 100min. gothic stars Deborah Kerr as an emotionally fragile Paramount Pictures 04.11.2014 governess who comes to suspect that there is something very, E1 Entertainment 16.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124253 very wrong with her precocious new charges. A 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124155 psychosexually intensified adaptation of Henry James’s classic The Turn of the Screw, co written by Truman Capote House Of Bodies (Blu-ray) and directed by Jack Clayton, The Innocents is a triumph of Juggernaut Karlee Eldridge, Terrence Howard, Queen narrative economy and technical expressiveness, from its Caroline Mortimer, Clifton James, Cyril chilling sound design to the stygian depths of its widescreen Latifah, Peter Fonda - Dir. Alex Merkin cinematography by Freddie Francis. Cusack, Julian Glover, David Hemmings, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2013 88min. Classics, Criterion Collection, Devils And Freddie Jones, Ian Holm, Anthony Hopkins - E1 Entertainment 16.09.2014 Demons, Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Possessi- Dir. Richard Lester 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124154 The Britannic, an ocean liner, is threatened by a bomber who on, Thrillers 1961 100min. demands a ransom in exchange for information on how to Criterion 23.09.2014 defuse seven bombs planted on board. A team of weapons House Party Colleciton 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124061 disposal experts led by Fallon (Richard Harris) are then called to the scene. Meanwhile, a Scotland Yard detective Melissa De Sousa, Cedric The Entertainer, (Anthony Hopkins) whose family happens to be on board the Nick Cannon, David Spade, John The Innocents: The Criterion ship tries to track down the bomber. A tense thriller featuring Witherspoon, Marlon Wayans, Shawn Collection good performances from a strong cast. Wayans, Brad Dourif, Keenen Ivory Action, Adventure, Movies, Terrorism, Thril- Megs Jenkins, , Pamela Wayans - Dir. Paris Barclay, Penelope lers 1974 126min. Franklin, Deborah Kerr, Michael Redgrave Kino Video 09.09.2014 Spheeris, Millicent Shelton, Marcos Siega This genuinely frightening, exquisitely made supernatural

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33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124215 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 Law & Order: The Seventeenth 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124263 Season Juggernaut (Blu-ray) Fred Thompson, Alana De La Garza, Milena Caroline Mortimer, Clifton James, Cyril L.A. Law: Season Three Govich, S. Epatha Merkerson, Jesse L. Cusack, David Hemmings, Anthony Hopkins Jill Eikenberry, Michael Tucker, Corbin Bern- Martin, Sam Waterston, Mario Van Peebles, - Dir. Richard Lester sen, Richard Dysart, Alan Rachins Mariel Hemingway, Chevy Chase The Britannic, an ocean liner, is threatened by a bomber who Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, The storylines remain as compelling as ever, but this demands a ransom in exchange for information on how to Mystery, Television min. seventeenth season of Law & Order brings big changes to the defuse seven bombs planted on board. A team of weapons men and women working in New York City’s criminal justice disposal experts led by Fallon (Richard Harris) are then Shout Factory 23.09.2014 system. Ed Green (Jesse L. Martin) earns his promotion to called to the scene. Meanwhile, a Scotland Yard detective 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124487 Senior Detective, Nina Cassady (Milena Govich) joins the (Anthony Hopkins) whose family happens to be on board the Department for her short tenure as a detective, DA Arthur ship tries to track down the bomber. A tense thriller featuring Branch (Fred Thompson) finishes his time as the District good performances from a strong cast. La Dolce Vita: The Criterion Attorney and Jack McCoy (Sam Waterson) serves his final Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Collection days in the courtroom before taking on his boss’s position. Terrorism, Thrillers 1974 126min. Featuring all 22 gripping episodes, with cast members S. Nadia Gray, Riccardo Garrone, Yvonne Kino Video 09.09.2014 Epatha Merkerson and Alana de la Garza, and notable guest Furneaux, Anita Ekberg, Anouk Aimee, stars Chevy Chase (Community), Mariel Hemingway (Man- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124190 hattan) and Mario van Peebles (Damages), it’s a vital chapter Marcello Mastroianni, Lex Barker, Alain in the Primetime Emmy Award-winning success story from Cuny, Magali Noel - Dir. Federico Fellini iconic producer Dick Wolf. Key & Peele: Season Three The biggest hit from the most popular Italian filmmaker of all Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Lawyers / Jordan Peele, Keegan Michael Key time, La dolce vita rocketed Federico Fellini to international mainstream success - ironically, by offering a damning Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Comedy, Comedy Central, Sketch Comedy, critique of the culture of stardom. A look at the darkness NBC, Television, Thrillers 947min. Television min. beneath the seductive lifestyles of Rome’s rich and Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Comedy Central 23.09.2014 glamorous, the film follows a notorious celebrity journalist (a sublimely cool Marcello Mastroianni) during a hectic week 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124289 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124236 spent on the peripheries of the spotlight. This mordant picture was an incisive commentary on the deepening decadence of The Legend Of Lizzie Borden Key & Peele: Season Three (Blu- contemporary Europe, and it provided a prescient glimpse of just how gossip - and fame-obsessed our society would Elizabeth Montgomery - Dir. ray) become. ‘Lizzie Borden took an axe/And gave her mother forty whacks/ Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Dra- When she saw what she had done/She gave her father forty- Jordan Peele, Keegan Michael Key one’. New England spinster Lizzie Borden was acquitted of Comedy, Comedy Central, Sketch Comedy, ma, Foreign, Italian, Movies 1960 174min. the charge of murdering her father and stepmother in 1892, but Television min. Criterion 21.10.2014 this made-for-TV movie, like most recreations of the murders 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124389 and subsequent trial, adheres to the popular consensus that Comedy Central 23.09.2014 Borden was guilty. Elizabeth Montgomery takes a break from 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124204 playing victims to portray the enigmatic Borden. The trial La Dolce Vita: The Criterion scenes are lifted directly from the original court records; scripter William Bast’s speculation as to what really The King And I (Blu-ray + DVD + Collection (Blu-ray) happened the night the elder Bordens were hacked to death is UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Nadia Gray, Riccardo Garrone, Yvonne pure (but credible) conjecture. Accompanied by a ‘parental guidance suggested’ tag, The Legend Of Lizzie Borden was Geoffrey Toone, Carlos Rivas, Rex Furneaux, Anita Ekberg, Anouk Aimee, first broadcast February 10, 1975. Thompson, Terry Saunders, Martin Benson, Marcello Mastroianni, Lex Barker, Alain Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers Deborah Kerr, Yul Brynner, Alan Mowbray, Cuny, Magali Noel - Dir. Federico Fellini 100min. The biggest hit from the most popular Italian filmmaker of all - Dir. Walter Lang time, La dolce vita rocketed Federico Fellini to international Cinedigm 07.10.2014 Winner of 5 Academy Awards, Rodgers & Hammerstein’s real mainstream success - ironically, by offering a damning 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124386 classic tells the true story of Anna Leonowens (Deborah critique of the culture of stardom. A look at the darkness Kerr), an English widow who travels to Siam in 1862 to serve beneath the seductive lifestyles of Rome’s rich and as governess to the King’s (Yul Brynner) children. She soon glamorous, the film follows a notorious celebrity journalist (a Leviathan (Blu-ray) finds herself at odds with the stubborn monarch, but after sublimely cool Marcello Mastroianni) during a hectic week Lisa Eilbacher, Hector Elizondo, Amanda getting to know each other, Anna and the King ultimately spent on the peripheries of the spotlight. This mordant picture develop an extraordinary friendship that surprises them both. was an incisive commentary on the deepening decadence of Pays, Daniel Stern, Meg Foster, Richard Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, contemporary Europe, and it provided a prescient glimpse of Crenna, Ernie Hudson, Peter Weller - Dir. Classics, Drama, Movies, Musical, just how gossip - and fame-obsessed our society would George P. Cosmatos Romance, Royalty, Teachers, Thai 1956 become. Underwater deep-sea miners encounter a Soviet wreck and Classics, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Dra- 134min. bring back a dangerous cargo to their base on the ocean floor ma, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Special with horrifying results. The crew of the mining base must fight 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 Editions 1960 174min. to survive against a genetic mutation that hunts them down one 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124250 by one. Criterion 21.10.2014 Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, High Seas, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124413 Kingdom Of Heaven - 10th Horror, Monsters, Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1989 98min. Anniversary (Blu-ray + The Last Outlaw Shout Factory 19.08.2014 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Mike Tarp, Lawrence Evenchick, Michael 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124463 Eriq Ebouaney, Alexander Siddig, Steven Pare - Dir. Brett Kelly Robertson, Eva Green, Jouko Ahola, Johnny Ringo teams up with his nemesis Bat Masterson in Life After Beth (Blu-ray + Orlando Bloom, Michael Sheen, Kevin order to stop a counterfeit Ringo from committing crimes in his name. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) McKidd, David Thewlis, Liam Neeson - Dir. Action, Crime, Movies, Western 2014 Dane DeHaan, Aubrey Plaza, Anna Ridley Scott 84min. Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of visionary director Sir Kendrick, Cheryl Hines, Paul Reiser, Molly Ridley Scott’s cinematic masterpiece with this 2-Disc Blu-ray Gaiam Americas 09.09.2014 Shannon, John C. Reilly - Dir. Jeff Baena Edition that includes all three versions of the film - the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124450 Zach (DeHaan) is devastated after his girlfriend Beth (Plaza) Director’s Cut, Director’s Cut Roadshow Version and Origi- dies unexpectedly. After Beth suddenly and mysteriously nal Theatrical Version - all presented in high definition, plus returns to life, Zach is overjoyed to have the second chance over nine hours of in-depth special features, including a full- The Last Supper to prove his love for her. But when Beth starts developing length documentary that takes you on the path from pre- Action, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies 120min. some bizarre tendencies - including a rather disturbing taste production to release. A truly legendary cast leads this for flesh - Zach has to confront facts. Can love survive among visually spectacular epic, including Orlando Bloom, Eva Cinedigm 14.10.2014 the living dead? Find out in this hilariously funny zom- com. Green, Liam Neeson and Academy Award-Winner Jeremy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124359 Comedy, Horror, Movies, Romance, Irons. Bloom stars as Balian, a young blacksmith who has lost his family and his faith. But when his father (Neeson) reveals Zombies 2014 91min. his destiny, Balian joins the heroic fight to protect his people The Last Supper (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 21.10.2014 from overwhelming forces, and rises to knighthood. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124417 Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Epics, 120min. History & Events, Medieval Times, Movies, Cinedigm 14.10.2014 Life After Beth (DVD + Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124361 Editions, War 2005 144min. UltraViolet) Dane DeHaan, Aubrey Plaza, Anna

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Kendrick, Cheryl Hines, Paul Reiser, Molly 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124427 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124251 Shannon, John C. Reilly - Dir. Jeff Baena Zach (DeHaan) is devastated after his girlfriend Beth (Plaza) Locked In (DVD + UltraViolet) Love Will Find A Way dies unexpectedly. After Beth suddenly and mysteriously returns to life, Zach is overjoyed to have the second chance Ben Barnes, Sarah Roemer, Eliza Dushku, Vanessa Simmons, Jason Weaver, Carl to prove his love for her. But when Beth starts developing Johnny Whitworth - Dir. Suri Krishnamma Payne, Shanti Lowry, Christian Keyes, some bizarre tendencies - including a rather disturbing taste A suspicious car accident leaves Joshua (Ben Barnes) and Gabrielle Dennis - Dir. Drew Powell for flesh - Zach has to confront facts. Can love survive among Emma’s (Sarah Roemer) daughter in a coma. Josh’s word the living dead? Find out in this hilariously funny zom- com. unravels when Emma blames him for the accident and becomes Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies Comedy, Horror, Movies, Romance, more angry upon discovering he had an affair with an office 2014 88min. Zombies 2014 91min. colleague (Eliza Dushku). Ostrasized from his wife and family E1 Entertainment 02.09.2014 and helpless in the face of his daughter’s condition, Josh Lionsgate 21.10.2014 sinks into a deep depression. When Josh begins to receive 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124525 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124396 mysterious signs from his comatose daughter providing clues to the true cause of the accident, is his daughter really Lovejoy: Series 2 communicating telepathically or is he going mad? Life And Times Of Grizzly Adams: Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Mental Chris Jury, Phyllis Logan, Dudley Sutton, Once Upon A Starry Night Illness, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 84min. Caroline Langrishe, Ian McShane Ken Curtis, Denver Pyle, Dan Haggerty Lionsgate 14.10.2014 British, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Adventure, Animals & Nature, Based-On-A- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124212 International TV, Television min. True-Story, Classics, Family, Television, Acorn Media 02.09.2014 Western, Wilderness 1978 min. A Long Way Down 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124092 Shout Factory 07.10.2014 Imogen Poots, Aaron Paul, Rosamund Pike, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124504 Sam Neill, Toni Collette, Pierce Brosnan - Luchadoras VS. El Robot Asesino, Dir. Pascal Chaumeil Las Lifetime Holiday Triple Feature Four suicidal strangers find support in the last place they Hector Lechuga, Malu Reyes, Carlos ever expected to in this emotionally charged comedy-drama Melanie Brown, Will Kemp, Brian McKnight, based on the novel by Nick Hornby. It’s New Year’s Eve in Agosti, Joaquin Cordero, Regina Torne - Shiri Appleby, , Dolly London, and disgraced television personality Martin (Pierce Dir. Rene Cardona Parton, Lindy Booth, Robin Dunne, Casper Brosnan) is about to take a flying leap off of Topper’s Tower A lady wrestler and her boyfriend, a policeman, battle a mad when he’s interrupted by Maureen (Toni Collette), a lonely scientist who has developed a murderous killer robot and Van Dien, Judd Nelson single mother who’s reached the end of her rope. Meanwhile, uses it to kidnap wealthy people. Good tidings we bring to you and your TV with the Lifetime as the pair realize their suicide plans have overlapped, onto Cops, Foreign, Horror, Kidnapping, Killer Holiday Triple Feature on DVD. A Country Christmas Story the rooftop dashes Jess (Imogen Poots), a rebellious teen tells the tale of a young Appalachian mountain girl who defies with nothing left to live for. Just when it seems this despairing Technology, Mad Scientists & Deadly her mother to pursue her dream of becoming a country music group can’t possibly get any bigger, rocker-turned-pizza Doctors, Mexican, Movies, Robots / star. In Trees Of Christmas, a local librarian delivery driver J.J. (Aaron Paul) shows up with a fresh pie Androids, Science Fiction, Thrillers, rallies her neighbors with a tree-decorating contest in order and a death wish. Rather than taking the plunge together, the to save her library from a real estate developer’s plans of unlikely foursome decide to put their plans off until Wrestling & Fighting 1969 80min. demolition. In Kristin’s Christmas Past, a sassy young woman Valentine’s Day — sticking together and supporting one VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 14.10.2014 who is estranged from her family goes to sleep alone on another in the interim. Later, as their friendship deepens, their 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124529 Christmas Eve and wakes up Christmas morning 1996 only to unusual pact stirs a media firestorm. Sam Neill and Rosamund relive the worst Christmas of her life. Luckily, this time she’s Pike co-star. able to change not only her imperfect past, but also her less- Lucky In Love than-perfect future. Drama, Movies min. Christmas, Country Music, Family, Fantasy, Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.09.2014 Benjamin Hollingsworth, Deidre Hall, Holidays, Movies, Music, Time Travel, Triple 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124217 Jessica Szohr, Julia Benson, Peter Benson, Feature, TV Movies 288min. Ryan Kennedy - Dir. Kevin Fair A Long Way Down (Blu-ray) Mira Simon has a definite idea of what her fantasy life entails: Lionsgate 04.11.2014 the perfect job, the perfect house and the perfect man. After a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124426 Imogen Poots, Aaron Paul, Rosamund Pike, few innocent April Fool’s jokes, Mira’s dream life starts Sam Neill, Toni Collette, Pierce Brosnan - becoming a reality, and she soon realizes living her fantasy Line Of Duty: Series Two Dir. Pascal Chaumeil may not be all that it’s cracked up to be. Four suicidal strangers find support in the last place they Movies, Romance, TV Movies 2014 87min. Craig Parkinson, Vicky McClure, Neil ever expected to in this emotionally charged comedy-drama Cinedigm 26.08.2014 Morrissey, Martin Compston, Kate Ashfield, based on the novel by Nick Hornby. It’s New Year’s Eve in 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124274 Brian McCardie, Lennie James, Owen London, and disgraced television personality Martin (Pierce Teale, Paul Higgins, Gina McKee, Adrian Brosnan) is about to take a flying leap off of Topper’s Tower when he’s interrupted by Maureen (Toni Collette), a lonely Macbeth: The Criterion Collection Dunbar - Dir. Douglas MacKinnon, David single mother who’s reached the end of her rope. Meanwhile, William Shakespeare’s immortal play about a Scottish warrior Caffrey as the pair realize their suicide plans have overlapped, onto (Jon Finch) whose wife’s lust for power transforms him into British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, the rooftop dashes Jess (Imogen Poots), a rebellious teen inhuman monster is given it’s rawest, most brutal screen with nothing left to live for. Just when it seems this despairing treatment in this version by Roman Polanski (Rosemary’s Foreign, International TV, Television min. group can’t possibly get any bigger, rocker-turned-pizza Baby, Chinatown). Filmed in suitably bleak locales and Acorn Media 02.09.2014 delivery driver J.J. (Aaron Paul) shows up with a fresh pie imbued with nudity not usually seen in the works of Shake- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124091 and a death wish. Rather than taking the plunge together, the speare—along with realistically gory murders—this Macbeth unlikely foursome decide to put their plans off until is singular and sensational, but is not for the young or faint of Valentine’s Day — sticking together and supporting one heart. Little House On The Prairie: A another in the interim. Later, as their friendship deepens, their unusual pact stirs a media firestorm. Sam Neill and Rosamund Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Merry Ingalls Christmas (DVD + Pike co-star. Movies, Thrillers 1971 min. UltraViolet) Drama, Movies min. Criterion 23.09.2014 Magnolia Home Entertainment 09.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124305 Kevin Hagen, Jonathan Gilbert, Richard 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124191 Bull, Alison Arngrim, Jason Bateman, , Melissa Sue Anderson, Melissa Macbeth: The Criterion Collection Gilbert, Karen Grassle, Michael Landon - Love Finds You In Sugarcreek (Blu-ray) Dir. Michael Landon, Lewis Allen, Victor Nicole Badaan, Sarah Lancaster, Tom William Shakespeare’s immortal play about a Scottish warrior Everett Scott - Dir. Terry Cunningham (Jon Finch) whose wife’s lust for power transforms him into French, Leo Penn, William F. Claxton inhuman monster is given it’s rawest, most brutal screen Celebrate the holidays with two classic Little House specials, Based on the novel from the bestselling Love Finds You book series, this powerful love story is filled with inspiring life treatment in this version by Roman Polanski (Rosemary’s restored to original broadcast length and remastered for Baby, Chinatown). Filmed in suitably bleak locales and superior picture and sound. In Christmas at Plum Creek, the lessons about faith, trust and first impressions. In the quaint town of Sugarcreek, Ohio, policewoman Rachel Troyer (Sarah imbued with nudity not usually seen in the works of Shake- members of the Ingalls family share a heartwarming first speare—along with realistically gory murders—this Macbeth Christmas in their new home, and Laura makes a personal Lancaster) is fiercely protective of her three Amish aunts. When a penniless stranger named Joe (Tom Everett Scott) is singular and sensational, but is not for the young or faint of sacrifice that captures the meaning of the holidays. In A heart. Christmas They Never Forget, the family waits out a shows up with his five-year-old son, the aunts insist on snowstorm by remembering favorite Christmases from the helping them. But Rachel has immediate suspicions and Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies, Thril- past. devotes herself to investigating Joe’s secretive past, even as lers 1971 min. Adventure, Christmas, Classics, Double she finds herself falling for him. Criterion 23.09.2014 20th Century Fox, Family, Movies, Mystery, Features, Drama, Family, History & Events, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124325 Romance, TV Movies 2014 100min. Holidays, Television, TV Movies 95min. 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 Lionsgate 04.11.2014 : The Final Season -

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Part 1 (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- Fanning, Imelda Staunton, Lesley Manville, Interest, Television, TV Movies 2011 min. ray) Michael Higgins, Angelina Jolie, Kenneth Discovery Channel 07.10.2014 Cranham 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124505 , , Christina Maleficent explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic Hendricks, , Kevin Rahm, Ben villain from the classic Sleeping Beauty and the elements of Feldman, , Jay R. Ferguson, her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. Meteor Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors Natalie Wood, Martin Landau, Sean John Slattery, , Vincent over which she presides, Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) cruelly Kartheiser, - Dir. Barbet places an irrevocable curse upon the human king’s newborn Connery, - Dir. Ronald Neame Schroeder, Daisy Von Scherler Mayer, Phil infant Aurora. As the child grows, Aurora is caught in the A five mile wide meteor is a week away from collision with middle of the seething conflict between the forest kingdom she Earth. Good cast in a sci-fi blockbuster. Academy Award Abraham, Matthew Weiner, Lesli Linka Glat- has grown to love and the human kingdom that holds her Nominations: Best Sound. ter legacy. Maleficent realizes that Aurora may hold the key to Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Movies, Mad Men: The Final Season - Part 1, is the beginning of the peace in the land and is forced to take drastic actions that Science Fiction, Thrillers 1979 110min. end for television’s most celebrated show - four-time will change both worlds forever. Kino Video 16.09.2014 Primetime Emmy winner for Outstanding Drama Series and Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Disney, Fairy winner of three consecutive Golden Globes. Set in the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124295 captivating world of 1960s New York, Mad Men continues to Tales, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Revenge, follow iconic ad man Don Draper (Golden Globe winner Jon Romance 2014 96min. Hamm), his colleagues and his family. Disney / Buena Vista 04.11.2014 Meteor (Blu-ray) AMC, Blu-ray, Drama, Historical / Period 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124265 Natalie Wood, Martin Landau, Sean Piece, On The Job, Television 336min. Connery, Henry Fonda - Dir. Ronald Neame Lionsgate 21.10.2014 Martial Arts Movie Marathon Vol. A five mile wide meteor is a week away from collision with 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124352 Earth. Good cast in a sci-fi blockbuster. Academy Award 2 Nominations: Best Sound. Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Action, Classics, Drama, Martial Arts, Mad Men: The Final Season - Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 1979 Movies min. 110min. Part 1 (DVD + UltraViolet) Shout Factory 19.08.2014 Kino Video 16.09.2014 Rich Sommer, Michael Gladis, Christina 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124438 Hendricks, Jon Hamm, Kevin Rahm, Ben 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124316 Feldman, January Jones, Jay R. Ferguson, : Eternals Midsomer Murders: Series 10 John Slattery, Elisabeth Moss, Vincent Best-selling author Neil Gaiman and superstar artist John Kartheiser, Kiernan Shipka - Dir. Barbet Romita Jr bring you the extraordinary tale of Ike Harris, a British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Schroeder, Daisy Von Scherler Mayer, Phil man who dreams of adventures love affairs and betrayals. But Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television min. no-one involved remembers or believes him, and someone is Abraham, Matthew Weiner, Lesli Linka Glat- trying to kill him to keep him from talking. Acorn Media 02.09.2014 ter Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124093 Mad Men: The Final Season - Part 1, is the beginning of the end for television’s most celebrated show - four-time Movies, Superheroes, Thrillers min. Primetime Emmy winner for Outstanding Drama Series and Shout Factory 16.09.2014 Midsomer Murders: Series 11 winner of three consecutive Golden Globes. Set in the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124126 British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, captivating world of 1960s New York, Mad Men continues to follow iconic ad man Don Draper (Golden Globe winner Jon Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television min. Hamm), his colleagues and his family. The Marx Brothers: TV Collection Acorn Media 02.09.2014 AMC, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, On Classics, Comedy, Television min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124094 The Job, Television 336min. Shout Factory 12.08.2014 Lionsgate 21.10.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124378 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124336 Green With Evil The Men From Shiloh: The Action, Adventure, Children’s, Family, Mai Lin VS Serena / Oriental Ha- Complete Series Fantasy, Giant Robots, High School, Martial waii James Drury, Doug McClure, Clu Gulager, Arts, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, John Leslie Lee J. Cobb Television min. Classics, Erotica, Hawaiian, Movies, This pack culls all 24 episodes from the farewell season of Shout Factory 23.09.2014 Softcore 160min. The Virginian, the ninety-minute western series based on the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124489 CAV 09.09.2014 turn of the century novel by Owen Wister. Classics, Cult Film / TV, Television, We- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124242 stern min. Mike & Molly: The Complete Shout Factory 26.08.2014 Fourth Season Maleficent tba BestellNr.: 40124441 Billy Gardell, Katy Mixon, Nyambi Nyambi, Brenton Thwaites, Ella Purnell, Sharlto Melissa McCarthy, Reno Wilson, Swoosie Copley, Juno Temple, Sam Riley, Elle The Mentalist: The Complete Kurtz Fanning, Imelda Staunton, Lesley Manville, Sixth Season CBS, Comedy, Romance, Television min. Michael Higgins, Angelina Jolie, Kenneth Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 Owain Yeoman, Amanda Righetti, Tim Kang, Cranham 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124381 Maleficent explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic Simon Baker, Robin Tunney villain from the classic Sleeping Beauty and the elements of CBS, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. A Million Ways To Die In The Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors Serial Killers, Television, Thrillers min. over which she presides, Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) cruelly Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 West places an irrevocable curse upon the human king’s newborn 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124380 Amanda Seyfried, Seth MacFarlane, infant Aurora. As the child grows, Aurora is caught in the middle of the seething conflict between the forest kingdom she Giovanni Ribisi, Charlize Theron, Liam has grown to love and the human kingdom that holds her Mermaids: The Body Found Neeson - Dir. Seth MacFarlane legacy. Maleficent realizes that Aurora may hold the key to In 2004, when marine biologist Dr Brian McCormick (Sean C. Seth MacFarlane plays a hapless farmhand in the Old West peace in the land and is forced to take drastic actions that Michael) stumbled across a recording of mysterious who loses his girl when he ducks out of a fight, only to be will change both worlds forever. underwater sounds, he launched a scientific investigation to taught how to shoot by the wife of an infamous gunfighter in Action, Adventure, Disney, Fairy Tales, uncover the creature responsible. In search of conclusive this Media Rights Capitol Western comedy. The setting is Family, Fantasy, Movies, Revenge, proof, he and his research team are called out to an unusual Arizona, circa 1882. In the wake of talking his way out of a whale stranding in South Africa. Here they find the part showdown in the streets of Old Stump, cowardly sheepherder Romance 2014 96min. digested remains of an animal none of them can identify. As Albert (MacFarlane) is unceremoniously dumped by his Disney / Buena Vista 04.11.2014 each of its body parts is autopsied, they provide new pieces beloved girlfriend Louise (Amanda Seyfried). Meanwhile, on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124252 of the puzzle. As the picture builds, McCormick is drawn to the outskirts of town, notorious outlaw Clinch (Liam Neeson) an astonishing conclusion: this new marine creature is related prepares for a big holdup, instructing his wife Anna (Charlize to humans. This two-hour special combines beautiful CGI Theron) and sidekick Lewis (Evan Jones) to pose as a pair of Maleficent (Blu-ray + DVD + animation, real natural history, a thrilling contemporary sibling farmers in Old Stump and await his return. When conspiracy theory and a race against time to unveil an ancient Lewis starts a bar brawl, Albert instinctively gets Anna out of UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) secret before it’s too late. harm’s way and a friendship begins to blossom. Later, Anna poses as Albert’s girlfriend at a fair in order to make Louise Brenton Thwaites, Ella Purnell, Sharlto Animals & Nature, Educational, jealous, but it all goes awry when Albert and Louise’s new Copley, Juno Temple, Sam Riley, Elle Mockumentary, Myths & Legends, Special beau Foy (Neal Patrick Harris), the owner of the local

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 75 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 76 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

‘Moustachery,’ end up challenging one another to draw in wanted Muppet movie ever! Starz / Anchor Bay 07.10.2014 front of the entire town. Now there’s only one problem: Adventure, Blu-ray, Children’s, Comedy, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124127 Comedy, Movies, Western min. Crime, Disney, Family, Movies, Muppets, Universal Studios 07.10.2014 Musical 2014 107min. My Gal Sunday 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124299 Disney / Buena Vista 12.08.2014 Jack Wagner, Cameron Mathison, Rachel 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124245 A Million Ways To Die In The Blanchard, Aaron Pearl - Dir. Kristoffer Tabori West (Blu-ray) MurderDrome A newlywed couple proves their crime-solving prowess when Amanda Seyfried, Seth MacFarlane, Action, Horror, Movies, Sports 2014 min. their political ties and successful private-eye business suddenly put them in grave danger. When their parents are Giovanni Ribisi, Charlize Theron, Liam E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 taken hostage by a vengeful kidnapper looking for justice for Neeson - Dir. Seth MacFarlane 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124532 the wrongful murder conviction of his brother, the duo must Seth MacFarlane plays a hapless farmhand in the Old West work together to uncover the clues that will save their who loses his girl when he ducks out of a fight, only to be parents’ lives - and put their own on the line. taught how to shoot by the wife of an infamous gunfighter in My Darling Clementine: The Detectives, Family, Movies, Mystery, TV this Media Rights Capitol Western comedy. The setting is Criterion Collection Arizona, circa 1882. In the wake of talking his way out of a Movies 2013 80min. showdown in the streets of Old Stump, cowardly sheepherder J. Farrell MacDonald, Jane Darwell, Cathy Cinedigm 26.08.2014 Albert (MacFarlane) is unceremoniously dumped by his Downs, Grant Withers, Tim Holt, Victor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124273 beloved girlfriend Louise (Amanda Seyfried). Meanwhile, on the outskirts of town, notorious outlaw Clinch (Liam Neeson) Mature, Alan Mowbray, Walter Brennan, prepares for a big holdup, instructing his wife Anna (Charlize Ward Bond, John Ireland, Henry Fonda, My Mother’s Future Husband Theron) and sidekick Lewis (Evan Jones) to pose as a pair of Russell Simpson, Roy Roberts, Linda sibling farmers in Old Stump and await his return. When Lea Thompson Lewis starts a bar brawl, Albert instinctively gets Anna out of Darnell - Dir. John Ford Family, Movies, TV Movies 2014 min. harm’s way and a friendship begins to blossom. Later, Anna John Ford takes on the legend of the O.K. Corral shoot-out in E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 poses as Albert’s girlfriend at a fair in order to make Louise this multilayered, exceptionally well-constructed western, one jealous, but it all goes awry when Albert and Louise’s new of the director’s very best films. Henry Fonda cuts an iconic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124534 beau Foy (Neal Patrick Harris), the owner of the local figure as Wyatt Earp, the sturdy lawman who sets about the ‘Moustachery,’ end up challenging one another to draw in task of shaping up the disorderly Arizona town of Tombstone, NBC Western TV Legends front of the entire town. Now there’s only one problem: and Victor Mature gives the performance of his career as the boozy, tubercular gambler and gunman Doc Holliday. Though NBC, Spaghetti Westerns, Special Interest, Comedy, Movies, Western min. initially at cross-purposes, the pair ultimately team up to Universal Studios 07.10.2014 confront the violent Clanton gang. Affecting and stunningly Television, Western min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124320 photographed, My Darling Clementine is a story of the triumph Shout Factory 07.10.2014 of civilization over the Wild West from American cinema’s 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124506 consummate mythmaker. Mr. And Mrs. North Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Barbara Britton, Richard Denning, Francis Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Nekromantik De Sales Revenge, Western 1946 97min. Beatrice Manowski, Bernd Daktari Lorenz, As a forerunner to McMillan & Wife and Hart to Hart, Mr. & Criterion 14.10.2014 Harald Lundt - Dir. Jorg Buttgereit Mrs. North features the sophisticated husband and wife team The controversial horror film that shocked the world in 1987, of Jerry and Pamela North from Greenwich Village, who work 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124385 when it was banned in Germany, censored in Japan and to investigate various crimes and solve them before the police simultaneously became a huge underground hit in the US (now do. Jerry (Richard Denning), a mystery magazine publisher, My Darling Clementine: The long out of print.) Nekromantik tells the story of Rob (Daktari and Pamela (Barbara Britton), who maintains the more aggres- Lorenz) who works at a street-cleaning Agency, who visits sive lead to Denning’s reluctant follower, are also amateur Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) roadside accidents to clean up the scene. Incidentally Rob sleuths. And like the aforementioned shows, while crime and collects the body parts and shares them with his girlfriend murder are being solved, a touch of humor always permeates J. Farrell MacDonald, Jane Darwell, Cathy Betty (Beatrice M.) When Rob presents a complete corpse the proceedings. Mr. & Mrs. North was produced by John W. Downs, Grant Withers, Tim Holt, Victor taken out of a swamp, their undying love reaches its peak, but Loveton and seen on CBS from 1952 to 1953 and on NBC in Mature, Alan Mowbray, Walter Brennan, soon after Betty gets a more liking towards the corpse and 1954. Ward Bond, John Ireland, Henry Fonda, leaves Rob, which takes him to the sick end of his CBS, Classics, Film Noir, Mystery, NBC, destruction. Cult Epics is proud to release Jorg Buttgereit’s Russell Simpson, Roy Roberts, Linda Television, Thrillers, TV Movies 1952 horror classic in High Definition and with new extras, Darnell - Dir. John Ford including Jorg’s debut Hot Love. 1300min. John Ford takes on the legend of the O.K. Corral shoot-out in Classics, Cult Film / TV, Epics, Erotica, Film Chest Media Group 19.08.2014 this multilayered, exceptionally well-constructed western, one Foreign, German, Horror, Movies, Special tba BestellNr.: 40124466 of the director’s very best films. Henry Fonda cuts an iconic figure as Wyatt Earp, the sturdy lawman who sets about the Editions, Thrillers 1987 75min. task of shaping up the disorderly Arizona town of Tombstone, CAV 07.10.2014 Las Mujeres Panteras and Victor Mature gives the performance of his career as the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124335 boozy, tubercular gambler and gunman Doc Holliday. Though Ariadna Welter, Manuel Valdes, Yolanda initially at cross-purposes, the pair ultimately team up to Montes, Maria Douglas, Eric Del Castillo, confront the violent Clanton gang. Affecting and stunningly Nekromantik (Blu-ray) Elizabeth Campbell - Dir. Rene Cardona photographed, My Darling Clementine is a story of the triumph of civilization over the Wild West from American cinema’s Beatrice Manowski, Bernd Daktari Lorenz, Action, Classics, Foreign, Horror, Latin, consummate mythmaker. Harald Lundt - Dir. Jorg Buttgereit Movies, Science Fiction, Spanish, Thrillers Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, The controversial horror film that shocked the world in 1987, 1967 87min. when it was banned in Germany, censored in Japan and Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, simultaneously became a huge underground hit in the US (now VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 16.09.2014 Revenge, Special Editions, Western 1946 long out of print.) Nekromantik tells the story of Rob (Daktari 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124459 97min. Lorenz) who works at a street-cleaning Agency, who visits roadside accidents to clean up the scene. Incidentally Rob Criterion 14.10.2014 collects the body parts and shares them with his girlfriend (Blu-ray + 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124410 Betty (Beatrice M.) When Rob presents a complete corpse DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) taken out of a swamp, their undying love reaches its peak, but soon after Betty gets a more liking towards the corpse and Ty Burrell, , Tina Fey, Ricky My Dog The Champion leaves Rob, which takes him to the sick end of his Gervais, , , Peter Dora Madison Burge, Cody Linley, Lance destruction. Cult Epics is proud to release Jorg Buttgereit’s horror classic in High Definition and with new extras, Linz, , - Dir. Henriksen including Jorg’s debut short film Hot Love. James Bobin Dora Madison Burge of Friday Night Lights stars as Madison, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Epics, Erotica, Two frogs! One pig! Intrigue! Music! Mayhem! Muppets! a spoiled big city 16-year-old with a full teenage social life. There’s plenty of fun for the whole family as , But when her mom is deployed overseas for three months, Foreign, German, Horror, Movies, Thrillers , Animal and the entire Muppets gang head out on a Maddy is sent to live with her hard-nosed grandfather (Lance 1987 75min. world tour. But mayhem follows , as they find Henriksen of Aliens) at his rural cattle ranch. In this strange CAV 07.10.2014 themselves unwittingly entangled in an international crime place with no Wi-Fi, Maddy will meet cute 17-year-old dog caper. Now Kermit is behind bars at the mercy of prison trainer Eli (Cody Linley of and Cheaper By 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124351 warden Nadya (Tina Fey), and the World’s Number One The Dozen), grow to love and respect her stubborn grandpa, Criminal, Constantine - a dead ringer for Kermit - has taken and bond with an old cattle dog who just may have the The Normal Heart (Blu-ray) his place! As Constantine and his dastardly sidekick Dominic potential to be a blue ribbon champion. Bonding through their (Ricky Gervais) plot the robbery of the century, they are mutual sense of displacement, the two outcasts from a special Matt Bomer, Taylor Kitsch, Jim Parsons, pursued by Sam Eagle and Interpol agent Jean Pierre Napole- bond in this heartwarming story about the meaning of family, Mark Ruffalo, Julia Roberts, Alfred Molina - on (Ty Burrell). Will Constantine get away with his nefarious the courage of outcasts, and the promise of new beginnings. scheme? Will Kermit escape in time to save the day? Packed Animals & Nature, Family, Friendships, Dir. with dozens of guest cameos and some great new songs, Movies, Romance 2013 87min. This HBO Films drama tells the dramatic, poignant and often- Disney’s Muppets Most Wanted is the most hilarious, most exasperating story of the early days of the HIV-AIDS crisis in

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

New York City in the early 1980s, taking an unflinching look Julius Feldmeier - Dir. Katrin Gebbe One of the world’s most popular musicals and Winner of two at the nation’s sexual politics as gay activists and their allies The young Tore seeks in Hamburg a new life among the 1955 Academy Awards for Best Sound Recording and Best in the medical community fight to expose the truth about the religious group called The Jesus Freaks. When he by Scoring of a Musical Picture, Oklahoma! stars Shirley Jones burgeoning epidemic to a city and nation in denial. This film accident meets a family and helps them to repair their car, he as a young prairie woman with two suitors: good-natured boasts an all-star cast, including Oscar nominee Mark believes that a heavenly wonder has helped him. He starts a Curly (Gordon MacRae) and the hired hand, Jud (Rod Stei- Ruffalo, Oscar winner Julia Roberts, Matt Bomer, Taylor friendship with the father of the family, Benno. Soon he moves ger). Kitsch, Alfred Molina and three time Emmy winner Jim in with them at their garden plot, not knowing what cruelty is Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Parsons. The Normal Heart is directed by Emmy winner Ryan there to come. True to his religious belief he stays with them Classics, Cowboy, Movies, Musical, Murphy and written by Oscar nominee Larry Kramer, adapting although the increasing violence by Benno is torturing him. his groundbreaking, Tony Award-winning play of the same Tore is fighting the torment with his own weapons. So a Romance, Western 1955 148min. name. dangerous struggle between libidinous actions and altruism 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 AIDS, Blu-ray, Drama, Gay / Lesbian begins. Inspired by true events. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124261 Interest, HBO, Health, Movies, Politics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Foreign, Science, TV Movies 128min. Friendships, German, Movies, Religion/ Once Upon A Time In America: HBO Home Video 26.08.2014 Spirituality, Thrillers, Torture 2013 110min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124074 New Line Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124536 Robert De Niro, Tuesday Weld, Elizabeth Chuck Norris Double Feature: McGovern, Jennifer Connelly, Danny Aiello, Nothing Bad Can Happen (Blu- Treat Williams, James Woods, Burt Young, Good Guys Wear Black / A Force Joe Pesci - Dir. Sergio Leone Of One ray) Robert De Niro and James Woods play lifelong Lower East Sascha Alexander Gersak, Anika Kuhl, Side pals whose wary partnership unravels in death and Lloyd Haynes, James Whitmore Jr., Chuck mystery. Strong support comes from Tuesday Weld, Joe Pesci, Norris, Clu Gulager, Anne Archer, Dana Julius Feldmeier - Dir. Katrin Gebbe Jennifer Connelly, Elizabeth McGovern and the young actors Andrews, Jim Backus, Clint Ritchie, Eric The young Tore seeks in Hamburg a new life among the playing the central characters as ghetto kids. To see this film religious group called The Jesus Freaks. When he by is „to be swept away by the assurance and vitality of a great Laneuville, , Bill Wallace accident meets a family and helps them to repair their car, he director making his final statement in a medium he adored“ - Dir. Ted Post, Paul Aaron believes that a heavenly wonder has helped him. He starts a (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times). friendship with the father of the family, Benno. Soon he moves Action, Army, Assassins & Hitmen, in with them at their garden plot, not knowing what cruelty is Crime, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Classics, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Double there to come. True to his religious belief he stays with them Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies Features, Drama, Martial Arts, Movies, although the increasing violence by Benno is torturing him. 269min. Tore is fighting the torment with his own weapons. So a Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, Viet- dangerous struggle between libidinous actions and altruism Warner Bros. 30.09.2014 nam War, War min. begins. Inspired by true events. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124415 Gaiam Americas 14.10.2014 Blu-ray, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124518 Foreign, Friendships, German, Movies, Once Upon A Time In Queens Religion/Spirituality, Thrillers, Torture 2013 (DVD + UltraViolet) 110min. Chuck Norris Total Attack Pack William DePaolo, Roberta Wallach, Andrea New Line Home Entertainment 14.10.2014 Bert Remsen, Joey Bishop, David Tress, Navedo, Johnny Williams, Paul Sorvino, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124543 Lenore Kasdorf, M. Emmet Walsh, Chuck Hassan Johnson, Michael Rapaport, Steven Norris, Barbara Carrera, Lee Marvin, Henry Bauer, Chazz Palminteri Silva, David Carradine, Martin Balsam, Mike NYPD Blue: Season 7 After spending 20 years in federal prison for myriad crimes, Genovese - Dir. Andrew Davis, Joseph ABC, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Tele- ailing mafia boss Joseph „Mr. Joe“ Scoleri is released with a strict requirement not to interact with his old contacts in the Zito, Menahem Golan, Steve Carver vision 1999 min. mafia - and to ensure this, an FBI tail follows him. He quickly Martial artist. Hollywood icon. Toughest man in the world. Shout Factory 30.09.2014 realizes that while the world around him may have changed, The facts are in: Chuck Norris has achieved international cult the habits of a mafia boss die hard. status - both on television and the big screen - as an 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124227 unstoppable hero whose relentless pursuit of justice knows Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mobsters & no bounds. This action-packed film collection includes his Obvious Child (Blu-ray + The Mafia, Movies, Prison 100min. most powerful performances and deserves (actually, it Lionsgate 11.11.2014 demands) a place in every movie fan’s library. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124395 Action, Adventure, Army, Classics, Cops, Jenny Slate, David Cross, Gaby Hoffmann Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Drugs & Dea- Donna Stern (Jenny Slate) is a Brooklyn comedian who gets lers, Gangs, Kidnapping, Martial Arts, Mili- heartlessly „dumped up with“ by her two-timing boyfriend. Palo Alto While trying to drown her troubles at the stand-up comedy Olivia Crocicchia, Emma Roberts, James tary, Movies, Prison, Romance, Terrorism, club, she has a drunken one night stand with a cute young Thrillers, War, Western min. professional named Max - who’s not even remotely her type - Franco, Val Kilmer - Dir. Gia Coppola MGM / UA 07.10.2014 to end up pregnant. Donna has to do what is expected of a Gia Coppola makes her feature directorial debut with this „responsible adult“ - just in time for the best/worst Valentine’s drama adapted from a series of short stories by James Fran- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124342 Day of her life. co, who stars as a soccer coach in the titular California town where bored teens begin to stir up trouble. April (Emma Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 83min. Roberts) is a virtuous soccer star whose impressive Chuck Norris Total Attack Pack Lionsgate 07.10.2014 athleticism masks a deep-rooted timidity. Admired from afar by (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124139 sensitive artist Teddy (Jack Kilmer), April earns some extra cash babysitting for her single coach Mr. B. (Franco), whose Bert Remsen, Joey Bishop, David Tress, affection for his star player leads the pair into a risky affair. Lenore Kasdorf, M. Emmet Walsh, Chuck Obvious Child (DVD + UltraViolet) Meanwhile, Teddy continues to perform community service as the result of a DUI he received while stirring up trouble with Norris, Barbara Carrera, Lee Marvin, Henry Jenny Slate, David Cross, Gaby Hoffmann his unpredictable friend Fred (Nat Wolff), whose seduction of Silva, David Carradine, Martin Balsam, Mike Donna Stern (Jenny Slate) is a Brooklyn comedian who gets promiscuous outsider Emile (Zoe Levin) begins to turn volatile Genovese - Dir. Andrew Davis, Joseph heartlessly „dumped up with“ by her two-timing boyfriend. as April gradually starts to respond to the affections of her While trying to drown her troubles at the stand-up comedy not-so-secret admirer. Val Kilmer, Claudia Levy, and Chris Zito, Menahem Golan, Steve Carver club, she has a drunken one night stand with a cute young Messina co-star. Martial artist. Hollywood icon. Toughest man in the world. professional named Max - who’s not even remotely her type - The facts are in: Chuck Norris has achieved international cult to end up pregnant. Donna has to do what is expected of a Drama, Movies 2013 100min. status - both on television and the big screen - as an „responsible adult“ - just in time for the best/worst Valentine’s Peace Arch Entertainment 09.09.2014 unstoppable hero whose relentless pursuit of justice knows Day of her life. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124109 no bounds. This action-packed film collection includes his Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 83min. most powerful performances and deserves (actually, it Lionsgate 07.10.2014 demands) a place in every movie fan’s library. The Party 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124096 Action, Adventure, Army, Blu-ray, Classics, Buddy Lester, Gavin MacLeod, Marge Cops, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Drugs Champion, Carol Wayne, Denny Miller, Peter & Dealers, Gangs, Kidnapping, Martial Arts, Oklahoma! (Blu-ray + DVD + Sellers - Dir. Blake Edwards Military, Movies, Prison, Romance, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) In one of their few non-Clouseau efforts, Blake Edwards and Terrorism, Thrillers, War, Western min. Peter Sellers preserve the spirit of the French bumbler in the Roy Barcroft, Barbara Lawrence, Eddie person of Hrundi V. Bakshi, an accident-prone Indian actor. MGM / UA 07.10.2014 Albert, Charlotte Greenwood, Gene Nelson, Brought to Hollywood to play the title role in Son Of Gunga 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124356 Gordon MacRae, Gloria Grahame, Jay C. Din, Bakshi destroys the film’s most elaborate set with his bungling and is banned from the set by Edward Clutterbuck Flippen, Rod Steiger, Shirley Jones, James (J. Edward McKinley), the film’s producer. But because of an Nothing Bad Can Happen Whitmore, James Mitchell - Dir. Fred Zinne- error by the producer’s secretary, Bakshi’s name is added to Sascha Alexander Gersak, Anika Kuhl, mann the guest list of his next party, an A-list affair. Shortly after

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 78 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA arriving, Bakshi begins accidentally dismantling Clutterbuck’s Ruthless Reporter / The Case Of 68min. carefully staged event, destroying a flower bed, knocking a Lionsgate 18.11.2014 servant through a bay window, and triggering the lawn The Maligned Mobster sprinklers, soaking the producer’s pretentious guests. When 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124481 the producer’s daughter, Molly (Kathe Green), and a group of William Moses, Barbara Hale, Raymond her friends arrive with a Day-Glo-painted elephant, Baskhi is Burr shocked by the sacrilege and insists on washing the CBS, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Vincent Prince Collection II (Blu- pachyderm in one of the house’s indoor pools. As the other ray) guests begin to join in the fun, pandemonium erupts. Sellers is Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Televi- typically brilliant in a film abound sion 188min. Brett Halsey, Elizabeth Shepherd, Carol Comedy, Movies 1968 99min. Paramount Pictures 04.11.2014 Ohmart, Peter Lorre, Vincent Price, Boris Kino Video 16.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124255 Karloff - Dir. Roger Corman, William Castle, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124292 Robert Fuest, Sidney Salkow, Jacques Perry Mason: The Case Of The Tourneur, Edward Bernds The Party (Blu-ray) Silenced Singer / The Case Of Classics, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, End Of The World, Fantasy, Ghosts, Buddy Lester, Gavin MacLeod, Marge The Defiant Daughter Champion, Carol Wayne, Denny Miller, Peter Haunted Houses, Horror, Killer Viruses, William Moses, Barbara Hale, Raymond Sellers - Dir. Blake Edwards Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Magic, In one of their few non-Clouseau efforts, Blake Edwards and Burr Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction, Peter Sellers preserve the spirit of the French bumbler in the CBS, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers min. person of Hrundi V. Bakshi, an accident-prone Indian actor. Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Televi- Brought to Hollywood to play the title role in Son Of Gunga Gaiam Americas 21.10.2014 Din, Bakshi destroys the film’s most elaborate set with his sion 187min. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124064 bungling and is banned from the set by Edward Clutterbuck Paramount Pictures 04.11.2014 (J. Edward McKinley), the film’s producer. But because of an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124256 error by the producer’s secretary, Bakshi’s name is added to The Prince (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) the guest list of his next party, an A-list affair. Shortly after (Blu-ray) arriving, Bakshi begins accidentally dismantling Clutterbuck’s Phantom Of The Paradise (Blu- carefully staged event, destroying a flower bed, knocking a Gia Mantegna, Jessica Lowndes, 50 Cent, servant through a bay window, and triggering the lawn ray) Jason Patric, John Cusack, Bruce Willis - sprinklers, soaking the producer’s pretentious guests. When Archie Hahn, George Memmoli, Jessica the producer’s daughter, Molly (Kathe Green), and a group of Dir. Brian Miller her friends arrive with a Day-Glo-painted elephant, Baskhi is Harper, William Finley, Gerrit Graham, Paul Bruce Willis, John Cusack and Jason Patric face off in this shocked by the sacrilege and insists on washing the Williams - Dir. Brian De Palma action-packed thriller. A mechanic and a retired assassin with pachyderm in one of the house’s indoor pools. As the other Brian De Palma’s great, overlooked 1970s glitter-rock ties to the underworld is drawn back into the life he gave up guests begin to join in the fun, pandemonium erupts. Sellers is comedy-musical spectacle is a memorable combination of The when his daughter is kidnapped. To rescue her, he must typically brilliant in a film abound Phantom Of The Opera and Faust. Winslow Leach (William confront his former rival. Comedy, Movies 1968 99min. Finley) is a talented young rock composer/janitor whose Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Kid- music is stolen and whose life is destroyed by a ruthless napping, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Kino Video 16.09.2014 record tycoon named Swan (Paul Williams) - who just 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124312 happens to have sold his soul in exchange for rock-n-roll Thrillers 2014 91min. success and eternal youth! The ruined and disfigured Leach Lionsgate 28.10.2014 becomes the Phantom, an imposing leather-clad creature who 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124199 Penny Dreadful: Season One is hell-bent on demolishing Swan as the diabolical music Reeve Carney, Rory Kinnear, Billie Piper, mogul prepares to open his biggest venture yet - a rock-and- roll palace called The Paradise. Eerily prescient in it’s The Prince (DVD + UltraViolet) Eva Green, Josh Hartnett, Timothy Dalton depiction of yet-to-exist musical genres, this stunningly An erotically charged, profoundly unsettling new saga, Penny original and darkly comic rock nightmare features voice over Gia Mantegna, Jessica Lowndes, 50 Cent, Dreadful completely reinvents literature’s most iconic and narration by Rod Serling, and memorable original songs by Jason Patric, John Cusack, Bruce Willis - terrifying characters. Dorian Gray, Victor Frankenstein and the multi-talented Williams. Academy Award Nominations: Dir. Brian Miller timeless figures from Dracula join a core of original Best Original Song Score (Paul Williams/George Aliceson characters in a dark and brutal quest to save a soul - even as Bruce Willis, John Cusack and Jason Patric face off in this Tipton). action-packed thriller. A mechanic and a retired assassin with they grapple with their own monstrous temptations. Classics, Comedy, Devils And Demons, Drama, Horror, Monsters, Showtime, ties to the underworld is drawn back into the life he gave up Drama, Fantasy, Movies, Music, Revenge, when his daughter is kidnapped. To rescue her, he must Supernatural & Paranormal, Television, Thrillers 1974 92min. confront his former rival. Thrillers, Vampires, Werewolves 435min. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Kidnapping, Shout Factory 05.08.2014 Showtime Entertainment 07.10.2014 Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers tba BestellNr.: 40124404 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124115 2014 91min. Lionsgate 28.10.2014 Penny Dreadful: Season One Power Rangers: In Space - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124228 (Blu-ray) Volume Two Action, Adventure, Comedy, Giant Mon- Reeve Carney, Rory Kinnear, Billie Piper, Prisoner Of Paradise sters!, Monsters, Science Fiction, Space, Eva Green, Josh Hartnett, Timothy Dalton Seka An erotically charged, profoundly unsettling new saga, Penny Superheroes, Television, Thrillers 420min. In Bob Chinn’s big budget mix of X rated war epic and Dreadful completely reinvents literature’s most iconic and Shout Factory 07.10.2014 Nazisploitation, John Holmes stars as an American G.I. who terrifying characters. Dorian Gray, Victor Frankenstein and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124507 gets marooned on a tropical island after his ship is bombed. timeless figures from Dracula join a core of original There he discovers a small Nazi outpost which has kidnapped characters in a dark and brutal quest to save a soul - even as a beautiful American nurse. Determined to save her, he slowly they grapple with their own monstrous temptations. Power Rangers: In Space, Vol. 1 begins to infiltrate the Nazi compound. Also starring Seka, in one of her first roles, and beautiful Jade Wong, Prisoner Of Drama, Horror, Monsters, Showtime, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Paradise remains one of director Bob Chinn’s crowning Supernatural & Paranormal, Television, Fiction, Space, Television min. achievements. Thrillers, Vampires, Werewolves 435min. Shout Factory 05.08.2014 Classics, Erotica, Military, Movies, Nurses Showtime Entertainment 07.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124373 & Doctors, Softcore, War, World War II 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124148 1980 156min. Power Rangers: Megaforce Robo CAV 09.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124241 Perry Mason: The Case Of The Knight Before Christmas (DVD + Poisoned Pen / The Case Of The UltraViolet) Desperate Deception Prisoners Of War: Season 2 Andrew Gray Gal Zaid, Assi Cohen, Salim Dau, Yael William Moses, Barbara Hale, Raymond Robo Knight learns the true meaning of Christmas after he is Abecassis, Mili Avital Burr mistaken for a giant donated toy... and shipped to a village in a Drama, Foreign, Mental Illness, Middle CBS, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal faraway land! When the children of the village ask for a Christmas story, Robo Knight recounts his thrilling Eastern, Military, Mystery, Television min. Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Televi- adventures with the Power Rangers - and realizes how the Shout Factory 16.09.2014 sion 188min. Megaforce’s mission of peace and goodwill demonstrates 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124460 Paramount Pictures 04.11.2014 what the Christmas spirit is all about. Action, Adventure, Children’s, Christmas, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124254 Fantasy, Friendships, Giant Robots, The Prophecy Collection Holidays, Robots / Androids, Television Perry Mason: The Case Of The John Light, Dave Buzzotta, Sean Pertwee,

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Jennifer Beals, Vincent Spano, Elias - Dir. John V. Soto 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124527 Koteas, Kari Wuhrer, Jason Scott Lee, Troubled detective Robbie Green (Jonathan LaPaglia) discovers a mysterious video while investigating the roadside Virginia Madsen, Christopher Walken - Dir. execution-style murder of his partner, Jason (Luke Rodgers And Hammerstein’s Gregory Widen, Joel Soisson, Greg Hemsworth). The footage, shot by two teenagers, reveals Cinderella Spence, Patrick Lussier murky details behind the death of a sibling in an unsolved hit Jon Cypher, Dorothy Stickney, Alice Classics, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Horror, and run case. The teens have since gone missing, and as the detective retraces their journey to find them, he quickly Ghostley, Ilka Chase, , Kaye Horror Series, Movies, Mystery, Religion/ uncovers a bloody trail of murder...that leads all the way back Ballard, - Dir. Ralph Nelson Spirituality, Thrillers, War 426min. to him! Biography, Drama, Music, Musical, Televisi- Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Cops, Crime, Detectives, Movies, Murder on 132min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124181 Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 85min. Starz / Anchor Bay 28.10.2014 Shout Factory 09.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124453 The Prophecy Collection (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124132 John Light, Dave Buzzotta, Sean Pertwee, The Rover Jennifer Beals, Vincent Spano, Elias Reclaim (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Robert Pattinson, Guy Pearce - Dir. David Koteas, Kari Wuhrer, Jason Scott Lee, (Blu-ray) Michod Virginia Madsen, Christopher Walken - Dir. , Rachelle Lefevre, Luis Crime, Drama, Movies 2014 min. Gregory Widen, Joel Soisson, Greg Guzman, Ryan Phillippe, John Cusack - Dir. Lionsgate 23.09.2014 Spence, Patrick Lussier Alan White 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124306 Classics, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Horror, A desperate American couple discovers all is not what it Horror Series, Movies, Mystery, Religion/ seems when they uncover a high-stakes underground scam while traveling abroad. To expose the truth and get back to The Rover (Blu-ray) Spirituality, Thrillers, War 426min. the U.S., they must risk their lives to save their daughter. Lionsgate 07.10.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Robert Pattinson, Guy Pearce - Dir. David 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124184 96min. Michod Lionsgate 18.11.2014 Crime, Drama, Movies 2014 min. Psycho (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124494 Lionsgate 23.09.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124326 (Blu-ray) Reclaim (DVD + UltraViolet) John McIntire, John Gavin, Anthony Royal Pains: Season Five Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, Martin Jacki Weaver, Rachelle Lefevre, Luis Jill Flint, Paulo Costanzo, Mark Feuerstein, Balsam - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Guzman, Ryan Phillippe, John Cusack - Dir. One of the most shocking films of all time, Alfred Hitchcock’s Alan White Henry Winkler Psycho changed the thriller genre forever. Join the Master of A desperate American couple discovers all is not what it Comedy, Doctors & Medicine, Drama, Tele- Suspense on a chilling journey as an unsuspecting victim seems when they uncover a high-stakes underground scam vision, USA Network 2013 min. (Janet Leigh) visits the Bates Motel and falls prey to one of while traveling abroad. To expose the truth and get back to cinema’s most notorious psychopaths - Norman Bates the U.S., they must risk their lives to save their daughter. Universal Studios 23.09.2014 (Anthony Perkins). Named #1 on the AFI’s 100 Years... 100 Action, Movies, Thrillers 2014 96min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124131 Thrills list, this notorious film has become a cultural phenomenon. Featuring one of the most iconic scenes in film Lionsgate 18.11.2014 history - the famous „shower scene“, Psycho is „still terrifying 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124482 Run Silent, Run Deep after all these years“ (Leonard Maltin’s Classic Movie Don Rickles, Burt Lancaster, Clark Gable - Guide). Reno 911: The Complete Series Dir. Robert Wise AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, ‘Run silent, run deep’ is a term that accurately describes the Dysfunctional Families, Horror, Horror Niecy Nash, Cedric Yarbrough, Carlos mission of the submarine in this tense World War II drama. Series, Movies, Mystery, National Film Alazraqui, Thomas Lennon Commander Richardson (Clark Gable) is the only survivor The brave men and women of the Washoe County Sheriff’s when his sub is hit by a notorious Japanese destroyer dubbed Registry, Psycho (Series), Serial Killers, Department give you the 411 on the thin khaki line that keeps Bongo Pete in the Bongo Straits of Japan. Back at Pearl Thrillers 1960 109min. Reno, , on the straight and narrow. Led by Lt. Jim Harbor, Richardson obsessively plays out strategies that Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Dangle, the officers of Reno 911! attempt to keep the streets would have saved his crew. When he is reassigned a new 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124347 safe - mainly from themselves. ship in the Pacific, he must face old demons as well as the Comedy, Comedy Central, Cops, Crime, sub’s younger executive officer who was slated for captain, Parody, Television 1945min. Lt. Bledsoe (Burt Lancaster). Bledsoe has the support of his Quantum Leap: The Complete crew and locks horns easily with Richardson, but when the Comedy Central 04.11.2014 captain disobeys navy orders to stay clear of the Bongo Series 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124470 Straits, taking the crew right in to go after Bongo Pete, there is very nearly a mutiny. Run Silent, Run Deep is marked by Dean Stockwell, Scott Bakula strong performances, particularly by Gable, and a taut script. Action, Adventure, Drama, Family, Mystery, Robocop Trilogy (Repackage) The scenes of the rigorous sub drills the captain puts his Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel Robert John Burke, Miguel Ferrer, Belinda crew through are intensive and exceptional. Action, Adventure, Classics, Drama, min. Bauer, Kurtwood Smith, Mako, Remy Ryan, Movies, Navy, Revenge, War, World War II Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Mario Machado, Nancy Allen, Peter Weller, 1958 93min. 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124285 Rip Torn, Tom Noonan, John Glover, John Kino Video 23.09.2014 Castle, Paul McCrane, Ronny Cox, Roger 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124368 Quicksand Aaron Brown, CCH Pounder - Dir. Paul Art Smith, Taylor Holmes, Jeanne Cagney, Verhoeven, Irvin Kershner, Fred Dekker Barbara Bates, Peter Lorre, Mickey Rooney The ultimate action trilogy. Your move. The future of law Run Silent, Run Deep (Blu-ray) enforcement does more than fight crime...RoboCop delivers Rudy Bond, Jack Warden, Joe Maross, Nick - Dir. Irving Pichel nonstop action and pulse-pounding excitement at every turn! In a complete change of performance style, Mickey Rooney Here’s your chance to experience the original part-man part- Cravat, Brad Dexter, Don Rickles, Burt Lan- turns to crime in the dramatic film noir movie Quicksand. As machine in 3 tough-as-steel RoboCop thrillers in one must- caster, Clark Gable - Dir. Robert Wise an auto mechanic, Dan (Rooney) borrows $20 from his own trilogy. The captain of a submarine sunk by the Japanese during employer’s cash register to go on a date, and as a result, is Action, Classics, Crime, Drama, Drugs & WWII is finally given a chance to skipper another sub after a confronted by a series of disastrous circumstances and year of working a desk job. His single-minded determination mistakes which pushes him deeper into debt and crime, and Dealers, Gangs, Giant Robots, In The for revenge against the destroyer that sunk his previous spirals his life out of control. This is an unusual film noir Future..., Mad Scientists & Deadly Doctors, vessel puts his new crew in unnecessary danger. because it stars an actor that you wouldn’t think would be in a . But seeing Mickey Rooney cast in such a role, and Movies, Ninjas, Robots / Androids, Science Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Movies, doing it especially well, is one of the best features of the film. Fiction, Thrillers, Triple Feature min. Navy, Revenge, War, World War II 1958 Classics, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Mobsters MGM / UA 07.10.2014 93min. & The Mafia, Movies 1950 79min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124343 Kino Video 23.09.2014 Film Chest Media Group 26.08.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124078 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124465 Rocky Road Mark Salling, Nicholas Campbell Sanctuary: Quite A Conundrum The Reckoning Drama, Family, Movies, TV Movies 2014 Emily Rogers, Erin Cline, Sasha Ramos - Luke Hemsworth, Hanna Mangan 88min. Dir. Thomas L. Phillips Lawrence, Viva Bianca, Jonathan LaPaglia E1 Entertainment 02.09.2014 It should have been just a normal day of sex, fun, alcohol,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 80 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA hormones and debauchery for Tabitha and Mimi, two twenty 113min. 21.10.2014 somethings who care about nothing but themselves and what chaos they can cause. But that so-called normalcy gets Universal Studios 04.11.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124475 tossed out the window when an unexpected and devastating 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124349 event occurs at a nighttime pool party. As the alcohol begins Sex Tape (Blu-ray) to wear off and the body count rises, all hell breaks loose and there is no going back. As if the foul mouths, perverted See No Evil 2 (Blu-ray + Ellie Kemper, Nat Faxon, Rob Corddry, Nan- attitudes and devious natures of Tabitha and Mimi were not UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) cy Lenehan, Jason Segel, Cameron Diaz, enough, then just throw in Tabitha’s walking porno of a boyfriend Sean and his new best friend, the sweet Dutch. Greyston Holt, Katharine Isabelle, Kane, - Dir. Jake Kasdan Then mix in Mimi’s eighteen year old virginal, confused and Danielle Harris, Marc Bienstock, Scott Ken- Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (Cameron Diaz) are a married prudish sister Kylene and her sexually challenged boyfriend couple still very much in love, but ten years and two kids Harris, and the events gets even saucier. Then shoot in a nedy have cooled the passion. To get it back, they decide - why splash of the old pervert Marc and his crazy unhinged wife A group of friends pay a late-night visit to the city morgue not? - to make a video of themselves trying out every position Lola, and then toss in the Bible-thumping Jesus-freak Thelma, hoping to surprise Amy (Danielle Harris) on her birthday. But in The Joy Of Sex in one three-hour marathon session. It and it gets a little more crazy, dangerous, insane and ... the surprise is on them when the one-eyed corpse of brutal seems like a great idea until they discover that their most psychopath Jacob Goodnight (WWE superstar „Kane“) private video has gone public. In a panic, they begin a wild Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Horror, unexpectedly rises from a cold sub- basement slab. Their wild night of adventure - tracking down leads, roping in friends Movies, Thrillers 2012 82min. party quickly turns into a terrifying slay-fest as the sadistic and duping Annie’s boss - all to reclaim their video, their Gaiam Americas 26.08.2014 mass-murderer resumes his savage rampage complete with reputation, their sanity and, most importantly, their marriage. hooks, surgical knives and power saws in this blood-soaked Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124442 sequel to See No Evil, directed by the notorious Soska sisters. Romance, Sexy Comedies 2014 94min. Scarface (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Horror, Horror Series, Movies, Serial Kil- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 21.10.2014 (Blu-ray) lers, Slasher, Thrillers 90min. Lionsgate 21.10.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124476 Michelle Pfeiffer, Miriam Colon, Pepe Serna, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124192 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Paul Shenar, Sex Tape (DVD + UltraViolet) Robert Loggia, Harris Yulin, Steven Bauer, Ellie Kemper, Nat Faxon, Rob Corddry, Nan- F. Murray Abraham, Al Pacino - Dir. Brian See No Evil 2 (DVD + UltraViolet) cy Lenehan, Jason Segel, Cameron Diaz, De Palma Greyston Holt, Katharine Isabelle, Kane, One of the most influential gangster epics of all time, Scarface Danielle Harris, Marc Bienstock, Scott Ken- Rob Lowe - Dir. Jake Kasdan is the rags-to-riches story of Cuban immigrant Tony Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (Cameron Diaz) are a married nedy couple still very much in love, but ten years and two kids „Scarface“ Montana, who finds wealth, power and passion A group of friends pay a late-night visit to the city morgue beyond his wildest dreams... at a price he never imagined. have cooled the passion. To get it back, they decide - why hoping to surprise Amy (Danielle Harris) on her birthday. But not? - to make a video of themselves trying out every position From acclaimed director Brian De Palma (Carlito’s Way) and the surprise is on them when the one-eyed corpse of brutal Oscar-winning writer Oliver Stone (Born on the Fourth of in The Joy Of Sex in one three-hour marathon session. It psychopath Jacob Goodnight (WWE superstar „Kane“) seems like a great idea until they discover that their most July), this action-packed Blu-ray features an eye-popping unexpectedly rises from a cold sub- basement slab. Their wild remastered picture, explosive 7.1 audio track and exclusive private video has gone public. In a panic, they begin a wild party quickly turns into a terrifying slay-fest as the sadistic night of adventure - tracking down leads, roping in friends bonus features. A modern-day classic, Scarface stars mass-murderer resumes his savage rampage complete with Academy Award winner Al Pacino (The Godfather) in an and duping Annie’s boss - all to reclaim their video, their hooks, surgical knives and power saws in this blood-soaked reputation, their sanity and, most importantly, their marriage. unforgettable performance as one of the most ruthless sequel to See No Evil, directed by the notorious Soska gangsters ever depicted on film and Academy Award nominee sisters. Adventure, Comedy, Movies, Romance, Michelle Pfeiffer (The Fabulous Baker Boys). Horror, Horror Series, Movies, Serial Kil- Sexy Comedies 2014 94min. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, lers, Slasher, Thrillers 90min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Classics, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Lionsgate 21.10.2014 21.10.2014 Drugs & Dealers, Epics, Film Noir, Gangs, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124220 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124473 Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, National Film Registry 1983 170min. Sharknado 2 Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Seizure! Frank Bazter, Mark McGrath, Ian Ziering, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124348 Herve Villechaize, Jonathan Frid, Christina Pickles - Dir. Oliver Stone Judd Hirsch, Tara Reid, Vivica A. Fox, Kari A horror author invites several guests to his isolated home for Wuhrer School Dance (DVD + UltraViolet) the weekend. But the gathering is crashed by three devilish Action, Adventure, Horror, Movies, Science Luenell, Katt Williams, Efren Ramirez, figures from the author’s dreams. When he awakes, it is only Fiction, Thrillers, TV Movies 2014 90min. Wilmer Valderrama, , George to discover that this is one nightmare he cannot escape. Horror, Movies, Thrillers 1974 94min. Shout Factory 07.10.2014 Lopez, Mike Epps - Dir. Nick Cannon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124362 High school freshman Jason (Bobb’e J. Thompson) just found Kino Video 09.09.2014 the girl of his dreams. But to win her heart, he’ll have to prove 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124218 he’s got what it takes to make the school’s hottest dance crew Sharknado 2 (Blu-ray) in this comedy directed by Nick Cannon. Co-starring Mike Epps, George Lopez, Luenell, Wilmer Valderrama and Katt Seizure! (Blu-ray) Courtney Baxter, Mark McGrath, Ian Williams. Herve Villechaize, Jonathan Frid, Christina Ziering, Judd Hirsch, Tara Reid, Vivica A. Comedy, Dancing, Drama, High School, Pickles - Dir. Oliver Stone Fox, Kari Wuhrer Movies, Rhythm & Dancing, Romance 2014 A horror author invites several guests to his isolated home for Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies, 101min. the weekend. But the gathering is crashed by three devilish Science Fiction, Thrillers, TV Movies 2014 figures from the author’s dreams. When he awakes, it is only Lionsgate 07.10.2014 to discover that this is one nightmare he cannot escape. 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124337 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 1974 94min. Shout Factory 07.10.2014 Kino Video 09.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124399 Scoot Pilgrim Vs. The World (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124193 ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Shaun Of The Dead (Blu-ray + Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Brandon Sex Tape (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Routh, , , Alison (Blu-ray) Nick Frost, Peter Serafinowicz, Jessica Pill, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Mark Webber, Ellie Kemper, Nat Faxon, Rob Corddry, Nan- Stevenson, Rafe Spall, Dylan Moran, Simon Jason Schwartzman, Mae Whitman, Kieran cy Lenehan, Jason Segel, Cameron Diaz, Pegg, Lucy Davis, Kate Ashfield, Bill Nighy, Culkin, Aubrey Plaza, Johnny Simmons, Rob Lowe - Dir. Jake Kasdan Penelope Wilton - Dir. Edgar Wright Ellen Wong - Dir. Edgar Wright Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (Cameron Diaz) are a married There comes a day in every man’s life when he has to get off Game on! Scott Pilgrim just met the girl of his dreams... couple still very much in love, but ten years and two kids the couch...and kill some zombies. When flesh-eating zombies literally. But in order for them to date, he must defeat her have cooled the passion. To get it back, they decide - why are on the hunt for a bite to eat, it’s up to slacker Shaun seven evil exes - a rogues’ gallery, including an infamous not? - to make a video of themselves trying out every position (Simon Pegg) and his best pal Ed (Nick Frost) to save their skateboarder, a vegan rock star and fearsome identical twins! in The Joy Of Sex in one three-hour marathon session. It friends and family from becoming the next entree. Novelist From the genre-smashing director of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of seems like a great idea until they discover that their most gushes Shaun of the Dead is „a 10 on the fun the Dead comes „a true original“ (Entertainment Weekly) private video has gone public. In a panic, they begin a wild meter and destined to be a cult classic“ and Newsweek calls powered up by wit, action and groundbreaking visuals that night of adventure - tracking down leads, roping in friends it „a bloody hoot!“ It’s a screamingly hilarious zomedy that will you will want to watch again as soon as it’s over! and duping Annie’s boss - all to reclaim their video, their have you dying with laughter. Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love reputation, their sanity and, most importantly, their marriage. Action, Blu-ray, British, Classics, Comedy, Triangles, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, End Of The Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, High Romance, Sexy Comedies 2014 94min. World, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Romance, School, Movies, Music, Romance 2010 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Thrillers, Zombies 2004 100min.

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Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Joel Paul Reisig American Civil War, Blu-ray, Historical / 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124350 Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays, Period Piece, Movies, Western 1949 88min. Movies, TV Movies 2014 min. Olive Films 23.09.2014 Sideways - 10th Anniversary (Blu- Screen Media Films 14.10.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124328 ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124539 Jessica Hecht, Marylouise Burke, Sandra South Pacific (Blu-ray + DVD + Oh, Paul Giamatti, Thomas Haden Church, Snowpiercer UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Virginia Madsen - Dir. Alexander Payne Chris Evans, , Alison Pill, Candace Lee, Jack Mullaney, Ken Clark, Directed by Alexander Payne, this breathlessly funny comedy Jamie Bell, Tilda Swinton, Ed Harris, John Tom Laughlin, Russ Brown, France Nuyen, stars Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church as Miles and Hurt , Ray Walston, John Kerr, Mitzi Jack, old college buddies who take a wine-tasting road trip After a failed global-warming experiment, a post-apocalyptic through California’s famed central coast to celebrate Jack’s Ice Age has killed off nearly all life on the planet. All that Gaynor, Rossano Brazzi - Dir. Joshua upcoming nuptials. But Miles’ desire to savor the regions’ remains of humanity are the lucky few survivors that boarded Logan wines suddenly takes a back seat to Jack’s desire to sample the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe, In this finely crafted, Oscar-Winning musical, a young and its women! Co-starring and Virginia Madsen, powered by a sacred perpetual-motion engine. A class system naive American nurse (Mitzi Gaynor) meets a handsome and Sideways „has it all: inspired direction... bracing wit and has evolved aboard the train, fiercely dividing its population - mysterious French plantation owner (Rossano Brazzi) on a emotional gravity“ (Rolling Stone)! but a revolution is brewing. The lower-class passengers in South Pacific island during World War II. Seeking respite Affairs & Love Triangles, Art House, Blu- the tail section stage an uprising, moving car-by-car up from the battles around them, they find refuge in each other as ray, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, toward the front of the train, where the train’s creator and their romance blooms. Friendships, Mid-Life Crisis, Movies, Road absolute authority resides in splendor. But unexpected Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, circumstances lie in wait for humanity’s tenacious survivors... Classics, Movies, Musical, Navy, Nurses & Trips, Romance, Special Editions 2004 Action, Animals & Nature, Apocalyptic Doctors, Romance, War, World War II 1958 127min. Future, Drama, Movies, Science Fiction, 157min. 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 Thrillers 2013 126min. 20th Century Fox 07.10.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124264 Starz / Anchor Bay 21.10.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124262 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124467 The Signal Brenton Thwaites, Robert Longstreet, Lin Snowpiercer (Blu-ray) Space Station 76 Michael Stoyanov, Sam Pancake, Kali Shaye, Laurence Fishburne Chris Evans, Octavia Spencer, Alison Pill, Rocha, Matt Bomer, Patrick Wilson, Marisa Three bright young students venture deep into the Nevada Jamie Bell, Tilda Swinton, Ed Harris, John desert in search of a notorious hacker, and discover they Coughlan, Liv Tyler - Dir. Jack Plotnick have been drawn into an enigmatic plot with terrifying Hurt Welcome to a 1970s’ version of the future, where the pants repercussions in this mind-bending sci-fi thriller. Intrigued by After a failed global-warming experiment, a post-apocalyptic are wide, the music is groovy, and the new frontier is reports that a mysterious hacker named Nomad has breached Ice Age has killed off nearly all life on the planet. All that interplanetary. When a new assistant captain (Liv Tyler) MIT’s advanced security system and exposed its flaws, remains of humanity are the lucky few survivors that boarded arrives on the Omega 76, tensions spark, and more than freshmen Nic (Brenton Thwaites) and Jonah (Beau Knapp) the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe, asteroids collide. This smart and quirky film-festival favorite hop in the car with Nick’s girlfriend Hailey (), powered by a sacred perpetual-motion engine. A class system stars Patrick Wilson, Jerry O’Connell and Matt Bomer. Take and attempt to track down the elusive computer genius. has evolved aboard the train, fiercely dividing its population - a journey on an out-of-this-world adventure. Eventually, the trail of clues leads the three students deep but a revolution is brewing. The lower-class passengers in into the Nevada desert. There, they finally come face-to-face the tail section stage an uprising, moving car-by-car up Comedy, Drama, In The Future..., Movies, with Nomad just before everything goes black. Later, toward the front of the train, where the train’s creator and Science Fiction, Space 2014 95min. regaining consciousness in a high-security government absolute authority resides in splendor. But unexpected Sony Pictures Home Entertainment facility, a confused Nic quickly finds that the worst is yet to circumstances lie in wait for humanity’s tenacious survivors... 30.09.2014 come. Laurence Fishburne co-stars. Action, Animals & Nature, Apocalyptic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124271 Action, Adventure, Movies, Science Fiction Future, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Science 2014 97min. Fiction, Thrillers 2013 126min. Universal Studios 23.09.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 21.10.2014 A Star For Christmas 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124134 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124474 Brooke Burns, Briana Evigan, Corey Sevier The only thing working for Cassie is her hugely successful cupcake shop. Her disastrous love life is turned upside down The Signal (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Soap: First And Second Seasons when a Hollywood movie begins filming in her sleepy small bo) (Blu-ray) town. Jammed with cupcake orders, the last thing she expects ABC, Comedy, Television 1977 min. is to meet Alex, who sweeps her off her feet. Can Cassie Brenton Thwaites, Robert Longstreet, Lin Mill Creek Entertainment 02.09.2014 survive the Christmas season once she learns Alex is a movie Shaye, Laurence Fishburne 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124098 star? Three bright young students venture deep into the Nevada Christmas, Drama, Holidays, Movies, desert in search of a notorious hacker, and discover they Soap: First Season Romance 89min. have been drawn into an enigmatic plot with terrifying Monarch Home Video 28.10.2014 repercussions in this mind-bending sci-fi thriller. Intrigued by Cathryn Damon, Richard Mulligan, Diana reports that a mysterious hacker named Nomad has breached 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124472 MIT’s advanced security system and exposed its flaws, Canova, Ted Wass, Robert Guillaume, freshmen Nic (Brenton Thwaites) and Jonah (Beau Knapp) Katherine Helmond, Billy Crystal hop in the car with Nick’s girlfriend Hailey (Olivia Cooke), ABC, Comedy, Television 1977 min. Stargate (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) and attempt to track down the elusive computer genius. (Blu-ray) Eventually, the trail of clues leads the three students deep Mill Creek Entertainment 02.09.2014 into the Nevada desert. There, they finally come face-to-face 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124095 Viveca Lindfors, Jaye Davidson, James with Nomad just before everything goes black. Later, Spader, Kurt Russell - Dir. Roland Emmerich regaining consciousness in a high-security government Soap: Second Season When professor Daniel Jackson (James Spader) accepts a facility, a confused Nic quickly finds that the worst is yet to mysterious woman’s offer to decode an ancient Egyptian come. Laurence Fishburne co-stars. Cathryn Damon, Richard Mulligan, Diana artifact known only as the Stargate, he unwittingly takes the Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Canova, Ted Wass, Robert Guillaume, first step in a sci-fi adventure that will decide the fate of an Science Fiction 2014 97min. entire planet. Joined by Daniel is Colonel Jack O’Neil (Kurt Katherine Helmond, Billy Crystal Russell), a true soldier with nerves of steel and a tragic past, Universal Studios 23.09.2014 ABC, Comedy, Television 1978 min. who is brought back to active duty to embark on the maiden 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124157 Mill Creek Entertainment 02.09.2014 voyage through the Stargate. Together, the men embark on a journey that will transport them to the other side of the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124097 universe, where an alien god (Jaye Davidson) holds sway The Slave (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- over a distant, desert-covered planet...and will stop at nothing ray) South Of St. Louis to prevent them from returning home. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Rosanna Schiaffino, Haydee Politoff - Dir. A rancher turns gunrunner when his cattle ranch is Classics, Egyptian, Military, Movies, Pasquale Festa Campanile devastated during the explosive times of the Civil War. American Civil War, Historical / Period Science Fiction 1994 111min. Comedy, Movies 100min. Piece, Movies, Western 1949 88min. Lionsgate 28.10.2014 CAV 09.09.2014 Olive Films 23.09.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124197 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124194 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124308 Small Town Santa State Trooper: The Complete South Of St. Louis (Blu-ray) Series Derek Brandon, Joel Paul Reisig, DJ Perry, A Texas rancher turns gunrunner when his cattle ranch is Teri Lee, Christine Lakin, Dean Cain - Dir. devastated during the explosive times of the Civil War. Robert Armstrong, Rod Cameron, Don

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 82 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Haggerty after which she descends into substance abuse, turning her MPI 16.09.2014 Rod Blake, a State Trooper is an officer of the Nevada De- back on her family. She later discovers that someone close to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124202 partment of Public Safety. The setting is in the 1950s American her may be behind her subsequent abduction and kidnapping. West. Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Dysfunctional Adventure, Classics, Cops, Crime, Drama, Families, Kidnapping, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Texas Chainsaw Massacre: 40th Outlaw Country, Television min. min. Anniversary (Blu-ray) Shout Factory 23.09.2014 Gaiam Americas 09.09.2014 Cannibalism, Horror, Movies, Slasher, Te- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124491 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124454 xas Chainsaw Massacre, Torture min. MPI 16.09.2014 The Stream Tales From The Crypt: Vault Of 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124203 , Christopher Gorham, Kelly Horror Double Feature (Blu-ray) Rutherford, Mario Lopez - Dir. Estlin Feigley Double Features, Horror, Television, Thril- The Thanksgiving Treasure / The It’s summer 1981, and Ernest Terry - like most boys his age - is obsessing over George Lucas’s Star Wars saga. In the lers, TV Movies min. House Without A Christmas Tree woods outside Ernest’s neighborhood, capture-the-flag Shout Factory 14.10.2014 Lisa Lucas, Mildred Natwick, Jason contests escalate into sprawling Jedi battles, with bright 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124546 yellow Wiffle ball bats substituting for lightsabers. But when Robards a bully snaps Ernest’s already-damaged „weapon“ in half, our Celebrate the holiday season with two all-American family hero and his friends accept a mission: Follow a nearby stream Taras Bulba classics based on the beloved novels by Gail Rock! The to the town mall, buy a new bat and return home before their House Without A Christmas Tree and The Thanksgiving parents realize they’re missing. Awkward preteen characters Tony Curtis, Christine Kaufmann, Yul Treasure follow the everyday adventures and small miracles wrestle with small crushes, big imaginations and equivalent Brynner, Sam Wanamaker - Dir. J. Lee of the Mills family. Addie Mills (Lisa Lucas) is a smart and coming-of-age obstacles on lazy summer afternoon. strong-willed young girl living in Nebraska in the 1940s with Thompson her sensible but stubborn father, James (Jason Robards), and Action, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Family, Set in the 16th century Ukraine two Cossack brothers find her loving, quirky Grandma (Mildred Natwick). In The House Movies 2013 85min. themselves battling each other when one wants to recover Without A Christmas Tree, all Addie wants is to have a Cinedigm 26.08.2014 land from the treacherous Poles and the other falls in love Christmas tree for the first time. But James refuses due to a with a Polish girl. Breathtaking scenes. Academy Award painful family memory. Trouble ensues in The Thanksgiving 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124275 Nominations: Best (original) Score. Treasure when Addie tries to invite James’ sworn enemy over Action, Adventure, Movies, Romance 1962 for Thanksgiving dinner in the hopes of ending their Sundays And Cybele (Blu-ray) 122min. longstanding feud. With fun, laughter and a lot of heart - this Dove Family-approved double feature is sure to keep your Daniel Ivernel, Nicole Courcel, Hardy Kino Video 23.09.2014 holidays merry & bright! Kruger - Dir. Serge Bourguignon 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124370 Christmas, Double Features, Drama, Family, In this provocative Academy Award winner from French Friendships, Holidays, Movies, director Serge Bourguignon, a psychologically damaged war Taras Bulba (Blu-ray) veteran and a neglected child begin a startlingly intimate Thanksgiving, TV Movies 151min. friendship - one that ultimately ignites the suspicion and anger Tony Curtis, Christine Kaufmann, Yul Paramount Pictures 04.11.2014 of his friends and neighbors in suburban Paris. Bourguignon’s Brynner, Sam Wanamaker - Dir. J. Lee 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124258 film makes thoughtful, humane drama out of potentially incendiary subject matter, and with the help of the sensitive Thompson cinematography of Henri Decae and a delicate score by Set in the 16th century Ukraine two Cossack brothers find That’s My Man (Blu-ray) Maurice Jarre, Sundays and Cybele becomes a stirring themselves battling each other when one wants to recover contemplation of an alliance between two troubled souls. land from the treacherous Poles and the other falls in love Roscoe Karns, John Miljan, Frankie Darro, with a Polish girl. Breathtaking scenes. Academy Award John Ridgely, Don Ameche - Dir. Frank Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Nominations: Best (original) Score. Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Borzage Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, A man’s addiction to gambling almost destroys his life in this Foreign, French, Friendships, Mental Romance 1962 122min. racetrack adventure. Joe Grange is nearly broke when he Illness, Movies, War 1962 111min. Kino Video 23.09.2014 buys an ailing colt and brings it back to health. He then turns Criterion 30.09.2014 the horse into a promising champion. During the big race, Joe 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124402 places a large amount of money upon the horse. It wins him a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124062 fortune, but his wife is still unhappy because he has Taxi: The Complete Series neglected her in favor of his obsession. She takes off and his Sundays And Cybele: The lucky streak ends. Soon he has nothing left but his retired (Repackage) horse. Desperate for cash, he brings the horse back to the Criterion Collection Carol Kane, Andy Kaufman, Judd Hirsch, track, wagers one final bet, and hopes for the best. Adventure, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Daniel Ivernel, Nicole Courcel, Hardy Christopher Lloyd, Danny DeVito, Tony Family, Horses, Marriage Woes, Movies, Kruger - Dir. Serge Bourguignon Danza, Marilu Henner In this provocative Academy Award winner from French Get ready to roll and buckle up for a hilarious ride with Taxi: Romance, Sports 1947 60min. director Serge Bourguignon, a psychologically damaged war The Complete Series. Re-live every hilarious episode of the Olive Films 19.08.2014 veteran and a neglected child begin a startlingly intimate classic that zeroes in on a group of New York City cab 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124079 friendship - one that ultimately ignites the suspicion and anger drivers. Lording over Alex (Judd Hirsch), Bobby (Jeff of his friends and neighbors in suburban Paris. Bourguignon’s Conaway), Elaine (Marilu Henner), Tony (Tony Danza), John film makes thoughtful, humane drama out of potentially (Randall Carver), and Latka (Andy Kaufman) is the one-and- Too (Blu-ray + incendiary subject matter, and with the help of the sensitive only Louie De Palma (Danny DeVito). The snide and surly cinematography of Henri Decae and a delicate score by taxi dispatcher who, from the safety of his dispatcher’s cage, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Maurice Jarre, Sundays and Cybele becomes a stirring barks orders, hurls insults and mercilessly berates the , Jenifer Lewis, Dennis contemplation of an alliance between two troubled souls. diverse and eccentric characters who drive for him. Along the Academy Award Winners, Classics, way, they form a special bond among themselves; becoming Haysbert, La La Vasquez, Meagan Good, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, friends and helping each other navigate the sometimes-crazy Adam Brody, Kevin Hart, , road called life. Enjoy all 5 seasons of the Emmy and Golden , Gary Owen, Romany French, Friendships, Mental Illness, Globe Award winning TV classic in this Complete Series Movies, War 1962 111min. Collection. Malco, Jerry Ferrara, Terrence Jenkins - Criterion 30.09.2014 Classics, Comedy, Friendships, On The Dir. In the highly anticipated sequel, which was inspired by Steve 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124364 Job, Television 2771min. Harvey’s best-selling book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Paramount Pictures 11.11.2014 Man, all the couples are back for a wedding in Las Vegas. But Survive 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124421 plans for a romantic weekend go awry when their various misadventures get them into some compromising situations that Hugo Stiglitz, Norma Lazareno threaten to derail the big event. Based on a shocking true story, this Mexican drama depicts Texas Chainsaw Massacre: 40th Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Drama, the 1972 plane crash in the Andes that left survivors stranded in the mountains. In order to survive, the remaining people Anniversary Movies, Romance 2014 106min. must feed on the bodies of the dead. Cannibalism, Horror, Movies, Slasher, Te- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Classics, Foreign, Latin, Movies 1976 xas Chainsaw Massacre, Torture min. 16.09.2014 86min. MPI 16.09.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124267 VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 05.08.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124233 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124374 Think Like A Man Too (DVD + Texas Chainsaw Massacre: 40th UltraViolet) Taken For Ransom Anniversary (Blu-ray) Regina Hall, Jenifer Lewis, Dennis Teri Polo, Morgana Shaw, Tia Carrere, Cannibalism, Horror, Movies, Slasher, Te- Haysbert, La La Vasquez, Meagan Good, Chazz Palminteri Adam Brody, Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy, A wealthy high powered woman suffers a horrible tragedy xas Chainsaw Massacre, Torture min.

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Gabrielle Union, Gary Owen, Romany Royalty, Showtime, Television, War Swamp, Thrillers, Witches & Warlocks, Malco, Jerry Ferrara, Terrence Jenkins - 2038min. Zombies 2005 87min. Dir. Tim Story Showtime Entertainment 11.11.2014 Lionsgate 07.10.2014 In the highly anticipated sequel, which was inspired by Steve 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124422 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124185 Harvey’s best-selling book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, all the couples are back for a wedding in Las Vegas. But plans for a romantic weekend go awry when their various Van Damme 5-Movie Action Pack Very Good Girls misadventures get them into some compromising situations that threaten to derail the big event. (Blu-ray) Boyd Holbrook, Elizabeth Olsen, Dakota Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Lance Henriksen, James Remar, Roger Fanning, Richard Dreyfuss, Demi Moore - Romance 2014 106min. Moore, Simon Callow, Raul Julia, Powers Dir. Naomi Foner Producer Naomi Foner (Running On Empty) takes the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Boothe, Jack McGee, Wilford Brimley, Ross director’s chair for this gentle and sensitive youth drama that 16.09.2014 Malinger, Raymond J. Barry, Damian Chapa, follows two New York City teenagers and the events that put 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124259 Yancy Butler, Arnold Vosloo, Wes Studi, a strain on the bond between them, during one of the last summers of their adolescence. Lilly (Dakota Fanning) is quiet, Kasi Lemmons, Chuck Pfarrer, Harrison thoughtful and introspective — the product of two Third Person Page, Deborah Rennard, Lisa Pelikan, conservative parents (Ellen Barkin and Clark Gregg) who Dorian Harewood, Byron Mann, Kate keep a tight rein on her. Gerri (Elizabeth Olsen), on the other Moran Atias, David Harewood, Olivia Wilde, hand, is free-spirited, uninhibited and slightly caustic — the Adam Brody, , James Franco, McNeil, Janet Gunn, Audra Lindley, Roshan daughter of a left-of-center mom and dad (Demi Moore and Maria Bello, Liam Neeson, Caroline Goodall, Seth, Kylie Minogue, Michael Gaston, Richard Dreyfuss) who let her do whatever, and go Ashley Johnson - Dir. John Woo, Peter wherever, she pleases. Shortly before they each leave for Kim Basinger - Dir. Paul Haggis college in the fall, the girls spend most of their time together, Third Person tells three stories of love, passion, trust and Hyams, Sheldon Lettich whiling away pleasant afternoons, but soon they both meet betrayal. The tales play out in New York, Paris and Rome Action, Adventure, Based On Video Game, and fall for the same boy — artist David (Boyd Holbrook), through three couples who appear to have nothing related, but Blu-ray, Firefighters, Kidnapping, Martial who sells novelty ice-cream bars at Far Rockaway Beach. He share deep commonalities: lovers and estranged spouses, decides that he much prefers Lilly to Gerry, and Lilly loses children lost and found. Featuring an award-winning ensemble Arts, Movies, Sports, Terrorism, Thrillers her virginity to him. The affair grows more serious, but Lilly cast including Liam Neeson (Schindler’s List), 512min. can’t bring herself to divulge the news to Gerry for fear o (The Pianist), James Franco (127 Hours), Olivia Wilde (Rush), Mila Kunis (Black Swan), Kim Basinger (L.A. Universal Studios 14.10.2014 Drama, Movies min. Confidential) and Maria Bello (A History of Violence). 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124283 Well Go USA 23.09.2014 Written and directed by Academy Award winner Paul Haggis 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124307 (Best Motion Picture, Crash, 2005), Third Person is a mystery, a puzzle in which the truth is revealed in glimpses, The Vanishing (Blu-ray) clues are caught by the corner of the eye and nothing is truly Lucille Glenn, Tania Latarjet, Bernadette Le Very Good Girls (Blu-ray) what it seems. Sache, Gwen Eckhaus, Johanna Ter Boyd Holbrook, Elizabeth Olsen, Dakota Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies, Steege, Gene Bervoets - Dir. George Fanning, Richard Dreyfuss, Demi Moore - Mystery, Rocky Relationships, Romance, Sluizer Dir. Naomi Foner Thrillers 2013 137min. A young man embarks on an obsessive search for the Producer Naomi Foner (Running On Empty) takes the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment girlfriend who mysteriously disappeared while the couple director’s chair for this gentle and sensitive youth drama that 30.09.2014 were taking a sunny vacation trip, and his three-year follows two New York City teenagers and the events that put investigation draws the attention of her abductor, a mild- a strain on the bond between them, during one of the last 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124260 mannered professor with a diabolically clinical mind. An summers of their adolescence. Lilly (Dakota Fanning) is quiet, unorthodox love story and a truly unsettling thriller, Dutch thoughtful and introspective — the product of two Third Person (Blu-ray) filmmaker George Sluizer’s The Vanishing unfolds with conservative parents (Ellen Barkin and Clark Gregg) who meticulous intensity, leading to an unforgettable finale that has keep a tight rein on her. Gerri (Elizabeth Olsen), on the other Moran Atias, David Harewood, Olivia Wilde, unnerved audiences around the world. hand, is free-spirited, uninhibited and slightly caustic — the Adam Brody, Mila Kunis, James Franco, Classics, Criterion Collection, Dutch daughter of a left-of-center mom and dad (Demi Moore and Richard Dreyfuss) who let her do whatever, and go Maria Bello, Liam Neeson, Caroline Goodall, (Netherlands), Foreign, Kidnapping, wherever, she pleases. Shortly before they each leave for Kim Basinger - Dir. Paul Haggis Movies, Mystery, Romance, Special college in the fall, the girls spend most of their time together, Third Person tells three stories of love, passion, trust and Editions, Thrillers 1988 106min. whiling away pleasant afternoons, but soon they both meet betrayal. The tales play out in New York, Paris and Rome and fall for the same boy — artist David (Boyd Holbrook), through three couples who appear to have nothing related, but Criterion 28.10.2014 who sells novelty ice-cream bars at Far Rockaway Beach. He share deep commonalities: lovers and estranged spouses, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124066 decides that he much prefers Lilly to Gerry, and Lilly loses children lost and found. Featuring an award-winning ensemble her virginity to him. The affair grows more serious, but Lilly cast including Liam Neeson (Schindler’s List), Adrien Brody can’t bring herself to divulge the news to Gerry for fear o (The Pianist), James Franco (127 Hours), Olivia Wilde The Vanishing: The Criterion Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Movies min. (Rush), Mila Kunis (Black Swan), Kim Basinger (L.A. Collection Confidential) and Maria Bello (A History of Violence). Well Go USA 23.09.2014 Written and directed by Academy Award winner Paul Haggis Lucille Glenn, Tania Latarjet, Bernadette Le 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124327 (Best Motion Picture, Crash, 2005), Third Person is a Sache, Gwen Eckhaus, Johanna Ter mystery, a puzzle in which the truth is revealed in glimpses, clues are caught by the corner of the eye and nothing is truly Steege, Gene Bervoets - Dir. George Victim what it seems. Sluizer Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2010 min. Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Drama, A young man embarks on an obsessive search for the girlfriend who mysteriously disappeared while the couple Well Go USA 09.09.2014 Movies, Mystery, Rocky Relationships, were taking a sunny vacation trip, and his three-year 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124114 Romance, Thrillers 2013 137min. investigation draws the attention of her abductor, a mild- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment mannered professor with a diabolically clinical mind. An Victim (Blu-ray) 30.09.2014 unorthodox love story and a truly unsettling thriller, Dutch filmmaker George Sluizer’s The Vanishing unfolds with Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2010 min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124268 meticulous intensity, leading to an unforgettable finale that has unnerved audiences around the world. Well Go USA 09.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124147 The Tudors: The Complete Series Classics, Criterion Collection, Dutch (Netherlands), Foreign, Kidnapping, (Repackage) Movies, Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 1988 Vikings: Season Two Nick Dunning, Natalie Dormer, Jonathan 106min. Clive Standen, Travis Fimmel, Gustaf Meyers, Henry Cavill, Sam Neill, James Criterion 28.10.2014 Skarsgard, Jessalyn Gilsig, Katheryn Frain 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124390 Winnick, John Kavanagh, Donal Logue Relive all the drama and opulence again and again with The Muster your courage for a second riveting journey into the Tudors: The Complete Series. This 14-disc set includes all savage world of Vikings. Season Two follows the ongoing four groundbreaking seasons of the critically acclaimed, Venom (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) fortunes of Ragnar, the Norse warrior who has now become a award-winning drama from Showtime. The Tudors stands out (Blu-ray) respected leader on and off the battleground. But more power as one of the most daring and visually beautiful shows ever to brings an onslaught of deadly threats and impossible choices. grace the small screen. Experience the tumultuous saga of Laura Ramsey, Meagan Good, Agnes As he prepares to cross swords with his own brother Rollo, young King Henry VIII, featuring Golden Globe winner Bruckner, Bijou Phillips, Method Man - Dir. Ragnar is torn between his wife Lagertha and his lover Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and witness the king’s near 40 year Princess Aslaug... with his son, Bjorn, now a young man and omnipotent and bloody reign, infamous marriages, and Jim Gillespie fierce fighter, caught in the middle. All the while, Ragnar controversial decisions that led to the deconstruction of the A pack of teenagers run for their lives through the swamps of boldly invades the kingdom of England, home to vast treasures Roman Catholic Church in 16th Century England. Louisiana, as they are chased by Mr. Jangles, a man and a treacherous king who could pose the ultimate threat. Affairs & Love Triangles, British, Drama, possessed by 13 evil souls who is relentless in his pursuit of Action, Drama, History & Events, History Dysfunctional Families, History & Events, new victims. Horror, Movies, Possession, Serial Killers, Channel, Myths & Legends, Romance, Tele- Politics, Religion/Spirituality, Romance,

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 85 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA vision, Vikings, War 442min. may be lacking, they’ve got enough DIY spirit to shatter some for Bigfoot, and make a terrifying discovery in this found- MGM / UA 07.10.2014 musical boundaries, and embrace life on their own terms. footage horror film from writer-director Bobcat Goldthwait. Movies, Musical, Performing Arts min. Convinced that he will capture video evidence of Sasquatch 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124341 at the same place where the legendary Patterson-Gimlin film Magnolia Home Entertainment 23.09.2014 was shot, Jim (Bryce Johnson) persuades his skeptical 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124403 girlfriend Kelly (Alexie Gilmore) to join him on a Vikings: Season Two (Blu-ray) cryptozoological excursion into the deep woods. Before Jim Clive Standen, Travis Fimmel, Gustaf What’s Happening: First And Se- and Kelly set out on their mission, however, they first visit Skarsgard, Jessalyn Gilsig, Katheryn Willow Creek — a town that thrives on the Bigfoot cond Seasons phenomenon — to interview the locals about the legend. Winnick, John Kavanagh, Donal Logue There, the couple are repeatedly warned that the forest can Muster your courage for a second riveting journey into the Comedy, Television min. be a dangerous place at night — warnings that go unheeded savage world of Vikings. Season Two follows the ongoing Mill Creek Entertainment 02.09.2014 by Jim as he single-mindedly focuses on making the journey fortunes of Ragnar, the Norse warrior who has now become a he’s dreamt about for years. Later, in the darkened woods, respected leader on and off the battleground. But more power 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124101 however, the once-carefree couple experience paralyzing brings an onslaught of deadly threats and impossible choices. fear when someone — or something — begins rooting around As he prepares to cross swords with his own brother Rollo, What’s Happening: Second their campsite, and uttering inhuman howls. Uncertain if Ragnar is torn between his wife Lagertha and his lover they’ve actually sur Princess Aslaug... with his son, Bjorn, now a young man and Season Adventure, Blu-ray, Horror, Monsters, fierce fighter, caught in the middle. All the while, Ragnar boldly invades the kingdom of England, home to vast treasures Comedy, Television min. Movies, Mystery 2013 80min. and a treacherous king who could pose the ultimate threat. Mill Creek Entertainment 02.09.2014 MPI 09.09.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Drama, History & Events, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124102 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124149 History Channel, Myths & Legends, Romance, Television, Vikings, War 442min. When Santa Fell To Earth Wish I Was Here MGM / UA 07.10.2014 Mercedes Jadea Diaz, Noah Kraus, Alexan- Joey King, Ashley Greene, Jim Parsons, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124355 der Scheer Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Kate Hudson, With two weeks left until Christmas, the last thing Ben and Mandy Patinkin - Dir. Zach Braff Walk By Faith 2 Charlotte expected is for Santa to crash-land his sleigh in Aidan Bloom (Zach Braff), a husband, and a father of two, is their town! Santa has just escaped the villainous Gerold set on pursuing his dream as an actor when his father (Mandy Family, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 2014 Geronimous Goblynch, recently named the new head of the Patinkin) reveals he’s battling a serious illness. As the min. Great Christmas Council. Goblynch’s wicked ways have announcement disrupts Aidan’s day-to-day existence, his E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 broken Christmas Land’s joyous spirit, and he’s threatened to decision to home school his children will lead him on an turn Santa to ice and banish him from Christmas Land forever! unexpected journey of discovery about fulfillment and family. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124538 When the grouchy grinch sends his army of Nutcracker soldiers after Santa and the kids, the three embark on a Comedy, Drama, Family, Movies 2014 magical adventure to find Santa’s trusty reindeer Twinklestar, 107min. Wallander: Season 3 free his Christmas elves and angels from Goblynch’s spell, Universal Studios 28.10.2014 Krister Henriksson returns in a stunning performance as and save Christmas before it’s too late! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124478 Detective Kurt Wallander from the best-selling crime series Adventure, Children’s, Christmas, Family, by Swedish author Henning Mankell. Wallander is Ystad’s Fantasy, Holidays, Magic, Movies 2014 veteran detective who’s finally learned to find respite from the Wish I Was Here (Blu-ray + DVD + job in the moments of grace that come from living on the beach 107min. with the dog, Jussi, or spending time with his granddaughter. Starz / Anchor Bay 14.10.2014 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) He’s still on the outs at work, however: offbeat methods make him an irritant for management and his colleague, Martinsson, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124136 Joey King, Ashley Greene, Jim Parsons, is angling for his position. But no one in the department has Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Kate Hudson, the uncanny sense of the criminal mind that he does. Whether Whitewash Mandy Patinkin - Dir. Zach Braff it’s Cold War spies, pedophiles, human traffickers or Aidan Bloom (Zach Braff), a husband, and a father of two, is kidnappers, Wallander knows when he’s being lied to and Thomas Haden Church set on pursuing his dream as an actor when his father (Mandy when the story hasn’t been fully told. Hurt is also trying to get A rural man (Thomas Haden Church) contends with Patinkin) reveals he’s battling a serious illness. As the a few things right with his daughter and fellow cop, Linda. He the frustration of losing his job and the despair over the death announcement disrupts Aidan’s day-to-day existence, his may have been an absentee father, but he’s a very present of his wife during a brutal Canadian winter, and receives a decision to home school his children will lead him on an grandfather and a friend to her and her husband. He’s arrived mysterious visitor while struggling to escape a prison of his unexpected journey of discovery about fulfillment and family. at his life’s twilight clinging to the one thing he knows, which own making. Marc Labrche co-stars in this snowbound drama is how to do police work, In that, Wallander is a man at the from co-writer and director Emanuel Hoss-Desmarais. Comedy, Drama, Family, Movies 2014 top of his game. He’s also Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 91min. 107min. Detectives, Foreign, International TV, Oscilloscope Laboratories 02.09.2014 Universal Studios 28.10.2014 Swedish, Television, Thrillers 2013 549min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124099 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124493 MHZ Networks 27.05.2014 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124270 Willow Creek Wolf Alexie Gilmore, Bryce Johnson, Peter Action, Adventure, Movies, Thrillers War Films Triple Feature: Attack! Jason - Dir. Bobcat Goldthwait 123min. / Attack On The Iron Coast / A young couple (Alexie Gilmore, Bryce Johnson) venture into MPI 30.09.2014 Six Rivers National Forest in Northern California to search 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124377 Beach Red for Bigfoot, and make a terrifying discovery in this found- Burr DeBenning, Eddie Albert, Sue Lloyd, footage horror film from writer-director Bobcat Goldthwait. Convinced that he will capture video evidence of Sasquatch Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort Cornel Wilde, Lee Marvin, Lloyd Bridges, at the same place where the legendary Patterson-Gimlin film Rip Torn, Jack Palance, Andrew Keir - Dir. was shot, Jim (Bryce Johnson) persuades his skeptical Sadie Katz Robert Aldrich, Paul Wendkos, Cornel Wilde girlfriend Kelly (Alexie Gilmore) to join him on a The unrelenting terror starts when an emotionally troubled cryptozoological excursion into the deep woods. Before Jim young man, Danny, inherits an isolated backwoods hotel that Action, Classics, Drama, Marines, Military, and Kelly set out on their mission, however, they first visit may hold the key to his secret past. A trip to the peaceful Movies, Revenge, Triple Feature, War, Willow Creek — a town that thrives on the Bigfoot resort quickly transforms into a blood-soaked killing spree, World War II min. phenomenon — to interview the locals about the legend. as Danny’s friends are brutally murdered one by one. Danny There, the couple are repeatedly warned that the forest can discovers that Three Finger and his flesh-eating kin are to Shout Factory 12.08.2014 be a dangerous place at night — warnings that go unheeded blame, but the chilling surprises they have in store for him 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124379 by Jim as he single-mindedly focuses on making the journey have only just begun. Danny ultimately learns that he has an he’s dreamt about for years. Later, in the darkened woods, unthinkable connection to the clan of hillbilly cannibals, but however, the once-carefree couple experience paralyzing now that he knows the shocking truth, he will face an even We Are The Best! fear when someone — or something — begins rooting around more horrifying choice. Three teenage rebels from form an all-girl punk trio their campsite, and uttering inhuman howls. Uncertain if Cannibalism, Horror, Horror Series, Movies, in this period drama set in the 1980s, and directed by Lukas they’ve actually sur Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial Killers, Moodysson (Together, Lilya 4-Ever). Although their talent Adventure, Horror, Monsters, Movies, may be lacking, they’ve got enough DIY spirit to shatter some Slasher, Thrillers 2014 91min. musical boundaries, and embrace life on their own terms. Mystery 2013 80min. 20th Century Fox 21.10.2014 Movies, Musical, Performing Arts min. MPI 09.09.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124397 Magnolia Home Entertainment 23.09.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124116 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124371 XIII: The Series - Season 1 Willow Creek (Blu-ray) Action, Television min. We Are The Best! (Blu-ray) Alexie Gilmore, Bryce Johnson, Peter Funimation 16.09.2014 Three teenage rebels from Stockholm form an all-girl punk trio Jason - Dir. Bobcat Goldthwait 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124234 in this period drama set in the 1980s, and directed by Lukas A young couple (Alexie Gilmore, Bryce Johnson) venture into Moodysson (Together, Lilya 4-Ever). Although their talent Six Rivers National Forest in Northern California to search

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 86 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

XIII: The Series - Season 2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124540 strong, lean body. Light hand and ankle weights are suggested, but not needed. The DVD includes 3 complete Action, Television min. workouts that can be used individually or combined - it is up Funimation 16.09.2014 Law & Order: The Fifteenth Year to you! I am so excited to teach you and help you achieve your 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124235 Fred Thompson, S. Epatha Merkerson, best body! Fitness, Health, Special Interest 79min. Jesse L. Martin, Sam Waterston, Michael Starz / Anchor Bay 07.10.2014 The Young Savages Imperioli In the compelling fifteenth year of Dick Wolf’s iconic series, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124469 Jody Fair, John Davis Chandler, Milton the Manhattan criminal justice team tries not to let Selzer, Pilar Seurat, Edward Andrews, departmental shake-ups impact their abilities to pursue the Ken Burns: The Roosevelts Robert Burton, Dina Merrill, Burt Lancaster, riveting cases that have shocked the city. Detective Joe Documentary, Educational, History & Shelley Winters, Telly Savalas, Larry Gates Fontana (Dennis Farina) and ADA Alexandra Borgia (Annie Parisse) bring their expertise to grim crimes regarding fake Events, Special Interest, Television 720min. - Dir. John Frankenheimer flu vaccines and con men, while ADA Serena Southerlyn The beginning of the long association between director John (Elisabeth Rohm) exits after her strong opinions put her at PBS Home Video 16.09.2014 Frankenheimer and actor Burt Lancaster, The Young Savages odds with her colleagues in the death of a controversial rap 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124296 stars the latter as Assistant D.A. Hank Bell. In the Spanish producer. Cast members Jesse L. Martin, S. Epatha Harlem of the late 1950s, Hank is prosecuting three members Merkerson, Sam Waterston and Fred Thompson also star in of an Italian street gang who have been charged with the this unforgettable 24-episode season, also featuring a special Ken Burns: The Roosevelts (Blu- stabbing death of a blind Puerto Rican teenager. Although series of guest appearances by Michael Imperioli as ray) D.A. Dan Cole (Edward Andrews), eager to boost his career, Detective Nick Falco. has told the press that he’ll seek the death penalty, Hank, a Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal Documentary, Educational, History & product of the same kind of slum neighborhood as both the Events, Special Interest, Television 720min. killers and their victim, resolves to remain neutral until he’s Issues, Murder Mysteries, Music, NBC, completed his investigation. His involvement is complicated Television 1059min. PBS Home Video 16.09.2014 both by his liberal wife Karin’s (Dina Merrill) stand against Universal Studios 04.11.2014 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124317 capital punishment, and the fact that one of the indicted, Danny Di Pace (Stanley Kristien) is the son of his former 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124286 fiance Mary (Shelley Winters). As he patiently probes the Burt’s Buzz case, Hank learns that the victim was actually the leader of a Led Zeppelin: You Shook Me Jody Shapiro’s documentary Burt’s Buzz profiles Burt Puerto Rican street gang who was pimping his 13-year-old Shavitz, a shy American beekeeper who has created a sister on the side. As tensions escalate on both sides, Karin Documentary, Hard Rock, Music, Rock ‘N’ successful line of products that have made him famous in is attacked by a street gang, and Hank is vi Roll, Special Interest 240min. Taiwan. The filmmakers capture this private man being Action, Classics, Crime, Drama, Gangs, E1 Entertainment 16.09.2014 confronted by some of his adoring fans during a visit to Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies 1961 Taiwan. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124128 Documentary, Educational, Special Interest 103min. 88min. Kino Video 23.09.2014 Kino Video 16.09.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124372 Special Interest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124290 The Young Savages (Blu-ray) Burt’s Buzz (Blu-ray) Jody Fair, John Davis Chandler, Milton American Promise Jody Shapiro’s documentary Burt’s Buzz profiles Burt Selzer, Pilar Seurat, Edward Andrews, Shavitz, a shy American beekeeper who has created a Robert Burton, Dina Merrill, Burt Lancaster, This intimate documentary follows the 12-year journey of two successful line of products that have made him famous in African-American families pursuing the promise of opportunity Taiwan. The filmmakers capture this private man being Shelley Winters, Telly Savalas, Larry Gates through the education of their sons. confronted by some of his adoring fans during a visit to - Dir. John Frankenheimer African Americans, Documentary, Taiwan. A district attorney investigates the racially charged case of Educational, Family, Movies, Special Documentary, Educational, Special Interest three teenagers accused of the murder of a blind Puerto Rican boy. He begins to discover that the facts in the case aren’t Interest 135min. 88min. exactly as they seem to be. Docurama 02.09.2014 Kino Video 16.09.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Crime, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124445 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124311 Gangs, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Movies 1961 103min. Amish Mafia: Season Two Casting By Kino Video 23.09.2014 Crime, Discovery Channel, Mobsters & The A tribute to legendary casting director Marion Dougherty 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124077 (1923-2011), who had an exceptional eye for talent and Mafia, Reality, Television min. supplied big breaks for actors such as James Dean, Robert Discovery Channel 09.09.2014 Duvall, Robert Redford, and Glenn Close. The film also Zombex 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124447 explores how Dougherty helped change the way Hollywood cast movies as it moved away from the old studio system in the David Christopher, Lew Temple, Haig, 1960s and ’70s. Malcolm McDowell, Corey Feldman - Dir. Tracy Anderson: Cardio Dance Documentary, Film About Film, History & Jesse Dayton For Beginners Events, Special Interest 89min. Zombex tells the story of a post-Katrina New Orleans as it deals with a new disaster, a zombie apocalypse. NOLA Fitness icon Tracy Anderson has transformed the bodies of First Run Features 16.09.2014 residents are no longer experiencing the depression and countless people across the globe. She has rocked the bodies 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124291 post-traumatic stress due to the trauma of the hurricane, of many of your favorite celebrities and now she wants to thanks to the revolutionary Zombex - a rogue, yet, „clinically- move with you. Now is your time to connect with Tracy and proven“ anti-depressant pharmaceutical manufactured by a experience the life changing results you deserve! Tracy will Duck Dynasty: Duck The Halls nefarious organization. For those who call the Big Easy their guide you through 4 complete dance cardio workouts that will Get festive down on the Bayou with the Robertson clan in this home, everything is just now turning around for them. Or, get your heart rate up and the calories burning. Start with Duck Dynasty: Duck The Halls DVD set from A&E. They’re could it just be the drug, Zombex, talking... Just as things are THE BASICS, where even the most novice of dancers will living their own special brand of the American Dream running turning around for the city and its people, they once again master the moves in no time. Eventually, you will be dancing a multimillion-dollar family business, remaining true to must face a disaster of epic proportions. Only this time, your way through a complete total body workout that is themselves and their Southern roots. Come duck the halls they’re dealing with the prospect of losing the people of New healthy happy workout fun! The DVD includes 4 complete with them at Christmastime as they perform a live nativity Orleans as they turn into the city’s walking dead... dance cardio workouts that can be used individually or scene for their church in „O Little Town of West Monroe.“ Apocalyptic Future, Drugs & Dealers, Hor- combined - it is up to you! Start today - and get the body you Willie plays Joseph, Jep the innkeeper, while Si insists on never thought was possible! playing the wise man with the „franken-scent.“ And life’s a ror, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers, Fitness, Health, Instructional Dance, feast in „Winner, Winner Turkey Dinner“ as Jase and Si Zombies 2013 90min. Special Interest 66min. embark on a turkey hunt for the annual Robertson men vs. Gaiam Americas 26.08.2014 Robertson women cook-off. With Phil’s discerning palate as Starz / Anchor Bay 07.10.2014 judge, the teams pull out all the stops with their best country 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124444 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124468 cookin’ secrets. Who knew you could have so much fun in the backwoods? Tracy Anderson: Mat Workout For A&E, Adventure, Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays, Reality, Television 66min. Beginners A&E 11.11.2014 Music Fitness icon Tracy Anderson has transformed the bodies of countless people across the globe. She has rocked the bodies 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124480 of many of your favorite celebrities and now she wants to Gerald Kelly: Live On Broadway move with you. Now is your time to connect with Tracy and Duck Dynasty: Seasons 4-6 Gerald Kelly experience the life changing results you deserve! Tracy will guide you through 3 complete total body workouts that will America’s most charming family is back, full of fun and Movies, Music, Performing Arts 2014 min. sculpt, tone and transform your body. With Tracy’s focus on adventure in this special collection of Seasons 4-6 of Duck E1 Entertainment 16.09.2014 the smaller, accessory muscles, she will help you achieve a Dynasty on A&E. For the Robertsons, it’s truly a family affair:

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 87 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA everyone comes together for Phil and Miss Kay’s surprise Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2014 start kissing and touching each other, they don’t stop until wedding party, Phil teaches his granddaughters how to fish, both have climaxed! Jenn, 19, takes the opportunity to confess the boys at the warehouse continue to get Willie’s goat, and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124140 to Kate, 21, that she’s always had a crush on her. Luckily, the Phil and Kay host a slumber party - and that’s just for feeling is mutual and soon these close friends are becoming starters! The guys also coach Martin in romance and train Fight For Fallujah even closer. And finally, Olivia gets her chance to hang out with the local fire department, while Phil makes a jack-o’- with Mary, 20. The tension has built between these two and lantern with a shotgun. The governor of Louisiana even shows Discovery Channel, Educational, History & our cameraman can barely get a word in once they get their up to give Willie an award. As always, the guys’ antics Events, Military, Special Interest, Television, hands on each other! These girls are redefining what it means continue to amaze: can they get Phil’s wheelbarrow out of a War, War In The Middle East min. to be a best friend in Girls Gone Wild: Best Friends Forever. tree? Plus, the whole dang clan gets even bigger as two new Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Discovery Channel 30.09.2014 family members join the action. Daily life on the bayou is GGW 03.06.2014 anything but mundane for the Robertsons. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124498 Comedy, Family, Reality, Television 709min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124069 A&E 21.10.2014 The Fluffy Movie Girls Gone Wild: Horny Freshman 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124216 Gabriel „Fluffy“ Iglesias, the world-famous Hawaiian shirt- clad comedian, takes viewers on a joke-filled journey into his Fantasies Jeff Dunham: All Over The Map life in this nonstop laugh fest. The funnyman delves into The best part of being a college freshman is getting to explore subjects such as the joys of parenting a teen, the similarities yourself in a new environment. Well, we’ve met some hot Jeff Dunham and his iconic creations, Achmed the Dead between India and Mexico, and more hilarious observations, Terrorist, Walter, Peanut, and Bubba J. have embarked on an freshman girls who have certainly done some exploration... of while also providing fans with special backstage access and their bodies! Join us as we meet sexy Jessie, 18, a sociology unprecedented world tour that has Dunham touching five exclusive never-before-seen footage from his sold-out Unity continents, logging almost 100,000 miles and starring in major and self-proclaimed voyeur, who confesses her biggest Through Laughter tour. See Fluffy himself unleashed, as he fantasy is to go crazy on camera for Girls Gone Wild. Next, arenas where dew American comedians have dared to per- puts his animated storytelling, spot-on impressions and vivid form. Tell the wrong joke in Singapore or United Arab we meet Vivianna, who starts pleasuring herself while her sound effects on display before audiences around the world in roommate, Vanessa, is still in the shower. When Vanessa’s Emirates and risk being handcuffed before you ever leave the this must-own comedy event. stage. Bring Achmed the Dead Terrorist on stage in Malaysia shower ends early, she catches Vivianna in the act, and is so after a government warning forbidding his presence, and you Comedy, Documentary, Movies, Sketch turned on she has to join in! Finally, we meet Lexie, and her may begin an indefinite vacation in Kuala Lumpur. While Comedy, Special Interest, Spoken Comedy shy friend Kelly, whose fantasy is to have a friend use a toy Dunham collects and crafts pop culture references that can 101min. on her. Luckily for us, Lexie has already fantasized about excite a local audience upon entering each country - Achmed Kelly, and gladly pleasures her with a toy. Check out ALL of on this trepidation of returning to the Middle East, Walter’s Universal Studios 21.10.2014 the girls’ wildest fantasies only on Girls Gone Wild: Horny (lack of) understanding of current race relations in South 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124424 Freshman Fantasies. Africa, Bubba J. finding kindred spirits in Australia - Jeff Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. shows that humor is truly universal. Most of the time. Dunham The Fluffy Movie (Blu-ray + DVD + GGW 01.07.2014 works through fear, anticipation, and exhilaration as he tries 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124081 to push the envelope in every concert without triggering an UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) international crisis. All Over the Map is an inside look at Amer Gabriel „Fluffy“ Iglesias, the world-famous Hawaiian shirt- Girls Gone Wild: Horny Sorority Comedy, Comedy Central, Sketch Comedy, clad comedian, takes viewers on a joke-filled journey into his life in this nonstop laugh fest. The funnyman delves into Girl Reunion Special Interest, Spoken Comedy, Television subjects such as the joys of parenting a teen, the similarities min. between India and Mexico, and more hilarious observations, We’ve always wondered what goes down at sorority while also providing fans with special backstage access and reunions... and now we know! Join us as we meet five Comedy Central 18.11.2014 exclusive never-before-seen footage from his sold-out Unity gorgeous sorority sisters who taped their very own sexy 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124423 Through Laughter tour. See Fluffy himself unleashed, as he reunion just for us! Brunette beauty Ali, 22, starts off the puts his animated storytelling, spot-on impressions and vivid action by picking the girl with the best body, and gives her a sound effects on display before audiences around the world in vibrator as the prize. When blonde bombshell Lexi wins, all of Jeff Dunham: All Over The Map this must-own comedy event. the girls join in to help her use her new toy. Soon, Bree and Brandi Lynn are confessing to having crushes on each other, (Blu-ray) Comedy, Documentary, Movies, Sketch while the rest of the girls make sure they finally act on it. Jeff Dunham and his iconic creations, Achmed the Dead Comedy, Special Interest, Spoken Comedy Meanwhile, Ali is tired of filming the action. She barely has Terrorist, Walter, Peanut, and Bubba J. have embarked on an 101min. time to hand off her camera duties before her hands are all unprecedented world tour that has Dunham touching five over Kate! We have NEVER seen a group orgy so intense! continents, logging almost 100,000 miles and starring in Universal Studios 21.10.2014 Trust us - you don’t want to miss a minute of this sex tape, arenas where dew American comedians have dared to per- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124432 only on Girls Gone Wild: Horny Sorority Girl Reunion. form. Tell the wrong joke in Singapore or United Arab Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Emirates and risk being handcuffed before you ever leave the stage. Bring Achmed the Dead Terrorist on stage in Malaysia Girls Gone Wild: 18, Wet & Wild GGW 12.08.2014 after a government warning forbidding his presence, and you During Spring Break in Mexico, we LOVE scouring the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124083 may begin an indefinite vacation in Kuala Lumpur. While beaches for hot babes. And sometimes, they want to take us Dunham collects and crafts pop culture references that can home with them! Join us as we hang out with five hotties excite a local audience upon entering each country - Achmed enjoying a little vacation in the sun at their gorgeous Spring Girls Gone Wild: Kitchen on this trepidation of returning to the Middle East, Walter’s Break house. The girls enjoy playing games in the pool, but Climaxes (lack of) understanding of current race relations in South soon Stacy and Whitney are sneaking off for a naughty kind of Africa, Bubba J. finding kindred spirits in Australia - Jeff playing! Watch as they make each other wetter than the pool After a late night of partying, our Girls Gone Wild cameraman shows that humor is truly universal. Most of the time. Dunham ever could! Blondes Molly and Julia can’t get enough of each finds Morgan and Natalie, 19, eating breakfast in their works through fear, anticipation, and exhilaration as he tries other in the Jacuzzi... and their friend Kim is so turned on kitchen. What starts out as an innocent meal turns into the to push the envelope in every concert without triggering an watching from the pool, that she can’t resist touching herself, girls licking yogurt off each other! Next, we meet Blair, 21, international crisis. All Over the Map is an inside look at too. Later, four of the girls get together for one of the hottest and Samantha, 21, who are debating whether they kissed the Amer foursomes we’ve EVER seen. These girls are so horny, we night before. When Samantha claims she doesn’t remember, lost track of all the climaxes! Check out all the hot footage Blair makes it her mission to give her something she WILL Comedy, Comedy Central, Sketch Comedy, remember. Cute 18-year-olds Jenna and Hailey are being Special Interest, Spoken Comedy, Television only on Girls Gone Wild: 18, Wet and Wild. Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. good girls and cleaning up after their roommates, until they min. start playing with the soap bubbles. Soon, these girls are GGW 12.08.2014 Comedy Central 18.11.2014 stripped down and covering each other with suds! We’re 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124084 pretty sure they’re going to have to clean up the counter again 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124431 after everything they do! These girls are wild, horny, and sure know how to heat up a kitchen! Check out ALL the hot Girls Gone Wild: Anytime, climaxes in Girls Gone Wild: Kitchen Climaxes. Fed Up Girls Gone Wild, Softcore 2014 min. Stephanie Soechtig’s documentary Fed Up, narrated by Katie Anywhere Vol. 2 Couric, presents the case that the food industry and the If you thought the girls in Anytime, Anywhere were sexy, just GGW 03.06.2014 government have acted together in order to change the eating wait until you see our next batch of babes! These girls are 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124068 habits of America in a way that has led to widespread obesity wild, horny, and love to find new places to get down. Check in children. out just where they go in Girls Gone Wild: Anytime, Anywhere Documentary, Food & Cooking, Science, Vol. 2. Girls Gone Wild: Photoshoot First Special Interest min. Girls Gone Wild, Softcore 2014 min. Timers Starz / Anchor Bay 09.09.2014 GGW 02.09.2014 Sexy photographer Hailey, 19, has been begging to shoot for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124333 Girls Gone Wild, and after you see her, you’ll know why we 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124104 couldn’t say no! The first model, Kelsey, is nervous until Hailey coaxes her out of her shell... and panties! When Fed Up (Blu-ray) Girls Gone Wild: Best Friends Kelsey begins touching herself, Hailey can barely keep focus. Megan, 19, joins and poses with Kelsey, but the girls are too Stephanie Soechtig’s documentary Fed Up, narrated by Katie Forever into each other and start making out before Hailey’s even Couric, presents the case that the food industry and the When blonde hottie Olivia, 21, invited us to check out her done shooting! After a very horny Hailey pleasures herself, government have acted together in order to change the eating „BFF House“ where she lives with FIVE other gorgeous girls, she gets back to work with Brooke, 21. The two have shot habits of America in a way that has led to widespread obesity we couldn’t say no! Soon, Olivia begins masturbating while each other before, and they have the chemistry to prove it! in children. talking about her friend Mary! Next we meet cuties Chloe, 21, The camera is quickly disposed of once these two are Documentary, Food & Cooking, Science, and Megan, 18. Being the daughter of a preacher, Megan together. Finally, cutie Laura is shyer than the others, but Special Interest min. hasn’t experimented very much... until now. Once these girls after some dirty talk from our sexy photographer-of-the-day,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 88 Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) September 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA she opens up and really lets loose. You decide for yourself Documentary, Educational, Holocaust, Educational, Myths & Legends, Television, whether Hailey did a good job as our photographer in Girls Gone Wild: Photo Shoot First-Timers. Special Interest, World War II 235min. Urban Legends 2012 430min. Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. E1 Entertainment 23.09.2014 Discovery Channel 05.08.2014 GGW 01.07.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124237 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124059 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124082 The Last Of The Unjust (Blu-ray) National Geographic Classics: Girls Gone Wild: Virgin Limo Claude Lanzmann returns to the subject of World War II and History’s Notorious the Holocaust with his documentary The Last Of The Unjust, Hookups in which he interviews Benjamin Murmelstein, a Jewish man Educational, History & Events, National Ever wonder what happens when you put four horny girls in a who held a position of responsibility at Theresienstadt, Geographic, Special Interest, Television limo? Well, we can’t give it all away, but let’s just say we’ve considered by the Nazis to be the ideal death camp. Lanzmann min. never seen windows so foggy! Check out all the steamy action visits key sites referenced in the film, as his subject only on Girls Gone Wild: Virgin Limo Hookups. discusses his complex feelings about what he was forced to National Geographic 23.09.2014 Girls Gone Wild, Softcore 2014 min. endure and do during that period of history. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124490 Documentary, Educational, Holocaust, GGW 02.09.2014 Special Interest, World War II 235min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124332 National Geographic Classics: E1 Entertainment 23.09.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124205 Witches, Ghosts & Monsters Here Comes Honey Boo Boo: A Educational, Ghosts, Holidays, Horror, Very Boo Christmas Law & Order: The Sixteenth Year Monsters, Myths & Legends, National Geographic, Television, Witches & Christmas, Comedy, Family, Holidays, Fred Thompson, Annie Parisse, S. Epatha Warlocks min. Reality, Television min. Merkerson, Jesse L. Martin, Sam National Geographic 14.10.2014 Discovery Channel 14.10.2014 Waterston, Michael Imperioli, Dennis Farina 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124521 Gripping life-or-death drama. Intelligent dialogue. Ripped- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124533 from-the-headlines scenarios. They’re all here in 22 compelling episodes. Annie Parisse and Dennis Farina return National Geographic: American The Hornet’s Nest for their final season as ADA Alexandra Borgia and Detective David Salzberg and Christian Tureaud’s documentary The Joe Fontana, who take on cases involving a grim sterilization War Generals Hornet’s Nest is comprised primarily of footage taken by campaign, post-partum psychosis and a death so disturbing to father and son reporters who were embedded with American Lieutenant Van Buren (S. Epatha Merkerson) that she flirts Americana, History & Events, Military, Na- soldiers serving in Afghanistan. They were expecting to film a with perjury in the name of justice. Impressive guest stars, tional Geographic, Special Interest, Televi- fairly straightforward raid, but the daylong activity turned into including Michael Imperioli reprising his role as Detective sion, War min. a grueling encounter that lasted over a week. Nick Falco, join cast members Jesse L. Martin, Sam National Geographic 30.09.2014 Documentary, Military, Special Interest, War Waterston and Fred Thompson. The legacy from esteemed producer Dick Wolf continues with this sixteenth season of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124496 97min. television’s longest-running crime series. Anderson Merchandisers 09.09.2014 Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Lawyers / National Geographic: Engage 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124214 Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, NBC, Thrillers 966min. Your Brain Collection The Hornet’s Nest (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 04.11.2014 Documentary, Educational, National David Salzberg and Christian Tureaud’s documentary The 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124287 Geographic, Special Interest, Television Hornet’s Nest is comprised primarily of footage taken by min. father and son reporters who were embedded with American National Geographic 05.08.2014 soldiers serving in Afghanistan. They were expecting to film a Liberty: Heroes Of The American fairly straightforward raid, but the daylong activity turned into 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124369 a grueling encounter that lasted over a week. Revolution Documentary, Military, Special Interest, War Immerse yourself in everything American Revolution in National Geographic: How To 97min. Liberty: Heroes Of The American Revolution from History. Each Founding Fathers selection puts a human face on the Survive The End Of The World Anderson Merchandisers 09.09.2014 legendary men who forged American independence; despite 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124189 their accomplishments, they were distinctly fallible. Henry Educational, End Of The World, National Rollins takes preconceived notions about these titans even Geographic, Special Interest, Television further, turning them on their ear in 10 Things You Don’t Know min. Korengal About’s „The Founding Fathers“ and „Benjamin Franklin“. Korengal, director Sebastian Junger’s follow-up to his From bitter rivalries and spy games to bankrupt presidents, National Geographic 09.09.2014 documentary Restrepo, shows how the combat depicted in the these are the facts you wished you’d learned in school. Learn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124449 first movie has left its mark on soldiers. The filmmakers intriguing and little-known facts about Ben Franklin, including contrast how some veterans still take pride in their lethal the eccentricities that helped him save the American Revoluti- activities, others mourn the friends they’ve lost, and still on. And finally, in Paul Revere: The Midnight Rider, explore National Geographic: Inside others wrestle with profound guilt for having killed fellow the life of one of the most famous revolutionaries to reveal that Combat Rescue - The Last Stand humans. he was also a skilled artisan, an ambitious businessman, a Documentary, History & Events, Military, dentist, and a political cartoonist. Action, Drama, Educational, History & American Revolution, Americana, Special Interest, War 2014 90min. Events, National Geographic, Special Educational, History & Events, History Virgil Films And Entertainment 09.09.2014 Interest, Television, War min. Channel, Television, War 292min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124108 National Geographic 19.08.2014 A&E 11.11.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124437 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124394 Korengal (Blu-ray) Korengal, director Sebastian Junger’s follow-up to his National Geographic: Predators documentary Restrepo, shows how the combat depicted in the Mythbusters: Collection 11 Of The Sea Collection first movie has left its mark on soldiers. The filmmakers Grant Imahara, Kari Byron, Tory Belleci, Animals & Nature, Educational, High Seas, contrast how some veterans still take pride in their lethal Adam Savage, Jamie Hyneman activities, others mourn the friends they’ve lost, and still Killer Animals, National Geographic, Special others wrestle with profound guilt for having killed fellow MythBusters Collection 11 brings you 10 episodes and more humans. than 7 hours of scintillating scientific mayhem. The Interest, Television min. MythBusters, including their fearless leaders Jamie Hyneman National Geographic 07.10.2014 Documentary, History & Events, Military, and Adam Savage, serve up their share of explosive Special Interest, War 2014 90min. entertainment, blowing up myths with bazookas, RPGs, C4, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124508 Virgil Films And Entertainment 09.09.2014 and even a toilet bomb. But no collection would be complete without things that drive and fly, hence the rigorous test- National Geographic: Secrets Of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124144 driving of some „green“ machines, a duct tape airplane, and did we mention the rocket sled? Of course, these guys aren’t The African Wild Collection The Last Of The Unjust only about speed and explosions. So in the name of science, they attempt to create a megascale Newton’s cradle with... Animals & Nature, National Geographic, Claude Lanzmann returns to the subject of World War II and wrecking balls?! Strape yourself in for this thrill-a-minute Special Interest, Television min. the Holocaust with his documentary The Last Of The Unjust, ride where the elements of science and imagination collide to National Geographic 02.09.2014 in which he interviews Benjamin Murmelstein, a Jewish man create the unique compound we’ve come to know as who held a position of responsibility at Theresienstadt, MythBusters. Episodes Include Bikes and Bazookas 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124446 considered by the Nazis to be the ideal death camp. Lanzmann Newton’s Crane Cradle Walk a Straight Line Duct Tape Plane visits key sites referenced in the film, as his subject Flying Cuillotine Drain Disaster Wheel of Mythfortune Toilet National Geographic: Ultimate discusses his complex feelings about what he was forced to Bomb Location, Location, Location Wet and Wild endure and do during that period of history. Discovery Channel, Documentary, Survival Alaska - Season Two

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Adventure, Animals & Nature, Educational, Titanic: Band Of Courage Rivalries National Geographic, Reality, Special Documentary, Educational, History & John Cena Interest, Television min. Events, Special Interest 2013 min. Action, Drama, Special Interest, Sports, National Geographic 16.09.2014 MPI 09.09.2014 Sports Entertainment, Television, Wrestling 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124462 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124112 & Fighting, WWE min. WWE Home Video 14.10.2014 River Monsters: Season 5 Trish Stratus: Stratusphere Yoga 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124528 Jeremy Wade Fitness, Health, Special Interest, Yoga Animals & Nature, Documentary, 100min. WWE: John Cena’s Greatest Educational, Fishing, Killer Animals, Reality, MPI 09.09.2014 Rivalries (Blu-ray) Special Interest, Television min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124113 John Cena Discovery Channel 21.10.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Special Interest, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124509 Who Is Dayani Cristal? Sports, Sports Entertainment, Television, Marc Silver’s documentary Who Is Dayani Cristal? attempts Wrestling & Fighting, WWE min. Royal Family: By Royal to uncover the identity and final days of a man who died during his attempt to cross into America from Mexico. Through WWE Home Video 14.10.2014 Appointment the filmmakers’ efforts, they explore the often harsh realities 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124542 Documentary, Royalty, Special Interest of America’s immigration laws. 2014 90min. Documentary, Special Interest 2013 85min. WWE: Sting - The Ultimate Kino Video 02.09.2014 E1 Entertainment 09.09.2014 Collection (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124535 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124100 Special Interest, Sports, Sports Wicked Tuna: Season 3 Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Shark Week: Predator Of The min. Animals & Nature, High Seas, National Deep WWE Home Video 23.09.2014 Geographic, Special Interest, Television Animals & Nature, Discovery Channel, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124207 min. Documentary, High Seas, Killer Animals, National Geographic 26.08.2014 Science, Sharks, Special Interest, Televisi- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124443 WWE: Sting - The Ultimate on 2014 220min. Collection (Blu-ray) Discovery Channel 29.07.2014 Special Interest, Sports, Sports 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124272 Women Of The Bible The Women Of The Bible represent a diverse and intriguing Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE group - powerful, independent, romantic, and brave. Their min. Teenage narratives come to life in this DVD collection revealing their WWE Home Video 23.09.2014 Filmmaker Matt Wolf teams with producer Jason Schwartzman often surprising stories. Mary of Nazareth endured nearly to adapt Jon Savage’s 2007 bestseller, which explores how lifelong ridicule and scorn while standing by her son. Queen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124208 concept of ‘teenagers’ didn’t come into being until the early Esther courageously saved the Jews from certain death, while 20th century, forever altering our concept of aging and the beautiful Sheba dazzled Solomon, legendary King of WWE: Summerslam 2014 development by linking the gap between childhood and Israel, and inspired some of the Bible’s most erotic love adulthood. From the early emergence of youth culture in the poetry. The popular story of Delilah reveals how her name Special Interest, Sports, Sports form of frivolous flappers and Swing Kids to the more ominous became synonymous with treachery and deceit. Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Educational, girl power, History & Events, Hitler Youth during World War II, Wolf’s film examines how min. adolescents became a crucial factor in shaping popular History Channel, Independent Women, Reli- WWE Home Video 16.09.2014 culture during a century when society seemed to be evolving gion/Spirituality, Special Interest, Television faster than it had at any previous point in human history. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124130 Documentary, Educational, History & 315min. A&E 18.11.2014 Events, Special Interest 2013 77min. WWE: Summerslam 2014 (Blu-ray) Oscilloscope Laboratories 09.09.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124483 Special Interest, Sports, Sports 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124111 WWE: Brothers Of Destruction Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE min. Special Interest, Sports, Sports Through The Wormhole With WWE Home Video 16.09.2014 Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Morgan Freeman: Season 4 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124156 min. Documentary, Educational, Science, Televi- WWE Home Video 07.10.2014 sion min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124363 Yukon Men: Season Two Gaiam Americas 16.09.2014 Adventure, Discovery Channel, Reality, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124129 WWE: John Cena’s Greatest Special Interest, Television min. Discovery Channel 16.09.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40124485 Wir machen Betriebsferien! In der Zeit vom 04.09.2014 bis einschließlich 21.09.2014 bleibt unser Büro geschlossen.

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Newsletter 07/14 (Nr. 342) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2014) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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