OBITUARIES in Amphibian Training Attending School at Portland Den W
Eberle sends her address as 3902 Coast Guard. Address: Rt. I, Box 13th Avenue, South, Seattle .. Pfc. 385, Puyallup. Kenneth Baldwin, ASTU 3933, is OBITUARIES In Amphibian Training attending school at Portland Den W. E. SOMERS tal college in Oregon. Lt. Frank Roach, U. S. M. C. R, Amphibian Tractor Detach Lieutenant W. E. (Bill) Somers, Bakersfield Veterinarian ment, Dunedin, Florida, is very '42, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, died of Bartlett Baker has a large ani enthusiastic about his training. wounds received in battle on Feb mal practice at the Bakersfield Much of the work consists of ruary 22. In a letter written to veterinary hospital; 323 Chester manipulating amphibious tractors his parents elated two days before avenue, Bakersfield, California . .. which are used in making beach he stated that he had completeel Two more to receive commISSIOns heads ... S. 2!c James Doak sends nearly all his flying missions from as lieutenants are William Kinard his new address, Ship Co. Board somewhere in Italy and after only at Carlsbad, New Mexico, sta 2, U. S. N. C. T. C., Camp Peary, a few more trips would be home tioned at Kingman, Arizona, and Williamsburg, Virginia. Ensign on leave. He had been overseas Robert Strong from Ellington William Bellomy, a patrol pilot since May 1942 anel during the Field, Texas ... Ensign Curt Mil with the Navy, recently met his Sicilian campaign had transferred ler writes from Fleet Post Office, brother S. 1/c James Bellomy, a from test pilot to the bomber San Francisco ... Alaska seems to gunner's mate on a Navy vessel, command as pilot of a Mitchell be home base at present for Pvt.
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