Assura Plc December 2020

Land at GP Surgery, Mill Lane

Planning Statement

December 2020

Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

1.0 Introduction and Background 1 2.0 Site and Surrounding Context 3 3.0 Proposed Development 5 4.0 Planning Policy Context 7 5.0 Planning Assessment 8 6.0 Summary 12

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

1.0 Introduction and Background

1.1. This planning statement has been produced by Savills on behalf of Assura Plc. It accompanies a planning application on the land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery for:

‘The erection of two dwellings including associated landscaping and car parking’

About the Applicant

1.2. Assura Plc are a specialist real estate investment trust working only on healthcare premises. They manage over 570 surgery, primary care, diagnostic and treatment centre buildings around the country with the main purpose to create outstanding spaces for health services in communities.

Relevant Planning History in Area

1.3. There are no previous applications on the site. However, applications at no.4 Mill Lane (Ref: 19/00721) and 61 Mill Lane (ref: 19/01028) are relevant to the proposal.

4 Mill Lane (Ref: 19/00721)

1.4. Planning permission was granted in March 2020 for the Erection of 2no. pairs of semi-detached dwellings and a detached Ecohome, formation of parking, vehicular access and landscaping (existing dwelling to be demolished).

61 Mill Lane (ref: 19/01028).

1.5. 61 Mill Lane is the adjacent property to the south west of Shepherdswell Surgery and falls outside the defined settlement confines. The application permitted the erection of a detached dwelling with basement, formation of vehicular access and associated parking on the land adjacent to the surgery carpark. This was approved in November 2019 following the Officers conclusion that:

1.6. “The proposed development relates to a piece of land that falls outside defined settlement confines, but which appears as an infill plot, being adjoined on all sides by other properties. Whilst the proposal is contrary to policy DM1 it is acknowledged that the development of the site could be treated as an appropriate exception to this policy and is suitable for accommodating a single dwelling of satisfactory design.”

Pre-application advice

1.7. Pre-application advice was sought from DDC in July 2020 (Ref: PE20/00076) for a scheme that comprised two, two storey, semi-detached three-bedroom dwellings. The officer considered that the proposal conflicts with the rural character of the site and the local context of sporadic, low impact dwellings and therefore Policies DM11, DM15 and DM16. She suggested that two dwellings of no more than 1.5 storeys might be more appropriate in the rural context. It was also acknowledged that the NPPF has a more flexible approach that the Development Plan . She concluded:

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

“The acceptability of this proposal will rest with an assessment of the adverse impacts of the proposal and whether these significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits arising, particularly in the context that the Council currently has an identified 5 year housing land supply.”

1.8. The information in this planning statement outlines the benefits of this proposal and how they overcome any conflicts with policy.

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

2.0 Site and Surrounding Context

2.1. The land adjacent to Shepherdswell Surgery (hereafter referred to as ‘the site’ and shown in figure 1 below) is situated towards the eastern edge of Shepherdswell just outside the defined settlement boundary and is approximately 8km north west of . It comprises approximately 0.12ha within the curtilage of the Shepherdswell GP surgery.

2.2. The surgery hosts a smaller branch surgery that is linked to a larger facility in Dover (The White Cliffs Medical Centre). It is currently of sufficient size for the existing patient list. There is still sufficient space in the grounds of the surgery for an expansion if it were ever needed.

Figure 1 – Site location

2.3. The site is currently grassed with some trees and hedgerow planting on the boundary and to the north east. There is a single vehicular access from Mill Lane, to the west of the surgery. The existing surgery is a large single storey structure, built at street level.

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

2.4. The site falls within the impact zone of a number of nearby Nature sites, including the Downs SAC and SSSI and the Lydden and Swingfield Woods SSSI. It is in the North Downs National Character Area (NCA) but is outside of the Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The site is within flood zone 1 and has the lowest probability of fluvial flooding. There are no statutory listed buildings on or adjacent to the site, and it does not fall within a Conservation Area.

2.5. Mill Lane is a relatively narrow road with a pedestrian footpath on its southern side. There is a considerable amount of existing residential development within the immediate area, including adjacent and opposite the site in Mill Lane. Dwellings directly opposite the site are two storeys but set at a lower ground level.

2.6. Houses in and around the village are a combination of detached and semi-detached bungalows or 2 storey homes, and are set within a range of plot sizes. The materials vary between properties and include redbrick, pale render and timber boards.

2.7. In terms of accessibility, the village is well serviced with two public houses, a Co-op Food Store, a pre-school, primary school, village hall, scout hut and children’s play area. Further to this, a train station is accessible off Road (approximately 1 mile from the site) and provides services between London Victoria and Dover Priory. There are several bus stops in the area which provide access to Dover, Christ Church Academy, , Elvington, Chillenden and Tower Hamlets (Dover). These facilities are all within walking distance, and are in addition to the existing surgery adjacent to the site.

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

3.0 Proposed Development

3.1. The description of the proposed development is:

‘The erection of two dwellings including associated landscaping and car parking’


3.2. The application is for residential development.


3.3. The proposed development will provide two, semi-detached dwellings each with 3 bedrooms, a garage, car parking and a garden.


3.4. The dwellings sited parallel but set back from Mill Lane with a single shared access point. A resin bonded gravel driveway falls between the development and Mill Lane. Private gardens are situated to the rear of the properties with access via the property or along the side of the dwellings.


3.5. The pair of semi-detached dwellings are sited on a reasonably sized plot of land and designed at a scale appropriate to the surrounding context. Plot 1 measures (GIA) 113 sqm and plot 2 112 sqm. Each garage measures 20 sqm. The dwellings are 1.5 storey’s in height with a one storey attached garage on either side.


3.6. The landscaping proposal seeks to retain as much of the existing landscape features including the tree and hedges on the north eastern and north western boundary. Furthermore, many of the trees within the garden spaces are to be maintained apart from those immediately adjacent to the proposal dwellings. Replacement tress will be planted in lieu of any lost. The existing hedge adjacent to Mill Lane will need to be removed to allow for safe visibility splays to the proposed driveway. A new native hedgerow will be planted behind the visibility splays to ensure the overall character of Mill Lane is retained.


3.7. Each dwelling will be similar in appearance apart from the treatment of the front door and adjacent ground floor window. Plot 1 will have an extruded window and a flat roof porch will extend over the window and front door. Plot 2 will have a pitched roof, open porch directly over the front door. The remaining features are mirrored in each unit and comprise:

 Two front and two rear dormer windows on each dwelling - one large and one small;  A ground floor and first floor window on side elevations;  An attached, single, garage that is set back from the main façade.

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

3.8. The material palettes comprise:

 Red/brown, plain, clay roofing tiles;  Red, multi stock, facing brickwork with matching solider and plinth course detaining;  White painted softwood joinery; and  Black UPVC rainwater goods.

Access and parking

3.9. A single access point from Mill Lane will service both properties. Each property has sufficient space to park two cars and in addition a garage is provided.

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

4.0 Planning Policy Context

4.1. Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires all development proposals to be decided in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The following section provides an overview of the planning policy context affecting the site.

National Policy

4.2. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2019) provides policy guidance that is a material consideration in planning decisions and includes a presumption in favour of sustainable development. For decision making this means that where development proposal accord with the up to date development plan, they should be approved without delay.

Adopted Local Policy

4.3. The existing Local Development Plan comprises the Core Strategy (adopted 2010); Land Allocations Local Plan (adopted 2015); the Saved policies from the Local Plan 2002 and the Kent County Council Minerals and Waste Local Plan. Any Made Neighbourhood Plans also form part of the Development Plan.

4.4. A Neighbourhood Plan Area for Shepherdswell with was designated in October 2014. However, following a decision by the Parish Council in September 2015 the Neighbourhood Plan is not being progressed.

Emerging Local Plan

4.5. DDC is in the initial stages of producing a new Local Plan which will cover the period from 2018 to 2038. The consultation on the draft Local Plan (Reg 18) is scheduled for the 20th January 2021.

Housing requirements

4.6. DDC states that it currently has a 5 year housing land supply. The Housing Delivery Test Results show delivery over the last 3 years of 92% and therefore an Action Plan is required.

4.7. The Standard Methodology housing needs figure is 594dpa whereas the adopted target is lower (c.500dpa).

4.8. These figures are all relevant material considerations given that the Core Strategy is now 10 years old and can be regarded as out of date. Saved policies of the Local Plan are also over 18 years old.

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

5.0 Planning Assessment

5.1. This section of the report provides an overview of how the development complies with the relevant planning policies.

Principle of Development

5.2. Paragraph 7 the NPPF identifies that the purpose of the planning system is to achieve sustainable development which in essence means to meet the needs of the present without compromising the future. Three overarching objectives for sustainable development are set out at paragraph 8 - economic, social and environmental which are interdependent and need to be pursued in mutually supportive ways. Where a development plan is out of date, planning permission should be granted unless the proposal is not in accordance with the NPPF or where the benefits of the proposal are outweighed by any adverse impacts caused by the development. The DDC Core Strategy was adopted before the first NPPF was published in 2012. It is considered and was discussed at the pre-application, that some of the policies in the Core Strategy are not strictly in accordance with the NPPF. Therefore, the presumption in favour of sustainable development is triggered.

5.3. The provision of homes is a benefit from a social sustainability perspective. In this regard, the NPPF highlights the importance of boosting housing supply and this site provides an opportunity for additional housing to support the community. Economically, the proposal will also result in a range of benefits, including small scale job creation during construction.

5.4. The site is sustainably located and will provide residents with an opportunity to meet their general day to day needs. CS Policy CP1 identifies Shepherdswell as a ‘Local Centre’ within the settlement hierarchy describing its function as a “Secondary focus for development in the rural area; suitable for a scale of development that would reinforce its role as a provider of services to its home and adjacent communities”. Thus, it is suitable for smaller scale developments. Shepherdswell has a number of services and facilities including, a food store, GP surgery, Public Houses, a primary school and open spaces. Furthermore, the village is well connected to the wider transport system with a train station situated approximately a 1km walk from the site. By locating development in this sustainable location, the proposal meets the social and environmental objectives of the NPPF.

5.5. Housing requirement in Dover is currently set at 505 dwellings per annum (dpa) in the adopted development plan. The Standard Method 1 figure increased this figure to 629 dpa. DDC’s Housing Delivery Test 2019 result was 92% requiring them to produce an Action Plan as to how they will increase the delivery of homes in the area. Whilst DDC can currently demonstrate a five year housing land supply, it is clear from table 4.1 of the Housing Supply Technical Paper 2018/19 that the delivery of housing is not meeting the demand. Furthermore, the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) table 125 also demonstrates that between 2010 and 2019 the average net housing completions were 351 dwellings per year.

5.6. NPPF paragraph 68 explains that small and medium sized sites make an important contribution to meeting the housing requirement of and area. These types of sites should be supported through the development of windfall sites decisions. Accordingly, the proposed development provides valuable housing for the increasing

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

demand in the district and whilst only a small development will make a positive contribution to the housing delivery in the area within the short term.

Table 4.1 of Housing Supply Technical Paper 2018/19

5.7. Policy DM1 relates to settlement boundaries stating that development will not be permitted on land outside the rural settlement confines unless specifically justified by other policies, requires the specific location or it is ancillary to existing development. These settlement boundaries relate to the delivery of 505 dpa and restrict the delivery of the current housing need. Consequently, DDC have confirmed that policy DM1 is out of date and should carry little weight.

5.8. Policy DM 11 will not permit development outside the urban boundaries where development generates travel but will support developments that seek to maximise walking, cycling and the use of public transport. The pre-application response confirms that the NPPF is more flexible in its approach. Notably, the NPPF places emphasis on locating development in sustainable locations and it is considered that the location adjacent to the settlement boundary and the proximity of facilities within the village make this location sustainable for residential development. DDC have also confirmed that Policy DM11 is out of date and should carry little weight.

5.9. Policy DM 15 seeks to protect the countryside in order to prevent the loss of countryside or adversely affecting the character of the countryside. It is recognised that the site and the adjacent GP surgery fall outside the settlement boundary and consequently are subject to countryside policies. However, given that the boundary is situated on the adjacent side of Mill Lane and the locale of the adjacent essential medical facility, the site is very much part of the settlement rather than the wider countryside.

5.10. The site is sustainably located within a local centre offering several amenities for residents. It is surplus land to the surgery and development on this land will not prohibit the surgery expanding in the future if it is ever required. The proposal will contribute towards the housing need in Dover which is currently 629 dpa. Being a small scale development site, the homes can be delivered quickly and help towards the short term deliver in the area. It is considered that the principle of development is established for these reasons.

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

Housing Mix

5.11. Policy CP4 seeks housing developments to create, reinforce or restore the local housing market. Information and guidance within the latest Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) should be considered. In this case the SHMA update (December 2019) sets out that three bedroom homes are in highest demand in DDC with 38.7% of all new owner-occupied dwellings being needing to be of this size. The proposed development will provide two three-bedroom properties in accordance with the identified need.

Affordable Housing

5.12. The provision of affordable housing is only required on residential developments of 15 or more dwellings, as set out in Policy DM5. As such, neither proposed dwelling will be for affordable use.

Design, Layout and Character of the Area

5.13. A key aspect of sustainable development is the good design of buildings and places, as set out in paragraph 124 of the NPPF. The National Design Guide expands on this, stating that ‘the long-standing, fundamental principle for good design are that it is; fit for purpose; durable; and brings delight’.

5.14. As set out in the National Design Guide, the components considered as good design include: layout, form, scale, appearance, landscape, materials and detailing. Further to this, the NPPF requires that developments are designed sympathetically to the local character and history; establish or maintain a strong sense of place; optimise the potential of the site; and, create places that are safe, inclusive and accessible.

5.15. Policy DM 15 and 16 seek to protect the character of the countryside. Development will be permitted development if the development has incorporated measures to mitigate against the harmful impacts to the landscape character.

5.16. Mill Lane is characterised by two storey semi-detached dwellings to the south, a mix of one to two storey detached dwellings on the north interspersed with trees and hedges. The site is considered to have a semi- rural character with strong elements of the built form impacting on the area. Whilst the site is development free to the east and west, the development on the southern side of Mill lane continues circa 320m to the north east of the site. It is also important to note that there are several properties situated on the northern side of the lane to the east of the site. The addition of new homes on the site will be consistent with the existing pattern of development.

5.17. The proposed houses are 1.5 storey’s and will have dormer windows within the roof line. A single storey garage will be set back from the front elevation. These feature are considerate to the range of housing styles in the area and reflect the semi-rural character of the area. Furthermore, a traditional material palette is proposed and will integrate with the built form in the immediate surrounding area. These design features protect the countryside from any harm. Thus, the design of the buildings is in accordance with Policy DM15 and 16.

5.18. The hedgerow which fronts onto Mill Lane, is recognised as an important feature for its contribution to the character of the area. Policy CO8 allows development that would adversely affect a hedgerow if there is no practicable alternative or where a suitable native replacement is provided. In this case, the development requires alterations to the hedgerow to allow for safe visibility splays to be achieved from the proposed

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

access. For this reason, it is proposed that the existing hedge is removed and a replacement native hedgerow is planted behind the visibility splays. This will maintain the landscape feature that is present along residential boundaries on Mill Lane whilst protecting the semi-rural character.

Transport, Access and Parking

5.19. NPPF paragraph 102 requires transport issues to be considered from the earliest stage of development proposals which has been done so with this proposal. Further to this, Paragraph 109 explains that development should only be prevented or refused on highways grounds where there is a unacceptable impact on highways safety. Core Strategy Policy DM12 requires the access to proposals to be assessed in accordance to the Local Transport Plan for Kent. Where new accesses increase the risk of crashes or traffic delays, development will not be permitted.

5.20. The access and transport issues in relation to this development have been considered from the earliest design stages. A single access point, directly from Mill Lane will serve both dwellings with sufficient turning space designed into the layout to ensure vehicle scan enter and leave the site in a forward gear. Appropriate visibility splays will be provided from this access. The provision of 2 new homes will not affect traffic flow or materially alter traffic volume in this locality.

5.21. A transport statement is provided with this planning application and sets out how a suitable level of visibility can be achieved from the proposed site access in accordance with best practice guidance set out by the KCC Highway Design Guide and MfS. It concludes that the proposed development would not result in any negative impacts on the surrounding highway network and can be suitably managed without resulting in unnecessary safety concerns.

5.22. Policy DM 13 sets out that parking for development proposals should be based upon the characteristics of the site, the locality, the nature of the proposed development and its design objectives. In line with the KCC Residential Parking SPD for village / rural sites, sufficient space for two vehicles to park and turn is provided for each unit. This is in addition to the garages.


5.23. NPPF paragraph 170 explains that planning policies and decisions should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment. This means recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside including trees. Where there is a deterioration of loss of irreplaceable habitats including ancient woodland and ancient or veteran trees, application should be refused.

5.24. This development proposal requires the loss of some trees to allow the development to come forward. An Arboricultural Impact Assessment accompanies this application and concludes that these trees are of low value and comprise six category C trees and four category U trees. Replacement trees will be planted in place of these.

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Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery

Assura Plc

6.0 Summary

6.1. This planning statement has been produced by Savills on behalf of Assura Plc. It accompanies a planning application on the Land at Shepherdswell GP Surgery for:

‘The erection of two dwellings including associated landscaping and car parking’.

6.2. The land adjacent to Shepherdswell Surgery is situated towards the eastern edge of Shepherdswell just outside the defined settlement boundary. It is approximately 8km north west of Dover. It comprises approximately 0.115 ha within the curtilage of the Shepherdswell GP surgery.

6.3. The proposal is for a pair of semi-detached, three bedroom properties with attached garages, car parking and gardens. Shared access will be via Mill Lane.

6.4. Key planning considerations for the proposal are:

. The DDC Core Strategy was adopted before the first NPPF was published in 2012. It is considered and was discussed at the pre-application, that some of the policies in the Core Strategy are not strictly in accordance with the NPPF. Therefore, the presumption in favour of sustainable development is triggered.

. The site is sustainably located within a local centre offering several amenities for residents. The proposal will contribute towards the housing delivery in Dover. Being a small scale development site, the homes can be delivered quickly and help towards the short term delivery in the area.

. The land is surplus to the surgery and will not prohibit the any future expansion of the surgery is it is required.

. The proposed development will provide two three-bedroom properties in accordance with the identified need within the SHMA update (December 2019).

. The design and layout of the proposed development seeks to retain the character of the surrounding area. The dwellings will be 1 and half storey’s in height, and will use traditional building materials and existing landscape features will be retained or replaced.

. Appropriate visibility splays will be provided from this access. The provision of 2 new homes will not affect traffic flow or materially alter traffic volume in this locality.

. Two parking spaces and a garage for each property is provided. This is in accordance with Policy DM13 and the KCC Residential Parking SPD for village / rural sites.

. A total of 10 low value trees will be removed as part of the proposal. Replacement trees will be planted in place of these.

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