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Artemis: In the early 21st century, magic reawakened on earth and alongside it new human race with orcs, elves, trolls, dwarves and others, humanity became meta humanity. As technology proliferated and greatly advanced in the awakened wild global mega corporation seized ever more power becoming de facto states with their own laws, courts and armed forces, the corporation's attempt to control all aspects of modern life. This has led to a vast and complex criminal underground, which works for and against corporate interests. The Independent career criminals who do what others can't or weren't are called shadow runners. The year is 2101, welcome to Fun City.

Mike Rugnetta: Previously on a Fun City, the team was hired by New Jersey Johnson your aid to steal a boat from Jast Reclamation run by Jast Columnar, a supposedly heat tolerant dark mage. The team infiltrated the yard with the help of and in Lux's case disguised as Jast's head of security, Balto [inaudible 00:01:23]. Gabe resurrected the ship as the others extinguished Jast's flame, pepper punched demon dog mold and finally wave clapped Jast collapsed on his turf. Yuri awaited his boat delivery in the shadow of the monuments, four massive abandoned high rises, but it turns out the vessel was not his prize rather something in it. Upon obtaining his mysterious quarry he gifted the 250 foot warship to the team as thanks for their hard work.

Mike Rugnetta: We'll soon hear about moving day as the team has vacated Viv's cramped houseboat for more spacious quarters but first we joined Lux as he approaches Balto Cuddle's house to return Balto's comm link as promised.

Nick Guercio: So he pulls up in a dinghy, ties it to the small dock that is there and walks up to his front door and knocks.

Mike Rugnetta: You hear some footsteps and latch unhook from the back of the door, and the door slowly swings open and you see a very familiar face, the orc woman that you kissed pretending to be her husband. She looks at you confusedly.

Nick Guercio: Hello ma'am, is Balto home?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, who were you? What do you need?

Nick Guercio: I was-

Mike Rugnetta: Is this related to that Jast stuff that happened because I told the last guy that came here that he wasn't even there, so all your questions have been answered.

Nick Guercio: Which last guy that came?

Mike Rugnetta: I don't know. Some other guy that looked like you. Don't take this the wrong way, I have trouble telling you apart. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 1 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Nick Guercio: That's okay. Yeah, I just want him to know about the-

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, hold on. I'll just go get him, all right, hold on. She walks away and you hear some more footsteps and Balto comes around the corner and he sees you and he goes, oh, hey, how's it going? How did it go? How did ... And he gives you a big dramatic wink ... it go?

Nick Guercio: It went well, we got the boat. How much do you know?

Mike Rugnetta: I know there were some big fireworks and we'll close today, but we're open tomorrow. And Jast apparently is having an all hands meeting, he called some meeting, so I don't know. Yeah, that's what's going to happen.

Nick Guercio: Yeah, it'll probably be a big meeting. Here's your comm link by the way. I really appreciate-

Mike Rugnetta: Oh, God! Is it ... did you ... is it wet?

Nick Guercio: It got pretty wet, yeah. I got thrown actually by the Jast character into the water.

Mike Rugnetta: Wait, you and he ... you know what? I don't even want to know. I don't want to know.

Nick Guercio: So I did-

Mike Rugnetta: He shakes his comm link and you see some droplets of water fly and he puts it up to, he's examining it.

Nick Guercio: In full disclosure and I know you know this, I was dressed as you and really thought I was you but I was very polite to most of the people there-

Mike Rugnetta: Except for Jast who threw you into the water. Wait, hold on, did he throw you into the water, or did he throw me into the water?

Nick Guercio: It was me at that point because my mask had fallen off and there was no pies on the boat. So I don't know if he's got his dog back or if he's alive, those are the two things I don't know. I think you have a job. I think, so we're going to see, cross our fingers for the big tomorrow.

Mike Rugnetta: I mean, he called the meeting.

Nick Guercio: He did, he's alive. Oh, that's not good.

Bijan Stephen: [crosstalk 00:05:02] Cross our fingers for the big tomorrow? funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 2 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: Tori, if you're going to opine, at least do it into the microphone.

Bijan Stephen: That's gloom, album titled cross our fingers for the big tomorrow.

Mike Rugnetta: I think [crosstalk 00:05:15]

Shannon Odell: That's going to be on the T-shirt for our show.

Mike Rugnetta: That's our first piece of merchandise is a very attractive hand crossing its fingers-

Nick Guercio: And with cheekbones?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah.

Nick Guercio: Like in tin cans.

Mike Rugnetta: So anyways, Balto looks at you confused. He's like yeah, I mean, now that I got my comm link back. I'm going to call some of the guys and I'm going to find out if he's mad at me. Because if he's mad at me, I'm not going back there. But what I know is that someone called my wife, they told her that there was a big meeting tomorrow, and as far as I know, Jast is the one that called the meeting. I mean, the meeting's tomorrow and it's not tomorrow yet, so we'll cross our fingers for that. But that's what I know.

Nick Guercio: Yeah, I'm surprised to hear you. She's a nice woman, don't get me wrong, she's a nice we work with, she made his dog attack him and then she clapped him real big with a big water. I don't know how else to say it.

Mike Rugnetta: Wait, hold on, you're telling me that you saw [inaudible 00:06:13] and you live to tell about it?

Nick Guercio: She took his mind and then the dog attacked him. It was-

Mike Rugnetta: You guys, you got to write a book about this.

Nick Guercio: Well, I don't know. I mean, some of this stuff is illegal. But I appreciate. I'm really sorry about this whole thing. I hope everything works out. Obviously-

Mike Rugnetta: Me too. And if it doesn't, and I don't have a job, then you are going to be hearing from me.

Nick Guercio: Well, you can't really contact me and I made sure you couldn't. So yeah, I mean, but, yeah, anyway, I have just a little small gift here for you. I gift him an envelope- funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 3 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: He takes the envelope?

Nick Guercio: Yes.

Mike Rugnetta: He opens the envelope immediately.

Nick Guercio: There's 250 new yen in there and just a note from me that says-

Mike Rugnetta: He holds up a cred stick, and he drops the envelope and holds up a note. What does the note say?

Nick Guercio: No, it says good luck for the big tomorrow. And I was going to leave that here and if you didn't answer the door, but I wanted you to have a little something, just to treat you and the family and everything like that. I know that there was a nasty situation obviously, this job, these run ins happen and people like you are the good guys and we would never want this type of thing to happen, but it did. I'm glad everybody's safe. I think it looks like you still have a job, so that's good. And yeah, I hope you all the best, find anything in the house that may belong to ?

Mike Rugnetta: There are some holes in the wall that you left from gunfire.

Nick Guercio: Yeah. Well, that's what the 250 is for, so I hope that's good enough. I know you really like that bar-

Mike Rugnetta: Mad Marties.

Nick Guercio: Mad Marties, that's right. But yeah, I'm over there all the time so I might see you there and I'd love to buy you a drink. I'm going to go-

Mike Rugnetta: Just say bye though.

Nick Guercio: Sorry.

Shannon Odell: Just see you sitting [crosstalk 00:08:11] what do you want then.

Mike Rugnetta: So what else you got going on?

Jenn de la Vega: Boy, Balto's like why are you still here?

Shannon Odell: I know you're going to recommend your contractors.

Bijan Stephen: Darling, is that weird guy still here? What's he talking about?

Nick Guercio: No, just leaving ma'am, good bye. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 4 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: This is very nice of you. You are obviously one of the good ones and by ones I mean criminals so get off my property. I don't ever want to see you around my family again.

Nick Guercio: Understood.

Mike Rugnetta: It is a beautiful spring day on the deck of a twice stolen warship. It has been a couple weeks since the gang was rewarded with their new quarters by a Mr. Johnson that they know only as Yori, it floats ignored by the citizens of New York City in the shadow of four derelict skyscrapers, called the monuments on the western coast of Midtown Manhattan. Having previously lived in the cramped quarters of Viv Lakewood's houseboat and hermetic Lodge, I assume that you all were very eager to make the transition to larger quarters. Is that true?

Bijan Stephen: Yes.

Shannon Odell: Yes.

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, of course.

Mike Rugnetta: You want to tell me a little bit about how moving day went?

Bijan Stephen: TK had one bag of stuff mostly clothes, they're all the same, same color. And some shoes.

Mike Rugnetta: Just black speedos? Bags of-

Bijan Stephen: Well, so he's the black speedos but also he wears slightly two different shades of black but it's really hard to tell.

Mike Rugnetta: It's like charcoal and midnight?

Bijan Stephen: Yeah. And he wears tactical pants and a semi tactical shirt. So yeah, just his duffel bag, and was out the door ready to go.

Shannon Odell: Lash spent most of moving day asking people to time her as she ran from one end of the boat to the other because she doesn't really feel comfortable in a place until she knows how fast she can run it, and she doesn't have much because again she lost all of her belongings to a bet with a teenager.

Nick Guercio: What was her time?

Shannon Odell: From front to back?

Nick Guercio: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Or she did side to side too? funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 5 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Shannon Odell: She did it from all angles. She needs to know, up and down?

Nick Guercio: Yeah.

Shannon Odell: It's based on the size of the boat, which we all know-

Nick Guercio: Is a bank line.

Mike Rugnetta: Is a bank line, yeah.

Shannon Odell: Is a bank line-

Bijan Stephen: It's pretty big.

Shannon Odell: Knowing that she runs about a quarter of a bank per second, it was four seconds.

Bijan Stephen: That is extraordinarily fast.

Shannon Odell: Well, she's [inaudible 00:10:42] you got to be aware of your surroundings and know how fast it's going to take you blocks this is what I'm telling you, I could train you.

Nick Guercio: You know, you can't train me. I can't use any other way to use, they're too heavy, and I feel like you take great joy in showing me that.

Shannon Odell: And you show up to training day in a suit, every time-

Nick Guercio: That's what I'm going to be in, that is what I'm going to run in and you know that so what point is it training in what you're wearing?

Shannon Odell: I know, you could pass on my shorts, they'd be too big on you.

Nick Guercio: But anyway, Lux actually was helping everybody move on to the boat with no plans on moving in himself. He was very generously spending his day helping everybody else as he wished bye he goes back to his condo, which is supposed to be ready at this point, and he walks in the front door and there is two large bathtubs.

Mike Rugnetta: Your contractor, remind me of his name again?

Nick Guercio: Is Rick Jones.

Mike Rugnetta: Rick Jones. A very nondescript man comes around the corner, staring off into space as though he is checking some messages on his comm link. It's easier and funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 6 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

he goes, hey, I was just going to message you, we got an extra bathtub, you got charged for it. Sorry.

Nick Guercio: It looks like you've installed it.

Mike Rugnetta: Well, I mean, well, yeah, what else am I going to do with it?

Nick Guercio: This is supposed to be the kitchen, Rick.

Mike Rugnetta: I will not-

Nick Guercio: Where I'm I going to cook?

Mike Rugnetta: Well, I mean, come this way. And he leads you to where your bedroom is down the hallway. And you go, and you see your palatial master bedroom with a big cathedral ceiling, beautiful heated marble floors. And he opens up the on suit bathroom in which is a sink and an oven with a stove top. So I mean, this makes perfect sense, right?

Nick Guercio: So I get the feeling Rick, that you got an extra bathtub, and you thought I can't fit it in this bathroom, so I'll make the kitchen the bathroom, because of how large those bathtubs were. Is that what happened Rick?

Mike Rugnetta: Listen, I don't come to your place and tell you how to wear a suit.

Nick Guercio: That's what you did basically, because you did come to my place and you changed my rooms around which is worse than telling me how to wear a suit, all right? Do it like it says in the plans, okay?

Mike Rugnetta: Okay. But I mean, we're going to have to knock down some walls. I mean, it's going to add up another couple months.

Nick Guercio: Do it in a month, and I will forget this happened, okay?

Mike Rugnetta: Smash cut back to.

Nick Guercio: And hey guys, I am going to be moving in. There are some problems at the condo. Sorry, TK. I know you had plans to come back with me as well. But it's just a whole they switched the bedroom and the kitchen and the bath.

Bijan Stephen: So where are you going to move? Because Lash I have a gym now.

Nick Guercio: Are you guys sleeping in the gym? No, we have our bedrooms.

Shannon Odell: No, I would love to sleep in the gym, but TK says that's not appropriate. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 7 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Bijan Stephen: It's not, we've talked about this.

Nick Guercio: Yeah, I mean, if he wants to use it then-

Bijan Stephen: No, we're saying there's ... you don't have ... because we thought-

Shannon Odell: For the fourth room, we made the gym of it.

Nick Guercio: Right. Okay, so typically battleships have four bedrooms and you're saying [crosstalk 00:13:58]

Bijan Stephen: It was the brig, we didn't think anyone was going to stay there, because we took all the good rooms.

Shannon Odell: But you could maybe sleep on the ab machine.

Nick Guercio: I'm not sleeping on the ab machine-

Bijan Stephen: It's got a bench.

Shannon Odell: It's got a bench.

Nick Guercio: Who sleeps on a bench? That's worse than the ground.

Bijan Stephen: TK gives Lash a look, confused like, what!

Nick Guercio: Guys it's okay I know there's a there's an engine room, there's a spare engine room that I noticed that I'll actually fixed up and stuff I'll go get ... I have a contractor that's actually a good one.

Bijan Stephen: So you're saying we can keep the gym?

Nick Guercio: Yeah, just keep the gym guys okay, I'm sure I'll be able to find something.

Shannon Odell: We hi five.

Mike Rugnetta: Viv, how was moving day for you?

Jenn de la Vega: Viv actually was not present. She was on the other side of Manhattan, still on her houseboat. She was meditating until she had an encounter with the sea and it shook her up a little bit. So she decided to move the houseboat to where everyone else was, in ... Was it the Hudson Yards area? So early in the morning when the sun was rising, she stood on the deck of her houseboat and just stood there arms akimbo with her eyes closed. And she had already untied the boat from the dock and lashed to the dinghy to the back, and she unfurled her arms and the boat started moving forward. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 8 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Jenn de la Vega: And she spent the morning looping down the bottom of Manhattan and slowly making her way to where everyone else was on the boat. So it was a very calm morning, the seagulls were in full force, they had found some dead stuff, and so she had to swerve around it. And so upon arriving, she saw the rest of the crew on the deck talking about where they were going to sleep, and she wasn't exactly planning to move onto the boat, but maybe keeping some things like a toothbrush and a hammock near the deck. So she brings her houseboat close to the ship and starts walking up the gangway.

Mike Rugnetta: So before we get too far and get into what you all have been up to, for the last couple weeks, we have some actual game mechanics related business to take care of since you finished a run, we need to reward you with karma, which is like [inaudible 00:16:23] version of XP, you get karma for completing runs. And then you've spent a little while training new skills, you karma to be able to actually do those skills.

Mike Rugnetta: So karma unlocks new skills that you've trained for a little while to learn. Karma is awarded per player. It's not awarded, the same amount is not awarded to everyone in the team. The core rule book has some recommendations on how to do this. I have my own way that I like to do it. So we have some house rules that are happening. So here it goes, everyone gets three karma for completing the mission, which you all did. Congratulations.

Shannon Odell: We did it, the first mission.

Mike Rugnetta: Everyone gets one additional karma for completing Yuri's additional objective of learning what the deal with Jast Reclamation was. Remind me because I actually don't remember. You have to be honest. We have a recording. Did anyone completely fill up their physical damage track at any point during the run?

Bijan Stephen: No.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, so no additional karma awarded there. So this one is I leave it to you. And for the next couple we need consensus. Does the group believe that it is likely someone died as a direct result of your actions during the run?

Bijan Stephen: If Jast isn't dead, probably. No, because he did mark a few of his own dudes, but I don't think that was us.

Shannon Odell: Didn't we kill the guy in the bathroom?

Jenn de la Vega: No, he was passed out. You stabbed him with a needle.

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, and then I broke the lock, but then he got hit by that poison wave.

Nick Guercio: Personally my vote would be it is not likely. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 9 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, I think we're at the 49%.

Nick Guercio: Yeah we're at the 49%, the most likely would have been Jast but we've gotten confirmation from Balto that he's alive.

Mike Rugnetta: So everybody award yourself and additional karma.

Bijan Stephen: Oh shit, we got that heavy karma.

Mike Rugnetta: Two more, the group has to come to a consensus as to who in this run the MVP was and they will get an additional karma.

Bijan Stephen: Viv.

Jenn de la Vega: What? No.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, that was quick.

Bijan Stephen: The fact, and she tamed the demon dog.

Jenn de la Vega: Yeah, that was pretty fun. I would have voted for Lux because he did so much talking.

Nick Guercio: And then the shit hit the [crosstalk 00:18:53]

Jenn de la Vega: And recognizance while we were there.

Nick Guercio: That's true. I mean-

Jenn de la Vega: Lux you are in the running.

Mike Rugnetta: We got one more we got one more, which is just to be , we all agree on Viv?

Nick Guercio: Viv yeah.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay-

Jenn de la Vega: Oh, thank you.

Mike Rugnetta: So Jen please award Viv an additional karma. And the last is similar idea, not the MVP, but who in a particular situation performed the best assist?

Bijan Stephen: If you're talking about assisting the mission I would say Lux with the wife kiss.

Jenn de la Vega: The wife kiss, the whole Balto situation. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 10 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Shannon Odell: Right. Yeah, I think that-

Bijan Stephen: That was the mission assist.

Shannon Odell: ... going into Balto's wife's house and convincing him or her.

Bijan Stephen: That he was her husband.

Shannon Odell: That he was her husband and that there was, yeah.

Nick Guercio: I think it was a good assist. But I do want to bring up the fact that Lash did a clam flip.

Jenn de la Vega: That's true.

Shannon Odell: Clam flip, oh [crosstalk 00:19:48]

Nick Guercio: My efforts would have been for nothing if that real Balto wasn't clam flipped back on the ground after a lot of unsuccessful but very valid [crosstalk 00:19:57]

Shannon Odell: But I agree Lux.

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, I think Lux.

Jenn de la Vega: I think so too.

Mike Rugnetta: So there you go, Nick, please award Lux an additional karma.

Jenn de la Vega: Well, thanks guys.

Nick Guercio: Will get them next time.

Jenn de la Vega: So just to be clear, so every time you finish your run the karma calculations will not be exactly the same. But it'll be things like this. The next question I have is, what has everyone been up to between moving day and now? Which is another way of asking, is there anything that you decided to spend your karma on and train and if not, what were you doing instead of training new skills?

Bijan Stephen: I think TK went back to the house but and asked Viv to train him in spell casting. So TK being an adept, he uses magic by using moving his body he wanted to get a better grip on what exactly what's happening. So obviously, he went to the resident mage, and he was like, teach me in his brusque way was like, will you please teach me what you know? And yeah, I think the lessons were fruitful. I think it took a little while for TK to get a handle on what it was like to cast a spell, what it felt like and the way he would do it. And he only knows one spell funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 11 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

right now. And it's heal because he thought that would be useful, because nobody else in the group has a healing spell. We have some med kits.

Mike Rugnetta: I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, right? An adept can basically only learn one spell.

Bijan Stephen: Only learn one spell.

Mike Rugnetta: You're basically an athletic magician who can pull all of their concentration together to do cast one spell that they've learned. Yeah.

Bijan Stephen: Mm-hmm (affirmative), he's not very good at it, but he can do it. And he's just betting when the chips are down, he can pull one of his buddies up.

Mike Rugnetta: Viv, what was it like training TK in the ways of spell casting?

Jenn de la Vega: It was a lot of meditation, and a lot of time spent on the dinghy that we had brought to the middle of the water. We would maybe travel 30 minutes out to open water and meditate because Viv's brand of chaotic magic is rooted in her emotions and the elements. So her emotions determine how powerful or how shaky a spell may be. Her chosen element is water but she is still capable of summoning all sorts of spirits and working with all other kinds of elements. So TK is able to choose an element that he would like to be associated with.

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, and I think TJ chooses fire because the other skill that he has, one of the other adept skills that he has is called elemental body, which he has learned how to channel some fire to enhance his attacks in his defense. He doesn't use it very often though, because he realized very soon after hanging out with Viv that drain was a thing, and it sucks.

Jenn de la Vega: Yeah, after a few times, she had to take him back to the houseboat and revive him and give him some tea because he overdid it. Yeah, he over did it a couple times, he's a little singed.

Bijan Stephen: He's not very good at being bad at things, but he's getting better.

Mike Rugnetta: Very proud. We're all very proud.

Jenn de la Vega: Yeah. And so between training sessions Viv was converting the houseboat from an apartment into the rest of her chaotic Lodge. So she started to move some of her artifacts down into the main space and actually took TK to where Prospect Park used to be where there was a lake to go forage for things because she feels these items give her power and if he finds certain kinds of woods or-

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, he doesn't get it. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 12 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: It's called Park beach now.

Jenn de la Vega: Yeah, Park beach.

Bijan Stephen: TK just doesn't get it but does it to make VIV happy.

Jenn de la Vega: It is not trash like Lux says.

Mike Rugnetta: What did you guys do? Lash, Lux?

Shannon Odell: Lash took some damage, mostly she inflicted on self, wanted to to compile us bright so she's resting up to try to regain her strength, but she also in her time, she picked up a book on blow guns, so she has this blow gun and she has all these blowgun darts and she didn't know how to use it just because she didn't get around to learning so she has taken this time to really learn how to use her blow gun.

Mike Rugnetta: You definitely had to go to, wait, Lux what was the name of your contractor again?

Nick Guercio: Rickie Jones.

Mike Rugnetta: You definitely had to go to Rick Jones' blow dart school?

Shannon Odell: Yes. I took three classes because actually the classes are 12 hours long, it's insane. But I took three of them. And the whole time it was actually in Lux's apartment, the class took place there. I did not tell Lux because I knew he would get angry about it.

Mike Rugnetta: So that's what those bathtubs were for?

Shannon Odell: Yeah, we used his walls for practice, and he just kept saying don't worry we're going to have to take these down and put new ones anyway. So I'm using my karma to get one-

Mike Rugnetta: It's an exotic weapon's skill right?

Shannon Odell: Yes, level one.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah.

Shannon Odell: But now I can use it.

Mike Rugnetta: Lux did you get up to anything during your downtime?

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Shannon Odell: Lash did not tell me that she's taken the blow dart classes there. So mostly my project has just been to make a livable space on this boat. I overestimated how big the engine room would be. So I had to do a lot of work in the below deck on the boat towards the rear end in order to make what Lux feels is a livable space.

Mike Rugnetta: So yeah, when you open the door to one of the compartments that has not been taken, that is mostly filled with dials and wheels and pressure gauges and stuff, it's just full to the brim with very fancy clothing that is not yours. It's all incredibly colorful and it is of many, many different styles. There's a lot of sequence, there's a lot of ruffles, there are more than a few full length gowns that are made out of the, what is it? The chameleon suit material that actually has an active camouflage, yeah, evening wear made from that material and all that belongs to Gabriel.

Nick Guercio: So Gabriel that room.

Mike Rugnetta: He begrudgingly moves it. He'll get it out of the way, and move it into his own quarters.

Nick Guercio: Yes. But I mean, even that room itself wasn't very big. I mean, you could have put maybe a hammock in there and chest so Lux is hoping for his condo to be done soon while he's in a relatively small room on the boat-

Mike Rugnetta: Careful with all of the grease.

Nick Guercio: Yes, with a hammock and a very small desk.

Jenn de la Vega: Viv has made a mini cabana on the deck, which she's hung up a mirror and a bag of forks that she uses as hair brushes and she's just dragged one of the poolside chaise lounge, the ones that fold and flip doesn't know she's going to sleep they're not yet but it's where she's hanging out most of the time on the boat.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay now that we've done all the business any other things anybody wants to take care of or shall we progress?

Shannon Odell: Can we make a, my stand damage is zero now?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah. If you took any damage during the Jast encounter, you may heal all of your wounds, no matter how they were received. There was one thing that we do need to address, which is so there can be events in the game where a player is awarded a negative quality thanks to events that have transpired. You can also work positive qualities.

Shannon Odell: Oh my god.

Bijan Stephen: But negative one is [crosstalk 00:27:41] funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 14 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Shannon Odell: Oh, but who is it?

Mike Rugnetta: So Lux, I'm sorry. You now have a mild phobia of water.

Nick Guercio: Mild phobia of water.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, and that's not like, you can get on a boat, you'll be okay. But if you are in the water, or if you have to swim you just have this crushing visceral memory of the toxic wave that you witnessed at Jast Reclamation, and I think if you try to confront your fears, you can work through it, we'll say that you can get rid of it. But for now, I'm going to ask you to just keep in mind that Lux is not a fan of being in a body of water, and will do whatever he can within reason to avoid that.

Nick Guercio: That makes sense. Does this affect my dice pool at all in aquatic scenarios?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, we'll role play it mostly, we'll figure it out as the situations arise. I'm not asking if you like it, but do you think that's fair?

Nick Guercio: I think it's fair.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay. That does actually make your relationship with Viv and her various spirits, and even think about this, a little more complicated. As mentioned, the team also lives on this boat with the semi retired shadow runner and rigor Gabriel [inaudible 00:28:59] who is an experienced pilot, Captain, navigator and engineer. In the downtime for the last couple weeks Gabriel has been working every day between of course his DJ gigs at the ball pit and other various locations to make sure that the ship is tip top, that includes various design related decisions made by the team including a name on the boat. I think there has been some discussion in meet space in real world about what the name of the boat will be. But you guys can name your boat and if so what.

Jenn de la Vega: I mean I want to dedicate something to Pepper.

Bijan Stephen: Oh pepper's good actually.

Jenn de la Vega: The Pepper Pan. The majestic lady Pepper.

Bijan Stephen: HMS Miss pepper, Her Majesty.

Jenn de la Vega: HMS Pepper.

Bijan Stephen: HMS Pepper.

Mike Rugnetta: Could someone say who Pepper is. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 15 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Shannon Odell: Pepper's our mascot. Pepper is our dog friend who lives here in the studio with us.

Mike Rugnetta: To be clear she doesn't pay rent. Does she pay rent?

Bijan Stephen: She leaves a lot of hair around.

Shannon Odell: And she gives the smooches you would have ever felt.

Bijan Stephen: She also lives outside of the studio just to be clear about that. Shannon, are you from the 20s?

Shannon Odell: Yes.

Jenn de la Vega: What is Pepper's Instagram?

Bijan Stephen: Pepper da Papa.

Jenn de la Vega: It is the cutest Instagram.

Nick Guercio: I like calling it pepper. I think in universe we should have some reason why we like Pepper.

Bijan Stephen: Maybe we have group meals and we always use a lot of, I know ...

Jenn de la Vega: Because it's all soy so we got to do something about it.

Nick Guercio: But maybe we would name it after the eggs that we ate, because that is the best thing we've ever-

Bijan Stephen: Mrs. Sandwich.

Mike Rugnetta: Mrs. Egg?

Bijan Stephen: Mrs. Egg.

Shannon Odell: Just Egg.

Nick Guercio: Wait, what did Yori call it?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, Mrs. Egg.

Nick Guercio: I'd like that. It's unlucky to have a ship without a name. So I think we should-

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, Mrs. Egg. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 16 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Jenn de la Vega: I like Mrs. Egg. This pleases in real life, Jen, for sure.

Mike Rugnetta: Great. Okay, is that decided? Mrs. Egg? Okay, so Gabriel has been working very hard. On one side he does write M-R-S Egg and on the other side he just paints a big egg. He also spent a lot of the time scrubbing off all of the drunken animals that were on the side and now the boat is just a flat dark gray.

Nick Guercio: Okay.

Bijan Stephen: It's close.

Mike Rugnetta: Tactical enough. As you all are in your various quarters, whether it's on the deck, in an engine room, hanging in a hammock somewhere, or whatever you actually throughout the boat you hear from [inaudible 00:31:33] Gabriel's voice rumble through the Navy ship turned party barges bass, heavy sound system, and you hear him say, all hands to the bridge for a captain's address, followed by a light snicker.

Mike Rugnetta: When you guys get to the bridge, you see a site that you're familiar with from when you first saw the bridge, a bunch of floating holographic charts and maps, dials, a bunch of readouts, and Gabriel is there strapped into the captain's chair, there's a short, thick black wire that's plugged into the port on the side of his head. And as you get into the bridge, he comes to unplug the cable that retracts into this giant captain's chair that he's in. And he stands, and he rubs his eyes like he's been awake for a while, and he's been working really hard on the ship.

Mike Rugnetta: And he looks at you all, and he says, all right, is everybody ready for a status report?

Nick Guercio: Yeah.

Mike Rugnetta: I think the thing that Yuri took, remember he took that black box with a bunch of wires and stuff? I'm pretty sure that was the ship's, it wasn't the GPS locator, it was the onboard record for the GPS locator. So it was a persistent physical archive of everywhere the boat has been.

Nick Guercio: Black box.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, basically, it was a black box. I don't know why he wanted it, but seems like he got it. I can't find that, if that thing exists elsewhere on the boat, I've been looking for two weeks, I can't find it. So I think just by process of elimination, that must be what it is. I do know what kind of ship it is, it is, as technology ship, this is actually from their corporate Navy. It's pretty old. I'm pretty sure they actually don't even make this one anymore.

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Mike Rugnetta: I'm not sure how it became a party barge, I tried to do a bunch of matrix searches. Try to just find anything in the boat, any manifest anywhere, I can't find anything. It doesn't look like it was ever a party barge in New York. So it seems like it maybe just came here and went right to Jast from wherever it was shepherding around, bachelorette parties or something. So when it came to New York must have been, then there's a series of events where eventually Yuri hears about it and figures out that his ship is back in the city.

Bijan Stephen: So he probably was interested in the boat's previous locations, maybe some treasure somewhere.

Mike Rugnetta: Or he just doesn't want, the idea is that if Yuri could tell that it's around, someone else could tell that it's around. And there's maybe a reason that he doesn't want people knowing where it was.

Bijan Stephen: I see, because there's been some illegal things done in this boat.

Mike Rugnetta: Who knows.

Bijan Stephen: Right.

Shannon Odell: In to New York, wants to start a new life. This boat wants to raise its past. Sometimes you want to start, you move to New York and you want to start over.

Mike Rugnetta: Along those lines, I got some bad news, which is that I would say that right now the distance that this boat went from Jast to here is about as far as it could go. For the time being until further notice we are going to be stationary. I'm working as fast as I can, but it's an old boat, parts of hard to get, I got to make a lot of stuff.

Shannon Odell: Well, the great news is we're here in Hudson Yards, it's beautiful.

Bijan Stephen: We got rooms, we got a gym.

Shannon Odell: And Viv is twirling a fork in her hair like spaghetti and she says, we still got the dinghy.

Mike Rugnetta: And then Gabriel's like, we do still have the dinghy, don't worry. I'm going to work as hard as I can, as fast as I can to get this thing in tip top shape. And he pats the console and the door opens from underneath. And a bunch of cables fall out, which he then puts his finger up in the air and says, oh, which reminds me, I fixed the ship's onboard computer. Hey, Artemis, and you hear a very pleasant English voice say.

Artemis: Hello Gabriel. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 18 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: Artemis. What's the population of New York City?

Artemis: The current population of Manhattan is estimated at 2.2 million, but the corporate archeologists, keep that population data private. The outer boroughs have not participated in an officially recognized census since-

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, doom and gloom, apocalypse archipelago, I get it. So anyways, I trained her to everyone's voice-

Artemis: [crosstalk 00:35:38] doom and gloom archipelago from your Spotify.

Shannon Odell: Spotify is now owned by ASCAP.

Taylor Moore: I don't know how you all talk to your computers, but that always I'd be happy to be in my house.

Nick Guercio: Artemis just slipped into character, I think it was a comedian.

Artemis: I used to be a puppet for a racist man in Las Vegas.

Taylor Moore: [inaudible 00:36:07] puppets were bought as IP and then used to program home Ais. [crosstalk 00:36:13] It's not real. I'm doing a goof.

Bijan Stephen: I feel like I don't know that though.

Nick Guercio: [crosstalk 00:36:26] the racist terrorist puppet for the rest of our time here.

Mike Rugnetta: You guys fought a demon Glenn Danzig. And the Jeff Dunham future was more upsetting.

Nick Guercio: Oh, yeah give me a Danzig anytime.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay so anyway I trained her to everyone's voices so she should be able to tell you all apart, she has a different instance in each of your quarters if you want to give her a try right now, you feel free to ask her stuff see what she says.

Nick Guercio: Artemis can you give me the reviews for Rick Jones contractor in Manhattan?

Artemis: Hello Lux, according to [inaudible 00:37:02] the most popular source for contractor reviews in the tri state area, Rick Jones contracting gets four stars out of 17 stars. The top review from user lucky boy horse time for 16 reads. Bathtubs, bathtubs, bathtubs, everything is bathtubs, how many baths am I supposed to take? Where are my children? In their beds are bathtubs. Would you like to listen to more reviews from [inaudible 00:37:35]?

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Nick Guercio: Yeah, can you read a positive one? Just if there is one, the highest review, the most stars out of 17.

Artemis: Searching, searching, positive review found. I was caused by a warlock to be half fish. And now I live in an apartment full of bathtubs. I asked for parquet flooring, but now I have nothing but bathtubs. Did I ask for this? No, but I love it. Sometimes you don't know what you want until it's given to you, and I'm as lucky as a horse boy at 4:16 P.M, because now I can flop around from one bath tub to another. All the haters on here hash up, Rick Jones contracting-

Taylor Moore: Best contracting [crosstalk 00:38:14]

Mike Rugnetta: Okay that's enough.

Nick Guercio: That works pretty well.

Taylor Moore: Jesus Christ, dude, you're going to have to install a governor, or a electric collar on me.

Mike Rugnetta: So Gabriel continues ... Okay, all right enough fun with Artemis. You can also if you want to install a version of her on your comm if you want to ask her any easy questions, but anything that's heavy lifting, you're going to have to ask her from the boat. Finally, the Jast job was exciting. But I'm getting old, and you look at Gabriel and you see lines on his face. Underneath all the tattoos, you can see he's got some crow's feet, got some smile lines. It's like I think my running days are maybe mostly over.

Mike Rugnetta: And I was wondering if you guys would be okay if I ... I don't know, I mean, I'm happy to keep working on the boat. I actually love this boat. This is a fun challenge. I haven't done a fixer upper like this in a really long time. And I don't know, when I'm working on it, and when I'm jumped into it, it's just like, it's really hard to describe because none of you were rigorous. You don't really get, maybe don't know what this is like, but it's just very comfortable. It feels like I fit on this boat.

Mike Rugnetta: So I'm happy to run the show here. I don't know, maybe I can run with you if you need me if you really need an extra hand, but, how would you guys feel ... And he makes eye contact with Lux. I mean, I could just be your guy's fixer, hook you up with jobs and stuff and just take care of things around the whole floating homestead.

Nick Guercio: I mean, I'm not going to miss it. I think that would actually be helpful. What do you guys think?

Jenn de la Vega: I'm amenable to that. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 20 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Bijan Stephen: Seems all right.

Shannon Odell: You know me, you know I love Gabe.

Nick Guercio: Gabriel, we've only known you for a couple of weeks now and I really feel like you're part of the family.

Mike Rugnetta: Oh, that's so nice.

Nick Guercio: You moved on your caftans and tunics and all kinds of feathers things for me, and I appreciate that. Yeah, I mean, we definitely need a lot of work on this boat if we're going to live here. So it's not like we could just send you on your way. You're the only one who knows how to work the damn thing, right? So I feel like as long as you want to run with us or be home base operations with us, and that would be good with me.

Bijan Stephen: When we're going you can use the gym.

Mike Rugnetta: I'm also going to use the gym when you're here.

Bijan Stephen: But I'm saying-

Mike Rugnetta: I can also use it when you're gone. I appreciate that. That means a lot to me. That's how I feel like that's a big step.

Nick Guercio: Yeah. And that applies for everything on the boat.

Mike Rugnetta: I can use it while you're both-

Nick Guercio: You can use it while we're gone, as well, yeah, because you live here.

Mike Rugnetta: That's great. It's good to hear that you guys are into that. Because I already have a job for you.

Nick Guercio: Oh, great.

Bijan Stephen: Oh, and you're right already?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah. So actually, I got a call from an old law school buddy of mine-

Bijan Stephen: Wait, you're a lawyer?

Mike Rugnetta: Oh, yeah. I didn't tell you that?

Shannon Odell: No. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 21 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, before I did DJ things, I was, yeah, I practice a lot of law. So yeah, if you guys also, if you ever need any legal help, you can also refer to me as your counsel.

Nick Guercio: Oh, great. We're definitely going to need that.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, it was mostly criminal law too.

Bijan Stephen: We're criminals.

Nick Guercio: Yeah, that's all we are, you know that right?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah. It turns out that's not a coincidence. And that's one of the assets that I bring to the teams that I work with.

Shannon Odell: Wow, amazing.

Mike Rugnetta: So anyways, I got a call from an old law school buddy of mine this morning. It's a job that his team can't take for some reason. He was pretty unclear about why, but the money is apparently all right. It's a quick job. Sounds like it's a frame job. And it's with small Corp in Tribeca and they could meet with you this afternoon. So I can set up that meeting if you want to go.

Nick Guercio: I'm down.

Bijan Stephen: Let's do it.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, there's one thing though, the guy my buddy, let me know that this is an appropriate attire required situation. So you all are going to have to dress like corporate stooges, sorry.

Bijan Stephen: No tactical gear?

Mike Rugnetta: Well, it can be tactical, as long as it's also salary man appropriate.

Jenn de la Vega: Does this mean I have to put on shoes?

Mike Rugnetta: Yes.

Jenn de la Vega: TK you can borrow one of my suits. You cannot put pockets on my suits.

Mike Rugnetta: So what I have written here in my notes is just pretty woman montage so you guys can just describe however you want. I feel like Lux maybe you're already all set.

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Nick Guercio: Yeah, I look at the mirror and I nod, and then I do a fonz, what am I going to do to fix this?

Bijan Stephen: TK is standing right behind Lux as he's doing this, having entered the room mid like montage because Lux had invited him in.

Nick Guercio: Oh, I ... Yes, I look good. Come on in. Yes. So I picked out all of my, the darkest gray and black suits that I have, that have a little bit of a little bit less shine to them a little bit more matte for you. This is actually a [inaudible 00:42:47] and this is made actually by two [inaudible 00:42:51] brothers who actually are in space.

Bijan Stephen: Will it fit?

Nick Guercio: Let's put them on you and let's see, I could do some tailoring.

Mike Rugnetta: They fit great.

Bijan Stephen: Girl, turn to the left. Well, how's the song? [crosstalk 00:43:01]

Shannon Odell: It's work.

Bijan Stephen: Yeah. TK walks up to the mirror and does the exact same thing that Lux did when he walked in the room.

Mike Rugnetta: You feel really good.

Bijan Stephen: Even if it's the cyber room.

Shannon Odell: I walk into the room say you got anything that'll fit me.

Nick Guercio: Lash, I do not have anything that'll fit you.

Shannon Odell: Come on, something that's a little baggy in the legs.

Nick Guercio: Yeah, it's definitely not going to be baggy on you, you're an enormous woman.

Shannon Odell: Let's see how tall are you?

Nick Guercio: I'm six foot two.

Shannon Odell: Yeah, I'm a measly six, five.

Nick Guercio: Yeah, but you're so much bulkier than me.

Shannon Odell: Yeah, that's true. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 23 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: Gabriel might have a really baggy playsuit that you can wear.

Shannon Odell: Oh, incredible, Gabe, you got something I could check out.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, hold on. Let me get something from my room. And he comes back with a white base, yellow flower print playsuit with a belt around the waist.

Shannon Odell: I guess this will have to do. Yellow is not really my color, but I love it Gabe.

Mike Rugnetta: So do I, don't mess it up.

Shannon Odell: I'll try not to.

Mike Rugnetta: It has pockets.

Shannon Odell: Oh, this is great. And how can I stretch my legs? How big can I push my legs out in this?

Mike Rugnetta: You can have a slight, a very quiet rip that no one else hears.

Shannon Odell: Okay.

Jenn de la Vega: Viv is on the houseboat with her hand in the water, she's grabbed up a blowfish, she spooks it a little bit so it blows up. And she puts it on her head and wraps here really long hair around it. So she has a little beehive with a little, a tiny blowfish face to [inaudible 00:44:34]

Bijan Stephen: Is the fish alive or dead?

Mike Rugnetta: We're going to say that because magic is involved, yeah, it's fine.

Jenn de la Vega: Yeah. The only shoes that she has are designer knockoff Roman sandals that wrap along her legs, it's the fanciest things she has, they're called Jimmy hooves. And she just runs her hands down the length of her caftan and as it passes it turns into blowfish scales.

Mike Rugnetta: As you all get dressed and meet again on the boat, Gabriel espies you all and says, you all look great. I think that this is definitely appropriate attire.

Shannon Odell: Can you take a picture of us all dressed up for the boat?

Mike Rugnetta: I would love to and he snaps a little photo using this comm and then messages it to you all.

Shannon Odell: Oh, that is great. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 24 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Nick Guercio: Guess I'm going to do a fun one.

Jenn de la Vega: And Viv was already caught unaware with the photo so she's clearly blinking.

Bijan Stephen: Where's the blowfish looking?

Mike Rugnetta: Directly into the camera.

Jenn de la Vega: It's just staring forward.

Mike Rugnetta: Dear, don't cause too much trouble while you're there, just hear him out, got to pay the rent somehow. And by rent, I mean, got to this fix this boat.

Bijan Stephen: Cool. Thanks, Gabriel.

Mike Rugnetta: Good luck kids.

Nick Guercio: Thanks Gabe.

Jenn de la Vega: Hey, Shannon, has this ever happened to you? You got to get your family presents for the holiday but you don't know who they are as people.

Shannon Odell: So much so, what do I do?

Jenn de la Vega: Get them a shaker and spoon subscription, it's so good. You get a box of cocktail fixings every month, mixers, garnish, you name it, enough to make 12 servings of three cocktails. Well all you need is the base liquor, which I mean, let's be honest, everyone's family is plenty of base liquor.

Shannon Odell: Oh yeah, you are correct. How much is it?

Jenn de la Vega: It's 4050 bucks a month but get this if you go to shakerandspoon.com/funcity, you'll get $20 off that first month. And you don't need to tell your family you used the discount code on their present.

Shannon Odell: Oh my gosh, I'm going to shakerandspoon.com/funcity right now. Send.

Mike Rugnetta: That was an ad [crosstalk 00:46:34]

Mike Rugnetta: The address that Gabriel gave you is in Tribeca, I don't know why I wrote down the actual address, do we care about [crosstalk 00:47:05]

Jenn de la Vega: It will be like Russian doll, we know where it is.

Taylor Moore: Is it upper or lower Tribeca? funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 25 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: It's on Calister between beach and Hubert.

Taylor Moore: But is it on the superstructure or is it?

Mike Rugnetta: It's on the superstructure, yeah. So actually, it's in a portion of the city that was completely destroyed. It was entirely leveled almost down to the dirt. And several decades ago, it was rebuilt to exacting specifications to look exactly like it looked in the 18th and 19th centuries, shipping depots, which have never held a shipment warehouses, which have never housed anywhere is only exceptionally wealthy startups, a bunch of real estate agencies, architectural firms, all in these pristine 18th and 19th century style buildings built in the last five to 10 years.

Mike Rugnetta: Henry drops you off in front of an immaculately detailed brick and slab stone building complete with a shuttered loading dock platform that is in pristine condition, nothing has ever backed into this loading dock ever. And at the top of a set of corrugated metal stairs, which have been painted black, you can see a small lobby with a receptionist and a massive troll security detail.

Mike Rugnetta: The building is actually for the most part unmarked, you know you're at the right address. You can see the number but there's no business name on it.

Bijan Stephen: Let's go inside.

Mike Rugnetta: So the lobby is about a 15 foot by 20 foot space, it's pretty small. It's got a gently curved white stone desk, behind which sits a very pleasant looking human man, in a light short sleeve blue shirt. He's got a long blond beard and has a single charm woven into it. And you can see his eyes flip back and forth as he scans the AR display that's beamed into his wireless contacts.

Mike Rugnetta: He taps a few buttons on a keyboard that's recessed into his desk, and he looks up at you and he says, ah, you must, and he squints a little bit, the [inaudible 00:49:06] group. And you all look grand.

Nick Guercio: Was that a question?

Mike Rugnetta: No, you all just do-

Nick Guercio: Okay, it sounded like a question, but thank you.

Mike Rugnetta: Now that you're in the lobby, you can see that further into the building, there's a giant, they're called mad scanners. And these are pieces of technology that scan all of your credentials that are on your comm links. And also scan to make sure that you have no weapons on you. The man gestures towards the troll security detail and says if you have any implements of destruction on you, you can leave them here with Reginald. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 26 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Bijan Stephen: TK takes out his combat X and hands it over.

Jenn de la Vega: Viv stumbles over and does the same, she rummages from underneath her sparkling caftan.

Mike Rugnetta: Forget that Viv has a combat X.

Bijan Stephen: Fucking good weapon too.

Nick Guercio: Lux's bracers are designed to not be detected by these things, but I know that these better ones can detect toxins. So I remove the toxins themselves that means that they're just armored bracers but underneath my suit so they're no longer weapons. And so I put the little capsules with, what's his name, Gregory?

Mike Rugnetta: Reginald, with Reginald.

Shannon Odell: Lash takes her blow gun out of the one boot and then a handful of darts out of the other boot and drop somewhere in the basket.

Nick Guercio: Lash, you just have those darts and they're loose?

Shannon Odell: Yeah.

Nick Guercio: That doesn't puncture your legs.

Shannon Odell: No, my legs, it's got to be parallel with my legs, the two shall never meet, parallel.

Mike Rugnetta: Fabulous. And so just one more thing. I'm sure you're used to it in your line of work and he looks directly at Viv, and says, but for safety and I'm sure you understand it, is company policy, a counter speller will be assigned to the magic user in your party for the duration of your visit. Because I mean, you can't exactly be disarmed. We mean no disrespect Miss ... and he taps on his keyboard a little bit ... Lakewood, it is like I said, company policy. And you hear a set of footsteps coming from the other side of the hallway. And then you see.

Taylor Moore: The human woman that approaches you is tall, a fierily thin with an aggressive pink hook of a nose and black flitting eyes, it is not the case that a shaman turned a pale and wicked Flamingo into a human woman. Nevertheless, anyone who sees her is forced to consider it. She is bald and wears a gray scent flannel skirt suit with a brass name tag on her lapel that simply reads Martha. Hello?

Nick Guercio: Hey, Martha.

Taylor Moore: Good afternoon. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 27 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Nick Guercio: Good afternoon to you.

Taylor Moore: And let means I sense you.

Jenn de la Vega: Hello Martha.

Taylor Moore: It's a pleasure to meet you. She extends her hand and her fingers are long and pink like the legs of a barbie doll.

Mike Rugnetta: Oh God.

Bijan Stephen: What the fuck!

Jenn de la Vega: Vivian, the pleasure is all mine. And Viv extends her hand underneath, but instead of clasping she just runs her fingers under her palm.

Taylor Moore: Martha matches the action on your hands.

Mike Rugnetta: This is turning into a very different podcast.

Bijan Stephen: TK stares like what the fuck! Looks over at Lash.

Mike Rugnetta: Perfect. Now that we are all acquainted, Miss Ashna will see you on the fifth floor. And you hear a distant elevator ding on the other side of the mad scanners.

Jenn de la Vega: Good day, thank you.

Bijan Stephen: So I get through?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, you all get through. So out of game, you got to tell me the universe you don't have anything on you that is a weapon, is that true?

Bijan Stephen: I mean aside from his whole body.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah I mean you have a whole body but, yeah, you sir everybody have a whole body.

Bijan Stephen: Still arm.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah. But yeah, no one has anything that is literally a weapon. Okay, cool, great. All of you get through the scanners without incident. They beep happily and you get your way into the elevator and Martha just tails behind Vivian but is if incredibly disturbing to be around, perfectly pleasant.

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Jenn de la Vega: Viv just has her hands clasped in front of her as she walks, but stumbles a little bit because she hates wearing shoes.

Mike Rugnetta: This place is really well appointed, it's very 20th century designing. There's a lot of sticks in big vases and fake plants around and very innocuous almost restaurant style paintings, you know what I mean? It's abstract but not even really abstract, just shapes.

Bijan Stephen: As hotel like the 21st century?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, I mean, that's actually pretty cool. But without the pretense of being cool, there's no wood grain anywhere. It's all white marble, it's all glass, white steel, very simple. And there is no identifying mark, there's no name of a company. There's no advertising, there's nothing anywhere. You get in the elevator, you go up to the fifth floor, the elevator opens onto a thorough floor office. So this office takes up the entire floor of this reconstructed shipping warehouse. It is very different from everything you've seen so far.

Mike Rugnetta: It actually does have a lot of that old wood grain charm, so very convincing. The wood beams look like they're very old, their wooden floor is very rough. It's all unfinished, wide grain, it's magnificent. It's a gigantic space, exposed beams, it's got those old cloudy warehouse windows with the thin frames. It's mostly unfurnished except there are two directly in front of you freestanding walls that you're looking at the side of, they're near the middle of the space a few meters away from either side of a huge executive desk. It's made of dark wood and has a very thin steel top.

Mike Rugnetta: The walls reach almost but not quite to the ceiling. The wall to the left is lined with books. The one to the right is covered in multi channel projection of what looks like security camera feeds, local news reports and at least one cartoon show. You're about maybe 10 or 15 feet away from the desk and you can see that a woman is sitting there, and she is working intently. And as you exit the elevator, she beckons you wordlessly not looking up from the work on her desk.

Jenn de la Vega: We move into the room, and as Viv approaches, well she knows that the woman's not looking at her, but she's still bows, so that the blue fish is making eye contact with her.

Taylor Moore: Martha says, please this way. And she notices, you're having trouble walking in your shoes Viv, and she says, first time in the city?

Jenn de la Vega: No. I just don't wear shoes very often.

Taylor Moore: You'll get the hang of it.

Mike Rugnetta: As you approach the desk, you notice that the woman who's seated there is human. She's Japanese, she's in an exactingly tailored gray suit with a white funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 29 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

shirt. Her hair is long, and it's dyed a dull blue gray, and it's pushed behind her ears. You can see that she, like Viv has a pair of rose gold AR glasses however they are huge. And as you move across the room and she turns her head this way and that to look at the materials on her desk, they glint like beacons reflecting some of the light from the room. You see the giant lenses flashing both with reflected light and with the material that is projected on them.

Mike Rugnetta: And you can see open windows moving around, you can see text being spelled out, you can see videos playing in reverse on the other side of these glasses that almost cover this woman's whole face. As you approach she raises her hands and you see her similarly very well tailored, mid forearm length gray haptic gloves that are matched perfectly to her suit. And as she brings her hands together, knuckles touching and pushes them violently aside, everything on her glasses disappears, as does all of the material that's on the projected screen to the right of the desk. She takes her glasses off, puts them on her desk looks at all of you very carefully and says, ah, yes, awesome and right on time, please have a seat. I have a meeting in five minutes, so we're going to have to make this pretty quick and in front of you, there are four very comfortable looking mid century leather and wood chairs.

Bijan Stephen: TK sits.

Jenn de la Vega: Viv also takes a seat with a sigh of relief.

Nick Guercio: Luxs sits as well.

Shannon Odell: Lash sits down.

Bijan Stephen: I mean, TK also gets ready to do some matrix perception.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, you let me know what you want to do, and then-

Bijan Stephen: I think he's just checking things out narrowly.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, all right.

Bijan Stephen: Looking at the exits.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, I mean, there's nothing out of the ordinary. You don't see any of her accessories, or not broadcast.

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, he's not suspicious, he's trying to be aware of what's going on.

Nick Guercio: Now, if you're doing a matrix, perception check, you'll see that one of Martha's eyes is an implant that she uses to go into AR and VR. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 30 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: That Martha's a complicated lady, got those doll hands, got those doll leg hands. Got those doll game hands.

Nick Guercio: I wish you hadn't had any of that.

Mike Rugnetta: Me too. Alright, so first things first, I don't know what Mark told your fixer but we're going to get this going with the utmost discretion. So don't go blabbing about any of this to anybody et cetera. I'm not going to make you sign a contract or anything because you're criminals just know that if this gets big, or even if it gets small, you are all obviously the weak link and we're going to come after you, first you and your ... She picks up her glasses again and holds them an inch or two in front of her face and wiggles her hand around a little bit to the side. She says you and your [inaudible 00:58:30] I don't know how to say some of these letters art lower class as technology warship currently anchored at northwest 35th Street on Manhattan's West Side ... She puts her glasses down and looks at you and says, [inaudible 00:58:45]

Jenn de la Vega: Indeed.

Bijan Stephen: TK doesn't say anything.

Mike Rugnetta: You there, [inaudible 00:58:48]

Bijan Stephen: TK nods.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, that's good, that's what I like to see, I like to see some gumption.

Bijan Stephen: Very tight nod.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, she appreciates it.

Nick Guercio: Lux is writing down the ship name that she said, and he says, what can you tell us what the name of the ship is again?

Mike Rugnetta: You don't know the name of your own ship?

Nick Guercio: Absolutely not.

Mike Rugnetta: Great. They we're off to a great start.

Nick Guercio: Yeah. Could you repeat it though?

Mike Rugnetta: She rolls her eyes and picks up her glasses one more time and says A-T-L with a cross through it, A-U-U-A.

Nick Guercio: Okay, great. I haven't ... This is new comic. Anyway what can we do for you? funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 31 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, so that's a yes you understand that this is a [crosstalk 00:59:27]

Nick Guercio: It's pretty standard. I mean, you called us criminals but we haven't actually admitted to that just in case this is being recorded, but alleged criminals is fine.

Mike Rugnetta: She puts her hand up and makes like a talkie, yappy, motion and taps her wrist-

Nick Guercio: Absolutely what would you like us to do?

Mike Rugnetta: Just want to make sure we're on the same page here, loose lips sink ships, as they say. Mo Ashna head of special projects [inaudible 00:59:49] limited. It's very nice to meet you. I'm sure that you're already aware we represent a consortium of some of the larger and more well resourced corporations here in New York City. And we need you to frame this man for various misdeeds and on the screen that was just previously populated with a bunch of security footage, you see a bunch of photos pop up of one man.

Mike Rugnetta: It's a male troll. He's got a particularly pronounced set of horns. He's got really dramatic features. He's got very high cheekbones. He's got a giant square jaw in all of the photos, he's wearing the same black and gray suit and he's wearing the same massive bright gold watch. In some of them he is wearing a pair of, I don't know how to say it, is it [inaudible 01:00:35]

Nick Guercio: [inaudible 01:00:36]

Mike Rugnetta: [inaudible 01:00:37] oh pins, that makes perfect sense. Those glasses and they are comically small on his gigantic head. She gestures at the screen and turns towards it and says this is [inaudible 01:00:50] he goes by Verne. He's a German expat. He is currently the liaison between the Police Benevolent Association, which is basically like the NYPD Incorporated Union. Which is sometimes called the PBA and the city's Office of Collective Bargaining, the OCB. You follow me so far?

Nick Guercio: Yes, he's the go between the PBA and the OCB.

Mike Rugnetta: Like this guy ... taking notes ... Love it, appreciate it. We need you to plant footage of him transgressing some sworn orgs as a representative of the police force, not like shooting innocent people or doing drugs or anything, that's some real breakfast cereal shit, we mean more like fraternizing with and helping the competition. So we got footage of him playing cards with gang members, taking meetings with some high up Yakuza dudes, paying off some pirates in Graves end, et cetera, [inaudible 01:01:36]

Nick Guercio: So you have all the stuff?

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Mike Rugnetta: We have actually spent considerable production resources in creating the base footage, but there is a problem, and she wiggles one of her fingers, and the screen clicks over from photos of [inaudible 01:01:50] to videos of various, a dark basement, a back alley, and in each there is an obvious large troll sized gap. There's a massive empty chair and a card table. There's a giant gap in a semi circle of heavily tattooed Japanese men with samurai swords.

Mike Rugnetta: Cold city storage where we need you to plant all of this footage recently upgraded its spec and will only accept footage that combines biometric data of city employees, which includes things like depth maps, fingerprint footage, IRS scans and all that. So [inaudible 01:02:27] being of a very unique size and proportion, we don't want to risk any modeling errors, we're not going to guesstimate at this. So we need you to go get high quality 3D scans of his body. We need you to bake those scans into the footage. And then we need you to plant the footage at City cold storage on Roosevelt Island.

Nick Guercio: So we kidnap him?

Mike Rugnetta: I don't care how you do it, just get it done. Remember what I said, you got to keep it quiet, it's got to be small.

Nick Guercio: So no kidnap.

Shannon Odell: City cold storage?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, it's the document archive that the city has, it's on Roosevelt Island. It's in the big octagonal building. I'm sure you guys know about it, you guys would know about this building.

Nick Guercio: Right. So basically you shot stock footage, missing a big person, and you want us to do the rest?

Mike Rugnetta: Mm-hmm (affirmative). I mean, not the rest. We have other teams on this working a bunch of different angles. For instance, we don't need you to leak the footage, you're going to put the footage in City cold storage, and then someone else a week or two later is going to find it. You don't know who they are, they don't know who you are, that's how this whole thing works.

Nick Guercio: What's the timeline?

Mike Rugnetta: Timeline, well, I mean, you got to get everything in there, let's say by next week.

Shannon Odell: Anything we should know about this Verne?

Jenn de la Vega: Does he have a family? funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 33 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: I don't know.

Jenn de la Vega: Where does he live?

Mike Rugnetta: Upper West Side, but actually, you're in luck. He's a pretty reclusive guy. He's like a wake up, go to work, go home kind of dude, doesn't really do a whole lot, doesn't go on a whole lot. And because of his position, actually has a lot of security around him or, hangs out with people who are security. And so getting to him is pretty hard. This weekend, however, he is giving a talk at ... hold on, and she picks up her glasses again, and starts floating around ... It's this thing, it's at the Javits Bloomberg center. It's like a conference, it's got this extremely long and very, very stupid name. It's like the international policing and security professionals trade and labor consortium annual exposition, blah blah blah. It keeps on going like this.

Mike Rugnetta: Anyway, he's going to be at this conference and you might actually be able to get ... I know it sounds weird that going to the police conference might be easier and safer than just getting him at his house, but who knows? No one's going to be expecting it. That could be the place that you get them. Oh, which also reminds me. And she reaches into her desk and she pulls out three gadgets. One is like a long metal bar, one is like a short handle with a circle on the end, and the other one is a shorter stumpier handle with a glowing green square on the top.

Mike Rugnetta: And she throws the first one to TK, the second one to Viv and the third one to Lux. And she says that's a depth scanner. That's an iris scanner. And that's a fingerprint scanner. Those work very quickly, though you need to be very close otherwise, they're basically foolproof that the results of a bunch of R&D with some of the best resourced organizations that we work with, some of our largest clients. They are also extremely expensive so do not lose or break them I need them back when the job is done, [inaudible 01:05:11]

Jenn de la Vega: Yeah.

Nick Guercio: Got it.

Mike Rugnetta: I assume because you accepted the items that you are taking the job?

Nick Guercio: What's the pay?

Mike Rugnetta: We pay a base rate of 5000 new yen each. I will double it if you can get scans of his irises and his fingerprints, other than that, we'll see how quickly you do it and how big of a stink you make. We're not above increasing our pay to show our appreciation for quick, efficient and discrete work.

Nick Guercio: So the main thing you need is his depth? funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 34 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: Yes basically a 3D scan of his whole body.

Nick Guercio: Right. So in order to have that how far away do we need to be from him?

Mike Rugnetta: Couple inches.

Nick Guercio: We have to have this wand get his whole body a couple inches, okay.

Shannon Odell: Do they need to be still or no?

Mike Rugnetta: Yes.

Shannon Odell: Then he needs to be still.

Mike Rugnetta: He needs to be still.

Shannon Odell: And are these guys hooked up to anything or these guys run in silent?

Mike Rugnetta: These will pair with your comm and they will be slave devices to your comm.

Nick Guercio: Okay, I got a question about this guy in general and about why you want to do this to him, what stick do you have in this? What do you want to frame this guy for?

Mike Rugnetta: I like you because you're clearly a perceptive person. If you can convince me why you need to know, then I will tell you.

Nick Guercio: For me, it's whether or not I want to-

Taylor Moore: Know something about me real quick.

Nick Guercio: Yeah, well, there could be a lot of implications I could tell you that. But, big one might just be well, do I want to take the job? To be honest with you if this is some a union busting move, then I'm not for it. My dad worked for the train catchers union, and, so I-

Mike Rugnetta: You're the train catchers.

Nick Guercio: Yes. We all know that when that bad train I took over and they were running themselves. People had to go out to catch them because they could only be stopped on the trains themselves. And they didn't want to pay them very well, did they?

Mike Rugnetta: A real value in order to the train catchers?

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Nick Guercio: Yes. So I'm not going to stand for it. And you could have these guys and these guys might be able to help you, but I'm going to be out. So I just want to make sure that none of that is going on.

Mike Rugnetta: I'm just going to ask you to roll straight charisma.

Shannon Odell: Is it first impression?

Mike Rugnetta: It is.

Nick Guercio: Plus two, so that's eight, total dice.

Bijan Stephen: While you're doing the dice, Mike, the Javit Center survives apocalyptic floods.

Nick Guercio: The Javit Bloomberg Center.

Jenn de la Vega: It got airlifted, maybe.

Bijan Stephen: That's how you say, oh, it's September and we found a snowman that survived summer.

Mike Rugnetta: Yes it is.

Nick Guercio: Out of eight dice, I got four hit.

Mike Rugnetta: She frustrated late picks up her glasses and wiggles a finger and puts her glasses back down and look like closes her eyes looks up at the ceiling breeds a frustrated sigh. Okay, fine. There's a little bit of background. He does work for the policeman's union. However, that union hasn't been a union, has only been a union in name for decades. It's been essentially an extortion arm of NYPD incorporated for the city. They're not really interested in workers rights as if such a thing even exists.

Mike Rugnetta: Over the last couple months, though, [inaudible 01:08:13] has been trying to architect a strike. He's got the ear of some of the upper brass. He is talking with some folks at the OCB. The rumor is that it's working and it's all scuttlebutt right now. Nothing is confirmed. No one knows how far along he is. No one knows how much support there is in the ranking file. All people know is that it's gotten through some of the channels to some of the corporations that NYPD and corporate has private contracts with that he is trying to put together a strike.

Mike Rugnetta: It seems like all of his reasons are the same thing that it's always been every single time the police have threatened to strike. The pay raises don't come quickly enough or the pay raises aren't enough. The shifts are too long. The city doesn't invest in new equipment. The city doesn't invest in marketing and so funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 36 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

recruiting numbers are low and so there aren't enough police on the streets. And it makes the current forces job even harder.

Mike Rugnetta: But none of that makes any sense because NYPD Ink gets almost no money from the city at this point. It's essentially a show of support. It's a pittance. It's just like a piece of performance art for the mayor to show NYPD Incorporated that he's on their side. So the money doesn't matter. They get all of their money from their corporate contracts. So obviously, the PBA is crooked. They're looking to extort to the city. Whatever the reasons, a strike would be bad for business.

Mike Rugnetta: We got a bunch of big companies, many of whom we represent in the city. They got private contracts with NYPD Incorporated, they can't deal with a strike. They don't want one of their security forces, no longer protecting them. So they figured just, disgrace this guy. Disgrace him and ruin his reputation, and then he's going to be ejected from the PBA or something. Who knows, they're working a bunch of angles. This is just one of them. But that's the plan.

Nick Guercio: Who you're going to try to replace Verne with?

Mike Rugnetta: What do you mean?

Nick Guercio: Well, you want to get them out, who are you trying to replace him with?

Mike Rugnetta: That's not my job, that's someone else's job. We just need some quick talkers, some keyboard cowboys to just take care of this.

Nick Guercio: Sounds like some video editors.

Mike Rugnetta: I mean, yeah, keyboard cowboy. That's under the umbrella of keyboard cowboy come on, keep up.

Nick Guercio: I guess.

Bijan Stephen: How was Lux sitting when he says I guess like that.

Nick Guercio: He just, you know, he crosses his legs, he crosses his arms, he looks up at the ceiling, which is very much like something from the 18th century. And he's just like, I tell you, I don't like union busting, and you say this is just a bad union. All right, I don't know. It sounds like a pretty kind of a piece of shit, guys, so I don't have any objection. Anybody else have any objection?

Bijan Stephen: Is the cops for cops.

Nick Guercio: TK is all about cops. What about you Lash?

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Mike Rugnetta: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. But if it inspires you to do the job then great.

Nick Guercio: Okay.

Shannon Odell: I am down.

Nick Guercio: Lash is so down. Viv, do you have any other questions? I mean what are you feeling?

Jenn de la Vega: No, I'd like to get started.

Mike Rugnetta: So it's Wednesday right now. [inaudible 01:10:59] is going to be at the conference on Friday, he's giving a talk in the mid afternoon, I will send you a map of the conference center and his schedule so that you can see when and where he will be if you can get a scan of him sometime that day and plant the footage within two days after that, and then another team will find it next week. We will know that everything works when the footage is recovered by Team B. And so we will wire you the money when that happens.

Bijan Stephen: Does that mean, we're the A team?

Mike Rugnetta: With no trace of knowing, she looks at you and says yes.

Bijan Stephen: I mean, TK doesn't know either.

Jenn de la Vega: Viv stands up, if there's nothing else?

Mike Rugnetta: Oh, however you get him, make sure you bring me back those [inaudible 01:11:42]

Jenn de la Vega: Absolutely.

Mike Rugnetta: Uncharacteristically unsure of what she's saying, however what happens do make sure you bring me back those gadgets.

Nick Guercio: And I'm guessing there can't be any proof that we mess with this guy or else that ruins the whole.

Mike Rugnetta: Well, like I said, if you get the footage planted and then they figure out it's you and we figure out that someone figured out it's you, you've solved one problem but then made another problem. The second problem is one that we're very good at solving. Am I being clear that I'm threatening violence?

Nick Guercio: Yeah, no. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 38 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, great. Just want to make sure we're-

Nick Guercio: If you didn't get a reaction from us because we're very used to that, that's part of the job. Everybody thinks that they could kill us. That's a very-

Shannon Odell: People are threatening your lives left and right.

Mike Rugnetta: I know, right? Are you telling me-

Bijan Stephen: Many have tried, non have succeeded.

Nick Guercio: Not saying you can't, that's fine. You got great glasses, just to be doubly clear here, we can't get this guy, hogtie him, throw him in a truck and do this to him, because when he gets out of that he's going to report this and then people are going to be on the lookout for fakes and things like that and he's got an accountable ally that says is a fake because he's been kidnapped. He can't be aware that he's been recorded in this way, is that correct?

Mike Rugnetta: Listen, that's sounds like detail work. I don't do detail work.

Jenn de la Vega: We will figure it out.

Mike Rugnetta: I mean, what do you got? You got two, I got ... She puts on her glasses fully now and starts typing in the air with her gloves, she's like, you have a battle Decker, techno [inaudible 01:13:07] a water magician, looks over at Martha, okay, and a ... Is your condo under construction? What does this mean?

Nick Guercio: Yeah. Do you have pictures of it right now?

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah.

Nick Guercio: Can I take a look at them?

Mike Rugnetta: Whatever, it seems like you guys have a lot of resources at your disposal I'm sure you can figure out something.

Nick Guercio: Yeah, we do. I just want to make sure that we're doing the job to the requirements that you're specifying. I mean, because we could just kill this guy and then get you all the information that obviously wouldn't do anything good for you because then you can't frame him.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah, we could, yes, if we wanted him dead, we would hire you to kill him. Unfortunately, we have reason to believe that if he's killed the entire NYPD Incorporated-

Nick Guercio: We'll try to be discreet, if he- funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 39 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: I do not like being interrupted sir.

Nick Guercio: Sorry.

Bijan Stephen: But now that it's happened. Can we go?

Mike Rugnetta: Yes.

Nick Guercio: Goodbye. Good gloves. It's always looks good when your gloves match your suit, exactly. That doesn't look like a cartoon.

Shannon Odell: It was lovely meeting you.

Nick Guercio: Bye.

Shannon Odell: Martha. Lovely meeting you.

Nick Guercio: Martha genuinely love you, you're great.

Taylor Moore: Well, we'll still be together as we ride down the elevator.

Nick Guercio: I know, but I wanted to start the compliments now.

Taylor Moore: Please allow me-

Jenn de la Vega: Viv clears her throat.

Taylor Moore: ... allow me to show you out.

Bijan Stephen: TK is already at the elevator.

Taylor Moore: In the elevator Martha looks over at Viv and says that is an iris scanner, very expensive.

Jenn de la Vega: Thank you, Martha. And if you'd like to go for a swim some time, and she just lightly box her forehead on Martha forehead.

Taylor Moore: Oh, it looks like your hair is deflating.

Jenn de la Vega: Oh, and Viv tries to fix it.

Taylor Moore: [inaudible 01:14:54] extremely poisonous.

Nick Guercio: If you eat them.

Jenn de la Vega: Not to me. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 40 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Shannon Odell: Don't eat Viv's hair.

Mike Rugnetta: The elevator dings open.

Bijan Stephen: TK just walks the fuck out. He's done with all this.

Mike Rugnetta: You get all your stuff back from Reginald? The receptionist at the front desk just gives you a pleasant wave doesn't say anything. Any parting words for Martha?

Shannon Odell: Martha I hope we see you again.

Taylor Moore: You might.

Shannon Odell: I'm going to add you to my Facebook.

Jenn de la Vega: Viv touches hands with Martha again in the same way just slightly brushing, the sort of magician's handshake.

Taylor Moore: Okay.

Bijan Stephen: I want TK to run a matrix perception chest on Martha's eye, three hits. Hold on, I have to ask Martha a question.

Shannon Odell: I like Martha.

Taylor Moore: You would like Martha.

Shannon Odell: I like my thing because there's really no one in this game that I've met that I didn't like. That's the thing about.

Nick Guercio: You would be playing cards with Jast right now if you could.

Shannon Odell: Yeah, I just love a guy with a dog.

Nick Guercio: Buddy, I love that dog, and I love that gun.

Mike Rugnetta: You see Martha's eye, it is not running silent. You find it in the medium thick haze of items that are broadcast nearby in AR, you see that it is actually an old model. And you know it's not a particularly cutting edge eye. It doesn't seem to have much in the way of capability. The one specific item that you learn is that it is named, Martha has given it a name and as a device it is named Cygnus.

Bijan Stephen: So I guess TK, the [inaudible 01:16:24] TK looks at her for just a little too long and then turns around and walks in the car.

Taylor Moore: She just a half smile seemingly oblivious. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 41 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Nick Guercio: Bye Martha, don't change.

Bijan Stephen: She go back to [inaudible 01:16:53].

Jenn de la Vega: So Viv is very frantically taking off her sandals and stumbles out of the car and makes it back to the boat with everyone. She nabs the blowfish out of her hair and throws it back in the water.

Mike Rugnetta: Gabriel is on the deck of the Mrs. Egg, wearing one of TK's black speedos and sunning himself with one of those reflective boards.

Bijan Stephen: TK sees and says, looking good.

Mike Rugnetta: Thanks, man.

Shannon Odell: We got a day until the conference, right?

Jenn de la Vega: Two days.

Shannon Odell: Two days, we got to figure out a plan.

Bijan Stephen: Let's figure out how to ... Viv do you have an erase memory spell by any chance?

Jenn de la Vega: I do not.

Bijan Stephen: Well, that's out.

Nick Guercio: You can control his mind though?

Jenn de la Vega: No, I cannot, I can only control his actions, but he will know that he's being controlled. I can control his actions while he's asleep.

Bijan Stephen: But if he's asleep, we don't need-

Nick Guercio: He's asleep, we don't need to control his actions.

Bijan Stephen: All we got to do is-

Shannon Odell: Then move him.

Mike Rugnetta: We can deep burn [crosstalk 01:18:01]

Shannon Odell: Yeah. We can have him move himself.

Bijan Stephen: I mean, we know where he lives, right? We can just break into the middle of the night, [inaudible 01:18:07] him when he's asleep, get all the shit. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 42 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Shannon Odell: Sure he's around a lot of security though. She said that he hangs out with security constantly.

Bijan Stephen: What if we set up a fake checkpoint?

Jenn de la Vega: That's exactly what I was thinking-

Bijan Stephen: ... at the conference.

Nick Guercio: That'll be good. Fake checkpoint would be good. If we said this is our short standard security-

Jenn de la Vega: We are a security firm.

Nick Guercio: We are a security firm, this is our standard security, thing-

Bijan Stephen: TK does a matrix search to see what security vendor is doing security for the conference.

Mike Rugnetta: Yeah. You find out that security for the conference is actually run by the NYPD Incorporated Reserve. You would also probably know that getting into the NYPD Reserve is not quick or easy. You could try to forge some documents, but you would be trying to break into NYPD Incorporated's main data center, which is a large undertaking.

Shannon Odell: Could we try to create a panel and get him to be, or we could be a vendor, and you're walking through the vendors and they're like, come here, check out this new security thing that we do.

Bijan Stephen: If we did it right beside the venue where he was doing his keynote, we could get [inaudible 01:19:23]

Shannon Odell: Convince him, with your charm, you can convince him to try to take a trial on our new security.

Bijan Stephen: And maybe our backup plan is breaking into his house, injecting him while he's asleep.

Jenn de la Vega: That's all else fails.

Nick Guercio: That's what we have to do.

Bijan Stephen: That's the last resort.

Nick Guercio: Lux hops on the matrix and tries to check relations of Verne to see if he has kids, older adult kids would be better, a wife, things like that. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 43 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Mike Rugnetta: Do a computer plus intuition.

Bijan Stephen: Can I assist that just in case?

Shannon Odell: Do you want me to do this?

Nick Guercio: You all should do this.

Mike Rugnetta: Odell's trying to use Google, cell phones-

Shannon Odell: It's computer plus what?

Mike Rugnetta: Intuition.

Nick Guercio: So Lux actually goes to look this up and then his comm is still stuck on reviews for Rick Jones and he's just like, can one of you guys just look this up for me?

Bijan Stephen: Right, TK rolls it up, he gets four hits.

Jenn de la Vega: I have four hits.

Mike Rugnetta: So let's say I mean we can just pull your guys' resources and say that what are your limits there?

Bijan Stephen: Six, oh, no seven.

Mike Rugnetta: Okay, so you're well within your limit. Through a bunch of publicly available databases you find out that Verne [inaudible 01:20:33] does have a family, they all live in Germany.

Bijan Stephen: Perfect.

Jenn de la Vega: So he's alone.

Nick Guercio: I would love to dress like his wife and kiss him, they're in Germany.

Bijan Stephen: So I guess that's it.

Mike Rugnetta: Guess you got to get a plane ticket.

Shannon Odell: This is my thought though. I think he's planning something pretty big. We pretty much know that what his strike has nothing to do with workers rights or anything like that. Who knows what he's planning? He might be surrounding himself with some not great people.

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Bijan Stephen: Maybe what we should do is observe him for the next couple days, get a sense of his, yes, stake out.

Nick Guercio: Stake out.

Bijan Stephen: Get a sense of his habits. Where does he like to eat dinner, for example.

Nick Guercio: [inaudible 01:21:22]

Bijan Stephen: We could do that we could do the reverse pretty woman and I could put Lux into a tactical outfit.

Shannon Odell: The important thing is that other people don't know anything about us. There can't be anything that links us to whatever happens.

Bijan Stephen: Yeah, it's a stakeout.

Shannon Odell: Stake out. [crosstalk 01:21:48] come on Viv.

Jenn de la Vega: Stake out.

Nick Guercio: I'll get the pistachio.

Bijan Stephen: First things first, you all need to look tactical.

Mike Rugnetta: Tactical woman montage. You are now leaving Fun City. Thanks for listening. If you want to support the show get access to our discord episode stems, custom sound effects and stuff that ended up on the cutting room floor. Head to patreon.com/funcityventures where you can transfer us some of your hard earned new yen, and help keep this ship afloat. On November 19th, we're having our first ever live stream in the evening Eastern time. The first half of which will be oh my patrons only, and the second half of which will be a public stream. We'll post about that on our discord and Patreon and Thanksgiving week will be publishing our first patrons only mini adventure where Lash takes some of the team home to Connecticut for the holidays.

Bijan Stephen: I'm Bijan Stephen and I am TK. You can find me online at Bijan Steven on Twitter, which is B-I-J-A-N, S-T-E-P-H-E-N or on Instagram, and you should just google that.

Jenn de la Vega: I'm Jenn de la Vega, I am Viv. You can find me online at Randwiches that's the word sandwiches but just replace the s with an r.

Nick Guercio: This is Nick Guercio I play [inaudible 01:23:17]. You can find me on Twitter at N- G-U-E-R-S-H and Instagram at N. Guercio, G-U-E-R-C-I-O. funcity-episode06-public-ins_tc (Completed 11/13/19) Page 45 of 46 Transcript by Rev.com This transcript was exported on Nov 13, 2019 - view latest version here.

Shannon Odell: This is Shannon Odell. I play Lash Goodback. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter at shodell, S-H-O-D-E-L-L.

Taylor Moore: This is Taylor Moore and I play all the bad boys. I'm at Taylor.biz.

Mike Rugnetta: My name is Mike Rugnetta, I am your GM. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Mike Rugnetta. You can find the show on twitter at Fun City Ventures. Fun city was recorded at Fortunate Horse in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. It was produced, edited and sound designed by me, Mike Rugnetta. All of the show's music is by Sam Tyndall. Our art is by Tess Stone and our discord mods are Olivia Gulen Kit and Castro and the voice of Artemis is Molly Templeton.

Mike Rugnetta: The cheers of the stakeout excitement ring, off the metal and carbon fiber hall, of the Mrs. Egg and float out over the gray water of the Hudson. And it is there on the river that the tears are heard. In the physical realm, yes, but also on the astral plane, where a luminous figure stands on the surface of the water. In a shimmer nearly indistinguishable from the ripple of the river reflecting the bright city lights of Manhattan, a diaphanous form manifests. A hazy image coalesces in the air floating mere feet above the water.

Mike Rugnetta: A man with 1000 arms multi jointed, of differing lengths, the snake a rippling cloud around him, through which he peers and sees and hears. His arms shudder at first with attention, then anticipation then the light. Here along the river, where once hawks dough from clifftops there aboard the hidden stolen ship. He has found his quarry.

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