New Annual Review Folder 2014 06/07/2015 14:32 Page 1


The Golf Foundation, The Spinning Wheel, High Street, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 8BP

T: +44 (0)1992 449830 F: +44 (0)1992 449840

Annual Review 2014 New Annual Review Folder 2014 06/07/2015 14:32 Page 2 Annual Review Inside 2014 06/07/2015 14:33 Page 2


Chairman’s Statement 2014 2-3 About Us 4 Skills for Life 4 Core Activity 5 2014 Highlights 6-7 Case Studies 8-9 Raising Awareness 10 Presidents’ Awards 10 Funding and Support 11 Thank You! 11 Financial Statement 12

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Chairman’s Statement 2014

Charles Harrison Chairman

2014 was another challenging year for the Golf Foundation as we worked to reposition ourselves in a changing sporting landscape. Although we will always remain committed to the delivery of our charitable mandate, the focus of the Foundation has, in recent years, moved more towards working with our industry partners to address the decline in golfing participation numbers. In there is now a unified strategic approach, involving all of the major golfing organisations. The Golf Foundation is committed to playing a full role in delivering the wider golfing objectives, which include continuing to meet the operational targets agreed with Sport England and England Golf. We continue to believe that success in persuading individuals to play sport in adult life is greatly helped by introducing them to, and capturing their interest in, sport during their early school years.

The aspirations of our core funders, including the and professionalism in the way they have responded. coalition Government’s objectives for sport as a We believe that our new operational approach is well whole, have necessitated further changes to the design regarded by all of our major funders. of a number of the Foundation’s development programmes. We believe that we have responded The Golf Foundation has continued to work closely appropriately to these new requirements, although with other British golfing bodies through the National there is still much to do if we are to continue to play a Partnerships in Scotland and Wales. The Foundation full role in getting more people playing the game. The was represented on the Boards of the England Golf need to provide a steady stream of new young golfers, Partnership, ClubGolf Scotland, and Golf Development together with the Government’s wish to see a greater Wales. A number of our initiatives were delivered focus on increasing sporting participation amongst through the national development plans, and young people aged 14-25, have again been embraced contributed to the growth of junior golf in all by the Development team who have shown creativity three countries.

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The Foundation continues to believe that golf has record my personal thanks to our existing core certain inherent core values, and that involvement in funders who, in addition to HSBC, are the R&A, its programmes can provide young people with European Tour, PGA, Committee, England enhanced life skills, as well as enabling them to enjoy Golf, Sport England, the British Golf Industry and benefit from an exposure to the game of golf. Association’s ‘Grow Golf Fund’, and the Gerald The Foundation reflects this in the concept of "Skills Micklem Charitable Trust, as well as all our other for Life" which is built into the design of all of our supporters who have helped the Foundation in a development and personal training programmes. number of ways during the year. The Trustees consider that the activities of the Foundation complement the national schools We continue to be delighted to have Colin curriculum, particularly the behavioural components. Montgomerie as our President. Colin’s public profile, They provide public benefit by increasing not only reputation and enthusiasm for our endeavours have the breadth and quality of sporting opportunity, but been helpful to us. Together we are looking to use also by helping equip young people to face the his presence to help further build the reputation and challenges of future life. finances of the Golf Foundation in the years ahead.

We continue to benefit from our relationship with During the year Mike Round, our long serving Chief HSBC who were again our major corporate sponsor Executive, resigned to take up a senior appointment throughout the year. All our Golf Roots programmes at the Ladies European Tour. In addition Alan Bough, carry the HSBC branding. We have enjoyed our the Finance Manager over many years, moved on to working relationship with HSBC and are determined pastures new. On behalf of myself and my fellow to remain one of their valued business partners. Trustees, I would like to thank both of these individuals for their outstanding service to the Golf On the financial front, the value of our total Foundation. In the case of Mike, we are greatly investments rose from £1.89 million to £2.23 million indebted to him for his leadership and drive in during the year, as a result of transferring some reshaping the organisation into one with a significant operating cash to the investment porfolio (£250k), in-house development capability. We wish both Mike the strength of the UK stock market, and the re- and Alan well in their future careers. investment of the dividend and interest income. Having significantly built up our operating reserves in The departure of a long serving Chief Executive recent years to help cover our funding uncertainties, inevitably creates challenges for the organisation and I am pleased to report that those in the the staff who remain. With this in mind, I would like “Unrestricted” segment again rose during the year. to thank Brendon Pyle for his leadership when he This increase was higher than our budgeted number, took over as Acting Chief Executive, following the largely because operational expenditure came in departure of Mike, and for ensuring we maintained lower than plan. This was due to a delay in some our course. At the end of the year the Trustees development programmes and lower staff costs, were delighted to appoint Brendon as the new Chief both of which were a result of the mid year Executive Officer, following a rigorously competitive departure of two members of the senior interviewing process. management team. Looking to the future, we expect our reserves to reduce over the next two years, Finally, I would like to record my own thanks plus based on a prudent operational plan which we those of the Trustees, to Sarah Tennyson (Marketing believe will deliver a grass roots programme in Manager) and Simon Evans (Acting Finance Manager) line with our charitable mandate, and the wishes for their hard work during the year, especially during of our funders. the period following the resignation of two of the senior management team members. Throughout the In these challenging economic times we remain year the operational programmes were again very extremely grateful to our funding partners, most of well managed by an enthusiastic and professional whom have given us major financial support over team of Regional Development Officers, well many years. I would like to take this opportunity to supported by the office based team in Hoddesdon.

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The Golf Foundation

About Us

The Golf Foundation is a registered charity established in 1952 by Sir , Gerald Micklem and other leading amateurs. Its activities are now overseen by a Board of Trustees which includes Independent Trustees as well as representatives from a number of the major golfing bodies.

Patron: His Royal Highness The Duke of York, KCVO, ADC President: OBE Vice-Presidents: The following individuals have been appointed as honorary Vice-Presidents in recognition of their service to the Golf Foundation, their playing achievements, or their contribution to the development of golf: Bernard Gallacher OBE MBE Findlay Picken CA Sir Michael Bonallack OBE CBE Mrs Catriona Matthew MBE Miss Karen Stupples Dame Laura Davies CBE Paul Lawrie MBE Miss Alison Nicholas MBE John Uzielli Sir MBE Tony Wheeler Ian Peacock OBE

Chairman: Charles Harrison Senior Executives: On a day to day basis the organisation is run by a management team headed by a Chief Executive and three Heads of Department, each with a team of Officers and Administrators: Chief Executive: Brendon Pyle Interim Finance Manager: Simon Evans Development Manager: TBC Marketing Manager: Sarah Tennyson

Skills for Life The Golf Foundation recognises the importance of grass roots junior development work and believes that investment at this level is necessary if golf is to remain a strong and successful sport. It also believes that the children introduced to golf will not only be able to look forward to a lifetime of enjoyment playing the sport, but will also develop a range of personal skills and qualities that will help them later in life.

In terms of playing skills, encouraging children and young people to learn how to play the sport will lead to the psychological and physical benefits associated with improvement, personal achievement and life-long participation.

The Golf Foundation is having an increasingly important role to play in the promotion of personal skills. ‘Skills for Life’ aims to encourage lifelong participation in the sport and to promote values such as honesty, co-operation, respect, self-motivation, concentration and perseverance.

Through its work, the Foundation hopes that those introduced to the sport will go on to become both regular participants and responsible young people.

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Core Activity

The Golf Foundation delivered its initiatives under the banner of ‘HSBC Golf Roots’, which is a national project that gives children and young people the opportunity to experience golf and the benefits it has to offer.

The organisation focused its work at the beginner level and aimed to reach children and young people regardless of their background or circumstances.

The operational plan included the promotion of golf within schools, the creation of opportunities in the community and the development of opportunities for young beginners in clubs. All of this was delivered through a project-based approach that encouraged relevant local partners to work in a co-ordinated way.

Through HSBC Golf Roots, the Golf Foundation offered a range of initiatives to teachers, PGA Pros, volunteers and others.


Outreach work in primary Adapted equipment, training schools workshops and resources

Outreach work in secondary Adapted equipment, training schools workshops and resources

Innovative and creative Outreach work in the activities using the local community environment

A scheme that enables PGA Encouraging young beginners Professionals to structure to become regular golfers learning, monitor performance and reward achievement

Festivals - skills-based circuits Festivals and Providing young beginners with Super Sixes - based on the Super Sixes a competitive experience Texas Scramble format

Encouraging relevant local Advice and guidance from specialists in grass roots junior organisations to work in a Project Planning development (including information co-ordinated way about possible sources of grant-aid)

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2014 Highlights

In England, the Golf Foundation worked more closely than ever with England Golf and the PGA to ensure that more young people participated in golf at golf clubs and facilities. At the end of year 1 of the Whole Sport Plan funding cycle (March 2014), this club centric approach had led to over 5,000 new regular players and almost 2,500 new members being generated at 325 golf clubs. In September 2014, at the half way point of year 2 of the Whole Sport Plan, a further 5,000 young people were playing regularly and 1,500 had become junior members.

Through its involvement with the School Games in England, club outreach programmes in England and Wales plus support for the First ClubGolf programme in Scotland, the Golf Foundation is confident that over 500,000 children and young people were introduced to playing golf in 2014. In Scotland, as part of the Gleneagles Ryder Cup preparations, 50,866 primary school children were introduced to golf.

HSBC Golf Roots Centres The network of HSBC Golf Roots Centres sits at the heart of the HSBC Golf Roots operational programme 80,000 and Golf Foundation activity in clubs. A total of 325 golf 70,000 Under 14 clubs were accepted as HSBC Golf Roots Centres, 60,000 14+ delivering 900+ funded projects to young people in 50,000 under 14 and 14+ age group categories. PGA Coaches 40,000 Total and clubs were given clear targets about the number of 30,000 young people expected to be involved at each level of 20,000 the player pathway from outreach in schools to 10,000 0 coaching at the club and ultimately membership. All of Outreach Club Visit Coaching Regular Play Membership these clubs delivered the Junior Golf Passport.

HSBC Golf Roots continues to recruit a substantial number of girls into golf, reaching an average of 39% in schools and community projects with 25% transitioning into taster sessions and coaching at the golf club.

Outreach Club Visit Coaching Regular Play Membership Under 14 58,087 12,717 6,755 3,966 1,743 14+ 10,855 4,093 2,732 1,410 736 Total 68,942 16,810 9,487 5,376 2,479

School Games Despite having to adapt its offer to schools after the demise of the School Sport Partnership programme in 2012, the Golf Foundation’s subsequent support for the School Games has ensured that golf has become an integral part of competitive school sport. In the 2012/13 academic year, 39 counties delivered golf and 24 out of 32 boroughs in London ran a golf competition. In 2014, 42 counties ran a golf event as a result of the School Games and 28 London boroughs ran a golf competition. 4,807 schools were recorded as intending to participate in a golf event. 2,521 schools were actually reported to take part in one of 322 local and county competitions involving 24,601 pupils. In addition, 3,182 young volunteers helped run the events.

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Training workshops Workshop training has always been a key component of all of the HSBC Golf Roots initiatives. More workshops were delivered in 2014 (276) than in 2013 (186), and more teachers, PGA Coaches and volunteers (3,075) were trained than in 2013 (2,372). This was due to an expansion of training on the new community offer, StreetGolf, and support for golf clubs through the Junior Golf Passport workshop. There was also an increase in Tri-Golf teacher training after a decline in 2013.

Number of Workshops Tri-Golf Teacher 3 Junior Golf Passport 26 8 32 Street Golf Satellite 83 Junior Golf Leaders 51 School Games Activator Street Golf Doorstep 73 Golf Xtreme Teachers

Workshop attendees by age

25+ Years 34.4% 14-18 Years

48.6% 19-25 Years 17%

Number of workshops 276 Number of individuals trained 3,075

Junior Golf Passport The Golf Foundation’s revamped Junior Golf Passport, endorsed by the Professional Golfers’ Association, celebrated its first birthday during The Golf Show in Harrogate in October. ‘Designed by coaches for coaches’, the Junior Golf Passport features leading thinking from top coaching Professionals and is the official learning programme for the England Golf Partnership and Golf Development Wales. The striking, colourful and easy-to-follow scheme is supported by a major new interactive website ( designed to appeal to youngsters, while offering PGA Professionals a significant coaching and business resource. By the end of the year, 820 PGA Professionals were involved in delivering the scheme across 661 registered clubs. More than 4,630 children were registered on the Junior Golf Passport database.

HSBC Golf Roots Plus The Golf Foundation has been able to deliver an additional PLUS programme that supports a range of community partners where golf is primarily used to develop ‘Skills for Life’ for young people. For example see the Bradford case study (see page 9).

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Case Studies

Padbrook Park GC & Uffculme School - Satellite Club in Devon

A StreetGolf Satellite Club at Uffculme School in As players progressed, they were welcome to attend Devon, overseen by PGA Professional Stuart Disney the golf club at any time and could play independently from Padbrook Park GC, proved to be so popular that on the par 3 course for a reduced fee of £1. Rather 100% of its participants went on to play regularly at than impose the traditional golf club rules and fees, the golf club. participants would be allowed to progress at their own pace and this view has undoubtedly paid off. The programme began with all year 9 pupils offered StreetGolf taster sessions during curriculum time, and The Uffculme School and Padbrook Park GC from these sessions a Satellite club was formed which partnership has not only given young people a chance regularly attracted 57 children. The pupils’ golfing to try golf at school, but it has inspired the youngsters interest was further promoted by invitations to join to become regular golf club players. holiday and after school coaching at the golf club for just £1 per session. The philosophy was to offer Main achievements: sessions to young people on their terms without • 130 pupils had the opportunity to take part in enforcing the usual restrictions at golf clubs (such as StreetGolf sessions during curriculum time. dress codes). They were made to feel welcome and • The Satellite Club regularly had 57 pupils in relaxed at the facility, and this was helped by Stuart attendance. being at the heart of the project and providing • The club has retained 100% of its participants in continuity in coaching at both venues. regular play back at the golf club.

Paul Mitchell Golf Academy at Bristol & Clifton GC - Inclusive golf coaching is thriving in Bristol The Paul Mitchell Golf Academy at Bristol & Clifton GC aims to help all golfers develop their game, but in 2013, embarked on the specific task of improving its disability provision. Under the leadership of Caren Mitchell (Business Manager) over 300 disabled people have now been given the opportunity to play golf since the programme started.

To begin with, the academy staff were sent on inclusion courses, in order to increase awareness and understanding of the participants’ considerations. Local special schools were subsequently invited to attend free sessions at the golf club and 10 youngsters from Kingsweston Special School were the first to take part in the programme. Inclusive coaching was offered in blocks of four weeks, and was open to all ages and abilities, then word of mouth saw this provision quickly extended to other groups and schools.

A recent Golf Foundation Feel Inspired grant saw 19 pupils coached at Kingsweston Special School, and children at Belgrave Specialist Dyslexic School will shortly be benefiting from this support too. The golf club supports the inclusive provision by allowing disability sessions to have exclusive use of the driving range, and there are plans to further improve facilities by adapting a practice ground area into a 6 hole academy course suitable for disabled attendees (with a view to introducing a unique disability practice membership at the golf club in the future).

Achievements include: • The club is truly inclusive, it accepts ANY type of impairment with carer assistance. • There is no age limit for the groups, ages 3 to 65 years are all welcome. • Saturday morning inclusive golf sessions are regularly attended by 24 disabled children.

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Leamington & County Golf Club - How the new Junior Golf Passport has increased membership at a Warwickshire golf club

Since registering for the new Junior Golf Passport, invited players to beat their previous scores, so there Leamington & County GC in Warwickshire has seen was an added incentive to keep engaged and the a dramatic rise in junior membership. Around 20 online website provided the facility for juniors to children have become a member of the golf club track their progress. Teachers at disabled schools since the introduction of the passport scheme. similarly found the website a useful resource as it allowed them to incorporate golf into other lessons The appeal of the programme lay in the online such as IT. resource and extensive coaching plans provided. Paul Aitkens (PGA Pro) recognised that these could help Junior membership at Leamington & County GC has children progress from beginner to club member. undoubtedly benefited from using the Junior Golf Through its HSBC Golf Roots Centre funding, Passport, but the support from the club personnel Leamington & County GC had already introduced golf has also been key. to many children, including those with disabilities, via taster sessions in local schools. The draw of the Junior Main achievements: Golf Passport was that it offered a complete • Over 70 students attend weekly lessons. programme to develop regular players at the golf club. • Around 20 youngsters have become a junior member at the golf club. With so many children involved, Paul found the Junior • Parents and volunteers supported junior members Golf Passport lesson plans an invaluable resource to by taking them out on the course. keep the sessions fresh and interesting. The games

In Communities project, Bradford The In Communities project in Bradford, gave 150 youngsters from some of the most socially deprived areas of West Yorkshire, the opportunity to take part in a ‘Skills for Life’ golf programme.

The programme started in 2012 and was coordinated by Level 2 PGA Coach Andy Watmuff, who is affiliated to Ghyll Beck Driving Range. Andy devised a unique Level 2 AQA Qualification in ‘Golf and Personal Development’ so that students could learn to develop physical and personal skills through golf. Pupils from three local secondary schools who were either academically low achievers, registered as having special education needs or had been permanently excluded from school, were invited to take part in the course hosted at Ghyll Beck. Many of the young people involved were expected to leave school without any qualifications so all the various employment opportunities within golf, such as catering, green keeping, event and business management were explored. The aim of the course was to help students attain a specific qualification that could be used when looking for future employment.

The In Communities project received the Golf Foundation Mackenzie Presidents’ Award in 2014 in recognition of its positive impact on ‘hard to reach’ youngsters in Bradford.

Main achievements: • Over 150 youngsters have taken part in the project, and so far 137 gained the qualification. • Many of the students went on to volunteer at local golf facilities and after school clubs, and 8 pupils joined a local golf club.

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Our Work

Raising Awareness To raise awareness of the core development activity, the Golf Foundation adopted a multi- channel approach to its communications work. It also organised promotional activity and attended relevant events.

The Golf Foundation promoted its work through: • Junior Golf Matters - a printed newsletter • Junior Golf e-Matters - an electronic newsletter • • • • • The distribution of press releases

High profile promotional activity was organised at thanks to the generosity of the R&A and at the BMW PGA Championship thanks to the European Tour. At both events hundreds of children and young people enjoyed group sessions and skills challenges. A number of coaching clinics took place at events.

Golf Foundation staff attended the PGA’s Breakfast Club, The Golf Show in Harrogate and the Youth Sport Trust Conference in Telford to provide information and advice to key decision-making individuals.

The Spirit of Golf Award is presented to an individual who has made a significant contribution to the sport and has inspired youngsters to take up the sport. In 2014, the Award was presented to in the junior facility at Royal Liverpool during the week of The Open Championship.

Presidents’ Awards Major honours were presented to those who demonstrated their passion for grass roots junior golf during the Golf Foundation Presidents’ Awards held at in May. European Tour Professional, Nicolas Colsaerts, was a guest of honour and presented each winner with their award in front of a packed audience.

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Funding and Support In order to be able to undertake its work, the Golf Foundation relies heavily on donations and grants. In 2014, hundreds of organisations and individuals provided support which helped to fund the charity’s activities.

Core Funders: R&A European Tour Professional Golfers’ Association Ryder Cup Committee England Golf Sport England British Golf Industry Association (Grow Golf Fund) Main sponsor: HSBC Suppliers: Official golf ball partner Titleist Official clothing supplier Glenmuir Official rainwear supplier Sunderland Official tee pack supplier Golf Pride Tees Official hand held communication supplier Radio Links Major donations: Swingmaster Tournament, Turnberry Crown Golf Gerald Micklem Charitable Trust GolfBIC ETIQUS Fundraising activity: Fundraising through clubs: • Annual Appeal • Brooch Appeal • campaign Annual Pro-Am organised in association with the European Tour

Thank You! The Golf Foundation is grateful to all the individuals, clubs and organisations for the donations and grants that provide funds for the development initiatives. Without this support, the Foundation would not be able to reach so many children and young people. Those who make a contribution are making a real difference both to the long-term future of the sport and the lives of the children and young people reached.

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Financial Statement

The following table is a summary presentation derived from the audited Financial Statements. These are set out in full in the Annual Report document which accompanies this Annual Review.

Note: this presentation excludes Endowment Funds

Summary Income and Expenditure Account Year ending 31 December 2014 All figures = £k

Income 2014 2013 Expenditure 2014 2013

Core Funders 1,042 901 Coaching & Development 1,158 1,171

Donations & Fund Raising 272 286 Promotions & Publicity 281 213

Grants 228 285 Competitive Opportunity 17 10

Operations 82 80 Cost of generating funds 92 105

Investments 76 75 Governance 56 52

Total Income 1,700 1,627 Total Expenditure 1,604 1,551

Note: the Core Funders are listed on page 11

3.5% 4.5% 6% 5% 61% 1% 72% 13.5% 17.5%


• Income from Grants is down - funding from Sport England • Under Coaching and Development - Expenditure followed fell from £246k in 2013 to £212k in 2014. similar trends in 2014 to 2013. • In response to the Sport England funding situation the • Under Promotions and Publicity - a rebrand of all Core Funders have made higher contributions. promotional material was completed and the production of Junior Golf Matters resumed. • Income from Investments is lower in 2014 as predicted last year because of the change in nature of investments held. £104k was transferred from the Scottish endowment fund to help pay for Scottish Regional Develoment Officers.

Funds: General Designated Restricted TOTAL

Opening Funds 1,023 267 234 1,524 (1 January 2014) Income 1,385 25 290 1,700 Expenditure (1,120) (132) (352) (1,604) Transfers (9) 7 53 51 Closing Funds 1,279 167 225 1,671 (31 December 2014)

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The Golf Foundation, The Spinning Wheel, High Street, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, EN11 8BP

T: +44 (0)1992 449830 F: +44 (0)1992 449840

Annual Review 2014