C M C M Y B Y B RNI No: JKENG/2012/47637 Email:
[email protected] POSTAL REGD NO- JK/485/2016-18 Internet Edition www.truthprevail.com Truth Prevail Epaper: Cricket South Africa's culture camp comes to epaper.truthprevail.com an end with new team identity, values solidified 3 5 12 First Virtual Edition of Indian BJP leadership suffering from Advisor Baseer Khan chairs 75th Carpet Expo concludes memory loss : Harsh BoD meeting of JKSPDC VOL: 9 Issue: 208 JAMMU AND KASHMIR, THURSDAy , AUGUST 27, 2020 DAILy PAGES 12 Rs. 2/- IInnssiiddee 67,151 new COVID COVID-19 : JK reports 704 new positive cases, 26193 recovered so far cases; 1,059 JAMMU, AUGUST 25 : 43764 persons in home quaran - (including 47 cases reported 07 cases reported today), 04 today) and Kishtwar has 206 individuals and their families at Corona virus Disease (COVID- The Government on tine including facilities operat - today) with 486 Active deaths; Ramban has 651 posi - positive cases (including 09 risk. In case of symptoms like 19). deaths in India Wednesday informed that 704 ed by government, 7630 in iso - Positive, 1660 recovered tive cases (including 03 cases case reported today) with 27 fever, cough and difficulty in The bulletin has informed New Delhi : India's new positive cases of novel lation and 44146 under home (including 30 cases recovered reported today) with 23 active active positive cases and 178 breathing report early. Do not that the Directorate of Indian novel coronavirus tally rose Corona virus (COVID-19), 195 surveillance. Besides, 349523 today), 47 deaths; Budgam has positive, 627 recoveries recoveries and 01 death .