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.J1; ._ , ^ CtontyLemderNfwnmper* •>} SPRINGFIELD, k^ THURSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1988—2* Two sections Richelo new chiei aj By DOMfNICK CRINCOLI JR. Us sentiments were ccHoed by said he was "thoroughly convinced Oerard-' 'Richelo was appointed Republican Phil Kurnos who said, that he is the best man for the chief of, the. Springfield Fire "I tnlnk Springfield scored a big job." Department'Tuesday, night by: the win tonight." "The firefighters in Springfield Township Committee. Richelo, who know they are dealing with a pro- CO has served as deputy chief, since "There are times fessional when they are dealing 1983, filled the vacancy created' sfc with Gerard Richelo — I see months ago by the retirment of around' the fire nothing but good days ahead," said Ronald Johnson. . house when it feels Mayor Jeffrey, faL Katz. Tho lifetime Springfield resident Richelo began his career as a spoke to a full house: like no one cares firefighter in Springfield in 1962, "There are times around the fire and one can become became captain in 1979 and, has house when-it feels like no one served as deputy chief since 1983. cares ami one can become depress- depressed, but the After attending Chisholm school ed, but the fact of this large gather- fact of this large and graduating Jonathan Dayton ing shows me how many there are Regional High School in 1954, that really do care about the wel- gathering shows me Richelo worked in tool shopsfTlnlil" fare of the fire department..and I how many there are 1958. He then joined the Army and am honored to occupy the position that really do care served until 1960 before working in of chief and am ready • to serve Ihc Springfield Post Office as a o you," Richelo,said. about the welfare of clerk/carrier until he accepted a. All-Weather Jill The- appointment 7s effective the fire depart* position with the fire department in ' CHAMPION retroactively, as of June 1, 1988 at 1962. a salary to be set by township ordi- merit...and I am Richelo holds an associate degree TVE GOT IT — These young actors are rehearsing for the(Jonathan Dayton Regional nance, the committee said. in fire science from Union. County i High School play, "The Mousetrap," which will be presented in the school's Halsey Hall honored to occupy "I'm sure Springfield will._soon College. He is a licensed fire offi- auditorium on Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. From left are Jeanne Minieri, In the role of Miss Casewell; be. the best fire department in the position of chief cial and licensed fire inspector sub- Jason Schneider, as Detective Sergeant Trotter; and Mark Feirisod, as Mr. Paravicini. Union County under his leader- qnd am ready to code-official as well. , . ship/' said Democrat Sy Mullman. Other candidates interviewed for serve you." the position of fire chief include Gerard Richelo Captain Jack Rollins and Captain Ed Carter. Mew fire chief Richelo resides with his wife and services two children in Springfield. "The Springfield Fire Department In other Township .Committee By DONNA SCHUSTER the state of volunteerism in Spring- the squad may close up shop a few won't solve the problem. ' is better for having you, and I am business: The fu^t/step in cutting services field." Squad members were hope- days each week. • ,' The squad responds to about a better person for knowing you,", G The committee accepted the " — •• fui that at least a few citizens ";•• ••'•'. ' ....••',. : 1,500 emergency.' calls each year said Deputy Mayor Jo-Ann Sarno resignation of Township Sanitary:' Aid Squad ' wasr announced' this might have : shown an interest in and has been losing members Pieper.; .,'•'•' the start of something good. Just what your Health' Engineer Peter Hylkcuha, ^eek by C^p^Liz^t^/p^ joining up, , ... , . ..",!;• steadily, for a variety of reasons, CommHteeman William Wclsch effective Dec 1. car needs for all kinds of weather, .'.all the .lack ^f-; .vplunte^,£ • ;TTie;;cftptairt said not one adu{^ -over the past two years.- . 7 year Ipng.. .afresh set of Champion spark 'wiUia6:te|iger^ showed up ..at either, of. the .two If the squad does close, emergen- cy calls put through to police head- plugs for sure starts and peak performance. ^\Open House, Its quarters vfill' be runnejed to sur-.

[ ; : SPRINGFIELD EXXON C|rtv't^e-;;.(dderh/:':!ta:. nursing arid temjples t^ a . SvrHi&fi&ld' *- -' '- ' '"''''" ' ^Three teen-agers,. residents of By STEVE HEISCHUBER 5 POINTS GETTY l Crosset said he knows of 24 vio- >' •..'•'"'^'/^^'•''•'^.'.i •' • y;T-^. futile ;a^ .' .'>•••'.' - ;7T _•; '•.»••' E* % Millburn, were,the,only takers at t ' • : ' Tlie long-standing! .between lations in existence and cites that vill•';-'Vfill ^imcx>o^gV'''pj^ciiF»tim^'ul'.'the fail-; 1 • MJlZsJt*ntzenLiZsFritzen last Wednesday's open house- They . ' Frank Crosset and the Schaible Oil oil from the yard leaks onto his General Auto Repair 390 TUCKER AVE be closing the squacf altogether Tor are interested in serving as cadets captain Company came to a head last week property. He said when it rains, oil 24 HOUR TOWING two or three ;,days each week. That *••:were no phone calte; and will certainly be welcome, said UNION when the oil firm filed a complaint runs into a brook which goes into moire is imtnlncnt, said; Fritzen, nothnig; I'm1 not sure if the squad Fritzen. But cadets can't drive an Hie volunteer squad is currently in Union County -Superior Court. his yard and feeds into the Rahway Authorized N. J. Relnspection Center wi^O added J'tjti^t the: turnput at the ^ members are hurt or arigry," said emergency vehicle or go but on a AUTHORIZED N.J. STATE REINSPECTION'CENTER" operating with less' than half the Crosset must answer to multiple River. He finally contends ihat he squad's t>y6r' open • houses held. last Fritzen;k who. recently put the call with less than two adult, 24 HOUR TOWING-AAA number of people needed. Just six charges Nov. 10. docs not use the pathway to access ^Week Township Committee on notice that trained members. 958 S. Springfield Ave. Springfield GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS volunteers" are available during the According to the complaint, Mountain Avenue. day. One member, who works in Fritzen, though- distraught over Schaible contends that Crosset has "This guy is breaking the law. If Town Hall, was given permission the situation and left with no alter- "repeatedly, knowingly and willful- 467-0776 686-0454 I didn't blow the whistle on this by the Township Committee to native but to cut the daytime shifts, ly trespassed upon the plaintiffs guy, then who will?" said CrosscL leave heir post during the day to still manages to keep her chin up. property despite warnings and answer emergency calls. It's been a "You can't say we didn't try," demands_ to _cease__such^ trespass." - According ta^Crossetj Schaible 'iit Crosset said that at one time, it was offered to put him "on the payroll" . ., • (1 ' rf .'• " .. " LEAVES..., fbrmunicipal collection of, AMERICA'S BEST BILL&TOI common for him to enter the yard as a watchman since he was doing ' leavesf^mwsidenUai" promise on weekends if he heard or saw it anyway. Crosset refused. Schaible SERVICE STATION Jhrbugthrough ThanksgivingThanksgiving , leaves inay be raked intointo, thee gutter for collection. ariy_suspicious jactivity going on. then told Crosset he would pay his "More Than Just High Performance, [uTIonTiiustbe-taken so asjici to impede the flow of automobile traffic ,-. We've Got It ALL" "M He would then "report™ it" "to"""-taxes-for him - since4ie-was-xetired. . Specializing In all types of repairs with larfeepnes of leaves ajS;not to clog the stottn-diwinaj ** ' ; Schaible. \ Crosset refused again. Filially, said ; domestic and foreign . From Thanldgiving to Dec. 31, the leaves must be bagged and plac NPA Machine & AlrCondltiqnlng. Front End Transmissions Schaible further contends that Crosset, Schaible bought tho two Auto Parts, Inc. Tune-ups. Tires. Brakes. Mufflers Crosset has "taken and removed houses next to Crosset's and rented

*••'••',• • .' ' limited tou^os e generated from - them out "to people who wouldn't ''»,••' ' ' • :; By DOMINICK CRINCOLI • "Presently^ students are" permitted property of the plaintiff for his own branches, igarden debris, wood, trash and household waste," .' talk."

: 1859 Morris Ave. Union .;' •• ;* •'• • '••.' ."••'• ,•.••.••.••:•::•.••. ••••::. •- -: "•/,..•••..• • '•'•?;' •:-•:-'.•• ' Gifted students,, average students to attend.only one night a week, use; placed debris, ladders and 1400 Stuyvesant Ave. Union Crosset also said that Schaiblo , RECyCLING...TheUnionCounty UtiliUesAumority reminds^ i and those experiencing, some degree but some students have asked to other objects, against fencing owned 964-7033 687-1449 dents that curbside pickups of newspaper, glass and aluminum cans aife of learning difficulty can increase attend more than one night, and I by the plaintiff causing damage spoke with other people on the "^scheduled for^ every other Friday. Materials should be placed at the curb by^ their academic proficiency in read- expect to honor their requests in thereto; utilized without permission street and told them, to talk to 7:30 aim. on those days. The next pickup is tomorrow, Oct. 28. Joan Burh ^ipg, math .and language arts by the future as long as space per- or authority, the properties of the Crosset and convince him to sell r his house to Schaible. Crossed • rendorf, the county recycling coordinator, said there will be only one pick- . attending the state-of-the-art Spring- mits," commented Rosemarie plaintiff as a pathway to Mountain refused and said, "When I stopped CREST AUTO up in November due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Recyclables will be , field Learning Lab Tutorial Prog- Krosche, the program's Avenue," and concludes that "the KENILWORTH- doing favors for him he got nasty," ELECTRIC \ picked- tip ;on Nov, U.: . v \ . „ .. :[; •:,••'••' V,--. J ./;.•/. 'ram at Gaudineer school. administrator. . plaintiff has suffered, and will con- AUTO PARTS "The lab is for all students who • Currently, 75 students attend the tinuc to suffer irreparable , harm "I've got the worst location in r ; HALLpW?EN...Springfield Crime Prevention Officer Geofge Hild- : want to receive, additional instrucr year-old program and Krosche said unless the defendant is enjoined Union County," said Crosset. _„ „: OPEN 7 DAYS - '. ner offers ihe following recommendations to°p.aieitts and children

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2,3,4* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1988 — 3 27, 1088 - COUNTY LEADEFl NEWSPAPERS . 2* .. 1'-': Professional actors •.. i. By DOMINICK CRINCOLI JR. ' Currieulum changes in social stu- Df. Donald Merachnik, Director of. applications, a one semester course, _JThe Education Committee; an dies, mathematics; computer sci- Curriculum Dr. • Martin^ Siegel, five be added to next year's curriculum. to produce 'Carmen ann of the Union County Regional ' ence, business education, science, board members and the /our princi- Students taking this, course must Board of Education which governs Why travel ip New York City when you can see a full production cultural arts', -industrial arts, home pals from the district high schools,. know how to type reasonably well. - of George Bizet's "Carmen," starring New York and international Jonathan Dayton and David Brear- economics and vocational education will meet again to finalize 0 In science, Siegel proposed Iey regional high schools, met artists, Saturday evening, Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m. in Halscy Hall, Jonathan were discussed. Additionally; two—proposals, that a new course, physical science, Dayton Regional High School in Springfield. Thursday for the initial discussion English text books were submitted "Further discussion-on the prop- as a full-year laboratory science of curriculum recommendations that It is the first of many cultural events being sponsored by The DiCarlo and David Stein, public facilities sparkle; This takes; nized recreational needs of our child- to muster a crew. The unfortunate for tiie committee's approval. osals supported by the Education course with no prerequisites, be it plans to make for the. 1989-90 ; Spirit of Springfield. The number to call for tickets is 912-2226. Democratic candidates for Township first, a recognition that there is a prob- ren: and bought the Chisholm School" news is that, this scenario could easily : : The; committee, which is com- Committee will be conducted at the added. . Seating is limited— . ~ ; schoolyear. .;'' •."'•'" ' -- [,.;' Committee, submitted the foliowing lem, and second, the motivation to for that purpose. Dempcrats-recog— -appHes-to lhe Vol- posed of Superintendent of Schools public Board of Education meeting Additionally, he proposed a new —-The title role of Carmen is being sung by diva Candida. Joseph article for the final week of Campaign reorder our priorities and address it nized working mothers and initiated uhteer Fire Department This group of on Nov. 22, followjpd by board course, advanced placement chemi- who has just returned from a tour of XTcrmany as an invited soloist Corner. ^ . 5. Maintaining equitable rent con- the latch key program. Democrats rec- dedicated volunteers has been unable approval for the 1989;9O curricu- stry, as a full-year, double laborat- with the Nordwest Deutche Philharmonic. Joseph has just won the W« believe tho of Spring- trol and suppport for the ordinance as ognized our deteriorating sewer sys- to recruit enough new members to lum changes," said Siegel.. ory course, to be offered. Prercqu-« 1988-89 Philharmonic Debut Performance Award and will appear field are concerned with the quality of it is. We believe both landlords and . tern and bought equipment that would ensure its continued operatic O For the two years of U.S. his- sites would be completion of con- _jhJ8_season with the New Jersey Philharmonic. She has performed lifeintheir_townand; the cost ofgain- tenants are satisfied with Springfield's allow us to maintain it more easily. One of the things that"makes. , tory that students are required to cepts of chemistry, completion-of with the State Repertory Upera in "Cos!Pan luite" ana~"MarthTt~-" ing tho living standard they desire. Our; rent control laws and see no reason to The list could go on.and on. Suffice Springfield a highly desirable place to _ have, Siegel proposed that the'com- or concurrent enrollment in physics, and will-appear this December with the Opera Company of Essex recent articles have illustrated the tamper with them. '. it to say that we are pledgedjp con- live, is that our emergency service mittee elect to dropV American" ~Mfd~fecommendation of the con- County in "Amahl and the Night Visitors." tinue that tradition-of-independence organizations are among the best in the social history 'and that American record of the current Republican admi- . 6. Resolving our Mount Laurel obli- BAKE.SALE—The Florence M. Gaudineer RTA thanks ; SUSPECT — Springfield cepts of chemistry teacher. . Thomas Hpnnick, who will play Don Jose, has performed over 21 nistration and the differences between gations for affordable housing. The from special interests, alertness to area. Our Police and First Aid Squad all of thepeople who supported a recent bake saleat the police are continuing their government and ArneHcan economy opera roles with such companies as the Long Island Lyric Opera, what they say and what they do. As recent decision in Fanwood requires a changing needs, and use of good com- currently have the highest number of school. Parents-baked and sold a large array of gbpdjes ~ search for this man who be offered instead. ; • • • -'•. O In business education^-Sicgcl Jersey Lyric Opera, Richmond Theater Collection, Patcrson Lyric Democrats, we feel committed to reassessment of our obligations and mon sense in the spending of your CPR saves-per-attempt, and what to provide funds to benefit the students. . •.,;.;' allegedly sexually O In mathematics and computer, proposed that the title "of college Opera, Theater Opera Music Institute, Interstate' Opera Association, achieving positive changes, just as options. We must be proactive and not money. We urge you to consider the makes tiiis possible is quick response rsciencer Siegel, proposed that a typing .be changed to college "the Amato Opera, NYC and the New Yor&Grand Opera.. assaulted a woman in her kcyboardine, : " prior Democratic administrations have reactive in this area. .-'".. . past when you vote for the future of by highly trained people. The longer Home Oct. 14. The man is practical coir.se called computer Micacla will be portrayed by Rose Baum Sencrchia, a graceful done. - —-—— 7; Deferring any move toward prop- Springfield this November. the response time, the lower thfr described as black, 25 to 30 ballerina as well as a diva with a baroque voice. She has performed We-stand,, fop.. '...'. erty reassessment. Reassessment neVr chance of saving,a life. But without years old, rneduim build, with the American Ballet, the Royal Ballet'and the Metropolitan 1. Stabilizing and reorganizing the «" works to the advantage of homeow- Republican candidates for Town-' sufficient volunteer firefighters, about 5 feet 9 inches tall, Beck Seal nutrition menu Opera-BaHet. ; • - J Recreation Department. In many ners. Our opponent once called for fre- ship Committee, Marc Marshall and . police reserves, or first-aiders, Spring- The. Becky Seal; nutrition pnjg- •Wednesday — Roast turkey with Her 20 operatic roles have been performed with the Orlando' to crash, arrests of two muscular, clean shaven, r ways, the recreational services pro- quent revaluations. We totally Jeff Katz, submitted the following field loses a major competitive _ram for lhe elderly'will be held at', gravy and cranberry sauce; sweet Opera Company; Houston Grand Opera, and New York Opera Thca-' with curly short hair, and- 17 vided by the town are as important to disagree and will resist revaluation as article. : advantage; •" •* ; >; Two East Orange men were efforts to. calm him down, the chief wearing a blue work shirt the Chisholm School in Springfield • peas; mashed potatoes; butterscotch tcr to name a few. It was_hcr "Musctta, that led her to iHb Metro- the quality of life we strive for as the long as possible. . While our opponents tell you that . Declining volunteerism hurts arrested after being chased ~ by said..'- ' '• . . _ . "••' . •'..-, •••.'..'• •• ' and pants. ~ Monday' to Friday. Reservations; pudding; chicken soup; bread; mar- politan Opera auditions in 1985. On Nov. 21 she begins her first police, fire and road departments. Yet " *' Strictly enforcing our land-use they are anxious to serve this town, Springfield in other ways, too. If we police and crashing their car. They D On Oct. 13 Lee Salem, 28; of— may be made by calling 912-2233. garine and milk. • • . international -tour of England, Scotland and Wales. the department has become a political laws. Building and development cre- what we don't understand is "where can't attract volunteers to provide made an ^unsuccessful attempt to Stirling was arresfed by Patrolman The lunch'menu for the week of Thursday ~ Pepper steak; football. — ate permananl changes in neighbor- .have, our opponents been?" They, too, essential services, then we-will have to flee on foot and were apprehended, John Rowley and Detective Judd Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 is as follows: • sliced -carrots; rice; pear halves; 2. Working to effect a tax rollback, hoods. Nothing the government does grew up in our community, but have pay for them. This is where all of us police said. • , ; Levenson at the Passaic Township Monday — Swedish meatballs cream of tomato soup; bread; mar- The state now .sits on a $1.2 billion lasts as long afterwards as the impact failed to hear the cries for help. They can take positive action to control our Talmadge Macklin, 19, and Josie Police-Department on an outstand- with gravy; chopped spinach; egg; garine and milk. School lunches surplus of our money, and at the same of its land-use decisions. We are for ask you to give them a chance to serve! taxes. .•••.; , :" ...' .••'.'; " .. . ( L. Codie," 19, were driving a repor- ing bench warrant from- the Spring- noodles; donuts; apple cider; dinner Lunch menus in the regional high large salad platter, homemade soup, time the governor has closed, the land- strict observance of our zoning If their true interest was in helping. The Katz/Marshall plan includes. tedly stolen vehicle on Oct. .19field Municipal Court in the roll; margarine and;milk. Friday — Tuna salad sandwich schools for the coming week arc as desserts, milk. fills, pushing up the cost of garbage regulations. Springfield, then why did they wait several ways to achieve the goal of when, after a high-speed chase amount of $1,250 for numerous, Tuesday — Knockwurst with with lettuce and tomato; pickled ; follows: Tuesday, macaroni with mcai disposal. Relief is available from both Times change and a town's needs until this election to become involved? increased volunleerism. The first part along Rollle'78, which originated, in unpaid tickets. \'l \ : v;'. "'• mustard; red cabbage; hot german beets; potato gems; ice cream; veg- Friday, pizza parlor^ - plain, saus- sauce, bread and butter, tossed salad of these burdens. change. In the past, Deniocratic admi- - One of the most serious issues fac- of the plan is to lead by example. Since Madison, their Vehicle" crashed on Springfield police .also .charged potatoes; applesauce; beef barley etable soup; croissant; margarine age, peppcroni, peppers and onions, with dressing, fruit, veal cutlet with- 3. Maintaining Houdaille Quarry as nistrations in Springfield havp been ing Springfield is something that must childhood, we have been volunteers in the Route '24 exit ramp near. soup; bread; margarine and milk. and milk. . a natural open space. We want no responsible for major initiatives be addressed immediately: Volunteer- service to our community. Both of us Springfield Avenue, Police Chief hot ham, chicken salad sandwiches, gravy on bun, potatoes, cold submar- green beans, fruit, goblin cookie, large ine sandwich with lettuce, large salad amphitheater. We want no develop- needed to improve our standard of liy- ism. Organizations like the First~Aid have heard our neighbors' calls~for William E. Chisholm said. Police bldtter salad platter wiih~bread and butter, platter, homemade soup, desserts, ment All over the state, governments ing. here. Democrats recognized Squad, the Volunteer Fire Depart- help and have responded. We pledge After the crash, Patrolman Paul Legawiec on Polish composers homemade soup, desserts, milk. milk. have recognized the disappearance of Springfield's flooding problems and, ment, and the Police Reserve face the to continue our active participation in . Caron subdued the suspects after a Walter Legawiec, violinist and places as diverse as Douglass Col- Monday, frankfurter on roll, fish Wednesday, chicken nuggets with open lands and they have been trying through grant funding, built many of very real prospect of becoming the First Aid.Squad and the Police fobtchase that ended near a Spring- Salem i "with issuing a bacT check. 1 composer, will conduct a three- lege in New Jersey, Carnegie Hall fillet on bun, tartar, optional, egg sdlad honey dip, dinner roll, hamburger on to buy up available tracts to provide the flood control-projects that protect extinct!. Programs like Scouting and Reserve while serving as elected field Avenue apartment complex, Bail, was set at $1,000 and Salem session course on Polish composers in New York and Peking Universi- sandwich, potatoes, vegetable, juice, . bun, ham salad sandwich, potatoes, parks. There is no reason the state us. Democrats recognized the leaf recreation team sports--struggle to officials. • police said.. / \ was. remanded to the Union. County at the Polish Cultural Foundation in ty in China. • vegetable, fruit punch, large salad should be selling 100 acres of open problem and agreed to support leaf attract coaches, managers, and lead- The second part of the Katz/ The suspects, who were charged Clark. The series begins Nov. 3, 8 In the class at the Foundation, platter, homemade soup, desserts, land here while trying to buy it.up composting. Democrats recognized" ers. But what does this mean to you Marshall plan is to increase the pool of with receiving stolen property, were Runaway hotline V O Oh Oct. 17. Nicholas Joseph • to 9:30 p.m., and" will continue Legawiec will illustrate \vorks of milk. , elsewhere. the rising crime concerns and imple- and me? ' . available volunteers by recruiting day- turned over jo the Madison police. Covenant House, a non-profit Caruso, 23, of Springfield was Nov. 10 and 177 Polish composers through records Thursday, philly cheese steak with 4. Making immediate cleanup of mented the neighborhood ..watch. Let's explore what can time volunteers frombusiriess. and jO A Union man was'arrested on international child care agency dedi- arrested and charge^ iwith speeding Legawiec, a resident of Moun- and by personally playing on the peppers- and onions, potatoes, fruit, parks and recreational facilities a high Democrats recognized the rising gar- when people don't get involved. the" "Oct. 20 and charged with obstruct- cated to providing shelter and other yp '52 mph in a 35 mph zone. tainside, is a graduate of Julliard violin. He will also offer insights soft pretzel, hot southern baked pork priority. We will all feel better about* bage crisis and initiated recycling at A child is riding his bicycle and is- ing a law enforcement officer and services to runaway and homeless lead in this effort by permitting town- School of Music, with a major in on the influences of composers roll on bun, potatoes, vegetable, fruit, ourselves and our community 4f our the town garage. Democrats recog- suddenly struck by a car. A call goes resisting arrest at a ^Morris Avenue Caruso-Was stoppeoV on Morris youth, has established a 24-hour-a- ship employees: to became First Aid violin. His compositions include such as Henri Winowski, Andrzcj salami sandwich, large salad platter, out for an ambulance/. Within a few tavern. Avenue by. Patrolman Daye Har- day nationwide telephone crisis hot- Squad members and respond to day- CARPOOL MOM Cindy Matta encourages these Sand- works for orchestra, violin, piano, Panufnik, and Witold Lutoslawski. homemade soup, desserts, milk. minutes the police arrive on the scene. According to police, Scott Joseph tong. A computer checjk showed line —1-800-999-9999. v Pi Scholarship is awarded to nurse time calls. •••••• 'that Caruso's license' 'fyid been meier School students of Springfield to buckle up for voice, and chorus. •.....•••*' , Registration for the courses and Another five minutes pass and you ;. The Katz/Marshall team is one of Mortimer, 25, was apprehended by safety as they leave school for the day. From left are Eric ; • In addition, he has directed more information can be obtained Grace McCormick of Springfield, were recently awarded scholarships, hear the officer on the radio ask about Patrolmen William Wrisley and suspehded.; ' •'• '•• "•,'' active service not lip service. We are 1 Handler, Rebecca Raj, Matta, Marissa Zinberg, Jennifer • • choirs and stage presentations. His by calling the Foundation office at head of surgical nursing at Over-' McCormick has enrolled at Kean Caron-because of his involvement O Michele.q^stal yan:Ness, 35, the ambulance. Another 20 minutes the team of proven dedication-At} Matta and Christine,Matta. compositions, have been played in 382-7197. . . • ,. GREAT EXPECTATIONS look Hospital, .was-one of 12 nurs- ^ College for a bachelor of science 'pass and still no ambulance. We've made and fulfilled our com- in an argument'at the bar. ' . . of Piscataway was arrested on Oct. • ing and allied health professional > degree in nursing, The disturbing news is that Spring- mitments. All we ask is your commit- The arrest was made after Mor- 23 and charged with driving while staff at Overlook Hospital whoV . . field doesn't have enough manoower ment to continue the progress." timer would hot respond to police intoxicated. , ^ 40% OFF • EVERYDAY IS SALE DAY • EVERYDAY IS SALE DAY • SWEATEES ."•• '-.• • •' • '•• it ••••.• nmu...... r • •;.; •.•-.- • • • . 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•* '.'|.'-» • ..- - , ...• -.In rV

4 —'Thurwtay.^CtOBER 27, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 2* 2,3,4,5,6* - 'COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, OCTQBER 27, 1988 — 5 '• ••' - .. xr: Trial lawyers' notebook patients with fights . By ROBERT J. AXELROD Second, if presented with a writ- efficiency of the procedure, with- pated results of any proposed treat- Admission to a hospital for any ten informed consent authorization hold your consrnt un'il yvv hqw- ment, including all residual and Hype of surgical procedure is certain form, - be sure to read and com- had the pppprtunity to solicit a sec- permanent side'effects. A difference ••- ! to elicit apprehension and anxiety prehend the impact pf the treatment ond medicaLopinion. Remember, no matter how strong in even the. most stoic of patients. proposed. A patient's right to informed your confidence in the doctor, it's These emotions may be height- Never sign such an authorization consent should \be held sacrosanct, your body, and you have the per- Urducation is not limited to the classroom environment ened in the absence of adequate' If^it fails tp set forth a description and a physician's failure to respect -sonal-right to know and understand and Gaudineer Middle School Student Council Adviser Merle psychological preparation for the of the procedure, or in the absence . that right may give rise to a claim the benefits and risks involved with Murphy should be-commended for getting that message across Cof^Ueis and confiisions . hospitalization, as in the case of an of this, a plain language explana- for money damages. any medical procedure. to his students. . emergency admission resulting from tion concerning the treatment to be In order to avoid the untoward Robert Axelrod is a past member consequences of an unintended or By jElbW GAETANO . traumatic injuries. Under any cir- rendered. / of the board of governors' of the Middle School students put flieir knowledge into action last misunderstood treatment, fully dis- One of the most-dangerous drugs on the street today is the synthesized ' cumstances, the importance of. Lastly, if there is any doubt 2,200-member Association of Trial Friday when about 20 students brought cans of food collected in cuss with your doctor the antici- central nervous system depressant phemiyclidihe, called PCP,. obtaining a comprehensive under- regarding either the necessity or the Lawyers of America - New Jersey. the Student Council food drive to the Newark-based Communi- Even among drug users, PCP has gained a hands-off reputadon. The • standing of the proposed treatment, whether medical or surgical, cannot ty Food Bank of New Jersey and St Joseph's Social Center, a drug generally elicits feelings of TJOWCT, strength and invuIncrabHity, but to soup kitchen for the homeless in Elizabeth. such an overwhelming degree that the. feelings,tend to run out of control. be_minimized. - _ Students learned they can make a difference in the lives of This often leads the' user into physical confrontations and danger. The. term "informed consent" -HINTS TOR others. . . PGP also affects the user's senses, vital signs and motor functions. refers to the patient's care, predi- Users feela sense of distance from their, immediate surroundings, a slow- cated upon the complete explana- Three years ago a group ofMirphy's stedents^were-gathering down in time references and mangled speech. There is generally a loss of tion of the procedure involved, as information for a play depicting the plight of the hungry around touch and physical feeling including that to pain receptors, which can lead well as the full disclosure of alt" the world. The facts were grim. the user to hurt himself without realizing it. - risks of such treatment^ i One student, overwhelmed by the haunting specter of hunger In high doses, the drug's toxic effects range from states of high excite- The law has embraced the princi- ple that individuals must be around the world, asked Murphy why they had to study the sub- ment to confused schizophrenic psychotic episodes to a catatonic syn- drome, in .which the usct becomes mute, lethargic, disoriented and makes afforded the right to exercise con- ject when there was nothing she could dp about it. ' trol over important, medical deci- 1 meaningless repetitive movements. The-drug can also lead to death due to Since that time, the Student Council has been doing some - respiratory failure. . . ~ ^" — . skms, and has imposed upon physi- cians the 7 corresponding duty to thing by conducting the food drive. , ' What is currently happening in the United States is that people who provide the necessary facts in order Congratulations to Murphy for encouraging his students in Cannot afford the rising cost of cocaine are beginning to use PCPias a that the patient may engage in a substitute. This is leading to near epidemic usage of PCP ih many parts of this humanitarian effort; it's nice to know that today's young fully informed decision. the country. ,| . . " people are concerned about problems facing those less fortunate To that end, the New Jersey , There has been such a resurgence of PCP use in parts of New Jersey than themselves. Supreme Court- has stressed the that "dealers'"have~begun giving them "brand names." These include importance of, preserving the inte- "omen" flnd "crazy eddie" while a mixture of PCP and marijuana is called grity of the patient's will when it a "love boat" comes to matters concerning' their While. PCP is a complex drug pharmacologically, it is relatively simple Halloween safety By TONY CATANIA well-being. . Second Grade to manufacture. Consequently, it is being produced in basement, garage and even van "labs" around the nation. . • This judicial maxim has found Caldwel! School its expression in the recent case of VJhosts and goblins aren't the only things youngsters Awareness of this problem is the first step in combating PCP use. Cheung7 vs. Cunningham* wherein , have to worry abbufon Halloween. Every year we hear of motor While campaigns against cocaine and other drugs have gained more media the Appellate Court held that, under vehicle accidents, falls and tampering incidents which result in attention and popularity, it should be noted that PCP has been associated ONtYUStAFUSHLIGHT the .doctrine of informed consent, it with almost. 11,000 emergency hospital visits and over 225 deaths in one tragedy on what is supposed to be a happy holiday for young Financefacets is the liability of a physician to recent yetir alone. '•'•.• people. " . . • impart to the patient a particular .. This is a problem that Will not go away just because no one knows ; ; level of information. . /' A little planning and instruction for trick-or-treaters can pre- :aJ)out it; }; "y W y '•••],'. , • • ' ; r . When the failure to carry out vent such tragedies and keep the fun in this "haunting'^hoiiday. Dealing with 'other'stock exchanges v An internationally known expert in.the fields of drug and alcohol abuse, this duty results in an. injury,, a Here are some tips: Ron Gaefanp has,addressed over 150,000 parents, teachers, teen-agers,' By JOEL J. SPITZ panies such as Hormcl, Wang Labor- OTC docs not have a central trading • Then the broker/dealer calls the case of action may arise. The test college students and senior citizens on these and other related topics. • Costumes should be made with safety in mind/Use light-. The New York Stock Exchange, atories and Imperial Oil trade on the floor where prices are set through . market maker offering the best quote, to be applied is not based upon Gdetano is the director of th.? Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program at Union colored, flame retardant material, using reflective tape where also called the.Big Board, is the AMEX. The bulk, of AMEX stocks, auction bidding. Shares are- traded ' negotiates a price and buys the stock whether a reasonably prudent per- Hospital, Union. , . ' - possible. Shoes should fit properly to avoid falls, and Hats and " exchange most familiar toinvestors . though, arc smaller, newer corpora-. over computer screens and.tele-:. for the customer, son would have elected to undergo masks should fit securely and not hamper vision. Large eye- It is the dominant market for stocks, tions, because the, listing require- phones by individuals known as 'The National Market System the procedure in question, but holes should be cut in masks to increase the wearer's visibility. in the United Stales because the old- ments are somewhat less stringent "broker/dealers," because they can (NMS) is the fastest growing seg- / instead focuses on the subjective est and largest corporations, which than those of the NYSE.'Stills-most Costume props which are carried by children should be soft and act in cither capacity on behalf of . ment of the OTC market. It provides " "understanding of the patient, based arc usually the core of institutional AMEX issues would'not be categor- their clients. Many stocks — those uP-»°-the-minute price and volume on the information communicated flexible. Costumes that are too long or loose can cause tripping and individual-portfolios, trade on it.- ized as highly speculative. Investors whose issuers meet the financial information on the most active and better to the editor by the physician.: and should be avoided. . The NYSE's requirements for list- . who trade AMEX issues also enjoy requircments-of-the National Associ- prominent NASDQ issues. - <:!;\Bccausc resort to the legal pro-" O Children should carry a flashlight to help them see and to ing a stock arc more strict than those good, liquidity and tight pricing, ation of Security Dealers — are In 1984, the Federal Reserve ruled •. cess will only follow allegations of warn motorists that a "monster" is in the area. of other U.S. stock exchanges and although many AMEX issues receive quoted over the Association's com-: that securities listed on the NASDQ/ ; negligence subsequent to the perfor- ; L Register's office model of efficiency Trif g ~~~O'Parerits should plan and discuss the trick-or-treat route so markets. This provides investors less attention from securities putorized system, known as NMS would be automatically eligible mance, of the offending procedure, some assurance — but no guarantee," analysts.. • . . ', :r;y>-\<\ itiiTuy. NASDAQ. ! ••' -•••' "••• •'. •' ^purchase in maigm accounts..This ' 51 write this lc|jcr, not out of partisan concern, but rather as aiy.auorney certain precautions-should be taken they know what path their children are taking. Young children 1 1 NOTt)WTANV . of course ~,tbal listed companies- are ,..,..Xhftpycrrlhc-fiQunteTXOTG) mark- ruling is one ofmany factors that lias With-al practice ..that , deals extensively with real estate transactions. In in'aneffori'to avoid any misunder- The NASDAQ computerized ; shoifld be'accompariteti byin a'dult;CJldef cliildrenmakirtgth'eir- financially sound. Ih addition, the et is whero virtually,all now arid,for- lessened the distinction between sec- Union County our Register of Deeds and Mortgages; Joanne Rajoppi, has standings betwecn patient and rounds without adults,should travel in groups on a preplanned targe volume of shares traded on the mcrly private corporations go public. system is onq of the most urities traded over the counter and ..i*pg)^,^.._hcr.joffice_jp_the ppint that it is unmatched in the entire state. physician. ' ' route. Youngsters should wear-a watch and have change for a NYSE makes for a highly liquid The OTC has undcrgono numerous advanced of its kind. As an example, those,traded on the exchanges.' Documents arc recorded and returned in as little as seven days. - First, to ensure a completely with Shcarson Lehman Hutton's ] NEW JERSEY STATE SAFETY COUNCIL market. That means a broker can usu- changes and improvements over the. In most other respects, there is no I can't'fairly comment upon her opponent, as I know little of her qual- informed decision-making process, - phone call if not accompanied by an adult. It's best for children Automatic Execution System, market ally execute an investor's buy or sell last 10 years, and has grown more difference in the types pf stocks' . ifications or her proposed plans. However, I do know the current Register secure the necessary time to fully to stick to familiar neighborhoods and walk on sidewalks in orders for 2,000 shares or less often oversees an office that is a model of efficiency. Ms. Rajoppi has certainly well-lighted areas. order very quickly. And most NYSE than all other security markets com- traded' on any exchanges or in the discuss with the physician the pro- issues arc widely tallowed by sccuri- bincd. Due to this evolution, iriore are automatically executed within 90 MAenrt , .T - . won my support. , cedure intended to be performed BIG BERTHA'S IS YOUR HALLOWEEN HEADQUARTERS! . w . . ,i . NASDQ market. In fact, many states, D Children should know basic pedestrian safety rules: Cross lies analysts, so investors can easily stocks list on it than on all of the as well as institutional investors, do ...__.. JEROME D. PETTI and explore all the risks which can beesecondsn eliminated. Delay o. r error virtually have - • ' ' w>l only at intersections, look both ways before crossing the street, obtain information from their broker- other exchanges in the United States hot distinguish between them.' Also, , . . .. Morris Avenue . result both during and after surgery. never step into the street from between parked cars, walk on age firm. " combined. . A broker/dealer can fill a client's HOMEMADE CANDY & CUPCAKES order for a particular stock in one of because over 20 percent of the, For-" Nevertheless, there arc many There are approximately 2,000 'FREE . sidewalks or paths, walk facing traffic and remove masks when two ways..If the broker/dealer's firm tune 1000 companies are traded'in excellent investment opportunities over-the-counter companies that the NASDQ National Market Sys- Halloween Mug ICE CREAM NOVELTIES & CAKES crossing the street. Youngsters should also be oh the alert for could be listed on either of the major owns inventory in, the,,.stock , ...... among companies not listed on the ( . With any cars.pulling.in and out of driveways and be careful of walking exchanges, but do not choose to be. , t« •••'••• i .» • .i_ : tcm, it is easy to understand whv HALLOWEEN COOKIES & TREATS JvlYSE.Jt is a mistake to avoid'stocks W 4U W H .Halloween on lawns where unseen objects or uneveivterraih nTighTcaTTse" -These-include-companies-liko-Apple.-i^siocknowk n— a sth "makine ordegr ias market in that .•o'al;-u , , u "" """ . J Tear" r c __ _ Purchase of I GUMMY SPIDERS/DINOSAURS them to trip and fall. MCI-Communications and Toyota, inventory' fromth ^ Vch analysts chpose stocks based they are inherently risky or you arc If the firm is not a "market maker—-^"Ommcirmerits^onlyTUidTiorbJEwaase" r "$5,0o or More O Trick-or-treaters should be instructed not to enter unfamil- unfamiliar with other markets. Indeed, ever)/industry is traded in the National Market. System, from some in the'stock, and the stock is quoted. _..„_ _,_„„_ thrt Hi4. WE DO BIRTHDAY PARTIES iar homes, cars or apartment buildings unless accompanied,by W ' • Try Our The American Stock Exchange (or of the smallest to some of the largest en the NASDQ System, the broker/V J^T^F'- -T° , an adult. ~~ ' AMEX) is the only other national Pumpkin Ice Crearnt companies in those industries, , , ", .. • • „...•,. ,mine tne upside potential of anv BIG BERTHA'S BANANA BOAT • Children must know that they shouldn't taste any of the stock exchange. There arc also 10 tors, therefore, have["" dealer obtains the names and bid .„„ < •• , r . v. . f Open 'til 9:30 p.m. regional exchanges, such as the Mid- -treats they've received until they get home. To avoid tempta- not only to buy the Blue Chips, but < . ..• •. «- .« . invcsunont 'is tnroucn the research Daily 13 No. 20th St. Kenilworth west and Pacific Stock Exchanges, and'.asked quotations of all market. ^ gUidance of ^ experienced the emerging growth stocks or possi- Frl&SaftlHOp.m. •^> tion, parents should provide their children with fruits and candy and some corporations list on both a makers m that stock on a computer j^d constant. \ ^T ble future Blue chips as well, ( , before they go trick-rbr-treating so they will not be tempted to eat regional and a national exchange. screen. "The "bid" is simply f ' 276-5423 ^" p anyone is willing to pay for the stock, .who Joel deals Spitz with is individualsa financial asconsultant well as ISh treats until they have been inspected at home. All.unsealed and lL J ! tl lJ : t Stocks of some well-known com-J^OTThC oan maid thn difference exchangee sbetwee is. thant ththee -whicand thh eanyon "askede wil" ils the lowest price at * " ~-'~ "''''' — " - ~ - » — unwrapped treats shpuld be discarded, and if fruit is received, it institutions."~ , •'•- should be sliced in small pieces before eating. >*.~~. Editor's note: The Halloween safety tips in this article have beer, compiled from information provided by the New Jersey BuiMinf NWIanai Ccnlar* Automobile Club, the National Safety Council and the New Jersey Head Injury Association. THE VERY BEST LAWN FOOD Voters should'learn from ^history* ;: •"•'>• jDeclaration has come to be viewed as an international ^ WESTFIELD Question — What happened the last time that Republicans were, in the 'dignity. •''•••• '" , ".;..;'_...; . '• ' . •••..; : TO USE NOW IS GLORION White House for 12 straight years? " , •..: •"'.,:. But informal affirmation of the Declaration's principles is not; the same v as effective implementation. We know very well that today — fpur CRAFTMARKET Answer — the Great Depression. ; ,, '. $: H Prpverb — Those who dp not learn from history are doomed to repeat: decades after UN adoption of the Declaration — human rights are not Spacl Ithers In Fall & Winter! il : ; l : •respected in many parts of the world. Oppression, .discrimination, torture, • - •'" ' '••.•' " •"..'- . i •••. ,A..-. "'; imprisonment without trial, continue. . , - ;!: ••'• NOV. 4, 5, 6 fitel ANDYLOIGU 5,000 FT. BAGS . On this 40th anniversary of the international agreement to recognize Westfield, N.J., Armory that rights become realities basic, human rights, it is up to evcrypne — nations, religious bodies, polit- 500 Rahway Ave. ical parties, business firms, private individuals — to work toward ensuring ORIG. $C99 Forty years ago,-on Dcc-10,-1948, the Unitcd^Nalions adppted the Uni- that .these rights become realities. , \ . , Glorion versal Declaration of Human Rights. Fpr the first time in history, a body 95 ; *10 representing virtually all meijiatipns pf the world enumerated the basic " ' ';•.' • •'•^•'•.- ••••;•"•.•>•:.;; •••,.'••-.• ,.'. CAjROLTJ, SIEGLER NOV. 4: Champagne Benefit for .''•'••'•''";.'• • • ...Pt in itself legally btoding;ithe b Walter Worrall NOV. 6: - Sun. 10:00 AM • 5:30 PM 12" Publisher ADMISSION: $4.50 (good all weekend) Munici me 129,1 Stuyvesant Aye. TOWNSHIP MEETINGS Environmental Commission, Rids under 10 free 15,000 FT. ' •'•••'•. Union; N.J. 07083 - At Municipal Building second Wednesday at 8 p.m. i' Rae Huttdn : Township Committee— second Recreation Commission — •.'• .•-^"•- •- . ..•".": v'•••.••• •••- Executive; Editor 130 Exhibitors from 14 Slates, Editorial Off Ice...;,^...... M68< * ^? and: fourth Tuesdays of the month, at presuming the highest standards ORIG. Subscription*...... ,.., 686-7700 95 8 p.m.; ^nferenco/preccding Mon- -EDUCATION MEETINGS \ t Schankler of Design Excellence & $27 ^ Springfidd Board, ,of EducaUbh aiv Business office..;.;.,.;..;.,. 486*7700 Workmanship in Arnenofin Craft. days, at 7:30 p.m. ' Associate Editor: • Special Ingredients that work, much better than the Florence* Qaudincer School — Planning BoanT^ first Tuesday, 8 »'i,-:..T::.;.-.. Springfield laader. (USPS-fli 2-720) i* publl»h»d •••f MasterCard • Visa others ih the fall or winter! Unique formula builds p.m» '••'.•.'• • . dpfl Scnustet: p;mv; regular meeting tlilrtf • .vysakly by. County ieador^pwipapBrilne, Mall Ainox accepted , root systems.& protects lawn iln cold weather. v Regional Editor Board of Health— third Wednes- at 8 p.m. subscription* SI5.00 por 'yfar In Union Cipunty, Turn's a lawn green again next Spring. Especially ; 35 cants par copy, non-rbfuhdabl*. Second claw day, 8 pirn. .".'_•;' : Union CojuntyRegionai Highj : good at protecting trees, & shrubs In winter'- jioVdge piatd at Union, N.J. and additional Patterson . k' Board of Adjustment — third School pistrict No. T Board of Udlk 22 Prospect St 2322 Morris Avo. Main St. Route 202 123B Valley Rd. mailing" office. POSTMASTERi Sand address,. Advertising.Director DIRECTIONS: Garden State Parkway-to Exit 135 to Central Ave. V/est. Left, at drove St. .'. Tuesday, 8 p.m. cation — first and third Tuesday of chqnQtt* to the SprlnofUld • Leader, P.O. Box Madison. N.J. Union, N.J. Neshanic Station BcrnardsvitiB, N.J. Stirling the month, at 8 p.m., at various loci- ."(• (Exxon station 6Y traffic fight) to Thomas Edison Jr. High School. "lUirn rlghtt % mile> to 377-1000 68B-0070 369-5511 221-1131 647-1239 Rerit Leveling Board •— last "^ nionth( ai 8 p.m.; at various loci- 3109, Urilpn/N-J. 07083, Westfield Armory. For further Information call Craft lyiarKet.Amelloa (914) 469-2157, • Thursday of the month,8p.ia ;, :: ^?f ,^"8?°^ Wgh schools^; V. .'••'., ...... •:•'.';..v.-

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6 - Thuraday/OCTOBER 27, 1988 - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS 1,2,3,4,5,6* -COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS—. Thursday, OCTOBER 27. 1088 — 7 i

A massive improvement of the now, through chemical treatment One table and grill will be hand- -rhairman am1 liaison to youths," said Roberta Rossi,-PIC nicaU* assistance workshops, 'and 95-acre Nomahcgan Park, located and aeration, but if a water quality icapped accessible, and the current Union County" Private 'Industry chairperson. fe.rv allow us to distribute $92,480 to between Springfield Avenue and survey were performed, it would rcscrvablc area would become non- Council. ' f . Efforts are-currently under way arts groups and arts presenters who The Boulevard in Cranford, is. undoubtedly reveal the presence of reservablc, with five-tables and "Funding for Union1 County's to link summer piogiains with applied, to the Union; County Arts i- Four term Union County Freehotdcr Walter E.Borlght has called "for f«idcral placed in a high paying legal counsel position and gave his brother a giant pay under way,, announced "Neil M. large quantities of nutrients, which grills scattered about for individual SYETP has increased by almost year-round youth job training prog' Grant Program administered by bur ilegtslationthatcouTd lead to tfie reopening of Ne\v Jersey landfillstoprovide dra- raise, and a third Democrat freeholder is in the habit of putting his children on the Cohen, Union County freeholder. feed phytoplanktons such as algae," use. . $300,000 Binnw thn rammss, with the governor's youth. Office of Cultural,and: Heritage anatic and lasting financial relief to municipalities and residents throughout the county .payroll. . , .••.":,•• . • "We are improving every aspect he said. initiative goal of 10,000jobs for Affairs." -. • . / ; state until such time aa Union County's planned resource recovery project is Freeholder Eldridge said that if'the Democrat county administrator whose of Nomahegan Park, including the —-These conditions will be alle- 10,000 graduates, according to Wil- Applications were reviewed by ^operational." *"<•<''• '':... .•'••' .'"•'-'••• •' '.•••• '-'. '•.•' •' '• •• .'•,v '• ^department had lost ihe $500,000 in state aid had spent the lime checking the lake, picnic areas, playground, baH- viated by a "drawdown" of the liam H. "Eldridge, Union County the: Arts Grant Committee of the 0 • Freeholder Boright is also "advancing a plan to members of the feSeral legisla- county aid application that she spent in getting Democrat Freeholder Brain flelds, bathrooms and paved areas," lake's water level, which means freeholder. County's Cultural and Heritage ture to allow all'solid waste costs paid, for by residents that are not incorporated Fahey's family members jobs in that program, "I betwe would have gotten that Cohen said. "A tour of the park opening a valve that all man-made "The. statewide goal can be.Programs Advisory Board, which iintotheir property taxbill lobe adeductibleitemontheir state and federal incom- $500,000." •' this past summer indicated lakes have, and allowing some' of reached, as long as everyone puts also establishes policies and guide- -e tax returns as if they were a part ofIthe property taxes." He added that it is ironic that the rninority/youth program that lost $500,000 improvements were needed and we the water to drain put into the Rah- as much effort into the program as A HELPING HAND —The second Rew Jersey 1 lines for the program. -v "Haulers of solid waste, local and county public works directors, and even ence on Child Abuse and Neglect, a statewide event, have begun to correct any and all way River, and subsequently t light our Department of Human Services/ This- ywHv 36 applicants are towncrsof certain landfills maintain that there is adequate, cnvionmentally sound have gone to more qualified -minority applicants. was recently held in Whippany. The conference was past deteriorating conditions. The mechanically reshaping the lake PIC Employment and, Training funded "under the-, program ilandfill capacity remaining in New Jersey. Prior to governor Thomas Kean's Freeholder Fulcomer said that freeholder nepotism should be outlawed on a residents of Union' County deserve bottom contours. Division has," Eldridge said. . designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of including: ._ •. , administratibri's directive to send New Jersey's garbagcout of state residents ', stronger county elhics code. He said that such an ethical code provision would the entire network of services available to child-abuse a clean and healthy environment The nutrient-rich unconsolidatcd From -Linden: Linden Summer land municipalities faced already high garbage costs of just under $60 per ton. ' save the county money, improve county efficiency, improve ihe moral lone of for leisure and recreational Cultural lauded victims and their families. From left are John Stamler, sediments will then be removed Playhouse, $4,500 for producing an rThe out-of-state edict more than doubled these costs, If the federal legislature county government, and improve the. morale of county employcss. . Uniojn County Prosecutor and Task Force Protection activities."" from the lake and the lake edge all-student musical theater program. enacted, legislation that would require the issuance of permits by cither the EPA "To have nepotism on top of such Democrat policies as their costly refusal to Freeholder Cohen reached out for i In addition, a new picnic area 1987, bringing the allocation. for The New Jersey State Council on Subcommittee chairman; Middlesex County Assistant will be rcgraded to a gradual taper. the Arts, Department of State, has From Rosellc Park: Roselle Park fit the Interstate Commerce Commission for the interstate shipping of solid waste • carry out competitive bidding for. insurance, their inclusion of 94 expensive job. the input of Cranford Council will be created in the-area between 1988 to $820,580," Fahey said;."It 11 ^Prosecutor Joyce Munkacsi, co-chairperson of the gov- Further, erosion will be halted by Council on Arts,-$i,ooo fpr pre- -we could see the existing New Jersey landfill capacity, put back into service, vacancies in their county budget, ihcir $400,000 job forH. Reed Ellis, ihcirrcten- the two* athletic fields on The designated the Union County Office < 1A< n Qh th(



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•1 8 -, Thiir»day,^)CTOBEn 27, 1988 - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 2,3,4* COUNTY DEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thurwlay, OCTOBER 27, 1988 — 9 r : ..; "••.»;';.,/. •>VtV . :•.••;•.>;•:. • , • ••:•.:>>;' in fJL Union man~ " » .'..>>^ '.".. v*-;:

Sgt Robert J. Mason, Jr. of the years, accidents involving officers from this course will not only help admitsguilt -^ Springfield,; Police Department on patrol or in pursuit of another improve the driving skills of. our A Union man pleaded guilty in jecently^ participated in the Ameri- vehicle resulted in significant injury officers but reduce the amount of Municipal Court Monday to can Automobile Association's Driv- and vehicle damage costs for the time and money lost due to injury, ., obstructing the duty of a law enfor- er Improvement Program Instructor 15 participating police departments; vehicle repair, and increased insur- \ cement officer. kl "SjjL. Mason- 33w—AAA- TVivftr Improvement _ance _cosis^ Because of their Scott J. Mortimer, 26, was fined is now tjualified to teach AAA's Program "Instructbr Certification improved pursuit skills, our officers- $75 by Judge Leonard Zuclcer, plus Driver Improvement Program to workshop trains participants how to will also be able to avoid~placing officers in his bwn£p61ice depart- instruct others in safe driving tech- pedestrians and other motorists at Violent Crime Control Board. ment as well as members of the niques and is used regularly by the ."risk." ". O Stephen McGhec, 22, of community. United States Navy and Air Force. The AAA Driver Improvement Montclaif was found guilty of two Mason was one of 15 officers Through classroom sessions and Program Instuctor Certification charges of driving while suspended from police departments-in Essex, road performance undensHess tests, Workshop was conducted at the and was fined $1,000 plus $25 for Morris and Union cunties to enroll participants—learn—how—to—teach—Morris—County—Ere—and—P-olice- contempt of court and six months in the program sponsored by the time-space management, searching Academy and the Essex County license revocation. New Jersey Automobile Club for poiennaT risks while driving, Airport by Charles Butler, a mem- Foundation for Safely. effective ., decision making, and bcr of the American Automobile Each department was asked to proper responses for emergency Association's national staff. demonstrate a need to participate in situations. ~ ' The New- Jersey Automobile .'• . ".\St Court docket the course. Department statistics for "My driving skills, especially as Club Foundation for Safety is a -injury—and- vehicle damage costs they relate to emergency situaions, non-profit organization which spon-

were reviewed, revealing a true havc really been put to the test in—SOTS safety, education and aware- • .•/,'. • PARTY TIME — Students from Springfield's Sandmeier School are anxious to get out Additionally, McGhee was found need for a driver improvement, this course," said SgL Mason. "The ness programs for the residents of - and enjoy the beautiful autumn weather after school. From left are Jennifer Gerber7Jessi- guilty of. driving without insurance program. During the past three information and skills I gained Essex, Morris and Union Counties. \[^^>^. ca Zambias, Ashley King, Christy Delloiacona and Rachel Zambias; for which he was fined $100 plus $25 court costs and an additional six months license revocation. Walking tour exhibit at library FMBA endorsing GOP team Turn your watch back McGhee was also found guilty of Daylight Savings Time ends driving with fictitous plates for "A Walking Tour, of Mountain- Clark House, also on New Provi- Of interest to auto buffs, is a pic- . Springfield Locals 57 and .57A "We're equally proud to endorse this week. This is the "fall back" which he received a fine of $10 side" will continue to remain on dence Road. The Hamilton House ture of an Overlaid, "The Thrift of the Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Katz's running mate, Marc Mar- season of the year and residents plus $10 court costs. view at the library through Oct. 31. gained fame in 1910 when movie Car," at $795 as advertised in the Association this week announced shall. Like Katz, Marshall is com- must rtiove the hands on their . D Irving J. Rodale, 69, of West The exhibit is presented by the actress Mary Pickford made her 1918 Literary Digest! The touring their endorsements of 'Springfield pletely aware of the issues facing clocks back one hour at 2 a.m. Orange-was .found guilty of leaving Mountainside Historic Preservation first two movies there. car, with running boards, and its Township Committee candidates Springfield; especially in volunteer Sunday morning, or late Satur- the scene of an accident. He was Committee in observance of the organizations, and public safety," Other pictures show the Child- top down^ has room for two in the Jeffrey H, Katz and Marc L Mar- fined $100 plus $25 court costs. borough's 93rd anniversary. It was day night. back seat. A rare sight in "those shall as well as Union County said the presidents. O Astrid K. Schlegcl ..ofLNorth created by Arthur Brahm, of the ren's Specialized Hospital before BLAGK TIE. GALA— Jim and Jean Pascultl of Moun- days shows a woman in the driv- Register candidate Jo-Ann' Samo Bergen, was found guilty of a Committee, and Beverly Amcnt of additions were made, the Barrett tainside glance at the evening's program at the Child- and Crain House as it stood on er's seat. • ren's Specialized Hospital blacMIe dinner dartce held Pieper., . • - motor vehicle violation, failure to the Friends of the Library. According to the locals' presi- New Providence Road, then a dirt The_ history of Union County rt ' recently in Jersey City. Pascuiti Is the assistant admini- News keep right, and was fined $60 plus Based on a narrative by Harriet «. &&.< 4 dents, Firefighter Wayne Masiello road, Beaman's Blacksmith Shop, recounts the story of M. Powers strator of medicine at Children's Specialized Hospital. $10 court costs. Wcntlandt Carmichael, the tour fea- and. -Captain John Rawlins, "The K where the first votes to separate Chattin who bought "the Chattin CAESAR'S...The Friends of the \ ' FOOTHILL-The Foothill Club of The municipal court clerk was tures Cook's Farm, on Route 22 members are absolutely unanimous Mountainside from Wcstfield were Estate of 1954 acres" in 1918. His' ,c* Kenilworth Library are sponsoring a Mountainside will hold its next meet- unable to produce information con- near the Scotch Plains border, a Umbrella Ball draws 400 in the their support for these candi- taken, behind the present drug store parents wpre the Rev. Samuel and trip to Caesar's in Atlantic City for the ing Uov. 3, at the Tower Steak House, cerning Schlegel's age. view of the old school, now the Approximately 400 people helped anniversary in 1991. dates and the reasons are simple.. - on Mountain Avenue,, and a 1917 Sara Ppwcn^ Chattin and he was benefit of the public library on Nov. 3. .Mountainside. The program will Board of Education building, when raise over $100,000 at the recent. "The Children's 21st Challenge "First of all, we're" very upset view of the Chattin Home oh New the grandfather of Peggy Chatlin The bus will leave the municipal park- include viewing the film "Reflections it stood by itself and a photo of the Umbrella Ball benefitting Child- will help the hospital meetihe tre- about the lies being spread-by the Providence Road when it was Brahm who, with her family, still ing lot-across from the Veterans Cen- on New Jersey" by New Jersey Bell. Old Locust Grove School — estab- ren's Specialized Hospital and mendous demands, created—h.>L known as Woodacres Farm. Democratic candidates this year.. ter at South-21st Street at 2:30 p.m. Social.hour begins 11:30 a.m. with lished' "in""1760 — with some.' 45- occupies the early nineteenth cen- launched a new phase of its "21st sophisticated medical technology Our endorsement tells, them and Information ..and- reservations arc luncheon served at noon. Reservations children and one teacher standing The glass exhibit' case contains tury home. Century Challenge." Our Fall Line and treatment," Bosland said. "In everyone else how we feel, loud available from Rose Emmert at may be made by calling 233-6889 no in front of it. Another photo, by old items including a rug beater, "Paul tBosIand,* chairman of the addition, Children's" Specialized and clear! 276-5482. later than Sunday, Oct. .31. Anyone Charles Herrick, shows the can opener, old irons,- fly swaittcr, In the service hospital's foundation, announced recently /completed two building "Secondly, for years, equipment is here.. 1 interested in becoming a member of Orphans' Memorial Home on Route and a half-pint bottle tabled "Raw that "The Children's 21st Century. projects. " and organizational problems were COUPONS...The Kenilworth An Army Pvt. Michael C. Sabar- the Foothill Club, should call Kay at 22 before it was torn down. Milk" from the Chattin dairy farm. Challenge," a • comprehensive fun- This past summer, the hospital ignored by prior Township Com- Association will take orders for their ese, son of Richard Sabarcse of 232-9293 for further information. Of special interest arc framed There arc also two clay pipe bowls draising campaign /begun three opened a long term care facility to mittees. But under the leadership of Entertainment '89 coupon books. This Springfield and. Joan Sabareso of paintings by J. P. Edwards of that found recently when excavation 1 years ago to benefit the pediatric serve children requiring daily mcdi: Mayor Jeff Katz and the current is the 10th year the group has sold the AUCTION...The annual benefit IscJinrhas arrived for duty in West TU TAKE THIS ONEi says Matthew Azzarapf••Moantainside;:who;iitti9n#^he'"iChild- same institution, and of the Hamil- work unearthed them four feet rehabilitation hospital, has raisesd cal attention and an outpatient Republican; majority, eveiy_imjor books to raise money for scholarships auction of St. Theresa's Homc^School Germany. Sabarcse is a fighting reris Academy of Springfield. "Youngsters from.the school recently visited the Hjllview ton House on Woodland Avenue, below the surface at the home of $8.5 million. THe campaign moved facility to address the needs of its problem has been addressed or is and for art demonstrations at meet- Association of Kenilworth \vill\take vehicle infantryman with the 7th Farm In Gillette and chose a favorite pumpkin to take home, , • , .•; . ; the Pcckham House on New Provi- D'ane and Tim Drew on New Pro- into the public eye at me gala with growing outpatient facility to being addressed. ings. There arc special coupons for place Nov. 5, 541 Washington Infantry. dence Road and "Ivy Hill," the vidence Road. . - Bosland's challenge to raise an address the needs of its growing , "For example, an unreliable fine restaurants, hotels, cruises,.tours, Avenue, Kenilworth, Church Hall, 6 additionaT"$6.5 million by, Decem- outpatient population. ; auto rentals, movies, shows, sports p.m. to 11 p.m. Admission is $4 and\ : pumper-engine is being rebuilt and bl99t- P';" •' The gala event was held to celebrate a new „ one is on order. They're events and concerts. Orders can be includes one sheet bid, tickets, coffee, Confused About Medical Bills The hospital celebrates its 100th the opening of the two centers. . moving quickly to appoint a new placed by contacting Rose Emmert at cake, and snacks. For.further informa- and InsurancrClaims? fire chief..; : •. , 276-5482. The books sell for $30 each. tion call 276-7220. What TM Sorfyour bills and (He claims I Contact doctors, hospitals, REPLACEMENT with your medical carriers, pharmacists, etc.. to obtain 195 le., Medicare, B|ue Shield, any .missing Information that • WANTED: uiue uross, commerclarinsur- is required to process your WINDOWS Double Hung up to 86UI ance, major.medlcal, etc. •clalrn. Completely Installed. Limited Offer: Normal Installation Maintain all your medical bill i If a claim is denied we In- Scntat tpdndtd on ill wlndowi OLD PHOTOS records and. provide you with vestigate It and resubmlt It If • MiintenancD Free Vinyl throughout—never n«dl PRICE Other Styles an annual summary of ex- necesaary. ' palal . ».. , •• , & Sizes Availabte|| penses for tax purposes. • Aluminum reinforced matter frame ' "Premium Oil" I We make sure you receive all • Both taihet till la forMf o caiy clewing • Plcturt Wlndowi ' of the benefits you are entltjsd • Hnd and Sill lolly wcaihenUrlpped • Bow Window* WEARE SEEKING PHOTOGRAPHS OF OLD UNIOF" Honesty & Dependability • 7/8" Insulated gUlf provides large air barrier (or • Cmmint Windows to. eitra protection ' • ot«l Direct ASaya "Your Professional Health Claims Processor" • t Sato Locks-Vent Lock* . • NoMlddltmin . TOWNSHIP SCENES FOR AN HISTORICAL 686-0112 t Wetervlcewbatwewll . . • All Window* 11V Senior Citizen Discount • 1M7> bank llnuclnf . ' Intuiottdfltait' ' BOOKLET TO BE PRINTED LATER THIS YEAR, MEDICAL BILL HELPERS TM t Muter Framtt VLoy) Clad ' . cuttomrMdo . corporate account Vlnbl Tlll.li '' • ' ' ' estate-settlements i FRKK IN-HOME DEMONSTRATION CALL 964-8-1(10' vJJIII|lllllllIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIMIlllllllllillllllllllllll!MI!lllllllt^ a: •available 245-9555 .welcome i;Wn*»ws on dlipJqy j IF YOU HAVE - OR KNOW OF - ANY OLD Magnum Window PHOTOS, PLEASE CALL UNION MAYOR: • I LAWRENCE > Coll or stop In, : PTA OFFICIALS—The Florence M. Gaudineer School HJ Stoti lUtM*i - . ANTHONY E. RUSSO AT 688-3232. I WINDOW & GUTTER I PTA has elected the following officials for the 1988-89 9644400 school year: Standing, from left, are Roxanne Elsen, PARENTS VISIT CLASSROOM -^- Parents met some I SERVICE I recording secretary; Barbara Weinberg, president; and of the new staff at Florence M.-Gaudlneer Back-to- I • Windows Washed | 1 Terry LiCausi, corresponding secretary. Seated, from School Night. Michael Malgleri, standing, gives these | • Gutters Cleaned " ' | left, are Layne Apirlan, treasurer; Marie Florio, first vice parents a glimpse of what their children experience dur- | Repaired and Installed | president; and Pat Spirito, second vice president. ing their day. ,: 1 • Insured TRICKS FREE Commission lauds town PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ESTIMATES taJnsido, 1305 Route 22, Mountainside, Now Joraoy • Executors,, ONLY "Springfield has been recognized the historical. significance of (he and hand dollvorod at iho placo end hour namod. Attorneys ••••.>• BWa shall bo endorsed on iho oulsWo ol the onvo-. Snovlty, Ely, , ...... FAIR PRICE as a Designated Bicentennial Com- Constitution," ho added. lopo with tho nomo and address of blddor and 'Bid WllllarriB & Gurrlori munity by the Commission on the The ' commemoration of the Proposal • r ' 308 Eost'Broad St. . . • Call Anytime at Iho Mountainside Municipal Building and Bor- P.O; Box 2007 • . Bicentennial of the United States Bicentennial of the Constitution ough." r . WostlloW, NJ. 07001 • ., TREATS! COMPLETE .04075 Mountalnsldo Echo, Oct. 27,1B88 Constitution. The recognition of focused on the drafting and signing Each proposal must bo aqcornpajilod by a canl- CRAFT SUPPLY 245-5880 llod chock, cashier's chock or a bid bond oqual Id (Foo: $9.50)' ^pringfiei(Lhas_p-W5hed the total of of the Constitution in 1987, on the ion percent (1Q%) ol tho lull amount ol iho bid and SHOP mado payablo to tho Borough ol MouniolnakJo as a SUB SHOP & DELICATESSEN & RESTAURANT such communities to 2,543 ratification by the states in 1988,, Proposal Guaranty. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE BOARD Find a treat In your nationwide. . and will focus on the formation of . BkJdora aro foquired to comply wlih tho roqulro- . OF ADJUSTMENT v 407-411 Choetnut St. • Union • N.J. 07083 monla at P.L; 1075 c 127. Take notloo that tho lollowlng decisions word' mailbox every week. : the first federal government under Trio Borough ol MounlalnskJo horoby rosorvos mode at tho regular mooting ot iho Board of Adjust-' Q.S.P.exit 136 fiD7 tho right to ro]ocvany and all bids and to awaiti tha mom held on Tuesday October 16, 1O8fl: ' Your hometown Houra: Mori-Sat. 0:30-5 • Thura. 9:30 8 OOf " "The active involvement and the constitutional system in 1989, contract to any bidder whose proposal, In tho Bor- 1. Lenscrahora Application 488-29 • T ough's judgomont, best servos Its Interest. , 200 Route 22, Sprlngllold, N,J. newspaper will keep filling,participation of our nation's on the judicial system in 1990 and . By order-ol tha Mayor and Borough Council For. a sign variance ,. > r> local governments will be a key to on the Bill of Rights and the «.«-« .. ' • KSW??1. Toland. Borough Clerk " Was oranlod ' . • you In touch with CRAFTS SUPPLIES FOR ALL CRAFTS 04063 Mountolnaido Echo, Oct. 27.1908 2. Davtd Scolba Application #89-23 the success of the Bicentennial," amendment process in 1991. •• • , . ... lFoo:S17.00) • 135 Pitt Road, SprlnolloW, NJ. -' . local happenings... For a side yard variance • • said Chief Justice Warren E. Bur- Deputy Mayor Jo-Ann Sarno Was granted ' . . • sports and social • :"'• r Dried arid Silk Flowers ger, Commission chairman. "A • NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3. Jane GallaowBhl Appllcallon ¥60-31 • Party Platters expertly done & made to order Shop early Pieper is chairwoman of the ESTATE OF CATHERINE L RANDOLPH. 644, Mountain Ave., Springtleld, N.J, : ; events. •t: • Wreaths • Stencils major goal of this < Commission is Springfield Bicentennial Decooaod .... For a variance tor a fence-. '-• • Homemade Hot Dishes • 3&6 Foot Subs •Baskets • Country Gift Shop to educate the American people on Pursuant to Iho ordor ot ANN P. CONTI, SUrro- Was granted'' ••..>' •. Commission. ~ ' gata ol iho Courtly ot Union, made on iho 218! day 4. Qoorge Sllva Application »88-q2 • • Catering for all occasions • Salads • Ribbons^ <• Paints •••'•••'•< for best ol Octobor, A.D., 1988, upon tho application o( th» i ,104 Tooker Ave. Sprlngliala^NJ. undarelflrtod, an Exocuiom ol tho estate ot aoW '. For a sWo yard varla/icev ' ;'.-. CALL 686-7700 • Wood items for Tole and Folk Art Painters dococaod, notice Is hereby given tolhecrodltorsol :• Was granted. ••'• •• ' •".• • • '. selectioa Campus corner sakj docoosod to exhibit to tho subsalbor Under Said applications are on Hie In tho Office ol iho 427 North Wood Aye., Linden 486-2811 oath or attlrmaiton their claims and domands Secretary ol the Board o! Adjustment, Municipal STARTING NOV 6th - OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 PM QGQlnst tho citato ol Bold doceasod within six • Annex. Building, Township, ot BprlngDeU and are WOW months from iho. dato ol said ordor, or they will be available (or public Inspection. •. Andrea J. Stein of Springfield is school's literary magazine. She was a lorover borrod from prdaocullng or rocoVorlng tho attending Bard College in Annandale- n I rao Wyckoll own:>_ ted Intothetr flret-cholce schoolsrfod b, for no more than the. cost he or she forsoalod bids torGASdUNEOQNTRACTbypub- • Socondod by: Councilman Jacteoo Jackvm llshlng the lollowlng Notice ol Bid Irtibe manner pre- , .RollCalLVflia: Ayos 5 Nays 0 Absont •' Wyckotl Ayes 8 Noy* 0 Absont'* Barro Phohe_ ^Monsterous Discounts on no one has helped students score highert would incur by attending any in-state, scribed by Law. " , ' D«a; 0.21-88 ' , . • 10.1B-86, ' Fine Clothing NOTICE OF BIO i. • ' ORDINANCE #771-88 „ ' . • , In Union County 1 yr. -$15.00,2yrt.- $26.00 four-year public college or university. NOtlCEto horob y given that sealed bids wilt be • PARKING IN HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE ' , . ancr'Accessorles Tho Excellence and Equal Cost Prog- received by tho Borouah Clerk ol the Borough ot FIRST READING . SECOND READING Mallto: - ''.' • UnionUader ' ••'••'!\- iKAPUN , Mountainside lor: GASOLINE CONTRACT ; Introduced.by: Bwr<> •. . , . ' •' •"• , ' . Sehon ' . VMASKS (ovtr 300 ViriitlM) for Mca^nd-Womeh ram is open to all students, regardless Bids will be oponod and roadlnpubllcaltheMun- • 8oconde• of family income. Stein graduated first Jersey on Tuesday, November 22,1088 «MO:00 ; DfttovO-21-88 . ' , 10-IBiW »MAKE-UP •PROPS •?? Ugli '• ORDINANCE #772-88 Ftorlram P«rk pin her class at Jonathan Dayton Reg- with plans ana specif leal lor* prepared by the Bor- uniimisitPnA : D Mountainside Echo ' Mbst Original 207 East Broad Street, Westfleld \ • 11 • ..-••-..• . MMf REGUUT(ON OF LEAP-DISPOSAL—-i —— at 5:00 ptn SHARP ional High Sch6ol where she was a ough Ailorney. Proposal blanks, specifications and • HATS• WIGS 11 ,';•••••• FIBST READING : - .'• • • SECOND READING NEWSPAPERS D Kenilworth Leader • instructions io bidden may be obtained «t the ollice ' Inuodwcfld by: Maas ' ' .'.'. ' Maas ... and much, much moral Montcltlr 233-1171, member of the National Honor Society ol the ' Socandod by: Jackson • • •• Hait< „ ~P;Q. BOX 3109 • a Unden Leader ^ :>.„.; 1 >•, and tho French National Honor Socie- at1hoMounu»lnsldeMunlclp*lBulWlng,1389Rou1e -.Roll Call Voto: Ayos 8 Nays 0 Absont • Wyckoll ' Ayos 6 Nays 0 Absont - Barro 22, First Floor, Mounialnalde, New Jersey. Union, NJ. 07083 8prlngn«ld John Franks and ty, She was news editor'ot, th^ Dayton • Bids must bamada on ihaBomugh't form olbki , , Kalhleon Toland •nd must b« eoctoeed In • waled envelop* . '\\-\_.- .. ' Borough Clork Attn: Circulation „_ M Major Credit Cards Accepted Journal an* editor of Melopoela^the addrMMd to Jhe Borough ClerK^Boroooh otMouh-. -,04064 Mountalntlde Echo, Oct. 27,1888 ' (Foe; $10.00) 4O2BAMSTfflDAMAVE.B0SELLE

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10 — Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1088 — COUNTY LEADER.NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,5,6* 1,2,3,4,5,6* . COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1988 —11 200Club luncheon nears UCC endorses Bond Act Of fllttin- -to—violmce- perpetrated-on -police- 'Voter Awareness Day' Nov.8 .—~^0~Ftt^ty-«f'-Uniai--€ounty~—-Of~tho-$^ ^Hfon-dedgnated; polioei officer Edward ByiwTwho officers. • . ."'•••. Union County Preeholdero Neil M. Cohen and .William H. ' College has endorsed the $350 mil- for higher education facilities, $263 WAS gunned down in a drug-related million will support new; construc- Byrne is a graduate cum laudo of Eldridge, respective liaisons to the Advisory Board on Handicapped lion Jobs, Education, Competitive^ execution, will be the main speaker City College and Brooklyn Law ness Bond Act of 1988 as "an tion and $45 million would be and the Advisory Council on Aging, have announced thatt'Elecdon *•••; at the fall 200 Club Luncheon. designated for the Capital Rcnova- School. He was chairman of tie' Day; Nov. 8,; has been proclaimed as "Voter Accessibility Aware- investment in the future of Union The annuoLJuncheon. will take Legal'Officer-Section of the Inter- County and New Jersey," said Dr. tion and RehabilitatJon Fund. place on Nov. 4, noon, at the ness Day" in the county, to support participation of persons with national Association of Chiefs of disabilities and the elderlyin the election process. Harold Damerow of. Cranford, The Bond Issue will provide $25 IIRKE YS •"L*Affaire Restaurant in Springfield. facultychaiipersoru _1 million for the 19 cornmunity col- »Police in 1*74-75. / "The Voting Accessibility Cor the Elderly and Handicapped Act, For tickets, call 352-0900. ae Bond Issue will provide ^Jeges, including I ~- — **-• Six officers of police and': fire- -Which took effect in-19&5, Btates that polling and registration sites- ENTRY BLANK must be accessible to the elderly and handicapped for all federal $308 million for the state's colleges' lege! New Jersey has nof approveif fighter units in Union County will exceeds 400 people. The 200 Club ' and universities and $42 million for a general purpose bond issue for AME. your elections," Eldridge said. "It is the given right of every American ; if;- ' , . be presented with Medals.of Honor. has expanded its role to .include _' targeted higher education projects higher education in 17 years while Byrne, a retired police officer scholarships to students, and spon- citizen' that they have the opportunity to cast their vote at their- 1 designated polling plaice." .' , * proposed by the New Jersey Corn enrollment from 1965 to 1982 more ADDRESS. himself, is an active, outspoken soring education courses for "both mission . on Science and-,..than doubled from 127,000 to advocate of tougher laws in regard police and~fire personnel. * •., Technology. : ,... .„.., '; ,!;•/;,...-j,•^22 Q0ft- ; • '• -; '.';.•'•''•. ^-:.'. PHONE t i CITY Turkey! NO PURCHASEJtfECESSARt-^l RULES: The Merchants on this page make winning your Thanksgiving turkey as easy as filling out v 1 thircoDpoTTYoTTean win OneortheseaeiicTous turkeys to be given away FREE on November 11,1988.' Contest Ends November 11,1988 \ Simply fill out the coupon appearing in this ad and deposit it at any one of the participating RULES: The Merchants on this page make winning your As Advertised In: V: ". *"• merchants. Coupons also available at each location. No purchase necessary. A winner at Every Thanksgiving turkey as easy as filling ouf.thls coupon; You : Union Leader •Springfield Leader Store! ^' . can'win one of these delicious turkeys tor. be given away • your • • FREE pn November! 11,. 1988. Simply fill out the coiipon Kenilworth Leader • Mountainside Echa appearipg In this ad and deposit it at any one of the Linden Leader •The Spectator participating merchants. .Coupons also available at each location. No purchase necessary. A winner at Every Sjdrel

LEHIGH LINDEN MAPLECREST ENTRYBLANK* SAVINGS BANK VOLKSWAGEN LINCOLN ADDED NAME MARIO-N-RENATO 952 Stuyvesant Ave. DODGE MERCURY 1419 Stuyvosant Ave. ATTRACTION ALL THAT DANCE Union FOOD STORES 900 E. Elizabeth Ave. 2S0O Springfield Ave Union 300 North Awe. 418 Rabway Ave. 130 Galloping Hill RoV ADDRESS 686-6655 ^ linden Gorwood Bimboth 688-4165 789-3330 3534118 CITY PHONE 486-6200 NO PURCHASEJSfECIESSARY Contest Ends November 11,1988 As Advertised In: . ' Union Leader • Springfield Leader Kenilworth Leader • Mountainside Echo Linden Leader • The Spectator \

MULTI NEW YORK METRO DRUGS MARTIN-EDWARD CHEVROLET THE NAIL GARDEN CITY SHOES 1448 Morris Ave. 2022 Morris Avenue BAGELS 1024 Stujrmant Ave. ' Union 2277 Morris Ave. 32S W. St. George Ave ANN LOUISE RRANGEMENTS BARRANGER S.- Union Center Union Center linden SUPREME BALTIC VIDEO Union CORSET SHOP BY ROSE TRAVEL 687-4633 687-3100 687-4080 1022 Stuyvesant Avenue 252 Mountain Avenue IS NorDi Wood Avt. 686-2800 28 N. 20th Street 225 No. Wood Av«. Union Center Undm Kanllwcrth 862-3303 Undan 48fi=Z977

»• • • i •• ETERJ.OUIE, O.M.bT REFLECTIONS MICHAELS. REEL VIDEO PARK DRUGS UNISEX THE PAPER PLACE TARAS, 964 Stuyvesant Ave. HAIR STYLING 22S Morris Avenue Union Center THE BOOK C. BYRNE 109 Chestnut St. Springfield -106 Galloping Hill Rd. ilinskds Brothers DENTISTS Roselle Park REVIEW . Rpsdlefuk IM5f.4U»«*'« 686-7788 Bowling Supplies D.P.M.1 379-4942 VWIMRMJ 100 Rosalia St. Foot Specialist 245-5151 245-8710 linden 934 Stiiyvetant Avenue 7 486-3797


rSAM & ANDY'S RICHARD'S SCOUNDREL'S 2526 Crier AveT ; APPAREL FRUIT BASKETS CARAFARO'S ROSELLE RADIO INC. ITALIAN DELI 163 flmoraAve . linden CARMEN'S CAMPUS CENTER 1027 Chestnut St 402 B Amsterdam Ave. Glubeth 925-3222 RISTORANTE CENTER FLORIST HARDWARE • Roselle CATERING SUB SHOP II 974StuymintAm. . Roselle 352-2754 242 Morris Avenue & PIZZERIA 494 Boulevard 124 Chestnut St. Union Center Kenilworth 245-6517 241-3140 Rosello Park Springfield 3MW. St. George Ave.. 964-7877 241-1555 467-3156 Undon 486-5475

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2,3,4* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1988 — 13 12 — Thursday,-OCTOBER 27, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPER? - 2,3,4.5,6* .a monthly page by ../• • and for the community s

Elizabeth General Medical Center, tive officer of ABHS, it became in-patient arid .out-jp^tient services, "there will;be no change in ser- and Alcxian Brothers Hospital of clear more than two years ago that an out-patient dialysis unit, walk,-in vices offered by Alexiah.-Brothers Elizabeih this week announced they the same changes affecting medical medical services and a substance, for some time, then there Will be a have begun the formal process care in-other parts of the country abuse program," slow, process of -shifting services. leading to the acquisition of Ale- also were having a dramatic impact During-this process^ weex^cct .'little i -V: T xian Brothers Hospital.by Elizabeth" in Elizabeth. ." ' • :r---~ ~ xhief executive officer of Alexian impact oft our patients, physicians General. "The fact that changes in medi- Brothers Hospital, emphasized that or employees." .. ; Executives 'from both hospitals cal care, -reimbursement and-rapid stressed thai there would not be developments in medicine itself any immediate change in services were having a significant impact on offered by the two institutions, and hospitals ihroughouu.Jhe country that the institution that eventually was inescapable," Brother Felix • will emerge from the acquisition said. will have the strength and capabili- "Essentially, we concurred with ties to provide high quality medical the New Jersey Health Commis- care well into the 21st century. sioner's conclusion that a way must A certificate of need will be sub- be found to reduce the number of milted to the Department ofJHealih unfilled beds and duplicated ser- after the first of ihe year. The viced in Elizabeth hospitals. At the acquisition must* be'approved by same time, our Order felt the need various state agencies. to better focus our resources, which According to George Billington, currently arc spread throughout the president of EGMC, the regulatory United, States. , process and resolution of other •'During the past two years,- matters involved in the acquisition we've explored a number of will take approximately 12 months. options including affiliations, SHARP Another two years will be required, acquisitions, mergers and divestiture 13" CABLE for Elizabeth General to complete a with other area hospitals, searching REAQY $12 million remodeling program at for. the\most positive solution for REMOTE both hospitals. the people in the Elizabeth area, RCil Alcxian Brothers Hospital will our physicians, nurses and employ- COLOR TV continue to operate as a subsidiary ees, and for the Order," Brother- 13" COLOR TV jLFull function • Auto color control wireless remote of the Alcxian Brothers Health Sys- Felix said. "We ultimately con- • Auto (In© tuning • 110 channel tuner SALE 1984 — Jason Tarantino, third grade, JamesCaldweil School, Springfield. tem Inc. headquartered in Elk cluded that divestiture.of our hospi- • Deluxe cabinet' • Auto color control Grove Village, 111., until the acquis- tal to Elizabeth General offered the #EXR350Comp. $209.99 #137LM Comp. $289.99 ition takes place. most positive possible outcome." ABHS operates four hospitals "By combining the two hospitals' RALPHS. MOUSE-^ Jenifer Lucyck, fifth grade, Deer- and tWo retirement communities in capabilities, our plan is to focus SHARP fie,ld School, Mountainside. the United States and is part of a acute and surgical services at Eli- 25" CABLE worldwide Catholic congregation-of zabeth General," Billington said. READY men that has been dedicated to "What is now ihc Alcxian Brothers ft] GoldStar REMOTE medical care for nearly seven Hospital will become a center for 4 HEAD REMOTE COLOR TV centuries. services that are greatly needed in CABLE READY VCR • Ful| function remote According to Brother Felix Bct- the Elizabeth area, including long- ALEXIAN Brothers Hospital will be acquired by Eli- •15 function remote • 119 channel cable ready tendorf, president and chief "fcxecu- term geriatric care, adult psychiatric • 3 speed recording LED channel display — zabeth General Hospital, officials announced this week. 0GHV14OO Comp. 1289.99 #25NV88 Comp. $459.99 • -L.

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bnngs you room-filling sound without a room full of speakers v. '•' FLYING — Julia Rudakbv, third grade, James Caldwell School, Springfield. The new Acoustlmass* SE-5 Direct/Reflecting* speaker.' • Virtually Invisible ' y :r • -•••-• "•• •"2~"" •PurersounPd d :r • Stereo targeting • Wider dynamic range I • Lower distortion arrays #SE5 ' • •' V ; .^^

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ri • -. _ -.,-.; '••\ •O" - 2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1088 — 15 14 — Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,5,6* .••:.:••• -.:!"• -'. .' ' •! .? -, -'i'.!.\. '• ' > •> j>. :: .... Tax mobile is coming to Westfield Eivey namedJaMCboatd Clifford M./ Pcake, president of the Union ness people, lawyers, and bankers close.to their of the Juvenile Diabetes Founda- Cou^ Chimber of Commerce, and Walter G. home communities became real when ;thc two state Former Freeholder Alan Augus- Union County Board of Social Ser- tion. She is a trustee of the Union Halpin, Union County Clerk, have announced ihat agencies agreed to employ Taxation's 30-foot tine of Scotch Plains, Freeholder vices, former chairman of the the Chamber and county: clerk will co-sponsor the mobile unit for this purpose. Chairman Michael J. Lapolla of Union County Fiscal Affairs Com- . College Foundation and is president CAMPAIGN State's IncMobile/TaxMobUe at the county annex Elizabeth, former Winfield Mayor mittee, and served 12 years on the of the College's Alumni Associa- Thomas Hannen Jr., Naomi Mirloc- Scotch Plains Township Committee, tion. Mirlocca is a graduate of JIM HELY crat on the Wcstfield Town Council, is facility, 300 North Ave., East, Wcstfield, on Nov. The unit is staffed with corpprte technicians . JUndenhas come together as a com-. tives and the Senate. My-anjentjment. ca of Washington, NJ., formerly including a stint as mayor. Union County College and earned a ;—Congress a practicing attorney. He was first 1 land Nov. 2, fixnn 9 ft-m. fo"4 p.m. each day., i from Commerical^ 'Recording who wUl provide munity to fight against ffie location of maintaining funding for the. Garden- active in Union civic endeavors, Lapolla, a graduate of Rutgers bachelor's degree from Rutgers D.7tb District elected to the Town Council in 1985, This is a joint venture! between the New Jersey information on state regulations regarding incorpo- a hazardous waste incinerator in towu- -State Health plam^aow law; my prop- and Union County Prosecutor John University, earned a law degree 'University and a master's degree In an issue paper titled "The Third and was re-elected in 1987. Hely con- Department".of State's Division of .Cqjnmercial ration of profit and non-profit business ventures; , by a statejgency. You are right to do osal to establish a blue-ribbon panel to. H. Stamler of Scotch Plains have from the Washington College of from Eairleigh Dickinson World Debt Trap Is a Ball and Chain cluded by saying, "The challenges JJecciding and the New Jersey Department of filing of forms, and other procedures and require.- that and I support your efforts. When study the securities industry, has: been elected to the Union County Law of American University and 4s University. for All of Us," Democratic congres- provided by tlio alu mluikg jjlobc and its Treiunliiy's Dlwsion of Taxation to bring corporate ments. Representatives from the Division of Taxa- Uiai battle is won, andit must be won, passed the House; legislation I helped College board of governors, it was a member of Phi Beta_Kappa_honor Hannen, a partner in a family- sional nominee Jim Hely stressed the human population will be ones that we will be able to resume our efforts to draft to strengthen the laws against: fUid tax iInfonnatiof n to the public.in, their tion will be present to answer tax questions and to need for the United States and other local convnunities^ V • • . ' - announced this week by Thomas J. society. A • lawyer,' Lapolla has owned .business, Patwin Plastics in require new- ways of 'looking at the build for the future of Linden and our illegal insider trading on-Wall Street, distribute applications, for sales and corporate tax- served as chairman of the Union Linden, for the past nine years, developed countries to come to grips Long a goal of Commercial Recording Director Gallagher of Cranford, board world and the relationships among -. entire-region. . ' • has also passed the House; and I have es, tax exempt certificates and to* offer guidance County Fiscal Affairs Committee began his political career . as an with this problem. The issue paper is chairman. nations.'" ' also authored proposals in HR 4833, of Thomas Tighue, the feasibility of reaching busi- on personal and corporate tax matters. since January. He also serves as a administrative aide to former the fourth in a series of papers discuss- Under the law that created Union r MATTHEW RINALDO which I was a chief sponsor, to help member of the Board" of Social Assembly Speaker William Hamil- ing serious long-range issues released BERNARD J. DWYER County College, the governance of Congress reduce the nursing shortage! This bill, the College is shared by a 12-per- Services, Municipal Advisory ton. A member of the Winfield by Hely in the fall campaign. Congress - * . ' ' _^R-7th District passed the House of Representatives Council, Cultural and Heritage Township Committee for 11 years, . Previous issue papers analyzed the D-6th District planners oppose 'regional act' son board of trustees and a 30-per- Rep. Matt Rinaldo, R-N.J., the overwhelmingly." —- son board of governors. The board Advisory Board, and the Parks and Hannen served several terms as history of the United States and the When I first ran for Congress in : Tho; Union County Planning "Such a bill," said Neil Cohen, ranking Republican member on the "But being a representative is more duplication of effort, as county of governors holds title :to theRecreation Advisory Board. Lapolla mayor and also ran unsuccessfully Cold War since World \^ar H, the need 1980,1 pledged to the residents of lin- BoWrcSendylfdoptcd a resolution Union County freeholder and Plan- House Aging Committee, has set a top than just being accessible," Rinaldo planning boards are authorized' to assets of the former Union College, is a member of the Elizabeth Jay- for the state Assembly in 1983. A_ for international cooperation, and den that I would work particularly that opposes the "Regional Planning ning Board member, "would under- priority on enactment of long-term- pointed out "It also means fighting in prepare and adopt county master serves in an advisory capacity, and .cees, Center for Hope Hospice,. member of the UCC board of trus- respect for international law, and the hard to represent them and their inter- Act" ;.••.;;• ;.;'•• , . mine the-long established and very care legislation in the JOlst Congress. Congress to protect New Jersey's plans and;-in most cases, have the provides ''advice and consent" in Union County Chapter of UNICO, tees until earlier this year, Hannen emergent nature of the need for inter- ests in the House of Representatives. I Senate BUI S2388, Introduced to important concept of 'Home Rule'* Rinaldo is running for his ninth term in interests, such as my successful efforts manpower and information resour- the appointment of a president. American Cancer Society, and is active with the Winfield Fire national cooperation to cope with the believe that my record over the last the House of Representatives. to authorize and fund the Green Brook the New Jersey Senate on April 18, by removing decisions from county" ces to prepare these plans. served as 1988 chairman of the Department and First Aid Squad. greenhouse effect In the campaign, eight years indicates that I have met would establish-10 regional plan- Augustine, who formerly served "Millions of older Americans live in flood control project and the Elizabeth planning boards, municipal planning If the proposed Regional Plan- March of Dimes walkathon in Hely has stressed the need to lift the that commitment. ning councils to prepare regional as a freeholder governor, Hannen, Prosecutor Stamler was appointed fear of being impoverished by a stay in River flood control project, the latter boards ana" even from the Board of ning Act should become a reality, Union County. .. level of political debate to focus on the By establishing a district office on master plans and work.closely with and Prosecutor Stamler were to fiis position in 1978 and was re- a nursing home or receiving extended of which had received no funds before Freeholders and local governing the county planning hoard could * Mirlocca, a senior consultant long term. "If we don't take steps to Wood,Avenue, I have successfully the State Planning Commission in elected to three-year terms. Lapolla appointed twice, most "recently in home health care," Rinaldo said. "It is I came to Congress and which is now . bodies concerning the appellate lose .the opportunity to forge closer. with Computer Partners, Roseland, solve some of these problems that face brought the.services of your congress— the development of the State Deve- was elected as freeholder governor May. An active law enforcement "about time we relieved them of'that nearly complete after an infusion of • process." • working .relationships with its mun- was appointed recentiy by Gov. us as citizens of the world community, man from Capitol Hill straight to the. TRICK OR TfcEAT — Proudly displaying their HsUlo- lopment and Redevelopment Plan. on nomination by the; freeholder leader who is president of the New fear and closed this glaring gap in the over $63 million in federal, Such legislation would, in .'the icipal planning boards and the Thomas Kean as a member of the our children and grandchildren 30 heart of your hometown. My profes^.. ween bags are two 5-year-old kindergarten youngsters - It assigns Union County to a 7 board, and Mirlocca was elected as Jersey Narcotics Enforcement Offic- nation'-S'health-care-systcm* appropriations/! J opinion of the Union County Plan- opportunities for direct municipal New Jersey Employee Labor Sec- years from now are going to want to sional staff has joined With me to pro- regional planning council composed alumni governor for a one-year ers Association, Stamler has been a Rinaldo added that he id running his Rinaldo's committee assignment on ning Board, also undermine the involvement in a statewide planning urity Council. Active in human ser- strong proponent of implementing^ know why we didn't," said Hely. vide quality and timely service to any Chea.Wltrrthem are, from left, Linden Police Chief John of Union, Essex and Hudson coun- term. . campaign on his record of service and Energy and Commerce, where he is planning process as established in process could be diminished... vices in the community for many the Attorney General's more strin- In the issue paper, Hely acknow- resident of Linden who ha? a problem Mlliano; Juvenile Detective James Frank; Alexis Jarose, ties, but excludes those municipali- . Augustine earned a bachelor's leadership to the residents of the 7th the top Republican on the Telecom- the State Planning Act of 1985, degree in economics- from Lafayette years, she. has- also served on a gent regulations regarding drug ledges that, "Third World debt prob- with a Federal government agency. a teacher, and Victim Witness Counselor Pamela ties which are part of the Hacken- A Congressional District, pointing out. munications and Finance Subcommit- that being the process of compari- The .Union County Planning "number, of local and*state boards education, awareness, and effective lems would not turn up on the top-10 I worked very closely with both the McCauley of the Union County ProsecutorVQff ice. The fiackMeadowlands. District and pro- College and, attended Columbia that he has been appointed by the lead- tee, puts him in a key position for New son of planning policies among . Board forwarded copies ' of its and committees. They include the enforcement. His office's Narcotics hit parade of important-issues for the present and past municipal officials on bags have Instructions concerning crime prevention vides that the councils shall consist University Graduate School of Bus- ership in the House to two key com- Jersey. Earlier this year, he requested governmental levels with the pur- resolution to the.Board of Chosen Union Board of' Education, Union Strike Force, which has received vast majority of American citizens. the critical issue of relieving the ana are being distributed in cooperation with the Police . of one elected county official from iness. He is employed as executive mittees —Energy and Commerce and the FCC to look into the issue, of pose of attaining compatibility Freeholders, Governor Kean,_the Hospital Planning and Institutional national recognition for its efficien- Yet, the inability to resolve this Third 40-year-old deed restrictions on the Department and prosecutor's office. each county, and six members of director of dealer affairs for Subaru Aging. 'X3AB" lines that prey on youngsters between local, county and. state Union. County legislative ~ delega- Review Committees, and founder cy, in recent years has been World debt trap acts like a ball and Linden Airport property. Our success the public at large residing in the . Distributors Corp., Orangeburg, "My record in Congress reflects my and, shortly after he announced the plans. . . ,-• • tion,-me neew Jersey Association and president of the Union Chapter ^expanded. chain around the legs of the industrial- in that effort gives linden a much bet- ,region and^appointed byjlhe county N.Y; He is a former member of the ability to get things done," Rinaldo subcommittee would examine- the The establishment . of regional' of Cpunties and all other county ized world, both economically and ter opportunity to control its own [governing body. . "7* " V *-•;:. ;•:.::.**••-' stated. "In this Congress alone, I have issue, Bell Atlantic, the parent of New planning councils would represent a planning boards in the state. environmentally." Hely continued by destiny. ; ' • f. . •'•;.'.-. ' ' . ' • \ authored legislation limiting the Jersey Bell, announced a new policy to saying, "In our own self-interest, the But this election is not about the amount of advertising during child- increase protections, for parents and. : Chamber luncheon developed world including Japan, past — it is about the future. As your Martin R. Curlie, M.&. ren's television programs; my bill has their children. Rinaldo also sponsored * Kenneth J. Sorrenlino, president : Europe, and the United States will representative in Congress for-eight '-l',V' passed both the House of Representa- the law outlawing dial-a-pom.,: i We're Family... have to commit the resources to reduce years, I have worked on the issues |of Blue Ridge Insurance Brokerage, line.. Hillside will be the speaker at land we've been, serving the jnsioiiaftonfe that debt to manageable levels. This which I believe are of most concern to ^iiy^stment financial planning needs Esffmofesf k wishes to announce the '" £the Union County Chamber's Per- effort would be comparable to the. you: education, health care, jobs and of your neighbor for over 25. years. 'PeisoiKU , Vsonnel Group luncheon meeting at ej Ir Marshall plan which revived the van- the environment These are the issues At Family Investors Company, we t. i S«rvfcef /f:? > quished countries following World which will determine what kinds of opening of his private J 12:15 p.m., Monday,.Nov. 14, at try to provide a common -sense WarD." lives our children and our grandchil- SHOR'S 'Ithe Ramada Hotel, Exit 135, Oar- approach to money ^management. •The Medical Service Center" practice for adult and Men State Parkway, Clark. We tailor investment plans that \ Hely, who serves as the only Demo- dren will have. may help you meet your goals and Complete Home Health Care £ He will cover IRC Section "89"s objectives. * pediatric urology at ; ^Qualification -Rules and Non- Join the rest of your neighbors- MANUEL E.VIEIRA . "ponvalescent Supplies 'Orthopedic Supplies ^Discrimination Testing Require- visit us today or call 322-1800. 'All Major Cosmetic Lines "Colostoririy "Supplies: jments for Welfare Benefit Plans. Certified Public Accountant 'Russell Stover Candles 'Greeting. Cards 198 NORTH AVE.E. i- For more information call Family $[352-0900. l"1T Investors lerseit! announces the opening of his practice ' We Accept Medicare & Medicald CRANFORD Company And All Major Prescription Programs 265 South Avenue ;',; •;. Fanwood, New Jersey 07023 Michael F. Grady BAYS & BOWS Anderserf emeu TOPS PROMPT FREE DELIVERY . 709-9222 i ." .• .• . •. • ;' Invcilpient Couni«lor 686-5558 Mombtr 8IPC: Secuirtioi Irvenorj Proieciion Corporation. ANDERSEN® CIRCLE TOP WINDOWS to quality. -—-NftRROUNES, CASEMENTS. GUDERS & AVMNG3 Accounting and Tax Service* for Individuals and BualnetMt p Diplomat, HIGH PERFORMANCE GLASS New Andq«wn®clrcl»top windows ih«t match '. i'|l-> i-.i-.-H •:v;^.inijyii|afiv.J:.:.l,-i American • -...In Elizabeth— (H.P.G,). head, seat boards and ' ihe'profito and performance ol PofmaShloW® 23t)0 Vauxhall Road, Union I II 401 Nd: Wood Ave. Board of Urology . windows. Low malntonanoo ailorio/ is rigid 578No.BrpadSt. plnllorms. Completely assembled - vinyl with IntulaJlng wood am. Torraton« or 488-4155 & rendy ior easy installation.- Whlla Wood Interior can bo palniod or siaJnod. 355-5250 Optional oritlaa. . Stock Sizes Listed Below Plus , 5,000 Custom Sizes & Styles $ FROM H'P-G. - 42% more energy efficient 189 DGUIIII HIJNIi CASIMINrnQWS 303447 law C44W 30CJ4—20W 10 Reasons to Re-elect the People Who Have 64"w > S4"h 98"w a SO "h 69"w*50"h 4 Sish/7 Vent All Vinling 3Sith/2Vent Ready for easy riislollalioni Includes door Iramo. ' screen & hardwnro In while Permashleld finish iff Made Union Township the Most Valuable HIGH PERFORMANCE GLASS |H P G ) . • $529 $579 $489 5* 10" 6* «609 $649 Real Estate in Union County! 9' 12' GRBNHOUSiWINDOWS <929 *1139 According to the Union County Solid wood (not alumn.) with 1/2" Insulated glass, two scroened vents, mSulatod seat w/ plastic drip pan. Coppertone polymer roof. Adjustable' shelves, Knoo brackets A exten- Andcrsetf SKYilCHTvenitpgS .. WXH Board of Taxation the total value sion jamps. .'-> Fixed w/Scfcon Flashing S High pertoimanc8 glass &' 22" X 34" PrinvJIrom 399 • scroon wilh Terrolono (innh. o_,, *J_M*179« *319 *49 lintlng. nhndos & rnoloMinllon ^-«- X 45 *199 ' »359 *49 avoil Unique flashing system 30" X 45" of all real estate in Union Township 48"w x BO"Ji provenls IdBknQo ~Q,, • cg»' >229 >399 *59 $ S i> MIRROR DOORS 99 Other Stem Available *279 *469 59 is $3,300,000,000 ($3.3 Billion) 42"x 45" *289 *479 <69 SLIDING PATIO FRENCH SWING mm* This figure is the highest in Union County. DOORS __ SITS Matural Wood Natural Wood 51 5' 6' ^499 *599 $649 Thermo-Vu ' 6* 8' 7'6" 9* Insulated Flat Glass Low E VENTING HERE'S WHY: *599 1699 «699 $799 SIZE FIXED W/SCREEN Long Llt.es & $295 STABLE GOVERN M ENT:—Mayor Anthony E; Russo and Township CpmmitteeinanJ\m*R6berta~h'ave~ 22"wx30"h $235 . Extra large •»• SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICES: Mature people want to live here because of two senior apartment- 30" w x 30" h ' $275 $349 a combined total of 30 years' experience managing your local government. complexes, a .full-time senior citizens department, the,P. Edward Blertuempfel Drop-In Center and ap RBUCEMBiT WINDOWS Utes In-Stock 1 22" w x 45" h $295 $379 2. MODEL SCHOOL DISTRICT; The United States Government has selected Union Township achoola outstanding senior bus: system; This helps add to property values; at Similar Wlule linish WIHI rtniiblij pnno injulnlod glnM. 30" w x 45" h. $335 $410 1. aa a model district. This encourages people to move here, boosting property values. GRACIOIIS GROWTH: Maintaining a healthy balance between homes and commercial reat estate, Any Uulum sl/e (jp lo 40"w K 61"h (101 U,l) or Savings! your, r.holcb ol fttnch »l/ns Bmgo or Brown 45"wx45"h $465 $545 AWARD-WINNINQ RECREATION: In addition to a comprehensive municipal program, Union makes residences In Union more desirable—and more valuable. ——v ; llniah nvnilnblp n< «|!ghl ndd I coal enjoys superlative volunteer youth football, baseball and soccer leagues. These help make high school Venlmg Venting •') 8. PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE: On-going'realization of Union Center and efforts to attract Skyligh_...„...t 'Window sports more successful and generate favorable publicity., IncL h«» ia»«n'A III) i«ah * 1 29each Rough Fixed wracfoitn~"w/Screowraci n DOUBLE-A BOND RATING: Because of sound, prudent governmental management, Moody's desirable new ratables demonstrate a concern for the future--a quality prospective home buyers welcome. Opening (FSF) (VS> (TPS) •.••*•• J -9^-REASONABJ.E-JTAXE9:^ .Despite Increases caused by unfair/state, orders to cart garbage to 22y " x 39'/^" M32 257 *309 * financial service has given Union Township's bonds a double-A rating-something very few communities e VELUX 8 1, get. This helps hold down expense. . , . , Union property taxes are atlll among the loWest In all of New Jersey. , . *153 $300 *332 LB/OLOR" Tcmperod insulated 31%" x.39Vi" 10. ALL-AMERICA CITY: Ail of theae attributes, coupled with the strong character of our residents, have Atriuin glass Wilh screen 313/."x56" *195 »356 *394 FULL MUNICIPAL SERVICES: Union Is one of the rare towns with a full-time paid fire department, READY shades, tinting and top-flight police department, state-of-the-art street lighting, outstanding publlo library, and beautiful publlo made Union township an All-America CIty-an honor that continues to draw new residents and creates the Door. motorization *220 buildings, all of which are paid for. " , . , ' ' •".•• demand for homes that boosts property values;. '•. : • .-..• > available. ALL OTHER SIZES IN-STOCK! -'CollQn Whllo or 5\ .*719 Alannsior 23" Width 6';.. $759 Mayor Anthony E. Russo and Township Commltteeman Jim Roberts have fought successfully to maintain real estate 9',.M099 siiiiil { Pnno Insulalad Low E and qualities that have made Union Township real estate the most valuable In Union County. They're pledged to $16" Gnan Mninionnnce lioo Polyct nn'" m Whito onlenor continue the policies that have seen property values jump four-fold In the past 15 years alone. This Is Union's most NEW PLEATED BUNDS tiniMi Includns solid Bros» micouii IWP Important election In many years. The value of your biggestas8et--yourhome--l8"at stake, Pon't gamble. Vote for AVAILABLE nnc'tirily luck set Complete Inieinjhonil Product* •• r • • . .• w/scr(ion Easy lo inslsll' 1 ; 1 experience, •.' ' ":-•:•.•.•:-" ••• •• • . •; •.-••'. . '.'..•'.•: ' •; , • ••.'•• ...•••••. ; ••._••• '••.:. .1.1 ^. , an §£52 UIKS] an "•*"'. iNTERIOR J -i OCTAGONS t i DD DD French Door Silk Screen— i-'«" T^ick • Pre-riung • True a DD Divided Glass • Clear Jambj Suilabip Insulated Glass / For Staining • Bored r-or Loch Set DD ( DD m « • DD ,"•(••• • Alt Doom Arc B0" Hiqh Jo— • SP70 SP«5 nTSnT F«r>lile Carnbndgn Morning Double Doors: M55 *259 *799 *375 *375 Sun A" WIDE 5- Wine *925 lOUtes IS I.ites iV Fixed! Prico Includos Double Bore lor loch and oecurlly dofld boll) P*M* Sl**l: Complcioty pie nung IWP NIcoUl Wood: Ready to* $355*385 : ListM58 vrilh ddjuitablo iluminum sill & stmning or pnintlng Completely, 8'WIDE iDagnetic wealherslrlpping Mail ' pro-hunn with clear jnmb. 15 Lites . Vent: ""xjloi add >39. Prices rolled 36" —«d|uslable sill and cpmprasilon List$196 WlUlhs

M1CtlT0Wtltir>fl(ltkBM. MMUnm 1040 Hwy, J5 .• • ..' se^6u0 biiyiers in New Jersey Mon.« Fil»l. M. Tut».T ;W W«dJ iTilhufth .6 6-55 ,Si Sitt M W «14M U>TINtMfKRS»Roul«iljllft Ml. N. ol Htum, Sq. Mill) '— j \'r.. IM&SwK.^.^ttytrontJirQ^tltf)'- :

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: t i i*'• •* v. •"t .- '-'-i''••- •' Basic te$t~maybe required of NJ teachers Regulations introduced recently basic skills test until the department to the New Jersey state Board of had implemented the subject tests Education would require all future and measured their impact on the . New_Jersey teachers to pass a test state's pool of teacher candidates. of basic communication skills. The department began the subject Currently, teacher candidates testing program in 1985 and last. seeking certification as nursery or Mgy indicated its, intention, to ask elementary school teachers '• must the state board to adopt a basic pass the NTE test of general know- skills test. ledge; those seeking certification as Klagholz said that as a result of secondary school teachers must the board's initial interest, the pass one or more of 16 NTE sub- department included the NTE Comr •, ject tests in fields such-as English, ' munication Skills Test when it con- biology, physical education or ducted a study to_ validate passing mathematics. The NTE Program, scores on the other NTE tests. formerly the National Teacher "Of the 18 NTE tests studied, Examinations, is administered by the basic skills tcsLwas rated by the Educational Testing Service of professors and teachers as the one Princeton. most directly related~ro what stu- The proposed new test would dents had learned in college prepa- measure a candidate's ability to lis- ration programs and to the abilities . ten, read, detect writing errors and. they would need for leaching in the compose a coherent essay. schools," he said. "We are recommending this basic "As a result of a number of skills-requirement because it is programs the state has initiated, imperative that new teachers be such as the alternate route to certi- able to communicate well;" said fication, the raised minimum salary Commissioner of "Education _Saul for teachers arid the Minority Coopcrman. . • Teacher Program, New Jersey has •^The1 existing subject tests help been able to increase the quantity assure, that teachers possess funda- of its candidates, while improving mental knowledge in the areas they their quality as well," Klagholz will teach. The proposed basic said. skills test will help assure that "As more candidates have taken teachers can communicate their our licensing tests, more have subject matter with a certain level passed and more have passed with of competency. In complementing higher scores," he said. "We have each other, the two types of tests -therefore been able to raise the serve the best interests of New state's passing scores on the NTE Jersey's school children," Cooper- subect tests three times since they man said. were first set in 1985. With this According to Dr. Leo Klagholz, experience, we project that the director of the department's Divi-. communication skills test will have sion of Teacher Preparation and. a negligible effect on teacher supp- Certification, the state Board of ly; but will serve to screen out Education considered requiring a those candidates who lack essential test of communication skills in skills." - • . 1984 when it adopted the NTE subject test requirements. However, The board's first vote on the he noted that the board decided to new teacher testing proposal could come as early as December. dw postpone its decision on adopting a ca - -.€/••,.. ...I..,-.«.-. .'_..• ->.. -J.,~..-.*.T.f.-t

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—and youth of all faiths and can be 1,2,3,4,5,6* - COUNTY. LEADER NEWSPAPERS— Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1988 — 10 18 - Triuraday, OCTOBER 27, 1988 - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4^,6* WELCA women participated in a Jersey. -City. The women also . Lutheran^ Church held their regular joined at any time throughout thet . . . crafts- fair held at the Jersey City planned a rummage sale last Friday, monthly meeting Oct. 12 conducted Events scheduled schoolyear. Visitors are welcome.— Wednesday at 6 p.m. at the Short increase awareness in the young • The opening event will take Shabbat" program, now in its Lutheran Home, which benefited and Saturday, . ., .. /.•'f'"'''?•••;/^^^•'•;Pf^4e^*^^M•'•^iu^8o'Bi^' 1 (Continued from Page 18) Gospel Chapel, 1180 Spruce Drive,- Further information c«n be HOIS Caterers, 610 Morris Turn- Jewish community of the issues place Nov.. 10at 10:30 a.nx at fourth yfnr. bringF students from ! -the-Lutheran-Homb-teaidenifl^Grafls—yi^fiZ^'iTfi~trW'&afitrh--'- ''i''JMfte^^ HaK^^1g»^^ttncca^Harthe(^ the Seminary's Rabbinical School, 1 Road, War- (Continued from Page 17) and homemade articles' Were 2" liea/r/l lift pQCKS ^ women paclcagcd 20 health kits to Refreshments were served by Mar-' eer— Oirl a anc.) Christiaj.:- . . n Servic*™e Bri- at 232-3456—. •'".•••••.:. iipffltKnTd:ty.?NP'CffliTri1..ftf'Fjitt-' worldwide and to deepen the Office,^ »*» n-u-i a—A tir— Hall from 8 p.m. to midnight More Cantors, institute, Graduate School em Union County. understanding of bur Jewish herit- ren. "Reservations and more infor- berg, Barbara Lebovitz, Mildred donated and sold at the home in The Ladies Guild of. Grace . ' '^}\\ hf h>ld~—rMopee&-Qfri»ILfnf_g1T)i^ fa grnrlfa The Community United Methodist congregations across the country— ty, Bonds for Israel, JNFTTterJew=- roeenngs-lhroughoirt^the-year- culmi- associate, at 351-5060. Omansky, Susan Munkacsi, Debbie Nov. 9. A craft demonstration will I-81 includes Bible time , games, ChurchY Chestnut and Grant Avenue, Beth Shalom will sponsor David Rosellp Park, will hold its "Main ish Educational Center in Elizabeth, nating in a big event." Schimrei, Sandi Schimmcl, Susan- be presented jby "Flowers by «ngingi and crafLB.Thoy meet Wed- Greenspoon, a. junior in the List Emily." • ^~- .,_•• ; •• ~—~^ nesdays from 7-to-830-p,i ^- Street V*W Nw. A from 9 a.m. to 9 Jewish Federation of Central New Spech, Kate Stem, Lou Ann Wein- Annual smorgasbord College, during the weekend of p.m. and Nov. 5 from 9 am to 2 Jersey, the Central New Jersey feldt, Jil Wersman and Irene Weis- The United Methodist Women of Lydia Bufler as coordinator for the Nov. 12. Greenspoon, a history plm: Handmade goods; hbnie baked—Jewish Home for the Aged and brot, will be honored and, receive a the Community United Methodist world party program. Hie leaders are 1st and-2nd Dedication in Union major, returned to school after a products and Christmas items will be many Yeshivot He serves a-s- a• special gift," it was announced by Church, 455 Blvd., Kenilworth, will St.Theresa's Rosajy Society, grade, Lydia Butler and Mary Hcyns; It was announced that Union residents, living and deceased, who four-year enlistment in the Navy. Hillside; -3rd; and 4th Rrade, Ron featured. member of the Prime Minister's Myra Schram, membership vice- hold their annual election day He intends to enter the Rabbinic. Kenilworth, will sponsor a Christ- survived the Nazi Holocaust or who were among the American smorgasbord on Nov. 8 from 4 Otlenstein of Roselle and Kim Geiss- Lunch will be available for dinners' Club of State of Israel Bonds, president. Prizes will be distributed. School in 1990, and is in the pro- mas Around the World party Nov. troops who liberated Nazi death camps at the conclusion of World p.m. to 7 p.m. The-smorgasbord ler of Roselle Park; 5th and 6th on Friday from 11:3Q to 2 p.m. Turk- member of the Board^of Directors Special refreshments will be served. cess of applying for a commission 7 at 8 p,m. in the Parish Hall. War II, will be honored, with a marker to be dedicated at 7:30 .p.m. will feature all homemade dishes, grade, June Burggaller and Irma ey dinners will be served on Friday at of- New Jersey Region of NJF. and All temple women are -in-.the United States Navy. He There" rwill be a short meeting on Nov. 16. including" salads, hot and cold cas- before the party begins. Everyone NauyoVa of Union, and 7th and 8th 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. One can call President of the NJF Council of As part of the meeting, there will plan* to serve as a chaplain, upon A plaque honoring .the survivors and liberators will be mounted serolcs, meat and potato dishes and is welcomed to attend. " grade, Fawn Starbirisld and Kay Far? 245-2237 for .reservations, it was Eastern Union County. be a Hanukah store selling candles, his ordination. upon a rock and placed in front of the Union Public Library in coffee, cake and pie. rington of Mountainside. announced. Dworken serves as spiritual lead- gelt candy, gift wrapping, decora- The Seminary Shabbat program Friberger Park, Union- Tickets will be sold at the door . Joe Krason ofj Union is the chair- A pancake breakfast will be held er of Congregation Anshe Chesed tions and other small gift items. will include Nov. 11, Friday Even- Dinner, boutique set The marker will -be unveiled in a ceremony -conducted by. Rabbi but it has been recommended tick- man of the Christian Service Brigade!" on Sah^ay fr6rn"9 aJin. to 1 p.m. "inXindeh and director dCRabbinic "A full selection of Hanukkah ing service and Shabbat dinner, 6 The Ladies Benevolent Society of Meyer Korbman of Temple Israel and Rabbi Howard Morrison or cts should be bought in advance. This program has three segments. Services of the Max Stern Division items and gifts will be sold to p.m.; Nov. 12* Shabbat morning ser- Presbyteria Congregation Beth Shalom, both of Union. r« The smorgasbord will be held led by Jim of Community Services of Rabbi children and adults on Nov. 13, vice, 9:15 a.m. and Kiddush lunch Springfield, 37 Chu.h Mall, will j^^u^^ys^m St anS Following the dedication, Dr. John Farinclla, retired Clark schools downstairs in the church hall, and Elchanan Theological Semi- Nov; 20 and Nov.__28," it was including Mincha at 4 .p.m. have its annual pot ipast duiner and F ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ superintendent, who participated in the liberation of the Buchenwald there, will be a craft show upstairs. 2n d The Catholic Woman's i Universiry. He is announced by Jcancttc Braunstcin followwcd by a Shalosh Scudos, bouU^ie Tuesday from> 5:30 to .7 £ ^ aftemoon to concentration camp in 1945, will speak in the annual program of the —Further—information—can—bc~ met Sund Elizabeth, which held its initial meet- vice president of the Rabbinical and Meryl Marias, co-chairmen of the third sabbath meal; p.m. Boutique hours are from 10 am ^ ^ ^ ^ township's Interfaith Committee on Holocaust'Awareness. obtained by calling Arlcnc Brana- 4;4s f(jr ing of the year yesterday in St. Gene- Council of America, President of Hebrew School activities. The community is invited. For to / p.m. • - Gene Paul Rickard, a tenor and chief vocalist at Temple Emanuel gan at 276-3116 or the church and crafts. vieve's Parish Hall, Elizabeth, will the .Rabbinical Council of New Irene Petras, Sisterhood president, inquiries or reservations one can ; Ticket reservations should, be • in New York, will sing during the program whion of the Buchen- office between 9 a.m. and noon at k hold a corporate Communion and Jersey and President of the Union has announced that the Sisterhood contact the synagogue office at made by Wednesday, it was wald concentration camp in 1945, will speak in«the annual program 276-1956. ^- — . Stockade, led by Mike Bonaventu- luncheon Nov. 4 at noon at the Gal- County Board of Rabbis. is taking orders for "Entertainment 686-6773.. announced. More information can be ra".of Mountainside, for boys in loping Hill Inn*, Union. Chairman is Julius Sommer, chairman of the of the township's Iritcrfaith Committee on Holocaust Awareness. . '89 Books." Two editions will be obtained by calling > Marion lies at grades 3 to 6. They meet Wednesday Alberta G. Stanger and co-chairman, board of JNF Council of Eastern Gene Paul Rickard, a tenor and chief vocalist at Temple EmanUel available, Central- New Jersey and CHURCH WOMEN PLAN BAZAAR — Presbyterian Women of Connecticut Farms'Pre- 379-5949 or Marge Ledig at in New York, will sing during the program which will convene in 'Seminary Shabbat' nights from 7 to 8:30 p.m. for Bible Mrs. Raymond Kelly. Union County;-has announced,that -North Jersey. Information can be A homeless dinner sbyterian Church, Stuyvesarit Avenue and West Chestnut Street, Union, will sponsor 376-1132. time, achievements, games, and funds raised at the 13th annual JNF the second floor meeting room of the library building. obtained by calling 686-1533 or Congregation Beth Shalom of The women of Christ Lutheran their third holiday bazaar Nov. 4 from 1 to 9 p.m. and Nov. Sdrom 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m; Fea- crafts. Other leaders in the stockade Profession of Faith dinner will be used. to purchase a The dedication ceremony will be introduced by the Rev. George 687-5871. • - Union, is one of more than 70 con- Church sponsored a homeless din- tured will be hand-crafted items, hand knits, cakes,goodies andshelledpecans. Santa's Rosarians plan trip program are Joe. Krason and Bob Sheridan of Union, a member of the interfaith committee, who sug- An annual profession of faith,' 1,200-Litre capacity fire truck, one . The Sisterhood also willrprcscnt servative congregations invited by ner at St.-Luke and All Saints Picture Studio will be open from 2:30 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 p,rrr. Nov. 4 and 10 to 11 a.nrNoy. St. Theresa's Rosary Society of Nauyoks of Union, Fred Quinlan, of many fire trucks desperately gested that there be a "permanent marker acknowledging that Union "Rock Around the Clock," a dance, the Jewish Theological Seminary of Episcopal Church, Chestnut Street, 5. A snack corner will be open on Nov. 5: The women are, first row, seated, from left are Kenilworth will sponsor a bus-boat -Rick Storm of Kenilworth and Walt sponsored by the Union County residents were involved in the Holocaust as either survivors or Federation of Holy Name Societies, needed to fipht forest. fires in featuring the music of the 1950s America to participate in its annual Union, Oct. 12. 'Dinner was pire- Dorothy Scliantz, Doris Hanson, Dorothy Morris', Roth Forrest; second row, standing, trip on Dec. 10; The bus will depart Clark. The third segment of the, Israel. liberators." will be held Nov. 6 during the 9 . and 1960s by "The Pros" DJ on "Seminary Shabbat" program, it pared by Jackie Schiffl, Erma Eroh, from left, Beatrice Peters, Mathilda Kraeuter, Evelyn Maag, Else Held, Lillian Sohler and from, St. Theresa's school yard at 10 Christian Service Brigade is Batta- Reservations for the 13th annual The Rev. Nancy Forsberg, convenor of the committee, announced : i: a.m. Mass in Our Lady of Lourdes Nov. 19 at Temple Israel Social was announced. The "Seminary and Dorothv Jamieson.' Also, the Meta Arndt. . '• • ' • ' •• - ' • -•,••'. am._ajid_return at 6.p.m., lion, led by Bob Laws. This program, JNF dinner can be made through "Holocaust survivors and Union military veterans who witnessed the. Church, 300 Central Ave.i ' Featured will be elements of an for boys in grades 7 to 12, also meets the JNF office, Jewish National Nazi death camps are especially invited' to participate in the Mountainside. oceangoing- cruise, sightseeing the on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8:30 Fund, 5«45 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, or dedication." . • ' New Yprk.and New Jersey skylines p.m. and includes Bible time, by calling 623-3023. abroaa4He, Spirit of New York with achievements, and games. The other 'Dedicated' honorees music and dancing aboard and Battalion leaders are Walt Dein of Arie Halpern of Union and Rab- 'Women's Division' fleminglon furs cabaret-style entertainment plus buf- Springfield, Dave Butler.and^Kevin.. bi "Steven Mr Dworkcn-oMiinden- •""'—The Women*s~:Divisioir~of"the- fet dinner. Reservations, which must McFadden. will be honored by Jewish National Jewish Federation of Central New be made before Nov. 1, it was Jn addition to the weekly meetings, Fund for their "dedicated service to Jersey is in the process of forming announced can be made by calling JAMES C. BYRNE, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.S. each of the groups also goes on occa- the Jewish Community and Israel" a new Young Women's Division, it 276-6761.._ sional outings. .Some of these include at the 13th annual' JNF dinner was announced. Its purpose is "to Dr. James C. Byrne, Surgeon Podiatrist, has been serving Union and Its surrounding a fully equipped operating room and a carbon dioxide surgical laser. apple picking, overnight camping, communities for the past twelve yearsT ...... •.. ,• . • .v His office, is now a Center For Family Foot Health Care offering specialized treatment for Programs are listed hiking, a snow day. , Dr. Byrne attended the Ohio College of Podlatrlc Medicine and graduated with honors In the complete-care of the foot, however, Dr. Byrne's field of expertise Is foot surgery. , Roy D. McCaulley, director of McCaulley has announced that all BEYOND 1974. After a two year residency at Saint Michael's Medical Center In Newark he decided td ' Christian Education at Mountainside the programs are open to children Fuel Oil open his office In Union. . • ... , He is associated with Saint Michael's Medical Center, Union Hospital, Mon mouth Medical : Center, Roselarid Surgical Ce'atQr^mlSgjglgftreJi) Watchunq* rJeJias. .beflDJ^tjjrjed^orjL In order to further the quality of care he could provide tils patients, Dr. Byrne did further television for his work in the field of Laser Surgery and he will appear In Glamour magazine COMPARE study and became a Fellow in the American College of Foot Surgeons, a Fellow In the this coming January, February and March. —< ...... •..„.;.:.. ...=.—--,--—,-_^- - International Society of Podiatric Laser Surgery and a Dlplomate of the American Board of Pet G3> Podlatrlc Surgery. In 1985 he expanded his office with the addlti.on:of.an..Qrthotlc.labQCatQry^ _i?r^yrne'S office Is located at 934 Stuyvesant Avenue InWnlon, telephone no, 9646990. An foe pofhti to much 150 Mir. 00 & S*rwk* Bfds? Check Your Fuel Oil Prices Then Call mm Corey IMMEDIATE We Pamper Your Feejr , SIMONE BROTHERS tpPJCT Chiropractic HEALTH CARE 486-3338 and Comparel . lla Mndloal Cantor Halftime Lounge Center Dr. Eric M. Deutchtnan FULL SERVICE OIL; Mil Most Insurances Accepted . ,T CARES ABOUT YOU Podlatric Medicine.& Foot Surgery Si-:. r;SS:i<::* • .'. • • ii 2086 Morris Avenue •964-8607 Open8AM-10PM 24 Hr. Physician Access Farcher's Grove Wo Provide: 7 Days a Week 706 W. St. George Avenue, Linden , •Automatic Delivery • Budget IS Union (Across from St George Diner) , • Complete Heating Installations • Prompt No Appointment Necetsary Introducing "D.J. Dale? • HI "As different As Night & Day" •' 2300 Vauxhall Road • Union • 688-4424 J]= Arch & Heel Pain ' Oiabetic Feet Evenings. & '. & Dependable Service • Service Contractt Se Habla Espanof y Fala Portuguese Bunions & Hammertoes • Ingrown Toenalls Saturdays Playing the Best of Classic Rock r Corns* Callouses *: Mfarts-' ' ' Available ; I; Come and Join our "Grand Opening" Wed., Nov. 2nd, 1988 - 9:00pm 'til closing All Bottled Beer - V* Price* All Ladles Drinks $1.00 SIMONE BROTHERS, FUEL OIL CO. •M t. GREGORY S. GALLICK, M.D. Open to the Public • No Cover Charge Call 862-2726 • 1405 Harding Ave., Linden ACCIDENT ' : ' . Proper I.D. & Attire Required U ;'•• • • and-. . ' .' ,""Jl WORKERS COMPENSATIOM , New HalfUme JLounge * a'.-j '•wrtHS'U&.SPECIA^ v at •'',"' Patterson's Auto Supply, Inc. has con- f'arclier's Grove solidated with Quality Automotive Co., ^SPdRTSMEDICINE and will be located at 25 Summit Ave., ALVIN R. LEONARD, Esq (MEDICAL AND SURGICALTREATMENT OF INJUI'lES INCLUDING ' 1135 Springfield Rdl, Union \ ARTHROSCOPY AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY) for information please calls Summit. [ichael S. Taras, D.MJ ' •...••,. -.- AND ••••' - • • •"•••• Attorney at Law • GENERAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND FRACTURES' . 688-1421 Peter Louie, D.M.D. • SPORTS AND DANCE INJURIES • The same familiar faces will provide mm? GENERAL DENTISTRY 155 Morris Avehue • ARTHRITIS AND JOINT PROBLEMS * : • ' \ ~ better service, inventory and prices. :.• TOTAL JOINT REPLACEMENT- . 1205 COOLIDGE AVE. and tUt. ^pringfield/N.J. 07Q81 (201)376-6500 q 2780 Morris Ave. Same phone number or call 277-4225. VAUXHALL RD. rai COLONIAL SQUARE OFFICE •• HOUKSBYAPPOINTMENI UNION, NJ 07083 ££ •'• PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT, BUILDINQ, Suit DAY-EVENINC EMERGENCIES Time to Think of 686-2080 NO FEE IF NO RECOVERY' UNION " 686-6665 •*» Saturday & Evening Hours Available Updating Your WAGNER'S BRIGHT There's a razor sharp light JOHN Bellotti & Gaglioti Heating System In Union, N.J. CORSEiSTTINO . ,ttunIH'YS til l.tnr LIGHTS FOR v ATTORNSY AT LAW •';.._ The Light of a Laser, — /; FREE ESTIMATES that's used by a surgeon, '•FREE ; •.',.::•• V " CONSULTATION Is helping make miracles' • .^ . • .•'••' ^ ...... WINTER NIGHTS a dally occurance at • , Union's Center for 476 South Aye. East • Personal Injury ' Foot Healthcare . pranfprd . ,'• Criminal. . • Drunk Driving •Real Estate - H6054 |i 1 I Laser Surgery In Offlcej Wagner halogen lights let you see up to • Matrimonial ?.:•' \ here's no comparison when 276^6656 1200 feet farther on dark, wet winter nights. 11,99 Your PRACTICE • Wlll§& Estate Replace old lights now, Dr. James C. Byrne D.P.M. it comes to furs of exciting FREEGONSULTATION H4651 fashion, fine quality and extra- Made PERFECT Foot Speclallat H4852 Information Call ordinary value. The same holds 934 Stuyvesant Ave.'* Union 698-4448 5.99 Through Consistent ' . . 964-6990 686^7700 427 Chestnut St.. Union Warm Air Furnace Steam or Hot Water Boiler true for our incredible selec-

Professional Advertising i .. V tion. Nowhere will you find In This Directory D1LIVIRY SIRV1CI more to choose from. And •ATTORNEY-At LAW No.2Fu«lOll " CALL TODAY 686-7700 ADolMlFutl when it comes to personal, professional service, there is simply no equal, NED : SERVICE, INC .-•:•• 475 Lohlgh Avo., Union ', ' Visit Flemington Furs today. Why Suffer Needlessly with Pain? KXPERll;NCIiC) t'i; TYPES Op % L •N?ckPaln *BackPa|n 'Dinlnoss Sobert A. Wortzei •••• • ' ;; -' •- ••;•;• WAGNER It is, as you will see, an *HeadachM * Shoulder. •••"- * Leg Pain UQHTINO PR00UCT8 ' •Numbnesa \ • • Pain. ..;'", ' • r.. D.MD Complete Heating & Air Conditioning incomparable experience. , • •> l'

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20 — Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 10B8 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS - 1,2,3,4,5,6* 2,3,4* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1988 -21

—Jerry E.-Hutchlngs. 88, of Linden— Charte?-t^da^r62, of-KeniUycw^ShewMtmcmberof the Rotary -—-Surviying u^hcr dieiedd 6c~OctL. 17 athoinoat home. " wortWiedOcL^inthaFMtDninfftt Society of Ourr LadyLady , of Lourdes ™C.; a apiu.'iVanJson. c "AM and~twd' Ml Bora in Macon»Oa., he lived in Lin- Veterans Medical Center. Church, Mountainside. .. grindchildren. den since 1928. Mr. Hutchings vyas Bom in Perth Amboy*, Mr; Landau employed as a mail canier in Linden lived in Springfield before moving to Roselle, 19~6 -for 40-yean.and.itetuedJn.ld66.JIe. KenUworth 32 years.ago.-Mrr Landau was a member of the Antioch AME worked for many years with the Bell By MARK YABLONSKY . play of the advance was aided by a recovery at their own 31. Another Zion Church of Unden. Laboratories in Murray Hill as a stan- BOLLENBACH—Adelaide, of Memphis, Tenn., formerly of Roselle Once again, the Abraham Clark/ 22-yard run from junior Eric Jeter, 15 yards on an •uruportsmanlilce QA -—-Smvivingrtg-hig-wifc, -Madeline- -dardengtrteervHe-was-an Aiiiiy veto- Jt*ark;OcL20, "~ • ll HiHighh football team gave a who was stopped from breaking a call against Roselle was tacked on _ Hutchings, - an of World War H He was past presi- BRANOWSKI-Stanley, of Union; Oct. 17. r strong accounting of itself .against a 43-yard scoring run only by Brandon by the officials. , dent of the American Legion of KenU- CONRADI—Elmer, ofBreehojd, formerlyof Union} OcL 19. kiey Mountain Valiey Conference Giordano's bit Oiat forced him out of But the most decisive play of all rival.-And once again, theBulldogs Wllbert Hendrlcksen, a lifelong worth. and a member of the Disabled DACAp^DACbStA^b^bfl^hOLj n ' V / •-boundsr--~r---•;;--• •"•:•• -r.-.-.;• ; ; .; occurred shortly afterward - when resident of Linden, died Oct. 17 in his American Veterans and the Jewish DERASKA—Felicia J;, of Linden; OcU 17. of.Johathah Dayton Regional • Kgh ; Howeyer, a razzle-dmle conver- senior safety Dav6 Lissy, with his Olive ML Ward, who celebrated her Anna M. Simonet, 84, of Clark, home. War Veterans, both of Union. EHREN—Esther, of Union; OCL 19. found a way to deal with" iu As a sion attempt via the tnple-option, tcam back on defense, intercepted 100th birthday OcL 14, died OcU 17 in formerly of Union, died Oct. 20 in her Mr. Hendricksen had been a Surviving are his wife, Mary; two FOUNTAIN--Odesssa,of Vauxhall, OCL 19. result/Dayton increased its record went sour and a lasPditch .toss Martin's pass, at the Roselle 21 and toJr<) bjibeiting RoseUe, 19-6, at her home in Roselle Park, home. mechanic for* many years with the sons, Robert and Richard; a daughter. GARGANO—Philip Sr., of Union; Oct. 16. from Antoine Satterfield^to Jeter in then went in for a back-breaking windswept, chilly Meisel Field in" Bom in Wayne, Neb., she lived in Bom in Newark, she lived in Union Hyatt Roller Bearing Corp., Clark, Jacquelyn; a brother, Harry, and two HAEBERLE--CarlA.,ofUnion;OcL21. the end zone was just out of reach, touchdown with 2:06 to play. That Springfield this past . Saturday Narbeth, Pa., before moving to Rosel- before moving to Clark eight years before retiring in 1981. . grandchildren. _" HEALY—Timothy R; Sr., of RoseUe; OCL 21. with the score holding at 7-6, Day- was the ballgame right there, ago. She was a member of the afternoon. le Park in 1920. Mrs. Ward was gra- He is survived by his wife, Joan; a ' HENDRICKSEN—Wilbert, of Linden; OcL 17. ton, come halfrime. although Matt Lynch, head coach duated with a bachelor of arts degree Women's Club of Connecticut Farms son, Charles W.; a daughter, Diane E., HUTCHINGS—Jerry E., of Linden; OctU7 Dayton, which is nearing its John LeDomie's selection' as Day- and the Catholic Daughter's. of St. firstHByer MVC Mountain Division, It was in the ihird quarter that from Obcrlin College, Ohio, and then and four .brothers, Harry, William, Felicia J. Deraska of Linden died LANDAUTrCharles,of Kenilworth; OcL 16. ton Player of the Week, made sure Michael's Church, both in Union. She title,.: found itself threatened by a-jhe.Bulldogs began to regain con- received a bachelor of science degree _ Herbert and Albeit Oct. 17 in Elizabeth General Medical LEWIS—Sarah Jane, of KenUworth; OcL_ 19. by picking off another of Martin's was also a member of the Flower Club physical RoseUe team that hafa__ trol. After tho stifling Dayton from Columbia University Teachers Center. • ; v , LUNGA—Alfred P., of Union; Oct 20. throws on the first play of Rosel- College, New York City. She was past of Union County and the Luncheon come within 56 seconds of defeat- defense held the Rams jo just one Marshal! Rhodes, 57, of Linden Bom in Elizabeth, she lived in Lin- MARCUS—Charles^ of Linden; OCL 23. le'snext possession. A botched president of the United Methodist Club of Union, i ing, Brearley Regional the week first down in two possessions, the Photo By Mark Brundase died OcL 14 in SL Elizabeth HospitaJ, den most of her life. She was a com- MARSHALL—Colleen, of Union; OCL 16. conversion attempt by Dayton after Women of Community United_ Surviving are two daughters, before.' But th^JDajKga.iiiB_a_pretty •DawgS' .turned to their sturdy BACK OFF — Which is what Dayton ballcarrier Jeff Debbie seems to be saying to this Elizabeth. municant of SL Elizabeth's Churcfi,~ MC BARRON—Margaret L., of Linden; OcL 23. the score had meant nothing. Methodist Church in Roselle Park, Hclenc Schnider and Marilyn Did- physicar bunch, too. And when the ground—game, which produced a Roselle defender during last Saturday's game at Meisel Fie'd. But while Debbie was Bom in Newark, he moved to Lin- Linden. >-— *::'.;• : NATURALE—Daniel, of Mountainside; OcL 22. To hear LeDonne tell it, the stopped on this play, the undefeated Bulldogs went on to a 19-6 wtn,-their fifth of the sea- - where she was a Sunday School teach- geon, 12 grandchildren and four great- chips are down"..: ": : '"". den in 1978. He had been a machinist Surviving are a son, Douglas Weiss; PETRANICH—Margaret G., of Mountainside; OcL py.y 'Dawgs had spent much of ihc son. '" . er and choir member for.40 years. She grandchildren.- "The defense is always there to with the Hyatt Roller Bearing Co. in her mother, Julia Deraska, and a PICKETT—Edward L\, of Union; OcL 18, endedI with Carpenter finding Lee week in practice with two specific was a state historian fowhe Daughters pick us up," finished Dayton run- Clark for the. past 27 years* brotherrJosephJQeraska. - -:_ PROKOP^Annai of Roselle Park; OCL 22. "m" the'end zone from 14 yards out. things in mind: one, containing of the American Revolution and a Daniel Naturale, 58, of Mountain- Surviving are his wife, Wilma; two RHODES—Marshali, of Linden; OCL 14. ning -back/defensive back William The 6-3, 205-pound Lee, who. ran Becton, the powerful, 250-pound commissioner of the Rosellc-Roselle . side died. Saturday in the Overlook Lee,-,who scored two more touch-' Taub batters three opponents sons', Gregory and Terence; two SIMONET—Anna M., of Clark, formerly of Union; OcL 20. for 89 yards in 23 carries, hit the senior running back who is not Park Girl Scouts. Mrs. Ward was a Hospital, Summit. Margaret C. Petranlch, 74, of The following is this week's run- daughters, Taiwana Rhodes and Olivi- WARD^-OUveM., of Roselle Park; OcL 17. downs on the day, -the-firsr coming deck to scoop, in a low throw only easy to tackle once he gets going; team in the Union County Champ- BOV'S SOCCBt member of the Clio Club, Roselle, and Bom in West Orange, MrTNaturale Mountainside died Oct. 17 in Over>~ down on sports from Jonathan Day- a Edward; his parents, Ruth and Butler WOYTOWICZ—Paraska, of Linden; OCL 21; by way of a one-yard run, and the a inch or two above the end zone and two, paying d6se attention to Jpnship... at. Warinanco Park thi•*"s« * participated in its literature club. lived in Ft. Lee before moving to look Hospital, Summit, ton Regional High School. By RUSS NESEVICH , Rhodes; two sisters, Willa Turner and YAWORNISKY—Helen, of Linden; OCL 19. second byi way of a 14-yard, pass grass. _J ' ' Martin, In fact, Dayton assistant Saturday, beginning at 9. a.m. Surviving are a daughter, Dr. Ruth Mountainside in 1970. He owned and Bom in Staten Island, Mrs. Petra- from quarterback Pete Carpenter. The Bulldogs extended their win- Bcrnice Hall, and two grandchildren. nich lived in Mountainside for 31 ZELENENKI-^Olga D., of Roselle; QcL 17. , :' The' lengthy. advance consumed coach Greg White was given the Girl's Tennis E.; two sons, David E. and John P.; a operated the Mountainside Builders "When it comes down to the final ning "record to 7-5-1 by splitting nearly seven minutes of time, and jobo f portraying Martin during the Gymnastics sister, Ruth F. West, five grandchil- Corp. for the past six years. Prior to minutes, our defense is excellent." 1 l 1 By KATHY McCABE two games against two lough oppo- ~""overlappe'" ~"d the third and fourth,--week in practice, in a simulation- Dayton's number one singles dren and six great-grandchildren. that, he was a building contractor with1 By LIDERA DeGIROLAMO nents in Roselle and Ridge. Against 0 For the most part, the game's quarters. type maneuver designed to give thme North Jersey Builders in Ft Lee. >star, Susan Taub, continued her . Although Dayton was defeated Roselle last Tuesday, Dayton's 3-1 final outcome was very much in Even though Miske's extra-point ''Dawgs an advance course on Surviving arc his wife, Isabclle; two winning ways in last week's match- by Bound Brook last Friday, it was victory was sparked by the com- ' Colleen Marshall, 38, of Union doubt entering,, the fourth .quarter. attempt was blocked, the tables abilities of the 6-4, 200-po daughters, Lucy Ann Postcraro and es, , beating her opponents from a hardly a total loss, thanks to bined offensive efforts of Nick died OcL 16 at home. Dayton took a 7-0 lead early in the were all but turned on the, Rams, signal-^Uer. April; a step-daughter, Mary Beth Summit, Ridge and Arthur L. John- some strong individual DcGirolamo, Mark Oasbarra, and Bom in Newark, she lived most of opening period when Lee capped, ,; who began getting hurt by costly "And Greg's got a good arm," Dubinsky; three sons, Daniel Jr., Fred son with little effort. Taub, whose performances. Brian Carson. Senior Tom Kelly her life in Union. an eight-play, 31-yard drive with —penalties. In particular, two holding LeDonne said. "But there's no way Surviving are a daughter, Specialist and Anthony; a step-son, William Kel- his one-yard TD-smash, which had match record is now 21-3, was the Dalya Rubancnko's outstanding also delivered an impressive calls on the ensuing drive ruined you can prepare for an athlete like | victorious in Darlene Taylor of U.S. Army; her man; a brother, Anthony, and seven only Dayton gi r t0 be effort won three first-place medals performance. been set up by a fumble recovery what could have been a successful that. Becton .was a big worry, too. mother, Victoria Marshall; four grandchildren. a tough 4-1 defeat against Summit. — an 8.7 in the vault, an 8.3 on at the Roselle 31-yard line from advance, what with a 40-yard, We were practicing all week that brothers, Lawrence, Rajuhn, Dean and • * • "• Dan Murphy on the very first play Martin-to-Thomas Smith bomb that he was not going to hurt us. But Zachary; three sisters, Deborah Mar- Esther Ehren, 72, of Union died from scrimmage, a play in which a presented the Rams' with a first- Martin was another story." shall, Zara Marshall and-Mrs. Dnleilla Oct. 19 in Union Hospital. hit from Jeff Debbie induced burly and-10, opportunity at the Dayton Sports wrap-up Salaam, and a grandson. Bom in Now York City, Mrs. Ehrcn Stan Becton to lose the balirBec- .34 with some seven—minutes r lived in Newark for most of her life ton was held to just 11 > yards in Along with second singles player the uneven bars, and an 8.5 on the remaining. Two plays later, Shawn 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Tot Stanley Branowskl, 75, of Union before movirig~to Union four years three carries, far below what he is Orin Roth and third singles player balance beam. Missy Peterson fin- Smith barreled for 18 yards to the Roselle 0 0 0 6 died OcL 17 in his home. ago. Mrs. Ehrcn was a sales executive capable of doing. - 6 Nancy Rubinstein, Taiib defeated ished third in the floor exercises MAUSOLEUM seven, but a holding call nixed mat, Dayton 7 0 Bom in West Caldwell, he lived in for the Acme Stationery and Printing 0 12 19 her Ridge opponent last Tuesday, with an 8.2, and freshman Dana The Rams, now 2-3 on the year, with the ball going all the way 1 Staten Island before moving to Union Co., Newark, for 15 years. Prior to answered back with 7:17 remaining in helping the Lady Bulldogs gain a Magee, also finished third on the. Two days later, an exciting goal back to the 33-yard-line instead. - Dayton— Lee, 1 run (Miske kick) '26 years ago. Mr. Branowski had been that, she was mnanager nnd buyer for the second quarter when junior quar- 3-2 stunning upset. Thursday's balance beam wilh a 7.65. from Gasbarra went to waste in a -Martin, who'completed 10 of 22 Roselle— T. Brown, 13 pass from an.operating engineer for many years Janet's Shop in Newark. She was pres- match against Johnson, however, The team record is now 2^5. 5-1 -loss to Ridge. Kelly, and. Stan. "'passes for 137:yards7"c'ame~rhTough Martin (conversion failed) with the International Union of Oper- ident and trustee of the Elizabeth was no problem for Ed Jasinsld's Sklyarsky turned in fine perfor- touchdown pass over the middle:to with a 17-yard strike to Jeter that Dayton— Lee, 14 pass from Carpent- ating Engineers Local 14, Flushing, Chapter of Deborah,the Jewish Senior -Thomas Brown, who deftly brought gave the Rams a first down at the tqam, which will wind down Giri's Soccer mances in, a losing cause. ,. N.Y^, before retiring 12 years ago. He Citizens Group of Ivy Hill arid the : er (kick blocked) regular-season play this week. Dayton, which was rained out the :air-b6me~piig*sldii" under control Daytoni 16, but a fierce" Dayton By SHARI PINCU was a member of the Auto Racing Congregation B'nai Israel Sisterhood. Dayton—- Lissy, 21 interception against' Oratory last Friday, will with a one-handed deflection to cap a charge' turned the following pass The Lady Bulldogs experienced a Driver's Association and the Old Tim- She is survived by a sister, Luisc L; return (conversion failed) face Roselle Catholic, Hillside and six-play; 6V^yard^iiWr-5*e-biggest attempt into a, Bulldog fumble Boy's Cross Country disappointing week after facing two ers division of the National Auto Rac- Sweigman. By R. SCOTT OLIVER tough' opponents, Immaculata and Roselle Park this week. ing Club. Last Saturday, the Bulldogs Westfield. The team w is decimated Surviving arc his wife, Josephine; placed a strong third behind Imma- by many injuries to key players, two step-sons, John T. and Donald R. Olga D. Zelenenkl, 73, of RoseUe No. Plainfield culata and Governor. Livingston in and.was IbroJ to play.without 'died Oct. 17 in Rahway Hospital. Stoma.and a brother, Charles. By MARK YABLONSKY the Mountain Valley Championship, four starters. Bom in New York, she .lived in quickly on a four-play, 27-yard Chalenski also scored on a 22-yard Although, the weather was any- drive, which concluded with with Justin Toner helping the team As a result, Dayton lost, 3-1, to Alfred P. Lunga, 89, of Union died Newark and Rahway before moving to run in the second quarter to make thing but warm for much of the Chalenski scoring from two yards to an outstanding sixth-place finish Immaculata, and 7-0, to Westfield. OcL 20in OverlookHospital, Summit. Roselle 12 years ago. Mrs. Zelenenski it a 34-0 game at that point 'day, the Brearley Regional High out and Pat Olcnick adding the Barr later replaced Ramos at from a field of 55. Jen Garde!I& scored her teain's only Born in Newark, he lived in Union was a salesperson for Lemer's in New- football team was anything but cold "The team is just starting to hit goal of the week for Arthur ark for a decade before she retired in extra point, for a fast 7-0 Brearley quarterback, and successfully engi- for many years. Mr. Lunga was an auto last Saturday at Ward Field. Red its potential," said Dayton coach Krupp's injury-plagued team. Day- 1977. A classic addition to Hollywood Memorial Pork lead. On their very next possession, neered a six-play, 73-yard scoring mechanic and the owner of the Luna hot was more like it. the Bears tallied on a four-play, Martin Taglianti of his 7-3 squad, • ton is now 4-7. Brothers Garage in Union for 40 years/ Surviving are her husband Seweren; drive that was fueled by a 56-yard Facing an opponent' that seemed 51-yard . drive that ended when for which he hasjiigh hopes in He retired 19 years ago. ' a son, Peter, a daughter, Alice Regent; is now under const ruction. run from Sterling Williams. Senior to be; out of the play from the very senior quarterback Mike Ramos, running back Travis Marshall con- looking ahead to county and state Surviving are three daughters, two brothers, Maron and George Dar- (.•;•; beginning, the undefeated, 5-0 Taylor's selection as Brearley Play- sectional competition next week. Helen Hollywood, Elma Ventura and mohray; five grandchildren and five Construction has begun on our nevyest stfucture, the Chapel of the cluded Brearley's scoring on the Bears administered a lopsided 47-6 er of the Week, threw a 25-yard Maryarm Biank; a brother, Arthur, 10 great-grandchildren. Good Shepherd Mausoleum, and 4t has been designed to present day with a five-yard touchdown pounding to North Plainfield, scor- touchdown pass to senior split end grandchildren and- seven great- families with a reassuring and consoling environment... and can run. Giri's Cross Country 1 ing 27 points in the first quarter John Blum, with Olenick again grandchildren. be a cost-saving alternative to In^grouno burlaf. r North Plainfield was able to By BETH HALSEY alone, after which time the rest of adding the extra point for a 14-0 avert a^shutout when defensive end f The exciting Dayton" girl's cross Philip Gargano Sr., 80,-of Union the contest became academic. score. . Containing 2,250 crypts the Chapel of the Good Shepherd will offer Mike Santonastaso recovered a country team came in off an amaz- died OcL 16 in St. Elizabeth's Hospi- Senior running back Brian Timothy R. Healy Sr., 84, of on^^ Interior of the finest" Itbllan marble and will be beautifully Twice more did Brearley score fumble in the Brearley end- zone in ing second-place finish in the tal, Elizabeth. Chalenski ran for throe touchdowns, Roselle died Friday in his home. carrpeted throughout. Visitors will be avyed by-the magnificent life- before the first quarter was-out, the final period. Mountain Valley Conference Bom in Elizabeth, he lived in Union w tn and 72 yards in just nine carries Born in Elizabeth, Mr. Healy lived sized stotue of 'Qvist ^ Children" sculpted of beautiful Corarra once on a four-yard run by In all, the Bears enjoyed a Championship meet at Warinarlco for 42 years. Before retiring many ; before leaving the game in the sec- *in Linden before moving to Roselle ; marble . . .and will find that the overall atmosphere of the Chalenski, and again when Blum, 401-215 advantage in total yardage, Park last Friday. The Lady Bull- years ago, he had been a carpenter for ond quarter for some unexpected many years ago. Mr. Healy worked for rriausol^urrt will be .conducive to relaxation and contemplation, a who ended up with three catches w|th the Bears piling up 290 of the dogs scored an impressive 59 30 years with the Carpenter's Union time off. In fact, once the Bears the General Aneline and Film Co., presence we hayeVcultlvdted throughout our 50 years of service to for 100 yards; was on the receiving yards on the ground. • And the points, coming in only behind firsts Local 715 in Elizabeth. Earlier, Mr. v 1 scored early in the third quarter on Linden, for many years before retiring ;•'. the'eomfriunity.;' "i:;;.--. .^-v'"'..-'*,.":.' '" • '•.•'. ';- ':•'.'' • • . •' ' • ''.' end of a 68-yard scoring pass fronv Brearley defense held North Plain- place Immaculata, the only tcam to Gargano had been a roofing contractor a 21-yard touchdown run from Jeff as a foreman in 1969. Ramos, who went 4-for-4 with 111 field to just. 36 yards of rushing defeat Dayton this season. Surviving arc his wife, Anna; a son, in Union County. Barr, head coach Bob Taylor and We estimate tKat the. CHapel of the Good Shepherd will be com- yards in his time on. the field. throughout the entire first half. Liz Pabst, despite a driving rain- Timothy R. Jr.; two daughters. Barba- Surviving are his wife, Mary; a son, his staff emptied the bench, giving pleted in the autumn'of 1969: we welcome you to contact us now' storm, still finished second in Philip Jr.; a daughter, Joan Clarke; a substitutes and younger players ra Apsley and Patricia Gawalis; a sis- -and take advantage of our pre-completlon prices., . " ~~~. 20:31, which was the best time of sister, Mary Falcetano, seven grand- alike a chance to gain some play- ter, Margaret Christo, 12 grandchil- heir cross country career. Dayton children and a great-grandchild. jng experience, while the regulars dren and six great-grandchildren. - Slrjnply call Hollywood Memorial Park or''send us the completed coach William Byrne is also very got in some rest in preparation for coupon for full Information. • • v: Lady Bears drop a pair ~proud'~Qf"T>ther leum members who tomorrow night's 7:30 p.m. game placed well in this rain-hampered ,at Middlesex.' " • The Brearley Regional High girl's tennis team is now 0-13 on the Brearley Player 4HV^0 VtfV^b ^•I^A meet Erin McOrath won a medal I '" ! ! "We were hot and they were year, following a 5-0 loss to Arthur L. "Johnson1 of Clark last Tues- for a 10tb,-place finish, Mary Hryw- Dayton Player I I •not," summed up Taylor, whose day, and a 3-2 defeat to St. Mary's of Elizabeth last Thursday. of the Week Death notices ; na ran •* personal best of 24:32 for . -I ' • i team scored the first five times it y/hile the Lady. Bears were shut out against; Johnson, it was a Mike Ramos is head coach Bob a: 17th-place finish, and Joyce of the Week ihad the ball. "We always expect a little closer against St, Mary's. Pulling out wins were both doubles Taylor's selection as Brearley COHT—Pedgy M. of Hillside on October home, dear sister of Mrs. Anne Mazur of Quinzel was Dayton's fourth 'real scrappy." group from North teams. The number one team of Angelina Pigna and Carol Rodri- Player of the Week once again. Matt Lynch is head coach John 21,1988. Beloved wife of the late Thomas Linden, Frank Rehberger of Linden, Paul finisher, coming home in 25th F.Cort Sr. Devoted mother of Dorothy M. Rehbnerger of Brlcktown, Stephen Re- • Plainfield, And ifor some reason, guez won, 6-4, 6-4 over Bridget Mumane and Marisol Gomez; md^ The senior quarterback com- LeDonne's selection as Dayton place. Marcy Rockman followed in Bracher, Barbara E. Banaslak, Evelyn C. hberger of Brtcktown. Charles Rehberger : they juat, weren't sharp. And we the .second, doubles team, of Karen Savage arid Piha Devito beat St. pleted 4 of 4 passes for 111 Player if the Week. Lynch had Gabriel, Thomas F. and Richard L Cort. of South Amboy and Joseph Rehberger I 1500 5tuyvesantAvende, Union. New Jersey 07083 27th place, and Jennifer Lack come yards and two TDs, and grabbed seven tackles and one intercep- v i took advantage of some short kicks Mary's Hilda Herrcro and Elizabeth Chavez, 6-3, 6-3. Also survived by 14 grandchildren and 8 of KenUworth. Funeral services were at j • V (201)688-4000 in 40th with a new personal high great-grandchildren. Funeral services The SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME, i and got on uVboard early." , In second singles, senior Selina Mancino put up a good fight two interceptions on defense, as tion on defense, and also caught Rosell. Interment St. Gertrude's Cemet- I Please contact us for Information concerning the Chopel of the Good j of 27:35. MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME. Un- ! And often. Following a, short against Elizabejh Coshy, finally losing, 2-6, 6-4, ,4-6. : r • the Bears beat North Plainfield two passes on offense in Day- ion. Interment St. Gertrude's Cemetery, ery, Colonla, ton's 19-6 win over Roselle. Colonial. . • Shepherd, Including your pre-completlon. prices. •••..•,'• • ! Canuck punt, 'the Bears struck Byrne has high, hopes for his last Saturday. LUNGA-Alfred P., on Oct. 20, 1988; FINELLI—Fannie DiGiovine, on Oct. 23, beloved husband of the late Mary, de- I Name ' " . '• ' / beloved wife of Alexander (Jerry), de- voted father of Mrs. Helen Hollywood, NEW LEFTOVER 1988's '88 Plymouth Colt DL '88 Chryslor Fifth Ave. voted mother of Miss MariaA., Stanley L, Mrs. Elma Ventura, Mrs. Frank (Ma- | AHHtfXS ' , ' ' and Louis G.Finelll. loving grandmother ryarm) Blank, dear brother of Arthur I '88 Plymouth Coir . /crl,outo. PS.PB, PWtP/*,G^CPUu $23,625 of Gina and Christine RneIR, dear sister of Lunga and loving grandfather of 10 Clty_ 4 c i outo, ps, PB, strGscruiT "$TO;W" •/P; ;;T^^^ 4 cyl, auto, PS; PB, GSCP Lit! . $9436 V ( W . Mrs. Sue Riggio, PasquaJe and Nick grandchildren and seven greajv I Bit Rodli> A/C. Factory Robots 750 / Whwl, Cruiw ConL, AM/ }!&8?J*bo1? " 995 I ^SffJS^1 ^ W1?0"'GSCf Oiicount-2000 grandchildren. Funeral services were at . AUK?/1! ****' Fccl0(y R«bolo- 750 DiGiovine. Funeral services were at The jT • 5tate/Zl•^T^^.V^f *..p ^i i I in.! »| I . Phone. » l^». •%_• , I . •! I. ••..»..m_|-.. T/Gkm. AM/FM »tor- GSCP DUcounl -500 / FMCo«.,Wtr«Whl»..ond GSCP OucounMSOO^ / B/yMoldin«ritf(p« Com- via itfULnK _L • CIL #6on*iQ ---c* ...w«*.r i/i#counr *3uv UOtr WK5S1 87 4 StrW Y MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, Un- The MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME. eo. Slk |820ia. S«r ~--~/ more. Stk

HEARD-WULIAM. Nelson J. of Spring- , ...•..^ •... ;: • ;•::•: ••:•> ]•. NEW 1989's IH STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY field. On Monday, October 17th .1988. UANNION—On October 18,1988, Con-' i •;•.••• Son of the late William Nelson and nlo (Bordanardo), wife of the late Edward All Faiths For Over 50 Years SO THEY CAN SAVE Y Jyjartha. Ftemer Heard, brother of Mrs. Mannlon. sister of Florence LaForte. The $$$ MONEY '89 Plymouth Horizon GSCP list $7832 '85> Plymouth Colt „'„.. LM. Agnes Knappj Calvin C. Heard and the MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME, Un- 72l En ! late Charles F. Funeral Services private. ion.. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.- tcW}^'4 lA fadto, GSCP/OiKOUnLM hm), of Union; N.J., beloved wife of Rodlfri. Dlx. Int". Sth#93001.Sof WV**V ^wguat, devoted mother of Kurt, sbter of. Interment Hollywood Memorial Park. r i \ ,'' BUY FORM 0,072 #KC404S34. . Anna' Glatt; Henery Brahm and Gusti BWYK»*9500 Brahmn, ajsoisurvlm by her grandson, STANQO-Eleanor (LancOal), on Oet. ••. *' '. 1081988 beloved wife of the (ate J -Kurt Funeral Wrvloea were al The MC devoted mothehr off AlberAlbrt andd th© late tASY TO REACH I. ' CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME. Union. '89 Plymouth Sundanc* GSCP LUt $10,847 ; Arthur SianflQ, loving slater of Mra. Mar-. >•'' •. i'. "•• i. O.5(PKWY.iXIT_143 " r Interment Hollywood Memprial Park, 2,2UcyiEng.QUlo,?$,PB,AyC( Facfo^ Rebo|« -300 ; ayerlta Borpogna. dear grandmother; of\ 1500 Stuyvesant Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07083 PLYMOUTH •'UrilohV ,'•'"''••^!t:v-'w*sfo\.••••':• :•;•: <:•:• ..three rarandoMdwn .and tour greats grandchildren. Funeral aervfoei were at ond .•' mow. . Sth f7o00f/> Stt • ™~ . _ • 'iL"i±^ The M0 CRAOKEN FUNEHAL HOME, #KN5O29U; ••.;,,>, IUYFOIM 0,247 >Urtloi>r-«n|erment In; Hply;,Grose, SPECIAL SAIL HOURS K 817 SPRINGFIELD AVE., IRVINGTON • 374-9400 M..n In •> ) SHI i/ h Ail vetiiclci include de^tinotion ond preporotioa charges ond any other coilyto bq borne by a customer except soles t6x &MVfw.]

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22 — Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 1988 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- 2,3,4,5,6* 1,2,3^,3,6* - COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS- Thursday, OCTOBER 27, 19B8 — 23 SbiDvethe By STEVE HEISCHUDER status, and. moved to Union during Zawacki competed in the Interna- work with me and bring me to my Hi '•' Once again, a powerful opposing Unlike many of the other top her second year of competition. tional Grass Courts at the Philadel- full potential." Kean Soccer from freshman quarterback . Steve running game.'wasl_what did the junior tennis players in the country, This was a eal' offered^ ause of a. , Musumeci late in the opening quar- -Tracy—Zawacki of~Union High make, since there warmuch tough- the quarterfinals where she lost to a full scholarships from Syracuse, defeat to visiting Olassboro State Cougars in. Alfred outran the Cou- to; and then concluded the scoring School has an attitude towards the er competition-in" aMfEastern Sec- South African player. As of now, Virginia Tech ' and Boston last Wednesday afternoon, the Kean gars by a decisive 310-103 margin, by grabbing Musumeci's eight-yard Perhaps the game's most damaging TD pass with just 2:20 left in the -game~ihat" leaves her well above tion, which was comprised of many she will play in sectional touma^ University. ' College 'men's soccer team em no the others. She is courteous, well- more players from different areas merits and is going into her next- longer, entertain hopes of winning moment for Kean occurred in the game. tempered and kind, while remaining such as New York, New Jersey, event as the number one player on Zawacki said her father has its; first New Jersey Athletic -.Con - second period when corncrback 1 *"' Mike Augustine blocked a punt by eminently tough on the court It is and Connecticut . the East Coast in the 18-and-under always stressed -academics over •.«?•• •uty Steel Cohstructiop Middlesex, Oct. 28,7:30 p. tit, A. Hillside, Oct. 29,1p.m., A. OVERHEAD v Frosh Football ; • Boys Soccer RuBber-lined Steel Auger

solidated with Quality Automotive Co., il ; and will be located at 25 Summit Ave., '* *iii^i^-'i?>?' Summit. F.M.ROJEK i:s- *•-'.': ;'::^:•.'*'*' : ._ •... . Photo By Julio A. Ibarra, Jr. • . ' ^. ,; . ' . '-.'.. Pholo By Dob WaUoo The same familiar faces will provide } 1 Field In Kenilworth. All told, It was a wasted day tor the 'DAWG-GONE!—Dayton receiver Jim Morrison watch- better service, inventory and prices. BLOWN INSULATION I SEE YOU—While Brearley's Dan DeChellis, left, may es this pass from quarterback Pete Carpenter elude him be having some trouble with Ed O'Melia of North Plain- Canucks, who got beaten soundly, 47-6, by Brearley, Same phone number or call 277-4225. field, senior defender John Lynch, 81., has no such wor» which scored the first five times it had the ball. The during last Saturday's game with Resells alMeisel Field Recycle! ry, as he prepares to meet ballcarrier Sal Mastrobattista Bears, now 5-0 on the season, will travel to Middlesex in Springfield. But the Bulldogs Improved their recofd to Give your 738-0200 during last Saturday's wind-whipped game at Ward for a 7:30 p.m. game tomorrow night. 5-0 with a 19-6 victory over a tough Ra^ms squad. . : trash - CALL NOW FOR ESTABLISHED R'S 1952 i a second FREE INSULATION SURVEY y 5 i. The Lee HOME VJSITOR IUARTER INNING DOWN MATCH SECONDS PERIOD HOLE FRAME chance. BRAKESHOES vV and Levi's • + '.'••;,•.•:>.?.• ,1 r 47 Headquarters 1 CAR WASH -" • • of Linden MOW ONLY O n K • High quality at economical price. • Plroven performance. '. Football Union 5...... Crahford 1 Dayton4..... A.L. Johnson 1 UnionS Scotch Plains 0 • Replace your worn brakes now with safe, sure Union 1..... Harrison 0 ' Linden 0...... Summit 5 112 N. Wood Ave. 486-8012 Brearley 47. .:.... No. Plainfield 6 Wagner brakes. *Union 5 A.L. Johnson 1 Roselle Park 2 Qranford 3 Boy's Cross Country Dayton 19 ...... ;. RoseHo6 \ Roselle Park,2..., Scotch Plains 3 Roselle 36...... A.L. Johnsqn 23 Linden0.. Summit 14 /^frlc' CA/t/^Af ' Roselle Park 2 ...... Midaioscx3 Linden 18...... Elizabeth46 ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY .RosellePark 14...... A.L.Johnson3 -'--• union.) • uayion<&* Linden 36...... ,.....;.... Summit 22 SPORTS MEDICINE , Union 42 ...;.... Plainfield 13 : Dayton 1...... ; Immaculata3 Union5.... i.. CranfordO Linden l 9.....;...... v...... Irvinglbn4l GREGORY S. GALLICK, M.O. Boys'Soccer Dayton0...... Wesifield?' ' . ' ' , • Gympasiick ••'•^:$i 2780 Morris Ave, / Linden 1 ••»•• Un. Catholic 5v • P/p/W j^nrl^AI/ THE NFL TEAM MASCOTS! v Colonial Square Office Bldg. Brearley. 4..»..t.»4.MtUUU Linden0 ....i..... <.. Craniordy . , ' • . -...••.•.' » , . • Daytb|i9Q.5..,..v.... R\ps. Cattu9i55 Suite 2C Brearley 2 Roselle Catholic 1 UndoTO.,...-.; Scotch Flains n'^^^Brearlcy 3.-.....:..... Gov. Livingston 0 Dayton 83.75.:...... vJorms6rt95;95 ' rtevtnn'V ' ' TmmnrnintnO *%s^t^t T^m^mmt** RosellePark 1...... Middlesex0- UNION ' Linden 84,95...... Un. Catholic 94.15 TEAMS AVAILABLE Hours By Appointment. >>..•>....>>••. ' 1 Llndeiy80.1...... Scotch Plains 98.7 Linden 0 Rahwav3 Brearley 0...... Bound Brook 5 UnionT..» Wcsttieldl "The Cat Spa f Day-Evening Emergencies ^UnioifCouhty Tournament Game, Forty-Nlners Bears Roselle Park7 . Si Pat's2 Dayton3 • Ridge 2 Union 0 oumrnit l. SPRINGFIELD AVE Giants- . Bengals 686-6665 Jots , Broncos Browns ':..•:•• Founded718S1 UNION Patriots MONDAY NIGHT |m Ihe, Union Maikel Parting Lot) Raiders Cowboys FOOTBALL!! Redskins ' Dolphins 380 Route 22, Sprlngflold Come Out Seahawks Eagles 407-4004 HARMONIA WAGNER Vikings J Falcons BRAKE PRODUCTS wi- ..'.•• t .'.'•' fe ond Support SAVINGS BANK JEEP-EAGLE FREE Hot Dogs and Sauerkraut at 1/2 Urn Visit our Showroom v *IMI-Can Eat Chicken Wings $5.99 Home Office: 1 Union 8qu«re, E!lMb»th, N.J. 07207 'The Car Spa' PN(2Oi)9W()9W 0 : 595 Chestnut St. .'••'•• . Administrative Office 1700 Galloping Hill Road. Kenilworth r •>• 23 oz. Stadium Size Coors .... . ••—•^~y••:.•--»---241-B400;•:'••••••;;•.:. / • • >'- $1.95 Local High School LINDEN-726 West 8t.G*org«Av«.. 925-7718 FOR IHFORHATIOM ; RO3ELtE.Ch0itnut8U& 2nd Av«.-248-0908 I Offar wplre» 11/3/88;,-•• t'B d<- Team ^ •-;.;:•; ' UNION-1224 Stwyvef*ntAvt.-6fle-2898 __862-044a ; M»mb#f^dIDol|)u9O|l • I •.•>• }•,•;•:••••,•••••.u.<*.•-.. ^toifiMi^ffli.\N.i..U.:wrt:^^ Qintbefunl •'••• •••"- '.it. >.•.:'• RRUSHLESS 2 Storcho Rd.,Hnden !,I .',.;f,•;,'• 25 gu^mlt^y^. Summit • 277-.422S • - • ',- t>..

..1 • 'V ' • 1 /, A. . . . ','• •. : v •^.v; .••.•./••••;..•. - ;:;- ' • • :'.• 1'

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24 - Thursday, OCTOBER 2T, 1088 — COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS -1,2,3,4.5.6* !

•?••.._•.. . ..:....•„. • •;>. r-;> .-• wfth



^.•^••.••'.\f/;.;i.j-::«fiw OCTOBER 27, 1988 SectlbnTWo of the Union Leader; Springfield Leader; Mountainside Echo, Linden Leader, The Spectator, Kenllw.orth Leader it * Over 70.000 Readers

,l; >;,.'•'.-• '."..;."•.. .'::•-. 1 nip US 91 feisty 1 |as if it would take forever. "That's because I had cut out dozens of celebrating her 92nd birthday in small octagons and sent them to January, and who hjisi, created friends, even in Denmark — they "about 26 to 2^ quiltsmherlife^ went all over the world — and I time, says she has' made her last asked them to put down their name _. one this past year; and has donated and the date, or if they knew of a ' it to. aiecent church benefit The flower, and send them back to me. feisty ladyj whbse Rbselle Park My «niece drew a plane and she hoi#. is adorned with her work, embroidered iL I embroidered a ; modestly pointed out the framed flower around that to complete iL quilted and needlework treasures When my friends sent back their on her walls during a recent visit to < octagons with their, names and

';< •• her house on East Lincoln Avenue. dates, I only had a half dozen and I i knew that wasn'tenough to make a •• • F»»\*WJ and lives with Ws mother; beamed, quilt I put it up in the attic. One then look a stroll thrpu^Uie beau- dajLjny daughter said, 'Mother, f, tiful, gardens they bpfh-maintain. what did you do with that quilt?'" She also rolled out several huge, "'It's in the attic,' I.said." heavy quilts that covered the entire . " '"Get it down,' she said. 'Give floor of her living room to exhibit a the octagons to some of your new wealth of talent and creativity. friends. I'd love to have it when it's "Yes,V sWs'ays With a smile as finished."' .'.: ' she adjusts her glasses, "this is the 'That's why I finished it," she last one. I made it for Rev. Nancy says proudly. "It was an incentive'.' Forsberg*s First Congregational • Karsberg says, "All my grand- Church in Union, arid it took me 1 'll>-' children do handwork. My about six months. After all, when: youngest, Jo Anne, did an embroid- ypu^hiye.housework; gardening," 7 v ery all by hand called 'Wheat and cooking , laundry,. whyr~it"r4aToes ! -AUQOK AT'DEERQRAZiNd'^-OigaKarsberg, &1, and hetsoD,.WIIJarcl, |3pjh of RpseHe Angels.' It's an oval piece on my longer, I don't really count the Park, stand by.one of Karsberg's many creations that adorn their home. This one, beauti- . wall; She's a marvelous girl." ; v fully framed, was made In crosstitching fashion by Karsberg when she was 15 years old, i>":^^AU (be member':s o:^':f Rev. ;Nan v- and her name was Olga Lassen, : : "And my oldest granddaughter, SP cy's church-adore their pastor, and Karen, does a lot on wood. She did I Olga Karsberg is no exception. . ;did ..a \ti of embroidery work." in with my family. At that time, "My husband also built a double one called 'Glaedelig Jul,' which , ;..•'• "y/hen Rev. Nancy wanted to When I Was 15 years old1 did we'dLau-eady had our children, .^garage." means Merry Christmas in make extra nioney for thechurch, I - counted crossUtching. I did a pic- Millardy/asSand Janet was^hlya-—. "A.couple of years after I was Danish." made the quilt for her,*' says Kars- ture, of deer grazing: My. father^ 'y$f^0^'Ilo^'GoinpIaiiuiitg tothethe' v-'mimrfed/married,"* Karsberg recallrecallss ," "II Another of her many mementos berg!' "ActuallyV tKe'jre.;was a quilt- who caine from Denmark, used to engineer.' that I couldn't get in began to make quilts when the is something that her daughter, ing group at the church which met. get liis Danish friends to send me because there was no floor. The"-children started to come. It gave Janet, did when Millard retired in weeds were-terriblc.arri.fterewas^ nieachance to do patchwork quilts 1983. "She made a proclamation "1 'W*? y .^pj^^pj material, and my -grandmother s There were |ive women, and I got would send me materials tooTI did underbrush up to the back door. "iofthem. Before long; my child- on wood," says her mother. "In his them started,on quilting. '' • . all {hes work. When it was finished, v •, ."This whole street was a mud ^ ren, my husband and I had plenty honor." •> Karsberg is especially proud of ;-•: ifHow it Started wa^ when Rev; Itie length was 35J4 inches by:28V; road, andi this house was the last : of. them. And I've done fhenu&ejL. ; x Nancy mentioned the idea to me, I'; inches, f Jwvb- it ffamed on the house on the street No cars could ••'Since.**.- : •• ' • • -' ;>•/. ' • something created by her grand- •V- didn'tthinklcoulddoiuYousee,! get into Elizabeth through here. She says she has ""wonderful daughter, Burk, "For my 90th 1 ••;' i used io lay the quilts, on the floor Born Olga Laisen 6n Jan. 17, They had to turn around and go children—Millard, who is 70, and birthday," she recalls, my grand- and work on them that way. But 1897, in SL Louis, Mo., Karsberg another way to Westfield Avenue, Janet Peterson, who is 66, three daughter wanted to do something I'm going to be 92 and I can't get says^ she was'"fo^yearfii old when., grandchildren and four great- nice forme. Oh, I was so surprised which wasi the main street." when she gave me this— a piece j + m-m* I; on the floor ^ym^iv. Sp,,Rev. my folks moved east to Ehzabcih. grandchildren; And they are all m Nancy said, 'Bring" it? to • the • Karsberg grins, "Finally," she wonderful," she remarks. "Every of work where she inserted all the ; We lived on the borderline of Eli- r declares, "the engineer put a floor 1 churclv' MiUardbro^lhXtheftimfi ; : zabcth ab^ Lindeii. I wr^tojkirir •; one of them, just wonderful!" colors in a silk butterfly to be jsSif dowii so I could bring my furniture . Her-husband, she says,'passed delivered to Rev. Nancy's church :<•-;. •<•• •-.3 to f.lhe\vchiirch, aha-we"' worked : dergarten andTifst grade. Then my arptjnd itltiriade it much easier.1' ; folia mbyed. to Greer Avenue in, , in. My husband also wanted.2Q0._ -away 32 years ago."" . on Easter morning. And I was even As aclass,Olga and-the group Elizabeth. When I was 121 went to feet of garden ~r he just loved to . Ampng the displays in her more surprised when I came to made three quilts...6ne entirely by Moirelf Street School. I|rs no,:t gardenl He wanted to be in the gair home; Karsberg points out some, church to see it fastened up on the : : : den alt the time. Millard has that ^Karsberg-'-abg - •"•-}:•} \;-\;^>:^ - > ' there anymore," she sighs. "That's embroidery work which reads cross. It's a Christian symbol of ' n She joined the First Congrega- ^as fairas-Iy/ent. Then I went out to garden now.'* . : "There's a reason to life." She also eternal Ufe...that is what the but- tional Church "about; 10 years wprk.-Lworkcdas^ saleslady for .. She says she paid $6,500 for the "The Fan" terfly means." sberg says:?VI bet I made;. four years' at Goerk's in Elizabeth. house and property and can't and called "The Tree of . What is a typical day for Olga ••V- ':>': b f R N ht I don't know if that store is still won't imagine what it's worth Karsberg? 50 lap robes for Rev; Nahcy that now<: ; i: I'.- "!;' she gave to convalescent; homes. . , .-.:., ';. "My grandson, Carl Peterson, "Well," she laughs, "take this Ana whehwe.hadtlte Woman's: . She was married in 1917 to : "After we were here for a while, . loves anything with Indians. So, I morning for example. I did the Guildjworkedhard with the guild • Anker Karsberg, who "worked at • we had 100 chickens in a chicken made this Indian afgrma for him. It laundry, later I'll do the cooking lady; But she had a stroke. I made; Singer Manufacturing Co. t was coop that my husband built Mil«. Was very difficult to make. I got all and the cleaning. The only thing aprons^ppt holders, stuffed fancy married in a Lutheran church, but laird has his tools there now. It's the color in. It was very hard to get I've given up this year is canning. piliOws for the church guild to sell.. about 10 years ago, after I heard become a summerhouse^ We the colors right in the face and to "And I love Sundays," she But now there's no more guild." ; iabo'iitVRev; Nancy and how she; added ona panfiry and a sun porch, get the wrinkles in to make the beams. "Every Sunday Millard Doesn't it bomer hereyestodo prayed, I gave upithe^Lutherah • and it's dl enclosed with a screen. fodian look old." r; takes me out for lunch and a ride ; church' and joiiied. her-churchy It's beautiful in the summertime. ;. There is one. iquill of which after churcri.** Karsberg loves to .i&kind of work7 . '^" "; I-. • "•• ••>; t4 : ^*Itrs staffing now^ ;says;Kars- Olga says^ ^c lived in Elizabeth My ohildren used top play in there, Karsberg is especjially proud, and dress up on these occasions; but "I M iMi: t«rg. Iwant to get io an eye doctor •; With my mother until we found this; my grliidchUdren and my great- that's her octagon, ''Friendship." It don't want to be flashy," she wtien ^Save time," she smiles: house. But it wasn't finishedyet11- took a long time to complete, she smiles. "I just want to be little old u - grandchildren come out in the M "You know, before I did quilting, I she recalls, and I wanted to settle summer to play there. ; explains,: and even then, it looked plain me. y Whatever is worth doing is worth taking the.timevto.db:..weJi:vThat--s''.:;true whether you're crafting fine furniture, tending an Ornamental garden^ making an ••rNiii^r • i i . i ... elegant dinner for a few close friends, orcreating services to offer customer !s of a f|nanciaMnstitutipn.> : ; ; \> :•• •:•;.- , •• Investors Savings does it right: patiently, thoroughly, consistentiy>: At Investors, you'll find an array of financial services intended to help you meet your financial goals: money market investment accounts, long- and short-term GD's> d''0-fre^Oft^^ <\. V-- -V:'. -';:/:•••••.••••• Irivestors Sayings. There's no ne^d to wait for The Be$t •"•;, •r • ••.•».

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• • ' • •> ••••!! AND; LOAN ASSOCIATION I: • :\ •*•'..-':*'•, •• •: A; HOME OFFICE: 249 MiUburn Avenue, Iviillbum NAVESINK: Hiahway',36and^alleyDrlvB-- J Jai:. EAST ORANGE: 27 Proapeot Street •/.. PLAINRELD: 400fark Ayenue \ • FREEHOLD: Highway 9 and Adelphia Road.. V SHOFTT HILLS: Thff Mall1 (Upper Level) , HILLSIDE: 112B Uberty Avenue •. , . SPRINGFIELDt ,173 Mountain Avenue „ : :V'^>> ^.:-.-'\ ^/^^^sKsasBsa^ JRyiNGJON: 34;Unton Avenue . i • ; . SPRING LAKE HEIGHTS: Highway71 "• • "•'•'•• MemberF^uc.. 1331 Springfield Avenue.. • i. ..:•.•'V •••• -and Warren Avenue 1 : •. • • • ; ••' - :'--.:'r ,-'•' 10655 Stuyveaenl;Avepu' e ;|: ; .UNION} .977*978.Stuy^ent Avenue. •; ;T-">"^' [ ••'••'.-••


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CM Fall flavors •/'• spice meals '. siblings and friends of develop- Perk up meals with traditional fall flavors. . . • ••• •.... -.. •. .-.>? • mental^ disabled' adults, holds Cjark Historical Society has .. The Minstrel Show Coffee- meetingsthe-second-Tuesday of Eating-for fitness and good reopened Dr. William Robinson '• house, Friday night conw each month, First BaptisuChurch, health while maintaining variety Plantation. and Museum for ' Somerset County .Environmental Elizabeth, 7:30 Ud 9 p.m.; in your diet can be a challenge. guided tours from 1 to 4 p.m. Vis- Education Center, 190 Lord Ster- 354-3040; ' V ; Because chicken is adaptable to « itors will be welcomed at open ling Road; Basking Ridge, 8:30 .... Cancer Care Inc. offers infor- many recipes, easy to cook and house on the£rst Sunday oTeach.: p.m.; 335^9489, ",:;. mation and a support group for, nutritious, it has become a fami- month for the remainder of the Jazz Coffeehouse, sponsored adult relatives of cancer patients: ly favorite. V year. The restored farmhouse is by the Great Falls Development It meets Wednesdays from 6 to One way to enhance' the located at 593 Madison Hill ' Corp. in cooperation with Pater- 7:30 p.m. at 24 Lackawahna Pla- naturally delicious flavor of Road, 388-8999. ~ son Museum; 279-1270. ".",'; " za, Millbura; 379-7500. , chicken without, adding to its' Union County College, Cran-:. Emotions Anonymous, for low calorie, sodium and choles- ford, art exhibits on Friday of those haying a problem.coping terol content is to prepare it each month from October through' with life, Chiego Center, Church with seasonal fruits and spices. i« May, 709-7183. . New Jersey Shakespeare Fes- of The Assumption, Roselle Park, Fall is the perfect time of tival, Drew University, Madison, ; Fridaysat'8pjn.;: : ';;; year to try the following Baked. r stages "A Moon For the Misbe- Union County Rape Crisis Chicken and Apples recipe. es gotten" how to Nov. S.Call box Center will: be holding support BAKED CHICKEN AND . Net-Set sponsors singles ten- . office 8^377-4487. groups for adult female victims of Forum Theater,; 314 Main St, APPLES nis, racquetball and volleyball 'sexual'assault Monday and 8 broiler-fryer chicken parts parties every .Friday at the. Four Metuchen, opens season with Thursday evenings at the center at "Seasons Club, East Hanover, and >"King of Hearts" through Opt 30,; with skin removed , : ; 136: Centennial Ave*; Lincoln tennis parties at the Inman Sports 548^)582. •••'.•••/.. /-;-:;/':•',•;- School. Room 203, Cranford. A V* tsp. pepper -Club, Edison, from 8 p.m! to 1 , Crossroads Theater Co., 320 support group for mothers of }A tsp. ginger a.m. Every Saturday tennis par-, Memorial Parkway, New Bruns- incest victims where sexyai V* tsp. curry powder . : ties at Maywood Tennis Club, wick, on .stage, "To. Gleam It assault has occurred in the family VS tsp. cinnamon Flanders Tennis-Club. and_Ma,ta- Around, To Show- My Shine," is held Thursday evenings at the Vegetable.cooking spray THERE'S A REASON TO LIFE1 — In top picture, Olga 1 ttirough Oct 30.249-5560, • ,'/ cup water HALLOWEEN GOODIES; CREATIONS wan Tennis Club, 8 p.m. tb_l ajn. • cemei". Now interviewing for new . • m ... Karsberg embroidered this piece of work some years Every Sunday.,tennis < parties at • George Street Playhouse, 9 group for teenage survivors of 3 apples, cored and sliced ago, and it, too, livens her home in which a lifetime of her Mountainside Tennis Center, 5 to Livingston Ave., New Bruns- In small bowl,. mix together ± incest starting, 2334273. pepper, ginger; curry and cinna- quilting and embroidery are exhibited. The center pic- 10p.ni».770-0070. :; wick, opens season with "Litfle" •Panic; Attack Suffers' Sup- SLICE 'N' BAKE PUMPKIN BITES are a fun seasonal ture, The Tree of Life/ Karsberg, left, and a friend, dis- Jewish' Singles World Inc.,1 Shop of Horrors," to run through port Group, PASS, a counseling twist on traditional slice and bake cookies. mon; set aside one-fourth of Halloween's goodies play a huge and beautiful quilt, upon which she devoted this mixture (K tsp). Sprinkle Preheat oven to 350 degrees. for Jewish singles ages 23 36, -Nov;6t3^6nm, :'.:X- group; to help^^.p^ople with cjhicken with remaining spice This year serve trick-or- many, many hours. It is being shown In her backyard 964-8086. ••. anxiety-panic attacks and agora- F. In- large mixing bowl, beat here because of its size. In the third picture, 'The Fan,'- Westfield Community~TIay- rnixture. treaters festive Halloween good- New Expectations holds single e'rs, 1000 North Ave., West, to phobia counseling done on a one- ies like.Goblin's Crunch pieces, sugar, butter and shortening Karsberg shows off one of her most Intricate quilts which adult rap -group meetings' every to-one basis by former PASS ' Spray non-stick' frypan with until light and fluffy. Add eggs, covers all of her couch and most of herself. If s warm and stage "The Foreigner** Oct 28, vegetable cooking spray; heat topped with a variety of sweet Friday at 8 p.m. at Morristown 29, Nov..4, 5, 11 and 12, clients, 687^070. • one at a time, beating well after cuddly, too. V v 1 over medium temperature. Add ingredients including delightfully Unitarian Fellowship, Normandy. 232-1221. Cenade Retreat House, 411 SLICE W BAKE M each addition. Stir in flour, bak- Heights Road, 984-9158. . Fall is here, Halloween is just chicken and cook, turning every colorful M & M's" Plain or ing soda, salt and cinnamon; River Road, Highland Park, around the corner, and: one of PUMPKIN BITES 15 .minutes or until brown on Peanut Chocolate Candies. The N J. Moonrakers, a club Support groups Information on' retreats, Makes about 5 dozen. fold in oats and plain candies. the season's favorite foods —r all sides; ; . Before the costumed guests On baking sheets, place heaping for tall and single adults, meets The Resource Center for ; the pumpkin •— is tantalizing. 1 cup softened butter the second Tuesday of the month, ^ 7 ; Add water to remaining Vi arrive, have some extra fun tablespoons of dough, about 3 Women, 'located at: Woodland Gamblers Anonymous, meet- tastebuds nationwide. 2cupS5ugar at the Meadowlands. Hilton, 2. tsp. of spice-mixture. In two- •helping your kids decorate the inches apart Shape dough into and; DeForest avenues, Summit, ings every Monday evening at 8 • Bring some Halloween spirit 1 egg yolk quart baking dish, arrange slices Happy-Pumpkin .Faces and cre- :Harmon Plaza,.Secaucus, at 8 will have three support groups for in Townley Presbyterian Church, Pack an oval. Add a bit of dough for L _jhto, your home or- office with - 1 cup Libby's Solid Jof two of the apples; top with ate tasty Trick or Treat Ghosts ^ aiwa Hagaftat298--O964r "-"women[ experie^iiig'theicrisis of" SlRl^d H r a stem.. Bake. 12 to 14_ minutes Slice 'N "Bake~Pumpkih Bite? ~ Pumpkin """~—~-~ •---.-——- browned chicken. Place remain- with" "M & M's" Chocolate or until golden. Remove cookies Parents Without Partners- a recent separation or divorce; a Avenue,Union:, \ ,—' light, crispy cookies whose Watchung Hill Chapter 418, 3 cups flour ing apple slices on top. Pour Candies. to wire rack to cool. Spread igrowth and support group;, and New Jersey Eating Disorders, pumpkin shapes provide k- liquid over chicken and apples. dance/social every second Mon- one for women going from full- 514 .South Livingston Ave., 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice with frosting; decorate with day, of the month, orientation,' time career to full-time mother- Livingston, has begun free self- 2 teaspoons, ground ginger •: Cover and bake at 350 degrees Recipe file plain or peanut candies. Makes 7:45 p.m.; dance, Thursdays 8:30 hood, 273-7253. ; help group for. persons with 54 teaspoon salt . ~ F for about 45 minutes or until about "214 dozen cookies. done. _ "••!. GOBLIN'S CRUNCH p.m.; VAffaire, Route 22 East, : .project Protect, a support anorexia 'nervbsa', bulimia -and Recipe file Cream butter; gradually add Mountainside, 527-0479 or sugar, beating until light and Serves four. TRICK OR TREAT GHOSTS .butter..or margarine _ group for battered women, meets compulsive eating -problems. -White fabric or-tissue-paper— 469-7795; , _ ' / Tuesdays from 7:30. to 9:30 p.m., ;: Beginning this week, two groups fluffy. Add egg yolk; mix well. Vi cup granulated sugar :: : : delightful seasonal twist on trad- SPICED PUMPKIN "M & M's" Plain Chocolate l . •' Single. Faces,, dances, Satur-. . 355THELP.-'.: -////; ': // . : Will meet Wednesday and Thurs- v Combine dry ingredients in a A cup.light brown sugar ' itional slice-and-bake cookics. PRUNE LOAF Candies l days, 8:30 p.m.; Sundays, 8 pjn.,. / Rahway Hospital has formed. day for eight weeks. Hot lirifc.pro- Tasty fall flavors .featured in small bowl. Add dry ingredients A cup light corn syrup 4 eggs Thin- orange or black ribbon 238-0972 or 67*4311; (; ;, ; a'-n bereavement group for vides free information. ;counsel- ' these cookies include pumpkin, and pufnpkinV, alternately to. V* teaspoon salt" . Gregory Club of New Jersey,'. widowed people which meets on, • ing V -;and ^|r refe;rrals. : butter/sugar mixture,,'mixing; 1 cup vegetable oil Black felt or black marker 24 graham cracker squares ground ginger and pumpkin pie. 2 cups sugar " For each ghost, cut two H Cathplic Singles Group, holds Thursdays'from1:30to/3 p.m, 1-800^624^2268. ' ;: ;; /spice..; .::';/ • ..... '"••.- / well after each addition. Cover;, '/ cup M & M's" Plain Choco information, enrollment, : ; 1. can (16 ounces) pumpkin '8-inch squares of fabric. Place late Candies or I cup "M. & meetings and socials in Red Cross :' ,. United Ostomy Association chill dougH until firm'. '; both squares of fabric flat on Building, 169 Chestnut St, Nut- 499-6169. " •.••:>.-.•.., Inc., Union -County Chapter, to A time-saving attribute of Divide into four parts. Place "1l cup prune juice M's" Peanut Chocolate Candies these cookies is that the dough .4 cups;flour top of each other and place 1 lA cup chopped pecans o> ley, 991-4514 or 667-5580. RESOLVE of Central New meet Nov.- 1 at 8 • p-nu at each part on a: 14^by-10!-ii:ch' .tablespoon candies in center. Jewish Dimehsionsy with Jew- Jersey is the local.chapter of a Schering-Plough Corp., can be made ahead and frozen sheet of plastic < wrap. Wrap '2 teaspoons, salt walnuts ' :. for up to four: months before 2 teaspoons baking soda Gather fabric up and around the ish singles events for ages 21 to national self-help organization, , Kenilworth. :.•'•;.' ' : : loosely around dough and knead candies; tie with ribbon. The Preheat oven to 375 degrees 35,494^7356: '.. offering support' groups, doctor, using. When ready to bake, just lightly"^ to shape .into an . .1 teaspoon each cloves, cinnamon, F. Line a 15 by- 10-inch jelly nutmeg and ginger candies become the head and roll pan with foil; lightly grease Union. County Copo dance referral and educational meetings Potpourri pop the frozen cookie rolls out ;8-byTlfc -inch roll; wraj the fabric is the body. Cut eye sociare for widows and widowers • to couples and professionals deal- /securely. . 12 ounces (about 2 cups) pitted . foi). In 3-quart saucepan, com- Daughters -of the JBritish of_the__freezer and cut into prunes, quartered, lA cup chopped shapes from felt and glue on at 8 pjn; on second Friday at ing with impaired fertility, Empire in the State of New '/f-inch slices. Freeze at least four hours or the head, or color onto the' fabr- bine butter, sugars, corn syrup Knights of Columbus Hall, Mor- l731-9OiiTor873-8^87; / ' / /• :••;.. -walnuts , / ;>••' and salt; bring to a boil over ' Jersey, Queen Elizabeth n Chap- For a cute pumpkin stem, just • until quite firm. Dough may be In large mixing bowl beat eggs; ic with marker. . rissey Avenue; Avenel, and third'.; Mended Hearts, a support frozen up to four months. medium heat Continue to boil . ter, plans annual fall luncheon shape a small bit of cookie beat in oil, sugar, pumpkin and HAPPY PUMPKIN FACES. gently 5 minutes, stirring fre- Thursday at K of C Halt, Jeanette group ..of people who have had : and bazaar slated Nov. 2 at the , dough and press it to the top of 2 cups brown sugar heart surgery or any other type of. . To bake: . Cut rolls . into prune juice. In another bowl com- l quently.. Remove from heat; Avenue; Union; Jack Hullerbach, Madison Hotel, Conyent -Station,. the round pumpkin shape. _After A cup butter or margarine 355-0552. AlsOi second Tuesday heart : , V* -inch slices. Place on lightly bine flour, salt, baking soda, bak- pour half the mixture onto bot- :8^ '' V tho. cookies are . baked and > greased cookie sheet; pal to ing powder and spices. Add to 14 cup solid shortening • tom of prepared pan, spreading of each month at 8/.pan; at; awaiting surgery to help them by 2 eggs '"/•'.'.'.•.' "Reflections,". Liberty Avenue, sharing experiences. Endorsed by Professional Secretaries . cooled, • frost vyitii orange and spread lightly. pumpkin,,mixture;, mix just until ., evenly to cover. Immediately International; Union County green frosting. . 2 cups all-purpose flour Hillside, 751-3015; ~-i- the American Heart Association, . Reserve some slices to make. blended. Fold prunes and walnuts press graham crackers into pan, Chapter; will meet Nov..2 at the The use of Libby*s canned into batter. Turn into two greased 1 teaspoon baking soda creating a single layer. Pour Jewish Singles Social Club, the group holds meetings on the stems. Cut reserved slices into VA teaspoon salt sponsored by Jewish Community third Tuesday of the month in • Westwoodi Garwopd,: from 6 pumpkin in these cookies makes fourths. Shape and .press into 5-by-9-inch loaf pans,, equally remaining mixture evenly over Center of Middlesex County, Springfield, 467-8850, _ p.m., Phyllis Balding, 6874)762,; diem nutritious, too. Pumpkin is divided. Bake in 350-"'• '••••••.' ' •':•• •..,',.•..••)-••'•.• -'•:•.• ..•; ! ' i • -.' beverage pr milk.

- '-.^ «... •-.••,. i, . -i k . i

l | 1 ':.•. ••••• '•• ; ,•' ••i : .'.J .; /•>'••'•' Briscde-Giahatasio . • * • * A 'r • ^^ * * _._~ * __. _i. _^ j^_^ 1 jJ_^^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M Glaser- otinty Leader wedding conducted DiPietro I ;~LynrrBeth Briscoe, daughter of Mrs'. Judith; Cohen Caryn Lisa Glaser, daughter of .- Bonnie Rykowski, daughter of .Briscoe of Union and Mf. Robert Briscoe of,Ljn-. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rykowski of •' den, was married Sept 10 to Charles Gianatasio, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Glaser of Springfield, formerly of Moun- , Union, was married recently to son of Mrs. Nancy Gianatasio of Margate, Fla., Harry G. DiPietro, son of Mr.s and Mr. Johntiiqnauisioof New Providence, ••• tainside, was married Oct 9 to O Dr. Barry. T. Cohen of Winthrop, Josephine DiPietro of Maplew- The Rev. Henry P. Marciniak officiated at the ood, and the late Mr.- Bernito ceremony in Our Lady of Peace Church, New, Pro- Mass., son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cohen of Maiden, Mass. . Dipietro., vidence. A reception followed at Dasti's Ristbran- The Rev. Bonifacio de Ocampo I te,linden. . . . ' ;.'. Rabbi Perry R. Rank and Can- tor Richard Nadel performed the officiated at (he ceremony in Sac- o The bride was escorted by her father. Lori Bris- . red Heart Church, Vailsburg. A 'coe of Union served as maid of honor for. her twin ceremony in Temple Beth Ahm, o Springfield. A reception followed reception followed at the Chanti- sister. Bridesmaids w. ere Bonnie Warren of Toms cler. Short Hills. \ . River, sister of the bride; Collen Ash of Port Read-' at the Livingston Country Club. Robyn Goldstein served as The bride was escorted by her ing, cousin of (he bride, and Margaret Hoffman of father. Janet Suglaski of Union i Margate, cousin of the groom. / matron of honor for.her sister, and June Glaser served as maid of and,, Joyce Coppola of Livingson Anthony Gianasiasio of New Providence- served served as maids of honor. Brides-' 1 honor for her sister. ' • as best man for his brother. Ushers were Dr. John • maids were Maria DiPietro, cou- 1 Michael Cohen served as best Gianatasio of Boca Raton,; Ha., brother of the sin of the groom, and Janine groom; Edward Sagendorf of Summit, cousin of. man for his brother.. Eric Cohen, brother of the groom, also served D'Addari6,"both of Union. Alex- the groom, and Douglas Gillet of New Providence. andra Rykowski, niece of the Mrs. Gianatasio, who was graduated from Union . as an attendant ' . Mrs. Cohen, who Was gra-: bride, served as flower girl. , High School, attended Union.County College-for Anthony La Rose of Colonia an associate degree and will continue her studies in duated .from Jonathan Dayton Regional High. School, Spring- and Sean Walsh of South Orange Florida for a bachelor of arts degree in computer served as best men. Ushers were science. She is employed by Dun & Bradstreet," field,.receive4 a certification as a registered dental hygienist from Michael Rykowski of Long Val- Murray Hill. . ; . ,'.: ' ley, brother.of the bride, and Her husband,.who was graduated from New the Forsyth School at Northeast- era Univesily, Boston, Mass. She Alfredo DiPietro of.Bridgewater, Providence High School, is employed by LaTdque jcousin of the groom. * - Hair Salon, New Providence, and A&J Gianatasio also receivfed a bachelor of sci- ence degree from Fawleigh Dick- Mrs. DiPietro, who was gra- Mason Contractors, New Providence. : .;'... duated from Archbishop Walsh After a honeymoon trip to Bermuda/the couple '. inson University. Teaneck, arid a master's degree in denial care High School, Irvington, is will reside in Florida. . : . ,;: MR. AND MRS. CHARLES GIANATASIO employed by Fidelco Manage^ management from the School of r DR. AND MRS. BARRY T. COHEN - Dentistry at Boston University. ment Services, Inc., Millbura. She is associated as a staff project Her husband, who was gra- 'researcher with the Henry M. MRS. HARRY G. DIPIETRO duated from Essex Catholic High School, is co-owner of DiPietro Liuzzosmark 40th year ; .-> !. Goldman Graduate School, of FoodInc.ofMaplewood. •"• Mr. and Mrs. Biagio Liuzzo * They have four grandchildren, Dentistry, Boston University.. of Rpselle Park celebrated their Hannah and Emma. Rose of Stork club Her husband, who was gra- .The newlyweds, who took a 40th wedding anniversary Sept. Sand Lake and Paul and Keith duated from Colby College, ^honeymoon trip to Bermuda, An 8-pound, 10-ounce 60th anniversary cited reside in Mountainside. 5 at. a dinner at Claire, and of Port Reading. daughter, Erica Ann Velez, If you're a senior citcen,.65 years of age or Waleryille, Maine, received-, a Coby in Old Bridge given by older, and wish to subatft a story on your spe- dental degree,from New York Mr, and Mrs.LSamuel.H. Friedman of Stonc- Mr. Liuzzo, has been employ- was bom Sept' 28 in Newark their son and daughter-in-law, JBefli Israel Medical Center, lo cial birthday party, send it to the social editor, University School of Dentistry. hall Jitoad; Springfield, celebfated_ihcir 60th Sociajphotos Stephen "and Elizabeth Liuzzo of ed, iby Waage -Electric - Co., care~onhls newspaper, vx>.\ Box. 3109, Uniuu, He has a dental practice in Winib- wedding anniversary Saturday at a dinner party Kenilworth, for the past 43 Mr..arid Mrs. Edgardo Velez All photos will be held for Port Reading. v ar l 07083 and we!li publish it so everyone can wish ;rop, Mass. .; j „ .. , _ at the Summit Hotel, Summit Hosts were How- three months following publi- !» .!L_ Hte_wife .retired jfeom. of Linaeh. She joins a brother, u - TJie ~ceIcbrants»-"Who-~wero- "Emil- josephV~67T'7 ' ; you:'a HappyBfftKday.":Sdrry;l)ut because of, Following a honeymoon trip to. ard and Rita Friedman of San Francisco, Calif, 1 cation. Unclaimed photos will married Sept. 5, 1948 in New ' Palfirnarfr after 20 years of limited.space, pictures cannot be used._";., ,., . , the British Virgin Islands/the employment . Mr. Friedman is president and co-founder of be destroyed. No photos will York City, also have two other .- Grandparents are Mr. and couple will reside in Marblehead, be returned by mail. ' . • \ Colvin-Friedman Co., Springfield. sons and another daughter-in- The Christopher Liuzzos. and Mrs. Jesus Rodriguez of Eli- MiO"V law, Christopher and Patricia the Stephen Liuzzos presented a zabeth and Mr. and Mrs. Liuzzo of of Sand Lake, N. Y., Bermuda cruise as an anniver- Noemi, Marrero of Puerto and Bruce Liuzzo of "Roselle. • sary gift to the celebrants. Rico. Harrison- Martelli- An .8-pound, 3-ounce son, MR. AND MRS. C. A. GEARL Mark Blairt Boyd II, was r Werner ' MelkQwits Sanders-Berger born July 22 in Overlook Hos- ..•-'•.-•.' \ • • pital, Summit, to Mr. and Mrs. Karin Lynn Harrison of Linden - i Cynthia Sanders, daughter of Cooperative Association, Mr. and. Mrs. Anthony Martelli Gearls feted on 50thyear Mark Boyd of Roselle Park.. .Was:married Sept. 11 to Ronald of Spruce, Street, Union, have "Mr. Gerard Sanders of New York Washington,D.G. . ;•. He joins a brother; John, 3. 0, Werner of Somerset :' Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Gearl Scerba of Hamilton Township. City and Mrs. LouVem Sanders announced the engagement of Her husband, who was gra- Grandparents are Mr. and \" The-Rey. Jeffrey P. Laustsen their daughter, Valerie, to Joseph of Union were honored on their "'The Gearls were married by of Jcssup, Ga., was married July.9 officiated at the ceremony in 50th. wedding ^anniversary..at a.. the. Rev. Daniel Kelly Sept.. 10_ . in. Virginia to Richard Berger,.soh duated from Union High School Mrs. John Montgomery of Melkowits, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Rutgers University, is an Bath, Maine, and Mr. John Kirkpatrick Chapel, New Bruns- Ikowitsof Springfield. dinner on Sept. 17 at the But- 1938 in St. Leo's Roman of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bcrger Of wick. A reception followed at the tonwood Manor, Matawan. Catholic Church, Irvingtoh. Union. ~ . ;• . - electrical engineer employed by Boyd of Mountainside, and. IBM in Manassas, Ya. - Somerset Hilton, Somerset. Hosts were the couple's" "chifd- Mrs. Berger is employed as the late Mrs. Sherry Curyk. ; The bride-elect,. whQ was gra- Boyd.. ;..:. Lori S. tfemeriway of Jackson duated frqm Union High School, ren, £.' Arthur Gearl Jr. of They also had a son, Dennis manager of general.. services for The newly weds . reside in served as matron of honor. -.-•— Union, and David and Linda. M. Gearl, who died in 1980. the National Rural Electric Woodbridge, Va. 'v . is employed as a computer pro- Gary F. Werner of Springfield cesspr for Shapiro, Douglas & served as best man for his Coheri,:South Plainfield. brother. Ushers were Jeffrey K. Knapp of Basking Ridge, and Her fiance, who was graduated Photocharge at Mil! ^ Sean Patrick Murphy of from Jonathan Dayton Regional. . The* Paper Mill; Playhouse Paper"Mill's newest- service, of the Naritional Endowment Bedminster. • High School, , Springfield, is - There is a $10 charge for. and comfortable to people with . Guild, Millburh, will sponsor a audio-description for thefour the Arts said; "Paper Mill various disabilities." .••••. ;.••, Mrs. Werner, who was gra- employed as. a production superr wedding, and engagement' , demonstration. Monday at 8 p.m. visually-impaired, will Joe could serve, as a model for 1 •visor for Springfield Metal Pro- pictures. Glossy photos sug- ; The .free, guild-sponsored duated from Linden High School, of the theater's "innovative.ser- demonstrated to show how a other performing arts organiza- program will be in the main is a legal secretary for the law ductsCo., Springfield. gested. Black and white pre- vices designed to make live the- trained narrator guides blind tions across the country in mak- auditorium and .is open to the ferred. Story, and photo must firm of McDonough, Murry & ater more accessible, as well as theater-goers through a produc- ing tile performing arts available public. ..•' • .,.;• <• ; A May 1990 wedding is be submitted within eight -thoroughly enjoyable for people Koro, P.A. Basking Ridge. VALERIE MARTELLI tion with concise, objective JOSEPH MELKOWITS weeks of the wedding date. with sensory handicaps," descriptions of scene changes, Her husband, who was gra- planned. -«. . ' - duated from Jonathan Dayton Photos cannot be returned by The evening wi 11 feature sets, costumes and body lan- Super Crafts Star show planned mail and must be picked up at guage interspersed between the Regional High^ School, Spring- : scenes from, the musical, r A Super-Crafts Star Show ducers,- Barbara Hope and Photo charge Union Leader office, 1291 dialogue and music. ! field, Rutgefs College, New "1776," with actors George. will be presented at the Mea- Donald ; Gaiti, are " grass-roots Brunswick, and Rutgers School There is a $10 charge for wedding and engagement pictures. Glossy Stuyvesant Ave., within three Dvorsky and Keith Bernardo. months of publication. Call The-.Paper Mill is one of the dow lands, East Rutherford, stained glass artists themselves, of Law, Newark* is an attorney at photos suggested. Black and white preferred. Story and phpto must be While the two actors perform, • only theaters in the metrppoUtan tomorrow : from' 3 to 10 p*m. submittediwithta eight weeks of the wedding date. Photos cannot be 686>7700 before picking up -Featured wili be Tracy Keller. the law firm of Shanley & Fisher, the scenes... will be sign- ,»area to "offer audio-described and Saturday from 11 a.m. to • p.C.inSomeryiHe. . ., returned by mail and imfet be picked up at Union Leader off- i »i interpreted just as ; they. would performances on a.regular basis, JO p.m. It will be prpduced by •:' More than 140 booths will be .The^ newlyvytcds, who took a Stuyvesant Ave., within three months of publication. Laii be for the hearing*impaired.' '. it was announced. Paula Terry: Creative Faires Ltd.,, whose pro- highlighted. ;'' .'..,'•[:,. ;r; '•••>..i honeymoon' trip to Bermuda, before picking up photo. reside in Somerset , MR. AND MRSi RONALD G. WERNER

p i i ' CO izing The Sunnyficld Social Club a dessert table. Prizes will be: raised and donated more than Lisa G. Krueger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvjn Krueger of in contents of * sauce packet in contents of sauce packet I Shrimp and Broccoli. Chock-full and broccpU. rCover and con- of Linden will meet Nov. 3 at awarded. The public is invited $1 million to cancer research! Wyoming Driven Mountainside, w,as married recently to Edward The kitchen is- rio place to before serving. Makes 4 before serving. Makes 4 spend ".an autumn weeknighf. of bright garden, vegetables, tinue to sirhmeJif"untU shrimp are o> 12:15 pjn. at the Wilson Park to attend and can call'. Gale .Rita Stein of Springfield is A. Macdonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Macdonald of Wentz tender and most of liquid is servings/ servings. £~ Recreation Center, Summit Ter- Feingold at 396-9732 or Ronnie president ofthe REGM. ., Avenue, Springfield;: ... V : ; v ^ But to skimp on supper with they owe their unmatchable fla- vor and 10-minute cooking time absorbed, a)>out 4 minutes. Teriyaki Pork And Pea Pods •** race, Linden. A representative Mischler at 379-5827, for Dr. Steven Dworken officiated at the ceremony in tower's sandwiches or hot dogs is to Remove from heat Stir in sauce Orange Beef With Stallions sidestep appetite appeal, not to to Suzi Wan Brand Dinner % pound boneless beef sirloin V* pound boneless pork .§ from the~Newark Museum of reservations. . THE .MONDAY ACTIVE Restaurant, Mountainside, where a reception foHowedi-i: V. packet before serving. Sprinkle . UJ mention nutritional needs. Recipes. With convenient pre- or top round steak 1 teaspoon finely shredded gin- c Arts will show slides and arti- The REGM - will sponsor a Senior Club of Linden recently • The bride was escorted by her parents. Diane Tarabour of with yellow pepper. Serve with ger OR V* teaspoon ground z CO facts on Tibet, "a lost world." It theater party Nov. 19 at 2 p.m., returned from an eight-day bus, Toms River, sister of the groom, served as matron of honor. •:.; One autumn-easy solution is measured rice, special season- .1 teaspoon finely shredded gin-r to team meat, seafood or poul- ings and savory sauce, they add lemon, if desired. Makes 4. ger or V* teaspoon ground ginger O will feature its clothing, housing at the Whole Theater, Mont-' trip' to Nashville, Jena The TddyfN'Pididd!'b0; > servings. V* teaspoon red pepper flakes and religion. clair. The show will be a com- members visited Operland, Gat- ... Mrs. Macdonald, who was graduated from Jonathan Dayton try with garden-fresh vegetables excitement to everyday meat, ginger I 1 -finely shredded 1 cup-water—- Q edy, "Betty Living^ with Oscar- landsburg and Dollywood. Vir- Regional High School, Springfield, and Drew University, is and rice in vividly seasoned, seafood or poultry in short Chick V Asparagus Skillet 1 teaspoon winner Olympia Dukakis, and- fast-cooking, one-dish dinners. order. ~-—• orange peel 1 package (10.6 ounces) Suzi c I THE MOUNTAINSIDE- . ginia Duffy; was in charge. !; employed as a bond underwriter for Reliance Insurance Co., Phi- % pound boneless, skinlest Wan Brand Dinner Recipes Ter- NEWCOMERS CLUB will her husband, Louis Zorich. ladelphia, Pa.; > : ; Ideal for busy days, these easy Light and in line with the chicken breast - 1 ciip water Tickets' can be purchased by entrees minimize time and effort healthy-fresh way wete eating iyaki Beef "** hold its annual Christmas June-' THE DEBORAH HOSPI- ... Her husband,: who was graduated from Jonathan Dayton Reg-, 1 cup water 1 packageiX10.^-Ounces) Suzi 2 cups fresh pea pods, diagonal- I TAL Foundation, Elizabeth ional High School, Springfield, and New Jersey Institute of in the kitchen and quickly pro- today, these shortcut suppers are 1 package. (10.5) ounces Suzi Wan Brand Dinner Recipes Ter- vide great eating. , ' as fresh and easy as summer ly cut in half Q __ .Chapter, completed plans % the' Technology, is eniplQyed as an actuarial analyst by TPF&C, Phi- ; Wari Brand Dinner Recipes Pep- iyakiBeef . lA cup coarsely shredded carrot—y- ' group's annual "local donor' diri-j ; ... The following easy-cooking cooking should be. . ladelphia,.Pa. / j : :T ""':::r- " • . ;•;••••--. per Beef Qnental-. 6 smalT green onions with tops, Cut pork into very thin strips.. Q_ Clubs in the news ; examples give the cook's choice Garlic Shrimp and Broccoli .•_ ner" scheduled-Nov.,,g .at, the • The newlyweds, who took st honeymoon trip to Bermuda, 1 medium onion, cut into thin cut into 1-inch pieces Toss together pork, ginger and rn n ...... Clinton " Manor, Union. Jane . reside in Gloucester;Towriship.' \::.:,':'•'•'_ . ' ' ;. of chicken, beef, pork or shrimp VA cups water ,..--.. % ciip short, thin red or green •the red carpet treatment with 1 package (9.7 ounces) Suzt wedges- "" / * ' . pepper flakes in 10-inch skillet. 7> heon and boutique Dec. 7. Ilj contacting Jennifer WeisenthaT Judge; professional singer and! 2 cups diagonally sliced aspara- bell pepper snips j • Add water and contents of rice ^ entertainer, will perform. More! bright seasonal .vegetablesi and Wan Brand Dinner; Recipes was announced that crafters who at 574-8848. gus spears (I-inch piecejs> Cut beef into' thuf 'strips. Toss and. seasoning packets. Bring to "_J- are interested in participating information can be obtained by! the unmatchable , flavor and Oriental Chicken Imperial 1 small garlic clove; minced: Cut chicken into thin strips. together beef, ginger and orange a boil. Cover tightly and sim- ••...'• tents of rice and seasoning water and .'contents of rice and Cover tightly and continue to 232-8834 to reserve a table. •• available for purchase.by calling way to add fresh excitement to •: shelled and deveiried seasoning packets. Bring to a THE HILLSIDE CHAPTER warm-weather, meals, ,the pre- packets and onion in 10-inch 'simmer until all water is Lynn Fried at 494-0310 or Ron- 2 cups small broccoli florets ; boil. Cover tightly and simmer THE RUTH ESTRIN of Hadassah has announced that measured long grain rice, skillet. • Bring to a .boil. Cover 'absorbed, about 2 minutes. nie Mischler Bt 379-5827. *A cup short, thin yellow orrec tightly and simmer 4 minutes.. 6 minuteSi Stir in green onions Remove from heat. Stir in con-. GOLDBERG MEMORIAL for the group's annual bazaar will. selected seasonings and savory bell pepper strips •• v Cancer Research (REGM) will \ . Stir in asparagus. Cover tightly and red pepper. Cover lightly tents of sauce packet before Proceeds from all the projects be held Dec. 4 at the Hillside sauce cooks in just 10 minutes. Lemon wedges (optional) • and continue to simmer until all sponsor a. benefit event Nov. 4 will go to cancer research. The, War Memorial Building, Liberty . To shortcut time spent in the and continue to simmer until all serving. Sprinkle with carrot. Combine water; contents of water is ] absorbed, about 4. water is absorbed, about 2 Makes 4 servings. at 7:30 pin. at the Kingston REGM is a group of 400[ Avenue, from 10 ajri. to 4 p.nv Elvla and Staff -'•W- kitchen without skimping on rice and seasoning packets and. 1 minutes, Remove from heat. Stir minutes. Remove from heat. Stir Restaurant, Union. Featured will! woman from Union, Essex and There will be free parking and LEPLEE SALON supper, look to autumn-easy garlic in 10-inch skillet Bring be a buffet dinner, contests and Middlesex counties • who have! no chargeJlbr. admission. ...l ...'-. entrees- such as Chick 'N' to a ooiL Cover Ugl^y and sjnv Le Ple« IB a unique, full service, unisex Mlon, located lit Asparagus Skillet. and Garlic mer 4 minutes. Stir in shnmp Springfield. The salon Is owned and. operated by Elvia, who sees to It that all her clients are treated with personalized New Jersey Ballet agenda announced service and very special attention. The Salon offers precision hair-cutting, hair cplnr specialists, perm techniques, nail "Peter and the Wolf* and "Magic New Jersey Ballet, which Dec. 10 to 11, and its Paper Mill clinic*, pedicure*, as well as •klri care, body massages, saunas, Li] recently began its 1988-89 season Toy Shop" at a children's Playhouse season will offer 15 waxlngs, make-up and hair Weaving.":; " :: v at Wilkins Theater, Keajn College matinee. • performances from Dec, .15 to 28. Shrimp SpecialsAre The Summit Hotel Le Plee is offering a trip to the Bahamas, for two, fare and hotel of New Jersey, Union, will per- On Nov. 19, New Jersey Ballet Information about New Jersey accpmodatlons paid for, with any service. The winner will be form Balanchine's "Valise Fanta- will perform as part of The Friday Ballet's programs at Kean Col- selected through a'drawing on December 24,1988. So come In Now sie" and "Tschaikovsky Pas de Evening'Club series at Morris lege in Union can be obtained by and enjoy Le Plea's unique services and sign up to be a winner: All-You-Can-Eat Fried Shrimp-$10.95 Deux" at the John Harms Center Knolls High School in Denville calling 527-2337; information of a wonderful trip to the Bahatniss. . ; Includesjchowder, saladl&frcnch Mcs for the Arts,; Englewood, Satur- with a program of new works. about programs at John Harms 245 Morris Ave. Springfield 379-4020 New Jersey Ballet's "Nutcrack- Center, 567-5797; the Friday, Create Your Own Shrimp Platter day at 8 p.m. with "Valse Fanta- Choftsefrom; Broiled, Pried, Scampi, Creole, Cajun sie" and on Sunday will perform er" season will open this year Evening .Club series, 538-6413; Pried Shrimp, Seafood Lasagne or Nachos and more.. with three performances at John and for the Paper Mill Playhouse, Any Two - $11.95* Any Three - $14.95 'Harms Center in Englewood on 376-4343. . HowellFarm Did~you ever wonder what life The I'erfccl was like on an old-time home- Place For The Suimit Hotel's Executive Chef stead? Experience farm life as it Vour Party or was at the turn of the century at' LADIES NIGHT Meeting! Wins Two Gold Mafab EI Ho well Living Farm, (609) 'SEAFOODGRILL 737-3299, in the Delaware River me International C*Hpy Otppcs Regibn. , 624 Westflcld Avenne, EUzabcth, NJ 352-2022 •The Summit Hotel is proud to announce that its new -v * Executive Chef, Steven Jillebahais been awarded two ;• Just moved ^ gold medals at the October, 1988 International Culinary Olympics in Frankfurt, West Germany. .'•,.,,' *•'' :•-... in? The most prestigious competition of its kind in the world, The International Culinary Olympics features the finest chefs ftf>ni over 36 countries world- wide.Mr.Jilleba, a,5econd time Olympic gold I can help medalist, carries On a tradition of culinary excellence established by The Summit you out? Party Hotel's new General Manager, Franz v. Elchenaue^a multiplWgbia me~daTWfhner. Don't worry and wonder about LUNCHEON SPECIALS In 1976,1980 and 1984.v learning your way around town. Or what to 86e and do. Or. who to ask. - Served 11-2:30 Mon.-Fi-I. The Summit Hotel salutes the exjraordt- ;.A8 your WELCOME WAGON Costume judging..JMzes! .nary achievements of tfiese tvyo champions an;•.,. • . MONDAY-FRIDAY From 5:30 , Garden *f#e

. ,'. 1 l'

• 1 t

—• T

. HMtawirt :;. .- 4 Coctoall lounge , Q. •Rt; 28 W, Union 1 Chinese Restaurant '1776' musical set 280 Morris Avo.,Sprlngflatd — • intimate setimo wrtmw*in barwd lourioe.&jmtoentat. Italian 1 44 370-4984 & Capn Cuisine, fssturing Chefs soecuis and salad bar . By MILT HAMMER .•:', one of the most popular vocal producing 'Heart Break, " says 1776," the lyrical Peter Stone polished O> Entertalnineflt Tues. thru Sat. ewnmos Private parties accom- I CoraiofUblt. relaxed atmosphere. Specialties1 tnciude Peking Duck modated. All major credit cards fccepttd. Brtsklast served Mon,, ' Best of ihe New LPs: "Heart teen groups around, decided that •Ricky Bell. :• account of the events lead- Edwards^ original idea into wliti no advance noilce. aispy coaled lender (leak, hesti seafood, • Fii. 7 »10 am. luncrrMon. • F" iTlo 3 and dinner Mon:> Sat ;i shelled lobster w/gatic sauce Soft music, private parlies Open 7. 5>1Opm,CiosidSunnay.. • •'','• • .'••' , Break," by $ew Edition, MCA: it was time to take their career In addition to-the union with ing up to the Declaration,of a libretto. days. All major eredttcards accepted. Take out available Records.,. ; •'[ *'• . . • to the next stage '.— the adult Jam and Lewis, "Heart Break" Independence, will be pre- Robert Johanson, Paperi . Give me turntable a spin and market, without losing sight of marks the debut. of New Edi- sented at the Paper Mill Mill's artistic director and I listen to five, young men pour- their loyal following. tion's newest member, fellow Playhouse, Millbum, from star of last season's "Jesus Or-, ing out some good Ustenable •MCA recording artist Johnny Wednesday through Dec. Christ Superstar," will stage p 34 Maple Street yocals;- also, available on Gill. Gill, a Washington, D.C., 11. the production, and Andrew i on Springfield Avenue " : 1349 Fulton Strt»t cassettes.. ; • • " . y •native, sang gospel before The musical stars William Carl Wilk, also from Summit • 522-1010 Railway • 381-7052 o neroiwned lor being one ot the finest dining establishments In the area. The word "new," of course, Disc * n'data 'reaching prominence as a pro- Lintori as the patriot John w "Superstar," will return as Northern Italian cuisine • I ItaHan/Amerlun uilslw altelng an wmnlre-roenu plus dairy specials that Include fresh Bsh, poultiy. vtrl t, beal nrnd In • relaxed is self-explanatory, but in the jfessional singer through his Adams, Sam Kressen as the musical director. l-eatuiing original mines: slutted vul chop with 4 cheeses, angel & tow atmosphere. Happy Hours 4-6 every day. FREE Hors d'oeuvres case of. New Edition, "new" 'musical collaborations with Sta- witty Benjamin Franklin, Performances are given 8 hair pasta with lobster, tilel ot sole with aspaiagjs and sweel red Plus Drink Specials. Entertainment by The Memories. Tours.. Fri. A peppers, chocolate chip cannoli Bring your own beverage Sat: Mies. Lunch. ;Mon.-Frl. 11;3(K). Olnner. Mon.-Triurs:M, Frt. refers to a new sound, a new Without any hesitation, for- cy Lattisaw on Atlantic and Brent Barrett, as the Wednesday through Sunday Atmosphere Is teisutely- luxurious Optn 7days Lunch is served >10 I 5al 5:30-10. fleservallons Suggested. Major credit cards Mon-ffl 11:45ID230 DinnerMon.-Sat 5:30til lOpii Sunday •ccepttd; . .••;•. . ..'- ^"- TT.';.••„• ..••.- direction, and new producers to mer Time members Jimmy Jam Records' critically acclaimed shy young Thomas Jefferson at 8 p.m.; Thursday mati- dinner served I to 8 pro. All miiw ciedii cards accepted introduce their fourth MCA LP and Terry Lewis, who have pro- LP, "Perfect Combination." At who took on the task of nees at 2, and Saturday and i album.1 duced such artists as Janet Jack- age 22, Gill, the eldest group writing the Declaration. Sunday matinees at 3. Addi- New Edition, undoubtedly son, Herb Alpert,-Morris Day,'member, brings the quartet — Included in the cast of 26 tional information can be Human League, Cherrelle and Bell, Ralph Tresvant, Michael are Paper 'Mill's veteran obtained by calling the box § OB o sirs Casual Olnlng . Alexander O'Ncil were called in Bivins and Ronald" Devloe — performers, Judith- McCau- office at 376-4343. rtr 1200 North Avt., Elizabeth 1021 Route 22 EMt r • as producers. But the musical back to the original quinteL ley, George Dvorsky, Bob Sign-interpreted perfor- 33 (ntv Kean Coiitgt) 280-5220 Lottery V; r Bobby Brown departed. for a Ruijunnl & Cocktail loungi • • :• 654-6777 .; . •• ,; " merger between them and New Cuccioli and Ron Parady. mances for the hearing Following are the winning Edition didn't come about over- solo career on MCA in 1987. The music and lyrics for impaired will be given Dec. .tofiilninial Culilne Including large astortmen) ol tlsh and Burgers and OrneknM with dtoica ol a'toppirigs: Mew lunch' chicken entrees. Daily specials, complimentary 2 soups & Menu.- Sunday Brunch and dally specials.. Chadwlck Room INCW jcrsejr juouery nuniucis night. "They had'been following Adding Gill as the fifthmem - the Tony Award-winning 4 at 8 p.m. and Dec. 9 at 8 CO fabulous, over 34 item salad bar. Open for lunch 1M. AM tor * available for private parties, Uon-Tnun 11^0-11:30: Frl-Sat. for the weeks of Sept. 26, a dinner. Catering ind banquet rooms available serving up to 200. J^1130AnM^C^CiAttd < • our career ever since we ber Was. an easy decision to 1776" were composed by p.m. Audio-described per- Oct 3,10 and 17, recorded "Candy Girl,' New make. "We always wanted to go Sherman Edwards, a former formances for the visually, PICK—IT AND PICK 4 Edition's first: hit single, .We back to having five members," history teacher turned song- impaired are. slated for Dec.' Sept. 26^-381,4562 recorded one of their tracks, explains Bivins. "Johnny was writer for Benny Goodman, 3 at 3 p.m., Dec. 8 at 2 I" 1 GOLDEN WOK, GOLDEN W SepL 27—755,3423 i*Helplessly In Love, for a already with MCA; .his voice Tommy Dorsey and Louis p.m. and Dec. 9 at 8 pjn. 495 ChswtnutSL, Union Chlrteta RMtaurant movie,, and that paved the way was great and he had a clean, Armstrong. Screenwriter Headsets can be reserved. 867-3230 ByTeddlRusso . 430 N. Wood Ave., Linden 825-3744 SepL 28^-741,8763 . .. ' Northtrn Italian Cuisine ;• SepL 29^-545,1659 for us to talk to them about positive image.." Chinese restaurants come and go, so when SpecUiued In Snchuan. Hunan awl Cantonese Cuisine Kks:. beginning with 6 soups and 12 appetizers. Peking Duck, HOUM slnllnfl steak. Triple Crown Sochian Style SepL 30-049,2469 one comes along serving exceptional food, at Poultry choices list M, Including half.a crisp and even DraflonmeM* Phoenix ' Garden aimosphert wiih live plants Open tor tunch Mon-Frl. • ltlle 11-3 Olnner Irom 5-11. Dinner on Sat. 5-12 midnlohl and Sunday moderate prices, you owe it to yourself to fried duck for $7.50, to diced chicken with pecy OcL 1—930,0533 . 1-10. Banquel lacliilies and private parties easily accommodated. investigate. The Golden Wok, located at 430 which Ind. soupandftltdrtce OcL .3-r741,5834 All major credit cards accepted. Cashew nuts; |5.75. Pork offerings are 7, with . ^oursMon-Triuiiam-IOpm GAT SHOW N. Wood Ave., in Linden, fills this bill. A ftl-Sat«pm-11pm Ctot 4—674,9303 IEL CLUB'S sweet andTsour pork and shredded porkjaith- n Sunipm-IOpm 1 • comfortable, unpretentious atmosphere per- Peking sauce, all priced at|5.75. - Major credit cards accepted OcL 5-991,7111 A HALLOWEEN TREAT meates the environment. Chinese prints OcL 6—076,1910 Saturday & Sunday — Oct. 29 & 30 61st ALL BREED DOG SHOW adorn the walls and an authentic black lac- Twelve beef dishes list beef with broccoli, >? . ., fi 10:00 a.m. —5:00 p.m. shredded beef with Chinese Bar-B-Q stiuce >&O$fa wti-'G&W" Oct 7—442,0905 quered and hand painted Chinese screen OCL8-«41,4835 • Sunday Npvehiber 6,1988 JADE LAKE GOURMET commands the back wall of the restaurant, It and pepper steak, aU priced around 18.25 "U'/if rr on Inniiir....-•*-.. nt dinner Elizabeth High School AT *fnturnintoarnnutnlict*ptritn<{.'_' ;:.'. ' OcL 10-491,1348 Chtnttt Rntaarttnt certainly puts you In the mood for a real^ Seafood choices are 14, ranging from Jumbo Dunn Sports Centor-Pearl Street, Elizabeth ' 2*3 W. St Gaorp Awnu* . Shrimp with Lobster sauce, $7.25, to Shrimp 3;443 yauRhflll Road; Union • 886^895— Oct 11—849.3314 Dunn Sports Center ""d*". (201)925.1777 925-1770 Chinese dinner. Featuring Hunan. Szachutn. C«nton«M.& Mandwto. with Peanuts in hot sauce, $6.75. , " • ' Portuguese/Spanish. American Culsitw Oct. 12^414,6723 50* off with ad ' Elizabeth High School cooking. 8p»clalUM Include- Coconut Shrimp, Queen - On the evening of my visit, Leo, the owner Yung'e Jumbo Shrimp, BUr-fty Seafood & Chlckan., Seven ieparate-hregciabTe' dishes/ all . Romantic, elegant atmosphere. Skylight! dlrie under the stats.' OcL 13—257,0408 Admission: $3.50 - Adults Pearl Street, Elizabeth * K^-L^ K Poking Duck.4 *p«elal dJat cooking. Optn 7 days (or and manager, greeted us and made us feel Specialty, ot the house: Uveiobster- (reshsealood. Aano player • •* L2J22L priced at >4.75 complete, this part of the al dinner Opeitf days. Lunch served lt.30to 2;3Q dinner 5-10 ,00^14—812,5697 "General admission CXI^A .v. lunch and diniw. AJI major credit card* aoc*ni(jd. Ttke most welcome. After some discussion.we pm. Mon lo FrfSai. 5 to 11 and Sun. t to &\Bano)iet rooms can $2.50 - Senior Citizens. & Children 1238-7892 out avaiiabla. Frea parting in rev. Absolutely Na%tAO.^, menu.- Combination platters, such as chicken, —Oefc45—397,6399 - decided-that he should select our choices for ' accomodate up to SO persons. Beautiful lujil |or weddings: Picnic • Enjoy Undwi'ai only Garden DlnlnQBoonv- • • '••- pork or beef £how Meln or double cooked grove facilities. All major credii cards accepted. ...\ - • dinner. My friend began with a bowl of OcL 17—487,5258 pork, are offered, all served wth soup, fried OcL 18^-402,2939 Wonton Soup which he reported to be ex- rice,: and egg roll at only $5.50 each, an. '- STAGE DCCP CANTEEN* cellent, the'BEST', he has ever eaten! OcL 19—129,0776 outstanding value.' • ' • OCL 20—547,0724 Reflect the Moment HNI FOOO * SM«ITS A Pu-Pu platter arrived next. The look of r certalnl Twenty Chef's Recommendations are ' ' OcL 21—887,9022 tfS ffi-^u ^ y inviting, with, its own list«.' '.••• "<]•• i : 39; bonus—92484; ... •. other amounts available depending on the nature of the and tangy, the broccoli, crisp. Triple Crown, their regular menu. All Items areserved with lili^Tv-'v-rV; Bridals, Bridesmaida/jMothera, Union St choice of .3 soups and fried rice at $3.95 per OcL 6—5, 8, 26^29^ Flowergirls, Fonmals, Accessories study. Call Collect Szechuan style was the other treat which is wont BAR atstauu. 36; bonus—50699. ' 7 Union Place, Summit •, 277-2540 comprised of fresh scallops, jumbo shrimp person. Now, I don't think you can beat that tintttA No Charge for Alterations on Bridal Gown3 • (201) 923:8660 anywhere. OcL 10—1. 6. 20, 22,25, and lobster meat with assorted vegetables in Coma try the eB new Omar's Clinical Pharmacology Unit Banquet Sptartt Bar 4 Grill,. . 37; bonus—41312. Appointments lor Brides Sngg«ted " • /" \ < \ ncturtsque. ibnosphwt renecilno'radiant soit tiws. Special- a rich hot sauce, $8.50. The seafood was and delivery service .as well as take out.> 'taturioo jlant screw TV, . ; Hoffmann-LaRoche ties: live trout. Norwegian salmon, nature loin veal chops absolutely succulent and sweet in a luscious sMrtsgjr«sofalitypes;DJ.' ,r. Oct 13-3.14,18.2i; 'Designer Sample Gowns Vt Price " '.''/!"•" ~~~~j "\ \\\ Extensive array ol aldmto pastas: Lunch and dinntr served orders both for lunch and dinner. mirs.,Fr|..4Sat.nipMs.Try • . TuM.-frl. Dinner saved Sal. S-tO. Sunday Is pasta extravaoarua sauce. With this we were served their house .our new menu with an emphasis..lasis on. home cooked quality,.' -38; bonus—46968. . 221 North Ave., East, Westfleld ^ / C nljhl. served 4^:30. BYOB fleservallons mM3n» For value, quality and taste appeal, the fried rice, wWch was excellent.rx-' ' good porttonj, and reasonable prices OcL 17—10. U. 13. 16,. . - 232-7741 •• |- ••••••-. ; . / i major crtdil cards accepted Golden Wok should be a must on your dine out • can-eat ftlroe Rib dinner, Thur». -Sun. tor only $995,- • Golden Wok offers an extensive menu list. ' '" ••'1.:., '.•••'•:.«.'•..• ;..•••;.••. ,, ',v..- , Luncti and dinner.served i daw a weTk. Watch lor Wta ; *• ': 22,38; bonus—68535r (Across from Drug Fair-Free off-street parking) f \ ""*' "~ traveling shots and all sorts «•: * OcL 20^-13, 23; 26,28. ; Open Dally 10-6, Mon&Thura. 'Ul fl.Sat '.til 3 . NNUAL BAZAAR rANGE&MIN'S- 35,38; bonns—03741: L • • ' iBBBiMajsjssjbBiitjB ND CRAFT SHOP Jhtmith aivliHUiaft. Norttwmo Southern Italian Culilne t-75Maln8t, : SETONHALL • Beslaoranl* • 74D Boulavard, kanllworth (PKwy i,« i38) Madison •371-9841 AT • Specialist* In Seafow} \ 341-0031 . '. SCgckiall Lounge , PREPARATORY SCHOOL v , ^Authentic Spanish * American Cuisine -- ,; , 8prln«ll»ld • 487-1199 CONNECTICUT FARMS 31 Harrison Av«., Harrison • 485-7750 120NorthfieldAve. , (Easy access ihtuPliwy to ZBO> anean. Dally lunch 4 dinntr specials mod- .'.' FinerepMlailon built on iheseticts: taroe'portionsolconsistem- 124 Rl. 22 Waal, 8prlngll«ld •.• 467-8688 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fresh seatooddillvered daily, first Spanish restaurant in N J iftieiiett rooms available. Car (acuities. FFamily: . ,ly great food at reasonable prices In.camtoilable atmosphere." West Orange, NJ 07052 Dally & weekend specials including Hutted lobster, shrimp la j. r ,-,-» 21 ps. LLuncheoh n sarvtd MStMon.-Sat1. 1 r - JJ:MM EideRSlve menu Includes lama vailety ol seafood, steaks, lobsters wine sauce, broIlM red snapper, veal scatlopinl. chlckin in • pm. dinner Mon.^-Thurs. «, Sun. 5-10 am. Frl .• & Sit. »* 11 -,' eVtamous cur of Prime Rlbs.Namtguigers & sandwiches available New menu STUYVESANT ,325-6632 ' NOVEMBER 4 and 5 psrllc. Illet intonon. Sundays, free hors d'oeuvres at bar. Gaming . (dinner served 2:30 to closing) All major cfsdlt carts iccepted. .; al atrtimes. Open 7 days for lunch, dinner & cocktails Most major Haulnut Icectwrrt OOpenMon.Fri. 12noopto 11 pm..Sal.3-tt; O to OQ aunts- Open daily 11:30 Is 1 :J0 am Ml majw credit caids .-ciedll cards accepted We sufigest you try them toon. - , Sun tot pm. Bannuel r«iiiiies Award Winning chals. 2 sUr " "T ... 132 years of tradition '''' M.Y Times review. Fine wines and liquors available. All major HAIRCUTTING Creative and handcrafted gifts in Catholic education... Homemade cakes — Qoodles - Pecans . Quality Hair Cuts EXAMINATIONS FOR ENTRANCE "Santa's Picture Studio for a picture ' 1181 Morris Ava., Union at Affordable Prices! of your child with Santa! . 686-2037 TIFFANY GARDENS Saturday, November 5 and 19 NOVEMBER 4 {{FridayF ) NOWEWBER B (Saturday) Union •aaa-0101 • .wcocKfaiucuBa :•'• V 10«S Rl. 226.* Mill Un«; _ Saturday, December 3 ind 17 ; 1:OOp.nt-B;0Opjn;0 . S;30 a jn. - 2:00 p jn. Continwiltf CuUlne •Santai Picture Studio Featuring Northern luiian SpKialtln 789.9777 • MounUlnaM* 25%0FF - SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR 'Santa's Ptcture Studio 'Lunch •Olnner •Cocktails, (Aftamoon) 2:30-9:30. 10:00-11:00 a.m. only Luncheon Specials Daily from S4 95 specials Mon, thru Fri. Prime RlbS. nltelyS? 95 1 n l Uf QUALIFIED STUDENTS (Evanino) 7:00-8:00 Parties • luncheons ^Catering I.JOO pirsons I Taiwanese. Cantonese cuisine SU!"!;Jf ' ll!JlS *1 S!^:*«!«<« «x"V 6p*daltles: Baty Bach • Opmroavsavveek 2 - ^JteLO** ."**•&»« tuneftBUflel. Hoti cold •; Sunday through Friday 11:30 Saturday Irom 4 PM to For information please call t through Friday 11;30te 1OPU*Salur

...-L: ' pRANCE HOUSE SALE '.«•<) ACROSS 2 Firth of Clyde 35 Junior ' 50"— Mlo" ."•• MEV VOU 1-Droop island 38 Radiation unit 51 Gets one boiling For week of October 27* through considering; hocho improvement and rcn* for agood way to invest in and get the most 000 |OD» nandng. Re-ovalnato insurance Deeds for. iom«"" Call 4 Nitrite, for one 3 National park In AZ Summarize 52 Ark man . - ''•?.,-•:•: November 3 .••.-.-..-. for yoor money. A friend who knows or itfvr >*. Wl o> 9 Bawdy Wyoming . 44 Singer Davis - 53 Coffee,; ARIES (March 21 to April 1*9) You_are . yourselfandyourfjimfly.Acbange of pol- about your good fortune may well ask yon icy may be in order. •"•"• '••, •'•"•• for a loan. This is not the time to be CELLARS V .13 Soprano Petlna —4 Greek 45 Paid attention familiarly. ' ina highly motivattd, energetic mood thU r 55 15 Ofisome 47 Palmer, to 54 First place . generous.' . - • •'-' - citanco T*ar mathematician week. Both your business life and your' ' VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sepki2)1Wi IJ a c purpose 5 Trite friends 55 Bakery item bomoUfc will bloom «s* result Annoying preferred .A tndo, JJ] 16 Confused 49 Italian painter. 56 Wither time to see to the needs of others, particu- CAPRICORN (Dec; 22 to Jan. 19) 6 A Turner - -matters lefkunflnlshod should be tended to. lafly children;The latter part of. me week IS tm 7 17] turn, etc AAUrdock iWi 12-U 8odr& Fender Parti co 17 Venice artery 7 Guldonian nota Guido and family 59 Vintage car by week's end. • • •. :"'\^ '•;.-..'-A' Although you're in abit of legal hot water, Magnolia Piact.' Union __ Available a>' P 19 Symbol of will crackle With joy and romance as the stan are in your favor and all will go EAST ORANGE Amoere 8 Applicable .. . fm<*Ufrfy*nt "BT '^g**^ enters your life. 5 hardness 9 Touch ground ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: TAURUS (Apr. 20 to May 20) Your your way. The invigorating, cooler weath- O 20 Headwear for 10 Jacob's twin friends" are giving you ill the support you er is causing you to get the travel bug, so AUTO FOR SALE • , Carmen LIBRA (Sept 23 to Oct. 22) Your dili- indulge yourself. -. ,. • AUTO FOR SALE 11 Dam ^ need thU week, and you will accomplish gence and hud: work often drive yon to 1978 CHEVY IMPALA wagon. Power • 21 Ust much. A situation at homo will require 1985 CADILLAC, V-8,4 door, 51K miles. II 12 "Bamum" star bum the midnight oil. Look for.iMs to pay COUNTY LEADER NEWSPAPERS 1977 BUICK LE SABRE. Automatic, air steering/brakes, air conditioning, 4 good >- 23 Common your attention, but you .will rise, to the AQUARIUS (Tan; 20 to Feb. 18) You New engine, exhaust system. Loaded. tires. Good running condition. Contact at g connector 14 Formicary off this week as superiors finally give you have been procrastinating on a certain conditioning, power everything. AM/FM $14,300. Call after 6P.M. 467-7136. Mint occasion. Spend the weekend relaxing at • cassette, 79K miles. Excellent running 687-7718 after S P.M. 24 Contend inhabitant the recognition you deserve. Anew, exdt- assignment for weeks now. However, this CLASSIFIED AD RATES condition. ' _ .• ~ home,, ••,-_.. • ,•,." •••.••.;••; •, --, ... • . condition. Asking $1,200. Call 232-4415. 1986 CHYVY IROC CAMARO, fully 25 56, in old Rome 18 Tom turf ing opportunity will open many doors for week will see hew life breathed into it as 1984 CADILLAC SEDAN do villa. Excel- § ; - - : (Effective ApriM, 1988) loaded. Alarm, custom made dash, white .' 26 Stepped 22 Zero GEMINI (May 21 to Juno 20) This is a >* \ • 7 you nee to catch up. Once thi*is outof the Appearing in all Union County Nawipapen and alw avaltobla In combination' 1975 BUICK LE SABRE. 2 door, good lent condition in and out 71,750 miles. and red. $12,000/best offer, Call after 6 : running condition. As is - best offer. Call AM/FM stereo tape, loaded. $5,000. 2 28 Playwright's " "25 Closet type good week for achieving your financial ' - ••jJ^-v. ". .-;•••• .-.•,..•.:.- ".y • '.;•• way, you will attack new tasks with gusto. with ten Euex County N«wspop«n for a tola) reodqrthip ol over 195,0001 P.M. 241-2960. 925-8232. 964-3875. Q concern 27 Worker's hope goals. AH efforts expended in the past few SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Your ; 1 O "Z 33 Pasture 28 Toe weeks will finally reach fruition, Kowey-. romantic life has been in«iut lately. How- —PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Group ^ '"'i 763-9411,;..,;...,.:,:.,.,;..,.... 1982 CADILLAC Fleetwood Brougham. 1975 CHEVY NOVA, reliable transporta- 1984 BUICK REGAL, auto, power tion, 2 door, new brakes, shocks, car- 00 ^ complaint 29 Western flick er, avoid U»e temptation to spend money. ever, tMswedr, look for spaiks to fly is the activities are highly favored this week. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AD DEADLINE: Friday 5 P.M. steering/brakes/windows-, tilt, 52K miles, New exhaust and brakes, 69.000 miles. m Good condition. $3500 or best offer. buerator, front tires. Rebuilt 3) 2 35 —Fein 30 Bridge coups fireworks ignite once again, thanks Jo the Think about joining a club or pursuing a excellent condition. $5600 or best offer, transmission, 157,000 miles. Asking CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: Tuesday 2:30 P.M. 533-0180. O 36 Bellicose god 31 River, in Zaire CANCER (June'21 to July 22) You wiU .imagination of your mate. . •.-.'. .'• hobby. Your sense of leadership will be TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY DEADLINE: Tuesday 4:45 P.M. - 687-7302. . ^ $595. Call Mel 43O6636 or 763-1493. •CO 37 French menu 32 Verb suffix be very distracted this week because you,. outstanding this -week, so don't be sur- COLOR: Black plus one Color $200 1986 BUICK PARK Avenue. 4 door, dual 1986 CHEVROLET MONTE Carlo SS. 1982 CHEVY CAPRICE. 4 door, V-8 x? item 33 Spoiled tot aro excited, about «bmo innovative ideas SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec 20 prised if "you aro asked to represent Automatic transmission. Fully loaded. A BOX NUMBERS: Available for on M.OOfee electric mirrors, concert sound system, automatic, power steering, 66,000 miles, to x 38 Thesaurus man 34 Mlrte find you wduld like to implement Therefore,. •A sudden windfall will havejou looking hi'' " All classified advertising subject to 7% photo reduction power windows/dual/locksArunk, wire Excellent condition in/out Must sell. Call very good condition. $2,200. 232-9458. Q_ 39 Dusting powder be carcAtl not to turn; off 'superiors. disc. $11,500. Call Don 887-6663. 233-1698. 8 40 Fusses 1 . TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED RATES 1976 CHEVROLET MAUBU Classic sta- 1978 CHEVY CAPRICE. 4 door, fully 41 Getting'—years it • LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) This week is 20 Words or le« ...:... .*. ..».„••.. (minimum) S6.00. 1983 BUICK LESABRE, limited. 4 door, tion wagon. V-8, air conditioning, loaded, equiped, good running condition, $495 or 42 Entertainer favored for going over financial status and automatic, air, all power, cruise, tilt, clean, excellent running. $700. best offer. Call 376-1508. Wedding Shoes EoehflddilionoliOwordtorleu.',..-.:..... — ;•>..; ;...... ;....,.. S2.00 stereo cassette. Very clean. $4650. Make Adoree 688-1346.. Just passed inspection. ' 1980 CHEVY CAMARO power staaring/ Four Timei or Mor« offer. 994-1919. ' 43 Urban dwelling brakes, automatic, V-8, air. T-Tops, runs to Work Boots • 20word* or!«»»...»..— ...... ;....^.«!~..^...... $5.00 1986 CHEVROLET CAVILIER converti- 45 Range group ( and looks great, $2800 or best offer. Each additional 10 wofdt or leu..:,....^_—™...«...... «._..^....-...i—.....-..-. S2.00 1978 BUICK REGAL. V6, power steering/ ble. Red/white top, 6 cylinder, power 46" Annual concert M seat/windows, loaded digital dash, 272-7256. • J Footwear That FIT brakes, power door locks, air, power wool?" The Volkschor Harmonie If let in oil CAPITALS . windows, cruise. New exhaust,new star- 28,000 miles. Mint condition: Asking 1975 CHRYSLER CORDOBA. 90.000 47 Forerunner of JO.Wordiorlou...-.,....;.. ;.-.„...:. .,!...,...... ,;.!...;„;...„'. , $6.00 ter. Asking $1000. Call 851-9480. $9750. 467-5897 miles, recently repainted. Must sell. Singing Society .will bold its Your Every Need Each additional 10 words or less... ; ...,..,.,. $3.00 $1,000 or best offer. Call 564-8147. NRC , annual concert Saturday at the 1979 CADILLAC SEDAN DoVillo. Brown, 1987 CHEVY CAMARO 350 Limited 48 Sign of a hit ,' • • Clatiifled Display Rate (min. 1 col inch) power everything, big dents, no rust, Edition Iroc. Red, beige interior, Bos© WEH-WIDE WIDTHS^AOIES stereo, wood dash, alarm, loaded, ex- 1978 CHEVROLET Nova, automatic, 51 Slip In K of C Hall, 191 , Market St., Close Out! Per inch (Commissionoble) *.; , $15.00 [ood running condition. Asking $1250. power steering, tape deck, am/fm radio. 55 Potter's wheels 506 W. Elizabeth Ave. tended warranty. $17,000. 731-1317 [worth, at 8 p.m. . • •'.; :••: CONTRAa RATES FOR ADS THAT" Good condition, 72,400 miles. $950. or 57 Word in-many a • Unden The program will include .• 'RUN'ON CONSECUTIVE WEEKS 1985 CHEVY SPECTRUM covered best offer. Call 688-0971. Hope-Crosby 1983 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE. hatchback, S speed, AM/FM cassette, Values up to $39.99 86i-4884 4 to 12 times.;...., ;. , ', ....^... ..,...... „-,.. 513.00 per inch flick German and English numbers. Silver/maroon interior, new tires, shocks, rear defogger, radials, 15,400 miles. 1979 DATSUN 210. Good commuter car. 13time$ormore,.i...... ,...... : ...... ;..... ,.'.:..... SI2.00 per Inch 58 Dfl Larrocha's Tickets can be purchased at etc 64,000 miles. Excellent condition. .Excellent condition. Only $4,900. $750.00 also 1980 Saab 900. $1500. or Bordered ads add $8.00 Must sell. $6,500. 245-9078 after 5PM best offer. 763-1509 after 6PM. need the door. " •- •" '• , -'" \'--'.:'i:-'•'•.. 687-0066. 60 Overhang The chpms is under the. 61 Spooky Visa and MC are accepted . :;_5I M S3 'direction of Johanna Teubner, 62 Author Ludwlg Ladies Winter Boots 63 Thai language who has directed the Mass Get . Claulfiad ads aro,payable within 7 days.'if ad Is paid by Wednesday before I 64 Famous". -manj&orus at,the Garden State Leather anil Nylon Styles d53ucT25 c«nt». Poymonr for t'romlont adt should be received before tho publication 65 Ship's course to- Arts Center, ifolmdel: Rirther: date. Payment in odvonco ion Out of town gdvartiwrs, Employment Wanted, Apartments -Wanted, Wanted to Rent^We will not be responsible for errors unless they'are detected DOWN ( information can be obtained by la •••••-...,•>.••' onlyatihe ,-•' before the 2nd insertion. County leader Newspapers reserves the right to classify, edit or • 1 "Sweetheart of calling 762-3425. , reject any advertising. No cancellation will be accepted In classified advertising after — Chi" Tuesday noon. -The final deadline.for classified is 2i30 p.m. Tuesday to' appear in a * Dyt#blM category, however, ads will be accepted between 2i30 p.m. and 4i45 p.m. to IftRad oppeor under the hoodin»g "Too late To Cfosjify." Eorly receipt of copy will be FREE appreciated. • Pumpkins and- prunes now in season COUNTY LEADER Cooking affords many season- Prune juice adds fruity moist- While perfect for fall, remem- DRIVE al pleasures when we take our. ness to the batter- and nuggets ber that you can bake Pumpkin P.CSf; BOX 3109 cue from nature. When the first of* chopped prunes contribute Prune JLoaf any time of the. Handmade in America! Union/ N. J.07083. pumpkins of fall turn a deep/ chewy texture and rich tasted year. Canned pumpkin, prunes ' niV WW ^t^^ S3S T...... • V ;:•••'• UNION/ESSEX COMBO RATES ' 88'8&89's rich gold, we know it's time for Prunes also provide excellent and prune juice are always now In-stock! pumpkin pies, soups and breads. supplies of fiber, as well as Vit- available —- even "when the - • " . COMBO OEADLINE Tuesday 2:30 p,m. '' JERSEY ClV A F 1 J / ' . • :•..; .;.;•; '•-.'••• • TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED RATES . Prunes, too, have a season. amin A, potassium and iron. harvest is long oyer^' 20 words (minimum).. ,...:..;...... „;<•;'. $12.00 •89 TEMPO •88 TEMPO '89 E1S0 '88 BRONCO II •88 El80 CARGO But because they're available AddltlpnaMOwordsorless...... „.....;;.....,.;.....„.;..,,....,..,.. $3.00. 014 OR. CJU60VAM Slk. No. 8333T. VIN No. VAN QL40R. UB46865.V6.Auto..P/S/a Stk.'No. S410T, VIN No. 1 S*"NO. 8734.. V1N No.Sttc. NO. 8459. VIM No.Stk. No. 66I2T. VIN No. year-round, we tend to forget .Classlflea Box Number...... ;.;,....^..^....^...,..;,.^.;;^...:. .^...... WiOO JK229687. 4 Cyl.. Auto..KHAM74S, V8, Auto. /W/OL.XLT. Air, Trim. Tilt •JHB56028. V8. Auto.. Carole Casclo announces the SPECTACULAR KB1056$3, 4 Cyl.. Auto..P/S/B. Air & Much More] P/S/B, No Air, But Much Whl.. CrulM. Two-Ton* PISM, No Air. Bui Much that like pumpkins, fall is their BORDERED ADS...... ;.:...:.:...;;;..»...... ,.,.....;.,...^,^. l.SlS.OO P/Sra, Air & Much M««.LI JlPrlcaJ11.442. Mor«.UslPrlco$14,707.. Pnt. & Much Mori. Ust Mora. List Pr in $14,204. : ; Prica$18,S28. harvest time. This year, cele- :. .""•' '-.••'". . ••'.'.!' CLASSiFIEDDISPLAY' . '""'*<• '-I LbtPrletS11,&4B. 1Q7* YOU PAYJ * YOU PAY vou PAV 125 Crafts-Designers & Fine Artists Classified Display open rate (commlsslonabte)....; .529.00 per Inch £197* YOU PAY A YOU PAY $247* brate . the.... JalL- harvest - with. per month W*» "•i $9458 ^84 par month Spiced Pumpkin Prune Loaf, a •, 13 weeks or more ,.524,00 per Inch .""• ~" •" ESIBX County Coverage Includes: .--^ ... S12356 flavorful quick bread that; con- Unique and outstanding handcrqfted work Moplowood . Irvihgton ' Bloomfield . 89 TAURUS GL '88 FESTIVAL veniently yields two loaves — "South Orange- Orange East Orange • . ' SGDAM. Slk. No. 6952. VIN No T one for now and one to freeze West Orange ' '' ' Glon Ridge . Belleville' ' • • 61W056. 4 Cyl.. 4-Spd iob BONUS Nurlay , Volljborg , |SJX. No. 6603. VIITHo. tmemm , for later. KA108541, Auto.. P/S/B. . CLASSIFIED INDEX ' . Air & Much More. List Prtca •flft* vou PAY I COUPON 1-AUTOMOTIVE ^ 5-SERVICES OFFERED 8REAL ESTATE P15.773.' % V0UPAV JMake your boat deal, then prater ^ANNOUNCEMENTS•<• o-MISCELLANEOUS 9-RENTALS .. J . ALL $261* '88 TAURUS "It IT'S 3-EMPLOYMENT 7-PETS 10-BUStNESS • par month •this coupon to receive an addi- AUTOMOTIVE QL SEDAN >tNSTRUa|ONS ' . OPPORTUNITIES 1988 $13,528 pOttPfcj.] tional, $100 OFF your final prke! MOSTLIKEtY Stk. No. 788t VIN No.! Limit one per customer, valid tlir A85201.V8. 110/30/88. Coupon rnust be prat WE HAVE IT- CONVERSION P/SWDUSts.. Air. AM/B« SIMM. Till Whl.. Cruise & I en ted at time of sale, not delivery. (previously AUTO FOR SALE Much More. Ust, Price WHOLESALE located in Elizabeth) Novem (1) AUTOMOTIVE VANS $15/76. 1986V4 ACURA INTEGRA LS Automa- $262* vouPKi TO THE PUBLIC AUTO ACCESSORIES tic. 4 door, blue, loaded, all options, low AUTO PARTS South Mountain Arena 7 mileage, mint condition/ garaged, MUST GO! 123 Chestnut St. $10,750. 376'0467 after 6PM. Wa Carry oil the BUY-WISE SEE US NOW FOR CLEARANCE DEALS ON THE CARS YOU WANT - Roselle Park • 245-9005 West O^ng^JNei^Je^ey , 1979 AMC CONCORD station wagon. hanhoaatlttms. AUTO PARfTS 18 VMU • 10 NdMips • 8 Broncos • 29 Mufttanflt • 80 Taoittt' • BO Escorts • Morel Open 6 Days Beige, power brakes/steering, excellent condition. No problems. Asking $1600. • 48 mo. CEL w/60,000 ml. -1,000 dwn. paymt., 1 mo. sac-taxes. & MV fees extra-tor total paymts., mult, by SATUROAVS 7:30 A.M.-5:<5 P.M. Saturday 10 am - 7pm Sunday 10 am • 6 pm WHOLESALE to the public. Open 7 days.' : 48-10* per ml over 60,000 at end of lease with no option to buy-lease prices incl. all fact. Incentives. WEEKDAYS 7:30 A.M.-7 P.M. She also-welcomes her new Private owner. Call 686-0992. . CLOSED WED.EVE 5;45 P.M. employee "LA", formerly of Sunday 8am to 12 pm, Wednesday and ~ ~ " N. j.'a FASTEST GROWING CAR & TRUCK HQ's ; Adults $4 Children under 12 Free ^ ^ Flrec Parking,, Saturday, 7:30 to 5:45pm, weekdays 1984 AUDI 5000-S. 96,000 miles, excel- John Perrottep Dlr; South Mountain Arena is located on NotiAfleld Avo in W. Orange. 7:30am to 7pm. -. lent condition. Must see. Price we'll talk. 2«l SPRIHGFUID AVE. From tityt .York CI^, North^nd South, NJturnpiko or Garden State. Best offer. Call 467-1468. VAUXHMt (UNION), NJ. Parkway to Rte 280W to exit 10; Northfidd Avcappirox 2milc« to Arena. ; :., 688-5848 1979 BMW 528). 66,000 miles. Excellent 0PBNTUES,-8ATV> mechanical condition, $3500. : . Please call for an appointment From the West: Rte 280E to exitjl^ Northfidd Ave approx 2 miles to Arena! VAUXHALL SECTION. Senior Cltyzen't Discount 2001 SpringfJeM Ave: 1967 BUICK CLASSIC. Low milage, 491 Morris Ave. A United Craft Enterprises Production Union dean, air, many now parts, now needs AUTO PARTS Tuesday- Thursday ,..• WCK more, sell, whole or, for parts. Call (201)273-606$ BoxJ26Muonville> NY 13804 (607) 265-3230 687-9604.

.".,-.' 1 "t. , ., 1 AUTO FOR SALR AUTO fOR SALE AUTO WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 1977 DODGE DIPLOMAT, 4 door, V-8, .1980 OLDSMOBILE CUTLAS Supreme. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED i white/blue rqof, 50,000 miles, pwoer Power steering/brakes, air. AM/FM cas- - A TOP $$$ IN CASH ^ CLERICAL/TYPJST; Flexable hours for COSMETICIAN FULL Time needed. Sal- steering/brakes,- air. AM/FM, excellent sette. 65.000 miles/ $2.500/best offer. r DRIVERS, part time needed Im- ,r> "For, ALL Cars & Trucks : growing sales and service organization in ary interesting. No license. Center Phar- condition/ Mustsee $1,800. 686-0937. Goodcondition.687-4^1 ,-ieaye me*', ADVERTISING Unden area, need bright energetic Indi- macy, Livingston. Mr. Lbs 992-6800. mediately! . ' Pizza delivery, sage on machine: \-^''-;...'?:••.••'•' !> •••• ••• COALJ. -DAYS -589^400 I 1986 DODGE VAN Sportsman B 250. vual. Adrienna 862-2424. Between Union/Essex border. Great CASH "Guaranteed or ^VESir 688-2044 9-5PM. . •.•-•••• COUNSLER/VOCAT1ONAL: to council potential! $6-$16/hr. Your own car 40.000 miles; fuBy loaded, towing pack- 19S3 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Ciena clients with disabilities, outreached to LS, Power -steering/brakes,, tilt wheel, : Career opportunity, for male/female to loin newspaper advertising staff. 'and insurance. 762-6756. i, excellent condition, $11,900. Call ; • (Same, day Rtek-ups) CLERICAL. Pleasant Union office seeks employers, net work with other social am/fm stereo, air. 25.000 miles. Ukenew. Must^enjoy people and have/some sales background. Typing and art / full time person to perform general office service agencies, conduct group meet- Asking $51OOrCall 85iT2673: .;.. : Results'' 1979 DODGE ASPEN, power steering/ MOPED FOR SALE helpful.•:••--;.-. - "•• - - '.-•••'."•.'.. • •;•.'• •" •••'-- duties. Good phone manner a mustTCall ings; Must have 2 years eduactional DRIVERS. Part-time. Fuel Oil delivery. Salaried position with benefits. Car required for local selling. • 964-4228.:.. .-. . ••/•-••.,.,. experience in psychology, soda! work or Experience preferred. Call 9am—5pm, brakes, air, new catalytic converter mul- 1984 ,OLDSMOBILE -CUTLASS Ciera 964-9648. • fter tailpipe, carburetor. Good.cbndiflon. Brougham. Great condition. Fully loaded. 1982 PUCH MOPED; Good condition. related field; BA preferred, Full-time ben- Automotive Includes helmet. Asking $200. Call CLERICAL/GENERAL OFFICE $750. Call, after 5P.M. 964-8864: 4 door. 69.000 mites. Asking $5,000 ^ 606-7700 ' efits. Call 456-5872.. negotiable. Call 964-1203, 762-4496 after 4P.M. -.'•..: Retail music store needs a personable individual with office experience. and 1976 FORD GRANDA; New transmls; to arrange an Interview appointment COUNTER CLERKS. Looking for self- B DRIVER'S &, MOVERS 1 Ads!" Blon/new muffler system; new brakes 1986 OLDS FIRENZA. Creampuff, Fully good typing skills to assist in office duties motivated, responsible, courteous Sales Established local moving storage com- and 4 new tires. $70O/besl offer. Call loaded. Air, automatic, transmission, (2) ANNOUNCEMENTS including data and order entry, phones, person for Retail Decorative Paint Full- pany needs reliable, punctual person. 8! 763-8659 or 762-41 IS, leave message. power steering/brakes, 23,000 miles, one BANK TELLERS- V greeting customers with opportunity for time and part-time positions available. Able.to handle heavy furniture. Will train, driver. Superb condition. Negotiable. future supervisory duties. Some flexible Good salary and benefits. Call Tracy at must drive, year round work, part timers PERSONALS evening and Saturday hours. Competi- considered. 1flfl7 FORD TAURUS IX; Loaded, grey, 731-8098. : AUTO MECHANIC Columbia Savings and Loan Association 964-3369 for Interview. ; ^ grey leather interior, sunroof, many ex- .Full time., Experience preferred, tive salary, medical and vacation bene- 1986 OLSMOaiLE REGENCY, mint con- Is looking for tellers for our Linden fits. Call Carolyn Davis or Ann Placko 687-0035 tras., low mileage. Lease.or purchase. . CEMETERY PLOTS but will train, Must have own toots;. and Clark- offices. Teller experience CREDIT & Asking $20,000. 687-3449 dition, fully equipped with stereo,tape HOLLYWOOD 687-2250.10AM-6PM. RONDO MUSIC, : Immediate opeplng.'. Opportunity preferred, but we are willing to DRIVERS WANTED. Newspaper deliv- deckT-automatic trunk, 29.000 miles, '' MEMORIAL PARK . Route 22, Union.- - v. r - COLLECTIONS 1987 rrORD TEMPO. Two door, five for advancement and. growth train candidates with: heavy cashier ery in Maplewood/South Orange area, $10,500. 965-0397 or 681*7612. -.•• experience and a good figure speed, power 6teering/brakes, reclining Gethhesmane GarderwrMausoleums. potential. Apply In person only to CLERICAL, light office work. Full-time, CLERK 5am-7am, Monday-Saturday. $120.00. aptitude. • . • . : ; No collections. Call Township D O bucket seats, air. Asking $7200. Call 1979 OLDSMOBILE STARFIRE. V-6 En- Office: 1500 Stuyvesant Ave., Union. Joe or Gene at: i v . ; . full days. Union office. Call Jack at We nave an immediate opening for a Delivery Jackie 862-8937. -. ' : gine. Good shape. New tires. Just tuned. bright Individual, HS graduate with CRT Service at 762-8355. ;•••••,-..'- •• • .688-4300 .-.. • .-••• BaFORD TIRE CENTER ! 686-1414. - $850. Call after 5P.M. 376-0516. . ''UNDEN' '• ' '• '""•• •''•'• '••''•' ' experience and 45WPM typing speed. ST.-JUDE THANK YOU FOR THIRD 454 Chestnut Street Union Mon-Thure 10:15AM-6:15PM ~ CLERICAL. Excellent opportunity for a DRIVER/VAN, Local deliveries. Clean 1984 FORD ESCORT L Red, 2 door 1985 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Clera Must have good communications skills FAVOR GRANTED: B.E.B.- Friday 10:15 AM-8:00PM bright ambitious individual to perform driver's license. Full benefits. Call hatchback. 4 speed, 37,000 miles, AM/ Wagon, power steering/brakes, air, AM/ and 2-3 years accounts receivable/credit Saturday 8:30AIM 2 Noon vanous office duties. Must have good experience. Responsibilities include ba- BFS-375-5200 for appointment §! FM stereo cassette, air. Lori 709*1217 or FM stereo, low mileage, GM warranty, 276-0729. . ••-•:—.. . ST- JUDE,_THANK YOU FOR THIRD BABYSITTER WANTED FOR'3 typing skills, answer phones and ability to lancing cash input-to trail balance. Centr- mint condition. After 5pm. 376-3185: FAVOR GRANTED. B.E.B. , boys (2 school age)' In my CLARK . . do tight bookkeeping. Experience re- ally located. Office hours 8AM to 4:30PM. DRIVER/WAREHOUSE Person. Mature, Mon-Wed, Frl 10:15AM to 6:15AM responsible person needed for automo- 1969 FORD MUSTANG. New tires, runs 1980 PEUGOT 505S. Needs minor work. Maplewood, home. Hours 7>A.M.r5 quired. .Convenient location off Route 22 Good benefits package. Call 688-6900, Thursday 10:15AM-7:30PM in Hillside, Hours 9:30am-5:30pm. tive warehouse. Call Barbara 373-710Q. well. Asking $1,000. Call 964-4263 for Asking $1795. Excellent interior, electric P.M., occasionally until 6. Drivers, Ext. 322 to further discuss this appointment :> " > . . LOST & FOUND Saturday 8:30AM-12 Noon . 964-0500. sunroof, power steering/brake's; Low mk license a must. Pay , com- opportunity. • DIRECTOR OF FOUND CAT. Male Tabby with white. Hit 1978 FORD T-BIRD, Futl power, V-Sj; air (edge.. 65) 736-4668. .< mensurate with experience. Refer- We offer a good starting salary and an CLERK .... CHILDRENS PROGRAMS conditioning, am/fm stereo, radial tires; ences required.^ Please call excellent benefit, package. Please call; EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Human service agency seeks Inovated 1986 PLYMOUTH TURISMO. Fully Terrace)! Good health: now. 679-3937. and highly motivated childrens director. Prepay your ad for your car or Rungreat!$1,0Q0/best offer. 064-1312or loaded. Excellent condition with AM/FM 762-6803 weekdays after 6 P.M. Foil,Time and Part Time temporary posi- 379-3892. ' : »•;•. tions. Assisting editoe and preparing Earty childhood certification necessary. Kenwood cassette (pull-out radio). 1 FOUND. LABRADOR Retriever, male, Masters In education preferable, two owner. Call 245-2611 Of 964-4914. COLUMBIA SAVINGS ~ book: listing stock values and dividends. . truck for two weeks for only 1983 FORD EXP, 2door, 5 speed, am/fm young, long black hair. Found on Jackson BABYSITTER. 3pm-6pm for 5 and 6 year years experience teaching pre- - Avenue between Liberty and Bumel Av- olds. References. :Call between AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Eye for detail and accuracy with figures a schoolers. Excellent administrative and stereo cassette, new brakes. Good condi- 1977 PLYMOUTH FURY. 67,000 miles. enues. October 20, 686-4369. •. must Nice office atmosphere doing inter- tion. 76,000 miles. $1500.686-4781 after power steering/brakes, air, AM/FM, good 10am-2pm 912-0564. • . • - Red Demi supervisory skills. Salary commensurate 925-1111 esting woik. EOE/M/F with experience. Resumes only. Director 5:30. .-;.• •• . .-. •: . . ..- • •" condition. $600. Call 688-4016 after FOUND YOUNG Puppy. Wedsesday Oc- Equal Opportunity Employer . ... CALL 382-3450 . 2400 V*uxbalLRoad 6PM- .•„•,•.. tober 18. Please ball anytime, leave Union, NJ 07083 YWCA, 44 west 32nd Street, Bayonne 1973 FORD STATION wagon, fair condi- message on machine. Yellow-Lab Re- NJ. 07002. $iO°Payabl°e in tion, good transmition , air, $200,Call 1970 PONTIAC Le Maria, rebuilt engine" XLERK trever. 378-8058. ' , .. BARfTTELLER equal opportunity employer m/f 276-6672. . . with only 4,000 miles. Five brand new BINDERY HELPERS Full and part-time. in person. EARN $7.75 HOUR ,p ,020 words ••-.•W-'SK?Advanc! e Dave's Liquor Mart, 1 tires, many new features. Best.offer. Street, CUSTODIAN FULL Time, Days for We need assistance in evaluating and 1987 FORD Taurus LX-loaded, grey, Excellent position for trained teller in our i 12 full • tirne temporary (2-3 Millbum. . 964-0491 or 688-2233. ••.•.• non-bank office. "Must be honest, rellablo months) opening 89 general school in Scotch Plains. $13,000 plus responding to dally work reports submit- grey leather Interior, sunroof, many ex- (3) EMPLOYMENT excellent benefits. Call 889-8800. tras, tow mileage: lease or purcnase. and bondable. Call 925-8160, Linden. helpers In publishing company CLERK TYPIST, Full lime. Pleasant ted by our agents throughout th state. No 1984 PONTIAC —Flero SE. Silver, fully experience necessary; Paid to complete Asking $20,000. 687-3449. . equipped. $5800 or best offer. 687-6010. EMPLOYMENT. WANTED bindery. 8-4 P.M. or Midnight to medical office in Union. Good typing skills CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS. The Star necessary. Please call 688-8800. • training. Work at home. For information BABYSITTING, done in my Unden home, 6;30 A'.M; NO experience neces- Ledger has early morning part time work. send self-addressed, stamped envelope, 1987 HONDA CRX SI, red, 5 speed, 1979 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX. Needs BANK' sary, We will train.. Must be at least Starting salary $100 plus car expenses AND WE WILL SELL work. Asking $300. Call 245-8058. excellent facilities including, playroom CLERK TYPIST 9'/. inches long toL AWGA. DopL E, Box electric, sunroof, AM/FM cassette, equil- and yard, 7 years teaching oxpenenoe. '18 years- of age. Call 382-3450. Bright, energetic person needed (or busy 'and route profits. Fringe benefits include 49204, Atlanta, GA 30359. izer. 4 speakers. Absolutely Immaculate. reasonable rates: Call 925-6548.2 .Equal ;.'.''• opportunity employer. Union Center office. Filing, telephone and vision, dental, life insurance, and vaca- YOUR CAR FOR YOU! ; 20,000 miles. $9400 negotiable. Call 1978 PONTIAC PHOENIX, 2 door, 6 : tions. Rapid increases in salary. Six days' cylinder. 63,000 miles. Power brakes/ , Male/Female. - • general office work. Permanent part time FACTORY HELP, Good opportunity for 235-1897...,.,••••:••..•-,,;-. :•'.,.::-.'• ••:'. steering, air, new tires. 1 owner. Excellent CERTIFIED. RELIABLE Nurse's Aide position. Hours 9AM-3PM. Call per week. Call 1-800-242-0850 or reliable person with some mechanical TELLERS ; 877-4222. 1985 HONDA PRELUDE, 51.000 miles. condition. 354-5489. " -Vf-> seeks position caring for sick and/or- BOOKKEEPER needed for Summit Law 686-8900: ability and willing to learn. Will train. In Moonroot, loaded., alanrmvVey -clean.- elderly. Nights. Very good, references. Firm. Knowledgo of computers essential. Livingston 992-8900. Pleasant working atmosphere. Excellent CLERK TYPISTS ' DATA ENTRY Owned by mechanic Must self. Asking 1928 PORSCHE 928 S, metallic grey, Call 374-8735; .'••-.. ;•..; . . With and Without Experience black leather, automatic, full power; re- salary and benefits. Call Ms. Bryans, ...Full-time in Murray Hill, Well organized FACTORY HELPERS •$8,500.: '••./.•.. •',: :•...•- .••••.-.;•, INTERESTED IN MAKING and highly motivated individual needed 12 full time temporary (2-3 months) movable stereo, radar, phone, heated HONEST LADY looking for housedean- 277r2200, .-••.'• , . ' ' » **.-•«' •* "•" IF IT DOESN'T SELL, seals; etc. Garaged. 522-0967. . . ing Job'. Excellent references, own trans- A CAREER CHANGE .for Data-Entry and Word Processing on opening as general helpers in publishing 1984 HONDA PRELUDE Red, moon- portation. Available 2 days a week. Call BOOKKEEPER. For Medical Office. Ex- WHILE EARNING IBM System 36 and PC with framework. company bindery. 8-4PM or Midnight to WE'LL RUN THE AD roof, air conditioning. Excellent condition.' 19Br PEUQOT 505. Dark blue,, fully Maria after 5PM 482-8132: : . Your Career perience'required. Full-time position; Must type 40 WPM. Call Miss Miller. 6:30A.M. No experience necessary. We Asking $6600. Call467-1703evenings or loaded, 11,500- miles, Askln~ Phone 376-2900. , . . —. Burgdorlf Realtors, 665-0000. will train. Must be al least 18 years of age. r H0USEKEEKRSJ)Ayjj4. 377-33OO-days7———— . ".'. - $18,000. •wlth~T5ar~phone;. BIG BUCKS!! Call 382-3450. Equal, opportunity em- THE THIRD portation and references provided.-Cay - Grpwth^ls^Our— BOOKKEEPER DENTAL"ASStSTANTrHighesrquality ployer. Male/Female. days, 785-0927 after 5pm. Livingston office. Futl or part-time, most 1981 HONDA Civic, brown, 4 door sedan, Amelia 564-5211. • : . Old, established auto dealer soeks quali- We will train you for a highly skilled WEEK AT 5 speed, air condtioning, Am/Fm etereo 1984 SAAB 900S, automatic, sunroof, Prime Concern! fied bookkeeper with auto experience. pleasant, friendly, professional envlron- FASHION FINDS of Union Center look- IWILLclea . position as a claims examiner for a large ment 992-3990. . cassette, rear defroster; Interior In very blaupunkt AM/FM sterio. Excellent condi- Good pay and benefits for right person. Insurance firm In Florham Park. ing for full time sales help. Call (or Union, Maplewood, Irvington, South < We're First Fidelity • - New Jersey's appplntment 375-0033. Ask for Allen or ^good condition, Very dependable, Good tion. Call 688-7009. —-. . . Call John for' interview.appointment. DENTAL HYGIENIST. needed in Short first car. Asking $2,000 or best offer. Call ange, Call anytime. 371 T3647. •••; largest banking institution and still Sharon. . No expanding. To us, our staff plays an. WYMAN FORD Hills oflice. Flexible hours. Please call 686-7700 or after 5pm. 423-3d359. 1983 SAAB TURBO, 4 door,'leather plus to learn a valuable skill and type at leasl many extras! Excellent ^condition.; Call PORTUGESE WOMAN offers to clean important role. You are frequently the 1713 Springfield Avenue . Maplewood 376-1500:. , ' - ' .- FEMALE VOCALIST wanted for working houses.: Has own transportation and .45 wpm, call us immediately at one of our banquet band. Top 40s and oldies. Must 1987IROC, red. Excellent condition, fully 233-7995, after 6pm weekdays, a(| day vital, link to customers ;- utilizing • 761-6000- : DENTAL RECEPTIONIST for private good references. Phone 578-8103.' , tactfulnesa, sales capabilities, fig'ure. convenient, locations. have attractive stage presence. Call loaded, electro-lock anti-theft, T-roof with weekends. : , • . -;. South Orange office. Experience neces- ', aptitude and good solid business, BUSY INSURANCE office 'needs indivi- 687-9283. lock. Must sell. Lost license. $15,000. 1987 SUZUKI SAMURAI JX. Black/ PRIVATE- DUTY nurse seeks full lime dual with good organizational skills. Part time and full time hours available; sary. Excellent salary and benefits. Call position in South-Orange area.'Excellent •ludgernent, All;the.qualities we con-. 994-2264. Call 064-B2BZ.V ;.::••• -..V .'"'!' Striping,' 10K miles. 4 wheel drive, remov- 6lder valuable to a successful and Knowledge of,computer..Good pay and FILE CLERK. Full time. Paid company references, 'own transportation. Please beneifts, vacation, holidays, sick days. 1977 LINCOLN TOWN: car, yellow abte Clarion stereo. Excellent condition. challenging banking career. benefits. CaB.'376-8150: /.,;,,. DENTIAL ASSISTANT, full time/part $6,000. Call after 5PM 233-2827. . call after 8PM, 351-0173. - '••••'••'. Insured. Call 687-1500. . ~- .,- .exterior/maroon mint Interior. Loaded; All CAFETERIA WORK. 2 substitute posl- time, experienced preferred, pleasant options. Excellent running ear. 1980 TOYOTA COROLLA, Reliable' WOMAN LOOKING for housekeeping. tons available. Rexlble hours. Monday surroundings, benefits, good salary. Call FULL TIME Stock Clerk and Part-time $1200/best offer. Call 6690090 10/7, FULLTIME 232-6657.- IN FACT/ WE'LL CQNTJN.ilE: gray. 5 speed, AM/FM cassette. 70K Available Monday to Saturday. Has own • Westfiold "'. , •,"'• thru Friday while your child.bin school. t Sales position open in fine china and miles: $1,500 or best offer. Call car. Call me alter 5P.M. 371-5731. Ask for Mom and seniors welcome. Call Director glass., shop, in West. Orange. Call 1981 LINCOLN MARK VI. Loaded; low • Union ;/;•• - TEMPORARY SERVICES DIARY CLEBK. Suburban Essex Firm TO RUN THE AD 245-5093. •'•'•• : Loslta.\ ,,,. , .•:,•'.. -. • at 376-5082, between 8-11 and 1-3.' 736-4477. . f • , i miles, new tires, cream puff. Must sell • Echo Lakel , 50 Union Ave.lrvington 375-1545 see ks a diary clerk with calender schedul- *•"• .. ••'•$•—, • Scotch Plains $$7200ormkeoffer^687^946-o 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL. 2 door sedan. 4 Montclalr/Bloomteld - 783-5035 ing experiencerBenefitsrCall487-i3OOr FULL—TIME~Momlng~hefynneeded for- UNTIL 687-1893. speed. AM/FM cassette, 69,000 miles. HELP WANTED Summit/Livingston : . ' 277-3155 small retail store in Maplewood Village. Excellent condition. Call 762-2315 after ; PART TIME; , CARWASH HELP .Union/Elizabeth • 558-0933 DRIVER needed for tight deliveries and Good pay/benefits. Call 762-1532. T ' 1979 MERCEDES BENZ, 300 CD. , ACCOUNTING CLERK. Part or fu|l time. Steady work. Scotch Plains ••.'-. 232-0669 packaging for dental lab. Monday-Friday 6P.M. •'.:•• • . : V- Green, tan interior,sunroof. Loaded. Well Responsibilities to include A/P and other • Union • V-- "••.••••-••••-.• :-•• Good pay and tips. Apply In per- Chatham . - 538-7747 9AM-4:30PM. Apply by phone 686-1663. FULL TIME/Part time retail sales person SOU> • Cranford '. :. •..••••.. wanted. Call 687-5490. Felxible hours. •1 • maintained Complete service records. 1984 TOYOTA CELICA GTIiftback. Ex related accounting functions. Good typ- son: ' " (Maximum 13 WMkt) $9,250: Call 748*3369, -, . i : cellent condition,power steering. AM/FM ing skills required. Good starting salary, • Berkley Heights ; CLERK TYPIST DRIVER/ .. with full benefits package. Call Ron We would prefer candidates with 6 CRANFORD CARWASH GENERAL OFFICE work in Union, part- stereo, air conditioning, 5 speed, asking - PRODUCTION SCHEDULING ..- time, flexable hours, with or without 1986 MERCURY COUGAR, white with $6,000. Call 686-6276. Hinkle for appointment. 24M 200. months cash, handling experience; • B30 South Avenue East . ; PROGRAM AIDE blue carrige. top, loaded, 28K'miles, however, we will train, bright begin- experience, good salary. Position suit- Job consists primarily of maintaining able for retired person or student. Call excellent condition.49900 .or best offer. 1982 TOYOTA TURCELL, 2 door. Stan- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Beriffi- ners interested In learning the bank- Cranf ord, N. J. production records, tilling Job orders ley. Heights facility. Rehabilitation prog- ing business'. • ;•,• \'••••••. • .- — .; TEMPORARY 688-4896. . INSTRUCTIONS: Simply write down your ad and 687-9085/ ••):•• .•'••*; • -.:*•'••>.. V." dard shift. $1200 or best offer. Call and plenty sheets. Some typing skills* 688-5906. •• ' .... '• •• .••'. V. .;• ram." Houra:..9AM-5PM Monday-Friday. CASHIER needed, some typing. Student, aptitude for figures, and organization mall It with your payment to the address below. 1979 MERCURY STATION-WAGON BA or equivalent exj>oriencflJiWLJ»ne- First Fidelity offeraxompetitive start- Long-term temporary position is currently GIRL/GUY FRIDAY Automatic, power brakes/steering/ 1986 TOYOTA CEUCA liftback, auto wanted mornings or'afternoons, part or necessary..Wo will train. EOE/M/F available to work with Union Hospital's Full/part time. Pleasant phone voice. fits. Call Ronnie at 322-2110 between the Ing salaries arid for. full timers, gener- full-time. 688-8052. Union. windows/door, locks/seats, air, AM/FM, trans; air, am/fm cassette, power : ous benefits. . ... ; ' : CALL-382-3450 WISE Adult Social Day Care Program. Light typing. Experience with numbors hours of'9AM-3PM,' ' .- ' " and computer desirable. Call 467-9150. i • • •••.>. The selected individual will be responsi- CB. As Is $900. 688-1097. steering/brakes, alarm, cruise i control. CHAUFFEUR Full time. Short Hills area. Excellent condition, 26,000 miles. ADULT CARRIERS: Permanent part To be considered, please call Human ble for assisting professional staff In dally : 1987 MERCURY WAGON. Uke new. 9 Generous pay. Must have clean record CLINICAL. RESEARCH HAIR STYUST/MANICURIST wanted to $9,400. 964-1461. . / ' ' time' positions are availabte near your Reaouroes-Department- programs, as well as transporting elderly passenger, roof rack, full power, 30,000 and-referrences-eall-482-7889. . . clients to and from the program. work in beautiful new salon. Excellent UNION CLASSIFIED home. Earty rnomlng newspaper routes. opportunity. Call 245-9005. mile*. $13,400. Call 272-8215. 1971 VOLKSWAGEN BUG,red. air con- Earn $400 to $440 per month plus cash 201418-2141 or 2142 Human akin testing. Bachelor degree dition, 79,000 miles, 600 miles on new incentives: will help you supplement your In science or fab technician certificate This split shift position (8-10AM and CLERICAL aro .« must. Hours; 10AM-6PM HOUSEKEEPER/LIVE-IN. Light P.O. BbX158 1977 MERCURY MONARCH.. 4,door, engine, etc. $1950. Call 992-6690. income. Make your early mornings pro- 12:30-6PM) requires familiarity with the housekeeping/care of an elderly woman. dean inside and out, good second car. ductive and profitable. 1-1%•hours per Seeking responsible person for Monday-Friday. Maplawood location. Union County area, sensitivity, energy MAPLEW00D, N.J. 07040 1978 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT, 2 door, References preferred. Call after 5P,M.; general ofllce work. Filing, typing, Call Nora at 761-1160. and willingness to work with functionally Asking $550, 687-0987. Must sell, manual, fuel inlectiori. Good running day.. Seven days. Call Toll Free F Ask for HoUy 731-5589. negotiable. •; :• .;.•,:"•••.•"'.•,•..-, r'•.''•.• 1.800-242-0850 or 877.4222, • and answering phones. Pleasant impaired elderly. Bus I license preferred. condition. Excellent station can Best It;; For Ad Help Call 763-9411 office. Salary commensurate with • Will consider a part-time driver or aide INSURANCE 1087 NISSAN PICK-UP. 4 cylinder, auto- offer. 761-5349 after 4pm. •....',« -V FIDELITY COLLEGE GRADUATE ARTIST •-.,:•••••;..• experience, Call Dawn: : ' only. Contact Personnel Department at matic, AM/FM stereo/eauatiger, rear slid- DESKTOP PUBUSHING \ :' 'aw •'• 851-7004.' BILLER/CODER ing wintfOw. chrome bumper; 24,000 YOUR AD COULD APPEAR HERE FOR ,984-0340 We are currently seeking an energetic Private Parties only- No dealers please AS UTTLE AS $6.00 PER WEEK; CALL Artist with strong computer interest to BANK- Opening for new graduate as Editorial miles: After 6 PM. 761-431 §.V .•••:''• learn DeskTop Publishing arid Paste-up. individual to worK; Monday-Friday in our FOR MORE DETAILS. OUR FRIENDLY FIRST FIDEUTY BANK, Assistant in book publishing firm. Need Insurance Department Medical terminol- . .1986 NISSAN SENTRA, 32,000 miles. 2 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WOULD Minimum experience required. Typing. ... • ; NA, New Jersey •• ". CLERICAL Part Time; Work in an excit- broad Interests -and tofrflngar-typlng -UNION HOSPITAL- ogy and typing preferred. We offer an door, S speed, like new.$3,500. Ca BE HAPPY TO HELP YOU. : Near Routes 22.78, Garden State Park- ing office of an advertising agency. Gen- skills/Start at $17,000. WoTe in Hillside 1000 Galloping Hill Road excellent comprehensrve.benefiteipack- ! J way. Call Bryan, 964-4116.-, .'.;,' •* •• '• •-..•' •<• ' «•' CALL 7634411 •pur Finjt Concern Is You" near Routes 78 and GSP. Write to Mark ,232-9458. U''<':-..y'.-<••• *Y V ' oral office work. Typing skills necessary, Union, NX07083 age. Please contact SUMMIT MEDICAL • •; • Union. Call Lester Hecht 964-3356. Enslow, P.O. Box 777. Hillside NJ ,07205. an equal ooportunlty employer GROUP at 277-8633. Equal Opportunity Employer m/fmA/ r,;.. HELP-WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED i HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HEU^WANTED HELP WANTED ^OFFICE HELP .:-,; SECRETARY/DATA ENTRY/ Full time. Ansvw.phones,takepboned.ln RECEPTIONIST, Bght lyplng. answer TELEMARKETING ordem.typing, «i«9 . too!^^0J!>00i2* phones; computer Invoicing. Bght filing. en eeping helpful. Company paid benefits, PLANT OPENINGS sma,B congenial office with excellent ben- FULL OR PART TIME , l ; ; ', • ' ;•'••'•;•,t;>',.'.-c..i." - '.,'.- ,••:.•;«;•;•••'•••'• .••.-•. • • •_••'•• •"., Apply In parson: : .: efits, salary cotnmorisurate with experi- Our Roselle office Is looking for dependable, enthusiastic person. No experience _, , A.M.D. inc. -.--. AIRCRAFT PACKAGE ; Alpha Wlr» Corpomtlpn, a.growlng leader In the electronic wire and ence, sendre6ume with salary history to cable fibid, currently hat the following positions available... -• manager. 517 Lyons Avenue, Irvington, necessary. Flexible hours. Sala'ry commensurate with ability. Call for Interview. " ' '', f460 Chestnut Avenue u 1 . Hillside, N.J.' . - LOADERS AND UNLOADERS N,J. 07111...... • 241-7475 OFFICE SPECIALIST ,;:. Opportunity exists for a ac. Inspector to work (n our Elizabeth facility. SECRETARY. LIGHT bookkeepping. Ability to read and write English and a stable work history Is required. 6mall engineering office, 30/40 hours per INSTRUCTIONS holiday Cash! " NEEDED ; - - TELEPHONE Must be howtt, dependable, bond- TEMPORARY, PART TIME Some electrical or Inspection experience is preferred, however, we will week. Union, N.J. 851-2621. —*^ OPERATORS SUCCESSFUL MATH TUTOR M«K« your holidays « nw« joyoui •bit, «nd have excellent math skills. traJnStartlrHj8aJay?688/h SECRETARIAL C time witn «om« EXTRA CASH! Day 8hHt. Call PpSlTION^ Rapidly growing Linden based company -Choose your own 4 hour shift.' OVEH 25 YEARS TEACHING Earn SJOO. • SSOO. o«r momn vwtn EXTRUDER OPERATOR seeks mature, organized person with 9254161 Work week days plus day shift. High School/College o P/Tv»om. Linden, NJ 3-5 years axperlencs In plastics extrusion. Must be able to read, write strong tvplng skills. Prior experience with Algebra I through Calculus Tha SUtf-Uwgt' nas immeoan AT NEWARK AIR|»ORT ' IBM-PC a plus. Call Mr. Woods, every other weekends. t and speak English as well as read and understand specification sheets. RESULTS PRODUCED o openings in you* a«a. Eany mor- OPHTHALMIC ASSISTANT, Candy is Heavy lifting required. 1st and 2nd shHt.avallable. $7.88 , 486-2900. Overnight Shift SATs A Specialty o ning noun a» a Cuttorrw S«(vic» my receptionist/bookkeeper/secretary. R«pftsaniauv« or an Aauit Cam»r Apply in person to: , '; •'" '••.'' '•:•;.';';-•..:.:.•.; < SECRETARY-FUa-TIME for suburan 11:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. also avail- 685-6550 She is cheerful, quick to loam and START AT: law firm located In Millbum/Springfield/ able. Call Olga: wonderful with mV patients; I'm looking Summit area, pleasant working Call Now* for someone Just like her to work with me, Toll Free AM-.J? AM and 7 PM Human Rasources Dopartment . :' conditionBk benefits, experienced 233-0786 (5) SERVICES OFFERED tialt-time in the exam rooms of myofffces preferred, not required. Tony 467-8855. I 1-800-242-0850 in WestfiekJ and West Orange. The lob United Parcel Service Is (n IrVimedlate need of TEMPORARY, • i. -1. i • • ALPHA WIRE CORPORATION . will include ensuring that patients, under? ACCOUNTING o or PART TIME people to load and unload packages from UPS [* 111] | }-S| 711 Udgerwood Avenu., Ellzab.lh.NJ 07207 SECRETARY-PRiyATE Sodal Service 877-4222 stand my Instructions; and In general, TELEPHONE ACCOUNTINQ SERVICES — Small bu- 3 : : organization seeks take-charge secret- being as caring and kind with my patients alrcrafte...... - ;. :<', ••,;. • ••\,: ••'.-.- ~.;; •.'•"..•.; v '''/ "'' ' ''. .' - .."• ary for small one-person office in the sinesses. Monthly or quarterly service. O as Candy is.If you are a""hTgh school Springfiold/Maplewood area. Excellent SOLICITOR Corporate, partnership and individual in- . ReiKtonr Training. Nat'l. Hdqtrr. pairs, 1 ramingrrooRng. addltlonsrSpecia-" MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS seeking an experienced Phlebotomlst to Ing mail. Competitive salary and benefits SEAMSTRESS, Part time. Knowledge of lizing in siding & decks. No job too big/No MANICURIST needed, ASAP. Busy Skin guaranteed salary/incentive pro- work part time days, 20 hours -week in sewing machine and hand sawing for fur ••". . 669-WORK (9675)^— Pompano. Batch. Fl.' • and Nail salon in Cranford. Full-time and CHEMI8TIY * HBUTQUMV • Monday-Saturday, day off during weak. Must offered. Experience prefarred. For Imme- • FHUHCIAL AID AVAIUULE job too small. CARMINE, 676-2966. be A8CP registered or eligible. . * . . -.. grams. For interview/appointment our Laboratory Department If interested diate Interview, contact Karen Sullivan, -coats. Call 964-8898 days, 688-2454. part-time, Excellent salary. Must be ...... i ) , "• * i, :'.•-• \- .' ..•-.• • • JOtPUCtMENT call ."'•• . , ; : pleaso call Summit Medical, Group, l evenings. -•'"•.:. : . licensed. 272-0007. '.'.•• • , • ,*•'•' i •*'•.' . •* " 201-377-3987. ' . ° SUBSTITUTE* COUNSELORS. Work • * • " • • i . . ' ' . .' . 277-8633. .. ,.,.•::•• when you are available. Train mentally ASSISTANCE G. GREEMWALO MEDICAL ASSISTANT/Seoretary We offer a competitive starting salary. An excellent fringe benefit package lo retarded group home residents in inde- Carpenter Contractors PHOTO : : r 1-800-327-7728 needed for medical practice. Experience available with most positions. We are located In Suburban Summit. Just 467-8645 RETAIL •-;: • :K' - -'- '' - . pendent living skills in Union County. preferred. Call 429-287$ after 12 noon minutes from The Garden State Parkway. For more Information, please call PLANT : CARUN3 SECRETARY Creative, rewarding, Excellent for col- THE HART SCHOOL All type repairs, remodeling, kitchen, 1 with 3-5 years experience needed for OivlrionatA.C.T.Corp. porches, enclosures, cellars, attics. Fully- weekdays, • ' Full Time or Part Tim*. Clerical posi- Full time and part time Sales and part lege students—Gain experience |n your (Accndltod M Personnels " 277-8633 'v',: •" •' tions available In Photo Processing time Cashier - Woodbridgo. Center: modem law firm In Springfield. Word field. Possible hours: Weekdays NHSCi insured, estimates given 688-2984. MEDICAL ASSISTANT. Part-time or fill Plant In Union. Minimum G houra. 636-1045. • .. . ; Processing necessary. Excellent bene- 3PM-11PM and/or weekends. $5,85 per Small jobs. - time. Willing to train. Call for interview PART TIME Pleasant work'ng conditions. Apply In fits, salary and working conditions. Free hour. Call June Anderson 464-8008. 2pm-3pm, Monday, Tuesday. Thursday. person «l 1050 Commarc* Avenue, on-eite parking. An equal opportunity Immediate opening, flexible hours. Call employer. Please call Ma. Martino, SUPERVISORS MESSENGER Union. . ' ..-.'• RETAIL ; JOE DOMAN 736-7750. 467-1776, '-.•.,£;.;.A..:;;:..• DRIVERS, HELPER, PACKERS Valid drivers license required to_ -PHYSICAL THERAPIST AIDE. Part- OFFICE FURNITURE INSTALLERS 686-3824 MEDICAL ASSISTANT, Previous Modi .drive manual transmission vehh time, for Tuesday, Thursday Train to be a •Alterations/Repairs cal office experience. Full-time, Monday NURSES AIDE PART TIME. Evenings ant| Saturdays. cle. Hours flexible, up to 5 days Various.duties. Call 964-€Ht SALES FULL OR PART TIME • •Closets/Qabinets Friday. Phone 376-290Q. To care for elderly man, Sleep In or out Experienced cashier/receptionist needed SECRETARY^ TRAVEL AGENT •Customized Tables per week. ..Some light lifting. For corporate general counsel's office.- WE ARE LOOKING FOR CLEAN CUT, G ;..• . .o-.- ••. ' '• • O :• -- -'• -d for Springfield car. dealership. Good Knowledge of Essex and Union PORTER :::;_. BEAUTY BARN,- Now Jereoy's leading HARD WORKING INDIVIDUALS TOUR GUIDE> •Storage Areas MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST tank,-Part Springfield area. Good typing, steno and •Formica/wood/Panellng time doctort-office. Call 607-8538. references. Must cook. Steady position working conditions. Please call Counties helpful. Call: Responsible, Reliable Individual with In- discounter of cosmetics and professional APPLY IN PERSON AIRLINE RESERVATIONIST ; dfctaphone skills required. Salary com- Windows/DoonVSheetrocK for responsible person. Call 736-0478 379-7744. ,'••::•.. '•••:=• '•'. •'-• •' '••• dustrial experience, for 2:45-11:15pm beauty products, seeks salesperson. Full mensurate with skill and experience. Call ;»•;!•. « All. TO 5 PM. Friday 1130-1tf> Saturda y 10-12 noon. , tt»rt tocalty^kil^ltrnv/pafillm*,Train o>> MEDICAL RECORDS-Wear©accepting 686-7700 shift Duties include regular Housekeep- tune. Excellent salary and flexible sche- Rosemary Stummer, 467-2200, Ext 233. , llv«V«lrllna eornput«r< Homa.study A f«*t- • applications for the following:: Medical PART TIME, After-School programtor. 3 ing details plus some Security in modem .'HABERTHUR'S RELOCATION to 7 year olds. College'Student or adult dule, call 564-8662' for interview. om- R. Potter Home Repairs Transcrlptionlfit-part flme evenings ai _ over 18. Experience with children pre- benefits. References requested. fices, experienced. South Orange office, 160 KEARNY AVENUE EARNY. N.J. partoBaacti,Ft. .: "• •••' DOORS, WINDOWS, ROOF REPAIRS OFFICE ASSISTANT ferred. 762-6451, . _.._1^.._ . PASTE-UP PERSON ^ /• full-time or part-time. 762-2717. or weekends, 12 hours. If interested STERLING PLASTICS , •>,- (201) 997-7477 4 MORE. . General office duties in busy accounts, BEAUTY v A.C.T. TRAVEL SCHOOL please call SUMMIT MEDICAL GROUP, payable office,, Diversified duties- 253 SHEFFIELD STREET SECRETARY 277-8633. Y .' '•• • y--V-•• ' PART-TIME Typist for home or office in For busy newspaper shop; Maplewood MOUNTAINSIDEJNEW JERSEY TEACHER'S AIDE position for a Special DONT FRET CALL RHETT! tillng.poBtlng.etc. Bookkeeping back- location. Part time, will train. Maple Com- BARN Legal experience a plus. Small recently Education class. Springfiold Public Free estimates, reasonable rates, in- B Union.. 15-20 houra/ week. Perfect for (OFF US HIGHWAY 22 WEST) 1 •MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST. Part-time, ground a plus. Cad Irene B. housewife/colleoe tttudent. Call Fran af- position, 463 ValleyStreet Call 762-0303 275 Rt 22 East \ / established Law Firm .In Springfield. Re- Schools. $7.35 per hour. Contact imme- ,1-800-327-7728 sured. • EQUAL OPPORTUNITY,EMPLOYER laxed, friendly atmosphere. Please call diately; Jyirs. Roeemarie Krosche, Admi- light typing. MWbum area Call 378-0160, $64^7900, •.••.•;'•• ^ ter 4P.M. 688-7079, ': ; v. ,. for Interview appointment. . . , V I I e Springfteld, Nf 07081 v Accradlta

* i » i i i » i «

.<,!;.. •.,•..,'. • I '•• .• <-.•• •••; "• •.'.'..•'• 'V .'.• •'• .'• .' •'••-.•"•••.- CD ' " PAINTING fl: ROOFING TYPINS;SERVICE MISCELUNEOUS FOR SALE JOE'S-INXERJOR PAINTING, INC; - PROFESSIONAL f Fully insured. Free estimates. Highest :• ;• CLARK )3UILDER$; . A TURN OF THE CENTURY! - quality workmanship. Union, 964-418?.; ; .TYPIST - —:;, HALLOWEEN SPECIALS LEON PAINTING. Interior/Exterior. Wall- SERVING UNION COUNTY FOR OVER Resumes,. Dissertations, Statisti- 1075 Stuyvesant Avenue, Irvington • papering. Free estimates. Call 241-0698. 17 YEARS. NEW ROOFING antf RE- cal Tables, Letters, Theses, SOUTH ORANGE; Hundrededs of diffe- PAIR. ALL "WORK GUARANTEED IN (Union/Maplewood Border) Term Papers, Legal and Medical Saturday/Sunday 10:00-6:00 rent items, furniture, costume jewelry,- WRITING. FULLY INSURED. FREE ES- toobrbric-a-brac, antiques. Friday, Sa- PAINTING & TIMATES. CALL; Transcripts. Reasonable Rates. Flammed cheny mahoganyChippendale, turday. 9-6P.M. PLASTERING ••*.•••••.• 381-5145 Call Eileen 964-1793. , bedroom set with ball and daw feet, 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE super tiger walnut bedroom sat with SPRINGFIELD, 135 Tooker Avenue. Oc- etched mirror vanity, superb french wal- tober 29. 10-4. Rain date October 30, O : EBEELESIIMAJES- nut 1920/s' vanity, fabulous art deco 12:30-5. Household goods, baby items, No Job Too Small or Too Large etc! No early birds. ^—— AlA l Types of Repairs UPHOLSTERY vanity and dining room set; golden oak "C CALL: LENNY TiiFANO dressers, armolre. chest of drawers, one Gutters.. Leaders SPRINGFIELD, 66 Redwood Road, o '•;••:.•',:•.••.'. ANY STYLE of a kind cheval oak dresser. Italian walnut dining room set, mahogany dining Saturday/Sunday, October 29-30. 10 to o O- LIMOUSINE SERVICES DOTSY LOU •Kitchen/Diningroom Chairs 4. (Don't miss this one!) Mink coat, CARPET CARE/CLEANING DRIVEWAYS HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTlNQ:QUAUTYworkatroasonab!o set each win 6 chaifB.-fantastic maho- prices. Free estimates. Call: Pat Lynch Roofing Contractors •Booth & Barstools ., gany,comer shelf, and a super comer women's clothing, kid's clothing and toys, JUMPIN CHARIOT Express and Courier household, typewriter, video camera, service. Group rides. Airports, small, 583-4754:" — . ^ • • Union, NJ • / . . RECOVERED...... seat Occasional tables, occasional con- 8 R & T PUGLIESE sole, card tables. Lamps quilts, clocks, art couch and chairs and much more in mint CARPET SALES GUTTERS & LEADERS packages. Same day service. Francisco : condition. 2. Asphalt Paving, Driveways, Parking HOME IMPROVEMENTS 373-7689 or beeper number 430-0720. •:- P.A.K. PAINTING CO. 688-2188 Elass and minors. Assorted bric-a-brac, $4 - $6 Sq. Yard Lots, Curbs & Concrete. Quality UNDERGROUND DRAINS .',Interior 4. Exterior' „• • 1. CUSHIONS RESTUFFED ots and lots morel ^ Palnting»Wallpaper Using, Benjamin Moore: Paint, SPRINGFIELD, 30 Tooker Place (Moun- O Buy At Builders Prices Work. Fully Insured, Free Estimates. JG UPHOLSTERY WE BUY. SELL AND CONDUCT tain Avenue to Hen&haw Avenue-to Throughly cleaned MASONRY Fully Insured Free Estimate WILUAMH. VEIT .••"••'• HOUSE SALES Free Measuring Residential & Commercial. Decklng»Carpentry t Roofing + Seamless Gutters. Free Esti- 1001 Vauxhall Road Tooker Place), Saturday and Sunday, & flushed •" CALL TOM ANYTIME •-.'•"- Union. NJ '07083 , . 373-1900 o - (Mln. 50 Sq. Yards) 272-8865 Pressure Washing WALLS, Patios, Steps, Sidewalks, " Ji ! 964:4798 mates. Own yvork.'Insured. .Since 1932, October 29th and 30th. 9am-4pm. •Urge SeIection*Many Colors •Repairs •Replacements Waterproofing, Repair Specialist Free 241-7245. . rv . . •: . ..;. , ;.. ;;:68ft 5953'.::' •' .." Clothes washer, furniture, lamps, many 8 Alt Debris Bagged Sheetrock Estimates. Insured. Overdo years experi- ! COMPLETE CONTENTS OF HOUSE. odd ands ends. o Saturday.October 29.10AM-5PM. 1991 3 . 298-1331 ^-^ - From Above Residential i Commercial ence. Self employed. Call Al Nelson RONALD RODGERS 2 SUBURBAN 687-9032 or 688-6638.; RUBBISH REMOVAL WEDDING INVITATIONS Churchill Drive, Union (off Vauxhall SPRINGFIELD, 86 Garden Oval. Satur- CD REFERENCE AVAILABLE Painting Contractor day and Sunday, October 29th and 30th, CEtUNGS PAVING COMPANY •FREE ESTIMATES Road). .;. . . m o •FULLY INSURED GIVE US A CALL:' •:•• MASONRY 9am-until. Something For Everyone! PROBLEMS WITH YOUR CEIUNGS? DRIVEWAYS .•••••• and >>:••'•• RUBBISH REMOVAL - We remove odds : Complete Une CONTENTS OJF House sate, 24 Centre MARK MEISE...... 228-4965 Brick/Stone Steps ••• & ends & old furniture from'your home. Nailpops, seams, cracks, imperfections? PARKING. LOTS 352-5139 Sldewalka«Plasteririg ',..,• Home Improvement Street, Nutley, Saturday and Sunday UNION, 1051 SCHNEIDER Avenue (off BEAUTIFY them with accusticalh/ References on request. ... Wedding October 29 and 30, 10-6PM. Morris Avenue by CVS Drugstore). 7 "'I. CURBING STEAM LINE.: , Basement Waterproofing •.-./. GUTTER CLEANING. ALSO ATTIC AND sprayed textured ceilings. (Sparkle effect Work Guaranteed, Self Employed; In- BASEMENTS. PLUS REMOVAL OF DE- Charles Mlkullk 688-1144 Announcements family sale, Saturday, October 29th, available). CALL THE PROSI for free Free Estimates Fully Insured v GUTTER CLEANING sured. 35 Yeans Experience. Call: - BRIS. FREE ESTIMATES. FULLY IN- *•;. • • Union CUSTOM 18 inch Grapevine Wreaths, 9AM-430PM. Rain or shine. estimate, 382-7894 or 925-5727, -- -i -687-3133 We will dean and flush your Gutters at SURED. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE. trimmed'with imported silk, flowers lace k your convenience and make small re- Napkins and and pearls. An exquisit gift. $39.99. UNION, 1246 Cariton Terrace, Saturday, pairs. Insured! 276-4253. HOME IMPROVEMENTS - ... Anthony Nufrlo; 862^8285: SERVICES OFFERED 7T. 762-1935. • October 29. (Rain data November 12.) 9 CLEANING SERVICE ELECTRICIANS Souvenir Matches to 4. Air conditioners, dehumidifter, type- STEAM UNE Gutter Cleaning. We will Painting«Walipaper EUROPE GENERAL CONTRACTORS. SHEM-TOV PAINTING SERVICE. Exter- HOUSE FURNISHING SALE. Saturday. writer, bar stools, swivel, kitchen chairs, COMPLETE CLEANING MAINTE- dean and flush your Gutters at your All kinds of jobs. Asphalt, concrete, ma- ior, Interior, Customized colors, Wall- Maple October 29th, 10am-5pm;2708 Grasseili desk, children's clothes, miscellaneous. NANCE, Home - office. Reasonable convenience ana make smalt repairs. Decking«Carpentry paper removal, local -references. .Call EXPERt FLOOR Avenue (Tremley Point section), Linden, RICH BLINDT JR. : sonry. Fully Insured, free estimates. Call Sanding & Reflnfshlng Composition Rates. Call 687-3058. 24 hours. Insured. 276-4253; ^ Pressure Washing 484-1695.'. '•..-.., . .; 736-94364 . West^Ora^rangeg . — New Jersey. . . . UNION, 1773 Colgate Place. Saturday, Electrical Contractor on all hardwood .floors- ' 463 Valley Street October 29. 10 to 5. DIANE'S — EVENING CLEANING SER- Lie. No. 0006 . . HOME IMPROVEMENTS Sheetrock QUALITY MASONRY, Steps. Sidewalks VINCENTS PAINTING, Reasonable;rates .Free (In the rear of the UV1NGROOM SET: 90" sofa, velour: 2 Household items, clothes, tables, tamps, VICE. Apartments, homes and offices. estimates on any size Jobs. Newfs-Record Building) •RESIDENTIAL Residential- . Commercial & Patios. Fully Insured. Telephone, . Professional Work matching side chairs, 2 end tables, coffee full dining room including table ana 6 Reasonable rates. Diane, 755-8736. ALL PRO Call.Dave or Al: Maplewood table. Excellent condition. $950. Call —REFERENCE AVAILABLE 245-5107. •••:.••• . . • • • , .' Interior & Exterior Painting chairs, china closet and Targe buffet. Leave message if no answer. •COMMERCIAL GENERAL CONTRACTING • Free Estimatos'Insured 763-5813. INDUSTRIAL Vinyl replacement windows installed, GIVE US A CALL: •" 371-0016 " 762*0303 UNION. 2645 Jullat Place. Moving must TOO BUSY! Too Tired! Call Trust CJoan- NO JOB TOO SMALL $149. Custom design kitchens and baths. I 241-0375 MATCHING CONTEMPORARY sofa sell everything. Tools, lawn mower, furni- -ore^All purpose, custom, deluxe clean- All typos of carpentry work. MASON CONTRACTORS GENERAL HOME REPAIR — Painting, and love seat in.brown and bone plaid. ture. Saturday, October 29, 9-6. Rain 352*139 STEPS-SIDEWALKS (6) MISCELUNEOUS ing. Residential and. business. Refer- PRICES THAT WONT Fast Service bathroom tiles, finished basements, Excellent condition and reasonably pr- . data^ November 12. ALL MASONRY small alterations. Free estimates. Very ences available. Call Yvonne 375-8445. SHOCK YOU! Reasonable Price* WILLIAM E. ANTIQUES Iced. Call 912-0082.. Fully In»ur«d/Frw Estimate* 25 YRS EXPERIENCE reasonable. Call Joe after 3 PM, UNION, 267 WASHINGTON Avenue. 688-1853 R & R REASONABLE PRICES 486-8413. ... : POLLY REILLVS MODULAR WALL unite and desks. Im- October 29, 10AM-5PM.. Rain date CONSTRUCTION 851-7913 M. DEUTSCH BAUER ported from Scandanavla. Create your Fully Insured CHRISTMAS BOUTIQUE November 5. Toys, clothes, refrigerator, HOME IMPROVEMENTS •i> 379-9099 Professional Paintings 116 Watchung Avenue.Plainfield own individual your design at bargain typewriter, two 20" blcydes, furniture, M.G.M. CONSTRUCTION CO., Add-A- SIDING prices: Great for kids, computers, enter- Level, Additions, Kitchens, Dormers, •Carepnuy •Masonry Error in ad on October 20, 1988 miscellaneous. SPURR ELECTRIC . ARTHUR'S Exterior/Interior Days, and times should read tainment centers, micro waves, knick t -> Baths, Roofing, Fireplaces. Free esti- •Sheetrock : •Painting knacks, books, offices, etc. For more UNION, 2692,2671 Bancroft Avenue (off mates, fully insured. 289-4169: HOME IMPROVEMENTS MOVING/STORAGE INSURE •9:30-5 everyday •'" ' •Additions • «Decks VINYL & ALUMINUM SIDING information call 763-3523. •..-.' Liberty Avenue). October 29. 9-4P.M. Exterior/Interior Painting . Tuesday and Thursoay until 9PM New office supplies, clothes, odds/ends. New & Alteration Work INSURED, , GUTTERS/LEADERS ':'••- AMERICAN" RED BALL . 964-4942 MUST SELL.Template .traditional Ih/in- No Reasonable Otter Refused I DECKS Gutters«Rooflng STEVE'S FLEA MARKET Specializing in recessed flighting and Porches* Decks JOHN...... ;..;...... 964-8163 Local & worldwide movers. Red Carpet groom (black rust/white) 99in. sofa, eervice ^o-FLORIDA, AgenrUNIVER- PLUMBING RESTORATIONS HOLIDAY BAZAAR. Arts _and Crafts. tables, lamps, area rugs. $400 or best UNION,. 2956 ABERDEEN Road. Oc- service changing', smoke detectors, yard' . Additions-Basements PETE....;...... ,...... 686-5361 : Saturday; November 5th, 9:30-3PM. tober 29, 9AM-5PM. Rain or shine. (Off and security fighting, alterations, and new SITY Van Unes. 276.2070. 1601 W. Union. NJ 07083 offer. 743-2256. • DECKS Renovatlons»Attlcs Edgar Road, Linden. PC 00102. Tables available for $10.0.0. Call Vauxhall Road).- ^ developments. License No. 7288. Fully- RICHARD SCHOENWALDER 372-0084. Redeemer Lutheran.Church, ORLANPO FLORIDA. 2 round trip tick- Insured. No Job Too Small. FREE ESTIMATES 964-8039 UNION. 436 Huntington Road. Saturday,, , . EXCLUSIVE R.TAVARES Plumbing & Heating Co. tnc,. Free Estlmates«FuJIy Insured 134 Prospect Avenue. Irvlngton. ets, Continental airline. $276 for both, 851-9614 . ••'••• October 29th. 10AM-4PM. Dress form 371-2726 HOME IMPROVEMENTS . • LJC. #8§si,: =•.,•••. •', f AH Work Guaranteed depart November 20, return 29th. Jim/ ALL SIZE CUSTOM DECKS DON:S - MISCELLANEOUS FOR_SALE. Barbara 568-0300 or 558-9086. ~~ and .board, jewelry.'craft, household' FULLY INSURED > FENCING: ~ Addlilons^Domenr-Decks— , Batfiropm Alterations & Repairs items, movie camera and projector. CARPENTRY ANDcuatom home remod- 1920's ITALIAN MAHOGANY dining PIANO, Upright. Good condition. Excel- eling. Basements; bathrooms; kitchens, : Roofs - Windows - Siding ~~MOVtNGr& STORAGE- Gas Heat & Gas Hot Water Heaters room set (pieces. Asking $1300. Solid CALL 372-4282 B & Z FENCE ':'• The Recommended Mover. Our 25th TILE lent for beginner, $95.00. Call 743-0019. UNION, 488 CRAWFORD Terrace. Sa- garages,.decks, floors, walls, .ceilings, Free Estimates. Insured Pumps & Zone Valves pecan queen size"6 piece bedroom set turday, , October 29, 9-4. Household COMPANY steps, porches and more. Free estimates. yearnion., P, C 00019. 375 Roseland Place, $400. Two metal-glass coffee tables. items: appliances, tools. Something for Uni •• Call 464-8635; ~ RIDING LAWN Mower: electric start, new CHAINUNK-WOOD—~ Senior Citizen's discount. 667-7677, BOB 964-5813 687-0035 L . I . DENICOLO TILE CONTRACTORS $90. Electrio cfothes dryer, $100, engine, new battery, Sound working con- everyone. Rain or Shine: 515-3046. , -. •' ' • . futablUhftd 1W5 v 762-6102. dition. Must soil. $76.00. 273-2700. R.J.V DOG RUNS-POOLS PRINTING ...-,• UNION, 766 Inwood Road, Saturday, FREE ESTIMATE. FREE WALK GATE 688-MOVE Kitchens, Bathrooms, Repairs, Gout- CUSTOM DESIGN RJ/S HOME IMPROVEMENT a BUCKET SEATES FOR 1975 250 SL October 29, 10-4pm, Unens, lamps, WITH PURCHASE OF 100 FEET OR Ing, Tile Floors, Tub Enclosures, "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS •WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" MERCEDES. 751-2220. UNION TICKETS" dfapos, bedspreads, clothes, knlck MORE. CALL , CONSTANCE ODD JOBS PRINTING > knacks and many miscellaneous items. We custom build decks. All Shapes ••\, . •Renovations Showerstalls ' 2005 Route 22. Union 925-2567 or 381-2094 CONSTRUCTION CORP. CALL 762-0303 Free Estimates: '• v': Fully. Insured and Sizes. Guaranteed low prices • .Complete. Une: qf •.-.,. *- •Additions^;; "2" LAST HOMEOWNERS .851-2880 UNION. 634 Remmos Avenue (Morris to along with our workmanship arid For A Bid On All >No job too small 'bir too large •Grateful Dead Liberty to Bancroft, make left 1 block to TOM'S FENCING Home Renovations Remmos). Saturday, October 29, treated lumber. •Masonry Work Your Printing Needs ... ; 685-5550/39(M425 . WANTEDJN iM *Springstedn •' •Additions •••••• : * 'Kitchens obs, ctean-ups. No job' too small. To. newinsulated VINYSIDING 9AM-5PM. Miscellaneous. __/ All Types FREE ESTIMATES'INSURED . No job too big O BOX 3695, Union, NJ • and/or •Phantom FREE ESTIMATES'INSURED •Baths •Basements or too small PLACEMENT WINDOWS; New & Repairs TREE EXPERTS^ •Dean Martin UNION, 939 Garden Street. Contents' of 276-4253 No Job Too Small •Plumbing •Electrical CALL,: 276M253 Publication printing . •Sinatra house. Cherry dining room, other* furni- . Free Estimates , Reasonable Rates PAINTING • • a specialty: .; • StUMPED?-Rid your yard of unwanted HU6E 1 ture, glassware, costume jewelry .house- Fully Insured Free estimates Map^t tree stumps. Fast and easy grinding and s hold items, women's clothes 22tt. Every- DECKS UUI) 763-0561 Call: 761-5427 JEWELERS removal: STUMP BUSTERS. We will not •Yankees thing must go. Saturday, October 29, (We're not satlaifled Comppsltlon 100% Financing ADDITIONS. N .J ', BORIS RASKIN > , be undersold, we will beat your best price .., Credit Problems Understood . 9AA_tQ-5P..M,,... —: FIREWOOD 1 6OWOaW.StSr by"IO%. 740-0724: '' . WOODWORKING^MACHINERY: belt ALTERATIONS,* >^ until your satlslfled) r* - ^. ACT NOW AND GET A CASH BONUS. sander, scroll saws, ajointer plainer, UNION, 968 Townloy Avenue, Saturday \ SKI SETTING CO. ..r.. . . .__,., In rear of the REMODEUNG FIREWOOD. Seasoned. $135 per cord. JOSEPH FRANK NEW JERSEY. NEW YORK. ANTWERP, bench saw. 14Inch woodworking band October 29.9:30-4. TV, toys, bike, tools, CARPENTRY S Delivered. Call Peters Todd'a, Inc. >}.: PAINTING V News-Record building; : 286-2477 saw, electric hammer, pipe vice with dies, pipe dies, furniture, miscellaneous. Rain : 686-1454 : DIAMOND SETTING EXTRAORDI- Mon. Tues. Wed. 7am to 1ppm • 'A/VOODSTACK 686-2018. NAIRE, MANUFACTURING SPECIAL EXTERIOR & INTERIOR compressor, acellene torch with cutting or shine. ' , , • CUSTOM : Fri ft Sat 7am to. 4pm AIRLINE TICKETS. Must sell two round tips, half horse heavy duty motor, space ••'.'•, • E & BJ HOME IMPROVEMENTS; Al. ORDERS. OFFICIAL G.I.A. IMPORTER, FREE ESTIMATES/INSURED : MTREE SERVICE DECK FLORIST trip tickets. Continental Airlines. NSwark heater, rolls of fiber glass clolh, dayton Union, 692 Selfmastor Parkway, Satur- Types Of Repairs & Improvements. No' APPRAISER, : ... WORK GUARANTEED RESUMES v Local Tree Company to Los Angeles. November 22nd-28th. SPECIALISTS L attic space ventilator, celling tile (12x12), day, October 29th, 9am-4pm. Video GETTING MARRIED? " Jobs To Small. Free Estimates. 751-838" — ——905 Mountain Ave. , REASONABLE RATES . All Types Tree work For more Information call 964-3128. Misc tools, contractor equipment, game, stereo, bicycle,' toys, household . INC or 751-3640. ••-•, Springfield,. New Jersey FREE ESTIMATES. SENIOR CITIZEN items', and clothes. WE HAVE GREAT WEDDING FLOWER REFERENCES TAPARTMENT SALE. 747 Valley Street, 751-2220. ^REE ESTIMATES - PACKAGE SPECIALS. PERFECT 376-888f or 376-8880 ' . Resumes DISCOUNT. IMMEDIATE SERVICE, IN- 'apt 1K, MapleWQCd, October 2dtfV30lh> CALL 564-92(93 SURED. FREE WOOD. CHIPS. YARD SALE FLOWERS FOR THAT PERFECT DAY. HOME IMPROVEMENTS . Fast Professional 10-4PM. Furniture, .queen sofa bed/ YOUR AD COULD APPEAR HERE FOR REASONABLY PRICED. V KITCHEN Typesetting service ' 276-5752 ' \ chairs .mlccellaneous.household, rea- AS UTTLE AS $6.00 PER WEEK. CALL KENILWORTH, 127 South Michigan DRIVEWAYS INTERIORS ONLY- sonable, priced to sell! FOR MODE DETAILS. OUR FRIENDLY Avenue, Saturday October 29,10-4. Old JEANNIES FLORIST KITCHENS REMODELED, Old Kitchen Apartments, houses, garages, offices'. Interested in starting a new career? rr CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WOULD 103 E. Wostfield Avo. SPECIALIZING IN . cabinets resurfaced. Counter tops and TYPESETTING T. books, old records, TV, and miscella- No job too btaor too small. . •.- .• . Want to change Jobs? See us tor type BE HAPPY TO HELP YOU. . neous items. Roselle Park. N.J. SMALL TO MEDIUM cabinets installed. Reasonable .price. . FREE ESTIMATES BABY GRAND Piano, excellent condi- . Call 763-9411 687-5434; • , ••••••- : :.• setting your resume, • tion, pretty french province! cherrywood L. GUIDERA 24M300 JOBS :• Call 851-2507 or 687-8379 . WANTED TO BUY case, $2000, Call 743-3899. • OF SOUTH ORANGE %," •'•;.••.-:.••. ;jCair/'•...••. ••.-.•• ,: COMPUTERIZED -K GARAGE SALE LANDSCAPING JIM RINALDI PAINTING, Interior, Exter- CATERING TO THE NEEDS GARAGE DOORS CALL: 688-8285 ior, Papemangirti. Insured,'Free Esti- TYPESETTING BLOND MAHONGANY Table. Sort of GARAGE SALE. Saturday October 29th, ANY LIONEL. FLYER. J 1762=0303 oval shape, one leaf. 6 chairs with leather from 10-4PM. 76 Naden Avenue (ofi OF THE HOMEOWNERS mates. Call 964-4601 y'-' ; : . • ,' • •. '• ••••• •;• •Velqxesr ••- • ••":• IVES AND OTHER ^ GARAGE DOORS- installed, repairs & seating, table-top pad. $.100.00. Union Avenue). •.. ' . TRAINS •; service, electric operators & radio con- ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS FALCONE'S Maple Composition •Ruled Forms 668-1497. .•'•;•• , Top prices paid. •RESDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL trols.: STEVENS OVERHEAD DOOR, IMPROVE YOUR HOME WITH GIL ? .,, . •Negatives "... , MARLEWOOD, 17 Brown Street, Satur- 635-2056 241-6749.- • , ".. Landscaping, Service J.L. CAROLAN ^6a Valley $treet > CHRISTMAS CRAFT Show held at Pro- day, October 29. 9-4. Miscellaneous 1 •INDUSTRIAL .PARKING AREA i . . 334-8709 . i- Full Lawn Maintenance ^aleaplewpofl l sbyterlan Church, 915 Pompton Avenue items, clothing, jewelry, curtains, beds- • CURBING .SIDEWALKS PAINTING Maple Composition : t METROPOLITAN DOOR CO. INC! Gutters Cleaned (Route 23), Cedar Grove (2 miles south of preads. Special articles you've been BOOKS ALL TYPES OF MASON WORK DECKS INTERIOR.EXTERIOR New Jersey 463 valley St Maplewood WUfowbrook Mall). November 2 thru 9. looking for, r .' • • ' . We buy and sell books. 321 Park Avenue, 13d Market Street Snow! Plowing Re ., (Roar of News-Record Building) . . FULLY^NSURED , ' . . Kenilwofih. NJ , • , Custom Built &. Repairs Quality WotRmarwnlF flf New-RecoitJ BJdg. Weekdays 10-9. Saturdays 10-5. Closed Plalnfeld.. 754-3900. , Reasonable Rates m. Tues.; 7am-5pm Mon. Tues. Wed. 7am to 10pm . 7 MAPLEWOOD. Rained put Sak^onb day ~ FREE ESTIMATES • .Residential & Commercial v Wood Fences & Basements Commercial/Residential Sundays. Free admission. Enjoy your 762-6800 . Free Estimates. Wed.; 7am-5pm : '- : Fri. 4 Sat-7am to 4pm : holiday sishoppingn . Personalixed and un- only. All must go.. Prices reduced.'109 COLOR-Portabie TV sots and VCR* FREE ESTIMATES • i 276-3827 ;; 815-0261/686-5457 Fri & Sat 7am to 4pm. wanted to buy, any condition. Days, . 462 Baldwin RoabV Maplewood SHOWROOM ALSO OPEN SATURDAY | 964:357$ . CALL 762-0303 ique flirts, Plymouth Aver " ~ ' 964-8364 1d-4. JANE v 755-1188, evenings. : .

' ,' I '•III, !' -ORANGE;; t»«jr'>p«cio

* • : •' ; obtain •'wishing well," Many extras Included. Best buy in $140's| money order to County Leader CHARLES MIKULIK UNION, dean modem 5 room apartment, $230-$840 per month. Includes uUGties. The;; 'bricks! tor this project •a Call 763-2940. Evenings Edna Sturm at 351-7890. BUY; OR SELL CAUL pra;: ,# 371, please send Newspapers, 1291 Stuyvesant o 688-1144 UNION 2nd floor. 2 family. Adultfe) No pels. are cut from standard-size J $4.50. Or,. you can order our Ave., Union, NJ. 07083. 00 Available immediately. $700 plus utifiSea. UNION. A-1 office space, route 22 west- ERA;. LAPIDES m 85J-0194, after,6pm. . . bound lane. Private entrance, will divide WHITE s Realtors . . 761-1040 688-4200 1 v (7) PETS , ,•• Realty : Realtors, t . -'r. . -.- .,' UNION. Half duplex with livingroom, dh- to suit, all-facilities supplied. Brokers Independently Owned and Operated . ningroom, kitchen, two bedrooms, fin-welcome. Owner 688-4896. UNION. By owner. Two family* house.. (8) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ished basement, central air. No pets. Six-and-slx, three bedrooms, 1v4 baths, u> $825 per month plus utilities. < Call SOUTHERN VERMONT living oppor- central air. two car garage, Call 686-3476 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 851-9483? , • tunity. 50 acres of property surrounds this How lotig; it will last is a (10) REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom. 2 bath, kifchen with ap- after 6PM. / •'•••' ^e^ts>iii; relation to the interest payments. In some areas Accurate information and guidance for pliances, stone fireplace in open Irvln- matter of pure \ speculation, but YOUR BUSINESS START-UP, SCORE UNION. Lovely ,2 bedroom, extra large C0ND0M1NUM WEST.OHANQE.-;;V.:V .'.:.."..• .- .;.. population of potential buyers. o£ the state, where^ the.supply is livingroom, eat-in kitchen., Business cou- groom, downstairs garage with room for this much is certain: conditions # volunteer counselors are government expansion, country ranch. $350,000. Call . 1n tpday*s marketplace, I'd particularly excessive, the tncen^ sponsored. No cost to you. Call Charles ple preferred. No pets. $725,00 per LAKEFRONT. COZY 1 bedroom condo, have rarely been more tilted month plus utilities. Available December ground floor, 20 minutes from Clearwater ; HISTORIC FREEMAN HOUSE much'rather be a buyer than a Jones at SCORE 645-3982 Monday- 518-642-0691,"V;;;::,- ••.•••..;•• Clrc» 1740-1840 towards the purchaser m the • tives are increased." > "• • Friday 9:30AM-230PM. , - 1st Call 964-3265 after 4pm. Beach: Your choice: furnished $50's, • , OPEN HOUSE seller," Cirkus. said. 'The pen- unfurnished $40's. both include ap- YOUR AD COULD APPEAR HERE condominium market. According Through the years Cirkus, 9 For"! HIII-Road^i-- dulum has definitely swung in UNDJENBROAD C Liquor license. $1.00 WEST ORANGE: 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, pliances. 813-938-2716:; : ' FOR AS LITTLE AS $6.00 PER WEEK. • Reaj Estate Group, Inc. has all major appliances, lovely neighbor- Sat & Sunday. • 1PU-SPM to Arthur Cirkus, President and the /purchaser'ai favor. We're for 1 years use. Thinking of selling liquor, CALL FOR MORE DETAILS. OUR S'x bedrooms, 4Vi baths. Prims condi- been involved in the investment, . package store? Don't wantto spend hood, must see. $1,000 month. Call SOUTH ORANGE, By owner. Beautiful CEO of Cirkus Real Estate 6694878. '-••• •new ranch. Village Mews.,2 bedrooms, 2 JFRIENDLY. CUSSIFIED DEPART- tion. Income potential. Low $300's. seeing serious sellers offering a ; rehabilitation, marketing, and money for license? $1.00 will get you Owners rolocating. Miist soil. Call Group, the Clifton-based wll- started. Brokers protected. Frank K. or baths, living/dining area, attached gar- MENT WOULD BE HAPPY TO HELP variety of incentives to induce management of more than-6,000 WISHING VVELL—This do-it-yourself project, uses WEST ORANGE. 5 rooms, 2nd floor, 2 736-6861. ••..;••..'. -:• • '•- .;;. . service real estate organization, 1 Judy B. 589-2121. •'" age, air, all appliances, wall-to-wall car- YOU. CALL•763-9411., V . immediate action. Some are standard-size lumber to give the appearance of bricks. family house, 2 bedrooms, livingroom. iting. Easy .commute to NYC, GSP, •the current buyers' market is • 'apartments throughout the Gar- dinlngroom, eat-In kitchen, plus enclosed 7 1 offering to pay maintenance fees oute.78 afid 280. Available immedi- due tb'the liVer-supply of "con-" den ;State, ..establishing: the The decorative and stylish wishing well adds rustic porch.' Close to transportation and ately. Asking $181,000. 763-3591. Tor a period of time, and some charm to^any back yard, and a little initiative Is all one schools; Wall to wall carpet No pets. dominium and co-operative firm's preeminence in condomi- APARTMENT TO RENT $750, plus utilities. Call £69-1410. will pay a buyer's principal and nium^managemenL • needs to make it happen. ' . refrigerator, washer/ kitchen and bath, ful| basement VA car f rbm c^s to jab$u dryer, vacuum., gas"heairgrillrV/i moiflrf JNlON^rw^aiBefmher garage. Good area, Mortgage>fi financingn security, lease. Adults, no pets. $850. Ing room & bedroom with bath in private can bo arranged. Prindpab only. Asking Available immediately. 325-6208. home, heat supplied. Adults, References. $161,900. Days; 731-6972. evenings, 686-2542. after 5pm. ' 338-0834.. , ; thandpes MAPLEWOOD. Charming 1 bedroom, ROOM TO RENT : foyer, large livingroom, stained glass, ' •;::;:any other:;.:•;-•: *8SP Exit 141 to Vauxtnll Bd. fireplace, large dining room, eat-In Kilch- UNJON, 2 rooms. Non-smoking business Wtst on ¥*urt»i M. to OtMand e n , • :.• ••• ,, man. Kitchen privileges. Call 588i.O614. CENTURY 21 stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer/ >^ knjwn M. 40i Mock on Rt RAY BELLA ASSOCIATES Ipcaj newspapjer? Union Aw. dryer, vacuum, alrconditloner, gas heat, HOUSE TO RENT "We Are Your Neighborhood anil, storage, 1*4 month security. Lease1. MILLBURN. Three bedrooms, Itvlngroom professionals ••> Adults, no pets. $725. Available Novem- with fireplace, kitchen, dining room, sun Trus new development of elegant homes is located in Suburban union; A town ber 1. 32&62Q8. noteo) for its-well oropmed neightborhoods and excellent school system both room, large backyard. Walk to NYC academically and athletically. The spacious homes of Parkstde Manor will undoubted- tran8portacon."$1200 month plus utilities. To Lease.& Sell" rwv ORANGE, IMMEDIATE occupancy,: 1 ; You're reading it! ly add to the already established reputation of quality living i n the community. bedroom in modern mW-rise. $575 in- 379-2356... . . , -. 1915 Morris Avenue ••. • :lhese carefully designed homes are geared to today's need for convenience and ef _ ,' ' '''ti fioency forjjusy lifestyles, at the same time keeping^ mind the desire for classic cluding, heat, hot water, parking and ROSELLE PARK, 3 bedrooms, fenced in laundry. LR.C. Broker 488-2550. ,anduntQuedesigns.,.- - .•."• . •- • ... • •• • .••' .-,• yard. $950 plus utilities. 396-8834. even- REALTOR - • 888-6000 ings and weekends. ; - rSES^iJ&FiSL** tttalfflicajlv located for easy access to Routes 22.24 and the ROSELLE. Modern 2 bedroom apart- Garden state Parkway. Shopping areas are dose by with union and Springfield Centers and Livingston and Short Hills Mails only minutes away, commuter Services ment In 2 family house. Excellent area. SPRINGFIELD. 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms, 1 kitchen. 1V4 baths, garage. Nedr schools, are also convenient and provide easy access anywhere in the Metropolitan Area in- Convenientto transporatton and shop- CORAL SPRINGS,. Florida: Spectacular GOUNTY cluding Newark and Kennedy Airports. - , ping. Call 965-1682, for appointment. transportation, shopping. Qulot street opportunity! 5,000 square foot executive 376-|928 after 5pm.; ^ •'.••:.' ranch on 2V4 plus acres; 4 bedrooms; 3 SPRINGFIELD. Two' bedroom duplex, baths, den with flroplace. gameroom, ».*•-. carpeted. $675/month. No pets. Call UNfON. Large cape with four bedrooms, terinig. pool. $495,000. 449-0705. .. 379-9661: • . ..>•<;••••• • . •/• .- three baths, two-car garage, summer CONTEMPORARY LIVING IN ELEGANT DESIGN kitchen, finished basement Tamlty room, GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1.00 (U other classified even comes close. SPRINGFIELD. 5 rooms, patio and gar- and fenced backyard with patio and gas- repair). Foreclosures, Repos, Tax Delin- age, November 1st occupancy, business grill. Convenient to 8hoppi6g,_parkway, quent Properties; Now selling Vour area ^/•;;-2ofa '••••• •"•••" ••'••*•'•• ••- couple prefered No pets. Se^rity, refer- and Rt 78. Immediate occupancy. $1100 1-315-738-7375 Ext H-NJ-V1 for current .••-.• •••>. -..,'. SALES OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M. to4 P.M. ences. 1 family. Call 379-4711. permonth plus utilities. Call 964-1789. list-, •- •- • • •- • -••:••• ••• ^ o • ". -•• . V


•, r-'.-'-i zn.


cc First-lime homebuy^rs today, mortgage on a typically priced Tuccillo pointed out that 10 more than at any other rime in starter home. The First-Time rams have fallen, victim to that of the typical homebuyer,' the last 10 years, are faced with years ago, in the second quarter budget cuts, .. the economist said. u Linden Unfan Kenilwprth Buyer Index is. calculated based of 1977, the composite^ifforda- i formidable •, obstacles to home- on a family making a downpay- "Not only has the first-time Z. 35PallantAvenue$170,000 4SConcordPIace$153,000 . . . "We are not calling for 25DColfaxManor$99^00 135. ' Westfleld office, and Grace Nelson of the Summit office : 628 No. Wood Avo.tUndfti ^: > v. L: ^fertM^IIWsOO-

• i..

•> H' ' '""" "'-V SEAOXJRS The Extrti Effort People 1 Union :..:. /.I _„ _L_ _.... r^.,:...::...,.,:'^.:. ..'.,.,.'.. .• " Rake lathe Btont$ : Beautifully maintained two famllly. Four and five room apartments. New roof and new heating unit Finished basement, with kitchen and wet bar. For the alert buyer. $250,000; 367 Chestnut St., Union, NJ 07083

1 68&3000 CLARK v ^ - : $21i»,00d . $145,000 HILLSIDE $123,000 3 BR, JC bath - Lowtfy Laro« LoO Irnrnacultte Colonial, 3BR, IK bath* *eondWon IRVINQTON $134,000) (UNI-924) \ ^ (UN1-918) .; (UNI-922) 3BR, 1% batrw, dan - Upper Irv.

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LINDEN -: $108,900 RAHWAY . • $154,900 ROSELLEV $149,900 2 ,BR brick a aluminum Colonial Brick Cwtorn Cap*. Ntw KHchtn A bath 3 BR Colonial w/flnlthed basamtnt ROSELLE . ,. $159,900 (UNI-91B) .••:•••; :. • - s • (UNI925) . (UNI921) , 3 BR, 2 full battia Split Lml (UNI825) • ••-:•,'.• UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE ;i-;-.1;:-'" UNION OFFICE UNJON OFFICE CALLM7-M50 CALLC87-5050 ...-, ,.-•••', CALL 687.5050 ' CALL 687-5050

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"THEPOINTE" YOUR DREAM HOUSE DOESN'T Hassle free llvinO Is posalble In St. .AndreVe Model. Features 3 .0WJ8iM> ••"•••*•.::• • i'=:i ; ;,••:,•;•,,• "• $174,990 bedrooms and 2M baths alono with many upgrades and custom ; ONE YEAR ".:•^v,:::;;:S-; TURNJN^|^ '•;>< Dtcorator* dritarq) N«w kltchtn PLUBI 3 BR-Expanded' Cap* w/rminy •Mrasl UNION t199,900 UNION $245,000 features. Easy NYC commute. Oet all the details for $189,000. Call, ; WARRANTY (UNI916) v--.. ,>.•-.••"••? iriv • (UNI88B) ' :•'••••;. 2 FamHy -5+3 room apt*. (UNI-884) Buutftil Ground Laval Split (UNI-917) 363-4200. •.;•••••'. ••••..'••••. '••'';- • "; T':':.'•• ;: Don't hit your ntw drtam'hQuse turnintoanlgfumaft, Tht dlshwashtr may ihoullihly brtak • ' down, tht door Khlmts howl Insitad of ringing softly and thtfiftiterfiemitifily turns cold just m \ c BUNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE UNION OFFICE • thi Untptnturt outsldt drops. The addjtd exptnst of fixing thtst compoQtnts oj you? homt c• 15 Ollictts In survt! you in tssex, > Call us for more Information today! - . . C ALL 37o-x300 TODAY! DKSICNKDTOG'VEVOIJMORE BUYING IM3WEH ON SELECTED HOMES, Morns .mil Union Cmmtios y •.• More lhan 170 of fleetIn New Jersey, Connecticut, Pfcmuylvantw bnd Florida


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ALUMINUM SIDING CLEANING APPLIANCES AUTO DEALERS AUTO DEALERS AUTO PARTS AUTOS WANTED I--' HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS GAS & ELECTRIC BARRY'S STEAM 'SMYTHE • • • -' ""!'• r ^.% .'•';'-'• .•""•» GelaffM IMPROVE YOUR HOME , i CLEANING - Ranges-Ovena-Cooktops THE PROFESSIONALS CO OC : Washer-Dryers ,; -WITH-GIL- ITCHENS^ftTTICr* BASEMENTS^ livRbme sales, service § OLDSMOBILE . - TO THE GENERA IMPROVEMENTS • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • •AUMNUM.& VINYL SIDING Installations " " Oldest & Largest ;. TOP $$$ IN CASH . CONTRACTING : Palnllng'Wallpaper' c 'Brick. Slono, Concrete All Major Brands . . WHOLESALE PUBLIC Decklng*Carpentry mSPt •ADDITIONS* •Preparation For Palntlno EXCLUSIVE . Exclusive .. For All Cars A Trucks . Vinyl replacemwit windows Installed, •All Types Surface Cleonlnfl AMERICAN APPUANCE Olds Dealer in 0PEH7DAYS $149. •Custom design kitchens and : Pressure Washing You 4 o VOLVO DEALER -v Sheetrock •• - SERVICE 326 MORRIS ML SUMMIT, Union County CALLDA^T baths. All types of carpentry work. Rent • CUSTOM BUILT t M o 'Harmlops to Pota.8. Plants SPRINBF1ELD UNION . ELIZABETH -589-8400 ResfrJenlialCommerlcal Wood Ftncw ft Btnfflenbi o MOTORS, INC. .; REFERENCE AVAILABLE ThisSpaca c Free Estimates : Call Anytime „ ;. Fra« Estimates 912-0044 686-3722 ' 2734200 Value Rated Usetf Cars ' or EVES; •'•'•• . QtVEUSACAUU 686-8829 AUTHORIZED . Fully IrMtiraid/FrM EttlmatM; $82 Morris Ave. - VauihallSfctiM 688-2044 § '•":) FACTORY SERVICE Elizabeth 354-1050 , citt: FULLY INSURED; WESTnao 2091 SpriRiNdd A*e^ Unkm :'.(Samtdiyrkkiipt) - '352^159 i 233-9339 LONG TERM LEASING 964-3575 CARPENTRY CARPETS 783-9411 3724282 CARPENTRY HOME IMPROVEMENT CARPENTRY AUTO ALARMS HOME IMPROVEMENT HOUSE WASHING LANDSCAPING LINOLEUM MASONRY CfllMEBUSTER ALARM JOEDOMAN CUSTOM CLOSETS PENH BUILDERS CAPRt S DEDUCE VEHICLE 686-3824 I"! ANTOHE O by & FR AMERS, inc. CONSTRUCTION DON ANTONELI m INSURANCE All types of carpentry. & custom HOME IMPROVEMENTS QP.C: : LANDSCAPING QUALITY 33 CO • Otn«fat Repair* CARLS CARPET SERVICE CORPOBAXION ROYAL LINOft flUO CO . Electronic self'arnilnfl alarm pro- home-remodeling; Basements; ALTERATIONS/ ResldMtlal * Commarclal -Tito. Carpet. Unoleum tects vehicle and contents: Panic bathrooms, kltdhens; garages, Fil X ,y: MOBILE HOUSE landscape Design ,.j;.,.,;: MASONRY •. Design's installation of custom • Roofing A ' Armstrong -vMphawk alarm protects occupants. All decks, floors, walls,' celllrigB. ; CerlinedDgpontStalnmastor WASHING •Monthly Maintenance • - • - g Insured. 35 Years Experience. Call: EXPERIENCE : : CALL AL NELSON MnttfCtid : - ; ••. CALL '..-. > ••VMM .;•..i;:•.:•••: :••} REASONABLE PRICES • LOCALALONG 687-0035 Springfield...... ;...... 370*7267 687-3058 T DISTANCE MOVING Viu 2981331 687-9032 or ^ M.DEUTSCH . 688-MOVE Unlon...... ^..,.... 687-8981 ~r~t 24 flours : - 688-2307 THIS SPACECE! : 373-8773 WHY PAY MORE 688-6638 v ANTHONY NUFRIO 375 RoieJjnd Hice 783-9411^ 379-9099 Call 688-7768 PC 00019 CONSTRUCTION DRIVEWAYS DRIVEWAYS DRIVEWAYS ELECTRICIAN ELECTRICIAN PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING •> M.G.M. R&TPUGLIESE MARSELLA RICH BLINDT JIR. J.LCAROUN EXTERIOR JERZY PAINTING CONSTRUCTION ElMtrk>al Contract or* BORIS RASKIN PAINTING PAINTING ASPHALT PAVING :; PAINTING • Exterior/Interior E BROTHERS PAVING . ' Lie. No 9006 .- •':.* • ' IHTERWHi EXTERIOR INTERIORS ONLY ..:.:.. • .•CO.- "••:•• »d ' • Paperhanglnfl- -•Smeto DttKlbn ; Painting "" r-r r • Sheetrock, 'VAdd-A-Level ' '.".'•' PARKING LOTS • Cornrnerdal •Yardft Securit y Lightini EXTERIOR 4 INTERIOR p .:'DRIVEWAYS ' . FREE ESTIMATES Workmanship ROOFS, • Paneling' ' > Additions'. • Kitchen CURBS CONCRETE •;IntfuMrtai"".-;:-'-'-7-.--^* "««itfiUBn -i -••-.. .-.:•• =•-. ;' .v .f Bttwlor/irtterlor ; • Ganges • Offices • Dormers • Baths ; WOI* • •-• CURBING t:' • Cu8td'ml»Bd Colors FULLY INSURED & LEADERS No Job Too Small WORK GUARANTEED REASONABLE MT£S Reatonablo Ra(«s No job too bit or too small • Roofing' 'Fireplace Piofroionjltj Done • .& RAILROAD TIES • ' :• Wallpaper Removal -. IOMMW 1 CMUWCUI h*k,••.•.'*•'" ~i • • , ..• 964-735S •< 379:5366 or 687-8379 CONSTRUCTION FLOOR SERVICE GUTTER CLEANING SERVICE GUTTER CLEANING SERVICE HOME IMPROVEMENT PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING PAINTING/WALLPAPERING PAPER HANGING PLUMBING & HEATING EXPERT BARTHESCONTRAaiNGINC PAINTING VINCENTS Stream Une ALAN ^^ WILLIAM E. PREFERRED RICHARD FLOOR CO. JIMP JIMRINALOK PAINtmG PAPEBHANGING CO. SCHOENWALDER WINDOWS ? Hardwood floors Installed, BUTItKS.LUUtHS - GuttarCleanlnr MARGUtlEST PLASTERING PrafesslohalvlVork. ;BAUER • . ProfessionaWallcoverinlg PLUMBING ft stalned,& finished. White UNDERGROUND DRAINS INTERIOR SPECIALISTS We will clean.fi flush your Gilt-: . Ihto'rtor Professional ' Installation--— HEATING C0.tlM(^~- Kitchens, Additions •"~: - floors; & prcfclifig' Renovation ' • Wall Preparation ; 4 flushed ^PRdFESSiOHAL CRAFTSMEN^ RetE$t|milM . .•• . ••Iriterlor: .Exterior .JPplfitlng.' . Sheetrock ; EUROPEAN CflflFTSMANSHIP Painting • Rollage Estimates Uc.No.6551 •REPAIRS .REPtACWEMTS; small repairs. •Exterior Free Estimates •-.•••; SINCE 1956 • PLASTER. SHEETROCK WALLS'CEILINGS • Insured BATHROOM ALTERATIONS, REPAIRS' FULLY INSURED AU DEBRIS BMGEO .. Paperriariglng FROM ABOVE • FLOOR INSTALLATION AND REPAJR- CERAMIC T|LE. • /Insured;^. •Exteriof/lrjterior For Free Estimates GAS HEAT.& HOT WATER HEATERS > CARPENTRY • CUSTOM PAINTING • AIRLESS SPRAY : Days: 371-0016 • FULLY INSURED ' , LEHHYTUFANO •l^aperhanging PUMPS.& ZONE VALVES ~ •FREE E8TIMATEav ' , 376-2211 SpriiioflflldArei Fre« Eatlmatea *

EVes: 375-2663 ." • ' " .'i - ;..-.• INSURED MARK MEISE 228-4985 964-4601 CALL 464-8635 Ratoi ; '•' •'..•.'•!'. :•• •'• V"7' 964-4942 687-2275 .- ,. • -.•.•M.'-lv •,:'..•.• HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS ROOFING TILE SERVICE T-SHIRTS TV/VCR REPAIR TYPING/WORD PROCESSING UPHOLSTERY ARTHUR'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTANCE CONSTRUCTION CORP. NoJobToo Small : OENICOLO^- • r L.':-- •'.-: ''.(::"" Let'a Face It, Whether It be a R J.'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Resume, Bulletin, Report, ANY STYLE • • C

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TO • •••,'...- IS:- on Select Models. See Deoler for Details I LAST of the '88 D€MQS! HUllfllV! • v "•'•'•' '.•..•\'''":\r-vry^i'.:'-\ '88 THUND€fifllfiD 2-Dfl. '88 TflURUS IX 4-DR. SCDRN —J—;— ••• -.-. •..•.. >.•;• •••. .: • •' '••;'>' '.•••••••,• '•• • • Ford, Std. Eq.: 3.8 Liter EFI V6 Eng., Auto "ftans. w/OD, Pwr. Strg., Pwr. Brks, A/C; Opt. ' ^ Told.Std.Eq.:3.0LiterV-flEng.,Auto. Trans, PwrvStrg.,Pwr.BrKs.. A/c,pig.UIK,;; -•;-•-. -En^Stereo/Cass.. Elec. Mire., Spd. Cntrl., Pwr. Winds./Locks/Sts., Tilt, Conv. Grp., H.D. . • Interval Wlpera; Tilt, Pwr. Winds,/Locks/Sts:;.Opt. Eq.': Rr. Def., Stereo/Cass., Spd. Cntrl Batt.. Leather WhI., Ilium. Entry, Styled Road Whls. Demo, 11,970 ml. Stock #8458. VIN Ilium. Entry, Autolamp Syst., Clearcoat Palnt.Premlum'Sound $yst:.Demo; 12,309 mi. . 1 #107385. One in Stock. . ' •'• '••;.'.. .'• • .. .' •• ' :*\":". •;'•••-':, vv. -,.. • /". Stock#8540. VIN #141390; One in Stock. •. . ' • ': •« '• MFfl.SUGG. *i MFR.SUGO. UST.PRIC6 »17,156 * UST.PRIC€ »16JQ7 *1 i\v; UJ VMflN FORD DIS. 3,166 FORD DIS. 3 500 * *$600 R€BOT€ RVrUL. UJ VMflN FORD DIS. 2,208 ,. _

FINfll PRIC€ flFT€fl R€8flT< "... ••?:• '88 TfiURUS LX STflTION UJflGON I'88 LTD CROUJN VICTORIfi ^Dfl- Ford. Std. Eq.: 3.0 Liter V6 Eng., Auto. Trans.. Pwr. Strg., Pwr/Brks.. A/C. Dig. cik. Inter. 'I Ford, Std. EOT. 50 Liter EFI V-8 Eng.,'Aut6. Trans; Pwr. Strg.. Pwr. BrkaV. A/C, Pwr. ' Wipers, Tilt— .^ Pwr- . Wlnds./Locks/St8.' ; Opt^. Eq.~ : Rr. Def., Stereo/Cass."• , Spd-^. Cntrl.- - ; .....Ilium. . • winds..Opt. Eq.:Spd. Cnlrl,. Rr. DeT.. Slareb/Caaa.. Pwr:Seat/Locka.Tllt.Cast Alum;: ..Entry, Autolamp Syst.. Clearcoat Paint. Demo, 13.408 mK.Stock #84544. ViVINr #108543.On" e " • / WNs. Corn. Lamps, Ilium. Entry,TracllonL6k Axle. Demcy. 10,912mi.Stock#8787. ViN ' -I in Stock. • ..- ' ' •"..".••..;•• •' I #ieoi68.0r»ln,Stock,(:. . .••: •« •'.-, -j-ii.. ,...-.-,...•.:.. - •.•vl-'V-: l'. ,• ' ,-.•-•> v-'-l MFfi.SUGG. UST.PRIC6 »17,567 FORD DIS. 400

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