Cloister Chronicle 395
• St. Joseph's Province • Condolen ces The Fathers and the Brothers of the Province extend their sym- pathy and prayers to the Rev. W . ]. Hill, O.P., the Rev. P. F. Small, O.P., and the Rev. E. M. Gaffney, O.P., on the death of their fathers; to Bro. E. L. Martin, O.P., and Bro. ]. G. Pezzullo, O .P., on the death of their mothers; to the Rev]. P. Kenny, O.P. and the Rev. B. D. Kenny, O.P. on the death of their brother; to the Very Rev. R. L. Rumaggi, O.P., the Very Rev. P. J. Con aty, O.P., Bro. M. D . O'Connor, O.P. and Bro. P. Gaynor, O.P., on the death of their sisters. Ordinations On September 28, at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Con- ception, the following Student Brothers received the four Minor Orders of Porter, Lector, Exorcist and Acolyte from the Most Rev. Philip M. Han nan, .Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, D. C.: Brothers Patrick McGovern, Dennis Riley, Raymond Vandergrift, John Burke, .Aquinas Clifford, Peter O'Sullivan, Charles Duffy, Ignatius Cataudo, Christopher Johnson, Norbert Buckley, Bonaven ture Matarazzo, Henry Camacho, Jordan O'Donnell, Bertrand McCarthy, Justin Cunningham, Gabriel McCaffrey, David Folsey, Reginald Durbin, Xavier Mclough lin, Damian Myett, Ferrer Halligan, Chrysostom McVey, Marcellus Coskren, and .Aeden Campbell. On the previous evening, these same Brothers had received Clerical Tonsure from Bishop Hannan. On September 29, Bishop Hannan ordained the following Student Brothers to the Subdiaconate: Brothers Dominic LeBlanc, Vincent D i Fide, Maurice Austin, James Thuline, Mannes McCarthy, Quentin Lister, William Seaver, Colman Jerman, Robert Reid, Joseph Rivera ( from the Province of Holland), Philip Grimley, Basil Boyd, George Muller, Pius O'Brien, Jude Maher, Cyril Dettling, Luke Tancrell, Brendan Barrett, Regis O'Connell, Gerard Austin, Louis Martin, Terence Reilly, and .Alberc Broderick.
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