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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-27-1902 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 10-27-1902 Hughes & McCreight

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H. I. T. outfit, who received third Florence as the southern terminus and representative of the operators an money. Clay McGonnigle, the New CHICAGO MURDER Clifton, Tennessee, as the northern BAD AMERICAN nounced thev would file an answer to THE PRESIDENT AFTERJMONEY Mexico champion, played in hard luck. terminus. The section traversed the statement to be filed by Mitchell on His time was 1:09. Tire showing he Is rich in hardwood timber, oak and Monday within three days of that time. made here was enough to prove that poplar abounding, and In mineral The committee decided to begins its In Fcrty-Fc:r- Ordnance Bureau's Big Appro- he can far outstrip the San Antonio Well-Kno- Man Found Dead Has a Mania for Poisoning vestigation of the conditions In the Celebrated , K!s ti work. anthracite coal regions Thursday of priation for Armament. on Golf Links. Sousa Thursday Afternoon. this week, commencing with district Birtfcisy Tc!:y. Clifford to Be Tried. Imitation la said to be the most sin Women. No. 1, in' which Scranton is located. H. L. 'Dunning has filed a complaint cere form of flattery, and if such Is against William Clifford, and the war the case, John Philip Sousa Is assured- Train Wreck. was Issued morning. Clifford THE COAL UIXES RESIDE XZ7X EMPEROR JOSEPH IS EXCITED rant this A MURDERER TO BE SENTENCED ly the most flattered man In the world, LIEUTENANT GENERAL OF ARMY New OcL 27. The north who Leon Orleans. is the cab driver ran down for It is a fact that more than fifty per bound on Mississippi road ard Dunning with on train the fatal resuts formers are giving more or less faith- was wrecked south of Baton Ronge as Thursday of week. is alleged In fair It ful Imitations of traversltles of the fa- a ot cat- Mahoraing Rggica .Klssn R.fssi frinca and Princess of Wales May complaint ' Three Newsboys of Oklahoma Killed Anthracite Coal Strike Commission result running Into a drove of ti the that the death of. the miliar eccentricities of manner and tle. The was ditched. En child was due to the carelessness of entire train Until Visit St Louis Fair. by a Santa U Train. gesture characteristic of the "March gineer Harry Kehlman and a tramp Work Strikers Er!:1 the driver., Mr. Clifford went to Dem- - In Dur- Meet and Perfect Organization. King" all parts ot tbe world. were killed. A negro fireman waa fa-tal- lng, Is employed, immediate where he ing Sousa's recent engagement in Lon- injured. None of passengers ly fair, on being notified the after the but don, there was no less than fourteen were though many miracu- BRYAN CAMPAKNIK8 I! COLCJttSJ. GENERAL DEWET 60IN6 TO AFRICA. MINER KILLED AT GALLUP. . TRAIN WRECK IN STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. hurt, had that a complaint had been filed he at of these "Imitations" to be seen In the lous escapes. once returned to Albuquerque to face music halls of the British metropolis, the results of the unfortunate acci- and on continent his tnannerlsms X Chicago, 111.. Oct. 27. The body X the - The fire department made a run to X Washington, Oct. 27. Admiral X dent. by per X London, Oct. 27. George Chap- X quietly cele-- X X of Nelson Anderson, a widely X are being reproduced a acore of a small blase at the corner of Copper X dent Roosevelt today O'Neill, chief of the naval bureau St ' X man, who came from America in X - formers. Sousa, however, oblivious avenue Seventh 3 v hrafaii tha rnrtv.rmtitn anmvera-- of ordnance, made public his an-- X Oscar C. Watson, of the fire and life X known steamship man, was found X X 1893 and who is now landlord of X and street at o'clock apparently to this form of his popular- A small barn X ary of his birth. He was down In X X nual report today. He says among X Insurance firm of Paul Wunschmann X today on Washington park golf X the Southwark saloon, poisoned a X this afternoon. in the ity goes on his musical way bringing rear of the Rose property caught fire X his office early going over some X other recommendations the ord- - X & Co., Santa Fe, Is In the city today on links. There was a bullet hole in X young woman who had lived with X melody and gaiety to all parts of the In an unknown manner. The depart X matters with Secretary Cortelyou. X , nance bureau wants $13,182,806 X business, and will remain for a few the man's head, but no trace of X X him as bis wife. It transpired X X any weapon. Anderson was one country. He will bring his famous ment did quick work, and the blase X who had Just returned from Can X ' next year, of which amount $10,- - X days. at X that this was the third woman X oongratu-- X general X band here for a single concert at Co was extinguished, but the barn was X ton. Many messages ot X 000,000 is to be devoted to arms time of White X who had died within five years in X - John Strumqulst, the popular plum X Steamship company, was X lombo hall Thursday afternoon. totally destroyed. Fortunately there X latlon were received and numer- X and for new ships. X Star and X by prisoner. , X armament & houses owned the X ous remembrance arrived during X. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ber of Brockmeler Cox, Is confined also at one time connected with X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was nothing in tbe barn at the time of to bis house on South Arno street with X the Atlantic Steamship company. MAGDALErfA KILLINGS. the fire. X tbe morning. X Emperor Excited. typhoid fever. X His home was In Chicago. X LIEUTENANT GENERAL. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Vienna, Oct. 27. While Emperor xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writer; Francis Joseph was driving from his CUVETTE OF EL PASO. General Young Will be Next Com' outside Coal Miners Resume. country place at Schoenbrunn today, Murderer to Be Sentenced. The True Facts About the Killing of mander of the Army. . Wllkesbarre, Oct. l7.There are the horses attached to his carriage be- Cheyenne, Oct. 27. Tom Horn will Washington, Oct. 27. "I do not more mines In operation in the anthra- be sentenced tomorrow by Judge Scott. Robert McMahon. cite region today than v at any time came unmanageable and he jumped out v think I am betraying any confidence He Was Here During the Fair and of the vehicle. No one was hurt, but How He Took in the Newspapers and This afternoon Attorney Lacey filed a when I say that Major General S. B. M since May 12 last, when the strike be- gan. great excitement was caused. motion for new trial and the judge sig Young will be the next lieutenant gen- Gives His Views. The Lehigh region continues to Citizens Here. nified his Intention of passing on it OTHER MURDERS. eral of the army," said Major General bo the barren spot. The employes of . ROYALTY AT THE FAIR. tomorrow. . Corbin today. Then he added: "And Pardee & Co. and Oox Bros, are still t promotion will enjoyed by no Idle. The Lehigh Wllkesbarre coal Prince and Princess of Wale May Newsboys Killed. his be POSSIBILITIES 6REAT. CLEVERLY WORKED SCHEME. Special Correspondence. v- one more than by myself." company started up its collieries in the Visit Louis Fair. Oklahoma City, Oct. 27. J. C. Rogel, e St Socorro, N. M., Oct. 26. Doubtless General Miles tor Lehigh region today. Ninety-fiv- per London, Oct 27. -- The report cabled Dan Carnahan and Hugh Morrow, 13 Lieutenant retires readers of The Citizen would, like to age next August and this declaration cent of the nines In the Wvomlnr and from the United States that the Prince year-ol- d newsboys of Oklahoma City, Rocky Ford, Colo., Oct. 23. At the inspired by cer- learn the true circumstances under by General Corbin was inspired to off LacKawanna region are now in opera-tio- n and Princess of Wales probably would The great confidence were killed1 today near Noble by a request Bare! a, I you which Robert McMahon was ahot and set some comment to effect of Senator write and there will be a, large Increase visit the St. Louis Exposition In 1904, tain business men In the pleasant ap- Santa Fe train. The boys had been the that a few of my impressions of your sec killed at Magdalena a week ago last appearance General Corbin's in the output today, ... ., ..- has created much interest here. The R, B. hunting returning home, walked the of tion of couptry as formed during my s. pearing and smooth talking and Sunday morning by Bud English. The name In monthly army news occupied a prominent place In all down the track. the list next recent brief investigations and Striker, tilt Out. Cavette, who visited the city several press of the territory has made more after that of General Miles pointed out there the afternoon newspapers. From in' while acting as one of the judges of ' ' Tamaqua. weeks ago as manager of the El Paso RUN OVER AND KILLED. or less comment on the killing, but in his probable successor. As a fact, it Oct. 27.Ttae Park Place quirles the Associated Press learned fruits vegetables and cereals at your colliery, oDerated, alt-r- . Lyceum Bureau, is rapidly changing no instance have the facts been stated Is stated that the order of names in the by Lent! k Co., that while no official Invitation had A territorial fair. suspicion. x Clarkvllle Miner's Death Under the fully and clearly. list was fixed by seniority of the com- been extended, matter had been un Into 1 grelt grown to-th- e the V r. The variety ot fruit Delano, did not resume today owing Cavette represented as man- -- Wheels. Both Wen were employed by the V. mission of officers. Oeneral Young officially presented to the king, who re .hlmsell there and tbe fact that the exhibits -- X. T. Cattle company, and arrived would have about a year - to serve lij fact that the operator refused to turned a polite reply. ager of tbe El PaBO Lyceum Bureau in special to The Citizen. X in from all parts of 1 ; the territory contain union men discharged connection-wit- X Gallup, N. MV Oct. 27. Ed X MfLgdslena Saturday niriilng. tbe day that grade It he made. lieutenant take back fifteen f pointed the St, Louis Bureau. -- It is out that the question ot " ed ."Bpetlffletls of the leading market ITiey w ere "ring - before tragedy occurred, -- ..-- r- because cttfta acceptance His pleasant and winning manner soon X Johnson, an unmarried miner, llv- X the with a general. - ' ther or declination must of varieties . shows ' tlMi-- horticulture in leaders, which placed him In the confidence of many X ing at Clarkvllle, was run over X bunch of cattle whloh were to be ship in the disturbance 00 course wait transmittal of official in - ' New Mexico has long since passed, tbe f t l witr ' X and by a freight X ped to market: Cote' Raltston, man THE ARBITRATORS. Aiirn4 iili Th. 11lfrt vltation from of the business men of the city. He killed' train in . the United States gov' , . experimental stage. The coloring of a meeting and. decided . began to make preparations for a series X the yards here last night. Judge X eger of the V. X. T. company, was In held members ernment. President's Commission Met at. Wash- tbe fruit and Us soundness, good flav- by vote to stay out unless of lectures and entertainments which X Deshon empanelled a coroner's X charge of the outfit, and was the only unanimous ington and Organized. or and keeping qualities ia such aa can were 1 Going to Africa. were to place Colombo hall X Jury which exonerated train X absolute eye witness to the shooting, these men reinstated. The strike take at the Washington,, Oct. 27. The anthra- only be produced under irrigation and London, Oct. 27. General DeWet In during the winter. X crew. X The,' men were' gambling and drink: lng at cite coal strike commission met at 2 with plenty of sunshine. You have a formed a representative of the Asso Arrangement was made with Man- the different resorts of the little ' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx o'clock this afternoon, in the hearing soil well adapted to fruits and vege- Bryan in Colorado. " elated Press today that be would sail ager Matson for hall, extensive ad- city Saturday afternoon and the great- the room ot interstate commerce com- tables. The worst drawback la the in- Grand Colo., OcL, 27. Wil- for Africa on November 23. He added: vertising was placed through the dally Confederate Veterans. er part of the following night. It is the Junction, mission. All the members of the com- sect enemy .which I see are getting a liam Bryan arrived midnight "'Botha and Delarey still intend paying papers and many tickets were sold. He Columbus, Gal, Oct. 27. A host of said that bad blood had existed be J. here at mission were present. Mitchell, pres- foothold there, aa they do everywhere to- - ii--tlf- a visit to America." already guarantee money visitors is swooping down' upon this tween them ever since English's con 3o poire larger crtnra had received ident of the United Mine Workers, and else where fruit is grown ext&astvely. from lecturers, who were In return city and will retain possession for the nectlon with the outfit. In the night's opera house at 7 o'clock this morning. the District Faby appeared for Tbe remedy tor this Is sim- ALL STARS. money back when next three or four days. They are the gambling and carousing they had sev President evil much Said be was enlisted in war for money guaranteed their the miners and tbe coal carrying roads pler than many suppose and your they appearance. Several members of the United Confederate eral trivial disputes. About 8 o'clock it and people for life, touched on the made their were represented as follows: Presi- people will make inquiries your They Will Be Here at the Fair Grounds men of city their con Veterans, whose annual divisional en- the men went to the outfit's camp wa from trust question and declared against business the let dent Baer. of Philadelphia Read- agricultural college experimental on the Coming Saturday. reach a lofty position and campment will be formally opened to Bob, where serious trouble began. Mc the k and Imperialism and Philippine conquest. fidence ing; E. B. Thomas, chairman ot they will get all The base ball fans of Albuquerque cashed checks for gentleman. One morrow. Judging from the large ad Mahoa took his six shooter from the the station Information He left for southwest Colorado at 7: 40. the board of Pennsylvania com- necessary as to ji re making preparations to receive the gentleman who cashed a check for $50, vance guard the number of visitors wagon and loaded it. English stood the Coal the best methods of pany and Hillsdale Coal Iron com- spraying and otherwise fighting all in- EDWARD rival base ball teams, all-sta- r Na It week marked "no will be fully up to the encampments by and watched him. and not until ZEIGER. the had returned last pany; Walter, president sects plants. tional and teams good." of former years and from all Indica English had snapped his gun at him Alfred of the and diseases of trees and Lehigh Valley; W. H. Truesdale, presi- The large collection of and Hi Death Early Sunday Morning from which will play one game Saturday Cavette left city during fair, tions every section of the state will be did he pull his. The distance was about cereals the the ot Delaware, & farm crops In display Bright' ' afternoon at the fair grounds. The on represented. Complete arrangements twenty feet. The gun was of bull dog dent tbe Lackawanna other the from Disease. stating that he would return the Western; David Wilcox, vice president your agricultural college show what names of the players and those who 23d of October, when first have been made by the local societies make and ot small caliber, and consid- Edward Zelger, son of Mr, and Mrs. the lecturer. of Delaware & Hudson; B. can be done In Hue. will accompany the party 'were men Tyrrell, was to appear. for the reception and entertainment ered poor gnn for good shooting, but the John that Charles Zelger, of El Paso, died Sun- Frank Herr, vice president of Scranton Coal Considering how well alfalfa, peas, tioned last week In The Citizen. As Is well known, Mr. Tyrrell did of the many visitors. proved most deadly In this Instance. day morning of acute Bright'1 disease. company Elk Hill Coal ft Iron and corn grows on your soil I was That the game will be a hot one not was readi .The ball entered the left side plerc and The young man came to Albuquerque materialize. The hall in company; J. H. Torrey, attorney for much Impressed with possibilities from start to finish lias been substan ness, sold many people had The Rambler Found. ing the stomach and tearing the Intes- the during the fair and wa taken sick at tickets and & Hudson, I. fattening sheep hogs your tiated by the fact that there exists a assembled, was Roy Roberts, the popular young tines. MaMahon fell to the ground the Delaware and Francis of and if the home ot his uncle, Ed. Btetner, 722 but the lecturer not Gowan, attorney for Lebigh Valley would up hot rivalry between the two teams. A to be found. All clerk at Mike Mandell's clothing store. suffering agony. Railston, who was tbe farmers take the culture of North Fifth street, and his illness attempts to locate Ca company. sugar tor close decision on a game at St. Joe vette and learn the cause of the non Is once more rambling on his Rambler standing a few feet away,' gave the beets feed. The farmers of reached euch an alarming degree that Missouri, was the eta use of this bitter- appearance of the were wheel. alarm and summoned assistance. The Colorado, where they have grown little hopes were entertained for his lecturer fruit- At Work. sugar ness. less. A letter written to Frank Tyrrell About two months ago Roy's wheel injured man was carried to a near by beets for the factories have recovery. His mother was sent for It Is reported that at Denver the brought reply was stolen. All efforts to locate It house where physicians dressed the Washington, Oct. 27. Notwithstand- found beets almost as valuable for and she was with him when death clos- the that he knew noth- ing teams refused to stop at the same ing of the engagement. were In vain and the police had given wound. The wound was at once pro- there are quite a number of details stock feed as for the manufacture of ed his eyes. to arranged, an- hotel. Being acquainted with this After leaving this city Cavette was It up. But Roy could not forget bis nounced fatal. McMahon lived until be the members of the sugar and they are taking tbe place The young man was Just 20 year fact you can rest assured that there supposed to go to Santa Fe and Las loss and was on the alert at all hours late the following night and then died. thracite coal strike commission are ot corn to a certain extent. You have eld and was just at that age when am- - - hopeful they be com- will be no put up game, but as fiercely Vegas, same course of lect- tc once again set his eyes on his lost After shooting English, got on a that will able to the shfep, tbe land and the labor, if bttlon occupies the foremost part on a where the the plete fought battle as has ever occurred on ures ap- treasure. heard the preliminary arrangements at your water supply is certain you have young man's mind. . and entertainment were to horse and has not been of since. sitting the diamond. pear. But the newspapers of those Last evening about 6 o'clock, while He had not been working for the V. X. their this afternoon. So far as the best place for the establishment of His untimely death will be deeply operators ex- Manager La Jole was telegraphed cities have contained no advertising he and a friend were strolling leisure' T. people but a short time and it Is not the and miners have an extensive stock feeding business to grieved by his many friends and the pressed themselves, they indi- this week to arrange placing his pitch- of any such series of lectures to ap- ly up Second street, they both stopped known where he came from. Bud have be found any where and later, when friends of his parents in this city. cated a willingness ers so that Jack Chesbro and Adrian pear. The advertising matter in the short and both pointing to a wheel English Is supposed to be an assumed to subordinate you have grown beets long enough to The young man spent several years', Jofs, the greatest twirlers In the busi- way of posters and programs for Standing along the curb said in a dra name. He worked with the V. X. T. tneir desires in the matter of time and demonstrate the practicability of pro- here, removing with his parenta to El Santa place of hearing to ness, would pitch while here. Fe and Vegas were expressed to Man- matic tone "The wheel at last." outfit as camp cook. the wishes of the ducing them In large amounts, you Paso a few years ago. la general " The stars played In Denver on Sat- ager Matson, who paid the express and They were not slow in taking pos- Robert McMahon, or "Bob," as he commission. It the under- ought to have a sugar factory. The funeral took place from the res-- standing practically meet- urday and Sunday and a game comes here they remain. session of the long lost Rambler, but was known by the boys, has been as- that all tbe Although It was too late In the sea- idence, 722 North Fifth street, thla af- ings otf today at Colorado Springs, one to- Cavette returned from Santa Fe'and as they proceeded to lead the wheel sociated with his late employers some for taking of testimony will be son to see the quality of melons you ternoon at 2 o'clock and was largely morrow at Pueblo. On Friday they Vegas circulating the report that he away tbe supposed owner came to and although a little hot headed held in the anthracite regions and It is pioduce, I should Judge your climate attended. Burial was In Fairvlew are booked for Las Vegas and the next had sold out course in Fe to claim his own. But Roy was not to be was generally well liked. believed that the commission will be and soil would be well adapted to the cemetery. . the Santa able get day in this city in a contest which no a certain gentleman, who was to con- bluffed, but politely invited the In The body was taken by friends to to to work during the present culture of the Netted Gem cantaloupe, Minister. one can afford to miss. duct the lectures himself. A mystery furiated wheelman to accompany them the deceased's M home in White week. Another preliminary question the one which has made Rocky Ford Chinese - Washington, 27. Wu Tin That the games played are sustain- surrounds ever to the police station and they would Oaks, where It was burled. which will require attention Is that as famous, and owing to your- location Oct. this transaction, if it Fang, been ing the reputations of the players is occurred. The business men of this soon determine who was owner of the to the questions to be taken up by the they would mature early and would the Chinese minister, has re- his country by a special shown by the score of 4 to 3. ten in- city who were taken In by this clever wheel. Seeing that Roy and bis state- Old settlers of the territory will commission. Mitchell, who reached reach the northern markets In good recalled to nings, in favor of the 'Nationals. Ches- manager are growing very Indignant ly partner meant business he made a member by looking back over the trag- Washington early today, accompanied condition at a time when good prices edict, which was received by him to- .Mexico Magda- by day. is by bro and Joss did the pitching. and are making every effort to locate hasty retreat to parts unknown. Be ic history of New that District President Fahy, will press could be realized. He ordered to return the Advance Agent "Tip" O'Neill, of the the man that took things easy. fore leaving Roy, who believes In do- lena has had every four for a very general inquiry, while it is With the practical results of a hun- most direct route for Shanghai and old St. Louis Browns, is expected here Edward F. Thomas, ing the square thing, presented the years for the last years a mur- understood that the operators will seek dred years of farming In Bernalillo will leave as soon as be can pack hia a well known probably two today to complete the arrangements and popular singer of this city, signed unknown man with one of his cards, der of some drt'B'lful character. to restrict the inquiry. county, and land to be bought very effects, within weeks. He 181)8 ap- will of commerce for the game. with Cavette to sing this season. He stating that If at any time he wished In after a iiii;ht of drunkenness President Baer objected to the cheaply and good prospects of the become minister and ad- phot pearance representa- be a member of com- The Denver Republican says that was to go to El Paso last month and to stake his claim to call at that W. II. Sanders and killed a man of Mitchell as a early admission of New Mexico In the will also the Joint by of In- mission negotiate commercial treat- Jimmy Williams will return to Albu- was to receive $35 per week. But be dress and the matter would be settled. the name of Haker. tive the United Mine Workers of union of states, and a consequent! to querque with the teams, and play sec- grew suspicious that something waa The wheel Is in good condition after Four years before, two cowboys America, but said he had no objection flux of capital for Investment at that ies. all-sta- r Americans, wandering. A new named Horn and Reed, while engaged to offer against Mitchell's appearance time, it would seem now are ond base for the wrong and gave it up, when he learned two months of tire that there Fair, a well known engineer bring smiles to in a game of pok. r quarreled over a as a representative of anthracite coal wonderful opportunities for the invest- June ot Instead of La Joie. that cavette had failed to keep faith and other additions Wlnslow, in city morn- trivial sum like 70 rents of $1. In the miners generally. Mr. Baer's object ment of money by men who know arrived the tbls withmany others. Many unpaid bills Roy's face. ing wife daughter, McGonnigle Defeated. dispute that followed each man rose was to avoid recognition of the mine enough of the conditions and of the with his and who are waiting to be receipted by Cavette. are on their way east. Mr. Fair will i - J. H. Gardner, of San Angela1, Texas, Tennessee A Alabama Railroad. from his seat at the table and opened workers' union aa an order. Mitchell possibilities to be conservative In mak- ' to evening. won the first money. $1,000, with side On next Sunday afternoon there will Florence, Ala., Oct. 27. New York fire with six shooters at each other at replied he did appear as a representa- ing improvements. return Wlnslow this prizes in cattle, saddles, clothing and be a meeting of the trades' employes capitalists have secured rights of way only a few feet distance. When the tive of anthracite coal miners and dis- I am sorry I was not able to see you Paul Kempenlch. ot Peralta, drove cigars, to the value t $50. la the four with a rfeW brganlzlng a central for the Tennessee ft Alabama railroad, smoke cleared away both men were tinctly refrained In his reply from while in Albuquerque, but hope this In yesterday with about 40,000 pound days' roping contest last week at San labor union. Representatives of all together with terminal facilities In dead. mentioning the union. It was agreed will take the place of the Interview of wool, which was sold to a represen- Antonio, Texas. The time was 35 5 the different trades will be present and tbls city. The railroad is to run In each of tht se cases the partici- that Mitchell should file with the com- which I understand you desired to tative ot a Boston firm. Tbe wool was was 55, county, li- seconds. The next best time views exchanged. The time and place through Lauderdale Alabama, pants were under the Influence of mission next Monday a detailed state- have. Very respectfully, delivered to the wool scouring mills ot was by a roper from the will be announced later. and Wayne county, Tennessee, with quor. !"l claims ot which made ment of the the miners. The W. FRANK CROWLEY. this city. - THETALBUQUERQUE DAILY CITIZEN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 1902

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES. PROFESSIONAL CARDS :- -: Aiticro dinzoin kitcd dazel creari x Democrats Met Saturday Night snd MINING ENGINEER. County Placed Nominees V. V. CLARK, in the Field. Mining- - and metaUurirteM engineer, lot The Store People alk About . the A mass meeting of democrats wss WVt riniA - .uniii-rniie- N. M For the Face and Hands Specialties--Report- s, surveys snd mapaj "' held last Saturday night at the city plana and reduction works; mines "nd building, following mining Investments; seen., liana mining The Best Toilet Cream and the candidates machinery; assaying and analyaia. Cosmopolitan for county offices were nominated: custom " Mail For the Council From Bernalillo OSTEOPATHY. Papf Orders and McKinley counties, Horton Moore; Patterns Promptly PHARMACY.... from Bernalillo county, S. B. Gillett. Or. Conner. ....ALVARADO Post grnd inte of Dr. A. T. Still'" Behool None Higher For the House Miguel Martinez, C. of Osteopathy, Klrkvllle. Ma L.ung trou- filled ble a specialty. - 1,0 by Mc and all chronic B. M. BRIOQ5 & CO . Proprietors, Opposite ALVARADO HOTELfB BurB- Thlrd to named Office, Whiting builriltiullfss rooms 21 and Kinley county. B; Automatic telephone, 114. 119 tNUl. Ilanlelj. Leon B.Stern.Proprietor Sheriff Leonardo DENTISTS rorro In many ways that the republic , Assessor Jose Vldal Mora. Daily ' JfJbuqurrque tyfijfi) can ticket baa a good majority. Treasurer and Collector John S. Edmund J. Alger, 0. D. 8. 1 Beaven. 306 Railroad avenue. Office hours, 1:30 p. m. to HUGHES Jk McCRKlGHT, Publisher The republicans of McKinley county Probate Judge Ambroslo Zamora. 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.; 6:00 p. m. Telephone 402. Appoint- I have nominated a splendid ticket, and County Commissioners Second dis- ments made by mail. The Shining Light Tboa. Hushes Editor will carry the county by a Urge ma- trict, Florenclo V. Montano; third dis- That Guides all yv. T. McCreigbt Mgr. and City Editor jority. trict, Edward Dodd. LAWYER3 Probate Clerk W. W. JHfiClellan. ' Toward 8. Rodey . Dally and Weekly. Economical Dry Published Every cltlxen of Albuquerque .who School Superintendent Trinidad A. ATTOR:;jiJT-AT-LAV- Albuquerque, N Goods Buyers Lucero. M. Prompt attention given to all bualneas has the good of the city and territory Will prac- OUR STORE IS THE ONE CONSPICUOUS, COMMANDING FIGURE, Surveyor Robs. pertaining to tha profession. THE BUYER'S CENTRAL POINT at heart will vote for the County Pitt tice In all courts of the territory and be- OF ATTRACTION. THERE ARE OTHERS, OF COURSE, BUT THEY Delegate Rodey. River Commissioners T. F. Moran, fore tha United States land office. AINT IN IT. HERE CENTERS of THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF RICHEST AND BEST IN DRESS GOODS AND Otirule,- - Sabedra, Jose SILKS AT PRICES Ireneo Francisco Ira M. Bond THAT MAKE CHICAGO STORES LOOK LIKE PIGMIES. dnocUted Prase afternoon dispatches The daily newspapers of Albuquer- X. Lucero, Henrique Chave. T street, N. City and County Circulation ATTORN largest que have worked hard for the best In- The county central committee for W., Washington, D. C. Pensions, lands, The) Largest New Mexico Circulation coming two years is as follows: patents, copyiiarhta. cavlata, letters pat large Nerthera Arizona Circulation terests of the city, and will continue the ent, trade marks, claims. 1435 yards of New Fall and Winter Dress Fabrics to do so In the future. Chairman, Summers Burkhart; secreta- D. Lee paper assy bo found ry-treasurer, A. B. McMillea; Sam- William Copfeo of this ATTORNEI-AT-LA- Oince, room I AT FAR oti file at 'asnlngton la the office ol Eslavlo Vigil Is a well educated gen- uel Noustadt, Frank McKee, P. F. N. T. Armllo bulk In. Will practice la BELOW MILL PRICES K. O. McCntch-eon- , all the courts of territory. wmr apodal correspondent, Sir tleman, la a fluent speaker of O. N. Marron, J. H. tha 295 46-l- and YARDS OF ALL WOOL STORM SERGE, IN BLACK AND COLORS; 245 YARDS OF 38-i- ALL n, atreeC M. W, Washington, lan- Jose A. Montoya. Eugenio V. tla r both the English and Spanish R. W. D. Bryan WOOL SILK FINISH HENRIETTAS, IN BLACK AND COLORS; 375 YARDS OF 40-l- IX c. guages. good county Chavez, B. Tartagllo, Jose M. Gutier- ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Albuquerque, N. He will make a ALL WOOL VENETIANS, IN PLAIN COLORS AND MIXTURES; 355 YARDS OF 52-l- rez. Frank Gabaldon, Modesto Mon- M. Office, First National Bank buildlny Mexico demands Statehood school superintendent. ALL WOOL HABIT CLOTHS, IN BLACK AND COLORS; 165 YARDS OF 40-l- ALL WOOL toya, A. A. Trimble, J. A. Smith, G. F. W. Clancy Fifty-Seven- th Congress. Frank HAIR LINE SUITINGS, IN BLACK AND WHITE AND BLUE AND WHITE; ALL rant the L. S., rooms I and t, OF THESE NOT A DEMOCRAT. Pitts, Jack Martin. Trimble. ARE FINE 7DC AND S1.00 CLOTHS TOMORROW, PER YARD Maximo Martin, F. Sabedra, Charles N. T. Annljo building, Albuquerque, 48C Tarmo of Subscription: The democratic party of this county fmVtf, ay sW. eae ymr...... MM Seherrick. E. W. Dobaon ttaliy. by BBSU. BMHltlM . w are disrupted and cannot maintain' a ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Office, foni Daily, fcy Basil, three monus..Ha. party organization. They tried to get Goes Like Hot Cakes. well block, Albuquerque, N. M. EtaJty. ur sasli, h ajionta...... inw " LiningS Note this item. SMUiy, ay . n organised a few days ago, but have The fastest selling article I have John H. Stlngle, Black Taffeta Silk Weakly, ay nail, per year signal following In my ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Cromwell block IN made a failure. The store," writes druggist C. T. 675 36-l-n. 15c daily CITIZEN will be delivered Albuquerque, N. M. yardo of best 8ELISIA wide wear guaranteed amithe e.vy at the low rate of M cents per letter explains itself: Smith, of Davis, Ky., "Dr. King's New in black and grey to see them is to per 21. old every where at $1.25 per yard er lor ik uama momn, wm Tajique. N. M., Oct Discovery of Consumption, Coughs PHY8ICIAN buy 'em Sale Price Tomorrow, per yd aaowthly. T' ss rates are tees thaa N. ur price Tomorrow ox any otaer oauy paper in ids Albuquerque Citizen, Albuquerque, an Colds, because it always cures. 98C esrettory. M. In my six years of sales it has never tr. J. "E. Bronscii I Homeopathic Physician, Dear Sir: f see the democrats have failed. have known it to save sufferers Room 17, Wnltlng Block. my name as chairman of the central from throat and lung diseases, who REPUBLICAN TICKET committee of this precinct, which is a could get no help from doctors or any ARTHUR MACOMBER. M. D. . . mistake, as I am and have always been other remedy." Mothers rely on it, Whiting Building. Night Calls. Tailor except one campaign on best physicians prescribe it, all Hade Suits a republican, and DR. E. N. WILSON, silver question I was a democrat. druggists guarantee satisfaction or re- 75 OF THEM MADE OF HEAVY COVERT CLOTH the Physician and Surgeon, Rooms' 10-1- 8 JACKETS WELL many have seen my fund price. Trial bottles free. Reg- LINED ETON STYLE SKIRT8 MADE FLARE-REGU- but like others Grant Building, Albuquerque. Office VERY FULL AND LAR believ ular sizes, 50c and 1. $7.50 SUIT mistake and now I am a firmer Hours 1 to 3 p.m. Colorado 'phone 129. Tomorrow's er In the republican doctrine man price ; $4.44 ever. Yours truly. Were Amazed. DR. I. SAYLIN, The Silver City Independent says: E. A. DOW. Office Grant Block. Rooms 10 and S. Jacoby, of city, who the this sent to 11. Hours 9 to 10 a. m. and 3 6 p. m. Albuquerque samples cotton to PROGRESS OF MEXICO. fair of grown in the yard of B. Rosenfeld, of MUSICIANS. The volume of statistics recently is this city, received the following letter Flannelette Wrappers sued by the Mexican government management: MISS KATHERINE HEIMBECK, from the fair FANCY PATTERNS WITH SEPARATELY For Delegate to Congress shows that a greater degree of pros- 1902. Lessons in Singing and Physical FITTED WAIST LINING Albuquerque, N. M.. Oct. 21. TRIMMED WITH FANCY BRAID RUFFLE BERNARD 8. RODET, perity prevails In that country than M. Culture. OVER 8H0ULDER DEEP Mr. S. Jacoby. Silver City, N. FLOUNCE EXTRA FULL WIDTH SKIRT ot Bernalillo County. has been generally supposed. From Your shipment of cotton MISS ELIZABETH NAYLOR, Mus. B., WRAPPERS Dear Sir: ACTUALLY WORTH $1.50 8ALE PRICE TOMORROW the digest of the figures as made by was duly received ana piacea in a Teacher of Pianoforte and Har- 75C Tor Territorial Council, Conntiet the New York Tribune, It appears that mony. Studio, Commercial club. Bernalillo aad McKinley most conspicuous place In our exhibi In the first nine months of the present was viewed by thousands THOMAS HUGHES. tion hall. It "DIAMOND ICE." of BEST year, as compared with corresponding of people and all expressed amaze yards OVERLAND OUTINO FLANNELS-30-Inc- hes Tor Territorial Council. Bernalillo months of last year. Imports decreas- ment that such an article could be Trunks, valises, nana bags, suit 2000 wide SALE PRICE TOMORROW per yard 5 GENTS County ed by nearly $3,700,000. There was a grown in this territory. On behalf of cases, telescopes, largest variety In GEORGE F. ALBRIGHT. decrease In every important class of the fair association I wish to thank city to select from. Golden Rule Dry goods save only mineral products. In you for your thoughtfulness In sending Goo"" jompany. was about o BUSINESS LOCALS. For Representative, Counties ot Ber which there an Increase of this here. New dress gooas at The Economist nalillo and McKinley 1300,000. There was a decrease also In Yours very truly, as follows: New waistings, plain and Doming been incorporated, . ALEX. BOWIE. Imports from every continent of the P. F. McCANNA, Secretary. novelty tibellnes, new snowflaked nov- - has Just world save South America, which slties, new Scotch novelties, new man Demlng has a magnificent school Star Representatives, Bernalillo Coun-:- ' Paralysis. system. showed an, Increase of less than $19,. Stricken With nish cloth in great variety, new ty Grimett, of place, basket Doming, the railroad center of New 000. There was an Increase also In Im Henderson this weaves, new coronation suiting, new WITH AMPLE MEANS NESTOR MONTOYA. ports from every Important country of was stricken with partial paralysis and Vexlco. turne suitings, new broadcloth, new . pamlng, the gateway to the best AND UNSUR PASSED FACILITIES CEL80 SANDOVAL. aae-Belgiu- was,1-oa- coompletely use of one, arm Y Europe There lost the camel hair suiting, new plaids, new yart of Old Mexico. ' from every and side. After being treated by an the other hand, an Increase silk-wo- crepe Window shades in all colon and For County .Commissioners physician for quite while de chene. THE BANK OF COMMERCE OF ALBUQUERQUE; N. M. IQNACIO Important South American country eminent a widths at Albert Faber's. 805 Railroad Second. District GUTIER without relief, my wife recommended Doming! overlook REZ, save Venezuela and Colombia, the Alamogordo A Sacramento Mountain Dont it It 70a reasons for a decrease from them be- Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and after Railway. are looking for a sale and paying In- EXTENDS TO DEPOSITORS EVERY PROPER ACCOMMODATION Third District A. HARSCH. vestment. ing obvious. There was a decrease using two bottles of it he Is almost Effective June ml first class paasen AND SOLICITS NEW ACCOUNTS. entirely cured. Geo. R. McDonald, er train will leave Alamogordo at 8 Demlng, the seat of the n-- w county For Sheriff from all Central America save Guate ot Luna, CAPITAL, $100,000.0a '" Finally, was small in Man, Logan county, W. Wa. Several m., arriving at Oloudcrott at 10:50 THOS, 8, HUBBELL, mala. there a Cloud-crof- great mining very remarkable cures of partial a. m. dally. Return train leaves t Demicg le the center crease from Canada and a large de other p. m., ot the southwest. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: paralysis have been effected by the at 6:30 arriving at Alamc For Assessor tn United States. gordo at 8 p. m. Doming has Increased $0 per cent, la M. 8. OTERO, iarum crcab? frm use of this liniment. It Is most widely years. Presldsnt J. M. SANDOVAL. Passengers tor these trains can take population In four W. 8. 8TRICKLER, V. P., and Cashlsr, W. J. JOHNSON, Asat Cashier known, however, as a cure for rheuma- breakfast at Alamogordo and K o'clock Investments In Doming lota Will wm. geo. DIFFICULTIES. tism, spralni SDd bruises. For sale at double and treble In one year. Mcintosh solomon luna arnot. L Tor Collector and Treasurer OVERCAME dinner Clcudo'oft. j. baldridge a. m. w. a. Fer- - by all druggists. A. N. BROWN, Klelnwort'e Is the place to get your c blackwell maxwell ... , FRANK A. HUBBELL. fn hla aneech at Las Vegas Mr. "J. m X P, A., B, P.-- L Route, aW.treea steak. All kinds ot nice gusson went Into considerable detail meat. - - DEPOSITORY FOR ATCHISON, TOPEKA A SANTA FE RAILWAY for New Club Reorganized, o about his efforts for statehood effected Any man who doesn't take advant Doming Baa sow a large Ice plant ESLAVIO VIGIL. was delegate, ana A reorganization has been system Mexico when be elub, Several year age ot our great shirt sale by laying In and electric light under .T. why, because the speaker was against in the St Cecilia For Probate Judge ago which. Is composed of a a supply for the next twelve months, - not succeed. The Record this club, In Demlna- the aemand for rental MANUEL BACA. him, he did ladles, was ought not to wear any. The Lion askay had conditions society of musical Inclined houses la five times la excess ot the pertinently the very organization. Mrs. Ma Store. suDoly. For Probate Clerk changed any when Delegate Rodey was a active i , charge ot Doming naa an aounoauica 01 conditions bad not bel Stevens Hlmoe wll have wbw JAMES A. SUMMERS. elected? No, the management. Free Kodaks. tor Irrigating vineyards, orchards, or THIRD STREET - changed for better. Mr. Rodey the the of officers at the first A chance tor the boys and girls ot gardens. For County Surveyor found speaker and all the leading The election every dollars Buy lota and build in uemmg. xonr the meeting held Saturday afternoon was Albuquerque. With ten DON J. RANKIN. members of the house against state- worth of trade you bring to our store rental returns will be 80 per cent oa thing as follows: President. Mrs. B. Spits; the Investment Meat Market miss loners hood. But he did not let a little you get a Brownie Kodak free. For River Coin stop went to work, secretary, Mrs. R. W. D. Bryan; treas In Demlna aood aare loans can M KPIMENIO TAFOYA, like that him. He SIMON STERN, the old ea of his labor is well urer, Mrs. E. L. Medler. had at better rates thaa la APOLONIO GUTIERREZ, and the result Railroad Avenue Clothier. tabllshed towns. AU people Mexico. o GERONIMO PACHECO. known to the of New TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Demlng offers the same opportuni sen mem, Mexico, is a' man in snrcsb cd RAFAEL CHAVES. What New wants Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Notice for Publication. ties now that tne most prosperous congress not get discourag-e- Holding Claim No. 1763.) war ottered yeaa EDWARD ELLSWORTH. who does All druggists refund the money it It (Small cities In the several SHAM SAUSAtf fACTIM. because a few members of congress fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Department of the Interior, United tan. house of Fe; N. M., Demlna needs one nunorea new la surely a republican year in Including the speaker of the is on each box. 25c. States Land Office, Santa This opposed to any 24, houses to supply the demand, and Mexico. representatives, are Sept. 1902. now. This demand con New oV fol- needs them EMIL KLEINWORT, measure favoring the territory; but JEMEZ SULPHOK HOT SPRINGS Notice is hereby given that the tinues to crow. one who goes ahead and gets what he STAGE LINE. lowing named claimant has filed notice The democratic ticket will not carry only with Demlng snips over 100,000 neaa 01 MASONIC BUILDING. N. THIRD BTRFB1 wants. No matter who helped Dele Carries the U. 8. mail; line of his intention to make final proof In annually; la the center of the i precinct in county. good rigs, cattle this gate Rodey, or how he got his help, the a change of stock en route; support under sections 16 greatest breeding region In south horses and drivers; leaves Aibuquer- - of his claim the omnibus state 17 March 3, 1891 (26 west and cattle men au Know tma. The republican nominees are hold- - tact remains that the oue every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat and of the act of passed the house and is - 854), by act of Mrs. Bambini, at her parlors. No. meetings over county. hood bill has urday at 5 a. m. For particulars ad- Stats., as amended the ....CONEY ISLAND RESTAURANT.... ins; all the ready for passage In (27 470), snd 205 South First street, over the now In the senate dross W. L. Trimble b. Co.. agents. Al February 21, 1893 Stats.. Hyde Exploring Expedition store, December, through his efforts In secur- buquerque, or B. BLOCK, proprie proof will be made before 118 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE. statehood bill passes Gallup J. that said Is prepared to give inorougn If the ing help he did.. The people of tor, Jemes. the clerk of probate court at Al THE BEST RESTAURANT IN THE CITY. get a north and south railroad. the the scalo treatment do. hair dress will New Mexico want statehood, and the buquerque, N. M., on November 10, ing, treat corns, dud1' ana in LOCATED. Vote for Rodey. $32.10 To Omaha aud return for na massage CENTRALLY only way to get statehood is to send a 1902, vis: Carmel Ruls de Sandoval, growing nails. Sh MEALS 25c tional convention Christian qhurch - MEALS AT ALL HOURE REGULAR republican delegate to congress this In behalf of heirs of Telesfora Lo treatment and m" . .uK. Mrs. Bam socialists InslBt that they will Tickets on sale October 13 and 144, re the complexion SHORT ORDERS IN PROPORTION. The falL Let us return Delegate Rodey to pes de Ruiz, for the tract in sections bini's own prr ..ons of more votes in city and county turn limit November 30. F. L. Meyers, cream L the skin and Improves affords both In meats and poll the represent New Mexico as it should be Nos. 7 and 8. To. 9 N., R. 3 E., New builds We serve the best the market agent. the complexion, and are guaranteed cooking Is unsurpassed by any restaurant thaa the democrats. represented. The territory has naa Mexico principal meridian. vegetables, and the not to be Injurious. She also prepares Try us once and be convinced. On the principal mnrfl ad vertlslna since bis term than He names following witnesses In the city. PROPOSALS. the a hair tonlo that cures and prevents east of Elmo saloon. The street The Socorro Chieftain appears to be.t h h rt (or twenty years, and the to prove his actual continuous adverse hair falling out; restores street ntxt door the St FOR WiM)D dandruff and pass in of our building. in favor ot all three of the political people of the ea8t realize that there is PROPOSALS School. Albuqurrgue, N. M.. possession of said tract for twenty life to dead hair: removes moles cars front ticketa in wai county. i iuc a thing. luoa. Srsied PrnDoult' endorsed years next preceding the survey of the warts and superfluous balr. Give ner "Proposals (or Wood and Hay." at theraie trial, fehe also a very fine tootn may l and addriwd to the underinrd at township, vlx: a has Mr. Fergusson should explain wheth Albnourrque. N. M will be received at (he Gregorio Barela, Francisco Apodaca nowrier which she suarantees to be Vegas His Lire in Peril scbnol until two o'clrrk p. m. rf Oct. 37 1UO'). free from all metallic substances. It he is for Albuquerque or Las luroiHliioa at this scnool as V Molina, uuuerrez, Aruauur er just seemed to have gone all to lor and dehveriim Justo perfumes the breath, hardens the gums In the military post location. "I may b tvouued during the lineal yeaf ending Sanchez, all of Albuquerque, New Mex wane. pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, J una MO. 1K03, 7ft cords wood snd 60 tors hay, and makes the teetn clean ana - at school, by ., as per tpecificatlons obtainable the ico. It Is highly recommended an nrsi t,-- back- CAFE wiTIll" . ,.,.., Texas, "biliousness and a lame clearly llieir bids il ZEIGER In . - rf . bidder, will the to protest face powder, a ejM-- Any person who desires c'ats dentists. Also a mo rryiiuiiiu. had made life a burden. I couldnt eat mir nf article offered for delivery cure, anu pue QUICKEL & BOTiaE, Proprietors arai holding a cunvenuuu iui ivcr under contract. All $ o offered wdl be against the allowance of said proof, freckle cure, and pimple county or sfeep an! felt almost too worn out ubjtct to riK'd iuapection. The rm't is rr-r.- cure. All of these preparations are noon nominate a ticket V or who knows ot any substantial rea to to work when I began to use Electric in reifi anv and all bid. or an Dart of purely vegetable' compounds Give ber any bid if deemed for tlie best interettaof the son under the laws and regulations of 490. Bitters, but they worked wonders service fc'ach bid mun be accompanied by a a trial Automatic telephone report of the United department why such . o The annual Now I Bleep like a top, can eat any certified check or draft upon some t'uited the interior AND CLUB ROOMS bureau of Indian affairs shows States depository or solvent national bauk, proof should not be allowed will be that the BAR States thing, have gained in strength and m.Hi imvalila ilia order of the Commias- - The thrifty buyer knows population in 1900 was in percent given opportunity at the above men saving spot. that the Indian enjoy hard work." They give vigorous of Irwl'un Affair.. fi rat least rive aa "Lion Store" is the money of the ammout of the proposal, w Ich check or tioned time and place to cross examine green earth can & DOMESTIC WINES A COGNAC. 270.54. health and new life to weak, sickly, draft will be forfeited to the United btatesin Where else on this FINEST WHISKIES. IMPORTED sn said claimant, and to n rasa any bidder or bidders receiving award the witnesses of you buy finest $1.50 'men's shirts served, run-dow- people. Try them. Only 60c the Coolest and Highest Grade of Lager county shall fail to eiecute promptly a contract with offer evidence in rebuttal of that sub Store, The The republicans ot Socorro at aU druggiBtg. ood and sufficient sureties, otberwiae to be st 48c The Lion In-- a no Best Imported and Domestle Cigars makine- - a strong fiaht and the 1 returned to the bidder. Bid. accompanied by mitted by claimant U aiat Will b COO- - n I 10 in lin nl rrltiri cherka not MANUEL H. 11 No or col- Mirations are the whole county ticket Call at the Cabinet saloon about idrred. f or n information, apply l cku, tuberculosis preservallne So-- get lunch, Register. oring in Matthews' Jersey milk U1 bo elected. It is Important to a. m. and a hot free t&ACrn. I. THE ALBUQUERQUE DAILY CITIZEN MONDAY OCTOBER 27, 1902

OFFICIAL MATTERS. a a THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIS1 IRRITABLE 170E3EEI a MEN ARE DIVIDED 0 THE ECONOMIST aaoBBBaoaoBooaaaao Should be Pitied Not Blamed School Superintendent Reports- - ' -- The Economist i Men Don't Understand How They Territorial Funds. 111 Ml Suffer When They Cry, " Oh, Don't ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. LAND OFFICE BUSINESS. No Shoes, Clothing or Cr .': .rise But Everything In the . z Speak to Me." Dr oods Line. o Agents for McCal' ttr-,s- . All Patterns 10 and IS eta. Ml manner of extravagant expressions are possible when a woman's There have been no incorporations Mall Order Solicited -- d Filled Same Day as Received. TlfVPtt Dm ftvorvt-pnnirK-l O of companies to do business in New I The upasm at the top of the wind pipe or bronchial tubes, "ball inexlco during the past week. As a nsinj? in the throat," violent beating of tho heart, laughing and crying general thing investors wait until after by turns, muscular spasms (throwing the arms about,), frightened by tha election before engaging In new busi- imost insignificant occurrences are all symptoms of a hysterical condi-jtio- n ness ventures. and serious derangement of the Special female organs. Governor Otero has received nearly Sale of Cold Any female complaint may produce hysterics, which must be re-- all of the proof from Washington for as a symptom only. his annual report, and Is likely to he Eirded The cause, however, yields quickly to it -l E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which acts at once upon out earlier than customary. !the organ afflicted and tho nerve centres, dispelling effectually all thosa Superintendent of Public Instruction distressing symptoms. into three classes those who wear Dry Colonel J. Francisco Chaves has re- Weather Goods 3 ceived the annual reports for 1902 of clean linen, those who wear soiled, ail county superintendents excepting those who wear none. Same way IS with launderles some do good c seven. . These reports show great pro- work, some do gress in educational matters, build- Indifferent work, some prac- UNDERWEAR SALE the tically ing of many new school houses and none at all. We believe you Outing gratifying increase in the attendance to be in the first class of men; please at the public schools. accord us first rank among launderles Flannel you will If you test our knowledge, Notary Public Appointed. skill, appliances and facilities. Underwear Governor Otero appointed Cecllio Vegas, pub- Women and Children are Rosenwald, of Las a notary FOR LADIES' lic for San .Miguel county. Imperial Laundry fitted here to a nicety. Ev- ery garment Is guaranteed . MISSES AND ix Territorial Funds. Back of Pbetofflce, as represented. The com- CHILDREN IN Territorial Treasurer J. H. Vaughn pleteness high stand- has received the following remit- and GOWNS, tances: From Romualdo Martinez, col- DEVOE'S READY - MIXED PAIN ard of our stocks Is Illus- CHEMISES, o lector and treasurer of Union county, trated by the makes we One 300 SKIRTS AND $220.24 of 1902 taxes; 36.40 of 1901 Gallon covers Square Feet carry: TWO COATS , t taxes; from Joseph Prewitt, collector ONEITA, 8LEEPING and treasurer of San Juan county, $608.44 VASSAR, of 1902 taxes, and $58.99 of 1901 OXFORD, taxes; from H. O. BurBum, superin 8PECIAL NO. 1 ..... ot penitentiary, FLORENCE and tendent the $1,293.78 PURITAN Ladlea' Outing Flannel Gown made of a fair convicts' earnings; from Secundlno quality outing flannel stripes only extra long Romero, clerk of judicial of the superior, values our regular 60o quality the Fourth SPECIAL PRICE 40c H district, $836.45 fees for the quarter We offer. Read this list: Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns extra heavy' X ending September 30; from the sale of qualify extra m compiled width and length regular 90c re laws, $8.50. Oneita Elastic Ribbed Union Suits fit like a values SPECIAI 75,, Territorial Auditor W. G. Sargent glove no buttons down made o the front rA These come In stripes, checks and solid, colors of o states that all appropriations and just of sea Island cotton grey only OUC blue and pink. zi claims for this year will be paid in full, o Oneita Union Suits wool come In all colors 51 by December 1, excepting perhaps the white, black, grey and ecru In all sizes from Children's Outing Flannel Gowns claims of sheriffs' transportation baby size to the largest made, and price range for 1 All sizes and colors ar claims, the appropriation for which the all wool as follows: 75c, $1X0, $1.50, $2.00, from to size Mrs. Lewis Says : I Feel Like a New Person. wide garments and full length 50c Physically may be found to be too small as it was $2.50 and $3.00 a suit. and Mentally." difficult to estimate beforehand how CHILDREN'S ONEITA UNION "Dbar Mm. Pinkham : I wish to speak good 8UIT3 Outing a word for Lydla E. much would be needed during W Flannel Sleeping Garments the Part wool grey only from 3 years to 16 Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound. For years I had ovarian trouble and year. eizes ForCh.,dren in all suffered everything from nervousness, severe headache, and pain in back In many of the funds there will l2 year Misses' size 50c eizes from ii; and theae are made with feet on abdomen. I had consulted different physicians, but decided to try your medi- be a handsome surplus. Thus far about Same garment In all wool, $1.00. the 50o cine, and I soon found was giving me 72 per it much relief. I continued its use and cent have been paid of all Ladies' Heavy Fleece-Line- d Vest Pants-h- igh now am feeling like a new person, physically and Outing Flannel Skirls and mentally, and am glad to neck, long sleeve, vest and ankle pants our m add one more testimonial to value of your remedy. " MBS. M. Mad tho H. LswiS. BaySee the Prices See the Goods. regular 25c garment SPECIAL 19c with ruffl of same also lace trimmed m 8108 Valentine Ave.. Tremont, New York, N.Y. Postoffice our regular . 65c garment Established. Ladies' Best Quality Combed Egyptian Yarn SPECIAL PRICE e Wrltlne to Mrs. ts quickest way A postoffice has been co 40c s L Pinkham tho and surest to established at Single buggy harness $5.00 to $20.00. Vest and Pants double fleece back silk trimmed z vet the right advice about all female troubles. IIer address is Hachita, Grant county, the service to Double buggy harness, Lynn, Mass. She advises women Following instance; $15.00 to $25. cream or ecru 50c P free. is an be from Deming. a distance of fifty-si- x X C and Brass Mounted, Towel Special ' harness, 11 i Mrs. ' miles. Carl F. Dunnegan has been ap- $15.50 to $20.00. Haven's First Letter to Mrs. Pinkham. A bin- - m Cotton TAwLMsaiB-iM-- i pointed postmaster. suMwsii sy iSwniwitv inwiiM "Drab Mrs. Vixkii&m: I would like your advice In regard to my Team harness, $7.50 to $35.00. Children's Underwear froney comb purs white with fringe ONLY. .So troubles. I suffer every month at time of menstruation, and flow so much, Land Office Business. 8addles, $7.00 to $40.00. and for so long ' Jaeger Color Ribbed Vest and Pants fleece that I become very weak, also get very dizzy. I am troubled The Aztec Land & Cattle company Boys' saddles, $3.50 to $7.50. Waistings with a discharge before and after menses, have pains in ovaries so bad some (Limited), through Its attorney lined in all sizes from 16 to 34 price for 16 and times that I can get around, in fact, Leather, Lap Robes, Whips, Horse 18, 10o garment hardly have soro feeling in lower part of bowels, George W. Gillespie, a Rise 5c a size per garment. Cotton Mixed French Flannel Walsting these pain in back, bearing-dow- n feeling, a of Springer, have Blankets, etc, etc desire to pass urine frequently, with Wool Ribbed are exsct copies of the fine all wool French flan- pains in passing It : have leucorrhoea, headache, fainting spells, and some- selected 1,120 acres of government Misses' Vests and Pants natural grey color our regular 40c garment To close out nelsbought to sell for 25c SPECIAL, while they times havo hysteria. My blood Is not in good condition. Hoping to hear land in the vicinity of that town in ..15e a yard from yon, I am, Mas. Emma. Ujlvbx, 2508 South Ave., Council Ulufls, Iowa." lieu of land relinquished to the govern- Thos.r. Keleher reduced to 25c '4 (Juno 3, 1899.) ment of the United States situated on 406 Railroad Ave. Albuquerque ,X Hoisery ; Mrs. Haven's Second Letter. the Gila forest reserve, in Arizona. SPECIAL v Deab Mas. Pinkham : wish to express my ., re I gratitude for what you Boys' Separate Garments vest and pants-g- rey Children's Fast Black. Dnuttla If r ci!-- have done for me. I suffered for four years with womb troubles. Every Bronchitis for Twenty Years. Heel Hose in month I flowed very Merino underwear sizes 24 to 34 pants to all sizes from 6 to 9 12'e s badly. I got so bad that I could hardly do my work. Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, 111., E. G. Garcia Ladies' Fleece Lined Cotton Hose z Was obliged to Bit or lie down most of the time. I doctored for a long &Co match values to 40c a garment SPECIAL, to fast black o time, but obtained writes: "I had bronchitis for twenty close out, 40c a suit, or half price. , In all sizes snd full lengthh per pair. . . .25e no relief. I began using your remedies Lydla E. years got Dealers In Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Illood Purifier. Sanative Wash and and never relief until I used Foley's Honey . Liver Pills and now feel like a new woman." Mas. Emma IlAVElf, 2508 and Tar which is a heep.Wool, Hides, Pelts Men's White Shirts ... ooutonvB., u)uncu isiutts, lowa. ( Feb. 1, 1900.) sure cure."' Contains no opiates. Al- - OVERALLS These are our regular 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 varado Pharmacy. Goat Men's Overalls, to close out about 35 pair of quality Men's White Shirts, which we have left of REWARD. We bm dnpnaitod with th National City Bank of Iyi)i, 811000, a skins A1 quality riveted California 50c wfaiuh will bo paid to any parson who can find that tha shore testimonial letters ov:ralls regular our furnishing goods stock we have all alios $5000 are not genuine, or ware publlshml before obtaining the writer' special Gone to California to Marry. WRITE FOR PRICES quality everywhere SPECIAL 35c take your pick of any of them at only 500 I.ydla K. Medicine Lynn. Miss Plnknam Co.. Maes. Mabel Gibson, of Santa Fe, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gib- I HE ECONOMI61 THE ECONOMIST THE ECONOMIST 12 Good Reasons 12 Casa de Oro. son, of that city, passed through Albu. for buying the Triumph Eclipse range: Rooms with board; electric lights querque on Saturday on her way to San Francisco, Cal., where Bhe will ar- L. H. SHOEMAKER 1 High grade material.. and gas; hot and cold water in each 205 rive Monday evening at 6 o'clock. An West Gold avenue. oe 2 Superior workmanship. room. Special rates to permanent Next to First National Bank. 3 Modern improvements. boarders; no invalids; No. 613 West hour later Miss Gibson will be married 4 Large variety of styles. Gold avenue. to Albert Velller, a prominent young New &ISecond Hand Furnitur 6 Guaranteed to bake well. o business man of the city at the Golden Stoves and Household Goods. 8 Heavy linings and lids. Round Up Your Friend. Gate. Re airing a Specialty, 9 Elegant nickle trimmings. Bring them to our store and get a The groom enjoys an enviable social - 10 Spring balanced door. kodak free with every $10 worth of position besides being well and favor- Furniture stored ana packed for shipment. Highest prices paid for DUNLAP HATS. 11 Uses fuel economically.. goods purchased. ably known in business circles. The second-han- d household goods. 12 Prices and terms to suit. SIMON STERN. young couple have been engaged for Every one guaranteed. Railroad Avenue Clothier. four months. The wedding was to OsOsKsKeOe0s0 have taken place in Santa Fe at the FUTRELLE FURNITURE CO. Is your temperature going - Tin, caivanlsed iron and copper Gibson residence, but Important busi- HOTEL CLAIRE... m r- I HaftSduffocr STOVE WORK. work. Albuquerque Hardware compa ness, which absolutely demanded Mr. down? Try overcoat treat- 0f&Vflh & Mar ny. Go to E.,J. Post & Co. to have your Velller's presence In his home city at SANTA FE, N. M. rUrtSduffocrj ment. Guaranteed coure for stove work done and get a good job by o the time prevented the ceremony tak- cold, taken In small, medium Orders taken for every known make & Mara. competent mechanics. ing place In Santa Fe. As the wedding FIRE PROOF, ELECTRIC Hand Tailored or long doses. All sorts of of stoves and ranges. Albuquerque hour and bad been fixed. Miss LIGHTED, STEAM HEATED, date good overcoats from $10 to F. A. Jones, E. M., C. E. Hardware commy. Gibson graciously consented to have CENTRALLY LOCATED. Consulting Mining Engineer ceremony AND $25. Try our lemon and mince pies. Mrs. the performed in San Fran- BATHS 8ANITARY Field assistant U. S. Geological Survey cisco. PLUMBING THROUGHOUT. Albuquerque, N. M. Akers, 501 Keleher avenue. Temperature still going The many friends of the young lady LARGE SAMPLE ROOM Correspondence solicited. downT Try o Boys' shoes a big assortment at M. and her parents in Santa Fe extend FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. suit treatment; The Peninsular ia a beater and ven- MandeL's. their congratulations to the bride and AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN gets nearer to you than over- tilator. Whitney Company. groom and wish them a life full of PLAN- - coats, and comes st attract- Peninsular base burn less heaters happiness and prosperity. GEO. E. ELLIS, ive prices. i Gents' suits cleaned and pressed $1 fuel, give more heat and ventilate your Good sorts mark, up. S. Knopf, 107 North First street. rooms. Whitney Company. "Waxen the Kidneys." Proprietor and Owner. ed from $10 to $22.50. o "When they are affected, life Is in 0VCeV)000)))Oa Your temperature gone STOVE WORK. "Diamond Ice," delivered in any danger," says Dr. Abernathy, the great Go to E. J. Post & Co. to have your quantity and at all times during the English physician. Foley's Kidney down as far as It canT NO? stove work done get a good job by day. and Southwestern Brewery & Ice Co. Cure makes sound kidneys. Try our good, warm under- - j competent mechanics. Mausard's Mills, wear, all kinds, styles and Acorn base burners. The world's Judge Crumpacker III. CHAS. MAUSARD, Prop. "CIAMOND " grades $1 ICE standard. Whitney Comapny. Judge J. W. Crumpacker, so well from to $9 suit There! We havs Plumbing. Bring in your tinware and have it and favorably known In New Mexico as The Largest and Best made you We have added a plumbing depart- repaired. Albuquerque Hardware associate justice of the supreme court comfortable at last and you'll ment and tin shop to our business. and presiding justice of the Second Mill in New Mexico so all winter. you judicial district, with residence at Al- When have anything in this line FLOUR AND BKN IN CARLOAD Pocketbook isn't hurt much be see us about before plac- Carpenters' and niaminists' tools of buquerque, was on Tuesday night to done it LOTS A SPECIALTY. either, it? your order. Albuquerque Hard- all kinds. Albuquerque Hardware stricken with paralysis and heart dis- it ing Albuquerque, ware company. company. , ease, at his home in La Porte, Ind. New Mexico But little hope was had of his recov- cast-a-wa- y 3,265 Ladies' and gents' clothes Men's and Boys' Fine Shirts ery. Judge Crumpatkerr 6tood very A. E. WALKER Elk and Eagle neckties for ; 107 are too many for any store to handle, lought North First street. high In Mexico as a judge . especially New who FIRE INSURANCE sale In our store. if they haven't the room for thought that law and equity should be us figure on your plumbing. Al- 'em. go Let But remember they must the same, and whose decisions were Secretary Mutual Building Association buquerque Hardware company. 39c fancy EPiSja-fo- and for a shirt is Just like on justice of the case Office at J. C. Baldridge's Lumber Yard getting money from home. the rather than w good, The Lion on legal technicalities. Hundreds in .COME AND If you want something try the Store. 8EE. New Orleans molasses taffy at New Mexico will regret to hear of his W. L. TRIMBLE & CO. 125.00 dangerous illness. Optic. Railroad To all points California, 8econd street, between and DUNLAP HATS -- in Bakersfleld Later information from La Porte, avenue HAWES $3.00 HATS 8TET8ON STIFF AND SOFT Have you seen that blue enameled to San Francisco, on Fe. Copper Albuquerque Hard- Santa Points Ind., is to the effect that the judge is HA T8 eteel ware at the on Southern Pacific lines, Bakersfleld, ware company's store. is the most considerably better, and hopes are now Horses and Mules bought and exchang It and Hornbrook, Francisco, Ban beautiful ornamental ware ever Saa entertained that he will survive his ed. Livery, Bam, rea ana and Jose, Sacramento, and Intermediates. Stables seen in Albuquerque. present illness. Transfer e Tickets on sale September 1 to October 5ulMadetoOrdef...rVM. Have your nouse weu ventilated by $1, 1902. For other information, call No danger of consumption if you use BEST TURNOUT8 IN THE CITY IVflNBEILIL on or F. L. Myers, agent A. Foley's Honey using a Peninsular base burner. address T. and Tar to cure that Address W. L. TRIMBLE ft CO, Whitney Cempaay. 8. r. stubborn cougL. Alvarado Pharmacy. Albncueraae, N. M. THE ALBUQUERQUe. DAILY CITIZEN MONDAY OCTOBER 27' 1902 " :TTT

Romero, who waa the opponent of Mr. RANTED Family washing. Ironing W. L. Brackett CovVY" WSSSSmmmSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS LAS. VEGAS. CLASSIFIED ADS. ' Valdes In the convention. and Plain sewing neatly done. Apply ut new DiacKsmuns on uopper ave- 721 South Fourth street. nue, between Second and Third streets, Mrs. Leandro Sandoval, who hat Note All classified advertisements $40 have new WANTED Two teachers at a received a rubber t tiring been visiting the family of or rather "liners," one cent a word tor , ary here K E month or Apply to Frank A. machine, and guarantee their work. Till Ask Governmeirt tor flrfvaway-Hil- each Insertion. Minimum charge tor better. ballegos, returned Sunday , afternoon Hubbell, county school superintend- They do horseshoeing as a specialty. . any classified advertisements, IS cents. o . Danes a Success. ... to her home at Albuquerque. In order to insure proper classification ent' Boys and Girls, Attention! of- for Mrs. J. H. Van Houten after a week's all "liners" should be left at this WANTED Family cook three Find some one who wants to pur- fice not later than 8 o'clock p. m. grown persons; middle aged woman visit here with friends, returned Sun- chase $10 wtfrth of clothing or furnish, iSiLHAPFEKINisr.' wanting comfortable, permanent - OTHER ,'. day afternoon to home . PERSONAL PHOPERTY LOANS, ing gqods and bring- them tq our store her at Baton. home preferred. Hotel and restau- O. A. Larrazola Sunday A. and you will get free a Brownie Kodak. returned rant cooks need not apply. Address afternoon from 'Las Cruces, where he SIMON BTERN, I O C. B. Allaire, Antonio. N.. M- - San I Special Corrss poixlnx. - - occupied platform with H. Br PerH nOiNEY:. LOAN ) Railroad Avenue Clothier,, the WANTED Ten men in each state to t Las Vegas. N. M., Oct. 26. It has gusslon, telling how they were going On Furniture, Pianos, Organ?, Horses, travel, tack signs and distribute sam- promi- to smash the republicans this fall. been suggested by one of our Wagons and other Chattels, also on ples and circulars of our goods. Sal- coococxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoocoo Georee S. Good arrived here Sunday - nent citizens that the territory make a Salary. FROM $10 UPWARDS.- One ary $60 per $2.75 per day for afternoon from Paso month; - a government appropria- El to attend to' to twelve months time is given. Works.Chl-cago- . -- - request for . expenses. National Soap " 'I- tion for the building of a fine driveway some law suits in which he is a party. Wltnout delay and strictly private. JlO'Rielly&Co. www '?M ?W !Ai- over the forest reserve and mountain Mrs. Thomas Smith, wife of Judge Goods remain in your possession. GET WANTED lady to formerly city, Active Catholic to Santa Fe, a distance of about forty Smith, of this but now of OUR RATES before borrowing. work paid 12 days' Virginia, stay at home; $36 for mile. The government maintains a after a of several weeks PRIVATE OFFICES, permanent if satisfactory. springs, trial; road 160 miles long through the Yel- at the left today for Raton, OPEN EVENINGS. John Engwall, Lakeside Bldg., lowstone park at a cost of $250,000 a where she will visit before returning THE HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO., Just received a year, and it is believed if the matter home. Rooms 3 and 4 Oratit Building, were brought before the government, Miss Myrtle Hagen left Sunday aft- 305 West Raiiroad Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS. fresh lot of. ... . H might be possible for New Mexico to ernoon for Albuquerque, where she will receive such a road. The road would visit. FOUND. SEWARD E. will be greatly benefited HOTW TER BOTTLES by sending to his Uncle give the large tourist travel to Las R. C. Schroeder, a brakeman former- FOUND A bicycled "Owner must his address Tom at Mo., at once. Bulb Syr- Vegas and Santa Fe somewhere to go, ly of this city, arrived Saturday from prove property and pay Items of ex- St. Louis, Fountain and HAVE BEEN ADDING GAR CAR OF DIAMONDS, and silver novel- WE AFTER and would bring thousands of people Vera Cruz, Mexico, for a visit and to pense incurred. X, this office. watches ingesprices to suit your-self-S- here every year. Inns would spring up recuperate from an attack of the yel- ties at factory prices. Special, sliver to $3.00 long the way and help develop the low Jack. 8TOLEN. heart locket, 60c. Send for illus- i o Barney trated catalogue, free. Manhattan Furn ture,Cr clery country, besides furnishing recreation Gilbrlde, the fireman, is back 8TOLEN From In front of Mrs. A- company, 37 Land, everybody and adding to the at- from Ojo Caliente, Mexico. He came lbright's Art Parlors, on North Third Diamond Maiden Water and Oil Atomizers Jor New York city. traction of the grand climate with in Saturday evening for a visit here. street, a little girl's Crescent wheel, of every description. and Glassware. IMPROVED ' Gaslighter, which New Mexico Is blessed. A ter- B. M. Read returned to Santa Fe painted red. kindly return to Automatic Finder lights gas matches; just im- Come and examine. ritory. 1'ke individual, seldom re Saturday night on belated No. 7, after The Citizen and receive reward. without And we are prepared to furnUh everything conceivable for , ported; marvel. Sample ceives anything without asking for it. a visit of a few hours in the city. sensational ' has-bee- n delay; get the home. Prices the lowest and terms the So, why not have bur delegate' td ton-- ' Miss Emma Black, who FOR RENT. 25c, dozen $1.60. Don't - some today. Hamburger Gaslighter CO- . t t " staying Springs, Sunday J. H. O'RIELLY & - reasonable.... gress ask for Itf at the left TOR RENT--Larg- e, airy, sunny rooms ?.' for home Albuquer- Co., 79 Fifth avenue, Chicago. It will be with some surprise that afternoon her in from $1.50 to $5 per week with baths. que,..,- . , JL "i -! Prescription Druggists the marriage of Mrs. A. C. Whltford, t.f The Englewood, 205 North Second TO LOAN. the wife of the conductor who was Miss Dora Hoblis,' a cousin of Mrs. street,' Strong block. & A. Splees, $5,000 Money to loan on good real es- Corner 2nd St. Gold Ave. i O. W; STRONG SONS' killed near here about' our months Charles arrived here Sun FOR RENT Odd Fellows' hall, second and day afternoon Joseph, Mo., to tate security. M. E. Hlckey, Crom- (Cor. ago, Is learned. She was married Wed- from St. and fourth Wednesdays; Wed- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOO Copper ave. and Second st. Albuquerque spend fifth well building. nesday, In Kansas City, to Dr. A. F. the winter. nesday, Thursday and Saturday; Gill, who has been attached to the Mrs. Cecilia Rosenwald, who has nicest place in city for dances. $5,000.00. been enjoying a trip to numerous OOXXX)OOOOrXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOCX Santa Fe hospital at Topeka. Mrs. FOR RENT Five room brick cottage. sale, fine room COLUMBUS HOTEL points in the east, returned home Sun For seven house, Whltford left NewfaS fRiesday morn- Inquire at 218 South Walter street. r.rwly furnished; both electric light FAMILY MEDICINES. No. 2, was "joined Topeka day afternoon. ing on she at FOR RENT Elegant furnished rooms and toilet; two horses and light wa- , - Don't save pennies to lose dol- two pro- United States fish commission car, 204 8outh Second street. by her future husband and the cheapest rent in city. Postofflce gon. Or will to deslra-b- e No. 4, In charge of C. W. - Burham, rent furnished Board. Rates lars don't be too economical ceeded : to Kansas City, where they First Class Rooms and building. 'parties at $50.00 per month for six . when your health's at stake. We - Immediately passed through today on No. 2 and left were married.- after the FOR RENT Finet furnished rooms, months or more. Address M, this of- Reasonable. sell drugs and medicines at rea- Mrs. Gill for 1,000 rainbow trout for Margarito - ceremony. Dr. and left from $1 per week up; everything fice. G. Proprietor. sonably cheap prices we Romero and seventy-fiv- e black for MRS. E. HOPKINS, don't New York, where the doctor will take lass new; near .shops and new freight sell cheap drugs. Anything your post-graduat- Eugenlo Romero. The car was from a course' In a medical depot Antonio Trosello, 1005 South Subscribe for the Citizen. physician prescribes or you or- ' " the government hatchery at Neosho, school. ' Second street. PIONEER BAKERY der for yourself you'll get no LLl gave Mo., and went on down to El Paso, , Mr. and Mrs. E. Browne a FOR RENT Bright sunny rooms for 8IM0N BALLING, Proprietor. genuine ar- leaving fish at Albuquerque, Lamy substitutes, but the complimentary dinner to a number of and light house keeping, 622 West Rail- COLOMBO HALL Successor to Balling Bros. ticles, at fair prices. Twenty night, in of and other points. The car had 14,000 fish friends last honor Rev. road avenue. Enquire In brick part Thursday Afternoon OCT. 30 years' experience In the pre- Mrs. George Selby. when it started out, and they are given FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. Wedding : Cake : a : Specialty away government scription trade. Encouraging reports continue to by the to stock the 810 South Third street. In the. c,oantr precincts, re- rivers with good fish in the country. We destT patronage, and we ," OEO. B. WILLIAN5. come from 1 flra-claa- PRESCRIPTION DRUQOJST garding the success of the republican The car was met at the train' by a FOR 8ALE. SOUSAHIS BAND guarantee s baking. Ban Miguel county. wagon with several barrels of water 207 8. First street A'buqjsrque. N. ftt 117 W. Ball Road Avt. ticket in FOR SALE Dresser, commode and OCXDOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXOC Fred Marshall, stenographer to Su- and the trout will be taken to Porvenlr to iron bed. No sickness. 106 East perintendent Fox, had to leave the car stock the Gallinas river there. The Silver avenue. "The March Klnfl" B. A. SLEYSTER. seventy-fiv- e black bass at Raton Saturday morning and return will be taken FOR SALE Several oeartiiul homes JOHN PHILIP 80USA here. He Is suffering with tonsilitis. by Hon. Eugenlo Romero to Juan Palz, and city lota. These are bargains Conductor ACCIDENT INSURANCE, PRETTY CUTS The "most respected citiiens," who to stock a lake there. The fish have and must be seen to to appreciated. Estelle Llebling ...Soprano FIRE INSURANCE, to handled with extraordinary care No and pretty pictures don't do a man will be delivered to the democratic trouble to show property. See REAL ESTATE, , ' Grace Jenkins Violinists much good 'it-he- 's toungry unless by Ezekiel, were fined $10 and while so young, and the water will Jno. W. McQuade. the party Arthur Pryor ...... Trombone NOTARY PUBLIC. pretty cuts are well selected cuts coats, each, yesterday, and made to pay have to be changed several times, and FOR SALE Old papers, 25 cents per of ROOM3 1M4, CROMWKLL BLOCK. choice beef , jaroK mutton or ham. repairing the doors they broke, handled to keep the young fish, which hundred, at the Citizen office. for FOR SALE Several hundred pounds Aatomatio Telephone 174. That's what 'we 'supply good meats, attending the - demo-unlon-po- p were about three Inches long, alive. after of old papers, good for wrapping POPULAR 'PROGRAM properly cut, boned and trimmed, and Guerln, . There was a general exodus of em- primary In preclntf 1.'Units purposes, cheap. we would like to supply your larder. Kugenlo Baca and Bernabe Ortis were ployes at the Montezuma at the springs Address, The Citl sen, Albuquerque, N. M. NEW 80USA MARCH Our prices, as 'Well ris our meats, wilt pilgrims who took Judge Baca's last night to Los Angeles. Misses the JOE RICHARDS, suit you. , , medicine yesterday. Lydia Newman, Mariett Etue, Maggie WANTED. "IMPERIAL EDWARD" The demo-pop- s held meetings in pre McCurney and Maggler Springer, all Dedicated by .special permission WANTED Room and board wanted dncta 5 and 64 Frf3a'f Tlight and se- dining room girls, left, asld Richard to King Edward VII. delegates to "their county con- - Foley and Peter Sehnliack,- - bell boys. In private family, German preferred, lected by young man. CIGARS vention. There was a fair crowd out The crowd left on No. 7. Address Young Man, Prices, $1.00 Any '.'Part of House tare Citizen. Wm'.'Farr; and thpy had quite a rouslnf time -T- vXS. ilnin Aall last filgtd for Los speckled of kind. Angeles to be gone for an indefinite WANTED Men to learn barber combination that Special thirty dajWartfeTi'More Seats on Bale Monday morning, Oct. H3J4 West Railroad Avenue. twp crowds' Joined, together about period. - frade. 9 o'clock, O. A. Matson & Co. The .3Jifr experience' th one month (hair shops ij, at at 10 o clock and, with music, parage (jlTne mother of Mrs. W. L. Thompson, J. C. BALDRIDGE I in one year. practice, around-- , plaza and kept everybody Mrs. John"Stockdale, arrived last eve Abundance' of the ' 'Native and Chicago Lumber. awake.; The meetings were somewhat ning on No. 7 from Muscatine, Iowa, Qualified teachers, tools presented, Alt wages Saturdays,' diplomas granted FOR SALE AlamoB. and will spend the. winter here. ms different from teh one at Los competent! Silver Sherwin-WHIia- Building Paper Eh, MargarltoT m W, A. Welch and ife.,arrl ved here and positions when Quick ii ; Paint ALv,;?o 1 I Long given by Vegas yesterday evening from Oquanka, and practical method. Our system Is Covers More Looks Best Wears 8ASH, DOORS. .BL1NU8, PLASTKlt The'fcance the Las 1000 Merino Rami I 1 I ,. Head of Fine Grade est Most Economical Foil Measure LIME, CEMENT, GLASS, PAINT, Etc Iowa, for a visit Ble-ber- well known. Established In 1893. Avenue Military band Friday night at the Mon .with Mrs. John two and year old at from daughter of Mrs. Wjelch. Branches in New Orleans, St. Louis, three First Street and Lead Avenue. - Albuquerque tezuma Casino was one of the most en the $5.00 to $8.00 will trade for season. mo. 7, Saturday evening, bad on San Francisco, New York, Chicago. Joyable social affairs of the yon value in lambs. Stable Two coacHes' were comfortably fcilfedP,0r''lyone Italians, in charge of If want to be a barber write', and a Had gone up early InThe an overseenen route tcrsair Francisco Moler System Barber College Rep- LIVERY, FEED AND 8ALE. number resentative, Albuquerque, N. M. Also 500 yearling Rambouletts for $12. evening. TheNhusle was excellent, H ffom palate In Michigan to work in a 114 WEST SILVER AVENUE. being furnished by the full band,;Md tannery, They were all fed in the Har WANTED A first class cook wants a BORRADAILE & CO... position as cook general house- For particulars write to every on reports a royal time. The vey house, and the grins on the faces and a Specialty. We work In private family. Enquire 3X, Saddle Horses NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS crowd did not get back until the wee Of them displayed their evident pleas Ii. E. QOSNEY. board horse andhave first class rigs , Citizen office. wesj-y- hut contented.-T- h pre at the style they were enjoying. Trinidad, Colorado. E. CAREY, Prop. ma hour, WANTED Position as bookkeeper or for hire. L. sum from Furniture bpys realized a nice their Subscribe tor the Citizen. any office position, by an Al account- - aance, and tPnk the citizens for the Crockery, ' j ant; Lest of references. Automatic generous patronage. -- Comrade Jackson's Funeral. 'phone 637. . Oranitewear, Rev. Dr. Selby preached his farewell The funeral service of Isaac Jack-- 1 WANTED Child to eo out dally with E3 aermon at St. Paul's Episcopal church son were held at the African Metho- Undersigned. Call on Mrs. Corbln, 1 I Tinware, morning 11 o'clock. The capac- o this at dist Episcopal church yesterday after 113 West Lead avenue. 3C Art Squares, ity of the church was tested by those noon. The religious services were A girl for general house Cans WANTED to parting address of 17500 who listened the conducted by Rev. Jones assisted. by work; good wages; steady employ Mattresses, Buch esteem 2 Of Eastern Vegetables and one who Is held In Warm Rev. Harwood. After this the ritualis ment. Inquire at Mrs. George Springs. In the city...... : , tic services of the Grand Army of the Neher's, 403 North Second street. California Fruits! x Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rhodes and Miss Republic were conducted, ending with WANTED A position as salesman in IRON BEDStALL SIZES Edna and Charlie Rhodes arrived Frl reading the military record of the de- general merchandise store; up to day evening from fhelr extended trip ceased. date in all branches. Address I $3.00 UP . to Caney, Kan., where they visited The funeral was largely attended. "Clerk." Citizen office, AT POST Mrs. Rhodes' parents. They visited in The members of G. K. Warren post, WANTED To borrow $750, first class HOUSEHOLD GOODS other parts of Kansas, also, and Mr. Grand Army of the Republic, and the security. Call at "The Englewood,' Rhodes enloyed a big hunt down In ladies of,the Woman's Relief Corps at over Strong's furniture store. ON EASY PAYMENTS Indian Territory. tended in a body to Falrview ceme WANTED Position by young man as out a war 1 ) Mrs. Louis Varella swore tery, where the remainder of the Grand office assistant; bookkeeper and SMITH & MUNKERS HOUSE FURNISHINGS morn rant for her bubble yesterday Army services were neld, taps were clerk; experienced. Address 11., this threatening to New and Second Hand. Ing, charging him with sounded, a Balute was fired and the office, I OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE beat her and otherwise abusing her. body of Comrade Jackson was laid to She says that hubLle has been trunrel rest. Subscribe for the Daily Citizen. $COSX3OsXasoCOSKS)C0CC Albuquerque N. M. Ing around after other women, also The following pall bearers, repre 117 Gold Avenue and she does not like that, either. The senting the Grand'Army of the Repub- police are after IxiuiB, the naughty lic, officiated: Messrs. Clark, Moore, naughty man Warner, Caldwell. Delaney and Smith. Edith Klnotley. daughter of LARGEST LINE OF Little The honorary pall bearers were mem WE HAVE THE SALE Mrs. Grace Kingsley,. tripped and tell bers of his old company as follows: 60 DAY SPECIAL on a barbed wire fence Saturday morn J. T. Taylor, H company. Tenth Unit- ing, lacerating her face quite severely ed States cavalry; Jerry Brabham, E ON OUR STOCK OF making several stitches necessary company, Twenty-fourt- h United States George Vt Wright, of Golden, who infantry. STOVES Buggies, Har- bad been in the city for several days The old Kit Carson Sag, carried so Wagons, Carriages, and exhibited some valuable spec! often by Comrade Jackson, now dead, In New Mexico Both Wholesale and Retail mens of gold ore, J ft Friday evening will be draped and carried In the fu- ness and Saddles. for SanU Fe. He bad one bar of solid ture by Comrade Dunham. Do not buy you examine our stock We can please you gold he had smelted which weighed until several ounces. Bain Wagons, $75.10.2 Mrs. N. B. Koselerry and daughter, What Is the Use Gas .Fitters Miss Grace, returned Saturday after of suffering from Indigestion If you eat Jobbers of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, numbers, Steam and Buggies for $58.00." noon from their extended sojourn in what you want, or of starving yourself points in Indiana. to avoid such distress? Acker's Dys- and Cotnice Makers: We buy only In car lots. Spring Wagons, $38.20. Chicago and pepsia Tablets taken after eating will Tinners Mrs. Frank Boomer, grand worthy digest your food perfectly and free We will save you money.! matron of the Eastern Star, who had you from all the disagreeable symp- been visiting Mrs. Gub Peterson, re- toms of indigestion and dyspepsia. Eat turned yesterday afternoon to her what you want nt any time and take an home at Baton. Acker tablet afterward. Positively Company Get our prices before you buy guaranteed. Your aioney will always WTiitiiev Hon. Zacharias Yaldez having resign pot legislative as be refunded If you are satisfied. fed as candidate for teh Write to us for a free sample. W. H. 113-11- 7 South Second Street Albuquerque, New Mexico aembly, the republican county commit Hooker & Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. J. H. AS,EcRoQUE' tea filled the vacancy with Pedro O'Rlelly Sl Co., and Ii. 11 Urlggs ft Co. J. Korberv& Co., THE ALBUQUEKQUE DAILY CITIZEN MONDAY OCTOBER 27 902

number of cars GOLD DUST j'At- - tb first ture, besides a coming "Let the twins do year work." PaiiBMBiai Symplons of a to the merchants. disordered sto- E. O. Ludlam and J, D. brotherton mach or liver went to Carrizoio Tuesday to receive - you should take the big oil drill which Is now at the I I a few doses of station. This is the finest and most FABBR. THE. KAIR.... the Bitters. It ALBERT complete piece of machinery, so we will tone up 5 - .. the have told, of the kind ever r. ESTABLISHED 1886. sti stomach been lK..:.r and , 303 RAILROAD AVENUE, GRANT BUILDING Oliver and cure shipped Into this country. It will now soon be In operation two miles east of I Nauiea, town, where any one .Who desires, can ' Heartburn, , Headquarter for Carptis; Llnelsnm, Matting, Curtains, Brankeu anef Crockery, Glassware and i ., take ai look at It. kdigestion, . Howaa'ryrnlohlnp , . v ..V,-- Goods. 3 China: in all its branches,. ttAMirHI a DvtoePiia and FOOT1, BALLISTS. . y w a tJl - ttr ltK7f?t3l2 liver Complaint- - - Give Ha trial. Are Practicing So as to Select Regular I jurauitewuiu, umuuwuic, jLeii- I I Ptayerc. Cutlery, The university football players will You can trust Tromf e Bla nkets.. .ware. Tinware, Table HOTEL ARRIVALS. have another preliminary' pig skln'con-tes- t up ' '' ' for selecting a line this even- GOLD OUST LampBjtTeiEi Alvaradc. Now, you will need them. - '. ing. . ' and 'Coffee', Dirk Israel, W. Mc- - piece of "in tt ',",' V New York; J. io clean the most delicate the night grow cooler. Th The material to select from is most- bric-a-br- Oulre, Chicago; W. M. Bell and wife, ac it is a cleanser, that premium. ly new, yet practice they will blanket offering we now the best with A. M. Bogy, St. Louis; H. A. Brachvo-gel- , with soon cleans and beautifies, but never are' be converted Into good football play- eco- Quemada, N. M.; P. A. Moriarity, injures. GOLD DUST acts like making are something no ct ers. Another of last year's men, Frank Give us a Denver; J. T. Chief. Fort Worth; B. hard-wat- er nomical housekeeper can afford Myers, who has signed, for this year, magic In softening and Williams, La Junta; R. A. Stokes, Au making housework easy. to miss. In the lot are whit burn. Neb.; Chas. R. Stone, Pueblo, will play left half. Douglas Try GOLD DUST on wash day. and colored blanketa, cotton and Colo.; E. B. Learner, Kansas City; L. Prof. John Walker, of the Chicago, will Hade only by down filled comforters, W. B. Warren, Kansas City; F. C. Reld, University of the bed J. MALETTE team through the season. Prof. Wal- THE N. K. FATRBANK COMPANY Flagstaff; Karl A. Kroft,, F. A. Rettig, spreads and pillows, all offered ker has all the'necessary qualifications Chicago, Kaw Turk, Boston, St. torn. it; W.H. Rettig, H. F. Vorbeck, Chicago; Maker! of FAIRY SOAP. at substantial money savings. C. fi. Elliott. St. Paul; C. R, Luten. W. for a coach. A good coach Is the most Important Ingredient in the make up DISTRICT COURT. Blanket from 60c to $15.00 a A. Dorland, Grand Rapids; P. L. ,- of a team A 'team may have weight pair. A SHOOT THE CHUTES " R. R. McKinnie and wife, Chi The case of Wallace Douglas against and strength, yet If they lack the Comforter from f.1 t15 Rfl cago; D. Dunham, Kansas City; F. M. the administrator of the estate of in us I. training for fast and systematic work, S of carpet value ttii week permit , Jones, Helen; C. Lewis. Honolulu; Charles W. Iewls, on trial since last each. to present these remarkable figures, W. E. Hall. Chicago; A. F. Lowenthal, which is the result of good coaching. Wednesday, was terminated this morn- !.! 4: j. v . S shop- Ne York; W. Hadley, they are powerless to do effective quality considered. Nothing J. Denver. ing, on the court instructing the jury " ' m ' work :i irf.i.'iiv 'it' worn; every yard at less than real to find for the plaintiff in the sum of pay you to see v Sturges European. Tne average of the university team value. Twill these Hun-ter.'S- $7,060. case has been pending Jf. HolliagswortB, Denver; E. E. t, Hi The arriving al- be bargains. New patterns M&g-dalena- :; 1884, and has to su- Louis; Oscar Redeman,' pass i40, weignt win mane 111 since been the most daily. See our comforts and but tne preme court United' and W. A. Smith. Gallup; H. Hau-se- r, If they have the proper of the States "' blankets before buylng.. tie difference court a ev Loa Angeles; V. V. Clark and wife, training in team work ' remanded to the district for A. A WINTERER .V'V" new is probable the ' : Woodbury; John F. Oer.Topeka; F. M. Captain Bowie is putting a great deal trial, and it that ""' (tin;: ') t I Rdbt, C. E. Jones, Denver; H. J. Hav- - of energy into the work, and Inspiring case will again be taken to the court of . resort. Upon motion of the plain Fufrelle Furniture Co. erkampf, San Rafael; Paul Kempen-ioh,- confidence among the boys. last OPTICIAN.::, j defendants, prospect, tiff, all evidence of the , ' i -- Peralta; J. W. Jones, Lamar. Several games are In for 8PECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FILLING OCULISTS' PRB8CRIP-- West End Viaduct col- tending to show their occupation of 4 this month with the Agricultural TIONS AND FRAME FITTINGS. " ' ' 2 Cor. Second Street and Gold Avenue Hotel Highland. lege, Santa Fe Indians and the local the land In question from time Imme- W. B. McHatton, El Paso; Thomas government Indian team. morial and perfect title In the defend- : Chicago; G. Lem- - was out, upon O'Connell, Theodore The boys have confidence of a good ants vendor ruled the EYES TESTED FREE;; niOn, Junction, Colo.; S. A. Nall-le- . ground court had no jurisdic- Lpula, Grand r bowing on the gridiron this year and that the For th Past Twelv Year Optician with A. 8. Aloe Co., St, Mo. Frank Tomei &Bros. El PaBO. are working for results. tion to entertain that defense, the de- 807 RAILROAD AVENUE, With B. RUPPE, DRUGGIST, - l fendants having failed to present their ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO J ARTISTIC TAILOR8 AND DRAPERS Metropolitan. Do You Want to Yawn? claims to the surveyor general, con- 110 RAILROAD AVE. Arthur Bledsoe, Strong City, Kas. Feel cold shlverings, aching in the gress or to the court of private land Only shop In town wl.lch employs Grand Central. bones, lack of energy, headache, and claims, they were now precluded from symptoms first class workmen. G. M. Triplett, Denver; G. A. Cap- - great depression? These setting it up In the courts. well, John McMinder, Deming. may be followed by violent headache, The next case called for trial was OLD RELIABLE" ESTABLISHED 1878 Thirty years' experience In se- high fever, extreme" nervousness, a that of Jacobo Samora et al. vs. Atch lecting the latest novelties In the Beautiful Complexions. condition known as malaria. Herblne ison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad finest Imported Worsteds and ( cures Take before the disease company, In which plaintiff claims L B. PUTNEY, Tweeds. Are spoiled by using any kind of it. it Goods from all the lead- gets a fair hold, though it will work a $5,000 damages for death of infant ing cloth preparation that fills the pores of the firms of . Europe and cure In any stage. J. A. Hopkins, Man- child occasioned by its being run over America. skin. The best way to secure a clear complexion, free from sallowness, pim chester, Kansas, writes: "I have used by a train of cars of the company on The best cloth display for Fall ples, blotches, etc., Is to keep the your great mediclnet Herblne, for sev- April 8, 1898, In the yards of the com WHOLESALE GROCER. Is nothing ' , and Winter In Mexico. liver In good order.. An occasional eral years. There better pany at Albuquerque. fever, head- Carries Largest , We solicit your patronage, gen- dose of Herblne cleanse the for malaria, chills and Flour, drain . the " v. ' blood-purifyin- g a JlMt BUhMm tlemen dressers. Satisfaction guar- bowels, regulate the liver, and so es- ache, biliousness, and Jor a It Goes Right to the Spot. Stack et,;,! or no tonic, there Is nothing as good." When pain or Irritation exists on and Provisions. f iVjr-- anteed sale. tablish a clear, healthy complexion; SUpleQrocerles ,w Pharmacy body, 50 cents at Cosmopolitan Pharmacy 50 cents at Cosmopolitan any part of the the application Car lets a fwiaJtjr. Hmmd (MtbWfMr - B. Ruppe. of Ballard's Snow Liniment will give B. Ruppe. ' o o prompt relief. 'It goes right to the FARfl AND FREIGHT WAQONS. Soldiers Returning Home. TELEGRAPHIC MARKET8. spot," said an old man who was rub- FIRST NATIONAL BANK Two cars, carrying seventy-fiv- e of bing it In, to cure rheumatism.' C. R. Railroad Avenue . Alb' querque New York ,Maney. Propr. Smith House, Tenaha, Uncle Sam's discharged soldiers were New York. Oct. 27. Money on call Smith. tit- - ALBUQUERQUE, MEXICO. on No. Saturday night. Texas., writes: "I have used Ballard's NEW The uniforms easy at 4 per cent."" STlver, 50. U. S. , were $f all sorts and descriptions, Snow Liniment In my family for sev- tX3eX3)CCOeX3t)OeX3K3K0 DEPOSITORY eral years, and have found It to be ' To-pe- ranging from the soiled khaki to the New York Metal. Depository for the Santa Fe Pacific and Atchison, ka the well worn blue. Collected in groupB, New York. Oct. 27. Lead Quiet; a fine remedy, for all aches and pains SHIP YOUR PELTS TO BEARRUP BROS: & CO. and Santa Fe Railway Companies. , they feemed to delight in teling of $4.12. Copper $11.7511.95. and I recommend it for pains la the :' .. thejr Experiences. , throat and chest." 26 cents, 50c and C I -,- ,1- Authorized Capital .$Soo,0OO.oo Jim j Wilson, a typical soldier!' who Ufn.t. $1.00 at Cosmopolitan Pharmacy. B, ; .Wool Pullers, Sti Louis. Oct. 27? Wool Steady: Tanners: i Paid up Capital,1 Surplus and profits $200, 000. CO had a (past full of experiences, whose Ruppe. vy western medium, 16 In- territory and Manufacturer0M.;.A III, hjl.f OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: home in Fort Wayne. Ipd., was and I ...... is mi 18c; fine, 12016c; coarse; 1215c j 'At.'.AUnoftflordo TonTpVviK 'Vi ol rfttitiMff. mlW ore S. Raynolds, president; M. W. presi- clined to talk of the Unit W States.' He Joshua Flour noy, vice uov)ejnor,fti),,A. ,ptero ana taucYaypr ALBUQUERQUE. ..iItji( juodu NEW MEXICO said he. was trying to XcfgcL-Uxe-. Phil- Chicago ...... 1 J: dent; Frank McKee.'cashier; Grain. General Morgan O. .Llewellyn stepped ippines' and all the triarhr-an- d hard- Chicago, 111.. Oct. 27. Wheat Oct., H. F. Raynolds, - - - A B.' McMillan. over tn Albuquerque a couple of " t I' ll. iil! hours ' ships connected with them. 72c; May. H&uK We manufacture 'Loathed PanU,' Coetsv Moccasin, Blckmlh Saturday night en route from Santa Fe i ! "I saw some real American hoboes U v; J .11; UOl U Ll l. J4 aivj uu 7. to Alamogordo. Apron, and' make Angora Rug ijn, up the road here," said Wilson, "and Oats Oct., Deo., ,..' W Custom Tanning of Hides, Skin 30c; 31&31c. Governor Otero will the citi- do and Fur. 8atlsfact!; I'll tell you I was glad to seethem. Up Pork Oct., $16.4d; Jan.. $15.62 address guaranteed. We 'pay tn highest prices P It w u cccccccoooooo zens of Otero, county tonight. Several for which' here at a little town named' Gallup 15.65. ' t i i small- will be visited making our feather good.' DECORATIVE" there were four of them riding the Oct., Nov.. $10.80. of the other towns our .: Lard $11.2; before returning to the capttoL.i Don't fall to examine- exhibit 'at the fair. rods and they stopped the train to $8.2D 08.27V4 y 11 'f'l '!! .1 Ui .. .1" i Ribs Oct., $12.00; Jan., - iut. EFFECT throw them off. They are thicker here Mr. Llewellyn will spend 'several county, la a most Important factor in the than soldiers in the Philippines, and Kansas City Live Stock. days at his home In Dona Ana Oct. Re while on bis brief leave of absence. Jewelry worn, and best are the farther eaBt we get the more we Kansas City, reanlts 17,000 head, including 3,000 The governor met a number of prom- 0)00KtOt04k obtained from designs see. After we left San Francisco the ceipts, artistic and Texans; best steady; others weak; na inent republicans during his short stay ALBUQUERQUE tasteful settings. Our rings, brooch- first one we saw we got him In the car between the backs of two seats and tive steers, $4.95 7.95 Texas and In here. es, pins, etc, are of that high art dian steers, $3.10 4.20; Texas cows, and quality found only In Jewelry oi carried him all day." Planing Hill Co., we do exclaimed Jim. $2.303; native cows and heifers, $1.50 The Worst Form. the finest make. "Why did it?" singing ' appreciate a man who has 4.05; stockers and feeders, $2.10 Multitudes are the praises of MANUFACTURERS OF "Why, we, new discovery is enough stay in his own coun- 6.30; bulls, $1.753.20; calves, $26. Kodal, the which T. Y. MAYNARD, sense to making so many people well and Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Store Fronts, I would rath- Sheep Receipts, 10,000 bead; mar sick try, even if he is a bum. weak people strong by digesting JEWELER. enlist again. You ket easy; muttons. $3&4.10; lambs, $4 what Office and Store Fixtures. er be a hobo than what tbey eat, by cleansing and sweet Watch inspector A., T. S. F. see, he may have to serve five or ten 05.25; range wethers, $33.90; ewes Wood Turning and Mill Work of All Kind to Order. . ' . enlng stomach and by transform' Mail and 8. F. P. Railroads. has a great manw $33.85. the Order Solicited. BSBSaBlBBBl days, but then he ing food into kind of pure, we have to serve Chicago Live Stock. their the 403 SOUTH FIRST STREET. furloughs, while Receipts, rich, red blood that makes you feel years. The only difference be- Chicago, Oct. 2i Cattle three 22,000 Including 10,000 westerns; good all over. Mrs. Cranfill, of Troy, ? tween me and a hobo is that we serve head. ooxKcoe)o t00K0MeS good steady; slow; I. T., writes: "For a number of years I our country and our country serves beef cattle others 1 1 1 IXt I AlA I A ItttttAftMXMXMXtXtXtAt good prime steers, $7 8.50; poor was troubled with digestion and It It Illicit them. Then he has a chance of hand- to $3.75(Tx 6.75; and dyspepsia which grew into the worst ling gold coin once in a while, but to medium, stockers .M.. feedera, $2.25 4.70; cows, $1.254.25; form. Finally I was Induced to use BERGER. we nothing silver, which Is . get but Kodal and after using four bottles I WHOLESALE DEALER IN Still a Growing very low." heifers, $205; tanners, $1.252.40; am entirely cured. I heartily recom "You bet I'm glad to get back," said bulls, $2 4.50; calves, $3.507; Texas $3 4.25; western $3 mend Kodal to all sufferers from lndig High Grade Flour Candies Wilson. Is pretty hard work. A fed steers, steers, and for 1901 snug It estlon and dyspepsia." Take a dose Our fancy coffee business reached the amount of 10,000 soldier's life looks good from the gal 6.50. A SPECIALTY OF THE pounds. We wish to double that In 1902, and In order to do so we are Sheep Receipts, 37,000 head; mar- after meals. It digests what you eat. ler,y but it is a whole lot different B. H. Brlggs & Co. O Rlelly offering the very best grades of coffee on the market at 40 cents per ket easy to 10c lower; lambs steady; J. II. when you get behind tne curtain. Co. FAMOUS EMPRESS pound. We are sole agents for CHASE A SANBORN'S celebrated Seal "Oh, yes, everything is getting quiet goo to choice wethers, $3 3. SO; fair FLOUR 50(3 3.50; western USED IN ALL FAMILIES. .... Brand and Club House. We also have a full line of blended coffees oer there now and I am glad of It. to choice mixed, $J For over Sixty rears. at prices to suit from 20 cents up. Our 35 cent blend we consider equal He evidently had not lost the faculty sheep, $2.00 f 3.75; native lajnbB, $2.50 An old and well tried remedy. 5; S OUT8IDE ORDERS SOLICITED to the most of the 40 and 45 cent grades offered by the trades. of long winded talk for he was telling western lambs, $3.504.50, Mrs. Wlnslcw's Soothing Syrup has swung on been used for over sixty years by 2 213 WEST RAILROAD AVE ALBUQUERQUE N. MEX. As to teas. Everyone knows that keep the very best to be had about the great times as he A fresh supply or the famous Battle was pulling out millions of mothers for their children t In the territory. the step as the train Creek Health Foods Just received at while teething with perfect success. i iriittiiii tttmrtmimrsxxmrtm gums, WHITE OAKS. the Woman's Exchange, 323 South Sec It soothes tho child, soften the oud street. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and 1Y1AL0Y, From the Eagle. Is the best remedy for diarrhoea Is A. J. 214 W. Railroad Ave pay The Citizen mililishes the advertise pleasant tc the taste. Sold by drug- C. GROSS, KELLV&CO. The, Old Abe has had the first gists In every part company ment of H. E. GnMicy, who wants to of the world. V-- day under the new the lMh Twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle. value - p. Its Inst. sell some fine she- in another col Is Incalculable. Be sure and ask for I (Incorporated) oc4K)CKoxcocccccere There is a big rush of business iu the umn. Attention of sheep buyers is Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, and freighting line here now. The Ludlam celled to advertisement. take no other kind. 'Phone No. 516. Residence, Automatic 'Phone getting a load o Automatic 299 Oil company is in car All home cooking at the Woman's Knights of Pythias. Bell Telephone No. of machinery this week. John Lee is 115. Exchange. 323 Smth Second street; Lodge, No. 4, also getting in a car of freight, John Mineral Bell 'phone A15. KnlfOita of Pythias Ail A. Brown is expecting a car 01 furnl members are requested to Wool, Hides, Pelts : Free Lunch. be present at their Castle The Cabinet serves a hot free lunch Hall on GolJ avenuo at 8 IP Just a Cough every 1 W handle It3 day between and o'clock. 'if o'clock tonivht. Visitors mm. J is ft r K. C. Baking that gets your lungs sore and weak Give us a rail. welcomed. Powder, paves way for pneumonia or and the . ONES k HAItlUS. Props. W. C. C. Navajo BlankU, v . consumption, or both. Acker's Eng- F. SWITZKR. D. E. PHILLIPS, K. K. & S. Curtice Canned Goods, lish Remedy will stop the cough in a of Try Albtrs' Milk. o Colorado Lard and Meat. day and heal your lungs. It will cure I1' iits a quart for Bros. bronchitis Before paying " Albert' Dairy. consumption, asthma, and ;'iarts $1.00. all throat and lung troubles. Positive- milk, try ours; V for lielleve in no one but yourself and Albers try Alliers liros'., l'i quarts for $l.oo. House at ' LOCAL UNDERTAKER SANTA FE PACIFIC RAILROAD. ly guaranteed, and money refunded if linis'. not satisfied. Write to us for free sam o ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. EAST LAI iMin. choco- pic W. H. Hooker & Co.. Buffalo, W. Mr. H. E. Snei dressmaKer and Mint chews, rocoanut strip, VEGA 8, N. M, AND QI.OR-IfcTA- , tVCOMHERCIAL CLUB BUILDING. Y. J. H. O Piellv Co.. and B. H. ladies' tailor, No. i".7 South Second late fudge with walnuts, and caramels, N. M. Brlggs & Co. street. at Delaney's. THE ALBUQUERQUE DAILY CITIZEN MONDAY OCTOBER 27 1902

It Is a pity that a man of Mr. Fergus-son'- s ability, who has done so much for the territory In obtaining its splen did land grant from congress should ' ''- so low as to deliberately lie and All stomach and bowel troubles In child or adult are fall J. M. flOORE names of all the members due to a si nple cause Indigestion. Leemear the (ESTABLISHED 1883.) ""-- Flux, colic, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery and of this hoard as well as the reputation all coniplaintsof like nature, are the result of undigested of tbe territory which he once so ably foods fermenting in the stomach. The only way to represented in congress and sink his prevent fever and to cure such troubles without injury reputation as a man of honor and a to the membranes lining the stomach is to restore gaining a few perfect digestion. gentleman in the hope of votes for himself by false pretenses. Real Estate, Very respectfully, MIGUEL A. OTERO. Eodol is the new discovery which cures all stomach EDWARD L. BARTLETT, and bowel troubles by removing the cause. This famous ALPHEUS A. KEEN, Fire Insurance, remedy checks fermentation., cleanses, rurifles and Board of Public Lands of N. M. v".. .' J . sweetens thestomach. Kodol digests all classes of food and gives to the body Dated October 22, 1902. all of the nourishment, health and strength it contains. Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all Stomaeh Trouble. Natural Anxiety, "Kodol lpepsl Core Is lust tbe thin for dr'pepsla and stomach trouble. It hat Loans tielpwi memoretban anjiblni fls to a lone standing case of catarrh of tbe stomach." Mothers regard approaching winter Oscar Klnn.l'herry alley. N. V. with uneasiness, children cold so rrepareq oniy ny t,. j. ijgrrm a vx).. imrsgo. nolo oy all dealers. take croup, easily. No disease costs more little OlC MiOUlC C8Q3D CSrC ? fnyorlte household remedv for coughs, colds, ABSTRACTS OF REACTS-TAT- - - - vnNiuiui.ii, eriype, boroas ana tung tro lives than croup. Its attack is so sud- TITLE TO BERNAI ILLO COUNTY. J. II. O'lUELLY ft CO.. AND B. H. BRIGUS ft CO den that the sufferer is ofteu beyond AND MINING PROPERTY FURNISHED PROMPTLY. WILL arrives. human aid before the doctor IN8URE YOUR PROPERTY IN BEST COMPANIES AT LOWEST upii i in ii i ii h miyi II, irn nil (fSOBMISBSDK Such cases yield readily to One Min- ute Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucus, RATES. HOUSE8 RENTED. RENTS COLLECTED. TAXES .'AID allays inflammation, removes danger. AND ENTIRE CHARGE AKEN OF PROPERTY FOR RESIDENTS ajs Fergusson's False Charges W" "" t " Absolutely safe. Acts Immediately. '' ' AND , , r Cures coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, ;iVti 4 VfilS Open Letter From Board of Public Lands all throat and lung trouble. F. S. Mc Mahon, Hampton,' Ga., "A bad cold f ."....J To the People of New Mexico: The etrlcting any class of lands in this ter- rendered me voiceless Just before an .'. "... t ', . MANAGER OP oratorical contest. I intended to with- 1" undersigned, comprising the board oT ritory to 160 acres. He has stated this " ; ''"!.. '', 1 draw but took One Minute Cough Cure, public lands of the territory, deem publicly a number of times Bince he left tt my voice time to Albuquerque Abstract Company restored in win '' the time has come to nail the congress and has given as a reason for B. Briggs & Co. . that the medal." H. J,.'-.- .'v - . . r . r & -- "; V Next Doer to National Bank. lies and slaaderg that have been cir- it being retained that he had to do It J. II. O'Rielry Co. .. - f ; s . , i t. : . -- . , First , 1 1. . . -- 1 New Telephone 222. culated about us for ulterior objects or the hill would not have passed at ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING. and in the hope of political and part all ; and now he attempts in a public speech saga HIS FIRST PANTS. advantage. So long as lies to take credit for it as a Ventura Cordero, a Cochltl Pueblo In isan these measure and slanders were made by irresponsi- cious for the benefit of pester dian, Was the Victim. Superintendent C. ble newspapers and petty politicians Hi J. Crandall, of the we urged Itodey government we paid no attention to them, knowing lt is true that Mr. Indian school in Santa Oall at Butman's Studio and see the to have this bill amended eo 25 Fe received Information a Cochltl that they would have no weight with that that 00(4SKC010C0 000 might sold to any Indian by name people; but when a lawyer of acres of land be the of Ventura Cor tbe person, or corporation dero, 21 years age, was hauling New Pictures standing, a former member of congress one association of who I end the commissioner of public lands wood, accidentally, rhot himself and ...Bachechi & Giomi... in report legislature died from of gunshot be passed nnder which thiB board was his last to the the effects the urged it be done, an,d anybody then and received. He was reach created and who is now the democrat- that there i anything about New Mex ing for his rifle which became entan WHOLESALE DEALERS Q ic nominee tor delegate to congress, in who knows BUTMAN'S STUDIO a public speech at Las Vegas on the ico binds must see the necessity of It. gled iu the wood and in some manner 215 RAILROAD AVENUE. well of was discharged, him 17th day of October, deliberately char- as as taking off the restriction the bullet hitting any In was Cigars ged us with malfeasance and one section, being the lim'.t which the breast. He buried at the Wines, Liquors, and person, or corporation pueblo on Thursday. in office and asked the stenograph one association tion may er to have it taken down, we feel that lease TH ST. ELMO Supplies Mr. Fergusson's statement that this Look out for Fever. I Bar the time has come for us to speak and profit in Biliousness and liver disorders at ROOM. to denounce each and every one of his board or any member was to SIMPLE AND CLUB nny manner by the sale of these lands this season may be prevented by cleans- statements as deliberate falsehoods ing tbe system with De Witt's Little purpose of is so absurd on its face as to hardly Finest WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF WINES, LIQUORS AND planned and uttered for the any Early Risers. These famous little Whiskies, o injuring the board as such and each require refutation. Why should JOSEPH BARNETT, Prop. one pay more minimum price pills do not gripe. They move the Brandies, a CORDIALS OF A.NY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTHWEST. OR- member as a citizen, solely for the than the gently, copiously, by Wines, etc. 130 W. Railroad Ave., Albuquerque. $3 per acre when law gives him bowels but and MAIL PRICES purpose of making a little political of the properties, give DERS BY WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. the right to purchase at that price reason of the tonic capita for himself. This board has to glands. B. GIVEN ON APPLICATION. GENERAL AGENTS FOR LEMP3 8T. Why should a syndicate or anyone else tone and strength the had public sessions on the first Monday H. Briggs & Co. O'Rielly & ray the members of the. board 25 cents J. H. LOUIS KEG AND BOTTLED BEER. of each month ever since its organ iza Co. Works n 8cre for 8e.11Ing lftnd9.W-hlc.- Albuquerque Foundry and Machine tion under the act of the territorial tnefe h. o Wislature. Ita hooks, nanera and rec- - e w says tney can nave ai i: If A Substitute for Coal. ords are public archives, available for the lands were worth $4 an acre and This is the latest Idea in the fuel ft. P. HALL. Proprietor the inspection of any citizen. The office the board should sell at $3 then there line, and it Is said to be a success. & might be some plausibility in this Iron and B aso Castings: Ore, Coal and Lumber Cars; (Shaftings, Pulley. BACHECHI GIOMI was Inspected by a joint committee of Place a soft brick in a receptacle con and Yronta for statement. But board, as its rec- - Grade axs. Bat bit Motal; Columns Iron Bulldln; the council and house of the 34th legls the taining kerosene, and when it has ob- Repairs on Mining nd Mill MachlnHry n vpeetUt. lative arsembly, .upon which were sev ords will show, has never asked more sorbed a sufficient quantity of the 107 and 109 8. First Street, Albuquerque, New Mexloo. x , eral democrats, which committee found than $3 per acre. liquid you have a fuel that will burn nothing to report unfavorably, but on This charge of malfeasance in office in a stove for a long time. One m governor, the contrary praised the manner in has been made against the brickful" will cook a dinner. An ex which the work of the board was done who is a member of this board, to two periment made to show the exact cost presidents United States, to one The Metropolitan The Union and the methods of the commissioner of the proves that one brick will absorb in to two of and , secretary of the interior and half hour three-fourth- s of a pint of Corner First Street of public lands. . It has sold timber Railroad Avenue. AMERICAN lands to the amount of $71,075.16, at senate committees, each and all of oil. ' That Ignited will make a hot fire Market whom exonerated him from the 207 Gold B. RUPPE, price of $3 per acre, the minimum for twenty minutes. At the beginning West Avenue. SILVER the were presented Has changed hands and Is now one amount fixed by the legislature; while charges, although they the combustion is rapid. The conclu urged Ibim with all the of the nicest resorts in the city. Best TRUSS, the act of congress prepared by Mr. and against sion is that 2 cents worth of oil will of liquors served at the bar. Lager venom that bitter Jealousy and hate FergusBon permitted all land to be cook an ordinary dinner, and a stock been op draught. Patronage solicited. 1 ' charges against sold at $1.25 per acre without regard could engender. The of bricks soaked in oil will heat a room LUKE WALSH, PRESCRIPTIONS to money been the other members of the board have or do all ordinary work. Proprietor, its character. The has except by distributed to the credit of the various not been investigated the lic::t. legislative committee of 1901, but they Cures croup, sore throat, pulmonary COCL. territorial institutions as follows: Haiy Mutual Telephone 143. the fullest investiga troubles. Monarch over pain of every to Wear. Normal schools $22,316.95 court and demand I; 8 T.ffr otelnt pressure cu now election, of all sort. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. is it Institute for blind 360.00 tion before the iter- - i I lie v crest Y pj or liack. Railroad Avenue,. Albuquerque their acts and doings as members of Hernia I I.'oiundcritraps. Military institute 6,840.00 : S ac A PEN PICTURE. Telephone Service 1, M-v- v f. 1 with Comfort. ever School of mines 13.696.32 this board, and will submit their oiovoa. demo Penitentiary 14.874.32 t'.ons to a committee of three Of the Man One Meeta on the Street chairman and ;j YOU WANT? Q asylum. . 13,014.57 crats to consist of the Every Day. Deaf and dumb by secretary, and one to be selected "I have come to regard the dead beat QUICK AND RELIADLEI K them, of the territorial democratic , $71,075.16 as a or rate, r . part said the man who enlarging committee, and will cheerfully abide takes world as he finds without And with it they are and Investigation. the it Improving their buildings without any by the result of their much kicking. "I do not love the dead ', THE COLORADO TELEPHONE W Wh.. GOETTirtu oO, Proprlorw I not even drain upon the treasury. Most of the COFFEE FLYERS. beat. do admire him. Yet I; ND TELEGRAPH CO. fi AND RLEVATOfc lands selected by the United States I can safely set aside bo much of my All kinds of Fresn Meats handled. commission for the institutions were Can Be One if You Stick to It. income in apportioning my expendi- Bansagtt making a specialty. timber lands, it believing that this The coffee habit is as injurious as tures as dead beat money. I waste my of land was more valuable and drug habits of the same nature. Income locating them. I never spend 1882 1902 ' class other ' ' ' ' - would find more ready sale than arid Don't think so? Well, dig in and see. money twice on the same bilker. If THE ARCADE i pasture land. But the board so far The system craves a stimulant more he gets me once that's all. And any 311 South Firs, street. F. G. & Co. has only been able to sell 23,691 acres land more until finally tbe victim wakes body can get me that often. I take it FRANK AJO. PROPRIETOR. Pratt and brand in the Sacramento mountains, which I up. for granted that every man is honest Bole agents for casino Oia served to Oooda. Dealers sale has resulted In the receipt of the When we are as fortunate as Mr, until he is proved otherwise. No mat- Tbe best of liquors mat Canned in money price therefor, but has largely James D. Kimble, of Northampton, ter how much a stinker a roan may rons of the bar. Staple and Fancy Groceries contributed to the building of the El Mass., to realize that we have got to look to be, I'll give him a little lift Sandwiches of all kinds served. Nice large rooms, everything nran Z14 eoutn second street. Paso Northeastern railroad, and Ala stop or the penalty will be severe, it is whenever he can. A dollar or so isn't mery I new, upstairs for lodging purposes. Hlllsboro Cret Butter Best on mogordo & Sacramento Mountain rail a little startling at nrst to consider, much, especially a week or so after it oaxw road, the flourishing cities of Alamo- - He says: "I was an inveterate coffee ia gone. When I let a chap have some- Ordera solicited. Free dellvory. gordo and Cloudcroft, and was one oi drinker during twenty years of my life thing in the way of coin that he asks The ICEBERG factors in bringing the Rock Island in "The first ten years 1 experienced no for, I give him something worth far 212 W. Railroad Avenue. to the territory. The board has stren ill effects from the coffee but Its Jnsld more, and that is my confidence. I pay uously tried to sell other timber lands ions working brought forth a train of him the compliment of calling him an Tbe finest line of Liquor and Cigars at the same price, but without avail evils later on. I became very nervous honest man. It is up to him to say All natrons and friends cordially iuvtt the nearest approach to it being an and irritable, in fact felt all the time whether he will live up to that title, ed to visit "The Iceberg." Lunch is agreement to some lands for the as if I should 'fly to pieces.' My nerves It he doesn't, he won't get any more served every day. sell 8TEVE BALLING, building of the Albuquerque Eastern were all unstrung and I craved coffee from me. If he is the genuine deader Proprietor, extension of the Santa Ke Central, but as a toper does liquor, in truth I was a he will never tackle the same man this sale is hampered by the restrlc-- 1 'coffee topeT.' twice. However, there is a brand of mm tion of Mr. Fergusson'B act to 160 "My appetite became very poor an dead beat that figures thus, psychol MELINI & LAKIN any person, association or solid food repugnant to the Bight; dys ogically: 'If I bone him for more he acres to one LIQUORS. CIC ..I corporation, as 160 acres of timber pepsla and indigestion were my insep-- will take that as an indication that I WHOLESALE di8tan;e companions food did me nave you want to buy Flour and Bran, or want to sell land situated as It all is. at a arable and merely forgotten the old Bcore In our line When would good. About four years ago I am a genuine We handle everything : from the railroad and markets but little and that not article of Distillers Agents Wneat, write to way which try Ce-th- e gets be of no value. The only in a friend advised me to Postum bilk.' Then he his nerve In fine Special distributors Taylor A Willia JOHN BECKER, Proprietor. BELEN, N. M. f land can be sold is in large tracts, real Food Coffee. I was loath to be-n- fettle and makes a touch. loiilsTille. Kentucky less than 25.000 acres to persons of lieve that coffee was the cause of my "Bad as I bate to be beaten, I should 111 ft. First SL. Albuquerque, N. U. capital and experience who can put in trouble therefore I did not have mtcli hate far more to feel that I had given A. D. JOHNSON the necessary mills and machinery and faith in Postum, nevertheless I any human being reason to feel that I ;e railroads tp connect with menced its use and from the very first had been unkind or unjust to him. I Win. Glacsner, j. WELL-MAKIN- palmer. main lines so as to market the product. I experienced a decided benefit. My had lather be beaten by twenty dead P. IMPS, Hay, Grain, Staple and Fancy Groceries. - WINDMILLS, The board has received only three ap- appetite returned, food began to taste ones than to turn one man away with Tailor. TANKS AND pllcatious to purchase lands for small natural and did me good. My out giving him a chance of proving METAL FENCING, HITCH Mall Orders Receive Prompt Attention Automatic 'phone 574 GUARDS. amounts, altogether amounting to 160 ness gradually disappeared; the brain whether he was straight. Of course, if RINGS AND TREE Pure Light Brahma Eggs for Hatching acres, while it has had several to buy became clear, the loss of strength and a fellow is up gainst it right, and is 8161 8outh Beoond Street, n Albnqnerqne. ft. Veir. large tracts, which It could not accept flesh arrested and the stomach grad-o- 1 onest, he will go to the lender and tell 501 North Flr--t Srect Albuqueraue. ww meuc. account of the restriction In the ually strengthened. Life seemed once him frankly the situation. Also, if a LEAD AVENUE. BETWEEN FIRST Fereusson bill, although Mr. Fergussin niore worth living and the continued man who has done me once and comes Old 'Phone . Net Phon AND SECOND STREETS. restriction,! 152 Telephone 608. l not to be blamed for this use of Postum has not disappointed again for help, if I see free lunch 59. Automatic Flour, Feed, Provision. Hay as he did his best to leave it out of the J me. To me coffee proved slow poison. crumbs sticking to his lips and his col Edwards fcill. knowing full well as he did thelj naVe found Postum to be a builder lar too dirty to be tolerated under nor- J. W. T. A. SKINNER Toti & Gradi and drain.! folly of placing the limit of 160 acres anj sustainer of the system and I mal conditions, I'll help him again; and - Progressive Mortician Em DeUei In Imported and Italian any class of lands In the terrl- heartily recommend it to the slaves of but I always Inform him, under the French upon IN tory, but he was told by the eastern coffee, without a single reservation." circumstances, that it is not a loan, balmer. DBALEKS Oooda. congress that his bill could jjr Kimble mentions in his letter but a gift. is, provided I am sure Open day and night. Calls are Staple and members of That GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. Sole areata for Saa Antonio Lima. not pass without It, and he reluctantly many f his friends in Northampton the previous experience was a straight promptly attended to. Fancy Groceries consented. He is an old resident of wno nave recovered health and out 'do.' But well, what difference I Also Sell Monuments delivery to city. the territory and none knew better strength from using Postum on his will it make a hundred years from tO WEST RAILROAD AVENUE, Free all parts of the re-- J N. Second Telephone S4T. North Talra tree than he the utter lack of sense in recommendation. now?" Office and parlor III AfeOUQUhtRSUZ, tU M. lit, lit, ill THE ALBUQUEKQUE DAILY CITIZEN MONDAY OCTOBER 27. 1802 TOD INTERESTING STATISTICS. schedule, effective November 2: clerk of Bernalillo county, at Albu- Leave Santa Rosa 8:05 p. m., leave A querque, N. M., on December 2, 1902, The Advertising Department of Physician's Tests. the Pastura 8; 59 p. ra.i leave Marino 10:34 viz: Manuel Baca y Lopes. .for tba Santa Fe Figures. I Presents p. m., leave Torrance 11:01 p. m., leave sec. 10, T. 10 N., R, E. I bequeath to my childreti Scrofula with all Its The official SW4 statistician of the Santa Corona 11:24 p. m., leave Ancho He names following attendant horrors, humiliation and suffering. This is a Fe, who digs up Interesting 12:18 the witnesses facts aboat a. m.; arrive Carrlzozo 1:00 a. m.; to prove his continuous residence up- Strange legacy to leave to posterity ; a heavy burden to the road for newspapers to print, ha? leave Carrlzozo 1:05 a. m., leave a Orient's Disease and Diabetes on and cultivation of said land, vis: place upon the shoulders of the young. made a comparison of the annual re 2 : 2 1 a. m.; Alamogordo Arc Jose Leon Jaramlllo, Gon- This treacherous disease dwarfs the body and hinders ports of arrive Positively Curable. Porfllio growth the Santa Fe for 18 5 and 2:50 a. m.; leave Alamogordo 3:00 a. zales. Pedro Garcia, Jose R. Carpenter, the and development of the faculties, and the 1902. This comparison Is being circu- child bora of blood scrofula-tainte- d m., leave Jarllla Junction 4:06 a. m., ter, all of Albuquerque, N. M. poison, or parentage, lated by W. H. Simpson, the Chicago la poorly equipped for leave Hereford 4:55 a.m., leave Fort MANUEL R. pTERO. life's duties. advertising ag-n- t, Is Jtides Henry 8. Foot, a foamer member Scrofula a numerous and attracting disss 6:20 a. m., leave El Paso 5:35 ol Register. is disease with and varied much attention. ear Slate Supreme Court Commlmlon, end one Symptoms; enlarged glands or tumors about the a. m. Ot o neck For example, in 1875 the gross earn- tho beit known Jurtntj on the Coast, Bakef (Homestead Entry No. 4459.) and armpits, catarrh of the head, weak eyes and dreadful the folio wine certificate: ings of the Santa Fe were' $1,500,000 Scald head Is an scalp Notice for Publication. akin eruptions upon different parts of the body show the ectema of the "1 am keil to certify operating expenses $700,000, and net very severe the following fr.rts. A Department of Land" Dresetlpe ft tiitioiYMila r Brnfn Intra tnaftnr in tVi MrnA This dangerous sometimes, but It can be wcli'ktiQtrn phyalrlcn In active prattles put two the Interior, Of earnings $800,000; while 1902 and stealthy disease entrenches itself securely in the system and la the cured. Doan's Ointment, quick and ea of Ilrljhl Dlaraac md one of Ulabrtxa on the flee at Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 21, 1902. attacks gross $59. rnUon Compounds He It the bones and tissues, destroys the red corpuscles of the blood, earnings were 100,000, opera- Perfect permanent in Its results. At any drug the resold .honkl Notice Is hereby given that the fol- resulting in be known, white swelling, a pallid, waxy appearance of ting expenses $33,900,000, and net store, CO cents. bnt for prnfowlonal rraaont without Ma lowing named settler has filed notice the skin, loss ol strength and A manlla m aqja-ri- T a gradual wasting away of the body. earnings $25.200,000 In other words, lame. the air oppnari bj an of his intention to make final proof in medlra) work. I wti aked to lnretlxn and re- S. the computations now are by millions Health FLAGSTAFFFIRE. port which support of his claim, and said S. S. combines both purifying and tonic croTjerties. and in tmnmn. th fact, I did. and I Unit and errtlfj at that of BY THE USB OP follows : proof v. ill iceu entirety vegeiaDie, making it the ideal remedy in instead of hundreds thousands. The McCabs Dwelling and Lodging be made before the probate An oW ehnn'Ml nf nnqaratlnnnt etand-In- n Albu- auecuons. purines tne As to mileage, the growth has been aMHty clerk cf Barnallllo county, at nt kiuiuious deteriorated House Destroyed. and h. jnu tMrrd tho Kulioa l. blood, makes it rich and Btrong equally rapid. In 1875 the road only ex- In tlitrv with thn multa : querque, N. M., on December 2. 1902, and a complete and Tuesday night l 1 rr Dr. Pierce's at about 9:15 o'clock " Nn Mra. T .olininlc nr'itht " Ilen: nana) permanent cure is soon effected. S. S. S. improves tended from Kansas City and Atchison a'hunifnur'e lrorT. rlc. : liml. awollrn alnmal 10 viz: Jcse Leon Jaramlllo, for the the streets of Flagstaff presented an t 8. to Wichita and Pueblo, 711 m'.les. On humin. anti alihiint rranlt. 1'ndrr sec. 9, NVa sec. 16, T. 10 . wiuiuauuu vi iwu, restores luc almost abandoned condition as far as thelumpnund thr rtr.y ,ltMpipHred In thirty dara. 8K, NE4, lost properties to the blood and quickens the circulation, bringing a healthy June 30, 1902, the main track mileage ml laat of thr albumen In Ml. 'nrf-- N.. R. 6 E. people were concerned. In less Caao Nn.S-- Mr. II.. Dlar-aa- color to the skin and vigor to the weak and emaciated operated was 7,900, Favorite than ohronlu Brlnlifa of I He names following body. nearly which has five minutes from the above yr' atandlna; albumen larfrr, drnpay, etc. In I the witnesses Write us about your case and our physicians will theerfully advise since been added considerably by i stated weeka allmnn-- rrtuord a half, and a few to prove continuous up- and to time the streets and alleys were filled later albumen down to a trace and dropar entirelyartl his residence help you in every possible way to regain your health. Book on blood and acquisitions of new lines. rone. Patient Inalaled e waa well and left tor an on and cultivation of said land, vis: with men, women and children. The e tended trip, (l oo early. It la believed, for skin diseases free. Twenty-si- x ) y Gon- - THtt SWIrx CO.. years ago tha rolling Prescription Manuel Baca Lopes, Perfillo . PEciric Atlanta, reason for this sudden change was Cnae. "o. F.. Chronic dlaheioej of thirty-eigh- t locomo- phralclaa zoles, Pedro R. Carpenter, c stock consisted fire being atmee typical rat. worat I erer aaw.' Hrat lea Garcia, Jose caused by a alarm given. Pull- H. A. dy pain dlaappeared and anuar rtecreaaliiav Fee-on- M. tives and 1.028 cars, including two Mr. Alabrwk. nf Auatin, Ionnke dwelling report: all of Albuquerque, N. Co.. Ark.. writta . "After fivr It was soon learned that a "fuirar rrdueed half; Improvement mans; this year the footings are 1,312 month of wonderful! tnirar it Itlnit a every teat." MANUEL R. OTERO, (trrat anrTrritia: with frnialr I lodging Mrs. write for wrakneu and house of Nora A'ked what percentage are eurtfilr by theae locomotives and 36,370 cars. this the benefit of other nuiferert Com onnda. the pbyalclan repllel: I know, Register. from the I on San Francisco street was on don't mileage was 11.164,000 Mine aflliction. nortnrrd with but It mnat lie lar e nearly a hundred. If my owa Then the car our family physician without re- eeare any nuy Kood fire. The hose companies and citizens are criterion." (Homestead Entry- - No. 69C2.) R.ailroad Topics and the engine mileage 1,100.000; now sult, ao my husband urred we to try I)r ' Atteet: Hinr S Footb. Pierce' ineiliciiiea winch I with were soon at the place of the fire and "W Montgomery wt., fan Kranelaco." Is 619,000,000 40,700,000 y Notice for Publication. it and miles, wonderful rraiilta. I am completely cured manfuny Aaked what he Individ-all- thoii(tht of It, Jndaw I took four lie of nr. all went to work to save the Foote replied! " 1 am tatlailed tho cure Department of the Interior, Land Of respectively. io Pierre's favorite found," has beta SANTA FE CENTRAL. tion clerks; that the general repairs Prescription, four of hi '('.olden Medical household goods and other property. fice at Santa Fe, N. M., Oct. 11, 1902. Under the Items of operating .ex- Discovery and twoviali of hu Pleaunt of roadway and track ($2,400,000) Pellets.' The fire caught in the north building Medical work, airree that Rrlght't Dlaeste Notice is hereby given that the fol Thirty-nin- e penses we find that while only 12,000 and Diabetes 7 Contract for Miles of Grad- aie Incurable, but per cent, are lowing-name- about equal the salaries of trainmen Ad-vis- and was under such headway that It d pounds of was used in 1875, the re- The Common Sense Medical posltlvuly recovering under the Fulton Com- settler has filed notice ing Let to Mulligan Bros. and traffic clerks; renewal of 1008 was Impossible to save only house- pound. (Common lurmn ot that the quirements 1902 were 460,000 large pages in paper the kidney complaint of his intention to make final proof in It is rumored that a contract for ($400,000) costs for covers, is on In part and rbeumatlara ofloc but short roatxtanre ) rails twice as much as sent frre receipt of 21 hold goods the front of the Price. (1 lor the Ilrtght'a and support ot his claim, and said e pounds; coal in 1875, 34.000 tons, and one-ce- PUae ll.btl lor that grading of thirty-nin- miles on the the advertising expenses; watch- stamps to pay expense of same. fire companies prevented thn Diabetic Compound. John J. Co that enfin-eers- , The Fulton proof will be made before Probate Fe Central railway from Tor- in 1902, 2,340,000 tons; wages of mailing only. Address Dr. Pierce :) Montgomery St.. San Francisco, sols com- Santa men and trackwalkers draw as much the building from burning down but It pounders. 1 firemen and wipers In 1875, $77.-00- Buffalo, N. Y. Fro tints made r patlonla. Uav Clerk ot Bernalillo County at Albu rance northwest bas just been entered money ($148,000) as is paid out or Is worthless and would pay acrlpUre pat?.fclei mailed Iree. 1902, $3,550,000; almost not querque, New Mexico, on November 17, into between the railroad officials and and in locomotive town author- stationery and printing; that the item pe- to have it repaired of the J. H. O'RieUy & Co., Sole Agents. 1902, viz.: John H. Smith, for the Mulligan Brothers, a firm repairs were $60,000 in the early EH contracting of rail fastenings ($255,000 a year) ex- annually. The vast ranges south and ities would allow It. , Albuquerque. of and of of Sec. 25, El Paso. The are to riod and $3,700,000 In the present. NW4 E'4 8WK at contractors ceeds the item of legal service. But west of Kansas contribute the raw ma- The damage is at least $1,000 and T. 9 N., R. 2 E. Dlace at work immediately 100 teams pays have Passenger and freight traffic show a cover it. it to the track just right. terial . as "stockers," and passing only a small Insurance to 8outa's Marches. He names the following witnesses Vnd 150 men on grade will remarkable Increase, viz: 6,380,000 the and this through Kansas they are turned out as The loss Is heavy on Mrs. McCabe, as To an English Interviewer, Sotisa to prove his continuous residence upon commence before the first of the Chamberlain's passengers as against 73.000, and Cough Remedy Saved the "finished product" corn-fe- she Is a widow and depended upon confided the fact that he always likes and cultivation land, heavy work on tons of freight carried ono beeves. of said vis.: month. The the road His Boy 'a Life.. this lodging house In a measure for a his last march the best, but it Is well , Joseph Farr, of Albuquerque, N. M.; is about finished. The long and diff- my mile as compared with 46.250,000. "I believe I saved (nine year old) We sell the greatet c blood puri- living. Her clothing and her daugh known that he really sets more store Clarence A. Hudson, of Albuquerque, icult cut near Moriarty station will be boy's life Chamber- Grain shipments back in 1875 .were this winter with fiers, Acker's Blood Ellxer, under a pos- ter's, Miss Anna, were burned, except by his "Stars and Stripes Forever" N. M.; Manuel Chaves y Turrleta, ot done by first of month and lain's Cough Remedy," says A. M. 28,400 tons, which had Increased In guarantee. ' the the itive It will cure chron- what they were wearing at the time, than by any other of his compositions. Albuquerque, N. M.; R. Bing- work is progressing rapidly and satis- Hoppe, Rio Creek, Wis. "He was so 1901 to 1,550,000 tons. Live stock ic end other blood poisons. If you James which, as It always happens, was not This march Is a genuine expression ham, of Albuquerque, N. M. factorily on serious cut, at La choked up with croup could jumped from 87,500 head to 870,000 have eruptions or sores on your body, the last that he the best or most valuable. The origin of Sousa's patriotism and American- - ' MANUEL R. OTERO, Register. Jara, two miles south of Moriarty. All not speak. I gave it to htm freely head. or are pale, wetk or run down, it is of the fire Is unknown unless It caught Ism, and was written on a trans-Atla- n bridge It Is Interesting to note that In Sup- just what you need. We refund money the bridging and heavy work is until he vomited and in a short time hot stove pipe In one of the w,hen re- ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Morse's 1875 report he at- If you are not satisfied. 50 cents and from a tic steamer the composer was completed with the exception of two he was all right." For sale by all erintendent $1. H. O'RieUy & Co, B. of building. Whereas, By law it Is made the duty tributes the increase of passenger J. and H. rooms the turning to America five years ago. It Howe trusses for the Gallsteo river druggists. Briggs c Co. Is fast becoming recognized as an of the board of county commissioners I Q earnings that year to an excursion of A CAUSE. bridge, which are expected to arrive o UNNA DEFINES "national march," and Its strains are in each of the counties of the territory from any day and which as The Santa Fe Central railway man- editors from the east to Kansas, their The regulation ot the wage scale for the east Dan- always greeted with ap- of New Mexico to proclaim an election agement is being urged to build a letters Influencing large numbers to apprentices, to go Into ef- European Skin Specialist 8aye enthusiastic soon as they are received will be announced plause. Sousa's last contribution to to be held in their respective countits In com- mountain line from Santa Fe to Las visit the state. That was the begin- fect In Fe shops In San Ber- druff Is Caused by Parasites. placed position. Steel rails will the Santa military music, "Imperial Edward," Is for the purpose of voting for candi- Vegas across Pecos reserve ning of an advertising crusade that has nardino on November 1, will apply In Upon that theory, proved beyond a mence to arrive at Torrance on the the forest just such another stirring, swinging dates for the several county offices for 15th of November, and putting down and to establish Chautauqua grounds never ceased, the yearly expenses of the local shops, where the same con- doubt, a cure for dandruff was sought chemists, druggists melody and has already attained great the ensuing two years at a general the will be commenced on De- and mountai nresorts along this line, that branch of the service being today ditions have existed. When the regu- after. Scientists, track and popularity. Tue perennial "Washing-- election to be held for that purpose; cember 1. laying machines have which would be one of the most scenic nearly $200,000, an increase of $198,000 lation In the wage scale for machin- and physicians all "took a hand" ' Track pro- ton Post" retains a vogue In Europe And, whereas, the first Tuesday af- been leased will do work. routes In the southwest. over a quarter of a century ago. ists went into effect on September 1, the successful Issue Is the present and the It Herplclde." that is remarkable. King Edward ter the first Monday In November Is is expected two miles of will the apprentice boys entered In the duct known as "Newbro'a that track Mothers. para- showed bis familiarity with Sousa's designated by law for the holding of be laid per day everything A Word to Travelers. shops In this city and San Bernardino This remedy actually kills the and that keep children In good music by calling for half a of said election. i '. completed will run The excitement Incident to traveling Who their prior to that time, did not participate sites that infests the hair bulb, does doten will be and trains health, should watch for the nrst the marches by name when the Ameri- Therefore, the board of county com- from to by Febru- and change of food and water often in the benefits. They are now, how- its work most effective and contains Torrance Santa Fe symptoms of worms, and remove them Injurious to can band played at his palace. Sousa missioners of Bernalillo county at a ary 1, 1903. One camp is sit- brings on diarrhoea, and for this ever, placed on the same basis as the not an atom of substance grader's with Cream Vermifuge. It Is will play some of these marches here regular session held in Albuquerque, mile from Fe reason no one should leave home with- White's machinists. anything else than the germ alone. uated about half a Santa chlldrens' tonic. It gets diges- grow at Colombo hall on Thursday after- the county seat of said county, hereby near the government Indian school; out a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, the best Herplclde causes the hair to as tion at work so that their food does No one would ever be bothered with should, soft and noon, October 30. designate and order as follows: two camps are at Clarke, thirty-fiv- e Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For nature Intended it them good, and they grow up healthy constipation if everyone knew how 10 In stamps for That on Tuesday, the 4th day of No- miles south; one camp at Moriarty sale by all druggists. abundant. Send cents New goods arriving fast; something and strong. 25 cents at Cosmopolitan naturally and quickly Burdock Blood sample to The Herplclde Co., Dept. vember, A. D. 1902, commencing at station, and two camps are now being new dally at The Economist. a. m., and closing 6 p. m., of said The San Marclal Bee says: Yester- Pharmacy. B. Ruppe. . . Bitters regulates the stomach and bow- "F." Detroit, Mich. at moved to Torrance and will reach day an election shall be Held tne va- day morning W. D. Hitchcock left for els. "DIAMOND ICE." in there tomorrow. WANT A RAISE. H. H. Ward, who visited relatives rious precincts of the county within Plenty of good engine has been Raton to take the foremanship of the water ' Rev. S. E. Busser, In charge of the and frlends'in Ohio and Michigan, has ' received,' a big shipment of the county ot Bernalillo, territory of found along route and water Santa Fe round house. This is promo- Chicago eV Alton Employee Ask Man- Just' the the Santa Fe reading rooms, was here returned to the city, and resumes his Floss, all 10c skein, New Mexico, at which election candi- service is now being Inaugurated by tion, and Mr. Hitchcock's many friends agement for More Pay. Shetland colors, a d yesterday. position as chief clerk to Agent dates shall be voted for by the legally that it Is but one step to- employes of Chicago & at Tha Economist. Chief Engineer A. O. Kennedy, plans The the Myers local Fe depot qualified electors in each precinct for ward a better recognition of his fitness shops Bloomlngton, 111., al- at the Santa for which have been drawn and actual Alton in "A dose In time saves lives." Dr. to-wl- t: as a mechanic. Home made bread, cakes and pies the following offices, work on the ground is already in pro- most without exception have asked the Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; nature's A Dozen Times a Night. at Mrs. Ackers, 601 Keleher avenue. A delegate to the congress of the gress. A branch line to San Pedro will management for an advance in wages remedy for coughs, colds, pulmonary Mr. Owen Dunn, of Benton Ferry. Get a free sample of Chamberlain's United States. at Stanley station, going west- to what thew term the standard scale. diseases ot every sort. W. Va., "I have had kidney and Excellent Dinners. start Stomach drug- writs: Two members for the territorial leg- ward about thirteen miles. and Liver Tablets at all As they are many thousands of men bladder trouble for years, and It The Columbus hotel, 204 South Sec- gists. They are easier to take and E. L. Bartlett and wife, who vlBited islative council, one for Bernalillo employed, to grant the demand would became so bad that I was obliged to ond street, upstairs, has an established county and one for Bernalilo and Out of Death's Jaws. more pleasant In effect than pills. Then greatly Increase the cost of operation, Missouri relatives and friends, have get up at least a dozen times a night reputation for first class dinners, fam- use Is not followed by constipa- "When health seemed very near their and there la a doubt as to the course returned to the city, and Mr. Bartlett I never received any permanent bene ily style. Mrs. O. E. Hopkins, pro ' tion as Is often the case with pills. was at his desk In master me- Two members for the legislative I1UU1 Ok DC t CI C WUU 11 C I II UU which will be pursued. It Is under- the fit from any medicine nntll I tried prietress. years," .Regular size, 25c per box at all drug- chanic's office of the local shops today. o house. ble, that I had suffered with for stood that it Is asked that the Increase Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two One member for the legislative writes Muse, Durham, N. C, Dr. gists. effect on November 1. The ma- am Alvarado Johnston's 8ta:e Line. P. take Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs bottles, I cured." Phar Will leave every Tuesday house for the counties of Bernalillo King's New Life Pills saved my' life chinists have been drawing 29 cents an macy. morales 'H. C. Crary and William Lane re- and colds and prevents pneumonia. for the Jemea Hot Springe and return and McKlnley. . , gave perfect health." Best pills on Alamo-gord- hour; they ask for 31 cents. The help- o and turned to White Oaks from o Take no substitutes. Alvarado Phar- on Thursdays, one regular trip a One probate Judge. rth .and only 25c at all druggists. ers ask for a proportionate advance. On November 1, Division Superlnten week and extra trips when ordered. ' and El Paso last week, where macy. dent HIbbard will have a new clerk ,One clerk of the probate court. a. they concluded the sale of their Ancho The boilermakers, foundrymen, black- Leave orders at Sturges European ti One school superintendent. R. L. McCance, treasurer of the smiths, painters and carrshop attaches F. H. Mudge, resident engineer of Fred Annable will succeed C. C. Ham tel. JAo. T. JOHN STON. ' Santa Ke Central railway, left Satur well to the Rock Island Railway com- mond. One sheriff. pany. con- are also asking a similar advance. the Santa Fe, was here yesterday from day mooning for a trip along the line Lane has secured another (Homestead Entry No. 5174.) One assessor. company a sec- Las Vegas. ; of the load and will get back to head- tract from the to sink . Danger in Fall Colds. Forty Years Torture. Notice, for Publication. One treasurer and collec- quarters this evening. ond well at.'Andhq. Fall colds are liable to hang on all A Typical South African 8tore. To be relieved from a torturing dis Department of the Interior, Land Of- tor. 40 might winter leaving the seeds of pneumonia, O. R. Larson.of Bay Villa, Sundays ease after years' torture well fice at Santa Fe, N. M., Oct.' 26, 1902. One county surveyor. Never Ask Advice. Foley's cause the gratitude of anyone. That Notice Is hereby given that the fol- Five river commissioners. America's Famous Beauties. When you have a cough or cold bronchitis, or consumption. River, Cape Colony, conducts a atore Eruptions, pre- Is what De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve lowing named settler has filed notice Two county commissioners. Look with horror on Skin don't ask what is good for and get Honey and Tar cures quickly and typical ot South Africa, at which can They it sure, pro- did for C. Haney, Geneva, O. He says of his intention an make final proof in In witness whereof I have this 6th blotches, sores, pimples. don't some medicine with little or no merit vents serious results, safe and be purchased anything from the have them, nor will any one, who uses contains no opiates and will not con- verbial "needle to an anchor." This "De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured support of his claim, and that said day of October, A. D. 1902, at Albu- and perhaps dangerous. Ask for me of piles I had suffered 40 querque, N. my Backlen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies Foley's Honey stipate. Alvarado Pharmacy. store Is situated In a valley nine miles after proof will be made before the Probate Mv affixed hand and and Tar, the greatest years." Cures cuts, burns, wounds, Albu- official the face. Ecema or Salt Rheum lung o from the nearest rlalway station and Clerk of Bernalillo County at seal. throat and remedy. It cures Where the Cattle Grow. skin diseases. Beware of counter- - vanish before It It cures aore lips, coughs about twenty-fiv- e miles from the near querque, N. M., on December 3d, 1902, E. A. MIERA. and colds quickly. Alvarado A recent lecal item in a Kansas City felts. B. H. ' Briggs Co. J. H. county thapped hands, chilblains. Infallible Pharmacy. est town. Mr. Larson says: "I am viz.: Jose Sandoval, for the SH SWK, Chairman board of commis- lor piles. 25 cents at all druggists, paper mentioned the receipt In one day favored with the custom of farmers O'RieUy ft Co. sec. 10, Ntt NW4. sec. 15, T. 8 N., sioners Bernalillo county. ot 30,000 cattle at the Kansas City 6 ' o A dispatch from Topeka, Kan., says: within a radius of thirty miles, to R. E. Attest: i Manager W. S. Hopewell, of On November 26, the Brotherhood " General "E. O. Faulkner, of Topeka, bas been stock yards. "It beats me," a railroad many of whom I have supplied Cham He names the following witnesses J. A. SUMMERS, , railway, has agent af- of Railroad Trainmen will give a grand the Santa Fe Central who appointed assistant manager of the remarked, "how Kansas can remedies. All testify to to prove his continuous residence upon Clerk. re- berlain's their bail at Wlnslow, and' a good crowd been on a business trip to Denver, Santa Fe in matters .relating 'to joint ford to send In so many cattle." He value in household where a doctor's and cultivation of said land, viz.: Saturday night. a from Albuquerque will attend. turned to Santa Fe facility contracts and such other mat- had forgotten the vast territory which advice Is out of the question. Filomeno Mora, of Escobosa, N. M.; made, almost ters as may be assigned to him." Mr. bas been tributary to Kansas Within one mile of my store the pop Spent More Than 91,000. Perfllio Sandoval, ot Escobosa, N. M.; If you desire a good complexion use ex- d City within the last few years by q h?!wrla pure aero drink. It acts Faulkner Is well knows to many Carls-l- ulation Is perhaps sixty. Of these, W. W. Baker, of Plalnvlew, Keb., Feupe Tapia, of Escobosa, N. M.; A r H. ..". "ltla, Moki Tea, a Fe lines In Ok- UK Hi:vrKlfs tensions of the Santa l:i-:- iauusH on the liver and makes the skia smooth people, says the Carlsbad Argus, within the past twelve months, no less wries: "My wife suffered from lung Sandoval, of Escobosa, N. M. a'SaV'W-T-- ta awl t.M awtaitta b.a. .ail sick headache. 25c lahoma, the Panhandle country of wes- absolutely years. MANUEL R. Register. r VJ : """" latanaatkm Krltaa and clear. Cares as he was at one time manager of the than fourteen have been trouble for fifteen She tried OTERO. 11 VS. V, i Mki u mUm- - k.J l.ait. and 60c. Money refunded if it does not Irrigation company and receiver of the tern Texas and New Mexico. Not all cured by Chamberlain's Cough Rem- a number of doctors and spent over Ulsfy you. Write to W. H. Hooker & of the cattle come from Kansas, though (Homestead Entry No. 44C0.) V- - f.r i. Pecos Valley railway edy. This must surely be a record." $1000 without relief. She became very v i'iacir- rn Buffalo, N. V., for free samples. J lints. rn Man. "l i a 2o.. that prolific state has fine herds. The For sale by all druggists. low lost all hope. A friend recom- Notice for Publication. all .'htv "I. O'RieUy & Co., and B. H. Briggs . and xr When you wake up with a bad tasto ranges are well stocked and the busi- o mended Foley's Honey and Tar and, Department of the Interior, Land Of Co. in your mouth, go once drug- ness raising is less Train No. 2 of the El flee Fe, N. M., Oct. 21, 1902. o at to a of cattle hazardous thanks to this great remedy, it saved at Santa MEN AND WOMEN. gist get per- changed In re- hereby given fol- What the Track Costs. and a free sample ol Cham- than formerly; hence a larger has time, the her life. She enjoys bettter health Notice is that the L'a. Biff for Banalnrml persons know on a railway berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. centage of the natural increase reach arrangement of the schedule to accom- lowing named settler has filed notice dlacharces.ionaoiaialioas, Few that than she has known In ten years." Re- klal4inl irritation, or ulceiauuna like Santa Fe it costs as much One or two doses will make you well. the market. The Santa Fe's lines modate the Golden State limited. which of his Intention to make .final proof in aaS Ba la urlaiaf. cif line the fuse substitutes. Alvarado Pharmacy. a"fj fr.aaala faalagtia. aaeall Biairau. ($915,000 year- They also cure biliousness, head- cover southwest like network, makes run this week. The support of his claim, and said ?SlrwEvMSCti(MictC Paialeu, and aot aatrta- - to renew ties and rails sick the a its Initial that (di m soaaoaoaa. ly) as is paid to station agents and sta ache and constipation. and its live stock business increases regular train will run on the following Subscribe for The Citizen. proof will be. made before the probate atolal Oy tawcataaa. ..fJa or soul la plaia rasaar. Ir ty .xsroaa. araaaiil luff pSnf,5 SI.W. or t boltlra .TS. Circular aaul urn rwiiMst, 1 BY H-- Light THOU8AND3 8AVED The O ISTS) Company's Light Biscuit Light Pastry Giles Light Work Light Cost. SURE and li - - - I - J Quick as a wink O For Consumption. Coughs, Colds and all THROAT A NO LUnG TROUBLES. I . This wonderful medicine positively XV3 cures Consumption, Cougna, Colds, II II P'ouchitia, Asthma, Pneumonia, Familiarity hmy Fever, Plenriay, LaOrippe,

' r V Every bottle guaranteed breeds content. NO CURS. NO PAY. P ffUCE 60c. and $1. TRIAL BOTTLES FREE. 1 rHE .ALBUQUERQLE DAILY CITIZEN. MONDAY OCTOBER 27 190

' - - --A - w i HVWiA HaT'lIl tin FREE K00AK5 1 V5? I I "1 WJ Vk.AF II Fred Fornoff. deputy United States Dick Kemp, of Camp Yellow Jack, Is marshal, has returned to the city from in the city today on mining business. Sarsaparillgi Santa Fe. . He leave tonight for the camp.' We will give a "BROWNIE' Kodak free to V. V. Woodbury, Mrs. accompanied by her Clark and wife, of Perkins, To know all there is to .... up in the Cocbjti district, are in the daughter and two sons, are new arriv- city. als in Albuquerque. They are think- know about a Sarsapa-rill- a, EVERY BOY AND GIRL IN ALBUQUERQUE Max Schuster, of Holbrook, Ariz., ing of making this city their home for ...Felt Shoes for Home Comfort... was here yesterday, visiting his wife the present. take Ayer's. Your and children. The Ladles' Aid society of the Lead doctor will say .so, too. Mrs. Edward Grunsfeld, who was at Avenue Methodist Episcopal church who will bring Ten Dollars worth of trade to meeting Tuesday The Celebrated Line of Felt Shoe Made by the Las Vegas on a visit to friends, has will hold a special He orders it for pale, our store'.i . returned to the city. afternoon at 3 o'clock. A large at Co. N. tendance Is requested as important Daniel Greene cf Uolgeviile, J. Combines H. J. Haverkampf, the San Rafael business Is to discussed. thin people. Tested for general merchant, is here Interviewing be Comfort ind General Warmth With Style and em t.a.ArTC , local wholesale merchants. Mrs.,D. M. McNassar is now 60 years. rw.u, sum. ployed Kempenlch s store on ....BRING IN YOUR FRIENDS.... X Durability. We have All Sizes: It la learned Wingate was at L. that Fort Railroad avenue. Mrs. McNassar was city council will meet tonight at visited by a fire night before last, and The formerly Ilfcld & Co. for six city building In an adjourned meet- - three houses were destroyed. with the Women' Felt Slipper, leatheraole 65c years, and for the past year has been ng. The matter of creating the office N. E. Stevens, the outside rustler with the Hyde Exploring Expedition of milk Inspector will be considered Any' boy or girl who knows1 of "someone that Women' Juliette, fur trimmed $1.25 for Montezuma Building and Loan the at Farmtngton. and acted upon. purchase . . . . . , gone to El Paso on wants to Women 'a Lac Shoe, all felt, leather sole $1.25 association, has Washburn pleasantly business. Miss Alleen a number of her little The Citizen oubllshes the advertise Women' Felt Lace Shoe, leather foxed $1.35 entertained wants to Hon. W. H. Andrews Is In the city. friends In honor of her seventh birth ment of H. E. Gosney, who Women's Beaver Shoes, flannel lined $1.50 Mr.' Andrews will represent Socorro day home on the Highlands on sell some fine sheep, in another col- at her sheep buyer Is Clothing or Furnishing Goods Children' and Misses' Red Felt Slipper 85c to $1.00 and Sierra counties in the next terri- Saturday afternoon. Choice refresh umn. Attention of torial council at Santa Fe. ments were served. A pleasant time called to advertisement. Infant' Red Felt Juliette, white fur top 60c At the meeting last Saturday night was enjoyed by all. Mis Kellv. 216 West Gold avenue, Men' Felt Slippers, felt sole ....75c of the Elk lodge, Bert Vorhes, the base can ' accommodate a few more boarders. and get the lowest prices to be had on first ball player, Joined the lodge, and is "Doc" Russell Injured. cole '. $1.25 Home cooking, clean and wholesome. merchandise, and th biggest and Men's Felt Slipper, leather now a full fledged member of the "Doc" Russell, a driver for the Albu class best by I Men's Felt Shoes, leather ole , $1.75 order. querque foundry, was kicked Gentlemen! let us mice your meas assortment in New Mexico, can get a kodak C. N. Coverdale Is here, and will re horse this morning while unloading ure now for a new suit Our tailoring free, Cards for the asking. side here in the future. He Is the gen iron columns at the new Barnett build- pleases. Nettleton Tailoring Agency. eral agent of the State Life Insurance lng at the corner of Railroad avenue o street, sustaining a com ooiaoi0oc(oonc!ooodi company of Indiana for New Mexico and Second Good Fresh Milk. OXXXXXXXXXXX)COCOCXXXXXXOCXXXX)OOCJCXXXXXXXXXXX A POINTER X and Arizona. pound fracture of the left leg. You eet 16 auart of good fresh milk OOQOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOD The accident occurred by one of the Alber Bros', dairy. Try The n Benevolent la for $1.00 from long striking one of . ' for young housekeeper, have Issued cards announcing a iron beams the us once. t the or those dies Russell was unhitching. ...SIMON STERN... who are not posted on high grade musicale Odd Fellows' hall on horses while o and at the The horse became frightened by the reliable foods, will probably ser- Smith Second street tomorrow (Tues- be of blow received from being struck and GENTLEMENI vice. There are foods and foods pure day) afternoon. icgan to kick and pitch before Russell our new fall sam The Avenue Clothier foods and adulterated foods. Is Corps meet Call and examine Railroad One. The Woman's Relief will could get out of the way. The horse ples 2300 patterns to select from. healthful, deleterrlous-p-of thether in regular session at the Knights of attempt to run away, but the Is unexcelled. The course those who know made an Our tailoring the value of Pythias hall on Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. workmen 'near by got them under con " style, price and ' quality, compels 5sKDCC0D0K3CCK)C0Ci health prefer which Tem- - that is reliable Initiation. By order of president. get a start. - ' pure, trol before they could you to be our customer. and and you can And nothing rerance Whltcomb, secretary. was to Jos you buy Mr. Rossell taken St Tailoring Agency, 215 8. else when at J. K. Graves and wue are in the city, eph's hospital, where the Injured leg Nettleton and have Interested the Congregational was dressed. The Injured man will be Second 8treet. L. & , J BELL CO. church In the proposition to give a laid up for a number of weeks. The E. J. POST & CO. Noa. 118 and 123 Couth Second Bt merchants' carnival on Monday and fracture is of such a nature that it will C. F. MYERS and WM. MclNTOSH, Proprietors. Tuesday nights of next week. take some time for it to heal. 0. W. STRONG & SONS, " R. H. Oreenleaf, who visited the Jer Mr. Russell was resting as comfort HARDWARE. IT. MUENSTERMAN. ome mining district near San Acacio, ably as could be expected this after Undertakers Socorro county, has returned to the noon. 203 Railroad avenue. American Jewel Base Burners, ' Radiant Home Base city. He says he saw lots of copper and , 1 Hot Heaters, Coal ore, and thinks the Jerome mine a Subscribe for the Citizen. Burners, Cole's Blast Soft good one. Embalmers and Wood Heaters, Quick Meal Steel LOWE8T Ranges, Banquet Steel Ranges T. Carroll and wife are in city. RELIABLE GOODS AT the PRICES. 20 Year' Experience In IMS City .....and Cook Stoves.,... ..SHOES.. Mr. Carroll is the electrician of the POSSIBLE Postal Telegraph company at Chicago We sell all of the most popular sell and Is on bis way to San Francisco. lng patent medicines; $1 sizes for 90c; 201-21- 1 North Second St BE8T LINES OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S During his absence, Mrs. Carroll will 50c sizes for 45c; 25c sizes for 20c; BOTH PHONES. REPAIRS remain here until his return. porous plasters, 15c. AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IN TOWN. stock of warm mit furnished Those who take an interest in the We have a nice COME IN can your purse aa well as AND WE WILL FIT YOUR city o( Columbus, Genoa, In Milan with tens and fit MONEY 10 for All beauty your hands. . ,', tOANx FEET, SUIT YOUR TASTE, AND YET its wonderful cathedral, the of ..your pictures 8x10 with MAKE8 OF most the Italian lakes and Monte Carlo and Frame diamond, watches or any good the GQ..EASY, ON YOUR PURSE, glass, 85c; 10x12, 40c; 12x14, 45c On Nice would dq well to attend the lect- security. Great baxgalna In watches STOVES ' COMPETENT 12x16, 60c; Un, 60c; 16x20, 90c. and rW ure to be given by Rev, T. C. Beattie too, and all have lrfttTrW at the Presbyterian church tomorrow they ara neat .frames, STOVES MECHANICS . popular street, few doors MONEY TO LOAN. priced shot store, 208 West night. Admission cent. gla"...... 0I Bout taeond j(w On alimonas, watcn, ate, or wj Railroad avenue. II When you ant bed comfort come north of tcMoas. CLEANED, nLjj food security; also bouseaoM food A merchant' carnival will be held in and see us. We carry as nice a line as Home mad bread, cakes and pie on Monday BLACKENED torsd with mj strictly confidential Mrs. Colombo hall and Tuesdad can be found in the city. Prices range pries paid at Aokera, 501 Keleher avenu. 4. HlfDtst cash for houhold nights, November 8 and - All lead- VbO Tney are on me goods. Automatle 'phons 110, Darning will be great from la ll.uu. soia AND SET UP. good work U smelter ing business firms will be represented same close margin of profit as all the , T. A. WHITTEN. 114 OoU .Tsnus. Banter. Two large planu will be In- year. by young ladles la costume. Fine balance of our goods, - r,: stalled within the. light yrif drills, good music, Colored tab- CITY NEWS. Wt sols aaenta for Wheeler A Five gallons of coal oil, $1.15. art leaux, etc. Over 100 people take part 16c. Wlison sewing machine. Albert ra The finest ham that Is cured, Eubaerib. for The Dally Cltlssn ' cer, ioi Railroad Tnus. In the exercises. Tickets 25. 35 and Van Houten's cocoa, pound cans, 80c Dsmlns, ths coming city ! New Why buy high priced lota when you 50 cents. It la for the benefit of the No let up on our special price on Mexico. can get them cheap In Demlng now, Congregational church. "Diamond G" high patent flour, made 1 RINGS.. water chemically purs T ..PLAIN Deminf wiia certain advance A several thousand of Colo., $1.15. Why pay more Springs. assured car carrying at Lamar, txjual to Polan Agricultural lands In Demlng are an mountain trout and black baas grown We undoubtedly carry the most var - Oemlng water and purs osons make surpassed for fertility, production of la the big government hatchery in ied stock of goods in town. Satlsfac , strong aod heaitny people. rxuits ana vegetables all kinds. '' ' Mexican drawn work la endless 7a- - ol NeoBho, Missouri, passed through Al tory goods at satisfactory prices. riity at Albert Fiber's, 805 Railroad We carry the largest variety of 11 n buquerque last night The flsh re to ' THE MAZE, SiTenue. oleums and oil cloths in this city be distributed among the streams of WM. KIEKE, Proprietor. Demlng ts a great health resort-l-ias Aioerc bub Kauroaa avenue. Arizona and New Mexico.' Twenty ANV ANY no superior in climate for ths curs We make the best door and window were south and no - ' cans of bass sent STYLE, SHAPE of pulmonary troubles. ' screens. They are far superior to any way STYLE, f HAJB " doubt will And their to the Pecos you buy made In the east at the same nrlce. In Demlng caa lots for $100 river, while rest, with many con OR SIZE which will pay you 100 per cent vt iess Albuquerque Planing Mill company, A. the OR SIZE reiepnone mo. i3. signments for private parties, will go DR. C. H. CONNER than twelve months. .' i. Osteopath New Mexico ' o to Arizona. The Pioneer of In Demlng another good hotel la notice. Cures by the needed to accommodate the enormous A car breaker was brought In from , The Rico Cat a serves the best meals iacreas. of population. In the city at 15 and-- 25 cants. Short Laguna Saturday night by Sheriff Look Into Klein wort's market on orders, $ cents up, 111 North First Smith and placed in the county Jail. Science of Osteopathy ftorth Third street. He has the nicest street. The offense usually gets the- - victim All Dieae Which are Known as meats city. . o fre! la the about five years. Considerable mer curable. ws are In tdexlcaa Crawn ,ork MONUMENTS. chandise was stolen from the car. The ' Send for Osteopathic literature. .MADE TO ORDER. showing a' big assortment. Albert All kinds of stone and mable work. Lagu ' Consultation Free. Faber,' 808 Railroad avenue.' ' Price moderate.- Shop and yard cor car was broken into this side of na in county and the prisoner will 21-2- CELEBRATED TIFFANY Demtng! Have you been there? It ner Fifth street and Railroad avenue. this e: 3 Whiting Block THE mot, you should get there for the big B. a MAURINO. have his hearing later. When arrest sale of lots on the 17th of this month. o ed he wore a pair of shoes supposed Heavy all-wo- legglns, knee lengths Fresh Cut Flowers. to have been stolen from the car. Sher Uaed Exclusively In the Mad. to Older Same Day for ladies th' for misses 90 cents, for IVES, THE FLORIST. iff Smith returned to Gallup last even Lsrg. Cities ' aa Received children 75 cents a pair at C. May' Subscribe for the Dally. Citizen.""" ing. While the peaceful citizens were a sag agg gaajajag gflgg aas a ga&ag.aa&&&a&&&aa.&aajg.&a&aa slumbering COLDEH RULE DRY COOQS COMPANY w aaafl quietly or otherwise the awsry Saturday night, gay hours the V-A-NIN- and mirthful dancers who had tripped " We Sell were enjoying them- L" S. & SON a heavy fantastic, FOR EVERYTHING IN JEWELERS AND DRUGGISTS NEAR FOSTOFFICE selves by rough car rides, The result of their bouncing the car, which gives Boys Clothing one the sensation of a ride on an Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Furnishing Goods ocean wave, was seen Sunday morning very trifling percentage at a of near toe park. One car was across the : profit. We want the boys' track and three more were lined up fop trade. We are building our behind waiting for order to go ahead. Albuquerque Hardware Company business with an eye to the But the cars were empty. The dancers future. no doubt enjoyed the walk into the Men, Women and Children city in the wee hours of Sunday morn Boys' Nobby Scotch Mixed ing. School Suits, 3 to 12 years.. Builders' and General Hardvare 1 ....$2.75 to $3.50 jo Some one, who evidently had more Goods... ; ) time to spend than anything else, have ...Our Fall and Winter f Boys' Neat Casslmers forgotten the proper use of firearms 1 A Dres Suit, sll wool, very and did some reckless shooting on are now open lor your inspection. Largest stock ot Cutlery, Guns and Ammunition. nobby $3.75 to $4.50 South Broadway one night last week. Merchandise ever brought to Albuquerque. Fancy A bullet came through a back window Boy' Worsted and on Cheviot Suits, very swell. . of a prominent residence that HERDERS WALL street, going through to the front of $5.00 to $7.50 TUMTCL IN WEDGE the house. No one was killed or wound- niNERS 1 1 O These goods were personally ed, by the chances are close when they selected while in the east. come In at an unexpected time and AND WAGON COVERS. place. Handling firearms recklessly RULE AGENTS FOR SAVAGE AND CARBINES. ...CALL AND SEE THEM... GOLDEN RIFLES always makes "more work for the un 120 WE ST GOLD AVENUE. . dertaker" and brings forth the old time word phrase "didn't know It was Dry Goods Company loaded." o - BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES feCJttASHBURN W. V. Wolvln, D. V. 8.. Dental 8ur- THE E FOR - CITIZEN geoa Santa, r Pacific Railroad, Grant SUBSH TillLK block. Bott 'phones