Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 10-27-1902 Hughes & Mccreight
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-27-1902 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 10-27-1902 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 10-27-1902." (1902). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 286 VOLUME 16 , ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 27, 1902 NUMBER H. I. T. outfit, who received third Florence as the southern terminus and representative of the operators an money. Clay McGonnigle, the New CHICAGO MURDER Clifton, Tennessee, as the northern BAD AMERICAN nounced thev would file an answer to THE PRESIDENT AFTERJMONEY Mexico champion, played in hard luck. terminus. The section traversed the statement to be filed by Mitchell on His time was 1:09. Tire showing he Is rich in hardwood timber, oak and Monday within three days of that time. made here was enough to prove that poplar abounding, and In mineral The committee decided to begins its In Fcrty-Fc:r- Ordnance Bureau's Big Appro- he can far outstrip the San Antonio Well-Kno- Man Found Dead Has a Mania for Poisoning vestigation of the conditions In the Celebrated , K!s ti work. anthracite coal regions Thursday of priation for Armament. on Golf Links. Sousa Thursday Afternoon. this week, commencing with district Birtfcisy Tc!:y. Clifford to Be Tried. Imitation la said to be the most sin Women. No. 1, in' which Scranton is located. H. L. 'Dunning has filed a complaint cere form of flattery, and if such Is against William Clifford, and the war the case, John Philip Sousa Is assured- Train Wreck. was Issued morning. Clifford THE COAL UIXES RESIDE XZ7X EMPEROR JOSEPH IS EXCITED rant this A MURDERER TO BE SENTENCED ly the most flattered man In the world, LIEUTENANT GENERAL OF ARMY New OcL 27. The north who Leon Orleans. is the cab driver ran down for It is a fact that more than fifty per bound on Mississippi road ard Dunning with on train the fatal resuts formers are giving more or less faith- was wrecked south of Baton Ronge as Thursday of week. is alleged In fair It ful Imitations of traversltles of the fa- a ot cat- Mahoraing Rggica .Klssn R.fssi frinca and Princess of Wales May complaint ' Three Newsboys of Oklahoma Killed Anthracite Coal Strike Commission result running Into a drove of ti the that the death of. the miliar eccentricities of manner and tle. The was ditched. En child was due to the carelessness of entire train Until Visit St Louis Fair. by a Santa U Train. gesture characteristic of the "March gineer Harry Kehlman and a tramp Work Strikers Er!:1 the driver., Mr. Clifford went to Dem- - In Dur- Meet and Perfect Organization. King" all parts ot tbe world. were killed. A negro fireman waa fa-tal- lng, Is employed, immediate where he ing Sousa's recent engagement in Lon- injured. None of passengers ly fair, on being notified the after the but don, there was no less than fourteen were though many miracu- BRYAN CAMPAKNIK8 I! COLCJttSJ. GENERAL DEWET 60IN6 TO AFRICA. MINER KILLED AT GALLUP. TRAIN WRECK IN STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. hurt, had that a complaint had been filed he at of these "Imitations" to be seen In the lous escapes. once returned to Albuquerque to face music halls of the British metropolis, the results of the unfortunate acci- and on continent his tnannerlsms X Chicago, 111.. Oct. 27. The body X the - The fire department made a run to X Washington, Oct. 27. Admiral X dent. by per X London, Oct. 27. George Chap- X quietly cele-- X X of Nelson Anderson, a widely X are being reproduced a acore of a small blase at the corner of Copper X dent Roosevelt today O'Neill, chief of the naval bureau St ' X man, who came from America in X - formers. Sousa, however, oblivious avenue Seventh 3 v hrafaii tha rnrtv.rmtitn anmvera-- of ordnance, made public his an-- X Oscar C. Watson, of the fire and life X known steamship man, was found X X 1893 and who is now landlord of X and street at o'clock apparently to this form of his popular- A small barn X ary of his birth. He was down In X X nual report today. He says among X Insurance firm of Paul Wunschmann X today on Washington park golf X the Southwark saloon, poisoned a X this afternoon. in the ity goes on his musical way bringing rear of the Rose property caught fire X his office early going over some X other recommendations the ord- - X & Co., Santa Fe, Is In the city today on links. There was a bullet hole in X young woman who had lived with X melody and gaiety to all parts of the In an unknown manner. The depart X matters with Secretary Cortelyou. X , nance bureau wants $13,182,806 X business, and will remain for a few the man's head, but no trace of X X him as bis wife. It transpired X X any weapon. Anderson was one country. He will bring his famous ment did quick work, and the blase X who had Just returned from Can X ' next year, of which amount $10,- - X days. at X that this was the third woman X oongratu-- X general manager X band here for a single concert at Co was extinguished, but the barn was X ton. Many messages ot X 000,000 is to be devoted to arms time of White X who had died within five years in X - John Strumqulst, the popular plum X Steamship company, was X lombo hall Thursday afternoon. totally destroyed. Fortunately there X latlon were received and numer- X and for new ships. X Star and X by prisoner. , X armament & houses owned the X ous remembrance arrived during X. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ber of Brockmeler Cox, Is confined also at one time connected with X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was nothing in tbe barn at the time of to bis house on South Arno street with X the Atlantic Steamship company. MAGDALErfA KILLINGS. the fire. X tbe morning. X Emperor Excited. typhoid fever. X His home was In Chicago. X LIEUTENANT GENERAL. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Vienna, Oct. 27. While Emperor xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writer; Francis Joseph was driving from his CUVETTE OF EL PASO. General Young Will be Next Com' outside Coal Miners Resume. country place at Schoenbrunn today, Murderer to Be Sentenced. The True Facts About the Killing of mander of the Army. Wllkesbarre, Oct. l7.There are the horses attached to his carriage be- Cheyenne, Oct. 27. Tom Horn will Washington, Oct. 27. "I do not more mines In operation in the anthra- be sentenced tomorrow by Judge Scott. Robert McMahon. cite region today than v at any time came unmanageable and he jumped out v think I am betraying any confidence He Was Here During the Fair and of the vehicle. No one was hurt, but How He Took in the Newspapers and This afternoon Attorney Lacey filed a when I say that Major General S. B. M since May 12 last, when the strike be- gan. great excitement was caused. motion for new trial and the judge sig Young will be the next lieutenant gen- Gives His Views. The Lehigh region continues to Citizens Here. nified his Intention of passing on it OTHER MURDERS. eral of the army," said Major General bo the barren spot. The employes of . ROYALTY AT THE FAIR. tomorrow. Corbin today. Then he added: "And Pardee & Co. and Oox Bros, are still t promotion will enjoyed by no Idle. The Lehigh Wllkesbarre coal Prince and Princess of Wale May Newsboys Killed. his be POSSIBILITIES 6REAT. CLEVERLY WORKED SCHEME. Special Correspondence. v- one more than by myself." company started up its collieries in the Visit Louis Fair. Oklahoma City, Oct. 27. J. C. Rogel, e St Socorro, N. M., Oct. 26. Doubtless General Miles tor Lehigh region today. Ninety-fiv- per London, Oct 27. -- The report cabled Dan Carnahan and Hugh Morrow, 13 Lieutenant retires readers of The Citizen would, like to age next August and this declaration cent of the nines In the Wvomlnr and from the United States that the Prince year-ol- d newsboys of Oklahoma City, Rocky Ford, Colo., Oct. 23. At the inspired by cer- learn the true circumstances under by General Corbin was inspired to off LacKawanna region are now in opera-tio- n and Princess of Wales probably would The great confidence were killed1 today near Noble by a request Bare! a, I you which Robert McMahon was ahot and set some comment to effect of Senator write and there will be a, large Increase visit the St. Louis Exposition In 1904, tain business men In the pleasant ap- Santa Fe train. The boys had been the that a few of my impressions of your sec killed at Magdalena a week ago last appearance General Corbin's in the output today, ... ., ..- has created much interest here. The R, B. hunting returning home, walked the of tion of couptry as formed during my s. pearing and smooth talking and Sunday morning by Bud English. The name In monthly army news occupied a prominent place In all down the track.