Dr. Fine, Tim Es Editor to Head Growing Schoo·I of Educa·Tion
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•,;-.,,_ ... Louis Levine Dies; Y.U. Loses Frieild a£ht atommrtttator. In him the students found a confidant. To him they brought Official Undergraduate ~ewspaper of Yeshiva College their complaints-from faulty plumbing in the dormitory to VOL. XLVII TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1958 No. 2 ----~-----------,---___::__________ ..,....- _ _...:=:~ I broken desks in the classrooms. Yet it was to this thankless and • never-ending task that Louis Levine dedicated himself, for it was his goal to make Yeshiva i- more pleasant place for the student to study and live in. Dr. Fine, Tim_es Editor to Head_ He could always be found at the Yeshiva building way after . hours, conferring with Growing Schoo·I of Educa·tion students on current building problems, or perhaps making Dr. Benjamin Fine, education editor ·of The New York Times since 1941, has be~~ the rounds with ~1r. Purvis on named dean of Yeshiva University's new Graduate Scheol of Education. seeing what could be done .. ..) Dr. Samuel Belkin, president, announced that Dr. Fine will assume his academic post improve the building. Some 2\-Iarch 1, the date his resignation times, he would take whole from The Times becom~ effec days from his business to be on Chankin, Rabino\Nitz,· Dlugati tive. Thus, Dr. Fine will ter hand to make split-second deci minate a 21-year career with that cions. Such a· man was Louis · Appointed to College Faculty newspaper during which he gained Levine. eminence as one of the nation's He was a very modest man, Three additions have been made to the faculty of Yeshiva College-, leading education reporters and yet his accomplishments tor announced Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of Yeshiva University. They authors. Yeshiva students were anything are Arthur Chankin, as instructor in music and Jacob M. Rabinowitz but that. During Mr. Levine's and Dr. Herman Dlugatz as association with Yeshiva, many tutors in chemistry and .biology, 19+6. He is currently studying for improvements and changes were respectively. a doctorate in chemistry at Brook:- realized. The Pollack Library l\1 r. Chankin, a graduate of the lyn Polyte<;hnic Institute, from Louis Levine building \\·as obtained from the College of The City of New n·hich he. received his l\-1.S. de- ThirJ A.\enue Railroad Company. The main lobby of Yeshiva, y ork where· he has ierved as an gree in 1951. once closed ro students because of its crude layout, was re instructor, also teaches music at Dr. Dlugatz receive<;! his Ph.D. planned. The oifices there were redone and new tables' were Junior High 123 iii the Bronx. ;.irom Fordham. He has served as installed. and Theodore Roosen·lt High chairman of the Biological Sci- The Co-op canteen \\·a<:. obtaineJ; its store was reconstructed, School. ences at Benjamin Franklin and so rh :1 r the main department and the book-department could be Mr. Rabinowitz, \-vho received Evander Childs High Schools. He me rged . .\Iachines in the old dorm ,vere installed; so were the smiclw from the Rabbi Isaac El- is also an assistant examiner for rroph!· clo~er" in rhe old RI ETS Hall and the storage room for chanan Theological Seminary, the New York City Board of caps and go" n~ . All of rhe-se were realized through the untiring graduated Yeshiva College 111 Education. eiforr~ of Louis Levine. Born in Russia Born in Russia in 1888', We emigrated to America in J-904, and entereJ the realty business, where he remained until his 'Whitey SnoYI' Cops Avvard death. In 19-U. after Dr. Belkin ·s appointment as President of rhe L nive~sity, Louis Levine ,,,;as named chairman of the House At Sno..viest Reception Ever Dr. Benjamin Fine Committee. By Larry Halpern In his new position, Dr. Fine Louis Levine \vas stricken with ca9cer. Saturday, February Braving a raging snowstorm ac will head the academic and ad 15 . he passed away, a victim of this dreaded disease. A \.vonderful It was just one white blending companied by blustery winds, m1mstrative programs of New man-indeed a truly "great guy," is with us no more. His bluri- and the whole mess started more than 350 Yeshiva College York City's new-est graduate school absence will be very Jeeply felt. The students will never forget when the snow began to fall, some students, their "friends,'' and. of ·education. He will hold the the man who de,·o ted his time and effort to them. His only say it hit at· two-tewnty p.m. on members of the faculty attended titles of Professor of Education n:·\•;ard w:1s the ieeling that in' some way he had made students Saturday others claim it started the annual Dean's Reception, and Dean of the Graduate -School happin at Yeshiva. at three p.rn. but all in all a February 16 at Joari of Arc Jun-• of Education. E.B.S. & N'.A.B. blizzard and the Dean's Recep ior High School. The Junior play, tion just don't mix nosiree and '' vVhitey Snow and the Seven \Vith the appointment of Dr. the juniors already had their's Sages," was judged to be the out- Fine, it was sirnultane_ously an nounced by Dr. Belkin that the Twelve Y. U. Students Study university "now plans to develop a comprehensive graduate school For Year in Israeli Yeshivot ( Continued on page 2) The ii r::.t large contir.gent of Yeshiva University students to In Memoriam ,rudy in I--rael )'rshi,;.•o t for one year is currently completing the winter se:-sion. The group. jointly sponsored by the- J e,.vish Agency and the Daniel Block, assistant Rabbinical Council of America. professor of mathem'1tics at was brought to Israel . in Sept(ID) Yeshiva College, died Sun ber 1957, for a dual program of University Honors day ·morning, March 2. His sudden and untimely death, study and touring. Those par Industrial Leaders at the age of 32, came as a t1c1paring from Yeshiva range shpck to students and faculty Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of i rom freshmen 1n college to and left everybody in a smicha-plan students, all under a Yeshiva Univei:sity officiated at state of mourning for one leave of absence from the Yes ceremonies honoring Louis E. of the most popular and be hiva. Wolfson and John E. Lurie, two loved faculty, members of The tweh·e members from Yes of American Jewry's outstanding the school. Professor Block, hiva are studying in the follow industrial leaders. an alumn,us of Yeshiva Col ing yeshivot: l\1erk.az ha-Rav Mr. Wolfson awarded the lege, was the recipient of Kook: in Jerusalem, Chevron, Yes University's Florida Charter Day a senior class award, given to an· outstanding faculty hivat ha-Darom in Rehovot, Keren Award in Miami Beach, was member. His death leaves a be-Yavneh, Ponevez in Bnei Brak, cited for his "distinguished leader JUNIOR PLAY; The Se~en Sages med In .the Bet Medrash. void in the math ,depart- and Be'er Ya'ak:ov. The main ship in industry, communal life - •ment and sorrow in . the subject taught in these Y eshivot is and particularly for his devoted taped and the seniors were froth- standing presentati,,on of the eve hearts o{ his· students and Talmud, but supplementary cour in!Crest in higher education." Mr. ing at the mouth in despair..... ning by three faculty judges. Eli a.S.10Ciates, whose respect and ses range from Tanach and He Wolfson, one of the nation's best And now the snow the whip Berlinger, author of the play, ac admiration he had earned.... br~ to Literature and Philoso known business leaders, is a ping sno.w and it's Saturday night cepted the Simeon L. Guterman The members of THE phy. During the intersession breaks founder and member of the Board and the sets are being made with Award on behalf of the clas.1 of COMMENTATOR, in the name in Tishri and Nissan the group of Overseers of the University's noise in the halls screaming and '59. of the Student Body, extend tllcir assembles for organized to11rs of Albert Einstein College of Medi laughing and eagerness for to The sophomore pr~tation, sincerest condolences to ·ProfeM<>r Block's fanu1y. the Negev and Gali!, along with cine. Dr. Belkin and Gov. Theo morrow and the snow it's still multi-titled and multi-authored, -May they .be comforted conference s~ions featuring lec dore R. McKddin of Maryland · coming do\fTI. dealt with an excursion made by But indoors the scenano fel- I • among the mourners of turers fropi all aspects of Israeli headed the list of guest speakers. the employees · of the Book of Zion and Jerusalem. ( CDntinued on page 5) · · ( Continued on page 6) ( GPntinued on page 5) ( Continued on page 5) -~ \ PAGE TWO THE COMMENT A TOR TUESDAY; MARCH -4, 1958 • In Memoriam Future Rehbetzins THE CoI\-tMENTATOR sincerely mourns the passing of Gain Their 1Smicha1 Qtfidal :11~ NewliiWIPU of I\Ir. Louis Levine, tn~asurer·of Yeshiva University. l . Through years of constant devotion and ceaseless toil, In Social Re lations . YESHIVA COUEGI - \ \ Louis Levine endeared himself to all the members of our A series -of unique seminars will Y cshiYa community. His never-ending self-sacrifice in de be conducted this year for twenty ABRAHAM SHAPIRO ... , ....• , .. ..•..•.•.. Editor-In-Chief votion to duty will always remain an· inspiration to future one _wives and fiancees of senior GOVERNING BOARD officers of Y. U. rabbinical students under the aus EMANUEL B. STERNBERG ........ ..... •. r: ... ....... ~ ................Associate Editor picies of the Community Service YEHUDI M.