Mustang Daily, October 2, 1967
uufokhu sun TOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE VOL. XXTX, NO. 4 * SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1967 Th is is new Navy recruiting team slates visit Officers from the U. ft. Navy Some students lack $ $ Recruiting Station, Los Angeles, and the U. S. Naval Ail' Station,- I tick of funds. in the major Glenn 8, Dmnke, chancellor o f regard to race, religion or na Los Alumitos, Calif., will he here ' reason given b.v more then ono- the State-Coleges, ixiteiated the tional origin. luilf of students Vhc> are eligible Hoard’s policy it has held sin e T he Trustees, following leng Oct, 2-4. hut {1° not attend the Stulo Cot-, the Board’s founding -that nil thy debate, agreed- to place the They w ill counsel students eon- leges, the tirst-phase report of program's and housing related to issue of collective bargaining on ceimlhg the various officer p o- an extensive student,demogra the State Colleges must he made the October agenda as un action phic' study Ims revealed. m ailuble to all students without item grams in the Navy. A t the pre 1 in profile, it discloses, the sent time, commission* are avail typical State College student able in the fields o f general line, comes from a middle-class, mid aviation, engineering, Supply dle-income environment, lives Corps, Medical Corps,'and other away from home during his col Ketchum praises lege career hut does not reside specialties. The team will also on campus. jcounael women students inter The report, pri pared by the ested iu the WAVES und Nurse StaU’ College staff and present campus C.
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