ONGOING Staindrop Correspondence
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Staindrop Parish Council Correspondence List for meeting dated 19 September 2019 Date Ref received From Subject Note/comment Note: CDALC = County Durham Association of Local Councils NALC = National Association of Local Councils SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks 1 16/07/2019 CDALC Encouragement for PCs to sign up to Pledge to reduce single use plastic. Item on September agenda. 2 16/07/2019 CDALC Agenda for CDALC Smaller Councils Forum, 25 July, Spennymoor. Clerk to attend. 3 22/07/2019 CDALC Agenda and papers for Smaller Councils Forum meeting, 25 July. 4 22/07/2019 DCC Planning Weekly list of new applications w/e 21 July. No new applications to report. 4 22/07/2019 CDALC Bridges guidance. Slide pack and detailed 26-page document (classed as ‘officially sensitive’) of guidance from National Association of Civic Officers on marking the death of a senior national figure, following information awareness raising session. Request to liaise with DCC’s Civil Contingencies Unit on any local arrangements. 5 23/07/2019 DCC Notes 1 & 2 from the Inspector appointed to examine the County Durham Plan, covering: contact details, procedure, Full Notes sent to all councillors 24/7 to Examination webpage, Inspector’s role (to consider whether the Plan complies with the relevant legislation and is sound). allow for indication of wish to be heard Examination hearings will commence 22 October, in Murton, with discussion based on a list of matters, issues and questions at Examination Hearing. (provisional list of which is now published (Note 2) and which will be finalised in early September). Written representations carry the same weight as those made orally at a hearing session, but anyone who has made representation seeking to change the Plan has a right to appear before the Inspector. The Inspector therefore states “participation at the hearings is therefore only likely to be beneficial if you have specific points to contribute on the published matters, issues and questions.” Notice must be given by midday on Friday 9 August from anyone who has a right to be heard and wishes to exercise that right. 6 23/07/2019 Dave Rayner Request for suggestions of possible locations in Staindrop for a textiles recycling bank to be situated. The collecting point would be used for the public to donate old clothes to help raise awareness and funds for Scope (helping disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else). 7 26/07/2019 DCC Overview & Advice that Durham County Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Board’s Annual Report of work undertaken during 2018/19 is Scrutiny now published. The 24-page PDF can be forwarded to councillors on request to Clerk. 8 29/07/2019 DCC Planning Weekly list of new applications w/e 28 July. No new applications to report. 9 29/07/2019 CDALC Link to YouTube 26-minute video ‘A year in the Life of Thornley Parish Council’ - for interest. 10 30/07/2019 CDALC Request to share information about whether any PCs have responded to a request to modify cemetery footpaths to allow wheelchair access to graves. 11 02/08/2019 SLCC Survey on Community Governance programme (sector-specific higher education), details of AGM and Annual Conference and forthcoming training webinars and events 12 02/08/2019 CDALC Details of consultation by DCC on proposed increase to the Council Tax premium on long-term empty properties (which is Does the PC wish to respond? considered to incentivise owners to bring them back into use). Deadline for response is 6 October. 13 05/08/2019 DCC Planning Weekly list of new applications w/e 4/8. No new applications to report. 14 05/08/2019 CDALC Powerpoint slides from Smaller Councils Forum presentation on Community Led Housing and link to presentation on the new County Durham Vision. 15 05/08/2019 CDALC Roadworks report w/c 3 August. Nothing new to report. 16 06/08/2019 CDALC Details of webinar on bringing forward affordable housing - the process from gathering evidence to determine if there is an affordability issue, through to having robust affordable housing for sale policies to bridge the affordability gap - using Neighbourhood Planning. Webinar is 12noon-1pm on Monday 23 September. Clerk has link for registration for it. Page 1 of 3 190919-5 Correspondence list Staindrop Parish Council Date Ref From Subject Note/comment received Note: CDALC = County Durham Association of Local Councils NALC = National Association of Local Councils SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks 17 08/08/2019 The Parish Noticeboard Sales email launching online ordering. Filed for future reference. Company 17 09/08/2019 Neighbourhood Policing July newsletter: total number of crime and antisocial behaviour incidents for “Crook/Barnard Castle (Barnard Castle Town)” in April was 28; introduction to new Chief Constable Jo Farrell; and next meeting for public to have their say is 25 July (two weeks previous to newsletter being issued!). 18 12/08/2019 CDALC Flyer promoting ‘Land of Promise’ performance - history of town planning in radical writings and protest songs, 3 September, Durham Town Hall. Email forwarded to all clls 12/8. 19 12/08/2019 CDALC Roadworks report w/c 10 August. Nothing new to report. 19 12/08/2019 DCC Planning Weekly list of new applications w/e 11 August. No new applications to report. 20 13/08/2019 CDALC LGA Councillors Guide (link to 65-page PDF). Forwarded to all cllrs 14/8/19. 21 13/08/2019 CDALC Reminder of VAT training session, all day, 24 September, free to attend at Shotton Hall, Peterlee. Recommended that each Clerk will attend. Any councillor council sends someone. interested? 22 14/08/2019 Neighbourhood Policing August newsletter: total number of crime and antisocial behaviour incidents for “Crook/Barnard Castle (Barnard Castle Town)” in June was 29; warning of scam lottery letters, Bikewise and Operation Zinc at Deerbolt. 23 17/08/2019 SLCC Autumn newsletter - inviting nominations for annual awards, branch and regional training event feedback, annual conference details (2/3 October) 24 19/08/2019 DCC Planning Weekly list of new applications w/e 18 August. No new applications to report. 25 19/08/2019 CDALC News, information and invitation from County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust. Forwarded to all cllrs 19/8/19 at request of CDALC. 26 19/08/2019 CDALC Invitation to Durham Year of Pilgrimage 2020 information event, 4 September. Forwarded to all councillors 19/8 due to short notice. 27 20/08/2019 CDALC Request to share information about addressing anti-social behaviour in play park by neighbouring residents volunteering to unlock and lock the access gate each morning and evening (concerns about insurance, health and safety) - for Trimdon PC 28 20/08/2019 Environment Agency Information regarding changes to Environment Agency Water Resource Licensing, which some residents may be affected by. Some homes or businesses (anyone using a non-mains supply of water) may now require a water abstraction licence. Several pieces of information are provided and can be forwarded to councillors - or onwards to residents you know who might be affected - on request. Also request to include information in any PC newsletter or poster display. 29 20/08/2019 CDALC Link to ‘The Village Survival Guide’ produced by the Prince’s Countryside Trust - giving advice on village sustainability top 10. This could form the basis of developing a village vision, giving a voice to everyone, developing self-sufficiency, building financial resilience and becoming a stronger community. An easy read - and recommended! Link is https://edition.pagesuite- 30 21/08/2019 ICT Officer, Durham Invitation to attend training workshop (Spennymoor, 25 September, free) on Basic WordPress training and Accessibility (for Ought Clerk to attend? County Council new website accessibility standards coming into force in September 2020). 31 23/08/2019 Brain Tumour Research Appeal from Community Fundraising Manager to promote charity event ‘Walk of Hope’ on 28 September in Newcastle. Details available from Clerk on request. 32 25/08/2019 Resident A Query about responsibility for footpath along Ingleton Road from the Church Corner to the cemetery. Matter on agenda for 19/9/19. 33 27/08/2019 DCC Planning Weekly list of new applications w/e 26 August. No new applications to report. Page 2 of 3 190919-5 Correspondence list Staindrop Parish Council Date Ref From Subject Note/comment received Note: CDALC = County Durham Association of Local Councils NALC = National Association of Local Councils SLCC = Society of Local Council Clerks 34 27/08/2019 CDALC Roadworks report w/c 24 August. Nothing new to report. 35 02/09/2019 DCC Planning Weekly list of new applications w/e 1 September Email sent to all councillors 2/9/19. 36 02/09/2019 CDALC New NALC Legal Topic Note 22 - Disciplinary and Grievance Arrangements. This takes account of the Ledbury Case from New model policy will be considered at 2018. A new model Disciplinary and Grievance policy has been prepared by NALC to reflect this. this PC’s policy next review. 37 02/09/2019 Friends of the Earth Suggestion to set up ‘Climate Action Staindrop’ to rise to climate challenge, and perhaps organise a climate action event and join with other communities, supported by Friends of the Earth who will provide free training, online tools, promotion and dedicated support. 38 03/09/2019 Durham Constabulary Neighbourhood Newsletter for September: reminder about safe parking outside schools, Barnard Castle Emergency Services Open Day on Saturday 28 September, number of crime and antisocial behaviour reports in July for ‘Crook/Barnard Castle (Barnard Castle Town) = 31, and update from Chief Constable.