FFromrom thethe ChairChair available in the fall of 2001. Visits elcome to the first edition of our by prospective students nearly newsletter, created to keep us in doubled the number for the newsletter, created to keep us in previous year, and 33 new Wclose touch with our alumni and graduate students appeared in the friends. We’d like to hear your reaction: fall of 2001. We were especially friends. We’d like to hear your reaction: pleased that 30% of the entering what’s satisfying, what’s not, what’s class were women. I hope this is missing. Please let us know. no “fluke” and that we continue missing. Please let us know. to increase the participation of women in . The applica- tions for the fall of 2002 number Jim Allen over 500 and we look forward to Department Chair enrolling another strong class. OUR FUTURE Three new faculty joined our als. And Walter himself, the EXCITING TIMES ranks: Crystal Martin, an observa- founding director of the Institute “You can dismiss one Nobel Prize tional astrophysicist from Caltech; for , received as a statistical fluke,” Walter Kohn David Stuart, a high energy the 1998 prize in chemistry. remarked, “but a spate of three experimental physicist from Fermi signals something important and Lab; and Dik Bouwmeester from exciting happening at UCSB.” ENDOWED CHAIR Oxford, who works on quantum We are delighted that a chair in The three Nobels reflect UCSB’s optics and experimental quantum experimental physics has been longstanding commitment to information science. We continue endowed by Bruce and Susan excellence in science and engi- to search for new faculty in Worster. The department is neering. They also highlight a experimental condensed matter, deeply grateful to the Worsters core strength of UCSB: the string theory, biophysics, theoreti- for their generous support and enthusiasm for interdisciplinary cal astrophysics, and gravitational affirmation of the value of research. Alan Heeger, a member physics. physics at UCSB to our students, of both the physics and materials to California, and to the nation. departments, received the 2000 LONG-TERM PLANNING The new chair will aid greatly in prize in chemistry for discovering A cornerstone of our long-term attracting new experimental and developing conductive vision is a new building, compris- faculty of the highest quality. polymers. Herb Kroemer, who ing classrooms, offices, commons, received the 2000 prize in physics and a community science center. for developing semiconductor GRADUATE APPLICATIONS SOAR This new building will enable us heterostructures used in high- Last spring’s applications to the to recover important laboratory speed and opto-electronics, calls graduate program surged by 30 space in Broida that we are himself “an applied theorist” and percent over previous years. Four currently forced to use for other works with faculty in physics, hundred fifty students applied for purposes, such as offices. electrical engineering, and materi- the approximately thirty positions 1 Friends of Physics Bruce and Susan Worster Endow First Experimental Chair

Bruce and Susan Worster have says Rolly Morrison, who was established the first endowed department chair when the gift chair in experimental physics was made, “will be crucial in with a gift of $510,000. attracting and retaining outstand- ing faculty in this most important t is the happy privilege of the and highly competitive area.” experimentalist to know that I nature never gets it wrong. Chancellor Henry Yang, who Bruce Worster (PhD 1971) did his characterizes the endowment as thesis work in the high-energy “visionary and generous,” echoes physics group, conducting experi- that view: “Competition for ments to probe the structure of recruitment and retention of top- the proton with deep inelastic notch experimental physicists Compton scattering. “We tested today is fierce,” he says. “This the [then current] model. The tests endowment comes at a critical succeeded,” he says cheerfully, time and will be of significant “but the model didn’t.” help to our efforts in this area.” Caldwell and Rolly Morrison, was After earning his doctorate, Bruce extremely supportive. It’s history For more information on gifts and went into industry, bringing his now, but the late sixties and early bequests to the physics depart- experimental expertise to such seventies was a very turbulent ment, please contact: endeavors as using lasers to time: riots, the burning of the automatically detect defects in bank in Isla Vista, sabotage on Jim Allen, Chair semiconductors and developing campus. The physics faculty never Department of Physics fiber optics components for wavered in their support and University of California telecommunication. “While the concern for our well-being. Santa Barbara, California 93106 purpose of the equipment is (805) 893-4888 different,” he says, “you’re apply- “We wanted to give something [email protected] ing the same techniques: design- back.” or ing and building equipment, Susan Worster (BS in environmen- making measurements, interpret- Regina Rivera, Development ing data. And a general knowl- tal biology 1970), now a trustee of the UCSB Foundation, adds, “As Assistant edge of physics is invaluable in an (805) 893-5228 engineering environment.” students, we learned from highly principled and dedicated profes- [email protected] “Susie and I felt that a physics sors who transferred the value of background was extremely learning to their students. Our valuable for the success we had,” hope is that this gift will help said Bruce, who retired last enhance the academic process for February from his position as vice faculty, students, and staff, and president for strategic manufactur- that quality people will continue ing technology at JDS Uniphase, to come to work and study at the largest supplier of optical UCSB.” components for the telecommuni- cations industry. It is the happy privilege of the physics department to have such “In addition, the research group I thoughtful alumni. “The Worster was in, with folks like Dave Chair in Experimental Physics,” 2 Institute, and a Wilson Fellowship Alan Heeger has been elected to Faculty News from Fermilab. the National Academy of Sciences. INCANDELA JOINS Election to the Academy is FACULTY AWARDS AND considered “one of the highest HIGH ENERGY GROUP honors that can be accorded to a Joseph Incandela joined the HONORS 2000–2001 U.S. scientist or engineer.” faculty last summer as a full Leon Balents was awarded a professor of physics. Previously, Packard Founda- Walter Kohn, professor emeritus he was a staff scientist at Fermi tion Fellowship and founding director of the National Accelerator Laboratory. for Science and Institute for Theoretical Physics, There, he led the design and Engineering for received honorary doctorates from construction of an instrument his work in Oxford and Rutgers universities in crucial to the discovery of the top theoretical 2001, as well as the Harvard quark: the first silicon vertex condensed Graduate School of Arts and detector to be used to study matter physics. Sciences Centennial Medal, collisions produced at a high- The fellowship provides $125,000 awarded for “contributions to energy proton-antiproton collider. a year for five years for Leon to society as they have emerged continue his work on from one’s graduate education.” “Joe brings to UCSB a tremen- nanoconductors, nanotubes, and Walter is a condensed matter dously exciting program at the novel magnetism. theorist who has made fundamen- high-energy frontier,” says Jeff tal contributions to our under- Richman, head of the high-energy France Cordova, who is vice standing of the electronic structure physics group. “He has an ex- chancellor of research as well as of materials. His many awards traordinary record of accomplish- professor of physics, was named a include the Niels Bohr/UNESCO ments as both a scientist and a laureate of the Kilby Awards Gold Medal, the National Medal of leader. He brings these talents to Foundation, which seeks to Science, and the 1998 Nobel Prize two of the most important experi- “identify, celebrate, and provide in chemistry. ments that will point the way in heroic role models for future high-energy physics for the next generations.” France was cited for James Langer has been elected decade and more.” establishing new paradigms in vice president of the National research across disciplines at Academy of As part of the CDF collaboration UCSB. In April 2002, France was Sciences. He at Fermilab, Joe and his research named chancellor of the Univer- began his four- group study collisions between sity of California’s Riverside year term in July quarks and antiquarks in the hope campus, and will begin her 2001. Jim was of achieving one of the main appointment July 1. elected to the goals of elementary particle Academy in 1985 physics: understanding why some Deborah Fygenson has been for his theoretical particles have mass. He is also named an Alfred P. Sloan Re- studies of pursuing experimental investiga- search . Described as “an nonequilibrium pattern formation, tions of string theory and extraordinarily particularly dendritic crystal supersymmetry. Since particle competitive growth. His current research physics experiments require many award,” the interests include the dynamics of years to plan and carry out, Joe’s fellowship carries earthquakes. group is building equipment for a with it a grant of future set of experiments at the $40,000 to Phil Lubin has been elected a Large Hadron Collider, now being support her Fellow of the American Physical constructed at CERN, the interna- research in Society, an honor reserved for no tional particle physics laboratory biological more than one-half of one percent near Geneva, Switzerland. physics. The focus of Deborah’s of the members in any given year. work is on understanding the Phil was cited for his pioneering Joe earned his BA (physics) and physical character of such experimental studies of the cosmic BS (math) from the University of counter-intuitive phenomena as background radiation, which have Chicago in 1981. He stayed on at single molecule machines, self- provided new information about Chicago and completed his MS assembling architectures, and the earliest moments of the and PhD degrees, both in physics, spontaneous information process- universe and the origin of the by 1986. He has received a CERN ing. She is an expert on microtu- large-scale structure that we Fellowship, an INFN Fellowship bules, which provide mechanical perceive in the universe today. from the Italian Particle Physics support to cells. 3 KOHN TALKS ABOUT EXPERIENCE WITH CATHOLIC CHURCH rofessor Walter Kohn was “on the subject of religions that invited to give the first make exclusive claims to truth P lecture in a series entitled and the ultimate good.” (His talk, “Science, Religion, and the Human along with more information on Experience.” The three-year the lecture series, can be found at program of public lectures at www.srhe.ucsb.edu.) UCSB is supported by the John Templeton Foundation. Walter describes himself as religious in two senses: he Walter spoke last spring to an adheres both to liberal Judaism, audience that overflowed the the tradition in which he grew up, main seminar room of the Institute and to what he calls “non- for Theoretical Physics. In his talk, denominational deism, which “Reflections of a Physicist after an springs from my awe of the world Encounter with the Vatican and of our experiences and is height- Pope John Paul II,” he discussed ened by my identity as a scien- what unfolds when religious tist,” he says. institutions take an active role in scientific discourse, and his “Science alone,” he is convinced, correspondence with the Holy See “is an insufficient guide to life.”

GOOD REASONS TO CELEBRATE avid Gross, director of the Institute for Theoretical DPhysics, chats with Steven Hawking at a conference on “Heterotic Dreams and Asymptotic Visions,” held last March in honor of David’s 60th birthday. (The event’s whimsical title alludes to David’s seminal work in both string theory and in the theory of the strong and weak forces.)

This year, two institutions con- ferred honorary doctorates on David: the University of Montpellier and Hebrew Univer- sity in Jerusalem. David also received the 2000 Harvey Prize in Science and Technology. The prize is awarded annually by the Technion (Israel’s Institute of Technology) for breakthroughs that have been a source of inspiration to other scientists. comprehensive review, to increase its funding of the ITP to $17.3 Another cause for celebration is million for the next five years— the decision of the National the largest single federal research Science Foundation, following a grant ever made to UCSB. 4 Banana Hammers and Slinkys Graduate students share fun and physics at local schools

an you suspend an object in mid-air if you’re not Harry C Potter? Can you use a banana to pound a nail into a board? Are these physics questions?

How students in the Santa Barbara area answer these questions may depend on whether they’ve encountered the UCSB Physics Circus, a collection of hands-on demonstrations using everyday objects presented by a lively group of volunteer graduate students and faculty.

“The main idea is to show students that science is fun and within their reach,” says faculty sponsor, professor Jean Carlson. She would like to see the Physics Circus visit every school in the Santa Barbara district within three years.

Conceived five years ago by Abigail Reid, then a graduate student in physics and education at UCSB, the Physics Circus comprises presentations designed for elementary, middle school, and high school students. The Physics Circus and elementary school students use a slinky to explore Physics Circus graduate student the physics of waves. program coordinator, Miriam Friedel, and local teachers help shape the presentations to fit in “…My brother is in high school themselves compelling; they with the schools’ science curricula. and he takes physics. I explained demonstrate that achieving a what you did and he said that better understanding of nature Is the program successful? Rob you guys just told us the fun part. may be the most fun of all. Geller, who runs the graduate Oh well.” student course in which UCSB For more information, visit our students develop, evaluate, and It is undeniably enjoyable to see website (www.physics.ucsb.edu) revise the demonstrations and an object hovering in mid-air, and click on outreach. scripts for the program (and, not repelled by a magnetic field, and incidentally, hone their teaching to watch a nail pounded into a skills), points to the enthusiastic piece of wood by a banana that thank-you letters the program has has been hardened in liquid received. One of his favorites is nitrogen. The engaging discus- from an elementary student: sions of the phenomena are 5 Faculty Report How Do You Take a Snapshot of the Universe When It Was Only 300,000 Years Old?

by John Ruhl

osmologists from UCSB and their international colleagues C recently released the most precise measurements yet of the Cosmic Microwave Background. The new data analysis reveals harmonics of the early universe that further strengthen initial results showing that the universe is flat and confirm current ideas of the big bang expansion.

During its first few hundred thousand years, the universe was so hot and dense that atoms did not exist; instead, the universe was filled with an ionized plasma, primarily consisting of photons, protons, and electrons. The Figure 1: The release of the 800,000-cubic-meter balloon carrying the two-ton BOOMERANG expansion of the universe cooled experiment on its epic 10.5 day trip over Antarctica in December 1998. This experiment was the plasma, eventually enough built and flown by an international collaboration, including professor John Ruhl and his UCSB that the photons could no longer colleagues. “The pioneering research of John and his colleagues have transformed the science of keep the plasma ionized, and cosmology,” says Jim Allen. “Ideas and models are now constrained by experimental data.” hydrogen was able to form.

In this process, the universe was average temperature of 2.73 10.5-day flight circumnavigated transformed from opaque plasma degrees Kelvin. the pole, riding the stratospheric to a clear gas, and the photons polar vortex, and was brought that were present simply contin- To measure these variations, the down within 30 miles of the ued to fly through space; we see BOOMERANG (for Balloon launch pad. The images obtained those photons today, some 15 Observations of Millimetric represent about three percent of billion years later, and call them Extragalactic Radiation and the sky—so much data that new the Cosmic Microwave Back- Geophysics) collaboration built techniques of data analysis had to ground, or CMB. Any structures and flew a specially constructed be invented by the team. The that were present in the very early instrument. The instrument BOOMERANG team is drawn universe would leave traces in the consists of a telescope with a 1.2- from 16 organizations in Canada, CMB: faint patterns of variations meter primary mirror and a Italy, the U.K., and the U.S. in brightness. bolometric detector array, and Primary U.S. support comes from was flown at an altitude of NSF and NASA. For decades, researchers have 120,000 feet (to get above atmo- been trying to map its brightness spheric water vapor). The detector In the past year, there have been across the sky to learn about such array was cooled to 0.28 K and two major steps forward in CMB variations. These variations are had angular resolution of about research, led by results from reflected in tiny temperature 0.17 degrees, with four frequency BOOMERANG. For about 30 variations, just a part in 105 in the channels from 90 to 400 GHz. The years, the simplest (and preferred) 6 cosmological models anticipated Just as the harmonic overtones of that acoustic oscillations in the a musical instrument enable us to primordial plasma would imprint distinguish between a flute and a their signature on the CMB sky. violin playing the same note, so Oscillations of all wavelengths the harmonic overtones of the would be occurring in the plasma, primordial plasma can be used to but a coherent phase relationship understand the physical makeup between them would lead the of the universe. The BOOMER- CMB, which provides a snapshot ANG collaboration was able to of those oscillations at a particular use its data to show that time, to have brighter variations spacetime is flat, to measure the on some particular scales. density of baryons in the uni- verse, and to use a new method In fact, it was predicted that if the that bolsters the growing case for universe were characterized by a the actual existence of Einstein’s flat geometry, there would be a fabled cosmological constant. dominant scale of roughly 1 Figure 2: Allowed region for cosmological degree on the sky, with harmon- What’s next? BOOMERANG heads parameters. The BOOMERANG data (blue) favors a ics appearing at approximately to Antarctica again in December flat universe. When combined with data for one degree, 1/2 degree, 1/3 2002, this time to map even observations of type 1a supernovae universe with a low matter density, Ω , and a rather large degree, and so on. If the geom- fainter images encoded in the m cosmological constant, Ω , is favored. etry of the universe was not flat, polarization of the CMB. By Λ the fundamental “tone” and its imaging the polarization, the harmonics would shift slightly in collaboration may be able to look angular scale. back to the inflationary epoch itself—right back to the very In April 2000, the BOOMERANG beginning of time. team released the first detailed image of the microwave back- For more information on BOOMER- ground; this image had enough ANG visit http:// sensitivity and angular resolution www.physics.ucsb.edu/~boomerang/ to precisely measure the domi- nant angular “scale” of the Professor John Ruhl heads a brightness variations of the CMB laboratory of experimental sky, i.e., the fundamental tone. cosmology at UCSB. (“No, we These results indicated that the don’t make Universes,” says the universe is essentially flat and, group’s website; “just stuff to study combined with data from distant the one in which we live.”) He supernovae, as shown in the holds a BA from the University of second figure, favor a repulsive Michigan and an MS and PhD cosmological constant (a positive from Princeton, all in physics. Ω After spending two years as a value of Λ). Figure 3: Angular power spectrum of the CMB postdoc at the University of showing the first three acoustic peaks. One year later, in April 2001, the Chicago, he was appointed to our team reported results of a more faculty in 1995. John is the complete analysis that used over principal investigator from the ten times the data considered in U.S. for the polarization measure- the initial paper. These results, ment phase of the BOOMERANG shown as a function of Legendre experiment. polynomial index in figure three, reveal distinctly the first and second harmonics of the funda- mental tone, setting the hypoth- esis of acoustic oscillations in the primordial plasma on a solid experimental footing.

7 Experimentalist Rolly Morrison Retires

fter 34 years on the UCSB Mike Witherell, director of Fermi physics faculty, Rollin (Rolly) National Accelerator Laboratory: Morrison has retired. Rolly’s A Rolly is the first physicist with research focused on experi- whom I discussed the ideas for ments to explore elementary the Fermilab charm experiment particles, particularly the photon that made my career. I needed and the charmed quark. He is somebody to encourage me to recognized by his colleagues in develop those ideas and to help the high-energy physics commu- me keep it grounded in reality. He nity for his intuition into how Jeff Richman, professor of physics: did those things and then went on complex experiments work, his Rolly has had a remarkable and to work with me on building the gift for knowing how to make distinguished career in experi- silicon vertex detector that made the right measurement, and his mental high-energy physics; he the experiment a success. It was ability to solve problems of has also been a great colleague the most productive period of my many kinds. Three of his close and friend. career and the most enjoyable. department colleagues offer their appreciation below. Rolly played a leading role in the I had the pleasure of working historic Fermilab E691 experiment with Rolly for about 15 years on that forever changed our field by Harry Nelson, professor of physics: that Fermilab experiment and on introducing the technology of the CLEO experiment at Cornell. Rolly came to UCSB in 1967. A silicon microstrips to the problem His enthusiasm and love for full professor of physics since of identifying particles with heavy physics helped to make it a 1978, he served as chair of the quarks. The match between this wonderful collaboration. department from 1997–2000. He technology and the physics of was awarded a Fulbright Fellow- charm, bottom, and top quarks While at UCSB I missed the chance ship and was named a Fellow of seems made in heaven. The high to tell people there how much the American Physical Society. He position resolution of these credit Rolly deserves for giving me also served on the Fermilab devices provided a tool to the chance to build my career. I Physics Advisory Committee from distinguish in a spectacular would like to correct that now. 1993–1997, which he chaired from manner the decay points, or 1995–1997. vertices, of particles containing Thanks, Rolly. charm and bottom quarks. A As department chair, Rolly en- silicon detector system was hanced our graduate student crucial to the later discovery of recruiting, which led to an the top quark, because the vast entering class of record size in majority of top-quark decays Rolly’s first year. Rolly also took produce bottom quarks. on squarely a few of the most challenging issues that our It is hard to imagine a modern department has ever faced, particle physics experiment including a staff reorganization, without silicon microstrip detec- renewal of the Broida Hall tors. Their high resolution, fast complex, and comprehensive response, and robust nature has planning for future classroom, lab, led to their use on a scale scarcely and office space. Our department imaginable even a few years ago. is healthy, flourishing, and Mike Witherell and Rolly looking toward a bright future in Morrison, together with their large part due to Rolly’s vision collaborators in E691, showed the and skill in problem solving. world what was possible. 8 Alumnus Profile The Road Less Traveled by Kate Metropolis

n the early eighties, when Dale Pfost (pronounced “Post”) was wrestling with the requirements to obtain a IPhD in physics at Brown University, his advisor discov- ered on his desk a copy of A Guide to Venture Capital Sources. The professor noted the price—a few months’ rent for grad student housing—and said, “You’ll be lucky to ever get your money back.”

“I hope,” Dale adds as he tells the story, “that he’s a shareholder now.” Dale has served as chairman, president, and chief executive officer of a biotech company, Orchid BioSciences (ORCH on NASDAQ), since 1996. When he came on board, he was the ✭ Heroes: Edison, Hewlett and school and over the summers at a company’s second employee. He Packard, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, company that produced die and has since been joined by some his parents: “People who took wafer inspection systems for the 640 more, who work at eight great initiative and blended automation of microelectronics locations in the U.S. and Europe; science, technology, and fabrication and testing. It was not last year the company generated commerce to create great a venture on the scale of Intel: at over $28 million in revenues and things.” is slated to do over $60 million one point Dale constituted one- this year. third of the work force, which ✭ Other passions: Spending gave him “a lot of experience in time with his wife and son. A fourth-generation Californian, all facets of the business.” Inventing recipes (“maybe one Dale grew up in Los Altos, when dish out of ten becomes ap- When he arrived at UCSB, his first it was still surrounded by apricot proved for guests”). Travel. inclination was to go into biology. orchards, not multimillion-dollar Reading history and biographies. houses. Both his parents attended His pleasure in the family engi- Berkeley. His father, an electrical neering projects pointed to ✭ “Initiative is a desperately engineer, was one of five original another possible direction, leading scarce resource that has risks inventors of the first commercial Dale to sign up as a physics and rewards.” video tape recorder; he also major. He had never taken a invented the first disc recorder physics course before, but was ✭Number of patents: 10. that enabled instant replays of confident that “physics is the one sports events. science that gives you the ability to answer fundamental questions His father’s vocation strongly and to solve a huge variety of influenced the family’s recre- problems.” the next three and a half years ational activities: together they helping to design, build, test, and built Heathkits, pinewood derby Before he had completed his first install a calorimeter for an racers, an astronomical observa- year of introductory work, his experiment to detect charmed tory in the Santa Cruz mountains, internal special-project detector particles. and “exceedingly, dangerously emitted a strong signal. Having large” aluminum kites. heard that the high-energy group “Working in the high-energy was well funded, he approached physics group changed my life. As Dale grew up, silicon took the group’s leader, David The department has earned its over the orchards. When he was Caldwell. David told him to go top ranking, and I am proud to 14, he started working after talk to Rolly Morrison. Dale spent be an alumnus.” 9 People who hear only about the guide in hand, he and some Dale returned to the US in 1996. results of high-energy physics friends founded a company and For the past six years, he has research can get the notion that built the Biomek 1000, a program- been chairman, president, and it’s a pretty esoteric subject. mable robot for performing chief executive officer of Orchid repetitive tasks in biotechnology BioSciences. This biotechnology People who actually build suc- research laboratories. company came into being be- cessful high-energy physics cause of individual variations in experiments, however, work in For one nervous period of about a DNA known as single nucleotide the very real world. To look for year he had to put his PhD on hold polymorphisms (SNPs). Millions of phenomena that have never been and run the company full time. His these are the source of differences seen before, you have to figure advisor was supportive but skepti- between you and the person in out how to build things that have cal that Dale could return and front of you in line at the super- never been built before. finish his thesis. Beckman Instru- market—differences not only in ments acquired the company in appearance, but also in biological Such undertakings rely on diverse 1984. Remaining with Beckman, processes, such as the response of talents. “I can’t say enough about Dale traveled to Brown one week cells in your bodies to particular how positive my impressions every month for about a year and chemical compounds. were of the people in the ma- completed his PhD. chine shop, the technical support If such differences can be deci- groups, the supply and purchas- After spending a couple of years phered and codified, it could one ing teams while I was at UCSB,” as head of Beckman’s robotics day lead to a revolution in Dale says. “They were fantastic and automated chemistry systems medicine: prescriptions for the and have been a source of group, Dale became managing drug that will be most effective, inspiration my whole career.” director, president, and chief not just for a particular disease, executive officer of a newly but for a particular individual’s Dale went on to graduate work in formed company in England. Its unique metabolism. Orchid is on condensed-matter physics at goal was to commercialize the the cutting edge of developing the Brown. The special project of that expertise of Oxford University DNA tools necessary for such a period began with a visit to a researchers in the role carbohy- revolution: vast databases, soft- friend who was doing graduate drates play in normal biological ware, ultra-high throughput SNP work in pharmacology at Harvard. processes and in such threats to scoring, and rapid throughput Dale began thinking about the human health as AIDS, arthritis, DNA analysis for pharmaceutical laborious manual processing of and blood clots. Oxford companies. liquid samples. Wasn’t there a way GlycoSystems was the first to automate it? commercial venture in the Orchid’s website is University’s 800-year history. That www.orchid.com. While finishing his course work company is now publicly traded and completing the experimental in England. part of his thesis, he conducted market research. Venture capital


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UCSB FROM THE LAGOON • locate classmates by Kate Yar brough • stay connected with campus • update address www.ucsbalum.com 10 Rudi Stuber, Machine Shop Manager, Retires by Nancy Fraser

udi Stuber, Physics Department Machine Shop Manager, retired in the Fall of 2001 after more than 30 years of service. During his R tenure, Rudi was a significant contributor to countless numbers of faculty, graduate students, and researchers across the campus (as well as to universities across the nation) in the achievement of the instructional and research missions of the university. As a result of his leadership, the Department was able to create and nurture an exceptionally fine ma- chine shop. In a recent external review of the Department, it was noted that the UCSB Physics Machine Shop is “arguably the best in the UC system”. Physics faculty member, Paul Hansma, credits Rudi with raising the level of the possible because of his machining excellence. We wish Rudi a long and happy retirement. 2001 Physics Department Student Awards Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Ian Eisenman, Mark Henle, Carol Johnston Ferrando-Fithian Fellowship Viorica-Cristina Bena Hanan Baddar Graduate Fellowship George Khoury Wheelon Fellowship Christopher Savage Arnold Nordsieck Award Craig Cusworth Boston Area Undergraduate Physics Competition Worawat Meevasana Outstanding Senior Award Keith Copsey John Cardy Award Eric Dunham, Jeff Endelman, Matt Foster

PLANNING TO VISIT SANTA BARBARA? If you are interested in visiting the UCSB Department of Physics, we will be pleased to assist you with coordinating meetings with faculty and providing campus resource information.

Regina Rivera, Development Assistant UCSB Department of Physics Phone: (805) 893-5228 e-mail: [email protected] 11 Lifetime E-Mail Address Offered to Alumni Worry that your electronic correspondents will record of your preferred address, but the We will not disclose your e-mail address to any lose track of your new e-mail address if you change is invisible to your correspondents: outside vendor, nor will we pester you with change your job or your Internet service they continue to use the same @alumni daily news messages. provider? Want to deftly remind people that address. you’re a UCSB alum? Now you can keep the For more information, or to sign up for this same e-mail address for life, at no cost to you. UCSB is very well connected to Internet2, and service, please contact: we expect no appreciable delays in forwarding Graduates of UCSB Physics Department your e-mail. Regina Rivera programs qualify for free e-mail forwarding Department of Physics accounts. You will be given an This forwarding service is not an Internet University of California “@alumni.physics.ucsb.edu” address. E-mail service provider. You must have an indepen- Santa Barbara, California 93106 sent to you at that address will automatically dent e-mail account to store your e-mail. phone: (805) 893-5228 be forwarded to your preferred e-mail address. e-mail: [email protected] We respect the privacy and time of our alumni. Should that address change, you update our

Inside Physics

Editor: Regina Rivera Contributing Editor, Senior Writer: Kate Metropolis Layout and Design: Charmien Deacon Management Services Officer: Nancy Fraser Department Chair: S. James Allen May 2002

University of California Department of Physics Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530