Nature, Spirituality & Popular Culture The University of Florida COURSE NUMBER, TIME & PLACE Interdisciplinary Studies: IDS 2935 (This course will be entirely online.) INSTRUCTORS Professor Bron Taylor (Ph.D.) Chris Lomelin (M.A.) Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Office: Anderson 121 Office: Anderson 017 Office hours: by appointment via zoom. Office hours: by appointment via zoom. COURSE DESCRIPTION Beginning with the period since Walt Disney began making animal-focused documentaries and animated films in the 1930s, continuing up through the blockbuster motion picture Avatar (2009) and the Animal Kingdom theme park further expressing its themes, this course takes a global tour examining the religious, spiritual, ethical, and political dimensions of artistic productions, scientific representations in museums, and other cultural inventions, in which nature takes center stage. We will explore the international cultural tributaries, influences, and controversies such productions engender, for they constitute important ways that environmental ethics, and quests for environmentally sustainable livelihoods and lifeways, are expressed and promoted. The course will enhance students’ abilities to interpret these cultural productions and their evocative power, explore their own reactions to these social phenomena, whilst learning to think more deeply about their own places in, and obligations to, the natural world. The course will also help students to recognize how different worldviews — the philosophical, religious, and scientific