Page 4 • THE AQUINAS· August 31, 1988 Scranton awardedproceeds for 100th year University hosts PGA Tourney BY MARY DOPSLAFF Northeastern Bank Aquinas Sports Editor returned to sponsor the complete their rounds due to In the last semester of tournament in 1988 as it has in the return of storm the Second Cornerstone the past. Mrs. Elizabeth conditioris. campaign, the University Brennan Redington and Msgr. Among those whose play conducted the 1988 Andrew J. McGowan as co­ wascutshort,prosStevePate Professional chairs. and were in Association Pocono Although delayed by a good standing until the Northeast Pro-Am golf storm for almost an hour, the conditions made it tournament on Monday, 23 PGA players and their impossible to continue. August 29. amateur partners fought poor Worsening weather All proceeds from the conditions in an attempt to conditions andviolentwinds event are being donated in play a shortened nine hole pickedup alargetentcausing honor of the University's tournament. metal support poles to be 100th anniversary. Pros Ken Brown and David uprooted. Many of the top names Frost took top honors among Five people were injured on the PGA tour competed those who finished the nine as the poles fell over. They intheeventincluding: Scott holes. were taken to Community Simpson, Ray Floyd, J.C. Brown ended the front nine Medical Center for cuts and Sneed, Ken Brown, Jay with a one-under34with Frost bruises and released with no Haas, and coming in with a three-under serious injuries. Despite rainy weather, 34 on the back nine. The University fared well manyfans cameouttocheer Amateur Wayne Grady in proceeds for Monday's on their favorite PGA took honors on the front nine tournament. golfers. with a 12-under 23. Amateurs numbering The University, as well Bill Kratzert led his close to 100 paid $750 each as the Ed Manley Co., and amateur team T. Howe, B. to compete in the event. the Scranton Country Club Howe, D. Ross, C. Weiss with Scranton is ending up its conducted the tournament a nine-under 28. Second Cornerstone which was held at the However, numerous Campaign with a sure hole­ Scranton Country Club. players were unable to in-one.