
Minutes of the New Marlborough Historical Commission held on 27, 2021. Conference Call Meeting.

Meeting was called to order at 8:3AM by Dr. John Schreiber, other members on the call: Ms. Deanna Mummert, Mrs. Claudette Callahan, Mrs. Fiona Kerr, Mr. Joe Poindexter, chair of the Historical Society, & Ms. Tara White.

Meeting minutes of 14, 2020 were accepted as amended.

Southfield Historic District Update: Mrs. Callahan mentioned that she submitted the report in , 2020, and was waiting to hear form her contact person whom she had been working with. Mrs. Callahan stated that she finally heard from the Director of the State Historical Commission, and the Director recommended to Mrs. Callahan different directions on how to proceed which included the hiring of a consultant. Mrs. Callahan said she’ll continue to work on the update, and suggested a consultant be hired to review the report she has completed. Mrs. Callahan also mentioned that the report has to go to State Historical Commission first and be accepted then the report will be submitted to the National Historical Commission. Dr. Schreiber mentioned that he has already submitted the budget for FY22, but he agrees that hiring a consultant would be helpful. After a brief discussion Ms. Mummert made a motion to amend the FY22 budget in the amount of $500.00 to hire a consultant, motion was seconded by Mrs. Kerr, motion passed unanimously.

Demolition Delay Bylaw Review of Planning Board Comments: Dr. Schreiber mentioned that the commission members should consider what bylaw that they would like to work on and get approved. The demolition delay bylaw seems the one mostly needed, an example is the church is Southfield that was partially burned and restored correctly but could have been knocked down since we have no demolition delay bylaw for historic buildings. Dr. Schreiber also mentioned that there was some push back from the Planning Board in terms of the broadness of the definition of historic, and that they suggest the Commission have a list of 100 years old houses in New Marlborough. Mr. Poindexter inquired on how much power will be invested in the bylaw and will the Commission look at houses other than 100 years old. Dr. Schreiber mentioned that the draft the Commission has been working on is mostly Sheffield’s bylaw, and it’s up to 12 month period, and the building inspector would contact the Historical Commission on any applications submitted so they can review them and make any comments as needed, along with seeking the Historical Commission support. Ms. Mummert mentioned that the core points are geographic, architectural, historical, and age. It was mentioned that the Planning Board recommends that the list of houses be limited that would be included in the bylaw regulations. Ms. Mummert recommends that more work be done on how many houses would be the total. Dr. Schreiber mentioned that since COVID has occurred it has been more difficult to schedule a public hearing, and hopefully the Commission will try to schedule the hearing in the early fall. The goal is to have the bylaw ready for Annual Town Meeting , 2022.

Next meeting is scheduled for 27th at 8:30AM.

A motion was made, seconded as so voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:16AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Chretien Secretary