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The BG News March 2, 1995

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Thursday, March 2,1995 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 82, Issuel 11 Eight schools sign covenant Safety issues, Agreement eases transfer of students' college credits Scott Swecker menu choices The BC News

With the goal of making higher education more accessible, the define Wolfe presidents of eight Northern Ohio universities and community Jim Barker colleges signed a guaranteed The BC News admissions covenant on Wednes- Jason Wolfe, candidate for day. The covenant makes transfer- Undergraduate Student ring from a two-year community Government president, is a college to a four-year university man who lives for the moment. easier, without any loss of course His energy is a force in it- credits. self. A recipient of the Ail- "The agreement is the final American Scholar award, Wolfe has immersed himself drop of glue that cements our in- in a number of activities - on stitutions together in a seamless fabric of post-secondary educa- campus, locally and national- tional opportunity," said Frank ly. Wolfe graduated from Horton, president of the Univer- United States Space Camp sity of Toledo, one of the univer- with honors and has served on sities involved in the agreement. the University's Food Opera- Other participating schools in- Jason Wolfe tions board as a spokesman for clude the University, Cuyahoga The BG Nc» r Koii Wcltlncr vegetarian menu options. "The food on this campus Community College, Lakeland Representatives of community and four-year colleges stand in front of a covenant, allowing credit absolutely sucks," Wolfe said. Community College, Lorain He represented the Univer- from two-year community colleges to transfer more easily to four-year institutions. The representa- sity at Yale University's Cam- "Students should have the County Community College, tives met In the Student Union of the University of Toledo. pus Earth Summit and serves choice of items like organic Northwest State Community Col- as Environmental Action fruit and fresh vegetables and lege, Owens Community College public higher education system have made transferring from cational goals in a cost effective Group's representative to the better grains." and Terra Community College. school to school difficult in the is the best that it can be," said manner. Undergraduate Student "I worked with the Food "Through this collaborative, University President Paul Ols- past. Government. Operations board last year and partnership agreement, the two- camp on a written statement. "The covenant helps students Philip Mason, vice president His vision for USG includes I helped them to rewrite the year community colleges and the Olscamp was unable to attend the more efficiently accomplish the for University Relations and the upgrading of University menu so that there were at signing because he was out of four-year public universities are Important outcome of educa- University representative at the cafeterias, the improvement least some vegetarian options town. making a commitment to work tion," said Roy Church, president conference, said this agreement of recreational facilities, and at every meal," he said. "This The covenant is an important of Lorain County Community together to enhance educational represents an important com- the extension of Campus Es- is a serious issue. We've got to step toward in removing any in- College. He also noted that it will opportunities for Ohio's resi- mitment to the future of public cort service hours. See WCX Ft, page fix. dents, and to ensure that Ohio's stitutional barriers that may help students achieve their edu- higher education in Ohio. Debate Trial of University professor begins to cover Wood "took something that can campus never be replaced," says prosecutor Joe Boyle matters The BC News Jim Barker The prosecution rested their case in the rape trial of a University The BC News assistant professor today. Floris Wood, represented by attorney Scott Coon, is charged with Candidates for Under- rape and gross sexual imposition of his then-six-year-old female graduate Student Govern- neighbor. ment president will have an According to the victim's mother, authorities became aware of the opportunity to wrestle with alleged crimes in August, after the victim told a friend she "had a big the major campaign issues secret." during an Wood County Human Services was Immediately notified, and after open de- an investigation by the Wood County Prosecutor's Office, a search bate to- warrant was executed on the Wood residence, Bowling Green Police night at 7. Detective Brad Connor said. The search netted only a book authored The de- by Wood, twoPtaygirt magazines and some notes with the victim's fa a t e , name written on them. s p o n - In opening arguments, prosecutor Gwen Gebers alleged that on sored by about eight occasions Wood showed pornographic magazines and Pi Sigma videotapes to the victim and then performed sexual acts on her. Alpha, the "The defendant put a pornographic tape in the VCR and knelt down political next to her and began performing cunnilingus," said Gebers. "Be- science tween August 1993 and June 1994 the defendant took from [the vic- honorary, will take place in tim] something that can never be replaced." Room 1007 of the Business Coon said Wood's house was always a mecca for neighborhood chil- Tk« BG Newi/Ron Wc Itrnt r Administration Building. dren. The candidates will an- "[Wood] was never concerned or angry when children came over," University assistant professor Floris Wood (left) and his counsel, Scott Coon prepare to meet the possi- swer questions forwarded said Coon. "He was a patient man." ble jurors in the Wood County Courthouse Wednesday morning. Wood Is charged with alleged rape and by a panel of student organ- See TRIAL, page seven, gross sexual imposition. ization representatives. Following a short inter- mission, the debate will continue with an open The Boss takes top honors at Grammys forum segment where stu- dents may question the John Antczak formance. song meant something to them." Transcending award catego- Love to You," the popular hit re- candidates. The Associated Press "I'm not sure this is a rock Sheryl Crow was named best ries, the song "I Swear" brought corded by Boyz II Men. vocal. You stick around long new artist and also won a Gram- All-4-One the Grammy for best Pi Sigma Alpha treasurer LOS ANGELES - Bruce enough and they give these my for her hit song "All I Wanna pop vocal performance by a Boyz II Men claimed the R&B Bruce Purdy said the hon- Springsteen's brooding "Streets things to ya," he said, drawing Do." group or duo and was named best album trophy for "II." Tool orary offered to sponsor of Philadelphia" won song of the laughs. Tony Bennett collected his country song for the version re- Braxton won the female R&B the event, but there were no year and three other honors at Springsteen, who earned an third consecutive pop perform- corded by John Michael Mont- vocal performance for "Breathe concrete plans for a debate Wednesday night's 37th annual Academy Award for the song last ance Grammy for his album gomery. Again." Grammy ceremony. year, expressed appreciation in "MTV Unplugged" The album at the time. Bonnie Raitt, whose flagging "About three or four The song, from the 1993 movie an acceptance speech earlier In follows "Steppin' Out" and "Per- career was revived in 1989 with weeks ago, Pi Sigma Alpha "Philadelphia" about a lawyer the night to "the folks who have fectly Frank," which rocketed In rhythm and blues, jack-of- expressed an Interest in be- with AIDS, also won for best rock come up to me in restaurants or the 68-year-old singer back into all-trades won Gram- her multi-Grammy-winning album "Nick of Time," won the coming involved with the song, best song written specif- on the street who've lost their wide popularity after last being mys for best male vocal per- best pop album award for "Long- USG debates," Purdy said ically for a movie or television sons or their lovers or their honored with Grammys in the formance for "When Can I See and best male rock vocal per- friends to AIDS and said this 1960s. You?" and for writing "I'll Make ing in Their Hearts." —- CITY SPORTS

A national expert spoke Students can obtain The men's basketball to hundreds of students, internships for the Black \r-' '"- team lost to Miammi 63- faculty and staff Swamp Art Festival. 36, only scoring 16 second- Wednesday about crime. Page 6. half points.

■:'■ Page 9. * Page 5. ■ %- ; 5 a p

■ Editorial The BG News page two Thursday, March 2,1995 "Good oPdays" not so good The BG News It seems as though most con- anyone wearing beads and san- countries that we come into con- servatives have this desire to re- dals telling us how the education tact with. But, wouldn't at least "Celebrating 75 years of Excellence" turn to the "good ol' days." After system ought to be," obviously a one or two be nice? taking a deeper look, you can crack at the democrats and lib- I'm not much of a believer only ask yourself one question - erals of the world. when people like Rush Llmbaugh Julie Tagliaferro Michael Zawacki "Why?" Mr. Candidate, I have some say things like "America is editor-in-chief managing editor It seems as though the "good news for you. You want us to go king." I find that hard to believe ol' days" weren't always so good. back to the "good ol' days" and when, at one time, the President Sure, the American society over- are under this false impression of our country was testing radi- all may have had more respect, that our current education ation on mentally handicapped courtesy and tact, but when con- Leah Barnum Dawn Keller system is fine. If our education people without their knowledge. sidering the tradeoffs, those system is "fine," then why are we news editor assistant managing editor We currently produce more things dont really matter much. so far behind so many other waste than almost all of the In the "good ol' days," there countries in science and math European countries combined was, along with the aforemen- scores? and we consume 25 percent of Joe Peiffer Larry Hannan Sharon Turco tioned diplomacy, extreme ra- It also seems as though the the Earth's resources. The only cism, sexism, and oppression. It city editor editorial editor feature editor conservatives want us to return thing America is, it seems, is a seems as though if you weren't a to having more "good old- big, greedy slob. "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant," fashioned patriotism." The only Also, no matter how many life just really wasn't dealing you thing is that they're getting pa- times it comes under fire, I do a fair hand. And not only was it triotism confused with ethno- have some admiration for this only good for WASPs but also for eliminating them altogether, but centrism. For instance. If new age of "political correct- BG's finest earn only male WASPs. Women were It is some kind of progress. someone comes here from a for- ness." While it is true that too still stuck in the home for the I also certainly enjoy the fact eign country, either as a visitor much of this could be a bad thing, most part, and decent career op- that I can talk more freely on any or as an immigrant, they are im- possibly resulting in some loss of portunities were far and few be- number of given issues. I can talk mediatly expected to know our the freedom of speech, I am glad admiration, hugs tween. If anyone out there is say- to my mother about sex, con- language. But, If an American that groups which are tra- ing "That's when a woman really verse with my friends about re- goes to a foreign country, these ditionally looked down upon are The Bowling Green Police Division released its 1994 knew how to treat her husband ligion and speak my political people generally know English, receiving some more respect. annual report earlier this week and the news is right," you've got some serious opinions to just about anyone that and it doesn't seem as much of an Remember, conservatives, really pretty good for the University. misconceptions in your head. I want to. expectation for us to learn the G.O.P.'s and avid dittoheads of Most violent crimes are down, rapes have fallen by The prejudices in the "good ol' I enjoy my freedoms. I enjoy native language of that land. the world, just because someone almost SO percent while other sex offenses are down by days" weren't limited to those of my opportunity to have any ca- Case in point: take a look at any has a different viewpoint from 18 percent. Robbery has decreased, burglary is down by a different skin color, either. reer that I want, to play any sport of the times that the President of you, it doesn't necessarily mean 24 percent and so on and so on. Catholics, European immigrants, that I want and to wear jeans in the United States has visited a that they're wrong. If you're go- The News hopes that the Bowling Green Police Divi- and those of the Jewish de- public. I dont believe that I treat foreign country. Then, take a ing to preach on some "good ol' sion retains its focus on keeping violent crime off the nomination were also discrimi- people with any less respect than look at when a leader of a foreign patriotism," remember that our nated against. my grandmother did -1 only be- nation has come here. More country was founded on the basis streets. Granted, we still have our Unfortunately, with every up comes a down, with lieve that I have more of a spine. times than not, that leader knows of freedom for everyone, not just share of prejudices and stereo- I was watching the evening English. But rarely, if ever, does for a few. Rethink your position every ray of sunshine comes a cloud, and with every types today. All the "isms" of so- news when a certain G.O.P. can- our President know the native before you make the wish to take rainbow comes a storm. ciety are still present, only it is didate vying for the 1996 presi- language of that particular coun- away the few things that make Driving under the influence violations increased by 56 not accepted when someone dential seat made his appear- try. I do realize that even the best our country great. arrests, juvenile arrests were up more 200 percent, makes a judgement based on one ance. He said something along of diplomats can, In no way, learn Penny Brown is a weekly col- overall police division activity increased from 20,987 in- of them. It's still not as good as the lines of "We don't need all of the languages of all of the umnist for The News. cidents to 23,220, and criminal arrests increased by 331 people. These incidents take up valuable police time when LETTERS TO they could be out fighting the major crime that afflicts every city. THE EDITOR Another bit of information gleaned from the annual report is that due to this crime increase and the resig- nation and injury of other officers, the Police Division Letter about foods has fallen short of its goal of community policing. taken out of context The new type of policing that is sweeping the nation would allow officers to patrol a beat on foot This would This University was meant to give residents a chance to get to know the officers in be an institution of higher learn- their community, and a chance for the community to be- ing. Higher learning would in- come chummy with the officers. herently imply the ability to read The News believes this would cut down on the number a letter and analyze the material of frivolous complaints that the officers have to deal within. Certain members of our with on a day to day basis. It would then allow them to college community have done concentrate on the bigger problems, such as violent just the opposite. prime. Roark Littlefield, in his column "Those darn conservatives" Community policing will further reduce the amount of from Wednesday of last week, violent crimes in our city. quotes a letter which my room- ' But overall, it seems the B.G.P.D. have been patrolling mate and I co-authored on the a pretty safe street. And with the addition of a couple of subject of a little dispute over new officers due to the levy, we can rest easier knowing food choices. He quoted a phrase that we live in the second safest college community in that, taken in context makes per- the state of Ohio. fect sense, would have you be- While this doesn't mean that we can walk everywhere lieve we wanted the serving of in the dark by ourselves, it does mean that University foreign food stopped because we students should take a second and pat the officers on the didn't like it. The letter said no such thing, it back - maybe, even hug them if you get the chance. Be- said we wanted the diverse menu cause, overall, they do a pretty good job. of foreign foods being served to play less of a role in the daily Penny Brown's column that ap- fifteen minutes a long wait at the display, that we ev'jn have 28 Copyright ©1995 by The BG News. Reprinting of any menus. Having a diverse menu of peared on Feb. 23. Unfortunately, Bursar? Fifteen minutes Is a days out of an entire year. If the non-foreign food was the main Brown is living up to her self- miracle, believe me. history books recorded Ameri- material in this publication without the permission of The BG proclaimed title of "an ignorant point. This cockamamey manip- Maryann M. Pinckley ca's history accurately, then we News is strictly prohibited. ... student." ulation of opinions is the kind of Senior would not need 28 days to cele- brate Black History, but we The BG News is an independent student voice founded "journalism" The Newsis famous She did make a good point Secondary English Education in 1920 and is published daily during the academic year and for. would be included in the history when she said most commuter of this world throughout the Wednesdays in the summer. Of course, noting who he works students rely on their cars to get Black history month for, we can forgive him, right? to campus, but as far as her view year. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of When white people often ask The other member of our open- of commuter parking lots resem- the student body, faculty or University administration. Opin- needed in society what they can do to help blacks in minded community who aired bling vast wastelands of con- their struggle for equality, I say ions expressed in columns, cartoons and letters are not neces- disgust at the letter is Jamie Yeo. crete, I am afraid I disagree. As I have written in response to a nothing. It Is not we who need sarily those of The BG News. He wondered aloud if DelSignore she is an on-campus student, I am recent Letter to the Editor that your help, it Is you who need to Letters intended for publication must be between 200- and Wieber are "American" not sure how often she drives by names. In response, I'd like to you published entitled "Com- help yourselves. Educate your- 300 words long, typed and include the writer's name, phone the commuter lots, but I can def- know what an American name is. plaining makes no sense on is- selves so that you don't go run- number and University affiliation, if any. The BG News initely assure her that when I (a sue." I would first like to state We are Americans, not foreign commuter) am trying to find a ning around with your foot in reserves the right to edit any and all letters. exchange students or first gen- that I am the Editor of The Obsi- your mouths like Keyes. space, there are never "droves of dian, the African American stu- The BG News encourages its readers to notify the eration immigrants, but men empty spaces." Before you start talking about dent publication an campus. As anything. Including history, paper of any errors in the stories or photograph descriptions. born here, by our parents born here, by their parents born here. As for "the worst space in a an African American women make certain you know what you He then goes an unfunny step commuter lot [being] better than first, and as an editor as well, I are talking about, and if you don't too far, by referring to "Ameri- the vast space in any of the on- feel that your establishment know what you are talking about The BG News Staff can" food as being corn bread campus lots," I have an explana- made a very poor judgment call then you need not sign your name and buffalo meat. This form of tion. Commuter students rely on when you placed this letter In at the bottom. If I was as ignor- photo editor Ross Weitzner unlearned, juvenile, ignorant their cars to get to class. We are your newspaper. I'm sure that ant as Keyes I would have been assist, city editor Jim Vickers stereotyping is the same Intellec- the ones who have to get up an you all would argue freedom of ashamed to sign my name at the Marty Fuller speech, but I argue that we free sports editor tual farce that Carl Rice and Ian extra thirty (or more) minutes end of something like that. asst. sports editor Pat Murphy ourselves from ignorance, which .Martinez just finished feuding early, just so we can drive to The worst part of the entire in- Jraphics editor Jim Mericsko is exactly what this letter pre- Reality editor Glen Lubber: about over the "Soul Dinner." campus, only to cruise lot after cident is that she really thought Weekend Reality mg. editor Melissa Upowski Before you write anymore letters lot to find a space. I, for one, have sented. that she was helping the black copy chief Cindy Williams please do us all a favor and rid never seen a lot with droves of Jennifer Keyes wrote this arti- race. She doesn't know enough assistant copy chief Joe Boyle yourself of the Immature stereo- empty spaces. If Brown could cle In regards to Black History about our history to help us. So special projects editor Robin Coe month. She feels that we, as black what I would suggest is that you assistant special projects editor Aaron Gray types that you thrust upon the reveal to me where this magical University In your asinine letter. place is, I would definitely ap- people, should be thankful for learn more about something be- Mike DelSignore preciate it. our 28 days out of 365, because fore you go spreading your Freshman All I can say to Brown is this - "Someone thought enough of us dlsease around. Ignorance is con- Criminal Justice deal with it. Someday maybe you to set aside an entire month just tagious. However, It Is one of the 204 West Hall will live off-campus and will un- for us." Thank you, Keyes, for few diseases in which we can Bowling Green State University derstand my viewpoint. making that apparent to us. cure ourselves. Pick up a book Commuters do not Anyone with an awareness of and kill the virus. Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 As for Brown's other com- American history would know Terra L. Holmes [email protected] see empty spaces plaints, I'm afraid she's really that It is because of the hatred, Junior stretching for something to the inequality that Europeans Editor-in-Chief 372-6966 I am writing In response to whine about. First, since when is have displayed and continue to The Obsidian

i The BG News Headlines Thursday, March 2, 1995 page three THEY SAID IT "I was working at my computer when I heard this noise and I knew it could only be a high-impact accident." ■Marlon Brando, actor, talking about saving two ITHREEACROSS men who crashed their car near his home NATIONAL Weather /jrfeampus THE NATION The Accu-Weather* forecast for noon, Thursday, March 2. orner LlneatafnralanianiarnparMuni zoo** tor today Man pleads guilty of "I can't believe a student at Ce- 10» darville College would do some- stealing underwear thing like this," she said. University will com- Venti da Camera, the faculty College spokesman Doug Mil- woodwind quintet at the Uni- CEDARVTLLE, Ohio - A man ler said Meeder was not current- memorate Dorothy versity's College of Musical pleaded guilty Wednesday to a ly enrolled at the school. Gish Arts, will give a free concert at charge stemming from the theft Stigers said Meeder was a The Gish FUm Theater at the 4 p.m. in Bryan Recital Hall on of women's underwear from the former Cedarville student. University will remember the March 5. Selections will In- laundry room of a Cedarville Col- late Dorothy Gish on the 96th clude "Quartet in D minor" by lege dormitory. Bakery CEO dead anniversary of her birth on Georg Philipp Teleman, "Suite Daniel Richard Meeder, 25, of March 11. en Quatre" by Claude Arrleu Cl if ton, pleaded guilty to mis- demeanor theft in Xenia Munici- NAVARRE,Ohio- Ernest To commemorate her birth, and "Divertimento for Five Nickles, who turned his family's the theater will feature three Winds" by Mel Powell. Flutist pal Court. He was referred to the probation department for a pre- tiny bakery into a $150 million f Urns directed by D. W. Grif- Judith Bentley, oboist John business baking bread for nine fith at 8 p.m. Bently, clarinetist Edward sentence investigation. Since last spring, underwear states, has died of complications The films are "The Mus- Marks, bassoonist Jeffrey from stroke. keteers of Pig Alley" and "The Lyman and horn player Her- has disappeared from the laun- Nickles died Tuesday. He was COLO WMU S7ArtCK*RY New York Hat," both made in bert Spencer are members of dry room at Cedarville College's o ia»a ttgtmgm ■» 1912, and "The Lady and the the quintet. Printy Dormitory and the com- 87. munity's only coin-operated Nickles, chairman and chief H L E3 S3 S3 EZ3 EJasO f}^a Mouse," made in 1913. All HTG" iO* WO>»e