Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge • Common

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Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge • Common Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge Flora • Common Name(Order Family Genus species) Monocotyledons • Bluegrass, Sandberg (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Poa sandbergi) • Grama, Blue (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Bouteloua gracilis) • Grass, June (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Koeleria cristata) • Grass, Needle-and-thread Poaceae/Gramineae (Poaceae) Stipa comata) • Muhly, Plains (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Muhlenbergia cuspidata) • Needlegrass, Green (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Stipa viridula) • Sandreed, Prairie (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Calamovilfa longifolia) • Sedge, Thread-leaved (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex filifolia) • Speargrass, Western (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Stipa comata) • Wheatgrass, Bluebunch (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Agropyron spicatum) • Wheatgrass, Crested (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Agropyron crisatum) • Wheatgrass, Western(Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Agropyron smithii) Dicotyledons • Cactus, Prickly Pear (Caryophyllales Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha) • Clover, Yellow Sweet (Fabales Fabaceae/Leguminosae Melilotus officinale) • Cottonwood, Plains (Salicales Salicaceae Populus deltoides) • Flax, Stiffstem (Geraniales Linaceae Linum rigidum) • Greasewood (Caryophyllales Chenopodiaceae Sarcobatus vermiculatus) • Lettuce, Blue (Asterales Asteraceae/Compositae Lactuca pulchella) • Pea, Silver-leaved Scurf (Fabales Fabaceae/Leguminosae Psoralea argophylla) • Phlox, Hood's (Polemoniales Polemoniaceae Phlox hoodii) • Plantain, Woolly (Plantaginales Plantaginaceae Plantago purshii) • Sagebrush, Big (Asterales Asteraceae/Compositae Artemisia tridentata) • Sagebrush, Silver (Asterales Asteraceae/Compositae Artemisia cana) • Sagewort, Fringed (Asterales Asteraceae/Compositae Artemisia frigida) • Sticktight, Western (Polemoniales Boraginaceae Lappula occidentalis) • Toadflax, Bastard (Santales Santalaceae Comandra umbellata) • Vetch, American (Fabales Fabaceae/Leguminosae Vicia americana) • Willow(Salicales Salicaceae Salix sp.
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