Unilateral Pulmonary Agenesis J
Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.42.224.361 on 1 August 1967. Downloaded from Arch. Dis. Childh., 1967, 42, 361. Unilateral Pulmonary Agenesis J. B. BOOTH* and C. L. BERRY From The Hospital for Sick Children and The Institute of Child Health, Great Ormond Street, London W.C.1 Hitherto descriptions of some 200 cases of this Several authors have compared their cases with condition have been published. In the majority of those already published (Hurwitz and Stephens, these reports a single case has been presented in 1937; Smart, 1946; Wexels, 1951; Oyamada, Gasul, detail together with the investigations showing how and Holinger, 1953; Valle, 1955). Until 1950, out the diagnosis was made. Some authors have of 55 reported cases the diagnosis during life had recorded a small series of cases, and in an effort to been made on only 16 occasions (Ingram, Hudson, increase the number there has often tended to be and Davis, 1950). Since that time, the percentage indiscriminate use of the term agenesis. As a result of diagnoses during life has risen considerably; it of this considerable confusion has arisen. remains true, however, that just under half of the In 1912, Schneider classified the condition patients with this condition die in the first year of according to the extent of the defect. In Group 1 life. In several adults dying from other causes, he included only those cases with a complete absence ofa lung has been demonstrated at necropsy. absence of the lung and bronchus. In Group 2 The condition is thus compatible with long survival.
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