The Solomon Islands Compendium
Solomon Islands Compendium A Compilation of Guidebook References and Cruising Reports Covering the Solomon Islands, Off the East Coast of Australia IMPORTANT: USE ALL INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Rev 2019.9 – September 20, 2019 We welcome updates to this guide! (especially for places we have no cruiser information on) Email Soggy Paws at sherry –at- svsoggypaws –dot- com. You can also contact us on Sailmail at WDI5677 The current home of the official copy of this document is If you found it posted elsewhere, there might be an updated copy at Revision Log Many thanks to all who have contributed over the years!! Rev Date Notes 2016.0 01-Nov-2016 Initial version, still very rough at this point!! Info from s/v Field Trip’s blog, Adina’s waypoints, Carina’s 2017.0 04-Apr-2017 write-ups from SSCA newsletter. 2017.1 11-Aug-2017 Info from Screensaver Blog Bits from L’il Explorers. Notes on Gulf Harbor Radio (SSB 2018.1 15-Dec-2018 section) Shango’s notes, Adina waypoints, various stuff from various 2019.1 21-Feb-2019 sources 2019.2 18-Mar-2019 More Screensaver & etc. 2019.3 23-Mar-2019 More Screensaver, Sieling References, etc Updates on checking in, Shortlands, Stirling Island, Vella 2019.4 13-Apr-2019 Lavella, Gizo, and Vonavona Western Province stuff from Lorelei, updates from Soggy 2019.5 17-May-2019 Paws on Russells, Tetepare, Marovo Lagoon, and Honiara 2019.6 13-June-2019 More Honiara info and visa renewals Haulout info for Liapari, Sesape, & Avi Avi, updates on 2019.7 23-June-2019 Munda and Noro 2019.8 07-Aug-2019 Kolombangara updates, many miscellaneous Clearing out of Noro.
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