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8-11-1918 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-11-1918 Journal Publishing Company

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ill i i. Mr

Chief of Staff States "This House and Means Com- Make Forced is In Ways Americans t a Enemy Full Retreat Along is the Time for the Greatest One-eigh- th of mittee Lacks I March, in the Latter Part the Front Against Which in His Review of Effort," the Sum Required to be of Which They Race, to Be French and British Made Allied Offensive, Raised in Revenue Measure. in at the Designated Time, Attack on Thursday, 4 NEVER A "V " i GIVE THE FOE RESORT TO THE TARIFF If GERMANS ARE RETIRING WHOLE VALLEY OF . - CHANCE TO RECUPERATE URGED BY SOME MEMBERS .. t ,1tAh' ALONG THE ENTIRE LINE IS DOMINATED pit-- '&&Hp4 BY ALLIES on Do Not Ex- "Keep Hitting Him; Gross Sales Tax and an Allies Penetrate Far Into Germans Reported to Havo Allow Him Time to Think it cise Tax on Tea, Coffee and Enemy Territory in Lost , Which, if Rainbow Division Over;" Sugar are Suggested to 'u District," Montdidier Is Now True Places Rupprecht in a Has Done Brilliant Work, Make Up the Deficiency, in Hands of the French. Precarious Position,

MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED lY WIRE) SV MORNINS JOURNAL SPECIAL WIRE tftV IftORNINA 1 JOURNAL SPECIAL EAREO WIRE! ( l ihlalcd As:K-l3t- f 10. "This is the Wur lml by the d Washington, Aug. Washington, Aug. 10. The house With the HiiliHh Army in Franc, Press. time for the greatest efforts; keep the means ways and committee tonight Aug. 10 (by the Associated Press). The I rein h have driven tho Ger- enemy running." is even billion tdiort an dollars of its These small tanks, .r size of Hie buttle on over North of the Ancre. the I'ritish have mans before them for General March, chief of staff, sum- the und' weight ordinary tank, operate ground an important $8,000,000,000 goal in the framing of which their big brothers cannot move. They are driven by an nasoline motor and twu men, one firmly established their positions and gain east r MontoT.dicr in 11 marized thui today to newspaper men bill. ordinary cany curdy. That the tentative draft of the revemio driving Willie the other mans the guns. Their hmall mu! make them ii difficult fur nro out toward city, wliMi was tho a,- - the situation In . be- high speed, target pushing patrols Hrayc of a (Jer. Standing Chairman Kitrhin of the committee uernian guns. The Germans man salient that now liu.s hoen fore the maps at the Mc-Ad- throughout the day wiped great military expects to confer with Ssocrctary out, fell to (lie Frciii-l- i First war department, that show clearly next week before tho, bill is were retiring nil along tho line, en army at is midday Saturday. Itcfore nightfall, Just where the German being given its final and differ- deavoring to save whatever they could lh- - beaten out approval according to French ar offleo back, he pointed that the ences between tho treasury ajd the as tho French launched their new at- slalemciit, the victorious battle front was behvi s 60,000 Prisoners and Guns French great rapidly committee regarding the excess prof-It- Many 419 OFFICERS IN tack against Montdidier. forces had t arried tho battle line on- straightened out from Rhelms ,;to the war tax are to be ward to sea ; expected The French attack today resulted In an uverago depth (f slit mJi; straightened Allies in Marne the of Montdidier. This move- on a front or approximately twenty "They have not yet." he said, In oufj how best to raise Captured by and taking miles. Hinden-bur- considering ment is considered as most signifi- "gotten back to the original g the the Hii-e- remaining billion dollars there as the allies now penetrat-e- d In days of lino, where the German began cant, have engagement was renewed talk among committee, Somme Drives, T into the lines In the that in (h of Muut-ilklie- r, his advances this year. We still haV-- i Says Lloyd George far enemy taking members today of the feasibility of a Amiens district. The nre re- the I rencb Ksk 8,(1011 prison-fr- n. some to gain, so when state- W Germans territory gross sales tax. It was calculated that treating rapidly out of the pocket Their raptures also Include! ao ments appear that indicate the war one per cent on line of business (By Morning Journal SimhIhI I ensort Wire.) guns and mi enormou.s ma- Is over this It. every of which Montdidier was the apex. amount of at point, would produce between $1,500,000,000 London, Aug. 10 (via .Montreal). bad been a factor in dealing with the Americans British now terial. This Is tlus Tim to Hit Hard. New- The and have and $2,000,000,000. But it wag held Speaking tit a luncheon today at situation, "he said, but one of the GUARD Crushed by the Impact of the IJilt-is- h, "This is the time for the PROMOTED advanced beyond their objectives greatest that to apply it to every business port, Monmouthshire, Premier I.loyd greatest was the combined command. north of the Somme. The whole of French and American offenaivo tho . effort, keep enemy running. That would be too drastic. There was George eniphasined. the of "But it is not over he con-tl'e- d. on the battle line from noith-cas- t reason Is he- also importance yet," the Chipllly spur Is now In their Albert, Is tho the I'nlted States .nf vote hv. .pushing J'1 Germans "The ji(,nt-- y lia.i rot to de- of Uhcims, to the - Oise il fil'dii jJ'H"n 1e;., .,a'i after ..fighting f the most river, ir,,. e,l!i tW luiiftiusjtk aiMi NUMi,'.,,.:A tux of three cents- a iioul witolri jiUif ltiiiAst- ol the Amiens' pend on lis rtiscliuiuil. What the north of Compiegne, Merman forced is we I desperate character. power; tliat uithe reason want the on and ten railway. wants is a arc back Som- limits for both pound sugar coffee and or country good, steady heart, Submitted Tho casualties of the Americans streaming toward the age the draft lowered fifteen cents a erf it was to free from not an Inter Recommendations me tlver and the Neale-N'oyo- n and raised to more men. pound tea, "Hundreds of trains used pass excitement, were not more than, was to be expect- cam,!. get would $400,-000,00- mittent or heart one of So far as can be ene- is no now to stated, produce between through Amiens daily." the premier irregular but to Daniels ed, considering the bltkrncss of the doler.tilned, the "It time talk about $.',00,000,000. we were de- blows and If wo that I Secretary Range my is in full retreat and said, "but temporarily steady keep , all along toe the war being over. It is the tltme to believe wo will win." fighting. front hit hard. ' Some members urged a resort to prived of Its use until recently, when All the Way From Com- Details of (lie Bill lie. against which tho allies flung the tnriff. we were able to employ twenty trains The premier, referring to some of the themselves on Thursday morning. ' It "The greatest advantage of the to be Details brilliant baltlo which is The whiskey and beer tax practic- daily. domestic difficulties that had to tho Americans British for reported from Par! that French whole thing has been the change of is said March 21 all the manders Rear Admirals, ayd fought are in the allies ally has been agreed upon. In general, "Amiens now safe through the met, that after the are now available. In order patrols Chaulnes. tho principal from the defnsive to the it be will allied on the Mai ne difficulties of men for the spur German cehter west of offensive, which is a creat may said, that they raise recently triumphs finding to go over the top at, tho appointed the Subline. military S10,000,000 and soft drinks $50,000,-00- 0. and the Somme, which were duo ,to army had vanished liko imist. Montdidier at the- of tiio German asset. IRV time tho Amer- tip We have the enemy guessing now MOPNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEAEO WIREI yesterday afternoon, the unity of command. Those two "The difficulty is to stop the icans were to a salient in Plcardy, has been taken bv now Instead of guessing ourselves." men 1 0. Promotion forced make rapid great victories have resulted in the from coming forward from the Washington, Aug. in the last of the allloi., who cut off large numbers From a confidential report General B0.O0O 60,000 mines and munitions work." he as- of 413 line officers march, part which they f Iho when March read the account of capture of between and of the navy and ran. so as to be !n the fight. eiicmy they mi ght :o folowing and 800 und 800 serted. "One of tho which beat a retreat from Thous-and- s British-Frenc- prisoners between things sixteen officers of the coast Hurried on ad- the city. the situation on tho contributed to this week's success is guard tholr way by the of Were or guns. was recommended Dan- allies on the Amlens-Homm- e prisoners taken there rront south Albert: BEnLiN to was sain: tne use of tanks and tho men came to, Secretary vancing by is "Allied found little tries "The victory flue, the iels the" Germans throughout the allies, it reported. troops opposi- of out of the works where these are made today by the naval boa,rd of selec- battlefield, North of ehe- - tion and have more premier, "to the brilliant quality tho retired at- the Somme. stubborn captured prison- and and when asked to more tion, of which Admiral is presi- day all along the line, ers .than it is to our troons'assisted by the French produce Mayo to save whatever could imyfat Spur, a height which possible for them I am now to also Ameri said: "We are going to It is dent. The which in some tempting they loiuiiiaieo me wnoie handle. Including a German generate. glad say, by fight. promotions, ns the French launched a new at valley of the can troops." difficult to beat a country with men cases are and in others Sommo In that region, has been and his staff, showing elements of SMARTING like permanent tack on Montdidier. The elements of British The great supply of ammunition that." only temporary, all tho tho German divisions became badlv broken and the Germans north tre surprise attack, report their range way river havo Joined their comrades prison camps back of Amiens so full from commanders to rear 'admirals confused in their operations through in thut it la impossible to hold more. Al- to hold; tho allies In their retiring. and aro madn necessary the rapid trying up Frei.-el-i Hornu lies have captured all the artillery in by several attacks. It was a victorious Pierce Lino. the sector." STING OF DEFEAT expansion of the navy planned for the for the allies who nil SQuth of Montdidier, thy French ARE THE ALLIES CE RUN RETREAT next. year. day smashed have the Geiman Kfroet or Allien1 Drive. the German (resistance. . plunged through of tho llnea on hills west Matx Describing the effect of tho allied Approval recommendations In the American attack the German the of tho President Wilson is be- river and are to In operations. General March said: by necessary Infantry held fop' a while and then reported be the fore any of the promotions beeome valley of the stream at MuniuegilBO. ( "Surveying the battle line broadly, broke and the Americans keot going, tbA Ritlllltlnn in a (V MORNINfl JOURNAL SPECIAL LEAEEO WIRRI effective and only a comparatively When nit . you see that there has been a num- ABOUT IS UNDER few of the nt some places without the assistance it can Anglo-Frenc- RETICENT officers nre needed at map be seen nib-blln- 10. h this that the German ber we nave been g Amsterdam, Aug. The of the tanks. The with of places where time for the' duties to which it Is the ground, pitted are In a serious of Mont- ac-- i successes are attributed to position east the Vesle river front to deep gullies was unsulted for tank . along their attacks and the pres- intention assign them. didier. The allies have lined m on quiring a foothold on the northern surprise to Ho Admirals. warfare. Chaulnes have to ence of a thick fog over the tiattle iiptafns Vanks With Koo. and had the railroad ' bank, but have not yet attempted Nine captains, now holding the tem- at Grips Junction south of that town under go up the on the north side field according to a Berlin telegram ALLIED PRESSURE There were no trenches, hilt a thin slopes semi-offici- porary rank of rear were flro for where Gorman intrenchments are received here quoting a IR'SPROGRESS? admiral, smoke screen blowing across the artillery ivo days. German news reeonimcnaea ror promotion to that If Chaulnes is lost to the Ger- supposed tp be. That part of the line agetiry. rank ground Indicated whero the enetnv's the permanently as folloks: At mans they will be forced to make a has remained stationary. "Notwithstanding exceedingly Albert P. A. positions' lay. the sametlme the favorable ground for the movement of Capt. Niblack. John Gorman became and long, perilous march eastward over "Ag the line has become stationary It'msewerff, Marlmry Johnston, Ed- artillery activo roads toward The masses of JOURNAL In country Noyon. Foch has his on great troops and the oper- (SV MORN, NO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEAEEO WIRE (RV MLRNINR SPECIAL LBAVEO WIRE! A. drhpped shells the direction of tho kept up pressure ations of the initial success win Anderson, Thomas W Kinkald rapid progress of the French below tho cnomy, on the perfectly tanks, of 10. Several Aug. 10. The German army William S. W. American troops which inflicted a few working Anglo-Frenc- Paris, Aug. Paris, Smith, Dyson Montdidier has even road the h armies under Field ' ('harks casualties. The Americans ran on placed this Hound principle that when you get an of of General yon Ilutler is retreating Clarence H. Williams John D. and under flro made It Im- Marshal Haig have not the hint this morning that the and the smoke line .lust lift- and almost enemy going, you keep him going; surpassed Montdidlcr-Noyo- n Ilnd. McDonald., reached as it limits which usually result from a ficial war statements are purposely from the ed. Thero found possible as an avenue of escape. never give him a chance to recuper- The following were recom they themselves at In re- first day's offensive," the agency de- reticent and that very1 Tho retrograde movement of the captains with the the center the Germans are ate or think It over; keep, on hitting interesting mended for promotions to the tempo grins enemy. ported to be in full retreat. Allied air- clares. "A certain' loss in guns and made-publ- ic Germans is being uccolcrated by the Meanwhile certain. American him. news might be If tho war rary rank of rear admirals: George units men havo seen roads filled with Ger- 8 in such circumstances Is un- favorable progress Of the new attack K. A. had reached positions In front of a "On August a combined British prisoners office chose. They, say that the num- Clark, William Gill, Harold P man motor lorries and havo been aot-iv- e and avoidable but the "enemy has not - Norton. Gustavo Alex- wood when the Germans fire French force, commanded by ber of Is fur above the fig- south of Montdidier. ' Kaemerling, opened in these lines of trans- of his prisoners machine y bombing Field Marshal Haig, attacked on a reached any strategic goals." The 'movements of General Deben-ey'- s ander Halstead, Roger Welles, Charles with guns. Many of these The i)f Another semiofficial utterance tel- ure authoritatively announced. ; machine came from port. bridges the Somme river front of twenty miles east of Amiens. havo been and P. I'lunket,. William Ii. B. Billiard. Jo gunners up south of Peronne are under fire an In almost from Berlin says Field Mar- French and British light troops, army lightninglike W. Philin Andrews. Jo- - dugouts after the American bar--ag- e This terrain flat, level, and egraphed in the of to scph Oman, deep the one at Peronne Is to have while some time there were shal Haig undertook the attack to re- and armored cars are operat- resulted taking prisomrs siali Mckean, Benton C. Becker, Mark had ceased and they plied. their reported ago small patrols , 'i been bioken. This will throw new of all un- store the badly tarnlshod military the nuniber of several thousand-- I,. Bristol, Newton- A. Hon tfuns In Teh Americans clumps woods, of those - ing far beyo'nd the points mentioned McCiilloy, prepsted pits. In the German' been of Great Britain." ' Tho German retirement Is undct ry F. Andrew T. Thomas faced a'hall of bullets hern. complications high doubtedly had levelled long ago prestige in the official statements. The in- Bryan, Long, command's task of extricating Its by artillery fire, so we can count that heavy pressure. Behina von llutier Is Washington, Guy H. Burrage, Ashley riiiiis IXxtrny Munitions. fantry Is following and in Sam- shattered armies from the field where country as practically level with very PROMINENT BELGIANS untiringly a country that offers little opportuni- H. Robertson, Carlo' B. Hrlttain, The Germans continued to fire un- havo been defeated. ' sufficient masses to crush all at- uel S. Charles F. til the Americans and they little natural impediment to an "ad- ' ty for the formation of a defensive liobinson, Hughes, Enjllsh put It now appears that the German vance. There are a few valleys per- TO PRISON tempts made by tho enf my to counter- live for an army In full retreat. Henry A. Wiley. thorn out of action, .ARE SENT Conirrianders recommended of lines In Plcardy must have bepn strip- pendicular trt the front of our advanc- attack. The majority of the prisoners For tho present It seems that the wro North tho Somme and also south when so bo for promotion to rank of of It the Germans are ped Cvjjwn Prince Rupprecht ing armies Instead of parallel to It, far taken fire rather old. which the Germans, will compelled to retire permanent) showing every sent Of Ger- nr MORNiNa leaeEo as follows: 1 of a troops to the reecue the soi that the advancing troops can go journal rpecial wirei newspapers say shows that the sec- from tho whole territory which they captain sign rapid, rorteat. man crown Amsterdam, Aug. 10. Three prom-ne- divisions a cost In March Williams, Douglas E. Dis- - The continues to his prine'g armies south of the right through the valleys. ondary were holding the gained at such their Philip enemy destroy Aisne news-- Belgians have been sentenced to number-o- Won 8. de stores of In .local- three weeks 'ago, i'aila ' Enemy Taken by Surprise. line. The f officers is very offensive. nmkps. IJierer, Raymond munitions various on long terms one-h.a- papers remark the fact that the "The were taken of imprisonment by the large, while fully lf of the guns I,. Hasbrouck, Joel R. P. Prlngle, ities along the battle front, as is the enemy apparently German H. H. of captives taken are, for the most part, by and made no essential re- authorities for their alleeed behind the German lines havo been Paris, Aug. I". The discomfiture' Frank Clark, Edward Campbell. practice a beaten army. surprise connection with news- Walter S. Crowley, Martin K. successes east Montdid- rather old and it is satd tliat they are In the phantom captured. von Jlutler's and Further of - sistance the center, confining their paper Libre of General army the Orton V. K. members of reserve divisions. strong resistance to the flanks. Hit Belgluque. according tq The frankness with which the Ger- probability of its being surrounded Trench, Jackson,' Percy' ier would iron out the wholo sector Le Nube'e. a Belgian mans Is Olmstead, Frank B. David F. north of and in the Crown Prince Rupprecht ,8 known the on a thirteen mile newspaper admit defeat attributed tc the arouses a ncai or interest nere. I'pham, - result ting blgsillent on Del-ahay- e, great to have k number of we It In an bi me Hague. Father fact that the army in Is a in von Sellers. freeing of a greaf territory from the large splendid front, pushed average of a Belgian retreating Tehere feeling France that Other troops which will probably be thrown miles, and reduced It from an priest, "suspected" is commanded by Crown I'rlncn Hutier is a renegade Frenchman. His HcronimeniliiUims, Germans and wresting from 'them eight editorial was In addition ninety-nin- e of Into battle at once. Ho only two outer salient to an, Inner salient. That writer, sentenced to Rupprecht and not by the 'Oernun emigrated from France to Ger- tothese officers, much the gains that resulted from Jm; penttl father commanders were recommended offensive. In ad- of these divisions liavfl come In con gives us a salient somewhat corres- servitude; Dr. Van crown prince. many and entered the service of Wil- the enemy's spring Ca llle, also "suspected" editorial for temporary captains; thirty-thre- e a forward movement would tact with the allies but they nave ponding to the Marne salient and writer twelve liam J, serving in the war against dition, been unable to check years, -- permanent lieutenant commnndor from tho Invaders the onward rush Do and Lawyer Van in 1S70. take the bountiful Khoven, fif- for to the rank been of the victorious, arniln of Haig and teen "suspected" manager, promotion permanent crops that they have cultivating on years. All were deported to Ger- or commander; and 236 lieutenant InHido their lines and which now are Debeny. Ctlnueti Tare Two.) ' many. Check CHINKS REFUSE TO. commanders for temporary com- ready for harvest.- The number of prisoners captured Prisoners manders. Many more prisoners have been during the first three days of the of- WEATHER PREDICTIONS RECEIVE PETRELLI Thirteen captains of the coast guard taken during the operations of the fensive is very large. It .s hinted at Marne Defeat up were recommended for promotion to last twenty-fou- r hours, among them Paris that it eceeds by far the figure THE WEATHER rank of In out in the official statements--. FOR THE COMING ISV MORNINS JOURNAL SPECIAL LIASED WtREl the senior captains the troops from at least four new divi given WEEK to coast as follows: Two divisional Crown Prince Peking. Aug. 10 (by the Associated guard sions that were hurled In north of headquarters with V i The Chinese James If. Brown, James M. Monre, tho Somme. Aparcntly tho enemy tholr staffs, are said to have teen FORECAST. lY MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL Press). government has LEASED WIRRI 1ST MORNINS JOURNAL RPSCIAL LEASED WIRE! declined to receive William V. E. Jacobs, Preston H. has rushed in new troops from pre taken. Tho guns and war materiel" Washington, Aug. 10. Monsignor Petrelli, J. Rich lost Denver,' Colo., 10. New Mex' Weather pre. London, Aug. 40. Heuter's appointed nuncio to Andrew Henderson, serve battalions of divisions located by the enemy constitute a very - Aug. dictions for the recently papal Ico1: week beginning Mon- - limited, with the ards O. Crisp, Frederick G. Dodge, to tho This indicato heavy loss. Sunday and Monday partly mo correspondent, China,' on the ground that he is a per- far north. would iiay, isuen oy weatner bureau to- British army (in sends of George C. Carmine, Frederick J: that considerable confusion Since the American forces occupied cloudy, possibly local showers;! warm are: , , Franco,, sonal friend Admiral von llintze. prevails day the following concern- Haake. James G. Balllnger, among Crown Prince Fismette, the northern suburb of FIs-me- s, er north portion Monday. North mountain dispatch German secretary of foreign affairs pharles Hupprecht's v Arizona: and Rocky and plateau ing the German crown prince: latemini.ster to E. Johnston, Aaron L. Gambia and forcrs as a result bt the unexpected on the Vesle, there have been no Sunday probably regions Fair with moderate ' and Peking. Monday local showers, somewhat tempera- "According to the statements of Harry G. Hamlet. allied assaults and their continued reports of further attacks in that re- ture. German crown These, bf enslncers of the success. is warmer west portion. Southern prisoners, the Punished for captains gion. It believed, however, that the Rocky mountain and pla- prince appears to be the most un- Joy Riding. coast guard wore recommended foi allies there are gathering; themselves teau regions: showers Las N. -- Frequent in the popular leader in the German ... East Vegas, M., Aug. 10. temporary promotion to the rank ol Now5 for for a new assault which hav LOCAL REPORT, mountain district A of small "Eyes" pershlng. may Us, fist half of the army. He Is accused by them of numberf boys who an In senior captain as follows: ., El Paso, Tex., Aug.. 10. A sealed effect on the battle on week. Second half fair with normal the habit of great going A local condl-tione-.f- or being directly responsible for the stealing automobiles for James H. Chalker, Charles F. Nash and registered packaKe was mailed further north. summary of weather temperature. , Marne rides are in for the twentyffour hours ending disaster. They say that th Joy punishment ,t"ne and Denis F. A. Bowen. at the postoffice here today addressed Although there have been rumors) R opinion' is widely expressed by police Judge says. On account of the Rear Admiral Niblack, who Is rec- to Gen. J: J. "A. E. of at p. m. yesterday follows: Maximum Aviators Finish offenders Pershing, F.,v heavy fighting south of Arraa thern a Long Trip. German soldiers that the crown youth of the their names ommended for that permanent rank France. The box contained has been no confirmation Noth- REtiniiiaiiu e, regreeg; minimum, London. Aug. 2. Two A eyeglasses yet hi-- ,' royal air amateurish Interference are withheld. dozen 9 ! at 6 P. m., two prince's being half have now is on duty in European waters. for tho American commander, who ing Is known of the situation iti t24: temperature forces, with mechanics, have com- was the for ,. the been rounded up. As offense J 4tutheast winds; from starting point second being commander of the American cabled here for a pair to be ground Flanders, where on Friday the Ger- partly pleted a flight England to Egypt, present misfortunes of means a Jail sentence: In naval 'Modi-- . crushing each case, forces operating in the ' from a prescription written when ho mans are to be , .""cioltation. a distance of 2,000- milca, the German the state, - was reported withdrawing; armies," police L terrancan sea, ".., stationed, her from tbeli aslvapcej cojutioj .. V 1918 uam r two . Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11, I n FIRE OF MARINES ii Wise-B- Be uy Now kT 't FRENCH No Finer Quctlity mm AST GALL UCHATEAU TWERRlf is displayeirby our soldiers at the front than their great courage in AS WELL AS LAST REDUCTION An, Eye Witness of the. Fight- Vivid Picture of is an omen of to note the indomitable will OFFERING ON ing Gives battle, it surely victory Part Played By Americans and valor of our boys. Porch in Famous Battle, Refrigerator, Do all you can tor them over here while they are doing all they can HV MORNINO JOURNAL 1PBCIAL I RftD W1RE and Lawn Furniture Washington, Aug. 10. An eye wit- over there. ness story of the lighting near Cha- for you teau Thierry, in which American div- . AND GENERAL SUMMER GOODS isions, Including the marine brigade invited. took part early in June, was made New accounts are ctock of public today by the navy department. Wishing to close out entirely our large It is in the form of a letter from an REFRIGERATORS, PORCH AND LAWN ROCKERS officer of the marines .to Major Gen- 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts the line of Summer Furniture, wc lake eral Harnett, commandant of the and everything in, corps. The Americans were rushed to the liberty to invite you to our store to inspect pur goods the line in motor trucks to support and convince what wonderful bargains you the ha rd pressed French and on Juno ?1 11 ST SAVING yourselves 1st the murine brigade deployed. on a can secure vith very little money. supoort position, the 'battalion com tlFriiiTHTF COMPANY manded bv Major i nomas iumo hurrying into the line as the men climled out of the trucks. The Ger- iAl.itQlTKKQ,li.. mans were ewning on and on June the French dropped back, passing Brothers through the American lines. StrongPIONEER HOME FURNISHERS "We had installed ourselves in a THE vil- - house in Iji Voie Chattel, a little in tire tide of Ilun In- Block. ' Second and and I gade stemming GENERAL RAINS TALL Strong Copper. riage between Champillon bury vasion. fn Thursday, though tired beat Hocage," the letter says. "ITom one SUGGEST ANADIANS GAI IN EL PASO DISTRICT Storage at reasonable rates in the largest and side we had observation of the north. 'NUTS' t from a march that permitted little in Advanced in Two Columns. rest before the battle, they wdnt over built warehouse the city. 1B5 of MORNINfl "They were driving at hill the top with the unbeatable spirit lift JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE) from the north and northeast and the men who frfught and died at 'El Paso, Tex., Aug. 10. Kains were came out on a wonderfully clear GOALS YpreH, on tho Horn mo and in a dozen goneral the district imme- they PLANS FOR was a throughout day in two columns advancing in perr INT glorious fields. It clear, starry diately surrounding El Paso last night. until two thirds of the col- with the faint light of day feet order night sud- It was a rain which continued umns, we judged, vor in view. touching the eastern sky. Of a drilling "The rifle and machine gun fires den, with one deafening pulse, the throughout tho night and cattlemen FUEL 'CO' 65 ENEMY PLANES and overhead shrap- roar of the' guns broke out. who came In today from their ranch- AZTEC were incessant ENDING THE RECORD TIME of nel was bursting. Then the shrapnel IR li Far to the right was the flicker es reported tho rain most beneficial came on the target at each shot. The the French .7Hs and the American for the range of any that has fallen would roll away and we field guns and heavies. Immediately white patches Austral- this year. could see that some of the columns on the Canadian flank the received at the railroad of- ARE SHOT DOWN Bl It seemed ians a show in a sector Reports Jewett Fire were still there, slowed up. IHV MONNIK.- - JOURNAL RMCtAl. LKASED WIRtl put up great fices here showed the rain extended to You Dominion Go'Over the whero had fought for several Carrizo-z- o, perfect suicide for them try. London, Aug. 10, If the dreams of Troops they to Alamogordo, Tularosa and Brick. couldn't a tribute to their days past, r.eyond them the imperial N. on the El Paso and South-- , begrudge numerous British amateur inventors Top at 4:20 and 16 Min- were in action. M., ' pluck, at that. who have been heseigiiic the ministry troops western railroad and as far west as coal, and under that deadly fire, and war Unfortunately on the first day's N. M on tho Southern Pacif- Storage, BRITISH B "Then, of munitions could be realized, the utes Afterward Hun Prison- ns dawn increased the Doming, wood. WEN a barrage of rifle and machine gun have been over since and fighting the ic. Reports from along the Texas and 5 all kinds of was too would long became poor. A dense fog felt fire, the boche stopped. It be left of the German In. visibility Pacific yesterday stated the rain burrowed in little would ers Began to swept down in the valleys. While much for any man. They army. Kecent proposals include tho fyme machtno as far east as Fort Worth. cover the woods and this was protection agninst I- or broke to the of mo W. - Amonett. secretary of tho Phone 251 follow them the ripples following: gunners it greatly increasen .Stockmen's V MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASEO WIRE) you could by Freeze the clouds and mount artil- Panhandle Southwestern as to BY MORNINQ JOURNAL SPKCIAL LEASID WIRE) of the troops finding their way re- UJ Sixity-fiv- e cf the green white they raced said today the rain ljiidon, Kriilny, ing. lery thereon. With Forces on the over unknown ground. association, cover." cormorants tu fly to Essen to the Canadian ports had not yet been received at his German airplanes were destroyed tnej riflo fire of the Train 10 The Canadians Tn the first day's fighting tne Ca to The writer says the mortar from Krupp's walls Hattle Front, Aug. not office but he expected hear that (by British aviators or driven down amazed the French who saw pick 20 nadian losses were unduly heavy. were much improved in - marines so that they will crumble. went over tlje top at minutes past casualties conditions AFTER YEARS BF out of control in the fighting of Aug- it. One lyiit had rather heavy district. American cattlemen hav- 4 Trail from balloons uionster mag- 4 on August 8 and sixteen minutes in first attacic oui nuracueu m this ust a, when the allied oflensive In "That men should fire deliberately snatch rifles from the to its ing ranches in Mexico said the grass state- the nets that would afterward the first prisoners began takUig its objectives after tne tanKs Villa 1'icaruy opened tonight's official and use their sights and ndjust of tho German soldiers. cbmo In. 8 o'clock a largo part of was more than a foot high in the ment nn riviii ex- hands By come to its reinforcement. eighty-fiv- e miles tion 'onerations shows. range," he says, "was beyond their men on shells to steer them. the initial had been cap- had Ahumada district, i British machines are have had a Perch objectives of border. Fifty missing, perience. It must telling A suggestion often submitted is to tured. For the first timo the Cana south the STILL j t f or anti-aircra- FRENCH he British losses being due chufiy effect on the morale of the boche to an ft on the same in of Knglish JAR count- attach a searchlight dian cavalry found itself A change the style to fire from the ground. it was something they had not cun. the light on a Gotha battle field with Iho infantry. Also it bullets Is said to bo responsible Savannah, (la., was the birthplacoof i he statement of push- project rifle of America. says: ed on. As a matter fact, after shoot along the beam. Unfortun- was the first time that Canadians had the increased price of aluminum. tho Girl Scouts "On 8 our stu.ul-ron- s weakened French and and for August airplane ing back tho ately, shells will not follow a path of fought side by side with their breth with other arms on up a stonewall The 14 ARE GOING STRONG then running against light. ren from Australia. victory, the battle front throughout the ilay. defense, they were literally 'up in the schemes for with hos- however, is notablo chiefly for the The line reached our In- We found Other dealing by attacking air' and more than stopped. tile aircraft are to suspend heavy wonderful staff work that alone make fantry was reported by our contact that out later from prisoners, for the balloons; to arm it There was no artillery ho.-itil- guns from captive possible. I airplanes. The positions of the Germans never knew we were in tho to in tho usual sense of tho of at- defense airplanes with scythes: preparation artillery in action and columns front lino when they made that for Zeppelins word. The men went in immediately 'mV MORNINQ JOUMNAL SPECIAL H TD WtHtt and on tho provide hent rays setting German infantry transport tack. Thev were absolutely mystified on and to cover the moon witHV' behind the barrage and kept up with Most Everybody With tho French Army in I'ruivo. were to our liy fire, bringstheir inarch signalled guns p.t manner1 In which the defense was ' (he balloon.. To p'tUshu it as it lifted. The boche taken Aufc'J 10 the Assooiat'-- I'itK:;. our mai bines. other ma1 found that our big black prevent to us. Why not (by artillery stiffened up until they ed rails shining nt night and acting as completely by surprise and prisoners Kodak finishing Noon.) The Germans at. Mnntdldlor chines supplied our advance troops troops were in line." tho last were astounded to find they were sur- of a with from the a guide to enemy aircraft, Hanna & Hanna, Master were caught between the Jaws ammunition air. Describes Daylight Cliarge. coach of the last train is to drop rendering to tho Canadians. You? vise which were closing in tlvs morn- with the tanks was The letter describes a daylight Tho Canadian soldiers never went serv- ma-- blacking on them. Twice daily ing. Converging attacks from tho carried out systematically. Our charge against a machine gun ,nest is to lay Into action with more irrepressible Photographers. Rnd from the ass.sted the crews with to A shell containing gravel to north yesterday southchin,es lank and tells of scouting raids up June a over mud, and another, eagerness and determination not be had succeeded1 in virtu pathway d ice. Remember, thi morning, information, attacked strong points fi, when the whole .brigades swung an irritant powder or a nfUFed than they did Thursday. Satisfaction ally encircling the town. and other oppoistion with bombs und to out the line containing tho of valor had forward straighten sticky substance, is to hamper ma- rampart they They had also rendered useless" to; machine gun fire and by dropping Major Sibley's battalion led the. way. builded at Vimy and Arras they have guaranteed. Germans Montriidier-ChMiil- - smoke bombs the line of chine guns. chaf- the the along their Sneaking of Individual acts of brav- is a pro- laid all this spring und summer ncs which was I ho Hnej advance to conceal tho com- The "relay shell" favorite railway, only assisted ery, the writer says Duncan, a tho for a shell at ing that they were denied their op- the frontt tho bottom of of the tanks from tho enemy. "before he was posal, plan being of alongside thcproachre-- -- pany commander, of to a portunity taking part Montdidler pocket. Th? forces j our contact machines with the in his the height its flight expel bri mowed down, had his pipe smaller inner shell. AS" a shell does their cavalry and machine gun maining ther. were In .danger of not cavalry rendered valuable service, mouth and was carrying a stick." out without losses. low Os- not point directly along its trajectory, getting heavy Flying in front of our advancing Later he adds, "Detail .Surgeon ac- The taken the pas' nne it would be impossible to secure supplies during our fighting squadrons eliot at borne picked up Duncan and with a second shell. two days have been so large that and bombarded in his re- curacy of aim for the the enemy hospital corps man hnd Just gained more miscellaneous pro- ft nds not been possible to make an "i havoc rnass-ventor- y Among the treat, causing among the some shelter when a shell wiped all i of it as yet. It includes anje3 o i,ostiie and on jects are: ,i a immji cal- - troojis transport three out. To soldiers by nwKjnMitMtmmm3SA enormous number of shells of njl ,.oa(ts with traffic. Our Timmer-mn- n petrify German of all congested At another point, "younf cement over them. Ibers and arms descriptions. Uohl,)lng 8liuu(lrns flying a few hun- - a machine at the squirting to i charged gun pro- The attack extended the eastward ,,,.., th ,tkSi.uB,i seven-tee- To throw snakes by pneumatic this an f,,, point of the bayonet and sent In into the trenches. morning, Bivlng unexpected trains and at a pulsion enemy In the French - junctions bridges., prisoners clip." To penetrate and attack Germany development i,,;ny.oiKh h(Jf.tilo Intt0,lillc8 arc "I wonder if ever an out fit," the tlon in the battle. The wound 'u men as our itself via a ";tube" built "all the way" hack from the front are radi- reported destroyed by letter says, "went up iigalnst most coming and seventeen others were it so from Kngland. ant with enthusiasm, shouting to their dosperate Job, slock to g'nmcly It is saiiT that above mbout one sug- comrades: "The boche is on the' uriven down out of control, five hos- without sleep, at times on short ra- tho run!" tile balloons were shot down in off gestion in ten that reach ministry The French have captured twenty-on- e tions with men and officers going of munitions is novel and possible. flames. Fifty of our own machines and wonder if in our cannon since last night, including six like flies; i long The air ministry announces that its i 'rht-inc- -- are most of these casualties ever were h guns at l.a N'euville-Su- i missing, list of gallant deeds there nir inventions committee, formed The Germans had moved being due to fire from the ground. two bcUer stunts than the work of examined "jons. One of our machines ulso about nine months ago, has of their to the rear night flying and Holeomh." , heavy guns to Hibley more than fi.'Hto inventions and .'i nl (i 'ended their positions nt Mont-tt,.i- failed return. ' principally wilh machine, guns. "On August 1) our airmen contin- f ENEMY GOING . l r ,i th; .ew battle of the Somme I lie. ued the work of wilh KEEP THE t,'i" li are showing that after four the British Infantry, artillery, cavalry ucr-o- WHEN YOU GET HIM-O- (X warfare they have lost nonoi tnnn on uici fiat up troni. f HINTS OF TEUTON ;!ini ir dash and courage. They have! man troops and transports were again alno .proved that the Germans lire, not attacked with bombs and machine RUN SAYS GEN. MARCH able to as an ex- - Bun fire from a low height whenever CrtAi"-- .' always plead surprise imirftrn ouse for defeat. Thd French sucpssph a suitable target offered. The Sitmme (Cootlnned from Pago One. north of Monttlidier were practically bridges were heavily bombed by' day EAE E FEELERS' wfilOvti due to no Surprise, but the (lirtti.ii'S! and night. places the enemy again in a had pos- , r ' were aware ot the Impending attnek Klsewhere along the 'British front ition. The advance of tho llritlsh and ' defeat- - II south of tho town. They Were the activity In the air has booh slight .F'rench at this comes up so la tl same. point, nl . ed, just but the ordinal y work ol photdwiphy are into control, or floo at o'clock last that they getting v 011- .' Attacking evening, reconnaissance and observatlo'n hag threatening, the railroad lino of com- REACH AMERICA X9l the Krench roncpiered tho heights or been carried on, munications which at that point runs .Assainviners and Kunecourt in two ' ' -- up from the Monidldier sector "to Annoimceni... i i 10 nii hours. This morning they struck i t the line down front rhaulncR. in our new and to along the through V -- In Kit!i- the Flanders salient tho enemy MORNINCI JOURNAL SREriAL LEARED WIRtl are now well settled quarters hope region of Mefy, southeast of MoiH-dle- r, AYilliiinis rocs in Detroit. i "(in fairly '.''' thq on 9 was on the; - Hints of a and moved thclr line ahead more b'antu Fe Aug. 10. State .Corpora August withdrawing Washington, Aug. ,10.- WE as well as new in our new r old ones, ,.dt:r. Favcrolles tion ('ommlsHloncr H. southern sector of the salient, south German peace offensive, reaching the all our friends, many than four miles, taking tiy Hugh Williams, Merville that sources tau norm. . who is lor of and lirltlsh occupied state department from various iJ ' supreme representative The effect of these cautious home. Wc" are now located at ,' Xew Mexico of the Knights of Pythias territory. general and evidence of indirect and Tlie Moment. left last the national conven- movements is straightening out of the feelers already put out led today to Iluy night for that Gen- urti iii ."Bllggins complain thut he is over- tion of the K. of 1'. at Detroit. He line everywhere. an authoritative statement ' Het-or- of Ilalnbow Division. eral March set forth tho altitude of worked." ( holies to force his Vet through Project ' as to the when W. Ave. yjutiftli "Ses. But he never seems ns busy for years, the establishment of a na- Answering a question the American government today 116 and 118 Silver f-- H) forty-secon- d Gen- in a with news- as when lie is making just that com- tional home fo Knights of division's record, he said conference I'ythlas March said: - men was for . from i eral paper that now the time ) plaint."- suffering tuberculos's. ea'jiol "The rainbow division had its com- the greatest effort at the battle front. bat training In the Lorraine sector It is known to the officials that Just look for the "WHITE FRONT' in the first v tin b4ii north of Luneville. It left hat posit- more Teutonic peace talk would have rf Yt ion to arrive east of Kheims where been forthcoming If the. Idg March . IB tho main drivo of succeeded. block on West Silver. . .el , on July it helped break the Germans had nl io). 9 German, attack. When the Krcneh-America- n Now that they are reeling under a , ' Calomel counter offensive was stunnlg defeat, officials say the we have reduced xour operating ex- Ugh! Sickens; Salivates! on saliont the . In moving to our new home very materially tti launched the Marno "peace drive," may be epeeted of co'ncern in the blsil h division 'appeared there shortly In re- something must be dono to keep penses, in fact wtf now have the lowestoperating expense any lief of other units. Our reports indi- tho German people behind cost the cost the of profit it is and as the operating plus factory plus percentage snli9i-- i .Please Try Dodson's Liver Tone cate the following: , by the pretense that city forty-secon- is low expense "in eight days of battle'. the d willing and anxious to make peace. make up the selling price it very easily seen that a operating division has forced the passage makes a low selling price, consequently we can sell you a much better1 article gjnabu of the Oureq, la ken prisoners from ITALIAN AVIATORS IN. and well ' , - . I de- or even less than others. Besides we havea large I am sincere! My 'medicilie does not upset liver six enemy divisions, met, routed, for the same price noli v.'i. cimated a crack division of the Prus- LONG DISTANCE FLIGHT stock of standard grade furniture, good lifetime of use; furniture and assorted fora and bowels so lose a work. sian guards, a Bavarian division best factories-an-d which will reflect and you can buy you day's one other division; and driven hack made by the always quality, - HORNINR WIRE1 stock was the enemy's lines for sixteen kilo- lT JOURNAL MC1AI LtAEtp it now for the same money ordinarily paid for "junk," as our present Itome, Aug. 10. The feat of drop- meters." i, have now advanced from 25 ping manifestoes on Vienna Friday contracted for under former prices all of which per V -- J J' You'w bilious! Tour liver Is slug- money-bac- k was a 'I IIS guarantee that each WOUNDED morning accomplished by putnol cent to 100 percent. . gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all spoonful will clean your sluggish liver TEUTONIC of eight Italian machines and all re- "ikndcked out., Your head Is dull, your het m thnn'n ritea f vio o .ulnmal turned safely except one. The air- When in the market for furniture it will to get our prices before buying. i noo I.u: 'tongue is coated; breath bad; stomach am mat it won t make you sick. OUTNUMBER ALLIES planes were commanded by Capt. pay you . - liver tl5 our and bowels constipated. But don't tbdson's Liver Tone is real Gabriele D'Annunzlo and the patrol First and Second on medicine. You'll know Remember the location "THE WHITE FRO NT", between take salivating calomel. It makes you it next morning , CV MOftNIN JOURNAL SPCCIAL. LIABtO WIRI1 was comprised of one biplane and because . ick; you. may lose a day's work. you will wake up feeling fine, With the British Army In France, seven monoplanes. The total flight West Silver. y:- Calomel is mercury or quicksilver your liver will be working, your head- 10. The battle has was about 1.000 kilometers, o which .rv'' bonea. ache and dizziness stomach Aug. present which 'causes necrosis of the gone, your brought more German wounded to the 800 was over enemy territory. talomel . crashes into sour bile like will be sweet and your bowels regular. You will like be allied casualty, clearing stations than Engine trouble forced the missing tfynamtte, breaking it up. That's when feel working; you'll there are wounded 'am6ng tho allied machine to land. " iou tetJ that awful nausea and cramp - cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. The was made Is soldiers. Many German doctors and flight over the Alps Co. 4ng. Dodson's Liver Tone entirely vege- been in a want to the table, therefore harmless and can not hospital attendants have cap- great wind storm and through Furniture It you enjoy nicest, .. Mil- and are good strong mountain currents, at a height Kappl lit tured they doing service gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you salivate. Give It to your children. 116-11- - wounded. of about 10,000 feet. The manifestoes ever experienced Just take a spqonful lions of people are using Dodson's in attending the Phone 376. 8 West Silver - calo- . Since 18 the Germans have dropped on Vienna'tontained a warn- of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to- Liver Tone instead of dangerous July if ?il8ht. ttour drueglst or dealer sella mel now. You A druggist will tell you lost almost as much material as they ing of what the ItaliamMUJ'R"' do ottle of Xiodson'i 11 ver Tone that sale o A calomel la almost in tuoir, offensive earlier they saw fit to return' on a1 bombing you a the captured lig ' ' ft fiSBtj fi entirelylhera, , .;.,,.. in, the year, fxpeditiotii , ;fC lea iiglu personal stopped -- :''"' itvv:;'''v:.'--;j'.-'- 1 t .' Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11,1918. THREE

WILSON THROWS FLIPS FROM TEE F1LLUMS A sepia portrait of V WETBLftlETOW PRESIDENT WILSON) ready for framing R President Wilson's portrait is reproduced MN BOOM tn the rotogravure section of Pictorial Review for ScpUipber,toetlier with his stirring tribute to the women tif America and with his igna-tu- re ready for framing. This same issue also "His Would Be a contains two eprouuctions of wonderful war pictures by tho famous French artist Lucient Condemnation of My Ad- Jonas, vigorously symbolic of America's part the President in the war. All of these ure artistically finished ministration," in sepia rotogravure, full page size Writes Mississippians. and ready for framing

iSV MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE Jackson, Miss., An If. 10. President Wilson, through n letter to Myron ! McNeil, an attorney of TTuzelhurst, Miss., h.'is declared that should the Ufa I. voters of Mississippi Senator Mimifs K. Vnrdaman to the United Staffs Benate he would regard "their M as a condemnation of my ad- potion " ministration, as Senator Vardamnn 1 "has been conspicuous among the MnRGUH.tTp-o-rA-n-- --! democrats in the senate for his oppo- 4 sition to the administration. The president's letter follows: " "Replying to your letter of the 23rd of July, let me say that it is always AT THK "11'' THKATEU TODAY AM) TOMOKliOW. with the utmost hesitation that I ven- ture to express an opinion about can- '"A didates for election, either to the sen- lAT TIIK TUKATHRS end of an ate or to TODAY. opera engagement penniless the house, because I feel that "I!" Theater The furamount com- and hungry. With the of a It Is not from of view help x .1 any point my pany presents Marguerite Olark as the storekeeper, whoso goodness privilege to suggest the voters of leading star in "I'rnle- Tom's Cabin;" exceeds his purse, sho establishes a a state what action he. a their shall also reel of "World's Kvents e breadline for girls who are adrift in "Put upon questions of fact I am the World." the Jtresident vv city, hungry and on tho border- ute kom nt liberty to You at- "T Draws lison speak. call my 'ra.vtal Opera House he land. tention to Mul-hal- certain statements made on liullet," a two reel with Jack l; "The City of Tears" will bring to behalf of Senator Vardaman in which "Deep Seas and Desperate the sunny corners of plenty the shad- .an is im- two-pu- tt effort made to create the .Deeds," a comedy; ows of want. Xu one can help being America that I would to theArnen of pression not regard the "Screen Magazine Kducational." amused at its whimsy humor or moved return of Senator Vardaman to the I Ji'ic Theater Carinel Myers star- by its dramatic worth. as a Benate verdict against the present, ring in "Other Men's Daughters;" also Cairnel Myers may lo seen at her THINK the whole has appreciated the of the United States. It' goes without saying that the administration. , a good comedy reel. best in "The City of Tears" at the country "Such statements are calculated to I'usliine Theater "Peggy" llyland, Lyric theater today only. way in which women have risen to this ijrcat country depends upon women for a large part of put a very false face, upon Senator popular in fiimdom, starring in "Oili- life. is obvious. Vardaman's Var- er Men's also a two-re- AT "Ioccasion. They have not only done what they the inspiration of its That But it is candidacy. Senator Daughtc rs;" Till' PASTIME. daman has been conspicuous among Sunshine comedy, "A Tight Squeeze." Miss llyland, the William Fox star, have been asked to and clone it with ardor and now the women also for the in the senate bo do, depending upon suggestion democrats for his will at the Pastime theater today been opposition to the administration. If AT Till: "15." and tomorrow in a. play bv E. Lloyd efficiency, hut they have fiiown a power to organire of service, which have rendered in abundance the voters of should .Whon Harriet Kllzabcth lieeiher Sheldon Mississippi again ' culled "Other Men's Daugh- fa 1 history-makin- g for on their own initiative, which and with the distinction of originality." choose him to represent them not Slowo's novel, "Uncle ters." This is a stirring picture with doing things only haveno right to object, I would Tom's Tallin," wan published in book a moral for men and women. ' It quite a different thing and a very much more diffi- have no rlirht in any way to criticise form on March 20, lSui, that famous brings home to gay fathers a picture them. writer could nut have foreseen the fu- of how they would feel when other cult thing. I think the whole country has admired rore It was to nor di- "But I should be obliged to accept create, did she men are trifling with their daughters. the and the and devotion of the w omen their action as a condemnation of my vine that it. wiki to prove th? death In this story Shirley Reynolds (P.ggy spirit capacity administration, and t is only right knell to shivery in the 1'nited States. llyland) fights heroically to bring her that thev should know this before She had a message to deliver to man- father back to the straight road while they act." - kind, and she delivered if most ef- another father tries to drag her down fectively, for it brought on the' civil to the level to which his own daughter war and the subsequent emancipation had l.?en brought. A French Wife Through the barrier of Death ARIZONA MAN IS SHOT of the negroes In this country. Shirley wins her brittle after n long young Uu,t when Mrs. Stowe Un- created series of thrilling incidents and she at the of the Huris Did she his message l t 3Y HIS FATH W do Tom, Eva, Topsy and tho other reunites her father and mother and mercy get characters o her celebrated story, starts on a pretty romance of her own. she could not have that Carl wife is the soldier's for r"v MGNIII JOURNAL O WIRBI anticipated Harhnugh, noted for The prettylittle of the pharmacist al "Going West" expression tho creations of her brain wero one plays Into which ho always inter- Phoenix, Ariz., Auar. 10. A. F. to. be visualised on tho . sheltered and from on into the far Basil King's 30 Seotts-dal- day motion twines much humor, directed the pic- ways protected every harsh passing 'country. years old, living at screen. The motion thirteen miles east of picture picture ture. left will a new con the citv, art was in an in 18!)B two-re- influence, suddenly at the of the story, "Going West," give you wns shot and killed eariy embryo stage There will also be shown a mercy instantly when Mrs. Stowe and the pleas- Sunshine Life. is this morning at the close of a petty died, comedy, entitled, "A Tight invaders. How a mighty strength ception of the After It an ure of seeing the important characters Squeeze." ! riuarrel his father-in-la- Franc-for- d by of her creation on the screen was de- comes to her in the hour of her answer to the great query that Marshall. There had been no nied her. What might she' not have fy"'S-:;- previous illfeellng. Marshall accused given for the opportunity simultane- trial what happens to her, fight- haunts every one of us who has Xewby of walking across his garden. to see Clark as Eva After an of ously Marguerite faced of Death.' exchango words Marshall and as Topsy in the same scene? Even OFFICIAL STATEMENTS ing against tremendous" odds the separation procured a shotgun and discharged for those who have read the book is New-by'- s is will Are the barriers so the contents of one barrel Into and sec nthe play of "Uncle Tom's here a story tket thrill strong back. Cabin," the Paramount picture ver- woman's heart. the veil so as we iare Marshall, who Is 60 years of age, is sion of novel which be every Dorothy impenetrable in the will shown the county Jail. Newby had been at the "If theater today and tomor BRITISH. Canfield's "La Pharmaciennc" is wont to think? Read this power' married only two months anil had row, probably will be in the nature been CSV MORNIN residing at Marshall's house less of a revelation. JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASES WIRE ( one of the finest stories the war ful story of the triumph of a great a , than month. ,. ,. Besides the above, there will be London, Aug. 10. Montdidier fell Love Death! shown a reel of "World's Events See to the French First army, which had has yet produced. even over Mav Tnl'io Football. tho World." been operating south of Montdidier, Boston, Mass., Aug. 10. An Indica- according to the Tlrjtish war office tion that many colleges have decided AT THE LYRIC. announcement tonight. Many prison- to eliminate football this fall, war Have you seen the broad line, the ers and great quantities of material given in a statement issued here today midnight pageant of poverty that were taken by tho French. by Charles K. Cox, graduate mana- winds like a drab cortege of sorrow The general line reached by the al- ger of athletics of Georgetown across ttie great white way of a me- lies in the Albert-Montdidl- sector Washington. Colleges that tropolis? The straggling line of frlend-forsuke- n now runs from Lihons to Frcsnov- - have cancelled arc: Georgetown, wanderers who feed on the e, Lignieres and Conchy-Les-Pott- s. Fordham, Carlisle Indian school: Vir- morsels that fall from fine linc-n- but The statement added that the ginian Polytechnic school, Agricul- drink their fill o fthe dregs of misfor- number of prisoners was Increased. tural and Mechanical college, liabigh, tune? Did you evor (stand in front of Tho text of the communication fol- N. C.i Itandoph and Macon college, the lighted window of a bakery from lows: . De- - ..Richmond college, University of which tho odor of food drifted ojj, the "The attack launched yesterday, in troit. crisp night air to torture your nos- accordance with the allied plan of trils and make your hunger more operations on our right bv the French AMERICA'S GREATEST WOMAN'S MAGAZINE, His Occupation. acute? First south of Montdidier was does ho army "What do for his country?' Carmel Myi rs, starring in "The City developed by our allies this morning "He's an automatic hot-a- ir of Tears," appears as Itosa Curillo, with complete success. Enveloped J Detroit Free Press. an orphan, who finds herself at the from and south- : the north from the For out ' east, Montdidier fell into the hands The Pictorial Review Company September today 20 (ton tht copy of the French before mid-da- to- New York ; 2.0Otbfttt ' gether with many prisoners and great quantities of material. "During the remainder of the day the advance, of the French First army continued with the of UladamBuvlhw the French on its risht and the right of the British hands. Continuing our victorious ad- mediate. At tho same time ma- wing Fourth army. tho I.indsey tWs morning granted a re- MEXICAN LABOR .)WAY Pressing hard upon the retreating vance on the right of the British chinery of tho great national cam- prieve of one month to A. B. Smith, Ocrman south we carried our lines to men un- troops of Lihons, the forces, nearly paign keep young students who was to have been hanged at Las ENGAGE ' British troops have overcome the seven miles to the east of Montdidier der the draft age in college. Is getting Cruces next. Thursday for tho mur. IN' VARIOUS resistance and made sub- on a front from to under way. ThiH; it is dor of enemy's running campaign, Sheriff Stephens of Luna coun- U. stantial progress. LabolBsiere and Kescamps. hoped, will hnvo an '.Important effect ty. The reprieve was to af- OCCUPATIONS: S. "The lino In granted general reached by the "Still enlarging our action south- keeping the colleges of the nation ford time for an examination Into the '. ". allied now runs we have up to standard bolh. in work and at- SPECIAL CORRESPONOENCS T troops virtually north east, attacked; Oerman pos- sanity of Smith. .'.'MORNINS JOURNAL)..'. and an 10.-r-- rn south from Lihons to Fresnoy. itions on the right and left of tho tendance, effort behind which nil Judge John It. McFie of N Santa Fe. order ; Les-Roy- e. Gallup. Aug. to Lignieres and Conehy-Le- s. road from St. Justen-Chausse- e to Jloyn the Influence of the government is M., attorney for Smith, filed a peti- bring relief to New Mexico end other Potts. The number of prisoners was on a front of more than thirteen miks. being thrown. tion with District Hollo-ma- n southwestern coal ' increased. Judge jteed mine .arid 'other We conquered ltollot, Orvlllers-Soro- l, of Santa Fe, asking for the ap- mine operators, the 'Immigration erv-ic- o Itessons-Kiir-Mat- z, Conchy-Ixis-Pott- s, REPRIEVE GRANTED pointment of a lihysiclun to examine has added, to Its list ninlng. of all GERMAN La Neuville-Sur-Uesso- and Elin- - Smith to determine whether he is kinds of common labor, work, In con. court, at some points an ad CONDEMNED MAN TO . nectlon with, construction talhg done vance of nearly seven miles. by or for the lit New Men-lo- o, BV MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE) government "In three days of battle French DETERMINE SANITY Ills Traiii lug. , , Arizona, Texas and southern Cal- Berlin, Aug. JO (via Ixndon). "tn have "Ho is man the center of troop progressed nearly fourteen certainly a of fetchinir ifornia, as occupation Jn, .which .Mex- the battle front the the Amiens-ftoy-e manners." miles along road. ISPBCIAL DISPATCH TD "Why not? He used to ican labor may engage after helng ad- enemy has gained ground beyond The number of MORNINQ JOURNAL) be a waiter." mitted to RoKieres and Hanhest." the of- prisoners taken during Panta Fc. Aug. 10. Gov. W. F.. the UnUed Slftiea, under the says same . ' ficial communication from tho period exceeds 8.(100. Among special provision temporarily modi- ' general the enormous mntcriol abandoned by fying the head tax. Illiteracy test and hoadqunrters tonight.,, we have "Our rounter-attack- a the enemy, counted up to contract labor, statutes. nr--1 brought him the time 200 s to a standstill west of Ilhons and east present guns. The provision that, Mexican laborer Make 9. Rosleres-Arville- "Eastern front Aug. In . of the rs . Albania coming Into the .under lri line. there have been .country the miss we patrol encounters war emergency "During the night withdrew our us some provisions must have mr troops fighting on the Avre and. 6n that yielded .prisoners. Our a small portion of their wages deduct- aviators have bombarded en- oin Krook to the rear lines east of enemy ed to be returned when . they leave Your fi Montdidier. Southeast of Montdidier campments In the region of Pograd-e- k he United 8tates has been ..discon- we reoulsfd of and British aviators have dropped tinued. The Immigration office forces strong partial attacks bombs on the railroads In the French. We shot down thirty-tw- o the region at towns most the Mexican airplanes over the battle field. of Ceres." v Immigrants, are being Increased and House More "There has been lively activity on specially framed .examiner, of th,e Homey the of the United States are part enemy between ,the 4 MORE STUDENTS employment' service Vser and the Ancro. At many points assisting . immigration Inspectors In wish - on this front the launohed examining applicants along the Mexi- Do you sometimes your home was fur- enemy OF N. M. U. CALLED ' 4hrusts and partial atacks which wete can border. Many Mexicans are al- nished a little nicer? How,, would like to , you repulsed before our lines in hand o FOR ARMY TRAINING ready employed In the cotton fields have a home so prettily fixed up from kitchen hand fighting. of the south and immigration officials the report increasing numbers to would be to 'Yesterday British and French, ( parlor that you proud let any bringing strong reserves into action, Four more students from the State the United States. The Chinese ex- friend inspect it? What ever yourhome may continued their attacks on tho whole unlversitv have been enllo1 fnt. h u clusion act has also been modified so battle front between the Ancre and hgovernment to be sent to that Japanese and. Chinese students Iack in making it just as nice as you want it tho Avre. training In this will', be to ' camps where they wil be equipped for country permitted can be found here. A'. "On both si(Jes of the Somme and duty as student Instructors In the new perform manual Tabor during vacation the Foiicaucourt-Vlller- s time. ; ; 'We have recently received shipments 'of chairs, bedroom astride military training department which '..... ''",'.. nnd room road we threw the enemy will open with the beginning of the furniture, sitting furniture,, that give you an s. stock to select from. This is furniture of back by counter-attack- He suffered fall terms. October 1. This makes a elegant known losses total nine Kined and Kent to Jail. because ft was by, us from mahufac--turer-s iheavy here." of student instructors who Santa 10 quality purchased are trained for In Fe, Aug. In federal court of the best reputation. being duty the uni- yesterday. Judge Colin. NbJett ien The furniture we sell you is the kind that will make versity next full. tenced Gertrude rWUlia.ras and Kath us after it has been FRENCH, Interest In the new military train- you friendly towards subjected to has now erine Dixon, to sixty days. In Jail and real wear In home. This policy of value re- ing department become state- $100 fine and costs, for Unmoral con your giving IIV HOENINa JO'IRNAL SPECIAL LEASED WIRE wide and there is no ceived has built up our in the we have . longer any doubt duct at a near Colum- reputation years Paris, Aug. 10. The French, ad. that the minimum of 100 military camp , done business in Albuquerque. ; young men bus, Luna county. vanelng eastward after their capture beWveen 18 and 21 years of ago will bo of Mnntdidter at mid-da- y, have ad- reached by September An vanced to l. effort their lines an average depth will be made to double the-- minimum Geo. Schcer Furniture Co. of six miles on the front A BiltOQi Attack.' , extending before the term opens. : C When yon have a 'attack from Andechy, which Is seven miles The university authorities have re- bllioui 314-31- liver falls It func 6 South . Second St. 317-31- 9. northeast of Mentdidier, to Kllncourt, ceived Important assistance In enlist- your to, perform lying ten miles southeast of the cap- men students In tions, iuu uecoma contxipaiea. in tured ing young the new food you eat stom city, according to the war office department by students the 0. 8. Food Administration. ferments in your statement .issued . attending ach Instead of , This In. tonight. summer term.V There, are 125 Pa ol' song sei "Dar's Sugar In de digesting: The text follows: about, flat on Gourd," but 'Tater Mows flames the stomach and cause nau. of de ly sugar ne'e now-a-da- y. i1 these, chietly young women, who studyin' 'bout to what! "On the Avre at- bowl en In tie augac sea, vomiting and terrible Jtead- - . battle front, .our are writing home to high school grad- hit's gwine ter stay dar. ,4 tacks continued all day with increas- to De folks woto doin' de ache. Take three of Chamberlain's uates, and oliglhln boy arid to their .flghtln' mus1 have sugar fust. Tablets. will tone ing success. After the morning's op- the .Ut, (1,rs,enn "weet'nln' In de They up your liver, parents, outlining advantages f gourd now'day.7 he "ho' rwln out . . clean your stomach and will erations iMontrtldler, outflanked ojn thlM double mllitarv -- ytui the and rolleulnta MtuM?? ejrup. en 'tossee ea honey tq soon be as well ,ae ever. east and tho north toll Into our - eoly .(raining. The reuults have been lm- - 'Joxer coat a tiuaiter. ":J ley- J ' ' " v:.' ..-- 11, 1918 FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August bniUAbU VviNa IN DO STOH OSES TO BANG! Dove Shooting Reason Opens BLOWN UP BY OFFICIAL ORDER GAME S CREAT NAVY TEAM 16 GIT ' : EM ; Friday, August mmmm mi i Ii t wmh. "'J" GLEELliO DOUBLE HERDER - PII LICENSES. FW-- , WE SELL HUNTING to shoot You must have a hunting license in order 7x:m' of the Coast to it. Quinn, is a convenient buy Work Features Lately doves. This place Compton's to HEAD-QUARTER- S i Holds IS t i i r League, Indians THAT THIS STORE Playing in nrst uame REMEMBER, ALSO, Five Hits; John Collins SHELLS AND AMMUNITION OF Thiows Out Runner at Plate A Kit FOR i 3 KINDS. Triples for Runs, v ALL and Drives in Winning Run, " f 1 it here in any &J&t' If you need ammunition you can buy rW (BV MONNINa JOUNNAL SPECIAL LBAAVO WlPt' rock-botto- m LCASCD I.Y MO.NIN1I JOU.NAL SPICIAL WlWtj Cleveland, ()., Au. , 10. Chicago and at the price. t quantity New York, Aug. 10. New York de bunched seven of Hs fifteen hits GUN? feated Koston In n doihle-heade- r. the lust two innings und defeated DO YOU NEED A NEW Cleveland in the game of, the Compton's work featured New York'.s opening is the in the first game. After Hus- series, (juinn. late of the Coast lealgue the season for cloves only playing held Cleveland to five hits. John Col Remember shooting ton tied the score In the ninth inning. of shooting in New Common threw out another runner lit lins tripled in the ninth with the preliminary to several months good the plate, and in the second half his bases filled. Scora: will be a to show you the most com- third hit drove in New York's win- Chicago. Mexico. It pleasure A. E. standard-prices- .' ning run. .Score, first game: Ali. n. II. PC). line of shot guns and rifles in town at lloMim. Good, ef 4 0 1 3 0 0 plete A R Iibold, If a 2 1 0 0 2 8 0 Herzog, 2b . . . . K. Collins, 2b 5 1 2 Taggert, If Ganilil, Hi 4 1 3 13 0 0 HUNTING AND SHOOTING ACCESSORIES. Chad bourne, ef . J. Collins, if 5 0 1 3 0 0 Terry, sw Weaver, ss 5 0 2 2 2 (I To accommodate an increasing demand from our old, .. C. Smith, :n Pinelli, 3b 4 0 2 0 1 0 . urn 1 3 0 0 Konetchy, lb Schalk c 4 2 established trade among hunters of Albuquerque and the Wilson, c Qulnn, p 4 0 0 0 3 0 line of - WU kland, i f . southwest, we have put in a very complete good, . . . C 14' 0 Kudolph, p Totals 38 15 27 moderately priced hunting jackets, game bags, etc. v Cleveland. i 8 26 i ri-a's-j- lv--- . -- 1 Totals SI H a. --j s. a. R .yx vrsiT; a b. it. ir. ro. if to do any shooting this fall New York, Oraney, if 4 0 1(4 0 0 In fact you're going 11. If. 1 AH, ro ss 4 0 0 7 1 from ef Chapman, we can do everything for you issuing your hunting Burns, Speaker, cf 4 0 0 2 0 0 Young, rf ...... Roth, rf 3 1 1 1 0 0 license to telling you where to find the game. Fletcher, bh . .. . 2b 2 0 0 2 1 0 2U Wood, Doyle, Johnston, lb ..... 3 0 1 8 1 0 Zimmerman, lb 3 0 1 0 3 0 If Turner, :.b' Conipton, 3 0 0 1 4 0 81 O'Neill, c Picking. l 1 1 0 & COMPANY c HHffby, p 2 0 MATS0N McCarty, . 1 0 t 0 0 0 . stzThomas, Toney, p zz'Evans 0 1 0 0 0 0 Shooters of Thorpe, ix ' Where Most of Ihc Veteran Albuquernue 88 2 11x27 13 1 'I-- . VM . . . . Totals A f 11 1 x Two out I; j'M 'lAi Totals 3 2G Buy Supplies. 'fefW z J. Collins out, hit by batted ball. scored. xx Ran for Young in ninth. 7,7. Bulled for Bagby in ninth. Boston U, f"0 "1 1 1.7.. Ran for Thouius in ninth. New York OOil 010 HOI 2 .icore by innings: fi KOTK'K FG! rXBI.It.ATIOM. Two-bas- e hit Fletcher. Chieugo 001 000 014 Summary: NATIONAL GUARDS U. H. Of hit Double plays Cleveland 010 000 0012 Diurtmnt of trie liuenur, Land Sacrifice Terry. M-- J :1 8. Fletcher uml Zimmerman. Two-ha- s hit Good. fice at fianta Ko, N. July 3, Tonev, t Summary: CAMP HERE MAY BE Piitrnelnlu 4. il LtaA' Three-bas- e Collins. Voiles la given that Bases on balls Off Kuttolph Struck hlts I.eibold, J. on 2. Wild Sacrifice Muniinz, of ManiuiZ, N. M., who, Kept. out By Itudolph 2, by Toney Stolen bases Roth, Turner. AS HOSPITAL No. 0172W0, Wood. Sacrifice flies USED 24, 1912. muU,j llnmi'SteaiJ entry pitch Kudolph. hits I.eibold, NE1-4- , , H. II. K. to for Section Township Kange Score Secohd garnet Gandil. Double plays Weaver N. M. P. lia llleil nuues in 003 3 ! 0 na- Meridian, Boston 100 000 v 'V f. Gandil 2. Buses on balls Off Bagby An indication that the vacated to muk vear HomeaieaH 8 ,1 rnltnllon fl8 New York ....000 300 0014 2. Balk Qulnn. Struck out By tional in Albuquerque to entntillsh claim tp thu lund have hud and guard camp Final Proof, Batteries: Nehf, Regan and Henry, Paul activities. would Duffy Qulnn 2. muy be put to use as a hospital bar- above deairlhed, before W.lllam c. Ken Rariden. (By Ptiriimn.) a. Shorten. Wilson; Perritt and ... "Exigencies of service have cause And it wiu some ball club. Only ('hick racks or a similar work. Is contained, nedy, U. S. Commissioner, at Keuoyeia, n. and a would 5-- K. few position? were not filled by big One outfielder catcher New York lj Boston in a letter written by Charles M on Sept. 3. 11)18. : ? a not. of calibre. Chicago Pittsburgh . ,innftllHl. tl,lim ,w v:iV:1i ULs- - league stars and a. a whole It was have been big league Boston. Aug. 10. New York took Banks, thief medical advisor of war Claimant names as wltnewies. niMMM.h Ana- Hi H:nn stnnDGa It was a liall club to conjure from Boston. made to John Reyes Marques, nf Murquer., N. M. ; An- to- - trlct big: league aggregation. surely both games Hyatt risk board, Washington, game I'd to tiivi! that bunch with, especially when it is considered a home run in the second inning of executive secretary of the tonio Jaramlllo, of Bldo. N. M.; MurqarlR the'rPuVshl.ago hate Toombs, N. M. ; Pcrmltli XutlcydMln' - against me in a league race," a man- that the best of the Herviee. clubs con- the second game. Score First game: New Mexico Public Health associa- Romero, of San Mateo. v..- of'Jhem1,- of Blbo, N. M. III ilic T,' j one the clubs told tained only one or two stars at the sew om. Balazar, lip rrv, cirtciui, off. ment commissionlZTZon training camp ager of of leading tion, here. uann,i " cnlled most. R. A. E. FRANCISCO DELQADO, lie, I lie activities. Barry's team of former ma- me recently. "It would make it tough Ali. R. PO. The letter follows in part: Score : :L" season for the best of us." Although definite information lira Gilhoolcy, rf list of Register. the ll jor league stars started the the. n de- "I wish to thank you for Chicago, i on account could have used either Ernie not leen given out by ivy Lamar, cf re- . IT. A. K. prospects but Parry located in New Mexico, AU R. PO. great in the box. it is understood tint these 3b sanatoria row rrnocATlON, 4 1 1 1 0 Shore or Herb Pen nock partment, Raker, you, which this notice . . . 0 cently received from V. B. Land Of- Flack, rf dis- - have had Del Cain-o- r men have been placed In widely 2b Department of the Interior, 4 1 1 2 4 ON been transferred to other At first be would Pratt, is very 1U1S. Hollocher, s sec- units. Some of them, are bureau finding neipiui. fice at Santa Fe, N. M.. July 15, 1 2 0 0 and he would have filled the Fournier, lb va- C. Mann, If . . . 4 I convoy o'.HfitR and If "The information regarding the Notice Is hereby given that Kstevan 4 1 3 0 0 i ond sack himself. Mike McNallv t(rdestroyer Hyatt., Albu- M on 4, Packert, cf 0 made several abroad with ss cated national guard camp in Chafes, of Seboveta, N. who, Oct. 4 0 2 10 1 0 bulletin would have been at third and Rabbit have trips Peckinpaugh, we No. fof Merkle, lb . The above from the weekly ss querque is also of value to us. and 1912. made Homestead. 0171. S I) 1 2 0 Marunvillo lit short. In the outfield he transports. Ward, ...... 28, 3b . . . I of the commission on training camp if you would inform Section Township Deal, Hannah, c would be obliged has filed 7,elder, 2b' . 4 0 3 3 0 us of any other similar place in that N, Range JW, N. M. P. Mer.dlon. . . 4 0 0 0 Mogridge, p be available." notice of Intention to make five year Proof, Killifer, c 17 , state which might de- .1 1 1 xCaldwell land above !) 0 0 HUNS CAUSTIC ABOUT 10 establish claim to tre Tyler, p STANDING OF THE TEAMS Wm. C. 1J. 8. Com- . . 1 scribed, before Kennedy, Carter, p ooooo Totals 3 8 5 12 30 8 0 N. II., on the Bept. Irrigated lSd SIBERIAN EXPEDITION in ninth. missioner, at Seboyeta, 3 8 12 0 x Batted for Peckinpaugh 3. 1918. Totals .35 30 ATION'AI, Boston. lJ:fMllI UNDELIVERED MESSAGES names l)i' rgli. W. j. P t A. Clalmart IBV MORNING JOURNAL SPECIAL L WIRE AB. R. R. PO, S. R. IT. PO. A. E. 3:"l AED j of Correo. N. M.; Patricio All . . . , V P Chicago .fi'3 . 1 0 Harrington, 0 47 .32u Amsterdam, Aug. 10. Tha signifi- Hooper, rf . of N. M.; Samuel Oar. Ellnm, ss (10 14 , ..51 In- 1 Qonzales, Seboyeta, 3 0 0 Pittsburgh cance nf American and Shean, 2b ... re- nf N. M. ; Dlonlclo Marque, bs New York . . ..r,ri .mi .lapinese V 1 A Lorenzo Lueero cla. Seboyeta, Boone, n o o o produces good tervention in Siberia is of cf . . message for M. 2 0110 4 the Strunk, N. If . . 53 if subject 4 the office of the of Seboyeta, Blgbee, Oi Cincinnati ..47 pa-- , If 0 mains undelivered at . 3 1 1 2 0 54 much speculation by tlvi German Ruth, FRANCISCO DEI.OADO, If ..47 .46'. ' Western Union because of insufficient Tach, 1 Philadelphia rs. . 0 10 . 5 0 6 0 0 57 .447 P' Mclnnis, lb Register. Carey, cf Boston ..40 statement ss 0 1 address. . 4 0 0 5 .4K. Secretary Lansing's that Scott, fiouthworth, rf 12 10 ..4 . 0 1 . 2 0 1 4 3 1 no interference with UussiVs political Cochran, b Cutshaw, 2b I.ouis . 41 62 .415 of wheat 0 0 Restful. 3 1 8 0 0 grade is scoffed ut the Berlin 3b . . 0 sovereignty by . . Schang, 9 Is of A re me4y fot Infections Mollwitz, lb y, A c 0 "Sanleieh always thinking . 4 0 Km Zeltung. gnaw, of tract. McKechnie, 3b AM Kill CAN K(;iK. 0 2 himself." "Yes; In that way he avoids tl,a urinary 1112o r 0 0 The Gazette takes the view c . o . 3 0 W. I,. l'ct. Cologne Mayer, ... Painless, Shaw, o to "'a 0 1 much on his mind. stricture . . 1 o r o o 45 .583 America probaoly few decrees Bush, p having sad will not Hinchman, x Boston ..63 0 0 Krlieveiin 1 to 6 o o 1 o 0 6 6 COnREI'ONOOICf TO MORNINI1 JOURNALI more honest than in daelaring zDubuc . ... days. . 0 . .5 PCriAL Japan," Schmidt, c . . . Cleveland . . . , 60 40 0 2 no The Kugarito and Swastika nro initial in PRICE SolUBy . 4 0 0 0 47 .5 1st East Las N'. M., Auff. 10. she wants Russian territory. $1.20 DialledprogglMSuu p ...... 57 Vegas, 9 0 .M'W Tieatise with eacn l.otiio or roquest. Cooper, 8 12 1 Washington Gazette the forces cf the two na .38 1 30 14 the oonl fields in sicx ict. BY . .36 3 30 50 .510 Now kivs Totals largest PKKPAKKD Totals ..52 IiV'igated tracts of northern ea-- h . used in lit Chicago .4:15 tii ns will watch other closely z Batted for Agnew in seventn. Most modern machinery THE EVANS CHEMICAL CO, CINCINNATI, 0. New York . . ..51 52 best ;1BS(N-K.U- 1.1 MRKR Mexico will be able to furnish the The Notional Settling h.tzards the Score innings: prcparatkm. for Shaw in ninth...... 47 55 .461 ar-- by xBatted St. Bonis next In lapancn'.-Ainerica- n 4 ft CM oon 6 5 .41? of si cd wheat for year's crops, guess that the New York 100 000 000 COMPANY. Phone 33. HI Detroit ..4 8. re- - j Chicago 002 001 ' addition to bolning to meet the IV ment is a les;ie.' epediclil of 000 100 000 Pittsburgh ...... 000 03 . .4 03 .382 in Hoston 01 carriers Philadelphia iiiirc!tienis of a country engaged the nieiile, whic'i seoi. .lapau slipping Two-bas- e hits fratt. Parcel Kist of express ogs 100,000,-00- 0 Summary: (Called; rain.) a and l! i hi- in all sizes twelve to 100 egg capaci- Two-bas- e hit Iaeri. feeding gigantic army iii grasp. Gilhooley, Baker, Lamar, Jiourmer, Summary: civilian. New Mexico Iseveral bases Peck ties. Wooden folding egg eari-ie- i Three-hnH- Q Hinchman. Shean. Stolen i hits Mann, ARE enrs from Colo Schang, K. W. f Hudson for Signs Stolen base McKechnie. Sacrifice hits RETAINING WALLS ago began importing SITUATION IN RUSSIA inpaugh. Sacriflc nits rrau i. sie and m rado seed wheat adapted to New Mex- Cochran to Mclnnis. MollwiU. Double plays Houinwoi In Double play fi:e. Ellam: El-la- BEING CONSTRUCTED ico conditions, particularly regard on balls -- Off Mogridge 1. Bush Cutshaw McKechnie and C.on-zale- s, SAID CRITICAL Base Struck tw altitude and climate. Mr. It. T0BE 2. out-- 4, Cutshaw and Mollwitz. Mi- Struck By Mogridge liusn ON LA BAJADA HILL for San 1. NOTICE. Wall out By Tyler, 6. by Carter 1, by comity agriculturist 10. Passed ball Agnew LIOGATj Paper Mora was among MORNIN4 JOURNAL CRUCIAL I KABBO WINI1 R- - H- 4. pitched By Tyler guel and counties, (V Second game: Cooper Innings x to a of 8 2 1 MORNING the first insist upon change London, Aug. 10. The German 010 002 8 by Carter HMCIAL COnnOPONOCNCt TO JOURNAL) been New York 0014 NOTICE, seed for this section, which hnd newspapers admit that the sit- 000 000 010 1 7 0 , Santa Fc, Aug. 10. The state high- own for so many todqy Boston bast Will and Testament of Harry Conner-- Hudson for 0-- using its product uation in Russia Is ho critical that a Caldwell and A2' Pliiladclnltin. entine.'r has received from (Jrant al- Batteries: Walters; Deceased. way that the had been nf come any Mc- - 10. and n on ac- years quality In- change government may and Schang. To Mrs. Margaret Young, of Gallup, Brooklyn, Aug. Brooklyn county remittance of $2,500 lowed to deteriorate b,v a sort of dis- Mays Frames double-heade- r to Mexico. Picture divided a Tyrone-Lar.lsbui- g, the day, according; a Copenhagen County, New count of the tho state 0-- Kinley Philadelphia breeding process. This year to 2; looked City-Sant- a patch the Exchange Telegraph Philadelphia You are notified that the alleged Ave, Williams' double in the fourth Sliver Rita and the Denw council of defense imported large Washington hereby Fourth St. and Copper like a foul and the home players pro- roal cnstriKlion; company. Philadelphia, Aug. 10. Washing- Last Will and Testament of Harry Conners, City ouantlties of Colorado seed wheat, The Rundschau the Ath- of the County of Bernalillo tested. O'Mara was put out of the $200 from Chaves for the plac- set Berlin Taeglische ton won the first game and deceased, late to county following an example previously that events developed rap- tho second. Scores and Slate ot New Melco, was produced and game after he had attempted strike ing of road signs; $300 from Sierra .Now Mr. ion-n1- i says have letics took in San Miguel county. idly In Russia in the few weeks, R. H. E. read tn the probate Court of the County of Umpire Moran. for the llillshoro-Ho- t Springs in nf Urn belief that this section past First game: on 20th. , county be . 000 6 2 Bernalillo. Stute of New Mexico, the Score Klrst game: n. In d of an dthat Germany must prepared Washington ..010 0001 0 0 road. iirndiietnir sei wheat worthy 7 0 of 1918. and the day of the prov- . 000 000 I ' for the overthrow of tho bolshevik 000 day July, Philadelphia .000 Work on the bridge across the Rio use. Philadelphia ...000 0000 Will and Testament 000 200 02x 4 . 4 in a few Johnson and Alnsmith; ing of said alleged Last Brooklyn Orande between San Ildefonso and On l a Cucvn twenty-tw- o government days. Batteries: for the 24th . Wallace Hesscldcn Oeschger and Adams. the big ranch, Watson and McAvoy. wis thereupon fixed Saturday, notirle' Biickman, at the entrance to the miles northwest of this city, there of August. A. D. 1918, at 10 o'clock In Grimes and M. Wheat. will be Moh Second game: R. H. E. day X K. cliff dwelling region are 625 acres devoled to wheat. STRIKE OF C, T. U, 2 5 0 the furenoon of sold day. Score Second game: R. It. a Washington . ... 000 010 001 and Seal of 'nls General Contractor 4 3 completed this month. of this Is of the Marnuis variety, 8 2 Given under my hand the ..000 300 0003 ...000 000 1023 of A. II. 1918. We are In a to srre Philadelphia 1 to twenty much favored this OFF Philadelphia Ain-smlt- this 20th. , July. position 200 000 . Retaining walls fifteen snrimi wheat for MEMBERS CALLED and Court, day Brooklyn 0002 are 1 Batteries: Harper, Ayers NE8TOK MONTOYA, more ?alue for the money than and Adams, feet high and six feet in thickness section. will run a strong thirty and (SEAI-- ) In Batteries: Prendergast on Ua P.ajada hill on the bushels to the acre, and in some Terry McAvoy. County Clerk. any other BUILDING FIRM and Miller. looming up MORNINU 'UURNAL tPVCIAL kEARCO Wlft! Coombs road. The road The was (town in ,1 ' Uila vicinity. Santa places forty. wheat Atlanta 10. The strike 1. ' has been widened feet In some late March and April and was (la., Aug. PofKiit 8: St. Ijouis Office With Cincinnati : St. Ixnils 8. tn early be- of members of tho Commercial Teleg St 10. Tobln's muff de- The two tangents from the twice. Arrangements ore Louis. Aug. Cincinnati. Aug. 10. Cincinnati places. irrigated for raphers' I'nion of America, employed of Cobb's after two were out in the FAYW00D HOT SPRINGS - hard-hittin- g Indian school to I.ittle made to secure a quantity fly Lum- feated St. Louis in a Cnlted States ing by the Western Union in Albama, Detroit to beat The Superior LaBajiula hill are completed and snring wheat third inning permitted For Rheumatism, Stomach Trou- and ragged game. r iToff Mcssr;.Ra.;,h orgia and Florida, set for Monday. St. Louis. Co. twetny-fou- feet Upland, Hum, soutn-easte- Inflamma- & Mill R. make a speedway was called off the in R. H. E. bles, Kidney Ailments, ber ikn. 8 1 Hiram the owners of today by Score: Loco- 020 wide. end Whittington, 1 tions, Arterial Hardening, St. Louis ...... 200 4008 400 to oon district executive committee Detroit . 001 8 rnoNB m 102 321- 17 2 tile ranch, expect to nut in assur- ....(.001 0002 motor Ataxia, Nervoua Breaking, Cincinnati ....000 -9 as'vou veintm' whuut TheV will have which announced receipt of St. Louis 000 000 0101 8 3 Batterks: Ames, Meadows and ' ances from Postmaster General Burle- to. Perfect Treatment, Perfect and BOLSHEVIKI DESTROY nt least 600 acres of spring wheat ini Batteries: Cunlngham and stanage; Climate. Health. Larg Ooneales; Ring. Eller Wingo. son that discharged for Severeid. - Pleasu, the ground next year. operators - Rogers and Booklet Round ANCIENT RUSS CITY wearing union badges would be ro- Modern Hotel. COMPANY, I.a Cueva' ranch contains 25,400 to Faywood from Albuqurqu THE WM. FARft ARIZONA UNIONISTS acres, of which 3,400 are under ditch instanted. trip The lt.70. Wliolesale anfl Betal! Dealers In Y WIRKJ and 2,500 are under cultivation. CONVENTION MORNINU JOURNAL RPKCIAL LEAICO TUCUMCARI TO HAVE SALT MEATS ADJOURN 10. of thP water comes from large lakes filled U, S, TO TAKE T. C. McDERWIOTT FRKSH AND London, Aug. Tho story $2.30 . ,loro-rosla- v a Specialty tragic fate of the Hussnn city or v by the Mora river. Eventually prac- IN AUGUST N. M. Sausage - entire will he irri- OF EVERY EARNED ROUNDjJP FAYWOOD, the m MORNIM4 iOUftNAL LMO Wlftll Is trinnmil to! to tin Crrnk- tically the ranch $5 for Cattle and Hogs Ruling imtu for its gated, and' Improvements in storage Pricea Are Paid Ariz.. 10. The seventn fort eitung. Jaroslav. famo'is Ou-ev- TO MORNINa JOUNN11.1 Market Globe, Aug. now contemplated wil "enable La a 'aesoiAL S)ISFTCM annual convention of th Arizona State . jT,ion ehnrch'-- end monasteries, IB MORNINU JOUftNM. SPCCIAL klASIO mt) N. M.. 10. Final HI to furnish water for 20.000 acres TiicnmcnH. Aug. TTarlarntinn flf Tlbor All Olimea was almost completely destroyed after . B. old which Cleveland. O.,. Auj'. 10. Iwis a, round-u- p to be held Albuquerque Foundry to convene at n of twelve by the Bolshe- on the Fort I'nion pasture, - plans for big Miami this afternoon stege days section Prank lln, national director- of the 21, 22 and 23, have been nro homeless. would build up an irrigated here August . Phoenix next year. vik: and thousands rich- government war loan organiiation, todnv. and Machine Work eoiinter-reyohitionnrl- second to none in the stale for and were announced CITY ' completed DUKE J. incumbent, and The planned to Thomas Croaff, ness of soil and favorable climate. Ispoke 250 Fourth federal reserve A. B. will manage tne round- F.nglneers J"ouniIers Machinist) Charles Wilmuth were nominated for a serious rising at Jaroslav, Moscow district Bagley Alu- '!. dawn This year I.a Cueva ranch has 625 Liberty l,uan chairmen today. assisted Tex Austin, one of the Castings In Iron, Brass, BronM. Clcaners-liattc- rs the of the organization. and other cities for July At "Of lrv this country up by presidency were Jai oalav, neres In wheat, 500 acres in oats. 800 every earned foremost cow In the south- minum. Klectrio Motors', Oil Engines c3 E. Tracy George Smith (hat day the insurgents Us this year, $2.38 will be needed .by the punchers and jind office of led a former Russian itarmy officer, acres in alfalfa, which is making west today. Pumps Irrigation. nominated for the secretary. by SO ond I'niled States to pay Its Works anil Office Alhiiqncrqnei 120 West Gold. Phone a4. Kimball of the Arizona arrested the members of the local so- third cutting; ai res in barley government Prizes have been arranged for the President 80 acres in corn. The meadow land war bill, and the government has got events: ''oulcketa board of trade addressed the conven- viet in their beds and cxeeit'xl many to said. following pitching them Is devoted to orchnhrds and gardens. get it," Mr. .Franklin find best best sitter on broncos, tion on the necessity of closer relations of Immediately. 100.-(Hi- n loopi of Arizona and Tho regard were The orchard last year produced best lady bronco rider, between the farmers surpr'red 'roopg tit- are Ph.vsii.iiins Volimteer. CHICHESTER S PILLS Kimball out of en nniimlu nniiles. Potatoes May steer quick-chan- ge relny, n,o lahor unions. President driven the city. They u- - riding, LUMBER .. i Recent or i . ... i. ,. nnm c-- - n Kiiecewsi u v i l Washington. Auk. '10. free-for-a- ll he was a ad- - tre .i....-.-lllViilKi Vl'M 111 ,,i,i iv prow fv range relay, hrse race, LedlMI ask mi.i the delegates, strong ,.ii': n. belief ders of the war and navy departments ypnr inii Oils, Glass, Malthold Rooflnf workmen's nn.l lifter relnf lfenientS! 'evu. despite horse race riders), ladies' nd Paints vocate of the proposed thai would hot tYirive in suspending enlistments and rope (lady I'll), in U.a Void mctoUlcSff and Building Paper. law. from Moscow occupied cominaiidmg the tubers voluntary cowpony race, track roping, trick, MSled wldl Blue Riblxm. compensation section. applications of civilians for officers otker. Bur of-- tho city. that race and ires-TEH- Delegate Vargas Clifton Intro positions and began shell'rg riding, wild mule race, pack 1 "1st. Ask f C IU- -' tlmrj' BALDRIDGE LUMBER mem- broke out in diffi-ien-t of The ranch pastures at present i.4U training camps, do not npply to tne J. C. resolution to any Fires parts , race. duced a expel of 150 head of hogs, 300 enrollment of In the mcdi-- potato Satest. R11M of labor who talked in the townand most of the public build- head cattle, physicians have been knnn u Bt. A!iy COMPANY ber organized - - Tho ranch cal reserve Arrangements already ings were demolished. head of sheep and gouts. corps of tho army and the to have the expert SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE favor of the proposed compensation eighty-tw- o and reserve was an completed all of meas- is worked by horses force of the navy. It cowmen round- law. After a lengthy debate the two tractors. nounced Baker from the Mngdalena ure was killed. Xew Swlimniiifr lteeord. tonight by Secretaries which closes tomorrow, at. the to 10. William I,. ami Daniels, up Delegate Donnelly made appeal New York, Ajiiff. Soldiers. round-u- p here and an unusual pro- to down Wallen of the Great Lakes naval Send Vniiers to the delegates present vole Colonel The- - gram is promised by the management. to throt-- . mart? the world's New York, Aug. 10. Y. M. C. A. Workei" si Dead. measure that would tend training station, to-la- y Los any time of 11 and-2- odore Roosevelt, upon his return Angeles, Calif., Aug. 10. James tie the vole of the membership and record .minutes Dark K. 880-yar- d In de- from a vacation at Harbor, Kprunger, state secretary of the The salary of the president of . kill their to an Individual opin seconds in the nwlm LUMBER Plaster right fendinir his national title today at the Maine, called upon the American peo- Yomig Men's christian association in Switzerland amount to 2.200 a year, Cement, ion. HJ'1 to send to the soldiers t.alifornia for tho seven years, with an additional $3,000 ' for ex- A resolution, making it compulsory Pelhanr bay naval station. UeuL V ple enwspapers tat - Lumber was .the result died lit W3i he'was , to be bonafide memlxirs Jjinger, or ixs Angaies umi -- usinn tn I Vance.. Ills hppdtil today. Karlv tho penses. Albuquerque Company for delegates record of a hitter he roceived from a woman senl abroad to aid in organizing asso .!', 43M NORTH FIRST STREET of the union giving them credentials Oordon, wo made the former sail one-fift- h finished In who has two sons imthe eiation work for the aoldlern and was by the body to aa it a second slower, France Journal Wants Results passed" prior ors. ' Bring Journment. a ecant yafrd boblnd Wallon. military service Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11,1918. FIVE " " 1 SEA UNION .ikHH.,.iKtr,rtr4rf!ffir; I " SOUTH tt' TITJvTrrl 'rrrTr'JF 1L, IS IT true that out of 100 average healthy men, 25 ycars.ohl, when, they reach the age of 65, WIDEY TALKED 1 will be rich , 4 will he well-to-d- o IN AUSTRALIA ast Chance I'll1 j'ww m 'VP' "" t,mv',t-wiw'r'i- " mum-"- -- 6 will he earning own living p'm,im''imiV-- i 54 will be relatives or charity. dependent upon Centralized British Control of To Low Cut Shoes If so, it goes to show that very few can make money. Is there any' Possessions and Colonies Buy By Prime Minister e- least-well-to-d- Urged At Almost Your Own Pric- reason why everyone cannot become at by saving? Hughes in Speech, Moral: --Take out a Certificate of Deposit at the First National liank Thirty Tairs Tan or Dlack Oxi'ords, Stetson or Walk- - (TQ Over '. (AsBoHitleil l'rtfm Correspondence.) Your Choiee JD 4 to this habit. Sydney, Austrailia, July 10. The which will pay you per cent keep up good "All Walk-Ove- r final disposition of the Gorman col Oxfords, worth $5.00 Off onies in the Pacific, the "Pacific Mon- Sale Price fl0 roe Doctrine" broached by the prime tPOeiO AVllliam M. HtiRhes, in his minister, All Walk-Ove- r speech before the Pilgrims club In Oxfords, worth $G.50 Tr New York; and the recent report of Sale Price f( the Australian interstate commerce t)0UU noon British commission and Austral' All Walk-Ov- er Ian trade in the south Pacific." all re- Oxfords, worth $7.50 (T A A AlfoNAL late directly or Indirectly to discussion Sale Price JpO.UU which is becoming more or less fre- .Ww quent in the Australian. Zealand All Stetson Oxfords, worth $9.00 and $10.00 VANK Albuquerque.NM and Fijian press touching a federation Sale rn of the South Sea Island. The inter- Price J $U.OU UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY-CAPITA- L AND SURPLUS $600,000-0- state commerce commission said in its 1 1 report: of 1 i "The government the islands J ' SALE CLOSES AUGUST 1STH. I controlled by the British crovn Is at in cohesion and , present lacking unity of policy. The commison Is satisfied that the islands under the British crown' should be grouped '.uid- -r a TBY TO more coherent system. The GERMANS in or- commission has suggested that ' Hun Navy Shaken Up der to ensure timely settlement of this paramount question of govarn-nie- nt a Joint Inquiry by representation OUST ALLIES ZL of the United Kingdom, Australia and II Xew Zealand should be undertaken." One of the British Pacific island said In Sidney while on a recent visit here: FISMETTE REGION "The suggestion that a conjoint commission or inquiry be uppolmed at an early dale should In i ly opinion le carefully considered by the public of the commonwealth. The question as BY MORNINO JOURNAL SPECIAL LCASf D WIHC to whether administrative powers With the American on the should be granted to such a commis- Army Inter- Vesle Front, Aug. 10 (by the Associat- . , sion, which yould represent the ( ests of the imperial gov .vnment of ed Press). In attempting to dislodge! the commonwealth, and of the the French and- the AmericiinH from of New Zealand, is me which positions north of the Vesle river on also claims the full consideration cf both Bides of Flumes the Germans statesmen. are launched counter-attack- s "British Interests at present repeated forr.-- s ' tinder many ef v r ; ... . .,: ., widely spread .! ,t Friday control, and difficulties nre constant- ,1 .i ; .Saturday of co- . ly created by the lack effective (",!-,;.- 'i '.;(' ii i : ate fight-''- ( officers who have - operation through i i) . :s:- 'te where no direct relation with each other. and the i; '.'.fk i ulsed by There are crown colonies, Fill the Americans who were to Gilbert and Elllce islands, the imper- dinning I I of Solomon Islands of i ial protectorate the the outskirts the village. Pa- In of Ger- Australian dependencies such as the region Hazoches, the Abn. von Sch.eer. -- Ivil mans made several vicious attacks but pua: and the islands under the of New Zealand. To the allies successfully fought them. Admiral Von chief of the German re- administration Holtzendorf, admiralty, has add to this diversity of control we The Germyis began with airplane signed because of the kaiser's anger at him for the failure of the sub- attacks, the aviators to marine- war now have the military occupation by attempting and Admiral Von Scheer, who still insists that lie won the and New'Zealand of the bomb Infantrymen north of the Vesle naval battle of Jutland, has succeeded him. Australia by and bridges over which the other late German Pacific possessions. It is troops were passing. French and a mnze of control with centers of ref- anti-aircra- Melbourne and American ft guns beat off erence In London, the German fliers, hbwever. WARBURG TO RESIGN $75,000 DAMAGE DONE Wellington. . Just after dark-- , the Germans War Delays Action. flr.r ,:; t.n Artillery attack which FROM F. R, SYSTEM BY FIRE AT LARK, UTAH "Objection may be made to the ri until grant of the administrative powers at 14 "r;. n"0-- h HOHNINA to commission. The war rjw Uy:inh wlttn lV JOUHMnt tPtCIAl LIAKD Wlftrf) V MORNINO JOURNAL SPKCIAU LIASIC WtRt) present any ,A nm ' ..a on and it that ill." u' ri uch. 10. M. 10. is still urged ' Washington, Aug. Paul Salt Uike City, Utah, Aug. as '' I c!'.-v- little can be done at, least so far V" I'M' Warburg, vice governor of the fed- Fire of undetermined to (. vdei.H- el iire. origin which the late German Pacific possessions woman 100 from tho base !.' eral reserve hoard, will retire from is NEW MEXICO IS civil war veteran, is the third curred miles flyers' the niniii ii C.- i -- broke out this morning at the are concerned till tho issue of It BOY During the board at hi! own suggestion but early not to be omploycrd as an elevator opera- and fifteen miles off shore. Neither tacked Fismet three times and once with the feeling on the of Presi- smelting pfflnt of the Ohio Copper known. But pending peace, why part at a smelter town be- a board or commission to ob- RECUPERATING AT THE tor in Kl Paso. Her husband It Ser- was Injured. Jack Hawkins, another nfter daylight Saturday. dent Wilson that his retirement "is a company Lark, appoint a field Germans Hailed by Barrage, serious loss to the service." tween this city and Bingham, had tain Information and, as far as possi- geant Alexander North of the expedi- son, is commanding battery public admin- HOWARD GOULD MANSION In in France and Gardner, another son From the region southeast of Letters exchanged between Mr. done damage estimated at $75,000 at ble, to simplify the existing tionary forces France. Franco-America- could thus In the Bervice, is a lieutenant of Uraisne to Fismes the Warburg and tho president were noon and was Mill burning. Fire ap- istration? The commission of UPICIAL TO Ashton son put down such a terrific bar- made public tonight. Mr. Warburg's paratus from this city and Hinghain put the interests of Great Britain, COMIIPONDINCI IIORNIN JOUNNALl Hawkins, of Attorney rage that the Germans were stopped. term In his prevented the flames from spreading Australia, and of New Zealand Into a Santa Fe, Aug. 10. Tho following W. A. Hawkins of Alamogordo, well-know- n expired yesterday. letter and as u Saturday morning the Teutons to the written on 27,' to more valuable property. common pool for the moment, are reported to the board of historical republican lender in this The women of the former motor president, May much has been invalided in started another attack alons the same Mr. Warburs says that "certain per- The fire was finally extinguished when the peace conference sits service as recruits for the navv yes- state, for the time messenger Rcrvlce in Philadelphia but line but quickly sons have to one o'clock An valuable information should be terday: P.oy J. Hutchcox and liichard being and is staying at the home of of tho heary artillery started an agitation the shortly after today. Howard Gould on who are now members depart- checked this assault. The enemy used effect that a naturalized citizen of is made of II. Ward, Itoswell; Cornelius P.. Une tho Thames near of of the Iteil investigation being reports London. He is an was re- ment transportation much gas In attempting to dislodge German birth, near relatives that the fire was incendiary. and Will Yates, Vaughn, apprentice ensign and will be entrusted with the re- having recommended liou-tena- Cross, the Americans from Fismette. In- in German public life, seamen. Floyd Ault, La Mesa, fireman cently for Junior of the families of soldiers, prominent class. Harold with Sam C. Haw- porting fantrymen plentifully supplied with should not be permitted to hold a po- third For tho array: Together casualties that may occur to their boys machine also made futile attacks. Lands Willi a I'uraHmte. VESSEL THOUGHT SUNK Haiton and Meswcll Ferguson, coast kins, also ensign, he had a thrilling guns sition of great trust in the service of Lieul. was on the French front. The Americans discovered Saturday the United State. He has two broth- Fort Worth. Tex., Aug. 10. urtillery. experience when their seaplane in counter-attackin- g .Tames H. Dale of St. Louis Jumped IS TOWED INTO PORT on the ocean Off the coast of England that the Germans ers in Germany who are bankers. of railroad men Friday night and Saturday morn- from an airplane traveling ninty mile Mrs. Josephine Ferrler Norte of for six hours after an air fight with Thousands shop used "glass ball' contain- an hour at an altitude of 3,000. feet, Taos, of S. T. five German planes. The accident oc have been lured by high shipyard pay ing shrapnel Leaves for and landed without (V MONHIHa JOURNAL aPBCIAl LAMD WIBII daughter Cupt. Ferrler, ing stones of a marble shape, some Malvy Spain. with a purachute, 10. in Aug. 10. Louis J. Malvy, ex- A Canadian Atlantic Port, Auj. of them half an Inch in diameter and Paris, injury. M. attacked a three-fifth- iled minister of the Interior, left Paris The Gladys Hollett, by others s of an inch. Ameri- submarine and to can officers said that this was their tonight for Irun, a town in Spain near German thought the French frontier. Hefore his de- Yankees to Re "On Time." have been sunk by bombs off this It first acquaintance with shrapnel of ex- was towed into this nature. parture he addressed a letter 1o Pres- Geneva, Aug. 10. American coast Monday, port ident Desehanel of the chamber of peditionary forces In France have today. A peculiar wound inflicted on an Swiss The vessel can be made American soldier led to the deputies, protesting against the Judg- ordered 1,000,000 watches from easily discovery court. firms. PRICES that the Germans were using glafis ment of the high REDUCED missiles. The French and the Ameri- cans made a search of the district ON along the Vesle and found one unex-plode- d shell and It has been turned over to the ordnance experts for ex- amination. Americans Take Prisoners. Back to the Line of the Meuse The Americans took a few prison- ers at Fismette as a result of hand Auto Accessories to hand encounters. After a second German night nttack the Americans retaliated and penetrated the German it!'. lines a short distance. They reached WliiilllilBliiBiilliillM one of the enemy's first aid field sta- tions and took prisoner several wounded Germans. The Americans then returned to the semi-circul- we their ar positions at Fis- In order to. reduce our stock are offering mette and resisted all attempts of the enemy to dislodge them. The Ger- ; mans put their heaviest artillery Into Following Bargains V operation Saturday but the big guns of the alliesretucned the fire with in- terest. BKJ55ELS Price Sale Price The Bkles cleared this afternoon and ' Reg. as a result there was much aerial activity. Stewart Hand Horns. $3.50 $2.50 Brrmiim - . . - ATTRACTION. ' - V-R- 7-- Q KAHLJ ( ay 8 1.00 .60 .) J?- (Birmingham Stewart Spark Plugs .. The proprietor of a seashore hotel Cum , war V-R- who can offer his guests the spectacle ay .60 ARRAS Stewart Ford 1.00 of a at fighting desperate battles Spark Plugs i r with barges need not dwell on the of rt of his jazz band. J7 1.75 1.35 versatility Ford Tire Carriers RAfrVUKT $ 1.50 i ) Y S" Ford Running Board Braces. 2.00 .60 LEMON JUICE f ' Champion Spark Plug Cleaners .... 75 I TAKES OFF TAN Oil Can Holders 25 .20

i - KOYOM (HACK Biiiaii!ii;iMaiiiiaiiiiiiii!iiiiii;ii!iiaiM BBSIIiSEIilliaEHI Girls! Make bleaching lotion if skin Is sunburned, ' - or freckled tanned , . v wis SAA55J2tUVlD RHBTMS VEEDUWl ' 1 o .a Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into . A. of Am a bottle three ounces containing CHALON3 1 to Orchard White.' shake well, and you a Qunickel of best freckle, have a quarter pint the PARIS 9Vs UiUWm sunburn and tan lotion, and complex- ion beautlfier, at very, very small cost Your grocer has the lemons and any store or toilet counter will sup- Coo drug ply three ounces of Orchard White for a few cents. this fra- HAM Massage sweetly Stapply is grant lotion into the face, neck, arms 750. 1 Corner Sixth and Central and each day and see how Phone hands) A Berlin report says it Is rumored that the Germans are plannin a great retreat to t.te. linn of the Meue freckles, Btinburn, wlndburn; and tan Marshal loch ttaa his sleeve. i and in France and Belgium. It sounds too good to be true, but you can't tell what up disappear sand how clear, soft the Germans Would whit the skin becomes. Yesl It i The shaded portion ot the map shows the at expanse of French and Belgian soil give up out the allied armies are " harmless; : if they carried this retreat thing the fighting lor, SIX Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11, 1918.

Roll Honor This Store Specializes in of THROUGH STATE American Casualties

Household Hardware Tlli: ARM V. INSURE CROPS Washington, Auk. 10. The army casulat.v lists Sssm-- iioday in five sections show: Killed in action, 64; died tif wounds, died of disease, If it is not convenient for you to come down 3;- - died of airplane accident, 2; died Extreme Southwestern Portion of accidents and other causes, 4; town, and you need something in a hurry for wounded severely, Hi:'; wounded, de- Has Small gree undetermined, 103; missing in kitchen or cleaning. Precipitation; action, 211. Total. f.t. Pro-dupti- The list includes: Corporal Daniel Fall Pasture on Insured, Sparks, Knnis, Tex.; Ksplcio Moya, Normal, Watrous, N, M., severely wounded. TELEPHONE 878 Corporal .Max II. Ile.ver, Denver: Charles leon. Knst liernard, Tex.; Jo- seph I. Mtcak, Cameron. Tex.; wound- You'll get what you want by quick delivery. Please keep Locnl rainfall for the twenty-fou- r ed, decree "undetermined. in mind that this is the biggest retail hardware store in hours ending lit G o'clock lust night William E. Huffman, Call, Tex.; the whole with floor and amounted to .21 of nn inch, according Henry G. Knox, lle.n h, Tex.: Charles southwest; largest space to a report of the wenther observation A. ltbse, Denver; William Bacon, Jcr-niy- n, largest, stock. For you this means Jontt prices and station at the l!io (irande Industrial Tex., missing in action. widest slection. Both are to you in times like .school. The local rainfall for tho the John Y. Martinez, Corpus christl, important past two weeks has totalled .40 inch wounded, degree undetermined. these. , and cattle and stockmen arc more Krnost J. King, Winton, Tex.; Qtto optimistic over the prospects for suf If. Klein; Sequin. Tex.; Harry A. Lee, flc.w-n-t moisture to insure average or Dallas: .iohn Shaw, llartington, Tex.; 220 NORTH SECOND STREET. slightly better crops. missing in action. With the exception of tho extreme .The list (section one): The:entrance to our retail store is two blocks southwest portion cj the state the Killed in Action. just precipitation has beeji general Lieut. James H. Moore, lierwin, III.; north from Second and Central. You'll make money throughout the state and everywhere T. Thomas-ton- ,, New Corporal John Kliinnton, Dur-hu- Fall 7 j'M cattlemen and farmers are optimistic. Ga.; Private Harry Gilfus's, by walking that two blocks, when in need of household cattle who j4.1u Many growers had been N. y.; Marsh V. Nottingham. hardware. forced to remove their herds to the Indianapolis; Karl V. Schwarst. De- mountains or out of the state have troit; Alvlc S. White, Plymouth, returned and hold the belief that the Copn. - fall pastures are assured. ' of Wounds. to the liel Houl-ka- Special dispatches Morning Privates Richard ('. Denton, ", Journal, from various parts of tho C. Ksmond. Milford, Clothing state. Miss.; Frank Indicating rainfall and crop Mass.; Edward W. I lite, St. Louis; & conditions ioiiow: Mass.; J. KORBER CO. Gordon K. McKenzie, Concord, a K have hundred men's h I Edward II. Mulviiney, Cincinnati; John cilit &n ijjm i N. M., 10. II Big Hardware Store." Gallup, Aug. Heavy Sulssicki, Russia. "Albuquerque's rains fell Thursday night and Friday Section two: all over Suits to show in all the morning Melvinley county, es; in Action. you, peciallv at (lailup anil south to Zunl Killed "'" and Mack out Lieut 8. Clayton YV. Bench, Muske ' Rock, washing several ros-ton- ('.( ; latest fall .bridges and causing automobiles to gon, Mich.rvHugh Idnnrnarii, models and ideas made in JoseplA T. Hanlon, Baltimore; get stuck the mud. Horsehend Cran- - USE MOVIES TO TRAIN CAMP BRUMMELLS fifteen Sergeants WNliam T. Adams, ' j bridge miles west of liamah. the manufac-.turin- o; was washed out. J. H. Young and ford. N. J OtisK. Brown, Indianap hy largest clothing BIRDMEN IN ENGLAND BLOW who olis; John H. Enilnee, Collegepolnt, N. GETpEATH daughters, returned from Raman W. yesterday In a car were over three Y.; Fred Tompkins, Owosso, Mich.; concern in the hours across a John West Hartford, Corporals Tony world 1V UORNIM4 JOURNAL SPrCiAt. Lf A9ID WINI) (V MOHNIN JOURNAL PfCijW. LiAfllD WINII getting muddy flat Ki- a a Ayoub, Brownsville, Pa.; Frank All American (puirler of mile wide. Crop condi- H. Aviation Training Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Wash., Aug. tions excellent lters, Wrightsville, Ga.; Francis in 10 The mov- 10. The.Ueau Brummels of tire especially at J- ('amp England, Aug. the army nn dthe is in fine condi- Healy, Hartford; Frank Moynahan, is in these who like to bo a range ' ing picture being widely used the here, "just In cat- Holykoa,. Mass.; '.Iohn J. o'Rourke, of little have been sud tion. There plenty of grass and .1. training American pilots in this different" dealt a tle and are in New York; Mechanic Thomas bead-quarte- sheep fine shape. I country. The young flying office rc. blow. Orders issued from the Fleming, Phoenicia, N. Y.; Privates to HI Se- $20 $4$ who are sent to the armament school of the ltitith Robert C. Ky.; depot brigade Ttnton N. M.. Artim, Lclghton, here to thena-elve- the are brief and to the hereaf- Aug. 10. Abundant John K. acquaint with point that over bastian Barber, Hartford: use of the airplane guns and gungears ter shirt collars in that organization phnwers have fallen tho county Berten, New York; Alexander Bright, find their three-week- s course a most must be worn turned down. this week, ltunge and crop conditions Alexandria, Ind.; Marcinno C'laro, are excellent. -- Interesting one, owing partly to the That effect of having the collar Robert I). Collins, Bonaire, largo share which the moving picture heavily stitched so it would lend an Ga.; Joseph Deninieki, New Britain: machine plays in the instruction. air of distinction when turned up is Clovls, N. M.. Aug. 10. Copious Milford G. de Wolf, Portland. Ore.; Shirts have fallen War Silk The pupil is not required to sit out no more and the young men in the rains throughout Curry Hans H. Dittmer, darks. Neb.; a lengthy lecture read aloud from the depot brigade to whom a uniform is county during the r.ast waek, practi- ren W. Dubbs, Emana, Pa.; Charle?! Our showing of Silk Shirts includes Man- rote of an instructqr. Instead, the something more than juS? a uniform cally assuring good forest crops, which B. Hart. Olyfnpia. Wash.; Thomasl are well advanced for this cetison of New York; Paul Macon, various brunches of gunnery train- are saddened. Scrawny necks will Xjo Hays. Hearn, hattan and Broadway newest effects and ing, such as the and assemb- longer be camouflaged by the turned the year. Hange conditions nr.? rap- la.; Willis Hines, Gales Creek, Ore.: Shoe Department stripping in result- M. ; Edward of an various to up collar for hereafter when idly improving consequence, Frank Hunt, Milner. Ga. the , ling guns, dthe points .except .T. prices are right. lie observed blouses are worn, collars will lie ing in tho discontinuing of cattle ship- Marino. Cincinnati; Edward Martin, of V. L. before, during and after ments to other localities. New J. St. Our stock are demonstrated ac- as flat as the will The prairie York; George Panuska, complete flight, by films, army regulations lakes nre full of water and both farm- Paul; Edward V. Powers, New York. companied by concise explanations by permit. Wil- dress and work shoes are officers. Hat cords of ers and stockmen are ju riilp.nt ever Paul E. Ragsdale, Pelzer, S. C: Douglas competent among the members tho future prospect. in the Hol- - liam P. New York; William Frequently a film is run over the the dojiot brigade also are to be a Crops Roche, to in. screen lene and Pleasant Hill districts are 'Rykus, Brooklyn; Haskell Sadler, $5 $10 several times at different thing of the past soon for no more to l e in Buffalo F. so inti- reported the best the history ' Valley, Tenn.; George .Men are speeds the pupil gets a very are being issued. For years the branch of those sections of the The Shirick, X. J.:i Ixmis M. Remember, They mate idea of Illus- o fthe service to which a be- country. Kingston, the process being man lust rainfall in Clovis, amounting to ScozzafavaF, New York; John Shan-- j solid trated. Monotony and complexity find longed has been readily told by the .Ci of an was not so as I. Silkwood,: Union Made and are leather no in inch, heavy non, Cincinnati; Quintin place this method of training. color of his hat cord, but since the in other parts of the county. The in- Gatewood, Mo.; Thomas P. Sinon, are lower than The films standardize the correct depot brigade Is a replacement or- dications are favoraJile for more rain Wallingford, Conn.; Joseph A. Smith, and the prices any methods, and their instructional value ganization for every branch, it can- today. Waterbury; Patrick J. Stanley, Floral Bradley Sweaters is con- is The film is not be said to to other make when work not belong any particular Park, N. Y.; Charles Stratemeyer, j quality confined to but is con- one. Hitherto the men have worn Water-- , Come in and see our gunnery alone, Socorro, X. M., Aug. 10. Heavy Cincinnati; Joseph P. Sugrue, showing of new fall sidered. tinued in the other technical courses, the blue cord of the Jnfantrymen but have fallen oast bury; Joseph Wielgosz, Milwaukee;! such as with rains here during the sweaters in all the new colors aerial tactics and bomb drop- the wearing out of the corda and few days. Hange conditions are very Archie H. Wooley, Atlanta, Ga.; Philip and weaves. ping. According to British Instructors, the of new ones mem- much improved. Stockmen md farm M. Wright, Isabel, S. I. $4.50, $5.00, $5.50, the use of the film has shortened and bers will be without. This order ef- ers are over Indica'ions of Died of Wounds. course fects jubilant $6.50 and $7.00 improved the of training In only men of the depot brigade. rains again today. Sergeants Harvey L. Elliot, Aber- these departments very materially. deen, Ala.; Arthur G. Andal- to ' Pittman, $3.50 $15 Every Pair Guaranteed. . According to a census taken In Den- Silver City, N. M.. Aug. 10. Range usia, Pa-- ; Corporal William S. Gard- Shel- (Iiancci Are She, Hail. mark, which has about one-thir- d of and crop conditions in southwestern ner, Magnolia, N. C; Mechanic He "I'm afraid you'll bo shocked the area of Wisconsin, that country New Mexico are poor. Whilo rains don D. S,harpley, Oconto, Wis.; Pri- by this story!" She "I will be if has more than 5,400,000 fruit trees. have been general and thus far in Au vates A label Blumenthal, Chicago; haven't heard it." Widow. gust, these have been local for the Elmer Charneau, Webb City, Mo.; most pnrt and the precipitation is fr.r Clifford Cunningham, Atmore, Ala.; Long lleach, Talif., forbid public below the average. In mountainous Va.: Louis Journal Want Ao results. George Davis, Howertons, tiring "spooning" by young persons. districts range is fair with cattle loss- Dohorwski, Nantlcoke, Pa.; William Clothing Company es small. While crops are maturing Glasky, Detroit; Elmer John Grob, slowly In th flat country, especially Leslie, Mo.; Daniel M. Wor- The Healy, Home of Schaffner & Marx Clothes" , In southern Grant county, in ran go cester; George Johnson, Jackson, Hart, burned up as well as crops end condi- Ohio; Charles Lnngendorff, Chicago; tions are serious. There have 'jeen Daniel J. McLaughlin, New York; losses of cattle where stock lias r.ot Octave Ala.; been McLauhlin, Springville, Private Cecil E. saved by feeding. Eugene McManus, Dewltt, Iowa; Ed- Campbell, Owosso, REV. WILLIS HAMBLIN CARTHAGE PLANNING TO SUBSCRIBE NOW! win Wis.: John Mich. East Las N. 10. Peterson, Eauclalre, Vegas, M., Aug. A. . C. Recent have Stecker, New York; Theodore, v IS ' TO BE INSTALLED VOTE BONDS TO BUILD heavy rains imrrovnti Wattleson, Postville, Iowa. THE MAltlMX agricultural conditions in San Migi'el Washington, Aug. 0. Tho marine and Mora counties indications Pied of Disease. AS PASTOR ON AUG. 15 A NEW SCHOOL HOUSE and the River- corps casualty list today shows: are for average crops. . Wheat In the Horseshoer Fred Almquist, Killed in action, 11; died of R. "Privates A. Jen-He- wounds, district will bushels side, I.; Conrad 5; wounded ; IsptciAL To 10. Car- Irrigated go thirty i'ot-ubils- severely, total, 25. eonnispONOCNCl mohninj N. M., Aug. TO THE JOURNAL to - Portland, Ore.; Wyllem F. ;, journalI Magdalena. the acre. In the mountains un'r- The list includes: Marion Santa Fe, Aug. 10. A meet-ing.- of Socorro which is run- Minneapolis. Oarv, special thage, county, rigated wheat will make a fair crop Eagle Hill, N. M., died of wounds re- the Presbytery of Santa Fe has ning extensive coal mines and which In dry farming sections the drouth Died From Airplane Accident. ceived in been called to at Santa Fe on Phil action. meet lias a constantly growing population, practically has ruined the wheat Lieutenant Dillaril, Topeka, Hobart B. Tex- to Rev. have classification as a village with Colonel W. CiOKselt, Harlingen, Thursday, August IS, instajl is to Beans will make a heavy crop Kans.; Robert Holt, Jr., as wounded severely. J. Willis Hamhlin of Cass City, Midi., Fichool which may employ four teach- the two months of growing weather Clifton Heights, Pa. as of tho First at tho least. The county board of are Pled Accident anil Oilier Causes pastor Presbyterian ers, which expected. Many beans From congregation here. State Lu-ce- rduciUion has authorized the voting Tobacco have come since the Privates Charles O. ACTION OF OFFICIALS Senator Fund Newport planted early up Boyer, villi officiate and the sermon will of bonds to erect a modern school is 80 cent R. drouth broke. Alfalfa per Tenn.; Benjamin Carlson, Grundy IN be delivered by Kev. Campbell of house as soon as the legal require- normal. Corn on the Pecos is above Center, Iowa; Robert P. Donaldson, HEARST CASE WAS lie with. This Is Ttnton, a classmate at McCormick ments cn complied How Our Soldiers Will Long for the average and in dry districts 2r Livingston, Ills. Theological Mr. Hamh- community has nlways been one of the 7 PR0PEB,HERVEY, SAYS Seminary 'of to per cent normal. Despite the Section four: lin. Kev. Oablno Itendon of .Mora and foremost in Socorro county for ad- drouth and San crops hav- Good Old .American Tobacco! drifts Miguel Killed In Action. Kev. Cordova Will assist, whilo a num- vancing tho cause of education, will those of 1917. Cov- ( MORNIN JOU.NAL to equal Wagon Lieutenants Theodore T. Kirk, rCIL LIIIIO WIMI ber of other pastors are expected to ing iKcn for years striving uphold Mound and Roy districts, where rains ins, Calif.; Herman II. Brook- Santa Fe, Aug. 10. Attorney. Gen- be. the best standards and to elect com- came will Smith, ' present, including Hev. Iinsing early, have good crops, lyn; Corporals John Jacevicz, Wood- eral J. M. Hervey, now legal adviser Bloom of the Hio Grande petent teachers. By special arrangement The Journt.1 guarantees to deliver, Grass Is growing and cattlemen who to Oovernor VV. K. presbytery. an with tobacco two dollar on land, Pa.; Carl C. Mogensen, Boelus, llndsey, in his ar- through arrangement manufacturers, were forced to move their herds Neb.; Cook Vitold Kowalswskl, Sche- gument for the defense in the Hearst worth of tobacco, for every dollar subscribed, to our soldiers In mountains or state are de-cl- outside tho. nectady, N. Y.; Privates Francis Guz- injunction caso in federal court, a France and on the way to France. back with indications red : moving good zle, Italy; Bruce AVhlte, Battle Creek, The packages (50c worth of tobacco) are put up la attractive of fall pastures. Mich, First, that tho stain ten which are to concerns ac- patriotic packages. Tn every package we put a return postal card i Section five: applicable private and with word1 Carlsbad, NT. M.. Aug. 10. Rains tions of individuals in can- your name and address so that you will get back from Killed Action.' pence times the battlefields from as many soldiers as subscribe .28 ent are spotty in this district. Heavy rains in not be applied strictly to administra- Man of 8 Years you Phil- - Corporals A. Fiechter, i Jacques Young pieces. ..- in Guadalupe and Capitans assure tive boards in war time. winter grass. However, there Is not adelphia; Eeverett O. Shores, Second, that over and above the in Are You to be an Officer TOBACCO IS sufficient elsewhere. A heaVy rise charges of conspiracy and politics in Equipped Mentally MIGHTY SCARCE X the Pecos river assures an abundance Died of Wounds. the cast must bo placed the power and ' c, ' Near the Trenches. "'V of water for the Carlsbad irrigation Lieutenant Edwin Llewellyn, purpose of the state council of defense In the United States Army? project., Crops are in fine shape. Wis.; Wagoner Samtiel E. and other state officers to pursue their FROM lftVIN COBU'S "PATHS OF GLOBI" Bybee, Edwards, Mo. conception' of patriotic duty In guard- know Need Causes tho welfare Do you that your Country's Greatest "As we Diid From Accident ami Oilier ing public inti critical pe- I recall now, had come through the' gate of the school riod. Com-yma- nd bouse is for young men who are equipped mentally to to vhere the automobile stood when a puff of wind blowing Military Training nt Normal. tlovornor Llndsey has constitutional to us from the left, which meant from across the- battlefront brought East Las Vegas, N. M., Aug. 10. power to take such other men? to our noses a smell we tie. steps as he deems certain which already knew full well. Military raining will be a regular British Hoover necessary to protect the public health " 'You said partment of the Normal University's and welfare, and Mr. insisted is get tt, I see,' the German officer, who stood along win- Hervey That is why the United States Government urg- side of me. 'It tomes from three miles off, but you can get It five work during the coming fall and that tho action o ftho governor and of miles when the wind is strong' and he waved his left arm toward ter. Announcement to this effect has the council of defense, tributary Jo the ing all young men of 18 years and under .draft age, who It as the scent had been a visible 'That been made by President Frank II. Jl. executive, was legal under the though thing. explains why home r entirely are to enter to do and combine tobacco Is so scarce with us along the staff back yonder in Laon. Roberts. The officers o( the constitutional right of the governor. qualified College, so, have volunteered their servlo.-s- , "All tobacco can In guard the which be spared la sent to the men the and homo guard arms and equipment Military Training with College Education. front trenches. As long as they smoke and on smoking they can stand keep . will be used under an agreement with that" Adjutant General Baca and Governor That is Why the Government has established the ,', No Matter How Small the Amount Send It in. Llndsey. Bonds. Military Department in ' Our boys are going to need tohaceo In great quantities. Fill out Liberty' the coupon now Today Is None Too Boon and make It I WILL BUY ANY or generous Widow Tref erred to Meet Bring it, mall It, to The Journal Office. ISSUE ANY AMOUNT ' The Death at Home At highest market prices. University bond THE JOURNAL, NEW MEXICO. ?. - i General stock and ALBUQUERQUE, "For many years I suffered from business transacted. (List-,e- d stomach trouble. All i the doctors or , Mexico Nat. P'wilar eUueMM ksvlng retail value of unlisted.) of New lUpkf. H, tried me little. All said helped but ' K Pkf- - No. I PopuKT pip. tobeeeo kaviag null vskw of He. I would have to go to hospital and be A. AT ALBUQUERQUE. operated on for gallstones or I would L. Jameson Pkg. No. 1 Popular tobmooo vain of Ma. not live much I 1 435 elnntu having null longer. tola them .ScourTty lliiildiug. . of to One LOS The New Military Training Department ,the No, 1. preferred meet death at home. ANGIXKS...... K pkf. Popular plug kawln tobaoao sarins ratal! vaias I an advertisement of L. A. Stock of the Fall Term, of . .. . dnj picked up (Member with the beginning since University opens Mayr'a Wonderful Remedy and Exchange.) "- fa aoaurcance with your offar to anl popular brands of tokaaao aa taking a course of it more than a year October 1st. '. elfmrattaa to our aolai.ra la Baropa la anna of Me paakasas, aaah tor He, ago have not had a single, pain in my JinnKi, i stomach, have good appetite and can Inform about this opportunity. esalnaa , ...jjmww eat anything." It is a simple, harm- yourself .,,,,,.,., less preparation that removes the ca- J. R. Clynes, who was parliament- SAVE Address . for details. oar Kama ...... tarrhal mucus from the Intestinal ary secretary to the British Food SUClR Write, today tract and the - Inflammation Ministry, is 'new British 'Food I TOR THE ' treat Aitnm , allays the DAVID R. BOYD, President, which causes practically all stomach, Controller ri succession to the late MAN liver and intestinal includ- Lord Rhondda. is a labor leader, y , of New mm ailments, He University Mexico, Cut atats will con- - ing appendicitis. One dose with only a tight school education, WHO Albuquerque, N. M. , vince or money refunded. For sale and for years ihas been president of FIGHTS by Butt Bros., iBriggs' Pharmacy and ill druggists everywhere, ers. - Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11, 1918. SEVEN

15 a WsiibJ 1m Mm$ UNION jL IK1 Tel ES TlroA tie JOT1ML CLASSIFIED) COLiMIS

FOl SALE The Star Furniture Co. FORCED PLANSFQRLOANS A Little us; wrsT ;ou. s ITS $2,500 bungalow, modern, Ni!y Valley ranches are our long suit. Have a la rue flarke Jewel Has sleeping porch, garage, Fourth If you want to buy land it will pay: ItaUKe Willi hiirh oven. Trice $15, ward. , you to see us. We have several close! now, for ' 3EEpns(B Ssrfej Modems worth $15 in the market $2,600 stucco, etc., In farms now that can be bought; Fw l Goods. bath, " Slccoiiil lla:;.l TO SEEK COVER TO FARMERS cement walks and coping, also worth tho money. imiom: 49. adobe, all on lot 75x142; Four-roo- modern brick with Third ward. while cement finish. glassed-I- IEIMTOH 6 CO. Four rooms and bath, lance glaxed $1.900 frame, modern, glassed- sleeping porch, harj-.voo- floors, F1KK lNsriWNCI': AOENTS and gcreened aloeplng porch. Four -in shade, outbuild- A swell little porch, good east front. home close Third and dold West Central. Close ings, AVest Lead avenue. in, lowlands. See. blocka from JACOB SANDLER, STREET FULL! OUTLINED stucco In. Some cash and $18 month 111 $3,250 bungalow, per JOG WKST ICNTUAh porch, garage, MAETIM CO. will to sleeping University LL will handle. It pay yu raw Heights. Owner town, llest Shoe Ilnapital Oafs $4.750 cement block REAL ESTATfc. FIRE INSURANCE, Investigate. leaving uml 1. T. K. French Heels nt , LOANS. and will gacrillce. See National TO and shingle residence, hardwood samp cheap heela Free (SPSCIAL COSSCSPONDSNCB MOSNINO JOUSNAU Phone 166. 216 West Gold. Ton all in cultivation, close in, prices Further retreat of Germans flours, hot air furnace, corner lot, acres Investment Co., 102 North Third I.ielivery. Santa Fe, Aug. 10. Plans for loans for $2,000. This is a good buy. to farmers in tlio southwest who have good location, Fourth ward. Causes Another Uprush in lost their two $2,300. shingle bungalow, K. McCLt GIIAN crops successive years built-i- n 07 by drouth or winter killing are offi- modern, features, hardwood 210 West Hold Phone the Distinctive Equipments outlined in a floors, glassed Bleeping porch, Insurance, Loans, Notary 1'ubllc PROFESSIONAL CARDS. cially statement by the 4th. FOR SALE treasury and agricultural garage; ward. and War Shares, departments. ATTOUNKlM The money will be advanced as a loan for l'uone In A. 'Open Agency Organ- FOIt SAL.K Krcsh buttermilk. cases of necessity upon the crop FLEECE!! 2UI-F- of izer with Old Line Life In- FOE SALE wheat or substitute grains planted. Real Estate, Insurance, Loans FOIt SALU -- l'lano before "the fifteenth. 723 Attorney New York". Aug. 10, Shorts were No loan will be made in excess of $3 111 South Fourth Street. surance Company. Address VA biirnuin two resiltU'Rce te'.. on South Kdlth. liooms 15. i: and 19. Cromwell Building tto to- acre and no will fi- in I'laco riione 1172. again hurrieHly driven cover in per applicant t KorroKtcr nvenue, two Lun;i Full .Wo tent. Utile used, $lo. nanced 100 BOX JOURNAL. DICNTISTS beyond acres. Therefore 321, cheap. Money to loan. fost $26. Phone 68. day's brief stock market session, the no loan will made in excess of $300. be FOIt SA -- Horse, harness and bUKKy. It It. k. Fv further retreat of the Germans caus- Notes 6 cent in- W. EL McEflfflLLIOH . J. k given will bear per r ('lias. M.itin, old Dental Sorceoe another in the more dis- terest in the A 200 V. Alttutiueiji ing uprush payable southern districts PRETTY BUNGALOW AT Cl(l. Household h'ooits. Call Mrs. t". Uooms Barnett BulldliiK Phone 741 1. will LOST. r'Olt tinctive equipments and war sh.ires. October Federal land banks B. Appleby, 31 J t'oal. Appointments Mode by Mall be the of govern- A BARGAIN United States Steel of principal agents the I' tlood 2 i displayed much ment iu OH Ketilic driving outfit, it. r. coi e the transaction. eoiitiilnfn;; anverul iinllurg wuiih ut Thrift FOR RENT Roomi. rlss, one double, one single. 401 North Bent 1st Its recent vigor nt a steady aflvar-- to UoUtrn t" li. Applicants must; agree to use seed Owner gone war. House Stamps. iynn tJray. letter Thirteenth. Phone mill. Rooms 6 Mellnl Bulldln( of 1 to its Ciirrii.r No. 10 &v phmiu 1 Jlij-J- . Iltwuid points 112, top price and methods approved by the depart brand new. Five rooms, bath, FOR SA1.10 Two pood double seated car Si von. NortU. I I.ANH AND Sl!K(iKONS .. J since last May. Other active stocks its brick and In I IIVSK ment of agriculture, which through glazed porch, white Haiti's and one nine bUKKy. Apply Jos " at gains of substantial fractions to various agencies, assisted by farm cement. Fine location. $750 cash, HELP WANTED. Full KENT Furnlslied rooms for llljllt Lewis at A. J. Bnchechi's store. wrOit l''ilV, M."l). two Cru- loan associations and other local farm- balance monthly payments if you housekeeping. 621 West Silver SA I.K -- Si'i'hm 2 Jer-sc- Practice Limited to Tnherruloals Wright poinls were Bothlchem ani Ftllt H;iMm, h.trio'ss, Of'lce hours, cible ers' organizations, will investigate desire. Male. FOIt HUNT Furnished housekeeping rooms cows, frcsli this inontli; 1 old hulldinx; opposite poslofflce. Steels, Baldwin IOcomoUve, . 1 1001 10 2 to 3 p. m. Phone, office each application. The money will not mil) 1M8-J- .lerscv cair. West Mountain to U a. m., WlilJ U lx AukkMs M. ;. A. Aulu KclluuL North Second. Phone . 30I-- Anaconda Copper, United States ALBUQUERQUE Itond! I' MH-J- S97-- residence bo advanced until the crop is planted Train for FoilRKNT Three furnished rooms, nicely H'nc excel- Cigars and shippings. Rails retained and a representative of that depart- VV'A.V'llOlJ modern. JiO.OO. 1011 Norlhr First. tiiuud ptrtiio, DR. MAK4.AKKT UtflVRIIillT INVESTMENT COMPANY - Motormen. Alily City Kkclrlo lent shape. Also one buby bunny, new, (. Women's and Chil- their recent backwardness and the ment certifies to the federal bank that 111 No Limited to Coiupnny, Occidental llulldltig, FOIl KENT tllasscd sleeping porch. worth $:i". will sell for $1.1. 401) North iMltli Praril.e more volatilo were epre-sentcd tho has his dren's Diseases specialties applicant completed plant Phone 199. 115 South sick. 210 West New York. Phono 204o. 1M4-W- . Second WANTKD First class mechanic ood money O Phono 671. AUiimuernue, JUJHu by General Motors at a five-poi- nt tng in proper manner and with proper to "REN'Modern-rurnrsc- no 1123 H. Central Phone right man. Apply White UuitiKe. FOR rooms; SA 1.1'J -- No. l ins: hois,, wciuht 225,-00- 0 seed. the federal dra "rOKHB decline. Sales amounted to Upon the receipt by man sick; water. MHVt West Central. lor.o. One wnnon One l)lt'.' SAR AH land of such WANTED Experienced for milk house running sheet. lotffy pole. l.lnilled lo Children shares. bank certificate, appli work. BcieVs North FOR Rooms" on. wsek, One set double harness, llKht. Two sets of Pnctlce Actual loans cant will bo to give note and Apply Dairy. loa "rb'nt n bath; Office Rooms 1 and J, Wright Bldg. bank increased by required Fourth. no sick; over Oolden Rule Store. sittKle harness, one heavy. One runabout Bold. $152,000,00(1, a total Increase chattel mortgage on the crop planted. with umbrella, very cheap. One dandy Fourth and making W A NT E O ighF man HUNT well ventilated bed 3 m- to 6 p. m of in tho In order to give a basis Br aggressive energetic Foil Large, spring wa;on. One sintjlu cot, Iron. 6J0 Hours p. $125,000,000 past three applicants for outsldo work. First-clas- s remuneration room. 219 North Fifth street. Phone 2075. Of flee Phoneol for credit to assist In ob- IK In npod of a "IS. North Second. Residence Phone weeks. Hotuls were strong. Paris 6's temporary practlciit nursp. Phone A. B. C, Jounral. 1887-- a and issues taining the seed, tho department of WANTF.D Position by nurseT Ruor gaining point Liberty experienced WANTE- D- A Ford truck driver, must have Foil KENT Newly furnished room and JOo Roofs under our ear will MuceI.aneout. on the sustained agriculture will promptly investigate Telephone 718, 111 per (alien. FOR REN! stiffening strength as soon as previous experience. Apply by letter to sleeping porches; reasonable rates. Improve from year to year. We can put on of the 8H's. Total sales, nar value, all applications, and ap WANTED Position by man. Clerical "Truck Driver." Journal. Second. Dank is yuuiitf North a new root that will last as long as the $3,075,000. United States bonds wer proved the federal land wiy work preferred. Address. U V. U., cure house- UOI-- TClnC-"e'- - WANTED Teacher fur manual training FiiT; KENT Furnished rooms and building. The Manzano Uo. Vhone -- ehewi bur a statement of approval to the cf Journal HOKSIW and Riis to Jemes rlns; unchanged on call during the week. and an all round mechanic Rio Grande keeping apurtm'ents, all new and modern. do South Walnut. Arno. foct that the mone" will be advanced WANTRD Clerical B. Garcia, North Closing prices: position by young lady Industrial Bchoul, Box City. 21f .North Seventh, KH1HI ruoc rites. ll Is nec- In t5 carbon parni aua root cement R 7.F.NT. The l 0. Whlt fifl' when the crop planted and the experienced general office work. S. M. upart-ment- pIaNO-FO- American Beet Sugar PROSTATE Sufferers to rend our announce- RIO C.UANDE HOTEL Rooms and stops leaks; lasts five years. Use Devoe 1454-- 208 ' certificate and note and mort M., Journal office. Vhones 3it0 and American Can 47 essary ment under Personal. No The Elec- 611) West Central. Mrs. Richard floor Valspar, Jap-a-la- Music Co.. drugs. ' ready paint, paint. are executed and delivered. WANTKD Position an eook Kteuhen-vllle- American Smelting & 79 irace and general trothermal Company, George Bldg.. , West, Proprllress, mohair top and seat dressing.. Motor car fin- West Gold. Refining. is to assist only those who hnupc worker. Klrat class either Sun tit Fe central location American Tel. & Tel 92 The plan Ohio. IMTTitUAL Ntc clean rooms, ish, cold water kalsomlne, and be satisfied. tholr resources. No or Alhuqueniup- Address L. W., Journal. RooMfe 410 iouipped for American Zinc 17 have exhausted WANTED A middle aged man to cook for rates or week; over Woolworth s, Thos. F. Keleher, 401 W. Central. Phone olp'ete.'y ready loan will be made to farmer who WANTED Position by experienced office by day Arthur Everltt. Jeweler. Anaconda C7T' any two men, and work around ranch. Hteaily 319 2 West Central. FOUS.T,K Cooper-lle- lit lamp. No tube seats 4r,0. Apply Copper or man. Bookkeeper, salesman or clerical Box Atchison 84 has unencumbered real personal work and good pay. Address 7, Luptou, KENT room sleeping $25. Marsh picture frame vise with saw, Albuquerque. sufficient to secure a loan of line in store or office. Address E. 8., Journal Aria. Foil Large airy Baltimore & Ohio 54 property porch suitable for light housekeeping. $12. Twelve Jugs, $'J. Ten cases banks are on wa- & $300. In such country WANTKP Position drulred ranch view , f oookkeeper. perman- .r.. 1317 North Juks, 2",c each. Thirty-gallo- hut Butte Superior 25 service, of ur uij Inquire Jim urged, as a matter of public permanent employment foremanshlp ent position large corporation. State age, AMERICAN S02 West Central. ter tank, $.1, 3 ln film developing tank, California Petroleum 18 borrower by competent reliable man with references. HOTEL. porch and to render assistance, Each qualifications, and salury expected. Address new management, house- $2. Manna & Hanni. Master Photographers, sleeping Canadian Pacific 153 M Married. Not a health seeker. Opened under - will be required, as a part of his con Address "O," care Journal office. rooms, rates board. 4P l"Ir"'- Central 67 "Position." Journal. - keeping and sleeping rr leather to agree If his yield is MEN Age 17 to 4.1. Experience unnecessary. Phone S01. & Ohio 5(1 tract, that, Chesapeake seven busnois per acre or more, nc Travel; make secret Investigations, 8AI.R Mil. & St. t FOR RENT Office American For- rOR Chicago, P"' will nav into a fund a sum Room. .Salaries; expenses. Boutn, ONI? Centrifugal pump and Chino guaranty eign Defective Agency. 500 Kt. Louis. Cnroi to 25 per cent of tho amount FJu'KblNTJfTlc" FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 414 "west motor. With pressure control. Ap- Home, piivon- - "V; 'vim equal lNTEM.lUKNT Mk WuTk ,oca i J. E nT '"::;!: ill moiieia ... loaned him to cover any losses that upstairs, over Woolworth's store. no sick, no children. ply 1), Weinman, care Economist. kT)11 TlKNT Furnished ,..n "J ' .:.(.' S:,x new no In- .sum met. ,yt mav nccur. If the amounts bo conlriu t'OK front connecting office tirely business; canvassing. no sick, With board. Ideal for - K3NTa man made J15 Folt KENT Desirable front room, home, !; uteri exceed the actual loss by the rooms over Golden Itulo Htnre. experienced day. l,horiptlve or children. 714 West Silver. 'Irons 131(1.' H re- Bulletin Free. Krilfft. Box KM, Tulsa, Okla, room government, the excess will bo KIJNT Furnished room will) sleeping from I'nlversiiy "! .( Ctts 32 OOVKHNMKNT NEEDS 20,000 CLUltKS at FOR ' iulllf-Ae- P board. IMemo uia turned to the contributors. FOR RENT , porch. Table board next door. (ioD West WANTED rVhsceftaneou. ...t.I.. he,, with iNOrthern 00 Dwelling. W'ashlnglon. Examinations everyw-ier- In pfd ;. Hold. 213S-W- . for sumim rratcs 52 H August, unnecessary. Men and lumber. Inspiration Copper North. Experience r."m. KENT Large room furnished; modern WANT'KU To buy second hund FOU"nF.NT- -lt ns with slee;.l..K P"rc),es. Int. Mer. Marine Pfd. Ctfs 04 of lard women desiring government positions mite conveniences and heat fur winter. 400 - Phone il!71. water, 1st class table board. provisions a lift. Some buying l'"OH' liKNT Bungalow, throe rooms and free to .1. C dorm- Kennecott Copper : 34 for particulars Leonard, South Seventh. WA N't'T" D Small brio il ni tle pup. Phono de Oro. 013 WestJUold. was ascribed to packers. two porches, ltiglit on thu corner. 1321 er l lv'l Set vice 1053 Kcnoll Ca;a Louisville & Nashville 113 North Exuiiliner.) FOR KENT Nice room, sleeping porch, nil "porch fnrnlshecj Closing prices: Bldg,, Washington. 301 Bouth Mexican Petroleum 102 modern conveniences. Finely located. Call WANTED To buy a small tHiit In good first-clas- s tablo board. Corn Sept., Oct., $1.60. Foil tiUXT Modern llousi-B- rooms. GOVERNMENT will hold Civil Service Ex-- - room, Miami Copper 2S $1.58; 015 West Copper. I'none 0. M rs Abbt. Oats Sept., Oct., G9c. Close in. Some furnished. W. H. McMlllion, umtuations in Albuquerque In August. nyiinon, iu F.dlth Phone Missouri 23 U 684c; L'0 front room and and suitable Pacific Pork $44.40. West Gold. 0 OiMI clerks to be appointed at Washlng-ton- i FOK KENT Large sleep Sl'KClAI, rates made lo'plcnlo tishlng TTrrrTofviNkrrootn and porch Sept., - e""."-man- ; Call 15X3-- reasonable rates. Montana Power 664 $26.75; Oct., $26.75. FOM RENT Furnished house, two rooms, Experience unnecessary. Men and wo- ing porcn. sit ctoiiiu omu, i", parties. ror . with board, Sept., no Invalid. Private family. Inquire ArtMN 1. New York Central 72 Ird $24 67. sleeping poreli, nice yard and out build n desh'Uig go'prnmfnt clerkships write WANTED if you need a carpenter, call J. Phone j Ribs Sept., $24.52; Oct., frera R. E. (fom-c- r Mrs. Tilton Bogh. . man anel Northern Pacific 82 Inps. Inquire 1300 North SecontL for particulars to Terry, S. Purling. lJhone io:-j- HUN- T- ilooiil with board for civil Service Examiner), 31i Columbluu FOR 4n porch Pennsylvania 44 NEW YORK COTTON. Foil IlKNT New moilern cottage with BlgtUanOs. WANTED To buy the best twelve hundred wife or two ladles, l.argo glassed 74 furnlsh- - Buildings Washington. For Phone Ray Consolidated Copper 23 glassed sleepInK porch completely pound horse six years old, John Mann, no other boarder.. particular. . ed. lloti .Solllll Waller. Plume 1BK7-- FOIl KENT Furnished rooms, i'ii Reading j New York, 10. Cotton futures rwnnst, WANTKD-- A second hand sewing machine. 181. Aug. Central. 2114-R- . Republic Iron & Steel 93 Boutb. vv A. Must be In No. 1 condition. Phono ef l.ocKnart tttndt closed steady. Oct., $30.37; Dec., iliu Competent saleswoman. Tht, Foil :tENT Furnished rooms. till South MIWw:irRt:fcr.. te - sho Southern Pacific 8R74 Cull p. m. to 602 Sonth Arno. wher.- $29.91; Jan., $29.83; March, $29.80; FOR KENT FurnlslHtd modern Kconomtst. Walter. Phone 202. after Southern 23 once seeond hand furniture prepared to take health seekers. Phone Railway house, 81(1 West Iron. WANTED Ulrl for housework, 19 WANTKD At !, " May, $29.70. sleeping porch. general FOIl rooms with sleep- ' stuve or Texas Company 152 Phone C13. West C(pper. and kitchen utensils; also cook 3335. ing porch and board. South Edith. 2196-J- . - Union Pacific 122 YORK MONEY. FOIt KENT One furnished four WANTED Cook smalt no range. Plne Fri7JATlDIN KSOClNDlDO The "'lo- TT. NEW house, (or family, IIENT-- Furnished room with'" S. Industrial Alcohol four-roo- unfurn- 2M1-- Foil sleeping for fwo good Ford room with 128'. rooms at 403 and one washing. Phone 101 WANTED Cash buyer centi Ideal home. Hss private five-roo- m porch, lady preferred. BouihWalter All cars United States Stel 112 New 10. Mercantile pa- ished at 411 South Seventh. Also one "WANTED cars and one Buick J passenger. ' York, Aug. Eperiencod girl for general ?ORRE NT Largs room" wifn sisvpin 349. Also desirable nounte room Utah Copper 81 60 bills, unfurnished house at 608 West Silver housework. 4'u North Seventh, In first lss condition. Phone MJjnj"h'' bath. per unchanged; sterling day porch; Ideal fpr two. 618 East Central. 1S01 West Central. Thone J us. i 731 nor cent1 others unchanged: Apply 214 West Gold. WOMAN For no cook. HKHIEST PRICB PAID FOR JUNK WFEKL-- general housework; FOK KENT Furnished room newly furn- BOUTUWBSTKHN JBNK CO., room Jl.WK STATEMENT. 476 cables, 477 de Ing. Address Boa 626, Albuquerque. 023 Bt THB 8HADT NOOK ranch offers excellent demand, y; Hlgblanat. ished, very reasonable. South Arno. 114 WF.ST LEAD. PHONB 611. WB ALSO . ex- -, ana ooara. mo mand, 476 cames, 4ii-o- WANTED Hlrl for dining room work, KENT just ; iilui New 10. The. HK KICN'r Furnisheo coU Foil One large olry housekeeping BI'T OLD AUTOH, 3430B--4- free York, Aug. actual silver Mexican dollars un perlcnce not necessary. Albuquer- .'109 For rates phone transportationfl- Bar and 1022 Apply room, close In. Houth Broadway. n . . - H, "dition of bouse with sleeplnr porch. Boutb, Walter. que Sanatorium. WANT KD Heoond-a- men's and boys' Accominouuiiuiis u" " ...ilih- lira clearing banks and 1270-.- .. m AlSO - changed. Kour-rooj- Phone rtrl nnflnrsMl. tTUnkS " ,.m! the week shows l'Vlil RtONT bouse two classed WANTED to learn .k.... - inomas. 'ir In 114. 1652-J- . Blight young gni tlie KENT Rooms with porch cases. Call 619. Ctrloago 6)eeond- i. li,," w; In porches. Water paid, Phone bosioess: also Foil sleeping and suit ';,?. KANSAS CITY PRODUCE. Millinery experienced help. with or without board. Phone 671. 1121 $17 Bouth ' " FOR RHNT Three-roo- furnished cottacs. Tho Hat Shop. III!" South Fourth. nand store, rirst. WANTED Salesmen. :'.! uir ';';: East Central. e-- r,ici.j(. 017 tlM-3- . w i vVen ui nwi v friim 3o to 6c ' c X ! i.'Wl.-i- i South Broadway. Phone WANTEI-- A .! , 10. Inquire capable woman for general h,. o J,.. oltv, Aug. Butter FOR KENT Two rooms and steeping porch each. 600 tons fu-a- Iron. Pay from SAl.KMEN Excellent permanent position housework to go to New Mex. .,. FOIl KENT Nicely furnished tlir Iirdsburg, water and Call II. Bt. IOUtS in wow seconds, J detached light fujrnlshvd. tn, n Patriotic duty. salesmen ft ' i'i:f. 40c; cottage, tll.OO, paid. Phone :ia-- Inquire of Mrs. Barnes, 600 North Eleventh. capable ; i. i ti'l.;.-.- ' tc llghta 1203 E:ist 406 Phone $7$. 45! line for general retail ,!' Copper. Junk Co., flnuth rirst street. Aug. staple , CIliC ROAI4.1 FOR BENT Two-roo- furnished house WANTED Exjwrienced female stenograph-- wc-".- AGO o:' ViK i' i'i' . 32c. FOIl RENT Room with sleeping porch. er trade. Liberal commissions. with er for steady Must be good WANTKD To sell or trade for sheep Co. 537 Williams Bldg.. De -- sleeping porch, piano, water, garage, position. Near ear line and house. Reason- advance. Rice j'v;u-:, roosters, 112.00. 1P.08 health. Exceiieirt tor boarding ranch property, one laim, nn 10. Soulh K.lllh. opportunity right able. 203 North Edith, lb1 troit. Chicago. Aug. Pronounced set 18 ' Address P. O. Box liGO. j room modern bungalow, artesian well, . to- lie, rr. FOIl KENT Modern three room party. Albuquerque, man for backs In the of corn resulted bungalow New Mex. , Foil itENT A modern furnished catcd Beach, California. SALESMEN' Capable specialty price at Huntington Ex- with large sleeping porch, furnished. lllgh-land- M. L. Box 434, on New und day from excellent weather conditions CHICAGO I'Kv CE. J.I SI a apartment, willy sleeping porch, of (iatxla. Magdalona, New Mexico. Staple line Phone R7J. Inquire 112$ JSast Central. LADIES lo day, for your spare time. so. StaY Furniture 403. now. Attractive and from the allied victories in Finest line of Toilet fir,, Co., phone N. M. ceptional terms. Vacancy - "nENT ModcTnuVnlshed" fiat" on East Preparations. Snaps mas- fo- ex The FvS and IVnnunent. No re- FOR KENT Modern neWiy furnished sleep- vv AN I Kl) lareful kodait iinlshlng by commission contract. $15 weekly France. market closed weak, Chicago Aug. Iff. Buttor Market car to Perfutni'8. experience ...vv- - to 3 V c 2c Central line, convenient sanator- Outfit furnished free.. Write ing and light housekeeping rooms, with ter photographers. Twice dally aeayloe. nouses. Glllcft. 1932 Curlln jnog., net lower, with September firm. Receipts 8.611 tubs. Cream- Thaxton and Oold. quired. today. Send ium. Co., Third American Products Co., os7 Third St., gas. also sleeping porches. 614 Soqtlr Arno. Remember, aailsfactioii guaranteed. land. O. $1.58 to $1.59 and" October firsts. ' 135S-R- . ery extras, 44c; FOR KENT In O. Phone - to a reliable, established firm, 111 Cottage Highlands. Two your finishing SALESMAN I want a $1.60 to Oats lost to standards,4142c;44 rooms wa- master DhntmrrnDhcrs. STOCK producer $1.60. seinds, 3941c; and sleeping porch. Light and llanna ttsnn of siato to sell stock l'&o. In provisions there werelcgains 44 c. ter. Furnished filB East Ilasoldlne. (UcneraL every locality your complete. In i. 000,000.00 Tire Company. Active men of 7c to 40c. 10,295. Market un- KENT rooms a ... ,., men with Eggs Receipts FOK IlKNT Furnished cottaRe, moaernT WAITED Eperh need Spanish salesladies. FoR Very few for men;, most, FOR SALE Automobile. mane, m r,."--.1 ima- c month: General which car lines. C. ' In shower with - selling pressure kept changed, glassed porches; University J. Penney Comiiany. y desirable city; bath, swimming car preferred. Liberal commissions pry- the corn market almost constantly on Potatoes Receipts 35 .cars. Market Phono 381, mornings, keys 1524 East pool, etc. f. M. C A. Foil SA LB Cheep, Maxwell roadster. Auto motions to live wires. nov.. - ...... seemed to come and refer- downgrade about unchanged. Sales Corporation. tiidav for. "Kit."; give experience r H. M. Rupo, SU Suipp-te- chiefly the outlook for crop fowls, 20 28c; kXiH RENT House four-- " WANTED Teu FOR SALE Livestock. SA I. B 1918 Maxwell. ences In first letter. tnrough Poultry Alive, In. Highlands, bright capable., ladles to Foil Texas. improvement. On the other hand 30c. room furnished; In travel, demonstrate and sell well known Must sell at once. Uuing to wur. iill South Blillt.. Dallas, springs, bungalow, glatsed SALE hares and 623 car shortage complaints sleeping porch; also garago. Call 1207 East goods to established dealers. 125. Ott to 650.00 FOK Belgian hutches, Second. attrncttjrl West Fruit. .. - - - - considerable attention and So. too, did LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Central. per week: railroad fare paid; weekly FOIt BALK Two-to- n auto truck right . WANTED Asrents. the smallness of here. for traveling expenses. Address nt FOK KALE Two well broken eow ponies. mouths old, best condition. 407 South receipts once Goodrich 6S0, TWKNT V new palrlotlo pictures. lnclH'l4iig de- Drug Company. Dept. Beiemck's Dairy. Phone 351. Seventh. Aiier-Ira.- " Liberal receipts and expected Chicago livestock. PERSONAL. Omaha, Nebr. "Lllwrtv I'eace' "True Sons of liveries on Ono bar- "Sensible Six ' tour- "Human Lib- contracts weakened oats. Chicago. Aug. 10. Cattle Receipts of FOIlSALE good milch cow, a FOIt SAI.I'l Oakland "LlbevtY Mat Trumcs." MRS, H. L. BUSKEY TAXI LINB- THOUSANDS government positions open 1 Arrivals for the week were above $18.25 and - gain. IK South Fourth or. Ranchlo De ing car, or wilt trade for roadster. Box Hell,", "Victory Honor Roll." Soldiers nearly 2,000. Steers top eofl. Kpeclal rates to to men and women. Examinations soon. erty Con- double the corresponding total last class of butcher cattle with the elbso f parties. Atrlsco, near Dlckensona. S42. Phone 1016. portraits Big sellers samples free. IlEFINEo"so"uthern wldnwTJS, worth t tell you .hvw to obtain a (lovernme'nt pos- solidated Co., 1029 Adams street, Rob-bin- SALE Rabbits bucks, does, young ones Two and two good portrait year. Export demand was lacking. , last week; others unevenly lower; To- ition. Information free. Write Geo, W. Foil ' Foil SAI.K good Fords I would marry. J5, League, fine for breeding: also young bantam In excellent must Dept. Chicago. In the hog market gave middle steers as much as 10c . with the Government, and Hupp cars all condition, -1 Strength grado ledo, Ohio; formerly chickens. Phone 1079. S07 South Edith. them. Auto Sales Make x best time last week; calves Civil Service Jordan Wash- bo sold best ofrer gets trASI r"lno rTli one- Try" Bill. a'dny under the MARRY a Farmer worth 140,000. Full Expert. Bldg DUROC HOG Phone i)4'J, Corner Filth and with our Concen- ington, D. C. THE RIO GIIANDE CO., of Corporation, Ciiav. Will show you how steady. by return maii.- H . 252a Minna Albuquerque The largest breeders of reg Ooid, City. trated Pure Fruit Drinks. Wanted every- Receipts 7.000. Market 10c St., Ban Farnclsco. Calif. In the southwest. 'Can add water Hogs FOR SAL--ou- e; istered hogs suprjli! SALE A ,loT4modcTT'lve-passeoge- r where. Small package just Top, $20.05; butchers, $19.25 I DARE YOU WRITR ME Widow worth WHO niiu JOUUK BOIO Ut Here's the chance of a Ufa time drub your higher. yoil (It'll! uan Paige car, latost equipments. Just over- Products fi)20.00; light, $19.5020.05: packing, 150,000: .lonely: will marry: O . VlsUon JwTILETuruulhlMT moderate prices. We can also, supply you at Can be cen at Sandla, lerrltoy. Write quick. American San calif. 10 oil Heel, 50c hauled, a bargain. 27 O. $ 18.25 frf 1 9.1 5; bulk, $18.50020.00; tTnlty, Franctsco, pays per cent. Phone Owner 685. with medicated crude for at per seven miles north of Los Luna.. Address H. Co id. St., Cincinnati, 1711 y A. r . I Plain crude oil at 2Gc $18.00 18.50. CUT this out for luck. Your future foretold; FOR SALE In Old Town, six-- , adobe gallon. per, gallon. Los I. units, N. II. pigs, ' Oil furnlfbed to all club members Lyngholm, pr 35c send dime, age, birth date, for trial readJ house. Price I7r,0.00. P. O. 36, Old Pig free, or Land. Receipts 8,000, Lambs Bog 1210 South Third. Foil Apriie-f- some one. Beautiful FOR SALE Sheep Inc. Mm. Kodella. How R:t. Toledo, n, Albuquerque.' N. M. office 8ALR to 50c higher than a week ago; year 1918 Mitchell car, nearly new. a snap. 7i?o"ACI?EsTTcE"Ti south ex- - LET MADAM KOKMOS you BALE Nice home, furnished a little strong to help by giving FOR and Cash, $1,825;-term- $l,27C, It will be re- oil fields, title, lings changed; sheep life prediction. Send birth date and business. $4,000. cash. FOR RENlApartmenU. tension Henryetta perfect 25o good paying half duced each week till sold. Act IX. higher. 10 cents. D. Ij. Kosmos. B1BH, Louisville. $36 quickly, $10 acre. fl. Lynch, Tulsa, Okla, Ky. Bjjwrslow, Journal of tlce. FOR RENT Furnishes Elms Phone s5 Second week August I tn 1. MARRY-Thousan- apartments. lonely, congenial mem FOR SALE CHt B mod-er- n Hotel, corner First and Kansas City Livestock. bers, worth ISO, 000 up, will De- Tljeras, MONEY TO LOAN. Re- marry. home, with healing , plant. Close In. FOR RENT Two and threa-roo- CHANCES. Kansas City, Aug. 10. Cattle scriptions Free. Ralph Hyde, San Francisco, W. A. T. Cure Journal. apart- BUSINESS Bargain. ments and sleeping rooms. . Highland MON&T TO LOAN On reel estate security. ceipts 1,000. Market Btrong. Steers, room Oi.. Phone f7S. FOR KALE Nine houso; four room House. FOR SALE Furniture business. Address tat WmI Ooid. Ot Real $17.25fi18.50; western, $10.00(g)15.00; WEALTHY young widow would ' bath room - marry apartment upstairs: on each FOR RENT Three or four room furnished A. 1... care Journal- cows, $5. 00 $7.50(9) , home-lovin- g 0 Morning 11.50; heifers, trustworthy, man. Old as floor; hot water heat; lawn, shade trees 609 In- 13.50:-feeders- , OH, Coal. apdrtmcnts, modern: South First, FOR RUNT Two buildings at Seventh and $7.50 16.50; calves, considered, Mrs. M, Box 081. Los Angeles, and garage. West ' ' quire Savoy hotel office. ; Ceneral Avenue. to,-J-. B. lilder, $8.5011.00. ,, Call!. ' ; KALE Apply ' FOR (By Owner) modern Four-roo- Hogs-rKeoe- ipts nch KENT flat unfurnished on agent. low 1 FOIl ...... 10,000. Market DSOMB-Fre- 0. brick hardwood il A N lady !1, worth (first ward;,, floors, two Hold between Fourth and Fifth. Apply MAIL BTAliK er. $19.00 $18.00 porches, basement. Pries (2,600.00, P. O. ' ' PltOSTATKJIiirforers to rend our announce- Heavy, 19.40; light, Anxious to marry honorable gentle- R. Morrison, 410 West Gold, .. Phone call where ny time. . Box ; - No The Elec- iny 19.15; $18.25 17.25. ; 2211 Los '218, City. ment under Personal. drugs. 7 ar. pigs; man. Mrs. Warn. Tempi St Steubeli- - Ly. silver Cliy am.; Mogollon p.m. none. FOR SALE OR RENT Modern -- trothermal Company, George Bldg., 7 I P m. Sheep Receipts Market Angeles, Calif. (urnlsbed FOR SALE Real Estate. vllle. Ohio. Lv. Mogclton; ar. Sliver City $15. house, 6 rooms and balh, large porches, Best eqnlpned auto livery In southwest. you'll Never steady. Lambs,. 0017.75; year MATERNITY HOME Private. licensed nlher wall furnished $10.00 cellar, garag and outbuildings. Bar- SALE OH TRADE Near Okie., FOIt SALB Hotel, seventeen BENKETt MOTOH TBAN8IT C4. lings, iu.uu9l5.uo: wethers, medical attendance, experienced nurse, 816 Foil Osage.. to I gain for quick sale. South High. racL What have rooms, centrally located, close depot. . Bllrer City, M. M. 14.50; ewes, $8.00 13.00. safe painless management, modern conven- Improved you? will See National Invest- Cake FOR SALE Cement block house five rooms Cltne, Okla. Owner sacrifice. Bake Another iences, legal adoptions, splendid hoard, legal Roy Osage. ment Co., 104 North Third. . Come 2U Lawrence, Den- sleeping porch, oellar, city water, corner SAI.lfbll THADE 160 acres In ftV lonvcr Livestock. advice. timely! -- FOR ' one block from ear line, to - town a CARDS. Denver, ver. Colorado. lot handy hops tancia valley. All fenced, well of water. WANTED Sheep. have a and TIME Aug. Receipts a little cash and 112 per month. Call 1301 S50.00. L. D. 108 tovnste, embracing 310 acres; first class . kftor these. That's what ; Cash price Knight, jjouth you'v tried 200. Market Prices un IsOO-X- V In friend. steady. LADIES South Am Phm Broadway. City. , hotel: best stoeK general merchandise one of oup customers told her : own hotel and changed. ' residence In country: the store; stock, And she knew what she was talking 200. When or use FOR SALE High- FOR SALE A fine site for a chicken ranch houses. Good school. Plen- .Hogs Receipts Market I5o Irregular delayed Triumph. 1.1.000, and various dwelling bout, for first she was deoidedly Pills. Safe Not lands. Worth $1,600 will swing , house, sheds, slesplng porch, of water. On railroad and auto it to 50c lower. Few sales at $18.75. snd always dependable. house will two ty pure skeptical any baking done rfold at drug stores. Do not experiment with It. The amount the rent for will windmill and fruit trees. Fifteen acres, hUhway.. Business good.., Owner growing regarding Sheep Receipts 2,200. Market one-ha- lf out of town. $1,3118 save Write for "Rs-Itef- " pay balance on monthly payments. Phone and miles J'rlce old and wonta to close out business. Will outside the home. But why praise others, disappointment, 2433-F- ' steady. Prices 1237-- O. Bo Phone P. O. Box 1st. T unchanged. Na- Address P. 44S. cash. man a good deal for If KIAI.-WA- our some pies and and particulars. It's free. Address City. give a young sheep. TOPF.K at HANTA VE Y baking Try v, Wis. M. CI. Box Den- ATCHISON", cakes and do the ' tional Medical Institute. Milwaukee. FOR BALE lifust "price? FOR SALF. $6,500.09 will buy two delight- Interested write, Jones, 775, CO. you'll praising.. To Tour sellregardle"5if - Improve Digestion. PROSTATE Disorders, Bladder trouble In one new bungalow home flv rooms, two ful, modern mountain homes .on the Pecos ver, Colo. "For my digestion was so poor ' three-ron- 100 acres of land Westbound, yeafl) men. Getting up frequently at night Pos- porches, modern. One house, river, Including adjoining Class. Arrives that I could only eat the and water In both houses. the Ranch resort. This offer, holds No. Departs. lightest itively and rapidly overcome without drugs electrlo lights Valley CHIROPODIST. 1. The Scout 7:10 pm. H:S(i pm. I chir- Houses furnished or unfurnished. Also four-roo- good only lo Sept. 1st. For further parti- foods. tried everything that I privately at home. Doctors, osteopaths, .1. California Limited ..11:45 am. 12:4s pm. two screened In culars Box 125, Valley Ranch, N. M. ullnuHf-- heard of to get relief, but not until opractors,, physlelol culture directors and house with porches, apply OnKNS and l removed wtLhuut nam, 7. 10:45 am. 11:15 am. cured.-Arc- Fargo Fast when saw Cham- others use It, Easily used by anyone any- modern, plenty of shade. Outbuildings. Ap- IiiRTown naJU nuppnrts made 1:30 S:30 about a year ago I ' - 9. The Navajo am. am. Tablets advertised a where. No matter what you hare tried or ply 40 North Edith. to fit your feet. Why do you think you hat berlain's and got trow old the case this method win bring re- TYPEWRITERS. rheumatism wTTen ft Is broken arches. C. Southbound. of them did I find the - .101. Kl Paso 1:1S bottle right sults nulcklv. Write for free particulars. PASTURAGE. JO. 309 Weit Central. Phono 34. Express pm. treatment Since them my di- The Electrothermal TYPwmTEIlS All makes, overkaulotl and (ae. S97. Kl Paso Express 11:45 am. taking Company, George Bldg., Ribbons for every machine. Air Pioneer is fine." Mrs. Blanche Bow- StcubenyUle, Ohio. 70 repaired. Kaatbotind. . , gestion FOR RENT acres good $ 914 Oakery pssture; pef buquerque Typwrlle Exchange, phone 10. 8:05 am. ..,. ' 4 WANTED The Scout ...... 7:J5 am. ers, Indiana. Pa. month. Dolde's Ranee. miles south of IJJ Honth rntirt Dwelling. town. - ' 2. The :..:09 put. E:40 pm. PNona Is t 7:0 Sometimes Safe ' Women WANTBD T rent all. or seven-roo- 4. California Limited ...6:00 pm. pm. a Bet The Sioux Indian of the $. Santa Fe 10:3v pm. "Dubb he'll run for senator." In CARPENTERING. house In lowlands north of Central ave- Eight B, H. BAXXING, says Standard Rock reservation - North nue. Must he have From Sonth. Prop. . furnace heated, garage "Bet ho won't go faster than a Hed- e -. n. SKA ' " Dakota have organized a Cross fThPsalE Twnty-tlv- Buff Minorca lay- FOR CARPENTER work, reasonable. Drop an.1 fn. Aur. Ilion rui, month sift. Kansas City and Chlcnxo, , .7:01) am, M7 Booth . 1104 Fourih.' J SOS. First Street. walk." auxiliary, Ing beng and one cock. South High, Card m North first ttrW , . Address Ufa, L P, Clark, ti Norjh Kansas, City tad Uuu(ii x ut ile BUli EIGHT Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 1 1,1918.

CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. SHOP CRAFIS MAY AUTO SERVICE S18 WEST CENTRAL ATE. TO TODAY AND TOMORROW S Plumbers, Hot Water and Steam Heaters, Tinners KODAKS JEMEZ O CONVENTION House of High-Clas- s Pictures and Music Wrot" Steel Warm Air Furnaces PHOTO SUPPLIES ID HOT SPRINGS ROUND $20. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS ABSOLUTKLX GUARANTEED. EASTMAN FILMS TRIP, rnoxE sis. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. IN ALBUQUERQUE 'Notify Undersigned. CHAS H. CLAY, It Pays-- Jemez Hot Springs, N. M. 1 TT" land In, satisfaction when you turn Delegates Trm All Local Peggy Hy YRIC THEATER out a good photograph. Wc Lodges on Santa Fe System IN on "Velox" and defi- print get to Be Called for WANTED. TODAY ONLY nition that cheaper paper will Together and Kodak fin- First Soon, Experienced bookkeeper not give. We do all Meeting salesman wants position. ishing on Velox paper. to leave town. Men's llO.Y 56, CAKE ,10l KXAL. "Other The first convention of shop crafts- men of the Santa Fe railroad since the recent organizing of trade unions Carmel on the system lie held In Albu may STRONG'S a convention -- Myers querque. The call for IN of the six crafts will be issued by the) LOST railway department of the American Federation of Labor within the. next Largo Matrix Daughters" BOOK STORE I Oyal Turquoise VIOLATION OF Till'. GOI.DI.X IU I.F. THAT THE CITY OF TEARS" two weeks. It was announced by mem- Pin, set in silver.' I'lease return HACK IIO.MK. bers of the local federated committee to 500 North Eleventh and re- A A AND MANY II Hi THItlM-- ALSO A GOOD COMEDY REEL hern yesterday. ceive reward. Valuable as PI.AV WITH MORAIi ' Should the convention he held in A Pretty Star and u Clever Story. Albuquerque it would bring more HY UiOYD SHKI.DON. STAGF.D HY CAKI. HAUH.U'GH. than 150 delegates to this' city. A- ALSO TWO WV.Yt. SI NSHINi: CO.MI'.DY DIPLOMAS W L lthough there is no way of determin- lortant subjects taken up by the men. ing when the railway department will "A TIGHT An older has been received by the - SQUEEZE." fix the date for the convention, lead- A NIMBEIl OF local Ked Cross chapter from head- ing officials of the local union bellave. LAI GH AND RKKP COOL AT TH PASTIMi; Lest You quarters at Denver, for 500 rubber the convention will bo held some time FARM Forget lined kit holders, to be supplied by In LABORERS TIME OF SHOWS 1 :00, 5.30, 7:00 8:30, 10 GIVEN September. 2:30, 4:00, ' the first of September. All women who 10 The six crafts include maslv.ntatg, Want on farms some r 2 OUR I'HOXE NUMBERS positions 1 10c desire to work on these articles are boilermakers, sheet metal wWkers, are hands. Em- Matinee to 6 Children 5c, Adults requested to report to the Raiment blacksmiths and experienced -- Ada carmen, electrical men should Nights 6 to 11 Children 10c, Adults 15c aiiuJ mi room at local headquarters. A large workers. The federated committee ployers needing number of workers is needed. PUPILS FRIDAY of the local lodges have already apr see the 'COMING TIKSDAY AXD WKDXKSDAY Arthur O. Bachechl, son of Mr. and pointed Harold H. Reeves of the sheet Mrs. Orcste Hachechl, who is In the metal workers and W. S. Patterson, Farm Labor Agent Mable Normand in "The Venus Model" mechanical department of the United secretary of the machinist's union, as MOUNIXO JOl'RNAL OFFICE Malleycci, Palladino&Co. States army, stationed In a training committee to use all their efforts to camp near Dallas, Texas, is here on se that the convention is brought to GROCERIES AXD MEATS a furlough to visit his parents and 26 Students of Eighth Grade Albuquerque. Although some boile--make- old friends. Arthur Is irf the best of It is stated, have SOI 495-- 4 06 A. suggested W. TIjoras. Phones 1 health and is anxious to do his bit on and Six H, S, to be Kansas City as a proper city for hold- the battlefields of France. ing the meeting, the committee be- LOUIS C. GIELITZ J. I.. C.nber. who was to Graduated on Closing Day lieves it will be alile to head off T$f5ffcyTocv?ocbo culled any MERCHANT TAILOR Vaushn. cn account of an accident to of steps to hold the convention anywhere J. A. Robinson, returned to the city Summer School, but In this city. Just received, fine lino of English A. last nisht, bringing with him Mr. The committee bus alreu'v sent Suiting for Autumn nnd Winter Robinson. Several days nso. while re- word to the heads of the sir; different 107 SOUTH FOURTH Strong Brothers pairing an automobile, which he had Twenty-si- x pupils of the high ccs-.ft- s and to all i.i il lit?cs on rht THEATRE Undertakers raised with ropes from the trround. grart will receive diplomas l'riday system explaining the a i"S of Third door north of Postofficc. one of the ropes broke, and the auto the day the city summer school will. Albuquerque for such a meeting. Thev Today and Tomorrow PROMPT SERVICE. PHONE fell, injuring Mr. Robinson. The in- rloselSix will be graduated from the have made their appeal from the 75. STRONG BLK.. COPPER jured man Is the of C. L. high school. This is the first time In standpoint of climate, the central lo- AND SECOND. Harwell, DOS West Silver avenue. the history of the public schools that cation for such a gathering and the HIGHKST CLASS IN KVKItV WAY. an;- have been graduated In the sum- fact that the Chamber of Commerce mer. of Albuquerque is behind the move- P. M. Leakou, proprietor of the ment. Santa Fe I PARAMOUNT PRESENTS John Milne said yes- Stage Pullman cafe, is at Magdalena, where Superintendent The machinist's union he took in "roiind-un- " and that the attendance at. the herj the terday named Mr. Patterson as a to to Fa comes from that town that Leakou summer school this yea1' oxieoded the delegate Albuquerque Santa the convention and William E. I.iml-se- y week 22. showed some of the cowboys how to attendance last summer bv fifty per Commencing July MARGUERITE CLARK "LOCAL ITEMS ride outlaw iie 700 at- as alternate. The other local Taxi 600. horses. Before left the cent, approximately pupils are name ites Singer Co., Phono city he authorized his cafe assistants tending the session the last crafts expected tp dcleg 1 during " this week. Mr. Patterson slid last Leaves , to months. Mondays, IN- - sell regular $5.50 meal tickets at fiftv-tv.'- Those who night that with the o mem- $4.75, the sale starting yesterday and will receive diplomas ma- Wednesdays, Fridays to be bers which wer" taken Into the i Tourist lunches. Pullman Catn. continued today and tomorrow. frpm the eighth gradu are: OIih'v here and Chid-este- chinist's union night, The Pullman cafe Pennington. Etta Edith r, Thu'sle.y Saturdays. Martin & Thorn. Taxi.. Phone 273. keeps right along York, the union now had a memberahln of 1 In the kind it Dr. to right of path, and when Katherine Burroughs, Julia than 200. The Car leaves Albuquerque 7 a. m. Cabin" J. S. Cipes has gone Jeme? comes to in touch with Gonzales, piore machine rhop, Uncle Tom's ,11 He will keeping tha Margaret Castillo, Margar- he said, is organized 95 cent Santa Fo, 4:30 p. m. Springs. return Tuesday. eating public. Leakou never misses an et Salazar. Frances A. Hurgcss, For- per The team of Girl Scouts One S3.75 drill the opportunity to uid his patrons. Yung rest Appleby, Roscoe Votaw, William Fare Way, A That Will Never Grow Old meet In 6:110 Ren-fr- Story will the armory at o'clock H. King, an experienced Japaneso Rodgers, Alfred fireen, Charles o, MAY LOSE PAYMENTS Round Trip, $7.00 tomorrow night. chef from San Francisco, has Jusl Napoleon Salazar, dcorge Stevens, William Wilcox, and Ernest Garcia taken a position at the Pullman cafe. Louis Lonez, Charles O'Kelly, John ON LIBERTY BONDS the Children to This Delightful have gone to the Jumeg Springs to Simon. Albion E. Fiedler. Joseph M. Bring spend several weeks. Casulll, James F. Lyons, Raymond R DEATHS AND FUNERALS If von nro pa.vhig on a Picture. Horn yesterday morning to Mr. and Holloway, Lee Arentrue Miller. Estel-'- n Liberty Mrs. Fortunato Ramirez, 1018 South Rrodell, Harry A. James, Elizabeth Itoncl1 ami huve 'ilteeonie dolin. SHEEP RANGE Third street, a daughter. Charles E. 1'arrin. Strong. nuent in your fNivmoiitsj. lx'tter M. The of Charles The six to be from the get busy or you will lose the ptwt Clark Parr, son of Cant Clark body E, Farrii, who graduated im EVENTS" M. under-- . died was went - hleh school are: Alice Helen mi nis and the lnnid will he FOR LEASE "WORLD'S Carr and Mrs. Clark Carr, Friday morning, yester- Hurdle, forfeit to the erivernnient. to Alderman. Mar-fchal- l, went an operation at St. Joseph's hos day afternoon Kalumet, Mich., by Lupc Spirn, Flora Such was tlte Also several head si;k thi: would. Thomas Hlakemore. A sister. Miss Alvina Postal, Lee. announcement thousand yesterday. Margaret vesterday morning of the Liberty young Kamboulllet Breeding Mae Karris, the ' Patrolman Dionicio Chaves, who accompanied body. Toan committee, of the banks Ewes for sale very cheap. was relatives in the mountains visiting Thomas Monroe. liere. Those. Ewes are among, finest 1 to 6 Admission 10c near here for several weeks, has re- The hankers announce that in state. Will shear ten pounds sumed work. Thomas Monroe, 43 years old, died are due on - at his home high-- ; payments approvi- 11 Adults 15c, Children 10c Frank Boutrlght, formerly of Albu- Friday night i. the Announce mutely S75.00O n hond- - in the 6 to lands. He is survived by a wife, Program querque, has gone to lierkiey, Calif., who; various hanks here. .Ml imy- - Wm. & Co. where he will the officers' lives til uie lamny nome in nays, 1I must ho received nt Staley ented Kans. The was to For Band Concert incuts the training camp for marine engineers. body removed the banks not. later than Monday af- - Second Street and Gold Avenue. J. N. Parker, who has recovered Strong Brothers undertaking rooms, terncon. in order that the money ? where It will be 1 Col . . from an attack of appendicis, has held pending funeral box Announce program .....! mav reach Washington, I). (., not resumed his duties as timekeeper In arrangements. The program for the municipal bnad later than August 15. the boilershop of the Santa Fe shops. concert which will, bo held at Robin- "Wc are not going to accept The chorus will meet at 8 Roy Keller. son park tonight, is a sfollows: excuse ilelnyexl liberty 1 for pavments." GENTRY'S EGGS . o'clock tomorrow night In the Y. M. Roy Keller, lfi years old. died at "The Marseillaise." one banker said yesterday, "nl C. A. All are his home, here Friday night from 2 "Carnival Bingo"-- ' the first the Pnv- - nuwklns, Skinner, Champion, Con-ro- y singers of the city urged 3 (March.... place, partial typhoid fever. Keller was an ap- "Our Frontier Day" (One-step- ). and Son Jose 05c dozen. to attend. 4 payment ii'nn Market; Art. Mandell. his prentice machinist at the Santa Fo Mexican suite to the public and we cannot af. accompanied by here. He is survived his "Sobre O las." wife, will leave this evening for Dem-ing- . shops by (a) Ijis ford; to lose bv It. ViiIcsh the parents and one brother here and a (h) "La T'aloma." lHind are- - made, by SUITS CLEANED, $1 X. M., where ho will take charge ! payments of the Mandell store of second brother who !s in Company F, "Gathering of the Coons" (Plan- Monday we will forfeit the bomla clothing that Twenty-eight- h Four suits pressed $1.25. engineers at Camp tation dance). ( to the government." city. Va. The will be 6 Liberty chorus and 4 Contract plan. Columbia Cleaning Co. Miss Dolores small Woodbrldge, body community . AvO. Lewis, daughter sent to Ketchum, Okla., the lad's for singing Delivery. Phone of Mrs. Lottie Lewis, has returned to CRYSTAL 5 CENTS mer home, for burial. The "America." home parents it) five-roo- her in Santa Fe, after visiting will the ito Okla- "Rule Rrittanla." IY)R RENT Furnished friends relatives accompany body (b) and hero for three homa. Strong Brothers are In charge (c "Oh Fair New Mexico." now bungalow, bleeping porch' and weeks, ' of arrangements. (d) "Over There." AUTO COLLIDES WITH large basement. All modern improve- Herman Sehweizer, head of the "Star-Spangle- d ments. Close in. Inquire of Mrs. lip- news (e) Ranner," Harvey service here, who has 7 ."The Two Zephyrs" (duetto); BICYCLE; BOY IS HURT oid Meyer, 701 West Copper. Phone Bullet" Chavez, were hound over to await ANNUAL HOUSEKEEPERS' Corporal Paul Young, trombonist. 1010. "The Brass left for Jemez 8 yesterday Overture "Poet and Peasant." Pablo for PARTS JACK Ml'LHALL Springs. AT 9 Panchez, messenger boy TWO SALES ECONOMIST "The Clown Dance" (Novelty Fox the Western ITnlon com- CITY ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP Work on the construction of the . Telegraph trot) first time. sustained several fractured ribs Imnianuel Evangelical Luthern church DURING THIS WEEK 10 Intermezzo Sinfonlco" (Cavallcrla pany, PHONE 57 lias been started and it Is believed the when the bicycle he was riding col- FREE CALL AND DELIVERY Uusticana). lided with an automobile at Second edifice will be completed l..v January 11 "Gems of Stephen Foster," Amer- BATCH'S OLD STAND 1. Rev. Carl Schmidt is pastor of the In today's Journal announcement It ican Fantasia of Crowd street and Gold avenue shortly after made that will prove glorious news 2, o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Congregation. to requested to sing the various songs. It. L. "Two-Bit- " and Y. the thousands of readers of this "Star-Spangle- V automobile was driven Hanks, Seas committee of the 12 d Ranner." by Pay your Desperate V. c. A. will meet afternoon paper, namely: Week an employe of the Furnitre "Deep Monday "Housekeeper's P.S. Programs will always begin Kapple dues. is 'at 4 o'clock at tl 'Y' residence. The Sales" at "The Economist" a store Marseillaise close with company. Red Cross This the! noted for its at "let live withpthe and Hanks his car after it finance committee of association goods prices," the d at which stopped Deeds" 4 resi- and whose never been Bannner, him to a should not will meet at o'clock at the 'Y' reputation has all a asked to remove their hats and struck the boy and carried a duty you dence. questioned by any pessimist as to the stand at attention. ' physician's office In the Whiting TWO PART L. KO COMKDY. Four men, Samuel Anaya, Pantalon quality of goods offered for sale. This FRED K. ELLIS. building. No doctor was in the build- neglect.. Sancjhez, Solomon Garcia and Balero store stakes its past reputation on ing at the time and Dr. J. A. Roidy were dover to the goods advertised In the Journal Bandmaster. was called. The ac- Chavez, houn await - Injured boy later, the grand jury on a charge of and th- prices marked thereon, and companied by Patrolman Thomas this 1115 assault by justice I'olicarpio Sanchez paper, knowing the proprietors INDUSTRIAL DEPT. Hogan, was taken to his home, WHY WAIT? yesterday morning. Each was released of "The Economist," stekes Its repu- South Second street in a taxi. on a $300 bond. tation on the fact that "ne housewife Used Cars the Same as New "Screen of the" Occidental who buys this week, at thin MAY BE ADDED TO Magazine Ralph Gibson, during Kent Ten-roo- house with six Ones Are Getting Higher EDUCATIONAL Life Insurance company, has re- "Housekeepers' Week Sales," will get 1 Read EL RIT0 NORMAL glassed in sleeping porclws. George Every turned from Camp Cody, where he good goods at bargain prices. 211 South Walter. Phoiit Day. mado arrangements to enlist in the over the adv. carefully this firm l.enrnaiil, Buy now whilo you can get knows when where to use 108. corps of the army, and print ,. a recent of- what you want and save yourself piartermaster's ink Following conference of He will leave for active service in ers' judiciously, and the propria ficials of El Itito Spanish-America- n money. We have five splendid never in the Home GnnrdM to Meet about three weeks. rs have been disappointed normal school and state officials, men cars of different makes, all in 1229 North out hie crowds at their sales. There will be a meeting of all Eugene Phillips, bringing It Was decided that steps will be taken who are ex- perfect condition, and priced so Second was bitten on the left They Bcek and obtain desired results who have enlisted and Us Send a Man street, wnereby the normal may receive fed to In the home low that if you are interested at WANTED. Let leg a bulldog while playing in the through proper channels nml there aid. The will be pecting enlist guards all cannot by eral plan which pre Sunday at 9:80 o'clock in the you help but buy. To Replace That Broken Window Btreet near his home early will be crowds of bargain hunters at to the morning Woman or girl for general - yesterday sented state hoard of education armory. MA J. C. M. BARBER. Gloss. morning. The dog is owned by A. It. Th Economist" this week. at a in Santa Fe, August 17, is WHITE GARAGE, housework and cook. Small fam- Second street. Dr. meeting Good for LUMBER CO. IStrove, 100" North that an industrial department be ad- - Fourth and Copper. ily. opportunity right ALBUQUERQUE S. L. Burton was called to treat the HOME GUARD APPLICANTS ded to the school. Royal Neighbor Modern person. Phone 431. 42$ N. First. boy. Some time ago it was decided by the 611 WICST SILVER. W. I mchanical Woodman dance, Wednesday .Peveny, Buperln WILL MEET IN ARMORY board of regents Jhat monetary aid Fel- tendent o f the southern district of the must be obtained or the school aban- evening, August 14, Odd western lines for the Santa Fe rail doned. This opinion was concurred In lows' hall.- - musicians. R. Sex- Union road at Amariilo, Tex., and J. A meeting of the seventy-fiv- e men by the governor. A survey of the sit USED CAR SALE X The Real Hoover ton, mechnjiieal superintendent of the who have signified their intention of uation at that time resulted in the Admission, 25 cents. Candy dfctrict of western with northern lines, becoming members of the home belief that could an Industrial depart Look Over the Llsfc You Slay unocoiaie ouop unocoiaica headauarters at La Junta, were in ment be added to Tifrery and SRddte TrunWe'i BRITISHERS guard battalion here, and others who the curriculum the Find Just What You Want. Albuquerque yesterday. desire to become members but who necessary aid might be obtained. Red Barn. One , Overland ENLIST NOW! GRIMSHAWS Lieutenant M. McCrary of Magda have not signed up, will be held In Officials of the school reported Fri Touring, was in en imJL.TAM8 . .' $275 . X Second Central lena Albuquerque yesterday the armory at 9:30 o'clock this morn day they believed they have worked B. M. All and route to Fort Klley. Kans., to report a de Dentist One Overland Roadster. .. .$150 persona wishing to enlist In the "Grtmshaw Wants to Bee Ton" ing. The meeting is important and out plan whereby the Industrial British or are re- i for active duty. He was delayed here men who are interested in the home partment may be added and the funds Rooms 1 and S. Whiting Building One Overland Canadian forces when Mrs. McCrary. who was accom M. touring (in excellent con- quested to call on the undersigned. should not fail to attend. for maintenance, or a part of them, Phone No. ; on became ill guard almost new. . . . .'.$800 ;. jianying him the trip, Mike of gov- - obtained government aid. Corner Second and Gold. dition) was taken to St. Nash, chairman the through One Podtfe $150 British Canadian here. She Joseph's ernlng board of the home guard, de "The report that the school is to Touring Recruiting ' sanitarium. clared last that It Is become an industrial school One Overland Touring, Mission GRAZING LAND FOR SALE Colonel J. M. Coffin of night expected entirely 5 - $250 Lieutenant that there will be many more appll Is erroneous," said T. J. Mabry, a Bryant' Delivery passenger Suitable range for sheep for Camp Cody, spent yesterday hero in cants can be In bat member of the board of regents of the FOR QUICK SERVICE One Dort, Touring $150 lease on or short term lease, food ad- than handled the long conference with the state school "The if Phone , 23 Copper. One Overland Touring, ; r L. & talion. The local unit will consist of. yesterday. plan merely 501. Wot Light George Roslington Wm. Staley Co., Second and conserva- 6- - ' ministrator, regarding the men ana fifteen officers. to add an industrial department and passengor $150 Resident Officer Gold Are. t tion of food in the cantonments and il thus obtain the aid of the government. BITTNER HOUSE ROOMS One Wyllls-Knlg- Touring, the food needs of the army. The util Walked Into Trouble. The same faculty and (he same board 7- - passenger (an excellent Im- - Right 221. ization of waste was one of the Santa Fe. Aug. 10.; Though only of regents will control; the school. In S19 2 South First. Phone buy) ,...$1250 six weeks in the railway mall service. fact, there will be little change beyond MANY BARGAINS AMONG L. D. Bartlett has been bound the addition of .the department." . TONS already your "havling THE ABOVE. CALL. AND Gallop Lamp 1 ; . Gallup Store over to the federal grand Jury at Santa ;by M CerrUlo on Persons who wtsa a renew or take Is Motorized Henry's Delivery. LOOK THEM OVER CerrUlos Lump AlnLn11111 VCJCll Fe the of opening registered by - tr V0 charge " mall, a letter oat la the Red Croas Phone S. - ' having opened decoy memberships m n r ' PHONE 91 - SPRINGER so it Is charged, mailed Jiy Inspectors can do so by calling at Strong's Book was run RENT-IDE- THEATER KISTLER-OVERLAN- D fcO. Klake and smith. Hartfctt O. A. Matson Jt CoH Grtmshaw'f FOR AL ' . AOTHRACTTE, ALL SIZES ( STEAM COAL. between Santa Rita and White Store, I nlng B1S-81- HAULS ANYTHING or Mrs. H. B. Ferguson, or by for bus- 5 water fn Grant coffnty. phoning "Fully equipped and ready Phone J10. W. Central Coke. Hill Wood, Factory Wood, Cord Wood, Native Kindling, IJme. the chairman of the Membership com- iness; immediate possession. Apply l?6urnI Went Ait brlnr result mittee, No, 13JW, . , Everltt, Jeweler, Editorial ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL Miscellaneous Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sunday, August 11, 1918.

PERMISSION TO GO 9 TO EI AIO III ( I S 14 S INTO Ph i BED CROSS OBI TIEffij !j ,TLfl !r ; i Law Felons in Class W Attache at . Shanghai Sends Putting M &; 1 Word to American Head 'Five Prevents Man Who WW V .T Wants to Get Into Fighting;! W J W IlLi quarters of Liberal Contri- 11 - W'aifl butions From Empire, Writes Commander Letter, t w v O v:;i,:;i - - , :lf,Fii,;,.,,,:"- (AMMH'ltited - ray mornins journal srbcial lrarco wirii S rorrfMpnnflrnro.) 10. Chinese , I Camp Lewis. Taonma. Wash. Auk. (II sym Washing, Aug. V I 5. I'nit-IState- s ' "Tlio best little fishier in this1!!! for the rthl.1 and sympathy friendship V. I wants to Imt fact! waH shown In striking fashion country" fight tlio the last Red Cross ilrive for that he once was convicted of forgery to You From the Battlefields of France during ' served of a Speaks funds to carry on the organization's f0 and three years ten year relief In Kurope. An account of the 5uttm.of Turkey sentence In a state penitentiary oper- appeal made, in China for aid for the ates against him, the selective .service Kcd Cross was received today from Washed-cd-lJi- brother of the late act putting felons in class five. Julian Arnold, commercial attache at Col. K. N. Jonrs. caimi commander, Shanghai, saying that the Chinese of received a letter from the man today all classes responded nobly. man of Kuropo," under the title It said: Mohammed VI. ' America was the first nation (o so- "Commanding officer. Dear sir: 1 tmw-- licit the active participation of ' the want to get a little Information from mm Chinese In war relief work. you whether a man who has boon Teams Organized. convicted of a felony is liable to lie "We secured a good strong commit- S taken into service providing lie is of tee of younger Chinese headed by C. UNABLE TO draft age. T. Wong, former vice president of the hi "Now I was convicted of forgery Chineso senate," Mr. Arnold said. In in 1914 and I was sent to the "Kight teams were organized under state prison for ten years, hut 1 team captains who were American col- E FOR A was released out of prison on good lege students. These Chinese teams behavior after being there three years. worked hard and 25,000 Chinese were I am 24 years old and I hiwe been out added to the lied Cross membership of prison for over ten months, and I "mwmc mm from Shanghai and environs. came to tho conclusion that if I could "P. K. Che, secretary of the elli- UN go to the army it would help to square' riT a jicimti pse World's Students' Confederation, I my past record. carried off the honors for his team "I'm not a bad fellow, and you'll for the largest number of members admit that there is such a thing as a secured. Chu Chi Chien, former minis- mistake. I'm in class five of the ter of the Interior, piled up 2,000 mem- draft but being a man1! think It Is lY MORNINC JOURNAL RRBClAL LKARIO WIRK) bers of his credit. Chang Chien, for- my duty to help Old Glory to knock mer minister of commerce and London, Aug. 10 (4:41 p. m., by the 'he "or" out of kaiser. added a number of Associated Press). The advance of kind of a men do good the allied on "What yog want members. armies the Pieardy front m the army? no yr,u want a m a n continued today according to the who would be afraid to over Women Join in Work. 'itost London bo the Willi "There was also a Chinese women's dispatches reaching top or would you rather go over the headed Chinese this afternoon. Nowhere, it appeals top with a man that has or in team, by beautiful girl the been to or- guts, graduates from American colleges. have Germans yet able other words, a man who is game to This team secured over 2,000 member- ganize for any severe counter attacks. the finish? ships. Many Chinese schools In Shang- The guns captured by the allies are "Twetlty-fiv- o years from now I hai joined as junior auxiliaries. now nearly 400 in number. wouldn't like people to ask me if I "A largo number of Chineso com- No further count of prisoners had helped to make this world a decent IlillUHllll panies Joined with their entire staffs. come in at this hour but the total place to live in. because I would have I Xf;.( MM-- i ' V IVM WSiCm 1 The Commercial Press with 2,000 em- is probably mounting rapidly because, to. say no. ployes came in 100 per cent. One de- of thp disorganization of the Germans. ''I want to square myself and my ', partment store arranged that all its The allied casualties including all the chance has come, providing I can employes receiving less than $15 a killed, wounded and missing are less shoulder a gun and bo sent to Fiance month should have 60 per cent of than 6,000 or not more than one-four- right away. the membership fees paid by the firm, of the number of prisoners "There is one thing I would like bo that all the members of this large counted. On the other hand, the Ger- to have you do and that ls;.to help me concern went about with Red Cross man casualties have been tremend- get in tho United States arhiy. as the Tuttons during the drive. The Shang- ously heavy. best little fichter in this country is hai hotels also joined, with every Eleven German divisions have not writing this. waiter, bell boy and co611o wearing a been in the of "If I am not accepted then I would only defeated fighting like to the or notion lied Cross with pride. the last three days but so utterly join French any Boxer Classes liberal. crushed that the German higher com- on the side of the allies. Hoping that "The of one of the teams been unable to you will do the best you can for me, I captain mand has make any Yours expressed surprise at the general re- counter stroke anywhere. remain, truly. sponse of the poorer classes to the Red The German communications have The will bo Rent tfl ad- Cross appeal. It was no nncommon so letter the occurrence to have a coolie on the been disorganised that, thus far jutant general of the state from where only two divisions. of reserves have man with the recommenda- street corner make a request to join now the came, such as: been identified and these troops tion that steps be taken to him with remarks have not been able to make Im- grant been the any a full pardon and, if possible, place "Amolca has always A-- pression on the advancing allies. him in class l, friend . of China. She gave back to Boxer did No further definite news from the China the Indemnity and American on other things to help us. Now I am glad f(rces the northern to Join the American Red Cross and flank of the fighting front has reach- ac- WILL help America. ed London since noon, when the 0. counts of their successes in the rt "A man of less I 1 poor receiving wages - o. were at hand. There i 1- than $10 a month sent us front Ning-p- region i a is every however, that ' 100 miles south of; Shanghai by Indication, they v are ahead will not China pushing steadily according courier post, knowing that to has a modern postal administration, the allied plan. at a cost of 15 cents for delivery and Tho latest news from the French 15 cents for return receipts, $1.50 for was that they had captured the towns made-Gene- (Saul-cho- y The most ral a membership in the Red Cross. He of Saulchoy and Davenscourt. remarkable Phonograph Record ever stated that he had heard his friends is about five miles northeast of 0 0 L tell how friendly the United States had Montdldior.) fll been to China and he wanted to Join Tho advices : from the French on one Ambassador fhia great society." around Montdidies slates that they Pershing's inspiring message side; were meeting no sever resistance and MORNINS RPKCtAL that tho Germans wore (V JOURNAL LfAIIO WIRI) Nebraska Corn rop Short. undoubtedly Denver, Aug. 10. Permission was Gerard's the 10. Corn trying hard to escape from the nasty address, "Loyalty" on other Lincoln, Neb., Aug. t given by the state utilities commission this year is estimated at salient. today, for the Denver and Rio Grande bushels by the August 1 crop Tho eleven German divisions which railroad to operate certain portions report Issued by the United States bu- the allieB have torn to pieces are al- of the line of the Colorado Midland Made by Columbia reau of estimates and state hoard of ready In such condition, that they can railroad. The permission was granted Graphophonc Company Of agriculture today. This is 5,5fi0,000 be of little use to the German com- on the application of R. I Hrown, . . . bushels less than the forecast of last mand for a long time to come and general manager of tho Denver and Special Introductory Price ' pJL&0 month. Further reduction in the crop probably some of them can never be Rio Grande. because of hot winds since August 1 reformed. . Tho request of tho Denver and Rio is predicted. i The two new divisions which ap- - Orande was granted by thb commis- . i. t-- . .i ' sion or commit- peareu oil me n um. wci i; ii,,i,..,iu uoticu uvwiu "without prejudice FOR SALE BY THE the two arteries' of commun- - ' ment as to matters pending before the District Court llevcrscd. principal commission until further order of the Santa Fe, 10. The district Icatlons. It Is along these arteries, Aug. however the allied forces are commission." court for Luna county was reversed that ' was commis- the state court strongest, particularly in cavalry and It explained that the yesterday by supreme two divisions were far too sion. In granting the request issued In the election contest case of C. tanks and no Mid- L few in number to stem tho onruah-in- g order affecting tho Colorado BAL Walker DWIN Hyde, appellee, vs. John In It is CO. which PIANO et al tlile. land case now pending Bryan, appellants. sought to prevent the dlsmantling'of the road ordered by the district conrt PHONE 981. 221 WEST CENTRAL at Colorado Springs. This ordec has f been held in abeyance by the state supreme court temporarily, but opera- tion of trains by tho Colorado Mid- land was discontinued last Monday Sale of morning. Although the Midland was " south the advanced Special when of Further French Delegates Appointed. not represented the, request and inn eased their number of K. the Denver Rio Grande was pre UNAWARE rapidly Santa Fe, Aug. 10. Governor W. and TEUTONS prisoners as they pushed their leni HUMBUG' IS District sented, it is understood that the re forward. Lindsey has today appointed ceiver has no to-th- use of IE Judge Reed lloloman, former Attorn- objection Tlio Germans are now well bac k to- M. and A- the trackage by tho Rio Grande pend tho south ey General James Hervcy MEAL . ward' Somme, of Pennine. V. of del- TICKETS J. Lucas Las Vegas, ing further developments. With this stream at their back and ttorney , The trackage which the Rio Grande OF THE FACT THAT egates, to tho twenty-eight- h annual the allied gunH and airplanes pouring GERMAN VIEW OF and is permitted to operate is: shells into the over the conference of commissioners The.Cardiff coal the crossings in state laws at Cleveland, We are ariiou8 to introduce to new patrons the style of branch, Somme tho position of tho enemy is from the Rio Grande connection serious. Chio, Augiitt 2 to 27. cooking of our new chef who comes to us most highly to the New Castle mines; the trackage recommended and who has had years of experience in of the Rio Grande connection at Wild THEY ARE BEATEN OUR PLANE PLANS Horse to the lime quarries at Newett PLANS TO AID some of the largest cafes and hotels on the' coast. He is and the Aspen and Leadvllle terminals. ALLIED and the best to this to is There are a number of InduLcries an expert cook, way prove you Leadvllle SIBERIA INADEQUATE Owing toi the increased on the Aspen and terminals. MORNIN9 JOURNAL RPKCtAL LUIID orders him. (T WIRi; IRY MORNINO JOURNAL' SPECIAL LtABIO WINK) to have you try eating prepared by The Colorado Springs and Cripple With British cost of all 9 kind, i of ma-- Is over the Army in, France, Amsterdam. Aug. 10. We a SPECIAL SALE OF MEAL Creek railway now operating 10 a. (RY MORNING JOURNAL 6PCCIAL LKAtED WlRI) Apprehension are therefore making from Aug. (10:4(1 m., by the Associat- that there will be extensive bombard- terial retail 4 the Colorado Midlarf tracks ed Fress.) The enemy seems to be Ixmilon. Aug. 10. Tho forces (he the telling TICKETS. Colorado Springs to Cpriple Creek by ment of German cities by swarms of retreating today all along the battlo allies purpose sending to help the American has moved the price of way of Divine. in the Czecho-Slovak- s in Siberia aro airplanes , WE WILL SELL OUR line, especially center, where pitifully Vienna correspondent, of the Berlin he is being heavily attacked by tho Inadequate and an attempt to accom- to tho of the ARE the task with them would Tageblatt seek "pinion RATS CONSTANT British. plish only chief commander of the Auslro-- I n he the $5.50 Tickets, $4.75 In the advance the British have capr courting disaster, says Dally air forces. That official of- Regular . TORMENT OF TOMMIES turcd , Vrely, Folios, Ito-sier- Mail's correspondent at Vladivostok, Ger- U.S. Par. Off on fered tho following, !mfort to. (t.j. Thia Sale Began Yesterday and Will Last For Three and Vauvillers. telegraphing Tuesday. man city dwellers: of Dr. Girhca, the head of the Czecho- been advanced to Only. CRY MORNINS JOURNAL BRfCtAL LIARIO Wlftftl In the course the fighting a Ger "The American idea of construct- has Days man divisional Its slovak organizations in Vladivostok, Behind British Lines In France, headquarters and to said: ing a huge number of standard type staff is reported have mo- Aug. 10. An enemy whose activities 'were captured. members are beln.7 flying machines with standard SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER TODAY do not in the official Because the allies gained all their "Our depleted tors is absurd. Kven if the Americans Suil figure reports by constant fighting and sickness 50 but against which allied soldiers wage objectives It is possible the enemy does succeeded in combining the best fea- $1 the Served at 65c. Served at Tables, 75c - was while we are wuiting for reinforce- of Counter, dally warfare Is the rat. Tens of not know where he beaten. It is Is to tures tho newest existing type by ments and every day's delay the two-fol- d, thousands of rats, huge sharp-fange- d therefore Inadvisable to disclose ex- it would not follow that Excellence of quality and advantage of the other side. lie We have a new conservation plan that have themselves in where the allies are sindi a composite machine would ' d inaugurated fighters, dug actly operating. in Vladivostok Is with- fuaJ-anUs- and In It may be however, that the Brit- "Our forces most useful in the war thea- worknumihip saves the unnecessary cost of table service if you among the billets trenches said, out cavalry, European you France and Flanders, and they are a ish infantry and tanks earthed the artillery, airplanes, ter. a heretofore. is consistent with the wartime pol- intended to grenades or proper clothing, while "As for the American that desire it. This plan constant torment. Thanks to modern points they attain and these. The threat our announcement medical there has been little this morning they are holding con- tho enemy has all longer 20,000 machines are coming over, icy of our government. Watch for science, the allies tho more we dwindle.. It OVERAU.S or no disease communicated by the solidated lines along the front. delay every practical airman knows that this It will save you money. Wo have made these facts plain In Is American machines ap- Look for rc4.u.s.FT.orr. explaining plan. rodents. - The allied forces captured many manv and sco tho humbug. Rats multiply rapidly In ' the towns ,a large quantity of material telegrams you pear only sporadically on the western this Red trenches and thrive well. They steal and a complete German divisional front and neither the men nor the ma-- i Woven the soldiers'- rations, disturb his rest headquarters and staff. "' hincs are equal to the Germans." and spitefully bite him when he of- This headquarters was captured at I'n fll led Steel Ord'is. Label SSJT New York. Aug. 1ft. Unfilled or- Crown I'riiicci Boris. LEW STRAUS fcOT CAFE fers resistance. The Is hunted Llbons. The number of prisoners this PAN PULLMAN pest rPMCiCO.CAj. cor- 10. eldest with ferrets, terriers, poison and .morning Is close to 25,000.. ders of the I'nited States Steel Faris, Aug. Prince Boris, Mai ty P. M. LEAKOU. traps, and when numer- North of the Somme, the allies, af poration on July 31 were 8,883,801 son of King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, Levi StrauM & Co Saa FrancitW particularly have to the will be the 118-12- ous given a gas attack. After the ter taking Chipilly spur, gone on, tons according corporation's appointed regent during AtwMQIMNOmZEil ..!. Phone 759. e 0 West Central Avenue Nu- issued This of his father's enforced retire- trenches are drenched with gas they driving the enemy before them. monthly statement today. period mx.t"F4m-AlU- " 3 0 6 5 German are generally clear of rats for a long merous tanks and "whippets" assisted is a decrease of , tons compared ment, it was reported from cm 39. he, advancing infantry, . ; u wit, the orders Juno poiwces. I ......


TWO Albuquerque Morning Journal; Sunday, August 11, 1918.

AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER declared him to be a person of nol WEATHER FORECAST: CONTINUED HOT! ' importance., S A. c Wit Jiiitwiwt "It goes without saying," says Ilcrt-lln- 7 "that I will only give, my signa- ture to the appolntmont of Herr von Hintze on condition that ho follows I Published by the my line of policy and not his oyn. sec JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. will direct the line of policy; the retary of state' for foreign affairs has Don't Carry Western Representative merely to carry out my policy." C. J. ANDERSON. Uneyj But is "tnv The Marquette Bid., Chicago, 111, what policy?" chancellor made a long and rambling Eastern Bepresentatlv which an official version RALril R. MtllXlOAN, speech of SO East ?nd Street. Now Tor. was issued. This contained little more Entered as second-clas- s matter at tire than the usual assertion that Germany pistnfftea of Albuquerque, N. M under Act was waging a defensive war against in pockets, or keep considerable of Conpresa of March 1, 1879. your exorbitant and aggressive cncmicr. Larger circulation than any other paper sums at it is unsafe and waste- - In New Mexico. The only paper la New But later there followed a passage home, Mwtlco Issued every day In the year. about Belgium which had been omit- : hence TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION version In ful, unpatriotic. or one month.. ted from the previous Ially. by carrier by mall, 7c was "a Tearly, In advance V.M this he declared that Belgium " NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. pawn for future negotiations," a pawn Open a checking account at this Subscribers to the Journal when writing which "we have no Intention of rctuin-In- g to have their paper changed to a new ad- then can all bills con- dress must be sure to (rive the old address. In any form whatever" if negotia- Bank, you pay favorable result. "The Morning Journal has a higher circu- tions should bring and We do lation rallng than i accorded to any other Tills was hailed with satisfaction by veniently safely. your Mexico." Tha American paper In New some 'in this country, who saw , Newspaper Directory. people bookkeeping-- and the cancelled checks O in It the longest step toward pcae yet MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED taken. But It Appears to have pro- returned to at the end of the PRESS. voked a storm among the you t Tha Associated Preaa la exclusively - ntltlert to th use for republication and the next day it was hastily month are valid receipts. of all news credited to It or not other- corrected the production of an- and also by wise credited In this paper made in secret resmi n, the local newa published hi rein. other passage, The convenience of a properly which emptied it of meaning. and used checking account is THS JOVRNAL takes prints It now appealed that though llert-lln- g sixty hours and thirty minutes of immeasurable. Assnrlotrd Tress leased wire had said publicly that Belgium service each week. No other news- would not be retained in any form New Meilco takes paper published In be had said thai more tlmn twenty-fou- r houre of whatever, privately Press service during a week. political, economic and military guar- The Citizens Bark of antees must be taken to secure her Albuquerque SUNDAY ...... AUGUST 11, 191 complete dependence on Germany and "The Bank of Personal Service" to prevent her from being UHcd as n ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. or KNOWLEDGE AND ItKl.iKE. jumping off ground for K.ngland America. War Savings Stamps Buy Them Often Courland "Our prayers for victory will br It was to le the rasp of , ftrV AH camou- fSflf PtCTURt answered I say it who brieve and and Lithuania over again, a y 9 know it." flage of "self determination" covering annexation by Germany. Such are the words T (Ordinal practical supply of water for artesian wells In Hintze. too, it had said the Gibbons, delivered on ha PHh birth- appealed, tho Pecos valley, and the clanger ot same in secret session, and VALLEY FARMERS the water being diverted from its day thing anniversary. added that Belgium could not be natural wutershep has aroused the belief, faith, iH the as noth- Reason, knowledge, evacuated or peace concluded until farmers of Pecos valley Ilia nf huinun philosophy, ing ever has before. This resulted in alignment "German Industry was definitely and there ire those who will maintain tho action to combine with the Rui- safeguarded by the Incorporation of CQMBINETO KEEP doso water users at the meeting that, while 1hu cardinal may believe, the Briey-Longw- y Iron districts of Thursday. he does not know. France." It Is contended that the diversion All our knowledge is founded on to of tho stream to the west side of the Hlntxe, apparently, in connecting flow la belief. We know only by believing mountains when the natural follow Ilcrtllng's lino of polity bad RUIDQSQ ITERS down the east side Is against all law through our senses feeling, seeing, taken "guarantees" to use the fa- and in the handling of , to tli idea or a with each individual among us. If precedent breathing-- etc. and the desire of deed, think of league water The water users vorite expression that this line shall of free nations In tho midst of the you men of forty are ready in twenty questions. reliability of these means: of knowing of to face the horrors and however expect a much harder fight be his own. present frightful crisis battle!, years priva because of the upon their use and or Think id a is tions of a war to which SSrCCAL CORRCSPONDENCK TO MORNING JOURNAL! government operation depend" altogether Fight j Nevertheless, the being thought compared of railroads and the expectation that And our means of of more and moro even today. The present horrors and privations are lioNwell, N. M., 10. Tho first upon experience. TRIALS OP HUMAN! . Aug. the diversion will be claimed as a war idea Is bound to triumph. It must tries, wel and good! If you "men definite step of between knowing are fallible. BY nt. the of time necessity. They say that tho E. ' ARNOLD triumph, because it rival. of twenty are ready age the farmers of the Ituidoso valley and Cardinal Gibbons' lifo experience '"As" had No of to in an P. & if. W. has been trying to get this soon as the king permitted Invention the human mind, Supposing that you dismiss the idea forty go forth and fight affair those of the Pecos valley In the fijjht It moat His has to has been more to which the affair to in water for years and that regards ha been remarkable. officers of the regular army resign perhaps, despised, of a league of free nations as Utopian.. compared present keep the waters of the Ituidoso us time to n this the propitious get bfteri a life of intimate aisoria-tlo- laid down scorned, vituperated and laughed at Then you are faced with another is a picnic, well and good! But if you the present course of the river was long before reaching tho age by than tho committee that device cannot then have to sit down of For res- by war. "But," you say, 'there aren't, you got taken Thursday. A joint meetinc of with all sorts peoplo. the regulations we tendered our which a number of men sit for and think hard about complete Inter- Ituidoso owners their together possibly bo another, war a very the farmers, the well many years he has studied men, ignations and risked the adventurous in a room and argue about a course of long time and before mankind is ready national control of armaments. Fot of the I 'ecus valley and the artesian ot conduct until a of nature what it is To Visit Mining Camps. passions, aspirations, habits, modes Journey through Russia to Murmansk. majority them agree for another war tho heart of mankind human being nothing well board of Chaves county was held 10. Governor W. us one and outvote tho minority. The com- have we else will avert another war. If this In the court house. Santa Fe, Aug. life and of thought. So T:ir From that by the kindness of the may changed. Anyhow, shan't Although, the def E. and Chief Justice R. H. port, mittee has been called the supreme see another war." This argument will war ends in Hermany's defeat, if it inite steps decided upon for action to I.lndsey nut know, he knows tin applications French authorities, wo were device for ends in our if it ends in a Manna will leave on Monday on a military wasting time and doing not do. Unless the present war is defeat, prevent the E. P. & 8. V,'. from takintr other of the natural laws to mankind and able to reach London. We are leav- nothing with an tiir of importance. settled in the another draw, the sequel! for different reasons the Ituidoso water wero not an- tour of the Tlallup and mining - only right way, an- to fuel producing act- man's relation to other creations. Ho and to le again Borough councils are swollen commit- war might occur very soon: it prob- In each case, will be tho same nounced, the attitude of those who at- rumps inspect ing for France hope tees we of unless a committee ivities' and to urge the miners to do has' Harckel and the it could and know what people say ably would. It would assuredly occur other war, world tended the meetlni; Is that the rail- read Darwin, in tho trenches next week. If councils. The House of is power and to con- (heir utmost to increase fuel pro- eelcn-tists'an- d Borough sooner or later for the reason that the given authority road will not succeed in diverting the rest of the great philosophers, be tho entire Rumanian army would common is a very swollen committee new of warfare have trol all armaments. water. duction. They will be accompanied by possibilities only n John V. Toe evolutionists who delved and follow us, but, owing to the strict and what we say of tho House of been discovered and for You say a league of nations is An State Fuel Administrator quite recently injunction was asked In tho fed of lloswell. well and skillfully ir'o the Great In tho only Commons often cannot bo printed. the reason that tho causes which led dream, and complete international eral court at Ke some dug Herman control Ukraine, the committee is a most control of armaments a dream like Santa time ago of and who found from Ru- Nevertheless, to tho present war, unless they are to prevent this action on tho of Scheme Creation a few will be able to escape precious invention and without many must lead to an wise. Very well. If you talk like that part removed, infalliby tho railroad. Although It is i pule. mania. We were four when we left (committees despite tho extreme other war. Kvcn if the war you are voting for another war. But generally Cure for Dysentery, Gibbons ban present sense en- known that preliminary steps have Cardinal gathered tho country, and only three arrived foolishness of some of them tho war lasts another two years, tho known I say that no fine common been tho railroad "While I was In Ashland, Kansas, and could not be carried on for a week. was ever without taken by company, mo that the highest progrcr sion wo our comrade has possibilities of warfare will not have terprise proposed tho water users could show no .direct a gentleman overheard speaking here; fear that pooh-poohin- g it and pos- highest happiness pf man Hre At the present time there are three been fully worked out, and the mili- most licople action, and the court did not grant of Chamberlain's Colic and Plarrtioca been killed." committees of the mind will still be to work itively asserting that it could not be thB purpose of creation. He highest Importance tary itching na- the injunction. However, the case Remedy," writes William Wbltclaw. These were the words of three in London tho war cabinet, them out. done. An international league of me so far as man may know; and sitting armaments is was continued on the docket without of Des Moines, Iowa. "Ho told knpws, who, being the imperial war cabinet and the im- as mechanical science pro- tions controlling quite be artillery officers, Further, And It Is certain in tho end prejudice a fact which the water In detail of what it had done for his to say that that purpose can the humil- perial war conference. The first we. gresses, the art of destruction, possible. users was a for them. unable to stand any longer are with. just to come. If it comes soon, so much say victory family, but moro especially his daugh- reached under the policy that might were fully acquainted It sits like the art of construction, will be The E. P. & H. W. is now usine the of iations to which they exposed every day, including sometimes Sun- next be tho better fof you. If it is postponed, ter who was lying at the point is right Is to say that the purpose is on cheapened. The war would worse That is water of tho P.onito, a. small stream bv the Germans, left Rumania days. It conducts the war.- It gives fought in the air and under the sea. so much the fqr you. down the east side of the death with a violent attack of dysen- brutal, farclal and impiour. to all. The matter is on" which will af- flowing tho May 15 and arrived in London last orders generals and to admirals; Both airplanes and submarines are one of Whito mountains. This was appro- tery, and had been given up by Bo full of wisdom of four score to air- fect the private lives of every account of in indeed, everybody. It settles nearly relatively very cheap. The finest On- ten aud the Uonito physician. Some of his neigh- week. Their the way is us from the conclusion of peace priated years iuu. family years and more, the cnrdinnl prays everything that important and urg- plane costs no more than a railway difficul- valley, where there were farms, bors advised him to give Chamber- which the Germans respected the ent, and itH wards. I admit the intense many for Victory for the right, believing responsibility is as great locomotive, and a flozon submarines I mean to deal is now practically abandoned as far lain's Colic and Diarrhea Remedy, with Rumania is very as the responsibility of any committee .can be. for the of ties of the scheme and as and that the "prayer will le peace treaty easily built price with some of them, next week. (By farming is concerned. The taking which ho did, and fully believes that knowing but also very instructive. that ever sat in the whole history of one dreadnought. of the Ituidoso water would be a much answered.' Bad, world. Mr. Georffe is its the International News .Bufoau, Inc., doing so saved the lifo of his child, conditions, tho Lloyd The entire eharncter of war would " more serious blow because of by According to the peace chairman. He is also the chairman Boston, Mass.) - larger lie stated that he had also used this A faith bo great, so complete that of Rumanian bo altered. If tho Herman great gen- development In the Ruidoso valley. the demobilisation the of the imperial war cabinet. Now, the eral staff bad reul construc- It is believed the water of tho remedy himself with equally gratify- It substitutes knowledge and goes sig- war possessed that army after the imperial cabinet, consists of home tive imagination (which It does not), Ruidoso Is of material aid in the ing results." than, finite. khowlcdge1 possibly A and colonial statesmen .latter MAINTAINS farther nature of thr peace preliminaries. (the if it had bad the faculty of g CAMP CODY ttAt God AlinLgh.ty .rules, and the have recently arrived from tho far it would have won the war Herman demobilization commission ends of the and it decides war present STANDING AS ,t rlgrtt always has triumphed and al- Ru- earth), long ago, would have fore- ITS, 'was appointed to' supervise the (questions which' spccitilly affect" the seen the directions which under t ways will! of- a de- war, mania headquarters and Herman empire as whole. It not only the guidance of science was sure to . A HEALTHY ARMY CAMP Besides the glory of silch faith and were attached to each division cides them; it gives orders about them take. But tho Herman great general ficers and these orders have to bo obeyed Us value to men, how small the odds conditions of the staff, in all its years of preparation, CSPSCtAL eORRICSeONDENCK TO MORNINO JOUNAL to see that the in Just the same way as the orders of and il and ends which we Into our lio letter." war nearly ignored submarines, Santa Fe. Aug. 10. Pemlng main gather treaty were fulfilled "to the cabinet itself arc, obeyed. paid no moro than attention heads as General we have the war con ordinary tains ber 3oad as the healthiest army knowledge, purely! Tho Rumanian army leaders, Lastly imperial to airplanes. Its submarines have camp location In the united States, re- ference. The imperial war conference been beaten and have Prezzan and General Averesco, on all kinds of its airplanes for the Official Bulletin received to H I MSG deliberates imperial been beaten. of KCHIjMANN. HINTZE, 'M signed 'Immediately. questions as affected the war; but day quotes the surgeon general the The Herman great general staff, United States as follows, the state The strength of the Rumanian army it does not decide, it only recommends however, now knows all about sub- The Frakfurter Zeitung said re- to the two bodies.' ment being authorized by the war de was reduced from 250,000 to 30,000 othfr marines and airplanes; and within a cently that the enemies of Germany When it was limtituted few partment: nieo Tho effectives of the Infantry the imperial years of tho conclusion of the "Camp Cody again has the lowest will infer from recent events that to war conference was tailed the colonial present war it might easily get ready sick of all of this ronimenl. were reduced from 4,000 conference. Most, still think in secret rates ramps group "the Reichstag Is merely an orna- people for another wnr of a nature (divisional camps). CarHps Sevier, 200 men and of the mounted loglmeptH of it as a colonial conference and it is such as most of us have scarcely con- ment" and that "Germany is in real- Beauregard and Shelby have the high- to HO Each man was allowed a colonial conference. Rut it Is more ceived. For not merely would the to Ideas of only. It is a conference of nations. est sick rates. The largest number ity governed according the 160 rounds of ammuni- free If character of warfare be changed, but of new cases of a rifle and you think it isn't to extreme- pneumonia reported the eighteenth century." muni- go any great the horrors of war would he from a single camp Is thirteen tion. The remaining arms and colony and say to Ihat colony that It ly Intensified. In his new book, "In (Camp For once" we are able to agree, cor- In stores Is not a and a free Cody)." tions were' placed guarded nation, nation, and the Fourth Year." (which everybody The Bulletin says further: "The dially 'with, a ' Herman newspaper. and Rumanian troops. For see what you will get! Our colonics ought to read) Mr. H. (i. Wells gives by Herman are as freP as on earth a health of troops continues very good. Seldom, indeed, have tho the Rumanians were any nations few bints about a possible future Admission and rates are Prusslanism police purposes and far freer than most. They re war. Hi docs not the next characteristics of l'cn to mobilized in Bessara- main within the picture materially lower than last week and allowed, keep circle of tbe'etnpire war as fully as he might and as he is better' exemplified than in the strange both were the because it them to do so, and to the death rate for disease (2.1!) bia two divisions; but pleases ought, but he show's ua enough the lowest rato recorded since Octo- incidents which led up to the fall of divisions that la ror no other reason. frighten tho souls out of Us. He says so called Dobrudjan are nroud and In we ber 13. 1917. Mensles and venetl'al Kuhlmann and the of the mixed Again, they very that think we know the horrors of a In appointment divisions recruited from dependent nations, war, whereas is war diseases show slight increase. the his successor. Kuhlmann was merely where notoriously jealous the truth that number of new cases. Pneumonia population of the Dobrudja, of Interference. Again, they are na- has not yet. begun to bo horrible. He the corpus vile on which tho govern- Bul- tions vast area's of the raid admissions remain- practically the Fall there ate Rumanian, Turkish, occupying sketches, for example, an air same as A 'TSar 16 ' earth's surface. Inst week. decrease is ing faction chose make an experi elements. , Has it occured to which, instead of lasting for an hour, and Armenian Canada Is shown in the number of new cases of the having garian allowed you that very considerably would last continuously for arweek. , ment, experiment The demobilized men were area than the United All sea other more serious diseases." greatfr States? traffic would be practically The of failed, he thrown aside, to to their homes in Wallaohla'and In possibilities of future there stopped In tho next war. A'l fron- number deaths in all the Headwear go growth Is as j It was always quite incredible tbnt under strict is no foreign nation to compare with tiers would be abolished,' for the air- camps given 104. of which six Oltenla in groups very were suicides, twenty-nin- e from the speech which cost him his place situation tne greatest of our colonies. And in plane fakes no notice of frontiers. pneu- Herman control. .There the actual to All monia, eleven from injuries, threo head- - the fn which he said that Officers population, has it occurred the advantages of islands would be In our of new fall 'speech was a mostliumillating one. you mat t lie total of people repre abolished, for takes no from drowning, eleven from trauma- preliminary showing decision was not to be ex- the airplane three from of one military and men were allowed to wear their sented at the imperial war cabinet and notice of insularity! Can you fancy tism, fracture skull, wear von will find the most' exclusive stvles. 1 and predicted a pro- their the imperial war conference vastly a in which thou- from tubercular meningitis, Rix from pected, great having taken off pitched battle forty 1 uniforms after tuberculosis, one . intestinal ob- of the war was made' with- with- exceeds tho total of all the European sand airplanes were engaged over from as well as the correct and o u a r longation badges of rank or stripes. All, nations London? can struction; two from appendicitis, one shapes p p out the' sanctfdn of his und had fighting today? And, what is more, you superiors, out 'consideration of the rank they You may urguo when I insist on Imagine a war in which military con- from septiceinn, one from eryslpeln?, COlOIiJ. "hi announced com-nur- ri In- one it wis fact publicly that Rumanian army.'' were tho immense significance and the trol over every man, woman and from peritonitis, one f rom', in tho one from ,ono front It hid been approved beforehani by n HHlute Herman soldiers, ternational quality of these imperial child would bo absolutely complete? anthrax, the called de- cervical one from will the kaiser and general staff. Biit a humiliation committees, that they are not We complain about "Dora." Tho adentis, pulmonary This announcement of new fall styles even tho privates. This upon to do what Is, after all, the fense of the Realm act of the next war embolism, one from alcoholism, At German mirtTst'er,'i "oniy ah' official to thir- impelled most of the Rumanians highest business of international gatlv would be forty times more severe than Canip Cody, in addition; to. the make for man. It will teen new ' cases th-ir- choosing easy every thrown up to do the bidding of his to return to Moldavia, but no. erings namely, to arrange bv nego our "Dora." , of pneumonia, and' when they make a mis try strict- ttation difficulties which might lead To you like this vision a vision were twentiy-on- o new Cases of vene- make safe because this superiors, succeeded owing to. the to war. real seventeen cases of choosing too, display take' he J sacrificed as a matter of riiany which might well become a reality in disease, ness of the Germans. How do you know that? a dozen years from now? If you do measles and no deaths, while the non- includes Stetsons .the hats of recognized course, v In the past .war has occurred with not, can you suggest any way of pre effective rate was only eighteen per because the In the been an the thousand. , , ... - Kuhlmann goes simply empire. If there had venting vision from becoming 'a K , conference quality. Pan3errna.ns .. are too strong to bo ONE fil RVIVOIt. . Imperial in the eighteenth reality? There 1s only one way and century there would have been no that way Is to an international Olrl Commits Suicklc. defied, mna-- i trie otner- parties not form come iiteafner been at- American wnr of independence and league of free nations which has full Santa Fe. Aug, JO. Stating that sbl We invite you men of Albuquerque to h6u'g1fr or '. not courageous A French lias the, of was from New Amanda Cour- strong The history tho world would have and real power to control all national Mexico, enough to sesert .theltr, views." tacked and sunk by a been changed. armaments. Either there will- be such tesy Montgomery, aleautiful girl, died in and look these hats over at your earliest What followed was the usual com- crew succeeded In getting away from I am maintaining just this that a league with full and real power over at the immigration, service, headquar- the imperial 'war cabinet and the im an ne. an ter sat Tucson from taking 24 bichlo-rld- o even if arc riot to n, tne in two boats, but both of armaments, or there win convenience, you ready buy. edy. ; When Hintze, the ship war worse of She had been rammed" perial conference, between them other war a thousand times mercury tablets. was nominated to succeed, a storm these were by tho Heiman fulfill on a huge scale all than this war. there will be hold on the charge of perjury In con cut in practically Either arose among" the 'Socialists and Kadi submarine; one of them being the functions of a league of freo na such a league or civilization as we nection with n Mann act case, in which SEE OUR WINDOWS. two. tions and that they do it successfully. know it will come to an end and tne It was charged that Frank Whitt bad eals'who' vowed that they would go Arizona New Mex- There'was one survivor, one They constitute a model. They prove. romnants of mankind will have, to taken her into from Into 'opposition and not votjs tho war only in their degree, that a of freo civilization nil over Just ico.7 Her cleared Whitt of ' He 'league begin again, testimony credits."- -' .'" '' of the engineers (a Frenchman). nations will "work." as they did after the great cataclysms the charge, although he Is now being Then' therV followed a series .or was In' he water 14 hours. - ' I am very keen on a league of free or the past. held . on the charge of attempting to whole occur. Influence a witness. Co. secret conferences between' the 'chan nations for the world. The One of these two things must government Guarantee Clothing 1 Idea has been in the air for several There is ultimatelv no third alterna an' the' party1 leaders, an.1 aj The 'king of Bulgaria has left his years. Some responsible statesmen tive. The decision rests with you. It In China there are oil and salt wells "compromise" was "reached by which country for his health. The Hohen-zoiler- n have sneered at it; others have con doesn't rest with a handful of exalted more than 2,0,00 feet deep which have (HAYDEN & KELEHER.) demned others said Is of drilled solid rock ' Hintze was accepted by alt but tho family Is due for a vacation It; have that it personages in the upper spheres been through by impossible. Still, It has survived, and government. rests wltn you ana hand with the most primitive imple- i - eeoa-- ' It wciaiifita and too; . minority- lbfihaassHw fcretty ;,: ta. is growing In strength, Difficult, in mo, witb. the mags ol ths plain people, ments,' ., Albuquerque Morning Journal Sunday, August 11,1918. THREE

mill mm Midsummer Surprises for Paris Forget Style? Never! Suburban and Seaside Needs California Hotels ' : New York, Aug. 10. Just what ance of a becoming hat? I think not. I . .,' 1 would we do without our afternoon Some charming costumes lose all ef- ..-- ;" . cxuxanic Health and Summer Resorts, 1918 teas? I'm sure they are the everlast- fectiveness because the wearer docf 1 rr ing excuse in which we take refuge not give enough consideration t the ! L A S A I N B L G A N T E for wearing our newest and most cov- most essential article of her ward EM eted afternoon frocks. Whether it be robe. And right now there is Buch a Read the Announcement of California's Famous Hotels at one of the smart hotels in town or wide selection and even fer- variety liHACI I AND M'H NT.UX IiKSOUTS AND SOLVE in the -- big "out doors," the tea is tile most fastidious. Dainty organdies HEALTH, served and the frock is worn. Just with fluffy little ruffles for the sum THAT Ol'TIXO PliOHLEM." LITKltATfKi; AND FULL IN- at present the favorable weather con- mery afternoon frock, chiffon and FORMATION BY WHITING DIRECT, UTt AT or ditions permit extensive cntertaniment flowers for the foulard Georgette of The Journal on the lawns and lit the gardens of dress and smart little advanced velvet Free Information Bureau at Office Morning shapes for the more tailored costume. What, a tragedy if Madamo does not search and find the acme of charm - and fascination to complete he- care FROM DEPOT fully thought out wardrobe. FREE AUTO BUS Vftr Tltosc Who Enjoy a li) 9 ?' M 2tl V 7 V X mmjF- t YY TO POPULAK comes a variety of suits just frivolous enough to meet the frolicsome waves of the shore. And then all the beach accessories! The ordinary sweater of WOL- BE MTW -1 WMW 1 S 1 I f XI ; $ ItdMKfl! M till W IAB J d 4 tJl i Mm last year has Riven way to the more ' I t FT tW ff! pretentious and elaborate qualities of jfm fflllv the beach capo. One feels quite un- dressed without this charming pro- tection against the unmerciful rays of the obstinate sun. One of the shops Shows a model developed in vermilion rubberized satin, trimmed tv'th. fringe of the same color around th-- j lower , edge of the cape.-- Bewitching indeed H would the dark-eye- d vivacious miiden 2w fifth stnmain be wearing this capo over a simple sHSw.r: 'hJ ,'' rr:rr;r fmmm&mB. r - I 8kz Is if 'X ?lSisr2 fRATES $aM3B ABSOLUTELY CAFE I

Tfm demand of THIS AGE It iklll. PERFECT VOURSEtF NOW for that BIG PAY which dmaiiit nakm poi'lbl. Litarn TraettoMfrtng. Autamobltlaff, R PBlrlnt, Ignition, Aoetylenx Walillna. Vulcanlllng. Machinist Trada la Waitcrn America'l Oldest- - Laroctt and Mnat Rftilnhl MM.hAnlml Trada Si'hoot. tltab- - Fashion pages persist in Paris in A woman in tears is never an pleasure in fripperies. llinad 1903. Our 9.01)0 irafluaUa. Writ today lar BIG CATALOG, which mayar spite of tho war. A sample taken "object d'art." Grief, wn that ter- most which War is en- Ho comes back wanting the from tho Paris "Excelsior'' an rible grief brings, which are sane and and makes titled to its proper Betting. things (uiet of tho at- wholesome and sweet, needing most Interesting showing mental not titude of French women toward Doubtless the women have learned a proof that beauty has perished style. home from tho earth. Following tlie well, by this time, that men Straight Silhouette. Paris is liko a well bred woman, from the trenches are not particularly and, to American And so French fashion rewards him suburban homes. contrary opinion, refreshed by the sight of their wives a of fem- Co SALM What a refreshing Paris likes to up with glimpse the eternal FRANC9SCO Bight! Light, flimsy dresses of voile, keep appearances and sweethearts wearing the modes inine at its best; that is, In even when worried and wearied and of Mars. Nor does tho soldier on leave garbed for a Cool, and Vacation batiste and organdie, which appeal, sad. tho simplest and tidiest way. Interesting Inexpensive Oh, so much as the mercury rises. crave gaudiness, neither does he find Tho TrinimiiiglcNH Drews. The other I was day particularly Also Stop ..HOTEL STEWART fascinated de- solo, "How Sweet the Name of L. Mrs. D. W. with an unusual little Bradford. Organist, RICHARDSOM-DAVISSO- N in a delicate Jesus Sounds." Mr. Mark Goodman. for good accommodation! from 11.50 a day up. BreaWaet 33c and 60s (Sun sign tint of orchid chif- law. . LunrH Dinner $1 fon. The waist was collarless, with Sunday school a: 45 a. m. John F. and days 7.rr) 60c, (Sundays $1.25). Major, Christian Endeavor evening CLUBS ARE FORMED IN Tha STEWART on Geary Btraot, just off Union Sqnare is cloas to everything hemstitching at the neckline and but- superintendent. S . m. "Lessons in worth while. car lino passes tlio door, Stewart Motor Bus meets Senior 7 service, p Topic, Municipal toned at the back The skirt was Epworth League p. m. Nature's School." Prov. 6 : t S and MEXICO principal, trains Mtd Mamart. slightly draped at the left side, which, Prayer meeting Wednesday evening John 12:24-2- Leaders, Gladys Hay-de- n EASTERNJJEW by the way, is to be a popular fall 8 o'clock. and Alvlna 1'ostel. feature. The sole We welcome all to paxtAi. coaaiapoNORNCi mornina trimming and theso services. Music Solo, Perfect," to journal t'harm of creation "Thel'rnycr N. 10. - the was a girdle of (Riley-Stcnso- Grace- ltoswcll, M., Aug. Richard- IMMANTTRTj Winfry. faction supporting Ulehardsoii and three narrow ribbons in emerald rcv.?fC.KT,TCAIi Solo. "Ho Knows All," Mrs. Sut- clubs have made their violet salmon LITIIKKAN It in New Mexico Uavisson refused lo Include Judge green, deep and pink, CIIIUCU. ton, with violin obligato by Dorothy appearance eastern und in the fold- which formed a loop bow and long t'arl Schmltl. pastor. numbers of them have been organ- endB Cameron. The campaign is yuung yet oven In at the waistline where the fulnots Residence, 308 south Arno ized. The active of full-size- street campaigning .lodge (.'haves county, but it is attaining d of the draped skirt was caught up. riiono 2017. C. A. Richardson for United States Simplicity, of course, dominated and Our services THE CHURCH Oi' CHRIST. ' senator and A. Duvisson for proportions rapidly. are held in the public north- George was the secret of its successful appear- library, corner of Krlith stionf onH Meets each Lord's day in the state land commissioner Is well under ance. But then simplicity always for Central avenue. west corner basement room of tho way. success One Reason Sport. "GUNNER DEPEW" LEARNS means with a gown. The Sunday school 10 a. m. public library. The supporters of these two candi- youthful frock illustrated is severely Preaching services It a. m. Song service from 10 to 10:30 a. in. dates claim that practically all dele- HIS MOTHER IS ALIVE simple, yet for that very reason !s a black satin suit! A vermilion cap Bible from 10:30 to H:3U from eastern Now Mexico will with over the Subject: "The Justification of a study, gates Nil!! SJStimiS ilUI'IUtl high achievement in the art of dres3 fringe loosely dangling Sinner Before God," a. m. go to the democratic state convention is to tmV MORNINO LaAMD WlRRI design. left ear a delightful complement Communion nervice, 11:30 to 1 2 m. pledged to support these two candi- JOURNAL RACIAL Informal dresses arc worn now al- this costume which defies the most Lesson for August 11, dates first, last and all tho time. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 10. Following ST- - JOHN'S Sunday, most exclusively and one sees the dashing white caps. ciinton. of Second Coi inthlans. Pecos who tho disappearance from Hastings, Silver avenue 11 ml Eighth Chapter valley democrats say formal evening dress only it some And then, of course, tennis or golf Fourth srect.. Wo meet for song practice at i they have had very little recognition Neb., yesterday of Albert N. Depew, ultra affair. The exist- is an excellent excuse for some allur ltev. H. N. Hullm k, Hvtor. author and war known as extraordinary Eleventh o'clock p. ni. from the rest of the state in the past lecturer, ing conditions have exerted a notice- ing now designs in sport clothes. And Sunday after Trinity. R. A. Tolley, I. H. Edwards, ciders. realize are for a big "Gunner Iepew," it was learned that to- Communion 7:00 m. that they asking able influence over the women of sports clothes must receive their due Holy a. en- bo had left Nebraska suddenly for Church school 9:45 a. chunk of the nominations, but feel day In the selection of her wardrobe. consideration, for how often do they m. because have not New York on receipt of news that his lIlEIElilllll tirely justified they BROADWAY SEVENTH iFor, indeed, the'utmost care and dis- fill in when one does not know just Holy communion and sermon, 11 mother was not dead, us he supposed, t a, 111. had their share in tho past. The ques- The center oi ahoppinit, butineat and the- cretion must be used in the selection what to wear? The dress illustrated ENEMY DESTROYER IS tion of not even but was residing jn Yonkers, New UnlVerSitV HemMa Mkulnn compromises has re- atrical district Convenient to ail car lines. of clothes now. To go into the shops is attractive for the cohnnt York,- according to a telegram Eu- particularly young 9:30 a. m. been discussed and there is practical- 300 outside ronma with private bath. and indulge in fanciful beauties is bui girl with a slim, graceful figure. It Cornell and East silver SUNK OFF ZEEBRUGGE no definite Information as to which ceived hero from Hastings today. ropean plan. Kates $1.50 and up. Dining oc- avenue. ly a memory. More human things is developed in cream colored wool of the two candidates would bo sacri- Dcpcw is a resident of Now York room aervice refined! and excellent. Fro cupy our time and reflections, and and green worsted is sac- state. Una from DptAU Folder upon request. jersey, bright MOftNIN PBCIAI. LKASIU WINE ficed if It were found necessary to WILLIAM R. blanket-stitc- h my JOURNAL FLOOD, Manaer. clothes have only a secondary claim used for the around the ST. PAUL'S .1. in our ENGLISH LUTHERAN Aug. 10. A German de- rifice ono of them. H. LAN Kr.K SHIM, Owner. sentiments. collar. The large pockets are attached - T. of the An Much Ado About Hats. on to II11KCH. stroyer was sunk aliout eight miles off J. McCluro, also a Judge Exception. and button the pcplum match (Comer Silver and to nn a candidate for su- An old says: "Tho anvil laaMaMaradaaaalLBaal, Do women realize - button-ove- r effect Mrth.) Zeebrugge yesterdaj, according district, and the proverb fully the import- the of the cuff. Arthur -M.- - Knurl J OOMK official statement issued by tho preme bench, is not likely to get much lasts fymgor than tho hammer." Residence, 306 S. Sixth. Phone 2299. today. help from tho Chaves county dele- Thanks bo, there is a beautiful ex .4a a. m. Sunday school. Classes The statement says that it Is prob- gates. This question precipitated the ception to It. Tako tho caso of tho for all. We invite you. Lesson, "Help able the destroyer was sunk by strik- usual factional fight in the democratic brave boys who are hammering away omers. a. w. convention in and the at tho kaiser and his brood. Try the Want Ad Way Church Services ing Kraemer, ing a British mine. county April, Sunday sermon by the pastor on the subject, "Shall the Christians He Governed by WHERE TO WORSHIP TODAY Rules?" Anthem by tho choir, "Make CZj CZJ a Joyful Noise" (Waggoner). 8 p. m, Combination service of CHWSTIAW SCIEXCE SOCIETY. are invited. 3 t llJffSIL Christian Endeavor soctoty and con- Christian Science services are held gregation. Topic, "Lessons From Na- BECAUSE the need far at 418 West Gold avenue, every Sun- FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAIj. ture." Miss Maud Still will lead the competent stenographers day .morning at 11 o'clock. Corner Ix-a- ami utli Third.-Charle- Endeavor session. Tho choir will sing and was never so as Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. Oscar Kcckman, Pastor. "The Master Passeth By" .(How bookkeepers great NOW. Wednesday evening meetings at 8 Miss Edith Gorby, ccom8.s Kratz). A song service of fifteen min- iYour need Business needs You o'clock. Sermons by the pastor at 11 a. m. utes, including patriotic selections country you. you. Reading room open dally except and 8 p. m.. Morning theme, "The will precede the regular meeting. The can't afford to be a business slacker. Sundays and holidays from 2:30 to Value of tho Mind to the Religious pastor will speak on "Living By Dy- 6:30. p. m.' at 418 West Gold avenue, Life." Evening subject, "Paradise ing." second floor. Lost and Paradise Reuained."-Sunda- A cordial Invitation; is extended to A free circulating library, including school 9:45 a. m. visitors and strangers. Come and Join all the works of Mary Baker Eddy, Epworth League 7:00 p. m. us In the worship of the Lord. and other authorized Christian Science Special music morning BECAUSE this is the of Business. Business n Age literature. Is maintained In connection Anthem-r-"A- Evening Prayer," FIItST COVGHKGATIOXAti Mth- the reading room. Halmead. Ladies' Chorus. ciiuncu. has come to mean SIlRVICE. "He profits most The public is cordially Invited to at- Solo "Gethsemane," Barrle C'orrHT Coal ami Broadway. tend, the Sunday services, the Wednes- Miss Hallio MltcholU Kov. Hlcliforil 1. orton, l'astor. who serves best." The surest road to positions of day evening meetings, and to visit th Evenin-g- Morning worship at 11 a. m. Ser- reading room. Quartet "Now the Day Is Over," mon by pastor. Subject, "Tho Friendly trust and leads the busi- Barcley. Mrs. Rose Lynwalter. Mrs Hand." responsibility through NORTH FOURTH STREET GOSPEL L. B. Lackey. Miss Mary Bright, Mrs. Sunday, school 9: 45 a, m. H. L ness office. , j , HALL. L. J. Dean. Snyder, Classes and Mrs. Dean. superintendent. f 1S00 North Fourth Street. Solo; Siection L. J. welcome for all. Sunday school and Bible class at A welcome for all. Music fo hour of worship under :4 a. m. Topio this week: "Help- direction of R. Stanley Seder, organist. ing Others.'' OEN'TRAIj AVENUES METHODIST Miss Ruth Thurman will sing a solo," BECAUSE is of value to the man It a. m. Breaking of bread In re- CHURCH, SOUTH. "There Is a Green Hill Far Away," by opportunity only membrance 6f the Lord. Corner Amo and Central. Gounod. WHY who is PREPARED. Of what use is a ten thou- 8 p. m. Preaching of the gospel by Joshua C. Jones, Pastor. Christian Endeavor at 7 p . m. Carl Armerding; Subject: "Reason- services 11:00 a. Note For the month of August the Regular preaching asked sand dollar a year to a ten dollar a ing With God." m. and 8:00 d. m. , young people have the pastor opportunity Wednesday at 8 p. m. A "Two Views of the to by giving fifteen-minut- e week man? of is meeting Morning subject, addresses at the close of Should The secret success to be ready for prayer. Same '. meeting. I Principle. It is 'Thursday at 8 p. m. a meeting for Evening subject, "The Test." Therefore, hoped the people of when comes. ,You don't know of Paul's to the church in general will attend. The your opportunity the study Epistle the Chorus choir will sing anthem, nature of the address Romans. A mixed class to which all Us In Perfect Way.," for next Sunday when it will come. , ;'Lead Thy evening win ne "I'atrlots. " just t J L t All-ar- e Attend the Invited to attend these serv- ices. V PREPARE NOW. f " f fiiist baptist ciifrtcn. Lift Off Corns! Corner Lead and Broadway. Albuquerque Morning and evening services will be held at 11 a. m. and 8p.m. Dr. Wedge will preach, the morning sub "BECAUSE the ALBUQUERQUE BUSINESS "Freezone" is Magic! Lift Corn or Callus ject being "Christian Growth," and at Business any night "Christian Hellpfulness." The COLLEGE can give that in the ordnance of baptism will be adminis- you preparation ngni on witn nngers No pain! tered at the night service. shortest time consistent with The children's sermon In story for thoroughness. During each Sunday morning is one of the College the ten under its this most interesting features of the serv- years present management, ices. Also the community singing Is school has built a for of serv- proving quite popular. At night Mr. up reputation quality 1 Padel will give a solo, "God Bless Our ice that is in the Boys Tonight." "Miss Ruth Thurman unsurpassed country. will sing, "There Is a Green Hill Far Away." and Mr. Beets and Miss Eve- lyn Taylor will sing a duet, "Drifting." Other services as usual. Visitors heartily welcomed. MAIL THIS COUPON NOW' 1TRST PIlESirrTFJirAN CIICRCII WHILE YOU THINK OF IT 3 1 (Corner Fifth nnd Silver Avenue.) " A. Charles It. Albuquerque Business College, , Ilugb Cooper, New . '01 McKcan, Pastors. Albuquerque. Mexico. school 3:4 a. m. Edward Gentlemen: I'leaso send me full Information regarding your courses Sunday i In Bookkeeping, Stenography, Civil Service. (Check those in which you B. Cristy, superintendent. are Morning worship, 11a. m. Sermon interested.) 1 i by Rev. George Logie, of rnocnix, Name Ariz...... Music "Grieve Not tho i Quartette, Address . ', . , Holy spirit," (Salner) Mrs. Kramora, Crrop it littla Freezone on on aebing tiny bottle of Freezone for few cents, Mrs. Sutton, Mr. Padel, Mr. MeKean. ' - that com hurt- sufficient to id feet Solo "Save Me, O, God," (Randlg- corn, instantly stops your' of every Mr. out. ger) Padel. ing; tlien, you lift it right . It hard corn, oft corn, or corn between Organ prelude "Festal Prelude," doesn't hurt one bit. Yea, magfc! the toes, and calluses, without sore-5C- J (D. Buck). - "Silent (Theo. JVhy wiitt Your druggist clls a 91 IffUftt ipn. itf Offertory- Prayer," Try NsiumbugJ KuUacJi). Choir, director, Mrs. B. r FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11, 1918.

r i

life or death in the trench there must be no delay in IT'S every man in France with EVERYTHING that he may - need or want in his job of licking the Hun. Many a man's life will hang on there being another rifle ready; to his hands, a new, keen-edge- d bayonet, a plentiful supply of grenades. Back of every man who goes "over the top and into the Hun's trenches there must be a steady, unending flow of supplies.

Our job over here is to MAKE SURE the war work to another unless there's a mighty 6upplies are there and at hand. That means good reason. - working every minute of every working day. this the Government has es-- means, STICKING to the And For purpose It too, job. Serv-- is of our America tablished the. United States Employment there one gravest dangers. - ice with "500 branch - offices and 20,000 is losing more through thoughtless changing ' U. S. Public Service Reserve agents to ;, help of jobs, thoughtless hiring of men than men find war work and to help manufac- -' through almost any other one thing.' It costs find more men without interfering with on the average $20 to $200 every time a man tiirers other war work. Use this Serviceit is free changes his job. The man loses time. A It covers the It is one machine stands idle that ought to be working prompt. country. sure of knowing that you are HELPING top speed on those war supplies. way to win the war.

Changes, of course, must be made, for the Address the nearest U.' S. Employment. war industries need more and more men. But Office or the Director General at Washing- don't let's make changes from one essential ton. . ' . , . 1 PRESIDENTS STATEMENT do armaments." "IudujtrT playi at ewential and honorable a role in this great struggle as onr military ' after 1918, "Therefore, I solemnly urge all amployers engaged in war work to retrain August 1st, U. S. Service. from recruiting unskilled labor in any manner except through this central agency Employment United States enlistment yii issued this for "1 urge labor to respond as loyally as heretofore to any calls by agency voluntary Service aacrifice will have been i! we are Emplqymcnt ia essential industry. And 1 ask them both alike to remember that no in vam, of is the able to prove beyond all question that the highest and best form efficiency spontaneous WOODROW WILSON. free people."

the Division of of the Committee on Public InfoirnattoA This advertisement prepared for use of the Department of Labor by Advertising

. This is Contributed to the Space Winning of the War By the Following Concerns.' NATIONAL LIFE INS. CO. OF THE SOUTHWEST, BOND-CONNEL- L WOOL & SHEEP COMPANY THE BALDWIN PIANO COMPANY our own Home ' i , Dealers Raisers. , , ' Company." and Piands, Player;Pianos, Music, Etc. Comer Swuml and i'liono 400. . Copper . New OciUk'iiliir Building riionc 901., 321 West Central Plwno 87. LOUIS ILFELD THE McGAFFEY COMPANY ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, Sheep, Wool, Hides and Pelts. Lumber, Live Stock, General Merchandise ' Leased Wire Service. 113 John Klrcet Phone 561. Special Chamber of Commerce Bulldlny Phqtio 115. Only Paper In the. State. Section MORNING Society ALBUQUERQUE 0U NAL Society Section Albuquerque, New Mexico. Sunday, August 11, 1918.

Almost Ml, 1918 t Copyright. Slat Cinimnf Right Rewi-v- l . Roistered U S Patent Oilii-e-. Trie Shenanigan K.ids y-i-g Am FLOWING f 1 V-- TjER EXES SHUTWrll5 Cc T; KZ o , X(W "Sf5 " ' ' V, (C uKdcEFrU 'lW 1 MBE IT'SV --v DOT 155 DER CHEESE " D PWKlEk "OX Oft Mg miKESlnub ALEC) - XV (ri ITti --- fr -

VbAnhbcnjm NEFEIr M'lLEILlFF.NO FROMM fYOUDER SfcffliC ' hmBBHYEN COULD BUUD02E isgawsrf,1! iNEXTflNjCE F 17V7V it


HIS FACE lYOUR HONAlE!.- 0UF? LEW-LIGHT- S - ! , fci HT f )Al Pfc f DON'T YOUSEEIMNTv. f& Y. - X'" rr mfVm!A Mr "V )DOMYEVESDECEIIMEOR t7T TWO AIEuqucrqas i Morning Journal, Sunday, August 4, 1918

Grace 1 By Regene Society News of the Southwest Telephone Thirteen

Bernalillo County Schools Among Santa Fe Society Attends Fete Screen Star - - t Captures Army Officer Loan First in Rural Extension Activity in Liberty Drive . in Honor of Father Scux's Jubilee . .. Local Women Aid Nurse Drive Women Give Work - Time to War WnnhnKton, P. Aug. It).- Miss Marguerite Clark who lung since won as this critical period of our nation's out the land, women are taking their the heart of the American public on Tues- - stat.o also celebrates this e mHE garden party given treasurer, history necessity demands that our place as police officers. In Alb.iquer-qu- actress and movie star has chosen day afternoon by Mrs. Thomas the fiftieth of his IM been year, anniversary schools be kept at the highest this position has established from those millions of hearts Just one ' Curtin at her home on east "entrada" in Han .Tur.n. point of efficiency In order to pre- wlhtin the week. This may seem A! Palace avenue, was, - O ex- to nil for her own. It used to perhaps, pare our children for future In Albuquerque to be a rat her keep - t the most notable social event WAR WORK ACTIVITIES. as citizens. It s evident that innovation. It is not. The to Lieutenant H. l'alm-erso- n ,. treme belong First of the week. Tea tables were set There was speeding up of war work our schools are being conducted on larger cities of our country have rec- Villiains, Ordnance Depart- under tho huge spreading willows and activities tliis week. The Red Cross he theory tliat the ('duration of the ognized the value of women-offijsr- on the veranda. Guests mechan- ment, United Stales Army. ' thronged the chapter, for the first, time, had fallen child Is a spiritual nnd not a especially in .handling the 'ises of , ., v. Place all afternoon. behind in its ical The Bernalillo filling monthly .quota process. county young girls and women. It has been The engagement of .Miss Clark to O and an appeal for more help found rchools are experiencing a wonderful ti in as - proven succtss Albuquerque; Lieutenant Williams is the culmina- - r.miKU some response. The drive for volun- growth and progress. All teachers established by the fact that even be- si:rxs juui.kk. teer nurses continued in arc of first tion of a begun when score- of Santa Feans student employed possessors grade fore her official appointment one of long friendship, the to San Juan charge of Mrs. Kate V. Hall, with certificates. our assisted Williams was at Luwrewe-vill- o outing pueblo present policewomen has Lieut(ant on Wednesday despite several auto- headquarters in the new Museum, al- In ccrla'u localities where two or the department in the handling of for Yale. mobile Santa Fe has furnish- main- Academy preparing breakdowns both going nnd though already more school houses have hren cases of young girls, and has achieved Tho was renewed last returning, and occasional showers and ed her quota. The Y. M. C. A. com- tained heretofore there has now been far more success in some cases than friendship mittee In court when Miss Clark toured tho sultry heat. The beautiful San Juan nut Federal chambers a consolidation and a school building any male patrolman in tills country spring church was crowded in the forenoon witli federal judge Colin Neblett pre- erected on a site most centrally lo- could have done. There Is an under- south and west in tho Liberty Loan in honor of Father Camilo who siding and Paul A. P. Walter as sec- it to pro- cated, thus making possible standing between women, and this campaign, and reaching New Orleans, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of retary. Col. Ralph E. Twifchcll of vide more adequate facilities for fact alone establishes their efficiency the War Works' council, found in Lieutenant Williams an old. 4 - his ministry at San Juan pueblo.' suggested teacher and pupi's. Superintendent as policewomen. - There were a number of visit- methods of organization for the drive Atanasio has been In o friend, a generous bond buyer and an iif quite Montoya untiring ing priests. The Knights of Columbus in October and steps were taken to his efforts In building up the schools Mrs. Trnutman of Oaklnml Calif- ardent wooer. had of the festivities organize every precinct. Mrs. Reed to the end t lilt t sre charge and there of the county they ornia, is visiting here sister, Mrs. E. were addresses of felicitation and llolloman will look especially after now on a level of C. placed high efflc T. I base In tn I'pper Feco? Miss Clark was born in Cincinnati, presentation of gifts in celebration of the Y. M. A. end of the drive and . a condition which Is conducive is to men as Irncy, O O., and went to fcVw York to study the occasion. It was n picturesque it the purpose enlist well to the higher development of the im- us women In an effort to go over the Mon-toya- 's M USKS Will, HI" NFFDKI) music. Her voice and assembly, colorful, enthusiastic, pupils. In all superintendent charming petite of the top ttie first day at the same time he has had the full co- AITKrt THK WAIl IS OVICK. soon won a pressive. People countryside efforts Mrs. Adelaide and lovely person her had come in automobiles anil wauons giving every one, rather than the of the. Hcrnaliloo county Nutting, chairman of to contribute. operation the nursing cummlttce, council of place In musical comedy in which she and Willi them mingled th Indians few, the opportunity board of education. with Wolfe - that had come a distance on The woman's committee of the state 1 national defemio, bus appealed for otarred lie Hopper. , " , long New buildings are To be e cte at t,. ,4 horseback as well as of council of defense held a three hour l muses Immediately. The writer points the Pueblos Atnsco and I'ufariM whiih will, out that we shall need nurses, even Lieutenant Williams and his fiancee I'an Juan and nearby villages of the meeting at the new Museum presided modern in detail. The nchoul over Mrs. W. I'rlchard. rvfy long after the war is over. Her ap- with the soldiers' parents, are now In Rio Grande valley. The Indians by George buildings of the entire county are staeeal a of Tho whole range of woman's war peal follows: Washington, where tho engagement celebration their own, and Ixing overhauled und repaired pre- "It is clear fiat the of danced in th' pueblo plaza, in front work activities was discussed, hot or in supply i I to the school was laid on ttie child paratory opening nurses must be kept up. It should has Just been announced. Lieutenant of lie church nnd In front of the special emphasis .September house. Buf- - savings campaign which in thin state never be necessary to submit our sick Williams is assigned to the Ordnance 4 priest's The Eagle and In the clear head A administration . t Vi nances were an is In charge of Mrs. Max. Nordhaus. and wounded soldiers and Bailors to but ia to be as- uiio siageu in ineir of Atanasio Montova the of most thor- department expecting r tiarnnric aim a new dance The Museum authorities are eager to superintendent care, any but the spiennor Heinalillo county Is realizing a ser- signed to overseas service in which of help In organizing this movement oughly qualified nurses. Then, too, improvised by the Caciques the as vice that cannot be estimated In a there are most serious henltti and so- case the wedding will be an event of Winter und Summer people w.13 per- scientifically and efficiently, they to have done under Dr. E, L. Hewett's material way, one has only make cial problems created by the war the near future. formed by two groups, ono from a tour of to be convinced civilian These each klva. There were picnic lunches direction in San Diego. A training among population. class be the outcome under ex- - of this fact. will bo Increased by the returning in the orchards nnd especially in the may O soldiers find sailors, maimed and dis- famous rose garden of Mr. and Mrs. AV APl'KAI, I'OK eased. To meet these problems we Samuel Kldodt. The latter, former (Contlnued on Page Five.) YOM.iNTF.KRS. must have more nurses. To have more The appeal for volunteer nurses Is nurses of the riht kind, the women merely the offering of on opportuni- of tho country must prepare them- in ty for women to take their place selves for war service and for com- Nellie Crawford, Ilda Sganzlnl, Evelyn spent a few days here, the guest of the great struggle for ilcr'Trv In a munity service of the highest type, by Sganzini, Veima Viola Her Edgar Russell. work which will farther for the as nurses. pilchard, go enrolling student kenhoff, Alice Gould, Grace Winfrey. Fidel Romero and Leo liomiqiildo LEARN SHORTHAND IN 3 MONTHS successful termination of th" w.i than "Even during peace times the de- Gloria Crawford, Katherine camo to wo- Angle; Loyalty Menus up get their families who perhaps any other occupation of mand for highly trained, experienced Messrs. Harold Partch, Chess Byrne, havo men nurses has been far in excess of spent several weeks hero and at ' today. the Harold Chandler, Hal ph. Hill, Don the Sulphurs. the class of wimi' i who supply for several years. It is Im- AT THE Today only iliggins, Halph Pavton. Louis Mc- - Mrs. Block of are needed in Europe un- portant for every patriotic woman to Clurken, Weiss, and Religman, actually - Willie Rganzini, Ira Pixley, tho of a O be- trained nurses. Theirs is n- c;i"v remember that our civilian hospitals By special dispensation runts, were here last weke, this are frank Nehr, John Strumquist. Her record wheat crop and the. ruling ol ing their second visit the past Ition. Subjected to hardships which the nation's humanitarian training bert Galles and Herbert Galles, Jr. one Mr. over food during PRACTICAL SHORTHAND SCHOOL untrained women could not be u" con- camps for women. Upon a Hoover, governor few weeks. They have returned to entering O stores, we are officially released from Grants. stantly In danger, working long hours school of nursing you become a mem- Miss ber of the student staff of a Ixiretto Mangan who was vis our voluntary pledges to abstain from Mrs. John F. camo each day, these and utile" lutrdshins nursing here to the use of wheat breads. For long Pearce up from a murmur. and are committed to na- iting has returned her home on they are facing without hospital in- Tennessee. Miss was months ve have looked forward to Albuquerque Wednesday. The untrained American women can- tional service of immediate benefit to Mangan the Colonel and Mrs. W. S. Hopewell FALL TERM BEGINS MONDAY, AUG. 12 tho Bick guest of honor at a number of this diy and now, .throutih human not do this work. How then, can she and Injured," parties we not so full of will go to Albuquerque soon. They and dunces during her visit here. perversity, are joyful w'ere hero in help In this wonderful work? ' relief as we expected1 to lie. And the April and will return The answer is siin.ule. Hclene a A delightful party for Miss Craw- moral of that is that one of the uses In September. 1321. nurse who has the ooalifica-tlon- s ford was that given last after- Among the most enjoyable affairs C. S. Hayden, Burrowcs, and Phone l trained Friday of the week was of wheatless adversity has been to Roy needed "over there." St"''-m- t ani noon by Miss Hettio Slmms at her paBt the social given show us the sweetness of George Rnslingtnn were Albuqtierqne-an- s X by the En- cornbrcad, volunteer nurses can do In this conn-tr- y home on West Central avenue. Bridge Congregational Christian textures who spent a few days here last Or Call at 722 West deavor at the home of Mis and tho beguiling flavors and Tijeras. at least a part of the wuk the was the game of the afternoon "and Esther of rye, barley and oatmeals. Having week. re- delicious were Slater, 1001 South Edith street. The tialned women are doing, thus later refreshments was learned the pleasures and possibilities overseas service wo- served. The guests were Misses occasion that of the regular we never REGISTER NOW FOR DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. leasing for ihe business so of several cereals shall Every dollar In War Savings Stamps s. t'.loria monthly meeting of the one-brea- d men who have the proper qunliflcu-tion- Crawford, Katherino Angle, again be a nation. Our new or a Liberty Bond gives' the kaiser a over Klorenco ciety and much important business enable us Although the work here Welller, Angelica Howden, was was freedom with wheaWjshould chill. may not have the glamor for the Esther Howden. Margaret Mathes, transacted, among which the to increase our sugar savings. The appointment of a Pastor's Aid com- is two of American woman thart actual Jvar jilrace Stortz, Alma Huldridge, Ruth mittee, new to latest ruling but pounds work Bhe can do far more In a Tompkins, Annette Weinman, Kath-erin- e (something Albuquer- sugar a month to eash and in- has, que's young people's societies) to be person practical way by remaining in this O'HJelly, Hetty Ainot, and Lena of volves daily sacrifices. and the of the Ferguson. composed voluntary services. After SUNDA?. country taking place n the business meeting, the company trained nurse. was divided into two teams, each of Breakfast: Sliced 4 peaches and Aside from patriotic and other rea- TF.A KOIt MISS RAWFOHD. which a cream (no sugar), waffles, sirup, Miss Gloria Is produced pantomime. Team sons the American woman should an- Crawford, who the one, captained Miss Alice coffee. a econom- guest of Miss Katherino has by Gleasner, JAnnor: swer this call from purely Angle, produced "Over the In a very Chicken a la Maryland, v been the of at a Top" new in ic standpoint. After th" war. ns ell guest honor number realistic way. A of potatoes cream, buttered beets, as now nurses will be of teas, etc., this week. Wed- heavy barrage cucumber and tomato fresh the needed. The parties, puffed rice made the enemy quail and salad, nursing that will be' necessary, even nesday afternoon Miss Katherino fall back. peach ice cream, coffee. Angle gave a beautiful tea In her finally Brown and chceso after the war, opens up a new field Team two. led by Mrs. Edward SupHT: bread who honor. The hours were from four to Pies, sandwiches, potato salad, watermelon. for the women, by the time Hie a 313-31- six. rooms produced thrilling melodrama, 2K.1 5 West Central war la ended can have acquired ex- The were profusely decor- "Bluebeard." Tho MONDAY. Phone ated flowers. In the din- feature of this which will of financial with earden hair-raisin- Itreakfast: Iced creamed perience prove room Mrs. great play was undoubtedly the g canteloupe, benefit to them. ing Leroy Peters poured, of chipped beef on toast, coffee. assisted Misses Grace Rtortz. Bottle escape the heroine. Miss To offset the Inek of romance in by Ruth Kaysing, who escaped the fate Lunch: Vegetable soup, corn wa- You New the work overseas, the woman at Pimrns, Feather Howden and Beatrice of Bluebeard's fers, plum tart, iced tea. Invite to a Careful ofthe Fall Hill. Miss was re- other wives, whon Sir Inspection home must l Angle assisted in Lee Dinner: Baked fish with tomato consider that her s is y her her Howard and a host of othor gal- far the eaBier lot. She Is certain of ceiving guests by charming lant knights galloped in on broom- sauce, fried egg plant, lettuce and Suits and Now on in Windows and She Is fed com- mother, Mrs. Angle. The guests were onion salad, tapioca, coffee. Coats, Display her safety. well and sisters of sticks and umbrellas and rescued the peach fortable. The of war nurs- sorlty Miss Anglo and other fair maiden. TUESDAY. hardships college friends. -- to- ing are eliminated. Can she find n Other novel games were played and Breakfast: Plums, hominy grits Wear Cases. Those present were Mrs Leroy with milk coffee. Ready Display more sound reasoning for her woik Marion of several solos by Mr. Byrd and Miss and sugar, toast, over here? Peters, Walker, Lordsburg, Anna Hull the Lunch: Egg salad, muffins, honey N. ftrnest Charles Thom-p- b, completed evening's In other fields as well as In M.; Garcia, program, iced tea. nursing Ednyinrt Hoss. Misses Alice Boyd, Your attention is directed to the Wonderful New Fabrics, woman Is taking her phce. Through- - Erna Elsie Refreshments were served the forty Dinner: Roast lamb, fresh mint especial Fgusson, Lovelace, eight guests. sauce, scalloped potatoes, cnbbagi Mc(regr, Ena McGregor, Iena n, salad, coffee. Angelica Howden, Lillian O apple pie. Miss Reba Hlg-gin- s, Kcmpintch, Esther Howden, Florence Conner has gone to WKDNESDAY. Hazel Well Texas, to visit relatives there. IlreaUfast: Sliced bananas and Seder, Hawkins, Florence cornflukcs cod- ler. Alma Baldrldge, LeCller Cava (no sugar), creamed )9 ' Hettie Louise PHOFKSKOK STANLFTY KHDRR fish arid baked potato, coffee. naugh, Slmms, Bell, TO UIVK tveans Annie Crlsty, Lois Mary Borlon, FAKFAVKLIi CONCEKT. Lunch: string and pork, Dals, Announcement Is corn bread .sliced one Huth made of an organ peaches. Suvert and Margaret Standley, McCowen, Dinner: Irene Davis, Edith Chllders, Agnes recital at the Congregational church, Puree of green peas, , to Childc-s- Winonah be given on August 22. which will baked salmon, beet and cottago Dixon, Huth conclude cheese Tompkins, Margaret Mathes, Grace Prof. Stanley Seder's con- salad, prune whip, coffee. 99 Stortz, Beatrice Hill, Julie Hubbel and cert work In this city. Ha. will play THURSDAY. Gloria Crawford. a program of music by French and Ilivakfiist: Canteloupe, scrambled O Bolglan composers, also his own Fan- eggs and bacon, coffee. tasia on National Lunch: mama The club was scene of airs of the allies, Vegetable peanut Country the which salad, a most delightful dance last Friday has been heard in a number of butter sandwiches, iced tea. I leading cities in the but has Dinner: clear tomato soup, cob' evening. Twelve couples tripped the not southwest, Which in our suits this "Silvertone" made its first last light fantastics until a late hour. The been heard in Albuquerque. boiled tongue, potato salad, creamed appear year. appearance Vocalists of more than usual ability cauliflower, shortcake. season, and because of its 'and became instantly rain helped to cool the atmosphere will on peach beauty sterling wearing qualities, and an unusual amount of "pep" was appear the program. Including FRIDAY. The is here the time in These Miss Grace Stortz n, popular. "Yalama" shown for first Albuquerque. evident throughout the entire evening. and Chas. R. Breakfast: Grapes, fried liver anC the The Bluehcr orchestral the who will sing solo and duet bacon, biscuits, coffee. suits are timmed with Nutria and Hudson seals and are lined throughout with Diamonds, Jewelry furnished numbers from French Miss music and punch was served during opera. Lunib: Kiee omelet with checst very best things, all for two seasons. Stortz will be heard in the tremen- sauce, fruit salad. guaranteed the evening and later ice crram and dous difficult Gruen Wrist, Watches, cake was served. "Shadow Song," from Dinner: Broiled fish, linked pota- The "Silvertones" are from $87.50 but when you consider - "Dinorah," with Galli-Cur- cl priced ,to $130.00, which toes, new pea.H and carrots, tomato made her New York bow, and Mr. salad, coffee. wearing quality and splendid service, as well as perfect style, you'll recognize Etc., Etc. MISS IIIMi CKI.KIIHATKS McKean will gingerlireud, 111 sing the Toreador Song in KH.IITKKNTH ItTHDAV. from "Carmen." SATURDAY.. the economy buying them. Tou know our line. The celebration of the eighteenth Breakfast: sliced peaches, oatmeal birthday of Miss Beatrice Hill was The with milk and sugar, corn muffins, You know oui are dance was given In honor of prices right. Ihe occasion of the delightful surprise Keleher fur- applo sauce, coffee. We Are Able to Offer for This Fall and Winter the Most Ralph who la .home on Lunch: Green Probably Tou know our to party gven her by her mother at the lough from the corn fritters, sirup, aim is please and Strumqulst home on north Sixth iavy. baked apples, cocoa. Desirable Line of Ever our customers. O Dinner: Stuffed steak en Coats Presented in Albuquerque atlsfy street last Mondoy evening. The Captain and Mrs, W. C. Reld have flanked assembled earlv and awaited casserole, creamed onions, beet salad, . W want to know we guests gone to Iowa for a short visit. you that sell the arrival of Miss Hill, which was watermelon. These are Redfern and Princess garments; man tailored, in Baffan seals and Thrift Stamps. Let us start your with shouts of greeted "Surprise," A. W. Cushman, wife and handsome velours; trimmed in O'Possum Fox and other long furs so popular this Ncard with that in and the party De- daughter, quarter you get proceeded merrily. of Esptinola, New Mexico, are season. Like the suits, are lined for two seasons. Ths lightful games were played and then his visiting they with fabrics guaranteed,! thange. government needs it a brother, C. O. Cushman. Mr. Cush- musical program was rendered. man is Every one is the last word in The range from $32.50 to $150. Tou won't misa It were with the Bond Nahl Co. in perfect style. prices There a number of musicians Espanola. Jemez HUT WAB SAVINGS STAMPS among the guests and a number of Springs musical numbers were O These Garments Lines and are i ' ... given as well The dance Inspect for Fall While the Styles as bv Miss Ilda Miss regular of the Good ESTABLISHED. 1885 readings Sgnnlnl, Time club was held at Colombo hall Mr. and Mrs. George Everitt and A Dorothy McAllster and Miss Eunice son will to Complete.;':..;".. ," A two course Friday night. return Albuquerquo today Herkenhoff. luncheon O after an here. '4lii was served and enjoyable vacation Of Course is Autumn Wardrobe. dancing concluded the Every rivet driven in an American Mr. nnd Mrs. Noah llfeld returned the Corset Essential in Rounding Out This Season's evening. Mrs. Faw delighted tho Is a nail to a with a solo. Miss ship punched into the kaiser's Albuquerquo on Thursday after guests piano Velma coffin. ., month's rest here. Mr. llfeld is much Yichard, and Mr. Chess Byrne sang improved in health. AMERICAN LADY, FROLASET, MADAME LYRA a duet and then solos. Mr. Byrne Thrift now Mr. and Mrs. C. Mueller possesses a rich tenor Stamps spell ready George ? voice and every money five years hence. have a cottage here. ALL THROUGHOUT THE N A T N one enjoyed his solos. The guests wer C. N. STANDARD 10 WATCHMAKERS & JEWELERS Mesdames Cotton, of Gallup, is spending Easterday, Lewis, Wilson, O. A. Haymaker Is a farmer near a vacation hero. 2C5 W. CENTRAL AVE. Sganslni, Galles, r J Keith, Clark, Angle v. . J. IL Shuffleberger went to Albu- See These Corsets in Our Windows. and Faw: Misses Dorothy MeAllster, W Mao querque this week after taking the Laub, Alice Lewis, Irene Patch, The last candy In sold at baths here and Anna Eunice from Germany at the Sulphurs. McGulre, Herkenhoff, ; to ; a pound. : Ueorije Smitherg and Ralph' Marron Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11, 1918. THREE

" -- ' fciwiimaitiMtJ fcimiin hi unman! IwT lim i Lnmnmi&j " iiirirniiniiiiim- - ll,l,,,,Miii,ilf,niiiiTiiiriiiiiiitio'-iii- i w WimX I ""Tiri f MjnitiiMi"1 Hisa LiiJ V4 inrnmJ

mmmmmmiimnn ' ' ( l ,T n I f. 8 Commences Commences Monday Monday August 12, at 8:30 a. m. August 12, at 8:30 a. m.

AUGUST SALE OF HOME FURNISHINGS BLANKETS TABLE LINENS BED SHEETS, CASES AND AND EVERY NUMBER A VALUE SHEETING 58 inch Unbleached Damask, yard 60c Double Tan Grey and White Blanket .' Special $2.98 66 inch Mercerized Damask yard ...... 85c 68x80 Double or Blanket Our price3 on all Sheets, Pillow cases and . Tan Grey Special $3.58 70 inch Mercerized Damask, yard.... 90c 68x80 All White Blanket Bed Sheets $3.58 Sheeting for this sale are in many instances Special 72 inch Mercerized Damask, yard $1.15 6680 Pink, Blue, Tan and Grey Plaid Blankets Special $5.85 less than the actual wholesale cost at 72 inch Damask, ys.rd $1.35 price 66x80 Saxoney Blanket in Black, Grey, Blue and Pink Plaid Special $7.19 72 inch Union Linen Damask, yard. . . .$1.80 the mill. While we have a fairly good as- 66x80 Our Celebrated Pansey Blanket Special $7.65 72 inch Linen Damask, yard $2.25 sortment of merchandise at this time we aim G6x80 Wool Blanket, Snappy Colorings., Special $8.10 72 inch Linen Damask, yard $2.70 to distribute this class of merchandise as 60x80 Handsome Plaid Wool Blanket '.'Special $7.65 72 Satin Finish $3.15 inch Linen, yard we feel 70x80 White Wool, extra size Blankets Spelial $7.65 . . widely as possible for later there 72. inch special Select Linen, yard. .$3.60 68x80 Belmont Wool Blanket $8.55 will be a of certain size sheets, etc. Special shortage 66x80 Our Special Plaid Blanket Special $10.35 66x80 Silver Medal Wool Block Blanket. Special $11.25 J TABLE NAPKINS - Wc are therefore compelled to limit our 70x80 Extra size Superb Wool Blanket Special $12.15 f customers to not over a dozen-o- a kind dur- 6680 Heavy, Finely Carded Wool Blanket . Special 13.50 15iil5 Hemmed Napkins, dozen. $1.40 '68x80 Sultana, Fancy Plaid Blanket Special $11.25 dozen ing this sale. 18x18 Hemmed Napkins, $1.85 72x82 Double Extra Sixe Plaid Wool Blanket . . . Special $15.75 Union Linen Napkins, dozen $1.40 72x84 Our Winner, immense size, Plaid Blanket .Special $17.50 Heavy Mercerized Napkins, dozen. .. .$1.90 72x84 The best-eve- r, all Wool Blanket Special $19.35 Large' Size Union Linen, dozen $2.35 OUR EDITORIAL SpeciaJ Patterns, Damask Napkins, doz $2.75 BED COMFORTS Linen doz Large and Heavy Napkins, $3.75 Price concessions that will effect speedy Our stock Down Wool to to Entire of Cotton, and Filled comforts be sold during this sale at All .matched napkins and our beautiful stock adjustments, for it is perfectly plain 10 Per Cent Discount. lines of. Satin Damask all Linen napkins spe- those who understand present market con- cially reduced for this sale. ditions that merchandise of like quality must henceforth much more than the regu- BATH ROBES AND BABY BLANKETS ' bring r Special Price on Hand Made Maderia lar prices in force up to now, to say nothing Our stock of Bath Robes and Baby Blankets go on sale for this week selling at 10 Per Cent " Napkins. of our special August sale prices. Discount. '

T"7 TT u IH! WE EEC FANCY LINENS Turkish Bath Towels Our entire stock of Fancy Linens consisting ACO 17x34 Good Weight Towel 18c BED SPREADS of Guest' Towels, Scalloped Pillow Cases, ACP 18x36 Turkish Towel 23c Embroidered Pillow Cases, Embroidered ACF 19x40 Heavy Turkish Towel .32c Nothing is prettier to the Feminine in ind than a' snowy white, satin bed Scarfs, Cluny Fancy Pieces,. Drawnwork ABE 20x42 Double Woven Towel 46c and wc have them here on endless varities for to choose from Pieces, Linen Bed Sheets, Fancy Center AJL 20x42 Extra Special Towel 58c spread you pieces, etc., specially reduced. ABF 24x44 Extra Size Bath Towel 69c in both the plain hemmed and the scalloped edge. Our Entire Stock of Fancy Colored FANCY LINENS. Turkish Towels Greatly Reduced. BED SPREADS Bed Our assortment of Maderia and 76x86 Extra Heavy Spread Special $1.98 large 80x90 C. Corner Scalloped Spread . Cluny Linen Pieces, Table Sets, Napkins and LINEN HUCK TOWELS Special $3.48 74x86 Style 1000 Plain Hem Spread Special $3.65 Fancy Towels of all kinds, specially reduced. V 17x34 Union Linen Towel 17c 76x88 Style 17 Plain Hem Spread Special $3.98 ACO 17x36 Union Linen Towel 19c 78x88 Style 22 Plain Hem Spread.... .' Special $3.98 DAMASK TABLE TOPS ACT 19x40 Union Huck Towels 23c 80x90 Style 277E Scalloped Spread Special $.415 ACF 17x36 Union Linen Huck. Towels. .29c 80x90 Style 177-- E Scalloped Spread , Special $4.48 64x64 $1.80 27-3- mercerized, special We have a beautiful assortment of 82x92 Style E Scalloped Spread 72x72 Damask $2.15 fancy Special $5.48 Tops, special linen huck and damask face and guest 9 78x88 Style 1550 Hemmed Spread Special $5.48 45x45 Damask Lunch Cloth $2.35 27-4- E towels, and they have all been greatly re- 90x100 Style Scalloped Spread Special $6.48 45x45 Union Lunch - Cloth $3.25 for this- come and make 88x100 Style 150E 45x45 All Linen Lunch duced sale, early Scalloped Spread .Special $6.98 Cloth $3.25 choice. 90x100 Style 154E Scalloped Spread 45x45 Hemstitched Lunch Cloth $3.25 your Special $748 We a-b- assortment of Satin in all new in 36x36 Hemstitched Lunch Cloth $1.35 carry Spreads designs, price $7.50 to $12.50 36x36 Hemstitched Lunch Cloth $2.15 TOWELING Less 10 Per Cent. 36x36 Mercerized Lunch Cloth 59c 36x36 Linen Lunch Cloth $2.38 Our complete line of linen and cotton tow- Summer reduced for this week. Drapery Specials eling greatly ' v TABLE CLOTHS Distinct Economy Advantage for Next Week Shoppers. CRETONNES An unusual assortment of Cretonnes for porches, sun parlors, living rooms, 61x61 Damask Table Cloth. $1.88 COTTON AND WOOL BATTS dining rooms, bedrooms, etc. Artistic patterns that produce a cool, summery AA 61x61 Heavy Damask Cloth. W effect in home decorations; 25c to , ...... $2.35 We a assortment of cotton yard up tPJUU 68x68 Snowy Damask Cloth carry complete $2.88 wool batts of all kinds. 64x90 Heavy Damask Cloth ....$3.15 and Nets and Scrims Full size heavy all linen scalloped Round 72x90 Eiderdown Fluffy Batts, special. $1.98 IH Bungalow ' 3-l- . . . to 60 Table Cloths, Beautiful Patterns b. Sewed Cotton Batts, special. .$1.50 About 50 pieces placed on special counters at special prices, comprising plain, hem- 72x90 Silver Fleece Wool Finish Batt, stitched and printed border Scrims, etc. Figured and plain Bungalow Nets, in white, cream ', special $2.25 and ecrue, also green, blue and old rose Marquisettes divided in to THREE LOTS, the $9.98 $10.98 $11.98 72x84 Golden Fleece wool batt, special $3.35 yard at 72x84 Superb Wool Batt, special $3.98 ART LINEN 72x84 Wool Batt, covered ready to use, E 39c 29c 19c special !.$3.98 Heavy, Medium and Sheer Art Linens, Other Cotton Batts. widths from 36 to for Fancy work, grades of HOUSE DRESSES Bed Linens, Waists, Art Craft, etc. All qual- We have a complete line of everything We have a beautiful assortment of all that is new and pretty in House and Porch Dresses, ities specially priced. necessary for the making of Comforters. Sassy Janes, Bungalow Aprons in Percale, Gingham, Chmbray, Etc.

Housekeepers' UJT01 Hou Week EOOMOMIIST V w FOUR Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11,1918.

C Normal University J Royalty Enlists Estancia J For War Work ltcv. 11. W Means and daughter, I,S VKGAS.) H. W. 11. a member of Miss Delia, of Socorro, und Chesley Thomson, of Ariz., left tin- class of now in France, has Means, Jr., Douglas, morning for Socorro after a Written president Huberts a Ions letter Tuesday relatives in which he tells of his experwnco in week's visit with friends and here. Miss Catherine Uarvin accom- France. home. Mildred who was a panied them Miss llorbein, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson and son member of the tho urm faculty during nie'ce. Mrs. Fisher, led't Saturday for d ivianuract g term Has taiinnier passed through Denver, Colo. They arc driving tompanyis now in V gas Wednesday on her way to car. in which the Baker automobiles, trucks for and enough money the treasury to finance where she will teach tn the through in their The factory Flagstaff, Mrs. V. II. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. tractors will be manufactured, is located in Pueblo, this company for some time. Normal school for the coining year. Forrest Mason drove to AlbiKpteniue and H. Aelkins, who for a number who is in is the of the west and is now luuiy of Monday to visit Dr. Mason, Colo. Pueblo Pittsburg of years has been superintendent a sanitarium there. center of the Mountain district. Plans have been made to build olher factories. in other echoolg at Texico and a member of A. Housseau and the factory Rocky school Mr. and Mrs. U the Normal university summer Jaciiueline, and Mr. and localities in the west and the people of New Mexico are four has daughter. cx-- faculty for tho last year, Mrs. Hurlon and daughter. Huth, i now offered an to secure stock in this big been chosen to head the schools at Mondav for several Are you interested in the development of the west and opportunity He and his wile are spend- i.,v Corona. weeks outing in the northern part of do believe that it is good policy to encourage largo industry. ing their vacation in Has Vegas. the state. you Miss Hose Arnold, a student in tho Air nnil Mrs. Hex Meador left industries to locate in western states? ill in the summer to rnllece nartinent Thursday for Magdalena to attend the Only a short time will be required raise the amount school, has been chosen a member of to go no... at tho HI round up. They expect of capital required to finance this industry and when the training department there to Arizona to visit a brother of The Baker Steam car is the simplest car that has ever, Hito normal. She will have charge Mr. Vendor's. that amount has been l eached all the stock will be taken of the grades. Miss Arnold taken Miss been manufactured. It is operated under the most primary normal Miss Flossie Haddox has from the market. Is doing addition work, at the Tattle's as assistant bookkeeper economical conditions and is fool this month. place company positively proof. during chair in tho F.stancia Lumber Miss Marearet Larkin, county store. Miss Tuttlo is working at Please invistigate at once. All business for New Mex- man of the campaign for student Helium's store. the Woman's committee In car we do away with the carburetor, ico will be Tnls nurses, under Airs. Halph Coombs and son am this ignition, handled through the Albuquerque office. the i fly-whe- for the council of defense, reports this week. spark-plu- g, devices, fan uni- Mar- visiting In Alhiiiucriiie starting clutch, stock is now selling at 5 cents per share. Do not delay if following girls for this service: Itev Faile. a Sunday school worker Nicolena Kossaek - I Method- versal and transmission. wish to stock garet Meaghar, : of Hoswell, preached at the joints you buy your at this price. Hlfie .T. Cross, Julia Sundt. and eve- who is now ist church Sunday morning Miss Huth Conrad, and also gave an interesting Wfii k in"!- in the riresident's office, left ning, in the steam is not an vaea talk to Sunday school workers The Baker power plant experiment, K.itnnbiv mum for a fcW days' afternoon. condi- ranch. Miss Conrad for but has been fully tried out under the most severe tion at Harvey's N- - Miss Winnie left Tuesday o dc I - ' A Hailey lin.i Nhnn-- of the Typewriting a visit with friends in Magdalena. tions. After twenty years of study and experiment Dr. during the summer term. commissioners were in partnient und' Tho cotintv H. O. Baker has produced a perfect steam car. Miss Lorraine Trainer, who session on Vednesrh.y of this week. an at the close of the school operation They approved the estimate for Ni'honl. is along nice - su- uimimi'r t:etting as- presented by county of this steam has been won- will have ptirpos'S appro-m-iate- d The development industry ly. Miss Trainer charge ofj perintendent Kurt: and also the Commercial department in Ihei J..ADY 1ni from the county road derful as the stock was first offered to the public in high school at Carlsbad the coming! HARCOVRT fund to build a bridge at Torreem. A of U;is we have 80 acres ol land, school year. was missed to repair the Januaiy year. I'oday Haicoui't is one of the resolutlrn GO Mi:s .Marie L. Kcnecal. director ofj Lady many lato road in the county, the a concrete building feet by 342 feet, and machinery music and art in tho Normal univers-- j members of the royal circle in Eng- and the Abo for a two land to enlist to do some sort of work Pacific highway is being installed as rapidly as possible. One car has lty, left Monday evening highway. County treasurer Hamundo weeks' vacation in Denver. She will, to help win the war. She has volun- C. L. been in this and has been on the streets v - , h-- Homero. cotintv superintendent completed pbnt ; M.en.l the latter Hurt of August te l. i teered her services as a field worlcr of Mountain-ai- r 7. V in insti-i- n the ranks of the V. W. C. A. Hurt ami .lanes Payne for several weeks and a number of cai'3 are now under Jy ing public school music the corps assistant disti-'- t attorney Ilitt of tute at ClomP-rott- ine .ormai un- France. Lady Harcourt, who was Wi'llard a'tended the meeting. construction. All of this property and equipment is paid iversity has strong departments in art formerly ..Mary Hthel Hums of New of Mr. and skilli'ul is also a of J. P. Mor- The infant daughter and music under the guidance York, relative Mrs Math Freillnger died Thursday of Miss Senecul some very fine work gan, the great financier. Funeral servie-e- were held year. morning. has been done during the past In the Catholic .hurch Thursday Miss Svlvi: Vollmer, teacher of Spanish, spout tho past week visiting Mont., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. in Denver, accompanied by Mrs. CI. F. Walker, on Cold avenue. ACY WOOD WARD C.erard-llobert- s others, K. & Hazel and Mrs. W. Armstrong, ..f Scpar, made the by automobile. was in (lie cilv trip is Friday shopping. : The material for the fall catalog Mrs. S. I.. Leer ami daughter, rail-lin- e, STATE REPRESENTATIVES 111 SOUTH FOURTH STREET now in tho hands of the printer and of Columbus, were county scat I Williams, Ariz: j tho catalog will be ready for distri- visitors Friday. All Business bution a Unit the fifteenth of this Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Dean and little in This State Will Be Handled Through This Office. in on t h. son have gone to I'.isbee, Ariz., where Hcd Cross activities are again claim-in- " President Frank It. H. Roberts has they expert tei reside. the afternoons of the women of received an interesting- letter from Key. .!. 1!. Hell, pastor of the Meh-odi.- st the first, of tho regular is now a ."ne'let Williams, at Volney A. roulson, who church, returned from his sum- weekly meetings having been held at West I'o int. Volney writes about mer vacation with his This of spent family, the school house Wednesday. visit Ids training and the dally routine who are visiting relatives in Cilmer started the work of tho gar- Arizona, has ben a Magdalena visitor Saturday from a with relatives m.' was meeting this week tho frontier cele in Missouri tho mini. life. Ho grndnat".l and other Texas cities. Mrs. Hell, ment making for the refugco children for sports from the Academic department of the .lames and Klizahoth will return later. nations. bration. Mrs. Walter Martin has as her guest "A look .. of the allied Mrs. inside Normal university with the class Mrs. C. M. Franklin, of the, Frank- - Mr. and Mrs. I'M Huope, of Tted Miss Elma McCluro lias returned her sister, Crawford, of Houston, The Hoover," with hiuh rank and last winter took lin left for entertained with a elelightful from a pleasant vacation spent near Tex. Note the Hoover iireiiminarv examinations millinery, Friday morning Tike, Hoscdale. Miss .Me'.'lere will he in Miss Tearl Halelwin was over "from h, cadet .1 in.' eastern maiKi'ts to ner sit the ranch home last Monday Heating-Sweepin- g purcnase dance of school for the C'arrizozo the first of the week. .nndncted tinder the supervision fall stock of millinery evening. A number of their friends charge tho Qtiemado Rrush driven by the Normal university for the purpose Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hoano and liltle motored from town to enjoy the hos- coming term. Miss Mae Hooth returned Wednes a belt from tho dclei-minim- to be morn- Married at Socorro Miss Tabitha day from a two weeks' visit with her of appointments .laughter, Dorothy, left Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Huope. , electric motor. to West pitality Godd.-ml- made by senator A. A. Jones ing for Alamogor.lo, N. M., to join The Heel Cross cabaret, given at the Spccr and Hert formerly of moincr in Ainuqiierquc, and Annapolis. Volney passed Mr. Magdalena, but neivv stationcel at County club leader C II. licnneit point Hnane. They will make their Sultana theater last Saturday night, was! the.'o examinations with flying colors, homo in that city. netted about six hundred dollars for Hoosevelt, Ariz. The wedding was a here several days this week. He I Since leaking ho highest average. Mrs. A. W. Pollard is home from an tho Canteen service, funds. A large great surprise to the friends of tho and the local leader. Miss Holland, he lias been a successful extended visit to California. of from Hcd e'ontracting parties. They will make made calls on each of the club mem- pruduation and number people Flagstaff, in bers. teacher in this state Wyoming. The many friends of Miss Mimi Lake, (laelanil Prairie, Ornnd Canyon their home Hosevelt. Mrs. Victoria ('.. Miller, head of the Haste to were to lend Mr. anil Mrs. Juan Sanchez, of s, Marshal Ormo passed here 8 re- regret learn ef her danger- and Ash Fork present through Phvsioal Welfare department, is ous illness at her home, in San Diego. their assistance to this worthy cause. announce tho marriage of their last week enrouto for the east. arranging her schedule for the coming Calif. Fntil last October she resided itteo in charge. W. M. daughter, Adela, to Mr. Maurleo F. .Several new residences tyn being in order that a thorough course with her in this her wish to thank the Miera, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. built in Mountainair. The R. "Romero year, mav be in parents city, Hughes, chnirman, i., miliiMrv training put father owning' and managing the Hank many residents of this vicinity for Mlera, of Magdalena. Tho wedding residence in tho north part of town is both for the young men and for the; hotel. hni i,!n,i um.iini-- t in this instance will occur in Lemitas Aug. 21, at the almost completed. Mr. Overstrect i nome girls. The officers of tnc gu.mi Mrs. ,T. W. Turner and children have Final reports from the Ha by clinic Catholic church. building a bungalow on North Roose- tho boys 0 will have supervision of returned to their homo in Maricopa, show that children were exammeu Miss Sanchez is well known In this velt. Work will begin shortly on a and have placed their equip- In the advised ar been the teacher of the residence for Mr. and Mrs. training Normal Ariz., after several days' stay in Williams, their mothers city, having liward HM. ment at the disposal of the city. tr. n.oir and future care, and first primary department during the Griffin in tho north part of town. for this work. Mr. and Mrs. F,. F. have intro-notim- r instructions to all Mr. Mlera is connected County R. L. was byre university Nlelson and Hurgett given past year. agent Strong Professor and Mrs. J. F. moved back to Doming from their ores. nt. Mrs. T. H. Curcton. Mrs. E. with "the Ocean to Ocean garage as on business Monday.' from a short sis- Hoover family returned Friday ranch In tlie Hachita vicinity. a Aiiitor nn.l Mrs. P. A. Meliek were bookkeeper. Mrs. Spear is here visiting her Only The visit with his parents at Bltiewater, several in in of the clinic ter. Mrs. Atwood. Professor Nielson (r. Howard spent days ibo roinmittee charge his former home. Silver City the first of the week. Services, will he held today at St. lard to tako a position as telegraph Cleans of the Carden club work Mr. If. K. and with arch- - Suction has charge and is and Mrs. Kunkel John's F.niscopal mission operator. Beats, Sweeps, for the county of San Miguel children arrived Friday morning from eleacon J. H. Jenkins, of Phoenix, Mrs. G. V. Hanlon returned Sunday at a time. Han-Mis- finable to stay away long McClain, Tex., for a three weeks' visit charge. from a two weeks' visiSwith ir. s Carden club work is going along Las Wil- - The some with her sister anil family. Mr. and The manv friends of Miss Mabel Vegas Verla Hinds has gone to Iileelv and Mr. Nlelson expects Mis. J. A. Gaines, at Dome. will be to learn that she lon in Ariz. has been other vacuum cleaners rely mainly upon to bo made this Capitol Kent pleased Flagstaff, excellent showing Miss Kebci'ca. Munoz, a Mexican is recovering, having undergone a the guest of Mrs. G. H. Rhodes this ALL Hoover of Kl who ion in The commercial club will give a suction alone. The fall. settlement, worker, i'aso, sirif.os at the hospital on in week. Only Miss .Taonez, who remained Lee-- g dinner the evening of August 20, Mc- - Lucy com- lias assisting Hew Marion Yuma, Ariz. Miss Kent has been Miss Allio Storey and Willie over from the summer session to in a of at some honor of Dr. Nathan Krass, of New were married imbedded and sweeps eve- series meetings with nppondii-iti- for a Hebrew Clellanel here list beats out grit thoroughly plete some work, left Wednesday the Spanish Methodist church, re- time. After she is stronger sho win York, distinguished clergy- Thursday by justice of the peace P. A. for her home at Hlatico. turned home to Williams to visit man, who Is representing the Ameri- besides what the others do, ning Cornwell, who had Monday evening. probably return can Jewish relief committee for suf- Speckmann. carpctings doing Mrs. Mav Hoss C. H. Kendall, of the Santa Fo her sister, Mrs. Charles Hutton. of the classes in Dramatic art, blacksmith returned with his been tho guest ferers from tho war. suction to withdraw the dirt. charge and of shop, Pel Holihitt, who has Miss of Haton. is tho using Interpretative reading Staging bride from Los Angeles, Calif., Tts-ela- y of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cold tor tne lOdlyn Larktn, will leave for her home in week end guest of Miss Jeauctte Plays, next week. morning. mist two months, returnee! Weelnesetay &? Moscow. Idaho, sometime Miss Mamie Jackson, of Oakland, ti. bis homo in Kmnoria. Kans., to Spiess. r ,i, did some Mrs. Conwell's classes Calif., is tho guest of her Mrs. resume his senior studies in the George U. Hunker and family, Socorro cre.lital.lo work this summer sister, year Chester Hunker and family and H. M. and the H. S. Doyle, on Hailroad boulevard. Kmporia college. and afforded the students Miss J. Macklin director of K. W. returned to Wil- Fenny and family loft Saturday for a the to Health?, Foster has In nii;.. nf Veens opportunity tho Y. W. C. A., spent and liams his recovery from a camping trip tho mountains. Mrs. George C. Wheelock nccom- - '.. f rlever tilavs where Friday following Miss Janet who un- showed Saturday in the Pass City. severe operation in Los Anseles. Mr. Ilfeld, recently panied by Miss Mary James, arrived and skillful training v. of derwent a serious operation, is getting to Whee- - ability 01 li Fred Hruffett, an evangelist Foster is much improved in health. in Socorro Sunday visit Mrs. to The object mis a. re- re along nicely anel soon will be able to Mrs. advantage. rspec-- i Wichita, Kans., began series of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffy are lock's mother. Lula Mitchel. work Is to train tho teachers, vival meetings at the Church of Clod, cent arrivals in after nn leave tho hospital. After a short visit here, they will those in the rural communities, Williams, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Van Houten of illv 21(! Fast night. in California, leave Oakland, Calif., to Join Mr.! half-cleane- e.f and entertain- Spruco street, Sunday extended honeymoon trip for soft-- d. Broom in the staging plays W. P. is in Magdalena, N. their recent in Shoemaker, aro visiting friends in Las Wheelock who has enlisted as a me- - The Hoover has a h than t valuable, advice m the JIughcs following marriage ' Only ments, give oostum-in- g M.. attending; the big round up. Calif., at tho homo of the Vegas. chanlc in the navy. - or ordinary carpet of material and tho Richmond, Mr. A. have re- a i r Sweeping sweeping H. N. Miss Julia and Mrs. T. Sullcr -- i Beating selecting of the the Mrs. Rldgewav and children, bride. Mrs. Duffy, nee Mrs. Baldwin entertained the won't rid the car- and make up players, of Artesia, N. M., arrived Sunday is well remembered by the turned from a visit in San Francisco, Ieclub this week. Brush not stationary like sweeping and all the minor but Kughrue, L. A. who Monday half stage, setting make morning to loin Mr. Hidgewuy. many friends she made in Williams Calif., with their son, Sulier, Mr. anel Mrs. John W. Terry left not slowly re- pctings of more than verv important details that help A. has returned several is an ensign in tho naval auxiliary a pushbroom, a success. This work Judge Karl Snyder eluring her residence here Thursday for Portland, Ore., where the dirt without beating, as clever aiding from a month's visit, with his family Mr. Duffv is the senior reserves. Young Sulier served in tho Mr. will attend the national en- volved by floor rollers, like with the teachers and years ago. few Terry very popular in Los Calif, of tho of Brothers navy previous to his marriage a G. A. R. carpet-sweeper- s, well know. And suction, not U be measured by the Angeles. member firm Duffy to campment of tho in ordinary you the benefits of F. M. Parish is spending a month nnd is also here. The years ago, Recently ho returned The band Magda- it is eloue in the few short weeks very popular needed Socorro boys paid air no matter how strong work In Louisville, Ky. lie left Monday bride and groom will reside In a re- the service when his country lena a visit Sunday. not weakly propelled by the. summer. he reached the will collect loose dirt morning. cently completed bungalow on Sher- him. Tho fact that Ellas Spear, of Estancia, accom- but powerfully and only Miss who hits been pur- of all intermed- Thclnia Carnahan, man avenue, which has just grade ensign, passing panied by his two sons. Raymond and over 1,-0- 00 as a demonstration proves been the gttcat of Mr. ami Mrs. Jim chase! hv Mr. Duffy. iate grades in three years, indicates, in Socorro speedily revolved, will con- Martin, arrived Thursday Tabor the past week, returned Tues . A number of live stock specialists his friends state,, that he to visit Mrs. Spear. times a minute, by a day evening to her home in Kl Paso, will lecturo on August 1 tinue to advance. Mrs. Tieagle und three daughters, from the electric A. A. Hoyle. the United and Ik. The party inclueies professor Mr. and Mrs. A. E. SeLegue, Miss Mabel and went belt strong Restores Colors J representing ' Keith Misses Pearl, Uirdie, r Deming States Telegraph and Tdephone com J. J. Thornbor, Dr. P. L. Schneider LucyiUement and Edwards to Magdalena to attend motor. up Thursday patty, was here from Albuquerque the and F. C. W. Pooler. have motored to Fort Sumner, where the round up. Straightens Nap first of tho week on business Miss Clement will be the guest of her Valentine Torres, son of J. E. W. Holton and three chil- anil Mrs. D. J. McConnell sister, Mrs. SeLegue. The SeLegues Mrs J from Sergeant Torres, was here on a short furlough 100 Per 100 dren returned Tuesday evening are visiting relatives in Dolores, Colo, and Mr. Edwards, with Miss Clement the first of the week from The Only In addition to cleaning , S. A. Camp ' a visit to Clouderoft. Hoy Kelle-y- of Kl Paso, was the anel her mother, Mrs. Clement, Dirt-Gett- er The Hoover bright- of Lordsburg, in mountains Cody. Cent per cent Mrs. Hubert Hliss, guest of his bre.ther and family. Mr J havo been camping the Mr. and Mrs. W. TL Runton and and re- In Deming Thursday. and Mrs. C. H. Kelley, over Silnday. near here for several days. ens your carpetings was shopping of M Magdalena two little daughters were among those Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carson, Mrs. J. Karksdale and little daugh- Mrs. Henrietta Daniels of Dallas, from Socorro who took In the round moves their dingy appear- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. ter left for a two Tex., is a guest at the homo of Mrs. Hoover Brush I'aso re- Tuesday evening with up at Magdalena this week. This patented soft-ha- ir Hoover I. 319 West Cedar street, weeks' in tho mountains. Tho town has been thronged Harriett Van Pctten. ance. The Carson, trip visitors all the John Greenwalel, Sr., left Saturday vibrates loose and shakes to Hosea P. Martinelale has gone te week. Since opening na- Brush does this by straight- cently. returned of tho round all the families for Portland, Ore., to atend the Miss Dorothy Davidson Carlsbad, N. M., for a month's visit. up nearly of the O. A. R. the surface every particle of and from a week end visit to from tho western of the county tional encampment ening the crushed nap Monday evening From there ho goes Abilene, Tex., part Miss Hill is spending a deeply-imbedde- d to in Fierro. where he will enter iJimmond's uni- have come In or have sent some mem- Dorothy sand, grit the matted pile to her parents are The number few days in Magdalena, the guest of restoring Ming Leo anel daughter, Sou. versity. ber to represent them. r and dirt. At the same time , to San the num- Mountainair Miss Georgie Craig. its intended position... home from a two week's visit W, N. McCurdy left Wednesday eve- of visitors present exceeds Mrs. Ben Gooch and fam brush where ber expected but all have been pro- Mr. and the thoroughly sweeps Francisco, Calif. ning for Corpus Christl, Tex., several days in Magdalena Mrs. L. P. Dos Plaines and daugh- ho will visit with his family, who vided for with comfortable apart- ily spent the nap clean of even the of Las Nov., ments. Mis. g. W. Corbett and her daugr this week. to ter, Miss Louise, Vegas, have been living there for tho past Max G. of coatuii- - stdbbornest - clining lint, Guaranteed are of the former's sister, Mrs. four months. Tho Kl Pnso delegation to the round tor, Mrs. Marshall Orme, returned Trrres, Torreon, guests Albti-ouerei- last week with rela- Pine street. Miss is oame in and tho Wednesday from Pasadena, whero la, Mexico, spent threads and litter.' Your Fdna Tfflcr. F.ast Leonn Fostet visiting friends up Saturday two months. tives in Socorro. hairs, Save Rugs Mrs. J. A. Pooro left Friday eve in Lorelsliurg, X. M., and Wilcox, Ariz. contingent arrived, some of they have spent tho past Powerful suction J. moth- before Mrs. Veal will return in about two Miss Broadhcad and mother have dustlessly ning to join her husband, corpora! Miss Hlanehe Wcsthreiok and them Sunday, Albuquerque lin residence in the Bur- - A Pooro. who is stationed at Del Hio, er are on a month's visit to a sister In day, and have been spending tho week weeks. taken their withdraws this loosened The wrold's oldest, largest was Miss is or Mrs. J. A.NBcal Is in Albuquerquo sum building on McCutchoon avenue. Tex. Mrs. Pooro formerly Houston, Tex. Miss Wcstbrook with relatives friends here. to or dirt, along with all other most successful makers of this city. and in the Over four thousand people passed for two weeks. , Miss Hroadhead is be teacher and Verna Hillingslea, stenographer bookkeeper and in the dust-tig- ht Mrs. J. S. Hruner, of Wills rolnt law office of & Watson. through the entrance gates to the A. MeJton went to Aiouquerque the seventh eight grades surface dirt, into a of electric cleaners guaran- Vnught homo " Miss Fna Hedichck delightfully" .en round up for the first day's perform- Friday and brought Mrs. Melton city schools. to showed a from St. where she Mrs. Z. F. Gibbons and lamny mo bag. tee The Hoover prolong tertaincd at dinner Tuesday evening ance. The second day Joseph's hospital, to ' of" In Mr. and Mrs. increase In the receipts. underwent an operation recently. tored to MagdalcOa Friday attend In the life any. oriental or at her home honor of marked gate . no other way can your M. A. Norelhaus. A. W. Pollard and First sergeant Jacob L.ynn and pri-va- to The business houses were all closed the round up. domestic or ImnrmiA Vnnii tho in for two hours last Saturday and a Dr. C. C. Clark left fcr Austin, Tex., rugs and carpets be more rug carpet. la private Hubert Nash, celebrating J. It. Dale have been Magda jLt t. of Miss Hedlchek, Mrs. Nord-hau- s lena this week adressing the crowds large crowd heard the speeches by the last of this week. . Convenient terms If desired. ia birthday Col-ling- o Let ws The Hoover. Appearance and Nash. on various occasions. Their patriotic Lieutenant Gregory and private Mrs. II. O. Bursum entertained with demonstrate private eve v 4 sizes one for every purse. Know the Joy of a call to duty has ben received with at tho school building. two tables of bridge Wednesday better complexion. KIIF.. enthusiasm audiences. Oscar left Thursday for ning. You can THE lmiGHT great by the Cooper be-co- instantly Mr. Mrs. Garcia an Austin. to take training to Oliver R. Harris spent the greater '-- render to your skin (Tho Htrmingham and Juan gave Tex., mi of tho week in beautiful, (oft, The war has its bright Bide, to bo enchilada supper at their homo in the a mechanic. part Magdalena. pearly-whit- e appear sure. You don't hear so mnpy young east part of town Monday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tayne are in Hot Mrs. Framus, sister of George k ance that will he men on oornots and other honor of Lieutenant and Mrs. Mc- - Springs for tho week. Kieth, and two small children arrived GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY the wonder of vour practicing ALBUQUERQUE musical in atternoons Those besides the J. A. Cluff loft. Thursday for in Socorro, called here by tho serious friend if you will use instruments the e'reary. present Mrs. mother. as you used to hear. Most of them arc honor guests were Mi", and Mrs. N. W. business trip to Arizona. Illness of Framus' - Mrs. of the state Matlas M. Torres was a Magdalena "AT VOVB SERVICE.? . uouraua s ah In tho urmy now or getting ready to Miller, Dr. and MM- Dawson. Representative Lougee f'??i t 4 Jackson and Mr. Edwin Page. The department of education was here on visitor this week, taking in the round nartv was in tho nature of a farewell business Wednesday. "P- - Oriental Cream In to McCreary. who Is Lloyd Orme was here the first of Tho nermann nre carrying tway Lieutenant (Dr.) Sam has their retreat all the clocks can expecting to leave shortly for training the week visiting his family. T'nclo a grent many ship- SendlOc. for Trial Slzi they Nord-mov- er in full forty-fou- r get hold of. That's about as near to post. Dr. G. II. Buer and Mrs. yards operation and FERD. T. HOPKINS tc SON. New York Berlin pa- RESULTS' a good time as can get in this Mrs. Lorn Campbell, of Phoenix went tn Alhnoueruue Sunday. others partly completed. JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING 1 they " copy. war, ..w. Ariz., wlfo. Ct goxecDPC Campbell ef Mrs.. Clew- - gtaLffiC. returned last pers plfiaaa ..' Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11, 1918. FIVE Christened. r to Women Of Interest Belen Santa Fe Society :j Notes Mr. Mrs.' W. Sloan re- English nuns do their uwn haymak-ln- g and E. have convent in turned from Palomas Springs and at a Surrey. the North Carolina Elephant Butte dam. They were (Continued from Pam Twn.l Students of the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eraser state normal and Industrial college guests of at Hurley, N. M.. and of Mr. and Mrs. California on the farms after where women Hotels work neighboring Cregmile, at Fiaro. N. M. pert direction from all school hours. of the state may have free in- Mrs. C. P. and son, Ben, ar- parts A fire In the National Park, N. J. Riley struction in this work as It is being rived in Belen Sunday night from San fev done the tabednaclo was kept in check a few Marclal. and approved by federal women authorities. Miss Nettie Strohm, ol days ago by the of the town Gore children are at a bucket brigade. Mrs. Burt and Chicago, executive secretary of the forming home from their Kansas of Seventeen young women are em- -' again trip. woman's committee the Illinois Miss darkle Watson of Albuquer- council of defense, gave a ployed in the manufacturing depart- in convincing of Union que, has accepted the position the account of the methods of organiza- Commend ments the Tool Works at round house office left vacant by Mrs. tion for women's work in Illinois, Torrence, Calif. Adair's resignation. is of anti- :'Sfc- where in the cities, towns and rural gam It stated that every piece t used to Ger- I.ieder Vielstich is home from districts, the work is now on a very aircraft machinery repel Ariz. Is - basis. The man air raids over England, has been Springerville, &r ft efficient plan was very women. Mrs. John Becker, jr., accompanied much like that outlined by Mrs. I:. F, made by British when the The Duchess of Marlborough has by Miss Frieda Becker and Johnnie A Mi Aspluud, organization of a in woman s committee in New Mexico' Becker, left Thursday the Becker ' announced her candidacy orj the pro- was but gressive ticket to fill a vacancy In the car for a two weeks' trip to Valley 5.WV i'iist broached, which at the v time seemed because it London city council, the oldest legi- Ranch. impractical ''JOURNAL" Thomas Mason involved some financial aid, possibly slative body in the world. arrived home this some two thre hundred It Is that mobs of German wek from an eastern trip. or dollars. reported The woman's committee is dct. min- -' women at Kssen have stoned Dutch Mrs. Oscar Uffrclng left. Tuesday to will come to for an extended ed get results that l.e a real wrokmen who take the places visit in California. ' " the sons in I help toward winning war and con- of their husbands and the Mrs. Simmons entertained the to the commonwealth factories. Methodist serving the Krupp gun aid on Wednesday at her r ' w fruits of victory when peace finally is The picturesque qualities of the home, made. AS A GREAT ADVERTISING MEDIUM knitted helmets are exemplified In Mrs. R. The club a jr. Frost, of Herington, War Relief also held j(3 the portrait bust of Serbian soldier Kan., is the guest of Mrs. Merrill and meeting nt the new .Museum this! modeled ty Miss Malvina Hoffman the Misses a.,. ;, week. The members came nnd exhibited in New York. Guffey. together recently John has moved his house- Wednesday evening to nfaue arm Mrs. T. Harrison Garrett of Balti-imor- o Finney hold to lands, using the sewing machine fa-- 1 ' has donated her acre goods Albuquerque and the ninety family will make that city their home ;cilitics of the Santa Fo Chapter cf the estate to the purpose of blinded Amer- when return Red Cross. ONLY READ THIS ican soldiers on their return to they from California. this The Misses and country. Ziegler Rashford CHAMnF.H Miss Elsie I,. have completed the summer school of commfroi:. Tlailey, Philadelphia's conducted for the two While not as largely attended as it new they past j PAPER government probation officer, months. Miss Bashford will a should have been, the annual nieet-- ; considers from her experience that spend ing of the Santa Fe chamber of com- - treatment is few weeks visiting friends In Grants. humane the best euro for N. to Tucson iiion-- on Tuesday evening was wavwardncss. M., before returning nnd were where sho will teach the ensuing pluns formulated IN Miss Nancy Homnns. of Huntington for vigorous prosecution of imhlicltv HOTEL CLARK Long- Island, has a record of three year. and civic work. The officers were' ithnm-an- jars of and Attorney Livingston nnd family reelected as follows: I'resldent. chief! LOS ANGELES jams preserves have moved Into the residence recent- 1 irrCINi put up in one season. justice Richard II. Hanna: first vice-- 1 A ly vacated by the Finney family. ' W, C. second! NEW Japanese girl, J.Iiss Uliinrfys 2 v. v prerident. McClintock; Mi urn, Is one the Belen has a Boy's and Girl's chit M. of students of Mount on and Sat Ralph Henderson; 1013. jtoiyoKO who has volunteered market every Wednesday treasurer, S. Kaune; serrftarv August 10, college near the postoffice where are Henry Mr. J. It. Mil to work throughout the summer on urday Karl J. Doyle; additional directors i lor, President. sold the the boys v the vegetables grown by i. j... ooo. tH'na ( c, MEXICO Ro;u-Mill- er college farm. in au josu it. ana The Company, e and their gardens. Mrs. Inc., Twenty-fiv- socks Is girls Mardorf. 100-12- pairs of the Yleck Mrs. oversee the . 0 total that Mrs. E. and Hoffman O South Broadway, Jane Farlngton work. -- Los Westfleid, N. Y., aged ninety-eight- ! 111 i:in cmox ox vi nth v. Angeles, California. One of the recruits who was and Fo Is tol a has knitted since the United States Wednes- mm entertain state- THAT taken from the train here W My Dear Mr. Miller: wide educational conference entered the war. and enred for at the new during Five million day evenini: the week, second In importance to the women nre emploved emergency hospital. He was sent to Although the summer season was .somewhat late In Great Britain, all but about half ennu.'U meeting of the New Mexico n million Deming. lalucitional association. The confer- IS USED this year, the Register of the Hotel Clark shows a con- working at classified trades Miss Rumaldo Delgado and broth- ence under-th- Jurisdiction of has been called for Thursday tinuation of heavy 'ravel, from in all the British er, Tony, of Las Vegas, nre the guests nnd bv Runerinten. Albuquerque; fact, board of trade. Mr. Mrs. ridny Saturday New of nnd Delgado. dent of public Instruction J. II. points through Mexico. The General Electric Kath-erin- e, Wag- company of Mis. Delgado and daughter, ner, at the of Bulled State? EACH During the the summer Schenectady, N. Y., visit President and Mrs. Woodrow Wil- suggestion early part of the travel from and Pittsf'ield, are at home again from a commissioner V. 1". who will Mass., lias established on of weeks in Las and son at tho launching of the first Claxton, the interior was equal wage several Vegas "iid us his I)r. 1?. W. considerably lighter than at the same for women in work equalling the Santa Fe. ship fabricated at the Hog Island, representative, time last mien's also a Foght. well known to New Mexicans, year. However, since the warm weather com- Mr. apd Mrs. Riley Edwards and Philadelphia, shipyards. Airs. Wilson and whose services are so minimum for women. son are, at Palomas Hot Springs for christened tho ship "Quinstconek." highly up. SEASON menced, the hotel register shows a big In- The re dated that Canada asked for him suprisingly orange marmalade and currant a fortnight's visit. Mrs. Delgado has for one to voca- crease in patronage from all New Mexico Jelly served at of store ab- year help organi.o points par- nearly nil the charge the during their tional triitnino - in' tim llnMilni.,,, - . ibeaeh ilrge vi'w ...... ' n. II. j,-- ticularly , front hotels 'it Atlantic City( sence. She Is assisted by Derwood , . 'J 1,111. , sides I)r. FoKht. C. V. '' will Albuquerque. are made bv nnd ianni.ll BY This is a woman, Mrs. Katherlne Mallow Harry Campbell. Tho home economics division of the! come from I), C to the fifth summer we have advertised in the Ji. Washington. 1 lange, Pleasantville, N. ,T. Mrs. Frank Barror, accompanied administration has just organized resent the federal board of vocational Journal, and the results from this Five thousand women and girls are by her mother and two children, has a iioover team or llernaiilio There is nlso Albuquerque particu- to take the to for a month's county. training. possibility line of places of drafted men nt gone Toledo, Ohio, Tho very name "Hoover team" sug- that commissioner Philander P. Clax- COAST lar advertising in the largerlaily in each com- - . the Eddystone plant of the Midvale visit. gests Its purpose, which is to demon- ton, who is an enthusiastic Xew Mex- Steel and Ordnance F. G. Heslit Is a vacation munity indicates to our entire satisfaction that the Albu- company. Twentv-elg- ht taking trip strate in a thoroughly practical, as ico booster, ever since he was nt the hundred aro to Mt. Carmel, 111. well ns scientific manner, all the new querque Journal has a high-clas-s circulation and is one already employed. Odem to Mbuqueripie educational convention Owing to an insufficient number of Mrs. R. M, has gone join recipes, noi oniy irom aslilngton, hut some years ago and delivered what RESORTS of the most widely road 'newspapers in New Mexico. women workers In the war zone, this her husband at Deming where the from our own experienced housewives. were tho finest educational lx-e- perhaps We believe government has lifted the ban latter is engaged in soliciting mem- which have tested and ever in that The, Hotel Clark is one of the best against of proven addresses made the southwest relatives of soldiers and will berships in the order of Woodmen practical in this locality. Uecipes While the notice for the has advertised hotels in Western na- risters of permit the World. is to be their which will savo meeting America and, like the soldiers to enter the service Deming the wheats, sweets been too short to secure special rail- - advertised in France tinder certain restrictions. permanent residence. unu i.i us which wo must Keep on send- - road rates, it Is certain thnt the en tionally product which, to sfay sold, must Two of the three sections of The commodious new garage of T. ing to the allies, and will show the tire stato hoard of have the the E. was dedicated with dance education, nil the merit, management of the Hotel Clark is sat- law enforcement division of the n Bryant a housekeepers how to use the substi- heads of the state's educational in- last week. The function was well at- tute flours in isfied that its accommodations and service are such as of training camp activities, successfully her baking, stitutions, most of the county and city JOURNAL to Washington, aro in tended and the proceeds from the sale how to do sweolloss canning, sugar- make friends of who charge of women. were to Red superintendents, vocational teachers, permanent all pay the hostelry a Mrs. Jane Deeter Rippln Is director of tickets tendered the less preserving and how to dry fruits nnd many otheits Interested In educa- visit. Cross. . and of protective work for girls and Airs, vegetables. These demonstrations tion, including the various county Martha P. Falconer, of reformatories Deputy sheriff M. Stevenson, ac- are to be made by capable and expe- agents, will be in attendance. The We again thank your for the re- nnd companied by M. B. Sutton, motored rienced women who know what is Agency splendid detention .houses. meetings are to be held in the audi- sults we-hav- obtained for Hotel. women are to Cloudcroft last week to apprehend practical and nre learning how to use torium of the new Museum the Clark since its being recruited On tho new and if lit the student nurse reserve In a criminal. account of muddy materials This is the only time the of com- opening five years ago. Phila- roads In of state in the union permits chamber delphia, their acceptance con- the vicinity the mountains in which such an merce will plan automobile being had a severe is in forco to of- trips With best wishes for your continued success, we firmed by a from Miss Han- they experience. organization and this about town ami tho ns well a!, telegram H. J. Grundmler, of Barnard, Kan., fice belongs the credit of vicinity nah J. Patterson, director in the wo- a conceiving other forms of entertainment. The remain, Very respectfully yours, man's comm.ittee, council of is here for a few weeks to look after method of reaching every home in a state of education is national his interests near town. of distances and dejinrtment ar HOTEL CLARK, defense nt Washington. farming country long difficult ranging the preliminaries for the eon- - PAYS BIG Mrs. Thomas August Strauss has returned from communication, and aiding each wife forence F. M. Dimmick, Lessee and Manager. Bogan Hdwyn, captain a visit in Illinois and Nebraska. of the Philadelphia motor messengers long iiii'ip iiuiii wio simplest io llic He reports fine crops of all kinds in wealthiest home, in the most modest j S has been appointed a member of the ...... X'T Cf;lt T) X('F national board of the Red Cross trans- Illinois, but in Nebraska the hot, dry m ..,,,,.,,iu niLi num., io iccil JIndV If. Kan til flam ilnv nnrl fl, WRITE weather has made the prospects her family wo portation bureau since the messengers I'ueolos at Santa Clara are making Joined the latter somewhat uncertain. Already many counties in Xew Mex- extensive for the annual organization. A large delegation of people from ico have successfully operated Hoover preparations Mrs. George Woodward, wife of Br. teams. fiesta. Tho Corn Dance they will put AND THIS this went to Lake Guada- Woodward of Chestnut place Arthur last Colfax, Curry, Krry, on will resemble in most thnt RESORTS Hill, Pa., has Sunday afternoon to participate in the lupe, Mora, Sandoval, San .iuan, Tor- respects given ten thousand dollars t6 Bishop nt Santo Ijomingb on August 4, ceremony of unveiling a monument rance, Santa Fe and Socorro counties the number of Tthlnelander for the purpose of build- erected to the of J. W. have large groups of women dancing will two churches for use memory Knox, capably not be as large and the ing the of men a past soverign of the order of the helping in this work, nnd the Albu- - primitive employed In the shipbuilding In women not " "V" nnd plants Woodmen of the World. Elocution- (luerrpie will be behind for !"f 'V f" C u,,'t near Philadelphia. a and local long when housewife" has ' "J., V, P, Mrs. Dora R. ists, male quartet other "general Santa Clara has a charm of its own talent Joined in the pilgrimage. marshalled her forces. Mrs. J. W. It is more more agent of the U. S. department Miss Laura Moore, of the Empor- Wilson is to the captain and those friendly, shady and CLIFT HOTEL of agriculture and the state agricul- wee'k who will serve on the team nre: Mrs. cooler than Santa Domingo and tho Real m ium, left last for Bowie, Tex., round about more SAN FRANCISCO tural college Polk county, Fla., has to visit her mother, after which she Dr. Tull, Mrs. J. F. Kasterday, Mrs. country Interesting received first prize, a silve to Frank Hubbell, Mrs. Louis and uttractive. for loving cup, will make a business trip St. Louis. Ilfeld, Mrs. n the best exhibit of special fancy The coroner's Jury empanneled in Herbert Galles, Mrs. John heo Clarke, of citrus at lira. Itoss ART FXIIiniT. Circulation , . 1918. packs products the nation- the case of G O. Threlkeld rendered Merritt, Mrs. Charles Por The August 5, al orange show. a verdict that the deceased came to ter, Mrs. Cnbriel Sanchcs and Mrs. fourth annual exhibit of the Mr. J. R. Miller, President, The for the of Hvde of Atnmcin with o wiiT.ioH Society of Artists is still the con factory making army his death by accidental drowning. of in The Read-Mill- er uniforms, connected with cise of of Mrs O .,Me-t- cr "'"action the art galleries at Company, Inc., the Schuyl- Dr. M. M. Inman, who has been emergency s kill tne nrw - It is rather re- - arsenal, Philadelphia, and but ly with his family in California several landress, Mrs. j., 1). Ilerndon and M""'"- Evidence 120 South Broadway, opened, is modern In every His Mrs. O. A. Matson. Miss Frances I.a- - "Wkablo that the stream of tourists way, months, returned last Monday. the! Int0 s,in,a I'' continues nt Los Angeles, California. containing lunch, rest and recreation wife and daughter started home with throp, domestic science teacher of steadily st Rummer rate of rooms, welfare workers and a hospit- him but Miss Ruth developed a case university and head of tho homo econ-!,a- V"''" about 2,500 My Dear Sir: al. Only women are on and were omics division, will prepare the ladirsl ,oul a month, hut now most come employed and of typhoid the way they automobile and but few In response to your recent letter U3 to ad- they can earn from twelve to thirty delayed a month in Arizona on that by a preliminary cpurso of instructions' by train. asking In demon-T'eo- n added a dollars a week expert-nes-s. the form of lectures nnd Gaspard stunning vise you as to returns derived from hot belt according to account. Miss Ruth and her mother for a to the advertising, will come as soon as' the former is beginning the early part of,slsn poster exhibit of THE wish to we Wtfi that are more than to state To demonstrate that is not next week, and very shortly the Hoov- - finding pictures this week. say pleased that knitting sufficiently recuperated. Seven ex-er- exclusively a who r kitchen In connection with the fed-- 1 of the pictures from that our Registers show a substantial increase in arriv- girl's pastime, the fifth The body ot Mrs. J., E. Mills, wero sent to very grade boys of the Breck Phil- lost life In an automobile accident food administration offices willnln,t Camp Funston on als from school, her he a hive of uf still remain in the Albuquerque; in fact,' from many points in Nojv adelphia, have made a large of at Hagerman last. Sunday, was busy daily demonstrationsi'T'"eHI'fy eight many-colore- d quilt of whli h It Is worn-- 1 San and Isleta alcoves of Mexico. This is the first" knitted squares under here on Monday and funeral honed that all the Felipe the JOURNAL season we have used space in the brought en of Iternalillo county will take ad- Acoma gallery, a phase of art that is ' direction, of tholr teacher, Miss services were held at tho Methodist new : Morning Journal, and we feel Marlon Hunevliler. and on Burial will vantage. On one day of each week entirely and that will pass with Albuquerque donated it to church Wednesday. the lectures will be in Mrs. the war. As far as known, no other confident that to show a in from the surgical ward of hos-plla- l. not until the arrival of a Spanish. IS gain patronage any the naval take place Frank Ilubbell and Senora do C.abriol in the world has thu son who lives' in the east. Mr. Mills city far had an one community these war times is owing to the advertis- The number of who were In Sanchez will make tho demonstration exhibit of this interesting type of art, suburban towns near and the two daughters clear in their own to which demonstrates the ing that appeared in the local Philadelphia, holding morn- the time of the accident, language the eagerness and newspaper. Saturday the car nt Spanish-speakin- g women. is of artists to do U ing community markets is have arrived and are at the Mills' res- It also willingness their share are at liberty toi convey to the of the increasing planned lo give demonstrations in the toward winning the war. , NEW publisher every week. The sale Is un- are serious but from nine idence. Their injuries country for the benefit of the Albuquerque Journal our endorsement of their til eleven o'clock and the Vegetables it Is they will all recover. busy ' hearty thought Ros-we- farmerettes 'ami the COXCTCRT. as " and fruit are from local to ll housekeepers who ST'XI.Y publication a live medium. war gardens Mrs. Idlegeorge has gone cannot get into the Hoover kitchen. Geake of Fort advertising the produce donated or sold on a where sho is to he the 'matron George Wayne, Ind., Guests New Notice of tho demonstrations wil ap-jw- ho the vocal soloist on j MEXICO'S from Mexico vho at the Clift small commission. These markets are of the Children's home. Sunday sojourned under the in me papers oaiiy; pieaso Urge afternoon at the free pipe orgnn con- - Hotel during this summer have been much management of women of evcryono you know to come. cert nt four o'clock Sun very pleased the food conservation committees. themselves. given each with the accommodations Eat fish they feed day In the Masonic cathedral by Miss afforded all places of inter- Peckner. Mr. Geake Is wlthriut doubt GREAT est being so easily accessible from our and the ARCHITECT FOUND tenor doors,. DEAD . the greatest Santa Fe has had efficient service our en- as n resident for manjf years and he that management has always IN TURKISH BATH HOUSE has taken leading parts in oratorio deavored td render its guests has made the Clift one of work In Chicago and elsewhere. His the most in San on Wjill be: popular stopping places Francisco STiiTE MlNESlI HI MOmitNH JOUUHM. LIAICD WIRI selections Sunday "Feaf j NEW MEXICD SCHOOL OF r'.lL Ye Not O for New Mexico El Paso, Tex., Aug. 10. E. E. Israel," by Ruck; "Invlettis" people. by Huhn and "Absent" by Metcalf; . 4 ! -- . ;-.- Schaclimer, an was we ;. architect, found - Thanking you very kindly, are, ass1,, in a Turkish "My Hedecrner and My Lord,",- by ' ' dead bath house here will " " " late ad- Puck. He also slnr by request: Very truly yours, last night. Letters gave his T dress as 224 Union Oil company build "When Ton and Were Young, CLIFT HOTEL, MINING ENGINEERING Miss Tleckner ' ' ing, I.os Angeles. There, coroner's MtlKgle." has iipon her II. S. Assistant METALLURGICAL verdict was "heart failure." program Grieg's "Peer Gynt finite," MEDIUM By Ward, Manager. ENGINEERING Schachmer Was well known among "Andante Tioligloso," Thome; "Cradle architects and builders here. Ho was Song," Voltier, and "March In D Flat" GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Uollaender. of German descent and was investigat- o CIVIL ENGINEERING . ed by government officials several times during the past year.- Officials AHT AXI) AUTISTS. are continuing the investigation of his Ralph Meyers has returned, to Taos fall of 1918. studio Taos on - - Military instruction death, in spite of the verdict of sui- - Bfter a visit of sevoral weeks in at Saturday evening, foro which many had seen and give a children's dance for youngsters the coroner. Denver. having as their gilcsta members of the studied. , of fifteen or under. Recognized' by the United States Government. cido returned by . - , years A of technical of Among the artists down from Taos art colony. faculty graduates recognized prac- Tha pinto bean is not a has-bee- n. this week for the Taos, San Juan Next week will be huns a dozen tical ' Clara dances were: Mrs. ti. Bradford Trlnce Mrs. A. J. Teare on Thursday af- ability. and Santa Mr. pastels by Julius Kolshoven. This, has had ternoon Good new flotation nnd Mrs. Julius Ttolshoven, Mr. and too, is a new phase ot this grcnt ar- printed her paper on "The Literature entertained the Woman's laboratory equipment, including Mrs. H. Paul Purlin, Mr. Mrs. tist's ns con- of New Mexico." to the Home Missionary society of St. John's ' " and work, far' as Santa Fe is presented and mill units. Maurice Mr. Sterne on t lovera are Fifteen club at Santa Fe on oceas- - Methodist Kpiscopal church at her Sterne, going cerned and ai eagerly the home on An to New York from where he wijl re- forward to tho sion of its twenty-fift- h Hlekox street. Mrs. Finch enormous demand for graduates and undergrad- looking display. anniversary and Mrs. Harrison were In of uates turn early In September. C. J. Barn-hor- tast year. It makes a neat twelve charge of Mining Schools. , John Young Hunter and others. page pamphlet, reviewing In a way the program. The New Mexico School of Mines offers a sound busi- Holla S. Taylor nnd U B. Eidson Ml'SKl'M NIGHTS. the literary history of the state and O aro names of ness to New Mexico FOR COUGHS AND COLDS of San Antonio, Texas, the lateit The gathering about the fire place mentioning th many of At the Cathedral on ' opportunity boys. to the Taos in Mus- those who have. In or on Thursday additions art colony, tho reading room of the new written New morning Vicar General Antonio Four-cheg- u 1 A luuidjr Cnlclum compound that ifw Miss Crowe, a student of Chose, and eum on Tuesday evening. Museum Mexico, officiated at the of Low cost, good Write for guards against chronto tunic and throat a wedding dormitory. catalogue. .troubles. A preparetl Miss Augur, disciple of Robert night, last week, was a distinguished o Felix Otero of Cubero, Valencia coun- liaWt-Iunnln- nt the wit bout harmful or g drugB Henri win exhibit Museum the and notable one. Artists, writers, ty, and Mitss Florenclu Jaraniillo of , ) TWO A. X. Try them today. . latter part of this month. ,They have teachers and visltora from 1UNCES. in the same i.:afa& ILLINSKI, President in preachers, Seboyeta county. 50 cents a box, including war fas been .painting Santa Fe since afar were among the audience. The . On. Thursday evening a private lita Otero de Fad 11 a and Anastaclo SOCORRO, NEW MKXICO. snrini;. ' clnKpnt nttpnllnn wns until to Dr V. dance took In the hall A wed- .f, For ml H ' place assembly I'adilla attended the couple. by Irointl Mr. and Mrs. Burt Itarwood enter- Do JkCluiua LbvraUK7, fUifcideiybJlt. flj, Hewett'e analysis of the Santa of the Wonian'n Board of Trudo. ding breakfast was served at the D tained at dinner at their ot ba- - picturesque ming" corn dmico the Sunday Next ThutaUuy evening the Elks will Vargas, hotel, , . SIX Albuquerque Morning Journal, Sunday, August 11, 1918. ,n ir "" --"r r.l .w. rfa,frhmiidaiUmAb


' 2

,ver rteio in AiDuquerque iot i en uays uniy We Will Present a Wonderful Bargain Event Which Surpasses by Far Anything of It's Kind Ever Offered in the State of New Mexico THE EXCEPTIONAL High Quality of the Instruments Offered, the Extensive f wtm-- n of Standard Makes, the Wonderful Variety of Beautiful Case Designs lo Choose From Together With Such Ridiculously Low Prices and Terms All I fife Combine to Make This Sale One Never to Be Forgotten. A Rare Opportunity Strad Player-Pian- o i Is Can Afford to Miss. Hill H That No Person' Whose Home Without Music, (Wurlitzer Make) Price $385 The The Pianos Read About Our Ten Days Music Drive Players "The Brunswick" Are equally as desirable In "this sale need no in- as the troduction to the public. For the Boys ((0ver Here" and bargains pianos. The majority of them "Over There" -- Commencing Each and every one of are well known makes them brand new the names dear to the heart Ji'Ci . rwwww very latest models right of every musician and 12th m out of the For- I originally priced up to Monday, August factory. t! 10 cent on the $600. Just think of be- We will give a discount of per pur- merly priced up to $900, Musical Instrument or Instruments of ing able to buy one of chase of any al- 25 Per Cent Discount and and they will go for Used these new pi- your own choice to be forwarded 'to 'our Soldiers On all Grand Pianos for Splendid Ellington splendid most half. You can Piano anos for just about half Sailors at home and abroad; buy which we have Agency its actual value. Would The time is not far distant when music will be any of them with a com- Price . . . . $130 it not be unwise to even as a essential than books. Don't recognized greater jet plete guarantee and per- vti is non-essenti- al. consider a else- make believe that music a I ft purchase anybody you fect assurance that it IV where before . seeing Merchants who sell good Musical Instruments' are per- them? forming a service to our nation. The purchaser does will give years of serv- likewise. Music is as essential to help win this war as ice and satisfaction; And You Will Be powder, shot, men and cannon. It cheers and encour Amazed ages. Cash Is Not At the vast number of In. a recent editorial Governor Whitman of New Necessary Music said them. Never before to York in his address to the National Show $700 Wurlitzer Make Music is as essential to the Soldiers, as well cook- We will time our knowledge, has such almost arrange Player-Pian- o its it re- a great display of stand- ed food for while the army travels on stomach, payments with any Sale eCftft . Price .... PtiUtl Beautiful New Pianos ard, high-grad- e instru- fights on its spirit. sponsible person to suit ments been shown here. their convenience. Week- , Price . . . . $294 Our salesroom is literal- THE SOLUTION ly, monthly or every to the doors. and ly packed By calling at our store unsolicited buying your three months, as you Musical Instruments eliminates this force practically may prefer. Don't Hesitate and releases our employees for, other more necessary There to be doz- war work, thus decreasing our selling expenses. The ought we would Sheet Music ens of eager buyers to normal or increased amount of patronage derive would enable us to give our customers pick up these immense would, Nearly 1,000 copies pop- bargains and although better prices. ular music soil- tomor- slightly the stock is large you Our Plan Now is your Opportunity. Call $750 Schulz Standard ed and stock worn will Player Made, Slightly are very likely to be dis- row. We have a number of Pianos and Player Pianos Piano Used go at 4 for 25c or 7c appointed-if you wait that was contracted for before the raise in price's which 'Sale (J" OA of each. Price . . . . $636 too , received and will Price .... plOU long. we just dispose accordingly.

limited number individual but here is what lies in store for the wise and early buyers SfA Space is too to quote the vast of bargains, Sj NEW trPRIGHT PIANOS That have always for- been sold by dealers in this territory for $350, fllin merly ? -- ..r $375, $400 and. $450, will now go for Vi coupon and $294, $300 $350, , $450. ?mail to us. PIANOS That have former- Albuquerque NEW PLAYER always Music Co. ly been sold by dealers in this territory for $600, $650, 311 Central Ave. $750 and $800, will now go for v Albuquerque, N. M. $550, $598, $690, $720.

Our Floor and as Advertised T om infArpstfifl in ft Tliano Every Piano On Exactly piano (mark a cross Nplayer . -- Jf ' ' " " Vmeaiicomplete list of bargains on r sale and special terms. 135' MUSIC COMPANY Name ALBUQUERQUE VAddress Open Every Evening to 9 P:M. During Sale f 31 1 Central Avenue