

Prepared by Catherine F. Werick-Fine President, ERI, INC. Environmental Research Specialists

This document was prepared for the Mullica Township Environmental Commission with the aid of a grant from the Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Environmental Services

2000 - FORWARD

Mullica Township is located in the guide decisions concerning the northeast portion of Atlantic future of Mullica Township. County, in the New Jersey Pinelands. The township has a We want to thank the Mullica total of 55 square miles. It is Township Committee for their bounded on the north by the support in the effort to present Mullica River; on the east by the this data to the people and various City of Egg Harbor; on the south boards that control the fate of by Hamilton Township; and on the Mullica Township. west by the town of Hammonton.

Mullica Township is at a crossroad to determine it's future. Its open space is both attractive to developers and residents who cherish its rural character. .- Whether increased development in Mullica is perceived or real it must be acknowledged.

The Mullica Township Environmental Commission with the assistance of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) began its compilation of data in July of 1998. The Mullica Township Committee agreed to mach the grant provided by the NJDEP to continue this compilation of environmental data to include historic data throughout the Township.

The information presented within ,.- this Environmental and Historic Resource Inventory is intended to GEOGRAPHY




Mullica Geography Page 1 -



Mullica Geography - GEOGRAPHY Location Topography Situated in south central New Jersey, Mullica Township has a total area of thirty-eight miles east of 55 square miles. The township is and twenty-two miles west of Atlantic primarily a rural community with a few City, Mullica Township is easily population centers, some agricultural accessible by major highways to the areas, cranberry and blueberry farms, metropolitan areas of Boston, New and vast acres of sparsely settled York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and woodlands and natural wetlands. Washington. Mullica Township lies within the Mullica is located in the Northeast Atlantic Coastal Plain geologic portion of Atlantic County. The formation, which was formed as a entire township is within the result of marine deposition and protected area known as the New erosion over the last 170 to 200 Jersey Pinelands. million years. The Coastal Plain is described as one of gently rolling terrain made up of sandy, droughty soils with no rock outcrops, steep slopes or mountain peaks. As part of the coastal plain, Mullica's landscape is primarily flat with small rolling hills in some areas. Altitudes range from sea level to 110 feet above sea level.

Drainage The Township of Mullica is drained primarily by the Mullica River and several small streams that drain into The township is bounded on the north the Mullica, which is tidal in its lower by the Mullica River and Washington reaches. The river is bounded by Township in Burlington County, on the extensive tidal marsh areas and the east by the City of Egg Harbor, on the northeastern and northwestern thirds south by Hamilton Township, and on of the Township are swampy in nature. the west by the town of Hammonton.

Mullica Geography Page3 A small area in the southern portion Nesco in the northern sector, and of the township is part of the Egg Weekstown in the northeastern Harbor River drainage basin. sector. Weekstown, Sweetwater, and Pleasant Mills are all located on or Climate near the Mullica River. Elwood is Because of its posit ion on the Coastal situated along the township's only Plain and its proximity to the ocean, major transportation artery, State Mullica Township has a humid, Route 30, or the "Whitehorse Pike.H temperate climate with a moderate Population trends have been relatively temperature range and mild winters. stable historically. Increases and Temperatures range from a maximum decreases have reflected the average of 90°F in summer to a availability of local or neighboring minimum average of 25°F in winter. employment opportunities. There is a The growing season averages 192 population bulge due to an influx of days; the average date of the first migrant workers during the harvest frost occurs about October 13 and season. Mullica Township had a the average date of the last frost population of 5896 in 1990. I n 1996 occurs about April19. the population was estimated at Rainfall is fairly evenly distributed 6154-104 persons per square mile. throughout the year. The average Of the 1990 population of 5896, 5020 annual precipitation, measured over were white, 532 black, 20 Native the last thirty years is 41 inches. American, 48 Asian, and 276 other. The prevailing wind during the summer The Hispanic population was 757-145 is from the southwest; northwest Mexican, 606 Puerto Rican, and 6 winds prevai I during the winter. Cuban. Destructive wind velocities rarely The median age in Mullica Township is occur and are generally restricted to 32.8 years. summer thunderstorms, nor'easters and occasional hurricanes of the late summer and early fall. These storms sometimes cause tidal flooding in the Mullica River basin.

Population The major population centers within the township are Elwood in the southern sector, Sweetwater and


The Mullica Township Geographic Location Map depicts, in the left-hand section, the location of Atlantic County in the state of New Jersey and the placement of Mullica Township in the County. On the right, the boundaries of Mullica Township and its population centers, agricultural areas, forested areas and state owned lands are shown.


Mullica Geography Page 5 -



s +

D Agricultural area

CJ Forested lll888

stale owned CJ -q Industrial c:l Municipal boundary -Populated Area 4000-- - 0 4000 8000 Feet SOILS

SOILS ARE LIVING MATERIALS INVOLVED IN A CONSTANT PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT. THERE IS NOTHING MORE BASIC TO OUR ENVIRONMENT THAN THE LAND ITSELF. SOIL TYPES DO MUCH TO SET LIMITS ON APPROPRIATE LAND USE. SOILS ...... 3 SOIL CHARACTERISTICS ...... 3 DESCRIPTIONS OF SOILS ...... 4 A tsion Series...... 4 Aura Series...... 5 Berry/and Series ...... 7 Downer Series...... a Evesboro Series ...... 9 Fort Mott Series ...... 10 Hammonton Series...... 11 Klej Series ...... 13 Lakehurst Series...... 14 Lakewood Series...... 15 Matawan Series...... 16 Muck...... 18 Pokomoke Series ...... 18 Sassafras Series...... 20 Tidal Marsh ...... 20 Woodstown Series...... 22 SUITABIUiY OF MULLICA TOWNSHIP SOILS FOR WILDLIFE HABITAT ...... 22 ENGINEERING USES OF THE SOILS ...... 26 MULUCA TOWNSHIP AGRICULTURAL SOILS MAP ...... 33


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Soils Page 2 SOILS

Soil Characteristics

Soil characteristics determine native vegetation and wildlife, and affect agricultural and engineering possibilities. The soils of Mullica Township have been tested, categorized and mapped by soil scientists, and this information is available to and vital for land-use planners.

The soi Is that make up the land are in a dynamic, ongoing formation process. They develop in a series of layers called horizons (see illustration at right). These horizons have specific characteristics. They are:

-- Permeability:How rapidly water can pass through the soi I Color: Soil samples are compared to a standard color chart Thickness: The vertical height of the layer or horizon Soil Horizons Structure: The form the soi I maintains; e.g. columns or blocks Consistence: The feel of the soil; e.g. crumbly, hard, sticky Texture: The size of the individual grains of a soil. Grain sizes are: Gravel: 80 mm (approx. 3 inches) to 2 mm Sand: 2 mmto.05mm Silt: .05 mm to .002 mm Clay: Less than .002 mm - Loam: A mixture of approximately half sand and half clay/silt.

Soils Page3 A description of the specific horizon characteristics for any given soil is called a - soil profile. There are groups of soils that have similar profiles, and these groups are called a soil series. Each individual member of a soil series is called a soil phase. Soil phases differ in their surface layer, which can have variations in texture, slope, stoniness or some other characteristic that affects the use of soil by man.

The various locations where each soil phase occurs are plotted on the soil map. These areas are called mapping units, and are named for the soil phase they represent. The soil phases are given a symbol, which occurs in bold type a't the beginning of the soil phase descriptions in the following soil description SE~ction. The soil symbols are also listed on the introductory page of the Agricultu1ral Soils Map.

Descriptions of Soils

with some important ways in which The soil series represented in Mullica they are unique. Township are Atsion, Aura, Berryland, Downer, Evesboro, Fort Mott, When researching a soil, it is Hammonton, Klej, Lakehurst, important to read the series Lakewood, Matawan, Muck, Pocomoke, description as well as the soi I phase Sassafras, Tidal Marsh and description. Woodstown. The series profiles are described below, along with their soil Atsion Series phases and characteristics of each. The soil phases are each introduced The Atsion series consists of poorly by a symbol, called a mapping unit, drained, sandy soils that exi!;t as that shows how each area consisting nearly level terrain. They have a of that soi I phase is labeled or prominent, organically stained (dark) represented on the soi I map. subsoil. These soils are on broad flats, in depressional areas, and in Each series is described in terms of narrow drainageways. They occupy physical features, natural vegetation, low positions on the landscape. agricultural uses, and engineering qualities. Soil phases are described In a representative profile in a as having all of the characteristics of wooded area the surface layer is the soil series they belong to along

Soils Page4 black sand 5 inches thick. The and cranberry production and large subsurface layer is light-gray sand 12 areas have been cleared for that inches thick. The subsoil is 20 inches purpose. These soi Is are suited to thick. The upper 7 inches is loose, limited vegetable production. dark-brown sand that is weakly cemented. The lower 13 inches is Because of the seasonally high water grayish- brown sand. The substratum table, when the water can be at a between depths of 37 and 60 inches depth of 0 to 12 inches below the is grayish-brown sand. ground surface, Atsion soils have severe limitations for building Atsion soils are quite permeable, and construction, with or without a drain quickly. When the water table basement. The high water table also is low, and in extended dry periods, poses severe limitations for septic the water table can drop as much as fields, sanitary landfills, roads, five feet below the surface, the landscaping, and recreational uses availability of water in the soil is also such as trai Is and parks or very low. However, soils are campgrounds. saturated for six to eight months of the year during normal rainfall. Atsion Phases: Where these soi Is are adjacent to larger streams, they are subject to Ac. Atsion sand. This phase flooding and since they are nearly of the Atsion soil series exists as level and in low positions they receive nearly level terrain to depressional runoff from higher slopes. This areas. Most areas are large and have condition imposes severe limitations irregular shapes, but some areas along for many uses. streams are long and narrow. Wetness is the main limitation to the Natural vegetation consists mainly of use of this soi I. Most cleared areas pitch pine, blackgum, a few red maples are used for growing blueberries or and a dense understory of highbush cranberries. The soi I has good sites blueberry, sheep laurel, sweet for ground-water ponds, and it is well pepperbush, gallberry, and greenbriar. suited to this use.

For agricultural purposes, these soils Aura Series have low natural fertility and added fertilizers leach readily. The soils are The Aura series consists of well extremely acid in the surface layer. drained, loamy soils that exist on They are best suited for blueberry nearly level or gently sloping terrain.

Soils Page 5 These soils are on the highest hilltops Aura soi Is are a good source of sand and divides in the landscape. They are and gravel, and many pits in the area underlain by thick, cross-bedded sand represent these soi Is. There are few or gravel deposits. Permeability is limitations for use; there is a slow or moderate, but the soils pack moderate limitation for septic and readily when farmed intensively. They deep excavation is necessary to reach have a moderate availability of water permeable material. and are easily worked. Aura Phases: In a representative profile in a wooded area the surface layer is dark AmB Aura loamy sand. 0 to 5 grayish-brown sandy loam 1 inch thick. percent slopes. This soil phase has The subsurface layer is pale-brown nearly level or gentle, slightly convex and yellowish-brown sandy loam 11 slopes. Most areas are wooded. Some inches thick. The subsoil is 36 inches have been cleared and are used for thick. The upper 13 inches of it is growing fruits and vegetables. The friable, strong-brown, gravelly sandy subsoil is not firm and the plant roots clay loam. The lower 23 inches is must go deep, which is a limitation for firm, yellowish-red gravelly sandy clay crops. Irrigation is necessary for loam. The substratum is friable, high-value crops. yellowish-red loamy sand to a depth of 56 inches and loose, strong-brown ArB. Aura sandy loam, 2 to 5 gravelly sand to a depth of 72 inches. percent slopes. This soil phase is gently sloping and is on convex side Most areas are wooded. Natural slopes and broad ridgetops. Areas of vegetation consists of black, scarlet, Aura soi Is that have a gravelly surface and chestnut oaks, a few pines, and an layer are indicated on the map by understory of laurel, sassafras, and gravel symbols. Areas that contain lowbush blueberry. ironstone are indicated on the map by stone symbols. This soi I is well suited Aura soi Is have medium natural to fertility and moderate content of growing fruits and vegetables. It has organic matter. They are extremely a moderate hazard of erosion. Runoff acid in the surface layer. Some areas is medium in areas of intense have been cleared and farmed. cultivation and where the soi Is are Irrigation is needed for high-value compacted. Some cultivated areas crops. have gullies in places. Crop production is limited by the moderately deep

Soils Page6 rooting zone. Cover crops are used to Available water capacity in Berryland increase the content of organic soi Is varies. The soi Is are saturated matter and available water capacity for seven to nine months of the year and reduce compaction. Erosion when rainfall is normal. The seasonal control practices are needed in high water table comes right to the cultivated areas. Irrigation is surface of this soil and the water necessary for high-value crops. ponds in some areas. The high water table provides additional water for Berryland Series plants; the water table starts to rise in September, reaches its peak in The Berryland Series consists of November, and generally starts to sandy soils that have an organically drop late in May. It only drops to a stained subsoil. They exist as nearly depth of about two feet by the end of level, very poorly drained land. These July or August. However, soils are in wide depressional areas permeability is moderately rapid. and on broad lowland flats. They Where the soils have been drained, occupy low positions of the landscape. they have low available water capacity. These soils have slight In a representative profile in a hazards of water erosion and soil wooded area the surface layer is blowing in cleared areas. black sand 10 inches thick. The subsurface layer is pinkish-gray sand Saturated Berryland soils have low 5 inches thick. The subsoil is 17 strength. Where the soi Is are inches thick. The upper 7 inches is adjacent to larger streams, they are very dark grayish-brown loamy sand, subject to frequent flooding. Since and the lower 10 inches is light the soils are nearly level and are in brownish-gray sand. The substratum low positions, they receive runoff between depths of 3 2 and 64 inches from the slopes above. is light brownish-gray sand. These soi Is have low natural fertility Natural vegetation consists of pitch and high content of organic matter. pine, some scattered Atlantic white They are extremely acid in the cedar, blackgum, red maple and surface layer and very strongly acid sweetgum, and a dense understory of below. Large areas have been cleared holly, sweet pepperbush, highbush and planted for blueberry and blueberry and gallberry. cranberry production. Land smoothing is necessary to prevent ponding and to prepare the fields for tillage and

Soils Page 7 harvesters. Artificial drainage is In places it is mucky, generally to a established before planting. Use of depth of less than sixteen inches. The ditches and various types of irrigation underlying sand has a considerable control the water level. content of rounded quartzose gravel. This soil is subject to frequent The high water table imposes severe flooding, because it is adjacent to the limitations for many community meandering perennial streams and development uses--building rivers. Stream channels are shallow in construction, septic, sanitary landfills, most places and floodwaters spread roads, campsites, trails, and other readily to this soil where they deposit recreational uses. much debris and additional soi I particles. Most areas of this: soil are Berryland Phases: subject to annual flooding.

Bp. Berryland sand. This soil Nearly all areas are wooded. Native phase has all the characteristics of vegetation is quite variable. Nearly the Berryland Series. It is nearly pure stands of Atlantic whitE~ cedar level and is found in large, irregularly grow where the surface layer is shaped areas. Some areas along mucky. Where the surface lc1yer is streams are long and narrow. Most sandy, the vegetation include:s pitch areas are wooded. Cleared and pine, blackgum, sweetgum, a,id a dense drained areas are used for growing understory of holly, high bush blueberries or cranberries. Current blueberry, greenbrier, gallbe:rry, and management practices for growing sweet pepperbush. This soil is suited blueberries or cranberries include to dug ponds, but there is a hazard of drainage, controlling the water table, overflow. It has a constantly high and land smoothing. Flooding is needed water table that is controlled by the for growing cranberries. Irrigation is adjacent streams. The water table is necessary during extended dry at the surface in winter and drops periods. This soi I is well suited to only about one foot in summE:r, except ground water ponds. during periods of extreme drought.

BS. Berryland sand, flooded. Downer Series This nearly level soi I has all the characteristics of the Berryland The Downer series exists as nearly Series, but the firm, stained subsoil is level to gently sloping terrain made up not as developed. The surface layer is of well-drained soils and found in high black, dark brown or very dark gray. positions on the landscape.

Soils PageS In a representative profile in a of these soi Is is moderate and the wooded area the surface layer is dark natural fertility low; the soils are grayish-brown loamy sand 7 inches subject to blowing, but cover crops thick. The subsurface layer is and windbreaks can alleviate this. yellowish-brown loamy sand 10 inches Soils are suited to early vegetables, thick. The subsoil is yellowish-brown fruit, and specialty crops. sandy loam 16 inches thick. Between depths of 3 3 and 60 inches the DsA. Downer sandy loam, 0 to substratum is strong-brown loamy 2 percent slopes. This nearly level sand and yellowish-brown sand. soil is characteristic of the Downer series, but the surface layer is sandy The native vegetation consists of loam. This soi I is well suited for oaks, hickories, and scattered pines; growing vegetables and fruit common the understory is blueberry and to the area; however, it has a slight mountain laurel. hazard of erosion. Cover crops help to maintain the content of organic The fertility of these soils is matter. naturally low or medium and they have - a low organic matter content. Most Evesboro Series areas are wooded, but some are farmed. Unless limed, these soils are Evesboro soils are deep, loose, very acid and fertilizer and lime leach excessively drained sandy soils in high out rapidly. High value crops need positions on the landscape; they exist irrigation. Downer soils are easily as nearly level to gently sloping worked, however, and well suited to terrain. Organic matter content and almost all vegetables grown in the natural fertility are low and they township. revert to woodland if left idle. These Downer soils have few limitations for soils have rapid permeability and their most community uses. They do have available water capacity is low. severe limitations for a sanitary In a representative profile in a landfi II due to the low amount of fi Iter wooded area the surface layer is material and rapid permeability in the loose, grayish-brown sand 3 inches substratum. thick. The subsurface layer is loose, brownish-yellow sand 23 inches thick. Downer Phases: The substratum, between depths of 36 and 60 inches, is loose, yellow sand. DoA. Downer loamy sand, 0 to - 3 percent slope. The water capacity

Soils Page9 The natural vegetation is oaks, that have been cleared and f:armed scattered pitch, Virginia, and need protection from soi I blowing. shortleaf pines; the understory is Windbreaks and cover crops can be mostly blueberry and brackenfern. used to control blowing and prevent severe erosion. Frequent irrigation is For agriculture, the soils are strongly necessary for high-value crops. This acid unless limed and fertilizer soi I has slight limitations for septic leaches easily. Soil blowing is a field use and has a hazard of ground­ problem and young plants can be water pollution. damaged by sand blasting; the soil warms early in spring and gets very EwB. Evesboro sand, dayey hot in summer, and is too droughty for substratum, 0 to 5 percent slopes. most crops. Many areas that were This soil has the characteristics of once cleared for farming have now the Evesboro series but it has a sandy been abandoned. Evesboro soi Is are clay or clay layer at least twelve best suited for early vegetables and inches thick at a depth of forty to drought-resistant sweet potatoes, sixty inches. Permeability in the cantaloupes and pumpkins. Irrigation substratum is slow. In place:s where is needed for almost all crops and the soil is gently sloping, water moves intervals between irrigations are laterally over the clayey substratum. short. Limitations for septic are severe, because the substratum is slowly These soi Is are suitable for building permeable. Droughtiness, low and septic, but have severe limitations fertility and the hazard of St:>il for sanitary landfi lis due to their blowing are the main limitations to rapid permeability. They also have farming and cover crops are used to severe limitations for lawns and control blowing and maintain organic landscaping due to low natural matter content. fertility and low available water capacity and for recreational uses Fort Mott Series because of the dust hazard. The Fort Mott series consists of well Evesboro Phases: drained soils in high positions on the EvB. Evesboro sand, 0 to 5 landscape, that exist as nearly level to percent slopes. Most cultivated areas gently sloping terrain. The of this soil are used for growing sweet permeability is moderately rapid in potatoes,peaches,grapes,and the subsoil and rapid in the surface cantaloupes. Large exposed areas layer and the substratum. Organic

Soils Page 10 matter and natural fertility are low the subsoil. The soils are not well and most areas are wooded. suited to landscaping or golf courses because of low natural fertility and In a representative profile in a only moderate available water wooded area the surface layer is very capacity. dark grayish-brown sand 2 inches thick. The subsurface layer is brown Fort Mott Phases: sand and brownish-yellow loamy sand 23 inches thick. The subsoil is FrA. Fort Mott sand, 0 to 5 yellowish-brown sandy loam 16 inches percent slopes. This soil is nearly thick. The substratum, between level or gently sloping. Most areas are depths of 41 and 60 inches, is small and have irregular shapes and brownish-yellow gravelly loamy sand. are wooded. A few areas have been cleared and are used for growing The natural vegetation is mixed fruits and vegetables. Droughtiness hardwoods and the understory is is the main limitation to crop mainly blueberry; scattered pines are production. Cover crops are used to numerous and produce nearly pure control blowing and maintain organic - pine stands if left idle. matter content.

For agricultural purposes, unless Hammonton Series limed, these soils are very strongly acid or extremely acid; soil blowing is Hammonton soils exist as nearly level severe if the land is bare, and young terrain. They are moderately well plants can be damaged by drained and are found in intermediate sandblasting. Soils are droughty, and positions on the landscape, typically on irrigation is needed for almost all broad terraces several feet above crops. The soi Is warm early and the dominantly wet areas. Permeability is main crops are lima beans and moderately rapid and the available cantaloupes. water capacity moderate but plants can draw additional water from the Recreational use of Fort Mott soi Is is water table before it drops in limited because of severe hazard of summer. The water table is at 5 feet dust. The soils also have severe in summer, so deep-rooted plants can limitations for sanitary landfills due benefit even then. to a lack of fi Iter material and a hazard of groundwater pollution In a representative profile in a because of the rapid permeability of cultivated area the surface layer is

Soils Page 11 very dark grayish-brown loamy sand 8 roads because of the seasonal high inches thick. The subsurface layer is water table. yellowish-brown loamy sand 10 inches thick. The subsoil, 18 inches thick, is Hammonton phases: yellowish-brown sandy loam that has light-gray and brownish-yellow HaA. Hammonton loamy sand, mottles. The substratum, between 0 to 3 percent slopes. The surface depths of 36 and 60 inches, is layer and subsurface layer ar·e more mottled, brownish-yellow sand. than 20 inches thick in some areas. The native vegetation is oaks, Most areas are wooded. This soil is hickories, and scattered pines; sour suited to growing most fruit and gum is common. The lowest elevations vegetable crops but needs dr·ai nage support lowland oaks, such as willow for high-value crops. The use: of cover oak and southern red oak. The crops and fertilization controls understory includes sheep laurel and blowing and retains organic matter inkberry. content.

For agriculture, natural fertility is low HcA. Hammonton loamy sand, or medium and the organic-matter clayey substratum, 0 to 2 pe1rcent content is low. Most areas are wooded slopes. This soi I phase has a clayey but some are farmed. Unless limed, substratum, generally at a dE~pth of Hammonton soi Is are very strongly forty to sixty inches, and thus has acid or extremely acid and fertilizer severe limitations for septic effluent and lime leach rapidly. These soils are disposal. The clayey layer is at least easily worked, but a seasonally high twelve inches thick. Wetness is the water table delays tillage at times; main limitation to the use of this soil drainage is needed for high-value for crop production. Subsur·Face crops. Irrigation is needed for drains are used in places to ltr>wer the high-value summer crops. Drained water table. soils are most suited to fruits and vegetables. HmA. Hammonton sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes. This soil has a Hammonton soils must be deeply surface layer of sandy loam. Most drained if they are to be used for areas are wooded. Some have been septic fields or for houses that have cleared and are used for growing basements. They have severe crops. Wetness is the main limitation limitations for sanitary landfills and to the use of this soil for crop production. Subsurface drains are

Soils Page 12 used to lower the water table. When spots sheep laurel, bayberry, inkberry drained this soil is well suited to fruit and greenbriar. and vegetable production. Winter cover crops are used to control Most areas are farmed, but some are erosion and to maintain the content of wooded; the soi Is are easily worked. organic matter. Unless limed, these soils are very strongly acid or extremely acid and Klej Series fertilizers leach readily. Klej soils warm early in spring and are subject Klej soils are moderately well drained to blowing if left bare. Seasonally soils that exist as nearly level land high water in low areas delays tillage located in intermediate positions on and drainage is needed for high value the landscape. crops. The main crops are early Permeability is rapid and available vegetables, cantaloupes and pumpkins; water capacity low but deep-rooted irrigation is needed. plants can draw water from the seasonally high water table. Natural Drainage is needed for septic and fertility is low; organic matter there are severe limitations for content is low. sanitary landfills because of the seasonally high water table. There In a representative profile in a are also severe limitations for wooded area the surface layer is dark landscaping and golf courses due to grayish-brown loamy sand 2 inches low fertility and low available water thick over pale-brown loamy sand 8 capacity. Recreational uses are inches thick. The subsoil is 26 inches severely limited because of the dust thick. It is yellowish-brown and hazard. brownish-yellow loamy sand and has brownish-gray mottles below a depth Klej Phases: of 24 inches. Between depths of 36 and 52 inches the substratum is KmA. Klej loamy sand, 0 to 3 brownish-yellow sand that has light­ percent slopes. This soil is rapidly gray mottles; between a depth of 52 permeable throughout its profi Ie. and 60 inches it is light-gray sand Fertility is low and the soil is subject that has pale brown mottles. to blowing. Extensively farmed areas The native vegetation is mostly oaks, of this soil need a winter cover crop hickories, blackgums, sweetgums and or windbreak; drainage is needed for scattered pines; the understory is high-value crops. Organic matter blueberry, dogwood, and in the lower content is maintained with the use of

Soils Page 13 cover crops. If this soil is used for a bleached subsurface layer. They septic field or for a house that has a exist as nearly level terrain. The basement, deep drainage is necessary. Lakehurst soils occupy intermediate positions and depressional areas on KnA. Klej loamy sand, clayey the landscape. These soi Is huve very substratum, 0 to 3 percent slopes. low natural fertility and a low content This soil has a profile similar to the of organic matter. Lakehurst soils are one described as representative of extremely acid in the surfact~ layer the series, but it has a substratum of and added fertilizers leach readily; clay or sandy clay at a depth of 40 to permeability is rapid. The soils have a 60 inches. The clayey layer is slowly low available water capacity; however, permeable. In places of more sloping the high water table provide:s soil, the water moves sideways over additional water for plants. These the clay layer. The water table is soils are subject to soil blowing in perched over the clay and the water cleared areas. Most areas at•e rises easily during periods of heavy wooded. rainfall. In a representative profile in a Where large areas are cleared and wooded area the surface layt~r is used for growing crops, this soil has a black sand 2 inches thick. Tine sub­ slight hazard of water erosion and a surface layer is light-gray sc1nd 9 moderate hazard of soil blowing. inches thick. The subsoil is ;~1 inches Windbreak hedges and winter cover thick. The upper 3 inches is crops are generally used to control organically stained dark reddish­ erosion. If this soil is farmed, brown loamy sand. The lower 18 drainage improvement is necessary, inches is mottled, yellowish-lbrown either by subsurface drains or open sand. The substratum, between ditches. depths of 32 and 60 inches, is light brownish-gray sand that has This soil phase has a severe limitation yellowish-brown and pale-br()wn for septic because of the clay mottles. substratum. Natural vegetation consists of pitch Lakehurst Series pine, white and black oak, blackgum, and hickory. The understory is The Lakehurst Series consists of lowbush blueberry, sheep laurel, and moderately well drained and somewhat scattered gallberry. poorly drained sandy soils that have a

Soils Page 14 Because of the very low fertility, low laA. Lakehurst sand, 0 to 3 available water capacity, and rapid percent slopes. This soil is subject to permeability, these soils are poorly blowing in cleared areas. Windbreak suited to cultivated crops. These hedges and cover crops can be used to soi Is are also poorly suited to control soil blowing and maintain the blueberry production because of the content of organic matter. This soil is low water table in the summer. Land poorly suited to crop production smoothing and the addition of organic because of the very low fertility, low material before planting are common available water capacity, hazard of where blueberries are to be grown. soil blowing, and wetness. The loose Where the soi Is are cleared and sand limits the use of this soil for drained they warm early in spring and campsites. are easily worked. Irrigation is necessary. Grapes are also grown on Lakewood Series this soil. The Lakewood series consists of The fluctuating water table is a excessively drained sandy soils that concern if the soils are used for have a bleached subsurface layer. septic fields or for building sites for They exist as nearly level to sloping houses that have basements. Deep terrain and occupy high positions of drainage is effective in lowering the the landscape. Permeability is rapid, water table, because the soil material and available water capacity is low. is coarse and permeability is rapid. Large cleared areas of these soils are Lakehurst soils have severe subject to blowing. limitations for sanitary landfi lis due to the seasonal high water table and In a representative profile in a the danger of groundwater pollution wooded area the surface layer is very because of the rapid permeability. dark grayish-brown sand 2 inches There are severe limitations for thick. The bleached subsurface layer recreational use because of the dust is light brownish-gray sand 10 inches hazard. These soils are not suitable thick. The subsoil is sand 28 inches for landscaping or golf courses thick. The upper 4 inches is brown, because of low available fertility and and the lower 24 inches is yellowish low available water capacity; they are brown. The substratum, between also subject to soil blowing. depths of 40 and 60 inches, is brownish-yellow sand that is faintly Lakehurst Phases: stratified with discontinuous layers of dark-brown sandy loam.

Soils Page 15 Natural vegetation consists mainly of gently sloping soil is has a profile pitch pine but also includes chestnut representative of the Lakewood oak, black oak, and white oak. series. Most areas are on broad uplands or near large streams. Areas For agriculture, Lakewood soils are of this soil that are cleared and used easily worked. However, they have for farming are subject to soil very low natural fertility and low blowing. Windbreak hedges or cover organic matter content and they are crops can be used to control soil extremely acid throughout. Added blowing. Very low fertility, low fertilizers leach readily, and it is very available water capacity, and the difficult to improve the fertility. Soil hazard of soil blowing are the main temperatures are high in summer and limitations to crop production. at times, tomatoes and peppers become scorched. Lakewood soi Is are LeC. Lakewood sand, 5 to 10 not generally used for crops. Some percent slopes. This soil is along areas were once cleared for farming, streams and narrow drainageways. It but most of these have been has short, convex slopes. This soil is abandoned. The only remaining large similar to the one described as cultivated areas are used for growing representative of the series but it grapes. Most areas are wooded and has steeper slopes. Most areas are are used for pulpwood production. long and narrow. This soil has a moderate hazard of erosion in cleared The rapid permeability of these soils areas. The very low fertility and low creates severe limitations for available water capacity are the main sanitary landfills and slight limitations limitations to the use of this soil for for septic filter fields due to a crops. hazard of ground water pollution. In areas of more sloping soils, special Matawan Series design of the septic filter field may be necessary. The soi Is have severe The Matawan series consists of limitations for recreational uses moderately well drained loClmy soils. because of poor trafficability and They generally occupy intermediate dust hazard. positions on the landscape and some areas are slightly depressional. Lakewood Phases: Permeability is moderately slow. These soi Is have a moderate avai fable LeB. Lakewood sand, 0 to 5 water capacity. The water table, percent slopes. This nearly level or however, provides additional water

Soils Page 16 for plants in spring. Matawan soils understory of sassafras, holly, have a seasonal high water table mountain laurel, and sheep laurel. perched at a depth of 1 Dto 3 feet. For agriculture, some areas have been During periods of normal rainfall, the cleared so that fruits and vegetables water table starts to rise about the can be grown, but most areas are middle of October, reaches its peak fi Iter fields because of moderately about January, and starts to drop slow permeability and the perched about April. In some areas these soils seasonal high water table. The soils are ponded for short periods during have medium natural fertility and winter and spring. The soils have a moderate content of organic matter. slight to moderate hazard of water Matawan soi Is are extremely acid or erosion in cleared and cultivate areas. very strongly acid. Because of the moderately high water table and moderately slow There are moderate limitations for permeability of the subsoil, these buildings with basements because of soils generally warm later in the the seasonal high water table at 1 Dto spring than most other sandy loams in 3 feet and severe limitations for the county. septic because of the moderately slow permeability. There are some In a representative profile in a limitations for road building due to wooded area the surface layer is dark shrink-swell potential and some grayish-brown sandy loam 7 inches limitations for recreational uses such thick. The subsurface layer is light as campsites and trails due to ponding yellowish-brown sandy loam 9 inches and moderately high water table in thick. The subsoil is light yellowish­ spring. brown or olive-yellow sandy loam and clay loam 26 inches thick. It has Matawan Phases: yellowish-brown and grayish-brown mottles in the lower part. The MtA. Matawan sandy loam, 0 substratum, between depths of 42 to 5 percent slopes. This soil is nearly and 60 inches, is pale-olive, stratified level or gently sloping; some areas are clay loam, sandy clay, and sandy clay in depressions. Wetness is the main loam. It has light-gray mottles. limitation to the use of this soil. Areas that are cleared and used for Natural vegetation consists crops generally need open-ditch predominantly of scarlet, white, and drainage. Land grading, diversions, - black oak; scattered pitch pine; and an open ditches, and random tile systems

Soils Page 17 are used to reduce wetness and drain Muck is poorly suited to farming. The depressions. soil is generally shallow, and it is extremely acid. Muck has a medium natural fertility and a high content of organic matter. It subsides ~;everely MU. Muck. This nearly level, upon drying, and it is subjec1~ to very poorly drained soil consists of frequent flooding. Also, it i5: difficult finely decomposed organic matter to drain. Some areas of muck have ranging in thickness from 16 inches to been cleared and are used tc• grow 4 feet or more. The underlying cranberries, but most areas are material in most places is sand or wooded. Damage to vegetation by fire gravelly sand, but in some places this is a hazard during extremely dry material is finer textured. Muck periods. occupies areas adjacent to streams. It is generally on broad flats under a Because of its low bearing cctpacity dense forest of Atlantic white cedar. and the danger of flooding, Muck has Permeability is rapid, and available severe limitations for all community water capacity is high. The high uses including building, basements, water table is at the surface, and septic, sanitary landfills, roads and Muck is saturated 10 to 12 months of recreational uses. the year. The table drops only 1 or 2 feet, and then only during extremely Pokomoke Series droughty summers. The Pokomoke series consists of nearly level, very poorly drained, Natural vegetation consists mostly of loamy soils in broad, swampy Atlantic white cedars that have root depressions and narrow drai11ageways. systems extending into almost liquid They occupy very low positions on the muck. The cedars, therefore, are landscape. Some narrow areas are subject to windthrow, and the hazard adjacent to small streams. If the of this is severe. In many areas soils are drained, permeability is where the cedars have been cut, red moderate and available water capacity maple has replaced them. These is only moderate. areas have a dense understory of high bush blueberry, sweet The water table, however, p1·ovides pepperbush, and greenbrier. additional water for plants. The soils have a seasonal high water t~able at the surface. During periods of normal

Soils rainfall the water table starts to rise the surface layer and extremely acid in September, reaches its peak early or very strongly acid in the subsoil. in December, remains at or near the Because of the high water table, surface until May, and drops to a these soils warm late in spring and depth of about two feet in summer. become wet early in fall. Since they Where these soils are adjacent to remain wet until late spring, they are small streams, they are subject to not easily worked. Some areas of occasional flooding by stream Pocomoke soi Is have been cleared so overflow and surface ponding occurs that blueberries or vegetables can be in the small depressions. Because of grown, but most areas are wooded. their low positions on the landscape, Areas cleared for blueberry the soils receive runoff from higher production need smoothing to prevent slopes. ponding and to prepare the land for tillage equipment and harvesters. The In a representative profile in a water table is generally lowered by wooded area the surface layer is ditch drainage and controlled by black sandy loam 10 inches thick. The structures in the ditches or by subsurface layer is gray sandy loam 8 various types of irrigation systems. inches thick. The subsoil is gray The water level is maintained at a sandy loam 10 inches thick. The depth of about two feet below the substratum, to a depth of 60 inches is surface during the growing season. gray gravelly sand in the upper 12 These soils have severe limitations inches and grayish-brown sand in the for all types of community lower 20 inches. development, including home construction, roads and recreational Natural vegetation consists mostly of uses, and septic systems generally fail blackgum, sweetgum, red maple, bay seasonally. magnolia, white oak, pin oak, willow oak, and holly. The dense understory Pokomoke Phases: consists mostly of highbush blueberry, sweet pepperbush, Po. Pocomoke sandy loam. gallberry, and greenbrier. This soil is in broad, nearly level or depressional areas and in narrow Pokomoke soils are not well suited to drainageways. Some narrow areas of agriculture. They have medium this soil that are adjacent to small natural fertility and high content of streams are subject to flooding. organic matter, but, unless limed, Drainage is necessary if this soil is Pocomoke soi Is are extremely acid in used for crops. If the soi I is

Soils Page 19 adequately drained, late vegetables Native vegetation consists of oaks, can be grown. It is not suited to such hickories, and scattered pines; - perennial plants as peaches, apples, abandoned fields seed in with pitch and grapes. If outlets are available, pine and shortleaf pine and the open ditches or subsurface drains can understory is blueberry and mountain be used to lower the water table. laurel. This soil is well suited to blueberries if the water table is controlled. It is For agriculture, natural fertiility is generally a good site for ground-water medium, but response of cro1ps to ponds. In places where the soil had a fertilization is high; the orgcmic thick, clayey substratum, the rate of matter content is moderate. Most recharge may be slow. areas are farmed. Unless limed, the soils are strongly acid or extremely Sassafras Series acid. These soi Is are easily worked and suited to nearly all crops grown in the Sassafras soils are well-drained soils township, especially vegetables and that exist as nearly level to gently fruit. sloping terrain, in high positions from 10 to 45 feet above sea level. Sassafras soils have few limitations Permeability is moderate and the for community uses. They do have available water capacity is high. The severe limitations for sanita1r-y water table is at 5 feet, except in landfills because of rapid per·meability some lower areas. in the substratum.

In a representative profile in a Sassafras phases: cultivated area the plow layer is brown sandy loam 10 inches thick. SaA. Sassafras sandy loam, 0 The subsurface layer is yellowish­ to 2 percent slopes. This phclse brown sandy loam 4 inches thick. The includes some high water arE~S and subsoil is 24 inches thick. The upper some sandy areas. It is well :suited to 4 inches is strong-brown, heavy sandy farming; runoff is slow. loam; the middle 12 inches is yellowish-brown sandy clay loam; and Tidal Marsh the lower 8 inches is brownish-yellow, heavy sandy loam. The substratum, In this township, Tidal marsh between depths of 38 and 64 inches, generally has a mineral surface layer is yellowish-brown loamy sand and over highly organic materia and strong-brown gravelly sand. complex sequences of mineral and

Soils Page 20 - muck strata underlain by sand. The The soi Is are extremely valuable soil material is brownish. The sand wildlife habitat for waterfowl, generally is firm and compact and is at mammals, and crustaceans. Areas of a depth of as much as forty feet. It Tidal Marsh have been diked to hold is possible that in places the shallow depths of water seasonally for underlying sand is thin over other waterfowl management and muskrat organic deposits. management.

These soils are almost continuously For agriculture, content of organic saturated and bearing capacities are matter and available water capacity low. Tidal flooding occurs twice daily. are high in Tidal Marsh soils. The Normal tides average two to three mineral material is slightly acid to feet in height, but in coastal storms alkaline, and the highly organic they are as high as ten to twelve feet. material is extremely acid to neutral. Included with Tidal Marsh in mapping, Upon drying and oxidizing, however, especially upstream along the Mullica reaction changes to extremely acid, River, are tidal areas encroaching even to pH 2 or less. Thus, the Muck areas. These areas originally material is so strongly acid that no supported trees, but the trees were vegetation can grow in it. Iron and killed by the continuous flooding. concrete in these soils are subject to severe corrosion. During the past fifty years the mosquito commission has constructed AII Tidal Marsh soi Is have severe many ditches to speed the drainage of limitations to all community uses due flooded land and thus reduce the to daily flooding. number of mosquito breeding pools. Tidal Marsh Phases: Natural vegetation consists of a variety of grasses that tolerate TM. Tidal Marsh, moderately saltwater. Tidal marshes in Atlantic deep. This Tidal Marsh has a firm County were once mowed so that salt layer, generally sand, between depths hay could be harvested. Salt hay is of three and eight feet. Special extensively used as mulch on new foundation design is needed for roads grass seedlings and for such crops as and buildings on this soil. Tidal Marsh, strawberries. It was also used for moderately deep, has a severe hazard curing cement used for concrete of storm-tide flooding. It is not paving. suited to trees.

Soils Page 21 Woodstown Series suited to most crops grown i1n the township. Irrigation is needed for The Woodstown series consists of high-value summer crops. moderately well drained, nearly level soils on intermediate positions on the Woodstown Phases: landscape. Permeability is moderate and the avai Iable water capacity is WcA. Woodstown sartdy loam, high; deep-rooted plants can draw 0 to 2 percent slopes. This s~oil is additional water early in the season. nearly level to depressional. Some areas are in narrow drainageways. In In a representative profile in a some areas this soil is underllain below cultivated area, the plow layer is dark a depth of forty inches by material grayish-brown sandy loam 10 inches that is as fine textured as clay loam thick. The subsoil is 22 inches thick. or sandy clay. If this soil is The upper 14 inches is light olive­ adequately drained, it is suited to brown light sandy clay loam. The growing fruits and vegetables. Cover lower 8 inches is olive-yellow sandy crops are generally sufficient to clay loam that contains grayish-brown maintain the content of orga.nic mottles. The substratum, between matter. depths of 32 and 42 inches is pale­ - olive loamy sand. Between depths of Suitability of Mullica Towm;hip Soils 42 and 60 inches it is light brownish­ for Wildlife Habitat gray sand.

A familiarity with the suitability of Native vegetation consists mostly of Mullica's soils as habitat for various oaks, hickories, blackgums, species of wildlife is helpful in the sweetgums, and scattered pines; the following ways: understory is lowbush blueberry, sheep laurel, and inkberry. 1. Planning the use of parks, refuges, For agriculture, the natural fertility nature-study areas, and othE~r is medium and the organic matter recreational developments for content moderate. Most areas are wildlife. farmed; unless limed, these soils are very strongly or extremely acid. 2. Selecting the better soils for Planting is delayed in the spring creating, improving or maintaining because of excessive soil moisture specific kinds of wildlife habitat and drainage is needed for high value elements. crops. When drained, the soils are

Soils Page 22 - 3. Determining the relative intensity 4. Hardwood and coniferous trees of management needed for individual including trees, shrubs and woody habitat elements. vines that provide food and cover for wildlife in the form of browse, nuts, 4. Eliminating sites that would be fruits, buds, catkins, twigs, seeds or difficult or not feasible to manage for foliage. Some of the native kind are specific kinds of wildlife. oaks, pines, cherry, maple, American holly, apple, hawthorn, dogwood, 5. Determining areas that are suitable sumac, red cedar, Atlantic white­ for acquisition for use by wildlife. cedar, sassafras, hickory, sweetgum, bayberry, blueberry, huckleberry, Elements considered important are as blackhaw, wburnum, grape, and briers. follows: Included in this variety are commercially raised fruiting shrubs 1. Grain and seed crops such as corn, such as Autumn olive, Amur sorghum, wheat barley oats, millet, honeysuckle, Tatarian honeysuckle, buckwheat, sunflowers, and other crabapple, multiflora rose, highbush plants commonly grown for grain or cranberry and silky cornet dogwood. for seed. 5. Wetland plants in the form of wild 2. Grasses and legumes in the form of herbaceous, annual and perennial food domestic perennial grasses and and cover plants that grow on moist to herbaceous legumes that are wet sites, exclusive of submerged or established by planting and that floating aquatic plants. They produce furnish wildlife cover and food such food and cover used mainly by wetland as bluegrass, fescue, brome, timothy, forms of wildlife. They include orchardgrass,reed canarygrass, smartweeds, wild millets, bulrushes, clover and alfalfa. sedges, barnyard grass, duckweed, duckmillet, arrowarum pickerelweed, 3. Wild herbaceous plants in the form wetland grasses, wildrice, and cattails. of native or introduced perennial grasses and weeds that generally are 6. Shallow-water areas that are established naturally such as impoundments or excavations that bluestem, quackgrass, panicgrass, provide areas of shallow water, goldenrod, wild carrot, nightshade, generally not exceeding 5 feet in pokeweed and dandelion. These depth, near food and cover for provide food and cover to wildlife. wetland wildlife. Examples of such developments are shallow dugouts,

Soils Page 23 level ditches, blasted potholes, and scarlet tanager, gray and red squirrel, devices that keep the water at a gray fox, white-tailed deer, and depth of 6 to 24 inches in marshes. raccoon. They obtain food and cover in stands of hardwoods, coniferous There are three kinds of wildlife trees, shrubs, or a mixture <,f these considered in the township for a soil plants. suitability rating: 3. Wetland wildlife such as clucks, 1. Open land wildlife such as quail, geese, rails, herons, shore biirds, pheasants, meadowlark, field sparrow, beaver, mink, and muskrat that doves, cottontail rabbit, red fox, and normally make their home in wet woodchuck. These birds and mammals areas, such as ponds, marshE~s and normally make their home in areas of swamps. crops, pasture, meadow, and lawns and in areas overgrown with grasses, On the following page is a chart of herbs and shrubs. the suitability of Mullica Township Soils for elements of wildlif1e habitat 2. Woodland wildlife such as ruffed and kinds of wildlife. grouse, woodcock, thrushes, vireo,

Soils Page 24 Suitability of Mullico Township Soils for Wildlife Habitat

Soil Elements of Wildlife Habitat Kinds of Wildlife series Grain and Grasses Wild Hard- Shallow and Seed and Herba- wood and Wetland Water Open Wood- Wetland map Crops Legumes ceo us coniferous Plants Areas Land Land symbols Plants trees Atsion: Ac Poor Poor Fair Fair Poor Good Poor Fair Fair Aura: AmB Poor Fair Good Fair Poor Very Poor Fair Fair Very Poor ArB Fair Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Good Fair Very Poor Berryland Bp Very Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Fair BS Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Fair Downer Do A Poor Fair Good Fair Poor Very Poor Fair Fair Very_ Poor DsA Good Good Good Good Poor Very Poor Good Good Very Poor Evesboro EvB Poor Poor Fair Poor Very Poor Very Poor Poor Poor Very Poor EwB Poor Poor Fair Poor Very Poor Very Poor Poor Poor Very Poor FortMott FrA Poor Fair Fair Poor Poor Very Poor Fair Poor Very Poor Hammonton HaA Poor Fair Good Fair Poor Poor Fair Fair Poor HcA Poor Fair Good Fair Poor Poor Fair Fair Poor HmA Fair Good Good Fair Poor Poor Good Fair Poor Klej KmA Pobr Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor KnA Poor Fair Fair Poor Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Lakehurst La A Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Fair Poor Poor Poor Lakewood LeB Poor Poor Fair Poor Very Poor Very Poor Poor Poor Very Poor LeC Poor Poor Fair Poor Very Poor Very Poor Poor Poor Very Poor Mattawan MtA Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Good Good Poor Muck Very Poor Very Poor Very Poor Very Poor Good Good Very Poor Very Poor Good Pocomoke Po Very Poor Poor Poor Poor Good Good Poor Poor Good Sassafras Sa A Good Good Good Good Poor Very Poor Good Good Very Poor Tidal Marsh TM Very Poor Very Poor Very Poor Very Poor Good Good Very Poor Very Poor Good Woodstown - WcA Good Good Good Good Poor Poor Good Good Poor

Soils Page 25 Engineering Uses of the Soils 4. Plan farm drainage systems, irrigation systems, ponds, terraces, and other structures for corttrolling Knowledge of engineering qualities ·of water and conserving soil. soils is useful to those who need information about soils used as 5. Correlate performance of structural material or as a foundation structures already bui It with upon which structures are built. properties of the kinds of setil on which they are built to predict Among the soil properties that are performance of structures o~f the highly important in engineering are same or similar kinds of soil in other permeability, strength, compaction locations. characteristics, drainage condition, shrink-swell potential, grain size, 6. Predict the trafficability of soils plasticity, and reaction. Also for cross-country movement of important are depth to the water vehicles and construction equipment table and slope. These properties, in various degrees and combinations, 7. Develop preliminary estim~ates affect construction and maintenance pertinent to construction in a of roads, airports, pipelines, particular area. foundations for small buildings, - irrigation systems, ponds and small Engineering information doe::; not dams, and systems for disposal of eliminate the need for further sewage and refuse. investigation at sites selectE~d for engineering work. Inspection of sites Engineering quality information can be is needed because many deli1neated helpful to those who: areas of a given mapping unit may contain small areas of other kinds of 1. Select potential residential, soil that have strongly contr'asting industrial, commercial and properties and different suitabilities recreational areas. or limitations for soil engine,ering. 2. Evaluate alternate routes for On the following pages is a graph of roads, highways, pipelines and the suitability of Mullica Township underground cables. soils for engineering purposes. 3. Seek sources of gravel, sand, or clay.

Soils Page 26 Suitability as a source of-- ··~-~~}~:.::~=~~~:~· .... ~Fill···' Atsion: Ac Poor: low fertility; low Fair for sand: high water Poor: high water table; available water capacity; table limits accessibility. seasonal high water table Unsuitable for gravel

Berryland: Bp, BS Poor: high water table Fair for sand: excess Poor: Seasonal high water limits fines; high water table table limits accessibility accessibility; too sandy limits accessibility; unsuitable for gravel: hazard of frequent flooding on BS

Evesboro: EvB Poor: too sandy Fair for sand: excess Good: needs binder in fines places Unsuitable for gravel

Fort Mott: FrA Poor: too sandy . Fair for sand below a Fair: more than 30 depth of 3 t feet: excess percent fines. fines. Unsuitable for gravel.

HcA Poor: too sandy Unsuitable for sand and Fair: more than 30 gravel percent fines.

KnA Poor: too sandy Unsuitable for sand and Good to a depth of 40 gravel inches: Fair below a depth of 40 inches: more than 30 percent fines

Soils Page 27 Lakewood: LeB, LeC Poor: very low fertility; Fair for sand: excess Good; needs binder low available water fines. Unsuitable for capacity gravel.

Muck Poor: upper layer of Unsuitable for sand above Unsuit•1ble above a depth organic material: high a depth of three feet, fair of 3 fe:et: organic water table hinders or poor below: high water materitll. Poor below a excavation table hinders excavation: depth ,,f 3 feet: high excess fines water table hinders excavation

Sassafras: SaA Good: gravel in places Fair for sand below a Fair; t1'11ore than 30 depth of 3 feet: excess percent fines - fines. Poor for gravel.

Woodstown, WcA Good Fair for sand below a Fair: rnore than 30 depth of 32 inches: percent fines excess fines: moderately high seasonal water table

Reservoir area Embankment Excavated Ponds Drainage Material

Soils Aura: AmB, ArB Moderately rapidly Good stability and Unsuitable; low Not needed permeable below a compaction: good water table depth of 4 feet. resistance to piping.

Downer, DoA, DsA Rapidly permeable Fair stability; rapid Low water table Not needed; low substratum; low rate of seepage. water table water table. ~~~:~~,~~~ ,Hot,~'~' ; EwB Slowly permeable Loose, cohesionless Deep to water table Not needed substratum. sand to a depth of 40 inches; clayey below a depth of 40 inches

Hammonton, HaA, Rapid rate of Pervious surface Low water table in Moderately or HmA seepage in summer. layer and C horizon. summer. Recharge rapidly permeable rate low where clay is thick

Klej: KmA Rapidly permeable in Fair to poor Low water table in Rapidly permeable; summer. stability; rapidly summer seasonal high water permeable. table at a depth of 1 t to 4', low water table in summer -

Soils Page 29 Lakehurst, LaA Rapidly permeable Piping hazard; rapidly Water table l~apidly permeable throughout; permeable. generally below a moderately high depth of 5 feet in seasonal water table. summer

Mattawan, MtA Substratum permits Fair stability; fair to Small supply of Moderately slowly seepage in places. good compaction. water is perched on permeable in subsoil subsoil during winter and spring

Pocomoke, Po High water table; Good stability and Rapid rate of Outlets difficult to pervious substratum compaction to a recharge 1establish; depth of 2 t feet; moderately rapidly permeable permeable in upper 2 material below a t feet, rapidly depth of 2 t feet; 1permeable below little cohesion; surface layer highly organic. -

Tidal Marsh, TM Subject to daily tidal Subject to daily tidal Subject to daily tidal Subject to daily tidal flooding: hazard of flooding; piping flooding; hazard of flooding; becomes storm tide. hazard; difficult to storm tide extremely acid in compact. places when dry

Soils Page 30 Soil features affecting-- . $kaJ~;~ions . ({~ ,. ,'~~ ~-""\'. -: :,", .-·' Atsion: Ac Seasonal high water table; Low fertility; low available Seasonal high water table; moderately rapidly water capacity where vertical cuts cave readily permeable; ditch banks drained. collapse readily

Berryland, Bp, BS Seasonal high water table; Not needed Seasonal high water table; rapid rate of infiltration: vertical cuts cave readily: low available water hazard of stream capacity where drained. overflow; constantly high water table in BS

Evesboro, EvB Low available water Low available water Vertical cuts cave readily capacity; rapid intake capacity; low fertility. rate; low fertility. '~

Fort Mott, FrA Rapid intake rate: low Low fertility; low available Conditions favorable available water capacity in water capacity in upper 25 upper 25 inches. inches. -~~~,.tfttt,t\,,;...... > y:.·:;>:'_--.;~:(~-. ~.-r:·; :'·::t ."_~,---:.·:··:/, . Jf·

HcA Moderately high seasonal Moderate available water Vertical cuts cave readily; water table; moderate capacity: moderate moderately high seasonal available water capacity. fertility. water table ~~)~~~

KnA Moderately high seasonal Low available water Vertical cuts cave readily: water table; low available capacity: low fertility. moderately high seasonal water capacity. water table

...... , .~,' ·,, '\i·~:;. ·, ·..' ,: ·<·~<-.<;·:::. :·.-·.·" -~-·:-,;; .. . ·::· .. ·.<<·

Soils Page 31 Lakewood:LeB,LeC Low available water Low available water Vertical cuts cave readily capacity; very low capacity; very low fertility. fertility. ·-

Muck, MU High water table; rapid Not Needed High water table; vertical intake rate; high available cuts cave; low bearing water capacity. capacity

Sassafras: SaA High available water Favorable Favor·able capacity; moderate intake rate.

Woodstown: WcA High available water Moderately high seasonal Mode:rately high seasonal capacity; moderate intake water table. water· table rate; moderately permeable; moderately high seasonal water table.


On the following page is a soil map. The individual soil phases found in Mullica Township are each represented by a different color on this map. On the lower left-hand corner of the map there is a key that lists the soil phase symbols and their corresponding colors. Following is a list of the map symbols and their corresponding phase.

Map Soil Symbol Phase

Ac Atsion sand AmB Aura loamy sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes ArB Aura sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Bs Berryland sand, flooded Bp Berryland sand Do A Downer loamy sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes DsA Downer sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes EvB Evesboro sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes EwB Evesboro sand, clayey substratum, 0 to 5 percent slopes FM Fill land over tidal marsh FrA Fort Mott sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes HaA Hammonton loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes He A Hammonton loamy sand, clayey substratum, 0 to 2 percent slopes HmA Hammonton sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes KmA Klej loamy sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes KnA Klej loamy sand, clayey substratum, 0 to 3 percent slopes La A Lakehurst sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes LeB Lakewood sand, 0 to 5 percent slopes Lee Lakewood sand, 5 to 10 percent slopes MtA Matawan sandy loam, 0 to 5 percent slopes MU Muck Po Pocomoke sandy loam SaA Sassafras sandy loam TM Tidal Marsh, moderately deep WcA Woodstown sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes

Soils Page 33 Soils Page 34 MULLICA TOWNSHIP SOILS



Roads s /:N'. County lS/, Municipal /.\( Other ~State fV Train N Straams C] Municipal Boundary SOILS - Ar.AmB ArB - BS8p DoA -DsA EvB EwB FM frA HaA HcA HmA - KrnA - KnA , laA leB .. laC ML - MU - MtA - PIT - PoSa A SaB TM w - WcA

4000-- - 0 4000- 8000 Feet ._ ...... ,_ .. __ ...... _...... MULUCA TOWNSHIP SOIL LIMITATIONS FOR SEPTIC MAP

The soils map on the following page shows which areas contain suitable soils for septic systems. In order to be suitable, the soils must be of the correct permeability and the water table must be at a suitable depth (see engineering chart).



Roads NCounty /\/Municipal N other I\/. State ly1Train Wstreams D Municipal Boundary Soil Limitations for Septic Moderate Severe Slight

4000-- - 0 4000- 8000 Feet HYDROLOGY


THE HYDROLOGIC CYCLE ...... 3 PROTECTING THE WATER SUPPLY ...... 4 SURFACE WATER ...... 5 Hydrography ...... 5 Watershed...... 5 State Policies ...... 7 Surface Water Classifications ...... 7 Classification and Designated Uses of Mullica Township Surface Waters ...... 8 MULLICA HISTORY ...... 8 MULLICA TOWNSHIP HYDROLOGY MAP ...... 14

FRESHWATER WETLANDS ...... 15 Wetlands Definitions ...... 15 Hydric Soils ...... 15 Hydrophytic Vegetation ...... 16 Freshwater Wetlands Definition ...... 16 Wetlands Classifications...... 16 Transition Areas...... 18 The Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act...... 18 Activities ...... 18 Site classification ...... 18 Permits ...... 18 Enforcement ...... 19 Long Term Protection of Freshwater Wetlands...... 19 Benefits of Wetlands Preservation ...... 20 FRESHWATER AND SALINE WETLANDS MAP ...... 21


GROUNDWATER ...... 27 Aquifers...... 27 Kirkwood ...... 27 Cohansey Sand ...... 28 Groundwater Movement ...... 29 Recharge ...... 29 Depth to Groundwater ...... 29

Hydrology Page 1 Supply...... 29 Groundwater Quality...... 30 Groundwater Pollution ...... 30 Contamination Sources ...... 30 Contaminated Areas ...... 31 Known Contaminated Sites ...... 31 Areas of Concern ...... 32 AREA OF CONCERN 6401 ...... 32 BLOCK 2701 ...... 32 MULLICA TOWNSHIP AREAS OF CONCERN MAP ...... 39

Hydrology Page 2 HYDROLOGY

Water, like air, is a substance necessary for life. The one-percent of the earth's water available to us for use as fresh water constantly recirculates in what is known as the hydrologic cycle. This critical supply is often threatened by human activities. Capping groundwater recharge areas with non-porous surfaces and disposing of waste materials in or near them can reduce the quantity and quality of water entering the ground. This results in changes in the flow of rivers, lowers water tables and contaminates the hydrologic system. Protection and/or restoration of these flows requires innovative planning and regulation. It may also require that local government acquire land to protect wells, critical groundwater recharge areas and stream corridors. Surface water is continually vulnerable to pollution through storm water runoff, dumping of effluent, degradation of stream corridor vegetation, contamination of headwaters, and thermal pollution.

The Hydrologic Cycle it reaches the earth, the water The continual recycling of the earth's either runs down impervious slopes water supply is called the hydrologic (runoff) or seeps down into the cycle. Moisture evaporates from the ground (percolation). Once in the oceans and lakes (evaporation) and is ground, it either flows to lakes and given off by plants (transpiration); it rivers (groundwater flow) or is stored then condenses in the atmosphere and between sand and gravel particles in returns to the earth in the form of rocks and sediments (aquifers). See rain, snow, sleet, or hail the diagram of the hydrologic cycle (precipitation). When on the following page.

Hydrology Page 3 -- -

-~----, '

The hydrologic cycle.

Protecting the Water Supply

The responsibility for protecting the ensures compliance with lc1cal land use township's water supply is shared by ordinances. The local con!itruction many different agencies. The official and engineer ensur·e that local municipal government, advised by the regulations for on-site storage and Environmental Commission, adopts discharge of storm water runoff ordinances controlling everything from comply with local regulaticms. The land use and solid waste collection to local board of health approves and street sweeping and vegetation monitors septic systems. On a state removal. The planning board approves level, the New Jersey Department of storm water control systems as a part Environmental Protection (NJDEP) of site plan approval and adopts the sets standards for pollutant levels master plan. The zoning officer and issues permits for stream encroachment, discharges and water --

Hydrology Page 4 diversions. The Soil Conservation a high level of dissolved organic District approves required soil and matter and is quite acidic in nature. erosion control plans and helps Bog or swamp drainage affects the farmers to use best management dissolved oxygen content of the practices. water and nutrient levels are low.

Surface Water Watershed

Surface water in ponds, streams, Each surface water body has a rivers, lakes, reservoirs and wetlands watershed, an area defined by the is replenished by rain and underground ridgelines that direct the runoff sources. It is surface waters that from precipitation into the surface flood and create freshwater wetlands water body. Mullica Township is around them located within the Mullica/ Wading River Watershed Management Area. Hydrography The total drainage area of the Mullica/Wading River Basin covers The surface waters of Mullica approximately 569 square miles and - Township consist of the Mullica River involves parts of several counties and and its tributaries, one Great Egg 23 municipalities. Harbor River tributary and several The Mullica River has its headwaters small lakes. The Mullica River in Berlin Township and flows about tributaries in Mullica Township are as forty-five miles southeast to Great follows: Sleeper Branch, Nescochague Bay and then into the Atlantic Ocean. Creek, Brockaways Branch, Petties About eighty-three percent of the Branch, Hammonton Creek, Nortons river basin is covered by forest, Branch, Lucas Branch, First Branch, wetlands and water. Urban areas Pine Creek, Landing Creek, and Indian account for five percent, with the Cabin Creek. The Great Egg Harbor remaining twelve percent covered by River has one tributary in Mullica agricultural activities. Township-Makepeace Stream. The Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer is the Pinelands streams are described as major source of drinking water in the typically slow moving, brown in color, Mullica/Wading River Basin. and clear to somewhat clear. The Approximately ninety-seven percent stream bottoms are sandy and in most of the rainfall entering this shallow - areas the streams are overhung by aquifer flows into nearby streams and dense vegetation. The water contains rivers. Since Mullica Township's

Hydrology Page 5 Developed Land Cultivated/Grassland Forested Land Barren Land 1 Sand Beach I Mud Flat Coastal Wetland Fresh Water Wetland I Water A. Mullica River ~ Y Watershed Boundary

o~_-.s ___10 Kilometers

0 3 SMiles ~~-.... streams, rivers and wetlands are fed physical and biological integrity of primarily by this aquifer, any increase its waters, to protect the public in groundwater withdrawals reduces health, safeguard the aquatic the amount avai Iable for surface­ plants and animals, protect scenic water systems. and ecological values, and to The Mullica River and enhance the domestic, municipal, support important commercial and recreational, industrial, recreational shellfish industries based agricultural and other reasonable on hard and soft shell clams, oyster, uses of the State's waters. blue mussel, bay scallop and blue crab. • Toxic substances in waters shall The lower reaches of the Mullica not be at levels that are toxic to River serve as an important nursery humans or aquatic animals and and spawning ground for many plants, or accumulate in edible transient marine fish, as well as plants in toxic amounts. habitat for resident estuarine fish. • Discharge of carcinogenic substances is strictly controlled. Regulations to preserve water quality • Existing uses shall be maintained aim at an ideal of attaining fishable, and protected. Designated uses swimable waters everywhere, or at shall be attained as soon as least not lose the existing use of the technically and economically water. feasible. • The State has a goal of restoring State Policies saline waters to levels that permit unrestricted shellfish harvesting. The State of New Jersey classifies surface water bodies. Classification ranges from waters into which Surface Water Classifications controlled amounts of wastewater effluents may be discharged to The following are New Jersey pristine trout streams. Department of Environmental The general policies of the State as Protection classifications for surface regards surface waters are as follows: water bodies:

• Water is vital to life and comprises FW-Fresh Waters. an invaluable natural resource, The general surface water which is not to be abused. classification applied to fresh waters. • It is State policy to restore, maintain and enhance the chemical, FW1

Hydrology Page 7 Fresh waters that originate in and are are: cranberry bog water supply and wholly within Federal or State parks, other agricultural uses; maintenance, forests, fish and wildlife lands and reproduction and migration of flora other special holdings, that are to be and fauna indigenous to this unique maintained in their natural state of ecological system; and potable water quality (set aside for posterity) and supply if treated. not subjected to any man-made wastewater discharges. Mullica History FW2 The general surface water The following article appeared in the classification applied to those fresh Sunday Star-Ledger of Newark, NJ waters that are not designated as on October 7, 1956. It was written FWl or Pinelands Waters. by Rev. Henry Beck, author of Jersey Genesis. The article is a colorful slice PL-Pinelands Waters of history along the Mullica River. The general surface water classification applied to Pinelands "In all that I have told you Waters. about the Mullica River in Jersey Genesis and out of it, there has been Classification and Designated Uses a piecing together of the lore of a of Mullica Township Surface Waters river of refuge, the stories of people who have lived along its banks through The NJDEP Classification for all generations since before the Mullica Township surface water Revolution, and the salty humor, and bodies is: neighborliness, and startlirlg ingenuity of men and women content with what PL-Pinelands Waters they have and what God has in store for them. Pinelands Waters are defined as all Now I will take you along the waters within the boundaries of the river itself, and perhaps even the Pinelands Area, except those waters bottom of the river, suggesting in designated as FWl, as established in what I have been told and what I the Pinelands Protection Act. believe will come to light, that a new and startling chapter remains to be Designated uses: written, unless, of course, New Jersey covers it up. For, at the moment, I The designated uses for PL waters cannot see, in the fallen trees that all

Hydrology PageS but bar the stream to boat travel in less draught. some places, in the submerged but Some of the stones looked like historically important landings of old, those brought down from Nantucket and in the neglected hulks of famous and Martha's Vineyard, notably for ships in the mud, that New Jersey has the paving of streets in New York and very much interest in what it now Phi !adelphia. Others were obviously owns. not native. None were the Jersey However, I will not be critical. ironstone found up the banks from the Instead, I will tell you a story of how river, these days especially in the some of all this came to light, through ruins of forgotten furnace towns. no doing of my own. Then one day, as Bill was taking Bill Augustine, who takes those advantage of the tide and wind to usually remarkable pictures that have gather more, not far from where his accompanied these narratives through houseboat is moored, his fingers the years, lives with his wife most of touched upon one stone, larger, or so the summer in a houseboat by the it seemed to be than the rest. Long Mullica at Lower Bank. From there he and heavy, Bi II admits that he would has no difficulty in maintaining his have given up any plan to bring it to daily photographic routine in the surface. However, after his Philadelphia and the South Jersey companion felt its shape and size, he area or his recurrent contact with the urged Bill to help him haul it up and Augustine home in Marlton. However, into a rowboat. at odd moments this fall, Bill has been That was when they discovered in a bathing suit, diving for stones at that it was no stone at all but a pig of the bottom of the river, stones with Jersey Iron. which to build a landing for his boat. I saw it on Bill's landing the One day or evening, he and his other day as a hammer was used companion, diving into the brackish gently to remove layers of rust in a depths, knew for sure what they had effort to reveal the name of the realized in a dreamy way, that the furnace from which it came. Although stones were not just stones. Stones it is believed to be a pig of iron from of any sort are rare along or even at Martha Furnace, the name has not the bottom of the river. These, it emerged as yet and perhaps it never was quite clear, were stones from far will. away. Just as clearly it became Conversation about the evident that these were ballast, discovery enlisted more "divers" in the dropped overboard by ships long ago, task of seeing what they can find on craft that sought shallow waters with the floor of the historic Mullica and

Hydrology Page9 brought my old friend, Frank Klaverkamp into the picture. Frank told me that he feels sure that this is but an index to the store of iron that lies at the bottom of the river and, for all anybody knows so far, there is the wreck of a ship, or at least a barge, nearby. There's a barge at the bottom of the river not far off the late Zeke Forman's house, down from Green Bank," Frank said, "and the only thing that remains to be done is the organization of a thoughtful and well equipped search. The story has always been around that it's a barge such as was used to transport iron from the furnace upstream, perhaps Batsto in this case, a barge a little bigger than the skeleton of the one that lies rotting apart at the foot of Batsto pond." You will remember that I told of the river lore by Frank Klaverkamp you about the wreck of this craft and others, that there is another almost two years ago. It came to some distance below the Green Bank light that a flash flood smashed bridge. through the dam and drained the It has been suggested that pond. I was told shortly after that some cannon balls at Bulltown, cast the state had definite plans for its but never used came from the bottom reclamation the only iron barge, as far of the river. Frank and Bill took me to as I knew at that time, anywhere. An see them the other day at the home expert was going to dig it out, bit by of Bi II McDonald, and there I picked bit, I was assured. I can only report up the name of "the Iron Dock" and that the barge remains where it was the suggestion that the balls were when I wrote about it then, and that reclaimed from a wreck in the mud the only additional information is, there. I was to see the area of the through the recollection "Iron Dock" and other landings a short while later through the courtesy of

Hydrology Page 10 Fred Winterbottom, who has a boat pipes. The saucer should be seen and landing behind his house at the immediately by an expert. I have said end of McCormack Ave. at of it that it is too good to be a fake Sweetwater. "The Iron Dock" but I could be wrong. Prized items in someone said, is a place way up the the Winterbottom family collection is river where the shoring, made of iron a pinkish stone with all the for the purpose at one of the old appearances of a petrified slab of forges, is still visible at certain low bacon. Those to whom Fred tides." Winterbottom has shown it argue Fred Winterbottom's house is first that counterparts have been where there was only a clearing and a found only in Ireland or in India. "You gushing artesian well when I was must go up the river with me," Fred walking the banks of the river, talking proposed, and I was in his boat almost to people, and putting down some of at once. Up there, at what has been the things that went into Jersey called "The Forks," or the Forks of Genesis. There were no cottages or the Mullica to be exact, we came upon houses along the river in those days. the rotting, half-submerged ruin of at Now they seem to be everywhere and least 2,000 feet of dockage, all that I have seen are in good taste presumably erected for the loading of and , in many instances, fashion itself. Revolutionary munitions, at first Fred, taking Bill and Frank and me shipped to Philadelphia from the aboard his "Dragon Fly," showed me Mullica river; and then hauled enough of the river as it is today to painfully over land when the British indicate that many of its secrets have began patrolling the coast. been kept intact. "Near the ruined dock," Fred By now Mrs. Winterbottom and told us, "I have seen what seems to be their two children, Fred and Carol, the outline, virtually intact, of a fairly share the fever. The children showed large building, entirely submerged, me items they have searched out and built of Jersey ironstone." Fred saw added to their own collection-several more of it when he began "playing" examples of lead shot, good size, with an aqua lung. "But that," he pried from mud along the edge of the hastened to point out, "wasn't this water at what I believe to have been summer. The water has been too Mordecai Landing; a hand-made saucer murky all this summer to find anything made of clay and highly decorated, new. However, continuing to explore seemingly by Indian hands; a button, in other ways along the shore we have - perhaps from a uniform of some kind, brought up pieces of timber, clearly and some broken bowls of ancient clay parts of a ship. I found the

Hydrology Page 11 centerboard of another and hauled it he told me, where quantities of molten up on land where it wouldn't interfere metal seem to have been spilled on the with navigation ... " ground to cool, and where the ends of With the tide almost as low as molds, used to fashion cannon balls would permit travel along the river at perhaps, were discarded by the river. all, we went to the site of an old "The boat of which only the bridge, one I hadn't seen for years centerboard was left had been a and last used in the Mullica area, hand-made craft," he said, "perhaps taking a shortcut to Amatol., that 30 or 40 feet long." wartime village, in World War I. We That brought to mind for Frank prodded the muddy bottom at the site Klaverkamp the pair of 16-foot oars of the "Iron Dock;" we felt for of another day that had been found timbers of old ships, long known to along the Mullica. "Before I could see natives who have wondered for years them in their natural state," he said," what to do about them, and we looked the finder had cut down the shafts upon an area at a bend called "The and the blades for his own purposes. Horseshoe" for years on end, an area That's the way with so much that's to proposed for camping sites in the be found along the river. People just rumored plans of the state. don't believe how unusual it is, In building the dock behind his reaching back into another time." - home on the river, Fred I remembered how Bill Winterbottom came upon startling Doughty, of Barnegat Light, had told clues to a new mystery for which I me of his own father's recollection know no counterpart on the Mullica. that, as a boy, he with others saw the "The strata is unusual. I went down wrecks of British frigates below through six feet of sand, then two Chestnut Neck. AIt hough the feet of sawdust, and then ten more narratives seem to have slopped feet of sand in the tests I made," he upstream where, Charlie DeBow and told me. Under that there were others have said, its ribs used to stick traces of a cedar swamp far different out of the water when the. tide and than any that is known in the area wind were just right for such a display today. There are stumps of trees Until the other day, the that were huge all of two feet Mordecai Landing and Katesputak (or further down. It's as if the earth had Cakesputer?) Swamp were no more been laying strata upon strata, out of than names in the pages of a book. Slg. ht ... " Until Frank Kalaverkamp took me to Then, along another area of the see them in an abandoned C.C.C. camp river, Fred has found another place, now part of the state forest of the

Hydrology Page 12 area, the broken fireback bearing the name if Martha, for Martha Furnace, and a great "Plank" of iron, to be moved only by the combined efforts of several muscular men had given no color to the legends and lore of the old iron forge and furnaces. This suddenly, once again, the Mullica River was more than that for all that showed above the surface. It had become a hiding place of details of many more chapters of a colorful story that is a part, however unappreciated, of New Jersey's Colonial conflict. I doubt if New Jersey knows what a treasure it has or if it knows just how to begin to reclaim and preserve it. All I know it that it will require the patience, the thought and the alert "rooting" out of submerged secrets of the past on the part of a great many people who love the river to make up for what others fail, for one reason or another, to do. It is now my firm conviction that the bottom of the Mullica River is as littered with unsung history as the areas within sight have been found to be these last few years."


Hydrology Page 13 ------


On the following page is a map depicting the location of Mullica Township's major surface water bodies as listed below. The Great Egg Harbor River tributary in Mullica Township is Makepeace Stream.

• Great Egg Harbor River • Makepeace Streem • Mullica River • Sleeper Branch • Nescochague Creek • Brockaways Branch • Petties Branch • Hammonton Creek • Nortons Branch • Lucas Branch • First Branch • Pine Creek • Landing Creek - • Indian Cabin Creek


Nescochague Creek w E

s Sleeper Branch

CJ Municipal Boundary Petties Branch Roads N._county /:\1 Municipal fV other

/)\/State Great Egg Herbor River 1v Train Pine Creek 1 Streams Lakes Landing Creek Wetlands & Flood prone Combined Roodprone Areas - Primary Floodprone Secondary Floodprone Makepeace Stream

4000-- - 0 4000- 8000 Feet throughout Mullica Township. They Freshwater Wetlands are found between dry upland areas and inland waters, along rivers and Wetlands have long been considered streams, and around lakes and ponds. the stepchildren of the environment. Wetlands include marshes, which are Known as bogs, bottom lands, marshes, most often covered with water; fens, and just plain swamps, wetlands swamps and wet meadows which are were seen as areas that needed covered with water for only a portion remediation in the form of filling, of the year; and bogs, which have a draining and clearing. An alarming very restricted inflow and outflow of number of these vital natural areas water, and often provide habitat for have disappeared as a result of those plant species that wi II not survive activities. elsewhere. Wetlands depend on the Today, we recognize the importance presence of surface or ground water of wetlands and the enormous from rainfall, flooding, snowmelt, diversity of life forms found there. and/or subsurface water. Our freshwater wetlands provide The presence of water is not always habitat for thousands of species, both obvious and is sometimes determined - plant and animal. They supply water to by indicators, such as high water upland species, provide cover and marks on tree trunks, moss lines on moisture for nest sites and trees and elevated roots. subsequent young, and provide vital Three conditions must exist to rest areas for migratory birds. classify an area as a wetland: the soil Wetlands protect our water supply by must be a hydric soil, the vegetation acting as natural filters, trapping must be hydrophytic vegetation, and sediment and purifying water. During the area must be either flooded or times of drought, they maintain saturated for enough of the time to critical base flows to surface waters support that vegetation. and they provide a natural means of flood and storm damage protection by Hydric Soils slowing down and temporarily storing runoff water, thus reducing Hydric soils are wetland soils which downstream flooding. contain excess water long enough to inhibit oxygen content (needed for Wetlands Definitions normal vegetation). There are two categories of hydric soils-organic Freshwater wetlands occur and mineral.

Hydrology Page 15 • Organic soils contain a high organic (American holly, beech, bracken matter content due to the slow fern). breakdown of materials because of the lack of oxygen. These soi Is are very dark in color. Freshwater Wetlands De·finition • Mineral soils have a low organic content and have been saturated The Freshwater Wetlands Protection long enough to substantially change Act defines a wetland as: their properties. They are usually An area that is inundated or gray mottled and can have dark saturated by surface water or vertical streaks, brown or orange groundwater at a frequency and channels left by old roots and/or duration sufficient to support, and the odor of hydrogen sulfide. that under normal circumstances does • support, a prevalence of ve'getation typically adapted for life in saturated Hydrophytic Vegetation soil conditions, commonly known as hydrophytic vegetation. ... Hydrophytic plants are adapted to Simply put, to be a wetland, an area living in wet soil conditions and are must be wet enough to cre·ate a hydric unique in that they grow in soils that soi I and to support hydrophytic -- lack oxygen because of the water vegetation. content. There are four categories of hydrophytic plants: On the following page is a diagram of wetlands values and funch:ms. • Obligate: nearly always occur in wetlands (cattails, skunk cabbage, swamp azalea, white cedar). • Facultative wetland: occur in Wetlands Classifications wetlands 2/3 of the time (cinnamon fern, pin oak, highbush The Freshwater Wetlands Protection blueberry, elderberry). Act recognizes three clas!iifications • Facultative: occur in wetlands of wetlands. They are as f,ollows: between 113 and 2/3 of the time; • Exceptional resource VCllue also occur in uplands (red maples, wetlands which discharge into foxtail grass, rhododendron). protected waters or trout • Facultative upland: more typical of production streams, or provide uplands but will grow in wetlands habitat for threatened or less than 1/3 of the time endangered species.

Hydrology Page 16 -

Hydrology Page 17 • Ordinary resource value wetlands Activities. which are small isolated areas not tributaries of lakes, rivers or Nearly all activities intendE~d to be streams, and are surrounded by carried out in freshwater wetlands development, such as drainage and many activities intended in ditches, swales or detention transition areas and state e>pen facilities. waters require a permit. Examples of • Intermediate resource value activities include removal, E~xcavation, wetlands that are not defined as dredging, dumping, dischar!ling, filling, exceptional or ordinary. destruction of plant life, er·ection of structures and placement of pavement. Transition Areas Site classification. Transition areas occur between wetlands and uplands and act as The Act uses a federal method of buffer zones to minimize the impact identifying wetlands, which has four of human activities. These areas are basic approaches: routine onsite important habitat for plants and determination, intermediat~e-level wildlife as they contain both wet and onsite determination, comprehensive dry land portions. Transition areas are onsite determination, and disturbed also protected and their size depends area and problem area on the classification of wetlands they determinations. Once it is decided surround. Pineland wetlands require a that an area is a wetland, it is then standard transition area of 300 feet. classified; exceptional resource value wetlands have additional restrictions and limits on the types of permits The Freshwater Wetlands Protection issued. Intermediate and or·dinary Act resource value wetlands allow a greater range of activities, as do The freshwater wetlands in Mullica transition areas. Township are protected by the New Jersey Freshwater Wetlands Permits. Protection Act, which is one of the most comprehensive wetlands To obtain a permit from the DEP, protection acts in the country and applicants can request a Letter of supercedes any municipal land use plan Interpretation (LOI) which will or zoning ordinance. establish what permits ma)' be

Hydrology Pa~~e 18 required. Public comment is welcomed to provide an informal and non-binding on LOis and applicants are required to guidance for what may be involved. send notice of their applications to the municipal clerk and construction Enforcement. official of their township (who in turn, must inform the Environmental Penalties for violating the Freshwater Commission), as well as all property Wetlands Protection Act can be owners within 200 feet of the severe-up to $10,000 a day and proposed site. restoration of damaged wetlands. Individual permits are evaluated for Persons violating the act are also their ability to show no practicable subject to civil and sometimes alternatives to the site, including criminal penalties. Permits must be other freshwater wetlands where the posted on-site for all activities impact might be less. Permits for involved. The public is encouraged to exceptional resource value wetlands notify the DEP of possible violations. must show compelling public need or extraordinary hardship. The environmental impact must then meet Long Term Protection of Freshwater - three criteria: (1) that it will not be a Wetlands threat to any threatened or endangered species; (2) it will not be a Deed restrictions or public ownership violation of water quality standards; of wetlands provides the surest and (3) it does not violate any marine long-term protection. sanctuary. Local governments can acquire A mitigation plan is required before wetlands through purchasing them or any activity can be approved. receiving them by donation. Funding Mitigation takes the form of for purchasing is avai Iable from both restoration, creation or enhancement public and private sources. A legal of wetlands, or contribution of money document articulating a commitment to wetlands restoration funds. There to preservation must be part of any are some exemptions and acquisition agreement, delineating the grandfathered activities allowed by method of maintenance, responsibility the Act. Check with NJ Department for maintenance, maintenance taxes of Environmental Protection to find and insurance, compulsory assessment out what these are. The DEP provisions, and any other - recommends that an applicant specifications deemed necessary. schedule a pre-application conference New Jersey legislation has directed

Hydrology Page 19 tax assessors to take conservation Farmers who grant at least a 50-year easements and wetlands into account conservation easement ca1n receive - when they are valuing land. The NJ reduction of financial debt. Supreme Court has ruled that property encumbered by a perpetual Benefits of Wetlands Preservation easement that benefit the public should be assessed at a lower value. Wetlands preservation bel'lefits both Municipalities should encourage the public and the individual property reassessment of properties with owner. Property owners or developers wetlands. who preserve wetlands: There are also opportunities for • may enjoy tax benefits; restoration of wetlands on farms. • complete projects morE~ easily by There are programs to provide avoiding some regulatory technical and financial assistance to requirements; reduce soil erosion, which helps • finish projects for lowe:r costs; protect wetlands from sedimentation • gain satisfaction for protection of and pesticide/fertilizer contamination. a valuable natural resoUJrce. Farmers can receive benefits if they refrain from using marginal areas for The public gains a unique r•~ource­ 10 years. Farms that have converted special areas that shelter wildlife and wetlands that supported commodity endangered species, prevent flooding crops can receive 50% of the cost of a and protect water quality. planting and management program.



The following map shows the areas of Mullica Township that are classified as freshwater and saline wetlands. The map key describes the type of wetland depicted by each color unit.






4000- --0 4000 8000 Feet participates in this program and Floodprone Areas works with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to Floodplains are relatively flat reduce further losses. areas along a stream that are naturally subject to flooding. FEMA develops data concerning Undeveloped floodplains act as flood-risk areas and uses that data storage basins, lowering flood both for floodplain management crests and minimizing erosion. and to determine insurance rates. Development in floodplains Flood hazard frequency is destroys these natural flood measured by the average controls, causing increased public frequency with which a flood will costs for storm drains, dams and occur in a given area. The agency other man-made flood controls, has identified and mapped areas and diminishing the natural value within the township that have a of the stream corridor. 100 year or a 500 year flood hazard frequency. The term "100- The first step to protect stream year flood" can be misleading; - corridors and wetlands is to define although it represents the long and map the areas, so planning term average interval for a flood board members know where they of a certain size to occur, this are. The Environmental "representative flood" can occur in Commission can then work on any given year of that 100 year development strategies for period. In many instances, preserving these ecologically communities have sustained two or important areas, such as obtaining even three 100-year or greater easements from property owners. floods within a several-year period. So the standard works as a tool Flood Insurance. for measuring the frequency of a flood of a certain magnitude, but it The National Flood Insurance cannot predict its timing. Every Program is a Federal program that year there is a 1'Yo chance that a allows property owners to purchase 100-year flood will occur. The 100- federally backed flood insurance in year flood is also referred to as return for floodplain management the "base flood." Another term measures taken by the community used by FEMA is the base flood to reduce flood risks to new elevation. This is simply the height development. Mullica Township of the representative 100-year

Hydrology Page 23 flood as compared to a specific floodway. The regulator)' floodway elevation standard set by the is the channel of a stream plus any - government in 1929. adjacent floodplain areas that Of special interest to lenders is must be kept free of the fact that within the special encroachment, so that the 100- flood hazard area there is a 26% year flood discharge can be chance of experiencing such a conveyed without increa~;ing the flood over a typical 30-year base flood elevation mor1e than a mortgage period. By contrast, specified amount. The FIRM is there is only a 11o chance of distributed to a wide range of suffering a fire loss over the same users-private citizens, community period. officials, insurance agents and brokers, lending institut1ions, and Mullica Township controls flood­ Federal agencies. The mClp is hazard risk through township generally used to determine the ordinances. The most significant of degree of flood hazard in specific these required ordinances are areas of the township so that those which regulate acts such as properties at risk can be: properly issuing building permits for new insured. It allows the us:er to residential construction in flood identify special flood ha:zard areas, hazard areas. Buildings in those identify the location of c1 specific areas must be constructed so that property, estimate the base flood the lowest floor will be located elevation at a specific site, above the base flood elevation .. determine the flood insurance zone at a specific site, and de:termine The document prepared by FEMA the location of the regullatory depicting flood hazard areas in the floodway. The flood insurance township is called a Flood studies done by FEMA are also Insurance Rate Map (referred to presented in a report. This report as a FIRM). This map shows the (FIS Report) is a technical 100 and 500-year flood hazard document that provides areas, the base elevations and the information used mainly by flood insurance zones that community officials for floodplain determine insurance rates based management, and can be reviewed on flood risk. It also shows areas at township planning, zoning, or designated as a regulatory engineering offices. -


The Mullica Township Floodprone Areas map shows the portions of the Township that are 100 and 500 year flood hazard areas. The 100-year areas are labeled Primary Floodprone, and the 500-year areas are labeled Secondary Floodprone.

Hydrology Page 25 Hydrology Page 26 MULLICA TOWNSHIP FLOODPRONE




Roads Ncounty /\/Municipal /\jOther /VState lv ~~~~s streams Municipal Boundary Floodprone Areas Primary Floodpron e ;::::::=::::; L----1 Secondary Floodprone

4000-- --0 4000 8000 Feet The water contained in these Groundwater underground reservoirs in New Jersey is greater than the quantity in all the Mullica Township is located in the rivers and lakes in the state combined. Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic province. Beneath the land surface, The water bearing aquifers beneath there exists a great quantity of fresh Mullica Township are members of the ground water contained in the pore Kirkwood Formation-principally those spaces of the sands and gravels of the known as the Kirkwood and the Coastal Plain. Cohansey Sand.

The Township is completely dependent on groundwater for its potable water Kirkwood supply. Groundwater is also the primary source of water for industrial The Kirkwood consists chiefly of sand, and agricultural use and it supplies silt and clay. It is divided into two the complete base flow to all major layers. The upper layer, which freshwater streams and rivers in the marks the contact with the overlying - township. Consequently, groundwater Cohansey Sand, consists of a thick can be considered the township's most section of silty, blue Kirkwood clay. important natural resource. This bed of clay is approximately 300 to 400 feet thick. Groundwater is obtained from wells and springs that tap into aquifers. It Lying below the Kirkwood Clay is the can be contaminated by pouring Kirkwood sand. It has very good household wastes down the drain, by water bearing properties and is a dumping contaminants near wellhead major aquifer in southern New Jersey. areas, and by polluting recharge areas. The Kirkwood sand is about 80 feet thick in the vicinity of Mullica Township. The bottom contact is Aquifers marked by the abrupt appearance of large amounts of greensand from the Aquifers are porous underground underlying formation. geologic formations that hold water. They have recharge areas where The Kirkwood Sand is encountered precipitation infiltrates the ground below Atlantic City, NJ at an and finds its way into the aquifer. approximate depth of 760 to 840 feet and thus has become known

Hydrology Page 27 locally as the "Atlantic City 800 Foot orange or reddish color. Some sand Sand." The formation crops out over beds are, however, light grcty to white. an area of about 165 square miles Gravel beds are generally lc~ss than running along a line from Salem to one-foot thick but may be Lip to Monmouth Counties. It underlies the several feet thick. Because the sands entire outer Atlantic Coastal Plain, are so highly porous, a consiiderable extending to the edge of the part-thirty percent or mor·e-of Continental Shelf. their total volume is void space capable of holding water. These sands The Kirkwood Sand is the most are generally medium to coctrse­ important aquifer in Atlantic County. grained, and therefore are capable of The aquifer is of highly permeable yielding a substantial portio~n of their material and is capable of yielding stored water for human use:. large amounts of water. The water occurs under artesian conditions; that The Cohansey contains many beds and is, the water-bearing sand is located lenses of clay that usually range in between upper and lower clay thickness from a few inches to twenty confining beds and the water is under feet. Clay beds may extend over hydrostatic pressure. The outcrop several square miles. The total (recharge) areas are in Gloucester and thickness of the Cohansey Sand Camden counties. Permeability ranges from 70 to 211 feet and the decreases as the formation nears the average thickness is 156 feet. The outcrop areas because the sands thickness varies throughout, but in become more finely grained, reducing general the aquifer thickens to the the size of the pore spaces in the southeast. sand. The Cohansey is exposed at the surface throughout most o1= Mullica Cohansey Sand Township. Where it is covered, it is overlain by thin layers of the The Cohansey Sand aquifer is Bridgeton and Cape May Formations. composed predominantly of highly The bottom contact of the Cohansey permeable and generally well-sorted with the underlying Kirkwood is sands and gravels and is thus able to marked by a thick section c1f silty blue store and transmit large quantities of Kirkwood clay. water. Sand grains are angular to well rounded and have an iron oxide This highly productive aquhfer crops surface stain which gives them an out, either at the surface or beneath -

Hydrology Pa~~e 28 a veneer of the permeable Cape May The Cohansey sand is recharged over and Bridgeton deposits, over an area most of its widespread outcrop area of 2350 square miles. This is more by the direct percolation of than the outcrop area of all the other precipitation. The infiltration aquifers in the NJ Coastal Plain. capacity of the aquifer is very high Because of this, it is exposed to and and overland flow, except in able to absorb vast quantities of established stream channels, seldom recharge from precipitation. occurs even in the heaviest storms. The Cohansey discharges locally into streams and ponds and loses water in Groundwater Movement some swampy areas through evaporation and transpiration. The The groundwater moves slowly seepage into streams represents the through the underground Kirkwood base flow of all streams and rivers in systems. It moves from areas where Mullica Township. infiltration of rainfall is occurring to natural outlets of seepage on the land - surface, and, eventually, to the ocean. Depth to Groundwater Groundwater in many areas of Mullica The groundwater in the Cohansey is Township is at the surface during the largely unconfined, which means it wet season. Groundwater generally represents the water-table aquifer. can be found at depths of two to four There is no standard pattern of feet below the surface. movement of water in the Cohansey. Recharge and discharge are generally local and they are connected by a Supply pattern of flow largely governed by topography. The quantity of water in underground storage varies slightly from season to season. It decreases with normal Recharge precipitation during the summer and fall when the use of water from The major sources of recharge to the vegetation and by pumpage from wells Kirkwood Formation are precipitation is large. It increases during the on the permeable parts of its outcrop winter and early spring when vegetal and on parts of the overlying growth and pumpage from wells are at Cohansey Sand. a minimum.

Hydrology Page 29 The Cohansey Sand contains the last • Chlorides large essentially untapped reserve of • Detergents water supply in the State of New • Total Dissolved Solids Jersey due to the sparse development of the region. The storage capacity If the well is in an area of c:oncern, of this formation is estimated to be however, it must also have c1dditional as much as 17 trillion gallons. testing for volatile organic .chemicals and/or mercury. Areas of c:oncern are The extensive urbanization of the those areas identified as sources of outcrop regions of the Kirkwood in contamination and all surrounding Camden and Gloucester Counties, areas that could be affecte:d by the which are the prime recharge areas, contamination. Areas of co~ncern are limits the amount of water being indicated by block and lot. returned to this aquifer.

Groundwater Pollution Groundwater Quality The susceptibility of the Cohansey Generally, the quality of water Sand aquifer to contamination from contained in the Kirkwood and human activities is great throughout - Cohansey aquifers is adequate for the outcrop area because of the high most uses but must be tested and permeability and low buffer•ing usually must be treated to meet capacities of the sands. Landfills, county standards for obtaining a septic systems, underground storage mortgage or a certificate of tanks and agricultural activities have occupancy for new construction. The all posed a threat to water quality in water tends to have a low pH level and Mullica Township. Local township has a high iron concentration in some wells have evidenced contamination areas. from volatile organic chemicals, mercury, nitrates and fecal coliform. Atlantic County requires an eight·· parameter test to meet county standards. The parameters are: Contamination Sources. • Bacteria • Nitrates One primary source of contamination • pH in the township has been le~aking • Iron underground storage tanks. The • Mercury State of New Jersey Depa1rtment of --

Hydrology Environmental Protection recently Known Contaminated Sites mandated that all underground storage tanks be registered and The following are the known removed and/or upgraded to NJDEP contaminated sites in Mullica standards. Removal of many of these Township as listed by the NJDEP old tanks revealed highly compromised Known Contaminated Sites Municipal tank walls resulting in leaking Report for 1997. This is the most conditions and causing extensive soil recent list as of this writing. Active and groundwater contamination. The status indicates that the cleanup is in contaminants are normally petroleum progress; pending status indicates products such as gasoline, kerosene or that the case is waiting for diesel fuel, all of which release assignment. volatile organic chemicals (VOC's) into the groundwater. The cleanup of some of these sites Other sources of contamination have may have been completed by this been naturally occurring heavy metals writing and additional sources of such as mercury, high nitrate content, contamination have been discovered in sometimes due to heavy agricultural Mullica Township since 1997. These activities, and fecal coliform from changes are reflected in the County landfill activity and from failed septic records, which are updated more systems. frequently.

NJDEP Known Contaminated Sites: Contaminated Areas

• New Jersey Bell Telephone Mullica Most remediation processes for soi I Township located at White Horse and groundwater contamination are Pike and Columbia Roads. This case quite slow and the cleanup can take broke in 1987. As of 9/23/94 its several years. During this time, the status is pending. groundwater remains vulnerable to • Forks Landing Marina located on contamination within a certain radius Camp Swiss Avenue. This site has of the contaminated site. This radius, active status as of 12/1/89. along with the contaminated site • Gasway Service Station located at itself, is referred to by the county as Rte. 30 and Union Road. This case an Area of Concern (AOC). broke on 1/9/92 and involved leaking underground storage tanks containing gasoline and kerosene.

Hydrology Page 31 The site has had active status lot. The list is provided primarily for since 119/92. real estate transactions and is - • Mel's Transmission located at 7 updated as needed. The toW'nship White Horse Pike. The case broke receives a copy of each updated list. on 12/17/92. The present status is pending. Blocks and lots included in the Area of • Joseph Perona scrap metal at the Concern listing are not necessarily Columbia Road location. The case contaminated. However, th1ese broke on 5/1/86. This area of properties are located near a polluted concern is still active as of this well and may therefore be particularly writing. wlnerable to contamination. Listed • Mullica Township Landfill located properties require additionCll testing on Elwood Weekstown Road. The (generally a volatile organic chemical case broke on 4/29/93 and [VOC] scan and/or mercury [Hg] test) involved groundwater quality to obtain a water certification. This exceedences of fecal coliform requirement pertains only to private contamination. wells intended for potable use • Perona Brothers Tire Fire site located on Route 30. The fire took Mullica Township Areas of Concern as place on 12/10/86. indicated on the Atlantic County • Citgo Gas Station located on Health Department's realtors list Pleasant Mills Road. The case was dated August, 1999 are as follows: reported on 3/27/97 and involved underground storage tanks leaking Area of Concern 6401 gasoline and diesel fuel. Suspected sources of contctmination: Mel'sTransmission Areas of Concern 7 S. White Horse Pike Block 2701 The Atlantic County Division of Public Lot 4 Health maintains a listing of all known or suspected areas of groundwater Center Ford contamination in Mullica Township 1200 S. White Horse Pike (areas of concern). The list is Block 3501 developed based on testing of private Lots 2,3 well water by the Atlantic County Division of Public Health. Areas of The Mel's Transmission site involves a concern are identified by block and leaking underground storage tank, a -'

Hydrology Page 32 transmission fluid discharge and the tanks at the Elwood Gasway Service presence of several 55-gallon drums Station property. The-tar~t

Lots 3 I 4 I 10 and 11 The following private wells in this area of concern were tested for This area of concern involves the groundwater contamination on removal of seven underground storage 7/10/97:

Hydrology Page 33 Block Lot Hanover 3404 9,11 3405 4,7 Suspected source(s) of contamination: 3409 6,8 Unknown 3410 1,2,4 All contaminant levels tested This area of concern involves a registered non-detect. domestic supply well (Block 11218; Lot 12) that showed a 6.45 ppb The Elwood Gasway case broke on mercury level. The maximum 4/22/92. The site presently has contaminant level for mercury is 2.0 active status in the NJDEP Site ppb. Remediation Program; however no remedial action workplan has been This case broke on 4/28/9t~. Atlantic approved as of this writing (4/2000). County Health Department testing of 14 private wells in the vicinity of the There are several potable wells in the site revealed one well with cln vicinity of the site. To date, none exceedence of mercury (Hg). have shown evidence of contamination. Groundwater moves slowly in the area This area of concern is made up of the due to the lack of relief; it has been following blocks and lots; also listed determined that groundwater flow are the additional water qu.1lity tests from the site is to the NNW. required:

This area of concern is made up of the Area of Tests following blocks and lots; also listed Concern Blocks Lots Required are the additional water quality tests required: 6403 10207 2,3,4,5,9 Hg 10302 15 Hg Area of Tests 10501 1,2,3,40,41 Hg Concern Blocks Lots Required 11206 6,9 Hg 11207 9.02,10.01, 6402 3404 10,11 voc 10.02,10.03 Hg 3405 4-8 voc 11215 All Hg 3409 8 voc 11216 All Hg 3410 1,3 ,4 ,10 ,11 voc 11217 All Hg 11218 All Hg 11306 All Hg Area of Concern 6403 11307 All Hg

Hydrology Pa9e 34 11308 All Hg Area of Concern 6411 11309 All Hg 11315 1,8 Suspected source of contamination: 11316 1 Hg Unknown 11317 1 Hg 11318 1,2 Hg The area of concern is made up of the 11319 1-3 Hg following blocks and lots; also listed are the additional water quality tests required: Area of Concern 6409 Area of Tests Suspected source of contamination: Concern Blocks Lots Required Unknown 6411 2301 2,5 voc This area of concern involves a 2903 1-19 voc domestic well (Block 10501; Lot 5) 2905 1-3 voc that exceeded the maximum 3704 All voc contaminant level for VOC's. 3705 All voc 3706 All voc The case broke on 6/96. On 6/97 3707 All voc five private wells in the area were 3708 All voc tested for VOC's, mercury, and nitrates. One well exceeded for VOC's. Area of concern 6416 Poplar Ave This area of concern is made up of the following blocks and lots; also listed Suspected source of contamination: are the additional water quality tests Unknown required: This area of concern involves a Area of Tests domestic supply well (4216 White Concern Blocks Lots Required Horse Pike, Block 3040; Lot 4) that exceeded the MCL for volatile 6409 9603 7 voc organics. The case broke on 1/5/99. 9702 1 voc Five wells in the vicinity were tested 10302 13-14; for VOC's, mercury and nitrates by - 23-25 voc the Atlantic County Health 10501 4-7 voc Department. One exceeded the MCL

Hydrology Page 35 for volatile organics with a are the additional water qu

Hydrology Page 36 included mercury, benzene, styrene, The owners of these sites were asked 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1- to sign an agreement to conduct a dichloroethane, trichloroethane and voluntary preliminary assessment and tetrachloroethane. site investigation of their property. They were informed that the NJDEP's Four properties were identified as Division of Publicly Funded Site possible sources. Remediation was directly handling the domestic supply well contamination, Block 3401, Lot 3, was identified as a and might soon be moving into source former gas station. Two underground identification activities. At that storage tanks were identified on the time, the department would conduct site that contained a petroleum any remedial investigation and product that smelled like gasoline. A remedial actions of both soil and former pump island was also identified ground water and any other remedial on the property. activities required at the sites if the owners failed to conduct those Block 3404, Lot 10 was also identified activities. The owners were also as a former gasoline station. Fill pipes informed that the Department would for two underground storage tanks conduct, and that the owners would be were identified. Mercury, styrene, liable for, all remedial actions for any 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1- contamination which had migrated dichloroethane, trichloroethane and from the property. tetrachloroethane were detected in the groundwater near the site. Several wells in the area were tested in April of 1999 and the following Block 3407, Lot 2 was identified as a exceeded the maximum contaminant former gun/gunsmithing shop. One levels (MCL's are given in underground storage tank was parentheses): identified and a septic tank. 927 White Horse Pike Block 3409, Lot 1 was identified as a Block 3408, Lot 2 former gasoline station. One Benzene (1.0) 1.2 ppb underground storage tank containing a Trichloroethene (1.0) 1.7 ppb petroleum product was identified on Methylene Chloride (3.0) 6.0 ppb the site. Also identified were former Tetrachloroethene (1.0) 1.1 ppb garage bays, a hydraulic lift, an aboveground tank, pump islands and a 111 White Horse Pike septic system. Block 3408

Hydrology Page 37 Lot 1 Area of TE~sts Mercury (2) 2.4 ppb Concern Blocks Lots RE~guired - Methylene Chloride (3.0) 6.7 ppb Benzene (1.0) 1.5 ppb 6422 3040 4 VO;Hg Trichloroethene (1) 2.2 ppb 3401 All VO;Hg 3402 All VO;Hg 4509 White Horse Pike 3404 5,6 VO;Hg Block 3409 3406 All VO;Hg Lot 7 3407 All VO;Hg Benzene (2) 522.72 ppb 3408 All VO;Hg Styrene (100) 115.73 ppb 3409 1-7,9 VO; Hg Trichloroethene (1) 4.07 ppb 4113 All VO;Hg 1,2 dichloroethane (2) 56.04 ppb 4149 4,6,7 8,9 VO;Hg 4401 White Horse Pike 4161 All VO;Hg Block 3407 4172 2,4 VO;Hg Lot 2 4173 All VO;Hg Mercury (2) 26.04 ppb 4184 3 VO;Hg Trichloroethene (1) 8.02 ppb 4185 All VO;Hg 1,1 dichloroethane (2) 5.0 ppb 4196 3,4 VO;Hg - Methylene Chloride (3) 29.11 ppb 4197 All VO;Hg Tetrachloroethene (1) 18.29ppb 41109 All VO;Hg 41121 All VO; Hg 4416 White Horse Pike 41133 All VO;Hg Block 3403 41145 All VO;Hg Lot 1 41157 1,2,4 VO;Hg Mercury (2) 2.77 ppb 41158 All VO; Hg 1,1 dichloroethane (2) 4.3 ppb The NJDEP Known Contamir1ated 4216 South White Horse Pike Sites List updates are not consistent. Block 3040 The last update was in 199~r; the next Lot4 update is expected in the fclll of Chloroform (10) 45.56 ppb 2000.

This area of concern is made up of The Atlantic County Health the following blocks and lots; also Department Realtor's List i~i updated listed are the additional water quality continually as new information tests required: becomes available. -


The following map shows the approximate locations of contaminated sites and areas of concern in Mullica Township according to the most current available information.

Hydrology Page 39 MULLICA TOWNSHIP




Roads f:VCounty N. Municipal N Other /;\/state lv Train 'llii Open Space

AOC6401 AOC6411 • AOC6402 AOC 6416 • AOC6403 AOC 6421 • AOC6409 •0 AOC 6422

• 4000 4000 8000 Feet --- 0 - VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE


- WILDUFE ...... 3 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES ...... •...... 3 Natural Heritage Site Descriptions ...... 4 NE of Weekstown Site...... 5 Columbia Road Swales ...... 5 Reading at Darmstadt Site ...... 5 Mackenzie Swales ...... 6 Batsto Macrosite...... 6 DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES ...... •...... 11 NATURAL HERITAGE SITE MAP FOR MULUCA TOWNSHIP ...... 24

THE ELWOOD CORRIDOR············································································································ 25 Description ...... 25 Purpose ...... 26 Characteristics ...... 26 Protection ...... 27 Studies...... 29 New Jersey Conservation foundation 1996 Survey ...... 29 Survey Results ...... 30 New Jersey Conservation Foundation 1997 Survey ...... 30 Survey Results ...... 31 SITE MAPS ...... 37 Discussion ...... 42

Wildlife Page 1 -

Wildlife Page 2 WILDUFE

It is not known how the disappearance of a given species affects the ecology of the planet as a whole, but we do know that biodiversity gives an important stability to the ecology of a region. Mullica Township is important habitat for several of New Jersey's threatened and endangered animal and plant species.

Threatened and Endangered Species

When a population falls below certain Database of the Natural Lands numbers in the country, it is listed by Management Office of the New the federal government as Jersey Department of Environmental endangered or threatened; if the Protection Division of Parks and species declines in the state but is Forestry. The Elwood Corridor data generally stable in the country as a was supplied by the New Jersey whole, it is listed as state endangered Conservation Foundation. This or threatened. Sometimes a important precaution is advised. The population occurs in only one location purpose of the maps is to enable the ·- in the entire world; it is then Environmental Commission and the referred to as globally rare. Planning Board to make wise and prudent decisions concerning new This section contains 1) a description development in these sensitive areas. of sites and a list of the threatened It is the job of the Environmental and endangered species they contain; Commission to help determine any 2) a list of threatened and need for protection of these sites; endangered species that have been sometimes it is possible for the observed in Mullica Township, along township to purchase them and with descriptions and illustrations; preserve them as open space. The and 3) a map of general areas (sites) maps should not, however, be used as that are habitat for the threatened a means of locating any of the species and endangered species populations or for disturbing them in any way. occurring in the Township. Also described in this section is a special The Natural Lands Management area of study known as the Elwood Office requires that the following Corridor. notice be included whenever information provided by the Natural The site descriptions and species lists Heritage Database is published: were taken from the Natural Heritage

Wildlife Page 3 CAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS The Natural Lands Management ON NATURAL HERITAGE DATA Office has mapped out site.s that are The quantity and quality of data habitat for certain threatened and collected by the Natural Heritage endangered species. The sites are of Program is dependent on the research two types, macrosites, whic:h cover and observations of many individuals large areas, and standard s:ites which and organizations. Not all of this are smaller, more concentre1ted information is the result of habitats. The Natural Heritage comprehensive or site-specific field Database contains several thousand surveys. Some natural areas in New records of individual occur•·ences of Jersey have never been thoroughly listed species and ecosystems, but surveyed. As a result, new locations much work still needs to be. done. The for plant and animal species are mapping is intended for "red-flagging" continuously added to the database. the general areas in which the Since data acquisition is a dynamic, occurrences are located, ar·eas that ongoing process, the Natural Heritage may therefore be significmtt for Program cannot provide a definitive endangered biological diver·sity. statement on the presence, absence, or condition of biological elements in Biodiversity significance is rated in any part of New Jersey. Information the database as follows: supplied by the Natural Heritage Program summarizes existing data Outstanding significance: rGenerally a known to the program at the time of "last of the least" type, such as an the request regarding the biological only known occurrence of cmy species. elements or locations in question. They should never be regarded as Very high significance: The most final statements on the elements or outstanding occurrence of any areas being considered, nor should community or species. they be substituted for on-site surveys required for environmental High significance: Occurrt~nce of a assessments. The attached data is very important species or 1:dement or provided as one source of information a good concentration of any element. to assist others in the preservation of natural diversity. Moderate significance: State-rare species or concentration of species Notural Heritogtl Site IJescriptions close to becoming threatened or endangered. -

Wildlife Page 4 Of general biodiversity interest or species list and globally rare. Pine open space. Barren Boneset is imperiled in the state because of its rarity due to NE of Weekstown Site destruction of habitat. The site is also habitat to the Pine Barren The NE of Weekstown site is located Gentian which is on the Pinelands in the floodplain of the Mullica River Commission endangered or threatened west of Green Bank Road. The site is species list, is imperiled in the state situated in a muddy, intertidal shore because of its rarity due to area in fresh to brackish water. It is destruction of habitat and is globally of moderate significance because it rare; and the Pale Beak Rush which is contains a rare plant species. The rare in the state and globally rare. globally rare Parker's pipewort has been observed on this site. Reading at l>armstadt Site

Columbia Road Swales The Reading site is a sandy roadside and mowed powerline right-of-way in a The Columbia Road Swales is a section pitch-pine lowland. The site is of Very - of mowed powerline right-of-way fifty High significance, containing good feet wide that runs parallel to the populations of globally imperiled and railroad. Several intermittent globally rare plant species. Found in streams cross the site. This site this site are Pine Barren Reedgrass includes a wetland habitat for rare which is on the Pinelands Commission plant species plus a buffer area. It is endangered and threatened species of Very High significance due to list; Barratt's Sedge, also endangered excellent occurrences of three in the Pinelands and globally rare; Pine globally rare plant species and an Barren Gentian which is on the occurrence of a globally imperiled Pinelands Commission endangered or plant species. Special concern species threatened species list, is imperiled in are also present. The site is habitat the state because of its rarity due to for the Pine Barren Reedgrass which destruction of habitat and is globally is on the Pinelands Commission rare; and Knieskern's Beaked Rush endangered and threatened species which is on the federal endangered list; Barratt's Sedge, also endangered species list, the state endangered in the Pinelands and globally rare; the species list, the Pinelands Commission Pine Barren Boneset which is on the endangered or threatened species state endangered species list, the list, is considered to be critically Pinelands endangered or threatened imperiled in New Jersey because of

Wildlife Page 5 its extreme rarity and is critically list I the state endangered species list, imperiled globally because of its the Pinelands Commission endangered extreme rarity. or threatened species list, is considered to be critically imperiled Mackenzie Swales in New Jersey because of its extreme rarity and is critically imper•iled Mackenzie swales is a mowed globally because of its extreme rarity; powerline right-of-way adjacent to a Pale Beak Rush which is rare in the railroad with a rolling topography. state and globally rare; Curly Grass The driest portions are damp Fern which is on the Pinelar~ds meadows, the wettest are sphagnous Commission endangered and bogs. The site includes successional threatened species list, is t•are in the wetland habitat for rare plant species state and is globally rare; Pine Barren and an adjacent forested buffer area. Bellwort, which is on the state It is a Very High significance site, endangered species list and Fringed containing one federally listed Yellow-Eyed Grass which is on the threatened plant species and five state endangered species liist and is additional globally rare plant species. critically imperiled in the state due to Found on this site are the Pine Barren its rarity. Reedgrass which is on the Pinelands Commission endangered and Batsto Macrosite - threatened species list; Barratt's Sedge, also endangered in the The Batsto Macrosite contains Pinelands and globally rare; Pine numerous pine barren sava1rmas and Barren Gentian which is on the cedar swamps along undeve~loped Pinelands Commission endangered or portions of the upper Mulliica rivers, threatened species list, is imperiled in and extensive pitch pine lowlands, pine the state because of its rarity due to oak, and oak pine forests ilrt destruction of habitat and is globally undeveloped portions of the rare; New Jersey Rush which is on the watershed for the river. This state endangered species list, the macrosite is of Outstandirtg Pinelands Commission endangered and significance due to the nurnerous threatened species list, is imperiled in exemplary globally rare communities the state because of its rarity due to and plant and insect speciE~. destruction of habitat I and is imperiled globally because of its Species in this habitat include: rarity; Knieskern's Beaked Rush which is on the federal endangered species -

Wildlife Page6 Globally critically imperiled, federally • Least Tern threatened, state endangered, and • Pine Barren Bell wort Pinelands endangered or threatened • Fringed Yellow-Eyed Grass • Knieskern's Beaked Rush • Button Bush Dodder • Coast Flatsedge Globally imperiled, federal and state • Twisted Spikerush endangered, and Pinelands endangered or threatened: State threatened: • Chaffseed • Red-Headed Woodpecker • Northern Pine Snake Globally imperiled, Pi nelands • Barred Owl endangered or threatened, state endangered and under consideration Globally rare and Pinelands for federal endangered or threatened endangered or threatened: status: • Barratt's Sedge • Bog Asphodel • Pink Tickseed • Pine Barren Smokegrass Globally imperiled, state endangered • Curly Grass Fern - and Pinelands endangered or threatened: Pinelands endangered or threatened: • New Jersey Rush • Red Milkweed • Long's Bulrush • Pinebarren Reedgrass • Pi nebarren Gentian Globally rare, state endangered and • Southern Twayblade Pinelands endangered or threatened: • Hairy Ludwigia • Pine Barren Boneset • Climbing Fern • Pine Barren Smoke Grass State endangered, Pinelands • Crested Yellow Orchid endangered or threatened: • Curly Grass Fern • Spreading Pogonia Globally rare: State endangered: • Herodias Underwing • Timber Rattlesnake • Scarlet Bluet • Pine Barrens Treefrog • Parker's Pipewort • False Boneset • A Spanworm • Bristling Panicgrass • Lemmer's Pinion Moth • Small Headed Beaked Rush • Doll's Merolonche • Lace-Lip Ladies' Tresses • Coastal Swamp Metarranthi

Wildlife Page 7 • Hessel's Hairstreak • Pitch Pine Lowland Forest • Pale Beak Rush • Coppery Emerald • Treetop Emerald • Pine Barrens Zale

On the following pages are drawings of leaf types and arrangements and flower types and arrangements to help understand the plant species descriptions.

Wildlife Page 8 Petiolecl (sullced)

Wildlife Page 9 -

~~tpetal~- ... ~· upperlip . . . ~al sepal lm:gular Rowen



Raceme $pike (flowm sta~dl (Oowtn not stalked)

Simple Umbel Compound Umbel -

Wildlife Description of Species

Barratt'sSedge(Carex Barrattii). This grass has a smooth stem that grows to about 3-8 dm. tall; the blades are 2-4 em. wide. Staminate spike is long and narrow, 3-5 em long. The 2-5 pistillate spikes are cylindrical, long and drooping. Seed is straw-colored and oval-shaped. Found in wet ground, especially in pine-barren swamps.

Bog Asphodel (Narthecium americanum). Erect, linear leaves radiating from the base; the raceme is 3-6 em long and crowded. The flowers are 4-6 mm long. The seed pod is long and pointed, 10-14 mm. Grows in pine-barren bogs.

'I ~ ' ~ :0-.i. y \ \.. Blue Boneset (Eupatorium coelestinum). A perennial with a slender stem growing two to three feet tall. The leaves are opposite, deltoid-ovate, mostly 3-10 em. long and 2-5 em. wide and sparsely hairy. Flowers grow 35-70 in each head; ordinarily bright blue or violet, often turning purple in drying. Found in - woodlands, on stream banks, in meadows and fields.

Wildlife Page 11 Bristling Panicgrass (Panicum aciculare). Canbys Lobelia (LobeliCJt Canbyi). Erect Sparse plant with stems 8-20 inches tall; stem, simple or branched above, 4-10 dm. - forms dense clumps; leaves long, tapered, tall. Leaves are linear, up to 5 em. Long, hairy, stiffly spreading. Spikelets oval 2-5 em. Wide. Racemes are slender with shaped, blunt, sparse; few flowers. Found few flowers, 1-3 dm. lor~g. Flower stems in sandy woods. and bracts about the SClme size. Flower is blue, about 10 mm. long. Found in swamps on the coastal plain.

- Button Bush Dodder (Cuscuta Cephalanthi). Flowers in clusters of 4; about 3 mm. long, stemless. In loose clusters; tube-shaped with lobes erect or spreading.


Wildlife Page 12 Chaffseed( Schwalbea americana). A perennial plant with a simple stem, 12 to 24 inches tall; upper leaves alternate and stemless, covered with soft, downy hairs; single yellow flowers tinged with purple grow out of the axils of the upper leaves. Found in moist, sandy so\\.

Coast Flatsedge (Cyperus polystachyos) An annual fern, stems 2-6 dm. tall. Leaves shorter than the stem, 1-3 mm. wide. Bracts 3-5, 5-18 em. long. The umbel has 1-6 stemless rays or spikes up to 6 em. long. Up to Each ray consists of 10-15 spikelets, commonly 8-15 mm. long and 1-1.8 mm. wide. The scales on the spikelets are straw-colored and oblong­ shaped. Found in wet soil mostly near the coast.

Curly Grass Fern (Schizaea pusilla). Slender rhizomes, radiating densely from base; mostly unbranched. Leaves very numerous, narrowly linear, 2-6 em. long, 0.3-0.4 mm.wide; toothless, unbranched, curled and stemless. 8-14 Sporangia per segment. Found on hummocks in bogs or - in wet, grassy places, in acid soil.

Wildlife Page 13 Elliptical Rushfoil (Crotonopsis elliptica). Stems 1-4 dm. tall, slender, usually repeatedly branched. Leaves linear to ovate lance-shaped, 1-3 em. long. Only 1 or 2 capsules in each spike. Found in sandy soils or rocky barrens.

Fringed Yellow-eyed Grass (Xyris fimbriata). Stems stout, 6-10 dm. tall. Leaves 3-6 dm.long, 5-10 mm wide. Spike oval-shaped, 10-25 mm. long, 8-12 mm. thick. The bracts that make up the spike are straw colored to b1rown and broadly oval, about 7 mm. long. The sepals are 6- 9 mm long and fringed. Found in wet pine barrens. ., I - f I ) I !

False Boneset (Kuhnia eupatorioides). Plants 3-13 dm. tall. Leaves narrow and lance-shaped to broad-based and lance­ shaped, 2.5-10 em. long; toothed. Heads mostly in small clusters terminating the branches; flowers 7-33 in each head; creamy white. Found in dry open spaces, especially in sandy soils.

Wildlife Hairy Ludwigia (Ludwigia hirtella). Stems Hellers Everlasting (Gnaphalium Helleri). are erect, branched, 4-10 dm. tall, hairy A fragrant, annual plant, about 1-8 dm. with spreading hairs. The leaves are tall, erect. The stem is thinly white and erect, lance-shaped, 2-5 em. long, hairy. Leaves numerous, linear and lance­ stemless. Pedicels 3-8 mm. long, shaped, up to about 10 em. long and 1 em. branching out near the top. Flower wide, stemless, hairy above and wooly petals 10-15 mm. long. Capsule is 4-6 mm. beneath. The blooms are branched and long, thick and square above, sharply many-headed; flat or round-topped. angled, round below; hairy with spreading Flowers are yellowish white or somewhat hairs. dingy and bristled. Found in dry, Found in swamps on the coastal plain. commonly sandy soil, often in woods.


Wildlife Page 15 Knieskerns Beaked Rush (Rhynchospora Longs Bulrush (Scirpus Longii). A Knieskernii). Stems up to 5 dm. tall. perennial with stems Uip to 2 dm. tall. Leaves 1-2 mm. wide, long, Leaves 5-10 mm. wide; bracts look like slender,tapering. Head 5-10mm. wide. leaves but are droopy at the ends. Seed oval; 1.1-1.3 mm. long, half as wide. Blooms are in several rays ascending from Triangular with 6 bristles. Found in pine the base; branched. The ultimate barren bogs. branches bear one to St~veral spikelets 5 - 8 mm long. Seeds have long bristles. found in marshes.



i /

Wildlife Page 16 New Jersey Rush (Juncus caesariensis). / Stem 4-7 dm. tall. Leaves rough, very ./ ' long and narrow, up to 3 dm. long. Bloomed portion is branched, 6-12 em. high, about 2/3 as thick. Blooms are at the end and the sides of the branches, "f\... about 1 em. in diameter with 2-6 flowers. The capsule is a long ellipse tapering to a short beak. Found in sphagnum bogs in \ 'll

the pine barrens. 'i \ I \ ~ \ . . ,,;/ \ Fr ' t'f ( ~a;;~U

Parkers Pipewort (Eriocaulon Parkerii). Leaves thin, 2-6 em. long. Stems 3-20 em long, but can reach 2 m. when growing in deep water. Heads are 3-5 mm. in diameter. Usually found in shallow water, occasionally in deep water or on miry shores.

Pale Beak Rush (Rhynchospora pallida). Stems 3-8 dm. tall, bulbuos at the base, usually exceeding the leaves. Flower clusters dense and round, 1-2.5 em. wide with 2 bracts. Seed is oval, 1.3-1.6 mm. long, brown with pale central spot; up to 3 bristles.

Wildlife Page 17 Pickerings Morning Glory (Breweria Pickeringii). Stems freely branched up to 8 dm. long; thin. Leaves linear, 3-5 em. long, 2-5 mm. wide, gradually narrowed at the base. Flower stems slender, about as long as the leaves, with two smaller bracts. White flowers are about 12 mm. long. Found in dry pine barrens on the coastal plain.

Pine Barren Reedgrc1ss (Calamovi Ifa brevipilis). Slender el"ect stems, 5-12 dm. tall from a thick short rhizome. The panicle is 1-3 dm long, loose, with - ascending or spreading branches. Found in swamps and bogs, pine barrens.

Pine Barren Boneset (Eupatorium resinosum). Fibrous rooted perennial, 4- 10 dm. tall. Leaves are long, lance­ shapped, stemless and serrated, 5-13 em. long and 5-15 mm. wide. Flower stems have small bracts; flowers white, 3-4 mm. long, mostly 9-14 in each head. Found in wet places, especially the pine barrens.

Wildlife Pa~~e 18 - Pine Barren Smoke Grass (Muhlenbergia Torreyana). Stems very slender, 2-4 dm. tall. Panicle slender,! to i as long as the entire plant. Spikelets are drab, ellipse­ shaped. Found in moist or wet, sandy or peaty soil, open meadows and bogs.

,yo ,, . \,. ;,,.:;- ,,.., ~~---··.

Purple Bladderwort (Utricularia purpurea). Stems are submerged, up to 1 m. long. Leaves are numerous, in whorls - of 5-7 separated by nodes; with many branches. Flowering branches are 3-15 em. long with 1-4 flowers. Flowers are about 1 em. long, wiolet or red-violet, the upper lip flat or concave, the lower lip bearing a yellow spot at the base. Found in quiet water along the coastal plain

Pink Tickseed (Coreopsis rosea). Perennial with well-developed, creeping rhizomes. Stem erect, 2-6 dm. tall. Leaves 2-5 em. long, linear, untoothed. Flowers numerous, 0.5-1 em wide; pink to sometimes white; yellow centers. Found in wet, often sandy or acid soil, or in shallow - water.

Wildlife Page 19 --- -~-~----~--~~~-~~~~-~~~~~~~~-

RedMilkweed (Asclepias rubra). Stems 5-12 dm. tall, bearing several pairs of leaves and 1 to few small terminal umbels. Leaves are stemless and lance-shaped, 8- 12 em. long and rounded at the base. The flower is red, 8-10 mm. long; hoods slender, erect, red or orange-red, 8-9 mm. long, horn nearly erect and nearly as long as the hood. Pods are 8-10 em. long, erect on stem. Found in swamps, bogs, and wet woods on or near the coastal , x;,, : xs plain. "' ~ !CaOn!JS.Caltim' Small Headed Beaked Rush (Rhynchospora microcE~phala). Stems erect, up to 1 m. tall. Heads dense, 8-15 mm. wide. Spikelets dar·k brown, with one perfect flower. Found on wet, acid soil on the coastal plain.

Sheathed Panic Grass ( Panicum scabriusculum). A tufted grass with few erect stems 8-12 dm. tall. Panicle oval­ shaped with spreading or ascending ' branches, or even em. long. '1. ' 8-12 20 ''\ \ Spikelets oval or lance-shaped, pointed, ~\*-- 2.2 to 2.6 mm. long. Found on wet ground in the coastal plain. r1 J ix~

Wildlife - Southern Twayblade (Listeria australis). Stem is 1.5-3 dm. tall. Leaves are ovate, 1-2.5 em. long, rounded at the base. Flower petals are oblong, about 2mm. Lip is narrow and oblong, dull red, 6-10 mm. long, cleft into two nearly linear lobes. Found in shaded bogs and wet woods. \

~·.· .. \ '\ "\\_,..-.

...... QV$JQf;a. '\·r, \\ - XY Swamp pink (Hellonias bullata). Spoon­ shaped leaves are evergreen, thick, naked stem ending in oval-shaped raceme of small pink flowers. Found in swamps and bogs.

Spreading Pogonia (Cieistes divaricata). Slender stem, 2-6 dm. tall. Leaf long and stemless, 5-11 em. long, 8-20 mm. wide. Flower somewhat nodding, purple-brown sepals and pink to rose-purple petals. Lip slightly exceeding the petals, greenish, veined with purple. Found in swamps and wet woods, mostly on the coastal plain.

Wildlife Page 21 nests; rarely on ground .. No lining except Twisted Spikerush (Eieocharis tortilis). that already present. Strong attachment A grass with stems of 10-32 inch length, to nest year after year .. Only owl besides which are often spirally twisted; the barn owl that has dttlrk eyes. spikelets are egg-shaped with few flowers. Honeycombed seeds are oval with angular ridges and are topped with a cone-shaped tubercle. Found in springy swamps, wet woods and thickets.

Eastern Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum). Breed in aba11doned gravel pits. Needs fresh water and terrestrial environments for breeding. Decline seems to be due to introduction of fish into - their natural breeding grounds and destruction of their man-made ones (gravel pits).

Barred Owl (Strix varia). Breeding range throughout U.S. Habitat is forests, mainly swampy woodlands. Nest typically cavity in tree, hollow in top of broken tree stub, or abandoned hawk

Wildlife Page 22 Northern Pine Snake (Pituophis acid waters of the New Jersey Pine melanoleucus). A subspecies of the Barrens. They feed on small insects pine-gopher snake. Large and and other invertebrates. powerfully built; small head. White, pale gray or yellowish with black blotches near front of body, often brownish toward rear. Generally diurnal, but may be active at night during hot weather. This snake takes refuge in mammal or tortoise burrows or under large rocks or logs. Noted for its consumption of rodents. When confronted, the snake hisses loudly, sometimes flattening its head and vibrating its tail, and then lunges at \\ the intruder. Timber rattlesnake ( Crotalus horridus). 35- 74 V2 11 long; yellowish­ brownish-or pinkish-gray, with tan or reddish-brown back stripe dividing chevron-like crossbands; dark stripe behind eye. Black tail. Found in unsettled swampy areas, canebrake thickets, and flood plains. Active Pine Barrens Treefrog (Hyla April to October, in the daytime in andersonii) This endangered frog has spring and fall, at night during the long limbs and digits ending in adhesive summer. When approached, remains disks for climbing trees and twigs. motionless. Record longevity exceeds Males have a vocal sac which connects 30 years. beneath their necks and may inflate. The coloration is green with lavender stripes bordered in white. Considerable orange also occurs along the folds of the legs. Pine Barrens Treefrogs are 1.125 to 1.75 inches long. Females grow larger than males. - Habitat is the swamps, bogs and warm


This map depicts the location of the sites where incidents of various threatened and endangered species have been recorded.



w E



Roads fY.County /:\/Municipal I:\/ other /;\/state ~ Train ·- Open Farmland Preservation D Municipal Boundary - Wildlife Management Areas Recreation Area

Site 4000-- --0 4000 8000 Feet The Elwood Corridor from Batsto in Burlington County through West Atlantic County to Cape May Description County. Mullica's town of Elwood is located in the approximate center of the The Elwood Corridor is a loosely corridor-thus the name ·Elwood defined area that extends roughly Corridor."

The red hatched area depicts the approximate boundaries of the Elwood Corridor landmass in Atlantic County. The position of Mullica Township within the Elwood Corridor is also ~epicted.

Wildlife Page 25 The Elwood Corridor was conceived by Entities with holdings in the corridor the authors of the Pinelands Act of area include the New Jersey the 1970's, which defined several Conservation Foundation, the Atlantic "critical areas", among these linkage County Park System, New Jersey corridors that ·connect areas which Natural Lands Trust, the Pine lands are preserved in their natural state. Commission, the Green Acres Program, They provide continuity for dispersal and the Division of Fish, Game and and genetic exchange among Wildlife. The Green Acres agency populations of a plant or animal coordinates the acquisitions. species, ensuring both the recolonization of populations which Purpose become locally extinct and the maintenance of genetic variability ... Several years ago, a scientist pointed However, none of the public money out the importance of a "land bridge" targeted large public acquisitions in connecting large preservation areas in those areas. It hasn't been until Burlington and Cape May Counties. recently that agencies have been The land bridge is essential to trying to rekindle interest in the maintaining genetic variability among corridor before it gets fragmented wildlife populations, both plant and beyond recognition. animal, by providing a continuity of habitat for dispersal and genetic In Burlington and Cape May counties, exchange, particularly in the face of much of the Pinelands were preserved continuing fragmentation of southern in public land, such as the Wharton, New Jersey's natural habitats. Bass River, Green Bank and Belleplain Genetic exchange ensures the State Forests. But in Atlantic County, recolonization of populations which much of the land was subdivided on otherwise would become locally tax maps into small parcels that were extinct. sold in early land-development schemes. Characteristics

Several government agencies and A!though portions of the Elwood environmental organizations are Corridor are interspersed with various loosely coordinating their efforts to types of human development and buy the most important pieces while numerous Q\'{ed roads pass through it, they still can and to slow development it nevertheless has large tracts of in the intervening pieces as much as forested open space. In addition to possible. being an important dispersal route,

Wildlife Pagel& these open space areas serve as various acquisition techniques to annual migrating bird feeding habitat protect lands for the public. and residential bird nesting habitat. The corridor also serves as an 1985 Hammonton News Article important link between lepidopteran (butterflies and moths) and odonate Headline: Elwood Was Once (dragonflies and damselflies) Proposed as Atlantic City's Dumping populations, and a necessary migration Ground route for reptile and amphibian populations, especially for snakes and Byline: The Way It Was by J.G. box turtles. Wilson

Protection Article: "ELWOOD - "They're trying to turn us into a trash pile." Or, "They Application of protective measures in want to turn us into a place where the this area would ensure that many rest of the county can get rid of its

critical resources are preserved. The junk and trash. II Elwood Corridor lands support a highly Then there was, "Dump the - diverse group of rare, threatened and dump/" endangered plants. Protection would All the above quotes of course preserve and enhance recreational were produced by the county's opportunities such as fishing, boating, efforts to install a regional landfill at camping, nature study and historic Amato/ not too long ago. sites. Now let's change the quotes A protected corridor would link and headlines a bit: "They are trying existing publicly owned lands and help to make Elwood the swill tub for develop a large contiguous parcel that Atlantic City. II supports maintenance of the region's Amato/ and Elwood are both ecological character and facilities located in Mullica Township. Where management. Amato/ ends and Elwood begins no one can truly say, for both are local names Several public and private entities of areas without corporate have been involved in the preservation boundaries, though Elwood can be of these lands, notably among them termed "the capitol of Mullica the New Jersey Conservation Township. II Foundation and the New Jersey Natural Lands Trust, both of whom The point is, locating the - have been leaders in the use of regional dump had a precedent. Many readers may be surprised to learn the

Wildlife Page 27 "swill tub" episode, which had Elwood But Middletown told them, in an uproar, occurred in 1890! rather arrogantly, that he was within The problems began when the · his rights and "I would like to see At/antic City hotels began to ship them stop it if they could u their garbage to Elwood late in June A few days later a petition was on the narrow-gauge railroad drawn condemning the nuiSiance and The line was in financial trouble was signed by every resident asked in 1880 and in 1883 was taken over by with the exception of one. The the powerful Reading Railroad, document was given to the local double-tracked andre- named the officials and there was a meeting of Atlantic City Railroad the Township Committee on June 28. But in 1880 the line had been The community had no board of re- duced to hauling garbage. The cars health but no problem. One was were unloaded into wagons owned by a organized on the spot and included man named Barclay Middleton. The the township assessor alon.g with stuff was carted through the village Walter Miller, township ciE!rk, George streets ap-parently in uncovered Biggs, who was made chairman and a vehicles by Middleton to a huge Mr. Bassett. piggery located on land owned by The newly created board of Thomas Smith. health wasted no time. It declared This prompted Dion Woolley the introduction of the garbage into the publisher of "The Hornet'~ a small Elwood a nuisance and ordered the Hammonton Newspaper, to charge the clerk to serve notice on Middleton and disposal program was making Elwood William Bischoff, agent for the "the swill tub of Atlantic City." railroad The notice was d~r enough This was picked up by M. F. - "there must not be any more Champlin, an erudite citizen and garbage brought here by cars or resident of Elwood, to write a long drawn from the Elwood SttJtion by letter of protest to the South Jersey wagons after June 30." Republican. The Republican carried On July 1 a member of the the letter on the front page of its board of health {Bassett) met with July 31, 1880 issue and it embodies an Smith, who was described as the excellent chronology of the issue. owner of the Middleton farm and a It seems that shortly after the garbage contractor. trains started arriving with their Then came the astonishing news odiferous "freight'~ some women of that Bassett had told Smith that he the community approached "might continue to bring the nuisance Middletown to voice their displeasure. here in the cars and MiddJeton might -·

Wildlife Pa1ge 28 continue to draw the stuff through Studies the streets in his wagons without regard to the feelings of the people." New Jersey Conservation Foundation Apparently Biggs concurred On 1996 Survey July 3 Champlin, the writer of the letter, called on Biggs and asked him The New Jersey Conservation if in his capacity as chairman he Foundation is presently conducting a intended to call a meeting of the project involving the Elwood Corridor. board of health. Biggs answered in the The purpose of the project is to negative saying the board had been establish a "greenway" through illegally organized, since the salaries Atlantic County that would provide a of its members had not been forest corridor between Burlington stipulated! and Cape May Counties. There are Later that day, Champlin called twenty-four project sites covering on Bassett and asked if the board most of the corridor with the contemplated any action but was told exception of the cities of Egg Harbor that he (Bassett) had called on Smith City and Hammonton. Four of these and told him he could continue to project sites are in Mullica Township. - bring in the garbage. Bassett added he could tell Smith how to bring the In 1996 the New Jersey Conservation stuff in without creating a nuisance. Foundation requested that Biggs apparantly concurred in Herpetological Associates, Inc. (HA) this but Miller, the township clerk, of Forked River New Jersey conduct a would have no parts of it and resigned survey of the project sites. HA This story has to end in some­ composed a list of eighteen sites thing of an anti-climax. There was an suitable for study. Of the eighteen, uproar of course, but the only "hard four are in Mullica Township. They news" we have of what happened next are as follows: is a terse note in the Aug. 14 issue of Site# 2. Pleasant Mills/ SJR, which announced the problem Nescohague Creek/ Nesco had been solved and that Atlantic City Site # 3. Colombia Road/ is now burying its garbage. " Sailor Boy Road/ Amitol Site #7. Indian Cabin Branch We can speculate that political and other Mullica tributaries pressure was applied behind the scenes and the powers, not wishing to Site # 8 Negro Branch/VVeekstown antagonize a united bloc of votersI worked out the details. " The eighteen sites were priority ranked as follows:

Wildlife Page 29 P4: Very High Priority Tiger Salamander - potential P3: High Priority breeding habitat exists on-site. P2: Medium Priority Southern gray treef1rog - vernal Pl: Low Priority pond forested habitat also exists on Of these eighteen sites, HA selected site. ten that were considered important Remarks: Additional herpetological priority sites. These ten sites were surveys and plant studies should be scheduled for a rare wildlife species conducted. survey and habitat evaluation in 1996. The other eight sites of medium and Site #7 - Indian Cabin Branch low priority wi II be studied as time and Rank: P3 (High Priority) funding allows. Location: In Mullica Towns:hip, north of Egg Harbor City, west of the Two of the ten important priority Mullica River, east of Moss Mill Road, sites selected are located in Mullica and south of Elwood-Pieascnnt Mills Township-sites #3 and #7. Site #3 Road. is ranked P4-Very High Priority. Site Habitat: Mostly mixed oak/pine or #7 is ranked P3-High Priority. pine/oak forest with scath~red white cedar. Areas around wetland Survey Results corridors contain red maple~, tupelo, sassafras, and mixed oaks. Site #3 Columbia Road ETR Species: No important wildlife species found; rare plants may be Rank: P4 (Very High Potential) present. Location: Northern Mullica Township Looked for: Pine Barrens treefrog­ east of Moss Mill Road, North of likely in the area, particulo.rly along Elwood-Pleasant Mills Road. Elwood-Weekstown Road near an old Habitat: Typical mixed deciduous, oak cranberry bog. pine forest. Remarks: This is a large, mostly ETR Species: No ETR wildlife species unbroken tract and contains good found, some rare plants may occur on potential habitat for ETR !Plant and site. wildlife species, additional surveys are Looked For: recommended. Cooper's hawk- as in the other study areas, this widespread but New Jersey Ctmsllrvution FtJUIIdation secretive raptor may possibly occur in 1997 Survey the wood. -

Wildlife Page 30 - In 1997, HA conducted a second organisms. However, they cover much survey with the following disclaimer: more ground and may locate more "This 1997 survey for endangered, potential habitat given the same threatened, and/or rare (ETR) plant amount of time. With the latter species was conducted as a statement in mind, it was decided to continuation of work first proposed to conduct cursory surveys of the Clark's the New Jersey Conservation Landing Areas, Indian Cabin Branch Foundation for completion during [Mullica Township] Columbia Road 1996. The preliminary [Mullica Township] and Egg Harbor report... identified ten priority sites City Area [Mullica Township] sites." based upon the results of the 1996 field work. In 1997, the plant survey Survey Results team was confronted with the dilemma of examining these ten sites. The twelve ETR plant species It was readily determined that the reported as occurring within the budget was not ample enough to even cursorily surveyed sites are listed in allow an adequate survey of any one the table on the following page by site site, but would permit cursory surveys of occurrence. The first eight were of a few sites. Cursory surveys for observed during the 1997 surveys. ETR plants may often overlook some The remainder was from the private of these "hard-to-find" special records of Ted Gordon.

Wildlife Page 31 El woo d Corr1 "d or ETR PI ant s>pec1es Ob serve dby S1te Site Clarks Indian Columbia Egg Harbor Year Species Landing Area Cabin Branch Road City Area Found Pine Barren Gentian 1997 ..J ..J 1994 ..J• Pine Barren Reedgrass 1997 ..J ..J Wand-like Three-awned 1997 ..J Grass Pine Barren Boneset 1997 ..J Coast Violet 1997 ..J Barratt's Sedge 1997 ..J ..J Coast Flatsedge 1997 ..J Big-leaf Sphagnum 1997 ..J Curly Grass Fern early1990' ..J s Pine Barren Rattlesnake about1994 ..J· Root Wand-like Goldenrod about ..J• 1994 White Milkweed 1994 ..J •Ac1ually occurring approximately 500 feet outside of this site. but within the Indian Cabin Branch Watershed

Source: HA and Ted Gordon field data.

Wildlife Page 32 The following portion of the HA study lutea}, small-flowered Muhly text refers to plant surveys (Muhlenbergia uniflora}, Nuttaffs conducted in Mullica Township. The lobeha (Lobelia nuttallh}, orange grass classifications following the species (Hypericum gentianoides}, sand myrtle names are the Natural Heritage (Leiophyllum buxifolium}, thread­ Classifications for ETR species. They leaved sundew (Drosera filiformis}, are as follows: white colicroot (Aletris farinosa}, primrosed-leaved violet (Viola E - Endangered primulifolia}, slender aster (Aster LP - Listed as threatened or gracilis}, and grass-leaved blazing endangered in the Pinelands star (Liatris graminifolia). G1 -Critically imperiled globally G2 - Imperiled globally G3 - Globally rare 51 -Critically imperiled in state Along Lucas Branch to the north is a 52 -Imperiled in state pristine hardwood swamp with 53 - Rare in state scattered, tall Atlantic white cedar harboring an impressive population of Egg Harbor City Quadrangle the infrequent bog fern (Thelypteris simulata). This is not a rare species. Near the end of a hunter's trail that Bordering the rear of a pond on the runs east from Indian Cabin Rd. (0.3 east side of Darmstadt Avenue (dirt mi. north of its junction with Elwood­ road), 0.5+1- miles northeast of its Weekstown Rd.) between Lucas junction with Indian Cabin Road, were Branch and Second Branch, a small two clumps of Pine Barren reedgrass population of the globally rare Pine (Calamovilfa brevipilis, LP ). Associated Barren gentian (Gentiana autumnalis: species were a peat moss (Sphagnum G3, 53, LP) was found. Seven plants tenenon}, sand myrtle, leatherleaf with a total of 10 buds were (Chamaedaphne calyculata}, white scattered over a 250-foot stretch beaked rush (Rhynchospora alba}, that included a 2 yard-long strip of foxtail clubmoss (Lycopodiella wand- like three-awned grass alopecuroides}, shortleaf milkwort (Aristida Wrgata: 52). A diversity of (Polygala brevifolia}, pyxie, and associated species included pyxie, teaberry (Pyxidanthera barbulata}, capitate beaked rush (Rhynchospora At 0.8 mile northeast of Laurel Hill capite/lata}, Torrey's beaked rush (R. Cemetery along the west side - torreyana), orange milk-wort (Polygala shoulder of Pleasant Mills-Elwood

Wildlife Page 33 Road, just south of the head of A small patch (2 feet by 2 feet) of Brockaway's Branch, a single the state endangered coast flatsedge - flowering Pine Barren gentian (Cyperus polystachyos,: 51 .. E) was (Gentiana autumnalis, LP,G3,53}was found at the trail entrancE~ of an seen. abandoned blueberry field and an adjacent Scott's pine (Pinus About 15 Pine Barren gentian (G. sylvestris) plantation on the east side autumnahs}, both in flower and in bud, of Columbia Rd., 2+ miles south of its were discovered along the dirt portion junction with Route 542 at Nesco. The of Fifth Avenue 2.3+/- miles plants were in sparsely ve9~tated northeast of its junction with Moss moist sand associated with capitate Mill Road (Route 56 1). The plants beaked rush (Rhynchospora were located on the edge of deep capitel/ata)and path rush (Juncus potholes along a 150-foot stretch tenuis). On the west side c~f Columbia about 0.1-mile southwest of Elwood­ Road, within a 0.5 mile str•~tch Weekstown Road. In a Sphagnous, extending north of this spot, were a leatherleaf spung on the west side of few plants of Calamovilfa brevipilis the flooded road were four flowering (LP). Here prior to 1997, a few Pine plants of the globally rare and state Barren Gentian were seen. These endangered Pine Barren boneset appear to have suffered ft•om (Eupatorium resinosum: G3, 52, E, untimely mowing. Most like:ly, this LP). Associated species in this wet occurrence is still extant ~~ince the pocket were blunt manna grass root stock and habitat remains. (Giyceria obtusa}, soft rush (Juncus Along the road shoulder Oil the south effiisus}, Canada rush (J canadensis), side of Duerer Street, 0.6+/- mile brown rush (J. pelocarpus}, three-way east of its junction with F!ifth Street sedge (Dulichium arundinacium}, and Moss Mill Road, the following 3 cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon}, elements were seen near a streamlet highbush blueberry (V corymbosum}, that flows east into Indian_ Cabin marsh_St. Johnswort (Triadenum Creek: Gentiana autumnali:.;, Pine virginicum}, button sedge (Carex Barren rattlesnake root (Prenanthes bul/ata}, Walter's sedge (Carex autumnalis,· 52, LP), and wand-like striata}, buttonbush (Cephalanthus goldenrod (Solidago stricto,: 53, LP). occidentalis}, white beaked rush These were last observed in about (Rhynchospora alba}, and red maple 1994. The site was not visited during (Acer rubrum). the current survey.

Wildlife Page 34 A tsion Quadrangle

West of the Mullica River and the Pleasant Mills church, behind the guardrai I along the north side of Route 542, just west of its junction with Richards Road, was a fine population of 16+/- white milkweed (Asclepias variegata, 52). This occurrence, which frequently suffers from untimely mowing, was last seen in 1995. It likely is still present.

Wildlife Page 35 The following table summarizes the ETR species discovered within the Elwood Corridor in the 1997 study. Of the twelve species listed, eight were found in Mullica Township.

Summary of Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Plant Species Disco,~red within the 8wood Corridor in Atlantic County, New Jersey in 1997. (Numbers refer to code used on the plant location maps). Code Scientific Name Common Name

1. Gentiana autumna/is Pine Barren Gentian 2. Calamovilfa brevipilis Pine Barren Reedgrass 3. Aristida virgata Wand-like Three-awned Grass 4. Eupatorium resinosum Pine Barren Boneset 5. Viola brittoniana Coast Violet 6. Carex barrattii Barratts Sedge 7. Cyperus polystachyos Coast Flatsedge - 8. Sphagnum macrophyllum a peat moss 9. Schizaea pusilla Curly Grass Fern 10. Prenanthes autumnalis Pine Barren Rattlesnake Ro1()t 11. Solidago stricto Wand-like Goldenrod 12. Asclee_ias varie9!!_ta White Milkweed

HA confirmed 12 ETR species during this survey.


The following maps show the location of sitings of threatened and endangered species in Mullica Township.



Wildlife Page 37 Egg Harbor City Quadrangle -- I .c I :..s ...... • ~- - -t- :l ~0

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Wildlife Page 38 Egg Harbor City Quadrangle

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Wildlife Page 39 Egg Harbor City Qua d rangle

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Wildlife Page 40 Atsion Qua d rangle

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Wildlife Page 41 Discussion the direct and indirect impacts of development. The cursory surveys have revealed that ETR plant species were occurring The shoulders of paved roadsides can in some of the appropriate appearing support a surprisingly diverse flora habitat. A great deal of potential that often includes many of the ETR habitat was also observed. The survey plants that were observed in the 1997 team was impressed with the 1997 surveys. The placement of the roads findings in the face of an initially hot and related earth disturbance can and then very dry summer season, create conditions that are amenable with late season flooding which may to certain early successional and have affected growth and flowering. volunteer plant species. Such These 1997 surveys only barely conditions occur in nature, but they scratched the surface of the full are usually widely spread and less potential of the studied sites to common than anthropogenic support these and additional special disturbance. Unfortunately, mowing plants. However, not every activities in the surveyed sites were -- undeveloped wetland and upland area conducted in locations and during was potential ETR plant habitat. In periods that negatively impacted the this vein, if a parcel of land is to be ETR plants to be found there. The protected (in whatever form) for the goals of preventing shrub and tree sake of ETR plants, then it is growth in the road shoulders can be important that an intensive approach met by mowing outside of the growing be directed to the property(ies) in season. It was apparent that mowing question in order to reveal these crews made every effort to take down resources. One must keep in mind that the herbaceous vegetation including undeveloped land (given suitable that in sharply cut ditches and behind potential habitat) without known ETR vehicle guard barriers. County and plant occurrences, but within a region municipal agencies should be with known ETR plant occurrences, approached in this regard and relief can have considerable value as future sought for the few areas where ETR ETR plant habitat. This may come plants occur in the road shoulders. about naturally or through active management, but wi II only happen if The goal of the NJCF project is to those environments are relieved of protect and preserve as much of the .-, Elwood Corridor land as possible. The

Wildlife Page 42 best method of achieving that goal is wading birds and are a prime feeding through land acquisition. area for the bald eagle. Protection of this corridor linking Land acquisition would involve northern and southern forests is also approximately two thousand acres in essential to pineland preservation. the lower Mullica and Wading River Acquisition of seventy-five hundred watersheds, considerably enlarging acres of strategically located land present state landholdings. These would provide another major lands provide exceptional habitat for recreational area in the Pinelands and otter, mink, muskrat, and various contribute to the establishment of a permanent corridor.


Wildlife Page 43 Overview of Protected Areas in Elwood Corridor Land Mass

•GiCJ.tloway Tc:J~wnship

Egg Harbor Township


Wildlife Page 44 -



- LANDUSE ...... 3 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...... 3 EXISTING LAND USE ...... 4 Open Space ...... 4 Publicly Owned ...... 4 Privately owned open space ...... 7 Roads ...... 14 Recreational Areas ...... 14 Populated Areas...... 14 Landfills...... 14 Agricultural Areas ...... 15 MULUCA TOWNSHIP LANDUSE MAP...... 17


MULLICA TOWNSHIP VEGETATION AND LANDUSE MAP ...... 21 ZONING ...... 23 EFFECT ON ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS ...... 23 REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF LAND IN THE ZONING DISTRICTS ...... 24 Preservation Area District (PA) ...... 24 Agricultural Production District (AP) ...... 26 Rural Development District - RD ...... 28 Pine lands Town District (PT) ...... 30 Nesco Village (NV) ...... 31 Sweetwater Village (SV) ...... 32 Elwood Village (EV) ...... 33 Weekstown Village (WV) ...... 34 Forest Area Residential District (FAR) ...... 35 Far Land Transfer Program (FARR) ...... 37 MULUCA TOWNSHIP ZONING MAP ...... 40


Land Use Page 1 -

Land Use Page 2 Future growth can be expected to LAND USE remain low for the following reasons: Industrial growth is weak; Mullica is not well situated to attract General Description manufacturing because of its geographic location. Drainage costs Mullica Township is a fairly large and are high due to the lack of relief in quite rural municipality with an area the topography. Efforts to provide a of approximately 55 square miles. Its public water system have repeatedly boundaries are entirely within the failed. New Jersey Pine Barrens, and Pinelands regulations significantly In addition, a significant amount of impact Mullica's zoning laws. Most of Mullica Township open space has been the township is sparsely developed. identified as crucial habitat for There are a few population centers various species-some of them within the political boundaries, endangered or threatened-and - including Elwood in the southern conservation groups, along with the sector, Sweetwater in the northern State of New Jersey, have sector, Pleasant Mi lis in the northern recommended preservation through sector and Weekstown in the acquisition for as much of this northeastern sector. With the acreage as possible. exception of Elwood, all these population centers grew up near or The existing Master Plan and zoning immediately adjacent to the Mullica laws were adopted to achieve River. Elwood is situated along the conformance with the NJ Pinelands township's only major transportation Commission Comprehensive artery, Route 30, also known as the Management Plan (CMP). The Pinelands White Horse Pike. Overall there are Commission as the regional planning vast expanses of wood land acreage entity has direct administrative and natural wetlands in Mullica, and authority in all Pinelands areas. The the overwhelming majority of CMP is intended to provide a strategy Township land remains either vacant, to preserve and protect the wooded or in agricultural or environmental qualities of the region recreational use. through appropriate land use policies. Local implementation is required by incorporation into master plans.

Land Use Page 3 ------Other regulatory boundaries within Block Lot Block Lot township limits are the Wharton 101 ___!_ 6002 4 102 1 6201 12 State Forest, Green Bank State -- 6401 8 -~ -- Forest, State of New Jersey Critical 5 , Block Lot '------e-.- Areas and CAFRA. 103 --1 6702 9 201 1 6704 1 202 8207 4 ----1- - 502 -~ 8404 3 Existing Land Use 3 10102 8 1401 3 10705 1 Existing land use in Mullica Township 4 10904 1 5 3 consists of public and privately owned ______!§__ 11001 --2 open space, roads, railroads, public 1504 ______§_ 11002 1 and private recreational areas, 1901 1 4 2301 2.01 6 population centers, and agricultural 5 11010 1 areas. The entire township covers 6 2 about 35,200 acres. 7 3 2501 -~ 4 11011 2601 1-5-6 ------3 -----f--__£ 5 Open Space 3 11012 3 4 11101 2 2602 1 3 2603 1 11102 1 ------Publicly Owned Block Lot 4 2604 1 ------5 2605 11103 1 Mullica Township has about 6,566 ___!_ 2606 8 ------2 acres of publicly owned open space. 2607 1 3 2 4 Approximately 5344 acres are owned 2608 1 11112 1 2609 __!_ 2 by the State of New Jersey in the 2610 1 4 form of the , 2611 1 11113 1 Green Bank State Forest, Hammonton 2903 1 5 2905 2 6 Creek Wildllife Management Area, ------2.Q!_ --8 Makepeace 3205 1 9 Wildlife Management Area and 3405 __! 10 3917 1 11114 1 scattered smaller holdings in various 3923 11 11115 1 parts of the township. 4117 6 3 4170 5 11116 2 ------,------:-- 4193 3 The following lots listed by block are -~ 4501 ----1 11201 2 state owned and reserved for 3 3 - 5?Q!_ \------conservation purposes: 5202 5 6 7 11202 1 5301 4 - ---L-- 2

Land Use Page4 Block Lot 11202 3 Preservation and Wildlife Society 4 5 11202 6 Block Lot ---11203 1 1602 15 2 16 3 18 6 11210 4 11211 2 Mullica Township owns 1136 acres. Of 3 these, some are deeded from the 11212 5 state with Conservation Restrictions, 11316 10 11317 -11 some are set aside for conservation 13 and open space through the state 11405 5 Green Acres Program and the rest are 8 '--· various lots, small and large, some used for municipal purposes, some Two non-profit organizations own land simply abandoned by the owner(s). in Mullica Township. The New Jersey Conservation Foundation holds 86.59 The lots deeded to Mullica Township acres and the Preservation and ·- by the State of New Jersey wth Wildlife Society owns 3.29 acres. Conservation Restrictions had been Following is a list of lots owned by acquired by the state under the these agencies: Limited Practical Use Pinelands Acquisition Program. The New Jersey Conservation Foundation Conservation Restrictions run with the Block land in perpetuity and are as follows: 5901 ~ 6201 14 1. PROMISES BY GRANTOR: The 15 16 Grantor promises that the Grantor 6501 21 has done no act to encumber the 7302 5 Property other than the 7707 10 restrictions for open space and 8504 8 conservation purposes contained 9001 8 herein. The Property shall remain 9102 16 9501 1 subject to the Conservation 9802 Restrictions recited in this deed --5 after any conveyance.

- 2. CONSERVATION RESTRIC­ TIONS: Grantee covenants that

Land Use Page 5 the property will be kept as open used for assemblage pur!Poses or space and wi II be retained forever to meet density requirements. - in a natural, scenic, or open condition and used only for open 4. PERMITTED USE includ•es meeting space, conservation purposes, side/rear yard requ i rem1ents and garden, agriculture or forest septic requirements to support management activities (including houses existing at the time of free standing garden sheds conveyance. This means that if the without foundations and fences) subject Property is incor•porated and that: into an adjacent developed property, although the subject [A] No development of the property itself cannot be further property will be permitted, developed, it can be used to meet meaning that no permanent the property line set back and structure, building, pavement or septic requirements of ~~oning other similar improvement shall be regulations. developed, placed or situated on the property. 5. REMEDIES: In the event of any violation of these Conservation [B] No dumping or placement of Restrictions, Grantor may, in its landfill material, trash, waste, or sole discretion and with prior unsightly or offensive materials notice, institute suit or take any shall be allowed on the Property. , other action it deems nE~cessary to enjoin such violation, require [C] No mining or excavation, restoration of the Prop1erty to its dredging, or removal of topsoil, prior condition and additionally sand, gravel, loam, rock, or other seek damages and costs incurred in mineral substances shall be allowed bringing the action and curing the on the property. violation. Grantee further agrees to pay whatever costs ~7rantor [D] No long-term storage or incurs in enforcing the ·Grantees placement of topsoil, sand, gravel, obligations pursuant to this Deed loam, rock, or other mineral with Conservation Rest1"ictions. substances shall be allowed on the Such costs shall include!, but not be property. limited to, labor and other personnel costs, equipment and 3. DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS are material costs, attorne·y and other extinguished by this instrument. professional fees, and court costs. No development or other rights in or appurtenant to the property may be transferred to, or used for the benefit of, any other property and that the property may not be

Land Use !Page 6 The lots deeded to Mullica Township parks, natural areas, historic areas, from the state with Conservation forests, camping, fishing, water Restrictions are: reservoirs, wildlife reserves, hunting, boating, winter sports, and similar Block Lot Block Lot 1901 6 4157 4 uses for either public recreation or 4127 4159 1 conservation of natural resources, or 4134 --t 4160 1 both. 4136 1 4161 2 4137 1 6005 13 4139 4 6201 6 11 0pen space purposes" means land 4140 3 6602 9 that is undeveloped and retained in its 4141 6 7704 7 natural state or lands reserved for 4142 --1 8208 2 4143 1 8207 4 4144 2 8404 6 Block Lot Acreage 7501 10 74.33 4146 3 10 11 74.33 4147 1 3 -- 408 24 0.27 4148 1 8601 3 3133 1 0.23 4149 1 10302 21 4151 1 11218 13 future park and recreation 4152 2 development. 4153 1 4154 3 The lots set aside under the Green 4155 1 4156 5 Acres Program are:

The Green Acres Program maintains an inventory of all lands acquired and/or developed with the aid of Privately owned open space State Green Acres or Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Mullica Township has approximately Assistance, and all lands dedicated, 16,600 acres of privately owned open maintained or used for recreation, space (nearly half the total acreage open space and conservation purposes of the township!). The lots, listed by which are held by the municipality. block number, are as follows: .. Recreation and conservation purposes" means use of lands for

Land Use Page 7 BLOCK LOT 2133 2235 2236 2253 2254 2301 2301 2 2 2 3 1 2.02 2.03

102 102 103 301 402 403 2301 2301 2301 2301 2401 2401 2401 2 3 3 1 1 1 2.04 2.05 3 4 1 4 5 I~ 2401 2401 2401 2401 2501 2501 2501 '--- ..___ 6 8 9 18 1 3 6 405 406 406 407 407 407 408 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 17 1 5 1 17 21 18 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 409 409 411 412 413 414 414 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 1 13 1 1 10 1 2 19 25 26 27 28 29 30 414 415 415 415 601 701 701 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 2501 13 1 17 21 3 1 2 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 2501 2606 2701 2701 2707 2707 2707 7 8 11 14 19 23 27 38 7.01 7 8 4 5 6 701 701 701 701 701 701 701 2707 2708 2710 2711 2711 2718 2719 29 32 33 34 37 38 40 7 3 1 1 2 1 1 701 701 701 701 701 701 704 2729 2731 2738 2738 2739 2740 2801 41 42 43 44 45 46 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 705 705 705 706 707 707 801 2802 2803 2811 2812 2813 2814 2814 2 4 7 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

801 801 801 801 801 901 901 2815 2815 2816 2817 2818 i 2819 2821 2 3 4 6 17 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 902 902 902 1 903 1 1001 1001 1001 2822 2823 2824 2824 2825 2826 2827 8 0 1 8 9 1 1 1 2 1 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 2827 2828 2829 2831 2832 2833 2834 0 21 22 23 24 27 28 2 1 1 1 1 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1101 1101 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2841 2842 32 45 52 55 63 14 15 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 ·- 1101 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 2843 2844 2844 2844 2845 2846 2847 18 2 6 13 17.02 17.05 17.06 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1102 1102 1102 1102 1102 1201 1201 2848 2849 2851 2901 2903 2903 2903 18.02 18.03 18.04 18.05 18.06 6 8 1 1 2 8 2 14 18 1301 1401 1401 1401 1401 1401 1401 2904 2905 2905 2905 2905 2906 2907 4 1 2 6 8 9 10 1 1 3 4 5 1 1 1401 1401 1401 1401 1501 1501 1501 2908 2909 2910 2912 3001 3002 3003 13 14 17 18 10 17 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1502 1503 1503 1503 1504 1504 1504 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3026 3026 6 1 4 7 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 4 14 1504 1504 1504 1504 1504 1601 1601 3028 3031 3031 3031 3031 3031 3031 7 11 11.01 11.02 11.03 1.03 9 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1601 1601 1602 1602 1603 1603 1603 3031 3031 3032 3032 3032 3032 3032 16 22 3 13 4 7 10 13 14 2 3 4 5 6 1603 1603 1701 1702 1703 1703 1703 3032 3033 3033 3033 3033 3033 3033 14 17 12 2 1 2 3 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 1703 1704 1704 1705 1705 1706 1707 3034 3035 3036 3037 3037 3037 3037 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 12 6 7 6 7 8 9 1708 1709 1709 1710 1711 1712 1801 3037 3037 3038 3039 3040 3040 3040 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 10 11 1 1 1 5 6 1801 1801 1801 1801 1801 1901 1901 3101 3102 3102 3102 3103 3103 3104 2 11 12 13 14 3 4 2 2 4 7 2 4 1 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 1901 3105 3105 3105 3106 3107 3107 3108 5.02 5.03 10 11 12 13 14 2 3 6 1 2 5 2 1901 2001 2001 2001 2002 2037 2111 3108 3108 3108 3108 3108 3109 3109 15 1 3 5 1 z z 5 6 7 15 16 1 2

Land Use Page 8 3110 3111 3111 3111 3111 3112 3112 3924 4001 4001 4002 4002 4101 4102 4 1 8 9 12 2 7 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 3112 3112 3112 3112 3113 3113 3113 4102 4102 4103 4103 4103 4103 4104 10 12 16 19 1 4 6 2 4 1 2 3 6 1 3113 3113 3114 3114 3114 3114 3114 4104 4104 4105 4105 4105 4105 4105 8 10 1 6 7 9 12 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 3115 3116 3116 3117 3117 3117 3118 4106 4106 4106 4107 4107 4107 4107 1 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 4 5 3118 3119 3120 3120 3120 3121 3121 4107 4108 4108 4108 4108 4109 4109 2 1 1 4 6 2 4 6 1 2 5 6 1 2 3122 3122 3122 3123 3123 3124 3125 4110 4110 4110 4111 4111 4112 4112 1 4 7 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3125 3126 3127 3127 3127 3128 3128 4112 4112 4113 4113 4114 4114 4114 4 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 3128 3129 3129 3130 3130 3131 3132 4115 4115 4115 4117 4117 4117 4117 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 8 2 3 4 5 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3137 3137 4118 4118 4119 4119 4120 4120 4120 2 1 2 2 2 4 8 2 3 3 4 2 3 4 3201 3202 3203 3204 3206 3206 3206 4120 4120 4121 4121 4122 4122 4122 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 5 6 1 3 1 2 5 3206 3206 3207 3207 3208 3208 3208 4123 4123 4124 4124 4124 4125 4125 5 7 1 5 6 9 11 1 4 2 3 4 1 2 3302 3302 3302 3401 3401 3402 3403 4125 4125 4125 4126 4126 4126 4127 4 6 9 1 7 2 2 4 6 8 1 2 3 1 3403 3404 3404 3406 3407 3409 3410 4127 4127 4128 4128 4128 4128 4128 3 1 7 1 1 5 3 3 5 1 2 3 4 6 3410 3501 3503 3504 3504 3505 3506 4128 4129 4129 4129 4129 4130 4130 13.01 3 1 1 2 1 1 8 1 2 4 6 1 2 3507 3508 3509 3510 3510 3511 3511 4130 4131 4131 4131 4132 4132 4132 1 1 1 1 2 9 10 3 1 2 5 1 2 3 3511 3511 3512 3512 3512 3512 3512 4132 4133 4133 4133 4133 4134 4134 12 13 3 5 6.01 6.02 7.01 4 1 3 5 6 1 2 3512 3512 3513 3513 3513 3513 3513 4134 4135 4135 4135 4136 4136 4137 7.02 8 4 9 11 13 14 3 1 2 3 2 3 2 3513 3513 3514 3514 3514 3514 3602 4137 4137 4137 4137 4137 4138 4139 15 18 2 8 10 13 1 3 5 7 8 9 1 2 3701 3703 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 4139 4140 4141 4141 4141 4141 4141 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 4 7 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 4142 4143 4143 4145 4145 4145 4145 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 4 3718 3719 3720 3720 3720 3720 3720 4145 4146 4146 4146 4146 4148 4148 1 14 1 4 11 15 18 7 1 2 5 6 3 4 3720 3720 3720 3720 3721 3721 3721 4149 4149 4149 4150 4150 4150 4151 19 20 21 23 4 8 9 5 7 9 1 2 3 2 3721 3721 3721 3721 3722 3722 3722 4151 4152 4152 4152 4154 4154 4154 10 11 12 13 2 4 17 3 1 3 4 1 2 4 3722 3722 3722 3722 3722 3722 3725 4156 4156 4156 4156 4156 4156 4157 18 20 21 22 29 31 2 1 2 3 4 6 10 1 3801 3801 3802 3901 3902 3903 3904 4157 4158 4158 4158 4159 4160 4160 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 4 2 2 3 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3912 4161 4161 4161 4162 4162 4162 4163 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 5 1 2 3 2 3915 3917 3917 3917 3917 3918 3923 4163 4164 4164 4164 4164 4165 4165 2 3 4 5 10 2 2 3 1 2 4 5 1 3 3923 3923 3923 3923 3923 3923 3924 4165 4165 4166 4166 4166 4166 4166 4 6 7 9 10 12 2 5 6 2 3 4 5 8

Land Use Page 9 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 5201 5201 5201 5201 5201 5202 5202 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 1 2 5 6 7 1 3 4168 4168 4168 4168 4168 4169 4169 5202 5301 5301 5301 5301 5301 5301 1 2 3 5 7 1 3 4 1 2 3 6 8 10.01 4170 4170 4170 4170 4171 4171 4171 5301 5301 5302 5302 5401 5401 5401 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 11 12 3 8 1 3 4 4172 4172 4172 4172 4172 4173 4173 5402 5403 5405 5407 5502 5502 5502 1.01 1.02 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 14 16 4173 4174 4174 4174 4175 4176 4176 5502 5502 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5 1 2 3 1 1 2 17 21 10 11 12 16 18 4176 4176 41n 4177 41n 41n 4178 5701 5701 5701 5701 5701 5701 5701 3 4 2 4 6 7 2 12 14 18 21 22 23 24 4178 4178 4179 4179 4179 4179 4179 5701 5701 5701 5701 5701 5701 5701 3 5 1 2 3 5 6 25 26 28 32 35 38 40 4179 4180 4180 4180 4180 4181 4181 5701 5701 5801 5801 5801 5801 5801 8 1 2 3 6 1 2 43 45 1 2 3 4 5 4181 4181 4181 4181 4182 4182 4182 5801 5801 5801 5801 5801 5801 5801 3 4 6 7 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4182 4182 4183 4184 4184 4185 4185 5901 5901 5901 5901 5903 5903 5903 6 8 2 1 3 1 2 2 6 8 13 1 2 3 4186 4187 4187 4187 4187 4188 4188 5903 5903 5904 5904 5904 5904 5904 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 5 1 7.01 7 .02 10 13 4188 4188 4188 4188 4189 4189 4189 5904 5904 5905 5905 5905 5906 5906 4 5 7 8 1 2 3 14 18 1 2 3 1 4 4189 4189 4189 4189 4190 4190 4190 5907 5907 5907 5908 5908 5908 5908 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 1 7 12 1 10 15 16 4191 4191 4191 4192 4193 4193 4193 5908 5908 5909 5909 5909. 5909 5909 1 2 4 1 1 2 3 17 18 1 10 17 19 20 4193 4193 4194 4194 4195 4195 4195 5909 5909 5909 5909 5909 5909 5909 8 9 1 2 1 2 3 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4196 4196 4196 4196 4196 4197 4198 5909 5911 5911 6001 6001 6001 6001 1 2 3 4 5 3 1 29 4 5 1 7 10 11 4198 4199 4199 4199 4199 4199 4201 6001 6001 6001 6001 6001 6001 6002 2 1 2 3 6 7 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 2 4201 4201 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 6002 6003 6003 6003 6004 6004 6004 6 9 4 7 9 12 13 5 1 11 15 9 11 16 4202 4203 4204 4204 4302 4306 4401 6005 6005 6005 6005 6005 6101 6101 14 3 1 6 3 1 1 6 7 10 12 14 1 2 4402 4402 4403 4404 4404 4404 4404 6101 6101 6102 6102 6102 6102 6102 1 4 1 4 5 6 7 5 10 2 9 10 15 17 4405 4405 4405 4405 4405 4405 4405 6103 6103 6103 6103 6201 6201 6201 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 6 11 12 2 4 5 4406 4601 4601 4601 4601 4701 4701 6201 6201 6201 6201 6201 6201 6201 1 1 2 3 5 6 14.02 8 10 11 13 17 18 21 4701 4701 4701 4703 4705 4705 4705 6201 6201 6201 6201 6202 6202 6202 31 35 39 PARK 5 11 14 23 24 25 26 2 3 4 4705 4706 4706 4801 4801 4801 4801 6202 6202 6202 6202 6202 6202 6202 16 2 3 16 20 23 27 9 10 11 13 14 16 17 4901 4901 4903 4903 4903 4903 4904 6301 6301 6301 6301 6301 6301 6401 15 19 1 2 4 5 8 1 3 4 5 6 11 1 4904 4904 4904 4904 4905 5001 5002 6401 6401 6401 6401 6401 6401 6401 9 11 13 14 1 6 1 2 6 7 11 14 16 17 5002 5002 5101 5101 5101 5101 5101 6401 6401 6501 6501 6501 6501 6501 13 30 4 5 6 8 9 20 33 1 3 5 6 7 5101 5101 5101 5102 5102 5102 5102 6601 6601 6601 6601 6601 6601 6601 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 -

Land Use Page 10 6601 6601 6601 6601 6602 6602 6602 7901 8001 8001 8001 8101 8101 8101 9 11 12 13 1 2 3 2 2 4 5 2 5 7 6602 6602 6602 6602 6602 6602 6602 8101 8101 8201 8201 8201 8201 8201 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6602 6602 6603 6603 6603 6603 6603 8202 8203 8203 8203 8203 8203 8203 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 5 6 7 11 13 6603 6603 6603 6603 6603 6701 6701 8204 8204 8206 8207 8207 8207 8208 8 9 10 15 16 1 4 4 5 1 1 2 3 1 6701 6701 6701 6701 6701 6701 6701 8208 8208 8208 8208 8209 8209 8209 5 6 7 9 11 14 15 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 6701 6702 6702 6702 6702 6702 6702 8209 8209 8301 8301 8301 8301 8401 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 1 6 7 10 1 6702 6702 6702 6703 6703 6704 6801 8401 8401 8401 8402 8402 8403 8404 7 10 11 1 2 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 6801 6802 6802 7001 7001 7101 7101 8404 8404 8404 8405 8406 8407 8407 4 1 2 9 10 2 4 5 9 11 1 2 6 9 7101 7101 7101 7101 7101 7101 7201 8407 8407 8407 8407 8408 8408 8409 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 11.02 12 14 15 1 2 1 7201 7201 7201 7201 7202 7202 7202 8411 8412 8412 8412 8412 8501 8501 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 1.01 1.02 7301 7301 7301 7301 7301 7301 7301 8501 8501 8501 8502 8503 8503 8503 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 3 5 8 3 3 4 7 7302 7302 7302 7302 7302 7302 7302 8504 8504 8504 8504 8601 8601 8601 1 3 4 6 8 11 13 1 6 9 10 2 4 5 7302 7302 7302 7302 7302 7303 7303 8601 8601 8601 8602 8602 8701 8701 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 6 9 10 1 7 4 8 7303 7303 7303 7303 7303 7303 7303 8701 8701 8701 8701 8801 8801 8801 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 14 15 17 1 2 3 7303 7303 7401 7401 7401 7401 7401 8801 8801 8801 8801 8901 8901 8902 10 11 1 2 3 4 6 4 6 7 12 1 9 1 7401 7401 7401 7402 7403 7403 7403 8902 8904 8904 8904 8904 8904 8904 7 8 9 1 1 2 3 26 6 8 16 17 18 19 7403 7404 7404 7404 7404 7501 7501 8904 8904 8905 8908 8908 8908 9001 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 21 30 1 1 5 7 1 7501 7501 7501 7501 7501 7501 7602 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 7606 7611 7611 7612 7612 7613 7614 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 9001 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 7617 7618 7621 7622 7626 7627 7629 9002 9002 9101 9101 9101 9101 9101 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 7633 7637 7641 7643 7644 7645 7645 9101 9102 9102 9102 9102 9102 9102 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7653 7654 7656 7701 7701 7701 7701 9102 9102 9102 9102 9102 9102 9102 2 1 1 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7701 7702 7703 7703 7703 7703 7703 9102 9102 9102 9102 9103 9103 9103 5 1 2 3 7 8 10 14 15 17 18 1 2 3 7703 7703 7704 7704 7704 7704 7704 9103 9103 9103 9103 9201 9201 9201 12 14 1 2 5.02 12 15 4 5 7 8 1 2 4 7704 7704 7704 7704 7705 7705 7705 9201 9201 9201 9201 9201 9202 9202 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 7706 7706 7706 7706 7706 7706 7706 9202 9202 9202 9301 9301 9301 9302 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 5 6 7.02 7.04 10 1 7707 7707 7707 7707 7707 7707 7707 9302 9302 9302 9302 9302 9302 9304 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 4 7 9 11 12 1 7707 7707 7801 7801 7801 7801 7801 9305 9306 9306 9306 9306 9401 9401 8 9 1 4 6 7.01 7.02 4 4 9 17.02 20 1 2

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9401 9401 9401 9401 9401 9501 9501 10206 10206 10207 10207 10207 10207 10208 3 5 8 15 16 2 3 5 6 1 3 4 7 1 9501 9501 9501 9502 9502 9502 9502 10208 10208 10208 10208 10208 10208 10208 4 5 6 3 5 8 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9503 9503 9503 9503 9503 9503 9504 10208 10209 10209 0209 10209 10209 10209 1 2 3 5 6 7 1 11 9 10 11 12 13 16 9504 9505 9505 9505 9505 9505 9505 10209 10209 10209 10301 10301 10301 10301 3 1 2 3 4 5 7 17 18 21 2 4 6 7 9505 9505 9506 9507 9507 9507 9601 10301 10301 10301 10302 10302 10302 10302 12 14 1 1 2 3 4 10 17 19 2 4 6 7 9601 9601 9601 9601 9601 9601 9601 10302 10302 10302 10302 10302 10302 10302 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 13 15 19 22 9601 9601 9601 9601 9602 9602 9602 10302 10401 10401 10401 10401 10401 10401 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 24 4 8 11 12 13 15 9602 9602 9602 9603 9603 9603 9604 10401 10401 10401 10401 10401 10401 10402 6 8 9 4 5 6 1 18 20 21 22 23 24 2 9701 9701 9702 9702 9702 9702 9702 10402 10402 10501 10501 10501 10501 10501 5 10 1 2.02 5 9 12 3 11 19.01 25 30 37 38 9801 9801 9801 9801 9801 9801 9801 10501 10601 10601 10601 10601 10602 10602 4 5 7 8 10 15 17 39 2 3 4 5 20 22 9802 9802 9901 9902 9903 9904 9904 10602 10602 10602 10603 10701 10702 10705 1 4 2.01 8 1 1 2 29 30 36 1 15 3 4 9905 9905 9906 9906 9906 9907 9908 10706 10706 10706 10707 10707 10801 10801 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 7 1 2 1 2 9909 9909 9909 9909 9910 9911 9911 10801 10801 10802 10802 10802 10803 10803 2 4 5 6 2 1 2 3 4 2 13 14 6 11 9912 9913 9913 10001 10001 10001 10001 10806 10806 10806 10807 10807 10807 10807 1 1 2 3 7 11 12 1 2 4 3 9 10 11 10001 10001 10001 10001 10001 10001 10001 10807 10808 10808 10808 10808 10808 10808 21.01 21.02 23.01 23.02 26 27 31 13 1 5 9 11 14 15

10002 10002 10003 10005 10005 10006 10006 10809 10809 10810 10810 10810 1 10810 10811

1 2 1 1 2 1 2 5 12 1 2 3 I 9 5 10007 10008 10009 10010 10010 10010 10011 10811 10811 10811 10811 10812 10813 10814 1 1 1 1 4 5 1 7 10 12 13 1 3 1 10011 10012 10012 10012 10013 10013 10014 10814 10814 10814 10815 10815 10815 10816 2 1 4 6 1 2 1 3 8 10 1 2 3 1 10015 10015 10016 10017 10017 10017 10018 10816 10816 10816 10816 10816 10816 10816 1 2 1 4 5 6 1 2 6 10 12 13 14 18 10019 10022 10022 10022 10022 10022 10022 10816 10816 10817 10817 10817 10817 10817 1 1 5 7 9 11 12 19 20 2 3 4 8 10 10022 10022 10022 10023 10023 10023 10023 10817 10817 10817 10817 10818 10818 10818 18 20 24 20 21 22 25 14 17 18 19 2 3 6 10023 10023 10024 10024 10024 10101 10102 10818 10818 10819 10819 10819 10819 10819 30 31 1 7 10 2 1 8 13 1 3 4 5 6 10102 10102 10102 10104 10104 10104 10104 10820 10820 10821 10821 10821 10821 10821 3 5 6 1 3 4 6 2 3 1 3 4 5 6 10104 10104 10104 10104 10104 10104 10201 10821 10821 10821 10821 10822 10822 10822 7 11 12 14 16 18 3 9 13 14 15 1 3 4 10201 10201 10202 10202 10202 10202 10202 10822 10822 10822 10901 10901 10901 10901 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 5 8 10 1 2 3 4 10202 10203 10203 10203 10204 10204 10204 10901 10901 10901 10901 10901 10902 10902 12 1 4 9 1 9 11 5 7 8 9 10 1 2 10205 10205 10205 10205 10205 10205 10205 10902 10902 10902 10902 10902 10902 10903 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 3 4 5 7 8 9 3 10205 10205 10205 10205 10205 10206 10206 10903 10903 10903 10904 10905 10905 10905 17 19 20 21 22 2 4 4 5 8 2 1 2 3

Land Use Page 12 11001 11001 11002 11002 11002 11002 11002 11305 11306 11306 11306 11306 11306 11307 1 3 2 3 5 7 8 6 1 2 5 6 7 1 11003 11003 11003 11003 11003 11003 11003 11307 11308 11308 11308 11309 11309 11309 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 2 1 2 3 2 3 5 11004 11004 11004 11005 11005 11005 11005 11310 11310 11311 11311 11311 11311 11312 2 4 8 1 2 3 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 11005 11005 11005 1100 11006 11006 11007 11312 11312 11312 11312 11313 11313 11313 6 9 11 16 1 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 11007 11008 11008 11009 11009 11011 11011 11313 11313 11313 11314 11314 11314 11314 6 3 5 1 2 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 11011 11012 11012 11013 11013 11013 11014 11314 11315 11315 11315 11315 11315 11316 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 5 1 2 6 7 13 1 11014 11015 11015 11015 11015 11015 11015 11316 11316 11316 11316 11316 11316 11317 2 1 2 3 7 11 12 2 3 4 5 9 12 3 11016 11016 11017 11017 11018 11019 11019 11317 11317 11317 11317 11317 11317 11317 3 4 1 2 2 1 2 4 5 8 9 10 12 14 '------11019 11103 11103 11105 11019 11020 11102 11318 11318 11318 11319 11320 11320 11320 3 4 4 2 5 1 7 1 2 6 7 1 2 3 11105 11105 11105 11106 11106 11106 11107 11320 11320 11320 11320 11321 11321 11321 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 1 7 10 11107 11108 11108 11108 11108 11108 11109 2 1 2 3 4 7 1 11321 11401 11401 11401 11401 11402 11402 12 1 2 3 4 1 2 11109 11109 11110 11110 11110 11111 11111 2 3 1 2 3 1 6 11402 11402 11402 11402 11403 11403 11403 2 3 11111 11112 11113 11113 11113 11115 11115 3 4 5 6 1 7 3 3 4 7 2 4 11403 11403 11403 11403 11404 11404 11404 11115 11115 11116 11116 11116 11116 11116 4 5 7 8 1 6 7 - 5 6 1 4 5 6 7 11404 11405 11405 11405 11405 11405 11405 11116 11116 11117 11117 11117 11118 11118 10 1 2 4 6 9 10 8 9 1 2 3 1.02 2 11410 11410 11410 11411 11411 11411 11412 11118 11118 11118 11119 11119 11119 11119 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 3 4 5 2 3 4 6 11412 11413 11413 11413 11413 11414 11414 11119 11120 11120 11120 11120 11120 11121 3 2 3 5 8 1 2 7 1 2 3 4 5 2.01 11500 41100 41100 41100 41100 41100 41100 ~ 11121 11121 11122 11122 11201 11202 11203 25 1 4 5 6 7 2.02 3 1 5 1 7 4 41100 41100 41101 41101 41101 41101 41101 11203 11204 11204 11204 11204 11205 11205 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 2 3 6 1 2 41101 41101 41102 41102 41102 41102 41103 11206 11206 11207 11208 11208 11208 11208 6 8 1 2 3 6.01 1 7 8 6 1 2 3 5 41103 41103 41103 41104 41104 41104 41104 11208 11209 11209 11210 11210 11211 11211 5 6 8 3 4 5 7 6 9 10 1 3 1 4 41105 41105 41105 41105 41105 41105 41106 11212 11212 11212 11213 11213 11213 11213 1 2 3 4 5 7 2 2 3 4 1 2 4 5 41106 41106 41107 41107 41108 41108 41109 11214 11214 11214 11214 11214 112~4 11214 5 6 3 4 4 5 1 1 5 6 7 8 9 14 41109 41109 41110 41111 41111 41111 41111 11214 11215 11215 11215 11215 11215 11215 2 4 2 1 2 3 5 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 41112 41112 41112 41112 41113 41114 41114 11215 11215 11215 11215 11215 11216 11216 1 4 5 7 1 1 4 8 9 10 12 14 2 4 41114 41115 41115 41115 41116 41116 41116 11217 11217 11217 11218 11218 11301 11301 5 2 5 6 1 4 5 1 3 4 2 5 1 2 41116 41117 41117 41118 41118 41118 41118 11302 11303 11303 11303 11303 11303 11304 6 1 2 2 3.02 4 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 - 41118 41120 41120 41120 41121 41121 41122 11304 11304 11304 11304 11305 11305 11305 7 1 2 4 1 4 2 2 3 4 5 1 3 4

Land Use Page 13 41123 41123 41123 41124 41124 41124 41124 41136 41137 41138 41139 41142 41143 41144 1 2 5 1 3 5 6 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 41125 41125 41125 41126 41126 41127 41127 41145 41145 41145 41146 41147 41147 41147 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 41127 41128 41128 41128 41129 41129 41129 41148 41149 41150 41151 41153 41154 41155 5 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 41129 41129 41130 41130 41130 41130 41130 7 10 2 4 6 7 8 41130 41131 41131 41132 41134 41135 41135 10 1 3 3 2 1 2

Block 8404; Lots 1-5, 9-13 Roads

While the majority of the roads in Populated Areas the township are paved, Mullica has several miles of unimproved roads Mullica Township has severCll (see map). There is only one major population centers and two housing highway in the municipality, State Rt. developments. The populatic>n centers 30, also known as the White Horse include Elwood in the south•ern sector, Pike. This highway transects the Sweetwater in the northern sector, southern portion of the township from Pleasant Mills in the northern sector the eastern to the western border. and Weekstown in the northeastern Railroads sector. With the exceptiorl of Elwood, all these population centers The New Jersey Transit rail line grew up near or immediatel·y adjacent transects the southern portion of the to the Mullica River. Elwood is township from west to east paralleling situated along the township's only Route 30. Some railroad right-of-way major transportation artery, Route properties are habitat for certain 30, also known as the Whit~e Horse endangered plant species. Pike. The housing developments are Wharton Park and Totem Village.

Recreational Areas Landfills Mullica Township has set aside the following blocks and lots for There is one municipal landfill in recreational use: Mullica Township. It is locc1ted on Block 8901; Lots 2-8, 10-15 Elwood Road, Block 9001, Lot 17 and Block 8902; Lots 2-8, 10-25, covers 134 acres. 27-30 Block 8903; Lots 1-30 --

Land Use Page 14 Agricultural Areas

Mullica has one Farmland Preservation Area, the Franceschini farm, consisting of a total of 243.71 acres. The property is identified as block 10205, lots 8 & 18; block 10104, lot 19 and block 10205, lot 1.

Active agricultural areas produce blueberries, strawberries, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and other general truck produce.

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Roads NCounty IS/Municipal N Other /:\/state lv Train 'li opens.shp Farmland Preservation piiiiiiiiiiiiii"""' Municipal Boundary Wildlife Management Areas 0 Recreation Area

4000- - 0 4000- 8000 Feet MULLICA TOWNSHIP OPEN SPACE MAP

This map is not intended to show accurate boundaries but rather to depict the approximate proportions of publicly owned open space, privately owned space and developed land.

Land Use Page 19 Land Use Page 20 MULLICA TOWNSHIP




Roads /:VCounty /:v.Municipal f:\/ Other /:\/state lv Train Publicly Owned Open Space Municipal D Developed - Privately Owned Open Space D Recreational Area ~ Mixed




Ro.cls N._co~ty N,~nlclp.a 1:\/. 0th• NP•• .(~l'rr.an 'C] ~nlcip.a Bound•ry - lakes /\/Bir.. ms l..•nct.Js• Nt•ed lands - Al.,l.tlc Fl•lds( Schools) - Brush-Domin•nt •nd Bog W.tl•nds - Brushl.ndiShrubland C•d.. sw.mp - Comm•cl.a and Sarvtoas Conllned hading Op.,..lons Coniferous For•st Coniferous Wooded W.tl•nds ConlferousiD•olduous Forest - Cranbarry Bogs Cropland .-.d P..tural.-.d D8dduous Forast Daclduous Wood ad W.tlands - Daclduous/ConHarous Forat EJdr•dlw Mining - lnct.Jstrl.a - !.aka or Pond - Hen-Tid-' M..-sha OrOh ..ds, \llnay•rds, Plurserl••· Horticultun•l Areu - Oth• .ilgrlcultur• - Oth..- Urb•n or Built-up Land Racrutlon.a L•nd R•serwil' - Ruldantl.a - Rlwr Ch•nn.. - s.a1 ne Marsh- - Transition-a Ar•as Unditfarantl-.ad B•rran Lands

,__._iiii;;;io•••lllli1 Niles Comprehensive Management Plan PCMP Zoning (NJ AC 7:50-1 et seq.) To provide standards for Mullica Township zoning regulations development that will ensure are known as ARTICLE X, ZONING compatible land use relationships DISTRICTS AND PERMITTED USES. between the various land uses that The text begins with the following characterize Mullica Township. introduction: To protect the environmental integrity of the land or Mullica In order to implement the goals and Township while understanding the objectives of the Pinelands individuals rights of land ownership. Comprehensive Management Plan as The township is hereby divided revised effective March 2, 1992 and into the following districts which shall To exercise stewardship over be known as: the lands and waters of Mullica PA -Preservation Area Township, by providing for future AP -Agricultural Production development at suitable locations and RD -Rural Development Area appropriate intensities with respect PT -Pinelands Town to the limitations and sensitivities of NV -Nesco Village natural and bui It systems. SV -Sweetwater Village To protect the unique WV -Weekstown Village characters of Mullica Township. To EV -Elwood Village define this character as a mixture of FAR -Forest Area Residential. desirable residential settings, This district includes a section attractive and productive non­ designated as a receiving area for the residential uses; rural and agriculture Forest Area Transfer Program (FARR) living opportunities; and the scenic attributes which result from natural EFFECT ON ESTABLISHMENT OF topography, drainage features, DISTRICTS wetlands, open lands and forested A. Following the effective date of areas. this ordinance: To ensure a reasonable balance 1. No building shall be among various land uses. To provide a erected, moved, altered, rebuilt or land use plan which would be in enlarged, except as specified conformance with the Pinelands elsewhere in this ordinance, no shall any land or building be used, designed

Land Use Page 23 or arranged to be used for any any appropriate variances and/or purpose or in any manner, except in waivers from all governmental bodies - conformity with all regulations, having jurisdiction over the use of the requirements and/or restrictions land including, but not limit•ed to the specified in this ordinance for the Mullica Township Board of Zoning district in which such building or land Adjustment. is located. C. All conditions (not uses) which 2. No yard or open space are not in conformance with the required in connection with any schedule of district regulations set building or use shall be considered as forth in accordance with Sc~ction 1004 proving a required open space for any shall not be subject to enforcement other building of the same or any of those regulations. other lot. 3. No lot shall be formed from part of a lot already occupied by REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE a building unless such building, all USE OF LAND IN THE ZONING yards, and open spaces connected DISTRICTS therewith, and the remaining lot Preservation Area District (PA) comply with all requirements prescribed by this ordinance for the I. The following uses ar·e district in which said lot is located. permitted in the Preservati,on Area No permit shall be issued for the District erection of a building on any new lot 1. Agricultural employee thus created unless such building and housing as an element of, a11d lot comply with all the provisions of accessory to, an active agricultural this ordinance. operation subject to Planni11g Board B. Any existing use which is not in approval. conformity with the provisions of the 2. Berry agricult!Ure and Mullica Township Development horticulture of native plants and Ordinances as amended shall not be other agricultural activities subject to the enforcement of the compatible with the existir11g soil and use provisions of this ordinance for a water conditions that suppe>rt period of one (1) year from the traditional Pinelands berry adoption of these amendments to agriculture. permit the owner of the non­ 3. Forestry. conforming use to bring the use into 4. Bookkeeping. compliance with the provision of this 5. Fish and wildlife ordinance as amended, or to obtain management. -

Land Use Page 24 6. Low intensity b. The use is recreational uses, provided that: necessary to achieve recreational use a. The parcel of a particular element of the existing proposed for low intensity Pinelands environment; and recreational use has an area of at c. The use least fifty acres; environmentally and aesthetically b. The recreational compatible with the character of the use does not involve the use of Preservation Area District and the motorized vehicles except for characteristics of the particular basin necessary transportation; in which the use is to be located c. Access to bodies taking into consideration the of water is limited to no more than proportion of cleared and developed fifteen linear feet of frontage per land, ambient water quality, one thousand feet of water body ecologically sensitive areas and unique frontage; resources, and will not unduly burden d. The parcel wi II public services. contain no more than one campsite per 8. Public service two acres, provided that the infrastructure which is necessary to campsites shall not be clustered at a serve only the needs of the net density exceeding six campsites Preservation Area District uses. per acre and providing the campsites Centralized waste water treatment are duly licensed by the Township; and collection facilities shall be e. Clearing permitted to service the Preservation vegetation, including ground cover and Area District only in accordance with soil disturbance, does not exceed five Section 701.2.26. percent of the total parcel; and 9. Street, Identification, f. No more than one and Directional Signs. percent of the parcel wi II be covered 10. Accessory uses. with impermeable surfaces. 11. Pinelands development 7. Expansion of Intensive credits, subject to Note 1015 hereof. recreational uses, provided that: 12. Detached single family a. The intensive dwellings on 3.2 acre lots in recreational use was in existence on accordance with Section 1014. February 7, 1979 and the capacity of 13. Detached single family the use will not exceed two times the dwellings on 1.0 acre lots, in capacity of the use on February 7, accordance with Section 1014 B. - 1979; 14. Home occupations subject to Note 3.

Land Use Page 25 Agricultural Production District (AP) 4. Agricultural employeE~ housing PERMITTED USES as an element of, and accessory to, an 1. Residential dwelling units not to active agricultural operation. exceed a gross density of one unit per 5. Forestry. 10 acres, except as otherwise 6. Fish and wildlife mantlgement. provided in this note, provided that: 7. Low intensity recreational uses, a. The dwelling is accessory provided that. to an active agricultural operation; a. The parcel proposed for b. The dwelling is for an low intensity recreational u:se has an operator or employee of the farm who area of at least fifty acres.: is actively engaged in and essential to b. The recreatioflal use the agricultural operation; does not involve the use of motorized c. The dwelling is to be vehicles except for necessc1ry located on a lot which is under or transportation; qualified for agricultural assessment; c. Access to bodies of d. The dwelling is located on water is limited to no more than a lot which has an active production fifteen linear feet of frontage per history or where a farm management one thousand feet of water· body plan has been prepared which frontage; demonstrates that the property will d. Clearing of ve5retation, be farmed as a unit unto itself or as including ground cover and :Soil part of another farm operation in the disturbance, does not exceed five area; and percent of the entire parcE~I; and e. A residential lot has not e. No more than one been subdivided from the property percent of the entire pared will be within the previous five years unless covered with impermeable :surfaces. the lot has been subdivided pursuant 8. Expansion of intensive to Section 1014, Section C of this recreational uses, provided that: ordinance. a. The intensive f. No more than one lot may recreational use was in exi:;tence on be created for a dwelling pursuant to February 7, 1979 and the capacity of this subsection at any one time. the use wi II not exceed two times the 2. Residential dwelling units at a capacity of the use on Febi"Uary 7, density of one unit per 3.2 acres 1979; provided the conditions of Section b. The use is nec:essary to 1014 are met. achieve recreational use of a 3. Agriculture. particular element of the E~xisting Pinelands environment; and -

Land Use Page 26 c. The use is Conditional Uses environmentally and aesthetically 1. Pinelands resource-related compatible with the character of the industrial uses, excluding resource Pinelands Agricultural Production Area extraction and uses that only rely on and the characteristics of the sand or gravel as raw products, particular basin in which use is to be provided that: located, taking into consideration the a. The unit(s) shall be proportion of cleared and developed clustered on one acre lots; land, ambient water quality, b. The remainder of the ecologically sensitive areas and unique parcel, including all contiguous lands in resources, and will not unduly burden common ownership, which is not public services. assigned to individual residential lots 9. Agricultural commercial shall be permanently dedicated for establishments, excluding agricultural uses through recordation supermarkets, restaurants, and of the restriction on the deed to the convenience stores, provided that: parcel; and a. The principal goods or c. The restriction on the products available for sale were deed to the parcel, including any - produced in the Pinelands; and rights to be redeemed for further b. The sales area of the residential development, shall be done establishment does not exceed five in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:50-5, thousand square feet. Part IV,so as to sever any Pinelands 10. Agricultural products Development Credits allocated to the processing facilities. parcel. 11. Public service infrastructure. 2. Residential dwellings units at a Centralized waste water treatment gross density of one unit per 40 and collection facilities shall be acres, provided that: permitted to service the Agricultural a. The unit (s) shall be Production District only in accordance clustered on one acre lots; with Section 701.S.2b. b. The remainder of the 12. Street, Identification and parcel, including all contiguous lands in Directional signs. common ownership, which is not 13. Accessory uses. assigned to individual residential lots 14. Pinelands development credits, shall be permanently dedicated for in accordance with Section 1015. agricultural uses through recordation 15. Detached single family of the restriction on the deed to the dwellings on one (1) acre lots, in parcel; and - accordance with Section 1014.

Land Use Page 27 c. The restriction on the 2. Commer·cial deed to the parcel, shopping centers subject to Planning including any rights to be Boards Approval (see Note 7); redeemed for future automobile, new car sales otnd service residential development, establishments (see Note 1.0); places shall be done in of worship (see Note 11); gasoline accordance with N.J.A.C. service stations (see Note 17). 7:50-5, Part IV, so as to 3. Existin~~ sever any Pinelands residential uses present a !legally Development Credits constructed at the time of the allocated to the parcel. adoption of this ordinance. 4. Light industrial Rural Development District - RD subject to Planning Board Approval I. PERMITTED USES (see Note 15). Land in Rural Development Area 6. Professional offices subject to may be utilized as follows: Planning Board Approval (see Note (A) Residential Dwelling Unit 12); medical complexes and nursing lots shall be permitted in accordance homes subject to Planning Board with the scheduled district Approval (see Note 14); and regulations. automobile repair garag~e (see Note This schedule includes a 18). gross residential density of one dwelling unit per 3.6 acres. II. CONDITIONAL USIES (B) Detached single family A. Detached single family dwellings on 1.0 acre lots, in dwellings on 1.0 acre lots, in accordance with Section 1014.B. accordance with Section 1007.A. {C) In addition to the SECTION 1007A: RURAL residential uses permitted under {A) DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT LAND above, the following uses are TRANSFER PROGRAM permitted in the Rural Development In accordance with the p!"ovisions of Area: N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.30 which permits the 1. Commercial uses establishment of a Land Tr·ansfer such as road side stands, retai I sale Program in a Rural Development Area, facilities, retail food establishments, the Land Transfer Program provided farm supply facilities and similar uses, for herein is designed to permit an eating and drinking establishments, equitable distribution of the allowable and other similar uses. development units while insuring flexibility for property owners to sell -

Land Use Page 28 and/or purchase parcels which contain property to create 1 acre lots for the less than the minimum required lot purpose of exercising development area or which may be otherwise rights under this transfer program. unsuitable for development. E. Each 1 acre or large lot The Mullica Township Land Transfer sought to be improved must be shown Program for the Rural Development by the applicant to be eligible for a Zone is permitted as a conditional use permit (permitable) for a single realty subject to Planning Board Approval unit septic system in accordance with which approval shall be granted upon the applicable regulations of the New compliance by the applicant with the Jersey Pinelands Commission, the New following conditions: Jersey Department of Environmental A. The applicant shall Protection and Energy, the Atlantic satisfy the minimum lot size County Board of Health, and any other requirements for development (3.6 agency having jurisdiction over the acres) to utilize the Land Transfer design and/or installation of septic Program, the applicant may acquire systems for the property. non-contiguous land subject to the F. The lot proposed for provisions of this section. development otherwise meets the - B. The portion of the lot to minimum standards of Article VII of be improved must consist of a parcel this ordinance. with a minimum size of 1 acre (43560 Restrictions must also be sq. ft.), and be in existence at the noted on any plans or plots approved time that this ordinance is certified. by the Planning Board of the Zoning C. The applicant must show Board. proof of ownership of sufficient G. The applicant who additional non-contiguous land to satisfies the density requirement (3.6 reach a total of 3.6 acres. Proof of acres) pursuant to the Land Transfer ownership may consist of a true copy Program set forth in this section must of a deed properly recorded or such deed restrict both parcels of land to other proof as may satisfy the Board preclude further development not in that the applicant is the legal owner accordance with this section or with of the additional non-contiguous the New Jersey Pinelands acreage. Comprehensive Management Plan. The D. The additional non- portion of the non-contiguous contiguous land must be located in the property which is not subject to Rural Development (RD) Zone in improvement or development shall be Mullica Township. Property owners permanently dedicated through wi II not be permitted to subdivide recordation of a restriction on the

Land Use Page 29 deed to the property as open space, in accordance with all agriculture, forestry, and low development intensity recreational uses with no requirements of the RD further development permitted. The District, Mullica deed restriction shall be in a form to Development Ordinance, be approved by the Planning Board PCMP, and all applicable attorney and the Pi nelands statutes and r•egulations. Commission. H. The non-contiguous parcel utilized to complete one (1) Pine/ands Town District (P7j total parcel of acreage {3.6 acres or I. The following uses ar·e more) for purposes of this section permitted in a Pinelands Town may not be transferred, encumbered, District: assigned, leased, rented, or use for 1. Single family dwelling any purpose insistent with its detached structure, with a gross utilization as part of the development density of one unit per acrE~. parcel. 2. Public and private I. Any property used as a education uses. non-contiguous assemblage for 3. Place of worship subject purposes of this section may be to site plan review by the Planning transferred or assigned in any manner Board. separately from the portion of the 4. Parks, playgroiUnds, play non-contiguous parcel which is fields, or recreational uses of land developed. and/or city owned or operated J. A property once building subject to site pla1n approval transferred to complete the by the Planning Board. assemblage of a non-contiguous 5. Road side startds, retai I buildable parcel pursuant to this sale facilities, retail food section may not be used to complete establishments, farm supply facilities, an assemblage of any other non­ eating and drinking establi:~hments. contiguous parcel pursuant to the 6. Commercial shopping provisions of this section. centers subject to Planning Board K. A non-contiguous parcel Approval (see Note 7); autt:>mobile, assembled pursuant to the provisions new car sales and service of this paragraph may not thereafter establishments (see Note llO); gasoline be segregated or subdivided. service stations (see Note 17); L. Development permitted automotive repair (see Note 18). on the property shall be -

Land Use Page 30 7. Light industrial, subject Nesco Village (NV) to Planning Approval (see Note 15). The following uses shall be 8. Professional offices permitted in Nesco Village: subject to Planning Board Approval 1. Single family detached (see Note 12); medical complexes and residential with a bulk density nursing homes subject to Planning requirement of 5 acres per dwelling Board Approval (see Note 14). unit. All uses in the Pinelands Town are 2. Agricultural, forestry, subject to the provisions of N.J.A. C. campgrounds uses. 7:50-5.27 which provides: 3. Public Utilities and (a) Any of the uses set infrastructures subject to Note 5. forth in I(1) through (8) of this 4. Educational uses (see section are authorized in a Pinelands Note 6). Town provided that: 5. Place of worship (see 1. Public service Note 11). infrastructure necessary to support 6. Parks, playgrounds, the use is available, or can be playfields, or recreational uses of land provided without any development in and/or township owned or operated the PA and FAR Zones; and buildings subject to site plan approval 2. The character and by the Planning Board. magnitude of the use is compatible 7. A one acre minimum lot with existing structures and uses in size is required for all development, the Township. subject to Section 1014.B. {b) No residential dwelling 8. The following uses are units or nonresidential use shall be conditionally permitted subject to located in a parcel of less than one review by the Planning Board and the acre unless served by a centralized conditions as outlines in the waste water treatment plant. referenced note. (c) Any municipal variance a. In-Home approval which grants relief from the professional. density or lot area requirements for a b. In-Home or residential or principal nonresidential cottage industry work. use in the PT District shall require c. More than one that Pinelands Development Credits principle use structure on the same be used for all dwelling units or lots in lot, i.e., separate building for a excess of that permitted without the business that is operated and variance. administered by the resident of the Residential Program.

Land Use Page 31 d. Up to 3 family from the density or lot area structure, mother-daughter or SRO requirements for a residential or apartment. This is to facilitate and principal nonresidential use in the NV support making housing opportunities District shall require that Pinelands affordable. Development Credits be usc~d for all 9. All commercial uses, dwelling units or lots in excess of the accessory uses, and conditional uses permitted without the vari•1nce. with the exception of the Land Transfer Program which are provided for anywhere in the Mullica Township Sweetwater Village (SV} Land Use Ordinance shall be The following uses shall be permitted use in the Village, subject permitted in Sweetwater Village: to site plan approval by the Mullica 1. Single family detached Township Planning Board. residential. 1 structure (residential) 10. All uses in the Nesco per acre. Village are subject to the provisions 2. Agricultural, forestry, of N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.27 which provides: campground uses, subject to site plan a. Any of the uses approval by Planning Board. set forth in I{l) through (8) of this 3. Educational uses (see section are authorized in a Pinelands Note 6). Village, provided that: 4. Place of worship (see 1. Public Note 11). service infrastructure necessary to 5. Parks, playgrounds, support the use is available, or can be playfields, or recreational uses of land provided without any development in and/or township owned or operated the PA and FAR Zones; and buildings subject to site pltln approval 2. The by the Planning Board. character and magnitude of the use is 6. Marinas and riiver related compatible with existing structures commercial uses as defined in Note 9. and uses in the Village. 7. The following uses are b. No residential conditionally permitted subject to dwelling units or nonresidential use review by the Planning Board and the shall be located in a parcel of less conditions as outlines in the reference than one acre unless served by a note. centralized waste water treatment a. In-Home plant. professional. c. Any municipal b. In-Home or variance approval which grants relief cottage industry work. -

Land Use Page 32 c. More than one b. No residential principle use structure on the same dwelling units or nonresidential use lot, i.e., separate building for a shall be located in a parcel of less business that is operated and than one acre unless served by a administered by the resident of the centralized waste water treatment Residential Program. plant. d. Up to 3 family c. Any municipal structure, mother-daughter or single variance approval which grants relief resident occupancy (SRO) apartment. from the density or lot area This is to facilitate and support requirements for a residential or making housing opportunities principal nonresidential use in the SV affordable. District shall require that Pinelands 8. A II commercial uses, Development Credits be used for all accessory uses, and conditional uses dwelling units or lots in excess of that with the exception of the Land permitted without the variance. Transfer Program which are provided for anywhere in the Mullica Township Land Ordinance shall be permitted use Elwood Village (EV) in the Village, subject to approval by Land within Elwood Village is intended the Mullica Township Planning Board. to be a center for development. In 9. All uses in the order to promote orderly development Sweetwater Village are subject to the of property, all development in Elwood provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.27 which Village is subject to Planning Board provides: approval except conforming single a. Any of the uses family detached residences. set forth in I(l) through (8) of this Uses permitted in Elwood section are authorized in a Pinelands Village shall include: Village, provided that: 1. Single family detached 1. Public residential, with a bulk zoning Service infrastructure necessary to minimum requirement of 1 residential support the use is available, or can be unit per 1-1/2 acre. provided without any development in 2. Agricultural, forestry, the PA and FARR Zones; and campground uses. 2. The 3. Planned residential character and magnitude of the use is development, as per Note 16. compatible with existing structures 4. Educational uses (See and uses in the Village. Note 6).

Land Use Page 33 5. Place of worship (See for anywhere in the Mullica. Township Note 11). Land Use Ordinance shall be a 6. Parks, playgrounds, permitted use in the Village, subject playfields, or recreational uses of land to approval by the Mullica Township and/or township owned or operated Planning Board. buildings subject to site plan approval 12. Any municipal variance by the Planning Board. approval which grants relie·f from the 7. A one acre minimum lot density or lot area requirements for a size is required for all development residential or principal nonr•esidential subject to Section 1014.B. use in the EV District shall require 8. Recreational uses: public that Pinelands Development Credits and/or private commercial golf be used for all dwelling units or lots in course, driving range, health club, excess of that permitted without the bowling alley. variance. 9. The following uses shall be permitted in the Elwood Village subject to Planning Board Approval: Weekstown Village (WV) a. Duplex Land located in Weel

Land Use Page 34 with the exception of the Land 10. The following uses are Transfer Program which are provided conditionally permitted subject to for anywhere in the Mullica Township review by the Planning Board and the Land Use Ordinance shall be a conditions as outlined in the permitted use in the Village, subject referenced note. to approval by the Mullica Township a. In-Home Planning Board. professional. 9. A II uses in the Pi nelands b. In-Home or Village are subject to the provisions cottage industry work. of N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.27 which provides: c. More than one a. Any of the uses principle use structure on the same set forth in I(l) through (8) of this lot, i.e., separate building for a section are authorized in a Pinelands business that is operated and Village, provided that: administered by the resident of the 1. Public Residential Program. service infrastructure necessary to d. Up to 3 family support the use is available, or can be structure, mother-daughter or SRO provided without any development in apartment. This is to facilitate and the PA and FAR Zones; and support making housing opportunities 2. The affordable. character and magnitude of the use is compatible with existing structures and uses in the Village. Forest Area Residential District b. No residential (FAR} dwelling units or nonresidential use "PERMITTED USES" shall be located in a parcel of less 1. Agriculture. than one acre unless served by a 2. Agricultural employee centralized waste water treatment housing as an element of, and plant. necessary to, an active agricultural c. Any municipal operation and subject to Planning variance approval which grants relief Board approval. from the density or lot area 3. Forestry. requirements for a residential or 4. Fish and wildlife principal nonresidential use in the WV management. District shall require that Pinelands 5. Low intensity Development Credits be used for all recreational uses, provided that: dwelling units or lots in excess of that a. The parcel - permitted without the variance. proposed for low intensity

Land Use Page 35 recreational use has an area of at land, ambient water quality,, least fifty (50) acres; ecologically sensitive areas and unique b. The recreational resources, and will not unduly burden use does not involve the use of public services. motorized vehicles except for 7. Campgrounds, not to necessary transportation; exceed one {1) campsites per gross c. Access to bodies acre, provided that the campsites may of water is limited to no more than be clustered at a net density not to fifteen (15) linear feet of frontage exceed ten (10) campsites per acre per one thousand (1000) feet of water and provided the campgrou1nd is duly body frontage; licensed by the Township. d. Clearing of Campgrounds are subject tt:> Planning vegetation, including ground cover and Board approval. soil disturbance, does not exceed five 8. Continuation of existing (5) percent of the total parcel; and resource extraction operations in e. No more than one accordance with the standc1rds of (1) percent of the parcel will be N.J.A.C. 7:50-6, Part IV. covered with impermeable surfaces. 9. Public service 6. Expansion of intensive infrastructure intended to primarily recreational uses, provided that: serve only the needs of the~ Pinelands. a. The intensive Centralized waste water treatment recreational use was in existence on and collection facilities shell! be February 7, 1979 and the capacity of permitted to service the Forest Area the use will not exceed two times the District only in accordance with capacity of the use on February 7, Section 701.2.2b. 1979; 10. Street, Identification, b. The use is and Directional Signs. necessary to achieve recreational use 11. Accessory use:s. of a particular element of the existing 12. Detached sing1le family Pinelands environment; and dwellings on 3.2 acre lots i1'1 c. The use is accordance with Section 1014. environmentally and aesthetically 13. Detached single family compatible with the character of the dwellings at a density of one (1) Pinelands Forest Area and the dwelling unit per twenty (20) acres. characteristics of the particular basin 14. Detached single family in which the use is to be located, dwellings on one (1) acre lots, in taking into consideration the accordance with Section 1014.B. proportion of cleared and developed

Land Use Page 36 15. Institutional uses 3. Roadside retail sales and including but not limited to schools in services establishments, provided accordance with Note 6, half-way that: houses, mental health care facilities, a. The parcel private health care facilities, proposed for development has libraries, schools, theaters, museums, roadway frontage of at least one all consistent with the provisions of hundred twenty-five (125) feet; N.J.A.C. 7:50-2.11, and subject to b. No portion of any Planning Board Approval. structure proposed for development 16. Home occupation in wi II be more than three hundred (300) accordance with Note 3. feet, measured along a line parallel to the roadway, from the closest part of CONDITIONAL USES: a roadside retail sales and service 1. Pinelands resource establishment structure that was in related industrial uses, excluding existence on February 7, 1979; and resource extraction and uses that c. The proposed use rely on sand or gravel as raw products, will not unduly burden public services, provided that: including but not limited to water, a. The parcel sewer, and roads, no will it interfere proposed for development has an area with the residential quality of the of at least five (5) acres. immediate neighborhood. b. The principal raw 4. Continuation of existing material for the proposed use is found resource extraction operations in or produced in the Pinelands; and accordance with the standards of c. The use does not N.J.A.C. 7;50-6, Part IV. require or will not generate subsidiary or satellite development in a Forest Area District. Far Land Transfer Program (FARR) 2. Agricultural commercial 1. In accordance with the establishments, excluding provision of N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.30 which supermarkets, restaurants, and permits the establishment of a Land convenience stores, provided that: Transfer Program in a Forest Area, a. The principal goods the Land Transfer Program provided or products available for sale were for herein is designed to permit an produced in the Pinelands; and equitable distribution of the allowable b. The sale area of development units white insuring the establishment does not exceed flexibility for property owners to sell - five thousand (5000) square feet. and/or purchase parcels which contain

Land Use Page 37 less than the minimum required lot Jersey Pinelands Commission, the New area or which may be otherwise Jersey Department of Environmental unsuitable for development. Protection Energy, the Atlantic 2. The Mullica Township Land County Board of Health, and any other Transfer Program for the Forest agency having jurisdiction over the Area Residential Zone is permitted a design and/or installation of septic conditional use subject to Planning systems for the property. Board Approval which approval shall 7. The lot proposed for be granted upon compliance by the development otherwise meets the applicant with the following minimum standards of Article VII of conditions: this Ordinance. 3. Residential dwelling units on 8. The non-contiguous portion of lots of four (4) acres or more are the land necessary to complete the permitted in the FARR areas in twenty (20) acre non-contiguous accordance with the provisions of this property necessary to meet the land transfer program, provided that twenty (20) acre minimum s:hall be the owner shall acquire and provide located in the FAR Zone outside the proof of ownership or sufficient non­ FARR areas as shown on the Township contiguous acres located in FAR Zoning Map. district outside the FARR areas of 9. In the FARR areas of the FAR Mullica Township to meet the twenty Zone, owners of property less than (20) acre minimum bulk requirement. four (4) acres but greater than one 4. Subdivision in the FARR areas (1) acre as of January 14, 1981, shall to achieve the four (4) acre minimum not be required to comply with the contiguous improved portion of the four (4) acres of contiguou:s property parcel shall be permitted, subject to set forth as a minimum for all rules and regulations under the development pursuant to the FAR Major Subdivision Section of the Zone Transfer Program. Mullica Township Ordinance. 10. The applicant who satisfies the 5. The development transfers minimum lot acreage density shall comply with all applicable requirement (20) acres pursuant to provision of N.J.A.C. 7:50-5:30. the Land Transfer Program set forth 6. Each four (4) acre or larger lot in the section must deed restrict both sought to be improved must be shown parcels of land to preclude further by the applicant to be eligible for a development not in accordance with permit (permitable) for a single realty the section or with the New Jersey unit septic system in accordance with Pinelands Comprehensive Management the applicable regulations of the New Plan. The portion of the non- -

land Use Page 38 contiguous property which is not 13. A property once transferred to subject to improvement or complete the assemblage of a non­ development shall be permanently contiguous buildable parcel pursuant dedicated through recordation of a to this section may not be used to restriction on the deed to the complete an assemblage of any other property as open space as provided in non-contiguous parcel pursuant to the Section 11 below with no further provision of this section. development permitted. The deed 14. A non-contiguous parcel restriction shall be in a form to be assembled pursuant to the provisions approved by the Planning Board of this paragraph may not thereafter attorney and the Pi nelands be segregated or subdivided. Commission. In accordance with However, an owner of the non­ N.J.A.C. 7:50-5:30{b){4) the contiguous property may rent or lease restricted non-contiguous property the property consistent with the uses may be used only for agriculture, permissible in accordance with forestry, or low intensity recreational N.J.A.C. 7:50-5:30(b)(4), which use. include uses for agricultural, forestry, 11. The non-contiguous parcel or low intensity recreational uses. utilized to complete one (1) total parcel of acreage (20 acres or more) for purposes of this section may not be transferred, encumbered, assigned, leased, rented, or used for any purpose inconsistent with its utilizatiQn as part of the development parcel. In accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:50-5:3Q(b)(4) the restricted non­ contiguous property may be used for agriculture, forestry, or low intensity recreational use. 12. Any property used as a non- contiguous assemblage for purposes of this section may not be transferred or assigned in any manner separately from the portion of the non-contiguous parcel which is - developed.






Roads N._county /':\/Municipal f:V Other /i\/State li_Train ·-Lakes I\/ Streams Zoning CJAP .. EV FAR FARR NV PA PT RD sv CJWV D Municipal Boundary

4000-- --0 4000 8000 Feet HISTORIC AND CULTURAL




Historic and Cultural Page 1 -


Historic and Cultural Page 2 HISTORIC AND CULTURAL Poikonen of Finland and James F. Turk of the Harrison Township Historical Mullica Township has a rich and Society: colorful history. This chapter contains descriptions of Mullica's ·: .. I expect to be able to send to you historic places as well as past and material presently being translated in current photographs; interspersed the US from Finnish to English with the historic locations are "tid­ proving beyond any doubt that the bits" of information, some factual, and name Mulikka originates in Finland and some quite fictional. that the Mulikka family indeed was Finnish. .. " The Township's population before the ~--Of the 12 separate expeditions white man came were the Delaware which were made to the colony Indians-the Lenni Lenape or "original between 1638 and 1656... the last people." There were three main expedition, which arrived on the tribes: the Unami {Turtles), Delaware in March 1656, membered Unalachtos {Turkeys) and Minsi 105 persons, out of which 92 were {Wolves). These were divided into rtnns.C:." .. II sub-tribes such as the Navesinks, - Assanpinks, Matas, Shackamaxons, A second letter is titled in this Chichequaas {Cheesequakes), Raritans, manner: Nanticokes, Nariticongs, and Hacki ngsackies. Some of these are MULIKKA VILLAGE PYLKONMAKI, still names of local areas. FINLAND MULLICA HILL, MILLICA Mullica Township was formed from TOWNSHIP, MULLICA RIVER, NJ the western section of Galloway Township and included, in addition to The letter continues: its current boundaries, much land that later became a large part of the cities "Dear Mr. Turk, of Hammonton and Egg Harbor. It came into existence officially at a "Referring to my visit and our meeting meeting held at Pleasant Mills on in Mullica Hill in October as well as to February 21, 1838. my letter of November 25, 1988, please find enclosed documentation confirming the connection between my Mullica's Name home village and your Mullica - names. .. includes references to the Following are excerpts from Mulikka family of Karanka in Karstula correspondence between Erkki (Karstulan Karangasta) in two Historic and Cultural Page 3 connections when studying the origin originated in Mulikka village in of the Finns in Norway and Delaware... Pylkonmaki...Pages from PYLKONMAKI Excerpts of History of Old Saarijarvi book .. with many references to by Reino Kallio ... regarding the Mulikka Mulikka family, Mulikka village, stay in the present day Mulikka village Mulikka school, etc. ... IIIustrated in 1564 -1696... Page from Keski­ article from newspaper... regarding Suomi (Middle Finland) book .. with connection between Mulikka Pylkonmaki scene and statement that Pylkonmaki and Mullica USA .... "

re THE PAPER MILL paper, a coarse brown paper used The mill was built by Elijah Clark in primarily by butchers for the 1763 as a warehouse originally for wrapping of their meats back in the smugglers and then for days before modern sanitary privateersmen. It later served as a restrictions. By 1835, according to wool reclaiming mill, cotton mill, paper mill records, the mill was turning out mill and theatre playhouse. William nearly a ton of paper daily. The McCarthy bought the mill in 1832 as a structure was rebuilt in 1880 and paper mill. Salt hay was used at the stands to this day.


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~o.r.arab!~ C-e.orq~ Rtmp 'Ki!.yorr '"io'Jns:hip of Mullica. ~.o. :&i::l)( 3l"i ·~n·,.,oo::l, ll,'I 06217

t· !h~. applic•tion fo:::- P~~Ci~f.nt lUlls 'lttc:s& ~.c.vo:r.!:~ly ro~tce!ved )l',.· ;:~: .. )~bt.J.~nal Park s .. rvice, u.s. D.ap;ii::tl'lent of -;r.e :;:r:t~rie~~ •;lngto .• , ~.c .. an:1 was su.bEeqr.ently siql~ecl. ont.c thi! Nat; 0nal Requ;tc:r by tne l(ee~e;: c.f the !'latior.DI1 R.e;;Jister. .. Cont;ratul.:.:tigns. -

PINELANDS SMUGGLERS LAUNCH AN INDUSTRY Once the goods were delivered to buyers, the salt hay was no longer To evade customs at the ports of Philadelphia, Greenwich, Toms of use to the smugglers, who River, Burlington and Perth Amboy, promptly dumped it. Enterprising smugglers would transport their shopkeepers found other uses for goods across the sandy roads of the the hay, leading to the eventual Pinelands in flat-wagons, securely beginning of salt hay farming as a hidden under large loads of salt hay. legitimate enterprise along the Thus many an illegal cargo escaped Jersey coastlands. Salt hay farming detection by roaming customs today continues in several coastal officials. spots.

Historic and Cultural Page 5 One of the earliest references big demand for salt hay for the to salt hay meadows was made in packing ofglassware and pottery. 1685 by Thomas Budd, who owned Rough roads pocked with tret~ stumps much of the Pines. He stated that he were the only lanes of communication believed the meadows off the between the Pinelands and the Barrens were excellent grazing lands markets of Philadelphia and lllew for cattle because "of the abundance York, and the shipment ofglass over of salt grass." This contention was these roads was a decided ri!.~k. supported by pioneer farmers of Therefore the early glass houses of Cape May, Ocean and Atlantic the Pines depended upon the currents Counties, who swam their cattle of the Mullica. across small stretches of water Glass was packed at such separating the mainland from the landings as Hermann City, off- shore islands (or used raft-like Crowleytown, and Bulltown, and barges where the water was deep) shipped by water to waiting and allowed them to roam free. merchants in the two large urban Although this land was officially centers. The demand for packing owned by the Jersey Proprietors, grass accelerated with the d.~mand farmers ignored the jurisdiction. for glassware. Then banana 1'irms in However, it was the activities Newark and New York City bt~gan of the smugglers which started a using salt hay as packing for banana demand for salt meadow hay and shipments, creating one of the first farmers, who previously had cut some markets out of the Southern Jersey at various times for bedding of their territory. horses, began to see its commercial Ice houses in the vicinity found value. They constructed makeshift salt hay of particular benefit as landings on the mainland and ferried insulation, and many times sent their the hay across the meadows in flat own people to gather the gra.;s, which scows. The best of the salt meadows proved a cheap means of keeping ice yielded as much as three tons to the stocks during the warmer months. acre, from two cuttings per season. However, this system did not prove Although there was a total of profitable, and soon the ice houses seventy-four statutes on the books were customers of farmers who of New Jersey between 1697 and began to spend more of their time on 1783 regulating the use of the salt meadows. Some eventually meadowlands, those involved in the became known as salt hay farmers new possibilities of saltgrass paid who gained their entire livelihood little heed to them. from the business. When the first glass factories The paper mill at Harrisville began operation in the deep Pines used salt hay in the making of so- - along the Mullica River, there was a called "butcher paper," a course

Historic and Cultural Pa~Je 6 brown paper used primarily by Mullica River barge was of butchers for the wrapping of their twenty-ton capacity. meats back in the days before Many of the flat-decked craft modern sanitary restrictions. William of the Mullica, commonly called hay McCarthy, who bought the mill in scows, existed up to about 1935. The 1832, found a ready supply of salt scow varied in size, the most common hay in the Wading River area. being thirty-three feet long and According to mill records, it was about twelve feet wide. They drew turning out nearly a ton of paper daily very little water even when fully by 1835. McCarthy's hay was brought loaded This made them perfect for by barges to the Landing (Lower the shallow Mullica and its Bank, Burlington County) about a mile tributaries. There are still some to below the mill and conveyed from be seen pulled up on the mud banks of there by mule team. Salt hay farmers the river, now rotting hulks, victims were getting three dollars per of time, storm and tide. ton for their efforts. The usual


Rare old photo of salt hay gathering on the meadows of South Jersey, an industry launched by the needs of smugglers.

Historic and Cultural Page 7 Clark mansion was known as the Kate KATE AYLESFORD MANSION Aylesford House. One of the characters in the book was The mansion was built by Elijah Clark the outlaw Mulliner, who broke into a in 1763. Charles Peterson, a Victorian party at the mansion and danced with novelist, wrote a book about the the pretty hostess, while his followers American Revolution in South Jersey held other guests at gunpoint. No entitled The Heiress of Sweetwater. doubt some of the legends of the real The locale was in and around Pleasant Mulliner had their beginnings with Mi lis, Batsto and Sweetwater and the author Peterson. heroine was named Kate Aylesford. So real did he paint his characters and so closely did he follow actual A BANDIT events, that many people to this day believe that there was a real Kate The Dancing Bandit" as told by Aylesford. For many years the Elijah William McMahon in Pine Barren: Legend, Lore and Lies:

Historic and Cultural Page 8 "Although not as widely known and an ever-present brace of pistols as the headless horseman of Sleepy in his wide leather belt. He was a Hollow, the ghostly horseman of the complex character who loved to dance Pines has been a legend in South ·and attend parties (uninvited, of Jersey for 200 years. He is said to be course}, all the while heading the the dancing Pines robber Joseph worst bunch of cutthroats that ever Mulliner, about whom many stories are infested the South Jersey woodlands. told Mulliner and his band of about forty Mulliner and his gang operated men were supposedly loyal to King in the Barrens during the time of the George I I I, but there is abundant American Revolution and made their evidence that they were loyal only to headquarters in a swamp in the themselves. Tories as well as patriots vicinity of what is now Egg Harbor suffered at their hands. But because City. At the forks of the Mullica of this so-called allegiance to the there is a large oak tree with English crown, they were widely known spreading branches, overlooking the by the name ''refugees." water. According to local legend, it Taking advantage of the fact was from this tree that highwayman that all able-bodied men were away Joseph Mulliner was hanged and left defending New Jersey as part of the to dangle, after his capture by a posse Continental Army in Trenton, New of patriots and farmers angered Brunswick, Monmouth and Princeton, beyond tolerance by his raids upon Mulliner and his band would swoop their homes and lands. Some residents down on an unprotected farm house, of nearby Sweetwater cut the body burning and pillaging without fear of down, the legend continues, and resistance. Anything that could not be buried it in a lonely spot beside the carried away was set afire. road leading to the village. It has However, when he was not been reported on occasion that the engaged in plunder, Mulliner liked thundering beat of a horse's hoofs nothing better than to be the has been heard along the road, and a uninvited guest at social affairs in lone celebrator returning from a party private homes and taverns of the nearby told of hearing the hoofs and area. A tale is told of how he learned feeling a cold wind pass him by. of a wedding taking place at a tavern Another ghostly legend tells of a in old Washington (now a part of the rider in a long black cape emerging Wharton Tract) and decided to invite periodically from the dark waters of himself to the festivities. the Mullica, carrying its ashen-faced Approaching the back of the head under an arm. place, he nearly tripped over a young Mulliner was a tall, handsome, girl lying on the grass, crying. When swaggering Englishman with a passion she saw the giant outlaw she ran for for elaborate uniforms, ornate swords Historic and Cultural Page 9 the building. Mulliner decided he'd bride. We know Mulliner got' away better delay his appearance. unharmed After a while he entered Another legend that always quietly, and stood at the rear of those surfaces in any discussion ol Mulliner gathered there. A wedding was in concerns a raid by his gang, minus its progress. The bride was none other leader, on a farm near Washington than the girl he had encountered owned by a widow named Bates. Her outside. Furthermore, the groom was four sons were serving in the an old foe who had boasted he would Continental army. According to the kill Mulliner on sight. The outlaw, story, the marauders stole her pigs feeling the girl was being forced into and poultry and then entered the this marriage, gave a wild whoop, fired house to cart away furniture and his two pistols in the air and sent the anything else of value they might find wedding guests scrambling for cover. Widow Bates attempted to 1'ight them In the excitement, the groom off so they took her, tied her to a disappeared nearby tree, and burned her home to Mulliner replaced his pistols, the ground assured everyone that he was there Neighbors rallied to her aid as for no harm, and invited them all to they do in the Pines, and eat and drink, leading the way himself. reconstructed the dwelling, ~even He also ordered the fiddler to play. donating furniture and food Mulliner, After a few whirls around the floor it was reported, had no prior - with the reluctant bride-to-be, he knowledge of the raid and Wt1S upset backed out the door and jumped upon by the actions of his men. One his horse, which had been held in morning, a bag of coins amounting to several hundred dollars was found hanging outside the Bates ccrbin window. It was always belie~ed that these coins were placed there by Mulliner to show his disapproval of the actions of his followers. There is, of course, some doubt about' the story. It was his love of dancing and playing the dandy that led to Mulliner 's undoing. When thE~ British troops departed and the war ended readiness by a member of his band the men of South Jersey came home. Here the tale ends without Learning of the activities of Mulliner explanation as to what happened to and his gang, they formed a company the frightened bridegroom or the of rangers under an old Indic1n fighter Historic and Cultural Page 10 named Captain Bay/in, and went The rangers escorted their - seeking the Pines robbers. bound prisoner on a horse to One night Mulliner, up to his Burlington and turned him over to the usual tricks at an inn in New Columbia authorities there. Mulliner was placed {now Nesco }, was whirling the girls in the Burlington jail and charged with about the dance floor and drinking banditry and treason. It did not take heavily. One of the men present a court long to find him guilty. He was slipped out a back way and contacted hanged in the yard of the prison in Captain Bay/in, who arrived with his August, 1781. Without its leader, the rangers, surrounded the place, gang scattered and peace once more captured Mul/iner 's guards and took reigned in the Pines. the outlaw from the dance floor.


Outlaw Joe Mulliner was captured here in 1781. It is now a private home.

Historic and Cultural Page 11 An old Scotsman once told me, Watson Buck, Mulliner 's body was "Scotland had a glorious history until indeed brought back from Burlington some danged historian came along and and interred along the Pleasant Mills­ pointed out that it was mostly legend " · Nesco road In 1850, he says, a party So it goes with the story of Mulliner. of drunken woodsmen from Batsto dug We have seen from the above that up the bones, but Jesse Richards, the so-called hanging tree at the Batsto ironmaster, had them returned Forks never served that purpose, at to their original resting-place. A gun least so far as Mulliner is concerned. club in the vicinity first marked the His death came at the hands of legal alleged grave with a wooden slab, and authority after trial and conviction. it now bears an official State historic Whether or not the body was brought sign. But there are skeptics who back and buried at Sweetwater is also question what lies beneath the debatable. According to historian marker."


Historic and Cultural Page 12 This is the oldest Catholic cemetery five headstones, many of them with in South Jersey. It originally fading inscriptions. Franz and Mary accompanied a wood frame church Froehlinger, parents of the late built in 1827, St. Mary's of the Joseph Fralinger, originator of the Assumption, or more commonly known famous Fralinger's Salt Water Taffy as St. Mary's in the Pines. St. Mary's in Atlantic City, are buried there. was the first Catholic Church south of The oldest tombstone dates to 1835. Trenton and the first in what is now The last burial was in 1906. Atlantic County. Catholic workers at the Batsto Furnace and Iron Works, many of them from Ireland and SWEETWATER Germany, built the church in 1827 on land donated by their employer, Jesse Sweetwater was founded on 1707 by Richards, an Episcopalian who also Scotsmen. The town was given its helped the project financially. Before name after a scene in the novel St. Mary's was built, the Catholic entitled The Heiress of Sweetwater, workers worshipped in private homes. by Charles Peterson. It was once a Mass was celebrated whenever a haven for privateers who fought priest journeyed by stagecoach or against the British. The British were horseback from Philadelphia, a trip stopped here on the way to Batsto which entailed forty-two miles of sand after attacking Chestnut Neck. roads and a ferry ride. After the church opened, Richards provided rooms for the visiting priests at his WEEKSTOWN home, according to historical accounts. His daughter took charge Weekstown was established by the of the altar. Weeks family.

St. Mary's held its last service in December 1860, by which time the THE FORKS congregation had dwindled to eleven worshippers. The church was boarded The confluence of the Batsto and up in 1865 and completely abandoned Mullica Rivers is known as the Forks. in 1885. It was destroyed in a forest This was a major shipping and fire in April1900. The cemetery commercial area from the mid 1700 contains the graves of the period to mid 1800 that served the Revolutionary War-era workers at iron mills, glass works, paper mills, Batsto, the furnace that made much charcoal makers and saw mills along of the ammunition used in the war. the rivers. The Forks was established The graveyard contains about thirty- as a military post in the Revolutionary Historic and Cultural Page 13 War. The post housed a battalion of infantry and a battery of field pieces.

Religious revivals were an important PLEASANT MILLS-BATSTO CHURCH happening in the Pines, primitive as AND CEMETERY some may have been. To most of the early inhabitants, religion was an Built by Elijah Clark in 1763 as a log­ emotional experience, many times cabin structure, the early church was more emotional than religious. known as Clark's Meeting House. The Because of the rugged life led by original cabin was replaced by the these people, they needed the present wood building in 1808. The promise of a better world elsewhere. present church was dedicated by the Funerals were always dress-up affairs Rev. Francis Asbury, the first to speed the departed to a more Methodist bishop of the United abundant life in the hereafter. When States. a log church or meeting house was available, the traveling preacher would make use of it, if the local wardens Historic and Cultural Page 14 would let him; otherwise he A It hough the Batsto church seems improvised. Such was the case of the today off the beaten track, it Batsto-Pleasant Mills church. Dr. attracted a number of well known Charles Pitman (for whom Pitman was preachers of early Jersey days. John named) was famed for his two-and-a­ Brainerd who, like his brother David half-hour sermons. He found the before him, devoted his life to the little log cabin church inadequate for conversion of the Lenni Lenape to the needs of the large crowds he Christianity, preached at this spot in attracted, and used a hay wagon 1774. It is recorded that a group of drawn up outside for his pulpit. The Indians were among his listeners. Rev. wagon was supplied by Jesse Richards, Philip Fithian, a Presbyterian minister operator of the Batsto Iron Furnace, who was one of the ·Indians" in the who was usually host to the man of famous Greenwich tea burning party the bible, no matter what his religious of the Revolution, mentions in his affiliation, following services. journal having preached at ·clark's Log Meeting House."

- In the cemetery adjoining the church trustees, Simon Lucas, who occupied is buried one of its most colorful that post along with William Richards Historic and Cultural Page 15 and Jesse Richards of the Batsto time to catch herring was when the Iron family. Also among those buried herring was here!' " here is the Revolutionary War privateer Captain Jack Van Dyke, BATSTO AND WHARTON STATE Master of the brigantine "Gypsy FOREST Lane." Batsto is the site of the 1781 forge A CONTRARY CUSS that was part of the Batsto Iron Works. The iron works first forged The following is a description of cannonballs, among other items, for Simon Lucas by old-time historian, the Revolutionary War. Batsto later Charles F. Green: became a glassworks and was "Old Simon Lucas," said Green, eventually bought by Joseph Wharton. "was a contrary cuss. He could be very much a tyrant with his The greed of civilization has always congregation, as illustrated by his been at the door of the Barrens. The words from the pulpit when a young iron masters looked upon the woods as lady's brooch pin offended him. He a means of keeping their furnaces denounced her so forcibly she left the blazing; likewise the glass men. When church in tears. On another occasion a section of timber was depleted, he bent a bit. Every spring the A tsion another was tackled unti I the wooded creek would be the scene of a large sections began disappearing at an run of herring. Everyone went after alarming rate. The death of the iron the fish, even to the extent of closing industry in the 1850s saved the down the iron furnaces. Well, on this remaining trees, although charcoal Sunday there was an unusually heavy makers for many years after caused run of herring and the male population their share of destruction. of the area turned out with hooks and lines. Jesse Richards, of the Batsto In the late 1800s the Pines were again works, and his daughter passed by the threatened when industrialist Joseph creek on their way to church. The Wharton of Philadelphia acquired young miss, shocked at the scene on 90,000 acres, intending to tap the the Sabbath, said, 'Father, you should enormous watershed and sell its water stop those men from fishing!' to the city of Philadelphia. His plan Richards replied, 'Don't know if I have was thwarted when state legislators the right, but I'll ask Simon Lucas. He became aware of the dangers and should know.' On the way back from prohibited the transfer of New church, Richard's daughter inquired, Jersey water to Pennsylvania. 'Papa, did you ask Mr. Lucas about the Frustrated, Wharton's heirs sold fishing?' 'Yes,' answered her father. their holdings to the state in 1953. 'What did he say?' 'Well, he said the Historic and Cultural Page 16 The land was immediately marked for public use.

HILDA S. FRAME SCHOOLHOUSE "In the old days, teachers struck children to discipline them and This early schoolhouse in the Nesco students were put off the schoolbus area was named after Hilda S. Frame and forced to walk home if they in appreciation of her life-long service misbehaved on the bus. to the education of the Township's That was the picture former children. The school is currently used student Francis 'Bud' Walker, now a for a head-start program. 68-year-old retiree who still lives in the township, painted for a combined class of about 45 thirdgraders. ... OLD SCHOOL DAYS 'Did you get detention?' one third-grader asked Walker, whose The following is excerpted from an mother, Lillian, worked in the district Atlantic City Press article by Pat from 1934 to 1972, first as a teacher Arney:

Historic and Cultural Page 17 and later as principal of the Elwood Walker showed the children a School hand bell-the kind a teacher would T didn't get detention because ring to open school - that he found on - my mom would tell my dad and I'd get a pile of scrap metal at the one-room detention in the basement with a belt, ' Weekstown School when he was a Walker answered student there just before World War Until the fifth grade, his II started. mother was the only teacher he'd At the time, the U.S. had, he said 'But I didn't call her government was sponsoring a contest "Mom." I had to call her Mrs. Walker.' to collect scrap metal for a ... There were only two children in his battleship-building program, he said class and 26 in the whole school, said The states that collected the most Walker, who attended the Nesco and scrap metal would have a battleship Weekstown schools between 1935 and named after them. Walker wanted 1943. the bell, but his mother wouldn't let He said he didn't know whether him take it unless he substituted teachers were legally allowed to something else, he said So he strike children in those days, 'but I replaced it with carloads of iron got hit a lot.' grates that his father, a boilermaker, He was held to a higher removed from locomotives. standard because his mother was a New Jersey won the scrap­ - teacher, he said She broke two metal contest and that's how the USS yardsticks on him. New Jersey- the most decorated T got blamed for everything,' battleship in the Navy's history-got its name, he said Walker said T did a lot, but a lot The students peppered Walker I didn't do.' with such questions as, 'Did they have If a student misbehaved on the earrings back then?' and 'What was bus, 'they just opened the door and your favorite subject?' put you out,' he said Walker's answers were, Walker told a story about the respectively: ~y goodness, no,' and Nesco School's 'town dog' named 'Play period' Butch, who was allowed to come into 'Why were things so cheap?' one the school and stay in the classroom. girl asked 'One weekend they forgot Butch and 'Because nobody had any money,' he got stuck in the school all he said Tee cream was a nickel a dip, weekend, 'he said. 'By Monday, he had and not many people had money for ice chewed all the mullions out of the cream.' windows trying to get out to go to the Frances Perry, 91, a Hammonton bathroom. He wouldn't mess in the resident who taught here from 1954 school.' The original Elwood School Historic and Cultural Page 18 Elwood School that used to be across the street from the present school - T'm sure you'd like to know

about the toilets, I Perry said, drawing chuckles from the audience. Tn those days there were no inside toilets,' Perry said The outhouse for the boys was on one side of the school and the outhouse for the girls on the other side.

'Ooooooh, I the students The original Elwood School gasped"

to 1971... spoke to a combined class of nearly 90 fourth graders. She showed them the hand bell from the old


This original two-room schoolhouse Indian Cabin Road was named for was erected in 1910. The school was being the location of the last named for a much-loved teacher of remaining Native American residence - several generations of Mullica in the area. Township children. It is still used for second-grade classes. Historic and Cultural Page 19 COLUMBIA tax certificate from the year 1865 for taxes paid to Mullica Township. - Now a part of Nesco, there is The certificate indicates that appeals evidence as far back as 1865 that this could be filed at Columbia Hall, was once a town and is probably how Columbia. Columbia Road was named. Below is a

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ELIPHALET WIIIT'rLI~SEY, Ooll.cctor :1; . E/, WOOIJ. I J,._ -l~1t;., ; ·.·.f ~·,:-:..._ :. \icr.,...... :.'-tr,pj;'ol!N:io ;- .c;;,.;.·-"~·~·'-11-\'\-;~:.:.c._-.,-..;.:,:;-.,..~£'. -

designed to supply twenty-five AMATOL TRACT percent of all shells ordered or needed by the U.S. Army Ordnance Amatol emerges from history as the Department. Amatol was built in 1918 last of the forgotten towns of the by the Atlantic Loading Company, a Garden State's Pine Barrens-a true firm with headquarters in New York ghost town. Amatol can likewise be City and which was incorporated in the identified as New Jersey's last state of Maine in December, 1917 by "company town," one that came into O.J. Salisbury of Salt Lake City, Utah. existence under peculiar The town and village together were circumstances, lasted for about six named after the explosive utilized at months, then vanished from the face the plant, ammonium nitrate and of the earth. trinitrotoluel (TNT) combined in an 80-20 mix-Amatol. Amatol, a World War I enterprise, - was a large munitions plant with The corporation bought 6,000 acres accompanying employee housing of land from a Daniel Frazier of Historic and Cultural Page 20 Hammonton. The transaction made that the plant and personnel were Frazier a wealthy man and he later coming. There was a heavy initial built a mansion on the mainline of burden on the community that was Phi !adelphia. The location selected reflected by long lines at the post was comparatively isolated, yet along office and a lack of hotel rooms in both the Pennsylvania and Reading town. These facilities were less railroad lines, providing ample taxed as the new complex constructed transportation facilities for men and a post office and adequate housing. material. Other factors favoring the location were easily worked soil, a Of the 5,500 construction workers, subterranean supply of excellent 1,800 were enlisted men. These men water, and a moderate climate. The helped clear the land, built the fence tract was located between East that surrounded the industrial Hammonton and Elwood in Mullica section, and patrolled the perimeter Township, along Route 30 (White of the property. The civilian Horse Pike), and extended northeast personnel included both men and almost as far as Columbia Road in women. The women not only cooked Nesco, and southeast between the and cleaned but were secretaries and Elwood-Weekstown and Elwood­ land surveyors. Some taught school Pleasant Mills Roads. The latter area for those workers that brought contained the vi II age about two miles families. Most of the civilian laborers distant from the plant. came from the Lower East Side of New York City. (A local paper noted The land on which Amatol was to be that residents were worried about located was purchased on Saturday, the influx of people but that there March 4th, 1918 and work commenced was no trouble.) However, the South on Sunday, March 5th. When Jersey Republican dated March 9th, construction got underway, a high­ 1918 relates that "the wages offered tension power line was brought in for ordinary help, 35 cents per hour from the Missouri Avenue Plant of the and up to something over a hundred Atlantic City Electric Company. The dollars per month, are attracting help line was thirty-three miles long, from (Hammonton) farms and those carrying 66,000 volts. During employed in clerical positions. Local construction there were 700 cars of stores are already feeling the effects lumber on wheels at one time. A force of the 'boom' so close by, while the of 300, located partly in Philadelphia factories have lost many of their and partly at Amato I, was needed to hands. 11 take care of procurement. During - construction, between 3,000 and Standard gauge railroad tracks 5.500 people worked at Amatol. The connected all factory buildings with village of Elwood was not informed one another and so did twelve miles of Historic and Cultural Page 21 huge conveyor belts. Fifty miles of town itself was bui It on 350 ·acres at a track covered the complex; ten safe distance (two miles) fro•m the locomotives and thirty passenger cars explosive plant. By July 31st .. 1918, were needed to accommodate traffic. enough factory buildings, residential Shuttle trains consisting usually of a areas, utilities, etc. had been locomotive and two or three cars were completed to start operatioras as the used to carry workers from their largest shell loading plant in the quarters to work and back. Thirty­ United States. two miles of roadway and five miles of wooden walks facilitated additional Plant operations consisted of loading, transportation. Traffic at Amatol was assembling, and packing fixed at times quite heavy, considering the ammunition. This meant the hauling of reported availability of 553 horses, TNT, ammonium nitrate, and 75 trucks, 95 passenger autos and 13 smokeless powder. To carry through passenger buses. One mobile these operations with the least paywagon completed the list of possible danger, and with the~ speed vehicles, which required 21 railroad required by the needs of wa1", flawless structures and 12 stables for shelter. organization, production methods, and equipment was required. Atlantic The industrial area was set up as Loading Company, it was claimed, camps with each section having a combed the nation for some of the name. There were 642 buildings that finest experts in various fiellds to - housed many functions including administer and run the plant. An receiving, pouring and coding, drilling assembly-line technique for shelf and cleaning, assembling, packing, loading was developed here, a method powder filling, TNT storage, and that speeded up production primer and booster magazine storage. considerably. The plant utilized a Because of the hazardous operations power belt conveyor system developed involved, buildings were separated by by AMATOL engineers permitting 200 feet to minimize danger should continuous movement of shells fire or explosion occur. The plant through the various operatic•ns. Also looked like a wartime concentration developed at the plant was o. safer camp, surrounded as it was with heavy method of melting TNT and mixing it wire fence topped with several with the ammonium nitrate. The plant strands of barbed wire. Guardhouses, never experienced any majo1• located every 500 feet, were elevated explosions. The facility loaded shells above the fence and each was from 7S mm. to ten-inch drc•p bombs, equipped with a searchlight and depth bombs, rifle grenades, hand manned by armed guards around the grenades and boosters. The. normal clock. Ultimately the plant complexes total capacity of the plant was - covered an area of 2.550 acres; the projected at 60,000 shells per day. Historic and Cultural Page 22 Called a 11 Wartime marvel of American AFIRE 11 Engineering Achievement , the plant's While trucks were used theme of 11 Speed-Simplicity-Results~~ extensively in the enterprise at earned the respect of professionals in Amato/, there were 553 horses on the many fields. site as well Fire took its toll of this The town was planned to house a phase of the operation as this account possible population of 25,000 in the July 13th issue of the "South residents. It was designed as an Jersey Republican" attests: attractive community rather than just Two Of the huge horse barns at a group of housing units, and gave the Amato/, property of the Atlantic impression of a well-kept suburban Loading Company, the largest shell development. In recognition of the loading plant in the country, just fact that Amatol would have to be below Hammonton, took fire about dismantled sooner or later depending half past ten last Friday night, and entirely on future developments of burned to the ground with about forty the war, all construction was of a head of fine big horses. Hammonton temporary nature. The recovery and was notified, and sent its chemical salvage of much construction material apparatuses and men: Egg Harbor was anticipated. quickly got on the job. - As soon as the fire was Shortly before the end of World War discovered, the horses were released, 1, in October of 1918, a peak of 3800 thus saving many of them. The poor soldiers lived and worked at Amatol. frightened animals took refuge in the Their safety and well being was woods, and several came tearing assured by three central heating through Hammonton, as far up the systems and two auxiliary generating road as Berlin and Medford stations. Water supply capacity was Searching parties rounded them up given at 1,750,000 gallons daily. The and they were returned the next day. town had its own sewerage treatment Two of the animals were injured in plant consisting of septic tanks and collision and had to be shot. large sand fi Iter beds with the "While the buildings can be effluent "finding its way eventually to replaced, the suffering of the poor tidewater... (This can only mean that animals will remain long in the minds the effluent was channeled into the of witnesses and those who love dumb Mullica River Basin.) Seven hospital animals. buildings with 150 beds took care of "The cause was laid to an all medical needs, while social enemy, but later developments activities were concentrated at the showed that a mixture of befuddled local theatre. brain, match and tobacco were responsible. "

Historic and Cultural Page 23 A week later, the ''Republican" rest in or near the barns, with a commented editorially on the fire in lighted pipe or cigarette. The only this way: complicating feature is th.~ present - There are two stories told location of the Man in question. One about the Amato/ fire, last Friday story is that he was apprehended, night, and neither one is enough to and sentenced to ninety days in convince sober-minded men that jail· the other, that he wcrs burned saloons are not a menace to a to a crisp, and is now preparing a community. Both stories agree on one good warm abode for the like of those fact, that a drunken man laid down to who sold him the rum.

Living accommodations included single 20,000 meals were actually served residences, multiple houses, daily. With an eye on effidency and workman's houses, 119 dormitories, economy, Amatol's food supply was bunkhouses and a YMCA. The type of partly provided by local pig ·farmers. accommodations assigned depended on Three hundred pigs, of whic:h 200 one's position in the hierarchy; were thoroughbred, were fE~d 3,500 presumably the single dwellings went pounds of waste daily, mostly in the to the supervisory personnel. There form of cooked food-leftovers from were eighteen eating places, and an the eating places. A schoolhouse, ice plant with a thirty-ton daily churches, a ball field, two firehouses capacity. For the dormitory dwellers and a post office completed[ the public there was a mess hall with two wings, structure of the town. A t<,tal of 386 each of which sat 800 persons. The telephones served the community. main cafeteria measured 25,000 square feet and could provide 6,000 Those bent on a shopping spree didn't -· meals per hour. A total of 15,000 to have to go very far, as twef\ty-one

Historic and Cultural commercial stores catered to their antedated the huge suburban malls of taste providing a wide variety of today. merchandise. The pride and joy of the town was Liberty Court. This was The need for office buildings became a shopping mall that included a first­ apparent in light of the fact that it class restaurant, record shop, took thirty-eight people to man the haberdashery, grocery, menswear accounting department. They in turn store, jewelry store and other shops had to take care of 197 industrial along with a post office and the service employees and 500 guards. Liberty Theatre with seating for 950 One hundred and eleven town people, and a Chinese restaurant. employees plus a conglomeration of This was located on a court and some 247 cooks and miscellaneous promenade that was lighted at night, help made up the balance. 1,001 and, although somewhat smaller, operators, 2.000 enlisted men and 34 supervisors ran the plant itself.


Historic and Cultural Page 25

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· ...... ,... ,~.1/'·i.r.: -l::.,u:/4.M:!l: the woods but know nothing of its MYSTERY CEMETERY origin. A widely accepted theory was held by a few to the effect that this The following article was written for was a cemetery created by the flu the "Batsto Citizens Gazette" in 1990 epidemic that raged in this area in by J. G. Wilson: 1917 and 18, carrying many to early 'Tt is easy enough to affix an graves. aura of mystery to a cemetery. This is But this area was settled especially true of a cemetery in the before the War and was part of the Pine Barrens where most burial area known as Magnolia. In fact there grounds lay claim to origins that are was a railroad station on the at best obscure. This particular Pennsylvania line near this place. cemetery is located on the edge of Apparently it was a regular stop and it the Amato/ Tract, that 6,000 acre was labeled 'Magnolia' ... A portion of piece of real estate where the U.S. the Amato/ [plant] nearby the Army Ordnance Department operated cemetery was labeled 'Camp Magnolia.' a huge shell loading plant for a while in It was assumed that this settlement 1917-18. I wrote this some years ago in the sprawling Amato/ tract was in the hope of coming up with the occupied by black soldiers who - answer to some questions. But in the supplied the muscle, teamsters, passage of time little has surfaced stablemen and others needed to keep This is a second try. The cemetery is the establishment functioning. Most located about 100 yards from Moss of the flu victims came from this Mill Rd at the extreme south end of portion of Amatol The next move was what was once the Amato/ tract. This obvious. I have contacted historians in area is next to a small neat-as-a-pin the Ordnance Department and other settlement of black Jews with a branches of the service who might woodland road separating the pine and have served at Amato/ in 1917-18, but scrub oak woods and the houses. The received a couple of rather terse road apparently goes nowhere and if notes to the effect this armed followed it is soon swallowed by the service takes a dim view of doing Amato/ scrub. The graves are there, genealogical research. I wrote back a however, in neat rows, most of them couple of times explaining I was not little more than rotted- down cedar into genealogy and wanted only to find markers, by now devoid of any out if any Army personal who served decipherable legend Hunters who at Amato/ died there and if so were roamed this area in the old days, they buried there. Again I drew a Jimmy Myers, George Lobley, Gilpin blank. Now I have made mention of Wescoat, Tom Lockard, to name a wooden markers. There are two stone few, often spoke of this cemetery in markers there too. They deepen the Historic and Cultural Page 29 mystery. One marks the resting place plant ever achieved its design of an 18 year-old woman. It is made of capacity. limestone and is inscribed with enough In March of 1919, the federcll lettering to tell us the woman died on government bought the propc~rty. March 5, 1862. Unfortunately, the What was built in nine months took column is broken and the name cannot three years to tear down. A!though be determined It is a large marker the land was cleared, there was no and elaborately carved Near this is a indication that any housing was built small stone gravestone and bears the to the west of the present-clay 57th name Charles Williams, Co. A., 4th J.J. Street. The housing to the •~ast of Infantry. Now what is left? Was this 57th Street was intentionally once a church graveyard? No available demolished before 1924. The records indicate a church ever stood Atlantic Loading Company owned all near this particular point. Where do the buildings. Individual houses were we go from here or must the mystery sold and removed from the property remain? before 1921. None of the re:maining structures in the village remained on site. It is possible that som•e of the Amatol houses lasted from 1918 until 1921. What remain today are cellar holes and a few brick piers. As late as 1924, 4,000 pounds of ordnance were destroyed on the property.

Eventually, the tract went btlck into private ownership. The factory site on Moss Mill Road became the site of the largest wooden auto-racing track Amatol was ninety percent completed in existence in the 1920's. Named the when the Armistice took effect on Great Atlantic City Speedwcty, it took November 11th, 1918. The signing of six million feet of lumber to build. the armistice caused suspension of the construction work. Actual shell loading was carried out from August to November of 1918, just a four­ month period. When the operation closed down, all of the support area had been built, but only part of the residential area had been constructed. It is doubtful if the -

Historic and Cultural what was, and what could have been, in their own backyard Tt was a very fast tract, perhaps the fastest,' said Donald Davidson, a racing historian with the United States Auto Club, Indy5' parent organization. Davidson said that besides being fast, the Atlantic City track was larger than most of the 30 or more other board tracks that sprang up THE SPEEDWAY around the country in the 19205', most of which were one to one-and-a­ Atlantic City Press Article: quarter miles in length. By Stephen R. Levine He said the circuit of Staff Writer woodframe tracks held competitions "A.C. 5' car-racing heyday was that led to Indianapolis, which then, short. as now, was the Super Bowl of auto On the grounds of Amato/, a racing. defunct World War I munitions plant Eldon De Vi fliers, 84, of Somers in Mullica Township, one of the Point, helped build the great Atlantic greatest racetracks of the 19205' City speedway. came and went in less than five years. It was DeVilleers' Two hundred and sixty-three understanding that industrialist freight cars hauled the boards-6 Charles M. Schwab, known today for million feet of lumber for a 1.5-mile the financial services organization track built nearly 70 years ago. that bears his name, was somehow It was the Atlantic City Motor booted from Indianapolis and came to Speedway, a huge pine bowl in Mullica Atlantic City to start his own rival Township that was briefly known as track the fastest automotive racetrack in Tt was meant to be competition the world It was also known by for Indianapolis,' he said Tt was different names: Amato/ for the exciting, you bet your life. ' grounds where it was built, the Built in 1926, the track drew Atlantic City Raceway, and, simply, thousands of visitors per race to Speedway. watch the top racers of the day But as racing fans from around compete. the region join fans around the world With space for more than to watch the Indianapolis 500 today, 100,000 spectators and more than the vast majority will be unaware of 5,000 cars, the track was built for crowds as well as speed Historic and Cultural Page 31 On May 1, 1926, the 300-mi/e Hartz, who had taken Zndy the inaugural drew more than 80,000 fans year before, won the At/antic City and 16 of the top drivers of the day: openers as well - Peter DePaolo, Bennett Hill, Bob Davidson said Atlantic City's McDonough, and Harry Hartz among speedway, like the other board them. tracks, had inherent high costs and Locally, it may have been the risks because it was made of wood. greatest one-day event in history. Fire was always a threat, The Atlantic City 'Evening especially when the wood became Union' wrote that "special trains, streaked with oil andgas. And the arriving from Atlantic City, tracks were difficult to maintain and Philadelphia and New York in intervals brake on. of a few minutes flung thousands to 'They'd splinter, 'he said. 'They'd get the course. hit very hard in the winter and The P.R. T. {Philadelphia Rapid deteriorate very fast.' Transit Company) sent 250 buses In 1928, the Atlantic City track loaded with fans. The Absecon Bus was sold, along with most of the company sent a fleet from the shore." boards from the oval andgrandstand The 'Evening Union: a The rest were later carried off by forerunner to The Press of Atlantic souvenir seekers. City, printed a special Speedway Built near grounds now occupied Edition right on the grounds. by Troop A of the New Jers.r~y State 'For hours the White Horse Police in Hammonton, the tra•ck, Pike and the dozen new roads feeding despite its celebrated heyday, has the speedway were teeming with cars virtually disappeared three abreast and endless throngs of The land on which it was built men and women all twining their feet once was famous for the World War I and minds to the huge bowl in which Amato/ munitions plant, but little now new records were waited,' the paper remains of either the plantar the wrote. speedway. They didn't have long to wait. Seventy years of vegetation Within hours at least three cover the inner oval and the track world records were shattered: the itself is absorbed in a maze af white first by McDonough for driving 75 sand fire roads.... " miles in less than 33 minutes, the second by Earl Devore for going 150 miles at an average speed of 134.54 DUMP SITE PROPOSED AT AMA TOL mph, and the third by McDonough for driving 200 miles at an average speed 1984 Sun article: of 133.9 mph. "The solid waste has hit the -- fan. Historic and Cultural Pagte 32 It's no longer a battle between that no other site in the region is just the citizens of Mullica Township suitable. and the Atlantic County Utilities 'They have yet to demonstrate Authority. that to us,' says Moore. Now the citizens have a new, According to the Pinelands influential ally, Terrence D. Moore, executive both the county authority executive director of the NJ. and its consultants were warned Pinelands Commission. weeks ago that the commission's This should come as something environmental scientists do not favor of a surprise to Mullica residents who selection of the Amato/ site. are fighting the Authority's bid to The problem, says Moore, is develop a county-regional landfill on that Amato/ is a recharge area.... the township's pristine Amato/ tract. The ironies abound During rallies this past week, The surface of the 700-acre one of which drew 1.000 people, a portion of Amato/ proposed as the fifth of the township 's total dump site is 22-feetabove the population - anti-dump activists not seasonal water table peak. The only rallied against the utilities authority's consultants deemed that authority but the Pinelands as a plus, since any escaping lechate Commission as well from the dump would have a long - Ill feeling toward the Pinelands journey before reaching groundwater. Commission runs rampant in Atlantic With the state-of-the-art monitoring County towns under pinelands the authority promises it will employ, jurisdiction. The commissioners are any such problem could be rectified seen as absentee carpetbaggers before pollution could occur. But whose regulations callously usurp local Moore maintains that land over such a landuse laws. deep groundwater reserve... [copy Now, though, that attitude may unreadable here] to replenish the change some, at least in Mullica. aquifer system. It wouldn't do to have 'We have given no approval (of such an ample sponge blocked off, the Amato/ site) and have told the says Moore. county they are going to have a tough Moore isn't certain what the time getting it through the Pine/ands alternative site should be. The Commission,' said Moore in an decision, after all, is not his to make. interview Wednesday. But he points out that one of the last Moore expressed sympathy for four sites to be considered, the one Mullica's people. called Betsy Scull, situated in Egg ... Moore says that a solid waste Harbor Township, has a more suitable - agency can develop a landfill in water table. Pinelands areas only if it can show 'You don't want the water table to be too deep or too shallow.' said Historic and Cultural Page 33 Moore. ~ t Betsy Scull it's ten feet, that does not fall under either which is ... [copy unreadable] they have Pinelands or CAFRA regulations. at the proposed Cape May regional The consultants toyed around with site.... ' putting the dump somewhere on a two­ Making the situation seem all by-three mile expanse along the the more ironic, is that the county's county's southwestern border, but consultants, Rogers, Golden and Kennedy says that, while that land was Halpern of Philadelphia, have worked burdened with neither Pinelands or with the commission before and are CAFRA restrictions, much of the soil familiar with pinelands regulations. was inadequate there or had been Asked about these seeming developed for agriculture. contradictions during a press Howard Fritz Hanernam, conference called by the authority utilities authority president, is Wednesday, Pat Kennedy, a spokesman satisfied that the consultants did the for the consultants, responded with a best they could in preparing their site shrug and a wry smile. selection study, saying the facts Fact is, says Kennedy, when you should speak for themselves in their take everything into account, Amato/ newly released report. is the only answer. And the report cites clear ... Kennedy says the Pinelands advantages in choosing Amato/ over Commission is almost reflexive in its Betsy Scull..." distaste for landfill development on any land it regulates. But as the Note: Amato/ was not chosen for the consultant points out on a map, there landfill site. is very little land in Atlantic County


Historic and Cultural Page 34 Known as the Hammonton Barracks, Historic Buildings and should remain New Jersey State Police Troop A was as a memorial to those who gave their formerly housed in this remodeled lives for our country. Possible use for administration building of the Amatol the building could be for the creation complex. The site is now vacant. of a veteran's cemetery. Enclosed is an article from the Wall Street Journal showing what LETTER TO THE TOWNSHIP effort one town is making to save a COMMITTEE McDona/ds, which was built in the 50's. The State Police Barracks was Bud Walker wrote in 1990: built in 1916 -1917 and has greater "As a resident of Mullica historic significance than a Township I felt it was my McDona/ds. So why not save a piece responsibility to bring to your of our local history for future attention the planned demolition of generations. one of the most Historic buildings in Yours truly, Mullica Township. [Bud Walker]'' The building I'm speaking of is the Administration Building of the Note: The building was not Atlantic Loading Company at Amatol demolished It formerly housed NJSP - Now known as the State Police Troop A. It is now vacant. Barracks, this building is the last visible evidence of the large town and TOTEM LAKES plant located on this site, a town that was designed to house and care for a The Totem Lakes development was population of 25 thousand Amato/ built in the early 1960's during the and the Atlantic Loading Company "suburban craze." The ad reads: produced more than 25% of the "TOTEM LAKES, Located in the shells, mortars and hand grenades Sweetwater section of Mullica used in World War One. As an Township, is adjacent to historical example of how important this plant Wharton Estates which has recently was, the 6000 acres was fenced with been purchased by the State of New a guard house every 500 feet that Jersey and is to be maintained as a was manned 24 hours a day. State Park. This area is known for its Camp Columbia located on the scenic beauty, pine scented air, cedar site housed more than a thousand water and historical background. troops who were responsible for the Here, TOTEM LAKES is developing security at Amatol two thousand acres of pineland into - The last evidence of so much south Jersey's most beautiful history should be saved: This building residential community. Miles of canals belongs on our National Register of for boating, five large lakes for Historic and Cultural Page 35 swimming or winter ice skating. Today Totem Lakes exists as a Streams teeming with fish waiting for community in Mullica Township. the line. Long walks for those who enjoy the seclusion of woodlands and nature at her best. See the tots play BUTTERHOF FARM on the white sandy beaches or romp in the playground in complete safety. The Butterhof Farmhouse is a fine, Meet your neighbors at the Club solid Jersey Bog Stone home erected House for an evening of games or in 1854 on farm land that is still being dancing. All this but most important farmed productively. of all, a house built on a large wooded plot that can truly be called a HOME."

Butterhof Farmhouse -



Historic and Cultural Page 37 MULLICA TOWNSHIP





Roads f:VCounty N. Municipal /\/Other I:\/ state ,lv Train

4000-- - 0 4000- 8000 Feet BUTTERHOF FARM SOURCES

Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions; Environmental Commissioner's Handbook, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; 1990.

-- The Environmental Manual for Municipal Officials, 1992.

--Freshwater Wetlands Protection in New Jersey: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; 1992.

Gleason, Henry A.; The Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of the North East United States and Adjacent Canada; Hafner, London, New York; 1968.

New Jersey Department of Enviromental Protection, Division of Parks and Forestry, Office of Natural Lands Management. Natural Heritage Database.

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and Energy; Surface Water Quality Standards, N.J.A.C 7:9B,· Office of Land and Water Planning, 1994.

United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service; Soil Survey of Atlantic County, New Jersey: 1973.

New Jersey Conservation Foundation: Elwood Corridor Study by Herpetological Associates of Beachwood, New Jersey.

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Known Contaminated Sites List

Atlantic County Health Department Realtor's List (of known contaminated areas)

McMahon, William; Pine Barrens: Legend, Lore and Lies; William, De. 19899

Atlantic City Press

Batsto Citizens Gazette, The
