Demolitions & Displacement in the occupied (including occupied East Jerusalem) and within the state of Israel

December 2020 Report

Photo credit : Site of the demolition in a-Zar'i (Za'atrah) community photo by 'Amer Aruru, B'tselem

67 Demolished 0 Demolished 50 Displaced 410 Other Affected Structures - Structures People People OPT - Israel

Structures Reason for Location Date Demolished/ Displaced people Affected people Demolition stated Confiscated by Israel1 Sur Bahir, 1 Dec 1 under- 0 2 adults, 2 Lack of an Israeli- East 2020 construction children issued building Jerusalem residential permit / East structure Jerusalem

Burqa, 1 Dec 1 livelihood 0 4 adults, 3 Lack of an Israeli- Nablus 2020 structure children issued building permit / Sabastiya, 1 Dec 4 agricultural 0 31 people Lack of an Israeli- Nablus 2020 structures (4 households) issued building permit / Area C Zif, Hebron 1 Dec 3 agricultural 0 12 adults, 23 Lack of an Israeli- 2020 structures children issued building (5 households) permit / Area C

Al Hijra, 1 Dec 3 livelihood 0 9 adults, 7 Lack of an Israeli- Hebron 2020 structures children issued building (3 households) permit / Area C

Deir Dibwan, 3 Dec 3 livelihood 0 3 adults, 1 child Lack of an Israeli- 2020 strictures issued building permit / Area C

Al Maniya, 7 Dec 2 inhabited 4 adults, 13 0 Lack of an Israeli- Bethlehem 2020 residential children issued building structures, 1 (2 households) permit / Area C mobile latrine Ras al Tin (Al 8 Dec 1 agricultural 0 3 adults, 1 child Lack of an Israeli- Qabun), 2020 structure issued building Ramallah permit / Area C Ras ‘Ein al 8 Dec 3 under- 0 21 adults, 24 Lack of an Israeli- ‘Auja, Jericho 2020 construction children issued building uninhabited (6 households) permit / Area C residential structures, 2 under- construction animal-related structures, 2 agricultural storage structures As Simiya, 8 Dec 1 animal-related 0 3 adults, 6 Lack of an Israeli- Hebron 2020 structure children issued building permit / Area C

Qalandiya, 9 Dec 1000-m stone 0 5 people Lack of an Israeli- Jerusalem 2020 wall issued building permit / East Jerusalem Shabtin, 9 Dec 2 agricultural 0 3 adults, 6 Lack of an Israeli- Ramallah 2020 structures children issued building permit / Area C Beita, Nablus 10 2 livelihood 0 35 people Lack of an Israeli- Dec structures (2 households) issued building 2020 permit / Area C

Jabal al 12 1 livelihood 0 2 adults, 3 Lack of an Israeli- Mukabbir, Dec structure children issued building East 2020 permit/ East Jerusalem Jerusalem / Self- Demolition Az Za’ayyem 14 2 inhabited 4 adults 0 Lack of an Israeli- Za’atreh Dec residential (2 households) issued building Herders, 2020 structures permit / Area C Jerusalem Az Za’ayyem, 14 1 livelihood 0 2 adults, 2 Lack of an Israeli- Jerusalem Dec structure children issued building 2020 permit / Area C Abu Nuwar, 14 1 inhabited 3 adults, 4 0 Lack of an Israeli- Jerusalem Dec residential children issued building 2020 structure permit / Area C Suba, Hebron 15 50m long fence 0 15 adults, 23 Lack of an Israeli- Dec (also 30 dunums children issued building 2020 agricultural (8 households) permit / Area C lands,170 metal bars, an agricultural gate and 930 trees) Ras al ‘Amud. 17 1 under- 0 4 adults, 2 Lack of an Israeli- East Dec construction children issued building Jerusalem 2020 uninhabited permit / East residential Jerusalem / Self- structure Demolition

As Simiya, 21 1 uninhabited 0 5 adults, 12 Lack of an Israeli- Hebron Dec residential children issued building 2020 structure, 1 (2 households) permit / Area C water cistern, 1 animal-related structure, 1 agricultural structure Ras al ‘Amud. 21 1 inhabited 2 adults, 1 child 0 Lack of an Israeli- East Dec residential issued building Jerusalem 2020 structure permit/ East Jerusalem / Self- Demolition Silwan, East 21 1 animal-related 0 2 adults, 3 Lack of an Israeli- Jerusalem Dec structure children issued building 2020 permit/ East Jerusalem / Self- Demolition Jabal al 22 70-m retaining 0 2 adults, 4 Lack of an Israeli- Mukabbir, Dec wall children issued building / East 2020 East Jerusalem Jerusalem

Abu Dis, 22 1 livelihood 0 2 adults, 5 Lack of an Israeli- Jerusalem Dec structure children issued building 2020 permit / Area C Silwan, East 22 1 under- 0 2 adults, 2 Lack of an Israeli- Jerusalem Dec construction children issued building 2020 uninhabited permit / East residential Jerusalem structure Hebron, 24 2 structures used 0 8 adults, 7 Lack of an Israeli- Hebron Dec for storage children issued building 2020 (4 families) permit / Area C

Al Lubban ash 28 2 livelihood 0 14 adults, 7 Lack of an Israeli- Sharqiya, Dec structures children issued building Nablus 2020 (2 households) permit / Area C An Nuwei’ma 29 1 irrigation 3 adults, 4 6 adults, 4 Lack of an Israeli- Al-Fauqa Dec system, 2 children children issued building Bedouins, 2020 inhabited permit / Area C Jericho residential structure Nahhalin, 29 2 animal related- 0 7 adults, 19 Lack of an Israeli- Bethlehem Dec structure, 1 children issued building 2020 residential (2 households) permit / Area C structure Haris, Salfit 29 1 livelihood 0 7 adults, 1 child Lack of an Israeli- Dec structure, 1 toilet issued building 2020 permit / Area C

Susiya (Wadi 29 1 livelihood 0) 3 adults, 11 Lack of an Israeli- Juheish), Dec structure, 1 children issued building Hebron 2020 latrine unit permit / Area C

Al Karmil, 29 1 inhabited 4 adults, 8 0 Lack of an Israeli- Hebron Dec residential children issued building 2020 structure permit / Area C

Al Buweib, 29 2 animal-related 0 5 adults, 5 Lack of an Israeli- Hebron Dec structures children issued building 2020 permit / Area C

Barta’a ash 30 2 livelihood 0 10 people Lack of an Israeli- Sharqiya, Dec structures (2 households) issued building Jenin 2020 permit / Area C

TOTAL 67 structures: 50 people 410 people 34 incidents 10 inhabited displaced (20 affected (of on grounds of residential adults, 30 which 146 lacking an Israeli- structures, children) adults and issued building 7 uninhabited 183 children permit, of which, residential confirmed) in 4 incidents the structures, structures were 4 WASH-related Self-Demolished structures, 18 livelihood structures, 14 agricultural structures, 9 animal related structures, and 5 other structures 67 50 410 34


1. There are four categories of demolitions:

1. Punitive demolitions: Houses demolished as punishment for the actions of people associated with the houses. 2. Administrative demolitions: Houses demolished for lack of a building permit. This happens in Area C and in East Jerusalem, under exclusive Israeli authority, though prior to the existence of Areas A, B & C it occurred in other areas as well. It is important to point out that in almost all cases, have no choice but to build "illegally" as permits are rarely granted 3. Land-clearing operations/Military demolitions: Houses demolished by the IDF in the course of military operations for the purposes of clearing off a piece of land (for whatever reason), achieve a military goal or to kill wanted persons as part of Israel’s policy of extrajudicial executions.. 4. Undefined demolitions: These include mainly demolitions resulting from land-clearing operations and removal of Palestinian populations.

* WASH stands for structures relating to water, sanitation and hygiene.

† In many cases, notably in East Jerusalem, Israeli authorities condition Palestinians to either demolish their properties themselves or have the authorities do so. In an attempt to avoid having to pay the high fee of the Israeli authorities’ demolition operation and additional high fines, many Palestinians are forced to self-demolish.

** No additional information was available

Above data is from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, B’tselem, Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality