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2-28-1947 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 049, No 35, 2/28/ 1947

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Page Four NEW MEXICO LOBO Tuesday, February 25, 1947 I' Creamland Dairies, Inc. I NI:W MI:XICO LOBO DIAL 7746 Semi-Weekly Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico


I Franciscan Hotel Popularity Ball Grads May Be UNM Study t HOME OF THE FAMOUS Tickets Going Selected By NAVAJO ROOM Commissioned In Rendezvou~ HOGANI·LA LOUNGE Like ~otcakes Supply Corps State Dept. The State EducatiOnal Sys YOUR HO~IE AWAY FROM HOME The 1947 MIRAGE Populanty Captam Joel Newsom head of for the College Crowd Ball promises to be one of the most the Department of Naval Sctence, tem n study ,Prepared and pub successful socml :functwns of the announced today that qualified hshed last year by tho DlVlSton 1946 47 season acc01dmg to ad graduates of the Umverstty may of Reseatch of the Department o£ u THE vance ticket sales busmess mana be commtsstoned m the Supply Government at the Umvers1ty of ' gel Bill Babb told the LOBO today COips of the Navy as ens1gns di New Mexico has been selected by ' Trcket sales to date haxe exceeded 1ectly upon graduation the U S State Dcpattmcnt as one l-lilton l-lotel sales at the cor:t:es}londmg date fot The quahficabons for commls of the pubhcat1ons to be placed m the Mnage Beauty Ball wh1ch was SIOns are Its 126 cultural hbranes through qu1te an affan Itself 1 Be a graduate of an accred1t out the world 'I he Populauty Ball Will feature ed college or umveutty D:t: Thomas C Donnelly d1rec tot of the DlVlSlOn of Resea1ch, 1s the music of Marty Baum s band Tommy Mallow and hrs orchestra who Will make muste at the 2 Be a native b01n cJtJzen, or a 30 NEW BENDIX and 10 personality candidates-10 Sk1 Club dance Saturday evemn~r naturalized Citizen for at least ten the autho:t: of the study wh1ch deals l - Washmg Machmes who wlll vie for the coveted honor - .....:.:::..~:::_....:.....:.:....:..::...:=.:::::...:..:.::.:::::::------­ yeats With the h1story of the New MexiCO of bemg the most popular lass m 3 Be not less than 21 or more publtc school system and w:•th ' 30 MINU1 E SERVICE the Umverstty of New Mexrco-as Once Upon A Time than 25 year13 of age upon reee1v p1oblems fac11g the system m the chosen by populn1 vote of the peo Native Iron Ores mg a commtss1on ncar futuro Soft Water and Soap ple attendmg the dance The place A Nameless Fellow 4 Be physically quahfied by Established at the Umvcrstty m Are Furmshed ts the SUB ball1oom the date Studied by Kelly standards set for officers of the 1946 the DIVISion of Research has A young man walked mto th~ Staff Corps, u s Navy (These pubhshcd erght studies dealing w1th Match 7 the time 9 00 p m 1 POUNDS 30c An exhaustxve study of non ore Reg1sbat s office and handed the arc less strict than :ror officers poht1ca1 economic and sacral piob 9 Txckets me now on sale m the depostts m New M:extco IS bemg gnl at the desk a type.wutten sheet of the Jme) lems of New Mextco Open Every Dn.y-8 to 6 SUB controom at the hours 9 12 under taken by Dr Vmcent C Kel of papc1 I d hkc to have trans Officers of the Supply Corps The next publication scheduled a m and 1 4 30 p m and will be Saturdays-8 a rn to 4 p m ley of the Umvers1ty of New Mex crtpts sent to these schools spend constderably more ttme on fot l\lay wrll be The School Board on sale at these hou1s Monday JCO geology depaJtJnent Th~ gtrl was startled The effi shore duty than some other branch and the School Board Member,' n. OPEN UNTH 9 P M ON tbtough Fuday next week There The overwhelmmg favorite Begun durmg the wat undet the c1ency was so unusual that she took es of the scrvtce The starting pay handbook for members of all New THURDSAYS ue two ""ballots stapled to each shuts of U S college men uusp1ces of the U S Geologrcal h1s money and let hun go of an enstgn Without dependents Mexico school boatds The study ducat but stnce th1s electron JS be for looks, wearability aod Survey w1th the co opeut.twn of the Later the paper was ltanded mto 1s $256 a month, w1th dependents, was prepared at the request of the mg run on the honor system the U S Bu1euu of Mmes Dr Kelleys State Department of Educatton and CATCH ANY BUS pncc ballot box wdl not be avadablc un the hands of a startled clerk It the pay JS $282 There IS an add1 study now ts bemg contmuod under stated cleaJly that the author want ttonal allowance of $18 a month the New Mcx1co EducatiOnal As CO~!E IN-WAIT OR SHOP Gomg West on Central til the mght of the ball So don t a gwnt from the Umvc1s1ty Dlv1 socmt1on Whde tl1e Bend1x Docs Your lose those ].),nllots men-there ed hanscnpts made out and sent while on sea duty After not more and Transfer to a•o t of Re2carch and De\ clopmcnt to e1ght dental schools over the than three yen1s service, ensign!!! Work Automatically n n t110lllOie N 4th-It Takes Accotdmg to Dr Kelley, the country One thmg was m1sslng ate automatically promoted to the Take Your Laundry Home m lO Mmutes The dance 1s a scmt faunal af study Will explore the: poss1b1hty of 30 Mmutes-Cieaned Sweet No ot1c k 1e.w the authors name next higher rank, that of Lieuten • f 111 whtch means that the guls White. Damp Dry met eased mnung of uon ores m Wrll thnt pet son dtop m the Reg ant (JUnior grade) Upon complet wtlt have a chance to an.· thmr al New Mextco by esttmatmg poten tstrar s office nnd grve h1s name to mg twenty years servtce, all otfl Skeleton lobo LAUNDERETTE lu1 mgo gowns but the men can tmht es of native otes the1r qltan The Gordon Oxlotd Tbe Gordon Doubler Dm the clerk'> It mig11t clear up a cets aie ehgtble for 1ebrcment on uo, N FOURTH ST - PHONE 2 8694 FOR APPT (but!cn down and plain) come m anjithmg !rom a tux to a tlty nnd chmncteustlcs nasty sltuatton-proVIdmg that ts one half base pay • 'T slut Chapetons for the af Dutmg the wm, when thcte was -some unforeseen mctdcnt doesn t Any prospective gtaduate mter Tearn Plays Two fun Wlll be D1 and Mrs Keefer a cuttcal sbortage of, and height make duphcute coptes or new forms csted m applymg for such a com Swmu g mto the last two games ARROW mH.l M1 and Mrs Raffet ty cned demand for uon the Colorado necessarv m1sston should see Cuptam New- of the 1947 baslmtball season, the SHIRTS Fuel and Iron Corporation, unbl1c som m tl1e Stadmm Bu,ldmg for ------....,------....,------Umvcrstty of New Mextco Lobos SI.NFDRIZE:!J centJy the only latge blast futnace fm the1 particulars find themselves Wlthout the serv and steel ]lroducet m the West w II s .N01E A previOus announce Home Management 1ccs of several of their top men, fUROP£ Arrow Sussex Gordon PenWllly turned to federal agcnCOCS m Its e s ponsors ment to the above e([ect gave an Coach Woody Clements reported scmch for supplementary non ores SUB ~ees Set Up Student Body Look for these iamous models at your lavor1te Arrow stote mcorrcct address for the Office o( Protege Makes /-lit tht" week Dctmlcd cxnnunat•ons of New Mex Spanish Proaram Naval ]1 rocurement to whom can Eve1ybody but Gunrda Larry reo uon ore de}lOslt.s \\ere then un t1 didates were dueeted to address In 172 Periodicals Hess and Quentm Underwood are d~t taken by Dt Kelley nt tl1e re and MI Robert c WeJl~ Home Serv the•r apploca(IORS Candadates who By Committee Dance Saturday n11tktng the trip ARROW SHIRTS TIES quest of the govl:!tnment Ten month old Patsy of the Um ce F1eld Repiesentahve of the Unt hale had tlleir apphr.abons re At a recent meeting of the Stu vcrsity of New MexicO gets around In keepmg wtth the new policy Hess was m the Umvetstty m UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS \\hen tt ls comttleted, Dt Kel tal Hlll Sex VICe Comm1ttce of Bos turned should nottCy Captam New dent Unton BUJldmg Comnnttee the !m het age In fact, Patsy made 1 egmdmg student body dances, fhmnry wtth flu, and wasn't able to ley s study WJll be brought out by first of the great Cunarders bock m peac:e t•me service I •• offering ton Massachusetts, has JUSI:: VlSlted som 1m mediately followmg recommendabons we1e an nppenrunee til 28 states WJthout mnugurated last Monday by the make the tl1p Underwood, a sen luxur ous (ltld dependable travel across the Atlantic. ~ the Umvcrs1ty Pubhcahons Com Albuquctque Santa Fe Taos Be adopted wh 1ch nre to become ctrcc evet Jenvtng the home management Student Conned, there Wtll be an tor at the Umvets1ty, took n Ctvil ttl Y TO OfERII:OUIIG & $DU1HAMPTON fbst Clan Cabin Taur!d ' ' I • m1ttee. m co ope1ntJ011 w1th the U len Socorro, and othct commulu tlve 1mmedlatcly house at the Umverstty orchestta dance m the SUB ball Sel'"iJCC exammatJOn Thursday, but Jan 3 Jan 11 feb 5 feb %0 $36S $225 $165 S Geologtcal Sm'\ey as an officml may reJOin Ius teammates to help Mar 1 Mar 22 Apr 9 Round Trip Blloklngs .Antpt•d TUESDAY-Thunderbird mcetmg M1ss Edtth Davenport m chmge ttes m New Mextco for the Illlrpose RIChardson ArficJe 1 The puce i'or the usc of the Patsy was brought- to home man room this cotnmg Saturday Tom Umvc1 S1ty of New Ilfexico bulletm out Jn the Texas ~celt and West Your Passage Is SwiFt • • • Your Schedulfl De,.ndabl• 4 p tn m the Lobo Office o£ slllvcymg the posslblhties of bllllroom ior student groups wtll agcrnent house to he cnrled for by IllY Mallow Will supply the orches- 'lexns games Frtday and Saturday for le•ervadona and Compl•t• lnformaflon A!phn Phi Omega meetmg, Mr Bdl James m charge 5 p nt m organum1g actJOn progatms fot the AppearS In "The foil" be $20 plus a fee of $3 to $6' far llomc economicS students under a trattot1, makmg hts Jntbal appear ' Room 160 Adm mstratwn Bldg benefit of tlle Spantsh speakmg the operator of the Pubhc Addtess child care program d1rected by ance in the ballroom The dancmg n ght Former Professor lobos Break Records Rodeo Club meetmg 1\fr Roy Echols m charge 5 p m m the Stu Town Club Holds people of the state An artrcle written by Mts Elna system altd also n fee of $3 50 to MJss Florence Schroeder will be :from 9 to 12 and the chap Besrdcs Underwood nnd Hess, dent Umon south lounge Wh'•le ''' New '!e•ico he con H R 1 d f th h erones w•ll be Mr and "rs J•m Clements 1s warned about L C Writes Article Spur mcetmg l\f ss Altcc Duke m charge 6 p m m the Student ~~ .... aruson tc mr son o e P YSI $5 00 for the checkroom The chet ubie ch1ld cnpbvated the .an. Bartlett Makes 'em EWALD & FULLER Umon basement lounge Open House ferrcd wrth Rev- Clarence E Parr cal education department at the 2 A charge of $aO plus a fee of coeds as well as a reporter nnd McNamara and Dr and Mrs Carl Cozzens, top forward, Vug Boteler, hono1 of the \ lSttot s ft om Texas Vtgdante meetmg !Ill Frank Kmg In chmg!! 5 p nt m the Student of the Conglegatwnal Church, Mr Umverstty Will appear m the $3 to $6 for the Pubhc Add1css photographer of the Umvenuty Beck reserve center, and Guards Merle For Britannica D1scernmg votce maJors are be Korte ~rgenl Btown but Tech Chaperons we1e Mr and Umon north lounge ' Town Club will hold open house F1ank Lopez Santa Fe County sprmg 1ssue of The Fod, pubhca system and $3 50 to $6 00 for the News Bureau Tommy Mallow's ten ptece hand nnd All mg offered the opportumty of 1\nd NOTICE Bapbst Student. Umon Counctl meetmg Mr Sam Henly m chntgc I 1\Irs W R Postma tonight fot all men 011 the campus School Supcrn1tcndent, a11 d D1 t 1 D It p K t 1 has bee11 engaged to play for the Boteler :hnve been dmvn wtth colds E John Workman, :former pro mg out for themselves •twhat even Will trade three room furmshed Travel Agency 6 80 p nt m the Student Umon Chapel Room ftom 8 30 until 11 30 m the SUB Jonqu '' Ortcg•, D•reetoJ School lOll o e a SI appa, na IOna check room wdl be charged other A pJctute of Patsy Ill her bath d Th b d h and Boteler bas been nursmg a patr II , fessor of phystcs and head of that thc1r best fnends won't tell them apartment he1e for e1ther a fur Hdlel Counselorship meetmg, l\Ir H:uold Ptck m charge 7 30 p m Dr Paul Re1tct or the Depmt .. honowry phys1cal cducatton frater groups usmg the Student Umon lookmg owhshly at a freshman ance e an as grown ex El Fidel Hotel Phone 2 6457 basement lounge Recotded rnusrc of Inter AmetJcan Affall's, Umve1 mty Title of the arbcle 1s 'A h d k ceedmgly popular m the past !ew of bad nnklcs depattment at the Umverstty of by F1ank Bartlett one of the en~ mshed 01 unfurmshed apartment m the Student Umon basement lounge mcnt of Anthropology wtll g1ve an 11 b d • d th d 1 , d ballroom ome econom1cs stu ent, was p1c th d KOAT d th E Albuquerque Tennts Club mectmg M1 Scott Adle1 m chmge 7 30 p m m the WI e use n e ecora tons s1ty of New Jtfextco, an others Score Card for Evaluatmg Prov1 Th d t f ~~' f t ed up by a picture syndicate and man s nn an e mpire New MexiCO present head of pus' more. enterpr1smg young men, m New York or around Flusbmg tllustratcd lecture on Old Spamsh 3 0 20 01 Student Umon north lounge tv1ll follow· a mus1cal tltcme Crepe Mary Pollard F 1eld Representative Slons for Recreation 111 Small Corn e eposJ "' s u h rccordmg studiOs are now negob Scbool of Mmes, Albuquerque, has and h1s professtonal portable re Contact Mrs McFarland, phone GEARED TO HELP MISSIOns m N!!w Me:xtco m the paper and record dtscs Will be used of the Commumty Program of the mumttcs dent groups and $30 for other :::~:ryred m newspapers across t e atmg wrth them for rad10 pro I made h1s first contr1hut10n to the cordtng apapratus 2 8984, 217 North Solano WEDNESDAY-UNM Dames Club mectmg Mrs Hugh Munn m Stunt Night Slat:ed charge 3 p m m the Student Umon basement lounge Htspame Affairs Scr1es tomght at 'l t d groups 1s to be made Wtth Mr grams He ltns specmlJzcd m YOU Cl 111perous w1 II b e Rev & Mrs U mverst I Yof N ew '"' ex1coJ assis e Meuh tmmedtately the date IS Patsy's engagmg grm faced 2.- t Encyclopaedia Bntanmca, wrJtmg 1\lr Bartlett 1s equtpped to make l\,Iortar Board mcetmg ~hss Jean Hernandez u1 charge 5 p m m 7 30 p m m Roon1 160 of the Ad H L Hayden, 1\fr and Mrs James the VISltor m h1s survey Mrs Onne (severely) - "You ~1 , 128 b be 1 swee swmg 21 for the 1947 revised prmtmg of the Jecord anywhere"' ( ust like Bob NOTICE A personaltzed travel service eqmpped to handle all detads of the Student Un10n nodh lounge numstratiOn Butldmg The publ1e D AI£ h kl cleared for any group and the re u u, newspaper su scrl rs a one Tb tud t b d d For Friday March reference work, It was announced J nnrton, r red B S a ee and 1\-Ir Welts plans to come back m shouldn t hold that young mans t t d t ],! Eld m the cttles of Plamfield :tlf J ese s en o Y anees are 1 stra1ght trips, tours, hotels domestic alid .fore1gn Debaters Club meetmg Dean H 0 R1ed m chmge 7 p m Ill Room 1s cordwlly mv1tcd to attend Zlfortar Board and 1{hatah have by Walter Yust editor m chtef Wtls eVJdently) and has done Lost one blue Eversllarp fonnt:unll H&B HOBBY 216 Adm1mshatwn Bldg Mtss Elizabeth Elder Apr I Among the proJects he IS hand when you sJt on the sofa I eelp presen e o Iss er m Fhnt Mlch Kansas Cit Kas , sponsored at least twJce a month Professor Wot'kman has wnttcn some very mterestmg work at th!l pen and penctl m SUB Has Andy Organtzabon of Umvet s1ty De Molay Club Mt Don Fowler and Jennette Devtne rs m cha1ge of cons1deung 1s the estabhsbment of Valrr - Yes tnaarn, but you order to have the date reserved I 1 1 y, C ' !rom student funds and are free announced tltat Stunt Ntght wiii be an article on Thunderstorms' varioUs Indmn Ceremontal Dances Andrews name on tt Call2 8430 SUPPLIES Mr Bryne Club m charge 7 30 p m m the Student Umon north on the soctal calendar OtherWJse I agers own l\ d • St(liJx ttY, t 11 t d t D t t th rresentcd Mnrch 21, 1947 m the Complete Lme or lounge tbe socml e~ent Ot1ter commtttee a summer wotk camp and a pro don t know Lou e!' the dates Will be released to other Iowa Brooklyn N y, New York, O1 ~ b s ~ en s f a e :rts ~f' ere Gymnasmm Letters were sent to heads are Lucille De Soto, decora gram of comntumty educatiOn The Interested parbes N y Presrdent Truman's home Wl e ancmg rom 0 Axttcles by more than 4 000 d1s ~~~:~e!l~~~u;:!:~st!t~~n ;;:: Mectmg o£ the Commrttcc to Rewrttc ConstitutiOn Mt Melvm Tennis Club Will all soc1al orgamzahons mens and I tmgunohed scholars and other au k If the Indmns l1ke hts work, then t Models and Supplies Morrts m charge 7 p m m the Lobo Office tlons Juamtn Walters, refresh Umtartan S

Page Two NEW MEXICO LOBO Friday, February 28, 1947 Friday, February 28, 1947 NEW MEXICO LOBO Page Three many years wtth the flnest- lme of NOTICE collcgwte stattOMl'Y avtulable.' Now Open House Hiking Club Has Cueva the wr~ter!all on foot. Lunch was New Mexico Lobo that wa1 time paper and packaging A tnblc-tennis tomnament for eaten a.t the falls and tlte after~ New Mexico's Leading College Newspaper L.ETTERIP • • • shot tnges are dtsappearing1 tlte orgnnizatwnf:; who may enter two noon was ~pent in e;;,:ploting the Published each Tuesday and Friday of the regular college year, Edit01' The LOBO fmled to reduce the daJlgers of :oelf~ I lapse, Globe Sttmnery Co IS seeking to For Town Club man Canyon for Picnic canyon except durmg holiday periods, by the Asaocm.ted Students of the Um­ 1 tc,ams, is due to get unde1 Un1vets1ty of Nev; Me::qco I'Ighteousness, hypoctisy, and It 1s as unfau• to acquse the expand 1ts snles covetage, and Casualties for the day mc.luded verstty of New Mex1co, Entered as second class matter at the post ty~ Members of Pht&tetes enter­ way shortly. 1i IS OJH!Il to allY office, Albuquerque, under the Act of March 3, 1870. Printed by the Dear Su·, umny. H;ow successfully has doc clnuch of fostc:rmg K. ]{, K. 01 bl'mg to college students in the tamed Town Club Monday mght eam)IUS gtoup• .Mme details n1ay Umversity PrE!SS, In the tealm of tehgwn 1t IS tnmure commumsm 01 nationa\ism Chnstlfm F 1ont as 1t would be !ot and southwe5ltetn areas, w~stern afte1 the 1egular meetmg, m a,n be had at the Athletic Offices in wen ntgh Jmposinble to speak; with~ (also fotms of group awateness 1e- church people to accuse non chutch thts tine persQnahzed collegJate st~­ Cut hsle GJo mnusium. Subscr1phon rate, $3.00 per year, payable m advance mfotmal open house LaVema Pen­ e MEN'S WHITE AND DRESS SHIRTS out seemmg self-1ighteoua on one lated to a trnnscendant. tdeal) kep\, :neople of bemg tcsponsiille for Htt- t1onety, Th1s company's product is dleton accompanwd a numbe1 Qf SubscriptiOn rate for men m armed forces $1,50 hancl Ol' unmtelhgtble on the other. to 1ts pnstme puuty and p1esetved let and the excesses of pngamsm lmJnmted With your ftatemtty, so- songs on her uccot~hon, and :>ongs Patronize Ou1 Ad~ertJSCrs, e YARD GOODS MELVIN MORRIS~ Ed1tot There IS no other field of human the digmty and worth of mdl\'t- Btgotty 1s not the exdmnve ptop- routy! ot college seal plus SIX or With the post-war period dawning M!.!mber of each otgamzahott we~e sung, Alice Duff, Assocmte Edttot endeavor more lucking 111 prectse duals w1thm 1ts system? The e1 ty of the chmch Suffice It to seven hues of printmg of the buy.. upon us, The Alvarado Hotel will Rciteshments and fuendly chatter e OIL CLOTH r:hsociated Colle5iate Press Doug Benton, ,Associate Editor tennmology ot• commonly accepted churches and synagogues alone en- ~ay t1ul.t evcHy Clmstmn chu1ch m et's mdtvldual chotce on a tlemen­ ·soon be returnmg to the same high completed the evenmg ------1 defimtions than the realm of reh- dure- as monuments to the fact that Ameltca has condemned the1>e pet- dous val"tety of styles, stzes, and - standards which have for many e OUTING FLANNEJ, Town Club guests were • Elmne gwus conviCtiOn At the J:ISk of be- only when men 1elate themselves verslf>ns, col01s of papet m ,an equally lat•ge years characterized Fred Harvey Maloney, lfelen Wackerbarth, Flo1'­ Editorial and business offices me m 100m 9 of the Student Umon lllg fmtbet• 1msunde1stood 01 sa- m humthty to God can they m a One 1mght dwell on the fntlllre selection of prmting type. butldmg. TolQphone 2-5523 food and service. When our job is ence :McCatthy, Pat Arvtdson, Bet­ tl~P!tlt91!NT~O I'OII NATIOt!Al. ~1:1\.-o, NEw Yomc, ,.,, y, cus:;ron that a church 1s n group of a)td Franklm), the mdtvtduahstlc an(l ile1ng a fotmer secula1 tdenhst 1ty and the ~mount of time that ALVARADO HOTEL CIIJta;o • BO!ItOII • l.(lt IUirJIUt • su F•"•~o h 1 mary Robyn, Maxme McGlamery, SMOOTH TIRES ------}JCOJ)le b1ought toget11er by a com- 1deultsts w1th good eth1es, the non- I am all too keenly awate of these t ey put m Hts IoUls tue h1s own, Reggy Ramey, L01s Wlley, Dorothy mon awareness of a tumscendent confotmtsts and 1evoluttonnties- :fatlUies But when all 1s sa1d and he mcuts absolutely no expense or Cassada, Juamta Waltets, Jeanette e The only O.IL ElectriC Recapper in the city. ASSISTANT EDITORS ~----~------_Ruth Oboler 1 Hank Trewlutt teallty caUed God. Those who m a sense the ~pel" the churches have cham- Ol acquam ances. wr1 e me e r c IVes a 0 a a fo1mal meeting at the chapter S d ft th stag, coupled or WJth the baby. The RT EDITOR F a k W lker may vm•y but the mea of common questwn 1s how can lustortcal truth p10ned constant socml 1efo1 m and names and addtesses, or g1ve them h E 1 Gl b k un ay a el'noon e l{appa Please, please, don't anyone 1e A EATURE RiTER------~- Mrl n t ~Iller theologtcal consent is larger than and my ethical mtegrity best be minority mtegration m the Amer- my address llO that .they can corn~ ouse ve yn ase r.oo , retn~ pledges were challenged by the ac- k - utttre IS sportsclothes1 wtth ski mg p!Csldent and twm sistet• of the mar ll1 any tone above a wluspe1 J;iWeaters for the "tads" of the eve- ! 1 A BLEND YOU'LL LIKE /I F' 'bF READER·------tc;n T 1 mtght appear on tho sutface. These kept? Some lta-ve answered the 1can sc:ene You may ms1st on mumcate w1th me daectly, I will • new pres1dent, acted as mstalling ttves to a game of softball. Wtth that the above- title seems shghtly mng. For the skepttcs who believe MANAGE:ii______.., ______bas1c beliefs the followmg: God question by or teferrmg yam ught to be outside the church g1ve them complete but CCHRIEC~L~~~ON Sk ~n; 1~u. me 01gnm~mg parttcula1~, officer IBarbata Bergen's Imghty pltcbmg mapplopliate. Thco:rebcally this the slnlng 1$ over, come and sec. EVERY DEPARTMENT IS I ------~------1 pi er ts the source of all Good m the tltemselyes to a nat10n, a pohtical -und [ slmll defend that freedom I assuro you that they are m no · foi the pledges-or could tt ho:ve 1s mtd-wmter and thcte ate still University Cleaners world, }fan 1s a sinner and m need p::aty, 01 a secular humamtarian to the utmost-but please do not W&Y ussummg any obhgahons or Other officelS mstalled Monday Ibeen Ben Turnet's umpirmg'-tha i d h 'd Every gtrl 1s ehg1ble for Catnival • L ;._ • a ew 1e-a1 sw1ogance1 1 1ong- Q M 'k d kh I READY IIOR SPRING of d1vme guidance; Society 1s 1m- gtoup. I submit that the chutch- gno1e or overlook that which would respons1bihty. ntQ as fllo ows o1s .1.1\'lmbke, scotc was much in their favor at . k d t , ueen en, PIC your at otse 1800 E. Central t d d h · • N D mg1 Y s ywar a an occns10na 1 1 TI-IANKS ... pe1fect and needs ~o be made oigllnized tehg1on if you Will-Is help you Smcetely! s an ar s c auman, ancy evers, the end of the fi~st mnmg, By m . f 1 d p 1 , now. Scholatshtp chauman, ,._! x I pass g WISP o c ou ex Japs "e F tl h d 't h th ughteous m conformity to the tlw be~t answet to this questwn, HENRY HAYDEN EDWARD MILLER • .l.T a Ine the fomth and last, the final result shall have anothel' weclc-end of 01 tose w o on ave e PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Never ones to go in for d1thyramhs or panegyriCS~ we feel Kmgdom of Ggd About patasitlsm-I would be Weste1n Sales Manage1. Krohn1 tteasmer; Carolyn Km- 1 was 8-6, the pledgell the VIctors. slushmg atouncl yet. best time of the season, you1· money AT The chutch m the of betn"' tlte last to accuse anyone '"ho 11rh - b mmd, house pres2dent; Arle~e Dutmg the game an audience ac- A few of us lH\Ve drtfted no1:th is tefundcd. What am I saying, it is our place to here publicly thank Marty Baum fOJ.' playmg sen~e "' ·• ~r en vauous suggest10ns ate e- WEEKLY PROGRAM AU Work Guaranteed 1 Bunkman, pledge captam; Jackie cumulated mcluding Larry Hess th C d b d "Free !ot· all, ftC!e to all" ts the the March of Dimes Tea Dance in the SUB yesterday after- an otgmuzed-body of believers has fought !or the pieservatlon of de- mg mado as to how some of the MEOW WEEK OF MARCil 3 TO 9, 1947 • J h ' t OVer e 0 1Oia 0 01 el' Oil wee1 c~ 0 Yates, soCia c auman; Jean Starn- who backed up the catcher "nd d t k W lf C k passnotd. noon. Approximately 150 couples turned out to hear his finC ctnriCd the mam body of ethical moctacy of thts attitude How- money appropnated to out· Ulliver- Doug Benton. I • 1 ch T _ ' "' en s o s 1 at o lee Pass, PHONE 6553 l\IONDAY-*"Maste1 's Mmor1ty," a time of devotion, sponsored by the IJJet, rus 1 atrman, Lois .Litlntbke, Rudy KHlll who coached the non b t 30 1 t f '! t y· t ------music1 and to contribute to the worthiest cause that has hit truth down through the ages and evtr, even a man who rescues a Slty Cl\11 be spant, why not suggest Yom edltorml entitled "Renas~ Baptist Student Umo!J.z M1ss Harriett Rogets m charge, 7:39a, m • 1 A D h ' - - n ou m1 es wes o ll on e 1s a, th. \"'· t l t f l d 't k . has felt uniquely tespons1ble for r;urson from drowmng may, by ne- thnt a system of bells be mstalled? cence on Record" made a well tak~ DAILY, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, m the Student music c laJrman; nn rang n, athletic players AU m all, the Colorado, and about 240 miles from Patronize Our Advertisers. the campus IS year. 'r ua a 0 0 peop e on now, IS telath1g t't to human soct'ety. Of glc• t, contt1bute to that per·son's Umon Chapel Room. deputy; Joan Morgan, max shall, game was amusing-except for the here. The snow 1s deell, tbe skiing ------h d t t · d t 1 They would ser-ve the putpose of en pomt The recotd library sys- the amount of trou bl e M r. B aum a 0 go 0 Ill or er 0 Pay course the church 1s made up of dPath by exposure and shock 1\ftl- callmg and dtsmtssmg class, and tem has hewn quite successful where 'EXHIBITION OF OILS AND PASTELS BY HOWARD COOK, Janice Mallow, reco1dmg secre- aches and pams that followed the d" If ' f t t sponsored by the Art League of New Mextco will be shown daily tary• Libby Spelts correspOnding t I IVme. anyone s ra IOn for us gratis. The AmeriCan FederatiOn of Musicians frowns humans and as humans have el'l'ed, hans who have Iescued Democracy wotlld ung at ten mmutes befote 1t has been t11ed ' • nex cay. bu1ns deep enough the1c tS a place CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: !1om 8 a m to IJ p m. m the Fmc A1ts BuUdmg Gallery until sectetary; Phyllis A11Cona, reg1s- t 1 naturally upon anY band donating its time Without compensa- failed, persecuted, and split into a1e neglectmg one of Democ1acy's and on eve 1y hour. I can't 1es1st, howcvj:n, suggest­ Ma1ch 13. 0 "'Noonday Chapel meetmg, sponsoted bv the Baptist Student Umon, bar; Ttshie Denny, activities chall'- ...g!ol. 1 B h 1 ft f 0 PRACTICAL RELIGION tion and Marty had to ask special permission from the local factiOns, so has the church. It's toot sources of strength-the Talilmess would be practtcally mg that one of the Qd:hbonal bene­ D h lt a co nt 1own as e or g- 1 M1ss Hmuett Rogers m charge1 12·39 p, m. DAILY MONDAY mnn; Avery raug llr key cone- P1• k eS LO 1-1O ld d d Alt Ut 1 !I 11 k cha~ter. He fulally perm. itte.d to play. The stud.ent body 1u,.n,~qullea?,es,•1 ,0liecsllp anc 1thtyeffoat~tsetlhf~ctorit church Most of out humanttarmn ehnnnated 1f such a bell system fits that nugl1l be cleuved by the pa- THROUGH SATURDAY in the Stude11t Umon Chapel Room • spondcnt· Ann D1aughn Panhel- t" .. en an a, a 1• e WJ s 1 A FREE LECTURE .. t th t h h f t d t ld u lliSt.Jtutions and tdcals came out of would be used. The ptofessor who bans of suel1 a hbrary would be Ph1 Alpha Theta meetmg, l\!1. Ken Harms m chatge, 4 30 p. m. m apprecm es IS ges ure1 W IC 1 you wan e o pr1ce wou recbon self-crttlelsm .n11d self- historical Chl"lsttanity. If the • t 1 f d' h 1 b 1 lemc r~pr·esentabvc; 'Associate Soc/'a/ r-UnCLI'on m the National ChampJonslups for ' • lectutes Jllst a httle longer than o ea111 10m 1ea mg t e a e s the Coronado Ltblary, Member chahrnan, Libby Spelts rl t" the Um~elsJty. With PHH'hcally read something like this. "Marty Baum and his orchestra puuficahon. National, tacJal, and church 1s allowed to go by default, lns allotted tmte, or· the one wlJO on the 1ecords how to speU Toselh, Phi Delta Theta acbvc meeting, Mr Jun Tuylol' m chatge, 7 p. m. By GEORGE CHANNING, C.S.B, 111 the Chnpte! Room. and Jackie Yates, The installation no pl'acttce -fm the past month lte donated over $100 to the March of Dimes,11 socto-pohtical gtoups based on hu~ these inshtubons and 1deals wtlll simply f 01 gets to look at his watch Lecum1n, Sehubm t and Ponch1e1li , , P1 r... appa Alpha will hold its fhst can hatdly be e::.:pected to do \Veil, of San Francisco, California Ph1ate1es meetmg, 1\hs. MarJmie Emmons m chatge, 7 p. m, m the cetemony was held m the sororJt,Y s post-hell week soc1al functton Sat- b t d 1 1 t h 1 d ALBUQUERQUE'S LEADING db man centered values have notably hnger fm a wh1le and them col- would no longer exJst Does such SHERMAN E. SMITH. Student Umon basement lounge. chapter 1oom. urdny, Mmch 1, at 6:30 }l.1n., when auch::: to ~~e' p~ys::~t~~.~~:~:;~- a system as tlus seem so m1poss1ble Thank you, teacher I'll tell our Kappa Alpha acttve meetmg, 1\.h Glenn Mayer m cha1ge, 7:15 p m. Member of the Board of LectureshiP of the Mother Chut:ch1 a nntJomd founders' clay banquet mcnt, whlch is flymg him up m1d FASHION STORE Gene 1Su prime platform planks With a sheepskin. to you"l ptoofreadets m Room 150, Adnmustlnhon Bldg 01 Stray Greek meeting, Mr E. W Taylor in chatge, 7.15 p. m in wtll tuke place at the Alvarado back. The Fhst Church of Chrtst, Scientist, in He has taken up the banner of intolerance, so lately lain CAMILLE GRANTHAM db II Room 30 Hodgm Han. Kappa Sigs Elect hotel. The banquet will be semi- At the last full meeting It was Boston, 1\Jassachusetts Now Is the Time • • • aside by the other "friends of the common man." Nero had Kappa Kappa Gamma S1gma Alpha Epsilon active meetmg, 1\It F1ank Zellner in chn1ge, nEWmEKICO Appearances ate deceivmg­ 7•30 p m. in Room 203, Adm1mstmtton Bid~. The pledge meet­ f1.l:rmnl. AU pledges and active dec1ded to let the Board of Direc­ I I As announced in the Veterans Corner last Tuesday, the his Christians, Torquemada his Protestants, Richelieu his mg, Mr. Pete Benedtct in charge, 7:30p.m m Room 253 Admm­ meml-.Prs wlll attend, as well as the tors pick a new ttensurer m place ALBUQUERQUE HIGH SCIIOOL , . $65 th Ed1to1, College Newspape1 many a coed who puts up n swelt 1 Officers for '47 412·414 EAST CENTRAl, I time has come f or a 11 ve t erans s t rugg1 mg on a mon Huguenots, Oliver Cromwell his Papists, and Ml'. Hitler had front m soc1ety is flat busted at tstwtton Bldg. alumni a!lsocmtlon of PI K. A. The o! W1Unrd Barton who has left CENTRAL AND BROADWAY Umvers1ty of New Mexico Town Club meetmg, Miss Ruth Jones in chatge, 7 00 p. m. in the OPPOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY subsistence to write their congressman. a grudge against a group, also. Prejudice is a powerful Albuquerque, New Mex1co home (e. comment: Today's so­ At their regular weekly meeting banquet WtlJ be jn ho?or of tl~e scl1ool. Blythe Sc~tt \\as chosen. Student Umon south }Qunge. Monday night, the Kappa S1gma Whether or not you are affiliated with an organization, weapon; it is a satiating sop to any mob. Nothing gives an Dent Sm ctety 1s like that . • • everyone Stgma Pht EpsJ!on meetmg, Mr Tom Montgome1y m charge, 7:30 otigmnl foundets of P1 K. A. m Wtth a cute face, snappy ski tech- 1\IONDAY, ~!:ARCH 3rd, at 8 P.M. p nt. m the Student Uttion not th lounge. fraternity elected the followmg offi­ 1868. nique (and a Business Ad major) a united effort to unshelve the bill might be effective. At unhappy man more pleasure than to see another, less fortu- I am looking for students on tries to act as 1f he had more money than he has ) TUESDAY-Alpha Phi Omega meeling, M1:\ Bill James in charge, 5 cers! G('orge Mertz, pl'Csidcnt; she ought to make a good trcas- Under the Auspices of present1 it has been utemporarily set aside." nate soul1 and if 1t lies in his power to fan the flame of his your eampus with the ambition and p m. m noom 160, Admuvstrnti.on Bldg. Chde Amerson, pledge master; BtU · th •6 t bl' h d d 11 d · ht imtiative to cmn con:ndetable . DI G" surer Also passed was a rcsolu- FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN'l'IST At the time e 'I' 5 was es a IS e , a o ar a ay m1g misery, he will. Each in us is a latent sadist. Mr. Talmadge money w th a mm1mum expendt- A bathel' whose clothmg was A. W. S mcetmg, Mtss Edtth Davenpm t m ch.ntge, 5 p. m. in the Mouis~ scube; Pete Lunardini, ph1 tioa to contnbute oo to the f' 1 Student Union 11o1th lounge. ets to IVe ~25 have fed us, but now it is nearer to twice that amount. Many and men of his ilk shrewdly recognize this, and use it as a ture of time and etr01t. I feel that sttewd house manager .and treasurer; Jnn fund bcmg -:raised by the National Albuquerque, New Mexico Spur meetmg, Miss Ahce Duke m charge, 5 p. m~ m the Student ]faloney, mnste1' of ceremonies; . I em~ m your capactty you a1e m a post- By winds that left her qu1te nude Union basement lounge Ski Association for the benefit of veterans are occupied part..tirne, and through this added means of maintaining the riptide of I'acial injustice they llnd Barney Thorpe, housa engineer. Dance at Heights ployment can cover their expenses. cultivate and thrive upon. t10n to recommend indivduals inter- Saw a man come along-- S1gma Alpha Iota busmess mcetmg, Mts. Jane Anderson m charge, our nntJOnal tcnm which competes ALL ARE WELCOME 7:30p.m. in the Music Bldg. 11 And unless I am wrong1 Plans cancel ning the annual The CdlllmUnity Center will be 1 the Olympics ne~t JCar. In some cases, this employment robs the veteran of much Intolerance is certainly no new problem; neither is it one ested 111 this exceptional opportun- Baptist Student Umon Council meetmg, Mr. Sam Henly in charge, You expected thts bne to be lewd! Casa Lopez dance of Kappa Sigma thl! s;cene bf nn mfotmal dance Due to unavoidable circum­ of the education which the bill intended for him. It is not a that can be solved. Not as long as it hes in the power of men tty and capable of e•plotbng lts 6:30p.m in the Student Union Chapel Room. · t poss1bihties. Tennis Club meeting, l'llr. Scott Adlet m charge, 7:30 JJ m. in the were d1scussed, with .;hm Maloney given by tlte Phi Delts this Satu1- stances, I tun resignmg from the lendmg the dance committee. day night. To round off the Sk Club prcstdency next week. "push-over" to put the remaining hours of a school day In o to evaluate themselves; nol' can we lose that, either. I 1epresent a firm that has been Student Union north lounge. • eve~ 1 most wanted 12en Patronize Our Advertisers. UNM Veterans AssociatiOn meetmg, Mt. Ray Harrison in charge, mng besides mustc and dancing, Until such t1me as the club can employment paying 50c to 75c an hour, and it leaves llttle db supplying the East and south fo• 7•30 p.m. m the Student Umon basement lounge. timeforstud~ng. ------~------~~~------the Ph1 Delt pledges have pron1ised have another fu1t meeting- witb suf~ WEDNESDAY-•PUBLIC MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD us a sk1t wh1ch will110 doubt prove fic1ent representation to vote on ~~ Added to this unpleasantness is the feeling of being ill-fed, OF THE NEW MEXICO HEAI,TH COUNCIL (Papets, reports, Kappa Actives Guests ent~1tnining. Chaperons for the new ptesillent, Edgar Rawls wtll ~TH men of music, science, letters-with highest standards of precision. Hooded against and discussion of l1ealth matters), Dt. J. Ortega m charge, 9 which comes toward the end of the month, just prior to the LI'L ABNER .by AI Capp a.m. to 12 noon m the Student Umon basement lounge. Students afl'an· Will be announced later. bold the 1eh1s. He wtll hold an- business and social leaders-Parker "51" air, dirt, and damage, 1he unique point starts receipt of another check. cordially mv1ted to attend. Of Pledge Class Monday other mcebng as soon as it 1s feas­ BOUNDER J Faculty Women's Club meetmg, Ilhs Keen RaJfc1t.y m charge, 2:30 ible, is the preferred writin,g instrument. American pc:n instantly-writes smoothly. There are no mov~ This is becoming more of a pt·oblem, as most veterans ROUNDHEELS Surprised Kappa ncbvcs were ATTENTION FRATERNITY p. m. m the Student Union basement lounge. This Saturday night, the. Club, who enrolled with extra cash on hand have watched it ab· IS THE NAME'' Debaters Club meeting, Dean H. 0. Ried in chntge, 7 Il m. 1n Room giVen n dessert luncheon by the dealers have nilut~.od Parker the most·wantc:d pen iog parts to wear or clog or fail• Only the ''Sl '' FOLl.O'N ME, AND SORORITY REPORTERS sorbed by the expenses of living and are now faced with a 215, Admmistrat10n Bldg. plc.dges 1\Ionduy night, Februmy is designed for satisfactory use with Parker u51" LAD -AND i3E Meetm1; of Committee to Rewute the Constitution, :Mr. Melvin r------rating it ahead of all other well~known makes decision of whether to finish their education. PRERI>.RED TO 17. The pledges led the actives to All ytm l1ave to do to get your GIVE ME FlRST Morrts in charge, 7 p. m. m the Lobo offiec it was a walk-out when news in the LOBO IS to catl the combilled• The demand runs high for Parker Sl 's. Ink that dries as it writes! • 51's are available If you are one of these, or if you are interested, it is to Del\rolay Club rncetmg, Mr. Don Fowler in chatge, 7:30 p. m. m Room 150, Administration Bldg. they left the house and dtdntt re­ LOBO office, 2-5523 and ask for Yet more than ever are being shipped ... so seek in three colors. $12.50; $15.00. Pencils, $5.00; your advantage to send a letter, note, or postal card to your Newman Club meeting, M1ss Put Mtllc1 in charge, 7.30 p 111. in turn for thCir pledge meeting. Up­ eJtllet or us. Call at tltese times: $7.50, Parker "V S" Pens, $8.75. Pencils, $4.00. senator or xep1·esentative. 1 the Student Uluon basement lounge on receipt of n telegram from the News fo~· n Tuesday issue, call yours soon • Here is a pen fashioned to the •University Concert Scues ptesents Julian De Gray, pianist, 1n n pledges, the active chapter pro­ Friday between 2 nnd 4. tecital at 8·30 p rn. Jn the Student Umon bal1room. General admission $1.00, OI season t1cket fot this setJes. ceeded to go m search and found News for Friday's issue, call THURSDAY-Delta Ph1 Delta mcetmg, M1s!il Betty Chapman in cha.tgc, themselves as guests at a party. Wednesday between 9 and 11. Talmadge and The Trash ... 4 p. m m the Art L1brary. The pledges inttoduced tbeu· new TOPSY DAYTON ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 20 (UP)-Gov. Herman Talmadge Deseret Club meetmg, M1. James Barton m charge, 4 p. rn, 111 the pledge song. Canulle Grantham BOB CLIPNER Student Union Chapel Room was Jespons1ble for the orJginal Parker today signed a bill to bar Negroes from voting in Democratic Interfratcrmty Councd meetmg, M~. Jack Musson m charge, 4 p.m. white primaries and in an accompanying statement said that in the Anthropology 1\fuseum mus1c, with the lyrtcs composed by Patronize Our Adlerlisers. Student Senate meetmg, Mr. Ted Hawley in charge, 5 p, m in the the entire pledge cln~::s. "51" the measure should not be considered any indication of an Student Umon south lounge. "unfriendly attitude toward our Negro population." Umtad Student Christian Fellowship meeting, Mr Bill Martin m .... charge, 5·30 p. m. in the Student Umon basement lounge, Governor Herman Talmadge is the recognized legal gov­ Speaker's Club meeting, Mr Ralph Calkms itl charge, 7 p. m. in ·------Room 217, Adtrumstration Bldg. ernor of a state whose population numbered in the last census Pleats swmg in again Christian Sc1ence OrganizatiOn Service1 Mrs. Maue Wallis in well over three million people. He Iepresents the twisted, charge, 7 15 p. m. 111 the Student Unlo11 Chapel Room, Announcing ! ! Pens Fashion's ftce of fabuc bigoted, morbid intelligence of those "poor white trash" Kappa Alpha pledge m~etmg, Mr. H!lliatd Lew1s in charge, 7 ,~o p. m. in Room 253, Admlmahatlon Bldg. 'l'wo New Services for University Students 1cstrtctions - hurrayf whom were so well presented in Erskine Caldwell's I'ecord Phi Delta Thet.Jl. pledge m~etingJ M1, Ar-t Shockley m chatgc, 7 30 Fashion's irt tha swing breaking graphic reproduction of the "Sordid South," p, m. in the Chaptet• Room. c~~ Jutb *Open meetmg spons01ed by the Depnttnlent of English on the sub­ *TilE FIRST PORTABJ,E RECORDING SERVICE Til. Parbr PID. Co. agam-Wtth the pleated '"Tobacco Rqad." 1 In ject: t Campus vs. Classroom" by Burges Johnson, Dr. T, M. skirt. You'll see 1t Pearce m cbargeJ 8 p. m. m Sara Rnynolds Hall in Town He is the result of ignorance, intoleration, and the greatest swnlmg around the cancer that can attack a nation, a sectional inferiority com­ FRIDAY-Pi Beta Pht open house for Sigma Alpha EpstlOil Frntermty1 It is now possible to have the finest professional M1ss N1ta LeHane m chatgc, 4 to 6 p m. in file Student Union dance floor, showmg up plex. His constituency is no new problem that has come to basement lounge Mr. and Mrs. J M Kuntz and Dr and Mrs. recordings made 111 your own borne. The Bartlett everYwhete that fun Benjamin Sacks, cbatJel'ons. plague the South. They are the poor, and "the ]Joor are Sound Recording Service will go any place m town Albu­ gathels. You'll find ,--.. always with us." This group, which used to hate the planta.. •ILLUSTRATED PUBLIC LECTURE. "THE TRANSMISSION OF ARABIC KNOWLEDGE TO EUROPE THROUGH MEDIEVAL or m school. For further information call 2·1439 yoUis hcte • • Ill a riot tion owners, and enVy the care they lavished on the produc" SPAINt" by Dt. Josiah C. Russell, sponsotcd by tlte Departments querque of History and Modern Languages} Club de Ius Americas, attd before 6 p. m., after 6 call 2-0714. of colors, or wonderful tive slaves, now despises those Negroes, because i.n all the the School o! Inter~Amelicat1 Affans, '7:30 p m in Room 160, blttck world, (the Cracker's limited miserable world) they are the Administration Bldg. only people whose soeial station falls below theirs. *Open meeting sponsored by Pht KnPJm Pht on the subject: 11Thc *SOLID SENDING AT MODERATE Gentle Art of Vitupcnttion/1 by Burges Johnson, 1\.rr R, W. Tapy $6.95 Regardless of those platitudes which make up the nebu .. In charge, 8 p. m at Sat a Raynolds l!all SPENDING MJ!'age Popularity BaUJ Mr•, Bill Babb m chmge 9 to 12 o'clock ilt It's lous foundation of our doubtful belief in "Human Kidness," the Student Union ba hoom. Mt, a11d Mrs.l<. A, Raffetty mtd 01. Also now available for I'ental to private parties," one of the true bases of human oharacter i.s his sycophantic and Mrs. D. EJ, ]{ceicl', chapetons fraternity, or sc>I'OI'ity social events, a brand new admiration of his betters, and its complement, his infinite SATURDAY._Alpha Chi Omega house clal!Cc, Miss Janean11e Btaun in cbarge, 9 to 12 o'clock nt the Chapter House. Mrs, Blanche G portable "juke box," complete with a fine selection contempt for his inferiors. Aubut and Dr and Mrs, H. J. Dittmer~ chnpctons. Young Mr. Talmadge, a carbon copy of his celebrated Student Body dance sponsored by Pht Delta Thetlt, Mt•. James of over a hundred of the latest hits and old stand­ Trump in chnr~tej 9 to 12- o'clocK Jn tho SttJdCitt Umon balhoom bys. This machine is ideal f

Mothet: (Enteung datkened We ed1tors may dig and toil ~ ._.,===""===I Phi Delts Drub Professor W. C. Wagner Summer Catalog Iroom unexnectedly) "Well, I Till out fingers are so1e TEA SQUARE never!" Bttt ISOOOe poo1 fool IS sure to say I've heard that Joke befo:re, In the Southern Cagers To Engineer's Conference· Now Available Daughtet. 11 0h, you must havel'' The Ame11can Institute of Elec· Redeeming themselves fot the P10f, W. C, Wagne~, hend of the The 1947 Summer Sess1on Cl!.ta­ t11Cal Engineel'S was founded 1n drul:>bmg they took at the hands of ClVll engineellng depm·tment at the log of the Unive~sity is now avatl., Lobo Liar 1884 with Its prmc1pal objeehve a strong KA football tel\m, the Phi Untvers1ty of New Mexrco, will at­ able to interested students on the N~w • M~x1co L 080 being the advancement of the Delts soundly defeated the K9 cag­ tend a conference of the Nat1onRl campus, and copies of the catalog WHEN IN NEED OF theo•y and ptactice of ~lectrlcal e1s last Sunday, 52-15. Tho PJn'.s Society of Professional Engineets By ED GLASER, Sports Editor can be obtained J:>y calling"' at the cngmeermg and of the alhed at'ts we1:e out for the wm from the fit st and a meetmg of the board of direc­ Office of the Summer School Duec­ *RECORDS Semi·Weeklv Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico and SCiences and the maintenance and the contest was not m doubt tors of the otgamzatton to be held tol, Dr, Thomas C, Donnelly, m *RADIOS • of a high professional .etandJng by the t1me the half came along, m Mmnea:pohs, Mmn,, Feb 281 the InteJ-Amertcan Bulldmg * SHEET MUSIC A slight lull in activity in and around Carlisle Gymnasium among tt.s members The United Lnst Saturday aftemoon the two thiough Ma1ch 1 He will be a The catalog contains a complete Vol. XLIX ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, 'rUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1947 No. 36 States 1~ dtv1ded mto 70 sectiOns groups shar~d m a beer-bust at the guest of the convention, smce thete hst of cou1 ses to be offet ed during RIEDLING MUSIC CO. &nd the Athletic Department, has momentarily transformed w1th 121 student branches estl\b· Alvarado Gardens. The enJoyment IS no pxofess10nal engmeers' ot~ the summe1. the venera,.ble building into aomethmg less than the busy bu- llshed m engmeermg colleges of the party was heightened by a g&mzatiOn m the state HOME OF STEINW.A Y PIANOS Development Tesl:s reau it usually resembles. This is, howevet·, onJy a lull before Local btanch actn' consist of sk•t by the Ph1 Delt pledges and 406 W. Central Phone 5558 Lobos Get One Ann Salter to ;;kJ;o1e~u.f\rJr,'lee~e!1oth,y" Arab Knowledge monthly meetmgs at whtch student the dunlnng of various KA and Ph1 Patromzc Our Advertisers. Offered /-/ere Again 1 a storm of 1ntense j3ports activity that is due to hit the Uni- papers a1e :Ptesented, and techmcal Delt member m the Rto Grande Tennis Meet versity shortly. The next few w~eks will lind the school's movies ale shown Special meet- For Uncertain Gls Plus Gags and Sex . me;s f\Ie held to hear lectures by 'J.1here wdl be a meetmg of all ~or Two In T Carry Lead In Discussed By Dr. The Umveuit:y of New MoxJco 1'rlhe Skm o£ Om Teeth" won the athletes competing 1n activities that will satisfy eveu the persons ~cttve m the engmeenng ARTICLE IN BRITANNICA men who want to be on tho Vars1ty Testmg and Counsehng Setvice rabid sports every squad field. The Unlversnty of New An mtrcle, "New Mexico," writ­ Tenms team Monday at 4 m Room I Pulit'"' D1amutia Ctillcs most of fans. Almost team and has :Mex- P111.0 and 1 Jos'ld h 1\u((ell g1ve General EducatiOn Devel­ o! 1042 fot '1 llomton W1l- 14 of the Gym, K JJ a busy !'etinue ahead of them. •co student bn~nch wlll be host to ten by Dr, Frank D Reeve of the ~odey 11 Through Texas Next Play H opment te~ts agam im New Mi!xJCo dct, also nntl10r (If 0ur Town the annual mectmg of the South~ Umvenat.y of New Mextco history Oue of the finest Border COJofer-1 people Ma1cb 5 and 6, D1, Wilbut Ann Saltet, who plays- the lead v.ns produced m New Yotk, Dr .Tosmh C Russell of the De­ ~eading the list is the Lobo basketball team which west flection m Apul Representa- department wtll ap ear m the ?s 1947 4'I heard that the AdmuustH1.t10n ence games or the yeat, m S Gteg01y, dnectot• announced to­ m the forthcommg Rodey pl oiJuc­ pal tment of Hu;;toty wlllp1escnt an commg down the stretch m a close flght for second place m tiVes from engmeermg colleges m Brltnnmca Bcok olthe Year ~:~~~:::;,.~a~n~d ~1s cuncntly bamg done ts trymg to stop neckmg 11 West Texas State College shaded day bon, ''The Skm of Out 'reath," has l 10 Sweden. In the New dlushnted publtc lecture, "The the Bmder Conference. Despite almos~,. all lnnds of handicaps Arltansas, M1ssouri, Kansas, Texas, 11 ls that so 9 Fust thmg you New Mexico 62 to 64, wound UJl the Pnsfung the tests, wh1ch ate g1v~ bet task cut out fo1 he1 Ltly Sa­ Yot k pi ot!ud!Oll Tallulah Bnnk­ T1 nnsnusswn of Atabm Knowledge -1njnries melig1bihties layoffs-the Clementsmen have Oklahoma, New Mextco, and Mex- Two coeds went for a tramp m the know they'll be ttymg to make the regular season f01 the Lvbos Sat· bma wns ]Jiayed m New Ye1k by hencl wns stnned m the Snbmn to Em ope. tlnougl1 Med1eval Spnm," . ' • ' . tco wt11 be present Active mom- en to vetetans whose high st!hool turned m a highly satisfactory showmg to date, Two l'egu1ar bets on the UmversJty of New woods, but the tmmp got away F1eshmen stop too" urday mght at the Buffaloes' Bur­ educatwns we1e mteuupted by the Tallulah Bankhead, foL whom the 10le, w1th Predenc Match aml Flot­ F11dny nt 7 30 11 n1 m Room 150 league games ;remain, but the big story that everyone is wait- Mexico campus number 25 men !'------·-----·~ ton Gymnasmm. The defeat drop­ wa1, entitles the vetetan to a cet­ chatac:ter wns cteated, :md m Lon­ encc Eldudgc (Mts March) The of the AchnnnshntJon Butldmg p ped New McJoeo to thtrd place m tl,ficate equal to a h1gh school th­ don by VIvian Le1gh, who set a London ]llOdLtctiOn stnu ed VlVlen Thts progu:tm ls one m the H1spamc ing for is on the verge of breaking. Should the Wolfpack Office1s m:e: Chmrmnn, Norman s 0 R T w E A R ' loop standmgs. rt gave Texas plomu Ovet 100 I'{ew Mexwo vet­ precedent fot the putt that will be Le1gh Mumm Hopkmfl and Gladys Afi'aus Seues nnd is S!lOitSOled by receive the expected invitation to the NIAB tournament at Stunkard; secretmy - tteaaurer, teams a two to one edge over eians hnve taken the tests smce ha1d £01 any achess to equal Gemge have nlso played the lend the deiJat hnents of Ii1story and l{ansas City, it will be the b1ggest Hilltop sports story of George At not; student cvuncll rep- Htlltoppets on the final r~ad trip of the Counseling and Testmg offices The role IS espeetally dllficult m other ]noducbons Opemng Modem Langunge.s, Club de Ins th 1esentat1ve, John Trammel; faculty FEATURING NOW the season In p1 ev1ous games of that tt mvolves an mdescubable mght 111. Dublm, E11e, was marred Amencns, nnd Schoo] of Intc.!t­ e yea~·· . sponsor, Ptofessor R W. Tn)ly. were set up at the Umvers1ty m Settmg a good example for their b1g brothers, the Lobo , , , FOR CAMPUS WEAR the Texas mvas10n 1 the Lobos had November, Dr. Gtegory satd type. Ltly Sabma IS the bred gnl by commotion on tbe pu1t of the Amencan Afl'mrs defeated Hardm~S1mmons 65 to 56, Veterans who des1re to take the who ts found hoppmg cars, carly­ audwnce who 1esented or misunder­ The Jec.tuter wns a member o.f their games the regular season, and Detimtton of understatement Bees won all of 20 durmg and lost to Texas Tech 44 to 40 tests should phone or wrtte D1 mg drm!ts m d1mly lighted bars, stood pa1t of the pla-y's symbohsm, P1of Haskms' semmnr .1t Harvard, recently added four more victones which brought them the The s1gn 1n front of the .Ad Budd­ A SMART NEW The game w1th West Texas dts­ GregDry at the University before or who spends Sunday afternoons The play I$ u comedy-a Simple upon tlte LlansmiSSIQJl of At.nb1c district A. A. U championship. Right now, they are marldng mg wh~eh says "DO NOT PICK played some of the best basketball March 5, so that an estimate of the at the amusement park eatmg pop­ stmy ptescnt~d m a complicated knowledge. to Europa and has Ie­ time, keepmg their smooth basketball machine well oded in FLOWERS" Fmders,' keepers? seen m the Conference this season. numbe~: to take the test can be corn 111nd r1dmg the Iolle1 coaste1 mnnnet, and will use a technique tmnecl h1s mtc:rest 111 the field He preparation for the statewide A A. U tournament which . . The Buffaloes, the best team m the formed w1th bet boy friend The more and !JICSElntntJon entuely upfa­ has wntten nbout some oC the men will be held in Albuquerque March 6 to 8. VIctor in thJs And now a wold from Mustang CORDUROY Confetence on a good mght, couldn't 'fhe tests Will be g1ven m room sophisticated Llly may be found nuliat to ou1 stage, The wotds tun connected wtth tlm; mtellectual ! , Y • Parkei, ou1 Btunswick-Bnlke tep- seem to do anythmg WIOng. Flcld­ 203 of tl1e U mveuuty hbral y f1 om thnd from the end m a b1g-mty mto quaks, the scenery moves, mu­ movement. Atab•c lmowlcdgo was would send them to the regional Rocky Mountam champiOn- resentnt•ve (the comme c al you Also 1 1 mg a qumtet wh1ch avetnged 6 feet 1 to 5 p. m on Mmch 5 and from chotus lme A ten10e moment as senior M~E's brmg Dodge engme and dyn.tmomcter Ul) t.o sveed m I C E1t· l"'""''s play bannl tunes, peo}>le tun m lntge part ucquiu!ll from the ships at Denver. A sparkling achievement for a "B" outfit. 1know), whose messages from the PARAMOUNT NEWS 5 mches at times, the Panhandlers 10 a m to 5 p m on March 6, We may 1est assu1ed, however, gmes Lab, Bruce Neuffer, Jack Gr1ffith, (Wally Starr), Nick Ftorentmo, Edward Halcomb, W. L Reed, down the msles With pieces of the­ Greeks, but the Atabs nilded much A subject that will soon be hitting sports page headlines j sponsor me left on wails adjacent SUIT conholled the backboatds, passed They will be gtven ngam dUI mg the that Miss Salter w11l aptly play Maxme Rhem, and Frank Fultvn, ater chnns tot the fite 1\ftE,;. AntrQ­ to it This knowh~ilge, a putt of is track. While all eyes have been turned to the basketball the s)lonsor's p1oducts. Remember NOW SHOWING and shot brilhantly, After a short­ Eastet vacation, Apr1l 3 and 4, Dr the pal t. Last season she played nceds agamst the gi«ClRliJcrJOd bulhnnt CIVthzatton whtch the court in recent months a very capable coach has been sendini your apple a day. If you don't Yes str, gentlemen, here it is, .. the lived 3 to 0 Lobo lead, West Texas Grego1y satd, the tole or Emily m "Our Town" dcscct1ding on then New Jersey Arabs brought to S1mm, :reached ' . polish them now, you'll be sellmg quickly roUed up a lead which at and hnd a ieatuted role m 41 Invita­ New York English community. Snbma steps out of its zemth m tho Culiphnte of Cor­ a very capable squad through pre-season workouts datly. them later 11 hit" sports outfit of the season­ the halftime stood 35 to 22 in their tion to Doubt " She tooK the lead Phi Delts Throw Wernette Plan chatacter and has n good tune w1th dova. To Spam came many young NOTICE Coach Roy Johnson is non-committal at this early date, but smaitly tatlored - fine quality cor­ favor m the Little Theatet production, Prof Lectures /-Jere hetsclf nnd the nudtencc. schohus from northern Europe to looking down the spiked-shoe roster, we are confident that The Lobos came toaung back m The Hiking Club will meet m "Guest m the House." Ann, who 'l'he- Anhobus fnmily-Gcotge s'Cek the new leur tung. It ts a very duroy-Ill pearl gray-and hght tan Antho1-educator Bu1gess John­ New Mexico has the goods to bring home the Border Confer­ the second half, outscormg the R 14 f h G IS from Provincetown, Mass , m- son, ptofessot ementus of English '\ 1fc, Maggw, their s1gmficant chnptal' m the h1story o:C oom 0 t e ym ~ at noon tends to make actmg her ca1ee1 Student Dance Lauded by Vet ~~!r~~~·j.j,.~h ~I:s home townets, but fell short of the at Umon College, Schen£!ctady, N l two 1 nnd geneull utihty the mtelleetual development of the ence tmck diadem this year. In the distances and middle­ MANY OTHER NEW SPORTS ITI)JMS Pikers Grab requited markers to t1e the score. Thursday to d1scuss plans for a Iand hopes to make New York the Th1s Saturday mght the student Y, wtll deliver two leetutes at the A plnn by Pres1dent J. P. mutd, Sabma, ull of Excolstot•, New H1gh Middle Ago, and cvc11 of mod­ distances, Johnsou will depend on Border Conference mile E1 geal Brown led New Mcxtco m h1ke to the volcanoes. scene of het ultimate success, body Will be the guests of the New Umvcrs1ty 1\farch 6 and 7 nette of the Umvetslty of Jersey, come to gups with destiny. mn culture chan1pion Frank Hogan; ex-New York AC speedster Ge01ge scoung, h1ttmg for 15 pomts Metz ------...:..------MexiCO Alphn Chapter of Ph1 Delta Mex1co undcn whtch the have sm vlVed mnny castns- Dt. Russell wus bout m Rich­ Theta. at a dance given by the fra- Unde~ the sponsotshtp of the Agogino; and Spence Devitt, Cla1·ence Watson, and Oscar LaFo11ette was htgh fat \\est Texns •• govellltnetlt would set up flood, the seven-year mond, Indmnu, m 1900, und grndu~ 19 New Ones termty at the student Umon Build- Umvetsity Enghsh department, Wlth 14 pomts, but 1t was the sen- 1 l scholursh1ps as mcmoual~ to World depressions, w1us-and ai .. atccl :ftom Erulhum College in 1922. Shh·ley, members of this year's undefeated cross- country p 1 Kappa Alpha chmaxcd tts hell sational shootmg of Big Boyce Box mg The dance, which Will start Ptofessot Johnson, who has taught Wat II dead has been commended to escape by the skin He hncl spent Ius JU1110t year in team. Names to watch in the sprints are Roy Anderson, ver- week, whtcb ended Sunday, wtth FRED who scorec113 pomts, all at oppot· at 9 o'clock, Will endeavor to pro- also nt Vassal, Syutcuse and t~e b~· a DotchestcJ, Mass, veteran teeth to look upon the Rome, Italy, He ptocccdcd witlt satile all-around athlete, and Tom Fitzpatrick. Our Une on formal •mtl8tions at the P1 K A tune times that provided the dif­ mote n gteate1 spmt of friendship B1eadloaf School of English, will In a letter to l)rcsldcnt Wa1-1 flltU,I'e with optim1sm gwdunte study untl received l1is Fitzpatrick; a newcomer, indicates that ho is the goods. He from 12 noon until 1 p. m. ference. Kay Hafen and Brown and co-o)Jetatlon between the fin~ s)lenk Match 6 on the subJeet, nette, formet GI Theodore A 1\I. nnd Ph D. dcg1ces irom Hal'· has a brilliant Eastern record as a New York City Catholic I sunday. fouled out for the Lobos, and L. C. tetmty and various othet orgamza- ucampus and Classroom." The fol­ lauded the proposal as 14 splend1d/' 'nul UmvCU.Jty m 1923 -itnd 192Ci, tlons on the campus and will high- Iowmg evenmg Ius talk, sponsor­ n l'CSJlectlvely. H1s 1cnchmg carect• High Schools 100 and 220 yard dash champion. He should I Nmeteen new membe.s were for- Cozzens was ham}lctell by a pain- 11 Puce noted that ltc IS member of b · h fi 1 · t • j mally 101bnted then by sectet cere­ MACKEY'S ful arm lnJU!y. The Lobo ace SCDI- ! hght the heavy soc1~1 season wh1ch cd by Phi Kap1m PJu, wlll be The an Amcucan Veterans in hJstOiy mcludcs t11e }losttions orne pace pom frequently. The field squad 1s mony. These new members nrc: rst s er was held to 3 points. the Pht Delts nrc enJoymg nt the Gentle Atts of. Vt1u]Jeratl0n" chuptc1 11 wh1ch lias been of nss1st.nnt, Undchfl'e nnd Harvard, Both meetmgs, open to tl1e pub still somewhat uncertam, but Steve Johnson, Buster Morris,' George DeShutley, John Burton, Smart Clothes for Men At Hiirdm-Sunmons, the Lobos p1esent tuue some time now to get such an 1923-1926; ussistnnt tnofcssot, Col~ and Lou Cullen have already made names for themselves.: LRwrence Willcut, Kenneth Moore, led by L C. Cozzens and Jolnnr1y I The 1hythm will be ptov1ded by he, will be held nt ,Sma Rnynolds mntet 1Ii1Ized.'' omdo College, 1927-291 vroicssor Hull at 8 p 111 Numerous meets are being lined up for Commander Jef- BJajne Anderson, Alfred McLane, 209 West Central Ave. .Muyne's 19 and 18 points respee­ ' j Frank Pnckatd nttd hts band fea- In n tecent. talk befote new and head or Detmt tmcnt of Social turmg Vmce F10tmo at the pumo, fries swimming team. The natators have already begun •John Kmzerl Bruce Ackerson, tlvc1y, defeated the Cowboys fm Ptofessor Johnson founded the dents at the Umversity, Preside~tt Scicnc"s, New 'Mcxtco Nounal Uni­ t • d f t th 'II . jFtank Gtubbs, Bunnh Greene, John the s~eond time tlus season, 65 ! and tho Phi Delt pledges hme College English Assocuttlon m 1938, Wewatte ptoposcd that versity, 1920·31; instluetot, assist­ prac 1ce, an a ea ure on em WI appear soon m these H 11 D s 11 D ld s k 1 a, uane ewe, ona IS, fiG. Fout of the fhst five I JUOmLsed a sktt. for the occaston He 1S 1~w chuiJ mun or the Assoc!­ c1nment set UJ> 275,000 ant p1 ofessOL and associate pro­ pages. 1 Robert Thompson, John Donnell, fouled out fo1 New Mexico, wh1cl1 will no doubt ptove very ntJOn's bon td of du eclots sCl!Olatsh!ps fot young ))CO}llc, fessot1 UmvCtsity or No1th Cnro­ The mtra-mural program, the developing grounds for Keen Rnffe1 ty, James DeVoss, Paul the closmg seconds: of play, J entet tammg The dance will be scholarship to be m mcmoty of lina1 1!)31·46; mcmbct of tho chn)letoncd by Dean and l\frs. H. Q, Is1unue Institute, Prmccton Uni­ emb1•yo athletes is being reorganized, and will open soon un-1 Casabonne, and WHiiam Schreck­ I,obos had only foUl' men of the 275 1000 Ame1 JCUlls wlJO der the supervision of the new director, Woodrow Clements,/ engost Th1s ts one of the In~g~st • floor Wayne Preston led Ha.rdin-1 Rtcd and :Mt and l\l1 s Cad W. then hvcs m Wolld Wnr U veuuty, Sunune1' 1935; visiting pro­ Simmons w1th 22 pomts Deck ressot UN!If, SS, 1!l41. lle came to who will start things humming as soon as the b k tb II[ gl oups of pledges ever to. be '"'t'- 'fhc eclucatm suggested thnt the • . . as e a atcd at one time m the history of KIMO 'l'exns Tet!h hnd to come from ~Ieven Men to 0111 1nsbtutton last fall as professor one b1lhon dollar cost ot the scbol. season ends, giVIng h1m a chance to work out the details. tho chapter. nnd h"ad of the Dcpm tment o:l behmd to tri1• the Lobos 44 to 40 mshtps be! spwad out ovet several Illst01y. Itt 1935 Itt.\ edited with Ask About Lubbock. Des]ltte the !net yeats "and .so constitute no eonN!ll­ they wet e their u.s. c. F. Elects c. Robbins ~it NAKB Meet J. P. Heuonu11us of the Umvcis1ty Distmctive Ladies' Apparel tlated buulen on the goVe1nmcnt." Canterbury Club Our New Mex1co letl of WJSconsm 11Tht! Shorlcr Lntin Second and Copper An officw.l invitaf.loll !tom the The )>l oposul spec1fi!.'s thnt the ben· of the game. It President for Spring Term Pm•ms or 1\!astet Henry de Avran­ Convenient N'utwnul Associabon ilf Intercol~ eJ1ls unflet euch scholarslup should Holds Canvass last five minutes that Tech grabl10dq Cham Robbms was electctl pres­ du~~/' which the Medieval Academy PREACHING "I'm going to buy a New Watch" Lay-Away 14lT'S PROBABLY TIME FOR A CHANGE," says non·parh· lcgmtc Basketball, to pnrtiCJpat(! in be the snme ns those foi'•u"' I Tbis week the Canterbury Club the lend and bnng onto it. Cozzens san PATSY, one of the Home Ec Depnrtml'nt's Demonstration JdCilt of the Umted Student Chris­ the 1\;:ttlOttal clmmp!Oilshlps at IC::ut­ now nttcudmg college unde1 VIRG!NA SCllOI.ES, 111ece published. Plan. again led the Lobos Wltl:i 10 points orphans who has appeared m more than 200 newspapers, due to tian Fellow.shiil at the sprmg tc1m llr France Scholes, dean of The folio" ing yea1 the Inst1tutc 1s holding nit every-member can~ sas C1ty Murch 10 through Hi has et nmcnt at 1 nngcmt:!nts Pllotog Dale Britton's super shooting, Patsy 111 also 41 THE 1947 m vnss of the Eptscopal students of election l1eld lust Thursday SUB been awarded to the New Mex1co Gnuluntc Sch11 o)1 who has the nm:tl'" H1stotical Res{Latclt 1 University MIRAGE OlDIE QUEEN." 41 the Umverstty. Headed by Co­ basement lounge Othe1' officets Lobos The mvibtbon winch had Pr~ce wtote o[ the Fortunc•Tc1ler in or London, lJUb11shcd l1is Dicbon- Chairmen Jrm Wills and Jrve Bat­ ate as follows: Progum~ Chn1rman, been ntttiCJpated by the Lobos was 11• • • W;th SO much talk bl'ollto"'l 1•11 eatt•r's "The Skin of Our 'I'eeth ruy of Writers of Thitteenth Cen- MISSION n.bout from tnue to time tury Eng1anU.'1 The European comb, tlte workers are visitmg all Reiter Announces What About Next FridayS ~fadehne Kepnet; Secretary, Jeanne tmmediatcly accepted. Ne\o; Mexico piOJlCl type of 'livmg tcscarch on tins subject was partly old Episcopal students nnd lntro­ St. John's Cathedral (Episcopal) • • • a GRUEN Hall, Tteasuret, Bill En~m Wor· wtll rc1nesent tlus alll of thl' nation's basketball C b 5 t Q h 318 W. A welcome addition to any man's new Field Sessions . l . B ll' lous that tl1e ObVIOUS chotec, \he U S e U Of sllip, 1930-:llJ nlld summet· grants ter of the Canterbury Club. year-a handsome, Predston·accurate Gruen. Mlrage ropu arlty a I . RecJeabon Chamnan, Btlhe Verll.e C!O}J meet to decule tht! mytlucnl W1th its permanent rescatch Lo,\'ance; l\olembeH;htp and Pub- national cbmnpton~ utlliznt10n of the unused Gl educnA ~~;ta'ho AA f1om the Amcr1Mtt Co~m ... ll of Student.-s are being inv1ted to REV. BERNARD HUMMELL U Tit/e W. tJon m Chaco canyon open fot Well, kidd1es, this is your Jast week to kick about not hetty Chairman, Chatles Cox, • LJonnl benefits of the dead iot per- Lc:nned SoCICties, 1933.34, He has take pal't m the club p1ogtam, the of Minneapolis first time since before the war, knowing who is the big she around here. At 10:30, next Fri- Food Comm1ttee Co~Chilirmen1 Car.. Coach Wvody Clements has an- sonal scholatsh1ps1 w.ns not The Lobo B basketball team, afl- Jecently- completed a sludy, ''BrJt. ncbvtbes of the. Church's Lenten olyn Calkuls .tllld Betty-Jo Angc. 11ounccd the followmg proccdutc season, and to contribute to the tloned That the ones who the dJstr1ct A. A. l1. Medieval Populnbon/' financed Outstanding Youth Leader Univer.!nty of New Mexico HI day night amid an the pomp and splendor Willie Babb can R H H d .. t I !01 the toUinan1Cilt \'.Ill be cmrlcd World Student Cimstian Federa­ paring for lts seventeenth t f h" I d dl t . db d t Ed L ld ev emy ny en) nums el' o out as ndvlsed by Enul Llston, made 111c gtcatest sncuhces should championship, is now giants from the SOCJal Sctenee tion, and the Presidmg Bishop's SPE.AKIN'G field Sessl·ons ,·n anthropology to squeeze ou o IS a rea y sa y s rame u ge , eupo Ptotcstant Students supported by be the ones de]Juvcd oi their vet- to wm the state toutnnment. Resemch Council and the American held m two sectiOns, June 16 WJ"II d rop th e II ' s cI assies. t db oard upon th e ntne of the Protestant •ltUlches.... o.~r.1. N"AIB Seclctaryb The squad Will etan benefits seems truly B's Will ]llay their first game PlnlosophJcal SocJety, 1938-39. In fund :for Famme Rehef GRUEN eo ege car crown 1 Team captains for the canvass EVERY NIGHT, 7.30-MOND.AY THRU FRIDAY-MAR. 3·7 July 26, and Aug. 3 to Aug brow of this year's chosen MIRAGE POPULARITY QUEEN. Albuquetque ts Ad ...·Jsot to the eao,:e Al u~ucrque Fnday, 1\fo.tch Thutsday m tbe Lmcoln Jumo-r add1bon to these majot works he D1. Paul Retter, directot of the. Now unless you want Babb nnd•------1 glOUP 7 to atll1ic m KmJsas City for the Gymnastum The boys who has published about thirty articles are J1m Anderson, Kttty Sue Gil· veri-thin WE INVITE I Followm the! elccbou Rev Clar- dt.lWlllg iot brackets Which will Down at the Ht'lton been workmg so ha1d to get m lealtled penod1cals, among _pin, Snm Edmondss and Alia Wag~ SUNDAY, MARCH 9-11:00 A. M. varsity session, has announced. to ch~ose her themselves, takes place right hete nt the SUB, p g 1 1 C 1 1 take place on Sunday t11e 9th The I Saw er Smith. Members Df the teams The bcgmuing nnd undergradu· (And I wouldn t let that dUo p1ck come next FrJday, •[arch 7. Just ence at r, oea ongtega 1ona 1 t 1- · 1 II opportumty ate Tom Dav1s, 1.vh1ch IS one on the chromcles of SUNDAY, MARCH 9-11•00 .A. M. YOUR 30-DAY .~., , • t d , f omn:amen, nn e 1mma 10nJ \>;I AH • R d are: LoUls Androes, Maxine Krohn, $45.00 ate caurses wdl be limlted to an the hlies at my wake), the only remember what happened to Cae~ mth'e"'u' "s'' c"". F.p~odnde,.e:,.odrgt~."."g·,'.,01P proceed ier tbe i'ollOWJng SIX days orse In an om Hlarm~S!;f ~::t~I.Wliite, Bill Ross, Doug Law- mechcvnl Spam m t11e "Hispanic Gil stapleton, Hank Jncobs, Rev1ew." Dr Russell IS a Fellow Jennette Doolittle, Caroline Farns~ CHARGE em ollment of 60, wtth the bnse alternative you have is to cabbage sar, sucker! •• "' Tl 1 U tl r t 1\f 1 .ALL STUDENTS .AND F .ACULTY INVITED I' 10 1 1 worth, and Tom St. John on Jitn opemhons at the Chaco Canyon 011 te one of those httle nnuseabng Marty Baum and his "famous on "The Meanmg of Lent" M1ss 17 sqmH '" lCil e lnn mc 01 Mt>t-r,eli, nnd Ben Kelly. of the noyal Hu~torJcnl Society1 Londonj nud mentber of the Me­ Price mdudes Fed tax I station. The. advanced courses w111 Jhnk bckets the sotOr1ty pledges band'J to qut>te the Journal wtll Btlhe Verne Lownnce was ehairmnn Anderson'o team; Byrne CatesJ ACCOUNT New Mex1c0 dnbhled 1ts way Ill­ have an enrollment of about 20 and me vendmg in the SUB cloakroom pro·nde riffs for the and of the cvcnmg dutt'Val Acndemy o.f Amedca, Ptlp~ Jean Alera~ Sue F1sher, John Eng~ I r 1 ghteou~ to tho nntJonal bns'ketball spotlight I Got a Touch of Cactus Will p1abably do field work m Chi thJs week, for six-score copper, the thtng IS SEMI-FORMAL ~htch ------~- ulalwn Assocmtlotl of America, Pht land and Ann Johnson on Kitty m lmngmg UJl tts unprcss1ve 11 Celestial Antrobus," Alpha Thela (honomty) etc In Sue Gtlpmjs team, Joe Ter1y, Don huahun, Mexico, D1. Reiter smd, Attached to each of these precious means the gnls can com: ever- wo11 a!Hl '7 lost tecoul tlus season In My Mattress tho snmnier of 1921 he thd telief Sisk, Bob Simpson, Jeanne Pope­ 3 0 NEW BENDIX In the past 16 years, the summer passes, nrc two ballots, and those exposed but their escorts dorl't Bi-Lingual Typist Needed 1'he tccoHl ts doubly tmptessive wotk 111 Eutope w1th the Amcucall SCIENTIFIC WATCH REPAIRING field session has developed into an ba1lots n1e whnt detetmine the necessa;ily have to justify it m a Down m New MeJICO "This Beneath All" JOY, and Stanhbeth Peters on Sam - Washing Machines when the number of lllJUrtes sus• FtH:!llds Snt Vtce Conlnnttee, Edmonds' team. mternattonally-known POPULARITY QUEEN. tux. One, wlio has, anyhow? There is an openh1g Ill Albuquet•• Whme they have no snow Hera 1s a comedy about Geotge - PRO~IPT SERVICE - tame{r dmmg the season IS tnken 30 MINUTE SERVICE que' for a good typist (stenography You s1t 01 ound untl dtntk Anbobus, h1s wife and two clnt~ With students comlng from all ovet The young lnd1es whO'\e been Just tG keep everybody's eye~ mto cons1dCratwn Coach Clent­ Same Day S&rvice not necessary), nt n monthly salary Tequila glasses clll1k then, and theh general ubhty maid, Expert Crystal F1ttmg the Umted Stntes and from several nommated by d1fferent orgamza- brows from gettmg out of jomt ents hopes to be able to take lus Soft Water and Soap . ' of $125-150 01 more, dependmg on Conte JOU\ m the songs Llly Sabmn, all of tJ foreign countr1cs to atten(l, ttons, m case you .ve fotgotten, are Messrs. (and I mean exactly what complete squad of eleven, but the Geology Club Addressed KA' s to Give Record Dance Are Furnished -ENGRAVING- The U111vers1ty field sessions ad- Jackie Yates, f1om Kappa Knp]Ja I say) Leupold and Bnbb me go­ the speed and accuracy of tho can· And bnng yom old tee tmlgs 1 S A. Gemge At1ttobus d1date Prefeumce Will he gTVen to stutus of Guntd lJill Townsend ts 1 Mr. and Mrs R. L.1JJdgel and Mr. nuts both men and women students Gamma1 Helen Watson, the Pl Ph1, mg to allow nny orgamznt1on rep- And, btothm•1 don't yotl lath Doe Ol George Spelvm or 9 POUNDS 30c can UJH!ertnm, due to a hip lnjt:ny suf~ By C. B. Reid on Paleobotany ahd Mrs Dee Sturges WI11 be ehap­ Calletl by experts 41 the outsh.ild· Wagner, ll Chi Omega, Bertha resented, to sand 011e (1) kibttzer one who knows Spanish and Youll need 'em 111 yom bnth tl1c nVe:Luge Atner1can at gr1pS occaswnnlly hnnslnte ftom Spnnis1t fmed thtee weeks ago Oil Friday avemhg the Geology erons at an informal recotd dance Open E-very nay-8 to 6 ing natural lnborat01y for nnthrD· GolzaiM who halls from Mesa Vu'l- to the ballot counbng ))toceedmgs, A1ound the totem J)ole destu1y1 somebn'les, sou1'1 some­ 111to Enghsh. Anyone inte1ested 1f all go, the followmg Lobos Club \\as hcmoted \\ith n talk by for ]Cappa Alpha actives and Snturdays-8 a.m. to 4 p, m. pological 1esemch In Ute Umted Ut, Chris D1 Lls1o, up f1om Hokonn, Tlus is to lnsUie against tmfnu We'll d1g a deep, deep hole llmes sweet Tha Anttobuses hnve pledges to be held in the Student States," New Mextco coutaii'ls a Lots Reed, the Bandelter beaut, Pat cheating. m tlus pos1bon, please contact the w1ll head the flam nt the Kansas AtHl h1de from ·wmter's wtath, surv1vcal Audtto1ium· L C, And, btothet1 don't you lath MVel\-yea.t lC1CUsts the ICC nge, the cal Sm•vey His topic was con­ Union ballroom front 9 to 12 to­ • wealth of Pueblo Indum rumsJ plus from ADP1, Lucille: De Soto That's nll, I hope, exce]Jt a IC­ 1 nlgltt. THURDS.AYS .. when you wear thta two·p1ece ~atly striped dress. Dl.l80nall_y living htbes whose ritual and wn:Y Town Club, Mary EUznbeth Cozzens, Ned Wnlluce, Kny Hafen, A bnkety we will stat t black pox und the tlouble :feature, cetlled w1th paleobotany; 1ts mean .. minder1 TICKETS1 CLOAKROOM, Jacl{ Wheelct 1 Mc1le Korte, Ergcnl FM bakmg p1es and tart, n doze11 wats and as nmny deptcs- mg and usefulness m the wotld o.f Howatd Shockey bends the com.. of livmg have not changed through I~;:~''~!~ert~:h~~c. Phrnteres candidate, $1 20 Got Jt? Get tt NOTICE Brown, Lnuy Hess, Quent Unde1~ stons The run many a gamut, me todu.y, To odd further to the lee mittee in chm;ge of the dance. cut drop shoulders are so uth•rly new , and tben the the ages. l1 Braun, from Alpha Now what's cookin'? Lookcel CATCH .ANY BUS Emphasis In the field sessions, Ch1. Each ts super, so i'you pays 'r'cntahve plnlls have been .:for· wood, Vng1l Bot~lel', John Mayne, 'Ve'll bake an Albucookie ns dumble as nHhntors, und look tmeJ vauous slides wetf' pres1:1nted An impetuous young Wlllmms COME IN-W .AI1.' OR SHOP Going Weet on Central wonderful slurred ties to accent tbe fueh-up sleeves You IJ hko Dr. R1iter said, wlll be on training your money and takes your choice.'' mulated for a date burenn :lor Uni- and Btll Townsend The hotses we'll goad 'em the future w1th a d1Sarmmg tb the g1 Oup The results of last nightfs Bor­ atudcnt named Wtmpfheimer ne­ While the Bendix Does Your and Transfer to 1h ficldwotk procedures. The cours· Outside of wasting my time, the W~1s1ty students We would like In honor of our toten1, l~;:~::~:;:~:i Altmnately bewitched Mt Reul nttended the Texrts der Conference basketball gal)le Work Automatically gotiated a dnte w1t11 n pair of l'J don't get 1t,U smd one ptetty Contpar1s011 IS OUl goal 1· mid becalmed U1ey at; School o£ Technology and did glad- N. 4th...Jt Takes iLe t.L bul!ons, tool es m11 be tnught by specinbsts with object ot thts l\ffnu: is to ]lob- lo know 1f there IS enougl1 general $24.95 Siamese twms one night 11 Hnve girl nr; she divested herself o£ her that Gallup stuff af which l\eroe; me made uate wotk at the Uluveisity of wit1t Hardnt-S1mmon~ in Abilene, Take Your Laundry Home in 10 Minutes eJ£pelieuce Iii the Southwestcru one of Babb e.nd Leupold's lliterest iu such a p1an 1 to organi2.e Wtth lot1sy Jl(!lc were received too late to be inelud· 30 Mmute$-Cleaned, Sweet, -2314 E. CENTRAL yomsclf a good time?" naked his It, All J.ntmesteoplc: A LI ue otrspl ing of Adam nnd Eve, l'h BLOCKS EAST OF CAMPUS 11 Well,'' teported Wlmpfhe:lmer, LAUNDERETTE Wife: Dni·hng, I heat• a mouscq ~::;:~~:·,,~~ ]JUrpose o! which is to Bt•adley, 'R, Obolm at 2~0886, or F, aslcs: inc to strip'' A nnkcd ted .. OMAR1 The Hint :Mnkct, \'JCt'illlS or nl! the ilJs that flesh IS A lad was m!;ttuctt:!d to use three 'J,"exas gs.mes wlll be in the "yes and no" 1 4105 N. FOURTH ST. 2·8694 FOR .APPT, squeakmgl _I extract some twe11ty Rake nnd W. F. Manlove nt 2·0714 head with a satchel on her lap tc­ heu: to The~ have sUl'Vivcd l\ ' atclmlc" ht a sentence1 and came LOBO Tuesday. llusbltnd: Shall I get up cent!! more thnn one.tenth n snw· Watch fot• £utther nottcas in the p1icd, ''My case- 1s even more puz. 11 With men who klto\V go•,er-lthousand calamtt!es by the skm of till W1th "We can't ent atchaic and 1 oil it 1 buck from you footsote gallnntR1 Pntron1ze Our Advertisers. LOBO ?.ling. l'm her~ to tune the vinno," not s best, it's Geo1 gm two to then teeth have it, too ' •

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