University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1947 The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 2-28-1947 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 049, No 35, 2/28/ 1947 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1947 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 049, No 35, 2/28/1947." 49, 35 (1947). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1947/10 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1941 - 1950 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1947 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • ! Page Four NEW MEXICO LOBO Tuesday, February 25, 1947 I' Creamland Dairies, Inc. I NI:W MI:XICO LOBO DIAL 7746 Semi-Weekly Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico Vol XLIX ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28 1947 No 85 I Franciscan Hotel Popularity Ball Grads May Be UNM Study t HOME OF THE FAMOUS Tickets Going Selected By NAVAJO ROOM Commissioned In Rendezvou~ HOGANI·LA LOUNGE Like ~otcakes Supply Corps State Dept. The State EducatiOnal Sys YOUR HO~IE AWAY FROM HOME The 1947 MIRAGE Populanty Captam Joel Newsom head of for the College Crowd Ball promises to be one of the most the Department of Naval Sctence, tem n study ,Prepared and pub successful socml :functwns of the announced today that qualified hshed last year by tho DlVlSton 1946 47 season acc01dmg to ad graduates of the Umverstty may of Reseatch of the Department o£ u THE vance ticket sales busmess mana be commtsstoned m the Supply Government at the Umvers1ty of ' gel Bill Babb told the LOBO today COips of the Navy as ens1gns di New Mexico has been selected by ' Trcket sales to date haxe exceeded 1ectly upon graduation the U S State Dcpattmcnt as one l-lilton l-lotel sales at the cor:t:es}londmg date fot The quahficabons for commls of the pubhcat1ons to be placed m the Mnage Beauty Ball wh1ch was SIOns are Its 126 cultural hbranes through qu1te an affan Itself 1 Be a graduate of an accred1t out the world 'I he Populauty Ball Will feature ed college or umveutty D:t: Thomas C Donnelly d1rec tot of the DlVlSlOn of Resea1ch, 1s the music of Marty Baum s band Tommy Mallow and hrs orchestra who Will make muste at the 2 Be a native b01n cJtJzen, or a 30 NEW BENDIX and 10 personality candidates-10 Sk1 Club dance Saturday evemn~r naturalized Citizen for at least ten the autho:t: of the study wh1ch deals l - Washmg Machmes who wlll vie for the coveted honor - .....:.:::..~:::_....:.....:.:....:..::...:=.:::::...:..:.::.:::::::--------------­ yeats With the h1story of the New MexiCO of bemg the most popular lass m 3 Be not less than 21 or more publtc school system and w:•th ' 30 MINU1 E SERVICE the Umverstty of New Mexrco-as Once Upon A Time than 25 year13 of age upon reee1v p1oblems fac11g the system m the chosen by populn1 vote of the peo Native Iron Ores mg a commtss1on ncar futuro Soft Water and Soap ple attendmg the dance The place A Nameless Fellow 4 Be physically quahfied by Established at the Umvcrstty m Are Furmshed ts the SUB ball1oom the date Studied by Kelly standards set for officers of the 1946 the DIVISion of Research has A young man walked mto th~ Staff Corps, u s Navy (These pubhshcd erght studies dealing w1th Match 7 the time 9 00 p m 1 POUNDS 30c An exhaustxve study of non ore Reg1sbat s office and handed the arc less strict than :ror officers poht1ca1 economic and sacral piob 9 Txckets me now on sale m the depostts m New M:extco IS bemg gnl at the desk a type.wutten sheet of the Jme) lems of New Mextco Open Every Dn.y-8 to 6 SUB controom at the hours 9 12 under taken by Dr Vmcent C Kel of papc1 I d hkc to have trans Officers of the Supply Corps The next publication scheduled a m and 1 4 30 p m and will be Saturdays-8 a rn to 4 p m ley of the Umvers1ty of New Mex crtpts sent to these schools spend constderably more ttme on fot l\lay wrll be The School Board on sale at these hou1s Monday JCO geology depaJtJnent Th~ gtrl was startled The effi shore duty than some other branch and the School Board Member,' n. OPEN UNTH 9 P M ON tbtough Fuday next week There The overwhelmmg favorite Begun durmg the wat undet the c1ency was so unusual that she took es of the scrvtce The starting pay handbook for members of all New THURDSAYS ue two ""ballots stapled to each shuts of U S college men uusp1ces of the U S Geologrcal h1s money and let hun go of an enstgn Without dependents Mexico school boatds The study ducat but stnce th1s electron JS be for looks, wearability aod Survey w1th the co opeut.twn of the Later the paper was ltanded mto 1s $256 a month, w1th dependents, was prepared at the request of the mg run on the honor system the U S Bu1euu of Mmes Dr Kelleys State Department of Educatton and CATCH ANY BUS pncc ballot box wdl not be avadablc un the hands of a startled clerk It the pay JS $282 There IS an add1 study now ts bemg contmuod under stated cleaJly that the author want ttonal allowance of $18 a month the New Mcx1co EducatiOnal As CO~!E IN-WAIT OR SHOP Gomg West on Central til the mght of the ball So don t a gwnt from the Umvc1s1ty Dlv1 socmt1on Whde tl1e Bend1x Docs Your lose those ].),nllots men-there ed hanscnpts made out and sent while on sea duty After not more and Transfer to a•o t of Re2carch and De\ clopmcnt to e1ght dental schools over the than three yen1s service, ensign!!! Work Automatically n n t110lllOie N 4th-It Takes Accotdmg to Dr Kelley, the country One thmg was m1sslng ate automatically promoted to the Take Your Laundry Home m lO Mmutes The dance 1s a scmt faunal af study Will explore the: poss1b1hty of 30 Mmutes-Cieaned Sweet No ot1c k 1e.w the authors name next higher rank, that of Lieuten • f 111 whtch means that the guls White. Damp Dry met eased mnung of uon ores m Wrll thnt pet son dtop m the Reg ant (JUnior grade) Upon complet wtlt have a chance to an.· thmr al New Mextco by esttmatmg poten tstrar s office nnd grve h1s name to mg twenty years servtce, all otfl Skeleton lobo LAUNDERETTE lu1 mgo gowns but the men can tmht es of native otes the1r qltan The Gordon Oxlotd Tbe Gordon Doubler Dm the clerk'> It mig11t clear up a cets aie ehgtble for 1ebrcment on uo, N FOURTH ST - PHONE 2 8694 FOR APPT (but!cn down and plain) come m anjithmg !rom a tux to a tlty nnd chmncteustlcs nasty sltuatton-proVIdmg that ts one half base pay • 'T slut Chapetons for the af Dutmg the wm, when thcte was -some unforeseen mctdcnt doesn t Any prospective gtaduate mter Tearn Plays Two fun Wlll be D1 and Mrs Keefer a cuttcal sbortage of, and height make duphcute coptes or new forms csted m applymg for such a com Swmu g mto the last two games ARROW mH.l M1 and Mrs Raffet ty cned demand for uon the Colorado necessarv m1sston should see Cuptam New- of the 1947 baslmtball season, the SHIRTS Fuel and Iron Corporation, unbl1c som m tl1e Stadmm Bu,ldmg for -------------....,--------------....,-------------- Umvcrstty of New Mextco Lobos SI.NFDRIZE:!J centJy the only latge blast futnace fm the1 particulars find themselves Wlthout the serv and steel ]lroducet m the West w II s .N01E A previOus announce Home Management 1ccs of several of their top men, fUROP£ Arrow Sussex Gordon PenWllly turned to federal agcnCOCS m Its e s ponsors ment to the above e([ect gave an Coach Woody Clements reported scmch for supplementary non ores SUB ~ees Set Up Student Body Look for these iamous models at your lavor1te Arrow stote mcorrcct address for the Office o( Protege Makes /-lit tht" week Dctmlcd cxnnunat•ons of New Mex Spanish Proaram Naval ]1 rocurement to whom can Eve1ybody but Gunrda Larry reo uon ore de}lOslt.s \\ere then un t1 didates were dueeted to address In 172 Periodicals Hess and Quentm Underwood are d~t taken by Dt Kelley nt tl1e re and MI Robert c WeJl~ Home Serv the•r apploca(IORS Candadates who By Committee Dance Saturday n11tktng the trip ARROW SHIRTS TIES quest of the govl:!tnment Ten month old Patsy of the Um ce F1eld Repiesentahve of the Unt hale had tlleir apphr.abons re At a recent meeting of the Stu vcrsity of New MexicO gets around In keepmg wtth the new policy Hess was m the Umvetstty m UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS \\hen tt ls comttleted, Dt Kel tal Hlll Sex VICe Comm1ttce of Bos turned should nottCy Captam New dent Unton BUJldmg Comnnttee the !m het age In fact, Patsy made 1 egmdmg student body dances, fhmnry wtth flu, and wasn't able to ley s study WJll be brought out by first of the great Cunarders bock m peac:e t•me service I •• offering ton Massachusetts, has JUSI:: VlSlted som 1m mediately followmg recommendabons we1e an nppenrunee til 28 states WJthout mnugurated last Monday by the make the tl1p Underwood, a sen luxur ous (ltld dependable travel across the Atlantic.
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