Responding to Emergencies A Major Responsibility of Public Works Agencies APWA and SWANA are co-locating at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center— Some would call that REVOLUTIONARY!

AUGUST 15–18, 2010 | WWW.APWA.NET/CONGRESS January 2010

Vol. 77, No. 1

The APWA Reporter, the official magazine of the American Public Works Association, covers all facets of public works for APWA members including industry news, legislative actions, management issues and emerging technologies. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT INSIDE APWA 2 President’s Message 6 Technical Committee News 8 Utilizing retired professionals to help solve today’s challenges 9 2010 Editorial Calendar 10 The changing role of the public works director 13 New APWA staff 17 16 La Center learns to manage a wetland 18 Index to 2009 articles


4 Washington Insight 24 Back to the Basics 46 Ask Ann

FEATURES 26 Is your jurisdiction eligible to receive HMGP funds following a 22 major disaster declaration? 28 Cedar Rapids: Repositioning a city post-disaster 31 The changing role of public works in emergencies, disasters and traffic incident management 36 The May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: emergency response and recovery 40 Small community NIMS compliance 42 FEMA: Mission and History 27 44 National Infrastructure Protection Plan offers framework for public works professionals

MARKETPLACE 48 Products in the News 49 Professional Directory

CALENDAR 23 Education Calendar 52 World of Public Works Calendar 36 52 Index of Advertisers

On the cover: the Cedar Rapids January 2010 APWA Reporter 1 flood of June 2008 (photo: City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Public Works stands guard this flu season

Larry T. Koehle, P.Eng., MPA APWA President

This year’s flu season ushered in America in the 21st century. Con- not only the seasonal flu, but also sisting of 21 national organizations, the H1N1 influenza virus which Chris Walsh, Chair of the APWA has caused widespread concern and Emergency Management Commit- Official Magazine of the initiated a call to action that tran- tee, serves as APWA’s representative American Public Works Association scended community, state, provin- to this important multi-disciplinary PUBLISHER cial and country borders. In late group. American Public Works Association 2345 Grand Blvd., Suite #700 April 2009, U.S. health officials is- Kansas City, MO 64108-2625 sued a public health emergency af- We served on the ESSCC Pandemic (800) 848-APWA (Member Services Hotline) Planning Work Group which re- (816) 472-6100 (Kansas City metro area) ter 20 H1N1 cases were diagnosed. FAX (816) 472-1610 Canadian health officials followed leased a pandemic flu white paper e-mail: [email protected] Website: shortly thereafter, diagnosing six in September 2009. Endorsed by APWA, the white paper provides EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR cases. Less than eight weeks later, Peter B. King the World Health Organization an- a comprehensive overview of the H1N1 influenza virus, emphasizes EDITOR nounced on June 11 that the rapid R. Kevin Clark the vital need for first responders to spread of the H1N1 virus triggered GRAPHIC DESIGNER an international pandemic. As the coordinate their emergency prepara- Julie Smith severity of contagion grew, federal, tion and response efforts at the state ADVERTISING SALES and local levels, and offers continu- Amanda Daniel R. Kevin Clark state, provincial and local govern- Erin Ladd Kansas City Liaison ments, and first responders—includ- ity of operations guidelines in the Jennifer Wirz (800) 848-APWA (800) 800-0341 ing public works—banded together event of an emergency situation. APWA WASHINGTON OFFICE to protect communities during this Since its release, the white paper has been sent to key White House and 1275 K Street NW, Suite 750 difficult time. Washington, D.C. 20005-4083 DHS officials, as well as the 16 oth- (202) 408-9541 FAX (202) 408-9542 It is now January 2010—almost er DHS Critical Infrastructure and Disclaimer: The American Public Works Association eight months after the first H1N1 Key Resources sectors to help guide assumes no responsibility for statements and/or opinions advanced by either editorial or advertising cases were diagnosed. How has pub- them during the pandemic. contributors to this issue. APWA reserves the right lic works impacted mitigation, re- to refuse to publish and to edit manuscripts to conform to the APWA Reporter standards. sponse and recovery efforts in the Through the NHSC, we have also gained access to federal and state Publisher’s Notice: The APWA Reporter, January wake of this pandemic? 2010, Vol. 77, No. 1 (ISSN 0092-4873; Publications experts on the H1N1 influenza vi- Agreement No. 40040340). The APWA Reporter At the federal level in the U.S., we rus. We have heard from key DHS, is published monthly by the American Public Works Association, 2345 Grand Boulevard, Suite maintain national visibility by Federal Emergency Management 700, Kansas City, MO 64108-2625. Subscription working alongside first responder Agency, and Centers for Disease rate is $164 for nonmembers and $25 for chapter- sponsored students. Periodicals postage paid at stakeholders and government offi- Control personnel on the H1N1 Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. cials to formulate and disseminate pandemic flu outbreak. Areas of fo- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the APWA the latest mitigation, response and cus have included federal, state and Reporter, 2345 Grand Boulevard, #700, Kansas City, MO 64108-2625. Canada returns to: Station A, P.O. recovery data and strategies. Cur- local pandemic flu prevention and Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5. rently, we are a member of the De- response, the development of an Reprints and Permissions: Information is available at partment of Homeland Security’s H1N1 vaccine, virus mutation, and (DHS) Emergency Services Sector comparisons of H1N1 to the Span- © 2010 by American Public Works Association Coordinating Council (ESSCC) and ish Flu outbreak of 1918. At the Address Change? To alert us of a change to your membership record, the National Homeland Security NHSC semi-annual meeting, speak- contact an APWA Membership Specialist at (800) Consortium (NHSC). The NHSC is a ers discussed current H1N1 status in 848-APWA or [email protected]. forum for public- and private-sector the Southern Hemisphere, as these The APWA Reporter is printed by Harmony Printing disciplines committed to protecting countries experienced their winter & Development Co., Liberty, MO.

2 APWA Reporter January 2010 season June through August 2009 and ness. As first responders, public works include public works officials in prior- the second wave of the pandemic flu is vital to a community’s livelihood. ity distribution of anti-viral vaccines outbreak. It is their hope that obser- Accordingly, these resources provide and medications, and to account for vations made in the Southern Hemi- public works agencies with guidelines the needs of public works professionals sphere will continue to shed light on in creating a preparedness plan to en- when purchasing personal protective the increased rate of illness in North sure continuity of operations, and equipment. America. provide the latest information on the H1N1 vaccine, symptoms, and treat- As pandemic flu sweeps across the Unit- Over the past several months, we have ment and prevention of illness. ed States and Canada, public works per- adopted an influenza position state- sonnel are out in force protecting and ment and directed members to several Working in tandem with APWA, the responding to our communities’ needs resources such as the Centers for Dis- Canadian Public Works Association re- around the clock. In order for public ease Control’s website,, cently approved a position statement works to effectively execute emergency and the U.S. federal government’s one- that encourages the Canadian Gov- response operations, we must work to- stop-online shop,, where ernment to establish a comprehensive gether to maintain continuity of op- public works personnel can access U.S. strategy to protect critical workers that erations and stay abreast of the latest Government H1N1, avian and pan- extends the definition of front-line up-to-date information. Being proac- demic flu information. services to acknowledge and include tive during emergencies has proven to public works providers from both the be one of the many strengths of public Public works departments—like many public and private sectors. The state- works. As we forge ahead, let us contin- other employers—are anticipating ex- ment also calls on the Government to ue to stand guard this flu season. tended absences from work due to ill-

Diversity “If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people Awareness we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” – Noam Chomsky, American Corner educator, author and linguist

AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSOCIATION Mission Statement: The American Public Works Association serves its members by promoting professional excellence and public awareness through education, advocacy and the exchange of knowledge. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ADVISORY COUNCIL PRESIDENT DIRECTOR, REGION IV DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE, (Past APWA Presidents) Larry T. Koehle, P.Eng., MPA Shelby P. LaSalle, Jr. ENGINEERING & President Chairman and CEO TECHNOLOGY Noel C. Thompson, Chair L&N Koehle Consulting Krebs, LaSalle, LeMieux Patty Hilderbrand, P.E. Services Consultants, Inc. Program Management & Robert Albee Ken Haag Richard L. Ridings Brampton, ON Metairie, LA Development Manager City of Kansas City, MO PRESIDENT-ELECT DIRECTOR, REGION V Roger K. Brown Erwin F. Hensch John J. Roark George R. Crombie, MPA David L. Lawry, P.E. DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE, Myron D. Calkins Robert S. Hopson Harold E. Smith Senior Faculty Member, Public General Services Group ENVIRONMENTAL Works Administration Director MANAGEMENT Joseph F. Casazza Ronald W. Jensen June Rosentreter Spence Norwich University City of Elgin, IL Daryl Grigsby Northfield, Vermont Public Works Director Nick W. Diakiw Dwayne Kalynchuk Tom Trice DIRECTOR, REGION VI City of Kirkland, WA PAST PRESIDENT Larry Stevens, P.E. Robert C. Esterbrooks Martin J. Manning William A. Verkest Noel C. Thompson Director DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE, Consultant SUDAS Program FLEET & FACILITIES Jerry M. Fay James J. McDonough Win Westfall Thompson Resources Iowa State University MANAGEMENT Louisville, KY Ames, IA Ken A. Nerland Bob Freudenthal Robert Miller Carl D. Wills Director, General Services Dept. DIRECTOR, REGION I DIRECTOR, REGION VII City of Fresno, CA Larry W. Frevert Judith M. Mueller Jean-Guy Courtemanche Jimmy B. Foster, P.E. Business Development Plano, TX DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE, Herbert A. Goetsch Ronald L. Norris Lumec, Inc. PUBLIC WORKS Boisbriand, QC DIRECTOR, REGION VIII MGMT./LEADERSHIP J. Geoffrey Greenough Michael R. Pender Ronald J. Calkins, P.E. Diane Linderman, P.E. DIRECTOR, REGION II Director of Public Works Director, Urban Infrastructure Executive Director Executive Director Emeritus Ed Gottko, P.E. City of Ventura, CA and Development Services Peter B. King Robert D. Bugher Town Administrator (retired) VHB, Inc. Town of Westfield, NJ DIRECTOR, REGION IX Doug Drever, P.Eng. Richmond, VA Editorial Advisory Board DIRECTOR, REGION III Project Director DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE, Elizabeth Treadway City of Saskatoon, SK TRANSPORTATION Myron D. Calkins Susan M. Hann Vice President Susan M. Hann, P.E., AICP, AMEC Earth & Environmental ICMA-CM Gordon R. Garner Stephen J. O’Neill Greensboro, NC Deputy City Manager City of Palm Bay, FL Neil S. Grigg Kyle E. Schilling

January 2010 APWA Reporter 3 National Homeland Security Consortium reviews key emergency management initiatives

Laura M. Berkey Government Affairs Manager American Public Works Association Washington, D.C.

n December 2009, Teresa Scott, member of APWA’s Emer- the National Disaster Recovery Framework. At the request gency Management Committee, attended the National of President Obama, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Na- Homeland Security Consortium (NHSC) semi-annual politano and Housing and Urban Development Secretary meeting in Santa Fe, N.M., as APWA’s representative. Shaun Donovan formed a Work Group that has been reach- Consortium participants heard from a variety of speakers, ing out to stakeholders seeking input on disaster recovery namely Tim Manning, FEMA Deputy Administrator for Na- management issues since October 2009. Moreover, a new tional Preparedness; Richard Reed, Special Assistant to the interagency website, www.DisasterRecoveryWorkingGroup. President for Homeland Security and Senior Director for gov, was launched to assist federal disaster recovery officials Continuity Policy; and David Kaufman, FEMA Director of solicit public comments from state, local and tribal partners, Policy and Program Analysis. and the public.

Tim Manning opened the consortium meeting with FEMA According to Kaufman, stakeholder comments collected Administrator ’s mantra: “FEMA is not the thus far have revealed the following emerging themes: team, but part of the team.” Manning impressed upon NHSC members that FEMA will continue its efforts to reach out • It is vital to integrate resilience policy and mitigation to stakeholders and mobilize state and local jurisdictions in practices into disaster planning. an effort to improve catastrophic disaster planning and re- • Pre-disaster planning, training and public education are sponse operations. Importantly, he emphasized that no two key to preparedness and recovery. municipalities face the same threats or hazards, whether • States must have a supporting, leading role when com- they are natural or man-made. Accordingly, DHS and FEMA munities are struck by a disaster. must work to address the various protections communities • Disaster recovery is an evolving process that must be must be afforded while simultaneously creating consensus- adaptable to different situations. driven emergency management guidelines and policies. • Applying for disaster assistance funds is often tedious and time consuming. It is imperative that disaster assis- In an effort to streamline homeland security and emergency tance programs be improved so funds reach communi- management policy, Richard Reed provided an update on ties more quickly. Homeland Security Presidential Directive-8 (HSPD-8), which Stakeholders’ contributions will help to develop a report to was issued by President George W. Bush in 2003 and for- the President and a National Disaster Recovery Framework. mally recognizes public works as a first responder. Since the The former will include recommendations for improving summer of 2009, the White House’s Resilience Directorate long-term disaster recovery, while the latter will provide de- has been revising HSPD-8. According to Reed, the draft di- tailed operations guidance to recovery organizations under rectorate takes an all-hazards approach to emergency man- existing authorities. A draft of the report will be circulated agement through the lens of resiliency—a key element of for public comment in February prior to the President re- President Obama’s approach to protecting the nation. It is ceiving the final report on April 1, 2010. The framework is anticipated that the new version of HSPD-8 will encom- scheduled to be released in June 2010. pass the Resilience Directorate’s definition of a resilient na- tion which is “one in which individuals, communities and The NHSC meeting provided additional insight into the our economy can adapt to changing conditions as well as progress of DHS and FEMA’s homeland security and emer- withstand and rapidly recover from disruption due to emer- gency management initiatives, and also afforded APWA the gencies.” Currently, the Resilience Directorate is seeking opportunity to interface with Obama Administration offi- feedback from DHS and FEMA, and will eventually request cials. As these initiatives move forward, APWA will continue comments from emergency management stakeholders—in- to work closely with key White House, DHS and FEMA staff, cluding APWA. The agency review is expected to take ap- and provide insight from the public works perspective. proximately two months before the draft is made public. Laura Berkey is the legislative liaison to the Emergency APWA also had the opportunity to hear from David Management Committee. She can be reached at (202) 218-6734 Kaufman, who provided an update on the development of or [email protected].

4 APWA Reporter January 2010 Don’t miss this chance get in the APWA Reporter’s Water Resources issue!

y advertising in the APWA Reporter, The deadline to reserve your Bnews of your equipment, product or space is January 6; the materials service will be sent to more than 29,000 are due by January 8. APWA members, most of whom are key decision makers in their agencies. Bonus: Advertise and we’ll provide you with a free listing So, don’t miss this opportunity to advertise in our “Products in the News” in the February issue which focuses on water column! treatment and distribution, stormwater management, sanitary sewer systems, and flood control. Our ad reps, a.k.a. Kevin’s Call Amanda, Erin or Jennifer at (800) Angels (pictured left to right: Amanda 800-0341. Daniel, Jennifer Wirz and Erin Ladd, enjoying their favorite magazine), would love to chat with you about how the APWA Reporter can help bring you new business. Emergency Management Committee builds strong relationship with FEMA

Laura M. Berkey, Government Affairs Manager, and Teresa Hon, Professional Development Program Manager, American Public Works Association

hen the Federal Emergency Management Agen- critical infrastructure systems before, during and after emer- cy (FEMA) was established by an Executive Or- gencies. Fugate acknowledged that various public assistance der in July 1979, APWA worked tirelessly to es- programs can be confusing and asked APWA to pinpoint tablish a strong, long-lasting relationship with specific areas of concern. Moreover, Fugate expressed the this agency. Thirty years later, APWA continues to maintain need to work with APWA on education and training initia- close ties with FEMA working with key officials and per- tives through FEMA’s regional and state branches in order sonnel on various emergency management-related policies to build stronger, more efficient relationships with public and initiatives. In January 2009, the Obama Administration works personnel. ushered in yet another new era for FEMA and over the past year, the Emergency Management Committee has furthered Taking Administrator Fugate’s lead, committee members APWA’s priorities while simultaneously earning recognition began working closely with FEMA’s Public Assistance Direc- as a prominent stakeholder that represents first responders. torate to further joint efforts to improve access to training so local jurisdictions will have a better understanding of With a new FEMA Administrator well settled into his posi- FEMA’s requirements regarding reimbursement documenta- tion, Emergency Management Committee members capital- tion. The committee is hoping to partner with FEMA staff ized on the opportunity to meet with Craig Fugate. APWA’s and host a public assistance education and training session discussions with Fugate primarily focused on public assis- during Congress this August. Moreover, according to James tance programs and local mutual aid agreements. APWA Walke, Director of the Public Assistance Directorate, and members emphasized that proper education and training Heather Smith, Intergovernmental Affairs Division – Office on public assistance programs and establishing mutual aid of External Affairs, FEMA is in the process of identifying agreements will ensure a community’s ability to maintain areas where Public Assistance Programs can be improved, such as hazard mitigation. FEMA intends to form an inter- nal work group to tackle this issue and plans to consult the Nominations for Emergency Management Committee. Moreover, in early 2009 FEMA asked APWA to designate rep- national APWA resentatives to participate in an Education Focus Group–– the goal of which was to identify gaps in educational op- appointment portunities for public works professionals with regards to “Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by emergency management. Understanding the importance hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to of representing a broad spectrum of declared emergencies, APWA carefully chose six individuals who had experienced achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” – Vince Lombardi one or more floods, hurricanes, tornadoes or extreme snow APWA is soliciting nominations for appointments to events. The group met with Emergency Management Insti- national offices for the August 2010–September 2011 tute (EMI) personnel and APWA staff for two days at the EMI year. Step forward and offer your expertise to your pro- campus in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The final outcome of the fession. Contact your local chapter to let them know discussion, facilitated by the contracted consultant, was a you have an interest in serving at the national level. proposal submitted to FEMA which included updates to cur- rent programs and a request for new educational opportuni- Information on appointments may be obtained on the ties. Based on the recommendation, FEMA authorized funds APWA website at for the development of a two-hour, web-based training pro- nations or from Kaye Sullivan at National Headquarters gram defining the role of public works in emergency man- at [email protected] or at (800) 848-APWA, ext. 5233. agement. However, the release date has yet to be determined A brief bio must be completed online or through hard at this time. copy. Nominations must arrive at headquarters by close of business March 1, 2010. Aside from partnering with the APWA Emergency Manage- ment Committee to help further APWA’s priorities, FEMA is

6 APWA Reporter January 2010 very active spearheading initiatives to improve its all-haz- recovery management issues via live forums, video telecon- ards approach to emergency management. Two such initia- ferences, and informal comment periods. The Emergency tives in which committee members are heavily involved are Management Committee has been proactive providing in- the Target Capabilities List (TCL) Implementation Project put, as APWA’s contribution will help to develop a report to and the Long Term Recovery Working Group. the President and a National Disaster Recovery Framework. The former will include recommendations for improving Since 2008, FEMA has been revising and restructuring the long-term disaster recovery, while the latter will provide de- TCL, a vital component of the National Response Guide- tailed operations guidance to recovery organizations under lines. Currently, committee members are serving on eleven existing authorities. TCL Work Groups that range from Continuity of Opera- tions, to Mitigation, to Critical Infrastructure Protection, As the year moves forward, the Emergency Management etc. Based on the need for community-specific emergency Committee will continue to be proactive, as committee preparedness, the TCL Work Groups are developing a series members have multiple objectives to accomplish. Impor- of Target Capability Frameworks to help states and local ju- tantly, the committee will work to strengthen existing rela- risdictions determine whether they need a given capability tionships with FEMA officials while seeking additional op- to be prepared, and if so, at what level. The TCL is scheduled portunities for stakeholder involvement—as the possibilities to be released at the end of this year. are endless in 2010!

Additionally, FEMA invited APWA to participate in the Laura Berkey is the Government Affairs Manager and the Long Term Disaster Recovery Working Group and to assist legislative liaison to the Emergency Management Technical in the creation of a National Disaster Recovery Framework. Committee; she can be reached at (202) 218-6734 or lberkey@ Beginning in September 2009, the Work Group—which is Teresa Hon is a Program Manager in the Professional co-chaired by the Secretaries of the Departments of Home- Development Department and the liaison to the Emergency land Security and Housing and Urban Development—have Management and Fleet Services Technical Committees; she can been reaching out to stakeholders seeking input on disaster be reached at (816) 595-5224 or [email protected].

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Michael Fraser Director of Public Works City of Salina, Kansas Member, APWA Diversity Committee

ll of us face challenges each day to achieve more, professionals as well as the Salina City Engineer and Director improve performance, and solve a wide variety of Public Works. Past experience ranges from a former city en- of public works-related problems with limited re- gineer, transportation engineer, soil and water conservation sources. Although we can justify the need for more engineer, hydraulic/civil engineer, water resources engineer/ resources, due to the poor economy many cities, counties consultant, and a residential developer. Each has had a distin- and government agencies have faced deep cuts in capital guished career and is respected within our community. improvement programs and operational budgets, as well as reductions in their workforce. This has compounded the dif- ficulty with staying current with the ever-growing demands for providing services and addressing our aging infrastruc- ture repair and replacement issues.

Despite the difficulty, public works officials realize that we must find ways to continue to overcome these challenges even in a bad economy. Some local government agencies have broken new ground with a unique approach to capture the talent and experience of retired professionals to help them solve today’s challenges. They have realized that just because a person has retired does not mean that all their ex- pertise is lost or their desire to share it has evaporated. These Members of the Salina Department of Public Works Infrastructure retirees can still contribute in a meaningful way. Advisory Team discuss language changes to the City of Salina’s Standard Construction Specifications. Right to left: City Engineer Dan Stack, Many retired professionals have worked hard throughout Charles May, Lawrence Wetter, John Reh, Ron Chandler and Douglas Hill. their careers and have chosen to retire and move out of high- Our team of retired professionals has volunteered their time pressure environments that result in 60- and 70-hour work- to meet once a month to assist City staff with rewriting the weeks, which limits the time they spend with their families City of Salina Construction Standard Specifications. This is a and friends. However, many now find themselves uncom- 29-chapter document that outlines how new infrastructure fortable taking a seat in the bleachers when they could be will be constructed. It provides specifications for the con- on the field as a team player. The chance to participate again struction of streets, storm sewers, water and sanitary sewer on a limited basis is appealing. lines, curb and gutter, and sidewalks. Many of these specifi- Most communities have retired professionals who possess cations are outdated, inconsistent, lacking in detail, and in unique experience and knowledge, which in some cases some cases, provide unnecessary information. could equal or surpass current staff members. To tap this In addition, the IAT is assisting City staff with the review and resource and direct it toward assisting the community in analysis of the engineering scope of services for a proposed addressing a major challenge or a complicated issue can Master Plan for a seven-mile, old river channel redevelop- be rewarding for all concerned. This approach can save a ment project. The old river channel, which runs through community time and money by providing problem-solving the city, was replaced around 1960 by a diversion channel suggestions that could help further stretch limited resourc- that routed the river away from the city. The old river chan- es. Let’s face it—you can’t play golf or go fishing all day nel now serves as part of the stormwater collection system every day. inside the flood control levee system. The proposed plan The Department of Public Works in Salina, Kansas, is one envisions the reintroduction of running water from the of a number of organizations to utilize retired professionals. Smoky Hill River through the old river channel, and the Our group is called the Infrastructure Advisory Team (IAT) development of the adjacent land next to the channel for and has been working with the Public Works Department recreational purposes with hike and bike trails and possible staff since January 2008. The team is made up of six retired future downtown retail improvements and expansion. The

8 APWA Reporter January 2010 project is intended to provide connectivity and better utilize community resources. This concept has captured the inter- est of many residents. However, there are a number of com- plicated issues and challenges associated with the proposed plan that need to be investigated and analyzed prior to a decision on the feasibility of this major community project.

It has been exciting and rewarding to watch the chemistry between these retired professionals and our younger profes- sional City staff as they work together to analyze, discuss and debate the technical and procedural issues surround- ing alternative courses of action, as applied to engineering design and construction principles. The energy and enthu- 2010 Editorial Calendar siasm produced by our team of volunteer professionals in reviewing infrastructure projects is inspiring. The topics for the APWA Reporter’s 12 issues in 2010 are presented below. There are other organizations that have invited back retired professionals with certain skills and abilities to handle a spe- January: Emergency Management cific project, assist educating staff, serve as an advisor, provide February: Water Resources support in an interim capacity, or even work part-time on var- ious tasks. Some positions and roles are voluntary and others March: Solid Waste Management may be paid. These persons may work several days a week or only a few days a month. Typically, the cost to taxpayers for April: Facilities and Grounds; Annual Buyer’s Guide utilizing retired professionals is much less than hiring a full- May: Sustainability; Top Ten Public Works Leaders of time person with benefits or hiring a consultant. the Year One of the rewards of recruiting local retired professionals June: Engineering and Technology from your area is that these persons have a vested interest in the success of your community as well as in the projects July: Transportation; Public Works Projects of the Year and services provided. They take extra pride in contributing their expertise and feel appreciated for being offered the op- August: Congress Show Issue; Utility and Public portunity to once again contribute. Right-of-Way

The use of retired professionals in addressing current issues September: Fleet Services and challenges opens a new door in discovering additional October: Congress Highlights resources for public problem resolution teams. These per- sons offer extra added value in expertise and experience, November: Winter Maintenance which is sometimes difficult to acquire on certain types of December: Leadership and Management projects or where experience is limited. In these times when departmental staffs are being reduced, work hours are lim- Columns & Features: ited, and consulting budgets are cut, considering the use of retired persons could help to keep projects on track with a President’s Message successful conclusion. Washington Insight APWA has recognized the importance of creative thinking Technical Committee News and the value in sharing ideas with others in our public International Idea Exchange works field. Over the next year the APWA Diversity Commit- tee, Subcommittee on Generational Issues will be working Back to the Basics with chapter leaders and Association members to develop a Ask Ann strategy to help our membership tap into this resource and develop opportunities for retired professionals who might Education Calendar be interested to rejoin the team and get back into the game. APWA WorkZone Your input on this endeavor is greatly appreciated. Products in the News If your APWA chapter, department or community has a pro- Professional Directory gram designed for retired professionals, please let us know. World of Public Works Calendar We would like to hear from you. I can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected].

January 2010 APWA Reporter 9 The changing role of the public works director

William A. Sterling, P.E. Director of Public Works (Ret.) City of Greeley, Colorado Past Member, APWA Leadership and Management Committee

Introduction 5. Higher Costs of Services/Scarce Resources The public works director of today faces many of the same 6. Diversity of Services challenges of the director of yesterday, except the problems 7. Citizen/Council/Employee Involvement are now more complex, costly and regulated. In addition, the present recession is having a significant effect on the 8. Federal/Provincial/Local Regulations/Legal Concerns operations of a public works agency. The lack of adequate 9. Planning/Coordination funding has always been with us, but now it is much more pronounced. In many cases throughout the country, it is ex- 10. Communications tremely difficult to carry out the basic functions of public Technology/Information Explosion works, much less the “nice” things we used to do. I believe It has been said that there have been more technological that we will come out of the recession; but how we come out advances during the last 50 years than in all of recorded his- and what our agencies will look like will be different. Many tory. A director must have a working knowledge of the tech- of you have experienced layoffs, wage cuts and furloughs, nology applicable to his/her area of operations. Technology leaving those workers who remain to carry out the function gives the director frequent and dependable access to job of the agency. I call them “survivors.” I don’t believe that status reports, new methods of providing services and new many of those who have been laid off will be rehired. I be- equipment to efficiently and effectively perform the service, lieve strongly that how we do the business of public works and provides a choice of solutions to problems. The tech- will have to change. There is a good book, Change is Good… nology runs the gamut from pavement management sys- You Go First, by Mac Anderson and Tom Feltenstein, that you tems to computer-aided design, from traffic control systems might want to read. to snow/ice control methods. How, then, is a director able Putting aside the issue of the recession, I believe that there to find and utilize this information? The major sources are are 10 changes that are affecting the “new” public works product manufacturers and suppliers, technological transfer director. Administrators are learning to “do more with less,” centers, government clearing houses (EPA, RTAP), profes- while trying to maintain productivity. The vastly expanded sional organizations (APWA, AWWA), technical seminars, role of the director goes beyond technical competence. The advanced university study and professional trade publica- role requires dynamics of leadership, communication, ana- tions. Obviously your best reliable source of information is lytical skills and foresight. In addition, the administrator of the American Public Works Association. today must have the stamina to work closely with elected officials, union representatives, special interest groups and a Personnel/Human Relations highly educated (or informed) citizenry. The administrator Much has been written about how to get along with people; must be a leader with a vision. He/she must wear many hats, how to negotiate, mediate, and facilitate; and how to man- play many roles and be able, as Rudyard Kipling’s poem age resources. (An article, entitled “Dealing with Difficult “If” so aptly states, “to works with kings, nor lose the common Employees” by William A. Sterling, was published in the touch.” With that in mind, what are some forces now bring- June 2009 issue of the APWA Reporter.) In the field of public ing about the changing role of the public works director; in works, the greatest asset a manager has is his/her personnel. addition to the current recession? The staff can, and often does, perform minor miracles and makes the manager and the department look good. Motiva- In my opinion, there are at least 10 factors that bring about tion and productivity is the key to any successful organiza- this change: tion. With the more mobile and less dedicated employee, the diversity of the workforce, the retirement of the Baby Boom- 1. Technology/Information Explosion ers and the Generation X workers entering into the work- 2. Personnel/Human Relations force, the manager of today must employ better techniques such as team building, training, employee participation, job 3. Computers enrichment, cross-training, open communications/feedback 4. Infrastructure Management/Maintenance and a series of incentives for good employees. Employee

10 APWA Reporter January 2010

empowerment and self-directed work teams are a necessity timely information along with ease of use (if you’re not an in the future. During this economic downturn, it becomes “old” director, such as me). critical that a manager relates to the staff. Infrastructure Management/Maintenance Computers While the “hot” topic continues to be the infrastructure The thread that runs through all of the discussions about and the need to maintain and replace our aging facilities, management is the need for information and communica- the key to any infrastructure management is infrastructure tion. Information, and its availability, is reshaping manage- inventory. The inventory must include both the quantity ment’s approach to solving problems. Are you working ef- and the condition of the infrastructure. The detailed infor- ficiently and effectively? Almost all managers now have PCs mation may well be required in financial statements (GASB on their desks, just as yesterday’s managers had bulky, hard 34), as an unfunded liability. This is not to say that you’ll copies and files. E-mail and the Internet have become com- get more resources to maintain the infrastructure, but you’ll monplace. There was a time that I thought a “Blackberry” have a better “handle” on what the community needs are. was a fruit. New programs such as Face Book, YouTube and Annually, ASCE publishes a “Report Card” on the nation’s others, are ways to keep in touch; and with the advent of infrastructure. In my opinion, no one pays attention to that wireless communications, you can no longer hide! PDAs are “Report Card”; therefore, we, as public works practitioners, now becoming more common in the field along with GPS. must develop a better and more consistent way to get our Now you can’t even get lost if you have a GPS in your ve- point across to the public on infrastructure needs. hicle or on your Blackberry (and don’t even get me started on cell phone technology and iPods)! Higher Costs of Services/Scarce Resources The cost of providing the same level of services each year is Data can be entered and massaged to provide virtually any rising and, in most cases, at a rate that is higher than the rate type of management report desired. However; all informa- of revenues. This is especially true during these hard eco- tion must be timely, complete, concise, accurate and rele- nomic times. This requires a manager to continually assess vant. The technical advances now provide a manager with operational methods, equipment needs, and frequency of

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January 2010 APWA Reporter 11 service and applicability of the service provided (back to the be wise to get as much input into any project or service in basics). The APWA Leadership and Management Commit- order to make the best decisions. The best projects are those tee has begun a new series of articles, entitled “Back to the that have citizen involvement—so do it now rather than Basics,” which will address this issue. Look for the articles in later. the APWA Reporter. The level of council involvement in the operations of the Constant communication with the council and citizens is agency is also increasing. Many council members have been required to determine the acceptable level of service deliv- elected because of single issues and, in order to remain in ery. While there are no “new” sources of revenue, there are office, sometimes get involved. Because of citizen involve- many methods of generating additional revenues. These ment, council members are getting involved. While they sources may range from improvement districts to drainage may not get directly involved with your operations, they utilities, from user fees to sales and property taxes, from will ask questions through your city manager or your mayor. street maintenance utilities to bonding and from federal/ provincial, state and private grants to donations. However, Employee involvement has increased tremendously during to gain public support for any “new” revenue source, a man- the past ten years; and this is a good thing! Team building, ager must constantly assess operational activities to produce unionization, participation in decision making and self-di- services at the lowest cost possible. A manager must be more rected work teams all contribute to a better organization. than efficient; the manager must be effective also. Innova- Getting involved with the APWA Self Assessment and Ac- tive service delivery systems such as outsourcing and delet- creditation Program will greatly help your agency to func- ing programs and services must be considered. tion better. Diversity of Services The manager of today must be aware of the employees’ con- A continuing trend is to group a local government’s physical cerns—they are the experts in what they do. In public works development activities and its delivery of service in a public agencies, the manager’s greatest assets are people and their works department. If it doesn’t fit anywhere else, put it in ability to achieve the city’s and the agency’s goals within public works! No longer is the public works agency charged budget and in a timely manner. This is especially true during with only street maintenance, design/construction and traf- this economic downturn. You are asking them to do even fic control activities. Today’s agencies are as diverse as the more with even less. Sometimes it feels that we are now ex- municipalities in which they serve. In my career I have had pected to do anything with nothing. Animal Control and a Cemetery. My last agency consisted Federal/Provincial/Local Regulations/Legal of eight divisions ranging from Engineering to Equipment Concerns Maintenance. In most jurisdictions, the functions allocated to the public works agency can be categorized as either de- Public works officials are empowered, compelled, limited velopmental or operations functions. The 6th edition of the and governed by law. Second only to nuclear power produc- Public Works Management Practices Manual has 37 chapters tion, local government may be the most regulated industry devoted to the field of public works. New physical activities in the nation. The legal system is now as complex as the initiated by city governments were usually allocated to pub- infrastructure system. The public works manager must have lic works because the activity did not seem to “fit” into any a working knowledge of the various laws and regulations, other structured agency. Coming out of the recession may or at the very least, recognize when to confer with the ap- increase this model as cities will have to reorganize due to propriate legal staff. Funding can be lost, fines can be levied, downsizing. Today’s director must be able to manage a wide and directors can be held personally liable for not comply- range of activities and a wide range of technical staff. He/ ing with the appropriate regulations. Awareness of the is- she may become in-house consultants to other departments. sues, adherence to duties and established policies, and the willingness to seek legal assistance when in doubt should be Citizen/Council/Employee Involvement the guidelines to good management. It is most helpful if the During the late 1960s and early 1970s, there was a major agency has a thorough and updated set of written policies change in citizen involvement, brought about by urban re- and procedures. Again, APWA’s Self Assessment and Accredi- newal and community redevelopment. Citizens began to tation Program is a good place to start the process of review- question government’s role in changing their lives. They ing and updating the way you do business. began to question, then demand, and became involved. Citizens became more knowledgeable. The birth of the Planning/Coordination N.I.M.B.Y. questioning began. The new terms of “NOTA” The basic construction of a public improvement is a com- and “BANANA” are becoming more prevalent in local gov- plex process. Good planning and input will help ensure ernment. Most federally-funded projects now require citizen that the facility is properly designed, adequate funding is input through environmental assessments. Even when there available, and the effects on other agencies, the neighbor- is no federal funding involved, a public works agency would hood and the traveling public are minimized. The Capital

12 APWA Reporter January 2010 Improvement Program process is a complex process requir- and technological interfaces. They need more sophistication ing a knowledge of financing methods, design alternatives, to enable them to work in a complex political environment scheduling, contract administration and coordination with while serving the total public interest. The public works ad- a variety of entities—both within the local government and ministrator of the future must be an expert public manager outside. In the future, the allocation of goods and services, in the broadest meaning of the term. Technology must be as they affect planning and public works agencies, will be made the servant, not the overlord, in the development of carried out in a climate of limited resources—even after the people-oriented infrastructure and services.” I wonder what recession. Planning, coordination and allocation of scarce Mr. Stone thinks of today’s public works managers. Unfor- resources will be more critical; the public works manager of tunately, the older generation of managers will be moving the future must possess those skills to ensure a reasonable on and the new managers may not be ready to take up the level of success. challenge. There is hope—through APWA and its resources.

Communications Resources Public works has expanded from streets, roads, water, sewer Public Works Administration, American Public Works Association and public buildings to the entire built-up environment. Public Works Institute Learning Model, American Public Works Communications is a major function of the public works Association manager—explaining assignments to employees, listening , 6th Edition, to citizen issues, presenting your programs to the governing Public Works Management Practices Manual American Public Works Association board and the media, and working with citizen groups. The need for communication has grown because of legal issues, The Price of Government, Osborn, David & Hutchinson, Peter cable television, higher educational level of citizens and em- William A. Sterling, P.E., is a past member and past chair of ployees, interdepartmental coordination, and the high costs the APWA Leadership and Management Committee and a of providing services. recipient of the APWA Top Ten Award and the APWA Swearingen The director of the future must have the training and abil- Award. He can be reached at (970) 356-1159 or sterling@ ity to communicate with a variety of people in a variety of ways. Hostile press, informed (and sometimes uninformed) citizens, new council members and a diversity of employees all demand a diplomatic communicator and negotiator at all times. In short, a director must have outstanding public New APWA staff relations skills. Joan Awald joined the APWA Summary staff in November as a Profes- It is true that a well-run public works agency may not be sional Development Coordinator. particularly conspicuous to the general public. It has been Among her duties and responsi- pointed out that these services, accomplished day-by-day, bilities are supporting Technical are so much a part of life and living that they are taken for Committee Liaisons, Click, Listen granted. Only in their absence, or a break in their continu- & Learns, Continuing Education ity, are they suddenly missed. It is also true that the profes- Units, Internet research and other sionals who make public works succeed pride themselves in support functions in the depart- the anonymity of their activities. This must change in the ment. future; public works must market themselves in the same For the past four years, Joan has manner as the fire and police departments do. We are a vi- worked for Cancer Action. She has a B.S. in Geography tally important agency—we are a first responder. and was a project manager for several U.S. Geologi- From the viewpoint of the professional public works man- cal Survey logistical contracts; she also worked on the ager, however, the aspects of the services they provide are Brookings County (SD) rural addressing project. Joan seldom dull or devoid of excitement. Fiscal crises, labor has always been fascinated by public works projects and relations, the political process, new technology, limited re- the planning and maintenance they require. sources, natural disasters, increased environmental concerns She and her husband, John, lived in South Dakota for and the changing workforce all demand a higher standard of several years before moving to Kansas City in 2005. The professionalism and leadership. Awalds spend their free time doing home improvement projects at their home in Brookside, casting rhubarb Donald C. Stone, in Professional Education in Public Works/ leaves in concrete, and playing with their grandson. Environmental Engineering and Administration, stated: “New administrators should be knowledgeable in social, economic

January 2010 APWA Reporter 13 2010 APWA North American Snow Conference

2010 APWA North American Snow Conference The 2010 APWAShow North American For Snow Snow! Conference 2010 APWA North American Snow Conference Go to for more information and to register for the 2010 North American Snow Conference! April 18-21, 2010 Qwest Center, Omaha, Nebraska Hosted2010 by APWA the APWA NorthNebraska ChapaterAmerican Snow Conference

If you have the desire to gain new ideas to improve your agency’s winter maintenance program, the 2010 APWA North American Snow Conference is the place to be! ACQUIRE insight into the latest snow equipment and technology DISCOVER new ways of interpreting weather forecasts EXPLORE ways of improving community relations LEARN how to plan for effective snow and ice removal NETWORK with top snow and ice experts from across North America The American Public Works Association is the public works community’s number one resource for information and expertise on winter operations. The 2010 Snow Conference will showcase four days of quality programs and technical tours with opportunities to interact and exchange ideas with manufacturers, distributors, consultants, and other public works professionals.

The Snow Conference Exhibit Floor is bigger and better than ever, with more than 120 companies participating! Everything from innovative new equipment and technology to ground-breaking new products and services focused on snow & ice removal and winter operations will be on display. Come kick some tires at The Show for Snow!

Sunday, April 18 Monday April 19 12:45 – 1:45 p.m. Tuesday, April 20 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 21 Roundtable Discussion Groups Education Sessions 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Exhibit Open Exhibit Open 2:00 – 2:50 p.m. Exhibit Open 1:45 – 2:45 p.m. Technical Tour Education Sessions Education Sessions Fleet Maintenance and Snow & Ice 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Operations Education Sessions General Session “Talk Show” 2:50 – 3:30 p.m. Education Sessions 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Plowing Through the Media Non-compete Exhibit Time Closing General Session 2:15 – 3:15 p.m. 9:00 – 10:10 a.m. Keynote Speaker: Tom Osborne Education Sessions 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Coffee Break on the Exhibit Floor Coffee Break on the Exhibit Floor Education Sessions 5:30 p.m. 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. 10:10 – 11:00 a.m. Buses depart for Dinner at the Opening General Session 10:30 – 11:20 a.m. Education Sessions Strategic Air and Space Museum Keynote Speaker: Stacey David Education Sessions 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. 11:20 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. Non-compete Exhibit Time Exhibit Opening and Non-compete Exhibit Time Lunch on the Exhibit Floor Welcome Reception Lunch on the Exhibit Floor 2010 APWA North American Snow Conference

2010 APWA North American Snow Conference The 2010 APWAShow North American For Snow Snow! Conference 2010 APWA North American Snow Conference Go to for more information and to register for the 2010 North American Snow Conference! April 18-21, 2010 Qwest Center, Omaha, Nebraska Hosted2010 by APWA the APWA NorthNebraska ChapaterAmerican Snow Conference

If you have the desire to gain new ideas to improve your agency’s winter maintenance program, the 2010 APWA North American Snow Conference is the place to be! ACQUIRE insight into the latest snow equipment and technology DISCOVER new ways of interpreting weather forecasts EXPLORE ways of improving community relations LEARN how to plan for effective snow and ice removal NETWORK with top snow and ice experts from across North America The American Public Works Association is the public works community’s number one resource for information and expertise on winter operations. The 2010 Snow Conference will showcase four days of quality programs and technical tours with opportunities to interact and exchange ideas with manufacturers, distributors, consultants, and other public works professionals.

The Snow Conference Exhibit Floor is bigger and better than ever, with more than 120 companies participating! Everything from innovative new equipment and technology to ground-breaking new products and services focused on snow & ice removal and winter operations will be on display. Come kick some tires at The Show for Snow!

Sunday, April 18 Monday April 19 12:45 – 1:45 p.m. Tuesday, April 20 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 21 Roundtable Discussion Groups Education Sessions 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Exhibit Open Exhibit Open 2:00 – 2:50 p.m. Exhibit Open 1:45 – 2:45 p.m. Technical Tour Education Sessions Education Sessions Fleet Maintenance and Snow & Ice 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Operations Education Sessions General Session “Talk Show” 2:50 – 3:30 p.m. Education Sessions 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Plowing Through the Media Non-compete Exhibit Time Closing General Session 2:15 – 3:15 p.m. 9:00 – 10:10 a.m. Keynote Speaker: Tom Osborne Education Sessions 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Coffee Break on the Exhibit Floor Coffee Break on the Exhibit Floor Education Sessions 5:30 p.m. 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. 10:10 – 11:00 a.m. Buses depart for Dinner at the Opening General Session 10:30 – 11:20 a.m. Education Sessions Strategic Air and Space Museum Keynote Speaker: Stacey David Education Sessions 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. 11:20 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. Non-compete Exhibit Time Exhibit Opening and Non-compete Exhibit Time Lunch on the Exhibit Floor Welcome Reception Lunch on the Exhibit Floor La Center learns to manage a wetland

Bart Stepp, P.E., Public Works Engineer, City of La Center, Washington; Barb Vining, Wetland Steward Project Leader, La Center, Washington


a Center is a city of 2,500 people located in southwest other invasive species present including Blackberries and Washington. In 1997-1998, 10.6 acres of enhanced wet- Canada Thistle. The lack of maintenance had clearly dimin- lands were constructed as mitigation for other wetlands ished the overall quality of the wetland and a maintenance filled in for a subdivision. Wetland construction includ- program was needed to improve the wetland functions. The ed two ponds to provide open water with a stream between HOA felt they could not maintain the wetlands properly them, tree and shrubbery plantings, and a scrub/shrub shore- and asked the City to take over ownership of the wetland line. Snags were imported to provide raptor perch poles and which it did on September 8, 2004. large woody debris was placed within the riparian zone and ponds to provide micro-habitats and perch areas for animals. City manages wetlands The ponds and fringe wetlands provide stormwater deten- The wetland park is supposed to provide treatment and tion to prevent downstream flooding. Stormwater entering detention of stormwater runoff, wildlife habitat, and recre- the wetland area passes through one of several bio-filtration ational opportunities for the public. To maintain these three swales to remove pollutants and sediment. For humans a pe- functions the City needed to reduce the amount of invasive destrian path was installed along the north side of the wet- species, prevent the ponds from filling in, and increase plant land that crossed the west side of the lower pond to provide diversity and tree canopy. public access for viewing and recreation. To remove invasive species, the 2004 monitoring report recommended annual herbicide treatments combined with cutting and removal. The City instead chose to mow mul- tiple times a year to control growth. Due to the large area and the City’s limited staff, offender crews are used for mow- ing. This has significantly reduced the coverage of Blackber- ries and Canada Thistle. Reed Canarygrass is still prevalent, but the frequent mowing has allowed larger shrubs and trees to establish in the wetland area. As the trees mature, the increased shade canopy should reduce the amount of Reed Canarygrass allowing native grasses to flourish.

Over time, natural wetlands fill in with sediment and vege- tation. Pond buildup in a managed wetland used for storm- water control must be minimized to maintain stormwater detention volume. During 2005 and 2006, vegetation and algae buildup in the ponds was substantial during the sum- mer months. In July 2007, the City released 30 Triploid The paved path is heavily used by residents for walking and bicycling. Grass Carp into the ponds. The carp consume almost every submerged weed and can live more than 10 years. Their The subdivision final plat stated the HOA was responsible presence resulted in cleaner ponds in 2008 and 2009. Soon for maintenance of the wetland. The HOA did not form, after the carp were released, unfortunately, herons and os- however, until late 2004 due to a lack of occupied resi- prey were seen hunting at the ponds. While the public en- dences. From 1998-2004 minimal maintenance was done joys viewing these large birds, their predation on the carp by the developer still responsible for the wetland. A 2000 is costly. It is believed all carp were eaten by August 2009. monitoring report indicated a 34% die-off of planted species The City will need to restock the ponds in a year or two and recommended a replanting to replace the dead plants. if pond buildup increases. Predation is an unfortunate by- A monitoring report completed after the HOA took over in product in the shallow ponds, but the alternative to carp is 2004 indicated over 50% of the planted species had died and spraying herbicides which the City considers environmen- that Reed Canarygrass, an invasive species, covered approxi- tally unfriendly. mately 70% of the riparian and buffer zones. There were also

16 APWA Reporter January 2010 The 2004 wetland assessment said greater than 50% of the Beavers have the potential to do serious damage to the wet- trees and shrubs originally planted in 1998 had died. In re- lands by removing valuable trees and flooding ponds and sponse the City planted 350 native trees and shrubs in 2007. homes. In July 2009, a beaver established residence in the Continued mowing of the area has allowed a large percent- lower pond and started damming up the outlet, raising the age of these plantings to survive and establish. Additional level of the pond. The City obtained a nuisance animal per- trees that were naturally seeded from the 2007 plantings are mit from Fish and Wildlife and trapped a solitary male beaver now taking root. in early August which stopped the dam building. The City will need to be prepared to remove any other beavers that reach the park from the Lewis River which is a mile away. Wetland stewardship program In the spring of 2008, the City and residents of La Center began a wetland stewardship program, utilizing the talents and service of local residents and participants from the local schools. The wetland stewardship program is co-led by the Public Works Director and a Wetland Steward Project Lead- er. A strategic planning team composed of the Public Works Director, the Wetland Steward Project Leader, and residents with experience in strategic planning, plant identification, soil survey, hydrology, wetland function, and bird identifi- cation was formed. The team has written a ten-year Strategic Plan, which outlines the goals, objectives and plan of work

A blue heron poses in the pond. for the next ten years to enhance the wetland to meet the original performance objectives. Managing wildlife Over 2,000 volunteer hours coupled with City staff time de- The wetland attracts a variety of wildlife. Birds include swal- lows, songbirds, herons, ospreys, hummingbirds, red wing voted to the enhancement of the wetlands has produced a blackbirds, and multiple duck species. Tree frogs, turtles, and comprehensive weed management plan and a rough draft a large bullfrog population are present. Mammals seen in of a Reed Canarygrass management plan. In addition, an the wetland include coyotes, mice, raccoons and, unfortu- inventory of planted and native plants, a soil survey, and nately, a beaver in the summer of 2009. the protocol and procedures for a pond volume survey have been completed. The plants and soil surveys will assist a wetland biologist in producing a planting plan for the fall of 2009 and spring of 2010. In an upcoming community- wide planting event, wetland stewards, City employees, and Cooperative Extension Service employees will be holding demonstrations and handing out literature to help residents understand how the actions they take in their own yards affect the health of the wetlands. They are working on a self- assessment tool (identifying potential problems) coupled with fact sheets (identifying solutions) based on the Home- stead Assessment System Program.

By implementing this program, La Center intends to en- hance the stormwater control functions of the wetland park and provide friendly habitat for its human and non-human residents, showing that managed wetlands can be successful Most wildlife is welcome, but beavers can damage vegetation and cause flooding. in small cities. Bart Stepp, P.E., is the Public Works Engineer for the City of Bullfrogs are not native to La Center and dominate other na- La Center and lives next to the wetlands; he can be reached at tive frog species. But bullfrogs do not present any problems [email protected] or (360) 263-2889. Barb Vining is a to the stormwater function of the wetlands and their large resident of La Center and is the Wetland Steward Project Leader; population helps control the mosquito population. Despite she can be reached at [email protected]. being an invasive species, the City has no active plan to re- duce bullfrog levels.

January 2010 APWA Reporter 17 Index to 2009 articles

Listed in this index are all of the arti- APWA announces the 2009 Public Don’t miss these at Congress!, Sept., cles published in the 12 issues of the Works Projects of the Year, July, p. 76 p. 33 APWA Reporter during 2009. They are Awards 2009, Sept., p. 18 One-day passes available for Congress, categorized by subject, with subject Sept., p. 33 headings in alphabetical order. All of Back to the Basics the articles can be found on the APWA Back to the Basics, Nov., p. 18 Charting a path: from Chilean fla- Reporter web page at mingos to the future of public works, Publications/Reporter. Managing stress or… are you stressed Nov., p. 28 out yet??, Dec., p. 14 Annual Buyer’s Guide Moments from the 2009 Congress, Annual Buyer’s Guide, April, p. 86 Cleaning up the Kitchen Nov., p. 38 Leading the Generations, Jan., p. 26 Alphabetical listing, April, p. 86 Jungle Jack’s animals at the Closing Growing your own employees, Feb., General Session, Nov., p. 42 Categorical listing, April, p. 106 p. 18 Diversity APWA Book Review Growing your own employees, March, Mentoring: Consider “Future City Green Building through Integrated p. 22 Competition” in your own backyard, Design, April, p. 54 Teamwork, April, p. 56 Jan., p. 16 Sustainable Practices for the Facilities Manager, May, p. 20 Alternatives to retirement, May, p. 28 National Public Works Week: What you and your organization can do to Dealing with difficult employees, Ask Ann make it special, Feb., p. 16 June, p. 22 Jan., p. 46 Generational Issues: Do you have Changes in job recruitment, July, p. 36 Feb., p. 46 them?, April, p. 38 Assimilating/Integrating Immigrants March, p. 54 2009 Women in Public Works survey into the Workforce, Aug., p. 24 April, p. 118 results, May, p. 10 The power of attitude, Sept., p. 56 May, p. 52 Reaching out to our communities, Leadership in sustainability, Oct., p. 16 June, p. 18 June, p. 52 Congress 2009 The First-Timers Meeting: It’s all about July, p. 96 Walking down memory lane at the inclusiveness!, Aug., p. 15 Aug., p. 45 Jack Nicklaus Museum, June, p. 14 2008-2009 APWA Diversity Commit- Sept., p. 110 How to stop getting by and start get- tee’s accomplishments, Sept., p. 14 Oct., p. 52 ting ahead, June, p. 16 Future City Program: Making a differ- Nov., p. 44 21st Century Infrastructure: This could ence in children’s lives, Oct., p. 10 Dec., p. 34 be our shining moment, July, p. 22 Diversity in action at the 2009 APWA Awards Columbus in pictures, July, p. 30 International Public Works Congress and Expo, Nov., p. 8 Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Enabling employees to succeed with Award, April, p. 34 change in organizations, Aug., p. 7 Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading, 2009 Top Ten Public Works Leaders Four options to attend Congress, Sept., Dec., p. 12 named, May, p. 22 p. 32

18 APWA Reporter January 2010 Emergency Management April, p. 68 efforts with Exploring the World of , April, p. 40 Emergency Management 101 or Emer- Funding energy efficiency, April, p. 72 Public Works gency Management for Dummies: Ontario Chapter celebrates more than City of Bakersfield spray parks, April, I’m supposed to do what?, Jan., p. 32 40 years of history, April, p. 42 p. 74 A new perspective on public works Metro Chapter celebrates 75 Central Iowa Metropolitan Salt Storage mutual aid: the approach, years, April, p. 44 Facility, April, p. 76 Jan., p. 33 Choosing the right tool: two perspec- Synthetic turf maintenance, April, p. National Homeland Security Con- tives on private firms and public 80 sortium provides new vision for works, April, p. 48 homeland security and emergency Monumental Makeover: Milwaukee Our Fiscal Health, May, p. 6 management, Jan., p. 36 City Hall’s (exterior) restoration is complete after six years, Sept., p. 106 APWA chapter leaders take Kansas City Climate change and preparedness by storm, May, p. 8 planning, Jan., p. 40 Fleet Services APWA Chicago Metro Chapter Student Our urban forests are under attack, Fleets as First Responders, Aug., p. 32 Mentorship Program, May, p. 14 Jan., p. 42 Fayetteville’s biodiesel experience, 2009 APWA Chapter Education GRVC: Mapping tool allows emer- Aug., p. 33 Summit: What’s working now, what’s gency management personnel to Testing hydrogen generators to boost next?, June, p. 12 visually track resources, Jan., p. 44 fuel efficiency, Aug., p. 36 Candidates for the APWA Board of Preparing for the unexpected! And the Shining a light on fuel prices, Aug., p. Directors named, July, p. 6 expected!, Sept., p. 40 40 Weekend Roundup: Emerging Leaders Engineering and Technology City of Beloit, Wisconsin: Homegrown Academy Retreat, July, p. 20 Dominguez Gap Wetlands, June, p. 30 experiment on its way to saving city dollars, Aug., p. 42 Florida Chapter Public Works Institute Practical design leads to early comple- graduates inaugural class, July, p. 34 tion and saves $22.24 million, June, Hoover’s police cars are fueling Ameri- Chapter Membership Achievement p. 32 ca’s future, Aug., p. 44 Award winners announced, Aug., p. Surveying in 3D, June, p. 34 Inside APWA 10 Going green saves green: how improv- Jim Martin Oral History Fund, Jan., APWA’s new Director of Sustainability, ing driving behavior helps the envi- p. 7 Aug., p. 17 ronment and the bottom line, June, APWA Standards of Professional Con- APWA Reporter receives two ECO p. 36 duct: What we can learn from the Awards, Aug., p. 22 Web applications reduce total cost PGA Tour, Jan., p. 18 New Board member appointed, Sept., of ownership and make automating Index to 2008 articles, Jan., p. 20 p. 8 construction management a reality 2009 Editorial Calendar, Jan., p. 31 for local agencies, June, p. 38 Board of Directors election results, APWA and NARC sign cooperative Oct., p. 15 Project management with a catch: the agreement, Feb., p. 3 Buckroe Fishing Pier, June, p. 40 APWA Strategic Plan, Nov., p. 6 Call for nominations to APWA Board Don’t let your “Infrastructure Stimulus APWA office in Washington: A new issued, Feb., p. 6 Dollars” get washed away!, June, p. home, Dec., p. 4 46 APWA Reporter becoming greener, APWA Body of Knowledge Task Force, April, p. 3 Navigating the EECBG Program for Dec., p. 8 APWA Board of Directors, April, p. 8 cities and tribes, June, p. 49 International Idea Exchange Facilities and Grounds Meet your APWA staff, April, p. 9 Carbon-neutral operations in public An innovative beautification project, The value of attending a national con- works in western Canada, Jan., p. 30 April, p. 64 ference, April, p. 20 Controlling the Yangtze, China’s Sustainable Boulevards: Milwaukee’s Meet APWA’s Professional Develop- national treasure, March, p. 26 strategic boulevard plan, April, p. 66 ment Department, April, p. 36 Sustainability in Mexico, April, p. 60 The green lining in a cloudy economy, Update your community outreach 2009 Jennings Randolph Fellowship

January 2010 APWA Reporter 19 recipients named, April, p. 61 Budgeting for results, Dec., p. 29 the standard, April, p. 2 E-waste recycling in the Czech Repub- Boosting morale during challenging An exciting time for our organization lic, April, p. 62 times, Dec., p. 32 and profession, May, p. 2 Sustainable Management of Commu- National Public Works Week Discover Columbus – Explore Con- nity Infrastructure, May, p. 30 National Public Works Week: What gress 2009, June, p. 2 Sustainability a major issue for 2008 you and your organization can do to Uncertain times, July, p. 2 Australian Tour to USA and Europe, make it special, March, p. 18 June, p. 26 Educational opportunities that await What you can do for National Public the fleet professional, Aug., p. 2 Infrastructure and the New Zealand Works Week, April, p. 30 economy, June, p. 28 The best work in life, Sept., p. 6 National Public Works Week cel- Making public service a priority, Oct., p. 2 How to make a difference through ebrated on Capitol Hill, July, p. 11 socially responsible engineering, July, Our future is extremely bright, Nov., p. 2 p. 38 New APWA staff A better future for everyone, Dec., p. 2 2009 Fall Public Works Conferences in Phyllis Muder, Jan., p. 9 the Czech and Slovak Republics, July, Meg Cunningham, Feb., p. 17 Small Cities/Rural Communities p. 40 Hurricanes Katrina, Gustav and Ike: Christina Davis, Feb., p. 17 Greening Denver’s fleet, Aug., p. 28 What we did and what we learned, Mabel Tinjacá, March, p. 13 Jan., p. 38 International Affairs Committee 2008 to 2009, Sept., p. 60 Michelle Vitale, May, p. 29 Lake Maria Sanchez water control structure, Feb., p. 38 Call for Applicants for 2010 Jennings Laura Bynum, Sept., p. 8 Randolph International Fellowship North American Snow Making a positive impact in Boone Program, Sept., p. 61; Oct., p. 21; Conference County, March, p. 50 Nov., p. 24 2009 North American Snow Confer- The National Levee Safety Program: APWA delegates travel to China for ideas ence Technical Tour, Jan., p. 10 How might your local government exchange, Oct., p. 18 and citizens be affected?, April, p. 82 Snow professionals heading to Des International Federation rises to new Moines, Feb., p. 8 Managing project budgets in a tight heights in Melbourne, Nov., p. 22 economy: joint bidding of public Top Gun Leadership, March, p. 8 People to People International and the works projects, May, p. 18 The Spirit of the Iditarod, March, p. 14 American Public Works Association, Successfully implementing a Quality Dec., p. 16 The North American Snow Conference Assurance Program in a small com- Leadership and Management takes flight, April, p. 22 munity, June, p. 20 Pretty good practices of a public works Des Moines in pictures, April, p. 28 Safety makes cents!, July, p. 32 leader, Sept., p. 38 APWA Snow Conference reaches for Infrastructure solutions through bond- Cost, schedule and quality controls for the skies and ends up with the sled ing, Aug., p. 18 capital projects, Sept., p. 42 dogs, July, p. 12 Windstorm event in Galesburg, Illi- Rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure: Getting Snowed!, July, p. 16 nois, Sept., p. 16 a golden opportunity for civil engi- neering, Sept., p. 88 Obituaries A statewide public works agencies Past APWA President, Lambert Mims, summit, Oct., p. 14 Wilsonville Public Works Department dies, Jan., p. 9 lives up to its motto, Sept., p. 99 The “Real” Town Hall Meeting, Nov., p. 16 Real gold at the end of the rainbow, President’s Message Sept., p. 104 Work to be done and promises to Proper communication removes the silo keep, Jan., p. 4 mentality, Dec., p. 22 Values-Based Leadership, Dec., p. 20 When you need professional help, Living the sustainable life, Feb., p. 2 Solid Waste Management Dec., p. 24 Sustainability: Part of solid waste’s Business Recycling Outreach, March, Emotional Intelligence: How it affects past, present and future, March, p. 2 p. 30 the workplace, Dec., p. 28 Sustainability practices: We need to set Moving to single stream recycling: a

20 APWA Reporter January 2010 national review, March, p. 34 Technical Committee News Work zone traffic control: new rules Sustainable Public Works, March, p. 36 Emergency Management Committee: and good practices, July, p. 64 First responders in their communi- Recent twists and turns in solid waste City of Colorado Springs tests Termi- ties and for the APWA membership, flow control, March, p. 38 nal Blend Tire Rubber Asphalt, July, Jan., p. 8 p. 66 Yes! We can do DDM together, March, p. 40 A changing theme, Feb., p. 14 An economical solution to a county road problem, July, p. 70 School recycling, a community part- Trash is trendy again, March, p. 16 nership, March, p. 42 Information Overload, April, p. 19 Non-maintained dirt roadways: a shared, affordable paving approach, Fuel prices and how to control the Engineering and Technology Commit- July, p. 72 uncontrollable, March, p. 44 tee: Applying technology in public Solid waste déjà vu: waste-to-energy works, June, p. 8 Unconventional roadway design “seed” planted with MoDOT years plant technologies break new Are your streets complete? Is your earlier bears fruit with innovative CFI ground, March, p. 46 pavement “green”?, July, p. 10 in Missouri, Sept., p. 84 A “Green” Festival on the Green, Fleet Services Committee provides March, p. 52 menu of services for APWA members, Utility and Public Right-of-Way Alternative labor source for commin- Aug., p. 5 Crossbores: the hidden danger, Sept., p. 62 gled recycling: a win-win situation in Utilities, out of sight and out of Moberly, Missouri, Sept., p. 48 mind…but not out of danger!, Sept., Utility Damage Prevention: What can your agency do?, Sept., p. 64 Sustainability p. 11 Finding balance in everything, May, Winter Maintenance: A new strategy, Distribution Integrity Management p. 32 Oct., p. 8 Program, Sept., p. 70 Sustainability in Historical Perspective, The sky is falling!, Dec., p. 6 Leveraging new technologies for better May, p. 36 highway project coordination, Sept., Transportation p. 72 Sustainability and the City, May, p. 38 Driving on empty: what’s coming after Keyhole coring and replacement: the gas tax, July, p. 42 Can sustainability and affordability the right solution for right-of-way coexist?, May, p. 40 EPA develops work plan for transpor- owners, Sept., p. 76 tation stormwater permitting, July, Mayor rallies intergovernmental part- Pipelines and Informed Planning Alli- p. 45 nership to “go green” in Highland ance: Promoting safety for pipelines Park, Illinois, May, p. 42 Design Review: Whose responsibility?, and communities, Sept., p. 80 July, p. 46 Holistic Environmental Sustainability: Utility rights-of-way past and present, The Next Frontier, May, p. 44 Putting the American Recovery and Sept., p. 82 Why not green infrastructure?, May, Reinvestment Act to work in your Washington Insight p. 50 community, July, p. 48 Election Day 2008: Outcomes and pre- APWA takes the lead on sustainability California adopts a blueprint for dictions for homeland security and in public works, June, p. 10 greener transportation: What does it emergency management, Jan., p. 6 mean for public works nationwide?, For infrastructure…we need to commit EPA outlines approach to responding July, p. 51 to a more sustainable approach, to climate change, Feb., p 4 Sept., p. 12 Fund transportation: Increase the gas Landfill Methane Outreach Program tax!, July, p. 54 An innovative green solution for offers opportunity to harness the urban street renewal, Sept., p. 34 Pavement surface condition standards: power of landfill gas, March, p. 6 rutting and cracking, July, p. 58 Streets that breathe, Sept., p. 44 The American Recovery and Reinvest- Using the critical path approach to ment Act of 2009: What does it mean The Pineywoods Mitigation Bank, providing bicycle and pedestrian for public works?, April, p. 4 Sept., p. 90 facilities to both new and existing Washington takes first steps to address Parks and sustainable cities from thin streets, July, p. 61 greenhouse gas emissions, May, p. 4 air, Sept., p. 96

January 2010 APWA Reporter 21 Levee sustainability, mapping flood Feb., p. 26 Sept., p. 102 risk and the National Flood Insurance New “letters” for stormwater manag- Program, June, p. 6 Winter Maintenance ers, Feb., p. 30 Salt Sheriff: May I see your license Financing surface transportation, July, Pharmaceuticals in drinking water: please?, Oct., p. 24 p. 4 what utility managers should know, Proper Calibration: Are your solid APWA testifies before Congress on Feb., p. 32 materials spreaders and liquid distri- levee safety during National Public An innovative partnership to educate bution systems calibrated properly?, Works Week, Aug., p. 4 today’s children and inspire tomor- Oct., p. 26 National Infrastructure Bank garners row’s workforce, Feb., p. 34 Optimizing snow routes: factors to interest in Congress, Sept., p. 10 Losing wells due to arsenic?, Feb., p. 36 consider, Oct., p. 30 APWA leaders meet with Homeland Renewable energy options for water Don’t forget snow and ice training in Security and FEMA officials, Oct., p. 6 and wastewater systems, Feb., p. 40 lean budget times, Oct., p. 34 Board adopts APWA advocacy priori- A very deep dive, Feb., p. 44 Transportation and Moisture: What is ties, Nov., p. 4 the Point?, Oct., p. 38 Recent street sweeping pilot studies Have you experienced distracted driv- are flawed, Sept., p. 50 The Blizzard of 1947!, Oct., p. 42 ing in your community? How are you planning to curtail it?, Dec., p. 5 Sports field or stormwater infiltration Illinois Department of Transportation area, Sept., p. 54 improves safety and savings, Oct., p. Water Resources 44 Reducing costs and consumption by Water and wastewater systems: taking integrating energy and asset manage- Even in a slippery economic environ- steps toward sustainability, Feb., p. 22 ment, Sept., p. 94 ment, we know snow, Oct., p. 46 Spend a dime, save a dollar: do a treat- Inflatable dam helps Marysville, Ohio, Anti-icing migrates south for the ment plant operations audit first, meet project schedule and budget, summer!, Oct., p. 48

members today and has over 350 proj- Engineers ects worldwide. Working in partner- ship with the local community for no Without less than five years, EWB-USA chap- Borders-USA ters design and implement low-cost, small-scale, replicable and sustainable Engineers Without Borders-USA engineering solutions to problems (EWB-USA) is a nonprofit humanitar- identified by the community. EWB- ian organization established to sup- USA projects are rigorously reviewed port community-driven development by professionals to ensure sustain- programs worldwide through part- ability, cultural appropriateness and nerships that design and implement proper functionality. These projects sustainable engineering projects. are then monitored and maintained EWB-USA members, comprised of by trained local community members professional and student engineers or and NGOs. other disciplines, volunteer to work EWB-USA has over 250 dedicated with local communities and non- chapters, including university chap- governmental organizations (NGOs) ters on 180 campuses in the United in over 45 developing countries States, and has touched the lives of around the world on projects such as more than one million people world- water, renewable energy, sanitation wide. APWA’s International Affairs and more. Committee supports APWA member- A University of Pittsburgh student in Mali holds up one of the local village children to Dubbed as the Blueprint Brigade by ship involvement with EWB-USA and a piece of surveying equipment during an Time magazine, EWB-USA has grown has provided this information for our assessment of the village. (Photo courtesy from little more than a handful of members’ benefit. For more infor- of EWB-USA) members in 2002 to over 12,000 mation about EWB-USA, please visit

22 APWA Reporter January 2010 or more information about these programs or to register online, visit Program information will be updated as it becomes available. Questions? Call the Professional Development Department at 1-800-848-APWA.

2010 January 7 Urban Street Trees – Download only

EDUCATION AT YOUR DESKTOP February 18 Succession Planning—Growing Your Own Director – Download only EDUCATION AT YOUR DESKTOP March 11 If Only I’d Known—Developing Disaster Recovery Exercises – Download only EDUCATION AT YOUR DESKTOP March 25 LED Technology – Download only EDUCATION AT YOUR DESKTOP April 18–21 North American Snow Conference

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If you have expertise in any of these upcoming topics, please use the online Call for Presentations form to describe your expertise and perspective on the topic.

Download only Urban Street Trees

EDUCATION AT YOUR DESKTOP Who knew urban trees could be so important? This webcast will show how developing an urban tree canopy can provide a more comfortable space to live for your citizens by providing shade during the summer months and protection from crisp winds in the winter. | 1-800-848-APWA

January 2010 APWA Reporter 23 Back to the basic supervision

Dan Hartman Director of Public Works City of Golden, Colorado Member, APWA Leadership and Management Committee

As public works agencies come face to face ner—“the bosses told me to do this or The supervisor must provide construc- with tough economic conditions, it is im- that.” In his world, the boss told you tive feedback and goals for employees. portant to look back and thoughtfully con- what to do and then checked that you Finally, he must provide clear informa- sider what your charge and purpose is for did it. Additionally, in Tony’s world, tion to his manager about equipment the community. For many years you have you did what the boss said and the way and resource needs, costs to properly been adding more and more “nice” things he said to do it, and that was likely the maintain assets, and potential oppor- that really may not contribute to the way it had been done for years. tunities to make improvements. health, safety and welfare of the residents you serve. Now that you are doing more I had a minor epiphany as I was doing The supervisor must be a good commu- with less, this series of articles is designed research to write this article. Supervi- nicator, both in providing information to help you reflect on what should be basic sors more often than not are promoted as well as in listening to employees and for your efforts and how you may have to or placed in their first supervisory posi- managers. The need to convey to man- adjust your thinking to meet your mission. tion having had little or no supervisory agement the resources and equipment training and are forced to learn on the needed to complete work in the most The economic times we find ourselves fly. This appears to be true across the efficient and productive manner has in have forced all public works employ- employment spectrum including pub- never been greater. Conversely, it has ees to engage in the challenge of con- lic works. The result of being thrown also never been more important for the tinuing to protect and maintain our into the fire leaves many supervisors supervisor to clearly convey to crews communities’ critical infrastructure, without a clear understanding of their what must be done, that what they even with reduced financial resources. role and the tools they need to suc- do is vital, and that it is critical that The role and challenges of supervisors ceed. This explains why many workers it be completely and efficiently done. are particularly critical in this cash- like Tony perceive the role of supervi- Public works maintains critical infra- strapped environment. sor as a boss. structure, and our supervisors are on the front lines ensuring that it is well To begin, let’s look at the supervisor’s Today the role of a supervisor is re- maintained and available. Critical in- role. The classic definition of supervise, ally more properly defined as that of a frastructure doesn’t recognize slow eco- according to the American College Dic- coach. The coach is responsible to lead nomic times; it is no less critical in an tionary I took to college 40 years ago, his team. He designs the strategy for economic downturn. That makes effi- is “to oversee (a process, work, workers, the game and identifies the best use of ciency, innovation and planning from etc.) during execution or performance; the available talent. He communicates our supervision even more imperative. superintend; have the oversight and the role each player has to fulfill in the direction of.” I looked for a more mod- game, supports the players, adjusts strat- The supervisor must also be a good at ern description and to my surprise the egy as necessary during the game and, delegating work and, in doing so, em- definition I found at finally, provides feedback to the players power the employees to successfully was, word for word, exactly the same. to ensure continued improvement. complete the job. By this, the supervi- Does that mean that the role back then sor must be clear about what must be The supervisor must first understand is the same as now? I think while the done and what the finished product the job to be done and the equipment definition remains the same, the role should be, but refrain from detailing that will best provide efficiency, assign and duties of a successful supervisor how as if the employee does not have crews, look after safety, check qual- have definitely expanded. the capability to do the job. ity and provide feedback. In doing all So what is the proper role? Well, 40 or these things the supervisor must also The willingness to empower employees more years ago that role was likely be- engage the employees to look for ef- is perhaps one of the most important ing a boss, and the word boss conveys ficiency and embrace productivity- roles the supervisor will need to fulfill. control and command. I had an em- enhancing technology. The supervisor The best example I can give is one from ployee named Tony years ago who al- needs to understand the state of em- our Street Division. We all know that ways referred to the bosses in this man- ployee morale and the issues driving it. the retroreflectivity regulations will

24 APWA Reporter January 2010 add to already strained budgets and The APWA Resource Center and chap- successful. I hope to never again have workloads. We have been preparing for ter and national training programs also a Tony who looks at his supervisors as the challenge that this will bring. One provide great opportunities to improve simply bosses. We can and must do Street Division employee who showed supervision with training tailored to better than that. interest and energy was given a wire- public works. less mobile GPS device and free access Dan Hartman is Past President of the to our asset management and GIS staff. Let’s not ever have a newly-promoted APWA Colorado Chapter. He can be Together they have used technology or longstanding supervisor left with- reached at (303) 384-8150 or dhartman@ and smart planning to reduce the in- out the tools and support needed to be spection cost from over $5.00 to under $1.00 per sign; with thousands of signs this is a considerable annual savings. Clearly, by delegating and listening in this case, our supervisor added signifi- cant value to the department.

A good supervisor also must recognize and commend good work. Mark Twain Awards said, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” That is especial- ly true for our front-line employees. What we praise and recognize we will Program likely get more of. APWA’s Awards So what are the roles of a supervisor? Program recognizes • Planning individuals, groups and • Communicating chapters for their outstanding • Delegating contributions to the profession of • Inspecting • Evaluating public works. Some of the awards presented • Leading include Professional Manager of the Year • Teaching Awards, Young Leader, Public Works Project of 2010 • Motivating the Year, and Top Ten Public Works Leader of • Innovating the Year, to name just a few. Just like a coach, it is critical that super- visors have a well-thought-out game Each award is listed on the APWA plan, and are not just coming up with website. Criteria and nomination one play at a time—or worse, running forms for the 2010 Awards the same play over and over. It is also Program are now important that they have the experi- ence, training and support to succeed available online. as they are thrown into the fire.

APWA has always been a great resource to find the training and support in all areas of public works including supervi- sion. If you follow these links you will find a basic supervision training pack- age and a book that provides a compre- hensive look at supervisory practices. These are a good place to start. Nominations are due March 1, 2010! • Visit detail.asp?PC=SPR.BASUPRV

• Nominate Your Award-Winners Today! detail.asp?PC=PB.X704

January 2010 APWA Reporter 25 Is your jurisdiction eligible to receive HMGP funds following a major disaster declaration?

Teresa Scott, P.E., Director of Public Works, City of Gainesville, Florida, and member, APWA Emergency Management Committee and APWA/FEMA Partnership Task Force; Curtis L. Edwards, P.E., Vice President, Psomas, San Diego, California, and member, APWA Emergency Management Committee

MGP is the acronym for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation It is important to understand before applying for grants, that Grant Program authorized under the Robert T. Staf- all local governments are required under 44 CFR Part 201.6 to ford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 have a FEMA-approved Local Mitigation Plan in order to ap- U.S.C. 5165, as amended by the Disaster Mitigation ply for and/or receive grants under the hazard mitigation as- Act of 2000. The program provides grants to states, and trib- sistance programs administered by FEMA including the Haz- al and local governments, following a major disaster declara- ard Mitigation Grant Program. In addition, an approved plan tion in that state. The HMGP is intended to provide funding is required to apply for and receive funds under the Pre-Disas- to assist in implementation of long-term hazard mitigation ter Mitigation, Flood Mitigation Assistance, Repetitive Flood measures during the immediate recovery phase in order to re- Claims Program and the Severe Repetitive Loss program. duce the loss of life and property caused by natural disasters. To assist local governments in development of a Local Miti- The program is administered through the states which are gation Plan that is in compliance with requirements of 44 required to establish mitigation priorities. Applications are CFR Part 201.6, FEMA published the Local Multi-Hazard Miti- submitted to the state, and FEMA provides a final eligibil- gation Planning Guidance which can be found on their website ity review to ensure compliance with federal regulations. at The amount of funding allocated is based on a sliding scale The Local Mitigation Plan must be reviewed and updated, formula based on the percentage of funds spent on Public and resubmitted to FEMA for approval within five years. and Individual Assistance programs for each Presidentially- The Guidance document states that the two common ele- declared disaster. FEMA will provide up to 75 percent of the ments that are found in the most successful mitigation plans estimated project cost and either the state or the applicant are use of comprehensive risk and capability assessments as will cover the remaining 25 percent; in-kind services and the foundation for decision making and participation of a materials can be used as the match. broad stakeholder group in identifying and implementing Projects eligible under the HMGP are to address long-term mitigation actions. solutions to specific risks such as the elevation of a flood- In Alachua County, Florida, we established a county-wide prone structure to allow the floodwaters to flow under the LMS Work Group with voting members representing county structure rather than through it; construction of floodwall and municipal governments, school board and the local col- systems to protect critical facilities; and acquisition of flood- lege and university. Non-voting members representing local prone structures with the subsequent relocation or demoli- businesses and private property owners are also invited to tion of the structure. participate. Regular meetings are held of the group and min-

26 APWA Reporter January 2010 HMGP flood mitigation site in Gainesville, Florida utes are taken and distributed. These agendas and minutes 1. The percentage of jurisdiction benefited are then used to provide evidence of the process in which 2. Health and safety considerations the plan is reviewed and updated. 3. Environmental and human health impact 4. Consistency with other plans and programs The LMS has adopted by-laws outlining the responsibili- 5. Reduction of future damage risk ties of the group: 1) to identify, analyze hazards threatening 6. Support of essential or critical services Alachua County and the vulnerabilities to those hazards as 7. The probability of funding well as to assist in the definition of actions to mitigate the 8. The feasibility of implementation impacts of those hazards; 2) to define structural and non- 9. Support of the Community Rating System structural actions needed to decrease the human, economic 10. Repetitive loss considerations and environmental impacts of disasters and to prepare for 11. Estimated Benefit to Cost/Cost-Impact Ratio consideration and action by the LMS Work Group a strategy 12. Benefits not identified for implementation of those initiatives in both the pre- and 13. Jurisdiction Population post-disaster time frame; 3) to define the general financial vulnerability of the community to the impacts of disasters; Each local government representative then takes responsi- 4) to assist with identification of initiatives to minimize vul- bility to ensure that their respective jurisdiction adopts the nerabilities; and 5) to seek funding sources for all priority Local Mitigation Plan. We have found that this procedure mitigation initiatives identified in the mitigation strategy allows us to be prepared to quickly apply for grants under developed by the LMS Work Group. the HMGP following a Presidentially-declared disaster.

The LMS Work Group also developed and adopted Project Teresa Scott can be reached at (352) 393-8801 or scottta@ Ranking Procedures they use to review and update the LMS; Curt Edwards can be reached at (619) 576- Project Ranking List each year. The criteria used by the Work 9200 or [email protected]. Group in evaluating the prioritization of projects are:

January 2010 APWA Reporter 27 Cedar Rapids: Repositioning a city post-disaster

Jason S. Hellendrung, ASLA, Principal, and Laura Marett, Landscape Architect, Sasaki Associates, Inc., Watertown, Massachusetts

Context By most estimates, the Cedar Rapids flood is considered the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is an industrial Midwestern city with fifth or sixth worst natural disaster financially in the history an aging population that straddles the Cedar River. In 2007 of the United States. City Manager Jim Prosser describes the the City developed a Vision Plan, which focused on drawing difficulty of the recovery efforts: “The post-flood recovery investment to the river’s edge and attracting and retaining a challenges faced by Cedar Rapids were complex and expen- next-generation workforce. In the spirit of this plan, Cedar sive. Our initial estimate, which turned out to be reasonably Rapids crowned 2008 the “Year of the River”—a name that accurate, was that the City would need to invest about $2.5 took an ironic turn when an extreme flood hit the city in billion in flood control measures, neighborhood redevelop- June 2008, inundating the river’s-edge neighborhoods and a ment, and repair and replacement of city facilities. Most large part of downtown with a record-breaking 31.5 feet of funding would need to come from federal and state sources water. The “Flood of 2008” crested 11.5 feet higher than any including Water Resource grants, the Federal Emergency previous flood, covering 10 square miles of the city with up- Management Agency (FEMA), Small Business Administra- wards of 12 feet of water. It forced thousands of evacuations tion, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), state and caused billions of dollars in damage. disaster grants and economic development programs.”

Crowned the “Year of the River,” 2008 will long be remembered as the year floodwaters swelled 11.5 feet higher than any previous level, breaching the city’s flood protection system and inundating nine city neighborhoods including downtown. (Photo courtesy of the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

28 APWA Reporter January 2010 Meeting the challenge In an unprecedented community feedback process, Phase When the flood hit, the city mobilized. Rescue efforts suc- One engaged over 2,680 community members at three mile- cessfully evacuated all residents from the flood-affected stone open houses. The interdisciplinary consultant team neighborhoods, preventing any flood-related deaths. Recov- worked closely with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to test ery planning began immediately; within days of the flood, and synthesize community feedback into a preferred align- Cedar Rapids City Council had outlined a series of strategic ment for future flood management. recovery goals. With a strategy in place, the City and its lead In Phase Two, the consultant team and 70 trained City staff consultant, Sasaki Associates, embarked on multiple phases members facilitated public meetings in an engagement pro- of community engagement for future flood protection and cess that sought to increase community leadership, promote recovery planning. neighborhood governance, and test a new model for inter- action with City government. Over 1,420 citizens attended The first phase of planning, the Flood Management Strate- eight public meetings and spent over 6,070 hours collabo- gy, sought to minimize future flooding risk and improve the rating to create the Framework Plan for Reinvestment, out- City’s relationship to the river. The consultants led a series of line a detailed action plan, and establish the community’s open houses that engaged residents in evaluating several op- role in ongoing review. tions for the future of their city. These options included three radically different approaches: a floodwall lining the Cedar Moving ahead River throughout the city; a drastically expanded floodplain In November 2008, the City Council formally adopted the that would displace most of the downtown neighborhoods; Flood Management Strategy, allowing the City to move and a combination of a floodplain greenway with levees and forward with interim planning and the acquisition of dam- floodwalls, which would displace about 650 properties at the aged parcels with FEMA and CDBG funding. The U.S. Army river’s edge. Community members rallied behind the flood- Corps of Engineers is currently studying the community’s plain greenway option, noting that it would allow for the preferred flood protection alignment and will present con- best visual and spatial connection to the river. The Phase One clusions in 2010. process also resulted in the development of non-structural measures, including improvements to evacuation planning, interim flood protection, flood proofing, and flood warning systems, as well as advocacy for a larger civic initiative to ad- dress Cedar River watershed issues.

Phase Two, the Framework for Neighborhood Reinvestment, engaged community members in reinvestment planning for the city’s nine flood-affected neighborhoods. Collectively, the plans developed through this process envision a sustain- able Cedar Rapids characterized by strong pedestrian, transit and vehicular connections between downtown, the neigh- borhoods and the river, with a network of diverse open spac- es, a variety of housing types, diverse economic opportuni- ties, and thriving cultural destinations. Calling all resources With an ambitious scope and a need for quick action, co- operation has been essential in the development of a viable recovery strategy. The planning process has been a partner- ship between community members, multiple City depart- ments, the Cedar Rapids City Council, an interdisciplinary The Final Neighborhood Planning Framework contains transporta- consultant team, and numerous agencies ranging from the tion and open space system improvements as well as focus areas for local to the federal level such as the U.S. Army Corps of En- housing, business and arts reinvestment. (Image courtesy of Sasaki gineers, FEMA, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban De- Associates, Inc.) velopment (HUD), the downtown district, the Chamber of In May 2009, the City Council unanimously voted to adopt Commerce, Linn County, and multiple departments of the the Framework for Neighborhood Reinvestment, a guide for State of Iowa. Sasaki Associates assembled a broad consul- the flood-affected neighborhoods for the next 15 years. Resi- tant team, including landscape architects, urban designers, dents provided over 440 action steps, including roles and hydraulic engineers, urban planners, civil engineers, trans- responsibilities, to accomplish 25 planning initiatives, rang- portation planners, architects, hydrologists, ecologists, sus- ing from repairing flood-damaged utilities to strengthening tainability specialists, market analysts and watershed man- the economic sustainability of downtown. agement experts.

January 2010 APWA Reporter 29 The Preferred Flood Management Strategy leverages new floodwalls and levees into a great new public realm along the Cedar River, including a downtown promenade, and provides new recreational, commercial and cultural amenities to the city. (Images courtesy of the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Multiple other initiatives are ongoing to help with the re- • Coordination with the U.S. Economic Development covery. As Dave Elgin, Director of the Cedar Rapids Public Agency on grants to assist in economic development Works Department explains, “The ongoing challenges (and initiatives to help rebuild and strengthen the damaged opportunities) for the Public Works Department include local economy. supporting not only the planning and programming of the neighborhood recovery plan, but also ongoing support of • Coordination with housing developers to help deliver the flood mitigation plans, completing the flood-damaged high-quality, sustainable replacement housing for those horizontal and vertical infrastructure repairs (estimated that lost their homes during the flood, as well as to help to cost in excess of $300 million), providing the ‘normal’ bridge the gap of affordable homes that existed in the services to the 90% of the community outside the flood- community prior to the flood. impacted areas, and moving forward with an aggressive • A community engagement process to shape the Parks property acquisition program for voluntary buyouts of more and Recreation Master Plan and integrate the future than 1,400 flood-damaged properties.” Ongoing flood re- 220-acre floodplain greenway into the parks system. covery initiatives include: This complex process of flood recovery will require years • A community process to prioritize replacement of flood- of collaboration between residents, City departments, and damaged City facilities, including City Hall, the Library, experts from the consultant team. Christine Butterfield, Di- Central Fire, CR Transit, and a potential new City Op- rector of Community Development, has said of the flood erations Center as a consolidation of Public Works and recovery process: “The goal was not to simply rebuild, but to other City Departmental facilities and maintenance rebuild better than before. It’s important to note that even yards. though we were able to organize a plan for 10 neighbor- • Coordination with FEMA and HUD on the acquisition hoods in five months, which is unprecedented under nor- of flood-damaged properties. Over 7,000 properties mal circumstances, the implementation of these plans will were damaged during the flood, and the City is work- take between 10 and 15 years. That is why it has been so ing with property owners on the acquisition of roughly important for the community to be engaged in the decision- 1,400 properties that were damaged beyond repair. making.” • Coordination with the State and HUD on the distribution Jason S. Hellendrung can be reached at (617) 923-5321 or of Community Development Block Grants to assist in the [email protected]; Laura Marett can be reached at (617) reconstruction of flood-damaged infrastructure, such as 926-3300 or [email protected]. water wells, damaged roads and sidewalks, and destroyed utility lines.

30 APWA Reporter January 2010 The changing role of public works in emergencies, disasters and traffic incident management David L. Bergner Public Works Superintendent City of Overland Park, Kansas Member, APWA Winter Maintenance Subcommittee esponding to emergencies has always been a major “those individuals who in the early stages of an in- responsibility of public works agencies, especially cident are responsible for the protection and preser- at the local level. Emergencies can range from inci- vation of life, property, evidence, and the environ- dents limited by impacted area and duration, such ment… include emergency response providers as well as flash-flooding along small streams to much larger crises as … public works… that provide immediate sup- that encompass a wider region and extend over days or even port services during prevention, response, and recov- months. Too often, however, public works has been in a re- ery operations.” active mode as long-term planning and preparation for di- sasters usually gets lesser priority than the core functions of By 2007 Congress mandated that the Federal Emergency constructing and maintaining infrastructure, and providing Management Agency (FEMA) establish a National Advisory various essential services. Council (NAC) comprised of the various public, private and non-government segments that have a stake in planning, preparation, response and recovery to major disasters and crises. APWA was invited to participate, and volunteer rep- resentatives from APWA now serve on several NAC subcom- mittees including NIMS, the National Incident Management System.

NIMS is based on the Incident Command System (ICS) and the Unified Command System (UCS), developed initially by fire services in the western states. NIMS creates a proactive system that can be used for both unplanned and planned events and focuses on five major components:

• Preparedness • Communications and Information Management • Resource Management • Command and Management Greensburg, Kansas, after May 5, 2007 tornado • Ongoing Management and Maintenance The horrific events of September 11, 2001, led to the creation The key benefits of NIMS are that it: of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Though • Enhances organizational and technological interoper- much of the focus initially was on anti-terrorism measures, ability and cooperation the scope broadened to include enhancing the nation’s ca- pabilities for responding to other disasters. Shortcomings at • Provides a scalable and flexible framework with univer- the federal, state and local levels were tragically evident in sal applicability the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina several years later. Since • Promotes all-hazards preparedness then more emphasis has been placed on the realization that municipalities and counties have the primary responsibility, • Enables a wide variety of organizations to participate and burden, of initially managing emergencies and events. effectively in emergency management and incident re- Law enforcement, fire and rescue, and emergency medical sponse services are the disciplines most commonly considered as • Institutionalizes professional emergency management “first responders”; however, Homeland Security Presidential and incident response practices. Directive 8 (HSPD-8) in 2005 officially recognized the public NIMS training consists of a series of courses aimed at spe- works discipline as a first responder: cific levels of responsibility and authority. The basic level

January 2010 APWA Reporter 31 courses, 100 and 200, are required for nearly all employees The New Role of Public Works in Emergency of public works agencies in order for those entities to be eli- Management gible to receive federal disaster reimbursement. Unlike the As mentioned, until recently public works agencies have police and fire services, incorporating NIMS into the rou- generally regarded emergency management as an impor- tine, everyday operations of public works is difficult and the tant, but not predominant, responsibility. These agencies fundamentals are usually forgotten. It is recommended that were reactive, responding when requested by police and fire agencies conduct their own refresher sessions on a regular and serving in a support capacity. Certainly, in some situ- basis and support annual drills or tabletop exercises with the ations public works would have a heightened role and, in other disciplines. particular events, would take the lead. Snow removal is one The National Response Framework example where public works has primary responsibility and authority. In locales with high probability of recurring cata- HSPD-8 also established policies to strengthen “all-hazards” strophic occurrences (i.e., earthquakes in Los Angeles, hur- preparedness of the United States. Due to the unprecedent- ricanes in southern Florida), the public works agencies have ed series of disasters and emergencies in the U.S. in recent been more involved in planning, prevention, mitigation, years, national response structures have evolved and im- preparation and response. Thus they have developed fairly proved to meet these threats. DHS has developed the Na- detailed plans and participated in regular training and drills tional Response Framework (NRF), a guide that enables all with other responder disciplines. response partners to prepare for and provide a comprehen- sive national all-hazards approach to disasters and emergen- Disasters, emergencies and other incidents that could likely cies from the smallest incident to the largest catastrophe. involve public works with other disciplines can be catego- Such incidents include actual or potential emergencies or rized as followed: all-hazard events that range from accidents and natural di- sasters to actual or potential terrorist attacks. Such incidents natural incidents also range from limited events wholly contained within a • flooding single community to others that are catastrophic in nature • tornadoes, hurricanes, windstorms and national in their scope of consequences. • snow and ice storms, avalanches The National Response Doctrine is based on five key prin- ciples: • wildfires • landslides, mudslides, cave-ins • Engaged Partnerships • earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity • Tiered Response • extreme droughts, heat waves • Scalable, Flexible, and Adaptable Operational Capabili- ties constructed-world incidents • Unity of Effort through Unified Command • water, gas, oil pipeline ruptures • Readiness to Act • electrical system black-outs • industrial fires, explosions Of particular note to public works is that the NRF empha- sizes that incidents must be managed at the lowest possible • haz-mat spills/leaks jurisdictional level and supported by additional capabilities • transportation-system accidents (auto, rail, aviation, when needed. As incidents change in size, scope and com- marine) plexity, the response must adapt to meet varying require- ments. In every community incidents will occur that the • large structural failures (bridges, tunnels, towers, dams, local agencies must handle either without state or federal buildings) assistance or where that assistance may not be made avail- human-derived events able for 24-72 hours. It is then incumbent upon the local • large, planned special events public works agencies to be able to promptly and effectively respond and to sustain that effort for several days. • disturbances and major crimes

Additionally, the NRF identifies 15 Emergency Support Func- • acts of terrorism tions (ESF) that provide the structure for grouping functions • pandemics most frequently used to provide federal support to states for both declared disasters and emergencies under the Stafford Most public works agencies are fairly small and are not as tightly structured as their counterparts in police and fire. Act. ESF 1 – Transportation and ESF 3 – Public Works and Most are also not likely to provide “24-7” staffing and op- Engineering are the most relevant. erations as do the uniformed services. Furthermore, public

32 APWA Reporter January 2010 works organizations concentrate on core functions of infra- ate measures to reduce or eliminate damage, disruption or structure construction and repair, and operation of various loss. Reinforcing existing levees and dams is one example. systems and services. Unlike police and fire departments which are singularly focused and organized very similarly in FEMA defines preparedness as “a continuous cycle of plan- jurisdictions across the country, public works departments ning, organizing, training, equipping, exercising, evaluating, vary widely as to composition; some functions conducted by and taking corrective action in an effort to ensure effective public works departments in some jurisdictions may be han- coordination during incident response.” In the planning dled elsewhere by other departments, agencies or contractors. process, all conceivable and probable scenarios should be examined. These will vary considerably depending upon Additionally, the departments are usually divided between region of the country (geology, topography, meteorology, office-based engineers and technicians, and maintenance ecology) and conditions and situations specific to the locale. and operations field staff. The latter are the employees who Density and size of population, transportation networks and will actually be “on the ground” in response to emergencies. activity volumes, major utility systems, important institu- The following are examples of how public works employees tions and industries are all factors in the planning process. have been and could be used: An in-depth review of probable scenarios can discover ad- incident site; immediate ditional weaknesses that need attention. For example, the • traffic control public works agency may not have sufficient reliable equip- ment to handle certain tasks. The agency can then explore • first-aid various options such as borrowing or renting specialized • fire suppression equipment or using contractors. If staff size is insufficient for dealing with certain emergencies, obtaining additional • rescue personnel from other departments or from neighboring ju- • evacuation risdictions is one solution. Mutual aid agreements are com- • site security/control monly used. • material containment Training is very important but an area that is quite deficient in the public works discipline. Employees do receive formal • debris clearance/removal and on-the-job training in operation of equipment and per- • fatality recovery formance of specific tasks. What is often lacking is dealing general area; extended duration with massive destruction and casualties. Drills and exercises help but more formal instruction and guidance is needed. • detours Public works employees should be regularly retrained on the • evacuation routes basics of NIMS and it should be incorporated as part of the routine organization and operation as much as possible. • perimeter security/access • restoration of services Response activities obviously are determined by the scope and duration of an incident. The collapse of the I-35 bridge • aid/relief stations in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 2007 required a much differ- • transport supplies/equipment ent response than hurricanes in the Gulf Coast. Flexibility, • damage assessment/repair adaptability and versatility should be the hallmarks of pub- lic works agencies. Public works agencies can provide impor- • animal control tant resources for access, rescue, evacuation, containment, • decontamination investigation and restoration of mobility and services. • shelter Whereas the uniformed disciplines will be the primary first responders and take initial command of the incident, pub- To change from a reactive to a proactive posture requires lic works will likely take command or lead when the longer commitment of time, staff and resources. The foundation is recovery processes begin. NIMS should still apply until the the development of a comprehensive emergency manage- situation has been officially declared as over. ment plan based on four essential elements: An often overlooked aspect is providing continuity of regu- • Prevention and mitigation lar operations and functions when so many of the staff per- • Preparedness sonnel are involved with the emergency. Logistical support • Response for sustained operations both in the field, especially if de- ployed outside of the immediate area assisting others, and • Recovery at “home base” is vital.

Prevention and mitigation entails a complete inventory of APWA has several valuable publications, including Field assets that may be affected by disasters and taking appropri- Manual for Public Works, Emergency Planning, and Writing

January 2010 APWA Reporter 33 Your Emergency/Disaster Plan. APWA’s Emergency Manage- • Quick, safe clearance of scenes ment Committee is extensively involved in working with • Interoperability of communications federal agencies, Congress and allied organizations in fur- ther development of legislation, programs and policies that To achieve these objectives, eighteen strategies were iden- better define and support the role of public works in emer- tified. The one that is most pertinent to public works and gency management. transportation agencies is #2, Multidisciplinary NIMS and TIM (Traffic Incident Management) training. NIMS training The Emerging Role of Public Works in Traffic is already required, as mentioned in earlier sections, for em- Incident Management ployees of public works and transportation agencies. While Traffic incidents often cause secondary crashes that result it is the cornerstone for all-hazard emergency management, in additional property losses, deaths and injuries includ- Traffic Incident Management (TIM) training is more specific ing many first responders who have been seriously hurt or and involves what are termed “Multidisciplinary Core Com- killed while working at or near the incident scenes. Traffic petencies” such as scene management, chain of command incidents also are responsible for delays costing commercial functions, and use of TTC (Temporary Traffic Control). carriers billions of dollars annually. The magnitude of the problem demands dramatic improvement in the handling of such emergencies.

Chapter 6-I of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) defines a traffic incident as, “an emergency road user occurrence, a natural disaster, or other unplanned event that affects or impedes the normal flow of traffic.” The fol- lowing are typical causes of traffic incidents:

• collisions • breakdowns • non-accident-related medical emergencies • debris or spills of materials • flooding or icing

• mudslides, landslides, or avalanches blocking road Improper traffic control at accident site • heavy smoke or fog This is where public works and transportation employees • animals on the roadway already have strong knowledge and experience. They rou- tinely use the same practices for temporary work zones on • significant pavement damage roads and highways. Police, fire and EMS lack such training • bridge, overpass, or tunnel failure and even the basic equipment such as traffic cones and STOP/ SLOW paddles. Until November 2008, when it was federally • law enforcement activity on or near roadway mandated, most responders from these disciplines did not The MUTCD classifies traffic incidents as: even wear proper reflective vests, which has long been a stan- dard practice for public works/transportation employees. • Minor – expected duration under 30 minutes The FHWA’s Office of Emergency Transportation Operations • Intermediate – expected duration of 30 minutes to 2 (ETO) states that, “Transportation agencies are typically re- hours sponsible for the overall planning and implementation of • Major – expected duration of more than 2 hours traffic incident management programs. Typical operational responsibilities assumed by transportation/public works In 2004, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) spon- agencies include: sored the creation of the National Traffic Incident Manage- ment Coalition (NTIMC) to bring together public, private • assist in incident detection and verification and nonprofit entities that represented first responders, sup- • initiate traffic management strategies on incident- port services and highway users. A number of successful ini- impacted facilities tiatives arose from NTIMC to promote better management • protect the incident scene initiate emergency medical of traffic incidents, most notably the development of the assistance until help arrives National Unified Goal. The NUG, as it is commonly termed, has three major objectives: • provide traffic control • assist motorists with disabled vehicles • Enhanced safety of responders

34 APWA Reporter January 2010 • provide motorist information cies to plan, coordinate, [and] share resources. This ad- • provide sand for absorbing small fuel and anti-freeze vanced planning, management, and control of traffic spills in support of planned special events are not yet com- monly accepted or consistently applied practices.” • provide special equipment clearing incident scenes Summary • determine incident clearance and roadway repair needs The convergence of all-hazards emergency management • establish and operate alternate routes and traffic incident management in recent years means that • coordinate clearance and repair resources public works/transportation has a dramatically different role in planning, preparing and responding to disasters and • serve as incident commander for clearance and repair events. Clearly evident is that public works is now regarded functions as a first responder, and agencies, particularly at the local • repair transportation infrastructure” level, must step up to that responsibility. The profusion of Training related laws, mandates, programs and the rapidly evolving body of training and knowledge-sharing can make staying Traffic incident responder training is continually evolving; abreast of these changes overwhelming. It becomes a daunt- several organizations such as ATSSA (American Traffic Safety ing task for a public works or transportation department, es- Services Association) and IMSA (International Municipal pecially smaller ones, to sort through the available informa- Signal Association) have developed or are developing TIM tion and develop goals, objectives and strategies, and obtain courses. The National Highway Institute (NHI) offers a three- the resources needed to fulfill this new mission. level certification course for mid-level management and su- pervisory personnel involved in traffic incident response. As most disasters and incidents will occur at the local level, it is incumbent on municipal, county and tribal govern- Another useful reference is the “Model Procedures Guide for ments to plan accordingly. Police, fire and emergency medi- Highway Incidents” developed by the National Fire Service cal services will still be the primary responders and usual Incident Management System Consortium. The potential incident commanders; but, as they adapt to new practices, target audience for this guide includes not only public safe- policies and procedures, certain functions they have tradi- ty but also public works/transportation agencies. This guide tionally performed may now be the responsibility of public is currently under revision in collaboration with APWA’s works/transportation. Our unique capabilities and diverse Emergency Management Committee. resources will be of vital importance to the safety, security, As noted in FHWA’s “Best Practices in Traffic Incident Man- mobility and well-being of communities and the nation. agement”: References “Transportation agencies…are relatively new to TIM • Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, http://www. and, therefore, lack substantive training materials. Un- like public safety agencies, whose personnel devote much of their time to training for emergency or life- • FEMA Emergency Management Institute, http://train- threatening situations, transportation personnel are typically not trained in such areas.” • FEMA National Response Framework, http://www.fema. Handling Planned Special Events gov/emergency/nrf Lastly, the same principles, concepts and techniques used • FHWA Emergency Transportations Operations, http:// for handling emergencies can be applied to planned special events such as political conventions, major sports and en- tertainment events, demonstrations, etc. Even small juris- • National Traffic Incident Management Coalition, http:// dictions will eventually have an event that will draw large crowds. Security, safety and access in and around the event Dave Bergner is Superintendent for the Overland Park, Kansas, must be ensured and public works is often involved in some Public Works Department. He is APWA’s representative to the capacity. NIMS should be used to facilitate the planning, FEMA NIMS Subcommittee, the International Municipal Signal preparation and implementation of event management. Association’s representative to the NTIMC (National Traffic In- From the FHWA/ETO web page on planned special event cident Management Coalition) and a member of ITE’s (Institute preparedness: of Traffic Engineers) new Emergency Transportation Operations Committee. Dave also serves on APWA’s Winter Maintenance “Unlike traffic incidents, natural disasters, and adverse Subcommittee and the Transportation Research Board (TRB) weather, public agencies typically have access to infor- Winter Maintenance Committee and Maintenance and Opera- mation on the location, time, duration, and demand tions Personnel Committee. He can be reached at (913) 327- expected for a planned special event. Planning for 6661 or [email protected]. these events also provides an opportunity for agen-

January 2010 APWA Reporter 35 The May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: emergency response and recovery

Curtis L. Edwards, P.E. Vice President Psomas San Diego, California Member, APWA Emergency Management Committee here were serious obstacles to emergency response efforts in the wake of the massive May 2008 Wenchuan, China earth- quake. Hundreds of landslides blocked roads and destroyed bridges. Flood- ing restricted travel in and out of the affected areas. As a result, numerous towns and cities were isolated, hinder- ing emergency response efforts.

Given the magnitude of the 7.9 earth- quake, the widespread damage zone— totaling more than 278,000 square miles—and the inaccessibility of the damaged areas, the Chinese govern- ment’s response should be highly com- mended. Their ability to appraise the situation, mobilize relief personnel and organize the international relief efforts to help the more than 45 mil- lion impacted Chinese could be used as a model for future disaster responses Damage to Houkou Plateau Bridge in Duijiangyan City anywhere in the world. the second day, many rescuers had equipment. The Chinese Ministry of Initial government response marched over the landslides into the Health also sent $441,000 worth of Immediately after the quake struck damaged areas to begin rescue and re- medical equipment to 26 disease con- at 6:28 a.m. the morning of May 12, lief efforts. By day three, helicopters trol centers in the earthquake zones. 2008, the Chinese government es- landed in Wenchuan, dropping 12.5 Within seven days, the government tablished a rescue headquarters. Gov- tons of food and other relief supplies. had deployed over 100,000 troops, ernment, army and political leaders Soldiers parachuted into Maoxian opened two major highways and sent formed an emergency response and County and provided the first reports more than 5,000 medical workers into rescue which included rescue, medi- as to deaths, injuries and infrastructure the damaged areas. Army units and cal and security groups as well as in- damage. Initially, however, the Chi- the China Red Cross delivered nearly frastructure, production recovery and nese government did not have enough 300,000 tents, 790,000 blankets, 1.7 monitoring groups. Within five hours, helicopters, especially the larger ones, million jackets and 218 million Yuan this team was in the Wenchuan area. to fully deploy into the damaged areas. By midnight, there were over 20,000 worth of food and water. Within two army and police personnel in the disas- Within five days, the Mianyang Food weeks, the government expanded ter area, in addition to more than 220 and Drug Administration had estab- these deliveries to over 400,000 tents, medical personnel in Duijiangyan City, lished a relief team to set up rescue and 2.3 million blankets, and three million the largest city in Wenchuan County. psychological counseling teams in the jackets. International and domestic do- affected areas. Pharmaceutical compa- nations at this point totaled 21.4 bil- The deployment of troops was im- nies stepped up production to assure lion Yuan. peded by fallen bridges, thousands of an adequate supply of medicines and landslides and blocked roads. Yet by

36 APWA Reporter January 2010 Rainy weather and the formation of Province, including the Giant Panda to reestablish over 1,000 destroyed landslide-caused lakes created addi- sanctuaries, the ancient Taoist temple small businesses and set up 700 new tional challenges for the rescue and in Mount Qingcheng and the Duiji- businesses for those who lost their restoration efforts. Heavy equipment angyan Irrigation System. They also jobs. The Food and Agriculture Orga- was flown in to construct spillways and rehabilitated the television station in nization provided seeds and related open blocked rivers, releasing water Ma’erkang County, Sichuan. production materials to two villages in from behind the dams to prevent cata- Sichuan Province. UN-HABITAT deliv- The International Labor Organization strophic failures. Heavy rains caused ered 21 prefabricated classrooms to ac- provided over $1,000,000 in assistance mudflows in the landslide-scarred re- commodate more than 1,100 children. gion, further injuring people and hin- dering rescue and relief efforts. Even six months after the event, roads were still being cleared and many were only open to one-way traffic. The international community steps in Due to the earthquake’s magnitude, the Chinese government was willing to accept assistance from the interna- tional community. The United Nations (UN) immediately responded by mak- ing a contribution through the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). The multi-agency UN Disaster Manage- ment Team coordinated the UN system in China’s overall relief and early re- covery efforts.

From May to July, UN agencies began a series of field visits to assess the needs of the affected areas. Through the sum- mer months, the UN system continued to deliver immediate assistance. CERF received over $10 million from other agencies to augment supplies.

The UN made an appeal to the inter- national community for $33.5 million in aid to assist victims. This resulted in donations of over $18 million from Canada, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Swe- den, Belgium, Finland, the European Union, and Luxembourg with the re- maining funds coming from other countries.

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization provided train- ing on Disaster Risk Reduction, which included translating educational and emergency-related materials and dis- tributing them to the quake-affected areas. They also led a team to prevent and respond to domestic violence. In addition, they helped rebuild and re- store world heritage sites in Sichuan

January 2010 APWA Reporter 37 Landslide behind destroyed high school

In November, the International Fed- juries such as amputations, prostheses extensive disaster prevention and miti- eration of Red Cross and Red Crescent and crush injuries, and specialty items gation planning measures. Societies provided $58 million in ad- for children. The Chinese government overcame ditional funding to meet survivors’ ur- serious obstacles to rescue injured citi- gent needs and to help fund their relief Continuing efforts by the zens, provide relief supplies and tem- programs through 2010. The Japanese Chinese government porary housing, and generally restore Red Cross society supported the con- By the end of 2008, the Chinese govern- normal services. Their current efforts struction of 4,700 houses. They also ment had distributed more than 10.7 to develop a mitigation plan should are supporting the reconstruction of 12 billion Yuan in aid to nearly 10 million go a long way towards the prevention elementary and junior high schools, as people affected by the earthquake. This of high death tolls in future disasters. well as the reconstruction of 29 hospi- included 8.9 million people who lost Their highly efficient and coordinat- tals and 28 clinics. their homes and/or income source. ed response effort could be used as a The Hewlett-Packard Company col- To help stabilize the Chinese society in model for disaster response across the lected and/or donated over $1,000,000 the damaged areas, the Chinese gov- globe. in support to the American Red Cross ernment allowed the media to keep the Curtis L. Edwards is a vice president with and the Red Cross Society of China. lines of communication open about Psomas, based in the firm’s San Diego, This included over $300,000 in tech- the disaster. This included the prioriti- California office. He is a member of the nology equipment to help rebuild local zation of the installation of thousands APWA Emergency Management Commit- schools. In addition, Hewlett-Packard of miles of fiber optic lines into the tee. As a member of the American Society provided volunteers to help set up and stricken zones. of Civil Engineering’s Earthquake Inves- install the technology for the schools The Chinese government is taking great tigation Committee, Mr. Edwards visited and communities that needed them. steps towards the prevention of such the damaged areas in October 2008 and Project HOPE, aided by grants from monumental losses in future disasters. on the first anniversary in May 2009 to Johnson and Johnson and the Baxter The government’s final Reconstruction document damage to lifelines such as International Foundation, initiated Plan, released in November 2008, out- roads, bridges, dams and power systems. programs to begin training rehabili- lined plans to spend more than $146.5 He can be reached at (858) 576-9200 or tative professionals at the local level. billion over the next three years to re- [email protected]. This training included dealing with in- build damaged areas. The plan includes

38 APWA Reporter January 2010 These free online social networks help keep your finger on the pulse of public works.


Users can share thoughts through a blog, APWA now has a presence on the premier It’s all about staying in touch. Be a follower upload videos, share images of what they social networking website! Become a “Fan” of all of the different APWA “tweets” are doing, or just connect with others of APWA and follow all of the latest updates including APWA Congress, APWA Snow interested in public works. This site was from the association. From upcoming events Conference and The APWA Reporter. We’ll custom designed to bring together anyone to the latest happenings in Washington, give you the latest updates and news – stay with a stake in public works, including the D.C., to action items from the association, in-the-know year-round. Twitter allows users communities public works professionals you can keep up-to-date on everything to send short messages to a group of people serve. Join the more than 500 public works APWA. enabling coordination and information professionals who have already signed up sharing in a whole new way. We’ll be adding on Once you sign up, you can join networks new Twitter pages throughout the year, so organized by city, workplace, school, check back with us often. Start following and region. Show your support of North today! America’s most respected public works Click “Sign Up” to get started. organization. Users can add friends and keep in contact with colleagues all over the world, and update their profiles to keep friends up-to-date about current projects and plans. A great place to meet other professionals or just make friends. Click “Sign Up Now” to get started. - then search for American Public Works Association, and become a fan

Click “Sign Up” to get started. Small community NIMS compliance

Kürt D. Blomquist Public Works Director City of Keene, New Hampshire Member, APWA Emergency Management Committee

ublic works departments in my organization towards compliance? public works staff an opportunity to small and rural communities The very basics of NIMS involves the interface with the emergency services face a range of challenges. As a training of staff in NIMS and in the use staff. It also provides an opportunity public works professional in a of the Incident Command System, up- for the emergency services folks to see small or rural community you are typi- dating/developing operating plans, in- how public works fits into the commu- cally wearing many hats and you have tegrating NIMS and ICS concepts into nity response framework. You can even multiple demands that must be met by operations, and coordinating and de- coordinate with surrounding commu- small staffs and challenging budgets. veloping mutual aid agreements. nities and make it a day of learning and networking. For the higher-level You have more demands for training, There are four basic training courses courses and the basic courses, the Fed- licensing, and infrastructure needs that are required. ICS 100 and ICS 200, eral Emergency Management Agency than there is time available to you. Awareness and Basic Incident Com- through its Emergency Management In 2004, the Department of Homeland mand Training, provide a general over- Institute provides this training online Security released the National Incident view of ICS. This training would be at no cost. This method allows you to Management System (NIMS). NIMS is appropriate for all staff because it gives fit the training around your schedule, a comprehensive system that improves the basic understanding and language and individuals can do it at their own local emergency response operations of ICS. The next two levels are IS-700, pace. If you use this source it is best if through the use and the standardiza- Introduction to NIMS, and IS-800 NRF, you have a high-speed Internet con- tion of the Incident Command Sys- Introduction to National Recovery nection. In many communities the lo- tem (ICS). This standardization al- Framework, which are aimed for the cal library has high-speed connections. lows communities to work together higher-level supervisory staff in your Working with the library staff is a way more effectively and coordinate with department. The Director/Superin- to work with another department county, state and federal agencies in tendent will take both the IS-700 and within your community that you may responding to events and the provid- IS-800, and mid-level leadership will not typically interface with. take IS-700. As a small department you ing and receiving of aid. With a small An important planning tool is the de- will probably end up training mid-level department you may be asking, why velopment or updating of emergency (foreman) in the IS-700 because most do I need to worry about another rule/ response and operating plans. With likely this level will be coordinating an demand? Homeland Security Presi- the Internet there are a lot of resources event and acting in an incident com- dential Directive 5 (HSPD-5), Manage- available for small communities to de- mander role. There are several ways to ment of Domestic Incidents, requires velop and update various emergency all federal agencies and state and local go about getting the training. and operational plans. The Environ- governments to implement NIMS to Being in a small community you prob- mental Protection Agency has a good receive federal preparedness funding. ably have a working relationship with template for small, rural water systems for emergency plans that can be easily In effect, receipt of funding for emer- your fire and emergency services de- adapted for other areas. These plans gency planning and potentially di- partments. Becoming NIMS compli- do not have to be complex and can be saster recovery can hinge on whether ant will give you a great opportunity your agency/community is NIMS com- kept very simple. The development of to work closer with your Fire Chief or pliant. Along with the funding issue, plans typically has you ask your staff Emergency Management Director. In NIMS provides the basis for you to pro- various questions and then document many jurisdictions fire departments vide the critical support to your com- the answers. The asking of questions have people who are certified as train- munity during times of extreme needs. and developing of these plans gives ers and typically can provide the basic you the ability to identify key staff and You are now thinking, what do I need level course work, ICS 100 and 200. areas that you will need support during to do and what can be done to move By having this joint training it gives an event.

40 APWA Reporter January 2010 Finding support is an area that small ensuring that your community is well ICS concepts into operations, and de- and rural communities are very good at served during and post-emergency. It veloping of mutual aid agreements—is doing. To be eligible for federal funding may appear to be daunting to be NIMS within the reach of small departments during and after a disaster, a communi- compliant, but meeting the basic re- with a little creativity, flexibility and co- ty must have mutual aid agreements in quirements—training in NIMS and in operation. place prior to any event. These mutual the use of the Incident Command Sys- Kürt D. Blomquist can be reached at (603) aid agreements can identify resources tem, the updating/development of op- 352-6550 or [email protected]. that are available to your staff from oth- erating plans, integration of NIMS and er communities. The agreements can be simple and typically outline how aid is requested and given, how liability is covered, and how reimbursement is made. With the Internet, examples are readily available. The public works de- partments in New Hampshire have de- veloped a mutual aid system and agree- ment, and the various documents can be found at the New Hampshire Tech- nology Transfer Center website, www.

Small departments have a significant number of demands and challenges. Being NIMS compliant is important to

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January 2010 APWA Reporter 41 FEMA: Mission and History

Editor’s note: The following article was taken directly from the than 100 times in response to hurricanes, earthquakes, FEMA website. It describes the mission and history of FEMA and floods and other natural disasters. its predecessor organizations. For more information visit www. By the 1930s, when the federal approach to problems be- came popular, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was FEMA Mission given authority to make disaster loans for repair and recon- FEMA’s mission is to support our citizens and first struction of certain public facilities following an earthquake, and later, other types of disasters. In 1934, the Bureau of responders to ensure that as a nation we work to- Public Roads was given authority to provide funding for gether to build, sustain, and improve our capabil- highways and bridges damaged by natural disasters. The ity to prepare for, protect against, respond to, re- Flood Control Act, which gave the U.S. Army Corps of En- cover from, and mitigate all hazards. gineers greater authority to implement flood control proj- On March 1, 2003, the Federal Emergency Management ects, was also passed. This piecemeal approach to disaster Agency (FEMA) became part of the U.S. Department of assistance was problematic and it prompted legislation that Homeland Security (DHS). required greater cooperation between federal agencies and authorized the President to coordinate these activities. FEMA has more than 3,700 full-time employees. They work at FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C., at regional and The 1960s and early 1970s brought massive disasters re- quiring major federal response and recovery operations by area offices across the country, the Mount Weather Emergen- the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration, established cy Operations Center, and the National Emergency Train- within the Department of Housing and Urban Development ing Center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. FEMA also has nearly (HUD). Hurricane Carla struck in 1962, Hurricane Betsy 4,000 standby disaster assistance employees (DAEs) who are in 1965, Hurricane Camille in 1969 and Hurricane Agnes available for deployment after disasters. Often FEMA works in 1972. The Alaskan Earthquake hit in 1964 and the San in partnership with other organizations that are part of the Fernando Earthquake rocked Southern California in 1971. nation’s emergency management system. These partners in- These events served to focus attention on the issue of nat- clude state and local emergency management agencies, 27 ural disasters and brought about increased legislation. In federal agencies and the American Red Cross. 1968, the National Flood Insurance Act offered new flood The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assis- protection to homeowners, and in 1974 the Disaster Relief Act firmly established the process of Presidential disaster tance Act, PL 100-707, signed into law November 23, 1988, declarations. amended the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, PL 93-288. This Act constitutes the statutory authority for most federal disaster However, emergency and disaster activities were still frag- response activities especially as they pertain to FEMA and mented. When hazards associated with nuclear power plants FEMA programs. and the transportation of hazardous substances were added to natural disasters, more than 100 federal agencies were in- FEMA History volved in some aspect of disasters, hazards and emergencies. The Federal Emergency Management Agency coordinates Many parallel programs and policies existed at the state and the federal government’s role in preparing for, preventing, local levels, compounding the complexity of federal disaster mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering relief efforts. The National Governor’s Association sought from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, to decrease the many agencies with which state and local including acts of terror. FEMA can trace its beginnings to the governments were forced work. They asked President Jimmy Congressional Act of 1803. This act, generally considered Carter to centralize federal emergency functions. the first piece of disaster legislation, provided assistance to Executive Order 12127 a New Hampshire town following an extensive fire. In the President Carter’s 1979 executive order merged many of century that followed, ad hoc legislation was passed more

42 APWA Reporter January 2010 the separate disaster-related responsibilities into the Feder- by Secretary Tom Ridge, brought a coordinated approach al Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Among other to national security from emergencies and disasters—both agencies, FEMA absorbed the Federal Insurance Administra- natural and man-made. tion, the National Fire Prevention and Control Administra- On October 4, 2006, President George W. Bush signed into tion, the National Weather Service Community Preparedness law the Post-Katrina Emergency Reform Act. The act sig- Program, the Federal Preparedness Agency of the General nificantly reorganized FEMA, provided it substantial new Services Administration and the Federal Disaster Assistance authority to remedy gaps that became apparent in the re- Administration activities from HUD. Civil defense respon- sponse to Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, the most dev- sibilities were also transferred to the new agency from the astating natural disaster in U.S. history, and included a more Defense Department’s Defense Civil Preparedness Agency. robust preparedness mission for FEMA. John Macy was named as FEMA’s first director. Macy em- As it has for almost 30 years, FEMA’s mission remains: to phasized the similarities between natural hazards prepared- lead America to prepare for, prevent, respond to and recover ness and the civil defense activities. FEMA began develop- from disasters with a vision of “A Nation Prepared.” ment of an Integrated Emergency Management System with an all-hazards approach that included “direction, control For further information and warning systems which are common to the full range FEMA provides extensive emergency management training of emergencies from small isolated events to the ultimate opportunities for public works professionals, both online emergency: war.” and at the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) located at the National Emergency Training Center (NETC) in Em- The new agency was faced with many unusual challenges mitsburg, Maryland. For more information regarding the in its first few years that emphasized how complex emer- available training visit gency management can be. Early disasters and emergencies included the contamination of Love Canal, the Cuban refu- Submitted by Larry Lux, President, Lux Advisors, Ltd., Plainfield, gee crisis and the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear Illinois, and former member of APWA’s Board of Directors. power plant. Later, the Loma Prieta Earthquake in 1989 and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 focused major national attention on FEMA. In 1993, President Clinton nominated James L. Witt as the new FEMA director. Witt became the first agency director with experience as a state emergency manager. He initiated sweeping reforms that streamlined disaster relief and recovery operations, insisted on a new emphasis regard- ing preparedness and mitigation, and focused agency em- ployees on customer service. The end of the Cold War also allowed Witt to redirect more of FEMA’s limited resources • Needs Assessment/Gap Analysis from civil defense into disaster relief, recovery and mitiga- tion programs. • Emergency Operations Plan

In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed Joe M. All- • Training and Tabletop Excercises baugh as the director of FEMA. Within months, the terrorist or professional services professional or f completion to concept from attacks of Sept. 11 focused the agency on issues of national source • Security Review and Assessment preparedness and homeland security, and tested the agency • Full Service Engineering Design in unprecedented ways. The agency coordinated its activi- Services ties with the newly formed Office of Homeland Security, and FEMA’s Office of National Preparedness was given responsi- bility for helping to ensure that the nation’s first responders were trained and equipped to deal with weapons of mass Corporate Headquarters: destruction. 1 70 Pleasant Hill Road, Mountainville, NY A New Mission: Homeland Security Contact: Richard P. Kummerle, P.E., P.P., P.G. Billions of dollars of new funding were directed to FEMA (800) 829-6531 to help communities face the threat of terrorism. Just a few years past its 20th anniversary, FEMA was actively direct- Other Of ces Nationwide: ing its “all-hazards” approach to disasters toward homeland Albany, NY - NYC - Syracuse, NY - Piscataway, NJ Hartford, CT - Richmond, VA - Phoenix, AZ security issues. In March 2003, FEMA joined 22 other fed- eral agencies, programs and offices in becoming the Depart- ment of Homeland Security. The new department, headed

January 2010 APWA Reporter 43 National Infrastructure Protection Plan offers framework for public works professionals

Vince Slominski Disaster Management Training Coordinator Texas Engineering Extension Service College Station, Texas Member, FEMA Education Task Force . Those two simple numbers generated not tion efforts of federal, state and local government depart- only a universal response of emotions and ments and agencies, private-sector entities, and a growing reactions, but also a renewed focus on se- number of regional consortia. These efforts revolve around curity. In recent years, that security focus has expanded to what is called the nation’s Critical Infrastructure and Key an “all-hazards” approach, encompassing terrorist attacks, Resources (CIKR). natural disasters and other emergencies. The Department of Homeland Security’s website defines Creating the NIPP “critical infrastructure” and “key resources” as follows:

One result of 9/11 and the all-hazards security approach • Critical Infrastructure are the assets, systems and that evolved from it was the creation of the federal govern- networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the ment’s National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP). What United States that their incapacitation or destruction is the NIPP and why is it important? The NIPP unifies into would have a debilitating effect on security, national a single national program the critical infrastructure protec- economic security, public health or safety, or any com- bination thereof.

• Key Resources are publicly or privately controlled re- sources essential to the minimal operations of the econ- omy and government. Effective collaboration The CIKR consists of 18 sectors. Each sector focuses on a spe- Larue D50 and D60 detachable snowblowers are the Leader by design. cific aspect of critical infrastructure and is the responsibility Our snow fi ghting machines offer maximum performance, stability and dependability. of a particular federal department or agency, collectively re- Larue snowblowers are designed and manufactured in North America ferred to as Sector-Specific Agencies (SSA). by our engineering staff to meet the most demanding conditions. Over 30 years of experience have gone into their design. The SSAs are designated in Homeland Security Presidential Larue manufactures 5 models of loader mount and 4 models of snow- fi ghting trucks. Directive 7 (HSPD-7) in close collaboration with sector part- Our products are found at municipal, industrial and airport, applications ners. HSPD-7 is the directive that establishes the U.S. policy from the High Arctic to the Tahoe National Forest in California. for enhancing the protection of the nation’s CIKR and man- dates a national plan to activate that policy.

A security threat, natural or man-made, against any of the CIKR could disrupt the function of both government and business and have a disastrous, cascading effect on our na- tion. That is why each SSA is charged with developing a Sector-Specific Plan (SSP). The SSA also has the task to work with state, local, tribal and territorial governments, as well as private-sector owners and operators of these CIKR, to help follow the NIPP Risk Management Framework (see Figure 1).

1-877-673-3013 All of these partners are also tasked with identifying where 418-658-3003 there are interdependencies across CIKR lines and how they will work together to protect and support each other.

44 APWA Reporter January 2010

apwa.indd 1 05/10/09 13:06:17 Physical Set Goals Identify Assets, Assess Risks Implement Measure and Systems, and (Consequences, Prioritize Cyber Vulnerabilities, Programs Effectiveness Objectives Networks Human and Threats)

Feedback loop

Continuous improvement to enhance protection of CIKR

Figure 1: NIPP Risk Management Framework

Effect on public works You can visit TEEX by logging on to, calling 800-SAFE-811 (800-723-3811) or e-mailing itsi@teexmail. How does this affect public works? Most public works de- partments and officials have day-to-day responsibility for one or more of the CIKR sectors, such as water and waste- References: water, electric power or transportation services. These public 1. 2009 National Infrastructure Protection Plan Executive works departments, along with the local government, will Summary. ( work with other cities on a regional level to identify their as- tive_summary_2009.pdf) sets, identify risk to those assets, prioritize measures and set goals to protect these assets in the event of a major disaster. The public works departments will also determine how they can work with other CIKR sectors. Strengthening national preparedness In summary, the NIPP’s main goal revolves around two words: protection and resiliency. The SSA works to protect Automatic Snow Chains America from experiencing another 9/11 and, if and when disaster strikes, ensures that America’s CIKR is strong and flexible enough to recover rapidly and successfully. Safety at Vince Slominski is a Disaster Management Training Coordinator for the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) and can be the Flip of reached at [email protected]. Under the aus- pices of the Department of Homeland Security, TEEX teaches the a Switch following disaster management courses dealing with public works and other critical infrastructure:

• MGT317 – Public Works: Planning for and Responding to a Terrorism/WMD Incident (24 hrs.)

• MGT342 – Senior Officials - Disaster Management for Wa- ter and Wastewater (4 hrs.)

• MGT343 – Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities (16 hrs.)

• MGT345 – Disaster Management for Electric Power Systems (16 hrs.) Phone: 800-553-7993 Fax: 877-512-7209 Tradition in Leadership

January 2010 APWA Reporter 45 “The community I work group tries to decide which advertis- tershed. According to the experts, all for has traditionally ers would be appropriate and which permeable pavements have high initial shied away from permit- would not? Our government agencies surface infiltration rates, and studies ting any type of advertis- are always expected to be neutral in show that permeable pavement can ing on Village property. Now that providing information about goods significantly reduce runoff while low- revenues are down we are inves- and services or the providers for such ering suspended solids, nutrients and tigating other revenue sources. within a community. It sounds to me metals. Does anyone have experience like a lawsuit waiting to happen if we One product gaining popularity is with advertising on local agency would begin offering the sides of our open-jointed paving blocks. Those vehicles—police, public works, vehicles to the highest bidder. I doubt who have used the blocks believe they or community development? I the city’s legal counsel would support are the easiest to use because they have would appreciate any contacts or such a concept either. a consistency in quality, can be me- information that is available.” Advertising revenues have been re- chanically installed, can be installed Many transit agencies appear alized from signs placed within city even in freezing temperatures, and are to allow and even solicit ad- right-of-way for businesses located off immediately traffic-ready. Following vertising on their vehicles. the major streets. This is a common manufacturer’s directions for installa- With the new materials for practice on highways with the signs tion is the critical issue to long-term covering vehicles it is more easily per- approved and permitted by the vari- success. Users have found the products formed. But I see that you didn’t ask ous state departments of transporta- durable even in northern municipali- about these vehicles but rather, about tion. If cities are interested in pursuing ties when sand is used and snowplows those used by police, public works, or something less politically charged, you operate often. The products appear to community development. I cannot might contact your state DOT for their be resistant to freeze-thaw cycles and imagine a “politically correct” manner feedback on how it works for them. deicing salt. Individual agencies need in which advertising could be sold and to be thorough in their prep work but “I recently heard a dis- placed on these vehicles. The rationale aware that there are options avail- cussion about using ‘per- for allowing it on transit vehicles is able. Sarasota County, Fla., is working meable pavers’ to help that these vehicles are used by the pub- to develop low-impact development address water quality. lic for public transportation. Granted, (LID) methods, in cooperation with What exactly are they?” funding comes from the local or fed- the Southwest Florida Water Manage- eral government, but fares are paid for “Permeable pavement” can ment District. You might contact them the travel and advertising funds are include concrete pavers, or the Water Environment Federation used as “matching funds” for grants. plantable and drivable grass Research Foundation for additional in- products, bricks, and recycled formation. The use of paid advertising on vehicles tires, as well as asphalt and poured-in- that should only be used for “official” “Okay, I’ve heard it all place concrete. According to the Inter- city business should never be consid- now. I read a story that locking Concrete Pavement Institute ered a cash cow for building the city’s says some city is starting (ICPI), permeable pavement is a best budget. Personally, I can’t imagine a to track their trash by us- management practice (BMP) for storm- city/county wanting to advertise pizza ing technology. Why and how?” water control under the National Pol- or beer on their police cars as they head lutant Discharge Elimination System The City of Seattle is work- out to arrest drunk drivers or to enforce (NPDES). The pavement can receive ing with the Massachusetts speed limits or to discourage any activ- Leadership in Energy and Environ- Institute of Technology (MIT) ity in a vehicle that requires one hand mental Design (LEED) points for sus- SENSEable City Lab to con- to be off the steering wheel while you tainability and can help maintain the duct real-time tracking of articles like eat or drink. Can’t you hear the discus- predevelopment hydrology of a wa- boxes, Styrofoam, bottles and metal sions at a city council meeting as the

46 APWA Reporter January 2010 scrap. Why? To assess the City’s waste visited and, due to lots of reasons, most then, how much is fair and equitable? removal system. How? By affixing elec- groups have discontinued the practice. Is a wife worth more than a father? tronic tags to 3,000 items to see where Writing a policy that can be kind but And on and on. And if it’s fair for city they end up. The electronic tags uti- fully explanatory and enforced is not employees to have tax dollars spent on lize cell phone technology. Hundreds easy. How do you decide at what de- the niceties, why not the everyday citi- of citizen volunteers were recruited gree of relation do you cease being zen that has paid his or her taxes faith- and each agreed to contribute 10-15 nice? With today’s blended families, fully for years? My suggestion it to take household items to participate in the it is no longer a cut-and-dried deci- a collection within the department af- study. Nearly half of the 800,000 tons sion: one mother, one father, one wife, fected and be as nice as your collection of waste collected annually in the city each child has become a question of allows. Better safe than investigated for ends up in landfills. The City enacted “which” mother, father, wife, etc. And misuse of funds. an ordinance in 2005 which prohibit- ed the disposal of certain recyclables in commercial, residential and self-haul garbage. The purpose of the ordinance was to educate the public on proper re- cycling practices while keeping garbage rates low and saving businesses and Mark your calendar! residents $2 million annually.

The tags are about the size of match- boxes and are attached to various-sized items. Each tag on an item is registered along with its name, specifications and the location of its disposal. Because the tags embedded on the items communi- June 8-10, 2010 | Minneapolis, Minnesota | Hilton Minneapolis Hotel cate via cell-phone towers, they trans- mit a signal to a cell-phone provider each time they come within range of REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: a tower. The data from the cell-phone provider is then sent to a server, where Register now for the most important sustainability event researchers analyze the data and pro- of 2010. The Second Annual APWA Sustainability in Public Works vide real-time visualizations for the Conference is designed to explore and promote the evolving role of public to see. Data from the study will public works professionals in the creation of sustainable communities. be used to determine if the current • Learn what sustainability really means to public works and what waste removal system is efficient. For you can do right now more information, visit Seattle’s web- site at • Get access to the tools, resources, and experts you need to take sustainability to the next level in your community “Is it appropriate to • Network with other public works professionals at the forefront of spend public dollars for sustainability things like flowers or memorials for an em- • Learn about success stories and explore best management practices ployee’s spouse? Here we are cut- that you can apply immediately ting jobs and benefits but our city • Explore the new exhibit floor is still spending taxpayer dollars on these things. I mean, come Engage in discussions with public works experts, hear the success stories on, I’m not hardhearted but this and challenges faced by other communities and agencies in their efforts hardly seems right.” to become more sustainable, and discover the leading-edge products I’m sure a poll of our mem- and services being featured by our exhibitors. Benefit your community by bers would probably agree joining APWA’s brightest leaders and innovators for an inside view of the with you 100%. However, this sustainability revolution in public works. has been perfectly acceptable in many agencies for many years. As Register online at time progresses, the issue has been re-

January 2010 APWA Reporter 47 Products in the News

Steel signs from Wheeler Wheeler offers steel signs produced from a computer-con- trolled plasma cutter. Promote any mes- sage in intricate detail with the durability of steel. Many finishes are available includ- ing weathering steel, painted or galvanized. The signs can be free standing with their own welded supports or designed to compliment an- Quixote Transportation Technologies introduces other structure. This is an extension of Wheeler’s prefabri- new RWIS software cated steel bridge offerings. Contact us today at (800) 328- Quixote Transportation Technologies, Inc. (QTT) 3986 or to review your sign needs. has released a new version of its Road/Runway Weather In- Wheeler: Designing and supplying solutions for your next formation (RWIS) software, called Navigator. QTT’s Navi- project. gator is user-friendly software designed to view weather data collected from an RWIS station. Two options are available Free electrical and the new software provides numerous improvements in maintenance and capability and design, including user-personalization fea- reconditioning tures. “Viewing your RWIS data is just as important as the standards system collecting it,” says Jon Tarleton, Marketing Manager More than 100 tech- and Meteorologist for QTT. Data collected from RWIS sta- nical standards for tions includes atmospheric weather data, pavement weather the safe recondition- temperatures and status, as well as many other parameters ing and maintenance depending on the customer’s system. For more information of most common please visit electrical apparatus Salah, Masters receive used in public works facilities are available first place award for free from the Professional Electrical Apparatus Re- Stanley Consultants’ cyclers League (PEARL) website at PEARL engineers Ahmad Salah, standards cover most common electrical apparatus, includ- Ph.D., GISP and Jeff Mas- ing but not limited to: circuit breakers, transformers, discon- ters, P.E., received a first nect switches, fuses, panelboards, switchgear and switch- place award for the Best Embedded GIS Application, at the boards, motor control centers, magnetic motor starters, 2009 ESRI Annual International User Conference held in contactors, wire and cable, bus duct, metal conduit, fittings San Diego, Calif. Their winning presentation was entitled and accessories, lighting, wiring devices, and connectors. “Infrastructure Needs Assessment for Land Use Planning in For more information, please contact PEARL at (877) 287- Salt Lake County, Utah.” The conference is considered the 3275, send an e-mail to [email protected], or visit PEARL’s largest annual GIS user conference in the world and hosts website at about 15,000 attendees each year. Stanley Consultants’ Salt Lake City office opened in 1996. The firm provides engineer- ing, environmental and construction services worldwide.

48 APWA Reporter January 2010 DewEze introduces the center of these machines to an offset position. With the Manual VT Series initial design parameters respected, making use of modern DewEze Manufacturing an- engineering practices, and the best available components, nounces the Manual VT Se- the finished product is the new millennia snowblower. ries Valve System featuring PosiFlow reservoir. The Manual Professional Directory VT Series combines the simplicity of cable-operated valves with the convenience of being tank mounted and environ- mentally protected. Known for superior hydraulic clutch We Are the pump kits, DewEze now offers a labor-saving tank-mounted Asphalt valve for any light- or medium-duty truck in the snow and Preservation ice industry. This self-contained system features a weather- Specialists! resistant compartment that prevents chemical corrosion while allowing the operator easy access to the valve. The VT Series is available for plows, plow & hoist, central systems, Your Nationwide Resource For: electric and manual valves, and electric spreader controls. ●● Asphalt Preservation For more information, call us at (800) 835-1042 or visit us at ●● IceIce PreventionPrevention ●● InfrastructureInfrastructure SustainabilitySustainability Winkler salt/sand ●● Environmentally Sound Practices storage buildings The Winkler commercial buildings combined with Allied Steel’s Gatorshield® (800) 747-8567 Galvanized Tubing and ZRC weld protection give a superior protection Mobile Workforce SolutionS against rust. Further, with applying the epoxy coat option it froM triMble will extend the life of the building in the harsh conditions Trimble’s rugged, high-accuracy GPS solutions of storing your sand, salt or fertilizer bags. Winches are geo-enable public works staff in typically bolted on the outside of the building to keep them away from corrosive materials. For more information please contact Winkler Canvas at (800) 852-2638, send e-mail to [email protected] to find a dealer nearest you, or visit our website at s] [Plannin eration g] [Engineering] [Op Planning Engineering Operations Larue D series snowblowers

Larue’s engineering department, quotes David Robichaud, Sales District Manager, had a mandate with the MGIS_APWAD Reporter Advert_1209.indd 1 8/12/2009 4:52:05 p.m. series snowblowers to design a truly mod- ern machine that would not exceed axial load limitations of the carriers or wheeled loaders. Our machines are built in North America to han- dle the worst conditions Mother Nature can throw at us. Operator concerns were also addressed to improve visibility by moving the center of gravity as close as possible to the loader and place the discharge chute commonly found in

January 2010 APWA Reporter 49 DANNENBAUM

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50 APWA Reporter January 2010 Engineering and Construction Services for Municipalities

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January 2010 APWA Reporter 51 0274_APWA_Reporter.indd 1 6/2/09 10:58:32 AM UPCOMING APWA EVENTS International Public Works Congress & Exposition North American Snow Conference 2010 Aug. 15-18 Boston, MA 2010 Apr. 18-21 Omaha, NE 2011 Sept. 18-21 Denver, CO 2011 Apr. 10-13 Spokane, WA 2012 Sept. 9-12 Indianapolis, IN For more information, contact Brenda Shaver at (800) 848-APWA or send 2013 Aug. 25-28 Chicago, IL e-mail to [email protected]. 2014 Aug. 17-20 Toronto, ON For more information, contact Dana Priddy at (800) 848-APWA or send National Public Works Week: May 16-22, 2010 e-mail to [email protected]. Always the third full week in May. For more information, contact Jon Dilley at (800) 848-APWA or send e-mail to [email protected].

JANUARY 2010 FEBRUARY 2010 7 APWA: Click, Listen & Learn, “Urban Street Trees,” (800) 1-3 Association of Modified Asphalt, 11th Annual Conference, 848-APWA, Savannah, GA, 10-14 Transportation Research Board, 89th Annual Meeting, Washington, 1-5 World of Concrete, Las Vegas, NV, DC, 4-6 9th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, Seattle, 17-21 National Asphalt Pavement Association, 55th Annual Meeting, WA, Maui, HI, 7-10 The Rental Show 2010, Orlando, FL, 19-21 Underground Construction Technology, International Conference & 7-10 Society for Protective Coatings, Paint & Coatings Expo (PACE) 2010, Exhibition, Tampa, FL, Phoenix, AZ, 24-27 U.S. Composting Council, 18th Annual Conference & Exhibition, 14-18 American Traffic Safety Services Association, 40th Annual Orlando, FL, Convention & Traffic Expo, San Antonio, TX, 26-28 International Right of Way Association, 2010 Federal Agency 15-18 World of Asphalt, Cincinnati, OH, Update, Las Vegas, NV, 18 APWA: Click, Listen & Learn, “Succession Planning— 28-29 2010 Midwest Organic Lawn Care & Landscaping Conference, Growing Your Own Director,” (800) 848-APWA, www. Madison, WI, INDEX OF ADVERTISERS When you contact an advertiser regarding a product, please tell them you saw their ad in the APWA Reporter. Thanks! – The Editor Legend: IFC = Inside Front Cover; IBC = Inside Back Cover; BC = Back Cover

AlertMat, p. 50 Gee Asphalt Systems, p. 49 RUD, p. 45 Burns & McDonnell, p. 51 Geocal, Inc., p. 49 Southeastern Surveying, p. 50 Camosy Construction, p. 51 Henke Manufacturing Corp., p. 50 SWA Group, p. 51 CIPPlanner Corporation, p. 26 Holt Technologies, p. 51 Tectonic, p. 43 Crafco, Inc., p. 51 J.A. Larue Inc., p. 44 thomas engineering group, llc., p. 50 Dannenbaum Engineering Com- Manhole Adjustible Riser Co., p. 51 pany, p. 50 Tracker Software Corp./PubWorks, p. 50 MJ Harden Associates, Inc., p. 50 Designovations, Inc., p. 51 Trimble Navigation, p. 49 NTech Industries, Inc., p. 50 Donaldson Company, p. 7 USABlueBook, p. 11 Plastics Pipe Institute, p. 37 Enterprise Information Solutions, p. BC WEST Consultants, Inc., p. 51 Precision Concrete Cutting, p. 50 EsGil Corporation, p. 51 The Willdan Group of Companies, Proseal Inc., p. 51 p. 51 Evolution Paving Resources, p. 51 Pulltarps Manufacturing, p. 50 Winkler Canvas Ltd., p. 41

52 APWA Reporter January 2010 Emergency Management Resources Available from

TARGET: Emergency Preparedness Series Emergency 2008 • APWA • Three CD-ROMs Management: Is your agency or community disaster-ready? This three-part series Field Manual for Public will address the ABC’s of readiness and response for public works. Works PB.E803 • Member $135 /Non $160 135 pp • 2003 • APWA Also sold separately. Whether the emergency is natu- ral or man-made, your agency’s PB.E718 #1 BEFORE the Disaster—Training and Exercise response must be rapid and PB.E801 #2 DURING the Disaster—Resource Management sure. APWA’s Field Manual is designed to help your response PB.E802 #3 AFTER the Disaster—Reimbursement team plan for, work through, and recover from disas- Member $59 /Non $69 ter. The book is a resource for experienced managers and a training tool for all levels of personnel. PB.A337 • Member $30 /Non $40 Incident Command System (ICS) Pocket Guide Writing Your 24 pp • 2006 • APWA • Emergency Management Committee Emergency/ When disaster strikes your community, your command structure shouldn’t be a disaster in itself! Regardless of the size of the inci- Disaster Plan dent or the number of agencies responding, all incidents require 120 pp • 2005 • APWA a coordinated effort to ensure an effective response and efficient, All communities should have a safe use of resources. ICS was invented to achieve this coordina- Disaster/Emergency Operations tion, and this field-durable Pocket Guide will help you understand Plan (EOP) to provide direction and implement the vital components of ICS. No agency should be to departments and agencies without multiple copies. during an emergency or disaster. PB.A629 • Member $6 /Non $11 To ensure that public works-re- lated activities are integrated into emergency manage- ment operations, plans should include a separate an- Emergency Planning (1st Ed.) nex or a number of annexes identifying public works 552 pp • 2006 • John Wiley & Sons, Inc. • Ronald W. Perry, Ph.D. and functions. This guide is designed to help communities Michael K. Lindell, Ph.D. develop a public works annex that supplements and In order for a community to be truly prepared to respond to any supports the jurisdiction’s EOP. type of disaster, it must develop effective emergency planning. This book guides readers through outlining these plans, offering PB.A514 • Member $30 /Non $40 a number of strategies that will help ensure success. It delves into the patterns of human disaster behavior, social psychology, and communication, as well as the basics of generic protective actions, planning concepts, implementation, and action. PB.X716 • Member $52 /Non $62

The Facility Manager’s Emergency Expedited service available for $20 for your order, we encourage you to offer us the two-day Express Delivery or $50 for Express opportunity to ensure that you are satisfied. Preparedness Handbook Delivery Overnight. (Order must be received Print products may be returned within 30 days 400 pp • 2003 • American Management Association • Bernard T. Lewis and before 12:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.) of the invoice date, properly packaged and in Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery on all saleable condition. (Please include a copy of Richard P. Payant orders other than expedited service. All funds the packing slip or invoice with your return.) This book is a definitive reference on facility safety and emergency in U.S. dollars. All prices are subject to change Returns of student and instructor manuals for without notice. For deliveries outside the our training programs will be charged a 25% response planning and management. It includes comprehensive Continental U.S. include standard shipping restocking charge. A full refund will be granted and handling from below chart plus you for all other returned print products except instructions and checklists for categorizing potential emergencies, must contact APWA at 1-800-848-APWA, for for specifically marked packages. Shipping identifying the resources to be used, preparing, rehearsing, and additional service charges. and handling charges are nonrefundable. REFUND POLICY: The American Public Works Photographs, software, CD-ROMs, and videos testing plans, and establishing training. Association strives to provide useful, current may not be returned. We appreciate your PB.X300 • Member $55 /Non $65 information to its members and customers. If attention to our policy and look forward to you should have a problem with any item in providing you quality products and service.

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