VIDYASAGAR UNIVERSITY MIDNAPORE : WEST BENGAL: 721 102 ANNUAL REPORT 2009-2010 II VIDYASAGAR UNIVERSITY fjJ~!F~dtunuvv f!jJUM1UUUe!(/ Vice-Chancellor It gives me immense pleasure to note that the Annual Report ofVidyasagar University for the year 2009-2010 is going to be published very soon. This endeavour is to focus on various parameters ofour University's performance and to assess the same with the previous year. Understanding the whole issue on a broad perspective is critically important for all the members of the University community. I commend all those who have worked with passion and commitment to bring out the Report. I wish every success in this endeavour. s~~~~ ~wapan~umarPro~nu~ 'Vice-Chanceilor Midnapore 721 102 West Bengal India Tel: (03222)275329 (Office)/263202 (Res.) At weekends (033)25771361 &25312257 (Res.) Fax:(91)03222-275329 E-mail:
[email protected]/
[email protected] VIDYASAGAR UNIVERSITY CAMPUS N & ",1,( . w........ ',..·~E 't'T s SCALE •• o 25 50 '100 M Legend Engineering section Stadium o Boys' Gym o Teachers' &Officers' Quarter o Girls' Hostel o Canteen Pond Directorate OfDis. Education ~--J C__J Students'Hostel Administrative Building VCts Quarter o Staff Quarter MAP SHOWING JURISDICTION OF VIDYASAGAR UNIVERSITY '1/\'t ..>~ I LOCATION 1\1 Nt .AI OF AFFILATED COLLEGES , \ N w· .......,,'I ~E ',~ s ,-,,-tN •.M l<jloI'nO?lef" i11155 1"':,::'2 I) 30 BAY OF BENGAL. Legend • Affllated Colleges * Vldyasagar University Contents Page No. 01. University Communication 01 02. Vice-Chancellors Since Inception 02 03. University at a Glance 03 04. Annual Report, General Information 06 05. Administrative Officers 11 06.