Congressional Record—Senate S8955
September 8, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8955 Allard—Reports from DoHS, Allard—Re- Schumer—Rochester Fast Ferry, Schu- Sally’s husband Tom Kizzia and her ports from DoHS, Baucus—Border Air Bases mer—Signal Corps, Schumer—Stingers, children Emily and Ethan know what Security Money, Baucus—Relevant, Bau- Schumer—Truck Security, Shelby—Marine the rest of us should remember: One cus—Relevant, Bennett—U.S.-Customs Serv- Patrol Aircraft, Specter—Homeland Secu- person can make a difference. ice, Biden—AMTRAK, Boxer—Air Marshals, rity, Specter—Homeland Security, Stabe- Boxer—Air Marshals, Boxer—Interoperable now—Funding for Non-urban Border Cross- Sally was one person who made a Communications, Boxer—Port Security ing, Stabenow—Rundmond/Hart Funding, great difference. Nevada and America Grants, Boxer—Related to Homeland Secu- Stabenow—Rural Volunteers/First Respond- are better and wilder for it, forever. rity, Bunning—Aviation Security, Bunning— ers, Stevens—Relevant, Stevens—Relevant, f Relevant and Germane, Byrd—Additional Talent—Homeland Spending Allocation, Tal- Funds for Homeland Security. ent—Threat-Based Assessment, Voinovich— INTERNATIONAL MARIACHI Byrd—Relevant, Byrd—Relevant, Byrd— EMPG, Voinovich—First Responders Med. CONFERENCE AND FESTIVAL Relevant, Byrd—Relevant, Byrd—Relevant, Screening, Warner—Storm Damage, War- Mr. REID. Madam President, today I Byrd—Relevant to any on the list, Carper— ner—Storm Damage. Rail Security, Clinton—Funding for FDNY celebrate the Clark County School Dis- and NYPD, Clinton—Insert language requir- Mr. REID. Madam President, if I may trict’s inaugural International Mari- ing Homeland Security funds beyond small have the attention of the distinguished achi Conference and Festival. This State minimum to be allocated based on majority whip, as he can see, there are event, promoting cultural awareness threat and risk, Clinton—Strike requirement scores of amendments.
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