Solutions Advancement Through Clarity

Moderation Analysis

Statistics Solutions provides a data analysis plan template for moderation analysis. You can use this template to develop the data analysis section of your dissertation or research proposal.

The template includes research questions stated in statistical language, analysis justification and assumptions of the analysis. Simply edit the blue text to reflect your research information and you will have the data analysis plan for your dissertation or research proposal.

Copy and paste the following into a word document to use as your data analysis plan template.

Research Question:

To what extent does moderator moderate the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable?

H0: Moderator does not moderate the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable.

Ha: Moderator does moderate the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable.

Data Analysis

To examine the research question, a Baron and Kenny moderation analysis will be conducted to assess if moderator moderates the relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. To examine for moderation, a multiple will be conducted. The independent variables of the regression are independent variable, moderator, and the between independent variable and moderator. The interaction is created by multiplying independent variable and moderator together after both have been centered to have a of 0. The dependent variable of the regression is dependent variable. If the interaction is significant, then moderation is supported.


Statistics Solutions. (2013). Data analysis plan: Moderation Analysis [WWW Document]. Retrieved from analysis-plan-templates/data-analysis-plan-moderation-analysis/

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